sandinmybed · 5 days
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s0ftl3 · 9 months
If I remember correctly, I sent you an ask a while back about sending them nudes in public, now. What about audios?? -✨
Yes yes I remember and i’m so glad you made that req bc i remember it doing pretty well so pretty please keep giving me ideas to expand upon and write for you lol
For anyone wondering here is the link.
Ted Nivison 
Ever since he opened that snap he’s been super conscious of any snapchat messages from you, but he regretfully forgot to think about your voice memos on imessage.  Normally, they’re all lovey dovey you whining about how much you miss him and instead of going out somewhere. So, when he opened his messages expecting something along the lines of “Tedddd come home, forget Eddy”,you can imagine the utter shock he was in as he quickly shut off his phone. He didn’t want Eddy to hear the absolute filth you had just sent him. You were asking him to come alright, but you were begging him through pretty little moans, so of course he told Eddy he’s gotta go. And he prays that he hadn’t heard any of what was meant for him, or that he didn’t notice the now very apparent bulge in his jeans.
He’s actually been sending a lot of audios to you. It was his way of getting back at you for the snapchat message in the middle of the grocery store. But, he hadn’t expected you’d retaliate by sending him one while he was on stream. You send him plenty of non-sexual voice messages to play for his stream. Ranging from cute little hellos to telling a sweet story about him. So one night when he’s streaming and receives a voice message from you he has no second thoughts about putting it up to his mic and playing it for the chat. But as the audio started playing he immediately shuts his phone off, unluckily for him though a small portion of the audio does make it into the mic. His cheeks go red as he calls his mods to clean this mess up. “Alright streams over thanks, I'm never coming back.” but he does come back almost an hour later apologizing for abruptly cutting it off but he had business to take care of. (ie you)
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willowser · 1 year
I love the idea of older bkg , 2nd most well known pro hero not knowing how to talk to ppl he’s attracted to and he doesn’t know how to initiate first moves (not until he gets more comfortable). He has some tension with you, someone who works @ his agency and he wants you so bad but it’s unbearable and that is what makes it so unbelievably hard for him
He’s sitting criss cross apple sauce on his bed, frowning and his hands running thru his hair bc he doesn’t know how to respond to you saying “ good morning!!”. He ends up leaving you on end for the 378293th time out of nervousness and than gets sad when you start to not text him at all , ignoring him in public because you think he’s not interested ☹️
You’re trying to move on already- and so you said yes to some guy who asked to get lunch with you. He’s sitting infront of and you think he’s cute and all, he has you blushing and kicking your feet a little.
Bakugou has his hands gripped around the lunch he packed you , his knuckles turning white. He’s standing there like “🧍‍♂️” . He doesn’t know what hurts more, how easily the guy is able to woo you, communicate clearly with you, touch you , how taken you look, or how fast you’re moving on
omg this is my favorite version of him !!! 🥺🩷✨️ he LITERALLY wants you to be his SO BAD that it makes his stomach hurt. he screenshots your snapchats and then curls up with his phone in bed, a hand over his face bc he's EMBARRASSED !!!! BLUSHING as he peeks through his fingers at your picture !!!! HE MAKES ME SICK !!!!
and the thing is that he's so hard to read 🥺 anyone that knows bakugou also knows — if he DIDN'T like you, then you would be made well aware of it LOL but as someone that's trying to get to know him 🥺 expressing interest in all the typical ways 🥺 he's not responding correctly !!! 😭 he leaves you on read SO many times, it's heartbreaking 😭 you send him a cute mirror selfie, telling him, "hope you have a good day ! ☺️✨️" and then he SCREENSHOTS IT, like a dork, and then sends back a terrible selfie with a terrible angle, face all 😠 with a doggie filter 45 MINUTES LATER, just saying "you too" BOY BYEEEEEE LMAOOO i would rip my hair out.
and — of course it's hard to try for him for a while and get very little back 🥺 and then another nice man, that's charming and handsome and funny, comes along 🥺 and makes you think...maybe you're putting effort into something that will never be ??? 🥺 UGH SAD. and when bakugou finds out he's !!! devastated 😭 bc he KNOWS he's slow at this, knows he's bad at it 🥺 that he needs to man up and do the damn thing !! 😤
i literally imagine him, after finding out you've eaten lunch with someone else and appeared to have a great time — he's just sitting in his office, slumped in the chair akfhsjak chin in hand, staring dead-eyed at his computer screen 🥺 and he gets some phone notification and he checks it and then goes to close all his tabs 🥺 but his 'screenshots' folder is still open 🥺 and he just frowns at it akfbejsjqjqk SAD SAD SAD
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runwayrunway · 1 year
So, about LGBT pride planes
Okay, okay, I've talked about liveries. Sort of seems like that might be the thing that I do. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention something else - potentially the most revolutionary move in aviation since the invention of the airline itself.
