#I also love JL John Stewart so
comickergirl · 3 days
(Person running the superfamilyweek here, I'm so glad you are enjoying my ask game! I love your art ❤️)
🐕, 👽and ✨️?
Oh, awesome! Thanks so much for putting it together, the questions are great! Having a lot of fun answering them. :)
Speaking of!
✨ : What was the first superfam-related media you consumed?
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A literal and figurative square (affectionate)
👽 : Favourite villain
Don't have art prepared for the third one yet, hopefully I can get to it later!
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comradekarin · 1 year
Never shutting up about the flash and gl dynamic I’m seeing (and will continue to see as I watch) in jl/jlu. It’s the annoying gen z younger brother/perpetually tired and serious older brother dynamic y’all. It’s gl thinking wally is annoying and unserious and immature but he’s also regularly amused and indulging in wally and all of his wallyism. It’s gl wanting to dump wally somewhere in a desert but would also be sad if he left for like more than 48 hours. It’s gl wanting to bash his skull in by the sheer brilliance and stupidity wally exemplifies almost simultaneously (john watching wally deconstruct and reassemble alien technology for funsies !! vs watching wally eat twenty hot dogs in thirty seconds bc hawkgirl said he couldn’t). It’s gl being embarrassed by flash but also finding him super funny ,, but it’s even funnier to pretend he doesn’t because then you get your cringe best friend/little brother that’s either on child genius or dumber than a brick wall defending you from getting a death penalty sentence at a public intergalactic space trial where you are being accused of abusing authority and executing a mass genocide. And then y’all go to a baseball game that same day.
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romancomicsnews · 3 months
Who should play Hal Jordan in the DCU's Lanterns?
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With the upcoming DCU's Superman introducing Guy Gardner, it was only a matter of time until we got more Green Lantern.
Variety has reported that "Lanterns" is officially moving forward at HBO, with the characters of Hal Jordan and John Stewart taking center stage in the eight episode miniseries.
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The synopsis reads, "new recruit John Stewart and Lantern legend Hal Jordan are two intergalactic cops drawn into a dark, earth-based mystery as they investigate a murder in the American heartland.”
This synopsis doesn't tell us much, but does hint at a few things. It is assumed Hal will be the older, secondary character to Stewart's, playing a more mentor role as an established hero. This leads me to believe Jordan won't be the main Green Lantern in the Justice League, and instead will play more of a background character, such as Michael Douglas in Ant-Man, although maybe not that old.
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Although I'm a fan of Jordan, I think this is a smart move. John being our main Lantern is something fans of JL and JLU cartoons have been itching for. Plus it can give this show some good distance from the awful film where Hal Jordan is the protagonist.
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Even if he isn't the main character, the casting of Hal Jordan is an important one. This will not only be the secondary protagonist of the show, but one of the DCU's legendary staple heroes. Whether he turn to evil, stay around as a hero or die, this character needs to be casted appropriately. So let's look into it and ask the question, who should play Hal Jordan?
Before we do that, we need to answer some questions:
Characteristics: What makes a good Hal jordan?
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To me, Hal Jordan has a very specific mix of asshole, confidence and charm that makes us want to route for him. He sucks, but we love him anyway. Very few actors have this charisma, which makes him a very hard character to cast right.
Even an actor with these attributes if leaning into any of these too hard can feel wrong. Case and point: Ryan Reynolds.
I often think of Chris Pine's Captain Kirk from the Star Trek films as a perfect young Hal Jordan.
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However this is a Hal Jordan who has been through it, knows what the job is and has wisdom to show for it. So we're adding that new layer in, not just cocky and confident, but wise and maybe even kinder.
Fancasts worth noting:
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There are a few people I wanted to bring up who have frequently been fancast as Green Lantern who I think may be good but probably shouldn't. The first big one is the biggest short guy in Hollywood, Tom Cruise.
Now do I think he has the stuff? Absolutely. I also think he's a bit too big of a name that he may overshadow the performance. Plus he's a tad older than I would like and I don't see him consistently coming back to this franchise.
Next we got the Rookie Nathan Fillion. He has been a long time first choice for Hal Jordan, even voicing him in some animated films. He's in the age range, and I love him, but he's Guy Gardner, so he can't unfortunately.
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Finally, a few names that have also come up are Patrick Schwarzenegger, Glenn Powell and Jake Gyllenhaal. While I think these three are incredible actors, the first two are a bit too young now for the role, and Gyllenhaal has played a green mentor to a hero already recently, so I don't think it's very interesting.
But seriously watch out for Patrick, after the Boys spin-off Gen-V, I can definitely see him playing a great hero or villain role. He would've made a great young Hal Jordan.
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Other Stipulations
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We want an actor who can make the fantastical feel real and grounded. It needs to be someone fun to play off of Stewart's serious military sternness.
I'm looking for actor around 50. He needs to feel old enough to be wise and experienced but young and spry enough to be a serious threat.
This is HBO, so we need a name. Not someone who is gonna outshine our lead but someone with some star power.
Green Lantern's must be fearless, so there needs to be the energy of someone who can hold their own.
As usual I'm looking for someone not already known for being in a superhero role. So actors like Jake Gyllenhaal or Chris Evans are off the table.
3. Edward Norton
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This may be the biggest name in my top 3.
Although he has had a brief stint as the Hulk, Norton I think is much better suited to play this green hero.
