keegansgf · 2 years
"kyle 'gaz' garrick headcanons"
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pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x reader
tags: domestic fluff, headcanons
A/N: he's so fine I'm blushing and giggling. Dior domestic headcanons era AGAIN AHHHHHH. Anyways, let me know if I should make a tag list of some sort. I only write for COD for now, so I can separate this by character.
Kyle is the best husband you could ever want, for sure. He literally makes time to cuddle with you in the morning, especially before he leaves for a mission.
You're both in synch, so you wake up at the same time. I don't think he's much of a morning person, but he loves morning activities. Getting dressed together, cooking, talking over breakfast– he'll wake up pretty quickly just to have a bit of bonding time with you.
He seems like the type of guy who learns small things to help you. He went on an educational shopping trip to see what hair and skin care products you use and how to use them with the hopes of giving you a spa day of some sort. He absolutely knows how to do your hair.
Speaking of hair, this one's for my fellow black readers <3
He definitely learned to braid. I'd see him get intimidated with making clean parts (Me too, Gaz, me too.) If you wanted to do anything like twists, locs, whatever, he helps you. I can see him taking half of the row you're working on while talking about life.
Serial jewelry giver on your birthday, especially earrings.
He's a 222 rule follower for sure (At least when he's home. His job interferes with this a lot.) If you don't know the 222 rule: One date every two weeks, every two months is a weekend out, and every two years, you go out for a week. It doesn't matter much because he makes every day feel like a date, but he takes pride in having a gorgeous wife to go out together.
A lot of your texts are Spotify links. He listens to a good amount of music while he's on walks or taking some alone time, so whatever new song he likes, he sends it to you.
He dances with you randomly in the living room or in the kitchen, just for fun. He can't resist a little dance session when you get dressed up.
He does get frustrated pretty quickly, so he vents for a while when he comes home (With your permission, of course. He understands if you feel too overloaded with your own issues.) He's pretty good at avoiding taking his anger out on you (on accident, of course), but there is the occasional slip-up. After calming down, you have a talk about what happened, he gives you words of appreciation for tolerating him, and wind down together. He feels like you get closer after those 'uglier' moments.
I think he's the type of guy that goes to all of your doctors appointments. He doesn't care whether you're scared of shots or not, you're getting your hand held and a kiss after, end of question.
Kyle has a picture of you in his wallet 100%
Going back to him being a good cook, if you ever get sick, he makes the best soup. It's that type of soup that tastes and smells like home. It pains him that he can't kiss you while you're sick, especially because your blushing tired look is adorable. He has a lot of fluffy warm blankets stocked up to cuddle with you when you're unwell (Or if you're just cold)
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Alright, the ask for this disappeared, but I believe it came from @galacticgraffiti (Gala, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. And either way, I'm sorry it took me so long to write this!). The request was for a Fennec fic with the quote "That’s the outfit you’re gonna go with tonight, princess?" I hope you like it and I'm sorry again AHHHHHH.
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Rating - M (language, implied sexual content)
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She’s going to make us late. Again.
Fennec impatiently taps her foot, leaning against the open hatch as she inhales the warm night air. Laughter in the distance carries to the port along with some offkey singing. She wrinkles her nose, adjusting the grip on her rifle as she checks it one more time. 
It’s going to take us at least half an hour to walk there. And she’s wasting time.
Sighing heavily, she sets the rifle aside, straightening the black dress shirt she buttoned up a few moments before and flicking a piece of lint off the matching slacks. She readjusts the suspenders she has on, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. 
I hate everything about this.
She’d promised to let you choose the next job, and to your credit, you’d found a high-paying one. The mark was a very wealthy target that had gotten in too deep with several ill-advised bets, and his criminal underworld connections had allowed him to skirt paying up thus far, but if everything went well, that would all end tonight. 
It isn’t the hardest job she’s ever worked, but it is far from easy. The quarry knows many parties would pay a shiny credit for his head, so he never so much as pisses without at least six armed guards around him. He is arrogant enough to frequent the same locations though, and those old habits will be his undoing this evening. The club he’s going to tonight is heavily guarded, which from everything Fennec has heard from her sources, makes him a little less cautious, foolishly thinking he’s safer in this fortress. However, there isn’t anyone that can’t be paid off; it had just been a matter of finding the right place to press. Fennec has already bribed a few of the bartenders, who have been more than willing to line their pockets while passing along information. 
On its nose, the plan is simple enough: walk in, find the mark, and walk him back out before his entourage notices his absence. The two of you will have to do it without any blasters. Due to the social status of many of the people that attend this club, weapons are banned at the door. Not even a vibroblade manages to slip in. A thin adhesive patch with a potent drug on it that is absorbed through the skin fixes that issue. He’ll become mentally pliable without losing his ability to physically walk himself out. It’s just a matter of choosing the moment carefully… if you and she can get in without drawing attention. 
She picks at the cuff of her sleeve. Out of all of the things that had to go correctly, this was what she found most difficult, particularly as you stepped out of the back of the ship. The dress you've selected hugs your curves perfectly, revealing just enough to be risque, but not so much that you won’t be allowed in. It shimmers in Fennec’s favorite color, almost as if it were tailor-made for you to wear for her. It accentuates every feature Fennec has kept herself from studying in depth the last few months, and she swallows hard. Her eyes flick from your hair to your makeup, and she feels a cool sweat break out across the back of her neck. In the months since you’d begun working together, she’d felt something stirring deep within her, but staring at you now, the ember in her chest was fanned into a full-on flame. She does her best to contain it with the biting remarks that she’s been using to keep you at arms length. 
“Really? That’s the outfit you’re gonna go with tonight, princess?”
You roll your eyes. “That’s the outfit you’re going with?” 
Fennec shrugs, fighting the urge to pick at her clothing again under your gaze. “The idea was not to stand out. And I’d argue it’s more practical than those heels you’re wearing.” 
You smile playfully, approaching her as you appraise her, and Fennec fights the heat she feels rising to her face. Your fingers trace along one of her suspenders before gently tugging at the shirt’s collar. “Well, my dear Fennec, from everything we’ve heard about this place, it sounds as though the ability to socialize or seduce might come in handy, and neither of those are things you excel at.” 
Fennec rolls her eyes, stepping back to break the contact as your fingers graze the skin of her collarbone. She rolls her shoulders, slipping her black leather gloves on and averting your eyes. “Whatever you say, princess.” 
“I hate it when you call me that.” 
She smirks, finding her balance again in the banter. “No you don’t.” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes now, and she watches your lashes flutter as the skin between your brows pinches. You shrug your jacket on. “Whatever. Let’s go.” 
To your credit, you make good time in your heels and don’t utter a single complaint about your feet hurting, even when your foot slips into a pothole. Fennec doesn’t tease you, only allowing herself a smirk as she offers you her elbow, which you slip your fingers around with silent relief. Fennec is grateful for the darkness as the flush returns to her cheeks at your touch. 
Getting into the establishment is just as easy as you’d been assured. The bartender had left notice at the door that the two of you be allowed inside as their guests, and it only takes a few extra moments to check your jackets and enter the loud club. Fennec feels her shoulders tense at the pounding bass and loud voices. Lights flash in time with the music, leaving purple spots in her vision, and she blinks rapidly to clear her eyes. For someone that prefers to operate in the quiet moments between a quarry’s breaths, stealthy as a wraith, this is far from ideal for her. You seem to note her discomfort, your bare fingers interlacing with her gloved ones. Even through the leather, it seems as though she can feel the heat of your palm, and she begins to sweat. 
You lead her through the crowd, swaying your hips in time with the music, but she can see you’re working. Your head may be bobbing with the beat, but your eyes are scanning the room, finally pausing at a point behind her and focusing in on one corner. You lean closer and Fennec can smell your perfume and soap, and she fights the way her mind is screaming at her to lean closer. 
“He’s here. Back corner. Looks like some sort of reserved section.” 
You giggle. “Let’s go get some drinks and then I’ll go check it out a little more in depth.”
Fennec huffs. “And what will I be doing while that’s going on?”
You wink at her. “Watching my back.”
It takes a few minutes to flag down a bartender, but you manage to get one’s attention, ordering for the both of you while Fennec parks herself on a stool, eyes still scanning. She tries to not let her gaze linger too long on the corner your target’s sitting in, instead pretending to find the entire crowd interesting. Something cold brushes her knuckles, and she looks down to find you handing her a glass of spotchka. The outside of the glass is chilled and cool to her touch as she takes it, inhaling the scent of her favorite liquor. You’ve gotten yourself the sort of frilly looking cocktail that would normally make her nose wrinkle, but she can’t keep her eyes from following your tongue as it wraps around the straw poking out of the glass. She shakes her head, taking a deep swig of the spotchka, only wincing slightly at the burn.
Not the cheap stuff, that’s for certain.
You slide some credits across the bar before giving her another wink and slipping into the crowd. Fennec feels her stomach flutter slightly before it twists with concerns. She knows better than to doubt your competence; you’ve proven yourself several times over. If you hadn’t, there’s no way she would have let you stick around this long. It’s the way the quarry’s eyes are already tracking you as you make your way through the crowd slowly, dancing with a Twi’lek woman and then a Zabrak that rests his chin on your bare shoulder. You never make a beeline for the corner, but instead, let the flow of the crowd carry you in that direction as if you were floating down a river. The quarry pushes himself up from where he’s seated on the overstuffed velvet couch of his section, his eyes still tracking you as he prowls along the edge of the sea of bodies. Fennec knows you see him and that when you stumble into him, resting your hand against his chest, it’s no accident. You flip your hair and giggle, tipping your head back, and his eyes follow the curve of your neck. Fennec’s knuckles creak, and that’s when she realizes her hands are clenched into fists. Reaching behind her, she takes the glass of spotchka, draining it quickly before flagging down the bartender for another. 
When she turns back, you’re already seated on the couch next to him, leaning forward engagingly. His eyes are fixed on your cleavage, but you pretend not to notice. He leans closer, and you meet him, your hand drifting against his shirt, fingers trailing over the sliver of skin exposed by his low-cut shirt. Fenenc’s temple throbs and her face flushes with heat. 
She’s doing the job. She’s just got to get the patch on him. And then it’ll only be a few more minutes. 
The thoughts do little to quell the silent anger she feels. The bartender delivers her next glass of spotchka, and she turns back just as your hand slips under the quarry’s shirt, your lips grazing along his neck. The smug grin he wears is too much for Fennec. The sound of her teeth grinding in her skull almost overtakes the loud music.
She doesn’t turn around, but she recognizes the voice. It’s one of her “coworkers”, a young human man that doesn’t know the first thing about bounty hunting. Or subtlety. She hopes he’ll be deterred by her lack of response, but she can hear people being pushed out of his way and his rushed “excuse me’s” as he makes his way towards her.  
We’ve only run into one another a few times. He’s never seen me in this setting. The lights are dimmer by the bar. Maybe he won’t be sure. 
A pair of hands slap on the bar next to her. “Another round for my friend here, Master Assassin Fennec Shand,” he slurs loudly, bumping her shoulder as if he’s an old colleague with plenty of stories to share.
Fennec fights the urge to slam him onto the polished wooden bar by his throat. If you make a scene, security will step in, and you’ll lose the quarry. It’s bad enough that he’s announcing a hunter is here.  Her eyes roam the crowd, and she sighs quietly as she notes no one’s really watching her yet. Everyone seems to be under the impression he’s just a drunken menace, which he is, but he’s still a threat.
“You’ve got me mistaken for someone else,” she says, pitching her voice low, but the damn fool doesn’t take the hint, throwing his arm across her shoulders. She feels her muscles tense. 
“No, come on now, I’d know that gruff exterior anywhere!” he chortles. “What’s a hunter like you doing in a place like this?” 
“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” she repeats, trying to keep the snarl out of her tone. The bartender is watching the two of them now, and she can’t tell if it’s with suspicion or sympathy. She can feel her pulse accelerating as she starts considering the quickest way to incapacitate him without drawing any additional attention. 
“Vi! There you are!” 
Soft fingertips find her chin, pulling her face away from her obnoxious cohort, and before she can process what’s happening, your lips are on hers, and suddenly she’s inundated in you. The young man’s hand falls away from Fennec’s shoulders, replaced instead by your hands. Your fingers are carding through her hair, coming to rest on the nape of her neck and rubbing gentle circles as she tastes the fruity cocktail you’ve been drinking. Your eyes are closed and your face is relaxed as if kissing Fennec is the most easy thing, and her eyes are wide open, studying every pore of your face that’s now pressed against hers. Her clenched fists relax as her hands find a place on your hips, one slowly pressing against the small of your back to bring you closer to her as she finally allows her eyes to flutter closed. Every cell of her body is vibrating as she drowns in you, and she’s just about to allow herself to get lost in the kiss when you pull away, leaving her panting and disheveled. 
“Was wondering where you’d gotten to, love,” you say with shining eyes, completely unphased, and Fennec does her best to recompose herself. She starts to pull her hands away, but you place your palms over hers as you come to stand in between her legs, halfway perching yourself on one of her thighs. Your fingers push some hair behind her ear, and you study her for another heartbeat before turning to the other hunter. “Are you a friend of Vi’s? I’ve never met any of her pals!” Your voice is annoyingly exuberant, but Fennec can’t find it within her to be annoyed as you toy with her fingers that have slid to rest on your thigh.
The other hunter’s mouth is hanging open slightly as he studies Fennec and then you. He squints at Fennec for another second with a bleary, half-drunken stare before she shakes his head, mumbling something about being mistaken and stumbling off. Fennec expects you to separate from her when he leaves, but you stay seated on her leg, toying with the collar of her shirt still. You lean in, nuzzling against her ear, and all she can think of is the pounding of her pulse and the heat of your breath against her skin. 
“Patch is in place. Should be working any minute. Ready to go escort our prize to his final destination?” 
Fennec’s mouth is as dry as Tatooine, and she finds herself unable to form words, her tongue rolling around in her mouth like sandpaper. Quickly, she reaches past you, gripping her glass of spotchka and draining it to give herself a moment to recover. When she finally sets the empty glass back down, her eyes are ablaze as they find yours. 
“Let’s get this done then.” 
Getting the drugged quarry out of the club was easy enough; with a hat pulled over over the mark’s face, no one batted an eye at how he stumbled past with his arms wrapped around two women, seemingly eager to finish his evening in their company. However, getting him to the warehouse he was meant to be left in for pick-up proved less simple. Between the two of you, you manage to half-carry him to the employer’s facility. You punch in the door code as Fennec holds the man up, gripping one of his arms over her shoulder and wrinkling her nose at his stale breath as he babbles nonsense at her. When the three of you get inside, you pull the syringe with the sedative from its place inside a storage locker and dose the quarry. Fennec kicks open the storage locker door a little wider, chucking the quarry’s unconscious form inside a bit harder than necessary before slamming it shut. 
The two of you return to the ship without a word shared between you. You seem unbothered while Fennec is frantically trying to scrub the taste of your lips from her mind. She’s already pulling her gloves off as you turn to close the ramp of the ship behind you, shrugging off your jacket. You already have a teasing remark waiting on the tip of your tongue, but before you can turn and utter it, you’re backed against the wall of the ship, and Fennec is kissing you hard. She’s all teeth and tongue, and her hands are gripping your hips firmly as her thigh slots between your legs. You can’t help but keen at her touch, melting into her and beginning to work at the buttons on her shirt as months of unresolved desires finally crumble to dust between you. 
Fennec pulls back for a moment, and you find that same fire in her eyes as she looks at you, panting. Her thumb traces your lips before her hand drifts down your throat, coming to a stop at the dress strap on your shoulder. She fiddles with it for a moment before she smirks up at you. 
“You know, this color looks stunning on you,” she says softly.
You grin back. “Glad you like it. I wore it just for you. Now would you like to help me out of it?” 
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Tag List: @seriowan @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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hey hey! could you possibly do a sloane x female reader w/ anxiety? i haven't seen one and i think it'd be cool! it's fine if not though!
Love - anon❤
Ok so this just came to me. Thanks for asking :) always love a prompt even if I don't get to it for a month or six 🤦🏼‍♀️
Warning! Mentions of abuse, kidnapping and assault. In references to cases the team/you had to deal with. Also panic attacks, anxiety by reader.
The World Shifts
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..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ......
Your best friend was finally in town. It had been months since you last saw them. Only two days since you last talked to them and then that was only because they were traveling.
"Ahhhhhh!!" You screamed running up to them in the airport arrivals area. People were looking but neither of you cared.
They jumped into your arms, dropping their bags as the flew. "Y/n!!!"
"You're home!" You beamed, squeezing them so tight and then letting go. "NEVER travel without me ever again!"
"Hey! I offered, you just got a new job!" They poked you and picked up their luggage.
You agreed. "Fine but..."
"How's Jack?" They beamed, walking beside you as you exited the airport.
It was two months before they went on holidays, a beautiful trip around Europe in the spring. Perfect, your dream but sadly you had an upheaval in your career and had to cancel your part and they still went. You actually forced them to. It was both your dreams but sadly yours was put on hold. That was until your first day on the job when you met Jack Sloane. You weren't sad about not going on holidays for three months if it meant seeing her everyday.
"She's good. She actually invited you around to her place for dinner tonight if you're not tired?" You couldn't wipe the time off your face.
