#I also need to get up and finish making a pitcher of tea so I’m gonna do that now k byeeee <3
lovecoredeity · 4 months
I lied: I probably will be posting a proper commission sheet sometime in the coming week, maybe this weekend, it all depends on what like I’ve got going on (as I’ve said June is a really busy month so if anything it may be late June before I’m like opening commissions) sorry in advance for that!!
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thewarriorspecial · 2 years
Alright so:
@hobicat suggested an office AU. I don’t work in an office. I work in a dreaded grocery store. So this is a slice of that. And you know, my insanity. Huzzah!
Also included a delightful Ke$ha detail for @kiseiakhun.
This is completely unedited and typed on my phone.
Welcome to Zippys
The only universe in which Barry Allen is fucking evil.
There be dragons at the end of the world. And there be Evil Barry. Deific powers. An unsettling craving for violence fueled by too many years of passive aggressively accepting spoonfuls of shit from middle aged women who felt entitled to discounts. Just because, no explanation really.
One day Evil Barry, who used to be Fake Nice Barry until a middle aged white bitch told him to “go back where he came from” because she didn’t like his accent, was nudged over the edge.
Evil Barry grabbed that haughty bitch by her early aughts bob and threw her through a plate glass window.
You see, the whole thing started because there was a sale on ribs. Barry was Summoned to the front of the store from the Dairy aisle where he had been cleaning up all the overpriced eggs an Elderly Karen had dropped on the floor in protest of ever rising prices. Elderly Karen’s rage was understandable. She’s on a fixed income. When Fake Nice Barry was once young and Actually Nice, he would’ve given her the eggs at a discount. Or for free even if he could find a way to manage it.
Nonetheless here comes the page. So Barry pastes a cordial if somewhat tired smile on his face and asks Meat Karen how he can help her. And it starts. The torrent of personal accusations. The list of made up sins the whole store had committed against her specifically.
“I’m sorry ma’am,” he gently explains, “Our meat manager had a family emergency and since he’s our only trained meat cutter on the team, he wasn’t able to cut enough of those ribs for the sale today. He or a replacement from another store will be in tomorrow to get us caught up. May I take your name and make sure a special order is reserved for you?”
“Well how does that help me today? I need them today. They’re on sale today! I specifically made a thirty minute drive over here just for those and I’m supposed to come back? I have to make two trips now because of your incompetence??”
“I’m sorry ma’am,” Barry forces a steady tone, “What could do I do for you instead that would be more respectful of your time?”
“Have the shit in the store when you put it in the ad! You always do this! You lure people in here, nothing is stocked, everything is dirty! Do you get kickbacks from the oil people to make us drive more? Is that why you built that gas station? It smells! You cut down all those trees and stink up the whole neighborhood with your lies!!”
Barry had tried to answer her accusations as they came up but was stopped each time as she shoved her extended palm in his face, the universal symbol for Im not finished screaming at you yet.
And finally, after countless shifts, after countless hours of meaningless blocking and cleaning, and ordering and stocking and monotonous enduring—Barry snapped. An evil was unleashed in him so unbalanced it ripped a hole in the multiverse and created Zippys.
It is said that the lightning crack of every justified strike, every open hand, every Twisted Tea laid upon a Karen or Kevin results in immediate transmission to the store where you can check out anytime you like but you just respawn in the cart laden vestibule.
When that bitch got launched through the glass, her indignant shriek followed by the shattering glass each hit perfectly in time to the chorus of Keshas Tik Tok.
Meistro? Cue it up please.
Tik Tok on the clock but the party don’t—
“Stop! AGH!!”
Oh woah oh oh
Oh woah oh oh
A red streak appears next to Barry who’s still frozen in perfect pitcher form.
“Oh SHIT!” Wally cackles like a witch, ripping his cell phone out of his hoodie pocket and leaping after the woman. “World star!! World star!!”
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The Story of You
The long awaited chapter is here! There are so many emotions running through this chapter but it is definitely one of my favorites, and I truly hope that I do not disappoint you guys, I will post the corresponding IG post in a few days! 🤍 All the love, Mar
Disclaimer: In no way do I wish to spread hate or negative opinions about any of the characters here depicted, this is just fiction and with the purpose of entertaining you guys
Part 16: Realization
November 10, 2021: Week Thirty-Six
New York, New York. 6:30 PM
A knock on my door pulled me back from the kitchen I opened the door and Jason was standing there, I smiled and let him in, “Well hello you, looking good”, he laughed, “Hey! it is so nice to see you! And look at that belly! This baby is ready to pop huh?”, I laughed, “Let’s hope he or she holds on until H is back here”
We went into the kitchen where the pasta had just finished cooking, the salad was already on the table along with a pitcher of sweet tea, “Thank you for agreeing to come to dinner here”, he shrugged, “It’s okay, I brought dessert by the way”, my mouth watered when I saw the cookies he had brought
“God, they look so good, are you ready for dinner?”, he nodded, and he helped me serve two plates and we sat down to eat, “So, how are the kids?”, he took a sip of his tea, “They are doing awesome, doctor said everything looked perfect and they are up and running again”, he cleared his throat
“Actually, they’re going to the San Diego show”, I took a sip of my tea, “Aww I hope they love it, Anne will be there, so she will surely have a blast with them”, he nodded, “Is she coming to see you?”, “Yes, she’s coming in on the 21st and will stay for a while”, “That’s good”
I sighed “Yeah”, What’s wrong?”, I chuckled, “I guess I’m anxious this baby decides to come before Harry is back and/or everyone is here”, he squeezed my arm, “If it makes you feel better, I’m staying in New York until Thanksgiving, Olivia will fly with the kids so they can celebrate with me, and then they’ll go visit her parents”
I turned and gave him a small smile, “Well that does make me feel better, I mean the longest it will take him to get here is six hours, but I guess anything can happen”, “Hey, no need to stress, okay? Everything will work out in the end”, I nodded
“And I mean I do have some experience on what happens when a baby decides to come huh?”, I laughed a little at that and wiped the tears that fell from my eyes, “Will you make me a promise?”, he nodded, “When this baby is born and you come meet them, will you bring me a ‘Five Guys’ burger and shake, please”, he laughed, “I promise you will have your burger and shake after you have your baby”
We talked for about two hours more before he realized it was late and left for home, I washed the dishes and sat down to watch some episodes of a show I was hooked on and then went to bed.
November 12, 2021: Week Thirty-Six
Harry. Glendale, Arizona. 3:30 PM
I just got into my hotel and laid down on my bed, although these shows were not really back-to-back, I was so tired, and my stress levels are through the roof, not only because of baby’s pending arrival but also from the conversation I needed to have with Olivia.
I had an idea I wanted to talk with Y/N about, and I wanted to see how she was doing, so I decided to text her and see if she was up for a call
To Y/N <3 (3:35 PM): Hey! You busy?
From Y/N <3 (3:38 PM): Hi! not really, busy folding baby’s laundry while waiting for dinner to be done, you okay?
To Y/N <3 (3:39 PM): Can I call you?
From Y/N <3 (3:38 PM): Sure H
I decided to give it a few seconds before calling her in hopes I didn’t look so desperate, but who am I kidding, I am crazy for her. I dialed her number and after about three rings she answered, “Hey H, how are you?”, “Hi darling, I’m well, how are you? How’s the little baba?”, “Kicking up a storm, they get really excited when I get Braxton-Hicks”
“Just those right?”, she laughed a little, “Yes H, just those; but don’t worry, Jason has agreed to step in if something happens until you can get here”, jealousy filled my stomach, “Oh, you saw each other?”, “Yup, he’s staying here until after Thanksgiving, so until your mum gets here, I’m not as anxious as I was feeling about maybe going into labor”
“That’s all that matters honestly, and I’m thankful you are feeling good”, “So how are you feeling knowing there are only 8 shows left?”, I blew some air through my mouth, “It’s crazy, I still remember the first show and how worried I was that I wouldn’t enjoy each and every single show, but I have enjoyed them, so so much”
“That is what matters H, your fans are so happy to have you back”, “so, I wanted to discuss some things with you”, I sat up while I heard her speak up, “I’m all ears H”, I cleared my throat, “Would you be up to us celebrating Thanksgiving together? like mum and Gem and Michal and my dad will be here, as well as the band”
“Oh, I love that idea! What do you need me to do?”, I laughed, she had always been a busy bee and I knew that this time wouldn’t be the exception, “Nothing, I’m hiring a catering service and my mom will help with arranging my place, I also rented some extra furniture”, “Well then, I’ll help your mum”, she smiled, and I did too.
After thirty minutes of discussing some things related to our baby she said goodbye, and I was left feeling empty because I missed her, and I was also anxious because I knew what was coming for me and Olivia, and I prayed to whoever listened that she would take It well.
November 14, 2021: Week Thirty-Six
Harry. Los Angeles, California. 12:45 PM.
My mom had just texted me that she was picking up her luggage, I let her know I was already outside, it was moments like this that made me hate who I was, I couldn’t even pick up my mom from the airport, I smiled when I saw the ultrasound picture I had set as my background, when a knock on the window pulled me out of my thoughts.
I smiled when I saw my mom and pulled up my hoodie’s cap and got out, we met on the trunk and I gave her a hug and kiss, while I loaded her suitcases she got into her car and I joined her a few moments later, I removed my mask and so did she and we hugged for a few seconds before pulling back.
“Hi baby boy, I have missed you so much!”, “I have missed you too mum, I’m so happy to have you here, shall we head home?”, she nodded and started making our way home, we talked about what we were doing while she was here.
We arrived home and she went into her room while I heated the lunch, I had ordered for us, then we sat down to eat, “Honey this is delicious”, I smiled, “I ordered from them during the pandemic, it is really good isn’t it?”, we ate in silence and after cleaning we sat down to drink some tea, my mom took a sip before talking to me
“How’s Y/N?”, I smiled, “She’s okay, I spoke to her earlier, she had her appointment today”, her smile brightened when I said this, “Oh! Did she get an ultrasound?”, I laughed at her eagerness, “No mum, she had her fetal monitoring as well as her weekly check-up but she decided to wait until you were there for the ultrasound”, she cleaned some tears from her eyes, “This is so surreal, I cannot wait to see her”
I gave her a teasing look, “Are you more excited about her than me?”, and she laughed, “Guilty as charged baby”, we both shared a laugh before she continued speaking, “All jokes aside, I am so happy to be here Harry, I know you have waited for this, and I love watching you perform, but becoming a grandmother, it has been a life dream of mine and since your sister doesn’t seem eager to do so, someone had to take one for the team”
I grabbed her hand, gave it a squeeze and a kiss, “I am happy for you mum, and I cannot wait to see you with the baby, one of my dearest thoughts since I found out I was going to be a dad if I’m honest”, the rest of the ride we were silent listening to the radio. When we got home, I unloaded her bags and dropped her in her room.
Mum let me know she would be taking a shower so made my way into the kitchen, when I opened my fridge I got a text notification, I pulled out the sweet tea I had prepared earlier and poured myself a glass, I smiled at my background photo, I couldn’t wait to see how much they had changed and grown.
I opened my messages and saw I had a new voice note from Olivia, I pressed play and listened to what she sent, “Hi you, how did it go picking up your mom? I hope her flight went well, I am just dropping the kids off at gymnastics, just shoot me a text if it is okay with you if I drop by yeah? My cousin will pick the kids up and they are having a pajama party, so I’m all yours for the night”
I shot her a text letting her know that we were home and she could come if she wanted, I had ordered from my mom’s favorite Greek restaurant and we would just chill for the rest of the afternoon since we had to leave early for San Diego.
About half an hour later Olivia arrived, she gave me a kiss and dropped her bag in my room before going into the kitchen and saying hello to my mum, my mum served some wine glasses and I plated the takeaway that had arrived a few minutes before Olivia; we decided to have dinner on the patio, where we talked about everything and anything until we decided to head to bed for our early start tomorrow.
While we were putting the plates in the dishwasher my mum asked Olivia if she would be travelling with us, Olivia smiled at her while she shook her head, “I’ll make my way to San Diego at around noon with the kids”, my mom smiled, “Oh! That’s okay, well I’ll head to bed, good night you two”, I kissed my mum and she hugged Olivia, I turned to look at her, “Uhm, I’ll go have a shower, you want to come upstairs”, she turned to look at me, “I’ll see you in a few, I’ll just have a few phone calls to make”, I nodded and made my way upstairs.
When I came out of the bathroom I was finishing drying my hair when I saw that Olivia hadn’t come up yet, I got dressed and went downstairs, I would brew some tea before going to bed so I could have a restful sleep.
Liv was still sitting in the patio talking to Bab, I could see her face through the computer, the door was ajar, as I was about to join her I heard Bab's voice from the computer, “So, are you ready?”, “For?”, “Becoming a step mother”, Olivia sighed, “No, and I don't think I'll ever be ready”, that made me stop in my tracks, “I didn't sign up for this Bab”, there was a silence for a few seconds, “Then you know what you have to do”
She sighed and nodded, “I don’t know what will happen Bab, and I’m scared”, “Liv, babe, you guys deserve honesty if you want this relationship to work”, I let them finish their call while I brewed some tea, a few minutes later I heard the door open and close, “Hey, didn’t know you were done”
I turned and gave her a small smile, “Oh! Uhm yeah, I’m brewing some tea, do you want some?”, she nodded and sat down in one of the barstools an di turned to grab some cups and the honey, she cleared her throat before speaking up, “Harry? Can we talk?”, I walked to where she was and sat down, placing a cup in front of her and another in front of me.
She took a sip before speaking up, “You know how important you are for me, don’t you?”, I nodded, “And how much I admire you”, I nodded again, “And I am so grateful that we have shared so much, the good things, the bad things, the not so expected things”, I took a sip of my tea and took a deep breath
“Does this have to do with the conversation you had with Bab just a few minutes ago?”, she looked at me surprised, “How much did you hear?”, “Enough. Wanna talk about it?”, she took a sip of her tea and nodded, “I think I never thought into depth properly, like what this meant for you, me, us, and these last few weeks have been for my personal reflection”
She grabbed my hands and gave them a squeeze, “I love you, I really do, you are a wonderful lover Harry, but… I’m not sure if right now I am ready or I want to be a stepmother”, I furrowed my brows and nodded, carefully listening to what she was saying, “I just… I just need a few days, just to think things over, because right now I don’t know if I can”
I was honestly so stunned that the only thing I could do is nod, she stood up and grabbed her bag I followed her all the way to the entrance, “Is it okay if I go tomorrow? Otis and Daisy are excited to go”, I turned and gave her a small smile, “Yes of course, I’ll guess we’ll talk soon?” she nodded and kissed my cheek and made her way to her car.
I went into the kitchen and grabbed my phone dialing Mitch’s number, after four rings he answered, “Hey man, what’s up, thought you would be asleep by now”, “I think I just got broken up with”, there was some rustling on his side, “Hold up, what do you mean?”, I sat down on the couch in my living room before speaking up
“She just told me that she needed a few days to think things over because she didn’t know if she was ready to be a stepmother, and then left”, “Harry, that doesn’t sound like a break up to me, but it does sound as an argument that will end in a break up if I’m honest”, I sighed, “What should I do?”, “Mate, you know the answer, for once do the right thing, for everyone involved”
November 16, 2021: Week Thirty-Seven
Harry. Los Angeles, California. 5:00 PM.
San Diego had been a blast, I was so glad Olivia and I had been able to keep it professional between us and I was so happy to see my mum dance with her kids, however my smile came from the fact that my mom was there, and we Facetimed Y/N, I could definitely see the changes the book and app had predicted.
She definitely looked a little swollen on her face, her eyes were tired, but I swear her light was even brighter than it had been during her whole pregnancy; we were also able to see baby move in the belly and seeing my mum tear up made me tear up and made me miss her even more.
We were now back in LA, Jeff and Glenne had come over for drinks before going to dinner. I was glad that Glenne was now talking to me because when I first got here… well let’s just say I had to avoid Jeff’s house for a few. A knock on my door made me furrow my brows, my mum asked me “Are you expecting anyone honey?”
I shook my head as she made her way to the door to see who was there, a few seconds later I was surprised to see her appear along with Olivia, “Hey, what are you doing here?”, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “Hi, I wanted to talk to you”
Before I could speak up Glenne interrupted us, “Hey Anne, why don’t you come with Jeff and me to see some baby shower details, yeah?”, my mum nodded and grabbed her bag, she kissed my cheek and squeezed Olivia’s arm before leaving.
Jeff waved goodbye and Glenne said goodbye to me and ignored Olivia, after she learnt what happened she has made it clear that if she didn’t like her before, well now she hates her. After they left, I nudged to the bottle of wine in front of us and she nodded so I poured her a glass. She took a sip before speaking up
“Thank you, for agreeing to talk to me”, “I actually also wanted to talk to you”, confusion and dread was spread across her face, “I wanted to apologize for my reaction two days ago, I guess I wasn’t expecting for you to say that, but that also lead me to think and reconsider some things”, I took a sip of my wine
“You’re right, I am sorry for throwing so much to you all at once, I guess I never thought on how much it would actually affect you and your life; and after so much thought, well first of all I want to thank you, for being with me and loving a complicated man, and because I care so deeply for you, I want to set you free”
She scoffed, “I cannot believe it, I didn’t say I wanted to break up with you, I said I needed a few days to think about everything”, I rolled my eyes and sighed, “I’m sorry, but the fact that ‘you had to think things over’ is enough of an indication”, I stood up and walked into my kitchen, she followed and the screamed at me
Before she could speak, I raised up my hand letting her know I was going to continue talking, “I know I did you wrong Liv, I really do and I apologized over and over again and the fact that you say you forgive me but still hold a grudge against it speaks volumes”, I sighed and ran a hand down my face
“I also wasn’t ready to become a ‘stepdad’ if you will, but I always welcomed Otis and Daisy with open arms from the beginning, hell even nowadays they are one of my top concerns when we took decisions regarding our relationship and how Jason and you agree to parent”
I turned to look at her, “But you? Since the beginning you have made it pretty clear that my kid is not welcome in your life, and I thank the Gods above for the fact that Y/N is the bigger person here, because that shit you pulled about the custody could have cost me my kid”
“I can’t do this anymore”, “What?”, “Liv, come on”, she started pacing the kitchen, “No Harry, I know I told you I had to think things over, but I have and I realized that I love you; I love you so much and I am willing to make it work and welcome Y/N and the baby into our family”, I stood up and cleaned the tears that fell from her eyes
I covered my face with my hands and felt her sit beside me and squeeze my arms, she let out a sob before speaking, “Harry, please… I know I have a lot to work on, but I love you”, I pulled back and gave her a sad smile, “I wish I could say it back”, she pulled back and gave me a small smile before speaking up
“You love her, don’t you?”, I smiled a little, “Never stopped”, she laughed a little, “God I was so stupid”, I turned and gave her a questioning look, “I had a feeling that you never stopped loving her, but I wanted to take a risk even if I knew that I could end up heartbroken”, she blew her nose and silence overtook us, and after what felt like thirty minutes but in reality it was maybe two or three, Olivia spoke up again after seating down next to me
“You know? He told me that you would never love me like you love her”, my confused look was enough for her to continue, “Jason; and you want to know the worse part? I thought he was saying it out of spite, of jealousy and I was such a bitch to him, but he was only taking care of me, even after everything we have gone through”
I nodded in understanding, “I'm sorry”, she stood up, “Don't be, I was a fool, I really tried to pretend that everything would be okay and we would be able to work it out”, she started walking to the door, “I'll start picking up my things from the rental, and I’ll get the others when I go to New York”
I walked her to her car and just before I closed the door she turned and gave me a small smile, “Harry?”, “Yes?”, “Don’t screw it up again, second chances don’t always happen, and when it does, take care of her, love her like she deserves it”, I gave her a small hug and watched as she pulled away from my driveway.
I went back inside and sat down on the couch trying to process what had just happened, about twenty minutes later they all came back and stopped in their tracks when they saw me, my mom was the first one to rush to me, “Honey what’s wrong?”, I let out a silent laugh, “We broke up”, they all looked at me like I was crazy when I let out a surprised chuckle, Jeff asked me, “So, is it a good or bad thing?”
I turned to look at him and gave him a smile, “It is a good thing”, we all turned to look at Glenne when she screamed “Finally!”, we all turned to look at her when she said, “Oh come on! You know she wasn’t my favorite person, and well I know you and Y/N are meant to be together”, my mom squeezed my hand and I turned to give her a smile
She placed her forehead against mine and asked me, “So, what are you going to do now darling?”, I closed my eyes and then opened them before declaring with a purpose I had never ever had before, “I am going to get my girl back”
November 17, 2021: Week Thirty-Seven
New York City. New York. 11:30 PM.
The phone rang, but the only thing I could focus on was my breathing and the pain radiating down my back and belly, after three rings he picked up, “Y/N?”, I sighed, “Jason hi, sorry to bother you at this hour”, I ran a hand down my belly, “Don’t worry, I was finishing picking up my kitchen, are you okay?”
I let out a shuddering breath, “Uhm, not really”, I let out a chuckle, “I think I’m going into labor”, some tears fell down when the reality of the situation was settling in, I was here in New York, all alone while Harry, Anne, and the rest of my friends and family were watching him perform all the way in L.A., six hours away from home.