Norton has a great voice for an older Hal, calm and steady, with enough charm and weariness to feel like he's seen somethings. Norton is also very funny. He knows how to play heroes, villains, and anything in between. I can see his Jordan turning, or sacrificing himself heroically.
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My main concerns are his name being too big, and more importantly, his tendency to take over projects creatively. If this was already an established universe, I'd let it slide. But, we need to think of team players.
2. Jason Sudeikis
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If I had to go with a safe pick all around, Sudeikis is kind of made for the role.
Few people have that asshole energy like Sudeikis in his past comedy work that feels so inherently Jordan. He's funny, he can shoot the shit, but at the end of the day, he's still the protagonist that you love.
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What really gives him the edge over the others is his stint as Ted Lasso. The wisdom and kindness I'm looking for in a mentor Green Lantern. Not to mention he can lead a show so popular, he'd be a big get for DC.
My main concern is, does he feel like he can hold his own? Does he feel as fearless as a Green Lantern should be?
I don't think so. I'm not saying he can't get there or he wouldn't be great, but he just misses out on this one.
1. Timothy Olyphant
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I nearly made him my second pick, but when writing this, I convinced myself he was number one.
Timothy Olyphant was, fun fact, actually another choice to be 2008's Iron Man. He's got charisma to boot, charm, I mean, look at him!
Tell me that's not him in the photo!
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Known for roles in Justified, Fargo, and The Mandalorian, Olyphant has the perfect presence as a Green Lantern. He looks older and wise but full of life and fight in him. He looks like the best of the Norton and Sudeikis, both fearless, wise and kind.
Olyphant also has an energy that feels right at home in a mystery and in space. He's been in crime stories like Fargo and space stories like the Mandalorian, and has been everything Hal needs: a leading man, a U.S. Marshall, a Space Cop, and a ladies man.
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If we wanna start the DCU right, Olyphant is my Hal Jordan. Plain and simple.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to play Hal Jordan in the DCU?
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byfulcrums · 1 year
I think your so on the money on ur thoughts on how would a “YJWally is JLU!Wally” would handle Clark is like the ultimate “oh no this authority figure who seemed unreachable is now a person who is my peer” feeling because yes, I totally agree with your assessment that the OG team would have mixed feelings on superman (pre season 2) and Wally would look at this Clark like hmm…but I think that’s what this idea is missing in the grand scheme of things seeing that shift for Wally internally, seeing him changing his thoughts on these people he used to know in another context become something different. Like I for one, would love to see a fic dedicated to Wally and the JL show league original seven building their bond that it almost makes him forget what the others were like we cannot forget that for instance, JLU superman really wanted to kill lex (and did in one universe) for seemingly killing Wally and Wally broke into tears when Clark showed up again after HE thought was to have died. He also told Clark to smile more sweetie and stop being an ass during the whole brainiac/Cadmus arc. The relationships between the JLU original seven make me so feral
What you said! Yes!!!
Tbh I personally think that the team is still somewhat bitter about Clark's relationship with Conner, including Wally. But bitter as in “Will make fun of you and mention it all the time to annoy you”, not “I'm actually angry about this”
Wally knows that Conner and Clark are in good terms now and while he's spent a lot of time shitting on Clark with the rest of the team because that's what friends do when they find out you have a complicated relationship with your parents, he still accepts it and is totally supportive of them
However, this doesn't mean that he won't be salty with Supes over it. The whole team is
And also yeah, I would pay to see Wally's view on the JL after the dimension travel
He first viewed them as heroes. So high and unreachable; he basically worshipped them, as any other little kid did
Then, he thought of them as celebrities. Famous people with money that can be assholes but can also be the kindest people in the world
And when he discovered Barry was the Flash, some of them even became family! But only some, because after forming the team, most of the members became his friends' parents or relatives
But then he ‘died’ and appeared in another whole universe where not only did the Justice League not even exist, both his uncle and him were dead and Hal, not having Barry, wasn't even living in earth anymore!
And that's when things start to get complicated. Because he takes his dad uncle's name, wears his suit and becomes him, in a way. He takes the name of Flash and starts going out to be a superhero because Central City needs a speedster there
So when he, along with the others, forms the Justice League... well. Things are awkward
He can no longer view them as his friends's relatives. He can't even think of them as heroes. Now, they're actual people to him. They aren't celebrities anymore, they're friends. He's watched them doubt themselves, cry, laugh, get angry just like how he did with his old team and he just can't not view them as people now
And I personally believe that he avoids thinking about it as much as he can, but when he's left alone with his thoughts he can't help but remember that he used to call some of them aunt and uncle and now he's calling them coworker or sister or brother or friend
And he tries to remember what the old versions of them he used to know were like only to find that he can't remember them. Like, can't remember them at all
Now, when he thinks of Green Lantern, he doesn't think of Uncle Hal anymore, he thinks of John Stewart. The versions of them he used to know were slowly replaced by his now coworkers and friends
He can't remember. And now he's worrying that he might forget his old family friends too
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
hello hello! I’ve been on an absolute binge rewatching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I am again reminded of how absolutely devastated I was that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I ONLY rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others. Also, I take writing SUPER seriously. Like I’m kind of a stickler for proper grammar, sentence syntax, and the like. Obviously I can’t force anyone to conform to this, but it’s a huge plus if your writing style is like this as well.
I think that about does it! Just interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you.
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findroleplay · 1 year
hello hello! I finished watching Justice League Unlimited recently and I was absolutely devastated that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I only rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others.
I think that should do it! Please interact with this post and I’ll reach out with my Discord username!