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This...is actual promotional material for a real airline, that flew planes for money, and was ostensibly a company. This is a screenshot from this actual airline’s announcement that their new plane will be registered TF-GAY, made over Snapchat. We live in such an incredibly normal and plausible universe. This was posted by a company which, at the time, filed taxes and had employees. Said employees probably wore suits. They had offices. They were registered with the Icelandic government. They flew airplanes daily and this was their job. They posted this on Snapchat. This was widely covered by news. People discussed this as a massive step forward for LGBT equality. It was posted on Snapchat by a real airline.
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TF-GAY was an Airbus A330-300 formerly operated by Icelandic low-cost airline WOW air, given her registration as a shattering gesture of LGBT inclusivity in the same league as Stonewall and Obergefell v Hodges. She was just a regular A330 painted in a regular WOW air livery which happened to be registered as TF-GAY. 
I’ll be honest, I don’t think this is within the scope of this blog to rate, but if it were I would give it an A+. This is such a silly and pathetic gesture that I loop right back over into adoring it. The Snapchat announcement (I forget Snapchat exists, never mind imagine that it might be used by an airline) is so absurd that it may well be the thing that convinces me that I’m actually a Boltzmann brain because this could not possibly be real. I love TF-GAY. I’m very sad WOW air went bankrupt because it means I can never fly on TF-GAY. (She is now stored, having most recently flown for Batik Air with an unremarkable registration, though she was registered TC-LOL in the interim, which feels worth noting.) 
TF-GAY is an LGBT icon to rival whatever the most recent character who casually mentions having a same-gender partner the news is profusely lauding some or other Netflix show for is at the moment. She is sorely missed, along with WOW air’s other hits, like TF-DAD and TF-MOM. But that’s a story for another day. For now, have a lovely TF-DAY and thank you as always for reading. 
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clonerightsagenda · 26 days
Finishing up the show! (As you saw, lol)
Episode 7:
Asriel: I fucking hate prophecies as plot devices. Me: same man
Technobabble? In His Dark Materials? Shut up about your capacitors
Hey, it was Mrs. Coulter's idea to beat Metatron, and now they're having Asriel and Xaphania tip her off. Stolen valor
"Brute physical force!" has been a family injoke for years so when Asriel announced he was going to defeat the angels with "sheer physical force" we all started screaming
"It's not just death down there" just reminds me of that tumblr post about how SFF invents Death 2: A Worse One
I've said it before but one more for the road... the witches look so silly
Well lads they did what I worried they'd do - focus a lot of time and energy on the war that explicitly thematically does not matter.
Why do Asriel's troops even have guns. Can you shoot an angel
Mrs. Coulter's control over the specters was vague in the books beyond that she played them like she plays everyone else, convincing them she could lead them to better prey. I do not know why she can now explode them with her mind
Serafina that bird skull is not flattering. And I say this as a skull connoisseur
God: *telepathically says shit* Mrs. Coulter: Another fucking man trying to tell me what to do
Metatron's leather suit??? Did he get himself confused with Metatton?
Mrs. Coulter didn't hit him with a rock : ( Also Stelmaria pushed them all into the pit instead of her. Kind of a bummer. Wondering what the metaphysical implications are of *her* daemon dying outside the rift rather than in it, though. Also my notes for this scene include the scribbled phrase 'cursed throuple'. I just thought you should know
Well God dying was appropriately anticlimactic I guess although I would have preferred if Will and Lyra weren't in the thick of All That
(My mom: Why aren't they going to the other world?? Why are they still in the war zone? My dad: Because they're stupid. Me: Don't blame them. It's not their fault. The TV show is doing this to them.)
