#I am so goddamn confused
electricpurrs · 2 years
for those unaware of context you may notice i was off from tumblr for a few hours today. was it because i was getting a good night of sleep after pulling an all nighter? no. in fact tumblr kicked me out of my account and i wasnt able of logging in no matter how much i tried, it would just display a flimsy connection error. after searching desperately for a way to fix it, i found a guy on a youtube video from 2018 going like, i cant log in on tumbr, but thats because tumblr is blocked on my country! so i use vpn and it works :) and without other options i tried it. i installed a vpn, set my ip to the united states. and here i am now. so uhhhhh i guess tumblr is blocked on brazil now? might wanna check up on that
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So, honest question
Please understand I mean this as politely as possible (I admit I can be something of a Takahashi apologist at times), but
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*Meaning: When did you stop wearing a mask to a majority of your public activities? Wearing a mask when you feel sick or very rarely for specific events/reasons counts as “stopping”
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that-butch-archivist · 5 months
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source: The Little Butch Book by Lesléa Newman
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shuffleoflove · 1 year
"heartstopper is unrealistic they're all too nice to each other" have you ever heard of having friends
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
my favorite (derogatory) thing about the sw fandom is the hypocrisy
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acesammy · 2 months
i am so fucking certain i'm getting these calc questions correct but i'm still getting zeros on everything and i am going to fucking s c r e am
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cj-kenobi · 5 months
you know what. r studio might not be the easiest or most straightforward or least stressful way to process data. but at least it gives you the opportunity to create some of the worst graphs you have ever seen in your life
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
It's actually really funny how it is bc despite being an insane person with weird kinks whenever I see someone with kinks I DON'T share I'm instantly thrown off by it. Which is comedic to me bc you'd expect the freak to inherently Understand other freaks but no unfortunately that's not how it works necessarily.
#luly talks#i am way more open to shit when explained to me tho#like usually I'm outright Neutral about this like ok sure.#but there's things that outright are so confusing to me they turn me off#like i saw some mommy rp blog and she was just... acting like a mother#and it's like. super sweet of course! but... not turning me on? at all??#like i don't get why you'd want a 2 in 1 deal for a mother and a gf can't you just get the two things per separate?#and this is coming from a man with severe mommy issues too! I'm a man who lost 3 mother figures (maybe 4 even. prob more)#yet i just don't get it? like. i don't know.#like i dont get it when it's so Genuine ykwim? like sexy mommy daddy age gap shit i do get. i love older people carnally.#but when it is a real intention to have this person fulfill the gap your parents left (I'd have said hole goddamn it that'd have been funnie#r) it's like. do. do you know how hard this can backfire? like i feel it's only more harmful. like idk#like i am no one to say it i am as explicitly stated a certified freak but i really think some people should stop fucking and take an hour#off to go to therapy. just a thought.#like i have my psychological issues mirror into my kinks too I've thought of this deeply (not the cannibalism that's simply me being hungry#although i did make a huge post about hunger but i DIGRESS) but i feel it's different#maybe it's bc im autistic and aro Who Knows maybe this is about intricate social and romantic rituals i just dont get in general
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The modern term, "dragon", does not in actuality derive from draconic common language* at all, but instead has it's roots in an archaic long-dead beastclan tongue.... 's misinterpretation of a word from the very earliest variants of earth flight's equally long-dead archaic tongue.
The ancient earth flight word, Dûnhag (Dune-haug, rolled slightly in a growly sort of way), the precise translation of which has long since been lost*, was the name of one of the earliest ancient breeds of dragon, and the first draconic civilization to emerge from within the cradle of greatwyrm's breach. in the very earliest days of interaction between the newborn dragonkind and the beastclan civilizations of the day this ancient breed's name was interpreted by the common languages of the beastclan societies who first encountered them (who's vocal cords were not precisely up to the task of imitating quite all of the sounds a giant growling predatory quadruped elemental death-lizard can make, much like many dragon breeds have their own sounds that other breeds find difficult to imitate themselves-for example ridgebacks' signature cetacean-like "zipper noises") as "Drohag" (Droe-haug), further misinterpreted not as the name of that breed (as intended) but instead a blanket term for all creatures of their general category of shape.
the ancient beastclan language in question quickly appended the suffix " 'an" (pronounced like a cross between the word "on" and the sound "ahn" , and roughly translating to something along the lines of "-people" or "-race") to this sound, resulting in Drohag'an. So when these first-contacted beastclan peoples went out to the rest of the world to tell them of these strange new Drogah'an people they had encountered, that was the name what would become dragonkind became known to them by.
In the early days of dragonkind, there was no agreed upon unified name for all among their kindred. The ancient breeds, as biologically and culturally separate and at odds as they were, saw eachother to be as fundamentally distinct from eachother as modern dragonkind sees themselves to be from beastclans. Each ancient breed an entire "dragonkind" unto their own-and "breed" in those days meaning something more akin to what users on the forum out-of-universe would call "subspecies" and "linebreaking terts". Gaolers to their own and Banescales to their own and Undertides to their own and so on, each of those names as all-encompassing a description of a class of being as "dragon" itself to their respective holders. to the ancients of the time, "gaoler" and "banescale" were not just names of breeds, but entire distinct species that shared no common nature. there was, in effect, no dragonkind, and therefore, no unified name. why would they need one? it would be like calling apes and elephants and dolphins and octopi the same, just because they're all intelligent.