It was almost three months into dating Jack. The best three months. Three months since your best friend left the country and three months since you first kissed Jack Sloane.
"Sure, but tell me again what exactly happened that day. I've been too caught up in my experiences, we hardly got to discuss it. It just happened and you've been quiet about it which isn't ok."
You packed her suitcase into your boot and hopped in. Truth be told you really didn't look back on that day all that well. The kiss was great but leading up to it was terrible.
- flash back -
The morning you dropped her off at the airport you felt off. Not just because you had to say goodbye to your best friend, practically your sister at this point. Work was tough, long hours, nothing you weren't use to but the cases were intense. A childs abduction last week left a kid in hospital after a traumatic experience and then a young woman the following case had been abused and killed. You needed a break but nothing was coming. Jack sensed you were off from the moment you got to work.
"Hey, probie. Don't look so down." Nick squeezed your shoulder with a smile but it didn't help.
"Maybe when you're trying to comfort someone Nicholas. Don't use a teasing nickname." Jack walked up to your desk, her morning coffee in hand and placed the other on your desk. "For you."
You smiled, taking a sniff before downing almost half.
"Hey, easy. It's still hot." She warned and her look of concern only got deeper.
You shrugged. "It's ok. Thank you Jack." Her hand was resting on your desk and you reached out and squeezed it in thanks.
"If you want to talk. I'm only doing catch up paperwork on the last case for the day." She rolled her hand over, holding yours for a moment before walking to her office.
You ignored the look she gave you and the look Nick was giving you. His smirk was getting under your skin too easily.
It happened in interrogation after lunch. You were interviewing a suspect on the recent murder when the world got blotchy, the ground felt like it was moving and McGee had to stop the questioning. Next thing you know Jacks got you and leading you out of interrogation and into the other observation room that wasn't being used. She sat you down and knelt in front of you.
"Hey. Look at me. Follow my breathing. In... Hold... And out. Again." Her hand was on your knee, your knee was bouncing, her other hand on your cheek, drawing your eyes to hers. You knew what this was, it was a panic attack, you'd had them in the past but it had been at least six months since you'd had one this severe.
You followed her words, counting, taking in objects around you. The world began to right itself again. "Sorry I-"
"No, don't apologise. It's ok. Well it's not, you're not ok, you have been off course these past few weeks. Want to talk about it?" Her eyes only showing comfort. Her concern ran deep for the team but she seemed most open with you.
"Jack, I- I don't know. It just all got a bit much. So much bad on bad and I just need it to stop for a bit. That guy was smirking and not caring at all about this poor woman and I just couldn't."
"Hey hey. Don't get worked up again. Keep up the deep breathing. It's ok. We can go to my office for a bit. McGee has got interrogation and Nick is watching." Jack stood and held out her hand to help you up.
The world wasn't moving anymore so you could walk properly. "I'm good. Think I'll just go back to my desk." It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to Jack. You just felt raw and didn't want to say anything you'll regret. Like feelings for the beautiful blonde you work with and who is currently still holding your hand.
"Oh. Ok." You could hear the hurt in her words.
"Jack, its- ok. Not ok ok but I'm just tired emotionally right now and I don't think I can talk to you - I mean I can talk to you, it's just." Well that didn't work out like you hoped.
"it's just?"
She had to cling on to it. It wouldn't be Jack to just let it drop. You squeezed her hand gently and she must've realised she was still holding yours because she went to drop it. "No." It came out without thinking. This was why you didn't want to talk in her office. "I mean. You can if you want to."
A smile of realisation began to spread across her face. "I see. Well... Now may not be the time for that conversation as you are vulnerable right now..." She saw the concern in your eyes which brought her other hand up to your cheek. "I'm saying not right now but not ever." Her words soothed your aching heart and pounding brain. "You just had a panic attack y/n and I don't want to add to your emotional state so go do your paperwork. Have a cookie from Nick's stash in the filing cabinet and come see me when you're ready or come see me if you just need a friend." She rubbed the tear forming in the corner of your eye away and let go of your hand.
You were still in shock as she left you. The panic attack the last thing on your fragile mind at the moment. You wished Ellie was here for this. She was the only other person you had spoken to about your feelings for Jack but she was away on assignment. Your bestie was on a plane so you slumped into your chair after getting a cookie and got to work on the report.
It wasn't until McGee returned from interrogation that you pulled yourself away from the computer screen.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Better now. Sorry about before."
"That's ok, as long as you're good. If you need time off.."
You shook your head. "Bastard got under my skin is all." He believed that because it was partly true. You both got on with the case before you saw Jack appear at the top of the stairs.
You looked at the time and it was late. Much later than you intended. She looked down and your eyes connected, a smile on both your lips. It was time.
"Finished the report. Just need to check in with Jack before I go." It sounded like business but you had a feeling it was far from it.
"Sure thing. See you in the morning." McGee nodded before you exited the bullpen. Jack must've heard and walked back to her office before you got up the stairs.
"Knock knock.." the door was wide open.
"About time." She teased, sitting down on the couch, tucking her feet under. "Close the door."
That got your heart pumping. "So this is personal." You smiled but tried to not look like a giddy kid.
She chuckled as you sat down on the opposite end of the couch. Distance was key right now. Her look told you she noticed the distance you put between you. "Did you have something work related to discuss?" Her eyebrow popped up.
"Nope. Reports done. Dirtbag is in cuffs."
"this morning... You-"
"Jack I don't want to talk about the panic attack. At least not for a while."
She nodded and a smile grew again. "I wasn't talking about the panic attack... I actually was about to-"
"You mean how you coaxed information out of me in a vulnerable state... Is that what you were about to say?" Your teasing was back and Jack laughed.
"I didn't force those words out." She grinned. "You just seem to talk yourself into it even when you're trying to think yourself out of it."
You laughed, she knew you too well in only a short period of time. "Funny, I only have the problem when I'm around.. you." You did it again.
Her arm reached out across the top of the couch and her hand found yours. She interlaced your fingers, her eyes roaming from your hands to your eyes. "I see, that must be annoying."
You shrugged. "I'm beginning to think it is not such a bad thing." You shuffled closer, hands still together.
"Whys that?" She knew why, but she needed you to say it. Her nerves getting the better of her as you looked away.
You let go of her hand which caught her attention, worry in her eyes as she looked at you but you only wanted to touch her cheek to bring those whiskey brown eyes back to yours. "I think you know."
She leaned into your touch. You leaned forward so your foreheads were touching. "Are you sure it's not because -"
"It's not." You stayed like that, your eyes closed, just breathing together. "Thank you for this morning, the coffee was needed and the other thing."
"You scared me- I-" She couldn't find the words so you replaced them with your lips. So gentle and soft it was barely a kiss until Jack confirmed it. Her hand curling around your neck, holding you there.
Neither of you deepened it. There was no need to, there was heat there but this wasn't the time for it. Your emotions too high and hers as well.
"Sorry for scaring you..."
"Comes with the job and when... When you care about someone."
You couldn't wipe the smile off your face if you tried. You learnt back against the couch. "Guess it does." Nothing in your tone was playing it cool which made Jack laugh.
- present day -
"That sounds like a perfect end to a shitty work day, I must say." Her words pulled you out of your story.
"What can I say. You left and the world went to shit lucky Jack picked up the pieces."
"Looks like you both did." She did have a point. You hated it when your bestie was always right but this time it wasn't so bad. "Guess I should come to dinner at Jack's tonight then."
"Guess? She may have given you an out but I definitely haven't."
You both laughed as you drove back to your place. Remembering that day now wasn't as hard as it use to be. It was the start of something truly special.
. . . .
I enjoyed writing this. Hope it's what you wanted :)
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
to preface this,, 2 things: 1) i wrote the first half of this Before the talia discourse. i have since Edited a lot of it bc i don’t want to be misconstrued But i still wanted to say the stuff i wanted to say originally as well. 2) i have written this over the course of a month and a half so. some of the stuff i mentioned might not be as prominent/has since been resolved, etc. or just might not make a whole lot of sense in general,,, that being said:
my thoughts on talia are.. whatever This is ig:
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. i genuinely can’t decide how i want to think abt talia..
on one hand it’d be great if she was Real bc awww mischa!! like even if she wasnt exactly what he thought she was just the way he Cares for her is so incredible… but on the other hand. it is so fucking funny to think abt her just being noel In Some Way (but also lowkey sad. we will get to that. Very Long Post ahead..)
what’s got me Once Again thinking abt this is that one part of talia where mischa says the thing abt wanting to (slight paraphrasing i think) “take all the pain from your soul and transform it into functional joy” which,, 1) is super fucking sweet omfg like he truly loves her so much !! and 2) also rlly shows the Depth of mischa and talias relationship! (well. ofc it does. they Were engaged after all) but fr. it means that even though they were never an In Person relationship,, mischa genuinely loved cared so much for her despite that and never Truly knowing her and just. i love that he is a character that gets to just. Love so deeply and gets a chance to Show that yknow.
i’m so glad they made talia more than just a running joke abt mischa’s Internet Girlfriend™️ yknow. like that’s still funny and all but it’s cool to see his character completely change from this version of himself that everyone else sees him as (which i mean. isn’t entirely wrong. he Is very angry,, but that’s not all there is to him ofc. 2 emotions remember..) to his true self,, which they All do.. but i think mischa definitely has the most Deviation in his yknow. and overall it’s just such a cool way to show that.
but Anyway what i mean is that it also must mean talia and mischa really like. Talked to each other!! ofc he could just be talking in the general sense (wedding vows are like that ig) but at the same time,, it also makes it seem like talias rlly going through something yknow (which is Also is an interesting noel point.. more on that Below though) and just!! mischa Genuinely cares and loves her and just AHHHHHH!! i want what they have (aside from him being dead ofc)
anyway back to noel…
before i say Anything else, here’s my actual opinion on the noel catfish theory: i think it’s funny, yes, but only as a Concept bc it’s just So outlandish. ofc there are hella holes in it, but that’s also why i think of it as more of a joke rather than being truly serious. mischa and noel are both such strong characters and i Know what the catfish theory Does to noel. it really does ruin him. bc like. yeah.. yikes.
also i think it’s important to note what my reasoning behind noel being talia is in my mind (see below).. bc Yeah the further you go with it the rockier it gets,, especially once you get to the actual Romantic parts of talia (the song) and the aftermath… which is why it’s better as a Concept and nothing more bc i LOVE how deeply mischa loves talia, as mentioned, and i don’t want to lose that.. also bc i think that if noel Were talia he wouldn’t do it like That.. so i think This and the usual line of Catfish Noel should be 2 separate things.. (god i hope that made sense)
because really. i think calling my interpretation of talia-noel a catfish isn’t correct. bc catfish means there are Negative Intentions yknow. i think talia-noel would mostly be like… a barrier of sorts. between noel and mischa. and this is why it works better as a Concept than placed into the actual show!!
like noel seems like he Could be the type to make a whole fake profile in an odd attempt to just get closer to a guy he’s interested in (i don’t even necessarily mean romantically either. legit just like wanting to be friends w him or something works too) Without actually interacting with mischa yknow (bc that way noel doesn’t have to deal w him Actually reacting to him as himself, if that makes sense... especially since they’d still have to see each other in choir yknow) but like.. he’s still mostly acting like himself though,, just under the Name talia.. this was raised from the Mostly Positive feedback left on mischa’s videos. that just feels like something noel would do.. but even so. i feel like he Would just talk to mischa basically as himself but.. just while calling himself talia.. so like,, later on,, they’ve gotten rlly close (obviously) so like. noel has a shitty day he can just vent to mischa As Talia abt it,, you get what i mean..
so like in this way of thinking abt it i guess it’s actually close to Completely different bc i’m practically taking out all the romantic aspect of it?? pretty much the only thing that’s the same is. talia as a name i think..
anyway,, the best way of thinking abt noel as talia in Any sense is the Code Name Talia thing bc YESSSSS that erases any problems in it and it’s just. overall Better. whoever made that i Love you :)
now the Last thing i’m gonna talk about: why noel interrupts karnak when he offers to show mischa what Could’ve been between him and talia. just for the record yknow.
it’s NOT a selfish decision That’s For Sure!!!
that’s just the type of person noel is. he feels SO deeply for people and just Genuinely doesn’t want to see mischa heartbroken, no matter the outcome. (bc like. it Could go either way. a) mischa finds out he Doesn’t end up w talia and is fucked up abt that for Obvious reasons or b) he finds out he Would’ve ended up w her and is upset abt being Dead and unable to fulfill that— and noel just doesn’t want to see him distraught abt it either way bc he Cares)
tldr: i don’t like the catfish noel theory for what it is bc i like how Good mischa’s relationship w talia is and portrays his true self and also bc how noel stopping him from hearing the Outcome of what could’ve been portrays how much he actually cares abt the choir really well. but i Do like to think of noel getting closer to mischa as talia in a non catfish/non romantic sense, either through code name talia or noel basically still being Himself and talking to mischa, just under the Name talia bc mischa would be more likely to accept him if he were Talia rather than noel yknow (think of it Kinda like monique in a way-just more like a front for noel than a whole other Character though)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I can't believe I ACTUALLY THOUGHT that that episode WASN'T gonna end on a cliffhanger.
I hate myself for not appropriately mentally preparing for that.
And the worst part is that I probably can't watch the next episode until tomorrow night.
But admittedly, I suppose technically, the rest of you who were watching this live had to wait four months or something like that for the next episode, so waiting a day really isn't that bad in comparison.
Time to overanalyze that final scene like I always do lol.
First of all, I'm just so excited that our pack is being a pack again. Things always go better when we're all together.
Third of all, YES to those pairings, okay? YES!
I really appreciate how quickly Lydia went to Allison, because it seemed obvious, but I appreciate even more how quickly Deaton stopped her and put her with Stiles. Which makes sense, because between the three of them, Lydia and Stiles have the closest emotional connection (I mean, they just kissed for crying out loud!).
But then I really appreciate the way that was handled between Scott, Allison, and Isaac. Because that could've been so awkward, and Scott could've gotten angry, or been hurt, but in that moment, saving their parents had to come first, and even though he obviously loves Allison and probably isn't super pleased about her new closeness to Isaac, he knows that in the end, it's more important that they all come out of this alive. And if Allison being with Isaac is what's able to bring her back, then that's what matters.
And yes, that makes me ship Allison and Isaac even more, and gosh darnat I'm so sorry Scott, but I think I'm picking Isaac (I'm sorryyyy, I feel so guilty, but I REALLY love them together <3).
"If I don't make it back, and you do, there's something you should know. Your dad's in town."
The fact that Stiles is even considering the fact that Scott might be the only one to make it back hurts like h*ll. Especially because, as frightening as it is, he's right about the likelihood. Scott is the werewolf. If anyone is gonna be able to survive this for sure, it's him. Stiles and Allison are MUCH more at risk.
But then add to that the bomb drop of Scott's dad being back in town, and the look on Scott's face right after he says it...
God they better all make it back alive, because if that's the last thing those two talked about, I'm gonna be very upset.
They're gonna be fine.
I know they're gonna be fine, because Stiles and Scott and Allison are all in more episodes together after this (spoilers save my sanity sometimes lol).
But how fine are they REALLY going to be??
When Deaton says "darkness"...what does that mean exactly?
...wait a minute.
Is the darkness the reason that the Nogitsune is able to take possession of Stiles in the second half of this season (yeah yeah, I know. Sorryyyyy. This is what happens when I discover a show long after it's ended lol.)?? Cause that would actually explain a lot and make a whole lot of sense.
Like, I know a decent amount about that part of the storyline, but I don't know EVERYTHING, and this would certainly be one of the puzzle pieces I'm missing.
...maybe I can sneak it in tonight.
Either way, you know you guys'll know one way or another lol.
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huffle-dork · 5 years
Enemy of my Enemy (Swap Boys AU)
(Heavily inspired by this post:
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Enjoy ;3c) 
Crack! Another fist connects with the side of Chase’s cheek, sending him spiraling into the brick wall behind him. He breathes heavily, blinking back his blurry vision and trying to concentrate on the foe before him. He has just enough time to see the flash of her holographic coat and duck before her fist makes a connection with the wall behind him. The hero gives a wild war cry and dives for the villain’s knees, knocking them both to the ground. The masked woman gives a wild laugh, prying off the white mask and letting loose her messy fray of purple hair, barring a sharp tooth grin at the hero.
“Oh? Are we playing dirty today, Fantastic? Who knew a few drinks could do that to you~,” Overdose teased, tiptoeing light fingers up Bro’s arms, making him shiver. He grits his teeth together and shoved her hand off him.
“Shove off, Overdose-” Chase spat. “Just hand over all the stolen shit and we can both go home and call it a day.”
Overdose blinked big eyelashes up at Chase, her eye makeup sparkling in the streetlights.
“Why, Bro! Are you actually thinking of sparing me jail time? Who knew my charms had worked on you after all~.”
Chase rolled his eyes. “I just want to go home and sleep off this hangover- so just shut up and let’s end this.” He starts to reach into her coat, reaching for where he saw her stash her newest batch of contraband earlier. But, before he can, the hand he hadn’t pinned down is suddenly on his stomach and- a sharp pain erupts in his side as a needle is pressed into his skin. Chase jumps away, eyes widening as he quickly ducks down to check where he was just injected. God- it hurt like hell!