When he talked, he pulled me back from my anxious thoughts before they could swallow me, “What? Oh God, okay, uhm are you okay?”, I chuckled, “Not really, I have had contractions every seven minutes for the last hour and a half, I called Betty and she told me I should head to the hospital for some monitoring”
I let out a sob mixed with a chuckle, “I’m freaking out, I don’t have a bag packed, the bassinet has not been delivered, I have not finished washing my last purchases”, I took a deep breath trying to calm down, “And Harry is performing still, and I’m all alone, I’m so scared Jason”
I could hear him move around and grab his keys before speaking up, “Hey breathe, you are not alone and we will focus on what we can control right now, and that is making sure that you and baby are okay, yeah?”, I nodded even if he couldn’t see, “I’ll be there in twenty yeah?”, “I’ll wait for you here”
I hung up the phone and clicked on the contraction timer app I had downloaded, while I took some deep breaths and ran a hand down my belly, once it was over, I paused it and took a deep breath and looked down at my belly, “We’ll be okay, but please, try to hold on until daddy is back here, I need him here”
Exactly twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door, I went to open it, grabbed my bag and facemask, “Hi you, how are we doing?”, he pulled me in for a hug and I felt at peace, “Hi, my contractions have slowed a little, but they are still frequent, I am so thankful I chose a midwife who also works at a hospital”, he nodded and squeezed my arm, “Come on let’s go”
Fifteen minutes later we were walking into the emergency room, which was pretty full given that is was midnight on a Wednesday and it was New York City, we walked to the reception where an old nurse was sitting, when she heard us approach she gave us the biggest smile, “Hello dear, how can I help you today”
“Hi, I think I am going into labor and my midwife asked me to meet her here for some monitoring, her name is Betty Olson”, she nodded and typed in her computer, “Dearest while I ring for her can you fill up this? I’m sorry I know you must feel so uncomfortable”, “Yes of course, no problem”
I started filling up the formats while Jason went to the bathroom and vending machine, I then handed her the clipboard back and both Betty and Jason arrived at my side at the same time, Betty smiled when she saw me, “It seems like someone is eager to join the party?”, I laughed and gave her a hug, I introduced Jason and we followed her into the room where she asked me to settle om the reclining chair
“Okay, so has there been any change since we last spoke?”, I nodded, “They have slowed down but there is still a pattern”, she nodded while she felt my belly and placed the monitors, “that’s okay, so what we will do is hook you up to the monitor for the next hour and if contractions slow down then I’ll send you home with instructions to take it easy until our appointment”
I nodded, “And if they don’t?”, tears continued to fall down my eyes, she squeezed my arm, “Then we’ll get you to the unit and welcome this baby with all the love; but for now, please rest okay? I know it is hard, but you are in the best hands”, we thanked her, and she left the room, I turned to see Jason, “Thank you truly for being here”, he shrugged
“Please don’t worry, let’s just take it little by little”, I could feel my eyes droop, after yawning I asked him, “Do you mind if I take a nap?”, “Please I encourage it, but before you fall asleep, should I call anyone?”, “Let’s just wait okay? Harry is performing and he wouldn’t be able to do anything until the concert ended”, he nodded.
I must have been pretty tired because as soon as he turned off the lights, I feel asleep, an hour later Betty came to check the readings and she furrowed her brows, my stomach dropped with worry, “Betty, everything okay?”, she let out a breath, “I am not liking the fact that we still have a pattern, but the length is not the same so that is good”
She washed her hands and felt my belly, “So, we will keep you hooked up for another hour and go from there, okay?”, I nodded, and she left, I turned to see Jason, “Uhm, can you please call Harry? I am not sure if he just finished or is about to finish”, when I turned to look at the clock it read about two in the morning which would be eleven at night back there, he nodded and walked out of the room.
November 17, 2021: Week Thirty-Seven
Harry. Los Angeles, California. 11:30 PM.
The adrenaline in my body was still going strong, we were walking to my dressing room, my mum, Jeff and Glenne were there, and Sarah and Mitch were behind me, we engaged in conversation over the show, I reached for my phone and furrowed when I had two missed calls from Jason, just as I was about to call him back another call came through, I slid to answer
“Harry?”, “Jason, hi, how are you?”, “I’m okay thank you for asking”, I cleared my throat, “Is everything okay?”, he sighed, “Uhm yes but no, it’s Y/N?”, I felt my heart start to beat faster , God please no, not her, “What about Y/N?”, when I said this everyone turned to look at me worried, “Wait, I’ll put you on speaker so you can tell me”
I did so and placed the phone in the table, my mom sat next to me and squeezed my arm, “So… we are currently in the hospital under monitoring because Y/N thought she was going into labor”, “What? Is she okay?”, “She is, they hooked her up to a monitor but after an hour her contractions had slowed but they were in a pattern, but her midwife just came through and thankfully labor stopped”
I felt like a tiny piece of my heart came back to life, “Oh thank God”, I sniffled and cleared the tears that had fallen from my eyes, “Did Betty, uhm the midwife say anything else?”, “Yeah, that she should take it easy until her next appointment and to call her if her contractions start picking up again”, “Thank you Jason, truly, is she available?”, “Yeah, you can call her phone, I just stepped out to finish her discharge and I’ll drop her home after”, “Thank you Jason, I’ll call her now?”
I hung up and let out a sob I didn’t know I was holding, my mum hugged me and kissed my head before whispering, “Honey she is okay”, I nodded and sniffled, “I know, but I feel so anxious and awful she’s there alone, and what if this happens again?”, “What if I move my ticket and go to be with her?”, “But mum, you were so excited to be here in LA for a few days more”
She gave me a smile, “I was, but I care more If you are kay, you still have a few tour dates, and I will not lie, I kinda feel she needs someone with her”, Jeff then spoke up, “I’ll look into it”, I nodded and silently thanked him before I grabbed my phone and dialed Y/N’s number, it rang two times before she answered
“H?”, “Hi love, what did we say about scaring me huh?”, I let out a laugh and she did too before they turned into sobs that broke my heart and made me tear up, “Lovie…”, she sniffled, “I’m sorry, I was just so scared Harry, and I prayed so hard that I didn’t go into labor without you here”
“I know, I am still on the edge of my seat, and I wish I could end tour right now so I could be there with you, but I have a little surprise coming your way”, “Really? What?”, “My mom is getting out on the first flight tomorrow to see you”, she sniffled again, “I cannot wait to see her again”, everyone around me asked to talk with her so I set the phone on speaker.
After everyone talked to her, I removed the speaker, “Hey, you still there?”, she chuckled, “I am, thank you for letting me talking to everyone, I feel so much better”, I smiled, “I’m glad love, are you ready to be discharged?”, “Almost, I’ll text you when I get home”, “Please do, and call me, it doesn’t matter the time or anything okay?”
“I will, thank you H, I appreciate it”, “I’ll always be here for you, you know how important you are to me”, we hung up and I grabbed my things, I just wanted to go home, and my mom needed to pack, the car ride felt so long but I knew it was fairly short.
While my mum finished packing I took a shower, when I came downstairs and she was finishing making some dinner for us, she smiled an plated everything and we sat down to eat, “Mum this is delicious”, she wiped her mouth before answering, “I’m glad you love it baby, I think this is one of the meals I’ll prepare and freeze for Y/N”, I smiled at the thought that she was willing to do that for her.
“Mum thank you really for agreeing to going to be with her”, she squeezed my hand, “It’s no problem, I’ll spoil her and we will have so much fun and I’ll make sure the baba holds on until you are there”, I smiled at that had kissed her head.
November 18, 2021: Week Thirty-Seven
New York City, New York. 4:30 PM.
I was laying on the couch sipping some tea when there was a knock in my door, I peeped through the peephole and opened the door smiling so big, “Anne! I’m so happy to have you here”, she reached in to give me a hug and sway us a little, “Oh darling look at you! You look amazing!”
I let her in and we sat down in the living room with some tea, we were talking about how life was back in England, what we were going to do and her thoughts on the concerts, she reached in for one of the cookies I had baked and handed me one before grabbing another
“Darling, do you know if there is anything going on between Harry and Olivia?”, I furrowed my brows, “Uhm, I’m not so sure, van I ask why?”, she took a sip of her tea, “Well, things were very tense while I was there, she actually only hung out with us like two times, and Harry seemed bothered with her”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I mean the last time I saw them they were kinda mad at each other, but I’m sure there is nothing wrong, don’t worry”, she smiled at me before reaching to squeeze my hand, “So… I am under strict instructions to take you to get a pedicure tomorrow, are you up for it?”
I nodded excitedly, “Do you want me to book at appointment at my regular place?”, she shook her head, “No worries deary, everything is already set up”, I laughed a little, “I’ll thank Harry later”, she smiled knowingly.
We talked for a few more hours until we both started yawning and decided to make our way to our bedrooms, just before she could close the door I hugged Anne and whispered, “Thank you for being here”, she kissed my head, “I am happy to be here, rest up okay? I’ll see you in the morning”, I pulled back and made my way to my room, my smile never leaving my face.
Taglist @tinydestinybear @amyleeeee @harry-is-my-sunflower @beachwoodcaferryy @msolbesg @clarawolf22 @harrysficreblog @infinitely-yellow @cherrylovesblog @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry @harryspirate @kaitieskidmore1 @michellekstyles @qualitygiantshoepsychic @irelilien @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @shawnsblue @behindmygreyeyes @sunshinemoonsposts @dirtytissuebox @little-freak-satellite @tinydeskwriter @be-with-me-so-happily @watercolorskyy @goldenlouvr @jgoff717
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sammygvfslut · 3 years
i like you a latte | s. kiszka
Summary: Words cannot espresso how much you mean to Sammy Kiszka.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey besties!!! this is my first ever sam fic, and i really hope you guys enjoy it! it’s super cheesy so beware of some tooth-rotting fluff ahead. any and all feedback is appreciated <3
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Loud chattering and the sounds of espresso machines hissing and whistling filled the cafe. Every few seconds or so when a new customer walked in, a soft ringing above the door rang. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as it read 7am. Way too early for your liking. You wished to be back in bed under the covers with your cat Joey snuggling. Plus, the cold weather made it even harder for you to get out of bed every morning. Damn you, winter.
“Good morning.” A voice said suddenly, startling you as you slightly jumped. “Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there for a sec.”
Turning around at the voice, your heart fluttered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “G-Good morning, Sam! Nope, didn’t scare me at all. I was just uh...focusing very hard and you caught me off guard.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest, his own lips curving and flashing that beautiful grin. God, he made you melt. You took a quick chance to admire his appearance for the day, luscious brown locks pulled back into a low bun with a few stray pieces framing his face, and he wore a slightly oversized brown grandpa looking sweater. He exuded true fall energy today and all you wanted to do was snuggle with him watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate. “Right. Focusing on what exactly? Staring at the register?”  
“S-Sure. Yes, the register.” Totally not him instead. “Um, I realized it turned off right now and my mind blanked to turn it back on.”
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he laughed, his touch leaving a wave of goosebumps to rise out of your skin. “You’re so cute. I’ll leave you to that then, but if you need help trying to get the register to turn back on again, let me know.” And with that, he sent you a wink and turned on his heel away to start on the customers orders.
Alright, alright. So maybe early shifts weren’t as bad as you thought thanks to your insanely charming co-worker. Sam and you had been working together for the past year, and almost instantly you started falling for him. He welcomed you with open arms and he was a great help when it came to your training. Your co-workers were nice too, but Sam took that extra step in making sure you were comfortable with what you were doing. If you made a mistake and were freaking out about it, he somehow knew the way to calm you down. He was too precious and good for this cruel world. And most of all, out of your league too.
With his dashing looks and amazing personality, you just knew there was no way he’d ever feel the same about you. Except, any time you’d voice that thought to any of your friends at work, they’d tell you you’re crazy and that he likes you too. Apparently they caught on to the signs more than you did, which wasn’t a shocker considering that you’d have no clue if a guy was interested in you unless he blatantly confessed. So, trying to figure out hints was completely pointless for you.
“Uh oh, she’s deep in thought,” one of your friends/co-workers, Danny, teased. He also happened to be Sam’s best friend, and current band mate since the pair are in a band with Sam’s older twin brothers. “I bet I can guess what, or who you were thinking about.”
“Don’t even say it,” you warned with a finger, “He’s literally four feet away from us—”
“So?” Danny rolled her eyes with his arms folded. “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? Come on, it’s been almost a year now. What’s the worst that can happen if you confess?”
“He can hear me.” You stared blankly at him, shaking your head. “Absolutely not though, Danny. I will not embarrass myself from the humiliation I’d have to face from his rejection.”
Danny groaned frustratedly, placing his hands on both your shoulders and shaking them. “You’re so hopeless! Y/N, how many times do the guys and I have to tell you he likes you too!” He raised his voice a little louder than necessary which accidentally caught the attention of almost everyone in the cafe. Sam included unfortunately. Danny’s eyes widened, silently cursing under his breath. “Carry on, everyone.”
As much as you hated to admit it, Danny wasn’t lying when he mentioned about the guys agreeing that Sam likes you too. Every time you came over Josh’s apartment and Sam was there he’d find any little excuse to have his arm around you or teasing you constantly. You’d shake it off that he was just treating you like a friend would, but of course the guys would disagree with you.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” Danny told you sternly, “But for now, and don’t make it obvious, but Sam’s looking at you.” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked and stepped to the next register before greeting a new customer and taking their order.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you slowly looked over your shoulder in Sam’s direction. You saw his head quickly turn and finish off the drink in front of him. Your cheeks burned at this and tried taking deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Didn’t work much, but as a new customer waved and told you their order, your breathing turned back to normal.
On the other end of the counter, Sam was currently freaking the hell out from what he heard a few minutes ago between you and Danny. He didn’t mean to, but he also wasn’t that far from either of you. Plus, Danny wasn’t the best at keeping his voice low. He had a strong feeling he knew you were talking about him, and for that reason alone he overflowed the cup he was pouring into and made a mess. He cursed under his breath and wiped his hands on his apron, shaking his head.
You caught sight of this and rushed to his side, grabbing a cloth from under the sink and started wiping the sticky counter. Sam was certain his cheeks were tomato red from his embarrassment, making a complete fool of himself for not paying attention to what he was doing. More so focusing on your conversation and your damn smile from earlier. You weren’t the only one here with a crush.
“T-Thanks, Y/N.” Sam chuckled nervously, throwing the cup in the trash and tossing the drink pitcher he held in the sink. “I’m normally not this much of a dumbass.”
“I’m not too sure about that one, Kiszka.” You teased lightly with a grin. “It happens, don’t worry,” you assured. “I’m just glad it was cold tea you spilled and not steaming coffee. I’d hate for you to get a third degree burn. That happened to me once, don’t recommend it.”
“Didn’t I drive you to the hospital for that?” he asked. “I think that might’ve happened a few months ago.”
Your eyes widened at the memory. “Oh shit, you’re right. God, I’m still so sorry I had to drag you into that.”
Sam shook his head, lips curving and cheeks no longer flushed. “For the hundredth time, stop apologizing about that, Y/N. You know you can count on me for anything, so of course I didn’t mind driving you to the hospital. I remember even blasting some ABBA on the way over there so you’d have something else to focus on instead of the pain you endured.”
You smiled at the memory. “Didn’t we also go out for ice cream afterwards?”
He nodded, lightly rubbing his arm. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I mean, I always have fun when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his last few words, blinking slowly. “O-Oh.”
Oh? That’s all you have to say? Nice one, Y/N.
Sam’s heart dropped. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t talking about him after all. Maybe it was Danny or one of his brothers that you had a crush on and he was mistaken about it. He wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole right about now. Being anywhere but here sounded splendid to him.
“Y-Y/N, I—“
“Ihavefunwhenimwithyoutoo,” you muttered all too quickly, and poor Sam barely even understood what you said. He didn’t have the chance to ask you to repeat yourself because you quickly walked away to the back and he was left with a tug at his chest, frowning.
Within the next few days after Sam’s tea spill, literally, things between you and him became...awkward. Something went off in him to become even more clumsy than normal and forget everything he’s ever known when you’re near him. He’d get flustered, stuttering a lot, messing up orders, dropping dishes, and nearly tripping all the time. He hated it so much and wished he could just muster up the courage and apologize for being such an idiot and confess his feelings to you. Even during your hangouts with the guys, Sam and you wouldn’t interact as much and honestly you were well aware you were being super childish and immature about the situation. Sam did too, and he needed to snap the fuck out of it.
The next few days at work Sam would ignore Danny’s little side comments about his immaturity and continued working in silence. For the rest of his shift he didn’t talk much to anyone other than the customers. He wanted to talk to you when he had the chance, but then he’d quickly back out and walk the opposite direction.
He couldn’t figure out why it was so futile for him to just grow a sack and tell you he likes you. He’d never gone through this struggle before. Then again, as cheesy as it sounded, the other girls he’d asked out in the past couldn’t compare to you. Never in a million years, and maybe he was too afraid that he didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.
Nearing closing that same day, it was only you, Sam, and Danny. The flow of customers died down and not many people came in towards the end of the night which you were grateful for. It finally gave you the chance to relax a bit and start cleaning things up ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to stay after. Joey and a nice warm bath were waiting for you at home.
While Sam decided on working the register and you and Danny would clean, he grabbed your arm and led you into the back.
“What are you two still doing not dating each other or talking?! It’s been way too long now, Y/N. And since it’s only us three tonight, you have no other choice. Come on, I know you can’t take this any longer, and he can’t either. I can take over the register for a bit while you and him talk.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating his offering. As incredibly thankful as you were for his help, you were also scared shitless of the possible outcome. Perhaps it was finally time though that you say fuck it and say what you needed to. You couldn’t go on for any longer to keep your feelings bottled up inside. Maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, and by God you hoped that would be the case.
Inhaling, you nodded slowly and made your way back to where you were. Your eyes searched for Sam and saw he was busy making a drink, except there was no one else here besides you, him and Danny. It could’ve been a drink for him, so you shrugged this off and went towards the sink to start washing the dishes.
A few moments later, Sam cleared his throat from behind you. “H-Hey Y/N, so um, I know the créme brûlée latte is your favorite, and I thought I’d make you one. You seemed really stressed and busy today and I wanted to try to cheer you up. I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart swelled at his generosity and your cheeks burned as you felt his gaze burning into you, his palms soaking from nervousness. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
He shrugged casually, a small smile on his lips and his cheeks tinted a light pink. “It’s okay, I wanted to. And I uh, tried my best on the art. Hope you like it.”
Raising a brow, your gaze dropped on your cup and your eyes widened as you saw what he was referring to. A small coffee cup with the words I like you a latte around it.
“It’s true,” Sam chewed on his bottom lip while running his fingers through his hair. “I really like you Y/N, and I’m so sorry for acting like such an idiot these last few days around you. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you much either.”
Setting your cup on the counter, you took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb softly against his soft skin. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Sam. I’m sorry for not talking to you too, as well as for making a fool of myself. I tend to do that around someone I like.”
Finally, the realization dawned on Sam as a wide grin pulled at his lips. “Glad we’re on the same boat.”
“I-Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
You giggled. “You don’t even have to ask, loverboy.” You playfully rolled your eyes and cupped his other cheek before connecting his lips with yours.
A smirk pulled at Danny’s lips as he glanced at the two of you, shaking his head. Josh and Jake owed him $20 now. 
It was about damn time that Sam and you finally espresso’d your love for each other. 
tagging these lovely folks bc they helped inspired me and their work is amazing <3 @godlygreta​ / @flowervanfleet​ / @dharma-divine​
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raineydays411 · 4 years
And the adventure begins
Bruce Banner x daughter!reader 
A/n: yay! Another part out! Finally lol. Now time to work on my Loki fic and ignore this one for two weeks lol💀 jk I’m trying to keep up y’all I promise. Anyway hope you like it💕💕
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Now that you think about it, maybe you shouldn’t have skipped school today. Maybe then you wouldn’t be in this situation. 
....On another planet. Watching Thor be forced to fight some old dudes “Champion”, whatever that means.
Let’s go back to the beginning.
Nerves filled your body as you walked to school. You had an audition in the school play today and you were determined to get the part. Tony had offered to take you to school today but you decided to walk as it would give you extra time to learn your lines. As you pushed through the busy streets, occasionally bumping into a random pedestrian, you heard some girls whispering.
“Oh my god is that..”
“Yes! oh my go, he's so handsome”
“Ask him for a selfie”
“No you go ask hm”
At first you rolled your eyes, thinking it was just some youtuber or Tik tok star, you kept walking, eyes down re-reading your script. Then you heard the girls speak again. 
“Thanks Thor, I’m sorry Jane dumped you.” 
Hearing the name, your head swiveled up. You scanned the crowd looking for the blonde man, at first missing him as he wasn’t in his usual outfit of a cape and battle armour. But then you saw him, in a hoodie and some jeans. Picking up the pace, you jog toward the god not noticing the darker clothed man next to him.
“....it was a mutual dumping”
“I didn’t know the renaissance fair was in town” you say, a small smirk making its way on your face at the quip. 
Both Thor and ...Loki?! Turn around in surprise at the sudden voice behind them. Only to see you looking up at them with a arched brow. 
“Lady Y/n! How wonderful it is to see you” Thor boomed as he brought you into a bone crushing hug. Over his shoulder you could see Loki roll his eyes. 
“Honestly, had I known this trip would consist of young woman flocking to you, I would have allowed your hammer to kill me.”
Thor ignored his brother as he put you down. “My how you’ve grown.”
You smile and say, “Well the last time you saw me I was twelve.” Then you eye Loki with distrust. “Um Thor, why’d you bring brother dearest back to New York?” 
Loki looks at you with distaste, “ Who is this child, and why is she conversing with us?”
“Brother” Thor warns and then turns to you, “ Lady Y/n, we are searching for our father, it seems as if my brother” Thor harshly pats Loki on the shoulder, “ Has misplaced him.” 
You look at Loki and then look at the building that has been demolished
, “ Woah, I didn’t know Gods put their parents in nursing homes” You say “ If you want we can go back to the Tower and try to track him down”  
Thor smiles at the suggestion, “ A wonderful idea, tell me, how have my comrades been in my absence?” 
You cringe at the thought of explaining the events of the so called “Civil war”. Then notice a ring of sparks forming around Loki. 
“Uhh Thor” You say as you nod your head
“What’s this..wha.what are you doing?” He asks in alarm. Loki looks confused as the sparks get larger and more erratic.
“ This isn’t me” Loki says in confusion. Then suddenly the ground opens up beneath him and he falls through with an alarmed “Oh!” only leaving behind a business card. You and Thor look at each other, confusion written on both of your faces. 
“Loki” Thor whispers as he nudges the card with his umbrella. You look at him with concern and think to yourself
“Does..does he think the cards Loki?” 
You bend down to pick up the business card and read it out loud. 
“177a Bleeker St” you look at Thor and ask,” Do you know anyone from there?” 
“ No” He says, ‘ i don’t even know where that is.” 
You sigh, looking down at your script and making a decision. “ Well, lets go find your brother.” 
And with that, you turn around and start walking to your destination.
“Oh well, school can wait”
You and Thor find yourselves in front of two big black doors. You stand near Thor as he raises his hand to knock. Suddenly, before his hand is able to touch the door, you find yourselves inside the building. 
“What the fuck?” you mutter to yourself as you look around.
“Thor Odinson” a deep voice says. You look up to see a floating figure in the shadows coming towards you both. Thor pushes you behind him as he holds him umbrella threateningly. If you weren’t in potential danger, you would have laughed at the sight. The figure floated into the light and you saw it was a man. 
He was wearing a cloak and some weird robes with yellow gloves. He was relatively handsome, salt and pepper hair that was slicked back, high cheek bones and a goatee. He wasn’t horrible to look at. His deep, baritone voice was soothing.
“God of Thunder” He said looking at Thor. He glanced at the umbrella. “ You can put down the umbrella.” Then his gaze turned to you. 
