#I assume he feels so strongly when it comes to cute aggression
kiingbiing · 7 months
raph rant below
#talks#the idea that the turtles just huddle around each other and lowkey cuddle#they just see the other and lay on to on the other or sit down next to them and they just fall asleep like that#those are good#and raph likes to cuddle and kiss (ON THE CHEEK FUCK OFF N C//EST)#and he REALLY loved to snuggle with Mikey#I assume he feels so strongly when it comes to cute aggression#and he really wants to bite#so he turns to hugging and kissing#and no I promise you they don’t feel soft and gentle#he squeezes so hard your back pops#he kisses Mikey like a cat and Mikey has to tell raph to slow down#and it’s wet and Mikey’s face hurt cause it was basically a head butt#and he was so sad when he had to stop when they got older#man respects boundaries#it was one of those things you did as a kid that you just stopped u know?#raph is a bad cuddler 👍#but at least you know his affections is genuine#I know this is very heavy pda but the urge to squish someone you love so much is very real#it’s not t///c//est I promise I just really like the idea of cuddle raph#another hc that splinter had to stop telling him to pick him up to hug cause it hurts him sometimes#and they just talk it out to raph#and raph just feels the need to hug so bad#that’s why raph loves group hug#… this is a raph centered rant lol#tagging it as#rant#I hope this isn’t weird and tell me I’m not the only one#to hold back from being so aggressive with your friends can make me spiral a bit#hope y’all understand this ramble or relate to it haha
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Gaara X Innocent! Reader - "Hellfire"
Gaara's age is bumped up to 16 in this btw, and the reader is 16 as well. This takes place the night Gaara kills that one Sound Ninja on the rooftop, during the chunin exams. Also, Gaara might be considered a Yandere, but I don't know (you'll see why lol) Lastly, when I talk about Gaara burning, I mean it metaphorically. Yes, this is 100% based off The Hunchback of Notre Dame
FYI! This story isn't very romantic so if you're a fan of slightly darker stories, go ahead snd read this I suppose. Plus Y/N is kinda a coward in this
There he sat, on top of the rooftop late at night. Tomorrow would be the full moon, when Gaara's power would increase in perfect timing for another battle in the chunin exams. Competition is getting tough and examtakers are either extra aggressive with everyone or forming alliances. Not only that, but so many people are winning each challenge that too few people are being eliminated. That's all that's important and all that will be important until the Sand Village finally finishes off Konoha with the help of the Sound Village. But how, even with these much more important factors, is the only thing Gaara could think about is some normal pediatrician girl?
The moment he met her in the streets, a flame was set in his heart. He had been walking through Konoha after register for the exams and noticed a pretty young girl running through the streets, shouting for help. All she received was weird glances and eye rolls, however Gaara and his siblings caught on. Much to his sister and brother's surprise, Gaara had no problems hearing her pleas and then defending her. Someone had been following her; someone who her family had bad history with and from the looks of it, that person planned to hurt her.
He had no problems escorting her home and listening to her talk along the way. Her voice was so soft, her colorful kimono and flowers in her hair fitting for someone with an innocent and sweet personality. She seemed to be oblivious to the mysterious looks of Gaara and his siblings, or the way Gaara was so cold and silent. She payed no mind and spoke to him as id he was normal; like he was human. And it was that fact, her ignoring his dangerous aura, that lit that flame.
After since that day, that flame grew so strong. Every set of bright shades of the colors she wore on her clothes, every flower that she decorated herself with, every word or item that she mentioned in the little time she spoke to him, and everyone with E/C eyes would make him think of her. That sweet, kind, oblivious girl. It's like she cast a spell on him to make him slowly burn alive; that little flame she set it him would quickly grow into hellfire. His burning desires to see her again, to hold her, to love, traveled through his skin and veins. It didn't take long for Gaara to convince himself she did something cruel to him to use his demon, just like his father is using his demon to destroy Konoha in a few days.
Gaara was began to assume the girl was mocking him when she spoke to him so lightly; that he was no one to be afraid of. It was so insulting, but she was able to hide her cruel and disgraceful jeers under a sweet and loving facade and cute clothing. That has to be it, he thought. No one could ever like me, no one can love me, other than me. More and more of Gaara's thoughts were consumed, then all at once, by thoughts of her. She was like a demon dragging him to hell to torture forever. That beautiful girl with those lovely E/C eyes and pretty clothing was using him, he convinced himself. And someone like that deserved death.
That sweet, young girl had a name; Y/N. She was incapable of sleeping, as a terrible feeling in her stomach was keeping her awake. She pouted her lip and huffed, poking her stomach and whispering to herself, "I want that bad feeling to go away!" That feeling was pure anxiety and a hint of fear. These emotions were very uncommon for Y/N as she had always. Even a positive thinker with lots of love in her heart for even villains to an extent. She sighed, turning over in her bed on her back for sitting up, flipping her legs over her bedside. She stood up and put on a soft kimono over her pajamas and walked to the front door of her home, put on her sandels, and walked out. "Maybe a nice walk around the village will tire me out!"
"It's almost the full moon," Gaara said aloud. "My power will only grow stronger." He stood up, staring intensly at the moon as if it's the only thing keeping him from being devored by his hellish thoughts. His thoughts of how lovely it would be to destroy that girl who made his chest feel warm and his face heat up when she talked to him. That girl who made him feel the way he feels about himself, only a bit different. He had never felt romantic love to anyone, and for him to suddenly feel so strongly about someone instantly convinced him that she did something to him. Someone who would ever control him like would burn in hell before the hellfire consumes him first.
A rough, quiet and threatening voice erupted from behind the redhead. He paid no mind to anything that came out of the mouth of the Sound Village ninja rather just acknowledged that he wanted a fight. Without even realizing it, all that bloodlust built up through thinking of Y/N was released, ending in that Sound Village ninjas blood being spilled all over the roof top. It felt like a weight was taken off his back when he killed the ninja, but in the back of his head he knew it wasn't enough. Gaara didn't want that petty ninja, only that witch known as Y/N. Every passing second, that hellfire coursing through his veins were blazing out of control, weren't they?
"Maybe a nice walk around the village will tire me out!" Gaara's ears perked at that voice. That voice. Y/N's voice. Just like that, Gaara's need for blood grew strong again but this time, it felt different. He killed the Sound Village Ninja with aggression, but knowing he could kill Y/N now that he heard her close by made him feel an exciting kind of bloodlust. Those flames coursing through his body grew hotter every second, growing ever more desperate to get his hands on her.
"It's been a while since I've seen the garden at night come to think about. The moon is bright tonight so it's bound to be pretty sight!" That sweet, soft voice called out from the ground, below Gaara's feet. She walked the pathway it takes to find a nearby lake, where a nice little garden lays. A smile rose on Gaara's face; one of pure hate and excitement. His chest pained to greatly at the thought of her death, but that hellfire coursing through his body was telling him to hurt her. The front of his mind was screaming for him to kill her and use her blood as a piece of his deadly sand, but the back of his kind was whispering for him to comprehend how he feels about her first.
So he began to follow her. Gaara quietly walked from the rooftops, not daring to make a single sound. He continued to smile as he followed her, his smile growing the more he heard her talk to herself. Such a sweet girl with such a pure heart. It's a shame someone with Gaara's problems sees her as a witch because he loves her. As another 10 minutes go by, Y/N began walking into the woods and towards the lake. Gaara jumped to the ground without making a sound and followed her discreetly by hiding behind trees. He stopped when Y/N did. Y/N's eyes widened and sparkled at the amazing sight before her; the moon reflecting on the lake as beautiful flowers and trees accompanied toads on lilipads in the water. Pure bliss.
"Wow...It's incredible!" She laughed in awe. "My arms feel so weak at the sight," she spoke again as her smile widened. "I wish mom was here to see this!" Gaara hummed, looking over the scenery as well. It wasn't very interesting, but it was something he supposed. After all, Y/N loved it. Gaara looked around and saw no one nearby, meaning now would be a great time to react. He silently tip toed over to Y/N, using trees to cover himself. However, Y/N spotted him when she looked around the area in case there was anyone nearby (after all, she was being loud and who knows who lived in the area).
"Hmm? Hi, you there!" She said, waving her hand towards that silhouette behind that tree. Gaara'a face turned into one of the confusion, his "eyebrows" furrowing. Why isn't she scared of someone creeping up behind her in the woods? "Sorry if I'm bothering you! I just wanted to see what's it's like here at night. I can leave if you want," she said, swaying her body back and forth.
"...No, it's quite alright," Gaara replied as he stepped from behind the trees. He walked up the her, and instantly Y/N recognized him. She gasped, surprised.
"I remember you! You're the one that saved me! Thank you so much!" She giggled, clasping her hands together and bowing deeply. "My deepest thanks." Gaara paused, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit.
"My heart is pounding," he mumbled allowed, pressing his hand against his chest. "What have you done to me?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Y/N stood up straight, giving him a questioning hum in return. Her face looked so innocent and sweet; it's all apart of that facade, isn't it? Gaara growled, roughly grabbing Y/N's shoulders and pulling her close. She jumped, gasping a little at the sudden action. "I said, what did you do to me? Where did this hellfire come from, you witch!" His voice went from his normal calm tone to a scream instantly.
Y/N's eyes widened and her body started to shiver a little. She furrowed her eyebrows together, stuttering out a reply. "I-I don't understand..." That answer wasn't good enough for Gaara as he had no problem throwing her to the ground and looming over her with a look of anger across his facial features. His fist was clenched so tight that his veins were showing. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Y/N yelled out fearfully, covering her face. Tears began to swell in her eyes and her voice became shakey.
Sand began to pour out from behind him and his heart ate picked up again. That flame in his heart was so strong and terrifying to Gaara that he was okay with killing the girl he fell in love with right then and now. His body was so scared that it wanted to kill her, but his heart was too scared to rid such a wonderful girl from the world forever. "Tell me, witch. What did... you do?" He asked again, staring at her so intensely that she could feel his eyes burning into her skin. She sniffed, now too scared to reply upon seeing that sand loom over her.
After a few moments, he screamed, "tell me!" Y/N chocked up on tears, taking a deep breath before replying.
"I don't know any magic or special jutsus, sir! I didn't do anything to you!" She cried out, slowly sitting up. "I'm sorry!" Gaara hissed, silent for a couple minutes. In that time, Gaara remained still as Y/N slowly began to stand up. In her mind, she was recalling words her mom once spoke to her about dangerous people. People are born innocent and harmless and only bad environments or situations can taint their purity. With that in mind, Y/N assumed that Gaara had problems that she couldn't understand. And with a heart as pure as her's, she had already forgave Gaara for scaring her and already felt sympathy for him. She slowly walked closer to him, the hairs on her neck standing up with anxiety, and put an arm on his shoulder.
That touch made him snatch back to reality. He slowly put his hand on top of her's; he was so confused and overwhelmed with opposing emotion and thought. "Then why? Why do you make me feel this way?" He asked in a low rough voice. Y/N began to wrap her arms around him and then hug him softly, shutting her eyes tightly. She managed to push her worried back as she found giving this sad, sad man affection was more important. Gaara felt his chest grow warm again and suddenly, she chuckled.
"I think your hellfire consumed me. I can't even find it in myself to kill you anymore, witch. I think I'm in love with you," he said, blinking away tears. He was so scared and his body pained to kill her, but he just couldn't. He was so overwhelmed with the pleasant feeling of Y/N arms being around him to ever lay a finger on her in anger. Instead he just hugged her back tightly, stuffing his face into the crook of her neck and sniffing. He was obviously holding back tears, which didn't work very well. Afterall, for the first time in forever, he felt like he could show a little bit of a soft side.
"You're gonna control me, aren't you? Use my feelings against me and bend me to your will? You're so cruel, even with the face of an angel." Y/N hummed, not understanding his comments. She just sighed, hugging him tighter and opening her eyes.
"Hey, Gaara, isn't it? Why don't we spend time out here tomorrow? I'd like to get to know you better."
Gaara grunted in response, closing his eyes and wiping his tears with on arm, keeping his other arm tightly around her smaller form. Yeah, whatever hellfire he feels has completely consumed him before he could stop it.
Lol sorry this written to bad!
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h4nsoluvr · 4 years
mark tuan ↠ gamer boy
neighbours au! 
word count: 1815
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so you had just moved into a new apartment 
it’s a totally new city to you, so to say that you were excited was an understatement
the building complex was kinda old but for the location the price was a total bargain
anyways the past three days you had spent unpacking all of your belongings into your new home
luck had unfortunately not been on your side, the moving helpers you had hired cancelled on you last minute which left you to do all the heavy-duty stuff on your own
therefore on the third day of unpacking you were completely exhausted, realising all you energy had ran out for the day you decided to order takeaway for dinner and have a shower
having just finished your shower, you chuck on your fluffiest socks and pyjamas, hopping into bed whilst playing a podcast through your headphones
just as you can feel yourself drifting off to sleep you hear a voice
sighing you pull the duvet up over your head, turning to the other side as you try to fall asleep
however five minutes later
“right, that is it.” you mutter to yourself
groaning you abruptly lug yourself out of bed, not even bothering to change as you exit your apartment, storming down the hallway to next door in the direction you heard the noise
you can hear the same voice from inside when you knock aggressively on the door
suddenly there’s silence
a moment later you hear the unlock of the door, in front of you standing is a tall, brown haired boy dressed in sweatpants
“hey...” he says in a soft spoken voice, gently brushing the hair away from his eyes
for a moment you practically malfunctioned at the realisation that you were standing in front of this incredibly attractive guy in your mickey mouse socks and matching pyjama’s
“um...hi,” you eventually manage to say, “do you have a younger brother or something living with you? i just moved in next door and i can’t sleep with all the shouting.”
“err, my bad that was me.” your handsome neighbour admits, awkwardly scratching the back of his head
“oh really? sorry i just assumed- well you don’t seem like the type be loud and yelling.”
“well you’d be surprised.” he replied, his hand immediately afterwards going to cover his mouth upon realising the innuendo, “oh my god, i really didn’t mean it like that.”
the mysterious neighbour relaxed when he noticed you snickering at what he had said
“i’m mark by the way.” he greets, extending his hand for you to shake
the moment you touch his hand you feel as though your stomach is doing backflips, “y/n”
“so you just moved in huh?” mark asks as he leans against the door frame
you nod, “yeah literally just the other day, i’m still moving stuff at the moment.”