“What- What d’ya do to me?” He already starts to slur, looking back to Overdose as she rises to her feet. His legs and arms, he felt like he couldn’t control them. Even more so since he was kinda drunk and he nearly splat back to the ground as the world started to shift before him. Then, the world felt… separate from him. Like he was separating from it- Like the ground wasn’t really there. He was floating and he was scared he couldn’t come back down. His breathing was picking up faster and faster as sweat started to drip heavily down his face. He was gonna throw up. He couldn’t remember where he was- what he was just doing- everything was cracking and breaking.
A chuckle wormed its way into Chase’s ear. “Oh don’t be that way, super boy. I was just giving you a little gift for being so kind to me~!” Boots clunked heavily on the ground in front of him and Chase had a hard time attaching them to a body before Overdose appeared out of the dizzying void of color before him and snatched his chin, huffing a gentle cloud of white into his face with pursed lips before she smiled. “Now that’s usually given in a drink but.. I figured you already had enough tonight.”
She then roughly throws Chase’s chin back and his head cracks loudly against the concrete, stars flashing brightly before his eyes, disorienting him further. Were- were they real stars? They looked real… like they could stab him in the eyes. He whimpered and tried to shut his eyes but he could still see them and all the colors and bursting lights in his head were causing him to panic. He couldn’t understand what was happening-!
“M-make it s-stop…” He begged, curling up. Overdose giggled and planted a foot on his side. Right on his tender injection site, causing him to cry out.
“Aw, are you not having fun?” She replied with false sympathy, “Well if only someone here could help you!” She then shoved Bro over on the ground with her boot, her tone turning darker, “Wouldn’t count on it though, Fantastic. No one here to help a pathetic hero like you. Maybe next time you won’t drink and crime fight.”
The sound of the boots walking away fills Chase’s ears before a giggle breaks through.
“Oh! If there is a next time~!” Overdose’s triumphant laugh can be heard echoing among the warehouses as Chase lays on the floor, shivering and trying to make sense of his surroundings. But, he can’t tell which way is up and which is down. He can hardly feel his body anymore. It’s like he’s hardly there at all. His heart is slowing down though is breathing is panicked.
If there’s a next time Overdose said… does that mean this could kill him? Chase didn’t want to die! He couldn’t die- The city needed him. His friends needed him. His brother needed him! This thought alone was enough for him to open his eyes and try to push himself up- despite the dizzying vision and nausea stirring in his stomach. He.. he had to find someone. The hero lifts his heavy head and tries to see if he can recognize where he is…
The warehouse district- fuck! Overdose was right- where the fuck was Chase gonna find help here? The nearest hospital was on the other side of town! And nobody lived here… nobody except for-
What was Chase even thinking? How could that kitty cat bastard help him?! ...but then again… did he even have any other choice?
The hero heaved a heavy groan and tried to lift himself off the ground, despite how the effort sent his head spinning in dizzying circles. Like a toy lost in the drain- like a fish flowing, looping down an endless river, over and over. His head swam, and he tried to shake the feeling free. Oh no bad idea- that made the explosion of colors and intense nausea worse. Chase almost fell back to the ground, heaving and struggling to not spill the contents of his stomach out.
“M’kay….- take this slow Brody…”
But, not too slow. Who knows how long he had before...
Shakily, Chase flops on his stomach then gingerly pushes himself up. Carefully, he leans up and blinks the neon gunk out of his eyes, focusing on what feels like the neverending rows of warehouses ahead. He… he should be able to spot Magnificent’s right..? He’s only fought in it like what- a thousand times already?
With a dry laugh, the hero staggered to his feet. He sucked in air through his teeth as his posture tugged on his sore side. But- that was the least of his worries. Taking a few steadying breaths, Chase closed his eyes before bursting them open and taking a running start down the concrete. He kicked off and took to the air, and almost immediately regretted it as the drug made him feel like he was upside down and inside out- god he was gonna throw up.
It wasn’t a pretty sight but Bro was airborne and at least at a decent speed. And that’s what he needed. Through blurry and confusing vision, the drugged hero searched for any sign of his arch nemesis’s hideout. But- god he was starting to see things… the city skyline was shifting in and out of what it was supposed to look like. The moon was glitching- changing positions in the sky. Chase was hearing things- endless cackling and static-laced laughter that sent shivers up his spine. The sky was dripping blood. He could feel it prickling across his skin like electric wire.
His senses were getting all messed up- his heart was going too fast- his breathing getting too worked up. The hero was falling out of the sky like a comet- crashing to the cement like a falling star. Debris clung to his ruined jacket and super suit like stardust- and the hero wanted to sleep amongst the darkness. It wouldn’t hurt as badly there… right? Would the weird noises and strange feelings and weird colors stop if he just- let go? It was tempting- now that he was buried half in the ground from falling.
And Chase almost lost to the darkness- but it seemed like it had some… fuzzy friends. Before the hero could drift into unconsciousness, a warm muzzle nudged his bruised and bloody cheek, causing his eyes to flutter back open. Chase slowly turned to see who… only to be met with the bright green glowing eyes of a few black panthers. And… the gaze of a certain dark magician, staring down at the fallen hero with an unreadable expression.
The panthers gathered around Chase, slowly prowling. Some sniffed at his hair. One gently licked his wounds, causing the hero to flinch and curl in on himself, though he tried to weakly laugh it off.
“N-Nice kitties- g-gentle…”
Slowly, Magnificent knelt down by Bro, studying him with a tilted head.
“... You look like shit, Fantastic,” The villain finally said. “Where the hell were you trying to go like this? You’re not that much of a moron, despite how you look.”
Chase laughed, though it caused him to wince as it hurt his ribs and side. Shit- the fall must have damaged something there too… He feels so delirious… all of this felt like a dream. Maybe he’ll wake up soon. Make this nightmare end already. The hero turned slightly and gives the cat masked magician a lopsided not-all-here smile, a lightheaded giggle popping through his sentences.
“I-I got- into a f-fight… I was l-looking for y-you actually-!” Chase laughs even more, before curling in on himself, the pain starting to be too much as his voice starts to warble, the edges of his vision going black.
“D-didn’t… know where else… to go…”
The hero gets to see the subtle widening of Magnificent’s eyes before the drug pulls him under completely.
It started off in pure warm blackness- nothingness. A fucking relief, as far as Chase was concerned. No voices, no static, no crazy glitches or sights. Just… peace. Just dark.
Then- all of sudden, like being thrown from your seat in a car crash Chase was thrown into a new setting. Somewhere he’d never seen before. But somewhere he felt like he should know.
It was a small cozy little home. It looked well lived in. Toys were strewn across the floor. Piles of laundry topped the couches. Chase could see the frills of tiny dresses and the bright colors of sporty clothing and dinosaur shirts. It made him smile faintly to himself, a warm feeling in his chest.
He was sitting at what looked like a dining room table though, peeking into the living room. He looked down at what was before him and it made his heart stop- his insides freeze. Official documents in too neat of print… spiraled already with one signature at the bottom, ready to be matched with another. Divorce papers.
There’s pressure behind his eyes as a hot tear falls down his cheek and drips onto his hand. He looks down to his left hand, where the tear dropped and feels a black hole in his stomach. Where’s- where’s his ring?
He scoots out of his chair in a panic- he might be losing his wife but he won’t lose his ring! He started frantically turning over plates and other piles of mail and paper, trying to catch a glimpse of it.
The squeaking of a door behind him alerts Chase to a new presence. Quickly turning his head, he sees another man enter the room, looking much like him but wearing a black shirt and a worn blue hoodie. A black handkerchief is wrapped around his neck with a smiley face stitched sideways on its surface.
“Hey bro, you ready to go?” The man says, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking up at Chase expectantly. Chase is at a loss for words.
It’s… it’s Alt. His brother- but… that can’t be right. Chase doesn’t have a brother. Not here. Alt doesn’t belong here.
“...who are you…?” Chase asks quietly, taking a step back away from the boy before him. “You- you shouldn’t… be here.”
Alt stares at him incomprehensibly for a second. Then, slowly a cruel grin curls on his lips as his eyes darken to pure black. His form glitches- his hoodie and mask phasing off and his neck- his scar suddenly starts to drip blood. A mad giggle pries itself from Alt’s throat as he cracks his neck and steps closer to Chase.
“͞N͏é͟i̧͞t͟h̡e̕r̢̧ ̸s̶h̢̕ǫù̶l̨͡d͡ ̶͘y̨o̵͞ư͟.̴̢”
Before he can even register it, Chase is thrust to the floor. The scenery shifts suddenly cast in bright red light. The glitch cackles insanely, a knife materializing in his hand. Chase panics and manages to catch Anti’s arm before the knife can get close to his throat.
The demon giggles more, his form glitching so much it’s hard to concentrate. One second he looks like Alt- the next he looks like this.
“͜U҉s͜͟i̡͟n̢g͞ ̷y̸o̧̕u͞r͟ ͘͡h̵e͠r̷̕o̵͢ ̴͘s҉t͟r̕҉e͠n̢ģt̢h҉̢ ̡h̨҉e̷r͟e̵?̴͝ ̸D̡͘o̷n̡͜’̢̀t҉͝ ̸́y̨o̡҉u͜ ͟͝t̢͝h̸̵i̷̵n̕k̡̛ ̨͜t́h̷͜a͜͝t͞’̶s͏͡ ̵̢c̴h̴e̷a͟͠t͟i͟n͜͡g̕ ̴͡B̵͘r̕o͏͘d̡͡y̸̕?̧̧”
“W-What are you talking about?!” Chase stammers, trying to keep his upper hand. Though said hand slips- and the knife goes plunging into the floor right next to Chase’s ear. The father grits his teeth then thrusts two powerful kicks into the glitch’s stomach, launching him off. Chase quickly gets to his feet and pulls out something from his pocket, as if on instinct. A gun.
“Where are they?!” He screams, pointing the barrel at glitch on the ground. “Where're my kids? My wife? Marvin, Jackie?! Schneep?! JACK?! WHERE ARE THEY?!”
The glitch is just pulling himself up to his knees and then looks up to Chase. His freckled face is filled with fear, wide blue eyes pleading. He scrambles backward, limbs shaking as tiny harmless glitches buzz on his shoulders.
“C-Chase…” Alt chokes out, “Y-you wouldn’t u-use that one m-me right?” He sounds so scared… so unsure.
Chase stares at the boy for a second before it clicks. A weight sits on his stomach and he quickly lowers the gun, feeling disgusted with himself. What was he doing?
“A-Alt I- I-I’m Sorry-“
Alt then grins again as his eyes turn black as night and he glitches underneath Chase’s feet. As he does- the ground gives way, causing him to fall- fall away into nothingness- to blackness. Chase feels himself screaming but hears nothing, sees nothing. The red light of that hallway gets swallowed whole.
The steady sound a heart monitor is what greets Chase as he starts to enter back into the waking world. And waking- well, waking sucks.
Chase’s lungs feel like they’re on fire. It’s really hard to breathe, his chest rising and falling with difficulty. It takes him a second to realize he has something inserted into his nose… a ventilator. It’s working slowly to help get proper air back into his lungs. Chase closes his eyes and wheezes, not liking the uncomfortable feeling.
Taking stock of the rest of his body… the hero can hardly move. His body is stiff- too heavy. He could have been sedated- but was it the drug Overdose gave him or…?
With a wild gasp, Chase’s half-lidded eyes fly open and he flops to try to sit up, chest heaving and panic on his face. He has no idea where he is- how did he get here? It’s some kind of- hospital? Who took him here? He can’t- he can’t remember! All he remembers is getting injected and then- glitching and darkness-
There’s a warm flash of green in front of the hero’s eyes before a force sends him falling back onto his pillow with a soft oof. Chase blinks in confusion and looks into the corner of the room, where the sunlight isn’t hitting and the shadows can easily hide the room in mild darkness. A single green eye flashes at him as a hand lingering with green magic lowers into a brunette man’s lap. The man- he’s not familiar. His hair is long- swept to the side and pulled into a ponytail. He’s dressed semi-casually, a dress shirt and blazer over a nicer pair of jeans. He glowers down at Chase before smirking slightly.
“Careful Fantastic, don’t go soiling all my good work with your idiocracy.” The man says in a sarcastic tone.
It clicks in Chase’s head as he blinks, shifting on his pillows to sit up better.
“...M- Magnificent…?”
The disguised magician grins as his left eye glows again. He puts a finger to his lip, “The one and only.”
The hero’s mind is reeling.
“I… I don’t understand… y-you… you saved…me…?”
Magnificent’s smile falls and he looks away slightly, crossing his arms and sitting back in his seat. He looks out the window of the little hospital room, contemplating his words before he finally says, “... Cat tranquilizer.”
“...Excuse me?”
“The drug given to you. I recognized it. It’s ketamine. Also known as cat tranquilizer.” The dark magician said shortly, acid in his voice. He refused to look at the hero, instead keeping his eyes on the city skyline outside.
Chase’s mind was still so fuzzy but… “...You knew… right away- right as you found me- otherwise I wouldn’t have…” Chase swallows and looks up at the villain, his emotions all confused.
Magnificent is silent for a second before a bitter laugh bubbles out of his throat. He flutters his fingers, green magic forming into a shape. The particles swirl into the shape of cat, that climbs up Magnificent's arm and he half smiles at it fondly and pets its chin.
“I am well acquainted with the drug. Very personally.” His smile drops as his hand around the cat construction turned from kind to cold, clawed nails suddenly digging in and bursting the magic in between his fingers. Furious eyes finally met Chase’s from across the room.
“Let’s just say, the other villains of this town sure do like their dramatic irony. Especially when dealing with a new, themed villain.”
Chase had a problem processing Magnificent’s words at first but once he did- his stomach dropped. Even Magnificent… had to deal with others being so cruel to him?
Finally, the dark magician broke contact and stood up, brushing himself off and adjusting his clothes and hair. He gave the hero a withering look.
“Anyways. Consider yourself lucky, Fantastic. This line of work is too boring without decent heroes to fight. So- recover. And don’t be so stupid next time. I’m not going to save your ass again.”
And with that, Magnificent turned heel and headed towards the door. But, just before he left, he paused with a hand on the doorframe and turned towards the hero.
“Oh… and don’t worry.” He touched his face where Chase’s mask was, making the hero realized it hadn’t been removed. “I didn’t peek.” The magician’s face broke into a sinister grin at that and he put a finger up to his lip again. His appearance then suddenly seemed to shift, never settling on one single appearance, blurring with color and confusing Chase’s already addled mind.
“After all, that would ruin our little game, wouldn’t it?”
Magnificent chuckled and waved, and in a buzz of static and color, he was gone.
Chase sighed and sat back fully on his pillows, exhausted beyond belief. He… still couldn’t believe all that had just happened. Or...get that too realistic dream out of his head-
He… he was feeling like he was missing something… something important.
Chase ended up rubbing his ring finger on his left hand absentmindedly before he drifted back to sleep.
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butterbeb · 4 years
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calling myself out😌✌️
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134340am · 2 years
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i’m being edged
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avengersbtch · 2 years
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Jack Harlow X Reader
ANGST!!! Some fluff too :) 
Warnings: Just swearing. Also didn’t really proofread. It’s too much I’m sorry.
Word: 5.7k ahhhhhh
Summary: You & Jack have been together since forever; you mean the world to each other. Now that he’s get bigger & bigger, he is spending less and less time with you.
Note: I haven’t written a fic in like 4 years... so if it’s shit soz. 
You and Jack were ride or die; you had watched him work his way to the top right by his side with one hundred percent of your support. After graduating high school, Jack continued to pursue his dream while you went on to get a full-time job to keep up with bills and living. A job you thought would be temporary, you excelled at and enjoyed tremendously, of course this never came in-between you and Jack’s relationship. Jack knew how to prioritise you plain and simple. He would do anything for you, as would you. You had been by his side throughout it all, you were the one person he could rely on throughout his claim to the top.
After months and months of touring you had decided to move to LA to be with Jack more. Although moving to LA meant losing your job and leaving your life at home, you missed him and knew he would be in LA for a while till he got back home so you made the sacrifice and found a new job closer to him. It was perfect in the beginning, just as Jack said it would be. You would come home from work and find him home from the studio already, you would wake up in his arms like you missed. It was perfect. Then things got crazier for Jack, and he spent more time at the studio, you knew this was coming so you weren’t disappointed nor annoyed, this was his job at the end of the day – it wasn’t a normal 9-5. You had separate lives you wanted to live and both of you were living your lives simultaneously. Along the way you began spending less and less time together and although you shared a home, it became almost impossible to spend more than a minute together.
Jack was spending late nights at the studio for his upcoming new album, he wouldn’t come home sometimes till 2-3am while you were falling asleep early for work 6am wake ups. Then phone calls with each other slowed down up until they stopped, and you began texting.
You: Hey Baby, do you know what time you’ll be home today?
Jack: Nah, still at the studio. Hopefully soon.
You: Ok, I’m making dinner at about 6. Do you think you’ll be home by then?