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yetanotherrpfinder · 1 year
hello hello! I’ve been on an absolute binge rewatching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I am again reminded of how absolutely devastated I was that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I ONLY rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others. Also, I take writing SUPER seriously. Like I’m kind of a stickler for proper grammar, sentence syntax, and the like. Obviously I can’t force anyone to conform to this, but it’s a huge plus if your writing style is like this as well. Replies are often fairly slow, as my ability to write is heavily influenced by my mood.
I think that’s about it! Like this and I’ll reach out to you.
Like if interested!
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findyourrp · 1 year
I may have previously submitted something but I’m like 99% sure I forgot the emoji like a doofus 😭
hello hello! I’ve been on an absolute binge rewatching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I am again reminded of how absolutely devastated I was that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I ONLY rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others. Also, I take writing SUPER seriously. Like I’m kind of a stickler for proper grammar, sentence syntax, and the like. Obviously I can’t force anyone to conform to this, but it’s a huge plus if your writing style is like this as well. Replies may be slow as my ability to write is heavily affected by my mood.
That should be it! Like and I’ll reach out ✨
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
DC and Warner Bros KNOW what they're getting into with their latest DC animated project!!
Not only are they giving us more content for a Lantern people have been wanting to see (especially since news of his presence in the JL movie was leaked), but they're also throwing it back to one of thee most popular DC medias of all time - I'm talking bout the og Justice League/Justice League Unlimited cartoon series!
Like I cannot believe we are seeing John Stewart and Shayera on our screens again 😍
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hawkgirlz · 2 years
honestly been wanting to rant about this for a while but I truly do think the john stewart/shayera hol ship ended up damaging their characters rather than helping them.
to start, john was originally an architect before the justice league show gave him the military background. since geoff johns worked on one of the episodes in jlu, it was clear he was a jlu fan & basically incorporated that into comic john. by doing so, we ended up with one of the worst written john stewarts in history, a john that was so patriotic and explicitly said that he was willing to kill people for america. while gj does get backlash for how he was written from john fans, I do think jl + jlu should be incorporated in that too as it was what started the military origin in the first place. it's true that the show led to john's popularity but outside of that, it didn't really benefit him in the comics. plus the main reason the origin was given was because they wanted him & shayera to have something to relate to in the show which was very stupid considering john was already apart of the glc. but apparently that wasn't enough? and then there's bruce timm being the weirdo that he is, he apparently didn't like john's origin in the comics cause it addressed racism like one time. as if anyone was even asking him to do that???
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despite her rising popularity from the shows, dc instead decided to kill shayera off while jlu was airing during pre-n52. I do think this also links to jl + jlu having shayera go by hawkgirl instead of her comic alias, hawkwoman. i was actually surprised when I first read that comic shayera despised being called hawkgirl & I will never understand why the show proceeded to call her that. all it did was confuse people since kendra had arrived to comics two years before the show aired. it was clear that kendra had taken all the hawkgirl hype as she was the person who actually went by that alias in the comics.
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now I'll actually dissect the ship. for the record, I am well aware that this is an alternate universe, but despite this, I still think the ship did more damage than good to the gp's perception of these characters.
like I said, the build up towards john/shayera was genuinely good. it was the classic slowburn between partners, then friends, to lovers. but the problem is, they had to retcon a lot of shayera's background in order to make the relationship actually work. you see, the jl crew was originally planning on making katar hol (hawkman) the villain who initiates the invasion & physically abuses shayera. anyone who has read hawkworld + any comic of katar/shayera altogether would know how insanely out of character this would have been for him, and for the sake of this post, I'll be referring to his hawkworld characterization. the crew ended up pushing the idea back not because of how ooc it was, but because they were scared of the backlash from comic fans. in the comics, shayera was assigned as katar's partner in the thanagarian force, except that the thanagarian government wanted shayera to specifically spy on katar prior to their plans for an invasion. the thanagarian government knew katar would most likely resist their ideas & wanted shayera to tell them everything she finds out about him. when the betrayal was revealed, this obviously hurt katar. shayera ended up disobeying due to her developing feelings for katar & together, they stopped the invasion. the invasion in question was also being initiated by shayera's corrupt father and when you look back at it, the show was kind of bland in comparison. the show CONSTANTLY reduced shayera's character in regards to her being a love interest, not once did we ever get a moment where we actually discovered what her life on thanagar was like. which is what the hawkworld comics did. my point is: if you have to ruin a character to make a relationship work, then maybe the ship just isn't good.
and honestly this is me being nice in my analysis because nothing about john/shayera was even original writing wise. most if not all aspects of their relationship were stolen from katar/shayera relationship in the hawkworld comics and anyone who actually read them would agree with me on this.
one key point that bothered me in regards to jlu was the origin they had given shayera regarding her reincarnations. while dwayne mcduffie revealed that bashari doesn't actually exist & that it was john/shayera's feelings messing with the asbsorbacron, it's obviously not the case for the eyes of the gp. the irony is that jlu stans tend to complain about hawkman/shayera, talking about how boring it is since they're reincarnations when jlu ended up doing the same thing for john/shayera, by having chay-ara cheat on katar with bashari. this + their son, rex stewart, was jlu's way of saying john/shayera were always destined for each other. this isn't any different from the reincarnation cycle regarding the hawks, but for some reason, it is to some. what I find funny is that people genuinely believe that john/shayera pushes shayera in a 'solo spotlight' by keeping her away from the reincarnation process. when all it did was tie her down to it again but with a different man. the inclusion of bashari + rex stewart basically got rid of what could've made john/shayera's relationship interesting for shayera as a character. john's motivations to possibly get back with shayera suddenly weren't his own, which was why he stayed with vixen. it's also ironic that shayera was upset about this because like I said, jlu stans were saying that john/shayera pushed her in a solo spotlight despite the show tying her down to another reincarnation cycle.