Episode 8:
New scene of Lyra processing her parents' death - even posthumously they are still taking up screentime
You go to the land of the dead and through a war zone and into Eden and that PhD you met months ago just happens to be there. Wild tbh
Mary is a lesbian! Good for her! Does Lyra understand the concept of lesbians or is she baffled by this whole exchange
They cut the "The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake" line. Cowards
My mom: Will, do something about that bandage. He has gangrene. Me: He said she smelled bad but it's his hand rotting. (We then remembered they made the timeskip several months and were like... why does he still have bandages on)
Kirjava isn't black :(
Honestly the 'good' angels are coming off even worse in the TV version. yeah you did what we needed you to do so you're done now! We no longer grant you our grace to read the alethiometer because you're no longer of use to us! Go fuck yourself. Ironically her 'falling' does make her a used up and no longer valuable woman to them.... probably not the intended reading but here we are
Send help my parents keep calling the mulefa muffalettas
I joked that when Lyra said she was imagining what Will will look like when he's old he should've whipped out his phone and gone there's a snapchat filter for that
We then spent the last few minutes heckling Will for occasionally having all his fingers in some shots
I was already on the edge but just said "what the fuck?? what the fuck is that?????" for the ending with the like... based on a true story documentary text overlay for Where They Are Now. Why did they do that
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sapphic-outlaw · 7 months
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Made another batch of what I imagine my RDO character's snapchat would be like lol
I saw a post here like a few days I think that said "If you didn't see a body then the character didn't die" so Charles and Blair found Cain and took him in. I made a whole ass video on it, I'll be posting it soon
Apparently pet sterilization didn't become common until the 1930s but I mean, pretty sure Snapchat wasn't very common in the early 1900's either so I'll let that one slide
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hello, Love!
So I am 16, and this may seem a bit ridiculous but I hope you see this. Basically, I have this schoolmate and we are on the same grade, he’s really good-looking and got a million followers on TikTok. I’ve known friends and acquaintances who had crush on him at some point, including me which I greatly made me feel so drained and insecure because I can’t help but to compare myself with other people who likes him as well. I even reach a point were I was pressured to conform with those popular, rich, teenagers in hopes to be part of his group of friends because they were in fact those type of people he only hangs out with.
The only thing that held me back was knowing darn well that me and my family is struggling financially. Purchasing fancy clothes, brand new shoes, and latest Apple products was something that’s never part of my option, which I must confess, greatly frustrated me because I wanted to impress him so bad that I felt so ashamed of my thoughts sometimes. Seeing my smart, pretty, rich friend who likes him getting her way to be further connected with him, by befriending his friends, getting invited in cool people’s party and took some cute photos with him didn’t make anything better in my case because I had to pretend I am happy for her.
I actually feel envious and guilty at the same time. She liked him first, I would never admit that I have developed a crush on the guy she likes, though. Regardless of my feeling, those are the values I took pride on: never trade platonic relationships for romantic ones. I won’t let a guy be the reason that would get my friendship destroyed.
So, I wanted to detach from him but I don’t know where to start. We never really interacted (I doubt him choosing to sit next to me at auditorium counts) and most of the eye contacts were I think heavily romanticised by my brain because I’m so attracted to him. I even tried confessing anonymously and felt so bad about myself that he never bothered responding. After that, I spend my week imagining our possibility instead of reviewing for my midterms examination, I didn’t got to pass my exams. The lengths it keeps costing me’s not worth it. I just want to get rid of this feelings. It’s severely unhealthy. Is there anything I can do?
Hi love! Please remember: your feelings are completely valid. This is normal to feel when you're 16 (trust me – I was hopelessly attracted/addicted to my FWB at this age, it's okay!). So cool that you get to stare at TikTok-famous star all day! I remember all of my friends were dying to Snapchat with a Vine star when I was in HS lol.
As someone who was in a similar position: fancy private school, less well-off than my peers, it's easier said than done, but seriously – don't let it get to your head. High school feels like it is all-consuming at the time, but details like who has the nicer jacket or backpack are things you will never think about the second you step onto a college campus or office.
If there's one lesson I've learned in dealing with guys over the years it's this: You need to impress yourself and see if there's a connection. Never do anything for a teenage boy/man that would make you feel like you're sacrificing a part of yourself or any type of self-respect.
There's always a chance he will like you if he gets to know you, but the best way to know is to live your best life: Work hard at school and extracurricular activities, socialize whenever you can with your friends, make jokes with your peers, ask to study with your friends along with your boy interest.
Appearing confident in yourself and knowing what you want are two of the most attractive qualities a person can have.
P.S. - Please live by your previous sentiment: Never trade platonic relationships for romantic ones. I won’t let a guy be the reason that would get my friendship destroyed.
This is golden advice that more women need to internalize. It will only do you good and save you a lot of unnecessary heartbreaks in the future.
