#I already had this idea of the Dream Train with Diamonds but it expanded
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shslpunkartist99 · 2 years ago
Something in Genshin got my attention, so now I wanna add something to Symbol
Y'know how cities got tour buses? I wanna do something similar to that. Either a flying, open-ended platform (it has a barrier to keep people from falling out) that flies around the city to show off each Symbol, or each Symbol has their own type of Tour Transportation so you can get a more in-depth tour of that Symbol. Diamonds would be a Dream Train, Hearts would be a Boat Ride, Spades can be a peaceful Roller Coaster (like kiddie ride level), and Clover can be a huge Bus.
I could include both ideas, but.. yeeee
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 4 months ago
I need to insert my rsv pookies everywhere and since you can finish the main storyline with the spirit world and stuff pretty early in the game, in my mind farmer gets them to collaborate with the expanded adventurers and vice versa. I'm sure there would be ways to convince the heads of each organization, be it Belinda and Rae, Camilla and Magnus, or Marlon and Lance. Magnus has already worked with the ninjas in the past so it's not like they don't know of each other's presence. It could be done since they all want to defeat the evil forces threatening the balance, only maybe using different means. Farmer could act as a mediator, perhaps, and everyone could participate in different kinds of missions depending on what they are.
I know the two storylines will never intersect but a girl can dream 😭😭 In my mind they could be curious about each other and end up with some interesting fun group and even couple dynamics.
Imagine Jio stuck with Isaac on outpost duty. The vibes would be so rancid I just know it lmao. Those two grumpy idiots do NOT trust each other despite their bosses telling them to work together and collaborate. And Daia would love the Highlands, she'd sneak into the diamond cave and take samples for her geology studies, yes, but if she sneaks a couple of diamonds here and there to gift to her besties at Ridgeside... no one's going to stop her 😘✨️ I can also imagine Alesia shocked over the fact that one member of the cult is a trained assassin and a literal CHILD. When she sees her skills on the battlefield she's impressed but still can't help but worry.
Idk Mouse I'm going crazy lmao. Hades2 updated a couple days ago and I haven't even touched it because these idiots have me in a chokehold 😂
Yes, yes, yes! YES!
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I've definitely written previously about the relationship between adventurers and mages with cult members, but it's mostly been either an unspoken truce/unwillingness to provoke conflict, or the two groups distrusting each other. As for the almost official co-operation, that's a cool idea, and has huge potential to be both serious fic and crack, hee hee~ 😁 Especially if Isaac and Jio are in the same place, you're so right.
Camilla and Belinda definitely had a past together, and I like to think of them as frenemies - different views on "best for the world" but both very strong, stubborn, and respectful of each other. Daia, with her interest in rocks and gems, would definitely be happy to travel with Lance and do some territory training (and teasing, heh). Alesia would begin to doubt that co-operating with the cult was a good idea, because... a child assassin... was beyond her comprehension. Though has a deep respect for Helen, even if she doesn't always agree with the Cult's methods. Jadu will run after a squeaky Kiwi in order to question the unusual Junimo (until shurikens fly in his direction, lol).
And then there's Jio and Isaac... Oh, that's a separate story. Constant arguments, reaching serious fights, when both sides need to separate these hotheads, complaints that each of them "coped with problems on their own, without outside help". Well, and then - my favorite part - there's the unforeseen circumstances that still made the noxious elf and the equally noxious adventurer work together, and they made a pretty good team. I even thought about starting some sort of romantic relationship, but I don't think it's going to go any further than a crack ship. Buuuuut, I said the same thing for Lance/Isaac... 👀
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croesow · 3 years ago
@intcrpol​ asked: 🔥🔥🔥 [Just GO OFF]
1. Having characters be OP for the sake of being OP is boring and overdone. This goes for protagonists the most, as I have already addressed how the games are designed around the idea that the Prodigy Child who started training two weeks ago will befriend the local deities, but it can theoretically go for any character. I understand the appeal of being strong in the pokemon world, but when everyone is fighting to be the best with no actual thought behind it, it feels like a paper-thin attempt to simply one up each other and win the unspoken game of Who’s The RPC’s Best Trainer. I want to see characters who are strong, very strong, but have an actual reason behind how and why they’ve trained themselves (or are currently still training themselves) to reach such a goal.
Fun fact: This is partly why I lean so heavily into Leon’s postgame and vastly prefer interactions post-Swsh. Having him be undefeated gets boring so fast, and imo it’s a more compelling story to show that you can be strong without being perfect, you know? He’s still able to defeat most opponents he faces, but there’s an ever-growing list of people he’s more on the fence about, or more likely to lose to. I actually made a little HC list of his outcomes against the Champions and Villain Leaders.
If you want to see a positive example of the type of power I’m describing, I will once again recommend my friend @cosmoscourge !! As the hardest League in the world with a ton of very impressive lore behind it, it makes sense that many of the people involved in Unima would be insanely talented with teams most other Trainers wouldn’t even dare dream of raising. It’s a mature League designed for a mature target demographic, and everything about it has been so wonderfully explained and expanded upon that it all makes sense. It’s a brilliant example of how OP-ness can be used to help push a narrative, rather than getting thrown into characters just because.
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2. The heavy emphasis on sex and shipping is legitimately draining at times. Like I understand if you want to write smut or have a million ships - that’s great! I’ve had NSFW discussions myself with a few close friends and shipping partners and they are always enjoyable conversations that help me understand my muses better. 
But when every meme on a person’s account is suggestive, or about one night stands, or infodumps about how many times a certain person has bumped uglies and what kinks they have.... I’m so tired of feeling like I’m expected to provide the dash with constant Horny Fodder. Again, people are free to write what they want, and smut can be used to further a character’s development or illustrate some new parts of their personality. It’s a fantastic way to show an intimate relationship moment and how they deal with the accompanying emotions. But when every post someones makes or reblogs is NSFW in nature... How do you expect me to interact with that? 
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3. And finally, the endless pessimism in the pokemon fandom is exhausting. I know the internet loves praising negativity and telling us all that everything new is bad and terrible and deserves a hundred page rant, but I truly couldn’t give less of a fuck. I am choosing the enjoy the games despite their faults, and I’m sorry if you can’t do the same but that’s really not my problem.
❝ But the inanimate designs- ❞ Voltorb’s a pokeball. There’s always been item-based designs, and tbh a lot of the modern pokemon more creative than just taking an already existing animal and recolouring it purple.
❝ But the graphics- ❞ My first game was Diamond where everything was basic and pixellated to shit, and yet I still thought it was beautiful. I don’t care if the Wild Area’s tree leaves look clunky and the grass doesn’t wave in the wind, the environment has never been something I paid much attention to when I have six adorable pokemon to look at instead. Use a little imagination if you’re that upset.
❝ The writing was- ❞ One of the major letdowns of Sword and Shield, yes. The story could have used some revisions, and the characters were poorly balanced in terms of their development and screentime, but this is something that’s been a continuous fault with pokemon. Aside from a few notable exceptions, their storytelling always seems to come secondary to everything else.
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elementalist-kdj · 5 years ago
Theory Master Post:
We already know that Eda disdains the idea of Covens and being forced to join one from episode 5. While she was explaining her feeling about magic in episode 3 she believes that magic should be wild and unpredictable; definitely something that should not be controlled. But I would like to dive deeper into the potential lore and significance Eda may actually have in the Boiling Isles/Demon Realm.
Emperor Belos ordered the Blight Family (one of his most trusted Coven Members) to place the ‘CURSE’ on Eda all those years ago. The Night Star/Diamond Shape is in their Family Crest as seen at the Blight Manor. I am associating the BLIGHT Family with what seems to be their specialty; applying what their name means: AFFLICTION - CURSE, Infect, Disease, Misfortune, Woe, Scourge, Plague, Bane, Menace, Calamity, Evil, Trouble, Ordeal, Trial, Tribulation.
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Just like the BLIGHT Family, the CLAWTHORNE Family probably fulfills a great role within the Emperor’s Coven as well. CLAWTHORNE sounds like a family name that enforces and upholds the Emperor’s will through FORCE.
Emperor Belos is named strategically as such because in latin: the word BELLO means WAR.