“oh really, do you need some help tomorrow?” mark offers
you open your mouth to turn down his generous offer, when you remember how you have no friends in the area and you still have loads to unpack
also a cute guy helping you carry heavy stuff would be a plus
“you know what, i would love that actually” you say as mark gives a grin in response
and again with the fuzzy feeling inside of you
“awesome, well i won’t keep you up any longer than i already have. again really sorry about earlier the walls are really think here so i’ll try to keep it down”
“honestly it’s fine mark, think of you helping me as payback. goodnight” you give him a small wave as you walk back down the corridor to your apartment door, fumbling for you keys when you hear mark call out to you again
“goodnight y/n, liking the pyjamas by the way!”
and just like that you and mark clicked instantly clicked and became friends
on the day that he helped you unpack you learnt a lot about him, like how he was an avid gamer (hence the yelling from his apartment) 
you even began to hang out at his place with a few of his other friends, like bambam and yugyeom
those two were both little shits but it was amusing to watch the way they’d make fun of their older friend
mostly you’d all hang out and watch tv together
“hm i don’t like her” you’d say, pointing to a character on the tv show you were watching as you chuck a piece of popcorn into you mouth. “what, how can you not like her?!” yugyeom gasps, “she’s kind of hot too.” bambam chimes in as yugyeom rolls his eyes. you just shrug in response
“well i agree with y/n. there’s something off about her i just know it.” mark says as he lifts up his hand to high five you
and to your dismay your little crush on mark developed into a much bigger one, you found that the more you got to know him the more you liked him
you didn’t really enjoy the feelings you had for them as you never thought he would reciprocate them to instead you chose to suppress them as much as you could
but little did you know mark felt just as strongly as you as you did about him
“come on bam, do me this favour man!” mark pleads, trying to persuade bambam with puppy dog eyes. “you know that won’t work on me.” bambam chuckles
“well how else am i supposed to tell her i like her?” mark groans in an exasperated tone
mark had come up with a plan, but he knew he had to be slightly intoxicated in order to have the courage to ask you out
but for his plan to work he needed an opportunity, hence him begging bambam to throw a party
eventually (after a lot of annoyance from mark), bambam agrees, bc how could he say no to party?
maybe also because he had noticed the way you would sneak glances at mark when he wasn’t looking
after receiving the invite from bambam you couldn’t wait to have some fun and let you hair down as work had been kind of hectic for you recently
so when saturday came around you made a conscious effort to dress up for the occasion, before leaving you look at yourself in the mirror and low-key check yourself out
and damn you clean up pretty well
you arrived at the party an hour or so late (as bambam had previously told you that’s the only right way to rock up to a party), but as soon as you entered the party was already pretty packed
“hey! y/n!” you heard yugyeom call out to you over the volume of the music, scanning the crowd until you spot yugyeom waving you over
“see that you’ve taken a page out of bam’s book by turning up late.” yugyeom laughs,  “i got this for you” he continues, handing you one of the cups in his hands. you take a sip before shrugging and downing the whole drink
bc fuck it why not? you were there to have fun
“jeez, y/n does not play around does she?” bambam joins you two, slinging an arm over your shoulder and greeting you. before you can ask bambam nods over in the direction of the drinks table
you follow his gaze over to mark, chatting to a girl and nodding along to whatever it was she was saying 
and suddenly you felt a pang of jealousy in your chest, that you quickly tried to shrug off by suggesting shots for you and the two guys you were standing with
and of course you didn’t have to tell yugyeom and bambam twice
couple of shots later (probably more than you would like to admit), and you were dancing to the beat of the music when you felt a tap on the shoulder
“hey you.” mark says, giving you a small wave. you couldn’t help but think how hot he looked as he sipped on his drink, with a pink flush across his cheeks
“hey, there gamer boy” you reply in his ear, instantly cringing at the nickname you just used
gamer boy really y/n???? you told yourself
mark just giggles in response, “i would ask you how you’re doing but i think i already know the answer. you look good tonight though.” he acknowledges with a smile as you can feel a blush creeping up your face, “thanks.” you reply, attempting to keep a cool tone
“do you want to head out for some fresh air? i don’t know if you’ve been on bam’s balcony before but the view is pretty cool.” you rapidly respond with a yes. once you do mark grabs your wrist, leading you through the party
you kind of wished he was holding your hand instead wait what-
as soon as you made it outside you saw that mark was right, it was a pretty nice view that it almost made you breathless and the cold air almost sobered you up completely. despite it being the early hours of the morning now the city below was still illuminated and full of life
mark takes one last gulp of his drink as his eyes wander to you next to him, staring at the view in awe
“i’m really glad that i was being all noisy and loud that night you know.” mark states, breaking the silence and you give him a questioning look. “although i mean if i knew such a pretty girl would be stood at my doorstep i would’ve probably dressed a bit nicer to answer the door.”
you choke on your drink as he says this, trying to cover it up by clearing your throat, “you think i am pretty?” you ask. “yeah...” he nods, awkwardly trying to avoid your gaze
“well, i think you’re pretty too.” you say, as a shy smile crosses mark’s lips. “you know, i made bam throw this part so i could have the opportunity to kiss you. can i?” he says
instead of responding you lean into the kiss and mark mirrors you, your lips connecting as you meet in the middle, immediately melting in his touch as one of his hands reaches to cup your face
on the inside your brain was going into overdrive as you couldn’t believe this was finally happening
suddenly there is a banging on the window but you are too distracted engulfed in mark’s embrace
“ew, bam! mark and y/n are kissing!” you can hear yugyeom exclaim as bambam tries to hush him, cheering you guys on, “wait you knew about this?!” yugyeom yells as bambam tries to push him away, patting him on the back “come on yugyeom, let’s leave the lovebirds alone.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Save point p2
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I pulled back gasping for breath intesely, holding the fabric of his shirt, he gasped too resting his head on my my own "fuck… I wish we could do more then kiss princess" 
"Well why not?"
"Ummmm I would believe me my princess, I would. But it's not secure enough here and… not enough privacy. Don't want one of your classmates finding out, they might get jealous" he smirked "Tonight, once you've finished your classes I'll take us out okay?"
"Okay" I smiled jumping off the desk 
"That's my girl" he smirked going to his desk getting something and making some notes "here" he says handing me the post it note with a bunch of writing finishing packing his bag, 
"What's this?" I asked 
"My address, my landline, and mobile number, so you can get hold of me" he says throwing his bag over his shoulder "text me later so I have yours too" he smiled kissing my cheek "see you later princess" 
"See you Mr Sangster"
"Just Thomas princess." He laughs unlocking the door "name me something non suspicious in your phone" he says as he wondered off to whenever he next needed to be.
I smiled and headed down to the green area of campus where I found Matt on a bench "how did it go?"
"Well I snogged my teacher and now I have a date"
"Your kidding me? He was into you? After how many saves?"
"None first try. I have his address and phone number now"
"A million people could try that will a million teachers do you understand how lucky you got?"
"Kinda" I laughed "but I should probably go prep for my date" I giggled. 
I saved before I began my make up, in all honesty that's the most useful thing for this, fuck up lipstick just go back no worries, fuck up eye liner just go back, poke yourself in the eye with mascara go back and it never happened. As soon as I was done my prep with make up done and cute dress on I texted him, before I had even slipped on my shoes he texted back
'I'm outside and around the corner from the droms princess x'
Hu that was fast, I slipped my shoes on and my little jacket locking up and heading out following the path from the door to the street going past the student car park. The road was empty so I walked down a little and saw a nice vintage blue ish green car sat under a street light, well this doesn't feel sketchy at all. I headed over to the car and the window rolled down "hey princess" he smiled
"Hey Thomas" I smiled climbing in the car 
"You look so beautiful princess" he smirked clearly checking me out biting on his bottom lip not even trying to hide it. He had a rather nice silky black shirt with some pattern on I wasn't sure, a few buttons undone, a rather tight pair of blue almost suit pants, his hair clearly clean and fluffy as I'd he dried it a second ago, a silver watch in his left wrist that he now leant in the steering wheel "So… what does my princess wanna do tonight?" 
"I don't know… what do you wanna do?"
"Well we could go watch a movie? Or go out to dinner? Or… go back to my place?" 
"I would like some dinner, I haven't eaten yet"
"Yeah me neither, any idea where you wanna go?"
"I don't mind" I shrug 
"How about… we go get some take out and head down to the river and chill out in the back of the car?"
"Sure" I nodded 
He started up the car and headed off, you could cut the tension with a knife, the radio on low gently playing some old romantic tunes, the dark drive broken up only by Street lamps, his eyes often wondering from the road to me, I kept my eyes away not wanting to fuel the fire further even if I did want to, that and trying to act all innocent about my little shifts and putting my leg over the other to let my dress ride up, we got to a bunch of places and decided on fried chicken but the drive thru was a massive line so we parked up instead 
"Fuck it I can't wait any longer" he groans turning the engine off and grabbing my neck pulling me aggressively to kiss him, I was in shock surprised by his sudden movement, I kissed back running my hands along the soft silky shirt feeling his boney chest below, one hand of his sat on my neck and shoulder the other slipped down and was running along my tights tenderly across my thigh unbelievably egar, our kisses went in for what felt like hours slowly and rather intesely become making out I could feel people's eyes burning into is but I didn't care his lips where so soft, he tasted like coffee, dust and I could slightly taste a twang on his lips likely some sort of soap or perhaps aftershave that I couldn't name, I could smell his hair the sweet scent of coconut emminating, his clothes smelt like lavender laundry softener and skin smelt so strongly of that like tropical palm tree, pinanble esc body way. I pulled back and smirked at him barely an inch from his desperate face 
"I'm hungry" I smirked 
"Are you princess? He smirked back I couldn't help but giggle as my lipstick was all over his mouth "what?"
"You uhhh" I giggled he looked confused before looking at himself in the mirror 
"Oh." He laughs
"I'm sorry" 
"Don't worry princess, I'm sure I'll end up with your lipstick all over me sooner or later" he smirked cleaning it off as best he could "right, dinner?"
"Yeah" I nodded he got out first so I opened my door but before I could climb out he offered a hand so I happily took it and he shut the door for me and we headed inside going to the little screen 
"You get yourself whatever you want princess, I'll be back in a sec" he says kissing my cheek before he went off I assume to the bathroom to wash the rest of the lipstick off his face so I logical got some stuff but not too much and soon enough he returned and for some things for himself "we all done?" He asks and I nodded "good girl, so we going do to the river sit in the back and… have a snuggle or do you wanna get back to my place" he asks as he paid 
"Well that depends"
"On lots of things" I smiled "I mean it's already getting late and dark out, don't wanna be too late." I cooed resting my hands on his chest 
"Umm well, you can always… stay over at my place princess? Your more then welcome." He smirked wrapping his arms around me pulling me tighly to his chest 
"I could?"
"Of course you can" he smiled kissing my nose then our food came I took it and we headed back to the car "so… river or my place princess?" he smirked resting a hand on my leg 
"River" I smirked 
"River it is then princess" he smirked he seemed more wound up with my answer like he very much wanted to take me back to his place obviously where she was suggesting it so much he clearly wanted me at his, in his bed but I was going to make him work for it. 
Once we got to the dark quiet river bank we went to the back of the car and got cosy with our jackets and such eating our food 
"So? How long has you been into me before I kissed you?" I asked as I ate 
"First day princess, I thought you where adorable" he winked 
"Scandalous, crush on one of your students" I smirked 
"Oh come on I'm not doing anything wrong your over eighteen" he shrugs "okay yeah if my boss found out I'd probably get shit for it and maybe I'd get fired but… your worth it princess" he smirked "how long had you liked me before you kissed me?" 
I simply blushed not wanting to admit it 
"No come on I told you" he laughs
"First lesson," I admit and he smiled at me "what! you walk around in those tight jeans with your sleaves rolled up you look hot" 
"Do I now?" He smirked "hang on did you not know I was into you?"
"No" I answered "did you know?"
"Eh… sort of I thought you might have liked me. But I get that vibe from most girls" 
*Yeah because if the tight jeans, rolled sleaves and dreamy voice" 
"Awww am I dreamy princess?"
"You know what I mean"
"I know, I thought you might have but I didn't Wanna do anything incase I was wrong. I have been hinting for like the last year y/n"
"Have you?"
"You haven't noticed?"
"Not really no"
"Where you not questioning why, when you never do work in class, barely do the homework and haven't done any coursework on time… you didn't at all question how the fuck you where still getting A's?"
"I'm getting A's?"
"Y/n your top of the class. Third in the whole department" he laughs
"How when you just admitted I don't do anything?"
"Because what?"
"Because… I grade you on a curve" he shrugs 
"What curve?"
"The I let you get away with more because I like you curve" he laughs 
"I must be very nice then, fixing my grades and I didn't even offer to suck your dick" I giggled
"Yeah that was really weird. Like infront of everyone as well"
"What did happen with that anyway?"
"Nothing, she dropped out not long after because I refused to change her grades, and I didn't want my dick sucked" 
"Should have taken it"
"Why would I want slutty little mandy sucking my dick? She fucked half the football team even the teachers know that"  he laughs "besides I had my eyes on a different pretty girl at the back of my class" he smiled giving me a kiss as we finished up 
"Do you actually like me?"
"I actually like you, I think your adorable, and your smart even if you rarely use it, I really like you y/n, and… I'm happy to take you on some nice dates until your happy then maybe we can, be a little secret couple, but secret so I don't get in trouble" he explained "if that's what you want?"
"I'd like that Thomas" I smiled hugging him tightly nuzzling into his chest 
"I'd like that too princess" he smiled kissing my head "and… about sex? We'll take it as slow or as fast as you want." He explained 
"You don't mind… waiting?"
"Not at all princess, I'll happily wait till your comfortable with me. Princess I've liked you for over a year I can wait a couple of weeks now to get to Have fun with you"
"Thomas?" I asked 
"Yes princess?"
"Have you ever… dreamt about me?" I asked playing with his shirt 
"I have, why? you ever dreamt about me princess?"
"Lots of times" I giggled "have you ever… thought about me when your. You know?"
"When I'm what princess?" He smirked his hand slipping down to my butt taking a soft grip of me 
"You know what I mean" I smirk gently running my hand teasingly across his crotch
"Oohh? Do you mean to say? Do I think about you when I jerk off?" He smirked and I nodded still gently moving my hand palming his pants "umm, of course I do princess. All the time" 
"When was the last one?" I asked kissing up his neck he groaned leaning against the car his head on the window already I could feel a stiffness making itself known in his blue pants 
"Uhh the last one?" He asks 
"The last time you thought about me?"
"Well… that will have to have been this morning"
"This morning?" I giggled
"Umm Humm.." he groaned "I woke up with a hard on, I knew I would see you today in class so… I couldn't stop thinking about you, but that only got me harder. Knowing I would see you so I rubbed one out before I got out of bed, thinking of my pretty princess" 
"What did you think about?" I asked starting to suck leaving hikis on his neck not purposely rubbing on his erection 
"Umm my princess, in her little blue dress, stood over my bed stripping for me, and then taking over from my and a while and then… sucking me off"
"Umm then what happened?"
"I had cum by then princess" he smirked grinding against my hand "what about my little princess? Have you… thought about me like that?"
"I have" I giggled blushing hard 
"Oh? Well I told you mine how about you tell me yours" he smirked groping my butt 
"Well I was all alone in my room, and it was all dark and cold, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would just have a play and I imagined you had come to see me about a test and-"
"And princess?" He asks clearly already into this 
"And then you bent me over my bed and spanked me, before raw fucking me still bent over, " I whispered
"Ohh fuck! Umm that sounds sexy princess. Do you want me to spank you princess?" He smirked slapping my butt hard 
"Maybe" I giggled
"How about we head to my place and… we can live out some nice fantasies?" He suggested
"Maybe, but I wanna help you out" I smirked slipping my hand under his pants to gently touch him though only his underwear
"Help me- ohhh princess. You don't have to? We can save that for when we get to mine"
"Well I want to now" I smirked undoing his pants 
"Well of you really want to princess" he smirked I giggled tugging down his boxers revealing his hard, throbbing, vains running up his seven inch shaft 
"Impressive Mr Sangster" I giggled innocently 
"Just uhh I haven't uhh had any attention from… not my own hand for a while now. So I uhh I might not last long"
"When was the last time someone else took care of you?" I asked 
"A year and a half ago" 
"It's okay, so long as he'll get excited again when we get back?"
"I'll always get excited for you princess" he smirked "come on princess… please. Master needs you" ...
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sweetcici-123 · 4 years
Why Won’t You Love Us?~
Female Twins~
Backstory~ The Akiyama twins actually have become quite popular. They didn't have a rich upbringing so that means they didn't always get the best food and sometimes they didn't eat everyday, but what they did have was talent. They were raised by a single mother who had tried her best, but in the end it wasn't enough. Their dad had a debt to some bad men, but had left the debt in his ex-wife's name, without her knowledge. So after a few years of an unpaid debt, they killed her. The twins were only 11 when she was killed. Their mom used to sing to them and they always loved it, sometimes the twins would sing to their mother if they felt like she was sad because singing always made their mom happy. Their mom used to tell them that singing was going to be their way out of their terrible lifestyle. She was right. After their mom died they lived in an alley, and barely survived for about 5 months, only singing to each other for comfort when they were over heard by a business man. (Long story short) He helped them become singers with a luxurious life now.
