#I actually have Several Fears to tell the truth
mcflymemes · 30 days
AS SAID BY JASON TODD/ROBIN/RED HOOD *  assorted dialogue from multiple dc universe sources, adjust as necessary
i did it once for dramatic effect and it just got to be a habit.
you can't tell, but i'm dozing off under this mask.
a whole night in paris... and i managed to not kill anyone. not bad.
you made the same mistake everyone does when it comes to me.
i want to warn them... but i know i can't.
don't know, don't care. i got my hands full.
do you remember the last time we were together?
looks like you guys could use a hand!
i'm looking for someone.
i'm afraid it's about to get much worse.
the angry, reckless vigilante bit is my thing.
i'm not good or bad. i'm just practical as hell.
you and i are more alike than you realize.
i get it. starting over is scary as hell.
i don't even need to turn around to know that's you.
thanks for thinking of me. i'm happy to help. honored, even.
i generally have several madness-inducing hallucinations before breakfast.
nothing in the real world can be as frightening as what we can imagine... right?
you don't think i understand what it's like to be abandoned? forgotten?
i'll be damed if my best friend is going to die... because he was dumb enough to trust me.
i'm sorry. i'm never going to be the hero you want me to be.
next time i see you, i'm going to kick your butt for this dying crap.
you have ten seconds to walk way. nine... oh, screw it.
there are better ways to spend your energy.
that looks like it's gotta hurt. well, i say that like i'm speculating or something. i know it hurts.
we chose to be a family.
if there's hope for us... there's hope for everyone.
you still haven't figured it out?
life's just a game... and this time, you lose.
i seem to have made myself an enemy of all the bad guys.
it's too late. you had your chance.
i'm just getting started.
hard to forget that night, huh?
in a way, this was the site of your first great failure.
ah... memories.
you can't stop crime. that's what you never understood.
you want to rule them by fear, but what do you do to those who aren't afraid?
i'm doing what you won't.
i'm taking them out.
now tell me... how does it feel?
is that what you think this is about?
i don't know what clouds your judgement worse. your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality.
i forgive you for not saving me.
he took me away from you.
i am no one's son.
what do you think this was all about?
welcome to planet earth, baby.
fear isn't the answer.
you son of a bitch.
we were friends, helping each other pick up the pieces of our lives.
it might not be a popular thought, but not everyone wants to be alive.
can you hear it?
funny, i actually escaped death.
the past keeps dragging me back.
they're not monsters. they're victims of programming, abuse, and trauma.
they can change.
fact is, they're just like us.
we became something else.
you hurt a lot of people.
we don't discriminate here.
sometimes you don't know what you want 'til you learn what you don't.
trust? you? i'll give it a try. but i'll tell you right now, i'm probably going to screw it up.
guys like us? the life we lead? we're never truly alone.
i have no idea who you people are.
you pompous ass.
before i kill you, i want the truth.
i'd like to think i'm an open-minded guy.
sure it was fun. but does that mean it was right?
sometimes i wonder if i'm just part of the problem.
i'm not doing one more damn mission with them unless you get me someone i can trust to watch my back.
knew you couldn't do it.
it's official. class is in session.
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indecisive-capricorn · 7 months
Headcanons to Miguel O'Hara x Pregnant Reader:
WARNINGS: There will be a bit of angst, grief, mentions of child loss, but loads of fluff.
SUMMARY: Getting pregnant is one thing, but how will your beloved partner, Miguel O'Hara, react to it when he finds out? And how will he be like throughout your pregnancy?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have been noticing that for the last few months, the Miguel O'Hara imagines are decreasing and I am still very high in my reader phase for him, so in an attempt to feed my fellow still on high Miguel O'Hara lovers, I'll be posting several imagines or headcanons for him. Apologies if it's a little rough, been some time since I made a headcanon.
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)
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When you first found out you were pregnant, you were quite unsure what to do. It wasn't as if you were afraid that Miguel might abandon you or anything, but because of what had happened with Gabriella, you knew children was a very sensitive topic for him.
You had talked with Miguel in the past about children and he considered the possibility of having children with you in the future but he didn't feel as if he was ready for kids yet. He was still grieving over Gabriella and you didn't blame him. She was his kid and no parent should ever have to endure the feeling of losing their child, but he has to and it was a scar that he would bring along with him throughout his life.
That was the reason why you are quite nervous to tell Miguel the news and you actually tried to keep it hidden from him for some time. You managed to do a good job at it but it also made you accidentally distant yourself from Miguel too.
Miguel was quick to catch on that something was wrong. Look, you can be the greatest liar in the world and he will still manage to find out your deepest secrets without needing you to tell him any of them. But even before you distant yourself from him, Miguel was able to sense the changes your body was going through. He wasn't precisely sure what it was but he knew something was different and you could blame it on his spider senses for giving him the ability to know that.
Miguel thought you were on your period at first and needed space, but he grew suspicious when your behaviour still had't changed after a few weeks.
And that was when he decided to confront you about your behaviour. He missed your light touches, your cuddles and your daily kisses, especially the cheek kisses you usually give him every morning before going to work or before going on a long mission. He missed pulling you into his arms while sleeping in bed with you, only to have you scooting to the far side of the bed the last few weeks. He missed you so much and he was hurt by your actions as well.
Even with how nervous you were, you didn't want to hide the truth from Miguel any longer, so you told him about your pregnancy.
Shock was an absolute understandment to describe Miguel's reaction to the news. Like, all the signs of your pregnancy the past few weeks came up to him in large capital letters. He should've known from it all but then again, even if you were already displaying a small baby bump, Miguel would only believe it once you actually said it to him.
Miguel would be happy next and he'll be kissing your cheek. He'll say that it is a wonderful news and would ask you for more details about the pregnancy and the baby's health. He'll be quite joyful about it but you knew that there was more to it than that.
You knew your partner better than anyone in the multi-verse and you knew for a fact that while Miguel was more than happy and excited about the news, you also knew that Miguel felt very scared. He was scared that he might fail to protect you and the baby the same way he failed to protect Gabriella. He would swear to you on that day that no harm would ever come to you or the baby as long as he's alive, but it still didn't vanish the fear inside him.
It is something Miguel can't control. Ever since Gabriella died, Miguel had closed off almost everyone in order to protect himself from losing more loved ones. It changed when he met you. You had slowly but surely began to tear down his walls, and encourage him to fight his fears.
His fears continues to stay in him, but you are always there to assure and remind him that you and the baby will be with him for a very, very long time.
After he has gotten over his initial worries and fears, Miguel will be celebrating the news with you. It could be going to your favourite restaurant for dinner or even something as simple as going to the park for a walk and get ice cream. It didn't matter how they celebrate it as long as his beautiful baby mama is happy.
Miguel is the type of person who reads every pregnancy book he can get his hands on. He'll also be taking notes of every word the doctor says during your pregnancy and Miguel will be the one to ask the doctor lots of questions in each appointment. The doctor might think you love to chat and talk about the baby but boy, Miguel could be bringing a whole damn book filled with questions about the baby and your pregnancy, and that wouldn't even be enough to stop him from asking. Miguel is actually tempted to get a personal doctor for you. The guy is filthy rich after all, but you protested against the idea and he decided not to. Of course, he'll secretly have a personal doctor in his contacts and if you ever found out about it, he'll just say it's a precaution.
Speaking of being filthy rich, when it comes to buying things for you and the baby, there is no budget. Before you were pregnant, you still somehow managed to convince him to give a limit when it comes to spending his money, but after he finds out you're pregnant? Yeah no, Miguel will be spending a shit ton of money because it's the love of his life and the mother of his child we're talking about here! He's not paying attention to the price tags, just paying attention to the quality because Miguel only wants the best of the best for his family.
One of the things Miguel knows is really important is quality time and throughout your pregnancy, he tries to be less at work. Miguel can't be out of work completely since the multi-verse needs him, but he can find people to cover his work while he's away to spend time with you.
Miguel is overprotective of you. He has always been protective and perhaps a tad possessive before, especially when there are other guys around, but he is much more protective when you're pregnant. Miguel knows you're not fragile. Hell, he worked with Jessica while she was heavily pregnant and she could have still easily beaten his ass. But there's this instinct that keeps on urging him to just be on guard all the time and because of it, Miguel is always on guard, unless you two are at home alone together.
Miguel adores your growing baby bump. It could still be a small one and Miguel would already be in love with it. He is always touching your stomach, either caressing it gently or leaving several kisses, and this continues on as it grows over time. Miguel's eyes will shine brightly whenever he feels the baby kick.
With that being said, every wish you make is Miguel's command. He will do anything and everything to make you as comfortable and relaxed as you can be. Swollen feets? Miguel's there to massage them. Late night cravings? Miguel's already on the way to the grocery store to buy the ingredients. Suddenly bursting into tears because of your hormones? Miguel's immediately there to comfort you.
Miguel doesn't usually like to take pictures but he tries to take some pictures of you throughout your pregnancy and put them all in a single photo album. He'll also put in the pictures that he had kept of each ultrasound appointment into the album. He does this so that one day when the baby is finally born and has grown much older, Miguel wants to be able to remember all the times of your pregnancy. The photo album is definitely one of his most cherished things and he'll be adding more pictures to it once the baby is born.
Overall, Miguel will be a little scared at first but he will always be very supportive of you throughout your pregnancy and try to be the best partner he can be to you and be the best father to your baby.
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r3medialch8os · 7 months
devastating trobed quotes (a list)
does thinking of troy and abed ever make you inexplicably upset? well, it's all in the text! aside from troy and abed serving as frequent comedic buffers, they are given some weighty emotional scenes throughout community's run. just look at the meat of these lines!
we just won't get masking tape (what a beautiful, simplistic way to portray how troy is able to think around abed's systematic manner of viewing their friendship in its beginning stages as well as an illustration of how he deals with conflict)
i love you (pure honesty in a moment of intense distress)
i know (both a reference, because it's easy, and the truth)
you don't like people who tell you what to do, and i don't wanna be one of those people (one of the more heartbreaking things said between the two of them, with troy knowing exactly abed's qualms and negative experiences with being controlled, not wanting to add to it, and still having to fall into the pattern for the sake of keeping him safe, fearing he's risking their friendship by doing so)
you weren't supposed to think those things (you of all people, the person i trust most in this whole world)
this is going to be the last thing we ever do together, we can't stop (what the actual fuck)
i know you hate when people do this in movies (whispered quietly to abed by troy, without anyone else hearing, one of the most romantic, intimate lines in the whole show, argue with the wall)
you're gonna have to trust that you're gonna have to trust me (said to someone with severe trust issues, and for good reasons, just an incredible invocation of the bond they have)
for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, i knew someone would come (as someone who was bullied in high school, this line hits so fucking hard, aren't we all waiting on this moment?)
you were out there somewhere, and you weren't looking for me? (devastating in a way where i simply cannot believe they throw words like these around casually)
the floor can't be lava forever, the game's gotta end (troy, perpetually insistent on indulging abed, on letting him do his thing, on enjoying his imagination, has to be the one to bring him back to reality this time, and even if he tries to do it as gentle as possible, it will never not rip my fucking heart out)
it's not a game for me troy. i'm seeing real lava because you're leaving, it's embarrassing. i don't wanna be crazy but i am crazy so i made a game that made you and everyone else see what i see. i don't want it to be there either, i swear. i want you to be able to leave but i don't think the lava goes away until you stop leaving (fuck it, i'm putting the whole thing, not a lot makes me cry but abed so clearly experiencing disillusion and trying to assuage troy while also communicating to him how hard it is to accept him leaving all with an air of embarrassment and hopelessness and desperation will do it for me, thank you very much)
i'm not leaving, okay? i promise. the floor's not lava now, just give me your hand (all i can say is that i bet it tore abed to pieces hearing these words)
i think i might be able to let troy go now (the way he says it too)
when i cloned you i had to patch some missing parts of your dna with genes from a homing pigeon. you may notice side effects like a compulsion to come back (in other words, i am in love with you and i never found the right time to say it)
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ftmtftm · 8 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, and I saw your post about discussing the racialized nature of gender. As someone who has several transmasc POC friends, and someone who's a nonbinary POC themself, I wanted to give my 2 cents.
It's important to understand that "woman" in the "man vs woman" gender binary is a colonialist, white supremacist construct, especially in Western countries where you are the numerical minority. My trans friends aren't on T, they haven't gotten top surgery, we are all quite young. But they all have numerous stories about being addressed as "sir" which brings them euphoria but as one person said, while we were making fun of the amount of white people in our club, "Due to my race and skin color, I get masculinized."