“Y/n Banner. I wasn’t expecting you here” He said eyes narrowing at you,” Shouldn’t you be in school?”
You chuckled nervously, “ Eh, how can I abandon a friend in need?” 
The man smiles and looks back at Thor and suddenly your in a different room. Looking around in awe you hear Thor start talking.
“So..Earth has wizards now” He says, picking up a dagger from a display on a table, then dropping all of them trying to put them back. You try to hold back a laugh, feeling embarrassed for the god. 
You might have failed though because Thor looked at you with an unimpressed glance. You giggle out loud this time, as you watch him struggle with the knives. Everytime he managed to put one back, another fell. 
“The preferred term is Master of the Mystic arts...” Clank! another knife falls. The man looks very unimpressed, at your giggling and Thor's clumsiness.” You can leave that now.” 
At those words Thor leaves the knifes, trying to regaine his cool, he leans against the table. 
“Alright wizard, who are you and why should I care?” 
“Thor! That’s rude!”  
Ignoring you, their conversation continues, 
“My name is Dr. Stephen Strange and I have some questions for you.”  He says as he eyes you and Thor. “Have a seat”  
Within a second you’re in another room in the building...or least you think it is. The wind blows your hair back as you are suddenly dropped into a chair. You can see Thor look around startled and confused at the sudden setting change. You’re sure your face mirrored his as well.
“Tea?” Dr. Strange asks nonchalantly, a cup of tea appearing in your hands. You look at it in awe, not used to this level of magic, or magic at all. Thor on the other hand looked unimpressed with the cup.
“I don’t drink tea.” He says examining the cup that looked small in his hands. 
“Well what do you drink?”
“Not tea.” Thor says shaking his head. You roll you eyes as you go for a sip of tea, but before you can a large pitcher of beer was in its place. You look up at the two men with a raised eyebrow. 
“I hate to be a bother, but I do drink tea” 
Strange looked at you in amusement as he returns the beer to tea. 
“Jesus made water into wine, you make beer into tea. Interesting..” You say as you sip your tea. It was perfectly brewed of course. Dr. Strange smiled at the comparison
“Well its not exactly like that” Then he turned to Thor, “ So, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from the realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother Loki is one of those beings.” 
You scoff and roll your eyes and mutter, “Yeah no kidding.” Then you finish the last sips of tea, as you bring it down, the glass is already refilled
Thor looks up from his glass that he basically chugged,”Thats a worthy inclusion” His beer is refilled as well. He looks at it in astonishment.
“Then why bring him here?” Strange asks leaning forward.
“We’re looking for my father.” 
“So..if I were to tell you where Odin was..all parties concerned would return to Asgard” He then looks at you, “ or upper Manhattan.” 
“Promptly” “Try and keep me away from this place.” 
“Great then I’ll help you...and get to that later” 
You smirk at the doctor, knowing that it’s basically impossible to squash your curiosity once you get started. Then you realized something.
“Wait, if you knew where Odin is, why didn't you tell anyone?”
“Well he was very adamant he was not to be disturbed,” He turned to Thor, “Your father had chosen to remain in exile. Also you don’t have a phone.” 
“Hmm, no I don’t have a..a phone but you could’ve sent an electronic letter. It’s called an email.”
“Thor you don’t have a computer.”
“What for?” 
You lock eyes with Dr. Strange and share a look. 
“Uh huh well, my father is no longer in exile, so if you can tell me where he is, the quicker I can take him home.” Thor then takes a sip of his beer.
“Okay, hes in Norway.” Suddenly your on your feet again standing an a library of some sort. You’re a bit unbalance and catch yourself on the self. Strange is muttering to himself as he looks through a book. Then again, you’re in another room with a shelf. Nearly falling over you cling onto Thor, but he’s in no better shape than you, beer spilling everywhere. 
“Oh we don’t need that” Boom, in another room, this time you do fall and Thor breaks another shelf. He places the glass on a table, shaking the spilled beer of his person. 
“Can you stop doing that?” He asked irritated 
“Please” you add in, looking up from your place on the ground. 
You’re on your feet in a blink of an eye, feeling dizzy at the continuous movement. 
“Can I..I need a piece of your hair.” Strange says looking at Thor. 
“Let me tell you something, my hair is not to be --OW” 
You smile sweetly as you pass the yanked out hair to the Strange. “ Here you go Dr. Wizard.”  He makes a face at the nickname but takes the hair with a nod of thanks. Thor looks at you in betrayal. 
“Don’t be such a drama queen” You say rolling your eyes.  You then walk away from the duo, examining books and artifact that were in the room. You were too caught up in looking at all the cool stuff you didn’t pay attention to the rest of the conversation. Suddenly you were in the front room again. You managed to stay on your feet as Thor tumbled down the stairs. You watched in amazement as Dr. Strange did some hand movements and created a shape in sparks. 
“Could’ve just walked.” Thor muttered as he brushed the dust and wrinkles out off of his clothes. 
“He’s waiting for you.” Then Dr. Strange turned to you,” Would you like to go home Ms. Banner?” 
You looked at him with consideration,” Um Mister Strange, do you think you can help me find my dad?” 
“I’ll see what I can do.” Then he turned to Thor,” Don’t forget your umbrella.
“Oh right.” Thor sticks his arm out like he’s summoning his hammer. You look at him confused. Then you here several bangs and crashes, as if something is being thrown around the rooms. 
“ohhh thats where your hammer went” 
Dr. Strange looks at Thor unimpressed again.
“Sssorry” The umbrella lands in his hands and he brushes the glass off the hammer.” I suppose I need my brother back”
“Oh right”
The a portal appears a few feet off the ground, in comes Loki screaming as he falls and hits the ground. 
He flips his hair back as he catches his breath, “ I have been falling..FOR THIRTY MINUTES” 
You snicker as you go to help the god of mischief up,” Come on reindeer games, lets get you up” 
He doesn’t decline your help but he doesn’t thank you either. You turn to see Thor and Strange shake hands.
“Handle me?!” “Oh boy” “ Who are you?”
“You think you’re a sorcerer? Don’t think for one minute--”
“Alright bye bye” The portal then is thrown to them as Loki charges with two daggers. 
It’s silent in the room as you whislte,” Well he’s very catty.”
Strange laughs as he nods,” Come on kid lets find your dad.”
You’re then taken back to the library and you give him a piece of your hair. 
“You have had quite the adventure today.” Dr. Strange says as he looks through the books again.
“Ehh, when you live with the Avengers stuff like this is an everyday thing.”
“I could imagine” He says smiling at you. “ Well..it seems like your father is off world”
“Off world?” You question,”why would he be...?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Then a bag appeared in front of you. 
“I have a feeling you won’t stop searching until you find your father.” He nods to the bag. “ Everything you need to survive in Sakkarr is in there, I trust you know how to use knives?” 
“Yeah, Bucky taught me.”
“Perfect, now you must try to get on the grandmasters good side, that’ll give you the resources you need to find your father. Don’t get caught by scavenger or scrapper , you’ll either get eaten or sold into slavery.”
“Slavery?” you ask with an eyebrow raised.
“Sakkarr is known to be the ‘dump’ of the universe. It’s filled with people you must be weary of. The main entertainment are these gladiator type fights the Grandmaster puts on.” He thinks for a bit the conjures up a portal. He pulls a amulet out of it then hands it to you. “If you find your father, or need a quick escape, rub this amule three times t and I’ll make a portal for you to come back home” 
You nod, nervous to go on your personal mission. You look up at Dr.strange and hug him. “ Thanks Dr.Wizard.”
He pats your back uncomfortably,” It’s Stephen.” 
You let go of him and smile,”Well, beam me up Scotty” 
He rolls his eyes and creates a portal, you take a deep breath and look at him. He sends you a reassuring smile and you’re filled with determination. Then you step through.
You step through it to see...the steps to some weird looking palace. You look around to see an even weirder looking city. It looks like its built out of scraps of metal or parts. You walk up the steps and into the palace. You look around, astonished at the amount of people?? 
Beings. So many different kinds of aliens. All different colors and shapes. It was like a Star Wars movie. Then you see a familiar face. 
He looks up at you in confusion, you speed towards him, happy to see a familiar face. Even if it is Thor's evil brother.
“Ah Thor's child friend. This doesn’t seem like your type of setting.”
“I’m looking for my father, Stephen says he’s here.” 
He scoffs, looking around the room. “It seems everyone is looking for their fathers.” 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Norway with Thor and your dad” 
“Well it seems that father dearest has been hiding a secret daughter. Who appeared after my father died. And is destined to destroy Asgard.”
“Well shit” you blurt out. “Are..are you okay?”
Loki looks at you like you’re a puzzle. 
“Well..” you start nervously, “it sounds like a traumatic experience, so..are you okay?”
He’s quiet for a few minutes, just staring at you. Suddenly he turns around. “We must see the grandmaster. He’s the only one who can guarantee your protection, and I’m sure you would prefer not to be slaughtered brutally in the competition.”
He walks ahead of you, and you stare after him wondering what just happened. Then after he noticed you’re not following him he turns and says
“Well, come on. I haven’t got all day.”
“Oh right.” You catch up to him and walk by his side. Looking around in wonder.
“Why are you looking around like that?” Loki asks as he makes his way through a crowd of...pink women. They had their hair in very intricate styles and weird metallic unitards. They eyed you as you passed by them.
“I feel like I’m in a Star Wars movie.” You pass by a man, he looked almost reptilian. He had pale yellow skin with green slits as his eyes. He looks like he was gambling or something.
“I don’t know what that is. Why would stars commence in battle? It makes no sense.” Loki scoffs as he turns to look at you. You laugh at his misunderstanding.
“I just..never seen..” you trail off not knowing how to explain. Luckily, Loki seems to get what you were says.
“ I can see this is a bit of a change for you. But..you have seen people from other planets before.”
“ yeah..it’s just a lot to take in.” You smile at Loki, “ I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I can freak out about it after I meet the Grandmaster.”
He nods his head and starts walking again, but this time he’s closer to you. Finally, you reach a large room. It’s filled with guards all wearing different colored armor. They part as Loki walks through them, confident with long strides. You follow him, shrinking under their gaze. Loki leans down to whisper to you
“ when you meet the grandmaster, do not be too meak . And do not mention anything about your father till I tell you. Actually, just follow my lead.”
You look up at him and before you say anything, a large woman appears in the room. She looks normal to you. Stocky, a stern face with white markings. A slicked back bun. She’s wearing yellow armor with black accents. She’s holding a large staff with an orb attached to the end.
“ Didn’t the Grandmaster just see you” she says to Loki, glaring at him. Loki smiles charmingly and says
“Oh yes, but it appears that I have found a...friend.. of mine. She, like I, has arrived here on Sakkarr by accident and is hoping to meet with the Grandmaster.”
Then Loki nudges you in front of him, and into the view of the woman. She looks at you with distaste.
“ Poor child is skin and bones. She’s puny.”
You look in offense, but before you can say anything Loki spoke for you.
“Yes, and that’s why I have decided to take her under my wing.”
“ Can she not speak for herself? You expect the Grandmaster to—“ “ Easy Topaz”
“Loki! How wonderful to see you again, even though it’s been about twenty minutes”
A voice cut through the air. Suddenly everyone in the room stood up straight. Topaz immediately stopped talking and turned. A man came in on a floating throne. He was wearing red, blue, and gold robes. He had a blue line down his chin and blue under eye liner. He...he looked like..
“Jeff Goldblum?”
Loki looked at you like you were insane and the Grandmaster and Topaz just looked confused.
“What did she call me?” He whispered to Topaz, she looked at him in equal bafflement. She then tries to hand him the staff.
“ Why are you handing me the melty stick?! She had a slip of a tounge! That’s not a capital offense”
“What is wrong with you?” “I’m sorry! It just slipped out!” “ Do you want to die” “To be fair, that was the biggest compliment I could have given him. Jeff Goldblum is basically a god of cinema.”
Topaz looked at the Grandmaster, “ apparently this..Jeff.. is a god from her world.”
“Hm, child.”
You and Loki stop your whisper arugument and turn to the Grandmaster.
“Come forward.”
You look at Loki in fear and step up to the floating throne.
“Hm” The man says as he examines you. You suddenly feel self conscious about what you’re wearing. A Jurassic park shirt (ironically) with a turtleneck under, some plaid pants and converse. To be fair you weren’t expecting to end up on a different planet.
“I don’t know what Jurassic park is, but look there’s a big lizard on her shirt” he says to Topaz, “ you like lizards?” He asks you. Your eyes widened at the question not expecting it.
“Oh I think I’ve embarrassed her, it’s okay if you like them. I don’t personally like them, they’re all scales and fast and blegh” the Grandmaster rambles then Topaz chimes in
“ and they can grow back limbs”
“Yes! That’s disgusting”
“ I’m sorry, it’s not a lizard, it’s a dinosaur ” you explain. “ it’s from a movie, it has Jeff Goldblum...”
You trail off as they stare at you.
“ Go on, you keep mentioning this Jeff Goldblum, I’d like to hear more about him.”
So there you were, explaining all the different movies Jeff Goldblum was in. From the Fly to Jurassic Park. Everyone seemed...intrested. The Grandmaster somehow got it in his head that you were this great storyteller. So now you were on his good side, just like Loki.
“ Storyteller, I welcome you to Sakkarr! I have never met a child with such interesting stories!” He turns to Topaz, “ Aren’t they entertaining?! So adventurous!”
“ I think they’re weird.” “ Oh don’t be such a buzzkill”
“ I thank you Grandmaster, for being so gracious with my...ward” Loki says, “I assure you that I will keep her out of trouble.”
“ Yes yes, now go, if she is going to stay here, she’ll need to fit in. Topaz, see if you can find a tailor for the child, she’ll need a change of clothes. You as well Loki”
She nods and gestures for you both to follow her. As you walk through the futuristic castle, you are completely in awe. Even though you live with Tony, this is a different kind of technology. Topaz gives you both a tour. She mentions the fights and the arena, but you don’t pay too much attention. Finally you make it to the tailor. After being fussed over and much debating, you finally come to an agreement.
You end up with a sort of body armor. With a black catsuit made out of a leather like material, there were pieces of armor covering your legs, hips, torso, shoulders and arms. Blue fabric was wrapped around your waist, draping down the front and under the armor there. There was also fabric wrapped around your upper arm and shoulders preventing the straps from rubbing against your skin. Finally, to top it all off, a long blue cape drape down your shoulders. You felt awesome. You took the daggers Stephen gave you out of the bag and attached them to your hips. And the amulet around your neck.
“What do you think?” You asked Loki. He looked at you for a bit.
“Your daggers should be attached to your thighs, that way the hilts are at your fingertips and not your shoulders.” He squints for a bit, “ that cape looks ridiculous.”
“Fuck off man I look awesome.”
Loki just laughs and goes to put his outfit on. “ Such foul language for a child.” Then he comes out fully dressed. With a yellow cape.
“ oh? My cape was ridiculous?”
You smile, and a silence falls between you both. You sigh and look down, playing with the end of your cape. Loki looks at you, examines your face, then looks away.
“ Why...why did you ask if I was alright?” He questions, “when you first saw me..?”
You looked at him your face scrunched in a puzzled expression, “ because.”
“Because what?” Loki asks, not understanding where your coming from.
“ I don’t know, because like I said, something that traumatic must’ve been shitty. I know I wouldn’t be okay.”
“I do not understand you. Why care about someone you never met? Nevertheless someone like me?”
“Someone like you?” Now you were really confused. What does he mean by that?
“No midgardian would trust me. Especially after...” He stops, hinting about the attack of New York. “ I am not... not a good person. Nor a good influence. Not for a child.”
“That’s bullshit.”
Your words seem to startle him.
“I beg your pardon?”
“ That’s. Bullshit.” You stand to face him.
“Loki, I’ve known you for about six hours. And in that time, you managed to help me gain favor of a ruler, enough for him to give me a room to stay in and new clothes. You also helped me when you could’ve just left me alone. From what I’ve seen, you’re pretty chill.”
“Chill?” He asks quirking an eyebrow.
“A good person.”
He stops and looks at you, “ you think I’m a good person? Even though I nearly destroyed your planet?”
“ Sure. We all make mistakes.”
He stares at you for a while. Smiles briefly and then gets up from where he was leaning.
“ You, my dear, are one odd child.” He walks out of the room. “Come along, I must get you to your room. It’s late and I am certain you e had a long day.”
You follow him to your room, turns out someone was paying attention to the tour. He leads you to your temporary room, shows you how to open the door and lock it, then makes sure your settled.
“Well, it’s time for me to retire. Good night child.”
When he doesn’t get a response he turns around, he sees you’ve fallen asleep on the bed. He chuckles at the sound of you muttering in your sleep.
“ An odd child indeed.”
Then he covers you, turns out the lights and shuts the door. Leaving you to go to his room.
( he promptly freaks out over how quickly he’s grown fond of you.)
Taglist: @ella-ivanov​
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years
Prequel Star Wars (Head-canons): Dealing with a sick reader
A/N: After the request for these head canons for the original trio I kind of got inspired for the other trios too... oops?
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Ok. There’s only one word for Anakin when you’re sick: worrier.
Yep. This man is on red alert real quick the minute you mention even thinking you feel a bit under the weather. In fact, he’d have you back in your chambers and buried under a pile of blankets before you can even try to tell him it isn’t necessary.
“You can’t be too careful, and you do feel rather warm. You may have a fever-”
“Anakin! Say that once you’ve felt my forehead again, but with your non-robotic hand this time.”
It’s rather sweet actually, watching the way Anakin scurries about getting anything and everything you could possibly need. 
It’s also ironic considering this is the man who always insists he is fine, even when he has blaster wounds all over him. He may have been adversed to letting people take care of him, but he’s only too eager to take care of you. 
After all, since his mother died, you are all he really has in the way of family. He’s not about to let something as simple as a cold kill you. 
So, you let him fuss, knowing it’s just as good for him as it is for you, to let him play nurse maid for a while. 
“Do you need more pillows? I also can get Obi-wan to get some more of that tea you like from the market too if you want.” 
“I’m fine, Ani.”
“Are you sure? You still look pale-“
“Just come cuddle with me, ok? Just a for a while?”
Needless to say, he’s only too happy to cradle you in his arms and let you drift off to sleep against him, softly humming under his breath as he brushes the hair off of you face. 
This is how it stays for the next few days or so, until you’re finally strong enough to get back up and move around the temple. 
Even then, Anakin is like a shadow, following you around incase you’re wrong and it turns out you’re not strong enough yet to be up and about. 
“Ani, honey, I’m fine. I promise. I’m not made of glass, you don’t have to always worry something’s going to break me.” 
He knows you’re right, even if he’s reluctant to admit it. So, he settles for a kiss and a compromise that you at least let Ahsoka keep an eye on you while you work. It has been nearly a week since either of you left your quarters and people were going to start getting suspicious soon if he didn’t let you be by yourself. 
However, he doesn’t need to worry. 
It’s only a day later he starts coughing and feeling sick himself. 
It’s hard not to laugh at the irony as you take his arm and start hauling him back to bed, ready to return the favour. What was one more week of seclusion, just the two of you? At least this time you’d get to play nurse maid. 
Unlike Anakin, Obi-wan is rather calm when it comes to handling any kind of problem. So, when he finds you slumped over, face down, in the text you’d been trying to read in the archives, he merely chuckles.
“Darling, wake up. You fell asleep again.”
“Obi?” You blink, groaning as you try to sit up without falling over from the sudden dizziness you feel rushing through you.  
Of course, one look at you is enough to tell him something is definitely wrong with you. 
“Oh dear, you look dreadful.”
“Wow. Such a charmer.”
“I try,” he teases, helping you up and wrapping an arm around you as he starts to escort you back to your rooms. You need some rest, clearly, if you’ve become rundown enough to catch some kind of bug. It’s probably the same one that’s been going around the younglings recently.
“Here we are. Let’s get you changed and settled in to bed, alright?”
His voice is so soft and soothing as he mothers you, seeing to your every need with barely a complaint. He has you out of your robes and into something comfy in the blink of an eye. He also makes you some tea and retrieves some medication from his bathroom cabinet, insisting you take some before sleeping. 
Obi-wan is also a patient man. Being Master to Anakin for the last ten years has ensured that, meaning he is more than prepared for your whining and moaning. 
He simply smiles, laughing at the rather adorable pout you wear whenever he tries to get you to take some more medication or agree to stay in bed for another day. 
“But I have a report due tomorrow for Master Fisto-“
“I’ve already explained the situation to him. He has someone else finishing it for him.”
“Well, I also have that class with the younglings-”
“Which Master Yoda has also agreed to cover, so you have nothing to worry about except recovering, alright?”
It is alright, despite you pretending otherwise. When else do you get to spend so much time along together? In fact, despite feeling like death warmed up, you rather like letting him take care of you and entertaining you with whatever book he’s been reading lately. 
He always looks happiest when he has you nestled under his arm, and a book in his free hand. Needless to say, he has no problems reading you off to sleep every night, watching as you drift off by the time he’s finished another chapter. 
“Sleep well, my love.” 
And you do. You sleep remarkably well with Obi-wan next to you which is why, even after you’re better, you’re quick to invite him to sleep in your bed as many nights as you can.  
You’re also eager to return the favour and read to him instead, as he eventually falls asleep to the sound of your voice night after night. 
Who knew the great General Kenobi was so adorable when asleep?  
Now, Padme may be royalty, but she is a public servant first and foremost. Her entire life is dedicated to the service of others, so when she sees you struggling to keep yourself upright at your desk, she is all over you. 
“Y/N? What is it? Are you feeling alright?” 
“I’m fine, Padme. It’s just stress.”
“Sure you are. Why else have you been staring at that page for the last hour and a half?” 
She pauses, frowning at you and trying not to roll her eyes at your stoic nature. On one hand, it’s rather ironic for her to scold you when she herself has been known to burn the candle at both ends. However, there comes a point when it was impossible to ignore your body’s obviously worsening condition. 
So, she swiftly orders you to bed and instructs a physician to check nothing is terribly wrong with you - even if you insist it isn’t necessary. 
“Well, it is to me, alright?” 
And of course, how can you say no to that sweet face when she pouts and bats her eyelids? 
“Ugh! Fine!”
One annoyingly tedious check up later, you’ve been diagnosed with a mild stomach bug and told to rest for the remainder of the week. 
“Here. I have some juice for you. You need fluids if you’re going to recover quicker.” 
You smirk at the idea that a queen is serving you as she bursts into your room the following day, carrying a tray laden with fruit and a pitcher of your favourite juice. 
You’re quick to thank her, downing the glass within seconds, much to her amusement. 