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A clue to the CLAWTHORNE Family crest is the Giant Owl Deity on Eda’s Ceiling with the massive talons, the thorns on its horns and the Crown over it’s head. It is safe to say that the crown would symbolize the Emperor and the Clawthorne Family’s servitude to him. Expanding on that, can we expect that the triangle shapes and diamond shape on the Giant Owl’s body represents LILITH and the ranks of the Coven Guards? If so, that makes a lot of sense; LILITH has the Diamond Shaped Teal Stone over her chest and since she is the LEADER of the Coven Guards, it would symbolize the body of Emperor Belos force. Lastly, the shape of the Giant Owl Deity itself and its horns; does that symbolize Eda? ( @sepublic this might be a clue to a secondary form that Eda’s Owl Beast Form may have to take up after all, minus just having one eye. What if Eda’s Owl Beast form progresses further and becomes more feral/grows even larger?). @fermented-writers-block I can see your theory where Eda may have been destined to inherit the power of this Giant Owl Deity since she litteraly transforms into one. Is this Giant Owl Deity some sort of power the Clawthorne Family controls? Did Eda invoke its power too early? Did her mischevious/rebellious personality and chaotic nature have her prematurely inherit the power of the Owl Deity in their family or something else? If she inherited the power correctly, would she have control over the Owl Beast Form? Did she inherit this power outside of the Clawthorne Family? Maybe the curse that the Blight family and Emperor placed on her is affecting her control over this power and turns her into a feral, wild and dangerous beast. There must be another connection between the design of the Owl Deity on Eda’s living room ceiling and Owlbert’s crowning features on the wanted poster. Both Owlbert and the Mural of the Giant Owl Beast share details. Owlbert has outlined wings and in addition a FLAME OVER HIS HEAD? Judging by its placement, it is almost like a place holder for a certain crown.
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On to the symbol of the Emperor’s Coven and the Crown over the Giant Owl’s head; it really feels like Eda would have represented the big set of wings with the sword as the Emperor’s enforcer/hunter. Lilith would be the defender/leader, symbolized by the smaller set of wings with the shield. Also because Lilith is consistantly reminding Eda about how they were going to join the Coven together ‘defending the dreams they had since they were younger’. Eda always ‘cut’ that mindset when she scoffs or laughs about it.
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Since one of the two sisters (Eda) may have already been predetermined to join the Emperor’s Coven because of their family’s position/legacy, it would make sense that Eda would have been cursed right before she could graduate from Hexside when she rebelled (explains why Eda said she didn’t finish school. Besides, that’s why she crafted her own staff and made Owlbert 🦉). Take it like a family of knights that have been serving the King and Queen’s court for generations with family members joining straight out of squire training, knight training, ect. But in this case the Emperor’s Coven really wanted Eda for her natural talent and power despite Lilith’s hard work and dedication.
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There are probably some communities of Giants, Demons, dezidens that oppose the Emperor. Because of how powerful Demons can seem to be on the Boiling Isles according to King’s Demons 101 class; Emperor Belos needs the Clawthorne Family to keep the demons and dezidens that violate/threaten his will/rule in line. Does Emperor Belos need the Clawthorne Family to be the Sword and Sheild in his court to fight them? What if Eda found out that she was going to be heading down this path to continue doing what her family has been for generations? What if this path took away what she thought was what she wanted for herself?
What she thought the Emperor’s Coven was like:
• Keep access to all types of magic
• Be part of the Elite force in society
• Have the freedom to perform any magic because she proved that she is privileged enough based on school performance.
What Eda really found out:
• The Emperor lets you have all access to magic, but you have restrictions and limiters because your magic will be used under his terms.
• You have to fight through the ranks to earn certain privileges and follow the rules like you would in law enforcement or a military like structure.
• You are not privileged to express your identity unless you are the Emperor’s Ideal model among your peers.
• You have to bring in dezidens that do not fit in society. For example: any bizarre or off-standish behavior or habits deemed offensive to the Emperor must be conformed. Anyone who resists will be punished.
Maybe Eda didn’t like the idea of becoming an obedient monster to enforce Emperor Belos authority. If anything she could probably relate to the Demons and other dezidens because she is just as mischievous and wild like they are. In addition, Eda cannot conform to their social system: being forced to learn magic the “proper” way. Eda is a naturally powerful, talented prodigy; she just is so in tune with it. According to Eda: “Magic isn’t proper, it’s wild and unpredictable. And that’s why it’s so beautiful.” Another potential fact is that, Eda herself knew that she is considered to be a primary candidate to the Empoeror’s Coven over Lilith. How was that fair to her younger sister? To be predetermined to join as if it was her right and responsibility? Lilith who wanted this responsibility so much more than Eda made it even worse. So how does the Older sister place the needs and desires of her younger sister first? Rebel, reject the responsibility and make herself as unqualified to join the Emperor’s Coven. Eda finally understood what it means to be part of the Emperor’s Coven, she defiantly went against what society (her family, the school, the community and the Emperor’s Coven) expected from her as she understood how rigged and autocratic/totalitarian the Coven system truely was. Eda concluded her decision about joining the Emperor’s Coven; if only one of them can join, it would be Lilith that really deserved it and Eda can live her life as she wants; covenless. Because of that decision, Eda was punished, Emperor Belos gave the order; the Blight Family opened a portal with that specific door and cast the CURSE on her with a specialized set of runes, a sigil or an artifact provided by Emperor Belos himself. So that means; if they cursed Eda with unique magic Emperor Belos provided, then that means that the Blight Family can’t break or undo it themselves in the future even if they wanted to. Say that they want to help Eda later down the road; even though they may have cast it, Emperor Belos may be the only one that could break it.
Irony of fate: Either way, Eda is fated for DOOM, it will only be a matter of time before LILITH will have to also take the role EDA was initially going to inherit. EDA was going to become the HUNTER as LILITH, the LEADER, pointed the way. Because If Eda’s CURSE took COMPLETE hold, she would become a DEMON just like in King’s lesson and be HUNTED by the Emperor’s Coven, on the receiving end of what her role was to be.
Now when Eda started to show signs of changing (hair starting to grey, the golden fang prominently sticking out of her right side of her mouth), she tried to hide it. But it was only a matter of time before her parents found out (Lily probably found out first but kept it a secret in respect for Eda). But when the rest of the Clawthorne Famliy realized that they couldn’t do anything to lift Eda’s curse; especially if it involved Emperor Belos, they placed Eda in the tower to contain it.
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They did this to try and convince Eda to reconsider her choice. They wanted Eda to reflect her decision and give in to joining the Emperor’s Coven so that she may be pardoned and have her curse lifted by Emperor Belos. They justified that they did all of this to ensure that she wouldn’t be a danger to those around her if and when she fully transformed into the Owl Beast. What was worse was that they probably used an enchantment to hide this tower from plain sight (can you imagine how embarrassed they must have felt and how angry Eda must have been?). However, her rage, her determination to stay by her resolve was what destroyed the tower and she experienced her first full transformation into the Owl Beast. When she came to, she probably built the Owl House with pieces of the Tower she was imprisoned in, transported it somewhere else on the Boiling Isles and began her lonely life there; fortefying the enchantment afterwards so that no one (especially her own family) could find her again... Well maybe except King.
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To support that the tower had significant value to Eda, the stained glass window of the eye that was part of the tower is now part of Eda’s bedroom. So at the end, Eda may be a person as what Luz said has: “A predetermined path of greatness”. When Eda was telling Luz about how how if everyone waited for prophecy to make them special, they would die waiting. Eda’s voice and body language gave off a sense that she is a chosen one that never wanted to be, as it was a life that was chosen for her but not for herself. Something tells me that Eda, no matter how much mischief and chaos she causes to retain her freedom, is a lonely witch that is avoiding her responsibility of being the next head of the family and her destiny as a chosen one.
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graffiastrology · 4 years ago
The Archer, a musical birth chart. Pt2 Capricorn the man
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Let's start with :Uranus in Capricorn
Uranus here is not so comfortable and their revolutionary ideas are hold back, Capri is more concerned with real change than fictional utopian ideas, In the case of Swift she took her sweet time to publicly discuss her political views and to be open about her posture on a lot of civil rights, don’t misunderstand me, they were there, just very hidden (the 12 house) but when Capricorn gets down to business they meant it and it can be verified in the tangible changes she made in 2019; she did something beyond the performativity: she pushed a ACT she made a real and tangible change, she was not comfortable just telling homophobes YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN, now we are turning tables (note: At the moment of writing this the equality act has been reintroduced to change.org and is currently at 832k, come guys you have made her debut with 1 million units at the b200 so many times) http://chng.it/5wYyBW4Rvw
But as it is usual with her, the haters were still after her, so much bullshit even after it all, is so easy to go after Saturn on the Ascendant, is it not?
