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houseofpinkboombox · 3 months ago
There's something beautiful about working in a place where I can loudly announce that a bunch of terrorist got their dicks blown off and everyone is actually just as thrilled as I am. 😂
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confusedjewishnoises · 10 months ago
Me levanto todos los dias y me acuerdo que soy judio, bailo rikudim y educo jovenes de manera no formal y soy un poquito mas feliz...
pero despues abro las redes sociales y me acuerdo que vivimos en un mundo antisemita que usa su desinformacion y odio injustificado hacia mi pueblo para llevar una bandera de la cual no saben nada, gritando ser "antisionista no antisemitas", pero despues dicen que la unica solucion es que Israel deje de existir, como si la paz no hubiese sido e intentara ser una opcion. Pidiendo paz por el pueblo palestino pero reclamandole al gobierno equivocado (no defiendo al gobieno de bibi nethaniayu porque es la peor mierda que le paso a israel), que yo recuerde gaza es gobernado por un grupo terrorista que pone municiones en incubadoras, tira misisles desde departamentos, pone tuneles abajo de escuela y mata a aquellas personas que intentan huir o buscar ayuda humanitaria. Asi pensemos bien, no seria mas facil dejar su odio hacia un pueblo lastimado desde hace milenios, para ayudar a otro a recuperar su democracia y libertad de estos terroristas?. no es mejor pedir que liberen a los secuestrados? Que nos digan que paso con Kfir y Ariel? que tienen 1 (kfir cumplio el año en cautiverio) y 4 años y son ls unicos niños que siguen secuestrados, lo que significa que Hamas (para sorpresa de nadie) no cumplio con su parte del trato de liberar a TODOS los niños.
Por que ustedes pueden caminar con baderas palestinas y carteles que piden el exterminio de un pais entero (el unico estado judio, el cual esta rodeado por mas de 5 paises arabes que varias veces en sus 75 años quisieron destruirlo) y yo me tengo que preocupar si se me ve el maguen david o las letras en hebreo o digo una palabra en yidish, porque tengo que ver como un nene de 10 añostuvo que ser expatriado por su seguridad y ser traido a un pais donde nadie habla su idioma, donde tiene miedo y no sabe cuando es seguro volver a casa, porque le tengo que explicar a mis alumnos que hacemos una ceremonia con duelo porque se murieron miles de personas. les parece justo que la primer vez en la historia de las marchas del orgullo argentinas que iba a haber una carroza de las juventudes judias tuviese que ser cancelasa, porque estaba la posibilidad que nos lastimen, nos piedreen, nos pintara o nos balearan? mientras que las personas antisemitas caminaban con carteles y carrozas pidiendo que deje de existir el unico estado que realmente me protege como judio. Mi primer marcha y la tuve que vivir con miedo y escondido para que no me lastimen
Piden el cese de fuego, sabian que despues de la liberacion de algunos secuestrados, hubo un cese? Ah no? Sabian que Hamas rompio ese cese de fuego bombardeando una ciudad israeli 30 minustos despues de que haya arrancado el cese? Y quw cada vez que se pidio un cese con la unica condicion de que se liberaran a los secuestrados y los cuerpos de los muertos HAMAS se nego?
No hay que "liberar" a Gaza de el falso apartheid israeli que los medios nefastos inventaron, hay que liberarlos de los terroristas que no les permiten huir, comer, vivir en paz, VIVIR. Les mismes gazaties les piden a las FDI que saquen a Hamas. Esto no es una guerra contra un pueblo es una guerra contra terrorista, no voluntaios, no luchadores por la libertad, no martires ni heroes ni nada de eso, TERROSITAS, que se visten de civil y se rodean de civiles para que sus muertes parezcan una masacre intencional.
Estoy cansado de ver como el pueblo judio sufre, como desde hace mas de 4 meses lo unico que queremos es que la pesadilla pare y todo vuelva a como era antes del 7, pero no se puede, porque los muertos siguen muertos, los heridos heridos, los niños traumados, los padres sin hijos y los hijos sin padres, mi amiga sin sus tios, las casas siguen quemadas, kfir sigue cumpliando meses en un pozo, los soldados siguen cayendo, las bombas tambien, el pueblo israeli y palestino sigue sufriendo por culpa de Hamas, les judies de la diaspora sigue escondiendo su maguen david y llorando a gente que nunca conocio y aun asi esta contectada a todes nosotres. Pasaron mas de 4 meses y no vamos a parar hasta que la ultima persona vuelva a su casa
Y hoy mas que nunca grito y gritamo
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hilacopter · 10 months ago
at this point when I read free palestine or see a watermelon emoji in someone's bio I go "are you free palestine as in innocent gazan civilians don't deserve to be massacred and peace is the solution to the conflict or are you free palestine as in hamas are freedom fighters and the solution is getting rid of the isnotrealis". I wish I had the power to instantly know which one it is so I know whether I'm looking at a person who wants me dead or not.