i don't know if I can even stomach what they did to katma, that's literally his WIFE in the comics but the gp just considers her a fling now.
what's frustrating to me about john/shayera as a ship is that the ship altogether was done for nothing in the end. people might be wondering why john/shayera are never included for comics in main continuity. the answer is simple. dc editorial doesn't allow comic writers to include them. the irony is john/shayera was the only couple on the show that had the crew arguing with each other because not even they knew what to do with them lol. it was actually confirmed that a lot of the crew turned their back on the ship after the ancient history episode was revealed and that was when they began to despise the couple because they believed the comic reincarnation backstory being massacred was unnecessary (which is completely valid tbh).
comic writers have spoken about their love for the couple but being unable to write stories for them. wonderbat gets some content in main continuity so it's clear that dc editorial specifically has beef with john/shayera, which is why I think the ship was such a waste in the end. the ship is clearly popular with the gp but what was the point of pushing aside their canon love interests to the point where the gp's perception of their love lives is also skewed if the editorial in question doesn't even want to acknowledge them? as a comic fan, I'm simply annoyed that they couldn't have just been with their canon love interests instead of this mess.
*also i was confused in where people had gotten the idea that hawkman himself is egyptian (as aldis hodge was receiving backlash for being casted as carter hall) & it turns out that jlu was also responsible for this lol. I want to add that comic katar hol post-crisis was not egyptian, he had a native american mother & a thanagarian father. he wasn't even egyptian in the show, jlu had given the hawks an extremely racist/orientalist background where they were white passing thanagarians who crashed into earth and had taken over an Egyptian civilization of Black & brown people. and yes i say white passing cause they were still a different skin tone from the actual Egyptians and not even Bruce Timm's art style could hide that. just so many unnecessary changes when the comics were never like that.
this video also perfectly explains why their relationship went downhill: https://youtu.be/LgCjhZfJ704
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all-0f-the-above · 3 years
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JUSTICE LEAGUE INFINITY #3 / Cover art by Dan Mora
background: he's a your kryptonian named Kal El who crash landed on Earth as a baby (this time with even mildly realistic skin color because if you need to absorb sunlight you're going to have a dark complexion!) styles his fighting based on the boxing training he had as a kid, became the president of the US, and runs literally his own JL, the multiverse JL (usually comprised of the most powerful iterations of leaguers throughout the DC multiverse), and also makes time to be the president-
I just can't with him he's so ridiculously op in time management of all things
by the way have you seen his costume? coolest shit. I get that the trunks are traditional but m8 the golden belt is sooo good. with the house of El silhouette in the middle? aspirational! and that modernized S? beautiful! so clean! the one shoulder cape that kind of reminds me of old medieval knights? dashing! the high collar? are you trying to kill me? phenomonal!
fun fact! inspiration for his design came from Barack Obama and Muhammad Ali, the creators from him are Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnk
i love that J'onn and Bruce look incredibly similar. oh you guys
I can't get over the fact that this Bruce has a more tacky color scheme (showing approachability?)
and this J'onn is just... a different shade of green? please never change your JL outfit in the DCAU, J'onn. I can't say it's my favorite outfit of all time (because it's not) but it's perfect for you in this universe- please don't get rid of it.
absolutely adoring the Nubia Wonder Woman
with more gold accents like a necklace and more gold on the tunic and skirt. looks very purposeful and more warrior-esque rather than trying to stay close to the traditional Ms. America thing from the first WW origins.
ngl i really prefer this outfit because having silver bracelets with other golden accessories always bothered me so Nubia Absolutely Got It Right
then Arthur has his chest covered! oh what a day!
the close cropped hair and lack of a hook says quite a lot about his character differences already.
also is that the Sydney Opera House behind him? is this Aquaman from the southern hemisphere? oh my god please tell me he has an aussie accent that'd be amazing. (if we get Aussie Aquaman can we please have Actual Southerner Calvin Ellis, too? please that'd be amazing. and New Jersey Man Bruce. and Actually Greek Nubia. and Midwestern (Detriot, duh) American J'onn. and Place He Was Raised Carter Hall.
oh hey Flash has a new outfit! pretty minimal but also similar to Bart's? I'll decide if I like it when I see the whole thing.
hey look it's *squints* Hal?
OKAY so I Googled to see which GL is on Earth 23 and got this from Fandom.com: "John Stewart is the Green Lantern of Earth 23." then I realized that they've already changed some other Earth 23 canon already by including Aquaman and J'onn so I give up.
if you were looking for commentary on his clothing then i think yes he looks cool I just am so confused why he's wearing white?? that's usually a parallax thing? is this Hal and he's in his Not Parallax Anymore aftermath? I give up
then... oh Carter Hall, never change. I love that the big yellow "X" covers his nipples of all things. this mans.
the obvious difference between cooler tones for the OG league vs. warmer tones for the alt team is great I just want them to make J'onn less lime green.