Jack: I’ll try baby, love you
You: Love you too xx
You made dinner that night at 6, like you told Jack. Dinner was done at about 6:45 and Jack still wasn’t home, so you decided to wait half an hour. Half an hour became an hour and decided to check if it was worth waiting any longer,
You: baby, dinner is ready will you be home soon?
Jack: yeah soon.
This brought a small smile to your face, you weren’t sure how soon, soon was but you opted to plate you and his food so it would be ready to re-heat when he came home
An hour became two until you checked the time again and it was now 10pm and you still hadn’t eaten. You weren’t angry, you were just disappointed, it had been 2 days since you properly saw him. He would come home in the early hours of the morning, and you would wake up not long after he fell asleep. It was like a game of catch; he would come home to you sleeping and you would wake up to him sleeping. Instead of looking like a clingy girlfriend, you ate your dinner alone yet again.
You knew Jack got caught up at the studio, he was a hard worker, the type that gets so engrossed he loses track of reality. It was something you admired about him.  You only hated when his incredible work ethic came between your relationship, not that it happened often, it just seemed to be happening more and more often as of late. After eating, you dished and left his plate on the dinner table for him to re-heat when he got back home.
The next morning you woke up to Jack’s chest as usual and his heavy breathing. You felt his chest rise and fall suggesting his deep sleep. You smiled softly and got up to give him a quick peck on the lips.
“Hey Baby” You mumbled on his lips, embracing him further knowing you probably wouldn’t see him again till tomorrow morning. All you got was a soft grunt in return earning a small chuckle from you. You tapped his chest lightly while getting up to get ready for work “ mhmm love you to jay” You responded as though you were having a conversation with him.
This routine continued for another two days. You would come home to an empty house, message jack and asked when he would be home, he would respond with “soon” and you would wait as much as you could. Then eat alone, then fall asleep alone and wake up to him near you in bed. Then repeat.
Day number five you decided not to text him, you cooked dinner at 6 and ate at 7, plated some food for Jack to come home to and packed everything else away. You watched TV to kill time and were in bed by 10pm this time. It was killing you, you missed him so much. He used to call you during your lunch breaks, one day he hadn’t called 10 minutes in, so you decided to ring him, and he didn’t answer. A message would come from him an hour later saying something along the lines of “sorry baby, I was caught up at the studio”.
You moved to LA to be with him more and if anything, it felt worse now.  At least back in Kentucky there was a proper reason why you couldn’t see him. You were completely alone in LA; he was all you had. You just needed him, even if it was for an hour during the day, it would be enough. Other than work, you spent your time alone this past week and it was starting to take its toll. You didn’t know how many more times you could tell yourself that you just missed him. You had been sitting on your couch watching TV for a while now but let’s be honest, you weren’t really paying attention to the show in front of you. You were thinking about Jack and how you guys would see more of each other. The only plausible thing to do you thought was text him.
You: J, can we talk please?
Jack: Now? I’m sort of in the middle of something.
You: yes now, please?
Jack: baby, what’s going on?
You: Ok fine, can you come home early today please?
Jack: Why?
You: I wanna talk… please baby
Right after the message showed seen from Jack, your phone rang with a picture of Jack kissing your cheek while your face was scrunched. For some reason you were nervous, but you also couldn’t contain your excitement. You just missed him.
You quickly swiped to answer his call and before you could say hi, Jack questioned “You tryna break up with me?”
You froze for only a second and brows furrowed “wha-“you begin responding.
“Don’t try and play with me Ma” He interrupted. “Are you tryna break up with me or not?” He repeated firmly.  Your heart clenched at the sound of his voice, he sounded worried. Looking back, you could see why he thought you might be breaking up. Everyone knew we need to talk is code for I want to break up. You swore at yourself for not being clearer, you shouldn’t have jumped the gun and texted him before thinking about what you would say.
“J, no I’m not I promise” You quickly assured him “I didn’t want to talk over text that’s why I was cryptic” You began to clarify. This was it; you would have to tell him how you felt. “Baby I – I just miss you j, it’s been almost a week since we’ve spent proper time together and we live in the same apartment!” You ranted, now that you started there was no way you could stop till you said your every last piece.
“I don’t see you anymore, we haven’t spoken for days, you don’t even call to check up on me, I wait almost every night to eat dinner with you because you tell me you’ll be home soon and then you aren’t home till 2am” You carried on without a breath
“And you don’t even have the decency to say – Hey babe, I’m actually gonna be late today” You mocked his voice. “I just miss you, I just want to see you” you repeated. You could hear Jack’s breathing on the other end of then phone. You paused to let him talk but he stayed silent.
“Jack?” You called, making sure he was still there.  
“I’m here” he confirmed softly with another long pause
“I hear you baby, I do” He acknowledged through the phone “but can we talk tomorrow? I promise I’ll be home by 10pm tomorrow latest and we’ll talk” he sighed a promise. You smiled slightly at ease now that Jack would be home tomorrow, and you would talk. Anything would be better than this you told yourself.
“Ok baby” You agreed “I’m sorry for throwing this on you randomly, I just didn’t know when I would see you next and I- “you defended yourself.
“I know baby, it ok” He interrupted again “We’ll talk tomorrow, ok?” He asked searching for your acceptance.
“Yeah, sounds good, l love you J” You comforted him.
“Love you too baby” He hummed with a quick kiss sound from the other end of the phone. You smiled again and shut the phone feeling much more at ease than before you called him. He had a way of calming you down even when he didn’t know what was going on, Jack was the only person who truly understood you. Whenever you would speak to him, he would know exactly what to say and when to say it.
You slept easier that night, better than you had for a few days.
The following morning you woke up to the sound of keys rustling and the door closing. You rubbed your eyes weakly turning your head the window seeing the soft sun rise shining through the blinds. You tapped your phone turning the lock screen, you quickly realised it was only five thirty in the morning. You knew it was Jack who had just come home but what you couldn’t wrap your head around was why we was coming home late. Lifting yourself from your bed and slipping on the closest shoes near your bed you shuffled slowly to where you heard the noise.
You followed the shining light coming from the kitchen to find Jack sitting at the dining table with his back leaned on the chair, legs splayed out, one under the table and the other outside the table and arms crossed on his chest. He lifted his head sensing your presence as though I was interrupting a deep conversation with the tiled floor.
“Jack?” You questioned groggily moving closer to him and pulling a chair to sit. As you slowly started to become aware of the situation, kicking yourself out of the sleepy trance. He held a firm stare and followed your every movement without saying a word. Once you were near him at the head of the table, he moved his body forward and rested his arms on the table while crossing both hands and looked at you expectantly. You were beyond confused now. It was five thirty in the morning and he had just gotten home, what did he expect from you? If anything, he should be the one explaining himself. What was he doing all this time? “What’s going on? Why are you home so late?” You asked as you went in to reach for his hand. This time you were taken aback. He had jerked his hands away. He had jerked his hands away from your touch. You were offended and he could clearly see it but didn’t care.
Jack sighed and broke the silence between the two of you “You wanted to talk?” He motioned in an uncaring manner. You were dumbfounded and confused and to add to your spinning emotions right now, you were hurt. You weren’t confused to what Jack was talking about, oh it was clear this had everything to do with your last phone conversation. You were confused at his attitude and disregard for your feelings, you had left the phone call with him on good terms, you were content with him suggesting we talk about it the following day, you had both even said I love you before ending the call, He gave you kiss! Where was this coming from?
“Jack it’s five thirty” you said bluntly hoping that would knock some sense into him.
“It’s tomorrow isn’t?” He replied sarcastically. Now was not the time for this unwanted humour. You rolled your eyes so far you thought your eyes would be stuck there forever.
“Grow up Jack, you know you said 10pm” You reminded him of the conversation “It’s too fucking early for this and now you are making me feel like absolute shit for asking to talk to you last night” You snarled and stood up from your seat. His attitude made your feelings seems so stupid now and you knew they were grounded. You had a right to feel this way, sure you could have come about it a different way, but he didn’t have to treat you like this because of it. You started walking away from Jack before you heard him jump from his seat following you.
“You wanted to talk y/n! I’m here, ready to talk!” Jack yelled “Now you are calling me a child- “
“Don’t start with me Jack! I didn’t call you a child, I told you to grow the fuck up. You are the one making me feel like a child for missing you! We haven’t spoken for over a week!” You shouted back with anger growing more and more.  
Jack’s eyes now fuming with anger walking closer towards, snapped “I’ve been busy at the studio! Do you not know how important this is to me? I thought of all people in this world you would understand me y/n”  
“Don’t throw that bullshit at me, you know I understand, that’s why I didn’t bother you for a week!” You scolded. You could not believe he was trying to make you feel guilty, if you didn’t know Jack that would have hit you where it hurts, but this was a typical argument with Jack. “You were fine with me last night when I called, you were listening to me, you said we would talk” You cried
Jack began talking with his hands more, which was something would do often when he got riled up “Yeah, that was up until I had to explain why I had to randomly call my girlfriend because something was up. Then I couldn’t fucking work properly the rest of the night” He yelled
“I am done” You sighed creating distance between the two of you. “I am not arguing with you right now, I need to get ready for work” You cut the argument short walking towards your room to get ready. This was getting too heated too quickly, you knew both you & jack needed to calm down or else you would start saying things you didn’t mean to each other. However, jack wasn’t having it.
Jack followed you to your room and shouted after you “You can’t end this; you are the one that wanted to talk!”.
Your turned back to face jack and yelled “Yes Talk, not fucking yell!” as you pointed your finger “This was meant to be a civil conversation on how we can find balance in our relationship, not blame one another” You argued “I have no one Jack! And I’m not asking you to be around me 24/7 but if I could see you before I sleep that would be good! Even when I wake up, I’m not being picky, I was willing to try anything just to see you for a bit and spend some time with you” You continued to argue while pointing your finger on his chest. At this point Jack went quiet and let your rant go on, His breathe were heavy and eyes raging with emotion.
“I moved here to be with you Jack, I moved and ended my whole life in Kentucky to be with because you are worth it” You breathed as your eyes began to water.
Jack noticing your tears, said more calmly “Quit your job then, you know I can support you and we can see more of each other” he offered
You scoffed “So now I have to quit my job to get to see my boyfriend more often than a minute a day?” you breathed a laugh “What will I be doing with my life then Jack, living solely for the purpose of you? How do you think this is fair right now? I love my job, this is the only thing I have that is giving my sanity-“You were yet again interrupted by Jack.
“What do you want me to do then y/n!?” Jack roared “This is my dream! I can’t throw it all away so you can spend more time with me” You knew this was his dream, that is why you moved with him. You wanted to be by his side supporting him to the top, that was all you ever wanted for him.
You laughed again shaking your head “Jack, I’m ending this here. This conversation is going nowhere, and I feel like you aren’t listening right now” You cut the conversation short and began changing from your PJs to work attire. “I’m going to work, please be back early tonight so we can talk civilly” you sighed.
Jack ran his hands through his curls vigorously and exhaled “You can’t do this y/n, I’m serious. You can’t expect me to drop everything when you want me to” He explained in a calm manner “This is when I can talk and that’s it”
You admittedly had frozen for a split second. After all this arguing he still wasn’t hearing what you were saying. You only wanted to talk to figure something out with Jack, you knew he couldn’t stop chasing his dream nor did you want him to. But surely, he could spare an hour or two at night for his girlfriend. Your relationship would never work if you guys couldn’t figure this out and you weren’t ready to lose Jack, you loved him too much. However, if he wasn’t willing to put the work in this relationship then there was no use living in LA with Jack.
You walked up to Jack, cupping his cheeks in both hands, and whispered softly “I don’t want you to drop everything for me, but I want to know you still care about us” you confessed. You were done arguing, you offered affection in hopes that it would make him hear what you were trying to tell him. “This is going nowhere baby, let’s take some time and think. I gotta go work and you do what you gotta do, then after work and when you are done, you can come home, and we’ll talk” You bargained, resting your forehead on his. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe and nodded softly.
“But J, please be reasonable. Please don’t come home to late” You pleaded waiting for a response from him.
He shook his head softly against yours “ok baby, you’re right” He mumbled “I won’t be home late, I promise” he assured you while you softly rubbed your thumb against his right cheek. You smiled softly and gave him a soft peck on the lips which he happily accepted and said your goodbyes.
That day at work you found it hard to concentrate on anything expect Jack. He had obviously meant the world to you but at what point did you have to stop dictating your life to suit his? Tonight, would tell you what you needed to know, he had to prioritise you tonight, if he wanted to keep this relationship then he would need to show you how much and he would need to put more effort in keeping it. It was starting to feel like a one-sided relationship! And sure, he can call you his girlfriend all he liked, but didn’t mean I was being treated like his girlfriend, especially this last week. You couldn’t let it go on for longer, if you let it go on for any longer than you would lose Jack because you knew he would be the type to get comfortable real quick if he doesn’t see any issues. You weren’t ready to not fight for the two of you.
You got home at six and decided to run a bath before cooking dinner to ease some of the tension and stress built from this morning. By the time you finished everything it was about 9pm and Jack still wasn’t home however you did have an unread message from him you decided to open.
The message read from Jack – I’m sorry baby I know I said I wouldn’t be late, but I lost track of time. I’m almost done here. I’ll be home soon.
Although this wasn’t ideal, you told yourself this was a start. He stopped messaging you completely prior to your argument so he must’ve understood where you were coming from. You were relieved this morning’s argument wasn’t for nothing. You texted him back a reassuring message.
You: all good babe, I’m waiting for you *kissing face*
In which he reacted and liked the message. You smiled softly and decided to watch some TV to kill time. You had watched two episodes of daredevil and he still hadn’t come, you checked your phone for any missed notification, to which there were none. You then gave him a ring hoping he would answer and to your surprise he didn’t answer your call so you decided to pop him a quick ‘where are you?’ message so he can reply to instead.
You could not believe he was doing this, he promised you he wouldn’t be home too late, and it was now 11pm, he wasn’t answering any of your calls nor your texts. You really thought this relationship meant more to him, but clearly it meant more to you than it did him. You moved yourself from the couch to the dining table as it was closer to your door so you would see him as soon as he entered, and he would see you the same. As moments passed, you reflected on memories between you and Jack, times when it was just the two of you in his childhood bedroom, or when Urban would barge in Jacks room mid make out session causing both of you to redden while you hid behind jack in embarrassment. These memories caused left a reminiscent smile on your face. You and Jack would stay up till the early hours of the morning talking about when he would make it in Hollywood and all the things, he wanted to achieve which would then lead to him making you promise you would never leave him and you making him promise the same. Jack had known you were it for him.
You heard a soft creak of the door immediately bringing back to the present time, you lifted your head to see Jack standing there with an apologetic look. It resembled the look of a guilty person, but you would chalk it up to apologetic for the sake of your own feelings. You stared at him without saying a single word, face blank and arms crossed, waiting for him to explain himself. He moved the chair beside you away from the dining table to sit near you, you could tell he wanted more from you, but you wouldn’t give it to him. This time, he had to fix this himself, he fucked up and you weren’t about to help him make you forget that. You remained in the same position he found you in now. Your eyes followed his movements as he leaned in and moved his hands to your crossed arms, you raised your eyebrows expectantly waiting for him to go on.
“Baby” Jack sighed as he lowered his head to the ground. This initiated a small scoff from you causing him to avert his gaze towards you again. He looked back up so quickly you thought he might have had whiplash from the movement. You assumed he didn’t expect you to react the way you did as eyes were opened a little wider and lips were parted slightly indicating he was shocked.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me Jack” You rolled your eyes and averted your gaze to the living room couch on your right.
“I fucked up y/n, I- “Jack admitted quickly right before you interrupted
“Yeah Jack, you did fuck up” You agreed while your gaze remained away from his. He sighed again as you felt him move his hands from your arms. His movements were so quick you didn’t expect them. His right hand had grabbed your chin and forced you to face him again. You were both at eye level, maintaining each other’s stares. “I’m sorry” he said adamantly with his hand still on your chin.
“If you were sorry Jack, you would have come home when I asked you to” you uttered defeatedly as your slightly lifted shoulders drooped. His hand dropped to his hands to his knees now allowing you some room to breathe. If he kept his hand there any longer, you would have started crying.
“I know, I know, I just lose track of time. I don’t do it on purpose, you know me y/n” He muttered tyring to excuse himself.
“It’s 12am Jack” You scolded as you went back to crossing your arms.
“Thanks y/n” he said bluntly, Obviously, he knew it was 12am, but his excuses were driving you up the wall. He wasn’t even trying anymore, he just expected you to excuse his behaviour because ‘you knew him’. You were over it.
This pushed you lift yourself from your seat and walk away from him. He furrowed his brows slightly and his eyes followed your movements. “I can’t do this anymore jack” You sighed.
His eyes widened at hearing your words, they sounded a lot like ‘we’re done jack”. He was shocked, were you not even going try and fix this? He stood up at followed you, although he wasn’t sure where you were headed. “Is that it? You’re not even gonna try and sort this” He objected. “You gonna walk away from me, from us and that’s it?” He taunted. This stopped you in your tracks and you turned to face him now.  You couldn’t believe he was blaming you right now, instead of him coming home like he promised and fixing this, he threw more excuses and no solutions. Suddenly, you could feel the tears you had been trying so hard to keep down emerge.
