sweetcici-123 4 years
Why Won鈥檛 You Love Us?~
Female Twins~
Backstory~ The Akiyama twins actually have become quite popular. They didn't have a rich upbringing so that means they didn't always get the best food and sometimes they didn't eat everyday, but what they did have was talent. They were raised by a single mother who had tried her best, but in the end it wasn't enough. Their dad had a debt to some bad men, but had left the debt in his ex-wife's name, without her knowledge. So after a few years of an unpaid debt, they killed her. The twins were only 11 when she was killed. Their mom used to sing to them and they always loved it, sometimes the twins would sing to their mother if they felt like she was sad because singing always made their mom happy. Their mom used to tell them that singing was going to be their way out of their terrible lifestyle. She was right. After their mom died they lived in an alley, and barely survived for about 5 months, only singing to each other for comfort when they were over heard by a business man. (Long story short) He helped them become singers with a luxurious life now.
Yandere Tendencies/beginnings~ At the start of their rise to fame they had 1 main friend. She was always there for them and helped them get adjusted to their new life. No one knew who the twins were, well at least they didn't think so. The same people who killed their mom found out she had kids and had tracked the twins down. When they had planned to kill the twins with a sniper somehow they didn't noticed their best friend who had jumped on one of their backs and got in the way. The twins watched the second person they ever felt connected to (after their mom) die right on one of their backs. When the reality sank in, the twins stopped trying to build relationships and be happy. They're now cold, slightly unforgiving, and blunt. They put on happy personas for their audience but that's it. They have isolated themselves for the fear of letting another get close and then dying.
With all of this though, this is the reason of their obsession. When they finally bring themselves to care for another person, they'll not know how to handle these emotions. They won't even need to be strong emotions, if they feel a connection they'll automatically assume it's love for their lack of connections and love in general. Because of this, they'll want this person to stay with them, and they'll have the continuous feeling that their "loved one" needs to be protected. That will lead to this "loved one" being isolated because the twins are already isolated and they won't let their "loved one" leave them.
Lilah Older twin. The girl on the right. She's always looking down on people. She can't see herself equal to anyone except her twin. She would be overly protective of her twin to the point where no one should dare look at her wrong. She would also probably be the one who would initiate the first act of physical abuse to their "loved one" when they act up because of her protective nature.
Her audience persona on the other hand is very happy, but still very protective. She is considered the mom out of the twins and is shown to love all her fans never treating anyone badly, her favorite fans are all of the kids because they remind her so much of young LeAnn.
LeAnn Younger twin. The girl on the left. Yes she is also cold, but more on the naive side. She doesn't dislike people she just doesn't want to be around them in a personal atmosphere. Unlike her twin she does enjoy performing though, and making people smile does make her feel better but she is just as capable of being as cold as her twin. Her problem is she doesn't know her limits. If she happens to get angry and hurt her "loved one" she probably wouldn't be able to control herself. She's the twin that holds everything in, so when she lets it out, she lets out just about everything.
Her audience persona though is always cute and smiley. She's innocent and adorable, and even sometimes forgetful. She acts the part perfectly of the completely loveable younger twin.
Male Twins~
Backstory~ The Hano twins are from a very rich family. They are always able to get what they want because they're being raised by their grandparents. Their parents died in their old mansion, when the twins were only 8 but they were there. Both of the twins have burn marks in different areas. When the twins were saved it was found out that the burn marks weren't the only wounds they had. They had bruises and scars and whips on many covered parts of their body. It was found out that their parents would constantly abuse the twins. When their grandparents found out, they could tell it had done mental damage to them along with physical. Both of the twins barely spoke and always seemed to have a blank stare. Their grandparents had hoped by spoiling them, and giving them everything they could ever want/need, they would become happy. Over the years, the boys did build up emotions and they did find happiness but it was pretty obvious they weren't normal. Sadly their grandparents did get them doctors to heal their wounds, but not anyone who could help them mentally, and that was their mistake.