And again I'd like to emphasize, that since we're young, none of us really have medically transitioned due to financial and familial barriers. Their hair is long, our binders we definitely have notable chests, and even if they dress masculine, it's notable that no one in our communities would ever gender us properly. It's often white people calling them "sir." Again, I think this reflects how gender performances in mainstream queer communities are deeply White. Like, trans boys talk about having haircuts, but only one of my friends has that wavier, more manageable hair that will help them pass. When you've got curly/kinky hair, the standards are different. For a white person, what's the difference between a "girl" Afro and a boy "Afro"? White cis people have a harder time identifying us, and literally talk to any black girl, and they'll tell you about being mocked, dehumanized, and called "manly".
I don't have much else to say. These are just my personal experiences. But if you want to be an ally to POC in the queer community, this is why it's so fucking important to bring in colonialism/imperialism/white supremacy into discussions of queer liberation. My biggest gripe with ignorant white queers is when they ignore their white privilege, and act like "cishets" (AKA the patriarchal system regulating sexuality and gender) is the only enemy. Because cishet POC deal with plenty of shit with being infantilized, masculinized, feminized, seen as brutish & dangerous, the list goes on. Doberbutts had a post saying, "Believe me, your family's going to care more about me being black than my queerness." towards his white partners. Acknowledging and creating a framework that centers these intersections of queerness and race into your beliefs is true allyship. This is why if you're not anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, ACAB...I do not think you care for queer liberation. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Please don't view this post as an attack. But this is my perspective, and I thought you'd be receptive to me sharing my lived experiences.
Oh I absolutely don't view this ask as an attack, and I really appreciate you bringing these things up because you're right! Like, just very plainly: You are right and your and your friends lived experiences are extremely important to the conversation on the racialized aspects of gender.
It gets me thinking about where Misogynoir and the social White Fear of Black manhood intersect for Black trans men in particular. Because Black women and Women of Color in general are masculinized by White gender standards and the ways in which Black trans masculine people are gendered in alignment with their identity is absolutely not always done with gender affirming intent. In fact, it's often actually done with racist intent or is fueled by racist bias when it's coming from White people or even from non-Black POC.
That's kind of restating things you've said but differently, it's just such a topic worth highlighting explicitly since it's extremely relevant to the conversation that's been happening about Male Privilege here the last few days.
I do think I know exactly what @doberbutts post you're talking about and yeah. It's just truth. It's something Black queer people have been talking about for ages in both theory and in pop culture (my mind immediately goes to Kevin Abstract and "American Boyfriend") where Black queer/trans identity is both materially different from (neutral) and is treated differently from (negative) White queer/trans identity in multitudes of ways and those differences are worth sharing and exploring and talking about.
Genuinely, thank you for sharing! I try really hard not to lead these kinds of conversations outside of explicitly referencing back to non-White theorists because I don't particularly feel like it's my place to do so, but I will always provide a platform for them because they're extremely important conversations to be had.
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kindestegg · 2 years
"Maybe if I ask her real nice, I won't have to turn her into a puppet!"
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So... this line has been puzzling me for a WHILE because it feels like it goes against the idea Collector's go-to default is to just puppet-ify everything.
UNTIL someone in a server I was a part of pointed out that hey, doesn't it seem like Collector is also actively trying to nudge King to play something else? That they're tired of this game?
And I thought about the capture the flag game suggestion.
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"What if we switch it up? We could play capture the flag! Us versus... everyone on the Isles!"
Okay, aside from the obvious commentary that Collector sees himself and King against the world (which is. another thing. I need to write up on *biting down on my arm*), it's interesting this implies the people would probably not be puppets anymore, since you'd probably need people who are conscious to actively play in the game, and the whole "people breathing on the moon" discussion doesn't seem like it would happen if they were considering the people as puppets.
It's also worth noting that Collector turning Lilith and Hooty into puppets happens immediately after King tells him The Owl House Game is like playing pretend...
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And also, after Collector asks King what role he gets to play, and King presumably tells him, he uh, does this...
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Which I'm guessing means he was pretty happy to hear he's going to be the main character. And then immediately after...
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... Do you think there's a possibility Collector's go-to isn't in fact to just capture people as puppets, but interpreted this immediately from King's talk of the Owl House Game?
He also lashes out at King for criticizing him over turning Terra into a puppet, claiming he's just "playing pretend".
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And considering how, from King's talk with Eda and Lilith, he's only losing his fear of making Collector mad NOW...
It's possible most of this was born out of a misunderstanding. Collector interpreted the game as having "lots of players" as puppets, the whole Isles as King put it, and King was too scared to tell him that wasn't it. No wonder Collector lashes out when told not to do so, to him it makes no sense because this is how the game is played in his view.
If he's getting tired of this game though, it also explains why he suggested not turning Eda into a puppet first, why he wanted to play something that would keep people free from such a spell, and even why he seemed slightly disappointed that he ended up turning Terra into a puppet too by the end, which is another sentient playmate lost, even if she made him angry.
So... if all of this could have been avoided if King had told Collector that this game shouldn't entail turning people into puppets, I think I have a hunch of the narrative purpose of all this.
It's telling the truth. King has to tell the truth. That there was no Owl House game, that he made it all up, that he was a scared kid desperate to save the people he loved and the Isles and that yes, he did use Collector.
King wasn't in the wrong for lying of course, because it was this or losing everything he loves. But things have been regardless severely more complicated because of this lie.
And I suspect he knows this, as he says he wants to talk to Collector to solve things. Maybe this talking is him telling the truth after all. He does say this directly after communicating that he's losing his fear of making Collector mad. Maybe he's finally gotten courage to confess the truth.
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It's also worth noting again that Collector... doesn't care that King is lying about some things? He barely reacts with anger or shock at him talking to Eda and Lilith and seeing that they're keeping this as secret from him, he only cares when it sounds like King might want to hurt him.
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It sounds silly when you put it this way, but the biggest obstacle keeping their relationship from fully realizing and them resolving things is just a misunderstanding. King wrongfully believing Collector might hurt him and Collector wrongfully believing King is happy playing pretend with him.
Once they actually talk this out, they can finally resolve things.
... the only problem is that I think if King approaches Collector saying he wants to tell him something now...
Collector might just think it has to do with King getting rid of him, and things might turn for the worst.
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azure-firecracker · 29 days
Fic Rec Roundup!
In honor of my going off to college (my posts will be slowing down), and finishing 3 seasons of TXF, I asked y’all what sort of “special post” you wanted me to make. You voted on a roundup of some of my favorite TXF fics, so here it is! Prepare to watch me gush profusely about the phenomenal writers in this fandom.
This will be in chronological order, so first time watchers like me need not fear spoilers:)
I’m not including my own writing here, but you can find it in my masterpost.
Without further ado, let’s get into the fics!
Season 1:
starstruck by @thursdayinspace (General Audiences, 671 words): Set post-Pilot. The title says it all. This is quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever read.
Something Bigger Than Us by Mungo_of_Maundery (General Audiences, 721 words): A nice coda to Deep Throat after Scully rescues Mulder from the air base. Internal monologue is great.
humans in nature by @theswisscheeserag (General Audiences, 2,733 words): Mulder and Scully’s conversations post The Jersey Devil. Philosophy mixed with fluff and some laugh-out-loud humor. Perfectly captures the vibe of early MSR.
Still Feeling My Father Ascend by @cecilysass (Teen and Up, 13,073 words): Mulder and Scully share some tender moments post Beyond the Sea. Both of them have a lot of healing to do, for different reasons. Some of my favorite MSR introspection can be found in this fic, and you can tell how much thought and care this author puts into the characterizations. There’s also several excellent funny moments - a true gem of a fic!
Egit Genius Loci by snow_and_rain (Teen and Up, 21,937 words): Case fic set right after Beyond the Sea. Featuring early-onset MSR, angst, mutual pining, and hurt/comfort. A little whimsical, a little eerie, a little sad.
Between Two Truths by @agent-troi (Teen and Up, 1,621 words): Missing scene from E.B.E after Scully’s speech to Mulder. An excellent internal monologue from Mulder’s POV followed by some top-tier MSR banter.
the progression (and regression) of first names by skuls (Teen and Up, 5,421 words): A series of vignettes exploring Scully and Mulder’s relationship as it evolves throughout Season 1. Pitch-perfect Scully characterization and several moments that really showcase her inner conflict fantastically, but also many wonderfully tender MSR scenes (keep an eye out for the coffee scene - my favorite!)
never learned to read your mind by @swinging-stars-from-satellites (General Audiences, 1,071 words): An alternate version of Season 1 where Scully leaves after Deep Throat. Profound, heartwarming, wistful and a bit sad, this takes an interesting concept and really tugs at your heartstrings.
Season 2:
distractions by @thursdayinspace (General Audiences, 1,181 words): Post-abduction. Mulder does his best to help. Absolutely heart-melting, sweet and tender and a little sad too.
The Safety of Guilt by the_status_clo (Teen and Up, 732 words): Mulder’s guilt post-abduction. Do you like to feel miserable? Do you like to slip into a pit of unwavering guilt and wallow in beautiful words? Read this!
Redial by @theswisscheeserag (Teen and Up, 7,423 words): A frequent reread of mine! Set during Mulder and Scully’s quarantine post-Firewalker and told through a series of phone calls. This fic has everything you could possibly want: introspection, angst, fluff, humor, friendship and romance all mixed into one…it’s just really good in 1000 different ways. Endlessly rereadable.
until it heals by @actual-changeling (Teen and Up, 2,351 words): A post-Irresistible fic that captures all of the poetry, panic, and drama that is Season 2 MSR. Incredibly tender with some stunning inner monologue moments. A perfect coda to my favorite episode.
Authority and Gravity by Xecotcovach (Teen and Up, 2,338 words): Another excellent fic where Scully (with Mulder’s help) tries to deal with some of her season 2 trauma. Their dynamic here is very tender and their banter is just the right amount of sassy and quippy. Set after Fresh Bones.
If You’re Sinking, I Will Jump Right Over by SammyLovesASOIAF (Teen and Up, 1,642 words): An alternate version of End Game where things go…badly-but then Mulder has to confront his emotions!An interesting alternative, angst with a happy ending. Lovely poetic language; I have some lines from this that I remember word-for-word.
Our Town by @leiascully (Teen and Up, 813 words): Scully’s thoughts during and after the climax of Our Town. Very in-character, appropriately intense, really conveys the fear and desperation intertwined with Season 2 MSR.
Season 3:
Light in Dark Places by @agent-troi (Teen and Up, 2,697 words): Set in Season 3 but it’s really about Irresistible and Scully’s insecurities in general. Peak hurt/comfort, this one makes your heart hurt in the best possible way, and then it feels like a warm hug with the resolution.
Got You(r) Back by @shearmouth (Teen and Up, 4,933 words): This is THE injury fic for me. Set post-731. The hurt/comfort levels in here are unmatched. Scully’s internal monologue is perfect. Mulder is an actual puppy and Scully takes care of him and it makes my heart melt in all of the right ways.
stay close, listen by @actual-changeling (Teen and Up, 2,667 words): Post Pusher. Very angsty, but in the best possible way and with an extremely satisfying resolution. This fic definitely wins best-written: it’s essentially poetry, and its uses of metaphor and literary references are stunning. I can’t recommend this enough.
find me defenseless by @impulsive-astrophile (Mature, 7,421 words): Case fic! Do you like Mulder torture? Do you like badass Scully? If so, you will love this fic because it has both in spades (plus-spoilers-a wonderful ending to make up for the pain). Whenever I’m fed up with the show’s kidnapping ratio, I read this: it’s probably my most frequent reread. I will say that it is more violent than anything I’ve written, so be aware.
Unconfirmed timing but spoiler-free:
unravelling by @actual-changeling (General Audiences, 2,208 words): Scully wakes up to a familiar voice theorizing on her television. What follows is as sweet and humorous as it is charged and just a little tragic.
Shakespirited by orphan_account (Teen and Up, 13,670 words): A fic that I’m pretty sure was written specifically for me. Mulder and Scully go undercover in a Shakespeare troupe plagued by strange murders. If you like TXF and are a Shakespeare nerd, you will love this. Definition of a good time (but there’s some angst too-how could there not be?) I think there are some minor spoilers in here, but nothing to really tell you anything as long as you’ve seen up to Anasazi.
Sometimes You Need to Have Fun by @baronessblixen (Teen and Up, 1,192 words): Fluff written by the queen of fluff herself! Mulder and Scully go ice skating. It’s as adorable and sappy as it sounds.