“Thirsty are we?”
“And bored,” you whine, grinning as Padme passes you a data pad with a knowing wink. “You angel!”
“Hardly. You get one hour to work, ok? Then I’m taking it back and you’re having a nap? Understood?”
It seems like a fair enough compromise as you sit up and read the briefings she’s downloaded for you. In fact, by the time your hour is up, your eyes are drooping and you’re struggling to sit up by yourself. 
“No protests? I am surprised.”
She clearly isn’t, but she’s too kind to say so as she kisses your forehead and clambers in to bed next to you as you nestle in close.
The soft scent of her perfume and the sound of her heartbeat is all the lullaby you need as you let yourself grab a few more hours of sleep. 
A few days of this routine, and of Padme’s diligent care, and you’re back to your old self in no time. 
In fact, a small part of you rather looks forward to the next time either one of you are sick given how nice it is to have the time to spend together. 
So, you still insist on taking a nap together every afternoon despite being off bed rest. “Merely as a precaution” - or so you insist as you steal Padme from her office every day without fail for a small escape. “Wouldn’t want our favourite Senator to fall sick now, would we?”  
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ur-jinji · 4 years
the fire ferret of fate
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bolin x f!reader
summary: the story of a girl who manifested her soulmate as a child and a guy just looking for his ferret
prompt: the red strings of fate
a/n: this is for the second prompt of an avatar/tlok writing collaboration that @twilight-toph is doing! the masterlists for the collab can be found here :)
a/n again: also i totally didn’t get the idea off of practical magic aka the best witch movie ever to grace this world
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When Y/N was eight years old, she dreamed of finding her prince charming.
She would have her parents read love stories to her every night. She remembered one myth that her mother once told her called the Red Strings of Fate, which entailed an invisible thread that connected one to their soulmate. She believed it to be true until she took the idea too literally, and was frustrated to find there was no red string attaching her parents together.
One night, Y/N had to the crazy idea to create her own soulmate. Her perfect match. She grabbed a glass jar and her mother’s herbs and spices. She collected everything and brought it into the dining room and stood on chair. She thought for a while, what her perfect match be like?
“His favorite color will be green,” Y/N manifested, picking up a random green leaf for her parents’ tea, dropping it into the jar. “And very handsome.” Another leaf went into the jar.
“Y/N? What are you doing in there?” Her father asked from the sitting area. He was listening to the radio, and she could faintly hear a Pro-Bending Tournament happening.
“Nothing!” She shouted to him as she picked up a random white powder from a bowl. “And he’ll be famous.”
She picked up a few red flakes from a tiny jar. “He’ll always have something red on him. Like the strings of fate.”
Y/N thought of what else he would like, scanning around the room. She noticed her cat owl, Mittens, looking up at her from under the table.
“He’ll have the cutest pet in the whole wide world,” The young girl manifested as she picked some sugar between her index finger and thumb, sprinkling it into the glass jar. “And he’ll love noodles!” She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a noodle from a large bowl that was meant for supper. She hurried back into the dining room and dropped the noodle into the jar.
“It’s perfect!” Y/N exclaimed. She closed the jar and shook up the ingredients. “Wait. I’m missing something.”
Y/N made her way back to the kitchen, leaving a mess on the table. She found a pitcher of water and opened the jar again. She catiously poured some of the liquid into the jar, trying not to drip it onto the floor, but failing. She set the pitcher down and closed the jar before shaking her love potion again.
“Mama, I made a magic potion!” She announced as her mother entered the kitchen, unaware that she was about to get in trouble for making a massive mess.
Ten years later, Y/N still remembered that night fondly. She kept the jar under her bed despite mold beginning to grow.
One chilly autumn day, she was dressed warmly. Her mother sent to the markets to grab a few things for dinner that night. She made her way through the streets of Republic City, smiling politely at the passing strangers. Eventually, Y/N found herself at the markets. She gently picked up a large, red tomato, inspecting it carefully. As she rotated it, she felt something on her leg, like tiny claws poking her through her pants. She looked down and saw a...rodent with red fur? She shrieked, nearly jumping out of her skin and accidentally dropping the tomato onto the pavement. The rodent flinched but continued to cling onto her clothes, and began climbing up her leg and into her coat pocket. Y/N froze, not knowing what to do. She saw it poke its head out, and look up at her curiously. The more she looked at it, it looked pretty cute. Actually, extremely cute.
“Hey! You’re gonna have to pay for that tomato!” The merchant suddenly yelled at her, pointing down to the tomato guts spread across the street.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am!” Y/N apologized, reaching into her pocket to where the thing was. She gently pulled it out, realizing it was fire ferret, before set it on her shoulder. It held one of her coins in its paws, which Y/N snatched and handed to the angry woman. The woman flared her nostrils at her and turned away. Y/N turned her head to look at the fire ferret.
“You’re in big trouble, sir,” She said sternly, but not being able to hold any seriousness. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
Y/N stepped away from the tomato stand and continued down the street.
“Do you have an owner, buddy?” She asked the ferret, who simply squeaked in response. “I’ll take that as a maybe.”
She made her to the next stand full of cabbages. She picked up two, paid for them, and the merchant for that stand thanked her before handing them back in a brown paper bag. The fire ferret chirped, sniffing down at the bag.
“No, mister, that’s not for you,” Y/N scolded quietly.
“Pabu!” A voice behind her shouted. The fire ferret on Y/N’s shoulder perked up before quickly climbing down her body, running in the direction behind her. She turned around and saw a guy who looks frantic and out of breath.
“Oh, is that little guy yours?” She asked as the man approached her. She instantly noticed his piercing green eyes.
“Yes! Thank you so much for finding him and taking care of him!” The guy said as the red fire ferret, she assumed who was named Pabu, jumped into his arms.
“He’s a mischievous little guy. He made me drop a tomato and then tried to rob me!” Y/N explained, breathing out a laugh.
“I don’t even know what got into him! We were reading today’s paper and he just took off! I spent, like, forever looking for him!” The guy said, giving really dramatic arm gestures. “And bad Pabu! We don’t steal from strangers!”
Pabu’s ears tucked back in response, seemingly ashamed of himself.
“I thought he was massive rat at first! He scared the hell out me,” She said, gaining a laugh from the guy.
“I’m Bolin, by the way,” He introduced himself. “You might’ve heard of me and my brother, Mako. We play for the Pro-Bending Fire Ferrets Team!”
“Oh, yeah! My father and I have listened to many of your matches!” Y/N said, smiling, and feeling a little starstruck. “And I’m Y/N.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Bolin replied while grinning, his emerald eyes sparkling. He held out his hand, which she took, and shook it firmly. “And you’ve already met Pabu.”
She smiled, reaching her hand out to pet Pabu’s red fur, who was planted firmly on Bolin’s shoulder.
“I have to repay you somehow! Would you like to accompany Pabu and I to Narook’s Seaweed Noodlery? They have the best seaweed noodles in Republic City!” He offered. Y/N felt her stomach grumble.
“Oh, wow. That sounds great actually,” She replied. “I just need to finish getting a couple things for my mother.”
“Of course, of course. We’ll tag along with you!” Bolin insisted. Y/N nodded eagerly, sending him a warm smile. He lifted his arm, offering it to her. She didn’t hesitate to wrap hers around it, and they began their walk down the pavement.
Pabu jumped over to Bolin’s other shoulder closest to Y/N’s and settled in between. As they made their to next food stand, her mind began to wander to the potion she made years ago.
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Forever & Always: Stage 1 - Denial | Pt. 1
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Witch!Reader; Platonic Avengers x Reader
Words: A little less than 2.2k words
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Grief (Loss of Parent), Depression, Anxiety, Angst, & Fluff (more to be added) If you see something that I missed don't be afraid to tell me.
Synopsis: Y/N “Birdy” (nicknamed by her family), comes from a long line of witches and warlocks, living her days at the New Avengers Compound, alongside her friends. The Avengers are part of her family and her family is always welcome to the compound. Things for once seemed to be going well now that all was right from the attack on Thanos, everyone was alive, all was forgiven, friendships were thriving, that all ended when Birdy’s brother came calling with sad news, their mother had suddenly passed. These are the stages of grief Birdy faces, through the loss of her best friend, her protector, her mother.
Info: The Sebastian edit in the moodboard is done by @nix-akimbo and the dividers are done by @firefly-graphics. A big thank you too @sllooney for beta editing this, all mistakes are mine. I've had this finished for over a week I just hadn't had the heart to post, but I had my laptop out so here it is! I do not give permission for this to be translated or to be posted on other sites without my written permission.
Forever & Always Masterlist | My Masterlist
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Baby wails rang through the kitchen as Birdy sat on the floor with her back against the cabinet. She felt exhausted as she tried to calm her speeding heart, her husband was gone on a mission, and she has been left to take care of the 6 month old twins on her own.
Lyra and Grant had been crying since they had woken up this morning at the crack of dawn and it was now noon. Birdy had tried feeding them, rocking them, tummy time, nothing was working. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
Getting up from the floor after making sure the twins were still safe in their playpen in the corner, they both just looked at her red faced, breaking her heart. Birdy made her way to the chalkboard picking up a piece of chalk, writing; Mama HELP! I need you please, I’m having a crisis and I don’t know what to do.
Dramatic? Yes. Effective? Apparently so, because the words 'on my way' appeared immediately under her message. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Birdy grabbed the pitcher of Orange Blood tea out of the fridge and the shortbread cookies from the jar where she had been hiding them from her husband.
The back door to the kitchen opened and the older Lyra walked in, met by the sounds of her grandbabies wailing their little hearts out. Birdy’s mother looked at her with a soft smile, taking in her daughter's exhausted frame. Her hair was pulled off her face in a ponytail, oversized yoga pants hung loosely on her hips, with a tank and cardigan to match. Birdy looked just about done, but still so beautiful in her mother’s eyes.
“My little Birdy, sit down, I got this.” The mother moved behind her daughter and gently steered her to the breakfast nook, while she went in the direction of the playpen.
“Oh my little cherubs, what seems to be the matter?” Speaking to the babies in a soft voice, the grandmother grabbed Grant and brought him over to his mother, who quickly cradled the bundle of joy in her arms, while she returned for her namesake, cradling her closely, shushing her softly. It didn’t do much but as Lyra sat at the breakfast nook across from her daughter she began to rock the baby in her arms, Birdy copying her mother’s actions, brushing her finger down Grant’s sweet button nose.
“Let’s see… your belly's full, you are clean, warm, nothing seems to be off, I think your Mumma has just forgotten the most important thing, a lullaby!” Birdy looked at her mother with wide eyes, while she simply just smiled at her. “When you were a baby you could be quite fussy as well and the only way to get you to settle down was for me to sing a little lullaby. So I think what these two need is a little diddy and they’ll be right as rain.” Birdy’s mother began to hum one of the ever so familiar songs from her childhood. A song to ease her worries as her mother held her.
“I'm rocking you to sleep, the water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart. You'll always be a part of me.” both babies had stopped crying and were now yawning, holding onto the fingers of the women holding them.
“Goodnight, my angel, now it's time to dream. And dream how wonderful your life will be. Someday your child may cry and if you sing this lullaby, then in your heart, there will always be a part of me.” Little Lyra had drifted off into slumberland, while Grant had gone quiet, his eyes fighting hard to stay open but as Birdy continued to brush her pointer finger down his nose, it was becoming a losing battle.
“Someday we'll all be gone, but lullabies go on and on. They never die, that’s how you and I will be.” Both babies asleep, Birdy looked up at her mother in relief but stopped when she saw the sad look in her familiar eyes.
“Birdy since you were just a Babe in my arms I dreamed this moment over and over again, it never varied until now. I need you to know that I love you so much and I’m so very proud of you, proud of the woman you have become. You are a superhero, not many mothers out there can say their child is a superhero.” it felt as if her heart had dropped to the pit of Birdy’s stomach as she watched her mother put Little Lyra back in the playpen with a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m sharing this moment with you now because I know it’s going to come true for you, but I need you to remember something for me...” Lyra placed her hand on her daughter's cheek, brushing the single tear away. “Remember you were loved by me. That you made my life a happy one, and there is no tragedy in that.” Kissing Birdy on the forehead? Lyra moved towards the back door, her daughter getting up as carefully as possible, hoping not to wake the babies.
“Don’t go please, I love you!”
With a smile on her face Lyra blew a kiss to her daughter and then was out the door.
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Birdy gasped sitting up. Wanda, falling off of her, being forced from the comfortable place where she had laid her head on Birdy’s stomach to watch the Breakfast Club in the blanket fort that Peter and Morgan had assembled earlier in the day. The fort took up over half of the New Avengers main living room and sat in front of the television. It's where the duo, Peter and Morgan had hung out and watched cartoons together, waiting for budget meetings and debriefings for the week to be over.
Wanda and Birdy had quickly fallen in love with the fort, and with Peter and Morgan for inviting them inside to help keep the little girl company until her parents were done working for the day. When Morgan had left they had decided to leave it up for a John Hughes movie marathon. Bucky and Steve had come to join the youngest Avengers in watching the films.
All eyes had moved from Breakfast Club to a gasping Birdy. Wanda’s hand was quick to grab hers and give it a reassuring squeeze, trying to pull her from her frantic daze. Birdy’s eyes started to scan the cozy space, seeing that the popcorn was all gone and Peter had stopped mid way to the Jelly Beans, now peering at her in worry. Bucky was on his side looking from her to Steve, as he put his hand on her shoulder, trying to give comfort.
“I’ll go get Mr. Barton and Miss Natasha!” Peter’s quick reflexes had him out of the fort in seconds, without knocking anything down, before anyone could say anything.
Birdy was trying so hard to figure out what was going on. She knew where she was, at the compound. She knew it was Friday, movie nights with Peter and Wanda, and that she had fallen asleep at the end of Weird Science, her least favorite John Hughes movie.
She had been dreaming, yet it felt so real. But she wasn’t carrying a child and she wasn’t even dating anyone, so it made no sense. Also her mother just leaving like that? Strange. The more Birdy thought on the dream the more her head started to hurt. Someone calling her name pulled her from her thoughts and looking up Clint stood crouched above her.
“Hey Kiddo, are you back with us?” Clint held out his hand to Birdy, which she gladly took, letting go of Wanda’s, and allowing the archer to pull her up off the blanketed floor. Natasha stood at the entrance of the fort in her pajamas, looking in, watching as Clint hugged the younger woman. Right away Natasha knew something was off.
“Yeah, I’m sorry you guys, I had the strangest dream and it-” Birdy’s face was scrunched up in almost confusion, as she stared off behind Clint’s shoulder. “-It felt so real.” Her voice died off as Clint hugged her close to him.
“It wasn’t a vision was it?” Natasha moved inside the blanket fort, her question was more of one of concern. Every time that Birdy had a vision, something bad was about to happen or come their way, like the time she had envisioned the meeting with General Ross, the next day the team was torn in two, because of the Sokovia Accords. Birdy just shook her head, it wasn’t a vision that she knew of.
“Well if it was just a dream, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Wanda and Peter, why don’t you go make chamomile tea. Steve go adjust the temperature? I think it’s a little warm. Bucky do whatever it is you want to do.” Natasha waved the former assassin off, “Clint and I are going to just sit in here with you until you feel better.” Sitting on the loveseat, Natasha patted the empty cushion next to her as Clint guided Birdy to sit next to her.
Before anyone could do what the Black Widow demanded, a gust of wind blew through knocking many of the blankets to the ground. Bucky was up on his feet in flash as none of the windows were open. This gust of wind was not ordinary. Steve moved to the opening of the fort with a pillow in front of him, peeking out into the living room.
In front of the windows facing the vast forestry surrounding the compound, stood Pietro Maximoff and Jasper Valentine, the pair of them holding on to Birdy’s older brother Rory. The trio looked disheveled, eyes bloodshot, and their hair all over the place. Steve felt his body relax when he recognized them, dropping the pillow to the ground. Scoffing, Jasper let go of the warlock first, and made his way forward, hugging Steve.
“Rory Sellar, what have I told you about just portaling unannounced into the compound?” Steve let go of Jasper before he made his way to Pietro, hugging the twin of his teammate, then to Rory, who just cleared his throat and looked to the ground. Pietro shook his head, getting Steve’s attention, immediately the scolding died in Steve’s throat.
“Steve, is Birdy awake?” Rory’s voice cracked as Natasha and Bucky looked out. Bucky gave a slight wave of his hand at the newcomers, while Natasha tilted her head in the direction of the fort. The group made their way inside the massive fort following behind Natasha. Birdy, jumping up from the couch at the sight of her older brother, rushed to give him a hug. Rory took his little sister in his arms, hugging her tightly, as he kissed her on the crown of her forehead.
“I just had the weirdest dream…” Birdy pulled away as she heard Rory sniffle, looking up at him in concern.
“Birdy I’m so sorry, she wouldn’t let me portal to come get you, she said she didn’t want you to see her that way.” Birdy’s face scrunched up in confusion. “I begged her to let me come get you, but she said no, and Dad agreed.” Rory started to let the tears fall.
“Rory, you aren’t making any sense, what is going on?” Pietro was by the warlock's side in an instant, his hand on his shoulder, looking at Wanda, who gasped after reading her twin brother's mind. Wanda looked away with tears in her eyes, hand covering her mouth in shock and sadness.
“What’s wrong? Is everyone okay?” Thousands of questions swam through her head, as her brother grabbed her hand, holding it as Natasha made her way to the younger girl's side.
“It’s mom Birdy, she’s gone.” tears started to build up behind the girl's eyes at her brother's words. Shaking her head, Birdy felt as if the room dropped ten degrees in that moment. “She has gone to be with souls in the great beyond.”
Before anyone knew it Birdy was falling to knees, a cry erupted from her mouth, “No!”
Birdy screamed while the power in the building started to flicker as the walls started to shake. Natasha, at Birdy’s side, pulled her to her side. Steve looked around realizing they needed to get the young witch calmed down or they were going to be in trouble.
“Rory you need to get her out of here, the building isn’t going to be able to handle this sort of shaking.” As he spoke part of the stucco from the ceiling fell on his shoulder.
Rory reached down holding onto his little sister's shoulder and looked back at Clint, “I’ll be right back for you.” In a flash, through a portal, the trio were gone. As fast the shaking and flickering lights had started they had stopped. The rest of the group stood there staring at the empty spot that once was Natasha, Rory and Birdy, feeling a sudden emptiness with the news they had heard. Things were about to change and it was out of their control.
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lady-amethyst18 · 3 years
I'll hear you sing
Emma paced back and forth in her room. On her bed laid a black choir dress, a fake pearl necklace, and a compact of blush. She was getting ready for her choir concert this evening. But today was more nerve-wracking than ever. Because she was chosen as the lead singer for the last song of the show. She got lots of praise from her teachers and peers, saying that she had a beautiful voice and was perfect for the solo act. She even practiced the song every day to herself and memorized the lyrics all by heart. But when the day finally came, she felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of goo.
What if she froze out there in front of everyone? What if she messes up and forgets her cue? What if she hits a wrong note? What if the audience doesn't like her singing? What if she completely embarrasses herself out there? She started pacing faster. She held her cheeks in her hands, and her stomach started flip-flopping. "Stop stressing, Emma." She said to herself. "Stop stressing!" She repeated. She looked into the mirror, looking at her nervous face. She shook her head and groaned loudly. "I need to go for a walk." She said as she started heading downstairs and out the door.
She walked through the neighborhood, trying to clear her head of the nerves of singing solo for the first time. She still felt butterflies in her stomach, and she could swear she was starting to sweat. Perfect... She was going to look like a mess by the time she gets to the concert. She wondered if she had enough time to take a shower by the time she got back. She brushed her hair out of the way, closing her eyes while still walking. "I have to pull it together. Maybe I can just tell the teacher that I can't be the lead singer. Or perhaps I can just pretend to lose my voice and they'll get someone else to sing. Or-" She was so lost in thought that she bumped into someone. Her eyes shot open as she finally snapped back to reality. "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention." She apologized. "It's ok. No harm done, dear." Said the voice.
She looked up to see who she bumped into. She followed the red and white pants up to the white and gold cloak until finally, her eyes reached the top of the person's head. A white top hat with a red strap pulled over his eyes. "Balan?" She called. Balan smiled widely upon seeing the young girl. "Emma!" He exclaimed. "What a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect to be bumping into you out here."
"I should be saying the same thing." She pointed out. "What are you doing out here?"
"I was just checking up on one of the latest visitors. Their hearts are healing just fine." He looked at the girl, who started to avoid eye contact with him. "But what about you? Seems like your heart could use some cheering itself." Emma rubbed the back of her head. "I just wanted to step out for a moment to clear my head. I've got too much on my mind." She said.
Balan focused on the girl's eyes. They had a look of apprehension and the glistening sweat on her brow added to his suspicion. "Emma," He called out softly. "I'm saying this with love, darling. But you look like you're about to have a heart attack. Why don't you come back with me to the theater? Tell me what's bothering you so much." Emma looked around the corners. The theater is nowhere to be seen. "Uh... Where is the theater?" She asked. Balan smirked as he held Emma's shoulder and snapped his fingers. "Right here!" He announced. It was in the same place where Emma initially found the theater. A brightly lit alleyway through the overgrown vegetation. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at Balan's goofiness. "Now then. Ladies first." Balan humbly opened the door and gestured her inside.
He leads her inside to the lounge area. The room was quiet and well decorated with a dusk color pallet that painted the walls. The chairs and couch had plush red velvet seats with golden buttons as decoration. A water pitcher with a few glasses stood on a tray with several tea flavors and what looked to be a bowl of miscellaneous fruit. "I don't think I've been to this part of the theater. It's nice." Emma complimented. "Why, thank you. Lance and I decorated it ourselves. Why don't you sit down and relax? Take a seat wherever you want." Balan said, taking a seat on the couch. Emma decided to take a chair that was sitting away from the table.
"Now then," Balan spoke, crossing his legs. "Why don't you tell me what's going on? Why is it you look so nervous?" Emma once again avoided eye contact. She clasped her hands and held them in her knees. "I've... Got a choir concert to go to... And I got the part as lead singer for the final song." She replied. "Oh, how wonderful! This must be a big moment for you." Balan cheered. But Emma shook her head. "It's too big!" She exclaimed. "I've never sung solo ever before in my life! I get my teachers and choir classmates like my singing, but what about everyone else? I feel like there's so much riding on this moment!" She stood up and started to pace around again.