I'll probably review JLI #1 finally like in a week? I just keep forgetting to get around to it. by then it'll already be JLI #2 time and goodness knows I've already bought that because I preordered it hell yeah
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dorizardthewizard · 5 years
Misconception: Hal Jordan is an idiot
Okay this might be part of a series of Green Lantern posts I’ve been writing when bored, because hey you read some youtube comments and suddenly you’re an essay writer. It’s just gonna be me rambling about Hal’s character lol
So we’ve all made dumbass jokes, me included, but honestly? Hal’s not stupid, he can’t be. It takes a lot to be a test pilot, including a degree in the engineering/physics field, and most likely military service. He wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did if he wasn’t smart enough.
It might not always seem that way though, but that’s because he excels in thinking on the fly, which is so important when you’re dealing with intergalactic crises springing up every Tuesday. He’s the guy who will jump right into danger and trust that he can get himself out afterwards. We’ve seen him think his way out of tricky situations before, even if in his own crazy style like jumping out of a plane to recharge his ring from the head of a Manhunter. In some circles he’s kind of gotten the reputation of being the lame one in the Justice League, which can’t possibly be true when he has a ton of amazing feats to him like defeating Sinestro multiple times, killing Krona despite the fact that a GL ring shouldn’t be able to kill a Guardian, controlling the death entity Nekron to defeat the reality-bending First Lantern, making a ring out of his own willpower… etc.
So if he isn’t actually an idiot, where did this reputation come from? The ring chooses according to willpower and technically, not being bright shouldn’t make anyone less worthy, but this trait has kind of been blown up over the years to the point where some people are getting “dumbass energy” mixed with “actual dumbass”. Going back to the silver age, Hal definitely had a clumsy streak – we’ve all laughed at the panels like him slipping over in the shower and knocking himself out. It was pretty endearing though, watching this walking disaster still manage to save the day.
I feel like some of that was lost in later comics as he grew up, and when Johns brought him back even later, he was more like the cool, cocky pilot type (although still a disaster in other areas lol). The thing is, because of his nature of jumping into danger it sometimes seems like he really can’t think for himself, but that’s not the case. It’s just his style to go in guns blazing, shining bright and attracting all the attention away from whoever’s he’s saving and onto him. It’s true that it doesn’t always work out as well as he hopes, and that makes for some fun stories, but other times his quick instincts are lifesaving.
It wasn’t until the New 52 where this really got blown up though – while the GL comics continued mostly the same as before, other characters got rebooted so we got a whole new Justice League dynamic. A lot of people unfamiliar with GL know his New 52 version through the animated movies, and booooy…. this guy is basically Guy Gardner but less lovable, more insufferable and way less competent.
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Of course this isn’t just limited to him, a lot of the Justice League members seem to be caricatures of themselves in this movie but I feel like he’s gotten it the worst. The Batman Syndrome doesn’t help either, where everyone’s dumbed down and nerfed to make him look like the biggest BAMF on the League. You have a guy who literally works with aliens everyday but of course only Batman’s tech can identify an alien device as a bomb! There’s also the ring-stealing gimmick, which is stupid because a Green Lantern is always bound to their ring through concentration – to remove it they literally have to disengage their minds from it first. I don’t know, maybe there’s a retcon or something but it’s still dumb. He even does this to John Stewart in JL Dark – that’s crossing the line :’P
Of course you could say JL War was early days and he hadn’t been a GL that long, but it doesn’t get much better in the other films and it’s no excuse for crossing into annoying asshole territory. It’s a difficult balance to strike and boy can you tell when a writer only has surface-level knowledge of his character...
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Yikes. Sure he can be a cocky flirt – so was Han Solo – but he was actually likable!!
Sadly this trend of making Hal more and more of a comic relief man-child outside of comics continues, you’ve got kids watching him in DC Superhero Girls thinking that’s the definitive take on him, and we’re not getting a new GL movie any time soon to really delve into the character, whether animated or live action. Thankfully the animated series portrays him in a more positive light (although maybe they went a bit too far in flattening out his flaws, but that’s a post for another time) but that got cancelled so :/ Again I’m not well-versed in New 52 and Rebirth comics outside of GL yet but I have seen snippets of Justice League comics where it seems like he’s grown more into his old self, my favourite being his Darkseid War tie-in, which I really hope to see animated someday. Speaking of movies, the 2011 one certainly didn’t do him any favours – I actually think Reynolds did okay as Hal but when people look back on it, all they see is the Deadpool guy.
Anyway this is kind of going off on a tangent but still, it’s sad seeing so many comments joking about him being dumb and incompetent and that they should have used another lantern instead (I agree we need more of the other lanterns but not because Hal sucks), just because bad writing made him a caricature of his worst traits. When this happens to characters like Batman, tons of fans complain and come to his defence by calling out the writing, yet for Hal many just assume this is how he always is. In a world where Aquaman is actually getting some love, I really hope we can get a good adaptation for Hal soon.
Me: Oh Hal you dumbass
Someone: Ikr he’s such an idiot and a jerk I hate him
Me: What the fuck did you just say
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mighty-ant · 5 years
Justice league/jlu! Nice, love that show and still rewatch it nowadays when I want a cheer up. Who was your fav? Also did you have a fav ep? The Question is my fav but J’onn is also dear to my heart.
The DCAU shows continue to exemplify my favorite characterizations for DC hero and villain alike! 
It’s hard for me to narrow down a fave, but I guess if I were to narrow it down for Justice League and JLU respectively. 
For JL, it would probably have to be Wally West (though John Stewart is a close second!)
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He’s my number one Flash to this day, goofy enough to be regular comic relief but never allowing that to detract from his humility and empathy. 