Stupid Cupid by @mulderwearingglasses (General Audiences, 5,325 words): A Valentine’s Day fic! This features jealous Scully (a delight) as well as some excellent humor and fluff. Overall just a lovely time. There may be some minor spoilers in here, but nothing that told me anything.
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silverbladexyz · 8 months
TW: Death, blood, guns, fighting. 5.6K words. Third and final part to part 1. Part 2 is here
Skilled hands worked away at the rope, each bind falling to the floor with a heavy thump as they were severed by a knife. The sound echoed throughout the little room inside of a foreign dungeon.
Soon, the chair legs were surrounded with the thick brown threads as the saviour continued to free the captive. They operated fast; in just a matter of seconds, half of the bonds were already sliced open- the blade meeting little resistance. Too little, in fact.
But you didn’t have time to worry about that now.
“Y-Y/N, what are you doing here? You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“And watch as Chuuya barges in to what could possibly be his death? I think we both know how disastrous that would be, Yasuko.” 
The girl bit her lip and fell silent. You continued to free her, despite having so much you clearly wanted to say at this moment. But you couldn’t risk your best friend finding out about what happened to her, and making a rash decision as a consequence.
“H-how did you find me?” Yasuko stuttered, her limbs trembling with fear. It was perfectly normal considering her situation, but it hindered your progress since your knife got dangerously close to her sometimes due to her shaking.
“I was in Chuuya’s office to retrieve something when he was on a mission. Then his phone lit up with an unknown text and a picture of you tied to this chair. It seemed that your captor had intended for him to come alone, with the threat that he would kill you if Chuuya brought backup or arrived even a second late. I couldn’t determine if it was telling the truth or not, so I went first to test the message’s authenticity. You know what happened afterwards.”
The ropes finally came off- only to reveal that Yasuko’s hands and feet were also bound to the seat. You cursed under your breath, before starting to work on them as well. The girl repeatedly peered over your shoulder in an anxious manner, but you didn’t give much thought about it. You had just passed it off as nervousness. 
Until another knife suddenly grazed your cheek, leaving a small crimson trail of your blood in its wake.
The blade pierced itself into the chair, missing Yasuko’s temple by a hair’s breadth. She cried out in surprise and fear, immediately prompting you to react.
Your gun was drawn out and aimed at the attacker before you even processed what was going on.
“How surprising that you came instead. I didn’t know that Chuuya-kun was the type to be late to important events-”
You fired three shots before he could finish talking. Each bullet was aimed good and true, as they were shots made to kill.
“-especially events considering his girlfriend. Wouldn’t you agree, Y/N?”
The beautiful black-haired man standing in front of you smiled. 
By his feet lay the bullets that rolled out of his fingers, and the bloody holes they normally left behind were nonexistent. The shots had bounced off of him as if he were made of steel.
His ability must have allowed him to repel any physical attacks that came his way. Defeating him seemed near impossible now.
Your eyes narrowed as he came closer, his unhurried steps matching the complacent aura that he gave off. You knew there was no use in trying to shoot him again, but you still tightened your index finger around the trigger. As a last resort, you could use the gun as a distraction to let Yasuko escape.
“I know who you are. You’re Hasegawa Kyuji. A high-ranking member of Obsidienne; a rival organisation of the Port Mafia.” You stated, with a steely gaze that could rival his relaxed stare.
“But you aren’t here to kill Yasuko. You’re here to kill me instead.”
His golden eyes seemed to shine as he smirked in response. The male tilted his head towards the aforementioned girl.
“Oh no. Quite the opposite, actually. I’m just here to reveal the truth.” 
You heard Yasuko give a quiet whimper, and you scowled, aiming the gun at Hasegawa’s forehead.
“And why should I believe you? For all I know, anything that falls out of your mouth could be a lie. Deception is key for getting the upper hand in any fight.”
“...” The young man let out a short chuckle. It wasn’t long before he broke out into a hysterical laugh.
“Oh, you’re so naive it kills me! For all this talk of deception, you don’t even seem to realise a certain friend of yours that was deceiving you for months. And how you thought that nobody could see your obvious infatuation with your best friend. Isn’t that right, Yasuko? My dear cousin?” 
He stared straight into her eyes, a dangerous glint apparent in his pupils.
Your eyes widened slightly. Not only at her betrayal and their kinship, but also at the fact that he knew your secret. A secret that you had hidden deep deep down, never letting even a bit of it slip out. Were you easier to read than you thought you were?
Whipping your head around, you glanced at the girl, silently begging her to say that it wasn’t true- that it was all a lie. 
But Yasuko silently closed her eyes, hanging her head in a sign of guilty confirmation. 
The silence that descended was suffocating, permeating the entire room with an invisible tension. 
You had an unreadable expression on your face as you lowered your arm, the fingers clenched around the gun shaking ever so slightly from their rigid hold on the grip. Hasegawa’s smirk widened as you gave no response.
“Oh, but maybe you want to know why she betrayed you. Why she was working with me, a member of an enemy organisation?” He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he fixed his golden eyes on you. Yasuko gulped a little, but neither of you paid her any mind.
“Well, it’s simple. It all started 8 years ago- when Yokohama lived in constant terror and dread of a single organisation. The Port Mafia. Many civilians were killed because of the Boss’s paranoia, and a lot more organisations were decimated by his sheer ruthlessness. It must still be as clear as day to you.”
You frowned slightly. Despite not wanting to listen to anything he said, you couldn’t stop the memories from resurfacing. Memories of fear, uncertainty, and bloodshed as the old Boss of the Port Mafia abused his reign, forcing you to live in extreme apprehension every second.
“One day, rumour had it that somebody in our vicinity insulted the Port Mafia. It was only a mere jab at how Yokohama would’ve been better off without the organisation; but that was enough for all the families in the district to be rounded up and interrogated. Then, when it was evident that the culprit wouldn’t show themselves, the Boss ordered everybody to be executed. Not even the infants were spared.”
“And two of the families that were killed on that day were yours and Yasuko’s. Hence why you wanted revenge; they were accused wrongly of something that likely wasn’t committed in the first place.” You interjected. You knew that he wasn’t lying, because there was nothing but truth in his words. 
Afterall, the incident he described became very well known amongst the city in a flash.
“But that was when the Port Mafia was still under the control of the old Boss. There wouldn’t be much point in getting revenge now that everything has changed; and besides, our enemies are always hit twice as hard. This old grudge of yours could do nothing against us.”
You knew that you were behaving just as any stereotypical tough-talking mafioso would, but it was all a ploy for you to buy more time until you could figure out a solution. Hasegawa was already a formidable opponent with his ability, and it was obvious he also had the brains to go along with it. Someone of his calibre could decimate you and walk out without any serious injuries.
He spoke again, breaking your train of thought.
“Grudge? You speak as if the Port Mafia itself takes grudges lightly. It is obvious how strict the rule of borrowing and returning is in illegal organisations. Every grudge must be satiated, no matter how high the cost. But we could not act on ours without enough power.”
“And that was when you came up with the idea to join Obsidienne to gain this ‘power’?” You said, narrowed your eyes.
“Oh, I didn’t come up with the idea. Yasuko herself did, and she thought up many more after that. Everything that has happened up until now was all in the palm of her hand. Tell them, Yasuko. Tell them about everything you plotted for their demise.”
The silence that fell this time was deathly.
“... Yasuko. Is it true? That all this time you’ve been planning to take down the Port Mafia, starting with me and Chuuya?” 
There was no anger in your voice. Only a cold flatness that seemed to absorb every emotion in the room as you spoke to her.
Yasuko slowly opened her eyes, fixing two beautiful brown pupils onto you. Those same pupils that had deceived those she was around for an entire six months. And they now held nothing but tears and guilt.
“I never meant for it to go this far. But he threatened to kill me if I backed out from this plan. So I had no choice but to continue with it.” She whispered, her voice heavy with resignation.
“And that wasn’t all.” Hasegawa added suddenly. You looked back at him, but he was staring at her. Like how a cat eyes its prey before it goes in for the kill.
“My dear Yasuko, weren’t you also the one who came up with the idea to poison your lover’s wine so that he wouldn’t give us any more trouble?”
Your whole demeanour changed in an instant once you heard those words.
A shot reverberated throughout the chamber, followed by Yasuko’s short scream.
The bullet had pierced through her sleeve, narrowly missing the chance to give her the sweet release of death. Your expression remained emotionless, yet burning in your eyes was anger that was hotter than the black flames of hell. The gun was pointed directly at her brow, held with an unusual stillness that was parallel with your aura.
“The next time, I won’t miss.” You coldly stated, speaking with nothing but truth in your words.
“I was willing to give you another chance. But this promises to exceed the limit of my forgiveness. Daring to poison the man you loved- the man I loved; I expected nothing less from a wretch such as you. A wretch who doesn’t even deserve this quick and painless death.” You stepped closer towards Yasuko, until the gun was pressed up against her skin. 
Neither of you moved a single inch. It was as if everything was frozen in time, save for the dust that drifted elegantly onto the ground.
“... Do it.”
The girl whispered, looking up into your eyes with a soulless gaze. 
“It’s only proper for me to die as a result of my foolish choices. That’s what a traitor only deserves, afterall. My only regret is… that I didn’t get to spend more time with you as a true friend.” 
She closed her eyes for the last time, ready to face death with a serene expression.
Without hesitation, you pulled the trigger.
A final shot rang out within the walls.
And the bullet flew right into Hasegawa’s chest.
“!” His eyes widened in shock and disbelief. 
Thankfully, he activated his ability right before the pellet could fully pass through him, but the damage had already been done. Blood gushed out of the wound as the bullet fell out of his body, and you wasted no time in drawing your dagger out.
“Don’t think that I haven’t forgotten you, Hasegawa. Sure, Yasuko’s done some pretty terrible things. But you were the one who was truly behind all of this. If you had not forced her to continue with the plan, then none of this would have happened. The Port Mafia does not forgive those who plan to hurt their family. And I cannot rest until I have finished what I came here for.”
“… So it’s come down to this.” He muttered.
In the blink of an eye, Hasegawa had lunged at you, bringing up his hand that also held a blade within its palm. You raised your own arm up to counter.
The clash of metals resounded in the room, all your training sessions with Chuuya bearing fruit as you found that you could actually keep up with your opponent’s attacks. You were fast and precise with your strikes, whereas he liked to be unpredictable, always making you guess his next move. It was a direct contrast to how your best friend had fought.
Your blades danced in a fierce tango as both parties tried to subdue each other. You were mostly put on the defence due to your attacks having no effect on him, but you kept on twisting and leaping just out of his reach whenever his weapon went to graze your body. He aimed for your stomach, and you managed to dodge the sharp edge that threatened to slice your skin apart.
Your opponent wasted no time in immediately transitioning into an uppercut, but you were prepared for this. Grabbing his wrist, you held it firmly in place before bringing your foot down onto the elbow, twisting his arm the opposite way. A snapping sound echoed, and you heard him curse in pain.
Hasegawa aimed a sloppy swipe at your chest, to which you blocked with your blade. Taking advantage of this momentary stillness, you aimed a kick at his ribs that would’ve broken them upon impact. The force made him stumble backwards a bit, and you were about to close the distance between the two of you with your weapon. 
But you failed to consider that there was something he could use to his advantage. And it was already too late when you remembered what it was.
The next moment, Hasegawa threw the kodachi blade with all his might at Yasuko's neck.
The small sword flew through the air with deadly accuracy, landing cleanly into flesh and bone. Crimson liquid splattered all over the girl, some of it dripping off the chair and staining the floor with their scarlet hue.
Yasuko gave a small gasp of disbelief.
“Y-Y/N- why?!”
The kodachi blade was buried deep into your chest, and the tip protruded out of your back. You swore you felt it scrape an artery right near where your lung was. 
Hasegawa chuckled at your figure, which struggled to remain standing as the excruciating pain evaded each of your senses. Your ears rang, and you could hear your heart pounding- gradually slowing down as your life started to ebb away. If heartbreak was the sensation that hurt the most, then this definitely had the potential to exceed it.
“In the end, you still chose to protect the one Chuuya-kun cared for the most. I must say that I’m touched; not many people can see the sight of true love at its finest.” Your opponent slowly approached you, the barrel of a gun directed straight at your face. His broken arm hung limply by his side, bent at an unnatural angle, but it didn’t even seem to faze him.
“Do you have any last words, Y/N?”
“... Go to hell.”
Hasegawa gave a dry chuckle. But he suddenly frowned when he realised that his index finger refused to move. 