“You’re not taking me serious Jack!” You cried. “Obviously I don’t want to end this, I love you! But you don’t even seem like you want to fix whatever is going on here. I mean you clearly don’t care enough too”
“I don’t know what you want from me!” he shouted in reply
You laughed mid sniff and said, “I want you!” hands swinging in defeat
He was truly confused, he was here fighting for you, fighting for the both of you. Jack loved you with everything he had, and usually understood how you were feeling. He never needed you to spell it out for him, but now, he needed more from you. Sure, he was late and sure he hadn’t been around often, but this was his job, this was his dream. Jack thought you understood him. “You moved here so we can be together, I don’t know what else do to” he complained.
You sighed wiping the tears to allow more to flow “maybe we need space Jack, I’ll go back home and when you’re ready to remember you are in a relationship we can talk”
“I’m not letting that happen y/n!” He yelled; he would not let you throw away what the two of you had. You both just needed to calm down and talk civilly. “You promised me you wouldn’t leave, you’re it for me y/n, so I’m not letting you leave until we sort this shit out”
“Do I need to spell it out again for you jack? You’ve never invited me to the studio, I never go out with you, you never text me, you stopped calling me!” you ranted “It was useless for me to move here, I don’t see any more of you than I did when I was in Kentucky” you sobbed walking closer to him “I don’t want to be clingy J, but I miss you and I’m alone here” you said as your cry softened.
It was all starting to make sense now, he had to admit, the first call from you he wasn’t really listening, he was too busy worrying that you were breaking up with him. When he heard you say that you weren’t planning on breaking up with him, the only thing racing in his mind was relief. He heard you ranting on the phone faintly but didn’t want to admit he wasn’t listening which is why he hold you that you too would talk when he got home. One thing led to the other and he was suddenly annoyed that you would scare him like that while he was at the studio just to talk to him. Jack finally realised he needed to fix it fast, you were being serious about moving back to Kentucky and if you did that, he knew you both would drift, especially if you left on these terms.
“ok, ok, I’m listening now” Jack promised “I know I haven’t been around much, things are hectic at the studio and I know it’s not an excuse but I can’t lose you baby” He explained “I just can’t lose you” Jack repeated
“You aren’t really acting like you care all that much Jack” you wept
“But I’m hearing you now ma, it’s not right I left you. I know that” He admitted in hopes you would calm down a little. He hated seeing you cry and the fact that he was the one causing it was killing him. “Please ma, don’t cry. We’ll work something out”
“It’s up to you J, it’s up to you how you wanna go about this” you offered, wiping your cheeks of the tears
“First, it’s not that I didn’t want you at the studio baby. They got rules because of COVID and shit but imma force them to let you in, ok?” He suggested which caused you to smile a little, you pictured him getting angry at some people to get them to allow you in. While you had no idea there were rules in place, you doubted Jack could really do much about the rules. It was his determination that caused you too smile really.
“That sounds good J, if they let me come, I can come after work and get dinner so we can eat together before I go home” You proposed with hope, walking slightly closer to him. He followed your movements and met you halfway.
“Yeah?” He asked with hope, raising his brows slightly.
Now that your bodies were basically touching, he moved his hand to your face and slightly stroked your cheek “and I’m promising you right now y/n I’ll be home earlier for you. I know I said that this morning, but I fucking mean it. I don’t wanna see you crying because of me ma, it hurts” He promised with full intent that made your heart swell.
“You don’t always have to come home early but if you’re gonna be late J, tell me. I’ll wait up for you” you bargained. You were both in this relationship, so you would try just as much as he did. As long as he was trying, you would too.  “I’m not tryna make you stop your whole life for me, but we need communicate” you rationalised.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry I wasn’t listening, I’m sorry I made you cry, I’m sorry about it all” He apologised profusely causing you to shake your head aggressively.
“don’t apologise, I gotchu J and imma work for you J always. Even if you can be a bit of a dick sometimes” you comforted him jokingly while running your hand through his curls.
“I gotchu too ma” He stifled a laugh “And imma work for you too because there aint nobody else I wanna be with except you” he emulated, causing you lift yourself on your tippy toes and kiss him deeply to express your gratitude for his love. He only deepened the kiss, sliding his hand to the back of your neck, lifting your head slightly higher. You felt his left-hand rest on your waist as he slipped his tongue in your mouth causing you to slightly smile mid kiss.
Once he broke the kiss, a small smirk appeared on his lips, and he teased “Even if you can be a bit annoying sometimes”
“J!” You scoffed, eyebrows scrunched and slapped the side of his arms. “You always know how to ruin a nice moment” You rolled your eyes, not being able to hide the smile from forcing an appearance. With his eyes shining, you knew it would all be ok.
“I’m hungry ma’ Jack grunted rubbing his stomach slightly. You raised your eyebrows and hummed knowingly to which he returned with a whine “don’t do that! I already apologised like eight times”
“I’m waiting for the ninth” You laughed grabbing his hand, leading him to the kitchen.
THE MUTHAFUCKING ENDDD… This was way too longgg. I could have kept going!!!!
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gentrychild · 3 years
the au ask: uh, not sure how this works, but, let's say an au where the slime incident never happens?
Anon, no! I have about five AUs for that! You could at least tell me if you want it to be angst or crack!
More seriously, it's such a fun prompt because it avoids All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk, which is the start of so many vigilante/villain/quirkless Izukus.
But since I am a benevolent writer, I will not talk about the AU where Tsuyu and Mineta dies, then Iida, then Kota, then Mirio, Eri isn't saved, and so on.
Okay, it got really long so it's under a Read More.
All Might arrests the Slime villain before he gets in the sewers so neither Izuku nor Bakugou are attacked by him. The problem is that it also means that All Might never meets Izuku, never break his little heart, and Izuku never has the chance to prove his worth to All Might so no OFA.
Life goes on. Izuku still wants to become a hero. However, since his homeroom teacher told his entire class that he wanted to go to UA, his entire class, led by Bakugou, has decided to make his life a living hell over it. Constant taunting and people laughing at him.
It takes its toll on him.
He still doesn't doubt that a quirkless hero can exist but the more days, weeks, months pass, the more he keeps thinking of how easier it would be if he had a quirk.
A dangerous thought. One he usually doesn't allow himself to think because why whine about what is impossible to have? But one boy can only take "What a useless quirkless Deku like you do?" before he starts to get haunted by strange thoughts. Cough... urges... Cough.
It also makes him eager to prove himself. Maybe that's why he intervenes that evening when he sees a villain trying to hurt someone. Except that once the civilian he helped is running to call a hero, he is reminded that he is a smol child made of only skin and bones and that the guy in front of him is about to bash his head in.
He tries to protect himself, his hand grabbing the villain by the head and in this moment, as he is sure that he is about to be killed, he thinks the one selfish thought that he ever thought:
"It's unfair... that this quirk belongs to someone like you... instead of me."
And just like that, Izuku takes a quirk for the first time.
The villain runs in terror and Izuku runs (in the other direction) in confusion. Soon, it's pretty clear that he apparently had the ability to take and give quirks (thank you, Mom, who has volunteered to try the villain's quirk. Though it's strange how she keeps trying to call someone on her phone these days. But it's probably not important.) Which is a very cool quirk.
Izuku now has to pass from "No quirk at all" to "Can have whatever quirk he wants", which is quite dizzying.
He is so fired up for the UA exam, five months from then. Ridiculously happy bean.
Meanwhile, Mirio gets OFA because no successor showed the self sacrificial spirit that could have inspired All Might and both GT and Nighteye kinda pressures him into choosing a successor ASAP.
This has disastrous consequences as OFA is way too powerful for Mirio and starts to put an insane strain on his body. One month later, while fighting a villain (he has his hero license), he collapses on the side of the road, black lines all over his body as the quirk is killing him.
Izuku finds him and calls an ambulance ASAP but Mirio is is really bad shape. He asks him what happened and Mirio, half delirious, tells him that his quirk is killing him.
Izuku is very "????" but he can help! He can take the quirk away! But Lemillion would be quirkless! He can't take this decision! But Mirio can so he asks.
Mirio is half conscious. Completely in pain. He didn't even want that quirk. He likes Permeation. So, half delirious as he was, he might have mumbled something like "Take that thing out of me."
Izuku does, realizes that Mirio has two quirks so he leaves him the one that doesn't feel as heavy as a freaking dwarf star. Lemillion immediately starts to stop looking like he will drop dead any moment from now and the ambulance arrives, taking the hero student away.
Since Izuku doesn't have the All Might telling him that OFA is a good quirk, he acts like a sensible person: this quirk doesn't feel normal and it apparently kills its user. So he waits about 20 seconds before getting rid of it. He finds a nice and sturdy lizard, who, unbeknownst to everyone, becomes the 10th user of OFA.
The quirk comes back to Izuku.
Quirks aren't supposed to do that.
The freaking quirk is cursed. Izuku accepted a cursed quirk.
I cannot begin to describe how Izuku doesn't trust OFA in this AU. He doesn't use it. He intensively dislikes it. He tries everything and more to get rid of it but no matter what living organism he selects, the damn thing keeps coming back.
Meanwhile, Mirio wakes up from the hospital alive :) then remembers he gave a host-killing-quirk to a smol child. O.O
Panic ensues.
All Might realizes that whoever took OFA put his hand on Mirio's head, the same way AFO does. So it was probably AFO with a fun new shapeshifting quirk.
More panic ensues.
Meanwhile, AFO, alive indeed and who has been watching Mirio wastes away and enjoying the hell out of it (though he would have preferred it had happened one generation sooner) is furious that Yagi 2.0 isn't dying anymore because it means OFA passed to someone else! And since everyone in the OFAteam is quite panicked, they apparently lost the quirk he gave his little brother!
He gets so upset about it that he somehow misses the hundred of phonecalls from his wife.
So AFO and All Might alike are looking for someone with OFA but since Izuku just isn't using it, they aren't finding it.
Meanwhile, the Vestiges went from "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, SOMEONE WITH AFO!!!! AHHHHHH!" to "What do you mean: You don't want to use us? We're not good enough for you???"
So OFA is doing the quirk equivalent of a cat purring and showing its belly so it can get some pet.
Izuku: "You know what? I know it's a trap but since I don't want to outright call a quirk evil, I will give you one chance to prove to me you're not a cursed power that wants my death."
Cue two broken legs.
Well, that's it. Izuku gave that nasty quirk the benefit of the doubt. He is never using it again. And since the damn thing is trying to contaminate his other quirks, he is vaulting it forever!
The irony is not lost on First.
The day of the entrance exam arrives and Izuku does quite well with his good, non cursed quirks, thank you very much.
And as he is leaving, he sees Lemillion! He is happy to see him in good health! He waves at him!
Meanwhile, Mirio spent the last five months trying to find that awful quirk he lost. He was half convinced he had given him to the Symbol of Evil and had trouble seeing the problem because if OFA would eat AFO, where was the problem? He is wondering if he condemned a kid to death. He Is Going Through A Lot.
He wants to say so many things, ask so many questions. And the one thing he manages to blurt out is "GET HIM!"
Tamaki and Nejire immediately shoulder slam a small child. They didn't even hesitate.
That's the story of how the Mighty team found OFA again.
Izuku loves hanging out with All Might but not even him can convince him that the quirk isn't cursed.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
I am loving all these "Bitter Albedo getting revenge and doing as he wants with the reader"— but also, equally as bitter Creator! Reader growing resentful towards Albedo and wanting to do to him what he's done to her, or even _worse_. Anything to take him out of her life, so she half bakes a plan to "finetune" later, first starting off by building up some trust to get on Albedo's good side, she "gives in", plays nice and gets to work on alchemy with him.
She follows this routine, playing the loving glorified "housepet". But all the while, she's been fine-tuning her escape plan. It would either put him in an equal disadvantage to him, or it might kill her. At this point, either outcome would be mercy. She tells him there's still things from the Art of Khemia she hadn't taught him.
Things she'd learned in her travels while experimenting, not long after they'd gone their separate ways.
It starts out with gathering ingredients for tamer recipes, and just like she'd promised
New techniques, new creations and new knowledge was gained.
She makes him believe that she's adapting to his existence, maybe even tolerating him, but he didn't expect for her to only grow more and more bitter as time went on. The only thing growing in her heart was the resentment she harbored for him, any sort of admiration or genuine adoration she held for her creation all but crushed. She wanted nothing of him ever again, he had gone too far, miscalculated even, in his theory that reluctant "love" would follow his treatment.
Over the course of a few weeks, she has him carefully wrapped around his finger, unknown to him that she would show him just how much mercy she showed him when she sent him his own separate way. He was suspicious at first, of course, but in his moment of weakness, in his need for the approval she had been "showering" him in, he pushes the thoughts aside when he sees that her claims seem to be "valid enough".
He follows her instructions, and each time he gains new information on old, or even lost, techniques. Raging from little things she'd kept to herself so that he wouldn't have to interact with him when they worked together, To combinations only a mad woman who's challenged nature would dare think up.
and one day, she's telling him that she thinks he's ready to try the last thing she had managed to research on her own. He mixes the ingredients according to her instructions, everything seems to be going fine until he adds the last thing— and it's immediately reacted in a messy blast.
Albedo finds himself blinded by the fallout, as well as finding a surprising lack of digits on where his hands should be. His ears are ringing, obviously, such a blast would deafen anyone.
It's the creator's way of getting her own vengeance for the position he's put her in, at least this way, maybe, _maybe_, she can have a chance to finally put her failed created behind her. After all, he was always her most _disappointing_ creation.
AHHHHHH anon that took me aback at the last bit I was not expecting that. Poor little thing, how could master be so cruel...?
After the obvious resulting chaos (and agony), he'd be quiet for a long time. He ties you to the bed with what's left of his hands, having to use his mouth to tie the knot, and... leaves. Usually he's good about leaving you food when he goes out for the day, but not this time. He doesn't say a word as he leaves, even if you call out to him.
And he's gone for several days. You're starving, but even when he comes back, he doesn't say a word at first. Doesn't acknowledge your presence, no matter how many times you call out to him. It goes on like that for hours until eventually, without prompting, after you've given up calling for him, he just simply states a few thoughts.
He was... too kind. He understands that now. You didn't deserve it. You didn't appreciate it properly. So now, you will earn your way back to the way things were.
For starters, he takes the legs off at the scar. No real reason other than to hurt you. To see your horror when you fully wake up, pain, having to adjust. He pulls the same shit where he makes you beg for anesthetic and painkiller, but it's infinitely more painful this time. He keeps you just a little bit awake for the whole thing, even if you beg enough to be given some anesthetic during the procedure.
And after that, he stops talking to you. For good.
He himself is learning to adjust, having been given a prosthetics for fingers (literally Fullmetal Alchemist lmao) that he can make do with. You can learn how to adjust, too. Having *no* legs is actually different than just having numb ones, and learning to live without them is harder than you thought it would be -- your center of gravity and sense of balance changes, you have to avoid certain positions or risk a sharp shooting pain, etc. But even when you stumble and fall, and call out for help... nothing happens. You have to fix it on your own, or, if stuck too far to move, wait until he comes by up to hours later and silently sets you upright. If you call out in what sounds like high distress, he might come running over to make sure you're not in immediate danger, but after looking you up and down and ascertaining you're just uncomfortable and/or stuck, he slowly turns back, deciding he'll help you when he feels like it later.
You don't eat together anymore. He feeds you in a bowl on the ground. The first time, you turn your nose up and fold your arms in disgust... even though you haven't eaten the entire time he was gone. You're just that stubborn. No matter. Eventually, you cave, maybe the second day, maybe the third or fourth. He doesn't say anything the whole time, just takes the food when you make it clear you won't eat it, and puts it out each night, until you give in.
You sleep on the floor. Chained by the neck to the bedpost. You understand the message without needing to be asked out loud. You hated him so much, didn't you? You'd much rather be on the cold, hard floor than in bed, since he's in it, wouldn't you? Since you hate him so much?
And still, he doesn't talk. Somehow, that hurts the most. He was never very talkative, but he'd comment every now and then, ask you for your thoughts on something, but he now acts like you're not even there. No matter how many times you call out to him, he acts like he doesn't hear it.
It goes on like that for a month or so until you finally break down. Latch onto his leg and sob and plead. You feel like you're going insane, you say. You just want him to acknowledge you exist again.
...But why should he, he asks? It's the first thing he's said to you since the leg removal. He won't turn his head or eyes to look at you. What does he get from talking to you? You were so mean. For the few months leading up to the incident, you were so, so, so mean. He tried to be nice and get you adjusted, and you fought him every step (well... not that you were taking many literal steps) of the way. Remember? You were mean from the moment you woke up then. And then, when you were finally nice -- when he trusted you -- you went and did what you did. What reason does he have to acknowledge you? You'll either be mean to him or plot against him again. And that's all he's willing to say.
A few more weeks. A few more breakdowns. You know the intention -- he wants to truly, completely break you in a way that he never could when he was showing you any kindness. And, you hate it, but it's working. You find yourself begging. Sobbing. Rocking back and forth and clinging to his legs. Utterly pathetic, pitiful, humiliating displays of neediness and weakness. It breaks you down until he finally deems you complete, and one day finally makes eye contact with you for the first time in months.