That’s probably why one of my favorite episodes is Flash and Substance from JLU
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My favorite JLU character would probably have to be the Question too! I love me some Jeffrey Combs, and the Question is just so much fun to watch. 
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fialleril · 5 years
I know that before JLA and JLU, there was SAS and BAS, but how cool would it have been to have spin-offs of all the original members of the Justice League with their own shows? Lantern and Flash getting prequels, where they're being heroes, J'onn and Wonder Woman getting more integrating shows where they're adjusting to being part of human society, and finding out what Hawkgirl was up to between JLA and JLU.
Oooh, I’m so here for this. Consider:
J’onn’s show is set in the period between his leaving in “To Another Shore” and his surprise reappearance in “Destroyer”. We get to watch him adjusting to life as a human, trying out different appearances and identities until he finds one that fits, and meeting the woman he eventually marries. Also, almost every episode features some kind of supervillain shenanigans, and the big question is always, “Will J’onn be forced to reveal his identity this time?” But every time he either manages to resolve the situation in his civilian identity, or else another member(s) of the Justice League shows up and handles things. Sometimes they figure out who he is and there’s a heart to heart. Sometimes he just disappears into the crowd and goes home to his wife.
Diana’s show has the usual villain of the week bits, but it also deals a lot with diplomacy and big political issues. Climate change is a recurring theme. Also Diana punching fascists. That happens a lot. And because I actually kinda liked the fact that JLU Diana didn’t have a secret identity, consider this: Diana’s mainly used to engaging with “Man’s world” as a diplomat and as a member of the Justice League, but she decides she wants to have more genuine, unscripted experiences, so she goes to the person who she most associates with exuberant, infectious enjoyment of life: Queen Audrey of Kasnia. Every three or four episodes Diana swings by Kasnia and sneaks Audrey out of her palace and then they go out and just enjoy themselves. (Of course, there’s also probably a lot of episodes featuring various political plots in Kasnia, but that’s not as fun.) Oh, and Diana and Audrey totally fall in love.
I think with John, Shayera, and Wally, I’d actually rather see them get sequel shows. Shayera’s time between Starcrossed and her reappearance in JLU is a really interesting open question, but as a premise for a show I feel like it would be pretty depressing, because she’s so completely sunk in self-loathing for that whole time. A younger John prequel could be interesting, with lots of opportunities for space adventures. Ultimately, though, I think JLU left so many things unresolved with him that I’d still prefer a show about him to be a sequel. As for Wally, he really grows into himself through JL/JLU, so I’d most like to see what he does after that. So:
Shayera and John’s plot lines were both so bound up with each other throughout JLU that it might actually work best to give them a show together. Their show would finally resolve the Shayera/John/Mari love triangle, but because I kind of hate love triangles I actually hope it would be resolved pretty early on. It would be cool to see Mari as a recurring character after the inevitable break up, though, and I’d really love to see her and Shayera developing a strong friendship. Other recurring themes in this show: lots of space adventures, ongoing Thanagarian drama, possibly more time travel shenanigans, eventually baby Rex Stewart. Also featuring frequent guest appearances by Wally, Rex Mason, and Dr. Ivo’s android, who has become Shayera’s all-knowing robot bff.
The three part opening episode of Wally’s show features him befriending Piper and then the two of them teaming up against a big bad, and by the end of the third episode Piper’s switched sides and is crashing in Wally’s apartment because his parents kicked him out and now he’s not a Rogue anymore, either. In the next episode some kid named Bart shows up with superspeed and claiming to be from the future. Suddenly Wally’s got a crime-fighting partner and a sidekick. There’s a running gag of people who think Wally eats a lot / talks too fast / doesn’t think things through / etc. meeting Impulse and being just…astounded. Also for probably the first season Wally and Linda dance around each other like idiots. He’s perfectly casual with her as Flash while she gets super flustered, and then as Wally he’s an absolute mess around her while she’s perfectly witty and at ease. Eventually she finds out his identity in some dramatic way and they work things out. The Rogues are regularly involved, and it’s anybody’s guess whether the next episode will feature one of them trying to rob a museum or teaming up with Flash to defeat some other (more genuinely evil) supervillain. There are regular holiday episodes and in every single one the Ultra-Humanite somehow ends up helping Flash bring holiday cheer to a bunch of kids. No matter how often this happens he always acts extremely put upon about it.
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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Heroines of WOCtober: Jessica Cruz
After witnessing her friends’ murder, Jessica developed a severe trauma and anxiety disorder so severe it lead her to locking herself in her own room and refusing to leave. That’s where she was found by Power Ring - an evil counterpart of the Green Lantern Ring that feeds on people’s fears and slowly drains their users from life, hopping from host to host. It transformed Jessica in Power Ring and made her go on a rampage, but Justice League (and Batman in particular) managed to help her regain control and took her in, with Hal Jordan teaching her to control the ring’s powers. Power Ring was destroyed during the final storyline of that series, Darkseid War, but Jessica was immediately found by a legit Green Lantern Ring, becoming a new Green Lantern.
Soon after that all classic Green Lanterns left to space and left the Earth in care of Jess and her fellow rookie GL, Simon Baz. While the two clashed at first, with time they developed a strong friendship and a mutually supportive partnership. Both of them would also join the new incarnation of Justice League and would remain on it until the end of the series, when the team was restructured drastically and GL spot was given to John Stewart. Since then, Jessica would join a cosmic team Justice League Odyssey, exploring a so-called Ghost Sector of Space and trying to stop new intrigue being weaved by one of DC’s biggest baddies, Darkseid himself.