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One interpretation of having Saturn in the ascendant is an individual who is prone to be bullied, people are MEAN to them, they doubt their words, and in turn the person becomes so aware of how they come across, some people choose to present themselves in a serious and controlled manner to avoid this, and even more for Saturn in Capricorn, but then we have an opposition, and what does a stern Capricorn stellium say to a soft cancer moon who feels very deeply the words? one day you are going to be living in a big old city, one day you are going to be so big that they can’t hit you, With effort, hard work with a strong work ethic, one day you are going to move the big apple Take your broken heart, put it in a drawer, and it going to sound like WELCOME TO NEW YORK, we have been waiting for you, the Capricornian dream! (Neptune in Capricorn) and now is time to be up in the lights, like diamonds in the sky, you are the LUCKY ONE, Miss swift: money by millions, records after records, your discography is worth so much money, you have an enormous squad of famous friends who have your back when you fight, a big department in New York, but darling... did that fill empty seats at the lunch tables of your past?
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And as it is usual with Saturn, he returned. And in her chart it was an intense transit: first for her sagittarian sun then for her ascendent: It was 17 of July of 2016, Saturn was starting his transit in Sagittarius, close to her sun. Meanwhile Pluto was transiting her ascendant, that was the day an influential female libra published an edited conversation that put Taylor in a really bad light. Celebrities rely a lot on images, her image was shattered, and her reputation dragged to the mud celebrities rely a lot on the perception the public has of them, and images are so fragile that a mishap can destroy them, but in her case she had so many people just waiting to have a valid reason to hate her, little it matter to them that the reason was a fabricated lie (if by this point you have not listen to the whole record call, please do so, as it will become very important for the Scorpio section) everything seemed lost, they assassinated her reputation, and then the pain to know that you were lied to, double crossed and declared "death" everything seemed lost for EVERMORE..... but it wasn't. Saturn returns also speak of reclaiming our power, learn lessons and overcome challenges, and its ironic, back on the 1989 world tour she made a big and deep speech that she gave before performing a song that will be the lesson she had to experience in her bones, and it goes like this:
I just hope that you will look in the mirror and remind yourself of what you are, and what you are not. You are not your mistakes. You are not damaged goods or muddy from your failed explorations. You are not the opinion of someone who doesn’t know you. You are a product of the lessons that you’ve learned. You are wiser because you went through something terrible. And you are the person who survived a bunch of rainstorms and kept walking. I now believe that pain makes you stronger, and I now believe that walking through a lot of rainstorms gets you CLEAN.
Unfortunately Saturn was not done yet, and so it returned to her natal lucky Saturn 13°, all 2018 she had Saturn transits, first for her ascendant then by her natal lucky Saturn 13, behind of the scenes the work of 15 years, 15 million tears was sold for 300 million of dollars to a man that participated in her takedown, while she was “kindly” offered to recover 1 master for 1 album, the scooter brought each master for 50 million dollars, while she was asked to give a entire album, AN ENTIRE ERA, for each master, it was not fair, but it legal. Oh Capricorn women, you play by the rules, you hustle, you stay your ground, you let your work speak for itself…and what happens? The system showed to you the place they have selected for you. to continue to work with these men or to just give up and move to something different, Sometimes walking out is the one thing That will find you the right thing
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IT WAS TIME TO GO, but go where?
To THE LAKES, to enjoy melancholy and solitude, after all Capricorn is a feminine sign and is in the same axis with cancer and now I want to point to another of her placements: Mercury conjunct Saturn, This one is a challenge and a gift, difficult learning, a lot of repetition to get the grip of concepts, but once this is tackled, it becomes great at using words, it was a running joke that Taylor made swifties grab a dictionary so they can understand the album folklore, and there are lyrics that exemplifies this:
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I've come too far to watch some name dropping sleaze Tell me what are my words worth
Its said that mercury in Capricorn are scientific and pragmatic thinkers, but honestly I have found a couple of song writers with this placement who are very poetic , you can say is the conjunction Neptune and Saturn , I like to say that Capricornian mercury is systematic, which is very prominent in Scientists and engineers , but this structural thinking can be applied to arts as well, and also can be a failed system. After all is about connecting points and words, I could also put a selection of the colors of Taylor swift, another recurrent theme in her writing, but you know what? I say that is just Taylor, it has nothing to do with her birth chart.
Mercury is also about our writing style and when I was reading her lover diaries a lot of them had the signature of capricorn "I just cant wait to be older" yeah that is, also this:
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Speaking of writing lets talk about folklore, the album of the year 2020! She did that! an by that I mean she created a new perspective for her music, the old tired argument that “she only writes about her exes” fell flat as she made stories about different characters that captivated thousands of new listeners and I can see a placement in action here:
Capricornian Mercury opposite to Cancerian Jupiter :
The history of James, Betty, and Agustine
It was 2020, a terrible, terrible year for almost everybody, and Taylor found herself in a situation outside her control, the lover era was cancelled like pretty much everything else, she was lucky enough to be in a safe and comfortable place, it was when her imagination flew wild and made history with Folklore and Evermore, from these pieces of work she did something people didn’t gave credit: Writing. As she expanded her storytelling abilities outside her life (which she had already explored not just as much) she crafted a story that was connected across various songs:CARDIGAN, AUGUST, BETTY, TIS IS THE DAMN SEASON and DOROTHEA there is one big picture(Jupiter) and each song gives us details(Mercury) in how the participants lived it; they were in the same classroom,: BETTY, Inez, DOROTHEA, James, their teenage years full of dreams and problems, it was just a summer break when James took the train in AUGUST, and had a summer fling, breaking 2 hearts but he came back to apologize, and she accepted him. Meanwhile Dorothea was trying to make it in LA selling dreams and magazines, while Chris missed her until THE DAMN SEASON came around and they connected one last time. If you remember I selected these last songs for the freedom seekers of the zodiac: Sagittarius and Aquarius which let me jump to the next section.
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thedistantstorm · 5 years ago
Day 18: “Secrets? I love secrets!”
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Fandom: Destiny
Pairing: Zavala/Female Guardian
Warnings: mild sexual content, alcohol use, one unhappy, over-bribed Lilith
Miyu belches by way of greeting, Shaxx whacks her on the back with a thick hand, and they both laugh heartily. "Sid'down, Lillie," She gestures to the empty seat beside her with a slosh of her mug. "Nightss only getting started."
Lilith-2 almost wonders for a moment if she's going to blow a bulb in her optics. This is not the strict, gentle teacher she trains with nearly every morning. This warlock is flushed with a pretty blush, doe-eyed and flailing wildly for Lilith to join her.
Miyu is plastered.
This is going to be so much fun, Lilith thinks.
(And it is, until it really, really isn't.)
 "When I was her age-"
"No," Miyu looks like she's slapped Shaxx, but it's very unlikely he's even felt it. Or, if he did, he likely enjoyed it. Lilith can't tell. "Don' finish that. You're a bad influence."
"Bad influence?!" Shaxx bellows in Miyu's face. "I'm a bad influence? You've drank half the bloody bar dry and I'm the bad influence?"
"You're not recounting the Dark Ages to my protege," Miyu snips back, lips plump and pouting in full force.
"Just because you were lost for half of it-"
"Ignore him," Miyu says, slinging an arm around Lilith's shoulders. "Do you need another drink?"
"Still good," She chirps, having never fully recovered from her first social outing. She'd meant to meet Bertie here for dinner and a drink, but he'd gotten caught up on patrol with a new Titan. Was just as well. This was fantastic entertainment, and she wasn't very hungry, anyway.
"You don't need to hold back on my account," Lilith watches Miyu swing her feet - the stool is too high for them to touch the ground - and hum idly. She waves down the bartender for another drink and elbows Shaxx when he focuses too hard on a Crucible replay, mouthing his own commentary.
"Please. At this stage," Shaxx covers both of Miyu's ears with his monstrous hands, but she's too concerned with the frothing ale placed before her to stop with the giddy smile, "She doesn't have a filter." He removes his hands. Miyu is still happily glugging her drink, "Zavala has another thing coming if he thinks I'm taking her home."
"Z'vala?!" she turns and looks over her shoulder, lip curling outward. "Aww, I thou' he wuss here," She slurs. "Damn." She very earnestly informs them both, "I love him. He's incredible," And then sighs like a teenager with a crush.
"You're a terror. He puts up with so much."
"He does not!" Miyu glowers at Shaxx and he cackles. She rounds on Lilith, who covers her mouth with both hands. "Don't you dare," She pokes Lilith in the chest, "Yer s'posed t'be on my side!"
That does make Lilith laugh, and she accepts a high five from Shaxx for it that night have shattered her hand. Nizana, her Ghost, runs an internal scan. Seems he's shorted out her neural sensors on impact, but everything is fine.