One by one, the fingers on his hand started to shake, loosening their grip on the gun. It clattered to the floor, bouncing away from him.
You laughed, despite your vision starting to grow blurry from blood loss.
“You made a mistake, Hasegawa-kun. When I shot you in the chest, the bullet was tipped with poison that was absorbed through your skin. It didn’t act immediately, but the more you moved, the quicker it spread in your bloodstream. And it will not stop until your heart has ceased to beat.”
The male collapsed against the wall, his legs having lost their strength to keep him standing. A sheen of sweat coated him as his body tried to force the toxins out, but to no use. The poison was designed to kill without leaving any exceptions.
“Hahaha... Well done. You truly… deserve… to be called my opponent.”
He smiled slightly, before he stilled.
You turned around to Yasuko. Grabbing the knife stuck in the chair, you haphazardly cut the last remaining ropes off of her hands and feet, successfully freeing her from the binds. She slowly stood up, staring wide-eyed in shock and penitence at you as you started to lean against the wall.
Your knees buckled, causing you to drop to the floor. The blade was knocked out of your body due to the impact, clattering onto the ground as a result of gravity. Blood spurted out of the opening as your breaths became shallow and rapid, trying to get as much oxygen they could into your lungs. Yasuko slowly crouched down by your side, pressing her hands to your wound in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. She didn’t deserve to cry over something that was entirely her fault.
“I was always wary of you.” You said, breaking the silence.
“It all started when Chuuya rescued you. People don’t tend to think about suspecting an innocent civilian girl who got kidnapped by an underground organisation, and was coincidentally saved by a Port Mafia executive. However, crime syndicates tend to stay away from citizens due to their fear of attracting the government’s attention. The only exceptions being if a civilian was somehow connected to a rival group. And after doing some digging… I found out that the organisation who kidnapped you was an enemy of both Obsidienne and the Port Mafia. Your cousin, Hasegawa Kyuji, was an executive of Obsidienne, and both of your families were killed on that fateful night 8 years ago. The entire situation seemed too suspicious. It was then… that I knew to keep a closer eye on you.”
“If you suspected me… then why didn’t you tell Chuuya? Or anyone else in the Port Mafia for that matter?” Yasuko asked, her voice shaking.
You let out a dry laugh in response.
“Do you honestly think he’d take my side with the way he looks at you? Seven long years of being his best friend… and he’d still choose his lover of whom he’d only known for six months over me. His lover who only loved him so that she could betray him in the end.” 
“…” She looked down into her lap, her silence speaking more than words themselves. A single teardrop fell from her eye, landing onto the floor with a silent plop.
“… I wanted to stop. I realised that the Port Mafia was not the same as it was 8 years ago, and that Chuuya was genuinely a kind man who wanted the best for me. But when I realised it… it was too late. So instead of putting the poison into his wine, I slipped it into Hasegawa’s drink. But he caught me, and furious at my betrayal, he decided to use me as bait to lure Chuuya here. I… I had told Hasegawa that my lover was more of a long-ranged fighter due to his gravity manipulation ability. So he planned that when Chuuya was at an appropriate distance from him, he’d hit a switch hidden on the wall, which would release toxic gas onto Chuuya so that he could be easier to defeat. But he didn’t expect you to be the one to show up. I only knew about this when I was being tied to the chair-” 
You cut her off by coughing up drops of blood. Some of it landed onto her cream-coloured dress, creating a jarring contrast against the fabric.
The movement doubled the amount of pain you were in as your breathing quickened. Yasuko bit back a sob, her hands pressing harder onto your wound as more blood seeped out of it, staining the majority of your shirt a beautiful red. 
“It seems that- I don’t have much time left.” You rasped, already feeling that you were starting to lose consciousness. Putting your hand over hers, you grasped it in a frail grip, tugging her closer as you forced the girl to look into your sincere eyes. Eyes that hid nothing in their final moments.
“Yasuko. I want you to leave Obsidienne. Leave the underworld of Yokohama, and live on as a normal person. Nothing good comes out of a life of crime, no matter how tempting the money or power is. Because all that will await you is a cold and empty death that doesn’t suit a girl like you.”
The female listened in solemn silence, her hand clasping yours tighter as she felt your hold weakening. 
The ruby ring that sat on top of her finger knocked against your silver one, as if in a desperate attempt to transfer some of its life force to the metal. But just like its owner, the silver ring seemed… dim. Tarnished. No longer carrying any value after it was consumed by the shadow of death itself.
You hacked up some more blood, with the droplets being the darkest red this time. The liquid dripped down your chin, filling your mouth with the metallic taste of iron.
“... Tell Chuuya… that I’m sorry. I promised him I wouldn’t recklessly throw my life on the line again, but I did. However, I’m not searching for his forgiveness... because I’ll still love him just as I always did.” You said, your voice growing fainter. Yasuko had to lean in close to properly catch your words.
She gave a bittersweet smile, despite her vision starting to go blurry from the built-up tears in her eyes.
“I will. Chuuya really was lucky that he had you in his life.”
You gave a small chuckle, the grip on her hand loosening with each passing second.
“Tell me…” You whispered, each word seeming to evaporate into the atmosphere after it left your lips.
“Can a heart still break once it’s stopped beating?”
The stillness that followed afterwards would haunt Yasuko for the rest of her life.
Your hand, which had been warm in Yasuko’s grasp, slipped out of her hold, finding its final resting place on the floor.
The room seemed to hold its breath as your life flickered out, leaving only the echo of what it once was.
Time stood still as Yasuko hugged your body to hers. She finally let go of the tears that had already started streaming down her cheeks. The reality of her choices, the betrayal that had led to this devastating moment- all came crashing down onto her in waves of remorse and guilt as she acknowledged that your blood was on her hands.
She sobbed endlessly, her cries muffled by your shoulder that she buried her face into. The female didn’t look up, not even when hurried footsteps raced to the room she was in. All she cared about was that you were gone because of her stupidity.
Chuuya burst into the room, enraged and ready to fight whichever bastard dared to kidnap his girlfriend.
Only to find her weeping over a dead body. Your dead body.
His eyes widened in disbelief.
No… not them too!...
Chuuya stumbled against the wall, almost collapsing to the ground as he bit back a scream. 
Surely this wasn’t happening, right? You must have been gravely injured instead; there should still be hope that a doctor at the Port Mafia could manage to save you just in time. He knew that you survived worse before, and each time you bounced back after you were healed. There was no way that you were dead!
But he knew, deep deep down, that you had left him too.
Chuuya shook his head, blinking back the wetness in his eyes that he didn’t even realise was there. 
The first priority right now was to get Yasuko to safety. There were still members of Obsidienne in the building, and there was no way in hell that he was letting her stay here for another second. He hated that it had to be this way, but he’ll have to come back afterwards to properly avenge you. 
He approached her slowly, laying a gentle hand down on her elbow.
Yasuko didn’t react much as Chuuya helped her to stand, putting his arm around her shoulder just like he always did when he was with her. She leaned onto him, with tears silently streaming down her face while she walked. Not even noticing how he cast one last glance towards your blood-stained body against the wall.
The whole ride back to their home was a blur to her. The Mafia executive had stayed at Obsidienne’s headquarters, ordering his men to completely exterminate every single member in the building. He even engaged in full-out combat with the powerful ability users who also belonged to the organisation. It was the angriest she had ever seen him; but she knew he was also suffering behind the fury that consumed him whole.
The limousine stopped in front of her house, and she collapsed onto the couch once she was inside, starting to cry again as she recalled the events that had happened just less than an hour ago. Events that she could have prevented in the very first place.
An eternity seemed to pass before she heard footsteps, and looked up to see Chuuya holding a glass of water in his hand. He gazed at her softly, fighting back his own emotions that threatened to rip his chest apart if he didn’t let them out somehow. But he pushed them down, instead focusing on the woman he loved.
He held her, not saying a word as she sobbed, getting his shirt wet from the salty tears that never seemed to end. His hand rubbed up and down her back, the steadiness of his touch grounding Yasuko as she hiccupped, trying to take deep breaths so that she could calm down. 
“It’s okay, baby… it wasn’t your fault.” Chuuya said softly, planting a tender kiss on her forehead as he hugged her close.
She pushed herself off of him, staring back at his slightly confused expression towards her action. Yasuko bit her lip, clenching her fists so hard that her nails dug deep into her palms.
 “N-no, it was my fault! I-If I hadn’t done the things that I did back then, if I had been stronger and smarter, then Y/N wouldn’t have died! All I did was to stand back and watch as they took the hit for me-” A sob erupted in her throat- the sound of the blade passing through your flesh was still vivid in her memories.
Chuuya stepped forward, his blue eyes tender as he took her hand in his.
“My love… don’t blame yourself. I know that it hurts, knowing that you couldn’t save them. But I will never get tired of saying that it was not your fault. That bastard was to blame, not you-”
“Why don’t you understand?! It was my fault!! I had the idea of joining Obsidienne in order to exact revenge on the Port Mafia for murdering my family. And I came up with the idea of being close to you so that the plan would be easier to commence!” She half-yelled, her voice cracking.
“Being close to me?... What are you talking about-”
Yasuko knew that she should stop before she ruined everything between them. But Y/N’s death weighed upon her shoulders, never letting go until she confessed. She would rather end things with the truth than to die with the guilt of a lie.
“I planned to be kidnapped by the criminal organisation because I knew that the Port Mafia would soon dispatch someone powerful to take care of them once and for all. Then I came up with the idea to romance you in order to know your weaknesses, just so that you wouldn’t be a hindrance once Hasegawa and I finally launch our attack on the Mafia. But soon, I wanted to stop when I realised that it all meant nothing. H-He didn’t let me, and instead used me as a hostage, setting up a trap for you when you’d arrive to set me free. However, Y/N showed up instead, and… and fought him instead. It’s all because of me that they’re dead!!”
She broke down, burying her face in her hands once again. Silence followed for a long time after her confession.
Until it was suddenly broken by the shattering of glass.
Yasuko looked up in alarm.
Chuuya stood there silently with a wide-eyed stare. His gaze seemed distant, painful- countless things running in his mind hidden behind those beautiful blue eyes of his. Despite having dated him for six months, he was still unreadable to her sometimes. Only Y/N could’ve deciphered those complex emotions of his hidden within his head.
He had crushed the glass in his hand, soaking himself in water as the shards embedded themselves into the floor. Yet despite this somewhat violent action, he only remained still.
“Chuuya?” Yasuko asked meekly, slightly fearing what his reaction afterwards would be like. Would he shout at her? Use his ability on her? The Port Mafia didn’t take traitors lightly, afterall. And he was an executive in the said organisation, too.
But instead, he walked towards the door. Picking up his hat, he dusted it off before standing in the hallway, casting his gaze at her.
“... I need to be alone for a while.”
And just like that, he walked out of the house for the final time. 
Chuuya felt nothing but rage that day.
His gloves and coat were repeatedly stained with blood as he hunted down the remaining members of Obsidienne in Japan. The expensive leather and fabric quickly became filthy after the first few kills. But he didn’t care; because nothing he did could bring back his best friend. His best friend that was always there for him, who understood him better than anyone else.
His best friend that was now gone as well.
Chuuya wouldn’t- no, he couldn’t rest until he found every single member and crushed them with the weight of gravity. There would be no mercy, not even for the Boss of the organisation himself as he pleaded for his life. The gravity manipulator let loose his feelings, hurling bullets and remorseless kicks at his enemies. 
Blood splattered onto the walls in each base as the dying screams of it’s owners faded away into nothingness. Buildings collapsed on top of each other, the infrastructure groaning as it succumbed into the pull of gravity. Even Mori was slightly surprised at Chuuya’s brutality as he tracked down one base after the next.
All for Y/N.
Back at home, Yasuko sat down onto the couch again, breathing heavily from her outburst.
Something fell out of her pocket, and she stiffened as soon as she saw what it was.
Trembling hands slowly picked the object up. The sun’s rays were reflected back onto her face, but she felt no warmth.
It was the topaz bracelet that you had just bought with her a few days ago. When you were still happy and alive.
Yasuko held it to her chest, where there was nothing left but numbness.
Only death could truly reunite her with you now.
Chuuya sat with his back against your grave, the cold stone pressing into the skin that was full of scars.
There was only silence that filled the tranquil air of the Port Mafia’s private cemetery.
“... You’re an idiot, you know that?”
He spoke as if you were there with him, listening to his every word.
“You promised me that you wouldn’t be so reckless ever again. You could’ve waited for me to return, and we might have been able to defeat him together. Like we always did ever since we were fifteen. But you didn’t.” Chuuya gave a wry chuckle, lifting his head up to gaze at the blue sky. His eyes held nothing but sorrow and regret.