One of the things that made people love Jessica is a more realistic take on her anxiety. While many times comics would have character “overcome” their mental illness or disorder and be “fixed” or have superpowers “cure” them, it isn’t the case here. In fact, Green Lanterns did a story where Jessica saves the day by overcoming her anxiety only for the next issue to show that this isn’t something you have to overcome once and be done with but have to face every day. In fact, it did it TWICE just to hammer the point home. Jessica is also loved for being extremely relatable for modern audiences, with a strong dorky side to her. And of course many people can relate to her journey, It really is inspiring to see a young woman who not so long ago couldn’t leave her room fighting alongside classic heroes against greatest threats. Even Darkseid once applaud how far she has come and offered her a position of god of Willpower in his new pantheon. And she PUNCHED DARKSEID IN THE FACE!
Recommended Reading
Green Lanterns - THE essential Jess reading book, you may forgo anything else on this list but this is the book that made people love Jessica. It’s a story of her partnership with Simon and how both learn to support each other through their mutual issues, that may as easily dwell into cosmic lore of Green Lantern mythos as main characters issues on Earth as two jobless people with brown skin and bad resumes. It is collected in the following volumes: Rage Planet, Phantom Lantern, Polarity, The First Ring, Out of Time, A World of Our Own, Superhuman Trafficking, Ghosts of the Past and Evil’s Might (that last one has a sad case of Hal Jordan stealing the spotlight, I theorize it was a crossover with sister series Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps that was last minute turned into an arc in this book). And no, the cover above doesn’t lie, she indeed punched Guy Gardner in the face.
Justice League: Odyssey - happens after Green Lanterns and has Jess exploring space with Starfire, Cyborg and Azrael and lather gathering a new team (which includes freaking Dex-Starr, the angriest kitten in the Universe) once Darkseid’s plans ensnare her crewmates, de facto becoming the lead character of the book. Also, it single-handly launched Jess/Kory as a ship with a single panel of the first issue. Also, have I mentioned this is a book where Jess PUNCHED DARKSEID IN THE FACE!
Justice League 2011 #30-50 - Origin story and Jessica’s road from Power Ring to Green Lantern.
Justice League 2016 - Jessica and Simon are series regulars and featured in the majority of the issues and all arcs except 2 issue tie-in to Dark Nights Metal. It’s entirely harmless if you don’t feel like you can skip it but you won’t feel like you wasted time reading it.
Justice League vs Suicide Squad - a crossover that 2016 JL was involved in, ditto what I have said about it.
Alternate Universes:
Bombshells United issues #36-38 - Set in fabulous and queer af DC Comics Bombshells Universe, after an early cameo in issue #12, Jessica shows up in the final arc
DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out - Set in 2016 DC Super Hero Girls animated Universe, it has Jessica and friends heading to space for her to become a full-fledged Green Lantern
DC Super Hero Girls: Weird Science - a comics set in the 2019 DC Super Hero Girls animated series
DC Super Hero Girls 2016 has Jessica become Green Lantern in a 4-parter Ring Me Maybe, which you can watch legally on youtube for free.
DC Super Hero Girls 2019 - And in the new series that you can watch on CN Jessica is part of the main cast. Sadly, the shown downplayed greatly her anxiety, likely because of how dark the event that caused it was.
Justice League vs Fatal Five - A direct to DVD animated movie in which Jess is a member of the main cast and her struggle with anxiety allows her to form a bond with Starboy - a time-traveling hero from 31s century who came to the past to stop titular Fatal Five - future’s worst baddies who try to destroy the past - but found himself struggling with his mental illness without future medication he used to keep it in check.
- Admin
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Hey who would you pair up Mar’I, Lian, terry and Helena with??
Team ups you mean or actual ships? Because I do have a team line up all set up to go in the HfaB Universe…
Below the cut are MASSIVE SPOILERS for Hopes for a Bastard Universe.
Terrence ‘Terry’ McGinnis - Robin, Nightwing, Batman; team leader, tactical leader, thief, expert hacker, escape artist, forensics expert, undercover operative, detective
Terry is the team leader, starting his career into the vigilante world as Jason’s Robin. He is very close to his older brother, Jason, and takes a lot of Jason’s tactical advice. However, he does stick closer to his father, Bruce’s, rules and ideals, but he’s more realistic and pragmatic about the roles he assumes and grows into. He is very close to his entire family, his best friend is Max Gibbson who has assumed the role of Oracle. He frequently complains about being surrounded on all sides by women; his childhood friends were all girls, and he’s surrounded by sisters and nieces for his long time age companions; Lian, Helena, Mar’i, and Max all take great glee in tormenting him about this. He’s also the JL resident ‘advice on girls’ man, though he has no idea what to do about his own love life; for which Mareena torments him for.
Mar’i Ervin-Grayson - Nightstar; second in command, she’s the QRF and heavy fire power too
Mar’i is Terry’s second in command, she is their heavy fire power when they are trapped and she always down plays her abilities and power levels so people underestimate her. She’s very close to her younger brother, Jake, her step-brother; Amistad Ervin-Grayson. Despite many years of unease and distrust between herself and her father, Dick Grayson, they have become close, though she still feels a very special bond with her Uncle Jay. She is also very close to her step-mother, Raquel Ervin-Grayson; however, she is very close to her mother, Koriand’r Grayson. She is frequently the flamboyant distraction when need be on missions, and doesn’t do much undercover because she’s so recognizable between her modelling and acting careers as a civilian.