"He doesn't mind. I'm a cute drunk," She insists, hiccoughing once, with a petite shudder. "Makes me seem younger."
"You are too much," Shaxx agrees, clinking his mug to hers. "I'll drink to that."
"How good're you at keeping secrets?" She nudges Lilith, some time later.
"Secrets? I love secrets." Lilith makes an x over her chest plates, where a heart would be.
"Zavala. I'm like, phoo," She leans back, swaying as if her mind is blown by the idea. "I'm centuries older than him and he has no idea."
Lilith tilts her head. "Really?"
"Uh huh. He's so sweet, calling himself 'Old Man' like he's not a baby himself. This oaf, too." Miyu elbows him as punctuation for her words. "He's alright once y'get pass' the yell-y parts."
"Quit elbowing me, woman!"
The next day, Lilith wakes up to find out her morning training session is cancelled. No surprise there. She dresses, gets ready, and heads into the Tower, ready to throw herself into something that will make up for the lack of structured activity this morning.
Shaxx is irritated - she understands it as hungover - and louder than usual. Arcite is humming the song they'd been singing when Zavala arrived after his shift to take Miyu home. Talk about irony, Lilith thinks.
She doesn't want to poke the metaphorical bear, so she trudges quietly over to Zavala's post.
He does not turn from his viewpoint over the City but acknowledges her approach. "Guardian."
Lilith's reply is equally as neutral. "Commander." She waits for a beat and when he does not reply she asks, "Do you have any ops or patrols I could do? My morning appointment was… uh, cancelled."
"Ah," He muses, a hint of amusement hinted in his voice. "My breakfast plans were… dashed, as well," He shares with something like amused exasperation. "I could find something for you, if you'd like. Any preference on location?"
She shrugs. "Didn't know you have people a choice," She concedes.
"I do not, usually. However," Zavala regards her with that serious blue stare, "I require information and am willing to barter for it."
"Miyu said she told you a secret, last night. She would not divulge the nature of it, but challenged me to figure it out on my own."
Lilith gulps. She should have risked going into the Crucible. Hungover Shaxx seems a hell of a lot safer than an inquisitive Zavala.
The man in question lifts his chin, his eyebrows doing this strange lift and drop whilst he tucks his hands behind his back. Without a hint of foreboding - somehow, that makes Lilith even more frightened - he apprises her.
"And you are going to tell me."
Four patrols in the EDZ later, he comes across the comms for her specifically.
“Nizana, don’t answer that.”
“I know. I pinged back our coordinates and said we were in the middle of a firefight.”
Lilith creates a grenade in the palm of her hands, solar energy blazing across her gloves. She throws it into a nearby cave, and picks off the Cabal that come rocketing out of it.
“Sir, I can’t tell you. Miyu swore me to secrecy.”
He paces before her, but it’s not anxious to anyone but the Exo left to watch him contemplate in motion.
“Is it related to her Light?”
“The Dreaming City?”
“Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
“Maybe she’s embarrassed?”
“Of what?” Zavala inquires so innocently that Lilith almost answers.
“Oh-noooo. Commander, come onnn,” She whines. “This is mean. Miyu is my teacher.”
“And I am your Commander.”
Lilith, having nothing left to lose, flips a switch. “How does that work, anyway? If she’s seeing you and you live together, isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
“Alright,” He hedges, unsettled. “Dismissed.”
The Exo doesn’t waste her time, escaping while she has the chance. “Oh, thank the Traveler.”
Miyu guides her through the first four stances of a new set - Lilith had been begging to expand her repertoire - and watches as she flounders the fifth. Her teacher’s diamond eyes follow her line of sight up to a watching Zavala, who is studying Lilith intently. 
“Leave her alone,” Miyu calls up to him. “This is my time and you’re making her uncomfortable.”
“You could tell me yourself.”
“Not in this life or the next, Anata. Now shoo,”  She waves him off with a suggestive smile, threatening, “Or I’ll tell her another secret about something you really won’t want me sharing.”
Zavala leaves immediately.
“I don’t actually know what I told you,” Miyu admits softly, apologetic. “I was really drunk. Hopefully it was something juicy.”
“You don’t remember?!” Lilith screeches. “You are the worst drunk in the history of drinking!”
“Says the Exo who crashed on her Commander’s couch the first time she touched a pint of ale.”
“Ooooh, you’re mean. I should tell him for that.”
“You really, really shouldn’t,” Miyu says, and produces a new sword. “Give it a spin. If you like it, you can keep it.”
Lilith doesn’t look convinced. “You’re bribing me?”
Miyu shrugs, saying softly, “He’s withholding sex. I need leverage.”
“I did not need to know that.” She blinks back at Miyu. "If you don't remember, why-"
"Pride. And also he's so cute when he's focused. And his jaw does the thing."
"The thing?"
"The thing," Miyu confirms. Lilith doesn't get it. "Ugh, nevermind." 
At the end of her wits, Lilith throws open the door to Zavala’s office, letting it bounce off the wall. She throws him a scathing glance at having been summoned for the twenty-seventh time this week. “Shaxx also knows. Miyu gave me a sword and I’d like to keep it. Go ask him.”
Zavala considers. “He won’t tell me, I’ve already asked.”
“What does she have on him?” Lilith flaps her arms, exasperated.
“Apparently they go way back,” Zavala says, with a roll of his eyes.
Lilith freezes.
“That’s a clue,” Zavala reasons, immediately. His eyes widen, then narrow intently.
Lilith smirks. “You got it from Shaxx, not me.”
The Commander nods. “Indeed.”
“The next time someone tells me a secret,” Lilith tells Bertie, laying in a field of redgrass near a Vexmilk stream on Nessus, “I’m going to tell the first person I see. I’m done with this. She throws her new sword into the stream and doesn’t look back.
Nizana scoffs. “Good riddance.”
“Ikora, how does one escape a difficult situation?”
“By making a choice.” She narrows her golden irises on Lilith. “Is this about the secret?”
“You know about it, too?”
Ikora harrumphs. “I know everything that happens in this Tower.”
“So you know that Miyu gave me a sword-”
“Because Zavala is-”
“Unfortunately so.”
“Would you please just tell him? He won’t leave me alone.”
The Warlock Vanguard sighs. “I did tell him.” She crosses her arms. “Several times, in fact. He does not believe me.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I am not.” Ikora smiles.
Everyone wants to see Lilith suffer, it seems.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Guardian?” Kadi looks at Lilith with a blink, the postmaster terribly confused. “But-”
“I’m sorry,” Lilith shakes her head. “Throw it all away.”
The post frame takes a moment to process, then tries again. “For Guardian Lilith, from Commander Zavala. Very nice man.”
“You’ve never been on the receiving end of him when you’ve got classified information. Return to sender, Kadi. Please.”
“But Guardian, it’s busy.”
“I’m sorry, but this is just out of control. You can give that gun to the next warlock you see, okay?"
Half a week later Lilith slams the door shut behind her, causing a rather comical reaction. Miyu is paused, drink - it better not be alcohol, Lilith thinks - just shy of her lips, and Zavala's eyes narrow in thinly veiled irritation.
"You interrupted my dinner, so I'm interrupting yours."
"I have to be in Command in half an hour for a strike operation. I do not have time for-"
Lilith smacks her fist on the table, leaning forward, bellowing at him, "You interrupted my dinner, called for me sixty two times-"
"Seventy one," Lilith's Ghost interjects.
"And you've been making me out to be the biggest jerk to the postmaster. No more gifts. No more favors, no more secrets." She looks to Miyu. "Ikora said she'll teach me to be a Voidwalker, and Shaxx said he'll teach me swordplay. I'm this close-" Lilith holds up two pinched fingers to use as a meter, looking between them, "To taking them up on it!"
"Easy, Lillie."
Lilith snarls, waving her hands. "Oh no. You don't even remember it! I can't believe you!"
Zavala stares at Miyu in shock. Miyu flushes. "What?" He snaps.
Miyu flushes and shrugs. “I had a lot to drink?” She reminds them, sheepishly.
Lilith makes a flapping, exasperated gesture, and finally caves. "Look. She's older than you. By a lot. Apparently she feels younger when she drinks away her brain cells, and thinks you're cute thinking you're all old because she's like twice your age."
Miyu tilts her head. She and Zavala share a glance before he speaks. "This is a blatant fallacy, Lilith. She's pulling your le-"
One eyebrow goes up in a bold impersonation of the Commander's signature eyebrow raise.
"No," He says, scandalized.
"Yes," Miyu confirms. 
“That’s impossible.”