Yandere Tendencies/Beginnings~ When they were with their parents, they learned at a young age to only obey, don't do anything wrong or else you would be punished. Look presentable at all times and never talk back. They were never told any of this, but they learnt it. Along with learning those lessons, they watched their parents relationship. Never saying anything about it, but they always watched. There was yelling and things were thrown whenever one of their parents faces got red. Father would hurt mother, but sometime later apologize. Mother would scream at him and cry but also forgive. If father wasn't forgiven in a day, the twins would get punishment because it was their fault. Mother might do something bad and when father would find out he would cry while in return mother would scream. Someone would leave and they would completely neglect the kids. This was a never ending cycle until their grandparents took them in. Then the twins watched their relationship. The constant "I love you" with loving looks and careful movements. Always making sure the other was okay. Gentleness, with every hold. Passion and sweet kisses. It was all new to them. But the twins did know that they longed for that kind of contact.
With that longing it became a full blown desire. The only problem was their lack of social communication. They had a hard time being in contact with others but they still wanted that relationship. They didn't know any kind approaches, so ultimately their approach would come from their parents in an aggressive way and they would think it's okay, because it's what they want, and their grandparents always gave them what they want. They would automatically try to be loving but because of their "lover's" fear, it wouldn't work out, leading to the twins confusion and anger making them aggressive and doing things their parents way. When it gets results it'll make them happy and they'll constantly switch from sickly sweet to aggressive. All because they were completely unstable and didn't/don't understand love.
Lector Older twin. The boy on the left. He's more so the patient one. When things don't go his way he would be more passive-aggressive about it. He didn't completely grow out of his quiet stage after being abused, and he does still tend to give his blank stare but not all the time. He does still lose his cool sometimes but he strongly dislikes himself when he does. He tends to be more frightening than he means to be but he can't help it when he loses control.
But when he tries to be sweet it seems like he's being cold but it's just his inability to completely show his feelings. When he's happy, he might have the smallest smile, but it truly means a lot to him. He would be more gentle and his voice would never be loud, but calming yet quiet.
Lincoln Younger twin. The boy on the right. He, unlike his twin, grew out of his quiet and blank stage. He grew accustomed to being spoiled and that's all he is. Despite his age he often acts like a bratty child. When things don't go his way he immediately flips out and gets angry. He doesn't have a way to control his anger, so much like a child, he might break things or hurt others, like he saw from his parents.
Whenever he's trying to be nice he is also like a child. He plays games and offers things if he feels like he is sorry. Often worried after his tantrums that his "lover" hates him. He would be more innocent and would share things, probably in attempts to make his "lover" more comfortable with whatever they have to do/wherever they have to be.
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feitania 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sanzu x reader wedding talk
Ran x reader nicknames | nsfw
Tokyorev. First kiss
neon lights kenmaxreader
shuji x reader cream pie | nsfw
饾惈饾惃饾惁饾悮饾惂饾悳饾悶 饾悺饾悶饾悮饾悵饾悳饾悮饾惂饾惃饾惂饾惉
JJK what they would wear on a date
Tokyorev. roommates headcanons
Tokyorev. dating headcanons
Tokyorev. valentine's special
Haikyuu headcanons
Tumblr media Tumblr media
饾惃饾惌饾悺饾悶饾惈 饾悳饾惃饾惂饾惌饾悶饾惂饾惌
the Kawata-Haitani situation | platonic kawata twinsxreader | implied ranxreader
the youngest haitani | platonic haitanixreader | implied othersxreader
Tokyorev. sharing a flat headcanons
Tokyorev. sharing a flat bonten edition
Tokyorev. simp levels
JJK lingerie headcanons | nsfw
JJK lingerie headcanons pt. 2 | nsfw
Tokyorev. lingerie headcanons | nsfw
Tokyorev. Alcohol tolerance headcanons
best friend headcanons with toman
best friend headcanons with tenjiku
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Codependency sanzu x reader
bittetsweet short fic
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Mother of black dragons, tokyorev smau
Random boyfriend texts, tokyorev smau
Random boyfriend texts 2, tokyorev smau
reacting to getting your nails done, tokyorev smau
162 notes View notes
sweetcici-123 4 years
Why Won鈥檛 You Love Us?~ F Chapter 3
You slightly scan around the car/limo looking for anything that would show that this wasn't happening. Yeah, maybe you should be happy to live with your idols, but this was way too sudden. One minute you live in an abandoned building and the next with the people you look up to the most. What're the odds it would happen to someone like you. You normally have to worst of luck, but that can't be completely true, because you did win the contest, and the girls seem to care about you enough to take you in. That had to be luck right? Even though Lilah keeps switching from glaring out the window to glaring at you, your pretty sure she's just still a little upset at you from earlier. You don't think you did anything wrong but you must've, for her to be constantly glaring.