“... Yasuko and I have cut connections. She told me everything about what she did. I don’t blame her for your death, but it’s hard to look at her in the same way again after knowing about the truth.”
Again, there was only silence that answered him. But Chuuya could still see your smile, and hear your voice as clear as the day in his mind when you responded in your typical manner. He closed his eyes, wordlessly curling his mouth up into a forlorn smile as he laid his head against your tombstone.
“If you were mine instead… would you still be here beside me?”
It was softer than a whisper, but his words carried a weight heavier than all the precious stones in the world combined together.
A small gust of wind blew by, ruffling his clothes and hair in a virtually affectionate yet comforting manner. It gently brushed against his cheek, before moving on to his lips, his neck, and his forehead. The breeze was neither cold nor warm, and it strangely felt like the caress of a lover. Almost as if you had heard his statement and responded with a reply of your own.
Chuuya opened his eyes when he felt the last touches of the wind disappear. All that was left behind was the silence that had always been there.
The silence that would forever be tinged with tainted sorrow.
@circinuus @justcallmesakira @riiwrites @ruanais @sariel626 @atlasnessie @yasu-masashige @oldworldpoolhall @yuugen-benni @chocsra @heartsfourdazai @iridescentdove
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Heroes of Olympus but when Jason returns to Camp Jupiter, he's pissed.
He doesn't cower at the sight of his camp but stands taller. A steelness in his eyes no one at Camp Half Blood has ever seen before.
But one those in Camp Jupiter know all to well.
"Twelth Leigion Fulminata, stand at attention."
He doesn't even need to raise his voice as every single Roman demigod stops what their doing to look at him.
The only thing on their faces is fear.
"Oh would you look at that, you do know how to follow orders." Says Jason, strolling forward and.
Two centurions scramble to get a seat for him, Jason sits down nodding in thanks and dismissing them.
"Does anyone care to explain, just what the fuck has been going on here in my absence?"
Octavian raises a hand and Jason snorts.
"Augur, why am I not suprised? The floor is yours."
Octavian nods, a grin on his face and began to explain what had occurred.
All the while Jason listens, his expression giving nothing away. When Octavian finished, Jason sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair.
"If there's one thing I can't tell you idiots off its for making my life boring. Your dismissed...actually one last thing Augur?"
Octavian paused, turning back around to face Jason. "Yes, sir?" Jason frowned "wipe that smug look off your face before I do it for you."
Octavian went pale, all traces off amusement gone from his face.
"Thank you. Your dismissed, get out of my sight." Octavian left without a second word.
"Praetor Ramirez-Arellano"
Reyna winced, and she wasn't the only one. Jason never called her by her title unless they were in the Senate.
He was hurt.
"Do tell me, has Augur Octavian missed anything in his explanation?" Reyna shook her head, for as pretentious as he was Octavian had spoken the truth.
Jason rose to his feet.
"Oh but he did, he neglected to mention that there were 3 Praetors standing before us. Now, unless the rules have changed their are only supposed to be 2."
Jason looked past Reyna, his gaze resting on Percy who waved awkwardly. "State your name."
Percy, feeling very much like he was intruding in on something answered him. "Percy Jackson."
Recognition flashed in Jason's gaze, and he softened momentarily. "Percy Jackson, son of Posideon? Formerly apart of this Camp?" He asked, gesturing to his orange Camp Half Blood top.
Jason nodded "apologises, Jackson. Your friends and I traveled here, you may wait in the Senate. I will release them to you momentarily." Percy grinned "thanks, erm... Sorry about all of this I really didn't know."
Jason held up a hand "that's quite alright, you are not at fault for this." Percy left and Jason's smile vanished.
"Tell me, when did the Senate allow for a new Praetor to be reinstated? And why someone so new? I'd get if it was due to an it emergency field promotion, but that wasn't the case."
He couldn't even look at her and it hurt.
"I thought you were dead, Jason.
Jason laughed, but there was no humour in it. It sent chills down everyone's spines.
"Really? Than please, show me the search parties, point me to the evidence you collected that bought you too such a conclusion. For that matter, where's my funeral pyre?"
Jason shook his head, anger and sadness in his eyes. "Don't bullshit me. You didn't think I was dead, you didn't even look. And frankly I don't think you cared too."
He looked Reyna in the eye. "You replaced me, with a Greek. I get shit for being named after a Greek hero, but none of you had a problem with this. You wanted to replace me, Reyna. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you."
He shook his head, turning his back on her.
"Jason, wait I-"
"We have several guests at our gate that we need to welcome. I've already had their weapons checked but you've proven how little you trust my authority so you might want to hurry up on that."
And with that he left to the Senate.
Jason swapped his outfit with Percy who apologised once again.
"Really man, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. My Leigion had been trying to get rid of me since the day I showed up. Unfortunately for them, I'm more valuable alive than dead." Explains Jason, Percy frowned.
"Well, fuck em." He grinned when Jason laughed in suprise. "You are definitely something else, Jackson." Percy grinned wider "see you're learning fast. I think we'll be good friends you and I."
Jason raised an eyebrow "you sure? Most of my friends stab me in the back." Percy nodded, a sincerity in his eyes that made Jason almost believe he wouldn't.
It felt too good to be true.
"Well, I'll just have to prove you wrong." Percy put a hand out "Percy Jackson, son of Posideon and former Praetor." Jason shook his hand. "Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and current Praetor."
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
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I just made myself a cup of a new tea, one from a set that a friend sent me. I was super curious to try it with and without milk in it, so after I take a sip without, I'm going to add milk to my tea.
That may seem like such an inane little story to post on a blog, unless you have an eating disorder. I'm sure many of you know what a big deal milk in tea can be, and what an important act of self-love it is.
It was poured into many of our ears, approaching teenhood in the mid-2000's, not to "drink our calories." For those of us whose restriction was weight-based, many of us practiced filling ourselves with water, with our coffee black and unsweetened whether that was how we liked it or not, and with tea that never contained milk.
Like many people who've struggled with binge eating and with restriction, I struggle with creating anxiety-inducing rules about when is okay to eat, especially if I'm between meals and worrying if I should allow myself a snack, or if it's okay to quench my thirst with anything other than water. This is especially true between meals. For some reason my brain has accepted the "extra" caloric intake as part of a meal, but still balks at the idea of introducing these things independently into non-meal parts of the day. I would like to note that my chronic illness and my body's reaction to food has also influenced this weird relationship between me and my favorite treats, such as a piece of candy, or a beverage that might happen to contain a greater-than-zero calorie count.
But tonight, before bed, I want to try this tea. And it sounds like one that'd be super tasty with milk, as it has cocoa powder and vanilla in the blend. So I let my tea cool in the room with me as I type this, telling myself that I can get up and go back for milk after I taste it.
Now I have gone to the kitchen.
Now I have poured in a splash of milk and tasted. It's soy milk, as regular milk sometimes hurts my stomach and I don't want my sleep to be disrupted. Due to my chronic illness, this is still something I have to think about, and I'll be honest, I hate it. Things like this make it so hard to tell myself I can let go of my food fears, because my brain knows that some of my food fears will turn out to have validity, and so what if they all do?
Now I have poured in another splash. Tasted.
Now I have poured in a third, much larger splash. Tasted.
Oh, this is it. This tea tastes like a warm dessert. But now it's too cool, so I need to microwave it back to its best heat. I used to not want to microwave my food. As a teen I heard a hippie say that microwaves destroy the nutrients in your food because the radiation breaks down their molecular structure. This is absolutely false. In fact, it's been disproven that microwaves break down nutrients any more than other methods of heating food, but for a long time I believed it. And even after I learned the truth, I still found it hard to convince myself it was okay to use microwaves for a very long time.
I have just finished my tea in my room. I took the time to identify that I wanted it. I took the time to truly taste it in several different ways, consider how I felt I wanted it and bring it to those specifications. It wasn't planned for any specific time or day, but I agreed to give myself this the way I wanted it anyway. I've been drinking my coffee with milk every morning, too. I actually like black coffee, but I like it better with milk. And I give myself things throughout the day that I enjoy, to enhance my experience of my existence. Life is hard, and it's okay to allow yourself, to the fullest extent you can, the small joys that bring you through the day.
I wanted to share this with you. I hope you don't feel the crushing weight of morality when staring at a bottle of regular soda and the sugar-free, when you wake up with your morning coffee, when your self-care regimen includes a cup of tea. I hope you practice actively giving yourself the love you need this week. And I hope you give it to yourself exactly the way you need it.
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justalia · 8 months
The Self
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i haven’t been here in a while and i’ve been exploring the law more and more, gaining even more insight.
i know i haven’t been active as much as i was before but as i said i will come on here to write about what i feel needs to be shared instead of just yapping and sharing things i don’t feel strongly about or just repeat myself.
this is a concept that has been discussed and talked about by many, me included. i personally have always wondered a lot about this, i have understood the concept in theory and applied it too but never managed to live by it, until now.
“The Inner Man”
this is how most of us know the concept i’m talking about, this is the name we’ve all collectively given it. i bet you’ve read the phrase “you are the inner man” several times, hell i have preached it several times.
i think thinking of it in this way sometimes tends to create separation between “you” (the human you) and the you in imagination. at least that’s how i felt when i first read about it last year when i was first approaching the law, even if that’s not what the people who write about it are trying to say.
the idea we’ve all seen repeated over and over by bloggers is that the real you is in imagination and you should identify with the inner man and satisfy your desire with the feeling of having said desire because “that’s what you actually want”.
and that’s partially true.
the inner man’s concept in the way that it is worded inevitably creates separation and makes you believe there’s two entities, the physical you and the one in imagination and that you have to put effort into identifying with the one inside or just “have faith” that it is true.
i don’t know about you but both effort and blind belief have given me problems in the long run because the truth is that you need to study this and understand it for yourself to truly know what this means. knowing something requires no effort and no belief, you just KNOW it is like that and nothing can move you from that. same as knowing the sky is blue, you don’t just “believe” it, nor it requires effort for you to identify the sky as blue, you just know it.
Q. but i can see the sky is blue! i know it is blue because i have proof.
knowing doesn’t always necessarily require physical proof, it can just require understanding and realization and that is what i want you to achieve at the end of this post.
you need to get to a point of knowing you are the one inside and not just “trusting” it or believing it because that is what everyone tells you to do, if you don’t sit on the concept and realize it for yourself blind belief will only take you so far. i suggest you’d do your own research and study everything that inspires you in this law, there’s several places where you can find the source and believe me when i tell you no blogger can be as helpful as your own realizations.
as all feelings of separation, even this separation between the imaginal you and the human body will inevitably bring you troubles in the long run. believing that they are both you will bring confusion and fears inevitably arise. you feel anxiety, you have fearful thoughts and you freak out because as long as you believe it is you, you will inevitably assign it a meaning and that will lead you to think it has some impact on you and you don’t have any control over what happens.
you will start to think that since you had this thought it means you are “out of the state” so it will affect your “manifestation”, you’ll start to think that anything you imagine takes life and expresses without you having any real control over it. you will start to think you are the thoughts, the feelings, the states and you will start to desperately try to control them and/or yourself or better what you believe to be yourself.
you will feel you are your mind and have no control over it, you will lose the safety you once felt inside of imagination and you will not feel alone inside of it.
the Self i’m talking about is the real you and the only one.
sit back in a comfortable position and relax for a few moments, try to quiet the mind, observe the thoughts, drop the judgements.
who am i?
ask yourself this question.
let thoughts come and observe them.
who is observing? your Self.
are you the thoughts or are you the one observing them?
are you the fears or are you observing them?
are you the anxiety or are you observing it?
are you the body or are you observing it?
are you the mind or are you observing it?
are you the thing perceived or the perceiver?
who is that?
The Self.
the one and only self.
there is no imaginal you and physical you. you are the perceiver of all things, you are the dreamer. there is no “i must look for the feeling because that’s how things get expressed” there is no feeling to look for, no effort put into fulfilling one Self whatsoever because once you’ve realized who you are that’s only natural to experience what you want inside, there is no craving for outside validation because the body is not who you are.
the Self inside has experienced it and that’s the only thing you will crave because You have experienced it.
i’m not gonna tell you it won’t take a tiiiiny bit of “effort” AT FIRST to identify with your real Self whenever you’re involved with the ego, because we have habits and habits such as identifying with the ego are not immediately let go of. but i don’t even wanna call it effort because once you hit the realization of who you really are you will WANT to go back to that, it will inevitably feel wrong to identify with the ego because even if comfortable you’ve realized that is not you, it will feel temporary whenever you go back to being the ego.
you don’t need to intentionally identify with the “inner self” aka the only identity you have, you are unlimited consciousness CHOOSING to identify with the ego and the body.
that’s why you struggle with this. because you think you have to do something to identify with the self when you simply already are, you just let go of the ego identity you’re so desperate for right now.