"Not at all,” Miyu shrugs. “Lilith?"
The younger Warlock takes a heaving, exhausted, aggravated breath. "Yeah?"
"I'll take it from here. Training in the morning. Don't be late."
"Don't go out drinking," She throws back, petulant. Miyu doesn't spare her a glance. They both know the other will be there.
"Go collect all that stuff from your postmaster. It you don't want those robes, I'll take them back. He tried bribing me with them first and they’re really nice." She winks.
Zavala glowers at Miyu, but he doesn’t deny it.
"For Light's sake," The Exo grumbles, rolling her optics so hard she fears they might pop out from the strain. "I'm keeping them now, for sure."
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pipesflowforeverandever · 6 years ago
Joey “Snowy” Drew’s Birthday
So 11/15 is @aceofintuition‘s Snowy’s birthday, and my Joey- Gingie- made some big interdimensional plans for him, so I wrote a drabble about it :3c
Thank you for making a wonderful character and bff for my own, Ace! I absolutely adore him and you <3
An exhale fell from the man’s lips, brown skin backlit by a settling sun filtered through glass until it painted the world with sepia tones. Mighty appropriate, one Joey smirked to himself, as he sat in front of another.
“Mighty appropriate for an evening in the past to be the same color as an old photo.”
A red wine with a touch of gold light glimmering over the top touched his pondering mouth before being set back down on a sleek table that, too, was reflecting the glory of coming dusk. A few noises filled the air and drifted overtop the items between them: the clatter and busboys, the chatter of waiters, the clamor of a handful of other guests- all undertowed by the subtle power of a pianist in the corner. Snowy looked back inside, once again appreciating the…standards of the place. The casual sort of fanciness of it- somehow both proper and meant more for a drink and a laugh than for a stuffy party. Crystal chandeliers and glass wanted to argue against it, though, but a room meant for enjoyment wasn’t going to deny its own destiny. Didn’t mean this place wasn’t expensive though- hell of an expense.
Snowy didn’t need to study the interior for that, though- not when he’s been staring out of a penthouse window, looking over buildings and making his gaze level with tops of skyscrapers.
A smile pulsed his face with a soft, affirming grunt, his eyes coming back to the man who gifted him an entire day of only things he’d love to do. “Y’ really went all out, Gin,” he jokes, voice subdued maybe more than usual with appreciation, “A day off, a new authentic 1930s custom tailored suit, an afternoon on the town, and an evening over it.” The yellow of a sun not even his own glimmered over his irises, changing the hue of ice blue but still unable to steal that color entirely away. “Y’…” Another grunt of a laugh before going for his drink again. “…You really didn’t have to go so far, you know.”
Not that he had even dreamed to say no to a dream for a single second.
A man truly matching the colors of his universe at first simply returned that grunt with a hum of his own, fully satisfied with how Snowy’s birthday and its accompanying presents had gone. Eyes matching sunlight itself sparkled right back like the fizz of soda pop, the glitter concentrating in place as eyelids squeezed more and more with a growing smile. “Now why wouldn’t I go as far as I can for the man that gave me no limits?”
Now, such a statement to most people eavesdropping would seem to be vaguely affectionate- something about self-improvement, either personal or with investing in a business now successful (judging by the redhead’s snazzy suit), or if someone strained to stretch it there it could maybe even be romantic.
No one, of course, could know that Gingie was a man gifting to, in a way, himself for expanding to outreaches of magic, imagination, and reality as anyone could ever know it and beyond.
But Snowy was such a good man that Ginger Drew would have argued they could only be the same if the same meant he was everything he ever wanted.
Snowy wasn’t a snooping guest or worker of the penthouse restaurant, though, and so he knew precisely what his good friend Gingie meant, and despite his usual reluctance to be so vulnerable…for Gin? He’d accept it.
A smirk crawled over the black-haired fella, lopsided with showing teeth. “I’d argue it’s the other way around, you being the one coming and findin’ me in another damn universe.”
The other gentlemen said what a narrator should have:
“Oh, how much has changed since!”
Both laughed, the smell of grapes and now cooling food lingering between them as both recollected how it all began, how far it had come…-
…And as quiet began to comfortably take a seat with them, how far it could go.
Snowy opened his mouth just as Gingie had an idea to do the same a split-second sooner.
“Darling…” the redhead began delicately, wrapping his hands together and placing them on the countertop. Snowy’s jaw came back up, guessing correctly they might be thinking on the same train. “You are…irreplaceable.” Golly, there wasn’t a lot of times where Gin lost his peppy tone of voice, but when he did, it was…special. You could feel the world slow down to stop and listen. “You’ve taught me more than someone as old as I would expect to learn so late- and mind you, I try to keep an open mind!”
Snowy smirked. There that voice was again, creeping right into the scene.
“But I…” Ginger’s head titled down. “…I don’t think anyone from any dimension could have done as much for me as you.”
This confession made that knowing smile of Snow’s fade with fluttering eyes and a bit of surprise. Tenderness was expected of Gin, but…-
“I…” Snowy worked to return the kindness, “I don’t think y’ ever told me you’ve learned from me, Gin.” Partially amusement, partially an opening into his heart. Indeed, this old Mr. Drew in front of him acted like a dog that didn’t learn tricks only because he already knew them all, so it was- well- incredible to hear that not only was that wrong- as Snowy knew- but also that Snowy proved him wrong.
Which he also already knew, but hearing it from the guy himself was different entirely.
Gingie exhaled a laugh through his nostrils, blinking with half-lidded eyes down at his sun-bathed hands and the diamond-shaped refractions of crystal decorations slowly playing over his sleeve. “Of course…! You are…- you are…-”
How amazing it was for man full of words to find himself wordless. A small grin twitched Snowy’s lips once more, eyes half-lidding too.
Gingie’s mouth remained open but in a totally other manner as his view down revealed a touch coming to his hands. Maybe it retracted about as soon as it came, but the man knew it meant so, very much.
His honey eyes were returned with ones the same material as the glistening decorations, the former set’s owner reaching back over to hold the hand of the latter’s before it could totally slip away. Snowy rolled his eyes and Gingie went on chuckling at his own mischief, but the two Joey Drews understood to the core of their souls that two sides of the same coin never wanted to be without the other again.
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ceescedasticity · 6 years ago
The mid-Clone Wars interplanetary disaster SBURB session, EXPANDED UPON
because apparently I am actually writing a little and apparently I need All The Details JUST IN CASE they come up.
Kes Del Ahto, Jedi padawan - Rogue of Time - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. Went grimdark approximately forty minutes after waking up on Derse, a few hours after entering the Medium, less than a day after the entry chain started. Stayed grimdark for quite some time. Eventually came out of it, went god tier, and started time traveling to try to keep the session on track. Derse dreamer; Land of Pits and Pendulums; consorts are bats; sprite is a translator droid T1-016 "Teeone"; "house" is the small-ish courier ship she was traveling on with her Master, surrounded by a little bit of urban landing bay; no ridealongs.
Reshay pon-Resh, Jedi padawan - Heir of Space - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. Force perception plus Space player Skaia dreams equals severe information overload and a pretty nasty depersonalization episode. Fortunately he already had a “friends with benefits”/“totally not an attachment we are padawans in good standing we would never do that” Thing going on with the Bard of Doom, and leaning on that is stabilizing. Prospit dreamer; Land of Webs and Frogs; consorts are large spiders who have to be talked out of cocooning all the frogs; "house" is treehouse guest house on heavily forested planet; sprite is catlike pest-catching domesticated animal that came with the guest house, and it needs to be talked out of hunting the spiders; no ridealongs unless you count the juvenile offspring of the pest-catching domesticated animal.
Kiriata Veyd, Jedi padawan - Seer of Void - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. After waking up on Prospit and seeing Skaia, makes what she believes to be a rational decision to turn to the dark side in order to destroy the game. It takes a while to really deal with this. Prospit dreamer; Land of Mist and Vortex; consorts are salamanders; "house" is stilt-house guest house in shallow water; sprite is mounted large fish-thing off the wall; one ridealong of a local who invited himself to visit in hopes of pushing the padawan to commit to interference in local politics when they're there to fight Separatists, not sorry to see HIM kidnapped.
Nalbir Ikubwe, Jedi padawan - Bard of Doom - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. Decides that waking up on Derse would clearly be a terrible idea, so he will avoid it by only micronapping. Doesn’t so much have a dark side fall as a series of close calls, plus deciding fuck the Code about halfway through. Derse dreamer; Land of Bones and Pitchers; by 'pitchers' it means giant pitcher plants and it's kind of disturbing; consorts are iguanas; "house" is his rooms in the Temple; sprite is a cleaning droid not normally able to talk which is apparently really enjoying the opportunity to share all of its opinions; no ridealongs.