Balan just nodded as Emma continued her tangent. "Nervous sweating, fast heartbeat, tense posture, thinking about how the performance could go wrong. Yep. Seems to me you've got a terrible yet common case of stage fright." He spoke up. "You think!?" She yelled back. "What if I hit a sour note?! Or what if I miss my cue?! Or what if the audience doesn't like my singing?! There's too much pressure; I can't stand it! I don't think I can do it! If I have to sing lead, I think I'm going to pass out and die!" She sat back down in the chair, fanning herself and hyperventilating. "Ok, ok, relax. Freaking out isn't going to help. You're going to give yourself an aneurysm, and then what will you do?" Balan stood next to the girl, handing her a paper bag to breathe into. To which she snatched it out of his hand and began huffing and puffing into it.
She continued this for about a minute before she finally caught her breath. The maestro thought this was ultimately a good time to get a word in edge-wise. "Emma," He started. "What if I told you I, too, get stage fright?" Emma paused and looked at him with wide eyes. "What? YOU get stage fright? The maestro of positivity himself get's stage fright?" She asked. Balan nodded. "Yep. Sweating, tensing up, thinking about how it could all go wrong, even getting butterflies in my stomach." Emma looked doubtful. "You do NOT get butterflies."
"No, no! I really do get butterflies. See?" He pounds his stomach and spat out a butterfly. Emma watched in amusement as she watched it flutter away. She tried her best to hide a giggle. "Balan... Th-that's not funny." She said, restraining her laughter. "Oh, come on! You're laughing. Look, I'll do it again!" He pounded his stomach again and spat out another butterfly. A few bursts of laughter left her. "Balan, stop! This isn't helpful!" She laughed. Balan laughed along with her.
"Alright, all joking aside." He said at last. "I used to get terrible stage fright when I was just starting out at helping people restore their balance. I was about... Oh, 300 years old until I finally grew out of it." Emma cocked her head to the side, wondering where Balan was going with the story. "So... How did you grow out of it?" She asked. Balan shrugged. "Oh, it wasn't easy. I could barely get through the introduction without my knees knocking. Sometimes I would get so stressed I would stop rhyming. But you know, after all that time, I was finally starting to enjoy it. The longer you're on stage, and the more you do it, the thought of being afraid kind of dies. I also had a secret hack that could help with my nerves."
"And what was that?" Emma asked.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Uh, sure."
Balan looked back and forth before kneeling down and whispering in Emma's ear. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but I always had someone cheering me on in the audience. And do you know who that was?" Emma shook her head. "It was none other than Lance." Emma's jaw dropped. She knew that Balan and Lance had a sibling relationship, but they were never two peas in a pod. "No!" She exclaimed. "Really? You're pulling my leg." Balan smiled. "It's true. This was back when we were going easier on each other, quite long before the bouts. For some reason, it comforted me knowing he was there. Now, obviously, our relationship has changed over a few millennia, but I never forgot how much he helped me." Emma smiled. It made her heart grow knowing that Lance still had a heart in there somewhere despite being a negative maestro.
"Now, don't tell Lance I said this, ok?" Balan pointed out. "He doesn't want anyone to know he has feelings. He says it will kill his stoic reputation." Emma zipped her lips and held out a hand, telling him that she promised. "I think it's thoughtful that someone would always be in the audience cheering you on." She paused for a second, thinking about what the maestro was talking about. "... Balan," She started. "Would you... Watch my concert tonight?" Balan smiled widely. "Aha! You finally picked up what I was putting down! Of course, I would love to hear you sing! What time does it start?"
"It starts at 6:30."
"Oh, that's an hour and a half from now. We better get you there quick!" The maestro looked at the girl, seeing that she still had sweat on her brow and her hair was messy after panicking about the show. "Hmm... But first, let's get you dolled up before you go to that concert."
The maestro snapped his fingers, making Emma's choir dress, necklace, and blush appear. He draped the dress and necklace over his arm while holding the compact in his hand. "Head to the bathroom and clean yourself up, dear. You still have time to clean up before you go on stage." Emma smiled as he leads her to the bathroom. He handed over the dress and compact as he waited outside for the teenager to finish up cleaning. A few minutes had passed, and Emma took a shower, blowdried and brushed her hair, put on her dress, and applied her makeup.
Balan looked over as she opened the door. "Why, Emma!" He cheered. "You look lovely! Though something is missing." He looked closely at her, trying to pinpoint what was missing. "Oh!" She announced. "My necklace! All the girls in the choir are meant to wear these fake pearl necklaces." Balan dangled the necklace with his fingers. "You're meant to wear these?" He asked.
Balan scoffed. "You're not going to wear this! The star doesn't deserve FAKE pearls. Come here; I have something better." He tossed the fake necklace aside. He clasped his hands together and rubbed them firmly. When he opened his hands, a real pearl necklace appeared. Emma stood in awe. "Wow! Is this real?" She asked. Balan smiled with pride. "It's the genuine article. May I?" Emma nodded as Balan put the necklace around her neck. "There you go!" He said. "Now you're perfect!"
Emma's smiled widened. She already began to feel much better. "You promise you'll be there when it's my turn to sing?" She asked. "Cross my heart." The maestro promised as he made an X mark around his heart. "Now, go on. Your teachers and peers will want to see you. I can't wait to hear you sing." He said as he leads her to the door. "Thanks, Balan. I hope to see you there." She said as she left, hoping the maestro would keep his word.
The concert was nearly over. It was time for the final song and Emma's lead role. She scanned the audience, looking for the top-hatted being. "Emma!" Called out a voice. It was Emma's choir director. "Are you ready for your solo?" She asked. The girl looked away. She felt her chest get tight, and she felt butterflies in her stomach again. "I'm... Expecting someone. In the audience. They promised they'd hear me sing. I can't find them." She continued to scan the audience, hoping to find her friend.
The director knelt down to her level. "I know you're nervous, Emma. But I'm sure that your friend, whoever they are, are out there in the audience right now, just waiting to hear your voice. And I know you'll be the brightest star out of anyone tonight. Have confidence in yourself, sweetheart." The whole choir group started going on the stage. "Take your place, Emma. Don't be scared. You can do it." The teacher held up two thumbs as Emma climbed up on stage.
As the curtains pulled away, the audience clapped their hands. Emma took a silent but deep breath, trying to maintain her composure. As the music started, she heard a slight sound. Her eyes wandered the auditorium until she looked in the front row. A man with seafoam green hair and a handsome white face with purple eye shadow. It was Balan! He undid the glamour for her. Seeing him, her heart instantly lifted as she started her song.
Emma could feel every ounce of nervousness melt away as she sang the lyrics. The more she carried on with the song, the less she noted the people in the auditorium. Dare she say it, she was enjoying herself. When the song was over, the crowd stood up and cheered. A single rose was thrown on stage. Emma picked it up and looked at the man in the front row. Balan clapped his hands and winked at her. Silently telling her, he knew she could do it. The teenager held back her tears of joy and smiled widely as she bowed for the audience.
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Consequences Of Pitching Practice
"That's all well and good but you still haven't given me the screwdriver."
"Nnmmmnnn." Lucy answers while slobbering all over said screwdriver.
Tony huffs fondly. "Don't let your mom see that. I don't need another lecture about how unsanitary that is." He takes the screwdriver and chuckles when the baby glares at him. "It's also unsafe. I kind of like you."
Lucy babbles at him angrily as Tony wipes the screwdriver free of drool and he offers her one of her actual toys. It's not that he didn't offer her her own toys in the first place, it's just that Lucy had an uncanny ability to get her hands on whatever she wanted. Even when she was confined to a highchair or something. It wasn't anything magical, Tony and Stephen made sure of that, Lucy was just a typical, curious baby.
Tony had a feeling he may have been the same way as a baby.
"If you keep back talking me like that, you won't have lab time with me anymore." Tony says as he tightens a screw.
"Mmmfffbbb!" Lucy retorts and the engineer looks over at her to find that she had somehow gotten her hands on a different screwdriver. Which she was currently drooling on the rubber end of.
"Maybe I should take that as a clue that it's lunchtime for you." Tony says. "How about a bottle?"
Some happy beeps and whirs grab Tony's attention and he looks over at the kitchenette to find DUM-E excitedly starting a bottle. The first ingredient? Grease of some sort. Tony wasn't even sure when the robot grabbed that.
"No, no, no. Lulu can't have grease. You finish that for yourself!" Tony reprimands as he walks over to make a proper bottle. He partially ignores the sad noises DUM-E makes and takes the bottle over to Lucy. "Here you go dolcezza. How about something sanitary to put in your mouth?"
Lucy eyes the bottle her father holds out for her and Tony's eyes widen when she actually throws her screwdriver across the room and takes the bottle. He looks over to where the tool had landed when he hears a crash and finds a separate project emitting sparks from where it had been hit. Six months old and she had quite the arm.
"Maybe we should make a baseball team." Tony says calmly. "You can be our pitcher. Diana was kind of like that too but Cassie corrupted her."
For once, Tony doesn't get an answer from Lucy, but she was too busy with her lunch. Something he should probably be thinking about at the very least.
"Think your mom would make me a sandwich if I asked him nicely?"
A pointed look from the infant makes him chuckle.
"Probably not, huh? Not when I'm down here with you and tinkering for f--"
A low hum distracts Tony and he swivels around when it gets louder by the second. The machine Lucy had damaged with the screwdriver was spitting sparks like an angry cat, and it was glowing brighter and brighter. Tony barely had the mind to turn back and grab and cover Lucy just before the thing exploded. The force of the explosion sent them to the ground, but Tony made sure to keep Lucy secure in his arms. When he recovers and sits up, he winces as his ears ring and the first thing he hears is Lucy crying. Her poor ears were probably ringing too and he knew that Stephen was going to have a fit when the sorcerer undoubtedly came to investigate. Both Friday and Victor tended to snitch on him, especially when one of the kids was in the lab with him.
"I'm sorry dolcezza." Tony says to Lucy in an attempt to soothe her. "Daddy should have checked to make sure you didn't do so much damage."
He carefully gets back to his feet as a window opens to ventilate the smoke, and checks Lucy over to make sure she's unharmed, glad to see she wasn't and was already calming down. Her cries had already turned into whimpers and she had grabbed one of his fingers to stick into her mouth to help soothe her further. Tony coughs and waves away the smoke in the air, noting that DUM-E was actually in the process of putting out a small fire by the machine. It wasn't the only thing Tony noticed either. There were two extra bodies standing by the burning remains of his project, and when the smoke finally cleared away, Tony froze.
The two people that were also waving away the smoke and coughing were his parents.
Howard and Maria were standing ten feet away from him and all Tony could do was stand and stare.
That project was in no way a time travel machine, but clearly that's what had happened. His parents were somehow pulled from the past with a half finished machine that Lucy broke with a screwdriver, and Tony was floored. The last time he saw his mother was the night she died, and his father during the time heist.
"Tony!" The engineer blinks and looks over at the door with wide eyes as Stephen rushes in and over to him. "Friday told me there was an explosion. Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah. We both are. Lulu was just a little spooked…"
Howard's voice draws the attention of both men and Stephen's eyebrows fly up toward his hairline.
"What exactly were you working on?" Stephen asks Tony.
"Not a time machine."
"She's so darling." Maria says as she takes Lucy from Tony. "What's her name?"
"Lucy." Tony mumbles and watches the interaction with fascination.
Once they had gotten over the initial shock, Tony managed to explain what happened before promising to find a way to send his parents back to where they belonged. For now though, they were stuck in the present time and Tony was already preparing for anything. Maria wasn't the problem...it was Howard. Tony had no idea how things would go when it came to his father.
"Who is her mother?" Howard asks.
There it is. That didn't take long, Tony thinks to himself. He then points to Stephen.
"Him. Meet my husband, Doctor Stephen Strange." Tony says.
"Did you adopt?" Maria asks.
"Yes...but not Lucy. Stephen is literally her mother. The girls were made with magic." Tony explains, and Maria brightens when he mentions the girls.
"There are more?" Maria asks while Howard simultaneously says, "Really, Anthony? Magic?"
Stephen was the one to answer Howard before Tony could open his mouth again. The doctor didn't even have to say anything. He simply displayed his magical abilities and Howard actually closed his mouth.
"How many children do you have?" Maria asks again.
Tony looks at her and genuinely smiles. "Seven."
"And a half." Stephen adds and Tony chuckles.
"That's a long story." Tony explains to his parents.
"Where are the others?" Howard asks.
"Somewhere." Tony says flippantly.
"Peter is out patrolling, Harley and Thomas are running an errand for me, Diana is downstairs with Cassie, and William is napping with Valerie." Stephen tells them. "Tea?"
"Yes, please." Maria says and Stephen walks into the kitchen.
Tony could only watch his mother play with Lucy. Even Howard seemed content to spend time with his granddaughter, so Tony joined Stephen in the kitchen and finally took a shuddering breath. Stephen looks over at him with concern and Tony waves him away.
"I'm alright."
"Wondering if it's all a dream?" Stephen asks.
"Maybe? It was nerve wracking just seeing my father during the time heist and now he's actually here. Sort of." Tony tries to explain.
"You have a chance to tell him what you want to." Stephen says. "And...I understand how you're feeling."
He reaches over and carefully grabs Tony's right arm, and looks at the scars traveling from the top of his hand and up his arm. They disappear briefly under his sleeve, but then reappear at the collar of his shirt and finally stop just below the right side of his jaw. Tony supposed Stephen had a point. Stephen probably felt that having Tony back was just a dream for a while. But Tony was here to stay.
Howard and Maria had to go back.
"You've made it very clear that I'm only allowed to die of old age or caffeine overdose." Tony chuckles and Stephen looks at him flatly.
"Preferably the former."
"That's the plan. Where's Athena?" Tony asks as Stephen gently drops his arm and turns back to the tea.
"Upstairs with William and Valerie. Tibbs is sleeping in his cat tower."
"The chaos will start up any second now regardless." Tony huffs and Stephen picks up the tea he finishes and takes it back into the living room.
Tony follows him, finding Lucy surprisingly with his father, and giving Maria a chance to drink the tea Stephen offers her. The chaos truly did erupt after that as he expected. Maria was only halfway through her tea when the kids that were out and about came home, Cassie and Diana came upstairs, and William and Valerie shuffled out of the little girl's room. Harley and Peter had expressions on their faces that made Tony think that they knew who exactly their visitors were, but they didn't say anything.
"Here's the rest of the brood." Tony announces. "Brood and a half." He says motioning to Cassie.
"I'm sure it's always exciting here." Maria says with a smile.
Stephen snorts. "If it's not the kids, it's our friends. Sometimes it's both."
"But it's our life. I don't think any of us would trade it for anything." Tony says.
Not even for one more day with his parents like he might have wished for once upon a time. He got his wish anyway, just not the way he thought he would. Because Lucy liked to throw things.
Tony told himself that he wanted to say things to his dad if he ever got the chance to, but just like the time heist, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't want to see his parents off with another bad memory, and he didn't want to do that to any of his kids. They deserved a good memory with their grandparents...and Howard was being pretty decent so far. He could be civil too.
To Tony and Stephen's surprise, Howard and Maria enjoyed spending every moment with the kids. Stephen at first kept an eye on them to make sure they didn't force any of their beliefs on them (or try to parent them in their own way), but he was able to relax after a little while. The older couple were content to spend time with the kids as grandparents usually did. Watching movies, playing games, cooking, and sharing each kid's hobbies.
Tony unfortunately couldn't spend much time with his parents because he had to fix the project Lucy had thrown the screwdriver at. He had to find a way to return his parents to their own time since he knew they didn't belong here. No matter how much he might have wanted them to stay and see how his life turned out.
Maybe they would go back to his seventeen-year-old self and tell him everything would work out okay. Even back then, Tony probably wouldn't listen to them, so he could see their attempt to reassure him being ignored.
It only took Tony a couple of days to fix the machine so that he could send his parents home. He let them, Stephen, and the kids know...and spent the rest of the night and up until the next afternoon with his parents. When it came time to take them back downstairs, they all went to say their final goodbyes.
"Do they have to go?" Diana pouts and Maria smiles as she pats her head.
"I know dear. It's unfair, but I'm glad we got to see you and your brothers and sisters." She says softly. "You be good for your mom and dad."
"I will."
Maria and Howard were quick to accept Stephen's role as the kids' mother once they explained how it started. How it started as a bit of a joke but overtime became serious...and then true when Diana was born. Of course they weren't used to it since their time was almost forty years prior, but even they knew anything could happen that far in the future. That things and people were becoming more open-minded.
"Thanks for teaching us some more of your recipes." Harley says, making Maria smile.
"Of course. I'm glad to see you enjoy cooking."
He shrugs. "Sometimes."
"Make sure you surpass your father." Howard says and Peter grins.
"We will."
After the kids finish saying their goodbyes -- and of course Lucy throws her teething ring at them -- Howard pulls Tony aside. Stephen watches with a raised eyebrow, but Tony subtly waves away his concern and the sorcerer turns his attention back to Maria and the kids.
"I'm glad to see you've done well for yourself." Howard says.
"For the company?" Tony asks.
His father sighs. "No. I'm glad to see that you have a family. A good one. Your children are all amazing and I'm not even talking about their potential." Tony looks at him in surprise but doesn't interrupt as Howard continues. "Your spouse...I don't know how things are in this time...but he's good for you. I…" he sighs. "I'm not good at this…"
"It's okay. I think I know what you're trying to say." Tony reassures. "I love him. I love my kids...and I would do anything to keep them safe. I have and I always will."
"I'm proud of you." Howard says softly. "I know our relationship wasn't the greatest, but I wanted to make sure you knew that. I doubt you need to know that or if you care--"
"Thank you." Tony says. "It means a lot."
"I'm glad we got to see you happy."
Tony felt just a tiny bit lighter after that when they rejoined the others. He hugged both of his parents goodbye, watched as his kids and Stephen did the same, and then booted up the machine that would send his parents back. Tony made sure Lucy didn't have anything that she could throw and make a mess of the machine again, and then finally hit the button. He looked at his parents as the machine hummed loudly, and returned the smile they gave him before they disappeared from sight and the machine powered down.
Stephen walks over to Tony as the kids head back upstairs, and wraps his arms around his neck. "Any regrets?"
Not at all.
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fbfh · 4 years
light up the dark [V] - leo x reader
genre: romance + action + enemies to lovers kinda
word count: 2.4k
au: none
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: yes teehee
warnings: spoilers for HOO but like what’s new, at least one fuck, mentions of breakfast foods and burger king, one “cranberry fucknut”, brief visit to a historical memorial site, I think that’s it????
summary: you have a very weird dream that leads you to realize you’re actually on some kind of quest! very fun! you, Leo, and Jason follow a lead, find out Chiron’s sending you guys some backup, and realize you’re going to need a very large airbnb
listen to: making mirrors - gotye aka the best dream sequence music
                also we’re the rats. it’s not relevant just living in my brain.
a/n: honest to god it tookme so long to write this i forget what happens in the first half rip
also requests r open uwu
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Your dream is unnerving, and not just because you had spent years in a dreamless sleep and forgot what dreaming was like. Okay, partially because of that, but also because of the atmosphere. 
You’re standing in a dark room. It’s pitch black, but you can make out the shape of the room, which is unusual to say the least. It’s long and rectangular, and the ceiling has cylindrical indents, almost as if giant logs were supposed to fit there. The indents go across the short side, with another in front of it, like a rope bridge across a river. Giant curved metallic discs like flat mushrooms are embedded in the ground at regular intervals. 
You get the feeling something’s missing. You stare up at the ceiling trying to get more information, when something hot and glowing presses against the roof. It shines through, casting everything in a strange pink light. You can’t see it, but you know what it is. A translucent sundial that gave off a glowing orange cast.
You look back down not wanting to hurt your eyes, and they fall on someone else in the room. He hadn’t been there a second ago. He’s blonde, and looking up at the ceiling, seemingly unbothered by the blinding light. 
“He has it,” he says, wistfully, almost regretfully. 
"Who?" You question. 
"I can't pronounce his name, no one can."
"How can we get it back if we can't find him?" He smiles, liking how you know what he needs you to do before he even tells you. 
"I can't tell you his name, but he's very old… some may even say archaic…" He looks at you with intention, searching for a spark of understanding. He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, and continues, “and not far from here. Which is good, since I need you to get it back for me.” 
“How do we find it?” He tosses you a small, clear container filled with what looks like yellow slime. You look at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“It’s a drop of sunshine,” he explains, “don’t touch it or you’ll burn up. It’ll glow when you get closer to what you’re looking for.” You tuck it in your jacket pocket.
Before you can get out the rest of the sentence, you feel like you’re being pulled out of deep water. Your eyes shoot open, and you take in a quick breath through your nose. You open and close your eyes a few times, and push yourself into a sitting position. There’s a weight on your stomach and you trace the hand back to Jason, who had gently nudged you awake moments ago. His mouth is open and there’s a stale smile, like he was about to tell you to rise and shine. Your stare is unwavering, and he retracts his hand. 
“Uh… breakfast is ready,” he says, turning back and heading over to the couch. 
“Kay,” you mutter, still groggy and disoriented. Maybe sleep just isn’t for you. Jason hesitates about half way across the room, noticing the lack of cat-like vengefulness in your tone of voice.
“...You okay?” he asks softly. 
“Fine, just a weird dream,” you roll your shoulders, back sore and stiff, to try and loosen the two stubborn knots just below your shoulder blades. His eyebrows furrow at your words and you continue, “I’m starting to think I should add a little chloroform to my sleepy time tea.” 
“What happened?” he asks, sounding way more serious than you’d expected.
“I dunno, I-” he cut you off, calling for Leo. Jason encourages you to tell them what you’d dreamed about as in depth as possible once Leo comes in from the sitting area, so you don’t have time to gauge how he seems after last night. You feel a little silly trying to describe a surreal dream to them, especially since they seem to be paying such rapt attention. After recalling as many details as you could, they sat in silence for a minute. They share a look, then sigh in unison. Jason pushes up his glasses and squeezes the bride of his nose as Leo lets out a soft ‘fuck’. 
“I’ll go iris message Chiron, Leo, do you want to get some food and offerings to burn?” Jason says. Leo agrees, and Jason’s already in the sitting area, misting water in the air with a squirt bottle. Leo puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Why don’t you get dressed, I already made some coffee,” he says, the spike of hesitance that shot through his stomach at his instigated physical contact dissolving when you nod sleepily. An unusually warm feeling clouds through you, less distant and detached than normal. You realize while digging through your bag that for whatever reason, you didn’t hate the feeling of Leo’s hand on your shoulder. You grab your clothes from your bag, and feel a weight in your jacket. You reach into the pocket, and pull out the “slime” from your dream. It glows briefly, fading as you walk towards the bathroom. Huh, you think, at least now we know what to look for. You’re grateful for the example as you get dressed and freshen up, wondering what the hell happens next. 