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
Genuine question from a newbie just dipping her toes into horror film: If Candyman isn't actually a slasher (which is all I've seen it called), what is it? And how come it keeps being misidentified as a slasher flick?
Candyman is probably misidentified as a slasher both because of its original marketing, landing in the tail end of the 80s video cassette slasher boom, and having two mediocre sequels.
Generally a slasher has a limited region and a victim pool mainly consisting of teens. For example the big three - Jason, Freddy, Michael - are all somewhat geographically fixed and almost exclusively kill kids. Usually the slasher is specifically intertwined with fears pertaining to the transition between childhood and adulthood such as increasing independence and of course burgeoning sexuality. The victims typically are killed for transgressions of the child-adult boundaries such as rebelliousness, drinking, sex and so on. By and large the slashers have a character which is malevolent in a way that's divergent from mere human emotions because they are often larger than life figures of mortality and social moral codes.
On the cinematic side, most slasher movies have a very consistent plot formula and even similar shots. Usually there is an early on warning, the harbinger. This is followed by stage setting the particular vices of the victims, and some minor fake out scares, before the actual killing starts in earnest. There's inevitably some kind of POV / voyeur shot, several similar victim chase safe / fake out death sequences. A slasher subgenre is not necessary predictable but by nature it is a little bit formulaic - it's a type of character and a plot structure.
Candyman is a different kind of movie. I'm not sure it falls into a specific subgenre. It could be called horror noire, urban legend horror, and in some ways it's almost a ghost story. However there are some crucial differences.
Victim type is obvious. Candyman is not teen exclusive - nearly all of the victims in the film are full adults. Not only that, but his purpose for existing is different. He is not a governor of the transition to adulthood or a symbol of sex and mortality. Candyman exists as an urban legend and is more symbolic of the hidden secrets of ourselves and our cultural history which we try to cover over and forget.
As a personality, Candyman is not malicious, but rather tragic and romantic. His history is as a wronged man, a brilliant man horrifically killed in an act of racist violence. People who call him are summoning this combination of a deeply intellectual and passionate artist, and the history of racial oppression in the USA. And his acts of murder are not brutal enforcement of social norms, but rather keeping his story and the horrific truth of our own past alive - being remembered.
There is nothing either metaphorically or structurally in Candyman that conforms to the slasher subgenre. The slasher killers irrevocably tie sex and death together because of how they are fundamentally linked in our lives. Candyman ties the past to the present, carrying a promise that even his victims are immortalized in legend. The slasher killers are tied to teenagers and related transitional spaces where morality and control are in flux. Candyman is tied to his own legend and the reflection of ugly truths.
Both Candyman and the slasher subgenre have deep and fascinating ideas under the surface, but they are not the same ideas, and structurally Candyman is only as passingly similar to a slasher as to any other movie. Incidentally the recent Candyman also gets this, and I highly recommend both movies. They tell horror stories that are very different from most others, and I think both are vital films to see.
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cr4yolaas · 2 months
mezzo forte — non-confrontational
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track 7: pity party | masterlist | track 9: homesick v.2
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heavy, purple bags weigh his eyes down. it's the first thing she notices when she swings open the door with a little too much force. he's exhausted, that much made obvious by the droopiness on his face and the unkempt nature of his hair. for a moment, she forgets why she came there.
he doesn't make a move to let her in. instead, he rests the entirety of his weight on the doorframe, the old painted wood creaking ever so slightly beneath the pressure. it's as if her presence is a hindrance to him. her feet plant themselves on the floor in retaliation to his foreign detachment, and slowly, the confusion and anger that motivated her visit come crawling back in the form of pinpricks clinging onto her spine.
"hajime," she mutters, and the forgoing of his usual nickname makes him falter just a bit. "what happened that night? at the reunion party?"
he shifts his stance from one leg to the other. he doesn't know what to say.
"you and tooru have ignored me since, and it- i don't know, i just feel lost. i don't know what happened. and i hate that both of you are hiding it from me," she rambles, and he can tell she's upset.
truthfully, he's horrified. he doesn't want to tell her the truth -- if it even is the truth -- but he knows that nothing will happen if he doesn't say anything.
"who have your songs been for this whole time?" he asks, his voice cracking and his hands shaky. the creases on her forehead only increase tenfold, and he's scared. a heavy sigh falls from her lips.
"it's always been you, haji," she heaves out, unloading a burden that had hung heavy on her shoulders for years upon years. "they were all for you. i don't- i don't understand how you didn't see it. and i feel stupid for not making it more obvious."
he pauses. his mouth hangs agape and with every shallow breath he takes, a bit of his pride and confidence seeps out. disbelief weighs heavily in his heart and overpowers every other rational sense that's kept him going for so long.
"it can't be me. it really, really can't."
it comes out as a whisper, his words nearly lost to the gentle summer breeze. she hears it as a rejection -- an admission that she cannot write syrupy, silly melodies for him, because he cannot satisfy the sickly sweet sensation rotting her heart. she loathes how aloof he seems to be about it.
something bubbles up within her throat. she's scared that, if she so much as breathes another breath, she'll say something she doesn't mean. so, instead, with an ache in her chest and a pounding in her head, she walks away -- because she cannot bear to face the end of the road that she's been running on for so long.
he doesn't chase after her, nor does he depart from the scene. hajime maintains his posture against the door. guilt gnaws violently at the sinew between his bones and every ligament that ensures his stability, and he swears he can feel the pitter-patter of his heart diminish into something slow and scattered.
hajime is terribly non-confrontational when it comes to her -- that much had been a consistent truth since they met, in their little suburban neighborhood at the unripe age of 7 -- and he curses his own weakness for destroying what he'd been holding onto so desperately.
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♪ i’m lowk rushing thru this bc i’m too eager to end mezzo forte i’m sorry 😭😭 i love it but i canr wait for it to end if that makes sense
♪ yn got nothing done in the whole week of no contact with the other two. she was quite literally paralyzed with fear she couldn’t finish any of her work
♪ yachi thrives on severe retail therapy habits if u couldnt tell
♪ msby 4 was lowk listening from the hallway they love the chismis but also they r actually invested in this relationship
♪ i think we might get the triple update tn 😭😭
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taglist: @zumicho @causenessus @guitarstringed-scars @yuminako @chemiru @sunnyskiezzzz @httpsivy @itsdragonius @theycallmenanamisgirl @wyrcan @19calicos @hunnies4bunnies @mawenskiblue @diorzs @loverlunaire @mfcherry @solaqes @myromanempiree @brithedemonspawn @corvid007 @lilchubbyyy
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zutaralesbian · 4 months
what theories elaborate🙏
Was trying not to be too controversial but okay 😂
I think some people headcanon Mickey as being confident when it comes to his relationship with Ian and “never losing hope in their relationship” because it’s a way for them to give Ian a pass for the way he’s hurt Mickey, so to speak. I’ve seen sentiments like “Mickey doesn’t hold anything against Ian. So why does the fandom????” from people in response to criticisms of Ian (particularly when it comes to 5x12 and S6).
People use the 7x10 and 9x06 reunions as evidence of Mickey’s confidence in Ian’s want for him but like…there are several canon instances that point to Mickey actually being pretty insecure about how Ian feels about him and fearful of Ian dropping him again.
At the end of 7x10 he asks Ian “is this goodbye?” and is visibly happily surprised when Ian gets in the car. He was not expecting Ian to agree to go with him.
In 7x11 he asks him “did you ever think about me when I was in the joint?” and voices the fact that Ian never visited bothered him.
In S10, when Ian tells him he has a parole hearing, Mickey is very clearly upset by it at first and doesn’t have any confidence in them maintaining a relationship while Ian is out and he’s in prison (probably because of what happened in S6).
And Mickey literally says “you just don’t love me enough now” when Ian tries to talk to him after the courthouse drama. Point blank spelling out that he doesn’t think Ian loves him as much as he loves Ian. These are all canon scenes and lines.
And it makes complete sense why he would feel that way after Ian’s long history of running away from him. Again, yes, Ian had his reasons. But you can understand why Ian does the things he’s done while also acknowledging the hurtful effect they’ve had on Mickey. And the truth is, Mickey has abandonment issues when it comes to Ian. (At least in S10).
“Ian has commitment issues that stem from his lack of self-worth after his bipolar diagnosis” and “Mickey has been clearly hurt by the times Ian has let him down” are two arguments that can exist at the same time.
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jimin-bangtan · 2 months
MUSE, Jimin’s 2nd solo album: My thoughts 🪻
If you have been reading my posts, you would know that I have said several times previously that Jimin has a skilled and talented way of writing lyrics (or creating a story) so it could have several different meanings to different audiences. [See my Jimin’s Production Diary post & My Thoughts On Jimin’s Letter post.]  MUSE has 7 songs: 1 intro, 1 interlude, 1 main track, and 4 other songs.  All the songs have lyrics that appear to be about romantic love. There are no hidden songs, meaning all songs are exposed and can be streamed by the public.
Having 2 stories for the album does not mean the 2 purposes are mutually exclusive, especially when there are 2 actual versions of the album, with the same songs but with different photographic themes representing each story. This means both explanations could be true simultaneously. One story doesn’t affect the meaning of the other, and both explanations were intended either literally or metaphorically.
(Turquoise) MusE - ME - Jimin named this version the “Blooming” story. Its photocards show Jimin as soft, sweet-looking, and casually dressed (more feminine?). Although he is in a band, the photos show him standing, sitting, & walking alone and is either with or surrounded by smeraldo flowers. The BTS-created, imaginary flower represents an untold truth. For Jimin the untold truth in this story could be his lack of excitement and inspiration professionally that he mentioned to RM during the Mini & Moni Music (MMM) discussion for his album. This career-deflating truth was not told to the public or possibly his company or bandmates for fear of how it would impact whatever was to come. The group was so burnt out before the pandemic. Their huge plans had been disrupted, then canceled, due to the worldwide quarantine. Jimin told about the tremendous distress and disappointment he experienced from that situation as well as the impending military duty that would further disrupt his career.  As BTS’s future plans as a group were shaky, and he was rather quickly thrust into solo work, Jimin may have been looking for new inspiration by working on his voice or learning more about writing & creating his own music without BTS members’ support or assistance. His first solo album involved help from other members. This album did not. Jimin realized that he first had to FACE all the pent up feelings and wounds before he could feel free enough to even have a chance at finding or rediscovering his inspiration. (Theme: His career) 
(Golden yellow) mUSe - US - Jimin named this version the “Serenade” story.  Its photocards show Jimin dressed more formally as a marching band member and in a suit (more masculine?). The marching band uniform emphasizes that he is not alone, even during his solo work. He is still in a band, and he would be serenading a loved one(s). A serenade by definition is a song(s) “played in the open air [publicly], typically by a man, at night under the window of his lover.” (credit: Oxford Dictionary) The public display intends for others to see or hear the expressions of love.  In the pre-released song Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, which was almost the name of the album, Jimin declares, ”I couldn't say it face-to-face, but just for you, I’ve made a band.” The band was created so he could sing out loud (serenade) the lyrics publicly, “I love you, Babe. I want you, Babe. I want [to be able] to hold your hand [in public without a problem]. I want you, Babe.” For this story, this relationship is the untold truth that hasn’t been exposed, but the lyrics state that it may be time to be more honest and tell the untold truth. (Theme: His relationship)
It’s worth noting that Jimin is not smiling in any of the pictures, which we know is intentional because in the behind the scenes content of the photoshoot, he was playful and light during the session. His lack of smiling for story A could be due to his dissatisfaction with his professional life feeling flat, as he told RM, in the MMM album discussion. He is searching for the inspiration that would lead him to being excited about something professionally again. For story B, Jimin also might not be smiling for the photos because, for a variety of reasons, as an idol, he has to keep any romantic relationship he has, or will have, hidden. In both stories he has felt that he cannot or will not reveal the untold truth of his circumstances. Exposing the truth could affect his career and life by disappointing many people or inviting problems and/or danger for himself and those around him. No matter what type of romantic relationship you believe him to have, this explanation could be true.