Tens of thousands of years of history-the rise and fall of civilizations, creation and extinction of many breeds, the drifting of language and the death of nearly every one of these ancestor tongues that had come before-later, modern dragonkind began to view themselves less as disparate unrelated entities at fundamental odds and more as something of a shared clade, and eventually as one single species of many morphologies. Rather than use the existing name of one of the many breeds of the time, or make up and somehow collectively agree on (using "papyrus scrolls carried by trade caravans" levels of communication technology) a new word to describe themselves as a collective, they simply began, almost entirely unthinkingly out of pure simple casual convenience, to simply adopt the term-it's meaning long forgotten, it's origin in two long-dead languages of civilizations equally long-gone- the beastfolk often called them all as a category already- Dragon.
*modern draconic common language is a trade-tongue derived from the most dominant language spoken by the people of wind flight, spread out by their traveling traders and merchants in the early days of the beginnings of more shall we say cooperation and travel-friendly relations between flight societies, and adopted for convenience of trade by the many population centers they did business with.
*Some scholars have suggested the possibility that Dûnhag may have been an ancient name for the ancient genetic progenitor breed to what in modern times has become the Dusthide breed (the actual, in-universe, non-translated-to-english name of which is actually "Dûsaah'ad" or "Dûsaah'ad'a", which also does not originate from or have meaning in the modern dragon common tongue), meaning the modern words would share ancient roots with the origin of the word "dragon" itself. Other scholars dispute that just because two things sound similar doesn't mean they necessarily have anything to do with eachother.
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beeceit · 1 month
today's been so hard, I need to [remembers that suicide jokes encourage suicidal mindsets] watch The Court Jester starring Danny Kaye
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n4rval · 7 months
ough. toriel my beloved
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Guys... I'm confused about something. Wondering if someone can explain this line in Dark Age to me.
"We were going to sell Electra to Julia au Bellona. Old debts and all."
--the Abomination explaining his intentions for the kids, had their kidnapping been successful.
What the fuck... does this mean?? What is he talking about? What "old debt"??
These books have a very complex and extensive historical and political landscape; this is hardly the first time someone has referenced some past event or grievance or feud and I've been like "wait, what?" and needed to be reminded of some influential happening. But I cannot for the life of me think of what this could be alluding to.
(I'm loathe to try looking it up bc I still haven't read Light Bringer, and I'm worried googling anything Red Rising related might spoil something for me; so it would be wonderful if someone was kind enough to explain it to me.)
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hi, if you don't mind me asking (since i saw you reblog a post about the orv webtoon): how far into the novel is the webtoon, approximately, now that it's starting the dark palace (?) arc? is there still a long way to go, would you say? sincerely, a huge webtoon orv fan who is trying to muster up the strength to pick up the novel
Hi, anon!! I'm so excited you asked this, because I myself picked up the webnovel right around the dark castle arc! So, um... yeah, chapter 172 of the webtoon is chapter 151 and a good portion of chapter 152 of the webnovel, and there are 551 chapters of the webnovel total. (To be even more precise, with the formatting I have on my phone, chapter 172 covers up to 2290 pages out of 8807 pages-- just over a quarter of the way through the story both ways.) There is, uh, QUITE a ways to go
That said!!!! I literally cannot recommend the webnovel enough, and this is from someone who started with the webtoon as well and then transferred straight to the webnovel where it left off at the time! The webnovel is such a different experience, since there are so many small characterization details that the webtoon doesn't adapt, and I actually bitterly regret not starting the webnovel from the start (I'm in the process of backreading, and I find new things to scream about every day!). There's no rush at all to read the webnovel all at once when the webtoon will take so long to finish, but at the same time, the pacing is so addicting that you'll probably speed through it till you're caught up or even beyond regardless! In case you'd like it, here's some info on accessing the epub file :) Happy reading!!!!
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prototypelq · 1 year
is this seriously fuckin it
did he forgot his fuckin keys or smth
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safyresky · 1 year
Your Existential Crisis & You: a Guide, with love, xoxo The Frosts
Part 2: The Twins vs NIHILISM
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eheheheheehehehe >:)
(Part 1) Part 2
I am ONCE AGAIN waking up from a nap on Friday evening to post Thursday Night Doodles and cackle to myself all evening about it >:)
Once I had the doodles for the Cold Front well on their way, the image of Fino and Fiera as that nihilism meme, you know the one:
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Popped into my head unbidden and I IMMEDIATELY printed it to trace the poses and then give it my BEST ATTEMPT WITH THE TWINS. And y'all. Getting the stereotype one for Fino was a fucking NIGHTMARE. I have no less than SIX (6) skeleton sketches, one of which was basically almost done but wasn't crouchy enough lol. What a fun challenge that was!!
And, of COURSE, here are the sketches because A) I liked them just as much as the scans up there and B) THE SKETCHES ACTUALLY WORK SIDE BY SIDE FOR THE MEME! Whereas the SCANS don't quite--hence why they're one on top of the other, lol.
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Do I have something for the Blinter? WHY YES, I DO! An IDEA. I have Blaise for sure but the one Winter's slotted as rn doesn't seem to fit in with the theme. Granted, she is the most unhinged of all the Frosts (it's where they get their shenanigan related ideas from lol) so it checks out that she'd be not QUITE in the same wheelhouse with their existential crisises but THAT'S FOR ME TO DWELL ON, AND YOU TO LAUGH ABOUT IN 3 TO 5 BUSINESS WEEKS :D
happy weekend everyone! I'm gonna go do the aforementioned cackling now >:)
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