Focus on your future and create moments of joy – even for small periods of time – in your daily life. Being born into wealth is the luck of the draw, but building the life you desire and learning to thrive throughout your journey, that's an invaluable skill that no fancy iPhone can replace in the long run.
Hope this helps xx
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thediktatortot · 1 year
RE: Your "fandom wasn't always like this" post Fandoms ending when their source did used to be a VERY BAD SIGN that the series had utterly belly flopped. It really didn't start being standard until.... at least after dashcon, but probably closer to the end of the second phase of the MCU. I think Avengers Endgame was the real final death knell of "extended fandom", but even before that, the MCU dragging us along by the hair on the back of our necks seemed to be what killed having a long-term fandom.
You aren't wrong with assuming that specific fandoms were some of the major downfalls of what we had going for us, but the answer is definitely more nuanced than that unfortuntely.
I've had a lot of time to sit and think about the subject of the post I made, and I genuinely think that the true answer to the downfall of Fandom as a whole, is social media.
I hate to sound like That Old Person at a ripe age of 31, but that is my honest answer.
I myself did not get a phone until I was 18 years old and was able to buy one for myself, a little sidekick that let me text my friends when I wanted to hang out, but that wasou f about it. I didn't even get a home computer in my house until I was about 13 years old because we were fairly poor and didn't really need it for anything other than emails and bills.
The first thing I discovered on the computer was Neopets and Gaiaonline, two 'gaming' websites (I'm not assuming your age, but I'm going to talk as if you don't know about anything I'm speaking of just in case other people read this who do not know about it.) that focused heavily on dressing up your avatars, mini flash games and forum role play. The hottest social media at the time was Myspace and it wasn't until I got into Highschool that I even ended up making one.
There were no real algorithms that fed you 'content' on a front page outside of the things the people you followed posted, no way to get fed news ads unless it was in the sidebar where ads were usually placed, and there was no instant updates to every person's lives both small or famous unless you went looking for those updates yourself on google.
Now we have social media that is both forcefully placed in front of you in the form of genuine 'content' in both long and short form on absolutely every platform you can imagine. This isn't even going with the discussion that talks about ads on the TV and how for decades, America has been putting more and more emphases on pharmacy ads on TV and extending commercials to the point where people would rather pay 10-40 a month on streaming services to access movies and TV that might not exist at the whim of the streaming services, than watch cable tv with ads lol
Anyway, when Fandom first began its slow descent into madness, it was about the time that the new style of social media began to get big (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Tiktok, etc) all places that were designed and created to make you want to See More.
I'm not one of those people who are like "We have no more focus because of social media arg!" but there is a grain of truth to the fact that, if you are fed bite sized pieces of bee information at a faster rate, it's harder to get yourself to slow down and actually delve into a topic further without incentive.
We have catchy news headlines that people read and never take the time to look into the matter further, we have facebook posts where people make crazy claims and no one verifies to check if it's true because that takes time and effort and understanding of how to perform basic search tasks and reading comprehension to ask the right questions, we have instagram breaking the concept of art and life experiences into bite sized, perfect square windows of moments to make your instagram feed look pretty enough to have thousands of followers, we have Twitter that has always been somewhat of a fast websites, but is easy to spread misinformation around on at light speed, Snapchat makes photos disappear, never allowing anything you do to be permanent unless someone manages to save it, Vine and TikTok made attention sinks were it's so easy to just get lost for hours of time into maybe not useless, but an exhaustive stream of information that encourages doing the same finger action for hours on end.
Marvel/MCU/Disney whatever we want to call it, including all the other major production companies, are just one symptom of a bigger problem. They've ridden the waves of instant gratification and people's inability to think outside the boxes for years, but unfortunately our primary source of entertainment in a world that wants to kill us all the time and keeps us inside the house more often, just happens to finally align with the companies and programs that are designed to squeeze more and more out of us until we die.
Unfortunately, Capitalism is killing Fandom as a whole, we are just seeing it more because our primary sources of communication and our major routes of entertainment for ourselves are finally working together to bleed us dry.
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Do you think otmaa would of liked social media?