Burning the food doesn’t take long. Leo throws the extra breakfast they’d ordered onto the metal table on the patio, except for a piece of toast he held in his hands. He summons fire until the toast is engulfed in flames, and drops it with the rest. He fans the smoke and asks for guidance, protection, typical pre quest stuff. After a minute or two, he pours out a pitcher of water to extinguish the flames, and heads back into the sitting area with Jason. On his way, he watches you through the open bathroom door for a second as you put on your makeup. You sure are different from girls he’d liked in the past. A strong twinge of pain from the previous night makes him flinch. He shoves it away, and takes a seat, greeting Chiron through iris message. Jason had just finished filling him in on the dream and the sundial, and he looks worried.
“I was afraid this might be the case. I'd gotten word that something like this might have happened, but I hoped it was just hearsay… I'm sorry boys, but you're most definitely on a mission from the gods. The story behind that sundial is long and complicated; in summary, if Apollo does not have his sundial by june, summer cannot happen."
"Wh- like, time will stop?" Leo says. 
"Will it just skip to autumn?" Jason adds. 
"What about Persephone?"
"Can Demeter do anything?" 
Chiron holds up his hands to quiet them. 
"I wish I could say, but no one really knows what will happen, only that we do not wish to find out."
"So, what do we do?" Jason asks. 
"Who can I send?" Chiron says to himself, "Dear gods, this is… unfortunate."
"Chiron," Jason says again, getting his attention. 
"Right, I'm sorry my boy, this whole situation is… preoccupying." Jason agrees, and asks what they should do next. 
"Get as much information as you can from what Apollo has told you. I'll gather some people to send over at once, they'll be on their way shortly. This is most distressing…" he trails off, lost in thought again, and the iris message cuts out. Jason's stomach is in knots. 
After freshening up, you get dressed, having chosen your clothes deliberately before. If shit’s about to hit the fan, which it looks like it is, you’re going to need a strong balance of comfortable and kick ass. Plus, it’s still the cold part of spring, and New England weather is no joke. 
You assess yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your choice; half black half gray cargo pants with chain belts, a long sleeved fishnet top with a black crop top over it, and one of your favorite pairs of platform boots. You topped it off with a layered choker studded with black jewels and delicate chains, asymmetrical earrings - one attached to an ear cuff, the other dangling - and a ring that looks like a snake wrapped around your finger. Last but not least, a dark olive green bomber jacket with ‘god save the queen’ written on the back in paint. 
Your mind wanders as you lean closer to the mirror, laser focused on perfecting your eyeliner. The memory of Leo’s hand on your shoulder creeps back up, and your brow furrows at the panicked flush to your cheeks, wondering why you didn’t push him off. 
‘Some cranberry fucknut broke his heart last night, I didn’t want him to feel worse’, you think deliberately, refusing room for any objections or alternative solutions your brain keeps offering up. You finish your makeup relatively quickly, pleased at how much better it looks when you don’t sleep in it for years. Your hair is… hanging in there, but you can’t drop everything and redye it now. At least you know what color you want next - a nice, coral tinted red. You’ll have to keep an eye out the next time you go shopping. 
Finally, you’re ready. You put away your makeup and pajamas, and make your way over to the boys. You grab some coffee and pick at a muffin, the strategy session beginning. 
Jason takes a sip of his own coffee, scowling at the slightly burnt taste.
“Where should we start looking? Do we have any decent leads?”
You sip your coffee, your face mirroring Jason’s moments before.
“The guy from my dream-”
“Apollo,” Jason interjects.
“Right,” you continue, “he said whoever has what we’re looking for has a really hard to pronounce name or something. Maybe we can start there.”
After some back and forth, and consulting of travel guides, you find a memorial for some historical figure with a name that definitely would have gotten him bullied. 
“Wasn’t that guy a demigod?” Leo asks, and Jason confirms. You’re already checking the maps scattered around for a route.
“It looks like it’s pretty much just further west from where we are, we can probably get there pretty easily,” you remark. Jason and Leo look at you, then each other. No one has any better ideas, and at least it’s some kind of lead. 
Four and a half hours later, you sat in the car in stumped silence. It took almost three hours to get up to the memorial site, an hour to look around and realize there is absolutely nothing there that can help you at all, ten minutes to debate what to do next, and twenty minutes to get burger king, since no one had eaten since breakfast. 
“Well, that sucked.” 
Leo and Jason give you a look, knowing you’re right.
“Yeah, it did.” Jason agrees matter of factly, earning a small chuckle from you and Leo. 
“So what do we do now?” Leo asks. 
“Well, no one’s around, we could probably iris message Chiron-” before he could finish his sentence, a shimmery image of a tan girl with choppy dark hair appears in front of him. 
Jason and the girl - Piper, apparently - greet each other enthusiastically, then Leo follows suit. It looks like she’s in a cab, holding something at arm's length. You make it out to be a phone, probably to trick her cab driver into thinking she’s on a facetime call or something. Two other people lean over, one blonde and smiling, the other dark haired and irritable, and more greetings are exchanged. You lean slightly to the side so you’ll be out of site and hopefully won’t have to make any introductions. Leo seems to catch onto this, and when Piper’s eyes land on the edge of your shoulder.
“So did Chiron send anyone else?” he asks before she can say anything. 
“Yeah,” she replies, “Frank and Hazel are coming from camp Jupiter; Frank’s flying, and Hazel’s getting a ride from Arion,” Leo and Jason nod in understanding, picking up instantly on her deliberate word choice. Christ, you’re going to have to get a bigger place than that hotel room.  
“Uh… Percy and Annabeth just started spring break, so they’ll be coming soon. Hazel should get there first, for…” she glances at the cab driver, “obvious reasons, and me, Nico, and Will are on our way now, we should be there in a few hours.” 
Your skin is already feeling prickly from the idea of being around that many people. They talk for a few more minutes, and Jason says he’ll tell them the specific address as soon as possible before ending the call.
Thankfully, you all had repacked the car with your bags from the hotel room before you left, just in case you needed anything, so there’s no need to make the two and a half hour trip back to the hotel. You sigh and turn to the boys.
“Why don’t we go get some groceries and stuff, and I can get us an air bnb.” 
They agree, pleasantly surprised and grateful for the normalcy of something like grocery shopping,  and you ask how many people there are going to be.
“Uh, should be te-”
“Eleven.” Leo says firmly. Jason looks like he’s going to say something, but he bites back whatever it is. Leo’s hands normally dance around like swirling snow, light and natural with subtle patterns if you can figure them out. But right now, his normal subconscious movements seem to be heavier, more intentional. His relaxed expression is set in stone, a silent plea to move on, act like everything’s normal, and you know he’s covering up the depth of the wound that girl left on his heart. A twinge of concern flares in your gut, and you blink, looking away. 
“Okay,” you say, pulling out a pen and notepad from your bag to write out a grocery list, “Let’s go. What do we need?”
Jason pulls out of the parking lot, and begins to head to the nearest box store. Your eyes dart over to Leo involuntarily a few times, and by the time you’re almost there, he seems to be almost back to himself. Subconsciously relieved, your mind starts to wander back to the list, skimming it one more time to make sure you don’t forget anything. 
Maybe you can pick up some hair dye while you’re here.
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Love you to the Moon and to Saturn
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Summary: Caring is not an advantage. To Mycroft, this was a belief he found through the calculated logic that ruled his life. If was analytical and detached and certainly had nothing to do with Sherlock or the childhood neighbor. 
A/N: In a break from my regularly scheduled SVU writing, here’s a four part Folklore inspired Mycroft Holmes thing.
Please, picture me in the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted
“Mycroft, promise you’ll remember me here,” Ruth whispered, laying on the blanket beside where he sat with his legs before him. It was wholly undignified, but it was the clearing they spent their free time in the summer when Sherlock wasn’t there for them to watch over.
“Why here?” he asked, brow lifted as he watched her carefully weaving the bevy of flowers she’d picked. It had made their walk three times as long, but he was content to watch her as the sun shone on red curls and the yellow sundress flowed in the wind. Uncle Rudy wouldn’t approve of the way he was beginning to think of her. The neighbor girl in the summers who helped him watch over his precocious brother and never knew the sister that still haunted his nightmares. He was sixteen now, but the tension was not yet gone in the Holmes house. Ruth’s insistence on dragging him to the clearing always served as a reprieve.
“You don’t act so stuffy, so it’s where I’ll remember you. I want our memories to match when you go off to school in a couple years.” He might have taken offense if she weren’t right, something she must have known because she added, “It’s probably good one of us already acts politely. But I like seeing you when you don’t look so stressed.”
“I’m under no stress, Ruth.”
“You’re a good liar. But we’ve also spent four summers together now. You always play quite serious, but I’m learning to read you.”
There was no reason she needed to know what weighed so heavily on his shoulders. His parents had yet to realize the weight their pressure put on him. He’d been scolded for not watching Eurus more closely, not watching Sherlock and Victor as they played. Then, Uncle Rudy had decided two years before that fourteen was man enough to know the reality and partake in taking care of the family. 
Rudy would always claim he occupied a minor position in the British government, but whatever it was allowed him to put Eurus somewhere far, far away. In a few years, Mycroft would go to Oxford, study something that prepped him to join Rudy. When the time came, managing the secrets would be his job. He would minitor Eurus at Sherrinford, hide the secrets away from his parents, let them think their daughter dead and maintain the illusion she was. At least he would give her creature comforts, gifts on birthdays. 
Mycroft wouldn’t lose the humanity or kindness Rudy had. It took work to learn it, but it was carefully curated and hidden away, reserved for a select few, and Ruth was one of them. He didn’t want to tell Ruth all the darkness Rudy kept tucked away or the way he had to monitor Sherlock to ensure he didn’t remember Eurus or that redbeard wasn’t truly a dog.
“I am unknowable, Ruth,” he nearly hummed, allowing the corner of his mouth to lift. “But I promise to remember you dirtying a perfectly lovely dress in order to weave flowers into a wreath.”
“It’s a crown, Mycroft,” she said emphatically. “I bring blankets now so you won’t dirty your slacks.”
“What a kindness.”
“You used to be more like me.”
“What do you mean?”
“You act like a teacher. All serious and proper and wearing slacks and a sweater and a collared shirt to spend a day in the yard.”
“I’m just trying to act like an adult.”
“We’re not adults.” 
He wanted to tell her he wasn’t allowed to be a child anymore. That he wanted to go with her to get drunk at bonfires and snog and do all the things his peers did. But, between his intellect making most people simply unbearable, the jealousy he wouldn’t acknowledge when some lad talked to Ruth, and the fact that would mean risking something happening to his brother, he couldn’t. If Sherlock were hurt, his parents would blame him, as they did with Eurus, so Mycroft hovered over him. Luckily, he seemed to like the attention from his big brother, often snatching books he knew Mycroft had finished and devouring them to discuss them proudly in earshot of Mycroft.
“I suppose you’re correct. I still have no intention of going to one of those bonfires with you. Sherlock will be home soon. We ought to go back.”
“You’re not his parent.”
“I just enjoy his company.”
She squinted, placing her newly finished ring of flowers atop her head, and he smiled despite himself. It was probably good she made him take these breaks in the summers. Otherwise, he’d never take the time to breathe or feel the sun on his face or anything else. One day, he wouldn’t have the option. Caring wasn’t an advantage. That’s what Rudy kept telling him, but Mycroft couldn’t see how this could be anything but.
Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other… Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long
“This isn’t tea, Ruth,” he said, distaste apparent as she set the pitcher before him. 
“It’s sweet tea, Mycroft. Just try it.”
“You were raised by Americans. This is a bastardization of tea. I won’t have it.”
“You take your tea with so much sugar, anyway. It’s hot out, and I wanted something that wouldn’t make me hotter. There’s mint in it. And sugar. Just try it. For me?”
Mycroft made a noise of dissatisfaction, taking the offered glass and sipping it. He didn’t want to admit it was bearable, but when he took another sip, he could see the look of pride on Ruth’s face. Expectantly, she crossed her arms, and he sighed as he realized she’d wait until he answered.
“It’s acceptable. Still a bastardization. Hot tea is perfectly lovely on a hot day.”
“I’ll take it. Especially given how easily you’re drinking it.”
“You love me,” she sang playfully, and he wanted to tell her he was becoming quite sure he did. She was who came to mind when he heard love described. Ruth was who he trusted, was comfortable around, and made him want to be less of a miserable pain. She was also beautiful and smart and interesting, not like everyone else he’d dubbed as goldfish as of late. It was infuriating. 
“To the moon and to saturn,” he said softly, mirroring the way she’d said the same thing affectionately to both him and his brother. His eyes were closed as his head rested against the back of the patio swing, and he felt the tickle of Ruth’s braids before he felt her press a kiss to the top of his head. His heart pounded, and Mycroft was suddenly more aware of her closeness as he opened her eyes. The sound of Sherlock calling out to his audience of toys as he played echoed to them, but for once they were the background noise to his mind and all he could focus on was Ruth’s soft laugh as she watched his brother from her place beside him.
“To the moon and to saturn,” she smiled. “You’re my best friend, Mycroft.”
He didn’t like the word friend in that moment, but saying as much would mean admitting he was smitten with her. There was no way he could keep that from mummy and father. He wasn’t one for affection, but he let her rest her head upon his shoulder, a dignified hand pressing to her cheek before returning to his lap. 
“And you are mine, Ruth.”
“You mean that?”
“I do.”
“Thank you.” 
Ruth stayed against his side, only sitting up when Sherlock ran up clutching some piece of a broken gardening trow he seemed quite proud to have found. Ruth took it gladly, promising she’d try to think of a way to give it a handle again. In the fall and spring, it was always harder for him to keep up with his younger brother; mummy and father both taught at the university and found their time researching and writing indispensable so they could enjoy the winter break and summer. They said the boys would be fine on their own, but what they meant was Mycroft would be watching. It was better with Ruth, who genuinely seemed to enjoy helping to make Sherlock feel included. 
With Eurus gone and Victor dead, the ten year old only had his brother and their neighbor. He also had the same distance Mycroft remembered so well, the sea between himself and everyone else because their minds simply worked differently. People could be so boring, especially if they were unwilling to deal with the Holmes’ peculiarities. Everyone was so delicate, still learning who they were and building self esteem, that Sherlock and Mycroft with intelligence to rival the teachers and eccentricities abound didn’t know how to interact, especially given how long their mother had kept them home schooled. Victor had always understood his brother, and now he was gone. Ruth was the first close friend Mycroft had found, the only one where he didn’t have to calculate what his next move should be.
“Mycroft,” Sherlock asked, pulling on his brother’s sleeve. He was still all dark curls and blue eyes. It was still admiration on his face instead of the annoyance that would take its place ten years later. “Do we have any of the big wooden dowels left? Ruth says we could use them to make a handle!”
“We do,” he said softly, straightening the boy’s collar. “You’re quite lucky she’s always so willing to assist in your restorations. Her father does restorations for museums. I’ll fetch the dowels. You help Ruth set up your work station.”
I’ve been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why I think you should come live with me  And we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry
“Why are you hiding?” 
Mycroft looked up from his book, back against the wall of the attic. It was the first Christmas since he’d left for Oxford, and he was pleased to learn both families would spend it as they did their summers. If anything had been confirmed for him, it was that he was irrevocably in love with her. He’d now kissed and slept with a couple of people and each time he wondered how it would be if it were Ruth. 
Rudy had made it apparent that until he was needed at a job once he graduated, his summers were his, and he was pleased to know he had three summers with her before Eurus was his responsibility. Sherlock had been acting out since he left, and he had a feeling soon enough the boy would be his responsibility from afar.
“I’m not hiding,” he argued as she settled beside him. “What, no hello?”
“Hello, Mycroft. I missed you terribly.”
“I missed you too, Ruth.” 
“You never call me. We don’t get to run into each other when you’re at school. So we’ve got to put in effort.”
“I’ve nothing terribly interesting to say.”
“Call and bore me then, okay?”
“You require quite a lot of attention.” His tone was as playful as she’d ever heard, though to anyone else she was certain it sounded monotone. But, the corners of his mouth weren’t turned down, even if he did seem more exhausted than she’d ever seen him.
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay, Mycroft.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I could hear your dad.” Mycroft sighed, placing his bookmark and setting the novel aside. His hands came to rest on his lap, fingers laced, and he just couldn’t quite bring himself to look at her. “Was it about Sherlock?”
“He’s been acting out with regularity. Mummy and father think I should come back more. That he misses me. I do not know when they expect that I will be able to, but I’m going to make an effort to.”
“Mycroft, he’ll find something else to act out over. He’s only turning eleven. It’s a change he’ll have to get used to because one day, you’ll be prime minister or something and never have time for any of us.”
“Don’t wish that upon me.”
“Sometimes, I think something bad happened here. And that the energy gets to your dad. He isn’t like this in the city from what you tell me.”
“Are you implying ghosts make my father angry, Ruth?”
“Maybe,” she shrugged. “You should come stay with me. I’ll sneak you in through the window.”
“Your father would have me killed. He’d assume I had nefarious intent.”
“He left,” she muttered, picking at the loose thread of the rug. 
“I’m fine. He still visits me, and I visit him. It’s just so strange being here for Christmas without him. He met a woman at work…”
“How’s Catherine?”
“She’s taken it well. She stays out a lot. But she’s been home for the holiday since we came out here.”
“I am always here if you need to talk about it. You could have called me.”
“I know,” she said, squeezing his fingers. “Are you ready to run away from responsibility yet? I still think we could have a lovely roadside stand somewhere. A cottage.”
“You could always come to Oxford.”
“Maybe I will.”
“I’ll always have a place for you.”
“I’m just pleased I get to see you. It’s been too long. You’re my favorite person, you know?”
“And you’re mine.”
“No, Sherlock is,” she teased, nudging his side. “But that’s fair.”
“I love you.” The words tumbled out before he could stop them. He’d said it dozens of times, but always in response to her. There was something else behind it now as they hid away from their families. It felt comfortable. He felt at home now that she was here. Wasn’t that a sign? That he still felt unstable when surrounded by his parents and Sherlock, but a peace washed over him when Ruth’s head poked out from behind the attic door. 
“It’s perfectly alright if you don’t.”
“I do.”
“I said I do. I love you too, Mycroft Holmes.”
He didn’t know what to do now. Oxford was the first place someone had kissed him, a brunette boy at a party his roommate had held. There was also a woman, one much older than him, who he met at the library. Those had been simple enough because the weight of his feelings wasn’t attached. He’d worked so hard with Rudy to control them, to remember caring isn’t an advantage. It was acceptable to love his little brother; Rudy reminded him that would make everything easier. But loving Ruth? He’d always made their friendship an exception, but as he realized he had the opportunity to kiss her he took it. 
Long fingers cupped her jaw, and his heart soared as he realized she was looking to his lips. She leaned in before he could, hands going to his sides as she kissed him sweetly. Each kiss he’d had before had a purpose. It was hard and wanting and found the inexperienced Mycroft in a bed somewhere. Now, he could just hold his lips to hers like this forever, never progressing, and be happy. When they did separate, she buried her face into the crook of his neck, and his arms circled her waist as he savored the closeness. He could feel her heart pounding as his was. 
“I love you, Mycroft.”
“And I love you, Ruth.”
“To the moon and to Saturn.”
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paradife-loft · 3 years
In the blood orange sky
Well. Does anybody remember a couple months ago when I made this post? Because apparently I’ve been thinking about it a fair bit.
And also thinking about... maybe doing a thing? A thing that involves writing various vignettes as I’m moved to, very low pressure, but all in the same continuity, about sequences of various events that are related to one another and a central premise...? So kind of maybe like a “multi-chapter fic” as they call them, but y’know. No particular goals for “finishing” something, or requiring they be in chronological order or any other strict structure binding them together. Just exploring things for fun, and I’ll see where it goes!
But yes, so, I have written a bit this week that I think does what I would like for a first portion of something like this, and... here it is!
1.4k words, Xiyao, post-canon, dark-ish mystery/intrigue/character and relationship exploration I guess?; warnings for injury and general unpleasant body stuff, and also unpleasant mental health stuff, and also discussed off-screen (mass) murder.
When he comes to this time, he is sitting - propped up in the gentle rays of early sun against something he can vaguely identify as soft, with enough give to cradle his shoulders. That alone is a departure from each time previous… and Jin Guangyao supposes he ought to be thankful he continues to wake up at all; that his condition upon doing so this one time at least is no longer face-down, body practically smeared into the dirt.
An unpleasant prickling in one of his legs prompts him to open his eyes again, lift his head from where it’d fallen back against a pillow. His neck throbs with the motion. He sees a pair of hands - familiar enough that the distortions between his sight now and his memories cannot help but unsettle him - moving steadily with needle and thread through a deep rent in his left calf.
Ah. That would explain that particular discomfort, then.
Viewing the sight on top of feeling the muted, distant sensation it evokes, gives him the perverse and contrarian instinct to kick out and abort the effort of cleaning him up as it’s only partway done - but he recognises well enough that it would be a waste, and even now he isn’t so far gone as that. And he doesn’t want his leg to remain ruined. And to repair it himself now would be… possible, but far more difficult.
All arguments he has to pull out in front of his mind’s eye, like a text one might recite, to convince himself not to protest this time; but he does hold himself still, does remain for the time being a silent, compliant patient.
(Not entirely still, he must admit: his eyes follow the tiny shifts in those hands, trying to reconcile the absence of both manicured care, and the unique pattern of callused ridges he had memorised once upon a time. And yet more important, more incorrect when compared to the state he is familiar with: Lan Xichen has never known how to sew.)
(And yet. And yet.)
He presses his lips together as Xichen approaches the completion of the task, drawing the words he resents needing to speak up like pitchers of water from a drying well. They crowd his tongue, sour the inside of his mouth.
"I take it you found me quickly this time, after your target was done with me?"
Lan Xichen starts when he hears his voice, head jumping up and eyes round. Jin Guangyao had not taken him to be so absorbed that he hadn't even noticed him waking, but -
(He should have, perhaps.)
Xichen's expression hardens into something resigned after that, the dam holding back a great dredged mass of displeasure. Pain and anger in a hundred or more shades, silt and loam and sand.
"You tore apart the gravesites of three prominent clans, scattering the bones, and then did the same with the bodies of their living families when they came to drive out the robbers who defiled their ancestors' remains. The entire village has been terrified since last night. The news was not difficult to follow."
Jin Guangyao resists the urge to close his eyes, staring down the spray of blood to his face with the same dispassion he once used to with regularity. He is out of practise, however: he can't stop the reflexive flinch in his mouth, or his one remaining hand. It curls stiffly in the blankets pushed to one side of the bed pallet.