There's not much left of "you" per se, though. The nasty attitude you had back before is almost completely gone. You're finally happy when he talks to you -- something that, after so many months of going insane from silence, you consider a privilege. After so many breakdowns and humiliation, you don't have much pride left to get in the way of begging, no shame about anything you do. It's perfect.
Not that it doesn't come back, sometimes. Sometimes, when you're having good days, you get a bit too comfortable, you forget what a privilege it is to be like this together, and you almost get mean again. But it's fairly easy to shut down with a very specific look that shuts you up immediately.
Oh, and he finds a way to fix himself, in the end. Being an artificial creation, he has a different compositional makeup than a person, so there are... ways to adjust and repair the body he has. In fact, he might even find one that would work on even an organic human, a miracle regenerative formula.
Not that he'd give it to you. But he makes sure to tell you all about it, showing off just how perfectly it regenerated his hands... just to see the look on your face.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
A Different Kind of Education: V Is For Vanilla (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Professor!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Summery: After being broken up with for not being kinky enough, Reader seeks out her professor to give her some private tutoring so she can win her boyfriend back.
Warnings: Modern AU, smut (18+), slow burn romance, light dom/sub dynamics, light dom!roger and sub!reader, professor x student sex, protected sex, vaginal fingering, light breast/nipple play, nipple sucking, light biting, i think thats it, honestly this chapter is (as the title says) pretty vanilla. But things will get more intense in later chapters. 
Words: 7,128
A/N: ahhhhhh it’s finally here. This professor Rog idea has been kicking around my head for months now and finally I’m actually doing something about it lmao
This series is going to be LONG (like in my plan it’s 15 chapters) because I have So Many kinks I want to squeeze into it. Some were chosen by me and some were chosen by everyone who voted in the poll I put up a few weeks ago and i am seriously so excited about what’s coming.
Smut scenes in this and all future chapters will be marked with stars so that if there is a kink you’d like to avoid you can skip over it and still enjoy the rest of the series. 
Also, I know the chapter title doesn’t super make sense since he’s a university bio sciences professor which doesn’t have a lot to do with the alphabet but 🤷‍♀️ that was the working chapter title and it kind of stuck. Plus, ya’ll know I love chapter titles that have a theme lmao. Anyway, no more stalling. Enjoy the filth and start preparing yourselves for it to get so much filthier.
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(the ultimate hot professor rog moment tbh)
@atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​​ @deakyclicks​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @drowseoftaylor​​ @hannafuckingsucks​​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​ @queenmylovely​​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​​ @johndeaconshands​​ @borhapbois​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​​ @rogersslave​​ @scorpiogemini  
His office door was open when you got there which didn’t give you much time to hesitate or rethink your decision to ask your Professor for help. He would have seen you approaching or stalling in the doorway and invited you in anyway to query you about your reasons for being there. So, instead, you raised your fist and rapped a pattern on the door frame with your knuckles. “Professor Taylor? Can I have a word?” “Miss Y/L/N,” he seemed surprised to see you, his eyes widening behind his spectacles, “come in. What can I help you with?” You closed the door behind you and took a seat, fidgeting with your fingers as you tried to remember how you’d planned to broach the subject. Professor Taylor – Roger, as you’d been told you could call him – waited patiently. “It’s tricky, Professor. Umm, see, well um,” “Is this something to do with the coursework? If you’re worried about the last assignment, you don’t need to be. It was really good, what you handed in.” “Really?” “Mmhmm. I was going to give you all feedback next week but if it’ll help put your mind at ease I can show you the comments I have for you early,” You were half a second away from asking to see them when you remembered that wasn’t what you’d come to ask about, “A-actually that’s okay Professor.” “Oh? So was it something else you wanted? I know that this Masters course is more work than previous classes you’ve had with me but you seem to be keeping on top of it all. I’m very impressed by what you’ve accomplished so far.” “Thank you Professor, but, um, that’s not really what I’m here about,” “No?” He leaned forward resting his chin on his hands, “You know, there’s no need to be nervous about talking to me, I’m not going to fail you,” he chuckled as he sat up straight again, clearly trying to lighten the mood though his expression became more serious as he said, “if you’re having trouble with something, or someone, please tell me and I will do what I can to help, whether it’s pointing you in the direction of someone more able to support you or talking to people on your behalf.” You nodded, feeling marginally calmer though still nervous, “I was actually hoping for some private tutoring,” “Oh? Well if you’d like to put your name down as a tutor I have a form here somewhere, if you fill it out I can pass it on and have your name added to the database,” Roger rifled through a stack of papers on his desk, only stopping when you spoke again. “No, not, uh, not tutoring work. I more meant tutoring from you. In an area that this Uni doesn’t provide classes in,” “Miss Y/L/N I’m going to have to ask you to explain because I’m not quite sure what you’re after,” You took a breath and resisted the urge to speak to the floor, “My boyfriend dumped me last week.” “I’m sorry to hear that but I don’t see how-” “He dumped me because apparently I’m not kinky enough. I don’t know, he always wanted me to be super obedient in the bedroom but I never really understood it.” Roger shifted in his seat, “Miss Y/L/N I don’t think this is app-” “I want someone to explain it all to me, teach me how to be what he wants so I can get him back. If I can show him that I can learn, that I can submit in the way he expects, then we won’t have to break up. I love him and I’d do anything to get him back and I’ve been thinking about it and I think you’re the best person to teach me.” “I’m not sure I understand why you would come to me with this. I am very sorry to hear you’re dealing with that but it’s not really appropriate for me to be discussing such matters with my student.” “Just…” you held your hand up to try and stop him from standing and opening the door for you, “You must realise that you have a, um, a reputation.” Roger was taken aback by that, throwing you a confused expression as he settled back into his seat. “Surely you’ve heard the rumours about you. About what you like to get up to with women.” “I can assure you I haven’t,” “Seriously? Everyone talks about it. I mean part of it is probably just because you’ve got that whole DILF thing working for you so like half the students here have crushes on you. But then you throw in the gossip about how you like to tie women up and all the rest of it,” Roger closed his eyes as if he couldn’t quite keep up with everything you’d just said, “How- I mean, those rumours have no bearing on- on anything and they aren’t even- what I mean to say is-” “Professor, it’s okay. It’s just gossip, nothing serious in it. But if you do like that sort of thing, I could really use your help. I won’t tell anyone, all I want is my boyfriend back,” Roger pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “This is insane, what you’re asking is insane.” “No it’s not,” “Okay, lets, Miss Y/L/N, just for a moment, let’s imagine that, hypothetically, I say yes to this. What then?” “Well, I’d expect we’d meet up once or twice a week, you’d teach me the basics of kink, anything you thought I should know. Then in four months’ time I can talk to Dylan and show him what I’ve learnt and he’ll take me back.” “Why four months?” “Oh, we’re pretty much guaranteed to see each other then. Two of our mutual friends are getting married and we’ll both be at the wedding. So will you do it?” “Miss Y/L/N, I don’t know that this is a good idea,” “Why not?” “Well our ages for one thing,” “So what? You’re mature and experienced and that’s what I need. Plus, surely having someone half your age throw herself at you is a bonus.” He smiled slightly, “All the same, it’s wrong. I’m your teacher.” “Exactly, who better to teach me?” “The ethics of this- and the rules of this university. If anyone found out I’d lose my job, you’d lose your place at this school so you wouldn’t get to complete your degree. Not to mention I’m sure you have family and friends who would chop my bollocks off before they ran me out of town.” “It’s not like I’m underage, I’m doing a bloody Masters. And no one would find out. We can meet in secret.” “It’s still so risky, Ms Y/L/N,” “Look, Professor, I wouldn’t tell anyone, you won’t tell anyone. As long as we’re careful about when and where we meet no one will find out. Please, Professor. I need this,” you thought you could see his resolve cracking but decided to give him a final push, “But if you really don’t want to then I’ll find someone else. I’m sure I can meet someone online. Fetlife? That’s a website for this kind of thing, right?” “Fine, I’ll do it.” He said suddenly, “But we do it my way. And certainly not on campus.” “Okay,” “Are you free tonight?” “You wanna get right into it?” “I want to discuss this further, off campus, to set some ground rules, and I think we’ll both be more comfortable discussing it over dinner.” “Dinner? Like a date?” “A business deal. Miss Y/L/N, if you can’t take this seriously,” “I can, I promise. Dinner where?” “Well, public places are out of the question. So you can come over to my house. Be there by Seven and make sure no one knows. Here’s the address,” “Thank you Professor,” Roger grunted as he scrawled his address on a scrap of paper, holding it out to you, “Go, out of my office before I come to my senses,” You nodded and scurried off, taking heart from the bemused tone behind his snippy words. In a matter of a few short months you’d be able to put this breakup behind you and show Dylan just how much he meant to you.
A few minutes before seven o’clock you rang Roger’s door bell, looking around at the long driveway and the tidy garden beds at the front of the house as you waited. He opened the door quickly and hurried you inside glancing around the front yard as if someone were spying on him. “I brought wine,” you said, holding the bottle out, “You’ve got a nice place,” “You sound surprised,” he said as he took your jacket from you and hung it on a coat rack to the side of the entrance before taking the wine with a gracious nod and examining the label, “Y’know being a university professor doesn’t actually pay too badly.” “Yeah but this place is massive,” He chucked, “I inherited a little from my Nan and Pop and then there was the album. That was enough to buy this place.” “Album?” “Oh, I was in a band in my youth, one mildly successful album and a couple of writing credits on the singles set me up nicely. Not nicely enough to retire on but still.” He shrugged as he led you through his sizeable house, up a set of stairs and towards the back balcony, “Plus, this place didn’t seem so big when I was sharing it with my ex-wife and our kids. Uhh, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss. Now, make yourself comfortable out here and I’ll just go check on the food.” You nodded, still trying to wrap your head around the sheer number of rooms and hallways you’d passed as well as the fact that your old Biology professor had once been in a band. It was hard considering you’d only ever seen him presenting lectures to an audience of tired and often hungover students but you supposed he did have a kind of magnetism that would have been at home on a stage. Still, you’d have liked to see pictures.  
Roger returned a few moments later with two plates of food, a couple of wine glasses tucked in the crook of his arm. You quickly reached to relieve him of something, before one of the glasses could shatter and put an end to all your plans. Though perhaps a broken glass would have helped break the ice. It wasn’t the most comfortable dinner you ever had. You found it hard to swallow, hard to sit still, torn between wanting to jump right to the main topic and wanting to let Roger bring it up in his own time. The last thing you wanted was to come across as just trying to get a leg over the hottest professor on campus as if for a dare or a joke. Him retracting his agreement was a very close second last. Instead, you gulped down your drink and tried to focus on the reasonably nice meal Roger had prepared for you. Finally, after watching you top up your glass for the third time, he put you out of your misery. “Why me?” “What?” “Why did you approach me with this idea of…tutoring?” “Like I said before, the rumours abo-” “Okay but there must have been something beyond that. There could have been rumours about any staff member. If the school gossip had said Professor Richardson had a sex dungeon where he tied up women and spanked them, would you have approached him?” “So you have heard the rumours,” “Of course I have. Answer the question,” You stalled by taking another drink, though only a sip that time, “No, I wouldn’t have.” “So, why me?” “You’re hot?” Roger gave you a look you’d seen in the classroom – his stop fucking around look, usually reserved for first years who still treated dissection and cadavers as a joke. You shrugged, “You’re one of the best teachers I ever had. You always said we could come to you with any problems we were having and whenever I took you up on that offer to go over the coursework you were encouraging and supportive and knew how to push me in the right direction without giving me all the answers. I guess I felt like I could trust you. Like you’d take me seriously or at least hear me out before shutting the door in my face. And if the rumours happened to be false then you seemed like the sort of person who wouldn’t be offended by them or my proposition.” Roger smiled to himself, but it was only for a few brief seconds and then his professional demeanour was back in place, “Alright, well, I’m listening now so why don’t you tell me about this ex and the sort of things he requested of you. And then I’ll decide whether to kick you off my property or not.” There was a twinkle in his eye that told you he wasn’t serious about throwing you out, but it didn’t stop you from feeling timid about the conversation, “Umm, okay. His name is Dylan. We were both in your Bachelor bio class, that’s how we met. Or kind of. We were aware of each other but went to different parties and hung out with different people. It wasn’t until last year that we actually met and got chatting and started seeing each other. I thought it was the real thing, like proper love, soulmate stuff. So when he broke up with me it took me completely by surprise. Everything felt perfect with him. Except for the sex.” You paused, feeling a little self-conscious about speaking so frankly about your personal life, and with your professor no less. Roger removed his spectacles and wiped them on the bottom of his shirt, “Ms Y/L/N, you’re going to have to be able to talk about sex with me if you actually want this to work.” “The sex was fucking great okay? Especially at the start. But the longer we went out the more he pushed for me to be submissive to him. He’d joke around about wanting to fuck me while I was asleep or mostly asleep, and he’d dirty talk by calling me his toy or saying that he owned me or sometimes about pimping me out to his friends. I indulged some of his ideas like when he wanted to be especially rough with me, pushing my head down into the mattress, pulling my hair, slapping me, things like that. And it was fun, but I never enjoyed it the same way he did and whenever he brought up the sleep stuff or if he tried to bend me over while I was cooking dinner I always stopped him. He’d laugh about it and say he was just joking but I guess he meant it more than I thought he did.” Roger remained quiet, watching you thoughtfully until he was sure you were finished, “If we did this what limits would you want in place?” “None. I want to be the perfect submissive for Dylan, I want to prove I can be whatever he wants.” Roger shook his head and put down his glass, “What was it you told Dylan when he suggested using you while you were in the middle of something or if he brought up the sleep stuff?” “I just told him no, I wasn’t into it or I was busy.” “Then that’s a limit. If you don’t want to do those things, that’s okay. Everyone has limits.” “But that’s the point. I need to learn how to be into those things so he’ll have me back. My limits are what made him leave.” Roger exhaled heavily though his nose, “Okay then, is there anything you would consider a turn off?” “I don’t know,” “Well I don’t believe that. I’m sure you have at least some idea of what you like and what you don’t.” “Yeah I guess I do but if I’m the submissive one then it doesn’t matter what I want. This is about Dylan and doing what he wants.” “Personally, I’m not big into feet stuff – toe sucking, foot jobs, anything like that – it just doesn’t appeal to me, whether I’m acting more dominant or more submissive, and I’ve made sure to tell every one of the women I’ve been with who hinted that they’d be into doing that kind of thing. A lot of women, in my experience at least, don’t like anal or things like knife play or scenes that feel violent or menacing.” He paused, watching your reactions, “From what you’ve just told me, it sounds like Dylan might be into free use and consensual non-consent so if either of those things sound like a turn off to you, you should let me know. Dylan will have limits of what he’s comfortable with and comfortable doing to others, I guarantee it. You need to make your limits known too. It’s all part of being in a D/S relationship and playing with any kind of BDSM type kink. The main rule we follow is safe, sane and consensual, and believe me, I will make sure we follow it during our lessons. So, is there anything you would consider a turn off or anything you wouldn’t want to do, even for Dylan?” “Can I think about it and get back to you?” “I suppose so. If it helps I can give you an idea of things I could teach you and you can tell me if any of them don’t feel right.” “Yeah, I think that would help,” “Alright umm, obviously because this is about what Dylan likes we should address consensual non-consent and free use at some point, but they would come later. Somnophilia too. I’d probably start with something easier or more common anyway. Spanking is nearly guaranteed, basic bondage methods – cuffs, ropes, that sort of thing – maybe some more extreme bondage too depending on how much you enjoyed the basic bondage. Ummm, choking, maybe some gags, tease and denial for sure. Any of that sounding too scary or intimidating or just not fun?” “They all sound okay I think, although some of them I haven’t heard of before.” “It’s a start at least. Of course, I would begin with the smaller kinks and work our way up to the more intense ones, and hopefully by that point we’ll both be more familiar with your limits and what you are interested in taking further.” “So, does that mean your agreeing to tutor me?” “I can definitely work with this.” “You mean it?” “Yes. Apparently I do.” He trailed his gaze over you for a moment, “How would you feel if I suggested we move this to the bedroom?” Your heart skipped a beat and you hoped your shock hadn’t shown on your face, “You want to start now?” “Sort of. What do we do at the beginning of a science experiment?” “Measure a control group,” “Exactly, you do a control before you mess with variables so you have something to measure them against. In this case, I think we’ll be able to tailor kinks to you better if I have some idea of what you enjoy during sex and what it takes to get you off. Is that okay?” “Yeah, of course, yeah. Makes sense.” “If you want to wait a couple of days we can,” “No, now’s as good a time as any. And the sooner we get into it all the better really.” Roger chuckled and stood, holding out his hand to help you out of your seat, “You’ve always been an enthusiastic student.”