Let’s get right into this! Olga: I think that Olga would like it somewhat. She probably wouldn’t be using it to post many things she does and I think that it would probably make her self conscious like it does to a lot of teens out there. I think that instagram would make her feel very insecure of herself but I think that Olga would like Tumblr a lot because it is a nice community and it’s much more private than any other social media. Also I think she would love AO3 because she loved reading and fan fiction didn’t exist back then so I think she would love the opportunity to explore it! Also I can totally imagine her being obsessed with it lmao
Tatiana: I think that Tatiana would also like it somewhat. I don’t think that it would affect her negatively but it think that it would not be her favorite thing. I think she would mostly use it to hang out and make new friends or to just browse around and see what people are doing. I can totally imagine her making thousands of Pinterest boards of different aesthetics lol. Also I think Tatiana would definitely be a bit famous if she got instagram because that place is the perfect place for beauty icons.
Maria: I think that Maria wouldn’t use social media that often. Mashka loved socializing with other people and she much preferred talking to people than writing stuff down. They why she didn’t value diary writing that much. I think that when it came to friendships, Snapchat would be good for her, but other than that, she would just hang out with people irl.
Anastasia: I think Anastasia would love TikTok! She would be the skit queen and I bet if she made memes, they would blow up so fast. TikTok is the perfect environment for humor and Anastasia was like the funniest person ever! Also maybe YouTube would also appeal to her! I can imagine her doing such funny things with social media!
Alexei: I think just like Maria, Alexei wouldn’t be that into social media at first, but he is the youngest sibling so maybe he would get curious at what his sisters are doing. He would definitely love to help Anastasia with her funny videos and I think that he would also love Tumbr! Also I think that he would love to start his own YouTube channel full of all of the things that he does!
Thank you for asking me questions!
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welcometololaland · 2 years
I’m excited about the TikTok au! this is literally TK doing one about Carlos lol
lmaoooo TK would be such a pest with TikTok!
I imagine Carlos being like DJ Khaled's wife when DJ Khaled is filming those Snapchats like "honey, honey, honey 🔑🔑🔑🔑," and his wife is like I love you but I will put you in infinite time out if you keep recording me 😂
I made a deal with the devil (myself) that I could post the fic tonight if I did a sufficient amount of work, went for a run and went to the gym. So...pls send productive vibes 🙏
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starcolle-archive · 2 years
I've been thinking about Sex Reassignment Surgery a lot lately, and that's been causing me to think just as much about how you promised to help fund my transition, which is a big reason why I held off on hormones; which lead to my major mental breakdown where you ghosted me to go on a post-breakup date, and you kicked me out of your life when I tried to apologize for said breakdown behavior. (Why do you think I'd want an apology for our "relationship" when my definition of love for you has always been based off of your desire to match Corinthians???)
Anyways, as such, I often think about how you tried to use the prospect of our potential children to guilt me into taking you back, and gxd, in hindsight alongside telling me I've got a black heart & how I made you want to drive yourself off the midbay bridge, that's a horrible set of things to wave in someone's face ...and yet I miss you every day. Even though it'd be better, possibly healthier, for us to be more like sisters -- hence the happy new years message I sent your snapchat -- I still wonder what our kids adorable faces would've looked like. We would've had some pretty gorgeous kids, ngl.
It's unfortunate that a constant parallel thought is how I just never wanted Our children to have to overhear their grandmother treat you poorly; or any of the negative comments I can imagine she'd make about me ad nauseum. It's weird having nothing but love for a person who as far as I know hated me. I digress, because I'll always stand by wanting to know her just like I want to understand you deeply.
But this is all a moot point; even if we were in each other's lives, right? Just like all the times I helped calm you down when your anxiety freaked you the fuck out thinking you were magically pregnant. (But especially the main time it "happened.") Anyways, I hope your new partner cherishes the prospect of possibly parenting your children. If you even want kids still. That's the funny part of wanting to know you, as I don't know if you even want children anymore.
Fuck, I miss my best friend. Galpal? Sister? I don't fucking know; all I know is I miss your stupid face & brilliant mind. I really wish we could get high and talk all our shit out, fam. Edibles are legal now after all lol.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
colby is a very contradicting human being. just when you think he has changed, hes gotten the hint, there is not more he can delete,he goes back and throws in a old snap question from Ms snapchat and we’re back to square 1. i think most of us have caught up to her game by now, how conniving she is, and deemed it pretty pathetic and sad, but he loves to be the second player whenever things are finally starting to settle down and get quiet. if he ruins this year with his shenanigans again i am officially done with all of them. i think twitter has calm down, more people have opened their eyes and then there he goes once again with mlp, and ms snap, and traitor taylor.
i might be giving some controversial yet brave opinions here in this ask lol jk
i'm not saying any of this to you, or that this whole answer is about you, anon. this is more a general, overall feeling i have towards some of the anons i get that mention being upset towards colby about stas or shea or whoever.