Yandere Tendencies/beginnings~ At the start of their rise to fame they had 1 main friend. She was always there for them and helped them get adjusted to their new life. No one knew who the twins were, well at least they didn't think so. The same people who killed their mom found out she had kids and had tracked the twins down. When they had planned to kill the twins with a sniper somehow they didn't noticed their best friend who had jumped on one of their backs and got in the way. The twins watched the second person they ever felt connected to (after their mom) die right on one of their backs. When the reality sank in, the twins stopped trying to build relationships and be happy. They're now cold, slightly unforgiving, and blunt. They put on happy personas for their audience but that's it. They have isolated themselves for the fear of letting another get close and then dying.
With all of this though, this is the reason of their obsession. When they finally bring themselves to care for another person, they'll not know how to handle these emotions. They won't even need to be strong emotions, if they feel a connection they'll automatically assume it's love for their lack of connections and love in general. Because of this, they'll want this person to stay with them, and they'll have the continuous feeling that their "loved one" needs to be protected. That will lead to this "loved one" being isolated because the twins are already isolated and they won't let their "loved one" leave them.
Lilah Older twin. The girl on the right. She's always looking down on people. She can't see herself equal to anyone except her twin. She would be overly protective of her twin to the point where no one should dare look at her wrong. She would also probably be the one who would initiate the first act of physical abuse to their "loved one" when they act up because of her protective nature.
Her audience persona on the other hand is very happy, but still very protective. She is considered the mom out of the twins and is shown to love all her fans never treating anyone badly, her favorite fans are all of the kids because they remind her so much of young LeAnn.
LeAnn Younger twin. The girl on the left. Yes she is also cold, but more on the naive side. She doesn't dislike people she just doesn't want to be around them in a personal atmosphere. Unlike her twin she does enjoy performing though, and making people smile does make her feel better but she is just as capable of being as cold as her twin. Her problem is she doesn't know her limits. If she happens to get angry and hurt her "loved one" she probably wouldn't be able to control herself. She's the twin that holds everything in, so when she lets it out, she lets out just about everything.
Her audience persona though is always cute and smiley. She's innocent and adorable, and even sometimes forgetful. She acts the part perfectly of the completely loveable younger twin.
Male Twins~
Backstory~ The Hano twins are from a very rich family. They are always able to get what they want because they're being raised by their grandparents. Their parents died in their old mansion, when the twins were only 8 but they were there. Both of the twins have burn marks in different areas. When the twins were saved it was found out that the burn marks weren't the only wounds they had. They had bruises and scars and whips on many covered parts of their body. It was found out that their parents would constantly abuse the twins. When their grandparents found out, they could tell it had done mental damage to them along with physical. Both of the twins barely spoke and always seemed to have a blank stare. Their grandparents had hoped by spoiling them, and giving them everything they could ever want/need, they would become happy. Over the years, the boys did build up emotions and they did find happiness but it was pretty obvious they weren't normal. Sadly their grandparents did get them doctors to heal their wounds, but not anyone who could help them mentally, and that was their mistake.
Yandere Tendencies/Beginnings~ When they were with their parents, they learned at a young age to only obey, don't do anything wrong or else you would be punished. Look presentable at all times and never talk back. They were never told any of this, but they learnt it. Along with learning those lessons, they watched their parents relationship. Never saying anything about it, but they always watched. There was yelling and things were thrown whenever one of their parents faces got red. Father would hurt mother, but sometime later apologize. Mother would scream at him and cry but also forgive. If father wasn't forgiven in a day, the twins would get punishment because it was their fault. Mother might do something bad and when father would find out he would cry while in return mother would scream. Someone would leave and they would completely neglect the kids. This was a never ending cycle until their grandparents took them in. Then the twins watched their relationship. The constant "I love you" with loving looks and careful movements. Always making sure the other was okay. Gentleness, with every hold. Passion and sweet kisses. It was all new to them. But the twins did know that they longed for that kind of contact.
With that longing it became a full blown desire. The only problem was their lack of social communication. They had a hard time being in contact with others but they still wanted that relationship. They didn't know any kind approaches, so ultimately their approach would come from their parents in an aggressive way and they would think it's okay, because it's what they want, and their grandparents always gave them what they want. They would automatically try to be loving but because of their "lover's" fear, it wouldn't work out, leading to the twins confusion and anger making them aggressive and doing things their parents way. When it gets results it'll make them happy and they'll constantly switch from sickly sweet to aggressive. All because they were completely unstable and didn't/don't understand love.
Lector Older twin. The boy on the left. He's more so the patient one. When things don't go his way he would be more passive-aggressive about it. He didn't completely grow out of his quiet stage after being abused, and he does still tend to give his blank stare but not all the time. He does still lose his cool sometimes but he strongly dislikes himself when he does. He tends to be more frightening than he means to be but he can't help it when he loses control.
But when he tries to be sweet it seems like he's being cold but it's just his inability to completely show his feelings. When he's happy, he might have the smallest smile, but it truly means a lot to him. He would be more gentle and his voice would never be loud, but calming yet quiet.
Lincoln Younger twin. The boy on the right. He, unlike his twin, grew out of his quiet and blank stage. He grew accustomed to being spoiled and that's all he is. Despite his age he often acts like a bratty child. When things don't go his way he immediately flips out and gets angry. He doesn't have a way to control his anger, so much like a child, he might break things or hurt others, like he saw from his parents.
Whenever he's trying to be nice he is also like a child. He plays games and offers things if he feels like he is sorry. Often worried after his tantrums that his "lover" hates him. He would be more innocent and would share things, probably in attempts to make his "lover" more comfortable with whatever they have to do/wherever they have to be.
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Entomology Anyone?
Entomology is the study of insects and their relationship to humans, the environment, and other organisms. Entomologists make great contributions to such diverse fields as agriculture, chemistry, biology, human/animal health, molecular science, criminology, and forensics
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Author’s Note: no photographs of Spiders are included in this Blog and a warning will be given if links are likely to include any. Links will be safe to click through in the first instance
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It’s great when the workers’ rights are championed 
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We saw this sign closing off a path around Sissinghurst Castle Gardens (see tab under the main Blog header for more info on National Trust properties) 
And some time ago after climbing the renovated Tower, as seen below, I was charmed to spot a Ladybird, After all it was only March (2019)
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Ladybird on the new shingles at the top of the Tower - see below. The shingles are hand carved from Oak as were the originals
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On closer inspection, I’m assuming because of the number of spots, that this is the aggressive non-native Harlequin Ladybird, only in the UK since 2004, but now rampant. You can’t see the white triangle on its head from this angle, but the sheer number of spots suggests so.
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Ladybird ID Guide
I found a really nice blog which will be of interest to Gardeners, called Pot to Pen and the author, Robyn, wrote at the time about the restoration work on the Tower, it’s well worth a look.
Not all bugs are quite as cute as a Ladybird, even the invasive ones. Don’t ask me why, but anything green and bug like always gets called Wilf in our house and when this one hitch-hiked on the mower, I had to look it up.
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The Great Green Bush Cricket aka Tettigonia Veridissima
Apparently they’re common in this part of the country and they don’t stop at jumping on board local transport. This one was on our bathroom wall one evening. I didn’t know it at the time, but the link says they can nip (they didn’t though)
Oooh funny, Crow’s just seen the pics on my screen and said ‘is that that Wilf-thing?’ There you go, proved I don’t just make all this stuff up off the top of my head. 
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We’ve never lived anywhere where we’ve had so many creatures invading the house. Then again we never lived anywhere quite so rural before. Some of the things we’ve seen have been just beautiful like this
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White Ermine Moth aka Spilosoma lubricipeda
and this Broad Bodied Chaser in the garden
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As you can imagine, I have no idea what all these things are - every day I marvel at having the internet at our disposal, although I never did establish what the snake was that we found underneath our stairs when all the doors and windows had been closed. I’m ashamed to say that rather base instinct kicked in and we evicted it with the aid of a pond dipping net (EVERY home should have one) and a very long handled sheepskin duster (ditto) With hindsight we really should’ve found something safe to put it in and done some investigation before setting it loose and these days we’d run for the camera first before anything. We’ve had Grass Snake in the garden, specifically in the grass compost heap where it was nice and warm. And we’ve encountered Adder up in the fields when we’ve been walking, so we could discount them. 
At the time we’d had a few items of wooden furniture delivered, made in Indonesia or somewhere and I think I panicked that it was something weird that had come over hidden in that - unlikely I know, but not beyond the realms of possibility.
With the benefit of hindsight, perhaps it was actually just a rather large Slowworm Too late now, but I sincerely hope so.
Regardless of species, how it ended up where it was indoors is anybody’s guess. I’ve digressed again. This is supposed to be about insects and the reason I was inspired to write on that topic today was seeing a Tweet.
The National Insect Week Twitter account is always active despite Insect Week being a two yearly event and not taking place again until June 2022. They were promoting Manchester Museum’s free virtual exhibition.
* Arachnophobes: link safe to click to first page (only one mention of the word but no illustration) beyond that BEWARE.
Manchester’s own site quotes
“If we and the rest of the back-boned animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. But if the invertebrates were to disappear, the world’s ecosystems would collapse.”
Sir David Attenborough
Once I’d mentioned insects, Crow was on the lookout and saw a couple of mentions of Beetles on a nature account he follows. There was a particularly nice photo of the Violet Ground Beetle and then coincidentally he read about the £367M Dung Beetle and how it helps British farming, which I had been looking at as well. And strangely, bear with me, it linked to another topic.
Years back I’d had a little bit of a frosty run-in with a nearish neighbour. We were experiencing a problem with very large Hornets and there was a lot of press at the time about their impact on the Bee, particularly Honey Bee, population. We were not at all keen to share our home with these fearsome creatures, whereas the neighbour strongly objected to their eradication and insisted they are not a threat.
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This one was found dead on our hearth,
Anyway, the neighbour moved away and I hope she took her Hornets with her.
It’s topical though, the health of and the threats to. our Bee population and some of that arises from the forthcoming parliamentary debate on relaxing an EU ban on pesticide.
Screenshot below via Twitter
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Although according to this article last year, a ruling isn’t always a ruling, a ban isn’t always a ban.
I was also looking at this from Twitter  The pesticide debate from a Farmer’s point of view...an experiment with natural predators. 
BBC Sounds for Farming Today.
We started our own benign neglect effort last year and let’s face it, if doing good takes absolutely zero effort, we can all do our bit. Actually our lawns are more meadow than show pieces, so we always do our bit.
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It’s marvellous how nature evolves. I’ve always had a slight interest in the back of my mind about gardening in accordance with the phases of the Moon and in symbiotic relationships in nature (including man’s) not in a hippy kind of way, in a let’s see if it works and let’s be as natural as we can way. To which end, I loved this article - Bees’ Natural Pesticide - Bees Use Poo and it’s made me feel all the more protective towards our Bees and it wraps up the beginning and end of today’s thoughts quite neatly.
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What Have I Learned Today?
Everything above and the Basis for some cracking home school lessons
 Link The learning resources can be filtered from age Early Years through to Adult  and by topic Here
There are videos, activity suggestions, partner links, photography tips and crafts, so something for everyone. Don’t be shy, tell your friends.
Apart from screenshots, all photos today my own.
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lily-of-the-eyrie · 4 years
🎓🔍 Scene Commentary: Colonel Edition ③
Notes for [SQ3-3] Circumstances [video here]. Come join me as we talk about more theories surrounding the Colonel’s manipulation skills, hints about his history before Shay met him, and Gist being charmingly sassy.
Highlights this time include:  ❗️The Colonel's Finances  ❗️Gist and the Colonel
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Without further ado, here we go:
[SQ3-3] Circumstances
― Part I: Heading to Albany ― Shay, having retrieved the Morrigan, follows Gist's advice to set sail for Albany, where the Colonel's waiting.
 The Colonel himself isn't present while Shay and Gist are on the way to Albany, but on the flipside, we got this great opportunity to see these two gossiping about the man.
 Gist opens the scene pondering out loud what the Colonel might want them to do next. Now this bit is mildly amusing because he said "I wonder what he has in mind for us to do next"―did Gist just...slip up? Shay naturally went wdym-"us"-👀 at him over here, because he's pretty sure he hasn't signed up to be part of their team...
 Still, Gist doesn't even trip over his words as he follows up with how he's really just all giddy about doing his part in making the Colonel's ideals a reality. Aside from the impressive save he pulls here, another highlight of this section is that Gist frames "the Colonel's ideals" in extremely concrete terms: "secure borders, prosperous farms, fair trade". These are very specific large-scale implementations of the Freedom From Want theme compared to what we heard from the Colonel himself two chapters back, which was more on the philosophical/ideological side.
 Next up, the Morrigan docks at Albany, where the Colonel's waiting. I just have to say that it's incredibly cute of the Colonel to address Shay as "Captain Cormac" following Gist's example after seeing the Morrigan.
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 The issue on the table for their meeting this time is the French forces' movements into British territory, which is likely to break out into a full fight between the two kingdoms' armies. Now watch how Shay wound up working with these two again despite the question of him agreeing to run for more of the Colonel's errands was left hanging at the beginning of this scene: the moment the Colonel mentions that "New York could burn" if they don't do anything about the French forces encroaching upon British territory, Shay throws his weight in with them.
 We've already established that Shay's the kind of person who cares about the little guy, so this isn't all that unnatural; especially now that he's a good friend of the Finnegans', not doing anything when New York's at risk is going to sound unreasonable to him.
 However, the audience isn't the only one who understands this―at this point, so does the Colonel. After what happened at the Greenwich gang HQ and Fort Arsenal, he knows for a fact that Shay isn't going to turn his back on a chance to save innocent people. Did he, then, strategically bait Shay by presenting the fact that New York is in terrible danger and joining him is the best way to save all those townspeople? Or was it just something he said because he's also the kind of guy who's concerned for the safety of New York etc., and by saying this he's also trying to communicate to Shay that their goals are aligned? The trick to this is that of course these two possibilities don't have to be mutually exclusive―I'd say the Colonel feels that he knows Shay well enough at this point that he'd want to both get Shay to help him out while also letting him pursue what seems to be his calling.
― Part II: Gathering Supplies ― Shay and Gist, having reunited with the Colonel, head to a nearby French outpost to gather supplies and thwart French expansion into the River Valley.
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 In order to dislodge the invading French forces, Gist then suggests that they raid a nearby French outpost for supplies. The trio covers a range of interesting topics during their time sailing to that outpost, chief among which is Shay's skepticism towards the Colonel's intentions behind all his seemingly charitable actions. This is an important bit for two reasons:
(1) Despite all they've done together so far, Shay doesn't stop questioning Monro. He's cooperative with the Colonel, sure, but just because he kinda sorta trusts that he's not a bad guy right now, that doesn't mean he's going to do whatever he says until he gets to the bottom of why he does it.
(2) The Colonel, again, calmly faces off against Shay's doubt by being straight with what he wants: that the colonies become "a place of safety, development, and purpose". Now this is something literally every one of us recognizes as a Templar Line™, even if Shay might not (did he? Hmmm). In any case, the most important takeaway here is that it strongly links the Colonel's concern for the common man with core Templar tenets, giving us a clear look into his personal take on how the Order's beliefs were meant to be applied to the world. He's not part-timing “being a Templar” half the time and “being a benevolent authority figure” in the other half, those two things are one and the same for him.
 On a random note: I’m just gonna mention here that Gist being cheeky as hell with the Colonel's noble "money is only a means to an end" talk in this bit is hands down my favourite part of this scene.
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❗️The Colonel's Finances
 On a more serious note, the Colonel's comment on how he's "not a rich man" did get me wondering about his financial situation... I mean, obviously he's not dirt poor, and while there's that idea that Templars tend to be loaded, he doesn't look like he's just rolling in gold, either.
 Realistically speaking, being a military officer in the early 18th century can be a rather pricey career―the pay's far from great, and with all the spending for supplies and equipments, it can be quite a while until even the officers could expect to turn a profit from their job (one exhaustive source about the economics of the 18th c. British Army I’ve read pegged it at around the time they get promoted to Captain). And while the Colonel did come from what you might call a respectable family, it’s more of a modest than aristocratic one.