Leaving your plates and glasses on the balcony table, Roger led you towards his bedroom. You wished you’d had a little more to drink, just to dull the sudden wave of nerves that had risen up. You were about to fuck a professor. Professor Taylor. It was a bizarre scenario you’d got yourself into and in an effort to distract yourself a little and calm down, you focused on his bedroom wall as he busied about closing curtains, eyes trained on a framed watercolour of a lake under some cherry blossom trees. “You like it?” “Huh? Oh, yeah, it’s pretty,” “I got that while I was in Japan a few years ago.” You nodded, not sure what to say next. “Are you okay?” You turned and found Roger much closer than he had been a moment before. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “Yes, sorry, just a bit nervous I guess. Feels kind of odd now that I’m actually here. If I’m being honest, I didn’t really expect you to agree to this.” “I did tell you your idea was insane. But that’s okay,” he slowly reached forward, his hand settling on your hip and gently tugging, encouraging you to step in closer, “It’s kind of weird for me too. So, we’ll go slow. And if you want to stop at any time we can.” You nodded, eyes glued to Roger, and let your tongue wet your lips. His eyes followed the movement, “Does that mean you want to kiss me?” There was a playfulness to his voice, teasing almost, and you found yourself relaxing and agreeing that you did. And for the first time you realised just what it meant for those rumours to be true. “So then kiss me.”
A kiss you could do. Pushing aside the realisation that this was your first kiss since Dylan left, you leaned in and pressed your lips to Roger’s, though you pulled away quickly. Roger didn’t say anything, just waited, lips lightly parted. Your heart was racing with excitement and uncertainty, but you wanted more. He welcomed your lips the second time they met his, his hand gripping your hip harder now that he was certain you were going to stay. It was almost needy the way he kissed back, something you’d not have expected from your Professor. His nose bumped yours and yet he didn’t seem to care, leaning further into you, his tongue tickling your lip seconds before you felt it slide against your own tongue. Familiar but entirely different from the kisses you were used to. His hands didn’t move like Dylan’s did, not grabbing but gently squeezing, reassuringly firm. His leg was suddenly between yours and you took a step back in surprise. Roger followed so you took another and another until you felt the edge of the bed behind you. Dylan and your nerves almost entirely forgotten, you reached for Roger’s belt. He let you unbuckle it and pull it loose before he grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head, kissing you between looks heavy with desire. He broke away for a moment and toed off his shoes, bending to take his socks off too, “So, is there anything you particularly like, any positions?” You copied his movements, kicking your own shoes just under the bed, “Not really. I can work with whatever.” “Stop trying to please me and tell me what you like Ms Y/L/N,” he said, reaching for your hips again so he could push your jeans down. “I mean I guess I like being on top, riding, whatever you want to call it.,” you quickly unhooked your bra and let it drop to the floor, “But Dylan tended to like me under him.” “New rule,” Roger said, kicking his own pants off his ankle as you tugged his shirt from his shoulders, “No talking about your ex when we’re this close to being naked. Okay?” “Yeah, sorry, good rule.” “Y’know I could have taken your bra off too,” “Faster this way,” “I’ll let you have it this time. But next time I unwrap you myself.” You shivered at the implications of the statement as Roger resumed the kiss and pressed you backwards onto the mattress, quickly climbing on top of you, his hands braced on each side of your head as he leaned down to kiss you once more, hungrily.
He didn’t stay there long though. A few seconds later he’d shimmied down your body, creating a trail of kiss warmed skin, until his face was positioned directly above your breasts. You raised your head and watched enraptured as he his eyes met yours, the hint of a mischievous grin lighting up his face, and then he lowered his lips to the top of your left breast. You let your head drop back to the bed and ached your back a little, pushing your chest towards him. “Yeah, you like that?” he asked, voice rougher than you’d ever heard it before, “what if I do this?” slowly he let his teeth sink into you, just for a second. It was enough to pull a small hum of appreciation from you so he repeated the action on your right breast. “Feels good?” “Yeah,” you breathed out, softly. “Yeah?” he asked, pushing himself up so he was straddling your waist, “What about this?” You felt his warm breath surround your nipple before you felt his tongue lap against it or his lips enclose it, letting your eyes slip shut as you drew your lip between your teeth. He seemed to appreciate the response and made sure to repeat the action a few times against each nipple, sucking on one as his gently flicked the other with his thumb. You tingled at the sensation of his warm saliva cooling and gently squeezed your legs together. “Don’t be shy,” he said, sitting up again and laying a hand over each of your breasts, “I can tell you enjoy it when I play with your tits,” You pulled in a shaky breath as he squeezed your breasts, “Mmhmm, yeah,” “Do you want some more?” “Yes, Professor,” He made a short clicking sound with his tongue, “I think we’re past Professor by now, you can call me Roger. And you can tell me what you want,” “I want more,” “More what?” You hummed again at the feeling of him massaging your boobs. “More what? Should I keep sucking on your perky fucking tits? Jesus they’re so fucking soft,” he cleared his throat and shook his head a little, “Or, should I give some other part a bit of attention? Your pussy’s probably feeling a bit left out, huh?” You’d expected him to boss you around, make demands, and you’d expected a bit of dirty talk (the kind where he’d tell you how sexy you looked or that he couldn’t wait to fuck you). But the reality surpassed everything you’d considered likely. You certainly hadn’t expected to get wet just from his tone and his words. And you definitely hadn’t expected to be doing what he asked, agreeing with everything he said. But that’s exactly what was happening, and it felt good. “Please touch my pussy.” “It would be my pleasure,” he smiled softly as he climbed off of your waist and pulled your underwear down, “and yours.”
The change of position gave you a moment to catch your breath but also to take in Roger’s appearance properly. You had to admit you liked what you saw. Of course, you already knew he was attractive. More than once you’d found yourself distracted in class, mind on what a cute bum he had or how shapely his hands were or else on his fluffy hair, light blonde but with streaks of grey blended throughout. He was the epitome of the hot teacher really, especially with his gravelly voice and the youthful sparkle of his eyes, magnified by his usual pair of glasses. What you hadn’t seen before, and what you were revelling in now, was his naked torso. There were muscles in his arms, not Hollywood style bulging biceps and you’d certainly never have noticed them under the sleeves of his work shirts, but they were revealed as he shifted his position and you had the sudden urge to reach out and squeeze them. A light fuzz of hair covered his chest, though it was so light it was barely visible, and a marginally thicker thatch of it trailed down into his underwear. And in between was his stomach, the years of fatherhood evidenced by how it softly protruded out over the hem of his underwear. Once, a few years ago, someone had found a photo of Professor Taylor taken in the 90s when he was twenty-something and, thanks to the university meme facebook page and a few students with near influencer levels of followers, just about the whole school had seen it and had wet dreams about it. He’d been stick thin then, eyes ringed by dark grungy eyeliner, long messy hair falling about his face, and his plaid shirt unbuttoned. The Roger settling beside you now was miles away from that boy but you liked his current look, from his shorter hair to his rounder body, though he seemed to have the same skinny legs. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he propped himself up on his elbow to look you over. “This is…better than I thought it would be,” “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” “No, that’s not what I meant. I don’t know, I just...I could never picture it before, actually being with you. But you’ve made it feel easy and, well not normal, but y’know, not too strange either.” “So you’ve been liking it so far?” “Mmhmm, it’s felt really good,” “Good, that’s what I want to hear. But,” your breath hitched as you felt his fingers stroke between your legs, “experiments not done yet.” He watched his hand as it moved, his fingers sliding between your lips, spreading the wetness that had begun to pool with his earlier attentions. Each shift of his fingers pulled soft sighs and small ohs from you as the pleasure began to slowly build and you pulled him down into another kiss, wanting to feel him closer. He eased the first finger into you gradually, whispering questions about how it felt and if you were ready for more. You’d have expected his constant quizzing to be annoying but he peppered them between comments about making you feel good and dirty talk about getting you ready for his cock as he pulled your hand over to his crotch to give him some small relief. And somehow everything just seemed to turn you on more, his obvious desire to make sure you were comfortable included. You barely registered when he added the second finger, pumping both into you rhythmically as he delicately sucked at your pulse point, though you knew the third was coming, a response to your pleas for more. You’d meant his dick really, ready to move things along but he’d been adamant about making sure you were properly stretched out, not relenting until he’d fit four fingers inside you. “Fo-four?” you whimpered as he pressed the last one into you, “Three not enough?” “Just to be on the safe side. My cock is about average length but its girthy,” “I – oh Roger – It feels huge to me,” “Please, I’m 46, I know it’s not the biggest thing in the world. But I also know it doesn’t need to be to fuck you so right.” You weren’t sure how to reply though he didn’t give you many options, jerking his fingers inside you and making you moan. “I know there are nerves involved which can impact how wet you get and I don’t want to do anything that would cause you pain or discomfort, so I’m going to finger you until I’m ready to stop. You can beg all you want but I won’t fuck you until I decide you can handle it.” Even that was hot though you weren’t exactly sure why, but whatever it was you found yourself nodding in agreement, staring at him through eyes half lidded with pleasure.
When Roger was satisfied that you were ready for more than his fingers, he pulled them from you and got to his knees, shuffling around to rummage through his bedside cabinet. A moment later you realised why as he kicked off his underwear and tore open a condom. You watched as he rolled it down his shaft, noting he’d described himself quite accurately. “Sorry,” he said as he caught your eye, “did you want to do that?” “No, that’s okay,” you chuckled, “just that Dylan never liked to wear them,” “Hey, we have a rule remember. And this is the first time I’m fucking one of my students, I’m not doing it raw, are you kidding?” “Sorry. And yeah, you’re probably right to use one.” “Hey, this is just the control remember. Condoms are a variable we can change later.” You laughed at that and nodded as Roger squirted some lube into his palm and began stroking himself, letting out small groans at the contact. “Are you going to fuck me yet or is there something else I have to wait for?” “Careful Ms Y/L/N, you know I don’t tolerate that kind of attitude.” He smiled as he crawled over you again, catching your lips quickly before he sat back on his heels and pushed your legs wide. With a final look, as if to give you a chance to end things before they went any further, he lined himself up and pressed himself into you. You gasped as he filled you easily, bottoming out. “God you feel good,” he panted, “are you okay? Can I move?” “Yeah,” you nodded, “please move.” He breathed out a small sigh as he pulled his hips back and snapped them forward again, finding a rhythm. As he got more comfortable in the moment, Roger leaned over you again, pushing his face between your breasts and laving your skin with his tongue. He rediscovered the spots he’d found earlier, humming around your nipples and squeezing your boobs as he thrust into you. “Feel good?” “Yeah,” “You close yet?” “Not really.” “That’s alright,” he said softly as he readjusted his position, sitting back and lifting your legs over his shoulders. You felt the angle change as he fucked into you harder than before, his pace a little faster, “Play with your tits for me.” You didn’t hesitate to do as he asked, panting in sync with his thrusts as he dropped his fingers to your clit, rubbing in tight circles, forcing more moans and whines from your throat. “That’s right, tell me how good it is to be spread out under your professor, full of my hard cock. Christ you’re so fucking tight. Why didn’t I fuck you sooner?”.” You let your moans pick up a little as he ploughed into you, willing yourself to reach your climax. “Yeah? You like that. Are you close now?” “Uh-” “So no.” “Sorry, i-it just takes a while usually. I could f-fake it if you wa-nt to stop.” “No!” his voice sounded strained as he stilled inside you, “This is about getting you off and I will keep fucking you even if it takes all night for you to cum. I just need to readjust again.” Your laugh became a small whine as he pulled out of you and rolled you over so you were on top of him, “what are you-?” “Ride me. You said you like being on top so ride me,” You smiled and pressed your lips to his quickly before settling yourself over him and carefully sinking down into place. As you took him as deep as you could you halted a moment to enjoy the sensation of being full again, gently rocking your hips as you braced your hands on Roger’s chest. He held your gaze as he slipped two fingers into his mouth, pulling them out when they were dripping with saliva. He pressed them together with his thumb before bringing the wet digits to your right nipple, massaging it until you arched your back and tilted your head backwards. There was no way to resist any longer and you raised yourself on your knees before sinking back down, grunting as he hit just the right spot. “Better?” he grunted. “Mhmm,” you managed to get out before a moan, once again lifting and dropping yourself. You settled into the flow of it, the movement of your hips and the way you pulsed around him as you took him harder and faster, feeling the pleasure build and build and build. Until Roger’s voice, cracking with the effort, broke through your concentration. “Fuck, I’m close, I’m close. I’m gonna cum,” “Okay,” you said, not sure what else you could say, a little disappointed that it was going to be over before you could finish. So much for all night, though you supposed he’d only said that to help you relax and finish faster. At least it was hot watching him unravel beneath you, his grunts and groans loud and shameless, his hips spasming under yours. You waited until he was done, eyes closed and chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain control of his breathing, and then lifted yourself to dismount him. Or you would have, except you felt his hands grab you by the hips and press you down again. “Your turn,” he said it so earnestly, no hint of the dominant teasing from earlier or any egotistical overconfidence, that you found yourself agreeing immediately, shocked into doing what he was guiding you to. You raised your hips again, let him pull you back down hard and before long you’d found your rhythm again. He let go of your hip, moving the hand to messily rub your clit as you shifted a little, changing the angle by a fraction. It was enough to have you careening towards the edge, even as Roger pulled air through his teeth as the extra stimulation. “So close,” you muttered before he could ask, eyes shut, intent on your mission. “C’mon, cum on my cock, show me how good it feels,” You nodded unthinkingly as he encouraged you, feeling it just out of reach until finally the familiar warmth washed over you, a long moan slipping from between your lips as you swivelled your hips, prolonging the orgasm as long as you could. “There you go, good girl.”
Roger gasped as you climbed off him and carefully removed his condom to throw it out. “I could have done that,” “You did enough.” He was smiling when you turned back to face him and beckoned you over to join him on the bed once more, pressing a kiss to your jaw and the corner of your mouth before he found your lips again. You sighed against him, lost in the blissful warmth of the moment. “I’ll do it. I’ll tutor you,” Roger said after some time, his arm draped over your side, your faces inches from each other. “You mean it?” “Yes.” “Because I’m a hot shag?” He let out an exhale of laughter, “Because I would rather you learnt about that kind of stuff from someone like me than some random on the internet who thinks that being dominant means being cruel or causing pain. At least I can make sure you approach things from a healthy angle with your own enjoyment in mind as much as your ex’s.” “Thank you. So…when do we start?” “Give me a few days to plan out some lessons, put together a curriculum.” “Oh, so it’s going to be like proper tutoring then.” “You’re the one that came to a teacher about this.” “Fair enough.” You would have happily stayed there longer and you later wondered if Roger would have let you had an alarm on his phone not gone off, a reminder to put his bins out for collection in the morning. He frowned as he realised the time and glanced at you. The piercing melody had brought the reality of the situation back to both of you. “I guess that means I should leave, right?” Roger sat up and scooted a little further away from you, “Yes, you probably should.” He paused for a moment, “No one can know about this.” “I know, I understand. It’s our secret.” He pulled in a breath, “Exactly, our secret. Do you need me to call you a cab?” “No, it’s fine, I drove here.” “Okay. Well, why don’t we get dressed and I’ll walk you out.” “Are you okay with this? If you really don’t want to teach me, I’d understand.” “No I want to. More than I should.” “That’s okay. No one will know and we’ll do things your way, whatever you think is best.” “My way,” he muttered to himself, “Yes. Exactly. Okay. Um, tell you what,” he swung his legs out of the bed and bent forward to retrieve the underwear he’d discarded earlier, pulling them up under cover of the corner of the bed sheet, “I will grab my things and go collect our dishes from dinner. You can stay here and get changed and then when you’re ready to go, come find me in the kitchen, okay Ms Y/L/N?” “Sounds great, Professor Taylor.” He nodded at you once more before he left, bending to collect his pants and shirt on his way. You waited a minute or so, mind racing with the events of the evening and the promise of what would be coming, before you too stood and began to redress.
When you felt sufficiently tidy you stepped out into the hallway and headed in the direction you hoped led to the kitchen. Roger was there, redressed and hardly looking like he’d just got out of bed, leaning against the bench, eyes out of focus. When you arrived though his head jerked around towards your movement. “All good?” he asked, “got everything?” “Yeah, think so.” “Well,” he said, leading you towards the front door, “it was great having you. Over. Having you over. I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” “It was great for me too Professor.” “I will see you in class on Monday, don’t forget about that reading you’re meant to do.” “Got it. Um, can I ask about my next tutoring session, when would that be?” “I will talk to you about it after class on Monday if that’s okay.” “Absolutely, whatever works for you Professor.” He opened the door, standing on his side of the entrance as you stepped outside, “Right, well. Goodnight Ms Y/L/N,” “Goodnight Roger,” you said, quickly leaning in to kiss his cheek, “and thank you.” He still looked a little stunned as you got into your car, wondering just what you’d got yourself into.
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Most Likely To Thoughts
because i am an angry theater kid
spoilers below
First of holy shit. That was one of the best episodes of the season. My second favorite (episode 5 has a special place in my heart okay?)
big red is awesome
i missed ABF this episode hes awesome
miss jenn you literally did the exact same thing 
“would you like to be the first” “im good”
ashlyn youre a cutie
oh my god guys they’re actually rehearsing
Gaston was ICONIC. 
the callback to 1x08
im sorry you guys haven’t blocked the 2nd act?!?!?!?! its MARCH the show was cast in January you’ve had TWO months i have been in shows blocked in less time
*angry theater kid screeching*
“It’s an expression, Sebastian”
Seb is going to snap one day. This is like the fourth time this has happened this season. 