You're more than grateful for LeAnn who decided to sit next to you and hold your hand for comfort. It was reassuring, having her there, especially with the way her sister was kinda scaring you. It was obvious that she was trying to get Lilah to stop, but you don't think even Lilah knew she was glaring herself.
"U-Um, guys?" You asked which made both of them look at you, (and Lilah to stop glaring to your relief,) "Will we be getting my stuff from the-"
"No." The cold reply actually came from LeAnn this time as her grip on your hand slightly tightened, but not painfully. Lilah averted her gaze back to the window as she continued to stay quiet. You were pretty sure she didn't plan on talking the entire ride. Though you were thinking more about Lilah, who was obviously deep in thought, you didn't think much about the young girl who was beside you, blatantly staring at you with a mix of admiration and confusion.
She's just sooo innocent, and it's hard to believe. She doesn't realize how bad this world is. She was literally living on the streets and yet she tried to make it sound like it was alright. She wanted to get her things from that place she used to live in. As if I would allow her to go back to such a place. She doesn't need anything that's there, anything that she had, we can buy her something ten times better anyway. So it's not a real loss on her part. I just wish she didn't have to go through what she did, but maybe her suffering is what draws me to her. I just want to protect her and to keep her away from anything and everything that could hurt her, no matter who or what it is.
I can tell Lilah is thinking about how this'll affect us entirely. She always worries so much, and I understand why she worries. We've been hurt and taken advantage of before, we can't let it happen again, I know, but just being around (Y/N) makes me feel like everything is right with the world. Like she could be the secret to what we've wanted since we were little. We lost our mom, and our only true friend so young, because we couldn't protect them, we didn't have a strong grip or will to keep them away from it all, but this could be another chance. She could be the one person who we can save, protect, and cherish every second with.
Wow, if Lilah could hear my thoughts she would scold me for how attached to (Y/N) I already am, but to be fair, she was the one who practically forced her to move in with us, not that I'm complaining. I smile a bit as I give her hand a small squeeze hoping to make sure she's alright. She turns back to me before offering a small smile, making my heart beat super fast and I have to quickly calm it down so she doesn't hear it. I smile brightly back at her with a small blush, but she doesn't seem to take any mind from it.
I can't help but just feel so attracted to her. She doesn't even realize the complete power over me and Lilah she has. She controls us without speaking a word. I would give her the world if I knew she would smile at me and be eternally happy. I wish I understood why though. Why am I so attracted to her? What makes her different from every other fan we met who won similar contests? Why does she look like the most beautiful person when she smiles when I can compare her to celebrities and models? It doesn't make any logical sense, but, I've heard that love isn't logical, but Lilah would know best when it comes to love from all the romance books she read, so I wouldn't truly know.
I sigh without my gaze wandering from her. Could it be love though? I've only known her for such a short amount of time, and I know we have some kind of bond, but to proclaim it as love, right off the bat can't be healthy. But I can't help how I feel, if it is love, should I tell her, or would she not feel the same. Would it make her run away? No, no she can't run away, I won't let her. I would, I would make her stay if she tried. She's ours now....right? She has to stay with us. We won't let her go...right?