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gingerswagfreckles · 11 months ago
Did you guys know that the KKK also hates Israel. Did you know that just because a group hates Israel does not mean that they are anti-Zionist Pro-Palestinian freedom fighters. Did you know that antisemitism is real. Did you guys know about this.
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bookofwambs · 1 year ago
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some of you have pissed me off and i would like to remind some of you again of how zionist these two individuals are. i truly hope noah and that bald headed loud loser never get booked for anything ever again. evil individuals. this is islamophobia. this is zionism. this is propaganda. this is advocating for the genocide of palestine. i don’t know how else i can say this but if you support either of these us, you are just as bad and are complicit. you should be ashamed of yourselves for putting your favourite show or ship above the lives of millions of innocent people.
stop babying noah. he is an adult. 19. old enough to vote and make decisions. this is who he is.
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rebelsabers · 1 year ago
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sapoteylx · 1 year ago
I'm gonna say it, I think Disney's political message in TFATWS is really ironic considering their pro-Israel stance — in particular, the one in which Sam makes a speech calling out the governments purposeful ignorance towards the why behind the terrorism.
This might be a bit of a long one; I finished TFATWS yesterday and the whole show just really had me thinking. There was a lot of political undertones to unpack, but also some blatant hypocrisy from Disney (and their Zionist supporters) that I feel like mentioning.
I mean, come on. Sam's whole speech about how people need to consider why extremeists and/or terrorists feel the need to take the measures they do to change things? Why aren't they taking into consideration all the years of apartheid and occupation Palestinians had to endure to push Hamas to these measures? How are they able to promote sympathy/forgiveness towards the show's "terrorist group" but continue to enable Israel's actual terrorism towards Palestine?
Sam points out that the government's so-called "Peace Keeping troops" are also carrying weapons and forcing millions of people into settlements while the government only condemns the Flag Smashers, and he's right. But does this logic and morality only exist in fiction? Because it feels eerily similar to the praise and pity the IDF gets despite the constant oppression of Palestinians. Carrying weapons? Forcing people into settlements? Gee, wonder where I've seen that before...
"I mean, this girl died trying to stop you, and no one has stopped for one second to ask why. You've got to do better, Senator, you've got to step up because if you wont the next Karli will — and you don't want to see 2.0. People believed in her cause so much that they helped her defy the strongest governments in the world. Why do you think that is?"
Hamas' actions were terrible, but they were not unprompted. How can Disney recognize this in a TV show in such a explorative and impactful way but not apply it to real life? Critical thinking, guys.
Just something to think about. Remember to keep putting pressure on Disney, and free Palestine 🇵🇸.
Post is subject to edits, I lost momentum and may revisit or add relevant points later.
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roseapprentice · 3 months ago
Never thought I'd be happy to see a candidate avoid a question in a debate, but when Kamala dodged the question about the economy under Biden, all I could think was, "Oh thank fuck she's acting like an actual coherent politician, and not actively contradicting reality. This is so refreshing!"
For a second I worried that my rose-tinted glasses were oversaturated. But then the "eating dogs" part happened and I remembered why my standards have plummeted through the floor.
I do miss the lower-BS version of her from when she served on Senate hearings. Back then she would have been like, "Yeah, the cost of living has become untenable. Here's what I'm gonna do about it. Remember the bread lines in 2020 though? That wasn't great either."
I get why she's having to learn to be more evasive though 🥲 Gotta build the muscle of dodging questions in case they ask something that has no good 2 minutes answer
...okay I also do need to adjust the tint on these glasses
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acespacedweller · 1 year ago
I get that there is a deeper level to Ed and Izzy's relationship of a fucked up toxic love, but love nonetheless. However, there are certain ways that izzy stans are interpreting scenes from s1 that I have a really hard time agreeing with.
Not saying that they are wrong or that izzy is a "bad" character, cause he's actually so interesting and well written. But I have a really hard time seeing Ed talk about the things he likes and is excited about (Stede's trinkets, clouds in the sky and what that could mean weather wise, the whole singing thing) only to be shut down. As an ADHD person who has had very similar experiences, knowing how much that hurts, I don't think I will ever be able to interpret those scenes under the lens that izzy stans enjoy. Honestly I wish I could, but in my book he has a lot more shit to make up for before I can say "he's a dick but he's our dick"
I especially struggle to see that scene from e10 as Izzy is telling Ed that their professional relationship can continue but that their personal relationship is over. To me that conversation reads a lot more threatening, particularly when it's coming from someone who has expressed over and over again all season that he only wants to see a certain part of Ed, and thinks other parts of him are pathetic.