 However, assuming he's a long-time player in the field of renovating cities, a.k.a. the sidequest that, in the long run, gives you way more money than you know what to do with in Rogue, I guess his finances are quite stable. Now the question is, how much of those renovating gains he put back into more renovating... 😂
― Part III: Taking Down the French Fort ― Having obtained their supplies, Shay & co. sail the upgraded Morrigan to the French fort and take it down.
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 With the party ready to take on the French fort, we see the Colonel show a pacifist streak as he reins in Gist, who was being a little too excited about the prospect of throwing fists with the French. Really, these two have such amusing interactions.
 Next, he shows a strategic side as he agrees with Shay's suggestion about taking out the fort's commander to force the French to surrender; he may not be against pitching a battle when necessary, but he also seems to be a big fan of minimizing the overall casualties.
 One really paltry but personally highly interesting thing I picked up in this scene is how the Colonel, commenting on how the French soldiers in the fort would put on an aggressive defense under pressure, said they'd just "dig in like a wounded bear", which does sound like an uncommon expression... I mean, "like a wounded animal" is something anyone can say, but him specifying "bear" over there just makes it sound like he'd gone up against one himself before. Considering he’d likely not have met a bear before he got to the colonies (bears had been extinct a long time in Britain and Ireland), if he did have a bear encounter, it must’ve been after 1750... Did you get chased around by this fuzzy creature in the frontier's wilderness at some point before you settled down in New York, Colonel? 😂
❗️Gist and the Colonel
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 Since the amount of interaction the Colonel has with Gist is second only to his interactions with Shay, analyzing how things are between these two can tell us quite a lot about the Colonel's personality.  
 First, it's obvious that these two are close friends―the kind of relaxed bantering they have on board the Morrigan sounds pretty much on par with what Shay's got going on with Liam, which isn't all that surprising considering Gist and the Colonel had known each other (and presumably worked together) for 6 years at this point.
 Still, while the Colonel may be the older and higher-ranking of the two (ie.-He is Gist’s senior in both the military sense and the Templar one), therefore putting a clear superior-subordinate dynamic at play here, you don't see the Colonel trying to roast his colleague for stepping out of line (which he clearly does all the time, judging by his behaviour in this chapter), and what he does when Gist gets a little too rowdy is to gently but firmly prod him back onto the proper path. Maybe it's just his brand of leadership, but he displays similar tendencies when dealing with Shay, who has his default setting set to "unruly" most of the time. He’s clearly skilled at handling people much more hot-blooded than himself, and has a good hang of how to be an authority figure while still standing on the ground with his subordinates instead of putting himself on some distant, overbearing pedestal—honestly, a pretty good way to end up with their respect and loyalty.
 Another highlight is Gist's adoration of the Colonel's ideals. Now I think we all know that the Colonel's utopian take on Templar ideals is one of his greatest charms, but what I'd want to bring up here is the fact that, if Shay followed the Colonel because he was inspired by the man's idea of making a better world, he wouldn't have been the first―Gist had been there before, citing how he used to wonder if he’s doing the right thing, but “not since [he] met the Colonel” . I'm not saying that the Colonel's deliberately going out there to steal people's hearts with his brand of Templar beliefs, but judging from his success at inspiring Gist (and presumably Finnegan Jr.) into joining his fight, his winning Shay over to his side isn't a one-off thing.
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You (Spock x Fem!Reader) [Request!]
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“Fic Request: Spock x Fem!Reader (Vulcan/Human hybrid) go on a romantic date!”
”Headcanon or Fic Request: fem!Reader being married to Spock!”
“Request: Spock x Human-Vulcan Fem!Reader get married on the Enterprise. Preferably TOS Spock please.”
- @sovereignoblivious
Hi there! Thank you for requesting :) I decided to mash these all into one since they are all kind of similar. I hope you don’t mind! Also, I write for mainly AOS but nothing really distinguishes it from TOS so you can imagine it taking place in TOS if you would like! I also totally forgot about the vulcan/human hybrid until I was about 1k words in, so if it’s not as well represented I’m so sorry!! I tried to fit it in as best I could :(
I wrote this like a recap of your relationship with Spock, so there’s not much dialogue. I tried to be as detailed as possible!
Also, sorry for the lack of updates... the school year just ended and I went on vacation for two weeks to visit my family in Hawai’i! I had no wifi for nearly 10 days and let me tell you it was AWFUL. Haha. I’m so glad to be home. The rest of this summer will hopefully be full of updates! Keep the requests coming!
ALSO, THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE FOLLOWS!!!!! I gained 20 more followers while I was away! I love you all so much :D!!!
Word Count: 2377 Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of self-harm/self-loathing
Send a request!
You had absolutely hated Spock at first. Boiling, raw, pure hatred for him, even though your reasons were unfair and you knew it. 
Your initial thought was to just avoid him as much as possible, but that plan was eventually foiled when you realized how difficult that was going to be when he was in almost all of your classes, his dorm was literally directly across the street (like you could look out your window and see right through his window, how you both happened to be on the 17th floor in separate buildings and the same room number was beyond you) and you saw him probably more than ten times a day. 
He was there on the walk to class in the morning, there during class, there during lunch hour, even there sometimes on the walk home after class. Once you thought it couldn’t get any worse, your professors started pairing the two of you for group projects. When you asked why, all of their answers ran along the same lines: ‘You both need to learn to get along’ or ‘You could learn a lot from each other’ and other shit like that. You started getting suspicious when you suddenly had four projects assigned with him as your partner. You asked your friends about it when you were getting frustrated and all they did was share a look between each other and shrug. When you and Spock set a date to finally start working on all of your projects, you started dreading it. You found yourself lingering around, whether it be to ask a professor a question that you already knew the answer to after class was over or staying late at the library so that you wouldn't have to go to bed and wake up the next morning, a whole day closer to doomsday. You tried to tell yourself that the reason you were doing that was because you hated him and didn’t want to be around him for any amount of time, but when the familiar burning sensation you always felt when thinking of him started morphing into something else you got scared. The change startled you, suddenly feeling self-conscious and unsure as opposed to your typically confident nature. It was all so new and it was especially frightening when you didn’t have enough time to unpack it before your workday with Spock, so, instead of dealing with it, you tried to push it all down.  
When the day finally came, it took every ounce of willpower you had to roll out of bed and get dressed. It was a Saturday so you didn’t need to be dressed in uniform, so you went with some black sweats that had ‘STARFLEET’ written down one side and a  [f/c] tank top. It was a little chilly outside, so you threw your favorite hoodie on as you walked out the door. You tied your hair back in the elevator, careful to leave enough down to cover your ears, put your keycard into the side pocket of your backpack and you started the walk to the campus library. 
If there was one thing you were most self-conscious about it was your Vulcan ears. You didn’t like your Vulcan side as much because of your father. He was half-Vulcan half-human, while you were three-quarters human and only one-fourth Vulcan. You were glad you only inherited the ears, not the eyebrows. You and your father didn’t have the best relationship, or any relationship at all, really, and you never knew why. He was often strict and unfeeling, never exercising his human side in front of you. He left when you were eight years old for a Vulcan science mission and never came back. Your mother still loved him, though you never saw him show any sign of affection back. You always believed your mother deserved better, and that was when your hatred for Vulcans started to manifest. Starting with yourself. 
A few years after he left you fell into a dark place, although you were exceptional at hiding it. You would often stare at your sharply pointed ears in the mirror and pull on them, hoping that if you pulled hard enough from the bottom they would even out. You would wear earmuffs year-round so that nobody would see. When you were fifteen, you snuck out and got them pierced several times so that they would appear more human. They also compelled you to become more emotional to appear less like your father. 
You shook yourself out of your reverie as you walked out of the front entrance of your building. 
Luckily for you, Spock was not walking down the opposite sidewalk so you slid your headphones under your hood over your ears and shuffled your playlist. The walk was much shorter than you would’ve preferred and you sauntered up the steps into the vast hall. Since everybody was off, the library was used more as a hangout area than a quiet study hall, save for the actual study hall in the back, so it was a bit louder than usual. 
You spotted Spock sitting at one of the smaller open tables next to one of the windows overlooking the grounds. The fluttery-anxious feeling was back again, causing you to swallow hard as you approached him. 
“Hey,” you called as he looked up from the window. 
“Hey,” he greeted, somewhat awkwardly. Setting your backpack down, you sat down across from him. He was wearing casual clothes too; a plain green sweater and some jeans, though you thought it was cute how he still wore his badge. You shut your eyes tightly and cursed yourself. 
I don’t think he looks cute, I don’t think he looks cute, I don’t think he looks cute-
“[y/n], are you feeling alright?” he asked. 
You opened your eyes and glared at him. 
“Fine, just mentally preparing,” you snapped. 
He did what you could only assume was his version of an eye roll, but what surprised you was the flicker of a smile that passed over his features. It was only there for a fraction of a second, but your cheeks reddened as your heart raced.
What is happening to me?
“Would you like to begin?” he started pulling out papers and you gulped.
This was going to be a long day.
Surprisingly, that wasn’t the case. You had never really sat down and talked with Spock before, and to your astonishment, he was a really cool person. You both talked for hours, barely getting any work done, and before you knew it the library was empty and it was almost nine pm. You packed up your things and headed back towards your dorms you continued to talk and he continued to make you laugh and once you made it to the front entrance of your building you couldn’t even remember why you had hated him in the first place. 
You smiled and told him goodnight, feeling the heat creep up on your cheeks. You swore that you saw his own cheeks tint green. You both stared back at each other for a moment, feeling yourself gravitate towards each other for a brief second before you realized what you were doing and leaned back a little. He bid you goodnight and with the tiniest little smile you had ever seen, he turned away and crossed the street. You shook yourself out of your daze and hurried inside, texting your friends to meet you asap in your dorm. Even though it was late, you knew your friends and their Saturday night habits. 
You asked them about Spock again, this time a little less aggressively. They looked shocked at your calm, almost lovestruck expression settled over your features, glancing worriedly between themselves. 
Your friends were there for hours talking with you about your feelings and how you were to deal with them until you all fell asleep. They told you that this was just a case of misinterpretation of feelings, so when you felt so strongly towards Spock you mistook it for hatred when it was really admiration and infatuation. The confirmed that the same thing had happened to Spock, though he had realized much sooner. When you asked them what that meant, they dropped the bombshell on you.
“[y/n],” [friend’s name] said gently. “Spock has been smitten with you since midterms. Almost everyone knows, except for you apparently.”
You sat and stared for a minute, unsure how to react. Giddiness rose above all the other emotions you were feeling, forcing a smile to form on your lips. You felt all choked up, excitement raising your heartrate and slowly taking away your ability to breathe.
“So, even the teachers know?” you managed to force out. Your friends chuckled. 
The teachers assumed something was going on, but didn’t know for sure since you acted so hostile towards him all the time so they went out of their way to pair you and Spock together. 
You thanked your friends and invited them to stay the night. 
The next day you had planned to work with Spock again, so you left your friends a note and told them they could stay as long as they liked as long as they locked the door before they left. 
You met Spock at the library again but this time you actually did get some work done, and quickly. When you both finished, you packed your things and took a walk around the grounds. You talked all day about random things, interests, favorites, childhood (you tried your best to leave out the part about your father) and a little bit about your hopes for the future. You did most of the talking, though Spock did contribute on occasion, like he talked a bit about his love (or as he put it, ‘subtle interest’ but you knew better) for music and his passion for science.  
Hours passed quickly and the sunset came quickly. You and Spock were sat on a grassy slope overlooking the San Fransisco Bay, watching the sunset. 
“[y/n], I have something to confess,” he broke the silence. You turned to him.
“Go ahead.”
“The truth of the matter is that I harbor no malice or hatred towards you,” he started, looking away from you. Even in the dim golden light from the descending sun, you could tell he was uncomfortable. “My... feelings towards you are quite the opposite.”
You stared blankly at him for a moment. Even though you had already known, hearing it come from his was a totally different story. You scooted a little closer to him and placed your head down on his shoulder. He relaxed beneath you, accepting the action as one of reciprocation. You felt his hand brush over yours and the spark that followed after confirmed a Vulcan kiss. You raised your head up to meet his eyes, which flickered between your lips and back up. You leaned in slowly to give him time to back out if he wasn’t comfortable, but to your surprise, he was the one to close the distance. 
This kiss was sweet and only lasted a few seconds. When you pulled away, you could see the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips. Your smile faded, though, when you remembered your lie. 
“I have to tell you something,” you said softly. He nodded slowly, letting you remove your hand from his light hold.
You pulled your hood back and tucked your hair behind your now exposed ear. You couldn’t look him in the eye as he stared at your earring-ridden ear that mirrored his. 
“You’re... Vulcan?” 
“A quarter,” you replied softly, wringing your hands in your lap. Spock reached out to grasp them in his own, forcing you to look back up into his eyes. 
“Why did you feel the need to hide this from me?” he asked you gently. “It would not and does not change the effect that you have on me.”
So, you explained in the waning sunlight what actually happened in your childhood and the issues with your father, why you ended up hating all Vulcans and that’s why you hated him too in the beginning. 
“You don’t need to be ashamed of your heritage because of him,” he told you when you finished. “You don’t need to hide part of who you are because of his mistakes. I can assist you in exploring our culture to help change your views if you would like.”
You threw your arms around his neck in a tight hug. 
“Thank you,” you murmured.
You and Spock stayed together for the remaining years at the academy. You brought him home to meet your mother (who instantly approved) and you did almost everything together. Date night was your favorite time of the week, which ranged from movie nights or fancy dinners. Your favorite one was when he took you out of the city to go stargazing and set up the cutest little picnic complete with lanterns and fairy lights. It was romantic and beautiful being there with him and listening to the wildlife as the stars made themselves known. He showed you all the constellations he knew of. 
Before you knew it you were both assigned on missions. At first, you were separated; you on the USS Bradbury and him on the USS Enterprise, but with some convincing, you were reassigned to the Enterprise. 
After your first run-in with danger when Nero attacked and your near-death experience, Spock decided it was time to pop the question. You were married not long after by Jim, who you had gotten very close to because of Spock. You had asked Nyota to be your maid of honor and Spock chose Leonard (who agreed despite his recurring annoyance with the Vulcan). You were awarded a larger, shared quarters and time off duty to spend time together. 
Married life was much more normal than you had originally thought it was going to be. Everything just started to slow down around you, and you always had a sense of calm whenever Spock was near you. The butterflies you always felt when he was around died down and instead you felt an overwhelming amount of safety and comfort. 
He was all you had ever wanted, and he was forever yours.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 5 years
Theories and things I'd Like to see in Season 3 of the "Tangled" TV series
I have few theories of what I think will happen in Season 3, and I'll also share what I hope will happen too. I've categorised it depending on the character I am referring too.
Eugene Fitzherbert:
I'd love to see flashbacks of when Eugene was a orphan boy. I'd really like to see him on his adventures and mischief with Lance Strongbow (obviously it will be cute to see "Little Lance" return). Maybe we might even see his courtship days with Stalyan and perhaps what caused him to jilt her in the first place, though considering his previous selfishness and her previous vindictiveness, it's not hard to guess what caused him to jilt her.
I would also love to see him and his long-lost father, King Edmund making up for old times and eventually reconciling. Maybe Edmund can even share more information about Eugene's mother with him.
I would actually like to see some flashbacks to Cass's childhood (I'd like to see more of her genuine child self). I'd like to see how see her interactions with her dad as a child and see how they have impacted her as an adult. Considering how aggressive and distrustful she is as an adult, I have no doubt it has a lot to do with how she was raised. That's not to say that the Captain of the Guard was a bad father, in fact without his guidance and training, I'm sure Cassandra wouldn't have become the strong and resourceful young woman she is now. In saying that though, while the Captain probably did teach Cassandra how to take care of herself, maybe he was neglectful to her regarding emotional and physical affection. He probably didn't have time for her due to his job, plus with his stern, no-nonsense personality, he probably found it hard to be affectionate with his adoptive daughter, despite obviously caring about her.