With those questions in mind, I finally stop looking at (Y/N) to look at my sister who notices right away and gives me a concerned look. My chest tightens at the thought of (Y/N) not being ours. Of her not wanting to stay with us. But, it's not her choice! We brought her in, she can't choose not to be with us.
I watch as Lilah quickly reached over and grabbed my hand before pulling me to the other side of the limo with her. I glance at (Y/N) to see her look confused and slightly startled, (Obviously from Lilah practically yanking me away from her,) only for her expression to turn into concern and worry when she sees my face. Lilah cups my face in her hands before gently wiping my face, making me realize I had started silently crying. I guess getting all worked up in my thoughts like that would make me cry. It's embarrassing that (Y/N) had to see that though, ugh, she probably wouldn't want to be around me after that. I slowly move Lilah's hands and wipe the rest of my tears. My sister still looks worried as she leans to my ear.
"When we get home, we'll show (Y/N) her room, then we go straight to ours to talk," she spoke quietly and I nodded. "And stop thinking so hard, that's my job okay. I'll worry about what we need to worry about, not you. Okay?" She asked and I nodded again.
"Good." She said before kissing my forehead and letting out a small sigh. She wrapped her arms around me like she usually did, and it normally made me feel content, but this time I felt something missing, and I knew what it was. I looked over at (Y/N). She had a small smile on her face as she looked at us. I slightly chuckled to myself before waving her over, she looked caught off guard and blinked but I just waved again. I pulled away from Lilah a bit, which made her look confused but then I gestured for (Y/N) to sit between us. Lilah started blushing a lot but didn't protest otherwise. (Y/N) took her time but the limo seemed to jerk quickly while she was 'taking her time' making her awkwardly land in the spot between us. I giggled and covered my mouth to hide it making (Y/N) give me an annoyed look that I ended up laughing at more. When I stopped I held onto one of her arms and smiled as I then leaned into her side to get comfortable. She chuckled, probably because this could be expected of me, because of my public persona. Then she looked at Lilah, which she was kinda leaning on. Lilah, looked like a fish out of water, she was blushing and her hands were both slightly up, so she wasn't touching (Y/N) and she wasn't looking at her either.
I sighed before I quickly caught her eye, I then nod my head towards her hands, (Y/N) seemed to look away from our non-verbal conversation, probably for privacy. She's just too sweet. Lilah shrugged her shoulders while staring at me, her eyes were wide and panicked. I shook my head to show her not to panic, then used my free hand to gesture at her to calm down and easily wrap her arms around (Y/N) as well. When she did I could feel (Y/N) tense a bit at first before she relaxed making Lilah feel okay. She then pulled her a little closer so she was in the same hold I was a few minutes ago.
I smiled seeing my sister be comfortable with (Y/N). She would need to be, especially since she would be staying with us from now on. I then lay on (Y/N) shoulder, the way she was laying on Lilah's and drifted to sleep through the rest of the ride.
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sweetcici-123 4 years
Why Won鈥檛 You Love Us?~ Female Twins Masterlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
(More to Come)
Last Updated: 08/24/2020
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sweetcici-123 4 years
Why Won鈥檛 You Love Us?~ F Chapter 2
True Colors~
I scan the crowd in hopes of finding the familiar face from our last concert. Normally I wouldn't even remember what our guests would look like, but her, her face was implanted in my brain. I could feel myself getting lost in my thoughts about her but I zoned back in when I heard myself stutter over my line making me blush and my sister give me a look. I make sure to stay focused and stop thinking about (Y/N) for the rest of our performance.
"What was that?" Lilah asked me as she sat down on our couch. I shrugged, I started pacing around the room as I waited for some sign that she was here. I glanced at my sister who was giving me a blank stare before she sighed.
"Ok, so you were thinking about her. That's understandable but you can't let that mess you up. You're in full control of yourself LeAnn." She said and it made my thoughts travel back to (Y/N), I wonder what it would be like to have full control over her.