The fact that all of the songs appear to be romantic in nature, which is more directly linked to story B rather than story A, is because romance and love are universal topics that can easily explain the search for inspiration to most people. So again, this means the songs could be viewed as literal (Story B) or metaphorical (Story A). 
Like with Jimin’s album FACE, I feel the songs on MUSE are written in a particular order to tell a particular story that progressed over time. 
First song - (REBIRTH: intro) -  This song seems to pick up from the triumphant song Set Me Free, pt.2 at the end of FACE. He is reborn from the ashes of some difficult circumstances and is now more peaceful and determined to live more fully, which includes for story A, tackling any skills or knowledge he feels need strengthening or improving and engaging in professional activities that challenge but excite him. For story B it includes embracing the love he shares with another and is even ready to be open about it and perhaps even share the untold truth.  I feel the reason this lengthy, extensive song is called an ‘intro’ is because it is introducing the overall theme of the remaining songs that are going to tell the progression of each story from start to present.  A choir is used perhaps because both his career and his relationship are spiritually important to him and to who he is.  He respects and values each at a personally significant level.
2nd & 3rd songs - (INTERLUDE: SHOWTIME & SMERALDO GARDEN MARCHING BAND) - The stories begin.  Professionally (Story A), it starts with the members as trainees at BigHit Music then as members of BTS. Children open the video because BTS were practically kids when they started. The kids played rock, paper, scissors, as BTS often did, and they sang and danced together, as BTS did with each other and with their fans.  The video shows that as time passed, they continued singing, rapping, and dancing as ARMY bombs (the fireflies) ultimately waved during the show. Personally, for his relationship (Story B), the feelings of attraction were discovered.  The time was colorful, happy, fun, and playful.  The situation was exciting and progressed to Jimin realizing he was in love, but it couldn’t be exposed. It seems like he wants to shout it to the world but really can’t. So music was used as a way to say the feelings publicly that could not otherwise be said out loud.  The band represents the music and performances that were used to tell & show the affection he hadn’t been able to say or show publicly. The lyrics suggested that there could come a time to expose the untold truth some day.
4th song - (SLOW DANCE) - STORY A: The early stages of building a fandom involved wooing fans with whatever methods strengthen the bond and attract more admirers.  With the early limited resources, BTS did fan meets (where they would actually hold some fans’ hands), fan signing, personalized vlogs, and small performances to interact with and engage supporters. Story B: At this stage of dating and getting closer to the person of your affection, romancing is happening. Lyrics: “Slow dance. You can take my hand.”  He is able to hold his love’s hand in private, so he can woo and romance or be wooed and romanced. There’s a lot of touching, flirting, and attention being paid to each other in an enticing way.
5th song - (BE MINE) - STORY A: BTS’s fanbase was growing quickly.  BTS was going to great lengths to show their appreciation to their fans. They thanked them at award shows, discussed them in interviews, and provided gifts. By now, the group and fans had been through so much together that demonstrated the commitment on both sides toward each other. The relationship between artists and fans was now intimate and passionate. Actions were being done on both sides to ensure the commitment going forward.  Story B: The same could be said about the personal romantic relationship as well. The interaction had now progressed to expressing feelings of love and passion to each other. He is asking for - or they both are agreeing to - an official, serious, committed relationship. Lyrics: "I want you to be mine." There is passion and a sense of urgency to establish this commitment because the intimacy and love is now very intense after all they have been through together.
6th song - (WHO) - STORY A & B merge  As an idol and celebrity, there can be a contrast between the public & professional expectation for who his heart should be waiting for (if anyone) and who his heart is actually waiting for or - for my constant slip of the tongue when singing WHO - “who his heart is BEATING for”. The video shows that after reasonable consideration, he appears certain that he ultimately knows who his heart is both waiting and beating for, but there may be problems in exposing it to the public due to the expectations created about idols not dating at all and/or dating only who is socially acceptable.
7th song - (CLOSER THAN THIS) - STORY A & Story B connected: At this point, his career and committed relationship are solidly in place, each having become deeper and more confirmed over time, collecting many memories along the way. Through lyrics and visual imagery, the song & video reflect on his history and express his commitment to his love & his fans that he’ll always be there and never let them go. He seems more comfortable with his career now but seems ready to not allow it to prevent him from committing to his personal relationship, in possibly even a public way. 
FACE ends publicly with Set me Free, part2 - a declaration of his freedom from restrictions going forward - and privately with the hidden song Letter - a letter to his loved one(s) telling them how much he appreciates them being there and supporting him and propping him up when he had difficulties. He expressed wanting to be together forever (“We’re always together.”), so he has time to repay all the promises he has made throughout their time. It points toward a future together. MUSE ends publicly with an unhidden song Closer Than This, where he is telling his loved one(s) that he still remembers all the memories and promises, and he’ll be there when needed and will never let them go.  It points toward a future together.
Jimin said that FACE and MUSE were not connected, and I can understand what he meant by that. FACE was mostly about him and his anguish both from the pandemic and related situations as well as some accumulated feelings and emotions collected over the years.  It has references to relationships with others - some good and some bad. MUSE dealt more with rebuilding and solidifying his decisions and commitments for both his career and his relationship(s).    However, I don’t think they are as disconnected as he would like fans and the public to believe. There are too many connections and “Easter eggs” that correlate to information previously known about Jimin’s life and career. As with most writers, Jimin must have dug into his own experiences to contribute to the realism and believability of the stories being told.  In addition, Jimin is someone who likes to communicate his feelings and affection. He is not someone who would allow his feelings to remain hidden so that the person(s) he loves and appreciates does not know about or feel warmed and strengthened by the outpouring of emotions. So while I believe his words and explanation, I often feel Jimin and the other members at times tell, not lies, but incomplete truths.  
The solo period of BTS has been astonishingly rich and complex. Hybe does not appear to have been well prepared for the extent of the solo creations, achievements, or fan engagement.  I complained along with many fans about the poor and inconsistent support each member received during this period, especially for promotions.
Jimin especially was dealt a blow that affected how successful his first album could have been. In spite of FACE’s huge success, it is certain it could have done far better had the company handled the promotions in the professional and effective way that is expected from a multibillion dollar conglomerate.  Simple actions, that had been done for others, were missed or seemingly intentionally omitted.  I won’t go back into the details of the problems here [See my BTS Solo Chapter series for more information.], but I will say that MUSE got a far better chance at success. The promotions were far better.
While there were still a few unnecessary balls dropped, the difference between the 2 promotions was almost shocking. Still, the fans had to kick in to do extensive pre-promotion build up and to attempt to get preparations up to par as far as streaming and purchasing opportunities. Jimin isn’t even here to be able to promote his own material, so the company and the fans had to bridge the gap for him. While the fans did outstanding work for Jimin, the company simply did better than the first time. There is still room for improvement, but it’s at least headed in the correct direction.
The results of having fan and company involvement to help showcase Jimin’s stellar work was tremendous. Like FACE, MUSE is extremely successful, but more so. The outstanding success is not just because Jimin demonstrated his growth in music, production, and vocals, but also because of the improved promotions, so new fans could find his work too.  In my Jimin & Bangtan - 2024 post,  I had stated a concern for fan engagement for his 2nd project. The success of Closer Than This eased my mind, but I was hoping that excitement would carry over to his full 2nd album as well, and boy, did it! I am so proud of Jimin and his fanbase. The fans really did show their love and enthusiasm for Jimin’s 2nd project in an organized and persistent way. I’m sure Jimin is so touched and appreciative, and I hope it warms his heart and gives him great strength as he is completing his military duties. I also hope Jimin’s fans continue their efforts for his work and achievements.
Finally, I want to express how wonderful it is to watch Jimin be so positive, relaxed, and happy in presenting both FACE and MUSE. His smile and laughter really do delight me. While denied additional videos for his vision for FACE, Jimin said that the videos for MUSE turned out exactly as he had wanted, and you could see he was pleased. For this album, time may have been the only limiting factor for how many videos he was able to complete.  We saw that he was very involved in writing and composing almost every song on both albums. He was involved in design ideas as well as in creating the choreography for the videos. He has seemed to figure out how to be dynamic when dancing yet spare exhaustion while still being able to sing well in action.  
Speaking of singing, Jimin finally began the vocal training he was entitled to at the start of his career but never got - initially due to company negligence and later due to time.  He realized he could not sustain the technique he was forced to figure out on his own and still maintain a healthy voice. He also realized that he could potentially cause damage to his vocal cords in continuing in the way he had been singing. So with time limited, military duty looming, and sheer determination, Jimin finally received short but concentrated, formal voice lessons, beginning from the basics, in order to build up his voice and technique in a healthy way.  This new vocal expression could clearly be heard on the MUSE tracks.  His voice sounded strong, more confident, and more stable while singing in the recorded live performances.  
Let me be clear. Jimin had and has a beautiful voice. His problem had been consistent stability and lack of vocal fatigue.  Because he was using improper technique with his higher pitch and light voice (possibly due to lack of air flow training), his vocal cords would get sore and tired more quickly than most. This led to a few live performance mishaps, and it also could risk injury. Regardless, he never gave up. Hopefully, not even mild damage was done after singing that way for 10+ years, since we know how busy BTS always was AND how extensively they used all levels of Jimin’s voice without proper training. Yes, I’m still salty about it, but I’m going to take a page from Jimin’s playbook, and let it go in order to focus on the present and future.  I will let it go, but I won’t forget and won’t let others forget because it denies Jimin the recognition for how far he’s come and how much he’s accomplished in those circumstances.  I’m so proud of Jimin, as always.
MUSE is a wonderful album, showcasing Jimin’s already extensive, but still growing, talent. MUSE is breaking his own records, new records, BTS’s records, and historically established records.  The success it is achieving is well deserved and continues to establish Jimin as a skilled, hardworking, creative powerhouse in KPop and in the global music industry at large.  
Congratulations, Jimin! We’re so proud of you. 
A great complementary read for this post by @stormblessed95
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allgirlsareprincesses · 4 months
A Tale of Two Disguises: Fairy Tale Motifs in Bridgerton Season 3 (Part 1)
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It’s Polin Season! In the midst of this Friends to Lovers renaissance and rewatching the Carriage Scene™ for the 847,000th time, I find that I MUST give the fairy tale meta treatment to our beloved Bridgertons. Not only did the show explicitly relate its central couple to the Eros and Psyche myth, but there are a number of other fairy and folk tale motifs scattered throughout the season.
While we only have the first four episodes so far (Shonda, you cruel, cruel tease!), it seems clear that the theme of the season is disguise. Our leading man and lady have both put on masks to protect them from society, but those are slowly being peeled away as they draw closer together. I would argue that aside from Cupid and Psyche (ATU 425), the story also relies heavily on Cinderella (ATU 510), both romances in which the true self is revealed.
To begin with, Colin arrives back in town with a flirtatious new swagger, but apparently no intent to actually court a mate. In this way, he is very similar to the mythical Cupid, who is described as:
“that winged lad, the naughty child who has been so spoilt that he despises all social restraint. Amed with flames and arrows he flits in the night from house to house. He severs the marriage-tie on all sides; and unchastised he perpetuates endless mischief.”
Now I hear you, you’re saying that sounds nothing like Colin! And yes, but the point is that he has no qualms about flirting with one lady after another (or bedding prostitutes), metaphorically slinging Cupid’s arrows everywhere he goes, because that is the role he believes he must perform. The point of his character in Apuleius’ narrative is that Cupid has power over gods and men, to make them fall in love with one another, but he himself is never prey to such feelings.
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UNTIL. His mother, Venus, tells him to make the beautiful Psyche fall in love with a monster. In some versions, simply the sight of Psyche is enough to make Cupid fall in love. In others, he accidentally pricks himself with his own arrow when he sees her, thus becoming the victim of his own schemes.
Similarly, Colin agrees to help Penelope find a husband, but soon finds that he himself has fallen in love with her. There is even a subtle reference to this when he gifts Gregory the bow and arrows. In the shot, Gregory turns with the bow pointed directly at Colin. He is in the sights of Cupid’s bow, about to be hit with his own weapon!
Once Cupid has fallen for Psyche, she is borne upon the wind to his palace, where she is served by invisible servants and her new husband visits her only in darkness when she cannot see him. By these means, he keeps his true identity hidden, leading Psyche to eventually question whether she has indeed married a monster. In her fear, she brings an oil lamp to his bed, and when she sees that he is in truth the handsome god Cupid, she accidentally drops hot oil onto him. Thus injured, her husband awakes into the realization that she has betrayed his confidence and uncovered his identity.