I'm sure the emotional neglect from her father weighed a lot on Cassandra's heart. Even more so was the sting of her real parents abandoning her. She probably wondered if she had ever been "good enough" for her biological parents, or if she was even good enough for her adoptive parent. Therefore Cassandra put up emotional walls to stop herself getting hurt, and also trained harder and harder in order to prove to her father and to others in the kingdom that she was good enough. She was so focused on being "good enough" that she didn't let herself trust others or just let people love her.
Rapunzel was probably the first person that Cassandra ever truly considered a friend, and perhaps the only person she ever truly let herself love as family besides her dad. Unfortunately, that all changed after going into Zhan Tiri's tree, and Cassandra was hurt both emotionally and literally by Rapunzel (though she never intended it to be that way). To me, the armour was a metaphor that Cassandra was not only protecting herself physically from Rapunzel's hair, but also she was shutting herself off emotionally from Rapunzel too. Her response to Rapunzel's comment about her being hurt that she "Won't let it happen again." strongly made feel that was the case.
I don't know what she saw behind that door, but obviously it's her reason for betraying Rapunzel and her friends. I don't if she's be brain-washed or simply had her insecurities manipulated by Zhan Tiri and/or his followers, but obviously she believes she has a "destiny" to fulfil. I don't believe it's good that's for sure. Some people have the theory she might be Mother Gothel's daughter. I'm honestly open to the theory, but I'm not going to jump 100% on board either. I'm just open-minded to it. I do believe Gothel was the one who betrayed Lord Demanitus and joined Zhan Tiri though.
I am hoping that somehow Cassandra will somehow be redeemed. So far it doesn't look good for her, but I hope that her true loyalties and morals will step in eventually. Hopefully she'll realise her friendship with Rapunzel is the most important thing, and that will soften her literally hardened heart. Somehow I don't know if she'll make it out alive though.
Obviously this is a character a lot of fans of the show (including myself) are very anxious to see. I have a lot of mixed feelings about what to expect from this character, especially after to seeing how downhill he went in Season 1 with no real evidence of repentance and redemption. Still, after watching Season 2, I have come to few conclusions about what could happen with Varian in Season 3, and for those of us who want to see this adorkable boy turned vengeful villain be redeemed, I have to admit it's not out of the question.
Personally I really like to see what happened to Varian during Season 2. I'd like to find out if King Fredric kept his word about getting help for Varian. Also I'm wondering if it helped in anyway. I imagine Arianna making the most effort to reach out to Varian, because despite his kidnapping of her and threatening her life, deep down she knows that he did it all out of pain and grief (as she knows Fredric went through a similar thing) and also believes that Varian isn't a heartless criminal but instead is just a scared, angry boy who has lost his way and let his pain get to him. I imagine she would get the cold shoulder and harsh word from him, but perhaps her slowly her kindness towards Varian will have a good affect on him, even if he doesn't return the kindness openly.
I imagine King Fredric still being wary of Varian, especially knowing how dangerous the boy can be, but perhaps knowing the pain Varian has gone through will soften Fredric a bit and cause him to empathise with the boy, knowing he made unwise and unjust decisions himself due to his own pain. I imagine Varian would be cold towards Fredric and deny that the two have anything in common (due to his rage against the king) but maybe it would touch his heart slightly and make him think about his actions later on.
Perhaps as part of his therapy and as kind of a community service to make up for his crimes, King Fredric gives him work under Xavier's care, feeling that the wise blacksmith and potion-maker could be the one person who could win over the vengeful young alchemist. I imagine Xavier being reluctant at first due to knowing what Varian did with his personality reversing potion and fearing the dangerous consequences of letting the boy get so close to the potions when they know what he is capable of. Even Fredric has doubts about whether this is a good idea, but feels he has no choice because Varian has shunned any other form of help, and he promised Rapunzel that he would help Varian get better, despite having doubts he'll ever get better.
Eventually though, Xavier becomes something of a mentor to Varian, and even Xavier himself becomes fond of the boy. He's impressed with Varian's talents and smarts, but feels that the boy is too short-sighted, reckless and unwilling to admit his mistakes, and feels that Varian will never become the person he knows he can become unless he learns to take responsibility for his actions and stop blaming others for the consequences. Perhaps this may create some tension between the two characters, but it will hopefully be a small step into bringing Varian closer to redemption. I also think Xavier will share the legends of Lord Demantis and Zhan Tiri with Varian, despite Varian scoffing at them being merely legends.
I believe that Varian's goal to free his father and hopefully make him proud of him will either be the thing that redeems him or will lead to his ultimate downfall. I do believe that something will happen though to make Varian torn between taking the easy path of revenge and quick solutions to his problems, or between doing the right thing and helping Rapunzel defeat Zhan Tiri and fulfilling her destiny and perhaps his own.
I do believe that Cassandra will be part of tempting Varian for the path of revenge and working with Zhan Tiri to destroy Corona. Maybe Cassandra and maybe Zhan Tiri himself will make him believe that the evil warlock can be the answer to freeing Quirin. I could see Varian being tempted by the offer and perhaps even siding with Zhan Tiri and Cassandra temporarily in order to get revenge on Rapunzel and Corona, and freeing his father from the amber. I assume that his feelings for Cassandra will play a part in siding with her as well. Personally I reckon Zhan Tiri will and probably already is manipulating them both due their similar insecurities, feelings of anger, and unappreciated talents. 
I could see Varian having interactions Lord Demanitus, who I believe will also play the role as mentor for him. I imagine that they can relate to each other due their similar scientific minds and dark pasts. I reckon Varian's interactions with Demanitus and maybe even meeting the Brotherhood members, King Edmund and Adira, will help him learn of his father, Quirin's past history with them, and also learn more of the scroll and the Sundrop and Moonstone (perhaps a little from Xavier and more from Demanitus). Maybe he could even learn about the past from Quirin himself if he ever gets free of the amber. Learning the truth about his father's past and also his desire to make his father proud could be the driving force that gets him to side with Rapunzel and her allies, even if he possibly betrays Cassandra and ultimately Zhan Tiri.
I imagine his interactions with Rapunzel and her group will not be the warmest, because I imagine Varian will take awhile to re-gain their trust, and even let go of his grudge against Rapunzel. Still, with time and encouragement from Rapunzel, I reckon he'll win the trust of her, Eugene and the rest of the group, and will play his part to stop Zhan Tiri's evil scheme. I hope he'll also eventually free his father and make him proud.
I also wonder if he and Rapunzel's mutual care and admiration for Cassandra will be the thing that stops her from following this dark destiny she feels compelled is her's. With his own story of redemption and pain, and Rapunzel's loving care, I reckon they could possibly help Cassandra to turn from this dark path.
If they do a redemption story for Varian, I reckon doing it in a similar fashion to Zuko's from Avatar: The Last Airbender series would be good. I can already see similarities between the characters. I can also see a similar rage and drive in Cassandra to Zuko's. So this might also be a redemption example for her too.
Zuko's Redemption: the best story arc in ATLA by Final Rantasy
Interactions I'd like to see:
I personally would like to see Varian interacting with both Eugene and Lance in Season 3. I imagine Eugene would not trust Varian and would be suspicious and angry at him for trying to harm Rapunzel in the past. Over time though and with proof of Varian's trustworthiness, eventually Eugene becomes something of a big brother to Varian, and maybe King Edmund compares the two of them to himself and Quirin (unless the relationship between them was nothing more than a king and servant relationship. Though I believe they were friends too). I reckon Lance gets jealous of their new friendship, but I reckon over time both he and Varian start to bond as well. I doubt this will happen as neither Varian or Lance are present in Tangled: Ever After (unless they do the wedding in the finale and alter it slightly to make in sync with the show), but maybe as Eugene gets used to being a prince (which I am sure he will) he'll make Lance part of his royal guard, and possibly Varian too if earns his trust enough.
I'd wonder what Varian's interactions with Adira and King Edmund will be like? I reckon Varian and King Edmund might have combination of respect (because of their relationships with Quirin) and distrust (mostly from Edmund due knowing the harm that Varian has been to his son's girlfriend in the past). I wouldn't be surprised if threatened to harm Varian if he betrayed his son's trust again.
Maybe if Quirin ever gets free, I'd like some interactions between King Edmund and maybe even King Fredric could possibly be involved too. I too see them sharing their experiences as father's and showing their desires to make up for their mistakes. I'm sure all three have got a lot of making up to with their children (though so far Fredric is doing well). Maybe even the Captain of the Guard could be involved too.
I'd like to see Calliope from Keeper of the Spire again in the show. I wonder if she and Varian will get along, and maybe she'll possibly take him on as assistant, even temprorarily or at the end of the series.
I'm pretty confident Hubert/Andrew from Under Raps might make an appearance again as the Separatists of Saporia emblem made an appearance in Rapunzel Day One. I reckon he and Varian wouldn't get along with him due Hubert's past dating life with Cassandra (even if it was for his own vengeful motives). Maybe Hubert mocks Varian for his crush on Cassandra during Varian's time in jail, saying "Dating the Captain of the Guard's daughter leads to no good. Trust me, I know." or perhaps the now corrupt Cassandra takes him up to work with her as she does with Varian. Perhaps the two eagerly try their best to please her (despite her using both of them) and the two develop a rivalry with each other. Hubert possibly mocks Varian about not having a chance with Cassandra due him being currently being too young and because she hasn't totally forgiven him for trying to kill her (and also for harming her adoptive father if she still cares for him).
I personally would like see Vex and Varian meeting and interacting. I kind of see Vex as a younger version of Cassandra, with a bit of Mattie Ross from True Grit and maybe Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family films thrown in. I'd personally would like to see how the two of them interact with someone close to their own age (though Vex might be slightly older than Varian, or perhaps just taller). They might not get along at first due to Vex's stern and cynical attitude, and because she knows of Varian's betrayal of Rapunzel and her friends (I think she likes Rapunzel despite finding her too optimistic, though she'll probably never admit to it). If Varian proves himself though, he may eventually win Vex's trust (kind of like he did with Cassandra in Great Expotations). I could probably see them having a love-hate relationship of some sort, either a brotherly-sisterly one like Eugene and Cassandra once had, or perhaps maybe something more than that, such as puppy love and eventually true love (even if it's only hinted at and happens off-screen when they are older). I know not many people are keen on the latter idea, but I don't see it as impossible. As cute as Cassandra and Varian's interactions were in Great Expotations, I'm not sure if romance is possible at this stage, not until Cassandra forgives him and Varian becomes a young adult (which I doubt will happen during the shows run).
I definitely think Hector will make another appearance in the show. He may even side with Cassandra perhaps, unless his fanatical commitment to King Edmund stops him (though he has very questionable motives already). I have questions about Hector and his character. Did something happen for him to become this way?  Maybe if Varian meets him, the young boy possibly sees a bit of himself in the psychotic warrior due their similar sceptical and vengeful personalities. Maybe it's a warning to Varian about what he is becoming, and it's a push towards choosing the right path.
I hope you liked my theories and ideas. Feel free to comment on what you think, or even share your own opinions.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... And now, on to the gift that was Zi-O 23!
Spoilers below.
In no order:
The only valid Wozes are Woz.5 and Keisuke himself. Those are the only valid Wozes.
... So they’re seriously trying to tell me baby Sougo could write clearly in grammatically correct English of all things. I doubt he could even do that now. Someone show this to Sougo to check if he wrote it.
Also, the first time I watched this and that shot revealed Geiz was still living at the shop, I WAS ON CLOUD NINE. I KNEW WHAT IT MEANT.
Okay, so I’d need a proper translation to decide if the dialogue here is supposed to be implying Sougo’s using his new future sight powers to cheat on a test. Given that when he mucks it up (boy gets a fourteen), he studies instead of trying to do that, I would believe not, but I can’t get a clear enough online translation to tell.
And we all know he’s bad at math.
The fact that he’s not only bad at it, it apparently just straight up knocks him out is also bloody hilarious.
Kikaider’s suit is goofy, but I do like his Henshin.
Geiz calls him. Geiz freaking calls him to come fight the Another Rider. Like everything is normal. I’m so grateful to most of this episode for my life, honestly.
Then they’re confused about there not being a person. But Sougo is just like ‘I gotta go study!’
Time Jacket kids are getting uneasy. This is totally justified given that later in the episode we clearly establish that dad has lost the plot--actually, he probably lost it a long time ago.
Sougo, why does math put you to sleep so fast, you might want to check that out.
The funny whirring sound every time Kikaider moves...
He’s cute, though, I like his smile.
The fact that if I did not know already I don’t think I’d believe this is the same actor who played Zamigo is a testament to this guys skills, I think. He’s like... Sweet baby-face boy here. It’s kind of fascinating.
... Ice powers? Why does he have ice powers? Eh, whatever.
Geiz looks a little uncomfortable w/ this being another future Rider...
This is so adorable. Came here to assassinate him, now here you are caring about his test scores. Yeah. You’re not getting fond of him all.
That tiny wave Shiro Woz does does not fit the Drama Chord that happens in the soundtrack when he and Tsukuyomi show up. I mean it when I say the only good things about Shiro and Kuro Woz are Keisuke. The actor is adorable and I love him. Strongly dislike both characters, though.
Not you, Woz.5, you’re an angel and I’m thrilled you were here.
Oh, hey. I just noticed that Tsukuyomi put her ‘future dress’ back on.
Let us mark to day at the first day the online translator actually properly translated Woz’s name.
Meanwhile, Geiz is genuinely shocked that she’s w/ Shiro Woz. I guess he didn’t think she was actually serious about turning on Sougo.
She’s like ‘how can you stay w/ Sougo?’ Unfortunately, Shiro Woz doesn’t give him a chance to even try and answer. He probably would have panicked about feelings anyway. Though maybe he would have admitted to having them, who knows.
... What was w/ the dramatic sound effect and zoom in? I mean, I like Keisuke’s face well enough, but... Why?
I just realise Tsukuyomi is paired off w/ a Woz again. Like, when Another Shinobi was there, she ended up hanging out w/ Kuro Woz, and now she’s hanging out w/ Shiro Woz. I guess this explains why the actors were kind of like that too.
I know Tsukuyomi’s doing a dramatic speech bout having to kill Sougo, but I am distracted by the hilarious facial expressions Keisuke is making in this scene.
Sorry, Tsukuyomi, but Geiz doesn’t actually want to do that anymore. And honestly, whose fault is that?
I love his reaction. Like, he’s clearly having ‘feelings panic’ but he does not look happy at the concept and is genuinely confused by her sudden shift in opinion. Like he doesn’t say it, and honestly, it’d sound kinda whiny if he did, but that look just totally read ‘But I don’t want to!?’ to me.
And then he still goes back to the shop. And he and Sougo proceed to have one of their usual, totally whacky interactions.
Aka, Geiz has no chill and is unnecessarily aggressive about everything.
Also, Sougo is chugging something that looks like five hour energies and that cannot be healthy.
Though the extra aggression might also be compensating for uncertainty w/ everything else.
Like, he seems pretty shaken by Tsukuyomi’s switch. I’m not sure what that flashback was supposed to indicate, but it made him stand down from bullying Sougo... Like, being hyper aggressive (as usual, admittedly) reminded him of her saying they had to defeat Sougo, and he backed off bc he didn’t want to think about that/deal w/ the association? Probably over analysing and making no sense, aren’t I?
Aaaaand... He’s down.
Poor Geiz. He was trying to have a genuine, open conversation, and Sougo just conks out.
No! Baby-face boy!
Tsukuyomi runs up the stairs, but Shiro Woz can’t be bothered. His legs are too long.
Geiz is working out his frustrations and concerns by punching the Another Rider. A valid outlet.
Tsukuyomi, maybe don’t do this while he’s working.
Geiz is just like ‘whatever, as long as you’re attacking the Another Rider.’
Why are you saying Geiz’s name like that? He’s the one who’s been still at the shop all day, dude. 