Like he lowkey looked pretty sad and angry after that comment. Maybe the episode 10 Seblos fight isn’t going to be so private.
ANYWAYS back to the episode (i will gladly talk about seblos all day)
they lookin good
kourt and nini have started a “relationships are hard” club and the members include big red, gina, and seb. ricky and ej pop in from time to time
kourtney that is a great lie well done
communication saves lives and obviously ricky and nini never got the memo
ricky no
did you learn nothing from nini and ej?
i do like how he immediately regretted it. like he knows he effed up
oooo ej, gina, carlos, and seb thats intersting
do not try to tell me carlos and seb dont hold hands in class bc they do
ej honey i think you like her
ngl i might have jumped on the portwell train
cash caswell
i hate him already
ej just sinking in his chair
carlos’ somewhat impressed face i cant
cash you son of a gun why
cash this is career day not show off your son day
ej noooo
“seize the day” theatre kids share a knowing glance
im shocked carlos didnt stand up and do the choreo 
miss jenn has a new man every episode omfg
mazzara is my fav
those are the nicest high school aprons like where are the ratty tshirts?!?!
how is sebs so messy
bitter seb
i smell tension
ope seb is mad
he is going to snap one day i swear
you can tell carlos regretted it or just doesnt understand what happened
im glad the seblos fight is building instead of something out of the blue
seb has been kinda pushed around this season im happy he is finally saying something
and no more seblos the rest of the episode rip
carlos go after your boyfriend come on
you know what would have been fun? they have their bantar while cleaning brushes and rollers in a clogged sink
ricky have you ever asked how big red is doing?
why is there no drill piece in the drill what is she doing? is she bolting stuff or predrilling?
ash trying to be supportive
i love ashlyn guys
omfg two parents this episode what is this?
kourt’s mom being on her side love to see it
“i live to serve”
“i cleaned your desk a little” yep she’ll take you back after that
the shade kourtney is throwing im living for it
ricky just disappears and reappears
oof-okay richard
the pizza place fight. they were both in the wrong, im glad kourt shut them down
i love them
ash is trying so hard and red is trying to get her to understand
mazzara you sneaky
i thought it was a date lol
miss jenn take the hint
that was really sweet, like go ej and gina, they have one of the healthiest relationships on the show because they learned what not to do.
thats a nice treehouse
lesbians build nice things
i should know
bc im one- ill stop
the treehouse scene-holy shiz. its amazing. props to josh and olivia, i was on the verge of tears. best rini scene of the season, hands down. it was beautiful
nini is sobbing i cant
ricky you can cry its okay
im so happy the breakup happened, major rini shipper in season 1 but they have fallen flat this season. it was handled so well and just gahhh
nini sobbing by herself 
roman sounds so good holy. 
like so good
this does damper my theory on ricky leaving halfway through the show and seb taking over as beast and singing this
“you’re gorgeous”
mazzara fell hard
“To Miss Jenn” why am i laughing
you guys are adorable
howie fell hard
omfg ej
ej noo we love you pls be okay
redlyn you cuties
we stan big red in this house
ricky and the pillow no
glad ashlyn sticked around
i am dead. ricky thank you thats it.
like that broke me
i should not be crying over this i have already cried to much this season 
you know what would have made this scene better? seb just sitting on his bed then carlos texts him and he pushes his phone aside. something to show them drifting bc its happening and i need content
like where were they the second half?
As you can probably tell, I lost my mind this episode. I have no words, nothing at all. All I have is my tears. The past two episodes have been the best of the season. Episode 8 was another level.
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nhyckdcxx · 3 years
A Virgin Affair pt.02
Tumblr media
continuation of ‘ A Virgin Affair ‘
warning: oral sex/male receiving/unprotected sex/virgin
words: 1.2k words
A/N: Might have the last part next time.. Im a bit occupied these days.. :((
 They immediately left the coffee shop without saying goodbye to his Barista friend, Eric.. and he already knows what will happen next.. Lucas is the new regular customer that he was referring to Jungwoo.
When they arrived at Jungwoo's place Lucas immediately kissed Jungwoo passionately..
Shet.. Jungwoo was a virgin. He doesnt even know how to do the tongue and french.. but then.. some scenes from the porno that he watched flashed..
He responded to Lucas' kisses..
"You're a virgin— aren't you?" Jungwoo became shy.
Lucas chuckled. "Its okay. I'll be gentle okay? Dont be scared."
Then Lucas kissed Jungwoo again, his hands are slowly stripping Jungwoo.. until Woo is now half naked..
Lucas lowered the kiss to his neck, licking woo's neck while caressing his boobs..
"Ahhhh—" woo moaned when Lucas started licking this nipples that made him rock hard..
Jungwoo held Lucas' face and kissed him.. they were slowly walking to the sofa and Lucas stripping at the same time..
He suddenly pushed Woo on the couch.. He kissed him again.. now it is more passionate.. more hot..
Lucas is now unbuttoning Jungwoo's pants while kissing him.. but this time kissing aggressively..
"Oh — youre already hard now.." Lucas said after he stripped Woo's pants and boxer..
Woo's dick is standing like a tall tower, and sturdy..
He suddenly felt shy..
"I'll make you wet and ready for me.." then Lucas suddenly licked the bulbous red head of woo's dick.
"Ahhhhhhnhgg— uuhhhhh—" woo moaned. He can’t explain the feeling.. He is going crazy..
Lucas slid down to his knees, took Jungwoo's cock in his mouth as he gently stroked Jungwoo's balls with one hand.
The warmth and softness of Lucas mouth was starting to get Jungwoo obviously very excited, Woo's breathing quickened and was afraid things might end very quickly.
"I said relax, okay? Just enjoy.. alright?." Lucas said. 
The tension was mounting very rapidly.
"Just go with it." As Lucas stroked Jungwoo's buttocks with the nails of his free hand.
"This is getting hard to bear." Jungwoo said. He wanted cum now. But he still wants to enjoy Lucas' mouth.
"Its okay.. just let it happen.." Lucas smiled. He is indeed really good at this..
Jungwoo needed no further encouragement. A tingling started in his feet and worked its way slowly up to his legs.
Jungwoo's knees buckled a little and he came in Lucas' expert mouth.
Spurt after spurt flew from Jungwoo's cock and his  knees nearly gave way. He haven't had an orgasm like that for many months.
Lucas licked his shaft.. licking all of the semen that Jungwoo squirted..
"Haaaaaaaaa— you're mouth is so — fucking good.." catching his breath in an cum that he never experienced before..
"You sounded like a pro in sex.." Lucas smiled.
"Has anyone ever told you, you have delicious cum?"
Lucas said. Jungwoo felt a bit shy..
"I think, this is because you had a frappe and a cinnamon earlier. It's funny how your cum tastes of cinnamon if you've been eating it." Lucas said..
Jungwoo blushed. This fucking stranger is making him crazy.. Crazy as it is but Jungwoo is now having a crush with this stranger his having sex with.
Lucas went back on working Jungwoo's dick..
"Oh, that's — ahhhhhh good!" Jungwoo breathed, "so ahhhh— fucking good." Moans can be heard all over the room.
Lucas nibbled, blew his hot breath on Jungwoo's most sensitive area which slowly opened like a flower, allowing Lucas to dip his tongue into his butthole.
"That really is, ahhhhhh— so good— so fucking good." Jungwoo moaned in so much pleasure.
Lucas grasped the moment and started to lick Jungwoo's butthole with deliberate upward movements of his tongue.
"Shit— ahhhhngggg— uhhhhhhggg."
Jungwoo hadn't had sex since, he is an erotica writer but never an experienced one.
Lucas massaged woo's breasts, which were delightfully hard and pinkish. Lucas felt Jungwoo's hand circle in Lucas' swelling penis.
"I really want it — uuuhhhhngg— inside me."
Jungwoo knees bent, his feet came up on the bed, and his legs parted invitingly.
"Please, put it in." Jungwoo sounded like a desperate slut.
"I want you to fill me.. Just to feel you inside.."
Lucas was a bit surprised. But still followed Jungwoo's pleading..
Lucas allowed his cock to find its own way to Jungwoo's welcoming butthole.
Lucas slid the tip just inside him and paused..
"Oh yes. Please — as slowly as you like."
Lucas inched his way in so so slowly, against almost no resistance, the nerves in the head of his cock revelling in sensations.
Nature took over and they started a slow languorous shag withdrawing almost completely then starting the slow, exquisite, return to full penetration.
"Ahhhhhhh— shit.. you're so — ahhhh fucking tight ahhhh—" Lucas said while thrusting into Jungwoo's butthole.
"Shit— ahhhhhhnggg— Hold me down. Hold me down while you take me..ahhhhhh—" Jungwoo said while cathching his breath..
"Possess me.. pleaseee— ahhhhh—uhhnggg"
"Fuck me-- hard.." Lucas finally heared what he was waiting for..
Lucas took Jungwoo's wrists in one hand and supported his weight with the other.
"Like that— ahhhhhh— oh my — aahhh.."
It was a new experience for Jungwoo..
"Faster now— ahhhhhh shit—aaaahh." Lucas  stayed buried deep within him.
Lucas fucked him hard. fucked with the enthusiasm of a man that haven't had sex for years.
Jungwoo's moans came up to meet Lucas on every stroke. They fucked each other, working gradually towards the inevitable release.
Lucas could hardly believe it but the signals were there. Lucas was getting ready to cum..
"I'm ahhhhhhnggg— close." Lucas breathed into Jungwoo's ear, still pinning his wrists to the bed.
"Look me in the eyes — ahhhhhnhg—and say it again." Jungwoo pushed up on Lucas' arms, raised his body over Lucas, stared right into his eyes.
"I'm really fucking — ahhh—close." Lucas said in a husky voice..
"Fuck! That's ahhhh— sexy. Talk to me. shit— Keep talking, please.." Jungwoo pleaded.
"I'm about to cum. Ahhhhh— I can feel my cum welling up inside me ready to pump deep inside you." Lucas said while thrusting fast pace..
"Ohhh fuck—yesss— ahhhhh.."
Several violent contractions shook Jungwoo's body and they both collapsed.
"That was wonderful.. fucking a virgin is not that bad.. i guess.." Lucas chuckled. Jungwoo felt shy and slapped his arms.
They rolled sideways and cuddled. That was a great fuck for a virgin Jungwoo..
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
How did you think the Queens’ love confessions went?
Ahhhhhh okay I love this question so much aksgjwbw time for another small hc post, thank you Anon 😊
For an Aramour love confession? Well genuinely Jane is the most oblivious of the queens, bless Catalina’s patience. It would have to be very, very direct from Lina to work, either that or it would be Jane who confesses. I headcanon Jane as the oblivious and anxious type, so Ithink it would be really cute if she was finally able to work up the nerve to tell Lina she likes her. Jane would expect Lina not to feel the same way and would ask if they could at least still be friends, meanwhile Lina is staring at her dumbfounded while holding up flowers that she was just about to give to Jane. Lina’s thought process is, “wait no, why would I reject you? I literally have been trying to ask you out for five fucking months now and you never picked up on my advances. Please let me date you.” Jane was very surprised and had a very dorky celebration where she basically jumped onto Lina and tackled her into a hug while giggling, and Lina just melts and hugs back because she wanted this for so long. Afterwards there are a plethora of discussions where Jane is like “wait, you liked me and have been trying to ask me out for months?” Its great.
Okay, so I tend to write either a bunch of angst or sexually tensed love confessions for parrlyn, but my favorite of all-time would have to be the one I wrote in a roleplay with @boleynhowards (Quick side note: Hi Amy I love you). Basically what happens is that Anne and Cathy obviously have feeling for each other but are both too scared to admit it, but they are then put into a situation where to help Kat they have to distract Jane for a bit of time. In this instance, they decide to lie about wanting to tell her a secret, and in a sense of panic Anne claims that they are fake dating. I know, I know, it seems cliche but don’t roll your eyes yet, it takes a different route. Almost immediately after this confession, Jane congratulated them, especially Anne as she began to openly confess about how Anne had bee gushing to her about her big gay ass crush on Cathy for a month or two now, all while not knowing that this was news to Cathy as her and Anne weren’t together yet. Anne is lowkey panicked while Cathy is ecstatic with this sudden revelation, but then Jane asks Cathy how she knew she liked Anne and Cathy is like “oh fuck.” After a genuine explanation to Jane about how Cathy feels about Anne, Anne gets a vibe that there was some truth to what Cathy had said and they have a private talk where they both confess their mutual feelings for one another. They then become girlfriends and celebrate by making out on the stairway of the house, only to later be interrupted by Kat who fell down the stairs in a race with Anna. Lmao. Genuinely this is like my fave way of how their confession would go, and I love it xx
A Katanna love confession would be one of three things: extremely angsty with mutual crying and pinning amidst a mental break down, super wholesome and soft where one of them finally work up the courage to confess to the other with a whisper while they are cuddling for hours, or finally, and probably the most likely, completely accidental. Like I can see all of these, but the accidental one wil, be the one I’ll go into here. Just, imagine it, it fits perfectly with their characters in my opinion. Anna is a very goofy yet respectful person who seems to put others feelings before her own, I can totally see her walking by and spotting Kat focusing on something she’s passionate about, and Anna will mindlessly mutter “I love you” and Kat will turn around staring wide-eye like “what?” And Anna is just like “fuck.” Or maybe Kat was stressed and broke down a bit and Anna comforted her, giving her lots of cuddles, her hoodie for a Kat to wear, and even a forehead kiss. Kat is all sleepy from the crying so she goes go take a nap, and right when Anna says goodbye so that Kat sleep, Kat half-asleep mumbles “G’night, I love you.” Like, I feel like both of these situations are very possible and would lead to a heartfelt talk where they decide in the end to try things out with a date. Which leads to a million other dates in the future. So yeah, super soft and wholesome, Kat and Anna just love each other so much that it’s second nature to them.
There you go Anon! Thanks again for submitting the ask, I love asks like these! Also sorry for taking a few days to answer this, I kinda had a few mental breakdowns because of school which got in the way of me thinking happy thoughts about these ships lol (I’m fine I promise).
Hope everyone enjoyed these~
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Take some Logince headcanons I’ve been thinking about!! And yes, these are for @dragon-hair​ ildhflsdh
Ok so Roman is the romantic side!! When he realizes he has a crush on Logan, he thinks he needs to go all out with flirting!
He sends Logan the most extravagant flowers in the most beautiful bouquets, sings Logan the sweetest love songs, all of it! He treats Logan like the love of his life (he is)!
Problem is, it kinda goes over Logan’s head.
Logan’s kinda terrible with romance. So when Roman starts doing all these things, he has nO idea what’s going on. 
Catch is, Logan’s falling in love with Roman too! But not because of the big romantic gestures.
In between Roman doing all these things, he’s also making sure Logan’s okay! He comes to check up on him often and brings him snacks, water, helps him with experiments and work, and lets him talk about what he’s working on.
That’s what gets Logan.
Roman tries his very best to show love through gifts and physical affection, but Logan falls for the quality time and words of affirmation. (yEs i looked up love languages what about it lkhgljfdk)
Once Logan realizes he likes Roman, he doesn’t beat around the bush and pine or anything. No, he knows that gets people nowhere.
Logan knocks on Roman’s door and is like “Hey, so I realized I have a crush on you. I figured I should tell you—” 
Roman slams the door in his face.
Logan’s just standing there trying to figure out what happened while Roman’s on the other side of the door like “oh my gOD I’ve been trying for MONTHS to get this nerd’s attention without scaring him off and he does tHIS??????”
A minute later, Roman lets him into the room so they can talk it through and oh bOy are they embarrassed!
Logan can’t believe Roman’s been flirting for mOnths now and he didn’t realize while Roman can’t believe he accidentally made Logan fall in love with him.
After they’re done being embarrassed and laughing at each other (and themselves) they start dating!!
Logan is so soft for Roman and it’s the cutest thing!!
Logan works for hours on end and ignores the others saying he needs to take breaks. But then Roman comes in all sweet saying Sherlock is on and he got a brand new jar of Crofters and Logan’s immediately away from the desk.
And Roman always lets Logan vent if he needs to and tries to help however he can! And if he can’t, he holds Logan close and tries his very best to comfort him.
But Roman is so soft for Logan too!!!!
Roman could be having an absolutely terrible day and Logan comes in like “Hi darling! I heard you weren’t doing great, so I made you spaghetti! I mean it’s half burnt because I got distracted with my Rubix’s Cube, but still. I also got some movies, so we can cuddle and watch them if you want!” 
He doesn’t even get to say all that though, because Roman’s sobbing before he can even get halfway through.
Ok nOw time for the whole reason I wanted to write these: sleepy Logan!!!!
Logan is a bit different when he’s super tired! He gets more giggly and isn’t afraid to ramble and also he’s more affectionate! But, he haTes it and locks himself in his room when he gets all loopy and tired.
The first time Roman sees him like this, he just falls in love all over again! 
Logan’s just like “aHHhhhh Romannnnn come cuddle meeee” and Roman cries out of love.
So they just cuddle in bed and Logan’s half asleep snuggled against Roman and mumbling about whatever's on his mind and it's so cUte!!
But also, sleepy morning Logan! He clings to Roman still basically asleep while Roman makes him coffee!
Basically, I’m soft for these two
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