i get it can be annoying when he gives attention to these ppl. i understand that it sucks when things finally cool down and grow quiet only for them to start back up again bc he does something. but i think it's good to remember that not everything he does related to these girls is shit-stirring. sure, there are definitely times when he does lurk and likes to see what everyone is saying. but honestly, i don't think this past time (of him using stas' old question on snapchat) was him trying to start anything. highkey he probably just used it absentmindedly. he's used it multiple times in the past, why does now seem different?
also, i feel like just bc we have a problem with someone, and he might have had a problem with this same someone, doesn't mean he has to ignore them for eternity bc it pisses us off. look, i don't like stas, i've made that clear. but i also know that i can't control what he does. even if we all know giving her attention causes issues, it's his life at the end of the day. not to mention, that is his friend regardless of how we feel. sure, they had their problems, they had their kerfuffle; but clearly they moved on from it, even if slightly. she's probably gonna be in videos this year. they might even go on trips together. but that doesn't mean oh he's doing all of this for attention / to start drama back up in the the fandom. tbh i think some of yall give him a lot more credit than you should lol
but even if, for argument's sake, he is doing all of this to shit stir… why isn't he allowed to do that? i get it. it's annoying. but imagine how annoying it must be for him. he can't do anything without being shipped with stas or shea, or another girl if he dares to breathe near her. and even when he tells the fandom to not ship him with his friends, they don't listen. not to mention no girl will ever be good enough for him and this fandom. and then on top of that, he's told who he should and shouldn't hang out with. and while i know a lot of us warn him bc we care, he may not see it like that bc of past fandom bs. he has to walk on eggshells around us in fear of pissing us off which is why he's basically removed himself from almost all social media besides the one he made with sam. he can't even grow facial hair without getting emails sent to his business email telling him to shave it off.
so, is it really surprising that he does shit like this from time to time? if stas can get away with using him for every possible tiktok with a sappy song or poem, why can't he do the same back if he wanted to lol
HOWEVER, that doesn't change the fact that he doesn't want to be shipped with her. it doesn't negate all of the things he's outright said about being single or not liking being shipped with friends. he's made it clear that he doesn't like that. but him being petty doesn't take it back either.
if you're annoyed by it all, that's fine. but i think it's good to remember that it's his life and we're just observing it. we can't control what he does, and tbh there is so much more going on then we even know. also... don't let it piss you off so much. if you need to remove yourself from the situation, do that.
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404pagehasbeenfound · 2 years
CelebArt 🖼
Hello everyone, the old page of the day is CelebArt from 1997. What caught my attention on this site, is that it was created by a 15 year old teenager using photo effects and filters that are so common today, but back in the day it was really a new world to be discovered. It just reminded me of myself when I was 12, and I figured out how to put an orange light effect on my hand in a photo, and I thought it was so cool because it looked like I was manipulating fire and so I showed this to everyone I knew, I was very proud of my "art". So let's take a look in her "arts".
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The first is her beloved one, Brad Pitt, like all the teenagers around me had him or other celebrities as a crush minus the weirdo here lmao.
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I really find funny how this effects for us is so simple but for her it made Tom Cruise "sooo ugly" lol.
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Oh she was nice to Jodie Foster and ended up putting just some stars in her face, unlike what she did to her beloved Brad Pitt.
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Yeah, I really hope this person nowadays knows how to use the filters in Instagram and Snapchat to put any effects that she want in the face of Mel Gibson and any other person.
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Ok in this one, I tryed to reload the page but there it's a bug in the original photo of Denzel Washington but afterwall this is a site from 1997 hosted in the Soho of Geocities, so it's a miracle we are seeing this page.
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Also I really appreciatte that she took her time to explain and write something about these celebrities, like this page about Rene Russo and Kevin Costner.
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I didn't finded what programs she used to do all of this but I really imagining her have a fun time doing this with Tom Hanks.
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Now I want to know, what Jenny McCarthy did to you Rachael? Why you hate her so much?
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Our tallentousy artist even receive a requested to put some effects in this picture of Ani DiFranco.
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Others celebrities that she put some effects was Kirsten Dunst...
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...Gillian Anderson...
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...David Duchovny... yeah guys we need to remember that she made this in 97...
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...and Gabriel Byrne that was also requested. And yes, I tried to enter in the pages of these people that requested but they no more exist along with others links that were in the inicial page of CelebArt.