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short-wooloo · 1 year ago
Very interesting how the people giggling at houthi terrorists hijacking ships(that aren't even Israeli) and forcing Israeli vessels to avoid the area and are also hoping Morocco does the same because they want Israel to starve without trade are the same people who were crying months ago about Israel (and Egypt, but Egypt isn't Jewish so they can't do anything bad right?) blockading the Gaza strip
Telling isn't it
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year ago
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I remember when this guy was also caught liking JKR transphobic tweet as well, and he only backpedalling when caught, can't have one good thing from Hollywood. In the wise word of my mutual
"We stan the shell, not the soul. This should be a national stan anthem." Only like a celebrity for their looks and not the person
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houseofpinkboombox · 4 months ago
Looking up fandom blogs is wild because out of no where they'll have "Zionist DNI" like basically putting up a no Jews allowed sign is so fucking wild to me.
Unsurprising but ever disappointed especially with recent news.
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confusedjewishnoises · 3 months ago
The Nova Experiencie, Buenos Aires 2024
A un año de la masacre, visité la exposición del Festival Nova, ví fotos, charle con sobrevivientes, abracé a mis amigas, lloré, en varias ocasiones me alejé del vídeo o el memorial que estaba viendo porque no podía enfrentar las imágen que veía cuando cerraba los ojos. Habian autos quemados, osos de peluche, gorras, remeras, shorts (muchos shorts). Escuché testimonios que me dejaron duro. Madres consolando a sus hijos que estaban congelados ante el miedo, intentando esconderse y sobrevivir, jóvenes que perdieron hermanes, amigues, parejas. Familias que se quedaron sin sus personas. Niñes huérfanos.
Habia un pasillo con fotos de los asesinados en el festival, lo único que pasaba por mi cabeza era: "son un montón, no se terminan más los nombres", hasta que llegué al final, y faltaban muchas mas personas. Faltaban chicos, faltaban los tíos de mis amigas, faltaban abuelos, faltaban familias enteras que fueron masacradas por Hamas.
Cuando les pregunten por qué apoyan a Israel, cuando les digan que apoyan un genocidio, que Israel es un estado asesino. Muestrenles las fotos, cuentenles lo que pasó, que había un festival por la paz, que la gente se escondió en tachos de basura, en heladeras, abajo de arbustos, tanques, abajo de los cuerpos de sus amigos o que simplemente corrieron durante horas, heridos, asustados y cansados.
Que imaginen la desesperación de saber que no hay donde huir, dónde esconderse, tener que dejar los cuerpos de tus amigos asesinados porque ya no los podés cargar. Imagínense ser un oficial, entrar al festival, y que todo lo que veas sean cuerpos muertos en todos lados, suplicar por sobrevivientes.
Que se imaginen irse a dormir del otro lado del mundo, creyendo que todo está bien, todo está tranquilo y que así va a quedar. Y levantarte con la noticia de una guerra en el país donde está tu hermana viajando, con la noticia de que ella y el resto de tu familia están en un búnker, que encontraron los cuernos de tus tíos, asesinados...
Levantarte y que todo tu mundo se este desmoronando. Y que aún así, partes de la sociedad, te culpen a vos, te violenten a vos, te hagan sentir miedo de salir a la calle.
El 7 de Octubre fue hace un año y dos dias. Pero duele como si fuese hoy, porque para muchas personas, el 7 de Octubre todavía no se terminó.
El lema del memorial de Nova es We Will Dance Again. Y todos los días me permito recordar esta frase, y sacar fuerza para seguir bailando por elles. Por los niños, por los adultos, por los secuestrados, por los civiles en Gaza, por los civiles en Israel, por los jaialim, por les judies e israelies en la diáspora.
Am Israel Jai
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gingerswagfreckles · 11 months ago
So many "activists" claiming there is no serious antisemitism on the left while also spewing the most vile antisemitic shit I have ever heard in my life. You guys sound like those braindead Canadians who proudly claim there is no racism in Canada.
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jordanlihive · 1 year ago
People on Twitter getting mad at the gen v admin for mostly posting Jordan and Marie// London and Derek dnejxjdnsnxjs I didn’t know Luke and Andre had shooters like this ??
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jaegerisim · 1 year ago
schnapp is a racist pos. i am honestly so disgusted by him. there is no other word for it. he should know better. Zionism is genocide! the fact that he is backing up the slaughter of millions of innocent ppl is horrible and cruel. how can anyone be so cruel as to post a video smiling and laughing while holding up "Zionism is sexy" sticker and knowing children, women, men and entire families are being displaced and massacred for literally no reason. FUCK NOAH SCHNAPP. period.
a jewish person <3
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