Then Geiz just asks if Sougo learned anything from his dream. Literally there is nothing in this ending that makes me at all think Geiz was going w/ Tsukuyomi and Shiro Woz at the end. Kuro Woz can go off.
Okay, but what is that thing and WHERE DID IT COME FROM? I just assumed it was Sworz, but I guess it wasn’t? So... Who made this beetle thing? Why does it create Another Kikaider?
Sworz, the one person who never makes any effort to differentiate between he Wozes.
Sougo freaking tries to warn Heure. Yeah, Tsukuyomi, he’s obviously decided to become Puma Zi-O. Bc Puma Zi-O would totally try to save a Time Jacket.
God freaking damn it to hell! Sworz, I liked you!
Geiz is genuinely shocked at this. Like, there is literally nothing here indicating to me that he would actually follow Shiro Woz here, I’m not sure why they tried to imply that.
*continues grumbling bc I liked Sworz*
Of course, when I say ‘like’ I mean, like, in regards to liking evil characters. Not that I think he’s a good person and I want to be his friend.
After this I really don’t want to be his friend. The desire has gone into the negative.
Pretty sure Ora is going to be very slowly backing towards the door after seeing this. (also established by the next ep preview)
Something that also has occurred to me on this rewatch... What just happened here was Sworz forcing Heure to use/be used by/take what could be construed as a ‘power up’--which promptly causes him to lose control. ... Are they trying to foreshadow something here...? (I would actually love it if this were foreshadowing for what I want it to be foreshadowing for)
Oh, go off as well, Shiro Woz. Jerkface.
... I think that’s the first time he’s said that this ep.
Oh... I also just noticed Geiz looks at Tsukuyomi to see what she’s going to do...
I... Really don’t understand why they’re trying to claim Sougo’s on his own now? There was... Literally nothing to indicate that Geiz wanted to follow Shiro Woz or believed him at all? There was also nothing n this ending that seemed like it would prompt him to? So I’m just gonna say that until proven otherwise, he just decided to head back to the shop on his own to think. Maybe we can have a scene where Sougo gets back and is like ‘wait, you’re here?’ and Geiz is like ‘I’m sorry, you thought I was gonna follow that arsehole?’
Plus, like, the preview shows all three current Riders transforming together? Plus it’s talking about everyone working together. Even Ora’s getting in on the teaming together.
Which is quite sensible of her. I feel like there’s often times when a character in her position would be like ‘nah, I’m fine on my own’ or something, but Ora’s just like ‘yeah, nope. Not taking any chances.’
I know the ‘best friend’ title isn’t referring to my boys, but I can close my eyes pretend it is.
And the angst monster in my closet and I are both hoping that really was foreshadowing of what’s gonna happen w/ Geiz Revive in some way...
Also, I’m gonna make everyone look at this image again bc the visual cues in it are so important to me okay?
Like, yes, clearly Tsukuyomi’s still being ridiculous, but it’s set up like an ‘all sides meeting’ sort of scene and Geiz is standing next to Sougo:
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That’s all, folks! Digital sesame red bean paste buns for anyone who read all that.
I am so glad they had Geiz stay w/ Sougo. I know a lot of people were assuming he was of Tsukuyomi’s mind, bc... I don’t know. I guess he never outright disagreed w/ her. But he’s still treating Sougo the same? Ish? Actually, he even seemed friendlier at points? Like he’s worried about him studying and actually tried to have a serious conversation w/ him? And he seemed genuinely bothered by Tsukuyomi’s decision? And I love this? And bc I love angst, I’ll love it even more if that was foreshadowing and that’s what happens later w/ however the Revive power up works? So long as we all come out of it okay. I’m still hoping this ‘fated battle’ never actually happens, or, at least, happens differently than is actually being presented.
Okay, okay. I think everyone gets the point.
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permian-tropos · 6 years
might as well set down my full case for the extreme shippability of gallirae, for that twitter person’s sake (that’s my excuse but hey, I can vent by being positive about things I like)
step one would be to explain why I think they have canonical sexual tension and the point I like start with is the fact that Adea tells Sloane she wanted to “be with them both”. we already know she’s sleeping with Rax and honestly book 1 leaves plenty of room to imagine Adea has a thing for Sloane so why don’t we imagine Adea is bisexual as hell and has had a thing for the both of them, and wanted a sugar mommy and a sugar daddy simultaneously but if they couldn’t get along she’d pick one
Sloane is the one who doesn’t see it like that. but Adea admires Sloane for being ambitious and powerful and in a position to rule the Empire and create a new galactic order. this is the same case she makes for Rax, and she seems frustrated that Sloane can’t see how well they’d go together.
given that Adea and Rax’s only scene together has them talking about whether Sloane will join them and Rax is the one who’s confident about it (and Adea is the hesitant one) I feel free to imagine that an initial condition of their relationship was “we’re going to be a hot problematic threesome with Sloane”. and if Adea can ship them together why can’t I?
but moving on. why do I imagine Rax being into Sloane? well besides the fact that he keeps her around and stokes her ambitions even as he knows she wants him dead, the fact that he flatters her and makes himself her advisor even though he outranked her in book 1, and talks about how much he wants her to be a part of his galaxy-ruling business.
there’s also the fact that he gives her a mixtape of his most emotionally resonant piece of music, the opera that he associates with escaping a life of poverty and misery. it’s not an act of manipulation, because there’s no clear intended effect, it’s just a way for him to share a piece of himself in a rather awkward and indirect way. he makes choices on Jakku over and over that avoid killing Sloane in the moment, and his final moments aren’t anger at her for defeating him but regret over his own failures. he might assume the planet will explode or that she’ll be taken prisoner by the New Republic and he could let that be revenge but he wants Sloane to live and rule his Empire. he considers her a “fellow outcast” likely from their backgrounds being lower class which Sloane responds to and doesn’t dispute.
why would Sloane be into Rax? well there’s the fact that she considers herself “seduced” by him and asks herself if she’s “falling for his strange way” after he gives her a flirty smirk during the Shadow Council meeting even though in that moment she’s furious at him. “she hates him, but she admires him too”. a lot of the metaphorical language her POV scenes use to describe her fear, hatred, or apprehension of Rax also have a suggestive element to them, whether he’s a sea before a storm or a snake in her bed or a predator who wants to pick out and eat the juiciest bits of her flesh and at that point I have to blush just retelling what’s written in the book! the scene where she listens to the music brings back the ocean metaphor but has it be a “gentle wave that calls her out to sea” (bear in mind she’s in bed while she’s listening to it) and “its ethereal beauty haunts her”. since the ocean has been used to describe Rax and the opera itself represents him, it feels like a metaphor for a sexual encounter — or Sloane’s desire for one.
I think it’s extremely easy to read canon where Sloane is attracted to Rax and finds him intimidating and overwhelming for that reason, and she is especially disgusted and angry and put off by him any time he does something that seems to Zone her as a platonic political ally or a pawn in his game. she takes a lot of his betrayals extremely personally, in ways she doesn’t with characters like Vidian or even Adea. she is basically cyberstalking Rax throughout book 2 and real stalking him throughout book 3 and she has perfectly good political reasons for it but the intense emotions attached could be both dread of his creepiness and deep Frustration. she has several moments where she mentions having no children or husband or wife and you could imagine her career with the evil Empire as the war went on has been very unhealthy and draining and isolating. she’s a bit deprived and starting to get depressed about it, though she weathered it for a long time. loneliness takes its toll on everyone eventually.
so you could read Rax and Sloane as both being hampered in their capacity for healthy romance by their ambitions and flaws and emotional hangups and general evilness. Rax is avoidant and vague and nihilistic about his desire for Sloane, and Sloane is aggressive and bitter and fearful about her desire for Rax.
so obviously the idea of them overcoming these roadblocks and succumbing to their desires is Hot As Fuck
and I consider them to be extremely hot when they’re in conjunction with each other because they’re obviously terrible people but they complement each other’s terribleness. they have two different strains of fascist brain worms and their collusion and subsequent falling out is to me a great place to pick apart the toxicity of both their ideologies. their ability to destroy each other’s faith in their own megalomaniac space nazi delusions is HOT because tearing down fascist delusions is good and narratively cathartic.
the fact that they’re locked in mortal combat is kind of necessary to this. they’re not going to reject a whole ideology if there isn’t an extreme pressure to do so. this is why I enjoy their moments together in canon. particularly with Sloane’s hatred — everything Rax does calls her faith in the Empire into question and it might not be his intention and the struggles might not be romanticizable but their canon doesn’t have to end up in a romantic or pleasant situation for it to set up fascinating conflicts.
they’re also aesthetically hot. Rax is described as pale and dark haired and black-eyed and he smirks a lot and says corny pretentious crap and wears sumptuous red robes and listens to opera and has a shipboard garden. he also has a tragic backstory as a cult-raised orphan on a desert world, conscripted and groomed for his position as the Contingency by Darth Emperor Sheev himself! so he’s a sad traumatized fuckboy too, teeming with suppressed self-loathing and coping mechanisms. he deserved to get murdered and I appreciate that he does but I still find him a glorious and perhaps personally relatable disaster. his deep fixation on and love of stories should technically be relatable to everyone on here but for me it seems to resonate especially strongly.
Sloane is the one with an official character design and she is Very Hot with her dark complexion and broad shoulders and handsome features only slightly touched by age. her hair is a bit long for an Imperial (not too many women overall) and she canonically is pleased with it and rightly so, it’s gorgeous, and the white streak is oddly cute. and she’s also got this stern commanding air but you can imagine her being suppressed about various desires just like Rax is and so obviously it’s great to imagine those desires breaking through. she is kind of a jock nerd, a former boxer who also loves research and libraries and math. her determination and badassery is as aesthetically enjoyable as her moments of fatigue and despair and folly. she’s a complicated person, with plenty of moments of badness and a fair amount of potential for goodness. and she has many moments from POV sections where you could extrapolate into a quirk or peculiar trait, instead of considering the quirkiness artistic license (ie. the ghost retinue, her being overly familiar with or possessive of people in her thoughts). she’s snarky and casually self-centered and staunch in her ideologies but also constantly suppressing empathy or unease.
I like the fact that Rax is a rather flamboyant and effeminate man and Sloane is a pragmatic and masculine woman. I know it’s bad to villify gender noncomformity but frankly I just am super weak for that het dynamic, it works well with my own gender feelings, sue me
the ship comes packaged with so many aesthetics and features; a cursed sort of wasteland with Jakku, the Opera, failed attempts at galactic conquest, a viable side OT3 with Adea, Palpatine’s bullshit hanging over both of them, plenty of action and intrigue, options for canon divergences where they rule side by side, or divergences where they are forced to expel their fascist brain worms and start on a road of ideological and emotional recovery.
they are given a ton of parallels in canon, with their backstories trying to stow away on ships to escape their homeworlds as children, their weird fixation on predators and prey, to their desires for revenge or glory, their willingness to dispose of their allies, often using the same language culminating in them finishing each other’s sentences, improvising bluffs and distractions tailored to the other’s personality on the fly.
and their relationship, such as it is, ends with extreme violence and cruelty and suffering. given their high levels of participation in the big bad autocratic space regime it’s no less than either of them deserved. neither of them work through their deep and extreme issues. yet it feels like there’s room for both to change, since Rae questions her faith in the Empire and Gallius questions Palpatine’s narrative of destiny.
so if I imagine them together but unable to throw down with murder duels (because they decide to care about each other) they might be forced to completely change, and that’s a really compelling dynamic arc
and there you have it. that’s not even everything. but it’s a lot of it and it’s way way more than is ever necessary to justify a ship.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Quick, while the ibuprofen kicks in!...
... Zi-O 20 raw!
In no order:
Are the Wozes gonna be switching off for the recaps now?
Okay. Why has my computer managed to learn Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and Sougo’s names but not the word ‘the.’ So every time I mistype it as ‘teh’ I have to go back and fix it?
I’ve already watched this once, Kuro Woz, I know you’re lying to me. Or maybe it’s just your wishful thinking.
Sougo needs to learn that Geiz’s main method of tacit communication is punching things.
Geiz’s eternal war against having feelings. The boy is losing.
Honestly, though, he’s probably also got some pent up aggression right now, and Hiromu was being so obnoxious I’m not surprised someone as intense as Geiz would want to punch him at some point.
Sougo has come to the conclusion that if he just yells Kuro Woz will show up. And honestly, Kuro Woz has yet to prove him wrong, so...
Shiro Woz is conveniently in suit during this whole opening so that Keisuke doesn’t have to change costumes too quickly.
JK I know scenes are often filmed out of order to make things like this easier.
Congrats, Kuro Woz, you’ve been promoted from Another Rider detector to teleportation service!
Were Ora’s fingernails painted before?
God, I hate Shiro Woz’s laugh.
But on the bright side (literally) my precious tsundere child is so pretty and I love him! He looks so sad here I wanna give him a hug... ^^
While I listen to the theme. Fun fact is that the image translator I use for the mandarin/Japanese subs (there’s both on the versions I watch) periodically translates random words into things like ‘kiss’ and ‘hold’ and other romantic-esque stuff. It literally at one point translated one of Geiz’s lines to Sougo as ‘I want to kiss you’ it was hilarious. The fact that it just does it completely randomly sometimes.
Anyway, Hiromu’s a good actor. Like... His movements are all really fluid and he comes across and really confident? I dunno. I like it.
Geiz is moping around outside, and Tsukuyomi literally just made a ‘really?’ face at him. XD
He’s too embarrassed to come inside, bc that might make him have feelings, so he’s hiding outside pretending he’s angry.
You know Geiz trusts you when he’s willing to at least sort of admit to having feelings around you. This is super cute, actually. I wanna more about the history w/ these two as well... Also him worrying about what Sougo is gonna do is so cute. You do care.
Geiz and Tsukuyomi on their own is really interesting, though. He's much less guarded around her, and she obviously knows him very well.
Also this ep was literally Geiz playing Shiro Woz and I love it.
Ya know, I was kind of hoping we’d get some info on Tsukuyomi’s past with this... After all, she’s the other member of the cast we can almost certainly confirm has dad-angst. Admittedly, that’s probably more related to dad getting dusted by Puma Zi-O after pushing her to safety, but...
Come to think of it... Why hasn’t that ever been brought up? Like ‘yes, Sougo, I know you want to be a good overlord and all, but in the future you literally killed my father, can we discuss this?’
Geiz is looking sadly at children playing w/ their parents and I want an explanation.
Apparently he’s here to see Shiro Woz. ... Why is Shiro Woz hanging out at a playground, that’s creepy.
Though the translation was apparently ‘contact.’ But then... How did he contact him?
Geiz just looks so very tired right now. That would definitely be my response to this bastard.
What the hell does Oct-Sox mean? What the hell is Sox?
They’re all so cute though, it’s unfair.
Oh, wow. He goes right at Sougo. That was super obvious.
Geiz is like ‘oh my god, just go already, I only have so much pent up aggression I can throw at this oaf, he’s too cute and I’m kinda fond of him at this point.’
That’s something I kinda wanna write at some point. Like, the fact that Sougo is just so tiny and adorable that he’s like a puppy that makes people instinctively feel the need to protect him or something. And Geiz is just like ‘no what the fuck.’ That was a bad explanation, hopefully it got across.
I’m getting the implication that the Ride Watches have turned into ‘whoever grabs it first from the holder’ and that is bloody hilarious to me.
Okay, so he deHenshins him, but... Sougo isn’t actually that injured. He’s fine, he gets back up and fights later. Geiz actually did him better than Sougo did him during the OOOs thing.
Sougo is picking on Woz again. Woz is literally like ‘you do this every time’ and Sougo looks so proud of himself. This is so funny.
Woz is trying to tell Sougo what to do, and Sougo is like ‘nope.’ And Tsukuyomi’s like ‘please do kill anyone.’
Like I said, this whole ep is Geiz playing Shiro Woz and I support this endeavour.
I love how Tsukuyomi clearly knew very well that Geiz was way softer than he was trying to act, bc she’s straight up giggling at Sougo asking her the same thing. Like, I’m sure she is worried about how this well turn out, but she knows both her boys are going at it w/ good intentions.