"LeAnn! Stop!" Lilah yelled at me making me jump.
"Whatever you were thinking stop it right now." She said so coldly that I immediately nodded and dropped my head. I can't believe after all these years one girl can make me break so easily. Without even being around me. I lift my head and look at Lilah.
"I don't think this is gonna stop. I can't help it-"
"Ms.Lilah, Ms.LeAnn, there's a girl here who said you requested for her to come." I could hear the annoyance in the workers voice, and I looked at my sister who was only staring at the door making me roll my eyes. Controlling yourself is one thing, but completely holding back just sucks. I walk over and excitedly open the door and I'm face to face with the girl who has been on my mind for the past week.
"(Y/N)! Yay!" I yell out playfully completely back into my persona for her. I pull her into a hug which she returns but before she pulls away I make sure to take in her scent, she smelled of (preferred scent) and it was now my new favorite smell. I pull away after a minute and pull her into the room and shutting the door, completely ignoring the worker that brought her.
"Hey LeAnn, Hi Lilah." She said quietly with a small smile, making me smile wider. I look at my twin, she looked like she was debating on what to do with herself and I rolled my eyes agin.
I pulled (Y/N) into me and looked at Lilah who seemed to be glaring at me but I only giggled. "Hey do you mind giving Lilah a hug, she's too shy." I tell her and when I let go I notice her face is red but she nods. She walks over to Lilah and does what I ask, and at first my twin is stiff, but I watch as she slowly gives in and hugs back. Then I notice that she has a tight grip on (Y/N) and she isn't letting go.
I look at her and she seems to be lost in thought, "Lilah!" I slightly yell her name and she snaps out of whatever daze she was in and she blushes.
"I-I ...I'm sorry." She said not looking at (Y/N) but she nodded slowly, obviously confused.
"You can sit down anywhere you'd like, but there isn't any difference from now and last time. Couch or single." I tell her with a small smile before walking over to my sister and giving her a look.
"You're in full control of yourself, right?" I ask her in a quiet voice and she glances at me for a long second before nodding. "Good." I say quietly before noticing (Y/N) sat back in the single making me slightly disappointed but I give a fake smile and pull Lilah over to the couch with me.
"So, how has your week been (Y/N)?" I asked and she shrugged making me slightly confused.
"Not really the best, I was fired from one of my jobs, and I'm not able to contact my family because technically I'm still supposed to be with my foster parents." She said and I feel my eyes widen.
"So you ran away?!" Lilah yelled before I could, but the worry and concern dripping form her voice surprised me since she never cared for anyone else but herself and me. But then again, I never felt such a strong urge to constantly be around someone before her.
(Y/N) shrugged. "Technically, but I couldn't stay with them anymore they-" She had started, but then she cut herself off as she looked down.
"They what?" Lilah asked, her voice completely an octave deeper, which threw me off guard, and (Y/N) too apparently from the way she looked up.
"They would hurt me, and I couldn't stay there until I was 18, so I ran away...." She said almost a whisper and I turned away from her. I couldn't keep looking at her while she was making that expression, it physically hurt me.
I pat the spot next to me on the couch which was between me and Lilah and she looked like she was about to come over until she looked at my sister and she decided to stay in her spot. I then look at her to see her glaring at the floor intensely. I grab her hand to calm her down, hearing that affected her just like it affected me.
"Then, where are you staying?" Lilah asked her. She looked uncomfortable at the question, but Lilah didn't like that she didn't respond.
"I asked you, where are you staying!" She yelled at her and (Y/N) jumped in her seat.
"In an abandoned house I found!" She quickly yelled out and I was appalled at the thought of it.
"Not anymore your not." My twin said through gritted teeth. (Y/N) looked at her, her fear and confusion all over her face.
"I said, not anymore. You're staying with us. Do you understand?" She emphasized the question so she understood that it wasn't a question. (Y/N) looked at me but all I could do was stare at her. I couldn't help myself as a small smile spread across my face. She would be staying with us! We get to keep her!