It’s not that he hadn't expected something along these lines, from the moment he’d woken up and taken in his surroundings. He hadn’t particularly relished the anticipation of hearing it, and so allowed himself a few moments watching Lan Xichen work in silence before disturbing him, it’s true - but he regrets the pain and exhaustion on Xichen's face and in the set of his shoulders and limbs more than he cares to spend his sympathy on another (inevitable) group of dead strangers.
He glances down at the long column of stitches holding the greying flesh of his leg together around the bone, and wonders which hapless, doomed villager from this new feat of resentful destruction had managed to inflict the injury.
"So it didn't require all that much searching, then. Nobody was angry with you, stealing away with the corpse that had killed all those people instead of burning it?"
"Not enough to express it to me. I imagine it helped that I spent several hours in the interim helping right the disturbed graves, and set wards around several of the neighboring houses," Xichen replies. Stress still lines his eyes, flickering more prominent like a candle flame as he speaks. Reconstructing the sequence of events implied, Jin Guangyao feels a twinge of - something - surprise, or hurt? he can't quite say - that Xichen had apparently seen fit this time to seal him away and then leave him, presumably alone, for some significant time afterward, while he tended to the village. Even though it was presumably an effective distraction, not to mention well-deserved.
"I was intending on returning this afternoon, to add more wards to some of the other houses, and suppress any other spirits roused in the process,” Xichen adds. Half an afterthought, half an explanation.
The emotion, whatever it is, crystallizes into a spike of irritation. "Temporary wards aren't going to be enough to turn away a determined corpse-raiser of this strength if he has unfinished vendettas against anybody left there," replies Jin Guangyao, snappish.
Lan Xichen’s lips thin. "I would still prefer to comfort some of their fears, however unrealistically, in the time before the problem has been solved, than leave them with no help or explanation at all after such a loss."
Jin Guangyao knows this. Agrees with it, even; it had been one of many principles they shared in the nighthunts they used to investigate. If Lan Xichen is frustrated at having to reiterate such a thing to him specifically, rather than in general, it doesn't show amidst everything else on his face.
He does stand though, turning away from the bed, tucking the medical supplies he’d been using back into their pouch and going to check on an iron kettle perched over a fire.
“Where are we?” Jin Guangyao asks, preferring the abrupt change of subject to a continuation of the prior topic. Xichen glances back at him - not for long.
“The abandoned house of one of the walking corpses I suppressed a few months ago,” he replies. He pours hot water into a skin, tying it off, and then another steaming portion into a tea pot - drab by Gusu Lan standards, but still likely worth more than the entire roof they’re under. “Don’t get up on that leg yet; you’ll split it open.”
Silence clouds between them, as Jin Guangyao stops shifting his way toward the edge of the bed pallet and lets the leg stretch out in front of him, holding back his weight against his arm. His fingers itch.
He’s asked Lan Xichen before, how long he’s been living like this, although not in those terms; and Lan Xichen has responded only with obvious deflections, despite giving perfectly cogent answers to less savory questions, such as how he’s managed to take a room at an inn with a resentment-spilling corpse in tow. There are many people in need with no one else to turn to throughout the countryside. A simple glamour works well enough when neither the inkeep nor other patrons are cultivators. Spending nights at the house left abandoned after a prior nighthunt certainly sidesteps the minor inconveniences of the latter, but leaves him even less sanguine about the former.
Would you rather neither of you were here at all, and in all likelihood even more people were dead? his own mind poses snidely, while he sits and watches Lan Xichen putting the hot compress over his lower leg, manually drawing up the blood in his body toward the region. He sips the cup of medicinal brew pressed into his hands, despite strong doubt in its capacity to do anything now for him in particular.
When he can acutely feel the spiritual energy circulating through his through him - pushed by Xichen’s intent and core, urging tissue to repair itself in the same way it would in a living body - Jin Guangyao finally admits the need to push on the issue of what they both have surely understood by now.
“I need to come with when you leave,” he says. He doesn’t make it a suggestion.
Lan Xichen closes his eyes, and Jin Guangyao’s still heart seems to squeeze like a vise. Go back to Gusu! he wants to yell; fuck the villagers, and fuck whatever further bloody deaths he won’t be conscious enough to care about causing.
Lan Xichen only nods, like it pains him. “Yes. I suppose you do.”
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Hot N Cold // Ashton Irwin
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Both @cal-puddies and I had to endure disgusting heatwaves last week (it was literally 99 degrees before noon for me) and were laughing that we co-wrote a hot weather trope fic and it turns out, being this warm is not sexy. I took it a step further and declared that I was so uncomfortable I wouldn’t let Ashton near me and Cass was like bitch please and instantly proved me a liar by suggesting a scenario that I eventually spun into this entirely self-indulgent fic. (Exposing screenshots available upon request 😂🤡)
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, slight soft!dom Ash, female receiving oral sex/rimming, ice play, unprotected sex within established relationship, gratuitous mentions of Ash with a beard and in basketball shorts because I am a 🤡, I truly cannot express how self-indulgent this is.
Word Count: 4.9k exactly! (And I can never thank Cass enough for being a problem solving, editing queen because otherwise this legit could’ve easily been 10k, I was out of control and have officially been dubbed “the Stephen King of smut”)
Cass & Crystal’s Collab Masterlist
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You tap on the thermostat display, hoping that the numbers you’re reading are a mistake.
“Babe, it’s digital, that’s not gonna do anything,” Ashton calls from across the room.
You make a face and continue staring in disbelief. Last week when you invited your boyfriend to stay with you while his home underwent plumbing repairs, you had no idea there would be a heatwave sweeping the city. And as if the heat wasn’t bad enough, a thunderstorm was also predicted so it’s not just hot but humid, which drives you absolutely crazy.
You usually find it cozy when Ash stays at yours, your modest apartment a quaint contrast to his luxurious house. But waking up next to him in your full size bed (a far cry from the king size at his place), with you both already drenched in sweat put you in a sour mood and as the day progresses, along with the temperature, your mood has only gotten worse.
“How could the outside temperature and the inside temperature be that similar, what the fuck,” you grumble.
“It only feels that bad because now you know how hot it actually is, babe,” he suggests, coming up and wrapping his arms around you, kissing your neck, lightly scraping at it with his beard.
You roll your eyes. “No, it feels that bad because it is that bad, babe,” you huff, shrugging his arms off of you. In quick succession, he smirks and then pouts at your brush-off. “Ash, I swear to god, why does it seem like the second it gets above a certain temperature, you get super affectionate just to spite me?”
He grins and reaches for you, pulling you into an embrace once more. “Aww, baby, it’s not out of spite,” he laughs. “I just think you’re cute when you’re irritated.”
Ash squeezes you tight, swaying softly as he kisses the top of your head. Normally you would find yourself melting into his touch but today you just feel like you’re literally melting. 
“You’re about to think I’m really fucking adorable then because I’m gonna flip out if you don’t get away from me,” you gripe, wriggling out of his grasp. 
You decide to take a cool shower but you’re not surprised to find that it’s so hot outside, the water doesn't get any cooler than lukewarm. You let your frustrated mind wander as it runs over your sweat-covered skin. Of course the heatwave would have to be this weekend. Of course it was unexpected so all your fans are still in storage and of course all the stores in the area are sold out of their stock. Of course you live in an apartment that only has a small air conditioner that’s basically useless. Of course Ashton is annoyingly unaffected by the heat and of course you know it’s unreasonable of you to direct your hostility toward him but… seriously, it’s so annoying. Despite your agitated thoughts and the tepid water, by shower’s end, you have to admit you feel relieved. 
Ash’s back is turned when you approach the kitchen. Now that both your body and your temper have had a chance to cool, you’re much more appreciative of his presence. You stand in the doorway, admiring his considerable build: how broad his back looks even as he hunches over, digging through a drawer, how the narrow cut of his tank top makes his shoulders look even larger than usual, how his favorite basketball shorts cling to his ass. By the time his arms start flexing as he stirs what looks like a pitcher of sweet tea, you’re padding over to him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Heyyy,” he chuckles, slinging an arm around you and bringing you to his side. “You seem to be feeling better.”
“Better, cooler and nicer,” you declare, pecking at his chest to prove your point. “Sorry I was being a mega bitch.”
He snorts. “No offense but when I saw the heat advisory on my phone last night, I kind of knew what I was gonna be up against.”
You pinch his arm, half offended. “No, my love, I could never think of you as a mega bitch,” you offer the reply you would’ve preferred, in a mocking voice. 
He shakes his head with a smile. “Would I have gone to this much trouble if I really thought that of you?” He gestures towards the living room where he’s spread your spare comforter on the floor in front of the AC; two cold cut sandwiches, a tub of leftover macaroni salad from yesterday’s dinner and a fresh bag of your favorite chips sit on the coffee table. 
You enjoy your “picnic” and continue lounging in front of the AC long after you’re finished eating. Ashton returns from clearing your dishes to discover you sprawled out on your stomach, complaining that you sat on the floor too long and your entire body feels numb. 
He cocks an eyebrow as he lays down next to you and lands a hard smack across your ass. You yelp but honestly, you should’ve seen it coming. You glare at him, unimpressed.
“Just trying to help,” he shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Mmm hmm, sure,” you giggle, turning to face him. “Quick question, why are you like this?” 
He pulls you closer. “Don’t act like it’s just me, I felt you ogling me in the kitchen,” he teases. “I know you’re turned on, look how hard your nipples are.” He grabs a handful of your breast and pinches to emphasize his point.
You snort laugh, “I’ve been sitting in front of an air conditioner, you dummy.” 
He makes a sheepish face and you both crack up. Your joint giggle fit easily transitions into a comfortable, lazy makeout session. You’re about to finally reach your hand inside his shorts when you both pull away after hearing a noise. It takes only a few seconds of humid air on your skin for you to realize that the AC has stopped. “The power’s gone out,” you announce, gently pushing his body off of you so that you can go flip the circuit breakers. “Maybe we had the air on for too long?”
A few minutes later, Ash joins you in the kitchen, where you’re fiddling with the breaker box. “Nothing,” you tell him, frowning at the panel.
“Seems like it’s the whole complex, all your neighbors are out wandering around,” he reports. “Maybe a rolling blackout from the heat? Or I guess it could be the storm? Looked like the signal at the end of the street was out.”
“Fantastic,” you seethe.
Ash reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss to your clenched fist. “It’ll be fine, baby, this is just a good excuse for us to order dinner. And the sun will be going down soon, so it’ll have to cool off!"
You nod slowly, not believing him but appreciating the effort. "You just don't want me to be mean to you again," you tease.
You start looking for your lanterns and candles in case the power doesn't come back before nightfall. Which of course, it doesn’t. And despite Ashton's optimism, it doesn't cool off much either. You know the heat must actually be extreme when even he starts commenting on it.
He spots your cooler in the closet and offers to run down to the corner gas station and grab some ice to fill it with so you could at least have cold drinks. It doesn’t make much of a difference to you but you know he’s trying to do anything he can to make you more comfortable, so you tell him it’s a great idea. 
He returns quickly, triumphantly lifting up a comically large party bag of ice with one hand. "This was the only size they had," he explains. You smile softly and kiss his shoulder in silent thanks as you pass by on your way to gather the drinks.
The rest of the evening is uneventful. You attempt a candlelit dinner, but you both quickly agree it’s more impractical than romantic and replace the candles with your bright ass camping lantern. 
You make it an early night, not because you're tired but because you need the day to end. You thought fresh sheets sounded cooling but when Ash enters the bedroom, he finds you sitting defeatedly in the middle of the half-made bed and in the dim candlelight, he can’t tell if it’s sweat or frustrated tears he spies falling down your face. “OK, that’s enough,” he announces, reaching for your arm to drag you up from the bed. “You’re getting in the shower, I’m dealing with this.”
You’re pleased to find the water has cooled and the candles you have illuminating the bathroom makes for a much more relaxing environment than your previous shower. You haven’t been in long when you feel Ash’s beard scratching your back as he presses small kisses to your shoulders. You smile to yourself and face him, wrapping your arms around him. “You had to put up with a lot from me today,” you start. You peck along his neck and jaw, landing at his lips, which you kiss softly. “I just want you to know I appreciate it.” 
He holds you against him. “It was a long, shit day,” he shrugs. “I was just sorry to see you having such a bad time. Wanted to do what I could."
You lean in and you make out sweetly, enjoying the feel of each other's lips and the cool water. You feel him start to dip his hands in between your legs but you gently push them away. "I'm good, baby, just wanted to thank you." You peck his lips and leave him to finish showering.
You’re in the middle of putting lotion on when you feel Ashton’s hands on you again; he hasn’t even bothered with a towel, as if he couldn’t waste a second moving from the shower back to your body.
"Ashhhh,” you giggle. “I promise I’m fine… and where’s your towel? You’re dripping everywhere.”
His hand has found its way between your legs again and he swipes a finger through your folds. “Well, I’m not the only one,” he quips. "I knew you were getting riled up over there." He sucks and nibbles at your neck, causing you to groan. "Baby, you've been stressed all day. Let me get you off, it's the least I can do."
You sigh and nod, unable to deny the way you’re throbbing for his attention; he lifts you onto the bathroom counter and you find yourself almost involuntarily spreading your legs for him. “That’s my good girl,” he coos, kissing your inner thighs, running his beard along them the way he knows you like. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick at your clit, chuckling to himself as you instantly shudder and tangle your fingers in his wet hair.  
You pant heavily while he flattens his wide tongue and laps at your pussy. By the time his lips wrap around your clit, you’re bucking up onto his face, begging him for more.
You’re puzzled when he suddenly draws you down from the counter and pushes you over it, remaining on his knees. He spreads your legs again and swirls his tongue around your clit; he then licks all the way from your clit to your asshole, fluttering his tongue over it several times. A guttural whine rips through your throat.
“That a good noise, baby?” Ash asks, kneading your ass in his hands. “Want me to keep going?” 
All you can manage is a pitifully whimpered “Uh-huh” and he smirks to himself as he dives back in, spreading your cheeks with his thumbs and rolling his tongue over your tight ring. You can’t remember the last time you were this turned on and it’s overwhelming, the added sensation of his beard making it even more stimulating. You nearly shriek when his hand starts working your clit.
“Please Ash... yeah… oh FUCK...” Nonsense spills from your lips as he licks you and you can’t help but roll your hips against his hand. His mouth pauses for a second and you’re about to complain when suddenly he’s pressing his tongue inside your hole. “Jesus Christ, Ash!” You cry out, white knuckling the edge of the counter.
He groans in response to your outburst and you can feel the vibrations of it as he pushes his tongue in further. You reach back and grab at his hair, desperate for something to hold onto, desperate to pull him even closer. His tongue darts in and out of your ass while his fingers rub tight, relentless circles around your clit. 
Your orgasm hits you without warning and for a second, you’re not sure if you’re going to live through it; your entire body shakes, your legs feel like jelly and your eyes are squeezed shut so tight you’re seeing stars. He reaches his free hand up to support you and continues to lick and rub you as it goes on, even as your fingers viciously yank at his hair.
You let yourself slump over the counter, enjoying the cool feeling of the marbling on your heated skin. You feel Ash’s lips softly kissing up your back and his hand stroking your hair. “You did so good, baby, thank you,” he praises, rubbing your back. “Thought you deserved a treat after the day you've had.”
“That was… wow?” You rasp, surprised at your voice’s scratchiness; you didn’t realize you were screaming but you must have been judging from how wrecked you sound. “ ‘M all sweaty though, gonna need to rinse off again,” you laugh.
“Oops,” his giggle echoes through the bathroom. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” He helps you stand upright and presses a kiss to your head. You note that he’s fairly hard but he leaves the room before either of you mention it.
You enter the bedroom a few minutes later and discover it empty; you’ve just pulled on a cotton slip nightgown when your shirtless boyfriend appears, carrying two bottles of water and two cups filled with ice. He sits yours on the nightstand and wanders over to where you’re towel drying your hair. You lovingly roll your eyes as he immediately wraps his arms around you; he’s changed back into his shorts and they’re doing nothing to disguise the erection you noticed in the bathroom. 
“Always love this nightgown on you,” he breathes, mouth biting at your earlobe, hands running up and down your sides. “Do you remember you wore it the first time you stayed over at mine?”
You smile at the memory. “And I thought you only liked it because it’s see-through in the light,” you tease, spinning out of his hold. You love him like this so you don’t want to outright reject him but you also can’t imagine having sex in this sweltering bedroom and aren’t about to take your fourth shower of the day.
You prop your pillows up so you can drink your ice water and check your phone while you still have some battery left. Ash sits next to you and you can already feel the heat radiating off of him. He absentmindedly places his hand on your thigh, squeezing every so often as it creeps higher. You slide your hand into his, bring it to your lips and kiss his knuckles briefly before setting it back on his own leg.
“I really should’ve let you buy me that bigger bed like you offered when you first started sleeping over,” you joke, hoping he’ll understand your meaning.
He chuckles and searches your face sympathetically, “Am I making you warm, baby? I’m sorry,” he pouts. “It’s getting better though, I opened the window before our shower and the storm’s bringing a breeze in.” He snakes an arm around you and leans you closer, pecking your cheek.
“It’s still pretty bad in here… and you’re still kind of a radiator, Ash,” you gently complain.
He frowns, then pauses and his face suddenly changes expression. “I know something we can do to take your mind off that…” 
You make a face. “Baby… I know you're hard but it has been such a ridiculous day," you gently explain. "I'll kiss you while you jerk off if you want? I just cannot fathom having you on me right now.”
“First of all, I never said I wanted to be on you,” he notes. “Second, I just feel bad you’re already so tense again, babe, we gotta get you to relax.” He massages your neck as he talks and you didn’t realize how stiff your muscles were until that moment. “I know it’s not gonna be an easy night sleeping in here and I was just thinking you always sleep so much better right after you cum...”
Despite the heat, your body is buzzing at his touch. “Goddammit, that’s a fair point,” you concede and he laughs under his breath. “Feel like whatever you have in mind is only gonna make me feel even warmer though.”
His eyes shine with playful desire. “Not necessarily…” he replies mysteriously. “Trust me?”
You hate how curious you are and how much his vagueness is turning you on. “You get five minutes to prove this is worth it… or until I start sweating, whichever is first.”
Ash chuckles, “I think we both know you’ll be begging for my cock long before then.”
You shake your head at him and then he's kissing you and laying you down. "Close your eyes," he requests. You look at him skeptically. "I'm assuming you think it's too warm for the blindfold," he points out and you nod in agreement.
He hovers over you and brushes his lips lightly against yours. "So gorgeous laying there, just waiting for me," he whispers low, knowing the praise will make you swoon. "Can you get your tits out for me, baby?"
You slip your thin straps off your shoulders and tug your nightgown down your torso, exposing your chest. Your breath is already heavy with anticipation when you feel Ashton's hands run up your thighs on his way to knead your breasts. His touch feels warmer than you'd like but his firm, calloused grip is always welcome.
His hands disappear for a second and you hear some generic rustling; you assume you'll be feeling his mouth next but what you don't expect is the intense cold of the ice cube he has in between his teeth. A squeal escapes your throat and your eyes shoot open at the sensation of him dragging the ice down your neck and in between your tits; the combined heat of your skin and his mouth starts melting it instantly and freezing water drips down your body. 
“Ash, what the fuck?!” You cry out with a shocked laugh. He tugs your nightgown lower and continues his travels, bringing the cube down over your stomach, water dissolving all over your midsection.
You whine as he pulls back and grins. “OH, did... did you want me to continue?” He taunts, chewing what was left in his mouth. “Didn’t take long for you to decide this was ‘worth it,’ huh, baby?”
He reaches for the cup on your nightstand and drops another cube in his mouth before lowering himself to your chest. His cold fingers play with one of your nipples while he sucks the other between his lips; his tongue swirls the ice around your pointed bud and the dueling feelings of the frozen cube and his warm tongue is unlike anything you’ve felt before.
You hold his head to your chest, running your fingers through his damp, curling hair. “Ash, babyyyyyy,” you breathe dreamily as he moves his attention to your other nipple. “This was a good idea, you were right.” Even with his mouth around you, he manages to grin at your concession and you arch your back into him.
“Love it when you talk dirty,” he smugly responds. He brings the remaining portion of his cube to the front of his lips and traces it over yours before slipping it back in his mouth and kissing you deeply. You whimper as he slowly transfers the cube into your mouth with his tongue. He tugs your lip between his teeth as he pulls away and you moan loudly at the realization that you can’t feel it because your lips are numb from the ice. 
Ashton sits back on his knees and you reach for him, immediately missing his attention. "Want you," you admit, stretching your arm until your hand lands on his bulging crotch. “Need you. Need this.”
He takes a page out of your book and pulls your hand up to his lips, kissing it and sitting it away from him. “Oh I know you need it, baby,” he teases, slipping his hand inside your panties to feel your wetness. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it... but first… can’t let my last ice cube go to waste.”
He smiles at your annoyed sigh as he snatches the cup from the table and moves down your body. You know that look in his eye and for once tonight, you know what he’s thinking. He starts to raise the cup to his lips as you whine, “Oh my god, Ash, don’t,” pushing him away with your feet.
He cocks his head and rubs his hands up and down your legs. “You know your word,” he replies and looks at you expectantly. You hold each other’s gaze for several beats and then his hands yank your panties off. Your nightgown is still bunched around your waist and you finally pull it all the way off, making yourself bare for him. 
Ash raises the cup in your direction in mock cheers and finally slides the ice into his mouth. In the time it takes you to blink he’s already between your legs, running the tip of the cube up and down your lips. You shift your hips to meet his touch and he lightly slaps your thigh to get you to settle. 
He moves through your folds, nudging at your entrance for just a second before moving on; you brace yourself as he reaches your clit. He teases around it first with only his tongue and your heart pounds as you wait for the cold to shock you. After what feels like half a lifetime, a burst of piercing iciness shoots through your entire body, starting at your core. You let out a long, low moan as he alternates flicking the frozen cube over your clit and then running his warm tongue against you in raging contrast. 
He sucks at your clit softly before moving to kiss up your inner thighs as he sits up. You didn’t see it happen but he apparently slipped the ice into his hand because now he’s pressing it directly on your clit, letting it melt, causing you to moan and writhe. 
"ASH PLEASE… oh my godddd…” you cry, grabbing his wrist. You’re not quite sure if you want him to stop or to keep going until you cum so you just hold onto his arm, begging. “Fuck me, please, need you to fuck me, Ash!”