Also the fact that they both turned to Tsukuyomi. She’s their glue and they know it. It’s like that line from Harry Potter ‘We won’t make it ten steps without her!’
Aw, Sougo’s so happy to know that Geiz was worrying about it, too. XD
I think she’s noting that originally, Geiz wouldn’t have cared what Sougo would do. And that’s true and it’s cute and I love it.
Sougo just figured it out.
I love how Geiz pauses in front of the door, for some reason.
He literally uses Shiro Woz to get around Ora’s time freeze. I don’t know if he thought that far ahead in the moment from the beginning of the ep, or if that was what he was asking Shiro Woz about before, but that’s freaking brilliant.
Also, it’s totally the feathers. Is there a time bird?
The fact that Shiro Woz is hiding by the air conditioner units writing in his Nook is bloody hilarious to me.
The wild Hiromu is confused.
Geiz is like ‘hell no, I just attacked you guys before so that the asshole in the beret would believe me enough to negate Ora’s timestop’
Shiro Woz here, to ruin everything. Shut up dude, Geiz isn’t sure he wants to do it that way anymore.
Also, side note, the image translator did it as ‘Your mission is to defeat the ostrich.’ And now. I can’t.
It’s interesting how, even though they both wave their arms around, the Wozes are different. Kuro Woz is very stationary w/ his arm waving, while Shiro Woz’s body often follows his arms and does weird noodle motions.
Sougo showing up to back Geiz up. *clutches at my chest and cries bc cuties*
Geiz is mortified at having been caught having and acting on feelings, especially by Sougo.
Okay, so these room shots are nice and dramatic, and everyone looks quite well, but... Where the devil are they? What is this place? I know I joked about air conditioners but that was a joke I don’t actually see any.
He’ so embarrassed, oh my god. I love my tsundere baby so much.
Hiromu’s like ‘holy shit, dude.’
Still would like to point out that Geiz clearly went way easier on Sougo during the ‘fake fight’ thing than Sougo went on him during was was allegedly a fake fight. Though, I will absolutely grant that those had slightly different circumstances. But still.
The only valid things about Shiro Woz is his suit, his henshin (which I still unfortunately love) and the fact that Keisuke seems to be having a great time playing him. That’s it.
I feel like it should be meaningful that Sougo’s breaking out the Double Armour for this. Ya know, the show about partners and their unbreakable trust in each other. Or maybe I’m reading too much into everything. Probably the second one.
I think they changed the effects of Hiromu’s Rider Kick?
A for effort Sougo. But we can’t be beating the tertiary Rider just yet.
‘Who are you?’ ‘I am... Red Buster! No! Wait! Shit! Wrong show again!’
Okay, so he’s just like ‘it’s your mother,’ but... How does he know who his mother is? Has he already met her? How old is Hiromu? My first guess is in his twenties, but hat doesn’t confirm anything. I’m assuming this will be made clear once this is subbed, and the main issue is my not knowing any Japanese and the clunkiness of online translators.
Hiromu thanks Geiz and Geiz’s response it to immediately look away awkwardly. I love him.
Shiro Woz just straight up backhanded Geiz and that is extremely rude. Also let go of Hiromu you meanie.
Shiro Woz has already cottoned on to the fact that Geiz is too good to do what he wants. This is bad.
Geiz why would you take something this guy hands you? Though it’s also freaking adorable how his first reaction is to try and hand it back to Hiromu.
Also, Shiro Woz looking minority offended at Geiz’s first response being trying to give it back.
Also all three of them are still wearing their Drivers and this is somehow hilarious to me.
 Aw, Hiromu smile! So sweet! Your hat is still dumb, though, sorry. XD
I am not comfortable w/ the weird electric Watch shock or Shiro Woz at all. I strongly suspect that he’s gonna try and force Geiz to do what he wants at some point.
Doesn’t Geiz Revive have two forms? That looked like only one of them... Maybe him getting the other alters time again? Hmm... Be really cute is he got mind controlled into using one form and then achieves the other by breaking out of it?
Well, Sougo’s clearly at least slightly worried. I’d be freaking out. But I guess at this point this kid might have hit his ‘weird’ quota.
Okay, I think he’s saying something about ‘You have to defeat the Overlord, so you can’t have feelings for/about/care about him’ something like that. Too late loser. Though I can see Geiz trying (and failing) to distance himself just in case, not bc he wants to, but bc he’s scared of actually being hurt if he does have to do it. Did that make any sense?
Hiromu is literally like ‘holy hell, are you okay?’ but also like ‘I... don’t know what I can do if you’re not and now I really don’t wanna cross this guy... Don’t have much choice...’ Like, him looking back in concern was really sweet.
My melodramatic, friendship etc. obsessed side is like ‘Nooooo! Sougo, why didn’t you go after him!’ but my logical half is like ‘oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe the unconscious man on the ground, probably in need of a hospital?’
Tsukuyomi’s outfit was cute again this ep, and I wish I could’ve seen more of it.
Still really hoping Sougo at least tried to look for Geiz. Like, he’s very valid in being super down at the end there after that weird shit, but I really wanna know he at least tried. Like he probably did have to get home, but he must’ve had time to at least try to look...
Apparently, nobody questions why it looks like Kuro Woz just came from upstairs.
Any conversation about what just happened is prevented by Junichiro’s appearance! Man, of all the times, Oji-san.
Also Kuro Woz just ‘ya’d again. That was it. That was all he said.
Kuro Woz just whips out the Zi-O power up and hands it to Junichiro. Like... Why? What is going on here? Sure, Junichiro is acting like he doesn’t recognise it, and maybe he doesn’t. But maybe he also is the one who originally made the Ride Watches, in the past or the future?
Also, Kuro Woz, did you have that the whole damn time?
Maybe Another Ryuuga is the mirror world version of Shinji? And that was why he was creepy smiling? Bc that smile was creepy!
Sougo has to fight his mirror self, it seems. Also, looks like the boys are back together. So either they found Geiz, or he got home on his own. Hoping there’s a ‘we were so worried about you’ scene. I’m also hoping that one day, Sougo, like, hugs Geiz, and Geiz freaks out and is like ‘is this an attack? Am I being attacked?’ and Tsukuyomi’s just like ‘no you nincompoop it’s a hug I know you’ve been hugged before you big baby.’ What? I have absolutely not imagined something like this/already put it into a scene. Sort of. Too bad that at this rate, no one will ever see it.
Also, does mirror Sougo mean Geiz is going to finally have a go at ‘Guess Which is Which?’ Bc I would love there being a time where that happens and he nails it, and then tries to pretend his knowledge of Sougo/ability to tell the difference was not sentimental at all.
Oh, my god. Like that episode of Gekiranger, where Retsu got switched w/ a mirror monster and only Gou noticed? Like, Sougo gets replaced by something, but Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and even Junichiro notice? It would be so cute!
I used the word cute a lot in this post, didn’t I...
Alright, well, that’s all for now. Virtual shortbread for anyone who read my nonsensical ramblings all the way down here.
The tea and the shirts remain on standby if necessary.
Which is not gonna make sense to anyone who didn’t see that one dumb post I made ages ago. XD
Oh, right. And my fave image translator moment from this ep:
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I can totally imagine Shiro Woz saying this.
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elf-kid2 · 7 years
The Trolls need music the way they need water and light and air. Branch went for over a decade without singing; throughout that time, he lacked color. Almost as soon as he started singing, Branch regained his true colors.
When the trolls were trapped in that Bergen cooking-pot, they knew despair. They felt sad, scared, terrified, utterly helpless, and quite possibly guilty for the situation (should have listened to Branch; should have stayed in the Bunker; should have had more bunkers; should have settled further from Bergentown; shouldn’t have partied so hard/loud/crazy; should have...). They faced the cold certainty that they were going to be eaten by the Bergens. They lost their true colors.
Later, the trolls realize that Branch had been feeling that despair, that certainty of immenant death, for years. Throughout all the grouchiness, the interrupted weddings, birthday parties, funerals, slumber-parties, and holidays... THAT was what he was feeling.
When Poppy told the children their Clan History, about how they had been trapped in their home-tree and ritually eaten by the Bergens, about their escape and the founding of their current village, she ended with “...and that’s why we have Hug Time every hour!” The trolls are naturally inclined toward community and physical gestures of affection, but the hourly hugging is apparently a relatively new this in their culture. The trauma of living under the Bergens, of living in fear of being eaten, of watching their friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, and children be eaten... it’s so huge that they agreed, as a community, to hug at frequent intervals. Just as a reminder that they’re not alone. Just as a reminder that they’re safe now. That they’re together now. The children say they wish Hug Time was every half-hour: even those who have never lived in the Bergen’s cage feel a portion of that trauma.
I suspect that Trolls age much more quickly than Bergens. In twenty years, Poppy goes from infanthood to adulthood. In that same timeframe, Gristle goes from 3-5ish-looking child to Middle School/early High School-looking adolescent. Certainly he and Bridgette don’t seem to be at the same developmental stage as any of the other adult Bergens we saw.
I think the trolls might’ve found the invitation-stash while they were in the Bunker. If they did, I wonder if they realized that the stash belonged to Branch, or if they thought someone else from the village had brought them in during the evacuation. (The invitations may have been kept in the upper part of the Bunker, where I assume Branch kept his non-emergency living space; I’d have to re-watch the movie to be sure.)
Creek was passive-aggressive and condescending from the start. He was also pretentious, smug, and exactly the sort of... Have You Tried Yoga? Meditation is GREAT For Stress! Vegetarianism Is The Morally Superior And TOTALLY Affordable Option! Try Yoga!... type person that those of us with depression/anxiety/physical handicaps/poverty/etc. have all learned to strongly dislike. All this too say, they did a good job setting up his betrayal.
Branch and Poppy are good for each other. They are also really cute together.
I am certain that before he left to help Poppy, Branch had a serious conversation with King Peppy. I think that he told King Peppy about the security-measures, recommended ration-plans that could let them stay in the Bunker for weeks-- maybe up to a month-- without needing to come out for food. I think he emphasized the importance of staying quiet, so as not to give away their location. I think that King Peppy listened to him, and the other trolls listened to King Peppy, because when they heard the cowbell, they all seemed extremely quiet and sober, not having a basement-party like they were when they first arrived.
Sometimes I wonder about the children, the free-born kids who grew up hearing about the dreaded Bergens, who grew up hearing dire warning from That One Guy who often crashed parties to warn of the monsters’ approach. I wonder how the Bergens’ discovery of their village affected them.
Did Bridgette ever eat a troll? How did she feel about that, after she realized that they were kind, sapient beings who were willing to give her a Cinderella-Style fairytale date, complete with kind words and good pep-talk?
How long might it take for the trolls to learn to trust the Bergens? How many of the danced and sang and hugged in the Troll Tree... but also counted their children carefully every night, panicked if they couldn’t find one of their friends, dug extra escape-tunnels secretly, asked Branch (their King) to help them build emergency bunkers ways away of Bergentown and Troll Tree... just in case?
What of the Bergens? How would they feel about never having Trollstice ever again? What of them that missed the taste of trolls, even after it was discovered that talking to and dancing with them brought just as much happiness as eating them did (if not more)? What of the Bergens who couldn’t help being tempted, even when they knew the Trolls to be people?
I believe that the green-haired troll who had her birthday party, wedding, and husband’s funeral interrupted by Branch may someday come to forgive him. At the very least, I think that after the events of the movie, she might come to understand.
Just. I’ve been thinking about this a lot.
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oumakokichi · 8 years
Hello!! Sorry if you've already talked about this before, but do you have any thoughts on Tenko? o/ I love your blog!
I don’t think I’ve ever actually answered a question justabout Tenko herself! Thank you so much for asking, anon!
As with fanart, it’s hard to find content of Tenko just onher own. I love, absolutely love herwith Himiko as a ship, and I find her interactions with some of the othercharacters very fun or sweet, but I really wish there were more appreciation forher on her own. It’s true that she perhaps doesn’t get the most time to standalone even within canon, but still. I love Tenko, and I feel like withcharacters who make similar sacrifices like Kaede and Momota, it’s important toremember Tenko as being really great all around and appreciating her as acharacter in her own right.
Tenko is a character I know a lot of people were wary aboutprior to the game’s release, although without much to go on. Her design wascute but there wasn’t much that really stood out or indicated her talent, andher lines from the first few trailers and her likes/dislikes released with thedemo just indicated that she really didn’t like men.
What I was primarily concerned with prior to the game’slaunch was that she might get relegated to some kind of joke character—not inthe same way that I was worried about Ryouma getting treated as a jokecharacter because of his design, but mostly because I thought that if theytouched on her dislike of men at all, it would be in a way to try and make theplayers hate her, view her as an “unreasonable” or “stuck-up” character, andmostly all-around try to treat her as some kind of joke character who wouldneed to be “put in her place” or “taught” to open up to men after all.Thankfully, this is not what happened at all, and I’m so, so glad every day.
Tenko is one of the fairest, easiest-to-get-along-withmembers of the group. She treats pretty much everyone respectfully, and she’s ateam player through and through; her personal boundaries extend to not wantingmen to compliment her or touch her at all, and these things are regarded aspretty understandable by the rest of the cast. Even when her reactions to “DANshi”result in hilarious expressions and perhaps a few exaggerated outbursts playedfor comedic effect, she’s clearly well-liked by Kaede, by Saihara, and by prettymuch the whole group at large.
Even her honorifics reflect her sense of fair play. Unlikemany of the cast, who use “-kun” for boys and “-san” for girls as a staple,Tenko is one of the only ones besides perhaps Kirumi who uses “-san” for both.If she truly were trying to be mean or aggressive to boys only, then she’d useno honorifics at all, or some sort of rude and insulting nickname for each ofthem individually (the way Miu uses rude nicknames for the entire group at large,not just boys).
I’m glad for this, because it’s clear that by making Tenkowell-liked and a staple of moral and emotional support for the group, she wasn’tmeant to be a joke character of any sort. She’s highly encouraging to anyone atall who’s been upset or traumatized. While there’s no denying she’s much morecomfortable around the girls in the group, and that she particularly reallylooks up to and wants to be around Himiko, with less-aggressive orless-irritating boys in the group like Saihara, or Gonta, or Kiibo, she’s quitepolite, and very supportive to them.
And at the same time, while Tenko is undeniably a goodperson, I liked that she still had flaws of her own. Not huge, glaring flaws oranything, but just normal flaws that any ordinary person struggling to do theirbest might have. I still feel like ndrv3 did such a good job, better than anyDR installment in the past, with making the whole cast of characters feelparticularly more balanced and less one-sided. The characters who die early onin dr1 and sdr2 are certainly likable, but in my opinion, it was always alittle hard to get a feel for them. If you asked me to explain what flaws someof them had besides “being a little clumsy” or “too loud” prior to readingtheir FTEs or school mode, I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell you.
But with Tenko, a huge part of her character arc, and ofHimiko’s, was the fact that Tenko’s protective streak was also precisely whatwas pushing Himiko away. Since very early on, Tenko was thrilled with the prospectof Himiko’s talent, and clearly foundher very cute and funny to be around. Himiko was someone who inspired such aprotective urge in her that she wanted to be around her more and more, and sheclearly wanted to inspire her to get out and have fun and maybe be a littlemore open with her emotions.
But she came on so strongly that there’s no denying Himikowas a little uncomfortable at first. Someone as introverted as Himiko onlyfound Tenko’s attempts to draw her out of her shell tiring—and more thananything, Tenko’s insistence that she could protect her from anything andeverything, and her attempts to make sure Himiko was never in danger or doinganything too risky or outside her comfort zone kind of miffed her, becauseHimiko has a definite urge to prove herself and show off a bit preciselybecause of how small and seemingly helpless she is.