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That's it. I find really funny how she put like a simple effect of bricks in the photo and then was like "ooooooh myyy gooosh" because I did exactly this to with my photos and this bring back good memories of a time that won't come back, the time that tecnology was new and could impressed us all in the good way. If someone wanna visit this site, here it is the link: https://geocities.restorativland.org/SoHo/1161/index.html#example
~ The Archeologist
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
i fell asleep early & woke up several times., so i had several dreams!
1. teleported to georgia. 2. trying to catch the state fair....2! 3. following someone around at a really confusing convention 4. someone from the past pops up in my snapchat dms while i’m trying to make a stinky wordsearch 5. vaguely fantasy setting with a hero party that has ulterior motives. im 14 though so it’s all lost on me
dream 1: i got teleported to a highway in georgia with some small child that i needed to look after. i was hoping if we walked enough we could find an exit & a motel or something with a restaurant, since i didn’t know how i got here, i didn’t have my car, & i was lucky enough to have my wallet. we kept walking, but it was getting dark & there was no exit in sight, so i thought about going into the fake little line of trees they have on iether side of the road & making a little shelter for the night in case it rained, which seemed likely.
dream 2: we were now in kentucky, though if i looked at google maps it showed we were in alabama. we were here bc my siste rwanted to go to the state fair & the one in my state was already over but if was still ongoing in alabama-kentucky. my dad was also there
dream 3: visiting someome from the internet in some giant gothic hallway that had those really tall but really narrow pointed windows. it was confusing. i didn’t understand what was going on at all -  a lot of people were there doing their thing at the con, and i was trying to follow along without getting lost. there was some perfume sample table that i got curious about, and the perfume was like a paste or something that you would push into something like a large hollow dog treat. i like flavor [7], which i forgot, & [8] gilded lily. the guy at the perfume table was unnecessarily mean to everyone though. 
dream 4: my sister & i were making like some kind of “the worst smell ever” bingo/word search, & i had a picture of it on my snapchat story before i left to bike to work. this is already unrealistic bc i never learned to ride a bike. anyway i saw i got a message on snap from this dude adam w that was friends with my ex, & but when i opened snapchat joey was still on there & i was still in the gc. he’d dyed his hair like a light purple color judging from his bitmoji. i wasted a few minutes trying to imagine what it looked like before going “fuck this actually” & blocking him again. adam w offered another stink idea for the wordsearch, which was fine, but then he was like “joey says you should forgive him & oflden by now” & i was like LOL fuck no & blocked him too. then i was too distracted by all that & missed my turn or whatever, so i went to turn around & some lady called me up to the front of the neighborhood sign & was like “What are you doing” & i was like um...turning around..........& she was like alright. god bless ya. 
dream 5: there was more before the start, but i only remember the classic hero party - ssome dude, a short girl engineer/artificer with big ol glasses, a woman who looked like belle disney princess complete with a yellow dress and reddish brown hair, & the dude’s kid brother who was like 14. we were dumped unceremoniously from our losing battle into some new area that looked like it used to be some kind of luxurious lobby, but was now used to hold several blindfolded & chained up orc prisonors with open wounds down to the bone. they heard us fall in & turned  their heads to us. we heard a rumbling sound & all stood completely still & a bunch of goblins came out of holes in the wall. imagine if goblins were 4 inches tall and swarmed like ffire ants. they wouldn’t aggro towards us unless we killed one of them or made a sound so we just had to be quiet while they ate one of the orcs alive. 
anyway while the goblins were distracted & despite what we’d just communicated, the stupid hero tried to get away anyway & stepped on a goblin. all hell broke loose immediately. it became a chaos of every man for himself. the princess like woman made it outside & she was the healer, or at least had some healing powers, and she also wasn’t stupid so she jumped in the creek to wash the goblins off.at this point i realized this was alll happening at my mom’s house again. the hero made it outside screaming and flinging goblins off him, & i went from being the omniscient 3rd person view narrator to the hero’s 14 year old brother. i sat down on a plastic chair outside & watched. my brother was a bit conceited. the engineer woman was still inside but she was fine. she’s always fine in these situations. she has a gadget for everything. and the hero was a bit stupid anyway - the lady with a yellow dress was the real party leader, & they just kept the other guy around for kicks. i learned all this from sitting inside the brother’s brain.