Miry Yivan, Jedi padawan - Sylph of Life - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. More in tune with Living Force normally, and freaking out about how cavalierly the game treats living things, not to mention disoriented by things like sensing the effects of additional entries, are dreamselves alive exactly, etc. Abandons questline to try to get Prospit and Derse to make peace. Derse dreamer; Land of Tides and Cyanobacteria; consorts are (sea) turtles; "house" is the annex of a field hospital which they did try to evacuate when they saw the meteor incoming; sprite is a medical droid; several ridealongs.
CT-1017 a.k.a. Cloudy, cadet Clonetrooper - Knight of Heart - Started the game believing it to be a training simulation. Feels desperately isolated due to absence of other clones. When he gets more information about the whole setup, freaks out because he feels like he has more in common with the carapacians, runs away to Battlefield, eventually located camped out with WV. Prospit dreamer; Land of Mirrors and Blossoms; consorts are kakapos; "house" is the Kaminoan medlab where he was getting a broken ankle fixed; sprite accidentally prototyped with an extremely freaked-out Kaminoan killed during entry who isn't taking it well.
Sheni Redrock, Tatooine slave - Witch of Hope - Started the game believing it to be something dangerous she wasn’t supposed to be messing with. Brought along a half-dozen or so other slaves her age or younger. The game really hasn’t made her life worse in any way. Prospit dreamer; Land of Logs and Lichen; consorts are squirrels; "house" is slave quarters but actually a house for a change; sprite is an overseer who REALLY isn't taking it well; half-dozen or so younger ridealongs.
Selwé Eniterre, Naboo Handmaiden - Maid of Light - Started the game believing it to be a game. Feels like she deserted her post, and this is absurd, but since we’re here we should try to win. Derse dreamer; Land of Snow and Steam; consorts are rabbits; "house" is upscale hotel room; sprite was personal data attendant which may have been a mistake; no ridealongs.
Evander Daliet, separatist heir - Prince of Blood - Started the game believing it to be a game. Feels very outnumbered by all the Jedi, especially since they all seem to be losing it. Derse dreamer; Land of Glass and Scaffolds; consorts are nakkodiles; house is actual house and it's rather large; sprite prototyped with a piece of jewelry containing gems made from compressed ashes of like four generations of ancestors which was definitely a mistake; ridealongs of a single younger sibling and some servants.
Teyla Aalit, Coruscanti criminal - Mage of Breath - Started the game believing it to be a game. On the one hand they definitely need to win this thing and the handmaiden and separatist heir are the only others who seem to be paying much attention to that, but on the other hand they’re arguing constantly and no one is paying her to mediate fights about a war she doesn’t care about. Prospit dreamer; Land of Shear and Diamonds; as in windshear; consorts are gila monsters; "house" is a parking garage office she was squatting in; sprite is a reprogrammed traffic cop droid; no ridealongs unless you count a bunch of single-occupancy vehicles with very distraught owners back on Coruscant.
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bighousela · 7 years ago
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Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/akal.demir.94?ref=bookmarks Twitter:  https://twitter.com/AkalDemir2?s=03
IMDb:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8514319/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t10
Official Selection 2018 Film Fest LA
STARRING Christine Holliday, Melissa Salter, Lachlan Mitchell, Akal Demir, Mary Gandolfo, Amit Singh-Saini and Rebecca Sinclair PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY Akal Demir WRITTEN BY Akal Demir and Snowflake PRESS CONTACT Akal Demir [email protected]
FIND ‘LIFE’S MAPPED OUT’ HERE https://youtu.be/oEUD7gMlmAc
AKAL DEMIR – DIRECTOR, PRODUCER, ACTOR, STUNTMAN, WRITER and CREATOR Akal Demir has hit the entertainment industry by storm, Akal has been merely a shadow in the background waiting to make his break in the film industry. Captured by a true vision and heart felt emotion, he wanted to bring this story back to life so that people know prevention is better than cure. Lightning kills......Everyone has a story to tell, but this one takes the cake for Akal, so, he has turned the biggest story of his life into a heart felt movie. 
LIFES’S MAPPED OUT Akal has worked on television, short films, feature films, commercials, and music videos.  He has been cast in many various roles in the last 14 months, including, Protection Officer (Enter Sanctum – Feature Film), Dr Eithen (Life’s Mapped Out – Short), Politician (Asylum Australia – Short), Lab Assistant (Charles Herschell – Short Documentary) and Prisoner #1 (The James Gibson Story – Feature Film). Akal has been brought up in the entertainment industry but wanted to make it on his own, to create his own dream, and to influence the film industry with his own vision and direction. He is achieving this through taking on the roles of Executive in Charge of Casting, Casting Director, Director, Editor, Producer, and of course through acting.  Akal is a very firm believer when it comes to reaching his goals, they say ‘The sky’s the limit’, he says ‘Go far and beyond’, ‘#Believe #Achieve’, and ‘Always remember, your health is your wealth!’
LOGLINE A mother and daughter wake up to a day that leaves them fighting for their life, changing their lives forever. 
SYNOPSIS Life is a challenge for Susan Forester, much like riding a horse.  You can jump on bareback, and then hold onto the mane until you can spread your arms wide, with the wind in your face and the ability to embrace the world.  Or, you can lose your balance and the chance to try again.  Susan suffers a terrible accident and must strive to overcome not only the complication it throws at her, but influences within her family that try and tear her apart.  Her daughter is also impacted by the events and must struggle to free herself to become her own person.
MEET THE CAST Christine ‘Charlie’ Holliday as Kathleen Forester Christine, more commonly known as Charlie, started her love of acting from a young age watching her primary school best friend perform on stage, and being inspired to take on the challenge herself in her high school years. She participated in all her high school productions, and studied 'Theatre Studies' in her senior years. Post high school saw her helping back stage with local theatre until she happened across a music video casting in mid 2013. Her experience on set overjoyed her and she didn't expect 3 years later to start herself on a path in the film and television industry. In the past 17 months she has been on nearly 50 different sets including feature films, short films, student films, documentaries, tv series, music videos and commercials. Spending approximately 600 hours on set, including around 60 hours of crew time, enjoying numerous locations, and the abundance of creative spirits that surround her. Charlie is passionate, dedicated, and committed, making sure she shares the beauty of this world through creative avenues such as acting, modelling, design, and art. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8394689/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t14
Lachlan Mitchell as Young Andrew Forester Lachlan, only 10 years old, started acting and modelling at the age of 5, his love for acting gained him the star role in 2 short movies, and he was the winner of Baby Showtime Modelling Show in 2017.  He is a kind and friendly child that displays patience and knows how to take direction.  He also enjoyed sharing his ideas on set with regards to directing...perhaps the start of a new career for this young champion child. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8639213/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t18
Mary Gandolfo as Amy Forester Mary has played roles from Chekhov and Lorca, working in independent feature films such as ‘Love in Melbourne’ (2017), as well as dozens of short films to be released in film festivals.  She has completed training at New Faces Talent Academy twice, and will be completing her course for Creative Arts in mid 2018. Mary was also a supporting actress in the independent feature film ‘Life’s Mapped Out’ (2017) and is in the process of writing her own webseries aiming to be released 2019.  She is also a talented singer and dancer performing in musicals and theatre performances since the age of 12.  Mary hopes to one day visit countries such as Italy and Greece to further expand her knowledge and language skills in both countries.  Mary is looking forward to working on future series or in films standing alongside Hailee Steinfield! IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8462080/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t11
Amit Singh Saini as Dr Mike Andrews Amit is originally from India Dehradun, whilst in Melbourne he has been doing Aerospace Engineering and participating in pageants.  He has received awards such as ‘Mr Handsome’ in Mr Punjab and Mr Singh, ‘Mr Intelligent’ in Mr Punjab, the winner of ‘Mr Bollywood King’, a runner up in ‘Mr Diamond Australia’, and he received the ‘Star Face’ Award in IFEFA (International Film Entertainment Festival Award). IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8701623/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t23