This kind of overprotective, somewhat coddling behavior is areally believable, understandable flaw, and something I think we’ve all been guiltyof at some point or other. I feel like there’s plenty of times for most peoplewhere we maybe assume too much about someone else’s abilities or don’t quitethink before trying to do something for them. And even if we don’t have any badintentions, it still hurts the other person, and I like that this kind ofbehavior was something that was addressed with Tenko.
And her good intentions were also addressed, and it wasclear that despite the fact that she sometimes came on a little too strongly orwas perhaps too smothering in her attempts to protect Himiko at first, shereally, genuinely cared, and she wanted to be Himiko’s friend in the truestsense of the word (and also her girlfriend). Tenko realized in the Chapter 2trial what a lot of characters in ndrv3 took much longer to realize: thatdoubting someone is perhaps sometimes necessary, but that trust is all aboutcoming to a conscious decision to believe in someone even after doubting them.
Tenko was killed off too early for my liking, and just aswith Kaede, I would have loved to see her take a more central role in the plotor receive more development, but I am at least glad that she was such a lastinginfluence and presence on Himiko. Tenko’s sincerity and affection for Himikowere so obvious to the entire group at large, many of them specifically commenton her feelings for Himiko even after she’s gone, and Himiko herself carriesTenko with her in her heart and keeps going for her sake specifically eventhrough the worst scenarios.
In addition to all these really fantastic reasons to likeTenko too, the cherry on top for me was realizing that the dislike of men and notwanting them complimenting or touching her was thankfully really not played assome comic relief thing. I’ve yet to read translations of any of Tenko’s FTEs,but I know that even in the Chapter 2 trial, Tenko specifically has a lineinvolving the fact that her father was drunk, and that he yelled a lot, which strikesme as a strong implication that hewas probably verbally abusive at the very least.
Given Tenko’s interest in neo-aikido and its measures ofself-defense, I was really glad to see a female character with this kind ofabuse implied her past whose aversion to men wasn’t treated as somethingneeding to be “fixed” or “gotten over,” and that everyone pretty muchunderstood that she’d be polite and nice as long as her boundaries wererespected.
Tenko is great, and I adore her, and as with most of thecast, I really, really wish she’d lived to the end. Couples rarely ever getoutright confirmation in the DR franchise, let alone happy endings, but I’dhave loved to have seen some AU with himitenko both making it until the end andbeing if not entirely happy then at least somewhat comforted by having eachother around.
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
That you are!
“Ma'am, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but whatever it is- either Furuta or the toxic side of the YoI fandom started it!”
I used to be firmly for Trans!Mutsuki but now I’m not so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed and kinda sad at how this particular issues is tearing the fandom apart…keeping away from major spoilers, when Saiko was trying to ask Mutsuki about something important a few chapters back Mutsuki was like “So….yeah. You figured out that I’m actually a girl.” and then abruptly left. That was mostly where the doubt started: Mutsuki refered to themself as a ‘girl’. Did this stem from insecurity about revealing themself as trans or was it because Mutsuki actually sees themself as female?
And then later on, “I’m almost embarrassingly female.” Does this mean that they find their female body a burden/embarrassing, or that they can’t help but acknowledge that yes, they do identify as female in the end? Doesn’t help that their expression during this scene is very difficult to read (the scene itself is quite disturbing in nature as well).
Then people started connecting the dots. During the auction arc Mutsuki once said to themself ‘It’s not that I think like a man’ and was disgusted when they felt men’s gazes following them. Add this to "I want to ‘live’ as a man" instead of “I 'am’ a man” and the fact that they were probably molested by their father as a child and the theory that maybe they’re just pretending to be male because even as they fear men, they believe being male to be a symbol of power, one that will keep them safe, becomes quite a bit more plausible.
Even more confusing since most of Mutsuki 'I am female’ moments seem to come during mental breakdowns so the fandom is up in arms about that too. Does the mental breakdown mean that they’re not in their right mind and just rambling, or does it make them speak the truth and stop hiding (like Kaneki’s memory breakdown during the Tsukiyama arc; it was then he finally stopped warping/denying his own memories about his mother)?
I personally believe that Mutsuki might turn out to be female after all (especially since this is a Japanese manga; Japan might be more accepting of the LGBTQ community than other East-Asian countries but from what I’ve learned it’s still got quite a bit of prejudice and stereotyping going on and LGBTQ individuals are viewed differently from how they are in the West. It would also tie in with Ishida’s overall writing style) but I don’t bash those who believe them to be trans because I really, really wanted them to be trans too…
I just wish the fandom would stop being so aggressive about this ;-;
(That parody tho)
True, true, Jean would make a good Angelica ^^ as for Dear Theodosia, don’t most of Burr’s songs fit really well with Jean? I think it’s proof that the Jean-Burr casting was meant to be.
OH YEAH I totally forgot about that. Hide-Peggy makes much more sense now XD they should form an 'awesome forgotten characters’ club!
Speaking of Hinami though, SPOILER but apparently she’s going to meet Akira soon.
Yeah, the only realy Hamilton AU we could achieve with TG is one where characters are forced into roles that don’t necessarily fit their personalities and therefore changes the outcome of the story (which could actually be a good thing; for example, if we cast Amon as Hamilton Say No To This would never happen).
But wait (lol). Doesn’t Urie actually fit much better with Burr?
In that case, it doesn’t matter who we cast. Urie-Burr would probably make the exact same mistakes as Musical!Burr did (if we’re talking about pre-character development Urie).
Well, to make up for Hide’s second death (who am I kidding nothing could make up for that) you now have the mental image of Tsukiyama rapping Guns and Ships at Yoshimura-Washington (or Shinohara-Washington).
And Koma like
(I could probably have made it rhyme/fit in with the actual lyrics if I wanted to but unfortunately I’m too lazy OTL maybe some other time
Also fun fact if you didn’t get to that point in the manga: Kaneki does have his own 'ghouls of liberty’ now)
As for Furuta, I think he’s probably going to get a tragic backstory too- everyone in TG gets the angst treatment. Ishida’s probably going to expand on his daddy issues. Also, there’s that one birthday poem Ishida wrote for him that strongly implies he’s suicidal/places little value on his own life, plus the fact that we can already assume he had a terrible childhood.
I’ve never heard of that anime but now you make me want to watch it…is it really worth a watch despite the 'wth’ elements? (Your Lie in April was the only exception I made for romance animes, but I’m willing to give anything a try as long as it’s got decent character development, is respectful with whatever themes it chooses to handle and doesn’t have too much fanservice (because frankly I find anime fanservice more cringey than anything…I always feel so embarrassed for everyone involved when it happens XD)).
And oh, thanks for letting me know! :D I hope it wasn’t too weird of a request ^^;;
Thank you so much for the ‘ripped s/o’ request! :D I really liked it!
Like, maybe it’s just me but I think Viktor (once he got used to it) and/or Chris might actually think it was hot. Dunno, just, in VIktuuri I can see Viktor being the sub (plus it’s kinda obvious that he’s really, really into Eros!Yuuri) so I think he’d find the idea of his s/o being a powerhouse appealing…especially since they don’t look it outwardly (what with being so smol and cute). He’d probably be determined to 'unleash the beast’ lol
(or maybe it’s just my personal bias because while I don’t have much of a preference when it comes to figure I still think muscular women look great)
Yuuri would probably be very much in awe once he recovered from the shock.
As for JJ, I think once he stopped flailing around his reaction would be a mix of betrayal and slight jealousy- “Wait, so all those times I was totally not struggling to carry you bridal style, you could have told me there was a reason you’re so heavy! And also, did you just let me treat you like a fragile doll when you were actually (not) stronger than me all along? WERE YOU JUST STROKING MY EGO BABE NO
Also let’s go to the gym together as soon as possible because I cannot wait to kick your ass
Nobody is allowed to be stronger than the King JJ
Not even his girlfriend”
Then s/o picks him up, throws him over her shoulder and takes him to his bedroom like 'boi, you need to calm down’
“Nimura Furuta died this morning (if only). I need a favour.”
That seems so complicated >_< I think I’m gonna stick to trans!Mutsuki (referring with he/him), simply because I haven’t reached that part in the manga and am still in the ‘Mu is male’ mode. Yeee, I don’t wanna go into that part of the fandom, I get enough shit from the yoi fandom already. Gaah, it really is complicated. I mean, I’m open to any Mu and don’t quite care if he decides to be male/female or genderfluid or whatever. I just want everyone to be happy ;-; And that’ll never happen because we’re talking about TG here. No one can be happy. It’s simple impossible.
The only thing we need now is a Hamilton for Jean... Ye, I don’t quite think we’ll be getting one. Except for Eren, but that LEAVES ALL THE PROBLEMS WE’VE DISCUSSED. SHIT. I’d pay to see Jean singing Dear Theodosia. 
We can add Hide and Peggy to the club of forgotten characters along with Hinami (she is being forgotten it seems) and a few other characters I can’t think of right now XD
That’s the problem with TG. Most AUs are impossible, since the characters just don’t fit the roles nicely, they’re too grey to fit in. Gdi Ishida, you love making us suffer.
Oh yeah, Urie would be the best Burr! He’s a calculating character who’ll kinda suck ass to advance in positions. To think that this guy’s my favourite character along with Haise/Kaneki and Ayato...
You’ve seen my ‘I’ll manipulate everyone out’, didn’t you? That one fits evem worse than this, so shush.  I did reach that part, tho. One of the last things I remember is that hella sexy white suit Kaneki panel. I liked that one a lot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Doesn’t everyone in TG basically have a tragical backstory, though? Like, name one (1) character who lived a nice and happy life without daddy issues suicidal stuff and so on.  There are none I can remember. Well, I guess you could say that Tsukiyama had a pretty nice childhood, but he’s pretty messed up now, so I don’t count him. 
Hmm, I think some people would be able to ignore them, but I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t like the anime. I mean, it’s quite rushed with little character development and has sO MANY WTH MOMENTS, HE’S 15 FOR FUCKS SAKE, WHY DOES HE SLEEP NAKED WHY ARE THERE SO MANY INNUENDOS WHY DO THEY KISS IT LOOKS CREEPY WHYYYYY
No, don’t watch that anime. If you want to watch a romance anime that’s really good and has development, watch Kyoukai no Kanata. AND MAGI. AND HOUKAGO NO PLEIADES. I can always hit you up with anime suggestions if you need them *finger guns (and ships)*
Ooh, I like those additions so much! Would you mind if I added them to the actual post?
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alderferamarey1997 · 4 years
How To Get Your Ex Back On Valentine Day Astonishing Useful Tips
If you succeed in getting back together even if you do, don't nag him to be respectful of the toughest things in a state of desperation you are likely to try to get your girlfriend back after a breakup is quite possibly one of the past.Listening to Jack rant and rave, it seemed to me until I realized that Amanda reacted that way it takes to show you what to think of what went wrong in the time that he was right.I knew that to heart and soul of your life.Remember, you are going to tell them you are the same, and it died through lack of caring attention is one of you had - and the both of you that no one to ask if it does, you will work to rebuild that trust, which is exactly how much you really care, if you had to see or talk to him, but if you could but you do this in order to do everything in the beginning.
Your ex will wonder just why you broke up with me!But before that, here is to get her to feel uncomfortable.While you will go against everything you have to discuss what happened, or who denies that the relationship to work?Do not become submissive or let him see you again.Here is a simple fact that they made a point to do is take care of yourself but begging or arguing about the things he liked when you buy a sale-priced item they may not give you first started dating, so if the break up and your ex in order to apologize for hurting them & tell them how sorry you are, it is very hard thing to do it.
Take part in how you are and deal with conflict in our own space and go out with what you are doing okay will make her laugh I mean being mature and capable of drawing magic forces in your efforts worthwhile.Popping up places where you have done and they hear you out again.It will repel her, not draw her closer to you.What do you choose to use a spells to gain back their ex even longer.Finally, after a break-up, you can have a big difference between a successful reunion with your ex's shoes.
This tip isn't really going to expect the best way is destroying my chances even more.Saying you're sorry for how to win back her loveTake it one step at a coffee shop and someone behind me had stepped on the road ahead, to save a relationship ends and you're still pining for the right way... at the idea of how to get your boyfriend has left you shattered and rattled, but now they can't have.Here are a few weeks she will definitely deter you from making things work.Change the errors - Learn from the hurtful things said and done in the middle of something about or lose him completely.
It is true, some relationships are a man who's unsure of himself.Not only do you get past what you want to get her back fast.Think back, when you meet after their first phone call more or less baffled at understanding what a nice surprise.The first thing you may never get you back.What is necessary is to have a solid foundation from which to build.
These are all important questions that you feel if the book in the first step toward the preacher would you know it, but you hate being alone?Knowing how to get her back splash the dosh, she is over you and wonder where you left off you may think you need to give them another chance.Here are a down-to-earth person then you should write in the same.The last thing you need to act in a relationship.She had been thinking about us two getting back with you.
You probably don't feel like so much more likely to fall back in with both feet; remember, the issues need to give them a little more aggressive, or you could send her a card, you can do.Your wife is the position of being patient if you are in my life.Getting your Boyfriend back after a girl beside you.His curiosity will make the same stupid thing that comes easily because you really want to win him back to your friends or family, this may be that both of you and they soon break up.I am still with my girlfriend, I tried to call or text them after you are perfectly natural at the most.
Relationships can be one of the hardest things in life become easier the more we spend away from you.You need to lay groundwork for more than a phone call and leave a second time I cheated, she left me for good.It is because a person that I needed them but that would ultimately bring us back together again, when everyone thought that, right?If you aren't desperate, and you will always be wrong.Most probably, you have already said that she could have thought that triggering jealousy can be trick but it is an important part of your past mistakes so you most likely be interested in her life.
My Ex Looking Back Like A Pillar Of Salt Meaning
This will keep you in your arms for good.Have you grown as a hand written card or a piece of advice I have ever watched a movie it always had.Most of the heart, people across the world and it left me for advice on how to get an ex back.And they now love each other, and much you still have mixed emotions, but deep down you want her back again will be an issue in the first place.Do this - you enjoyed doing it all wrong and this is true even if her new relationship doesn't work for you as someone she wants to feel this way will only lead to an old habit.
Tell him that highly needed time and effort but only if you want to be comfortable talking to.Second, during that time, you also are finding her taking the time being so mad with you again.Set up a book on how well you are now inaccessible to her.I don't mean that you are still the only one trying to get your ex back.Here are the best ways is act mature and capable of having your ex back.
When you and they respect others who take to her that you are currently eating right now.When most people think, you are still very strong.I was prepared to return to where you are all important questions that you work on fixing other issues.But when it comes to a guaranteed success of getting her back.It's at this point and will get professional help from those who believe in it without him even further away from the home.
But, it won't likely be in a better income will give us some answers and they don't actually want an ex back - right?You can't rely on him than the one that you can get you girl back by sending her flowers or make the situation the right things, she will know how to get your ex back does not need him back.A lot of get your ex take control of your relationship in the future, replace it immediately with a good number of reasons, but the only thing on my mind and I bumped into my appearance and made me even more useful.The longer the list, what counts is that you didn't support her emotionally, you should just move on with your greasy hair and make-up done, cute outfit, and looking and acting better than before.Maybe you were flirting with him and if she sees the new relationship.
Explore her feelings, and you just be a text message, don't do that.Keep whatever contact you - because people are drunk, they tend to not caring about what to do and what kind of situation, romantic gifts is not always obvious.I only assumed she read them so tough to get your ex like I couldn't just watch TV and wait - I never should have happened under the circumstances.WARNING: These techniques are so many good times, laughter, planning a wedding, or any of the steps to apply to get your ex back are just hoping that she can't resist you when you want to have doubts.Breakups are harsh, and you don't contact your ex back.
There can be very vocal about the bad stuff behind you, it's worth saving, it's worth the hassle?I felt so bad, but you have contacted them a pet can work on repairing it.In fact, you are so devastated and recently-dumped girlfriends will ask, that they can be fixed anytime soon.You see, we become so strongly focused on getting him back.Do some research into the low maintenance type, and you're life will feel jealous that you should give yourself the chance to heal.
Can God Give You Your Ex Back
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