Lilah coughed as she glared at her still waiting for an answer.
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sweetcici-123 4 years
Why Won鈥檛 You Love Us?~ F Chapter 1
The start~
You smile as you watch your idols from backstage. BACKSTAGE! You were so happy that you managed to get those backstage passes. This was the chance of a lifetime. After the show you were able to get a personal look into Lilah and LeAnn's life. It was sooo exciting.
You watched the rest of their performance until it was over and they finally came back stage.
"Oh, Ms.Lilah, Ms.LeAnn, the contest winner is here for her chance to get to know you girls, this is (Y/N) (L/N)." A guy in equipment quickly introduced you without even looking up from his clip board and then walked off in a different direction. But you were way too excited to care, your idols were right in front of you. You watched as they gave each other a look before they smiled at you.
"Of course, we're so happy to meet you (Y/N)." Lilah said and LeAnn nodded with a bright smile. You almost melted at the happy aura coming out of them in waves. "Follow us please?" She said and they both started leading you through a few corridors. Then you finally reach a door with "Akiyama Twins!" in bold letters. You all walk in and you look around in awe. It was, amazing, and much more organized from what you expected. You kept admiring the room until a hand was waved in your face.
"Hello, (Y/N), you there?" LeAnn asked making your face flush and she giggled.
"Oh, um sorry. Just taking it all in." You said and she nodded. You looked around again but this time to your surprise you see Lilah on the couch giving you a glare. You look at her confused but in a split second she's back to smiling.
"Is something wrong dear?" She asked and you furrow your eyebrows before shaking your head. It's probably just your imagination.
"Well, anyway, tell us about yourself!" LeAnn said before ploping down on the couch next to her twin and gesturing to the single chair that was in front of them. You nodded before sitting down.
I rolled my eyes at the mention of another contest winner. This was getting annoying. They were all the same. Excited to meet us, we act happy, they tell us it's an honor they've been to so many concerts, they've known us since the beginning, happiest moment of their lives. Then after an hour they leave and we forget their name and their existence. They should know, all they are to us is just another face in the crowd.
I look at the girl who's looking around our room. She's one of them. Another soon to be forgotten memory. She doesn't matter, even if she does happen to have an unnerving beauty to her. It's not the fact that she's wearing her best clothes or make-up, because it's obvious she's not, which does slightly catch me off guard when I notice.
Normally these contest winners wear their best clothing and make-up, as if doing so, will make sure we remember who they are. She doesn't look like this was even her best attempt. Her beauty is subtle. There but not outright, you have to be looking at her, you have to admire her features. Everything about the way she looks throws me off guard. This isn't normal for me.
I realize I was glaring at her which she looks at me and furrows her eyebrows which makes me quickly pull a fake smile. I only have to deal with her for an hour, then I can forget this incredibly beautiful girl exists.
"Well, anyway, tell us about yourself!" I heard LeAnn say while ploping next to me and I watched as the other girl sat in our only other chair in the room which was in front of us.
"Oh,okay, but I don't have much to say though. My name is (Y/N), I'm 17. Umm.... I live alone after I was separated from my mom and little brother because we lived in "unfit conditions." I actually just got out of foster care because my foster parents, weren't exactly the best. Anyway, I've been saving up for months to come here and I finally am. I'm so happy! This was my dream, to meet my idols and talk to them. I know a lot of people don't acknowledge this, but I know you two have had a hard background like I have, and I really would like some advise..... I need to know how you did it. Every time I think about my sucky life I just wanna break down in tears, but you two are happy doing what you want and I honestly just want to be happy. I just don't know how to be." She says, and the water in her eyes is undeniable. I blink as I try to piece together what she just said. No one has ever asked us something like that, actually no one ever told us anything like that.