Carter Mursell as Andrew Forester Carter is a young actor and student filmmaker, completing his VCE in 2017.  His love for acting was developed at an early age, participating in almost every school production.  In year 8, he acted in his first independent play, written by and put on by students without any input from teachers.  Since then, Carter has acted in 6 productions, more than 10 short films, and portrayed a recurring character in a short YouTube series.  He has performed at Scotch College, the Owl and the Cat Theatre in Richmond, as well as St Johns Church Toorak.  Carter has also taken classes outside of school at St Martins Youth Arts Centre and TAFTA. Over the years, he has been taught by a number of outstanding acting coaches and professionals including Andy McPhee (Sons of Anarchy, Saskia Hampele (Neighbours), Pia Grace Moon (The Legend of Ben Hall), and participated in the first ever teens Masterclass with legendary acting coach Elisabeth Kemp.  In 2016, Carter was a featured extra in the Australian feature film Emo The Musical.  The film premiered at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2016 and found international success after being selected for the 66th Berlin Film festival.  For Life’s Mapped Out, Carter is excited to have his first speaking role in a professional production.  Aside from acting, Carter’s other interests include photography and writing.  Recently, Carter was offered a place at the Victorian College of the Arts to pursue Screenwriting.  He is excited to learn what the future has in store for him as he continues to explore acting and filmmaking. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8620996/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t19
Pauline Mursell as Susan Forester Pauline first started in this industry at the age of 11 playing a ballerina in a TVC.  Since then she has had a long and very successful career in modelling, dancing, singing, and acting. She loves what she does and this shows in her work and longevity in this industry.   IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8808490/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t20
Rebecca Sinclair as Evelyn Forester Rebecca is a fun and outgoing personality who will take it to the next level.  She started acting and doing extra roles in 2016 working in two feature films.  She has always wanted to get into the arts from her early years but never really had the opportunity to pursue them; she says ‘Now that I’m older, I thought I would take the chance!’ The experiences she has had have already been a great stepping stone into something she truly enjoys, and she looks forward to the opportunities ahead. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8620997/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t26
Isabelle Mitchell as Kylie Rinde Isabelle, only 9 years old, started modelling at age 3 and has won many beauty pageant titles. She started acting at age 8 and since then has appeared in 2 short films.  Isabelle is a pleasure to work with on set, taking direction well, and will continue to pursue her passion in both acting and modelling into her future. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5565105/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t17
Peter Spowart as Grandfather Peter is an actor working in local Community Theatre since retiring. He likes to communicate with meaningful stories that help people to understand the human condition or to simply have fun. He has taken part in over 80 screen performances and over thirty theatre productions since 2011. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm9358648/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t28
MEET THE CREW Joshua Crute – Assistant Director Fun loving and very devoted to acting, entertaining and promoting. Cast in short films, music videos and feature films as well as been a Featured Extra for Doctor Blake Mysteries telemovie, Ford, AAMI and other TVCs, online campaigns and training videos. Hosted, MC, and presented many events.  Large range of accents and over 10 years voice over experience and a highly skilled Play by Play commentator  Host, owner and creator of the comedic radio show The Night Cap. Attending many red carpets for the Logies, Village and Roadshow cinema, Interviewing top A listed Celebrities both nationally and internationally. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm8614109/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t9
Andrea Lees – Theme Song Writer and Producer Andrea began her career at the age of nine in travelling pantomimes and at 15 won the lead role in ‘Cinderella on Ice’, touring nationally for almost 2 years.  Studies at NIDA rounded off the talents of an already extremely versatile young performer.  Modelling and Marketing opportunities enabled Andrea to successfully become a national identity, culminating in a diverse career in the television industry.  Andrea is comfortably at home in a wide range of performance genres from classical to pop.  Performer and Entertainer Andrea has toured extensively in Australia and Overseas as a solo and supporting artist.  Television and Radio Presenter/Hostess/Actor, Andrea has hosted and toured with Children’s Television Shows on National and International networks.  She has presented News and Weather segments and hosted Radio Breakfast Shifts.  Corporate and Modelling Appearances, Andrea has a wide experience in the area of Product and Services Promotion. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3573394/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr18
CREDITS Teresa Barragan as Rebecca Sanders Ken Beaumont as Ken/Photographer Samantha Beaumont as Joanne Summers Viremder Bist as Roger Knocks Ayrton Burridge as Cleve Thompson Cain Clarke as Roger Stuart Coleman as William Sanders Jade Crute as Mary Smith Joshua Captain Crute as Paul Forester Akal Demir as Dr Eithen Mary Gandolfo as Amy Forester Laurence Gough as Patrick Steven Haas as Ian Christine Holliday as Kathleen Forester Julie Marrington as Vanessa Michael as Tim Edwards Isabelle Mitchell as Kylie Rinde Lachlan Mitchell as Young Andrew Forester Carter Mursell as Andrew Forester Pauline Mursell as Susan Forester Belinda Pearson as Grandmother John Psarakis as Tim O’Brien Amit Singh Saini as Dr Mike Andrews Melissa Salter as Chloe Forester Samantha as Jane Woodard Rebecca Sinclair as Evelyn Forester Snowflake as Snowflake Peter Spowart as Grandfather Debbie Winzar as Elizabeth Schmidt
Directed by Akal Demir Produced by Akal Demir Written by Akal Demir and Snowflake Cinematography by Konrad McCarthy Film Edited by Akal Demir Casting by Akal Demir Production Design by Akal Demir Assistant Director Joshua Captain Crute Trainee Assistant Director Ayrton Burridge   Special Effects by Ken Beaumont Visual Effects by Linden Beaumont and Samantha Beaumont Stunts by Akal Demir Camera and Electrical Department Ken Beaumont Casting Department Akal Demir Costume and Wardrobe Department Nesrin Demir Location Management Akal Demir Music Department Akal Demir, Andrea Lees, and Peter Sullivan Transportation Department Ken Beaumont
SPECIAL THANKS Viremder Bist Jennirations Andrea Lees Ace Hi Ranch Peter Sullivan
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nyutheatrepractices2020 · 5 years ago
Sueños y Bomba!
By Carey Urban
NYU Theatre Practices Puerto Rico 2020 Blog Post for Thursday January 9
After a heavy early rainfall, the sky cleared in time for our new morning commute. We were originally scheduled to spend today working in the University of Puerto Rico's Black Box Theatre. But power outages there due to the recent earthquakes would have left us literally dancing in the dark (black box indeed). So we returned instead to El Bastion with its lofty ceilings and gracious hosts, which has already become our beloved second home here in San Juan.
Javier kicked off our morning Applied Theatre workshop by sharing the following quotes:
"Behavior is rarely rational; it is habitually emotional.  We may speak wise words as the result of reasoning, but the entire being reacts to feelings.  For every thought supported by feelings, there is a muscle change."
                                                            -Mabel Elsworth Todd, The Thinking Body
"The body is also directly involved in a political field; power relations have an immediate hold upon it; they invest it, mark it, train it, torture it, force it to carry out tasks, to perform ceremonies to emit signs."
                                                            -Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish
Both highly resonant in our current cultural surroundings and context, these quotes sparked an inspired discussion about how these ideas relate to our work and experiences as artists, educators and facilitators, and all the ways our minds and practices are already being expanded by our first few days in Puerto Rico.
Then we got moving.  We played with a beautiful exercise of group 'mirroring', wherein groups of four formed diamonds, continuously changing directions so that the member in the lead kept changing.  Then we overlapped diamonds and something akin to spontaneous group choreography occurred.  It looked like magic, but it is actually an elegantly simple technique that gets ensembles moving beautifully and creatively in unison.
We also played with becoming 'sculptures,' and 'sculpting' each other into our own works of art- all of which was informed by and furthered the ensemble-building which is an inevitable outgrowth of our time and training together.
And my personal favorite from this morning's workshop was a collaborative creation of our very own 'Dream Machine'.  Check out the video:
(dream machine video)
After lunch, we were introduced to the divine Awilda Sterling-Duprey and the art of Bomba!  Bomba is a rich (and occasionally wild) style of music & dance famous in Puerto Rico.  The music consists of hand drums and a maraca.  Dance is an integral part of the experience. Dancers move their bodies in sync with every beat of the drums, then produce a series of gestures to which the drummer provides synchronized beats.  Thus, it is a conversation between the dancer and the drummer, in which the dancer actively influences the music being produced.  It can be considered a 'challenge' between the drummer and the dancer.  Teaching us how to work with the drummers, Awilda said, "Try to trick them!"  (Tricking them isn't really the point, which is a good thing because our drummers, Victor Emmanuelli and Emmanuel Santano- both maestros- were hard to trick!)  But it's fun and flirty to think about it that way, and brings out the cheeky spirit of the dance.
