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sunnyaliceart · 5 months ago
A normal day at the police station
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webdiggerxxx · 1 year ago
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glazedsnail · 5 months ago
Gus Invests in a Karaoke Machine
I woke up this morning and thought this very normal thought:
What song would the bachelor.ette.s sing at karaoke?
Not what they like to listen to, not what they'd want to sing in any normal state.
What they would belt out with a buzzed heart.
So here we go:
Harvey -
And he's absolutely CRUSHING it, everyone in the saloon is floored by how Harvey chanel his best Tim Curry. They're stuck to his lips for every notes with antici... ...pation.
He even shakes his hips, straighten his leg, put on the greatest show. Walk over the patrons, flick their chins, he's not much of a man by the light of day, but by night... Oh yeah. Even grabs Shane's pint in the process, sits on the counter to drink off it. How 'bout that?
Unfortunately he doesn't remember much the next day and wonders why people started calling him Dr Frank-N-Furter for a while.
Elliott -
Starts with a whisper from the heart, making the townspeople think aww he so shy, but then he just FLIES and SWINGS from the chandelier. He IS the bird, he IS free, and he clearly doesnt care if he sings off key.
Beating to the sound of his own untuned drum.
There's a lot of hair flip, and the scream inside that he was hiding FLIES OUT.
His throat hurts the next morning, but he sings for love ♥
Shane -
He wasn't going to partake, but when he heard the few notes from the song coming on as Gus put the machine on Shuffle he simply HAS to grab the mic and DESTROYS it with all his heart.
Oh so you think you got him figured out? THE SEASON'S CHANGING BITCH. Don't you try to save him. He's your HELL he's your DREAM.
The saloon is stunned. He doesn't sing well (like, at all) but damn his heart and soul ARE in it, and it shows. When he's done they're all a bit lost but damn the applauses come soon enough.
He forgets all about it each time.
We wouldn't want him any other way.
Sam -
He tries to pull Seb in, he wants to get Seb to sing with him. He wants to sing Kiki Dee's part solely but he ends up singing both, weirdly harmonizing with himself?? Like it's almost spooky how good he switches from one voice to the other.
A lot of ooh-hoo ooh-hoo but damn this man has a built-in pitch checker, each notes is hit with the precision of an opera singer. He puts the light in your life.
The song ends but he continues with an endless loop of:
Don't go breaking my / Don't go breaking my / Don't go breaking my / Don't go breaking my (please someone take the mic from him)/ Don't go breaking my/ Don't go breaking my...
Sebastian is almost sad he didn't get to sing with him after all but they make it a point to sing it every Karaoke night from now on (and they're perfect, everyone comes in just cause they know this will happen.)
Seb -
Are you a man? Cause I'm a biitcchhhhhhhhh.
Everyone is taken aback, flummoxed, even. How does Sebastian move that way? Who taught him? How flexible is this man? With all due respect, everyone's in heat?? I mean look at him. Rev his engine til you make it purr??
Robin and Demetrius are a bit....puzzled but, man, look at the way he moves. Don't try to give him shit he earned the right to be like this...
Get in loser for the...JOYRIDE micdrop
Immediately acts like absolutely nothing happened. Everybody else follows.
Alex -
Lots of pouting and squinting, finger pointing and shuffling. Each time poiting to a different person, making their heart flutter for a bit.
TELL ME WHY - and everyone else joins in.
He's the bad boy of the backstreet, he is your fire, your one desire. His hands on his body, a lot, A LOT. Is he singing to himself?! That's a lot of body touching...Alex calm down. Pull your shirt down.
His shirt is on the floor by the end of the song, and grabs it to wipes himself with it like he's James Brown. He's having fun and is that not what karaoke's about?
I'll do bachelorettes next.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
Gordon Ramsay cooked me in a soup. He was singing along to a really botched version of “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys.
Everything in the room started flying and then I woke up.
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thescottishalpaca · 2 months ago
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Someone, years ago, said about the sequel of Go!book that" Aziraphale's trying to watch a complete soft-core porn movie in the hotels he was in across America in the free two-minute increments that he'd get when turning on the TV"
You know. I know.
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mrcarmenile · 6 months ago
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help i accidentally associated timkon with the punk goes pop version of I Want It That Way
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lily-claw · 3 months ago
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I was studying history...
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patos-chan · 1 year ago
I just saw a 3d animation of leon, luis, krauser and wesker in white clothes (as the backstreet boys) dancing and singing on “I want it that way”
It’s legitimately the funniest thing i ever saw-
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lunarlover12 · 10 months ago
Fabian is trying so hard to not be too excited now that people want to move in.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 2 years ago
Backstreets Boys - I Want It That Way (1999)
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rookieoneil · 1 year ago
Tim: tell me why-
Lucy: 🎵ain’t nothing but a heart break🎵
Angela walking by: 🎵tell me why🎵
Lucy: 🎵ain’t nothing but a mistake🎵
Celina also walking by: 🎵tell me why🎵
Lucy: 🎵I never wanna hear you say🎵
Tim: can we get back to the murder investigation now?
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allykakamatsu · 4 days ago
Twst: I want it that way
Nothing else to say other than I felt like doing a silly
Buy me a Coffee
Commission Prices
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danyxpop · 15 days ago
🌃Backstreet Boys: SNL50 Concert!🌃
I still can't get over the fact Paul Rudd, Jon Hamm, Jerry Seinfeld and Keegan Michael Key know the words to "I Want It That Way". So cute! I can't. 🙈🩷🍭
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whitequeen-ofwillowgreen · 2 years ago
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𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈 ▷ I Want It That Way by BSB
✭90s Celebration✭
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cenestpasaudrey · 2 months ago
Everyone shut up!!!!!!
We had a Huggy boyband era?!? With choreograph and everything!?!? 😳😳😳
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