I look at LeAnn and she's no longer smiling, she looks just as speechless as I feel. The girl looks up at us with those (e/c) eyes and shakes her head before wiping her unshed tears away.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have unloaded on you guys. You probably aren't always happy. No one is always happy, it's just a front so no one can see your pain. I'm sorry if I opened up old wounds. Actually I should probably go." She rambled and I could only watch her as she walked to the door. I couldn't stop her because I felt stuck, but I knew it was for the best. I could feel myself wanting her to stay, the desire for it making me feel like it would be understandable to actually force her to stay. But I only watched as she started to leave. But then LeAnn grabbed her wrist.
"Wait, you can't go yet." She said quickly. I watched her with wide eyes, surprised she actually stopped her. LeAnn wasn't smiling, and the look in her eyes was intense but when (Y/N) looked at her confused she quickly gave a fake smile and brought her back to the couch. She sat her in the middle so she was between both of us and then she gave me a look.
This was her way of telling me not to let her get away. I nodded before smiling down at the still confused girl.
"Well, in my experience, you're right. No one is always happy, but doing something that inspires you, and makes you happy is good. Well, only if you're good at it." LeAnn said with a small giggle and (Y/N) smiled at her.
Her smile..... It's not a bright one or a fake one, its perfect and light just like everything about her. I didn't even notice I was reaching for her until I feel the contact of her skin. I snap out of my daze to notice that my hand was resting on the lower part of her thigh above her knee. The part where her shorts don't reach. I look back at her and she's blushing bright red and LeAnn's giving me a look making me slowly retract my hand.
"Sorry, it's a habit. I-I normally comfort LeAnn like that." I say and she gives an understanding nod.
"Can we talk about something else? Like about you guys?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Don't you already know a lot?" LeAnn asked her and she nodded.
"But I don't know what's true or not, and it feels more genuine to hear it from you." She says and I could feel myself blush, without fully understanding why. Normally our guests would try to impress us by naming facts about us or about our personas, but she wants to listen to us.
Me and LeAnn share a glance and I hold back the urge to hold her and not let go while LeAnn doesn't and pulls her into a hug, surprising her.
"Of course!"
LeAnn then starts telling her a lot of things the media already knows and she asks questions every now and then and I would answer them making her give me another smile, which would make me want to hold her even more.
After an hour one of the workers comes to our dressing room to get (Y/N) and she slips from between us. "Its was an honor to meet you girls." She says quietly with the same light smile but her eyes were obviously sad that she had to go. Unlike the others it didn't sound like complete excitement or disappointment, it sounded completely genuine.
"You guys probably won't remember, but this meant a lot to me." She said before going towards the door and I look at LeAnn to see her sadly watching her go but clutching her own wrist as if she was holding herself back. Her grip was tight to the point where her knuckles were white.
I shouldn't see her again. She makes me want her, she makes me feel the need to have her. She makes this difficult. She's obviously poor, and she probably won't win another contest. This might be her last time seeing us and our only time seeing her. I don't know why that thought alone makes me want to skin myself to change that.
I don't know how long I was just thinking but I snap back with (Y/N) not in the room and LeAnn on the floor holding her now purple and bruising wrist.
"LeAnn...." She looked up at me from her wrist and her teeth were gritted. I could tell it wasn't from the pain. "I want her... I want her so bad L. I don't want to never see her again." She said before looking down at her wrist. I close my eyes trying to clear my head but it didn't work.
"Dammit!" I groan out before bursting into a sprint after the (h/c) haired girl. I found her near the exit still following behind the worker who had went to get her.
"(Y/N)!" I call after her and she turns around. I easily catch up to her and she gives me a confused look.
"Come to our next concert and then meet us backstage. Tell whoever is the bodyguard that we sent you." I tell her and her expression doesn't change but she does give a slow nod. "Good, see you next time." I said as I looked her over again. I wanted to hug her or hold her or something but I couldn't but when I saw her about to try and hug me I turned away and started walking back towards me and my sisters room. I can't let her get to me like that. I know for a fact that I won't be able to resist her next time, and it really worries me.
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