Helena Wayne - Robin, Catgirl, Catwoman, Huntress; thief, expert hacker, escape artist, forensics expert, undercover operative
Helena is the wild card of the team, frequently following in her mother’s and older brother’s ambiguous morals of right and wrong and is known to frequently operate outside her team. A highly trained, skilled and dangerous young woman, she’s known to take down crime syndicates on her own with little to know help, but when she does operate on a team she works closely with her older brother; Terry. She has a very close relationship with her parents and siblings. Helena is very close to former MI6 member, Julia Pennyworth, and has learned many espionage tricks from Julia.
Lian Thea Harper - Speedy, Overwatch; over watch and weapons expert, sniper, long range cover frequently
Daughter of Roy Harper and Jade Nguyen, raised by Jason Todd and Roy, and Roy’s wife, Queen Donna Troy, Lian is the tactical expert of the team and frequently the overwatch. She is an expert marksman, brilliant tactician and revered hand-to-hand combatant. She is very close to her families, both the Queen and Wayne families, and considered Amazonian royalty through her step-mother Donna.
Amistad Augustus Ervin-Grayson - Rocket; engineering genius
Son of Raquel Ervin-Grayson, he is a brilliant engineer, frequently improving upon all the tech the team has. He is responsible for suit designs and life support systems of his teammates. He is also known for his hero work, frequently on the position of the team to run interference between the battle and civilians. He is very close to his family; his mom and step-father, and his step-siblings, Mar’i and Jake, while also holding a close relationship with his adoptive grandfather; Augustus Freeman.
Max Gibbson - Oracle; hacker and tech support, completely behind the scenes; only Bats know who she really is, rest of the team just calls her Oracle
Max joined the team when she was very young and tried to help Terry piece together the murder of his father, Warren McGinnis. Has been Terry’s best friend since they were ten. Max is not very close to the Bats, outside of Terry, Lian, Helena, and Mar’i, having grown up with them. She assumed the mantle of Oracle after Barbara Gordon-Fox’s death when she was twenty and has furiously avoided becoming a true Justice League member, only working with the team through the comms.
Princess Mareena Curry - Aquagirl, Aquawoman; usually the team diplomat, if that doesn’t work, first one to start the fight
Not the first in line for the throne, Mareena is the younger sister of Arthur Curry Jr ‘AJ’. She is the Atlantean diplomat, and the team frequently sends her in to negotiate before fighting. Mareena is a master of 360 degree combat, while also possessing her mother’s skillset with hydrokinesis, and a master of triton combat. Unlike her brother, Mareena also possesses their father’s rare ability to communicate with all the sea creatures, her best friend is Beth, the depressed dolphin who she personally liberated from Sea World. She is a close friend with Terry, and looks up to Kaldur’ahm.
Lara Lane-Kent - Supergirl; back up usually and team PR person; public thinks she’s the team leader
Clark and Lois’ daughter from the same world as Tommy Gordon-Grayson, Lara barely survived the collapse of her universe and making it to this Earth. She is the public face and publicly acknowledged team leader of the Justice League and this team, given that the Bats do not like to be seen in the spot light. She is best friends with Nora Allen, fellow refugee of a collapsed multiverse system. She has developed close and yet strained relationships with the Kent family.
Nora Allen - XS; recon and speedster
Nora is a survivor of a collapsed multiverse universe, having unwittingly been written into this universe by her father and mother; Barry and Iris Allen. She is a fast speedster, one of the fastest, but acknowledges that her cousin Irey West is the fastest known speedster. She is very close to Lara Lane-Kent. She is also the recon person of the team, because of her speed, she is also very close to Lian Harper because of the Arrow-Flash family alliances, and will frequently team up with Lian when they do small team missions.
Rex Stewart - Warhawk; usually recon and voice of reason
Son of John Stewart and Shayera Hol, he is retired USMCs, having served his time and following in his father’s footsteps. He was raised by his father after his mother was murdered by her ex lover, Cater Hall. Rex works closely with Terry’s team, and is a good friend of Terry’s; Terry’s guy best friend according to Terry who’s surrounded by women. Rex rejected going to the Green Lantern Corps and adopted his mother’s culture as a Thanagarian to become known as Warhawk.
Jacob Free - Mr. Miracle; escape artist
Son of Scot Free and Big Barda; Jacob grew up in Australia with his three foster siblings; Melvin, Timmy and Teether; and is very close to his ‘aunt’ Raven who is akin to a mentor when he joined the Justice League. Jacob is a big animal lover, and took after his father as an escape artist. He is not a fan of fellow New Gods, having been abducted by his grandfather to be groomed as a member of Darksied’s personal guard. He is a massive fanboy of the Flying Graysons, the other members of the Justice League, and is the resident geek of Terry’s team filled with obscure pop culture references.
Tai Pham - Green Lantern; galactic expert
Tai is the youngest member of the team, and the resident Green Lantern. Creative artist, and aspiring comic book writer, Tai is a close friend to Lian Harper, and Jacob Free while also being the Team’s galactic expert. He was trained by his grandmother and Kyle Rayner; he is considered one of the greatest Green Lanterns. A quieter member of the team but a crucial member; he frequently clashes with fellow Green Lantern, Kai-Ro.
The only ship I have set in stone for the future though for any of these characters is Terry and Mareena.
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