It was SO MUCH FUN.  First we learned about the proper basic form.  Bomba is a very 'gendered' dance, according to Awilda, due to the time period in which it developed.  It was also subversive.  Whereas other forms of African and Caribbean dance are much 'wavier', 'looser', or more overtly ‘sexual,’ Bomba is comparatively controlled, with intentional accents.  Awilda explained that this is because of Puerto Rico's colonial history.  When slavery was still in practice here, slaves found a way to dance that wouldn't threaten the slave owners, but which the slaves could actually use to mock the slave owners without getting caught.
We got good and sweaty trying to perfect our rhythm and form and awaken our inner dominatrixes, but really let it rip in the last hour when Awilda lent us one of her skirts with which to practice the punctuated style of gestures she taught us.  
If you take a minute to watch this video of Awilda demonstrating how to 'converse' with the drummers, notice the relationship between Awilda's gestures with the skirt (piece of material she carries in her hand) and the accented, irregular drum beats of Emmanuelli, the drummer on the right. (In Bomba, there are always at least two drummers: one to keep the steady beat, and another to follow the dancer.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S808xZKugZk (video of Awilda)
Also, see how she graciously bows to the drummers at the end?  A crucial part of the dance is the relationship between dancer and drummer.  After the first time we each had had a chance to improvise, Awilda's general feedback was that we played well with the skirt, but didn't look at the drummers enough.  For some reason, as much as I was enjoying the dance, appreciating the drumming, loving the experience and wanting to do it with respect and accuracy, I found it intimidating to make eye contact with the drummers.  It's a rather intimate thing, that 'conversation'.  I think I got a bit better at it toward the end of the workshop, but it was interesting to notice this reaction in myself.  I hope we get another chance to Bomba!
Quote of the day:  "Please, that is my skirt; it is not your enemy."
 - Awilda to Aaron after his first Bomba improv, during which her skirt took a trip around the ceiling after he hurled it into the air and it got caught on the spinning fan.
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easkyrah · 8 years ago
Hello my dear Ea. I hope you would consider expanding your fanfictions to the Six of Crows fandom. Your writing is the brainchild of Leigh Bardugo and Sarah J. Maas. Bardugo's dark, complex, heavy to Maas's intricate, ambiguous, and misted writing styles impregnate your own style. The Six of Crows fandom is very quiet, and I'd think you'd be the perfect one to help it rise up. The Dregs could use a Wraith-like writer like you.
Dear anon: I hope this lived to your expectations, as it has to mine. I need a major refresher on Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, as they are one of the rare books I am currently not hoarding in my library. If you want to send me details and summaries of this fandom, I beg of you so I can focus more on other relationships and scenes, rather than this futuristic one. The offer extends to everyone as well. Thank you for the prompt idea.
He was starved. Not for the grains of sustenance, but for something much deeper. An elusive abstract thought that knocked quite concretely against his heart and roared in his mind. 
Crooked Crow
The sky was bleeding.
Not the clear droplets of the salted water churned over cycles of time through shifting, phasing forms—but the thick, crimson cursed and created lifeblood of the slowly deceased and tortured mutilated.
Kaz Brekker leaned against his cane, staring at the scarlet sea that had gathered near the port, swarming into the crashing of waves of the roaring ocean.
Behind him, his crew celebrated in their houses, the tinkering of the glasses clinking and whisper of shared laughs and easy smiles filling the sordid rooms. In front of him, the Bastard of the Barrel imagined the ghost of a ship reigned through the infested seas of crime, a congregation for the crooked.
It was that one ship that held a chipped crack of his heart. It was that one ship that crushed the crooked. It was that one ship that carried his one facet he needed to continue—other than greed.
The scent of the rotten bodies did not drive him from the pier when the thin thread of hope of the ship docking held him firmly. The lines of blood pooling around his shoes did not have him walking away, but rather rooted in position. The overhaul of loneliness chained him to the pier.
For living life of emptiness had satiated his brain, but never his soul. His desires, long suppressed, a facet of one of his oppressed for the cravings for more and more riches. For too long had his dream of bathing in golds and silver and diamonds and crystals been fulfilled, leaving the blowing wind’s whisper of what else could their possibly be?
Surmounting over challenges from Van Eck’s heist to infiltration the Ice Prison…the days of the impossible had been checked.
Except one impossible did escape from him. Right from his fingertips, and could have been captured by the words ripping from his mouth.
“I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”
The sound of true elation, of his heart thrumming an answering beat—the source of hope and soothing had dissipated upon that sailing ship—a forged weapon to make a difference, to bring down slavers and the wrongdoers that had wronged her and her mandate.
He was fooling himself. He didn’t give a damn about the ship. He only cared about the captain of the ship.
Inej Ghafa.
The Wraith.
The only Suli he believed that existed.
A shadowed, nimble shape crossed through the dampened mist and polluted fog.
Air left his lungs, and the Bastard of the Barrel untucked a handkerchief out of his pocket.
The shape emerged through the blur, an avenging angel of darkness with a mission of lightness.
Stepping out of the puddles of red, the Bastard of the Barrel wiped away the liquid-ruby coating the edges of his shoes.
The shape crested the end of the dock, the sound of the engine hissing towards its final gasp of air.
Strolling towards the very edge, the Bastard of the Barrel welcomed The Wraith with a calculated charm emanating from his inked body.
The shape shuddered to a stop, the sound of the platform slamming into the port. Shouts of victory from the latest conquest filled his ears, but he filtered through each sound until he heard that mystic laughter he could drink on till his sorrows drowned away.
When the first feminine figure stalked down the ramp with a panther’s agile, Kaz Brekker welcome Inej Ghafa home.
“Your…your ankle is fine?” Kaz Brekker rasped out.
Inej slowly turned her head at the man who had never learned what it was to be a child, to become the master and monster of the darkness, and thrived on the cunning and feral side of nature’s vices.
“Only a scar.” She tilted her head, and curled her legs into the office’s balcony. “Another reminder.”
“Is he dead?”
“Six feet under, strung and gutted.”
A grim smile. “Good.”
Silence fell upon them, and Inej looked back out the window where the moon faintly shone her beams onto the ghastly settlements, sticks and woods and stones fortified as a testament to the already weak will to survive.
Footsteps crossed the threshold, and a towering figure stood next to her small yet sturdy frame. She blinked up into the grayish rays.
A hand touched the top of hers, and it took years of vigorous training and restrained silence to not jolt.
If she looked down at the cold skin touching hers, he would most likely withdraw. So Inej made the bold decision to lean her head against his chest, soaking in his presence that had filled her past and present, and perhaps her future.
Kaz seemed to be walking the same path as she, as he slipped down onto the balcony next to her, wrapping hesitant arms around her waist. Inej swore she could feel the saints smiling down on her as the male tucked her under his chin, nimble fingers stroking her hair.
They said nothing as they stared out into the tranquility of oblivion in which Inej could detect the traces of music.
“Is there a celebration?” she said almost accusingly.
The fingers against her hair stopped. “Is this not one?”
“Saints, Kaz,” Inej drew a breath. “I thought Jesper or Nina were avoiding me.”
A heartbeat later, Kaz’s fingers resumed their ministrations. “That’s not possible. To merely not want to have you—” He fumbled with the words, shifting his weight slightly. “You are my Saint, Inej Ghafa. And I am the King of the Dregs.”
“Not Wraith?”
Inej didn’t need to turn around see the crooked smile when she already knew the man who had risen from the darkest holes of penury and violence to form an invisible empire of loyalty and creed.
“Is there a Suli proverb preventing you from being both?” The coldness of his touches kissed her exposed skin, sending flickers of warmth to every pore.
“I don’t think Saints are killers, Kaz,” she mused.
Silence. Then:
“You removed my gloves, saw my sins, and revealed the fallen,” Kaz said, his voice sandpaper. “Not all Saints arose because of holiness.”
“Kaz Brekker, what are you saying?”
From the fringes of vision, he knew that he would not his fairytale with Brody. From yesterday’s excursion resulting in today’s bloodshed, he knew that he had his years long vengeance completed. From today’s knowledge, Pekka Rollin’s strung and gutted body meant a chance at what Nina had so often preached, what Jesper claimed he fought for.
Inej gasped as a flutter and storm of crows streamed from the office, a flurry of darkness and softness, feathers beating into the night. When the sullen atmosphere fell calm again, Kaz had set her on her feet, where the rest of the crew—Jesper, Nina, Matthias, and Wylan—stood at the door frame, empty cages hanging from their arms.
Nina’s sweet sound of laughter warmed the room, Matthias staring not at the fact Inej was in Kaz’s embrace, but at the Grisha’s face of elation and contentedness. As Jesper grinned at Wylan’s red face, Kaz leaned down to Inej’s ear, his lips brushing her skin.
“You are not just my Saint,” Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, whispered. “But my salvation.”
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