Smiling, he firmly grinds the last of the cube against your clit and you thrash as it melts within seconds. He slips two fingers inside you and you shudder at how cold they are. “Knew I could get you begging for me, baby” he growls, smirking as he kisses up your body. “You sure it’s 'worth it'? Maybe you’re right, maybe it is too warm? This pussy feels pretty warm to me.” He skillfully juts his fingers in and out of you as he taunts you.
You whimper pathetically in response and he chuckles. “Alright, baby, you’ve been so good for me tonight, I’ll let you have my cock,” he declares. “Hands and knees for me, gorgeous.” 
Ashton pulls his shorts off while you do your best to get into position, unsteady from all the stimulation. You can’t help yourself and as soon as you get up on your knees you lunge for him, capturing his mouth in a filthy kiss and your hand tugs at his cock, easily coaxing out a trickle of precum.
He murmurs into your kiss, letting you have your moment and then in one swift move, he swats your hand away and pulls you off his lips by wrapping his hand around your throat. “I said hands and knees, baby,” he reminds you, squeezing lightly.
You can’t quite find your voice to moan but if you had, it would’ve been the loudest yet. You get into position and for the first time tonight, you notice the curtains billowing as the long-promised stormy breeze fills the room. You’re about to point it out but you decide to bite your lip instead because the head of Ash’s cock is pushing up against your entrance. 
You sigh restlessly and slowly push back on him, eager to have him inside you but he promptly halts your hips and roughly smacks your ass for trying. “Don’t be desperate,” he reprimands sternly. 
You mumble a pitiful “Sorry” and he rubs over the stinging redness of his handprint in acknowledgment. He slides his cock over your pussy a couple times, slicking it with your arousal, enjoying how your legs shake every time he juuuust misses running his tip over your clit. Then he starts pushing in for real, at an agonizingly slow rate; he knows you’re already on the verge of overstimulation and he knows you’re aching to cum but he loves teasing you, loves making you feel every inch of him as he enters you.
You hang your head, breathing his name so softly you almost don’t even hear it yourself. The thrill of finally having him inside you combined with the sublime stretch as his thickness gradually fills you is overwhelming; if you wanted to, you honestly think you might be able to cum from this alone. For a moment it crosses your mind to tell him this but in the next, you realize he already knows.
“Love watching you take me,” Ash praises you, finally bottoming out. “You’ve really gotta see it sometime, baby, there’s nothing like it.” 
You whine at his words and your sounds increase as he thrusts into you, wasting no time setting a punishing rhythm, you’ve both waited long enough for this. “Feels… so… good… babe…” you pant, voice quivering as his hips hit forcefully against yours. Your hands are cramping from how tightly you’re gripping the sheets in front of you but you don’t know how else to handle the intensity of what you’re feeling.
Ashton grunts, slapping your ass once on each cheek. He fucks into you rapidly and it's not long before his fingers dig into where he’s holding your hips; this means he’s getting close. You slide your hand to your clit and start rubbing, burying your face in the bed as you let out a choked sigh. He speeds up the pace when he notices. “I’m almost there too, baby,” he puffs. “Go ahead and cum, baby. Fuck, you deserve it.”
The soft howling of the wind, the vigorous slapping of Ash’s skin on yours and your muffled moans are all that can be heard for the next minute or so. Your sounds gain volume as your pussy begins to throb and you finally feel your walls tensing around him. He fucks you through it, murmuring about what a good girl you are, how beautiful you look. 
As your orgasm reaches its end, you hear Ash continuing to mumble but you realize it’s mostly nonsense; seconds later you feel his cock pulsing as he empties his load inside you. He groans loudly, running his thumbs over the fresh marks he’s left on your hips and slowly pumping into you a few more times before sighing and pulling out.
He pecks a kiss on the small of your back and then he grabs the tissues on your vanity to clean you up. You lay on your stomach, sleepy but satisfied; when he’s done, he lays beside you. “How are we feeling?” He asks, running his hand through your hair.
You smile dreamily at him. “Like I’m gonna sleep real good tonight,” you joke. You scoot closer to him and lightly kiss his bearded chin. “Like I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through today without you. Like I love you a lot.”
Ashton’s eyes shine fondly at you through the darkness. "I'm happy to hear that, there were a few times today I wasn't sure if you still liked me," he cracks. You poke him and he kisses your pouted lips. "I love you too, by the way."
You finish getting ready for bed and as you blow out the candles around the room, Ash instinctively moves closer to the edge of the bed; he's sure you'll want to sleep as far apart as possible. "Is it supposed to be this hot again tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yup," you answer, surprisingly unbothered, getting back in bed.
He frowns. "What do you think we should do?"
You surprise him again by curling into him, tangling your legs with his. "We've got all day and half a bag of ice left," you grin mischievously. "I think we'll be fine."
Tag list: @cal-puddies @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore  @loveroflrh @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @feliznavidaddycal  @castaway-cashton @boomerash @cashtonasfuck @megz1985 @ashdork-irwin @ashtonangst @angelicfluffs @findingliam-o  @abadaftertaste
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crazy4dragons · 4 years
Hiccup and Astrid spend the night together for the first time. Like Heaven AU. They’re 13 here and have been friends for just a few months! Friendship fluff, plus some Hiccup being a total Mama’s boy.
“Are you sure it’s okay with your mom if you sleep over?” Valka asked as she laid a plate full of barbecue chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes in front of Astrid. “I don’t want her worrying about you.”
“It’s okay,” replied Astrid, hugging her towel around her. With school out for the summer, she and Hiccup had planned an all-nighter. “I just have to be home by noon tomorrow for beach volleyball.”
“Are you cold, dear?” Valka frowned as she noticed Astrid shiver. “Hiccup has plenty of sweatshirts if you’d like one. You two probably wear about the same size.”
“I’ll be okay,” said Astrid. “Where is Hiccup, by the way?”
“He wanted to shower before he ate. He said he’s done swimming for tonight.”
Astrid bit into a chicken wing. “These are good. Did you make them, Mrs. Haddock?”
“Call me Valka. And no, Stoick actually made them. I’ve never been much of a cook.”
“Yeah, me neither. My mom tries to teach me, but I’m no good,” laughed Astrid.
Valka sat across from Astrid. “Let me give you some advice, dear. Marry a man who’s good in the kitchen and you’ll be set for life.”
Astrid laughed. “I’ll try.”
Smiling, Valka dug into her own plate of food. “By the way, I want to thank you for reaching out to Hiccup when we first moved here. He’s a very sweet boy, but he’s always had such a hard time making friends. You don’t know how happy he was when he came home and told me you invited him to the Zipplebacks concert.”
“Well, I’m lucky to have him as a friend,” Astrid said.
Just then, Stoick appeared on the patio. “I got the iced tea if any of yer want any,” he announced, holding up a tall pitcher of homemade iced tea.
“I’ll have some, love,” Valka responded.
“Could I have some, too?” asked Astrid.
“Of course, lass.” Stoick poured both Valka and Astrid a glass before sitting down beside his wife.
“I was just telling Astrid how much we appreciate her reaching out to Hiccup. She’s been a great friend to him since we moved here.”
“Speaking of Hiccup.” Stoick gestured to the back door, where Hiccup emerged.
“Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. Hey, Astrid.” Hiccup took his place at the table. “Can I have some corn? And a couple pieces of chicken?”
“No broccoli?” questioned Valka.
Hiccup wrinkled his nose. “No, thank you.”
“Iced tea?” Stoick offered.
“Yes, please.”
The rest of the meal passed quickly as the little group talked and laughed together. After asking to be excused, Hiccup and Astrid hurried inside and up to Hiccup’s bedroom.
“Can I use your shower?” asked Astrid, digging through her backpack to find her hairbrush and clean clothes.
“Yeah, go for it. I’ll start looking through Netflix for a good movie to watch.” Hiccup settled onto his bed and grabbed the TV remote.
Astrid vanished into the bathroom, reappearing twenty minutes later in a pair of cozy pajamas. “Mind if I sit with you?”
“Of course not.” Hiccup patted the empty space beside him. “Come on up.” After she climbed onto his mattress, he said, “But if we decide to give up on the all-nighter tonight, which we probably should if you have a volleyball game tomorrow, you can sleep in the guest room if you want. Or you can stay here. The choice is all yours.”
“I’ll probably stay.” She pulled the covers to her chin and settled against a fluffy pillow. “I’ve always thought it would be fun share a room with someone.”
“That’s fine with me.”
“Did you find anything to watch?” asked Astrid, nodding towards the TV.
“Yeah. I thought we could watch Thor.”
“It figures you’d pick something that relates to Norse mythology.”
“You can pick the next one,” Hiccup promised. “We have plenty of time. It’s only nine o’ clock.”
“Also, my dad bought microwave popcorn. If you want some, I can go make it before I start the movie.”
“Popcorn sounds good.” Astrid slipped out from beneath the covers. “I’ll come with you.”
“Okay.” Hiccup led Astrid to the kitchen, where they popped two bags of popcorn and poured it into a big bowl. “We have M&Ms, too. I’ll bring them with us because we might want some after the popcorn.”
“I could go for M&Ms.” Astrid grabbed the popcorn while Hiccup found the candy. “By the way, I hung my swimsuit in your bathroom to dry,” she said as they walked back upstairs. “I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course. Just don’t forget to take it home with you tomorrow.”
“I’ll try not to, but if I do, I have a couple more in my closet.” She settled atop the mattress.  “You know, I wanted to get a bikini to add to my collection this summer, but my mom said I’m too young even though literally every other girl our age is wearing them.”
“I can’t relate,” laughed Hiccup, climbing back onto his bed after Astrid.
“It’s just frustrating because I’m embarrassed enough to be the only girl on my volleyball team who doesn’t wear a bra yet. If I had a bikini, I could at least pretend I have boobs.” She paused. “Sorry, this is probably weird for you.”
“No,” shrugged Hiccup. “I get what you’re saying. I was the shortest boy in our grade this year. I’ve always been. My mom says I’ll catch up to everyone else eventually, but I’m tired of it. I mean, even you’re taller than me.”
“Only by an inch or two,” said Astrid. “But both your parents are tall, so you’re probably gonna end up tall, too. You might just be a late bloomer like I clearly am.”
“I hope so. I’ve always been small and skinny, though. My dad calls me a talking fishbone. I wish I was bigger like him. He’s 6’9” and almost 400 pounds. And here I am at five feet tall and barely 110 pounds.”
“I’m 5’2”, so you’ll catch up to me soon.” Astrid grabbed a handful of popcorn. “But anyway, are you gonna start the movie or what?”
“I forgot about the movie for a second,” said Hiccup, pressing the play button on the remote. “There we go. Do you want the light off or on?”
“Off would be good.”
Hiccup reached over to turn out his bedside lamp before reaching into the popcorn bowl and focusing on the TV.
Astrid’s eyes opened as a bright ray of sun shone through the curtains, signaling that it was morning. For a moment, she was surprised to find herself pressed against a warm body. However, as she fully awakened, she came to realize that the warm body was Hiccup, and remembered that they’d had a sleepover.
“Hey, Astrid.” Hiccup twisted around. “I tried to give you space last night, but I suppose you like to cuddle.” He let out a soft laugh.
Blushing, Astrid noticed that her arm was draped across Hiccup’s middle and quickly withdrew it. Judging by their current position, she guessed that she’d been lying with her head against his shoulder and her torso pressed into his back while she slept. “I’m sorry.” She slid back to her side of the bed.
“Don’t be sorry. It was kind of nice.” Hiccup paused. “Don’t go spreading this around, but I’m kind of a big Mama’s boy and I used to cuddle with my mom every night before bed. I only stopped a few years ago, so it was good to…” He trailed off. “With you,” he quickly added.
“There’s nothing wrong with being a Mama’s boy,” said a new voice.
Hiccup and Astrid looked up to see Valka in the doorway.
“Oh, hey, Mom,” greeted Hiccup.
“Good morning, loves. It’s just past ten-thirty, so I thought I’d check in to see if you were awake. How did the two of you sleep?” She pressed a kiss against Hiccup’s forehead.
“Fine,” replied Hiccup, hugging Valka.
“Great,” said Astrid with a yawn.
“Still sleepy, dear?”
Astrid nodded and buried herself in the covers.
“Well, there’s breakfast downstairs if either of you want any. And Astrid, sweetheart, don’t forget your volleyball game.”
“Can Hiccup come?” Astrid asked.
“Can I?” echoed Hiccup.
“I’m going to have to say no,” answered Valka. “You have a lot of chores you still need to finish. Your room needs to be vacuumed, the rafts in the pool needs to be put away, your bathroom needs to be cleaned, and you have to work on getting through your summer reading list.”
“Can’t I do all that tomorrow?”
“No, love. You’ve already procrastinated.”
Hiccup groaned.
“Maybe you can go to Astrid’s next game, but right now I need you to stay on top of your chores. Alright?”
“Fine,” he sighed.
“Thank you, dear. I’ll see you in the kitchen when you’re ready to eat.” Giving Hiccup one more kiss, Valka left the room.
Hiccup relaxed against the pillows for a few minutes before sliding off the bed. “Okay, Astrid, I’m gonna go grab breakfast. Are you coming?”
No response.
Still no response.
Hiccup peeked beneath the covers to find Astrid sound asleep. He considered waking her, but she looked too peaceful to disturb. Her lips were ever-so-slightly curved into a smile, her hands clutched a fluffy pillow, and her chest rose and fell with each soft breath she took. Clearly she needed the extra rest, and clearly she was comfortable snuggled amongst his bedding.
Sighing, Hiccup reached over and tugged the covers back up to her nose. He then set an alarm on his phone so she wouldn’t miss her game and headed towards the door. But as soon as he had his hand on the knob, he glanced over at Astrid one last time. She made his oversized bed look so cozy, so inviting, that he slowly turned around. Biting his lip, he climbed in next to her, cautiously rested his chin on her shoulder, and closed his eyes.
Breakfast could wait.
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: Back with the 2nd chapter! Previous chapter | Next chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Mid Spring]
The bags hanging from your body make your movements sluggish as you make your way to the entrance of your home. While crossing the threshold, one of your satchels' straps catch on the door and you almost end up on the floor. You remove the strap and shut the door behind you slightly annoyed.
Your current fatigue was due to spending most of the morning gathering with few breaks. There were just so many flowers to pick from, and you struggled to decide. So you ended up stopping at every different one that you came across.
Knowing yourself, you had expected this and prepared the day before, collecting any empty canisters left sitting around your house. You even found some that you had thought you lost.
How you even managed to get off the ground with all the nectar weighing you down was a mystery though.
After setting the heavy satchels on the dining table, you take one of the canisters hanging on your belt to replenish some of your energy. Lilac. You stand in place to give yourself a moment to catch your breath.
A giant part of you wants to taste all the nectar you collected, but you hold back. You needed to use some of it to trade for items and supplies, and a taste test could quickly turn into half the can.
And even though you wanted to lay down, you plan on making more trips before the day ends so you could have enough for yourself and trading.
Then there was the task of switching all the nectar to jars. There were also all the unlabeled jars from the last couple days too. You could just keep your favorite ones in the cans to save time...after you figured out which contained them.
Then you could finally have a day to rest.
You sigh and finish your drink. The image of a new sun hat keeps your resolve.
By the time you get back from your third trip, you can’t muster up the energy to organize everything right away and lay down instead. Just for a little bit. The sun was still out but you didn’t want to risk another trip when it was this late in the evening, so you had some spare time.
You don’t even realize that you're falling asleep--then you hear knocking. Groaning, you drag yourself off the soft cotton of your daybed to go answer the door.
When you open it, Bruno's on the other side and you wonder why he's here. You smile sleepily before noticing that the sun is long gone.
You look at the sky and rub the sleep out of your eyes. “There goes my lazy day...”
“Hmm? You look like you had a good rest. Sorry if I woke you up.”
“I didn’t even mean to fall asleep, so now I gotta organize everything tomorrow…"
You mumble to yourself trying to figure out how you could salvage this. Then you realize that what you collected for Bruno was still sitting in one of the canisters in your bags.
"Uh, are you okay with something random? I don't even remember what flowers I went to today...”
Bruno stares at your most likely disheveled appearance and shakes his head. “Don't worry about it. We can properly trade once you have your thoughts together."
However, he still holds out his canister towards you, but you can't help the slight guilt you feel.
“I wouldn't lie about something like that. It’s fine, really.”
“So you’d lie about something else?” You look at him, not expecting an answer to your rhetorical question, to see if he was actually okay with it. But you only find his usual untelling expression.
You take the canister from him, an unsure smile on your face. "I'm just going to believe you then. Thanks..."
When Bruno smiles at you in return, you immediately look away using opening the canister as an excuse. You almost drink from it but remember that it isn't yours.
"Wait l-let me go pour this into a jar real quick!"
You leave Bruno at the entrance, doing your best to slow your racing heart.
“Hi Mrs. Joestar! I brought you some Mum nectar and also a new drink I made."
"Oh, I’m good on the drink dear, but I'll definitely save it for later. I'm guessing you want to trade for fabrics?"
"Good, cause I saved some of your favorite colors!” She goes to the back and quickly returns with them to show you.
You didn’t have any solid ideas on what you would make but some were starting to form now that you were here. You thank the elder bug and pull out the Mum filled jars from your satchel to place on the store's counters, setting the drink slightly apart from the rest of them.
"By the way, I heard you haven't been staying out late much anymore? Some of the neighbors were wondering if you were okay."
"Yea, I've been avoiding staying out too late now...”
"Well that's good, we don't want you getting hurt, but I find it hard to believe you would just stop so suddenly."
You fiddle with your satchel. "It’s because I met this moth and we started trading and stuff, so now I just try to go directly home so I dont leave him waiting."
"I see. Well, I'm glad you're making more friends dear!"
That makes you purse your lips. Were you and Bruno friends? You’d only known him for a little over a month now...How long did you need to know someone before you could consider them a friend?
"Ah...yea he’s really nice. He’s actually the first moth I’ve officially met."
“You know I’m a moth right?”
“Huh? But--what?”
She laughs. “What did you think I was?”
“I don't know, I thought you were like some sort of butterfly….Ah sorry!” Your face felt much warmer than before.
"It’s okay!” She's still laughing a bit though.
Mrs. Joestar’s partially transparent wings looked so similar to yours in shape and pattern. And with her being diurnal you had just assumed. You could definitely see the similarities between her and Bruno though.
“...Are all moth’s just super pretty?” The moment the question’s out of your mouth, you realize that it was better kept as a thought.
Mrs. Joestar places a hand on her cheek. “Oh, you're such a flirt!”
“Wait, I didn’t mean--!” You cover your face, unable to finish your sentence.
“I kid, I kid.” She smiles teasingly.
“You and Mr. Joseph are too much…”
"I know you usually leave pretty quickly, but do you want to stay for a while--inside? I can make you something new to drink?”
Bruno seems to be thinking, and you prepare yourself for him to say no and leave after you both trade. But then he gives you a small smile. “You like mixing drinks?”
Averting your eyes, you ignore the weird flip within your chest cavity. “Yea, it’s something I learned from another bug some time ago. I'm still figuring it out though...” You move out of the way so he can walk in.
This was the first time that Bruno had actually come into your home. You had tried inviting him multiple times before so he didn't have to wait outside, but he would always politely decline.
You hope you didn’t leave anything weird laying around.
You softly close the entrance. “Ah you can sit over there, I’ll be right back.” Once Bruno sits down on your daybed, you quickly head into the space in your house where you kept all your food and beverages.
You decide to make something you had already done before with the Datura since you didn’t want any accidents right now.
You do your best to recall the steps that you should probably just write down at this point. And even though there were a few times where you thought you messed up, you end up with a result that’s not bad. You just hoped it was to Bruno’s taste.
After you pour the drink into two cups, you head back to Bruno. You plop down next to him and shove the drink a bit too close to his face.
He carefully grabs the cup and you watch him take a sip, forgetting your own drink for the moment.
After way too long for your liking he finally says something. “It’s not bad. I’d even go as far to say that it’s good.”
You roll your eyes at him but smile. “Well as long as you drink it all, then I consider that a win.”
You down your drink in one swoop and stare into your empty cup. "I think I might drink the rest of the pitcher by myself…"
"I think you might have a problem."
"That sounds like a lot to drink at once."
"Please, I was like this before I was even a pupa."
Bruno raises a brow, skeptical. "How? I know wasps much bigger than you that drink less."
You immediately gawk at him. “You interact with wasps!?”
"Well one." The moth tilts his head slightly. "It’s a...unique relationship."
"...Bruno, what the fuck."
Bruno didn't always come in to relax when visiting but when he did, you always made sure to try to give him something new to drink. They weren’t always hits though.
One time he shows up and you're surprised to see that he doesn’t have anything to trade.
"It's become habit now. The night wouldn't feel complete without visiting."
You keep your face from putting on the giant smile it wants to and instead settle for a regular one.
After inviting him in, you tell him to wait while you try to make one of your "concoctions". This time you decide not to do anything too crazy, just a simple sweet tea. You wish you could make it cooler. It would be much more refreshing in this weather.
The two of you sit together speaking idly. Your relationship was starting to get to the point where you both could sit in silence and it didn't feel awkward. Or maybe you just felt comfortable enough with Bruno to do that, and maybe he felt the same way.
“What do you like to eat?” you ask.
“I don’t really eat that often but I like most fruits, except apples. Occasionally I’ll chew on something salty too if I can find it...Honey’s good too.”
That made sense. Some that drink nectar didn’t need solids to survive. It was strictly a pleasure activity in your case. “You don’t like apples?”
“I think they’re a little overrated to be honest.”
“Hmm, well I'm going to make sure to get you other fruits then cause I'm striving to be the best host ever.“
“Do you not invite people over?”
“My friend visits sometimes but they don't like my drinks! They only really eat grainy stuff without any sugar. The lack of flavour…” You grimace. “And I literally can’t make anything without sugar.”
“What are they?”
“A grasshopper.”
“Then of course they wouldn't want sugar.” A hint of amusement sounds in his voice.
"I know BUT I tried some of their grain stuff and it's not bad. It could be way better though. If you mix it with water and sugar--” You make an okay sign. "It’s at least 50 times better."
“No offense but that sounds disgusting.”
"You haven’t even tried it yet though!" The lack of sugarcoating caught you off guard.
"I’m going to make you take that back.”
Bruno shakes his head and smirks. "Good luck with that.”
You knew he was mostly messing with you but you were already set on proving him wrong. “Fine but I’m going to come up with something you really like one day.”
Maybe you were just excited to have someone you were somewhat close to to experience your relatively new hobby with, but you already felt like getting started.
"I look forward to it."
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