Similarly, Colin is concealing his true self behind the mask of the rake, hiding his desire for emotional intimacy even from Penelope. Not easily fooled, she writes as Lady Whistledown questioning whether this is in fact his true self. Once their “lessons” begin, Colin rather scandalously invites her into his home (his palace), a place that only intimate family members should be allowed. He then asks her to imagine invisible guests and musicians, just like Cupid’s invisible retinue.
Then, Penelope discovers his diary, just beside the lamp as Psyche also discovered Cupid’s true self. The shadow husband thus revealed, Colin appears and is furious at Penelope’s apparent betrayal. He knocks over the lamp and is injured by the shards of glass, just as Cupid was injured by drops of oil. This wounding is a critical part of animal husband tales, where the heroine approaches him with “flame and steel,” painfully stripping away his mask or animal skin so that it is impossible for him to hide from her.
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Typically, at this point in the tale, the husband would flee, but Colin stays. There is still another betrayal yet to come with the revelation of Penelope’s alter ego, however, so I would not be surprised if we yet saw Colin retreat from her in pain, even temporarily. Further, the betrayal typically happens as a result of the bride’s lack of faith in her husband, so Penelope will need to learn to fully trust Colin as well.
The Cupid and Psyche tale is of course explicitly referenced in the dance performed at the Queen’s ball. To the extent that the dance is a retelling, it seems to focus on the ending of the tale, when Cupid awakens Psyche from a deathlike sleep and then raises her to Olympus, where she becomes a goddess as well. This then is where we are headed: the revelation of Penelope’s secret may cause her to fall into a metaphorical death state (maybe the fainting scene in the trailer?), but Colin’s love will ultimately lift her up to her rightful place among the gods.
Another interesting feature in Apuleius’ story is a moment when Cupid’s mother Venus offers a reward for the capture of Psyche, in punishment for wounding her son:
“Ho, if anyone can produce in person, or give information as to the place of concealment of a certain runagate princess, a slave-girl of Venus, Psyche by name, let him hie to Mercury the crier at the rear of the Murtian Sanctuary, and receive by way of reward seven times a Kiss of Bliss and once a Kiss honeyed-beyond-measure by the interjection of her alluring tongue.”
Basically, Venus places a bounty on Psyche. And WHO in the Bridgerton cast has explicitly associated herself with Venus? None other than Queen Charlotte, whom we know from the Part 2 trailer will be offering a reward for the identification or capture of Lady Whistledown. In the tale, Venus plays the role of an avenging goddess who is enraged both by insults to her family and by romances that occur without her approval and orchestration. Once again, this sounds exactly like Queen Charlotte, so expect her to play that destructive goddess role throughout much of the season.
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While animal husband tales focus on the revelation of the true man behind the beastly disguise, Cinderella tales center around the exposure of the true bride. A typical Cinderella story includes the following:
Persecuted heroine, usually by family
Help or helper, usually magic
Meeting the prince, usually with true identity disguised
Identification or penetration of disguise, usually by means of an object
Marriage to the prince
Throughout all three seasons of Bridgerton so far, we can clearly see Penelope being persecuted by her family, with her wicked mother and two foolish sisters easily fulfilling their quintessential roles.
As for the helper, Penelope has had several, but her most notable is Madame Delacroix, who both assists her caper as Lady Whistledown and then also supplies her with her transformative new wardrobe. In this way, she fulfills the role of the Fairy Godmother to Penelope’s Cinderella.
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Meeting the prince of course is somewhat different since Colin and Penelope have known one another for years. Still, it is true that Penelope’s full identity has been disguised, since she has hidden her role as Lady Whistledown from him and the rest of the Ton.
Identification or penetration of the disguise has not occurred yet, in my opinion, but it likely will in Part 2 of Season 3. In the book, Colin follows Penelope and discovers her secret, and it may be that something similar occurs in the show. It’s unclear yet as to whether there may be an object involved, although if there is, I suspect it may be an issue of Whistledown itself, or perhaps the pen she uses to write it. Further, Eloise is heard in the trailer giving Penelope a midnight deadline to tell Colin the truth, just like how Cinderella's magical disguise will fall away at midnight.
And of course, we know we’re headed toward the eventual marriage with the prince! But meantime, there are a number of other familiar features of the Cinderella tale, not least of which are Penelope’s three separate flights from three balls. She runs first from Lady Danbury’s Four Seasons Ball, then again when her arrangement with Colin is revealed, and a final time after Debling turns her down. In some versions of the fairy tale, Cinderella actually does attend three different balls, fleeing from each one before midnight and only losing her slipper on the last one.
Of course, while she leaves behind no shoe, Colin races after Penelope each time, and finally catches her carriage on the last one, kneeling before her and confessing his feelings. This, like the relation to the mythical Cupid, leans on Hunter/Huntress motifs common throughout folklore. Often, one lover will chase after the other, and then they will trade places and the hunter will become the hunted. And only very rarely do these lovers come together as equals in the end.
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So I will end there for now! Cannot WAIT for Part 2, after which I will try to update this with any new observations!
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starsbies · 10 months
It's Never Over
!Professor Gojo x fem Reader x best friend Itadori
modern law school au - TW. teacher x student, future dark content and nsfw
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
When you imagined having your first kiss, you hadn’t imagined having it happen like this; being dared to ask a random, sleeping stranger if you could kiss them. But that’s what's happening right now. 
Some would say that it’s sad to be twenty-four and not yet having your first kiss. Others would congratulate you for saving it for someone special. You don’t know how you feel. The truth is you weren’t saving it for someone special, you just never had the opportunity to kiss someone.
That’s why when your best friend dared you to just kiss some random man on the beach, you agreed.
Slowly you approached the sleeping man. Thinking about how you would wake him, would you just tap him? Upon getting closer you started noticing how handsome he was. His hair was snow white, and his face was very defined. He wore glasses that covered his eyes, and although he was wearing a shirt you could tell he was very lean, and very fit.
When you were about a foot away from the man, you turned and looked at your friend. The pink-haired boy you called your best friend quietly cheered you on by giving you a thumbs up and mouthing “you got this!”  You gulped down your fear and finally tapped the man’s shoulder several times. 
“Sir?” you whispered, secretly hoping he wouldn’t wake up. He woke up.
 He rubbed his eyes from under his glasses before realizing you were standing there. “Hello? Do you need-”
“Can I kiss you?” You cut him off quickly, just to get it over with. You want him to say no, to call you weird. At the same time you want him to say yes and kiss you so you can finally say you’ve had your first kiss.
It’s silent. But, your mind is racing. Your mind is anything but silent and you want to turn and run back to Yuji. You should’ve never agreed to do this. After a few more moments of silence he finally speaks. “You want to kiss me?”
“Well I- my friend actually-”
It was his turn to cut you off now. “Your friend wants to kiss me?”
If you weren’t already so embarrassed you probably would’ve laughed at that. “No no, my friend uh- he told me to kiss you.”
The male’s face lifted at that, intrigued. “He did,” he slowly started to get up, and you realized how tall he is. “..did he?”
Now that he was towering over you, you had to look up to see him, making you feel even smaller than you had already felt. If you weren’t already flushed, you certainly were now. “Well.. I was dared.”
He looked around for a minute, looking for Yuji, you assume. “That guy? Pink hair?”
You nod your head.
“You like him, don’t you?”
Could this get any more embarrassing? “Of course not!” well not anymore “I think this was a mistake, sorry for waking you sir.”
You start turning to walk away and get a glimpse of Yuji, he’s closely watching and gives you a disappointed look when you face him. Suddenly the man grabs your wrist and pulls you back in. You open your mouth to protest but he kisses you. 
One hand still on your wrist, his other goes to cup your cheek. The kiss is hungry, like he’s starved. You don’t know what to do. Eventually you start moving your mouth to match his open mouth kisses. The hand that was on your wrist slowly starts moving up your arm to cup your other cheek. His tongue starts to go inside your mouth and attacks yours. You let out a small groan and he bites your bottom lip.
Suddenly remembering that Yuji was watching, you remove yourself from the man. Your breathing was heavy and you wiped your lips. You manage to whisper out a little thanks before running back to Yuji without waiting for the white haired man to respond. You weren’t surprised by the look on Yuji’s face. Pure shock. 
“You actually did it.” 
You don’t know what’s more embarrassing. Asking a stranger if you can kiss them or having your best friend, and ex-crush watch.
“Yeah.. I think we should leave.” you turned back one last time to see the guy you just made out with but he was gone. How could he leave so quickly?
“Yeah good call, classes start tomorrow so we shouldn’t be out so late. I’ll walk you to your dorm?”
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You couldn’t sleep. How could you? As if starting your first day of law school wasn’t already consuming your mind, the kiss from the beach was also simultaneously consuming your mind. 
Currently it’s seven in the morning and your roommate is still sleeping. You met her on move-in day. Her name was Nobara and she had gorgeous ginger hair. She was very confident and outgoing, but also soft and kind. The kind of girl you could tell your whole life story to.
You decided that since you aren’t going to get any sleep you might as well start getting ready. Today you only had two classes and you want to look approachable. Especially since you only have two friends. As expected, you had very prominent eye bags so you made sure to pack on lots of makeup. 
Your first class, legal education, starts at nine. Luckily you had that class with your pink-haired best friend. Unluckily, you told him that you’d meet him for breakfast and it’s already eight. You didn’t even realize an hour went by just doing your hair and makeup. 
You quickly threw on an outfit and texted Itadori to meet you in the cafeteria. He texted back saying he was already there. You sighed before running, or speed walking, to the cafeteria. As expected, it was pretty packed. It wasn’t too hard to spot your friend who was sitting at a table with people you weren’t familiar with. You made your way to the table and took an empty seat across from Itadori. 
“Hey! Took you long enough, I saved you something.” he said while revealing a blueberry muffin.
You graciously took it after thanking him. As you enjoyed the muffin, Itadori introduced you to the people he met. To his left was a dark haired girl named Maki and to her left was a dark haired boy named Megumi. To Itadori’s right was a white-haired boy named Inumaki. You noted how quiet the two guys were compared to Itadori and Maki. 
Suddenly Itadori stood up, “Shoot, it’s almost nine. We need to go.” 
You nodded and said your goodbyes before practically sprinting to find your class. Unfortunately you two were late. 
The classroom* was pretty small. Instead of desks there were four half-circle tables. All the seats had been taken besides one in the front, and one in the middle. You really didn’t want to take the one in the front, but Yuji was so nice to save you a muffin you volunteered to take it. Although the two of you had been about five minutes late, the professor had still yet to arrive. After a while everyone started whispering, wondering when the professor would show up.
 Then the door opened and everyone went silent. “Sorry I’m late students.”
That voice.
White hair, tall and lean build, he was even wearing the same glasses. It couldn’t be, could it? Your thoughts were going a million miles a second. You turned to look at Yuji but he was already looking at you. It was him. The man from the beach.
When you turned back around he was looking at you. He definitely knew who you were. 
He cleared his throat before addressing the class. “My name is Satoru Gojo but you will call me Professor Gojo, or just Professor.” Then he walked up to the whiteboard and wrote The Law is Reason Free from Passion. “Does anyone know who spoke those words?”
Of course you knew. It was Aristotle. Everyone knew this.
“Nobody?” he asked, looking around the classroom before his eyes landed on you. “What about you, miss?”
God, why me? You thought.
“It was Aristotle, sir.” you spoke.
He smirked. “It’s Professor.”
“Sorry, Professor.” you felt like you were on fire. You’re not sure how much more embarrassment you could go through. 
After what felt like eternity he spoke again “Are you sure it’s Aristotle?”
Of course you were. 
“One hundred percent, Professor.”
He went quiet, and started approaching you. You were suddenly very thankful for the table. “Would you stake your life on that?”
“Yes, Professor.”
He smiled, not in a kind way. Like he was challenging you. “What about his life?” and he pointed towards Yuji. 
Now you’re starting to doubt yourself. You knew if you said yes nothing would actually happen, but it just didn’t sit right in your stomach. You looked back towards Yuji and he gave you an affirming nod. 
“I think so, Professor.”
His smile only grew. “You think? I recommend knowing before speaking.”
Shame is the closest word to describe what you feel. 
Gojo finally started walking back to the front of the class, the look on his face showing nothing but pride and content. “Well, you’d be right about Aristotle. Congrats on your life and the boy’s.”
It wasn’t hard to decide that you hated your professor.
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*what I imagined the classroom to look like
beginning is loosely based off Ingrid Ochoa's "The Kiss Bet" on Webtoon
also classroom scene is inspired by a scene from Legally Blonde!
not proofread so feel free to comment on any mistakes or feedback!
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