true for the point, the healer let the goblins start eating the hero’s face off before casting like a thorns spell that just impaled aall of them as they came for him & grew his skin and facial features back as he cried and thrashed around. once he was okay, she knocoked him out gently & let him lie in the grass next to the creek & went back in to save the orcs. i went in too to explore! i saved one of the goblins from the yellow dress woman’s sight bc she was trying to cleanse the entire house, & it was so grateful to me that it told me about the [???word i forgot???] that had ordered it to do such a thing. something something the cattywumpus, or something like that. 
at that point i used some meta-game knowledge & realized this was just like the plot of a book i read ages ago! it is unknown if this book is real or not. i think it’s like the genderbent plot of the septimus heap series but with modifications. anyway there was a witch who kept the missing younger princess (but true heir since the old queen was a mage that had given birth to our yellow-dress woman & the people didn’t want a magic user in a position of power, so when the king remarried the new princess would be the heir, but then she disappeared). anyway the missing princess was kept in a secret upper level to a castle that looked like it had already been fully searched & ransacked. 
but i remembered there was a secret - hold a door all the way open for 20 seconds & a very very very narrow passage, perfect if you were a goblin that wa 4 inches tall but it took some squeezing into to at least get my head there, opened up in My Actual Real Life Room. first i called for one of the other members of rhe party, but when they didn’t respond i put my head in there & shouoted hello? “hello?” said some girl’s voice back. “is it you again, miss (name of the witch)?” & she sounded afraid. i said “no, come down here! i just found this door on accident!” & she was like “i’m not supposed to..to talk to strangers.” & i said “do you want to live here forever?” 
she came down. she had reddish brown hair and a yellow outfit and looked around my age. (14 in the dream). we chatted & we got along really well & i was really excited that she was going to be rrescued! & she was excited to go see the world, since the witch wouldn’t let her leave! but then the engineer woman’s voice came odwn the hallway like “where are you?” & she sounded really ominous, so we were going to hide, but the yellow dress woman came into the room & saw us both there & closed the door. i was really excited about my new friend, but the yellow dress woman crouched down & grabbed the other girl & started asking her a bunch of serious questions with the implied threat of “and if you answer something i don’t like, i’m going to open the door & let the engineer vaporize you.”
then i woke up
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ruminate88 · 3 months
The crazy contrast of starting and ending a toxic relationship:
I never ever knew “love bombing” existed or was a thing until the playboy documentary comes out and Holly Madison says that Hugh Hefner “love bombed” her when she first moved in to the mansion… wow. I listened as she described it and immediately my brain went to, “Oh wow that explains what Cody was doing to me.” Not just Cody but all my exes. I realized now how in meeting each guy, that the way the relationship starts out is so crazy because it’s so toxic.
Now I finally understand that becuase I was in this fairytale mindset for so long, watching romantic comedies and listening to love songs, I had imagined this “fairytale-ish” love and plus my exes all mirrored me at first, so they make you believe it’s this crazy and beautiful love story unfolding. Cody told me when we got together, “I’ve never been so obsessed or in love with anyone before”. Even when we broke up and then got back together the 2nd time, he says, “he’s still so obsessed with me” and wow. I felt crazy and on top of the world!! Cody made me believe I was a goddess and that he worshiped me. I mean…. So unrealistic and CRAZY but I fell for it. I thought Cody was the only person who understood at the time and I’m just thinking were bigger than the movies. Our love was up in outer space some where. It wasn’t earthly love….. 😝 but when Cody ghosted me, that’s a complete opposite feeling and experience as the love bombing. Cody went from making me feel like I’m a goddess to now I don’t even have a soul. I’m completely lifeless and can’t breathe. I just wanna disappear like I never even existed at all. 😓😓😓
Next, I match with Andrew on “hot or not” but I’m slow to find out some how. He magically adds me on Snapchat but I DO NOT remember adding him as a friend. I don’t remember our 1st conversation 🫣🫣🫣 When did we start talking and what was our first conversation???? 🤯 So much fog day one!!! Alllllll I remember is it was Easter time and I’m at a friend’s using her bathroom and suddenly Andrew is sending me soooo many Snapchats like 100 of them and he is saying to me, “I love you cutie 😘 Will you please be my wife?” Omg like….. who are you, why are you alllllll over me???? I was so blushing and shocked at his constant expression of “love” towards me. He wouldn’t stop. I was just like “ahhh you don’t know me, how can you wanna marry me???” But for at least 2 weeks Andrew wouldn’t stop asking me to marry him over and over and over…. I wasn’t even sure if I was attracted to him. He sent me a selfie of himself with his “cows” behind and I told him I was scared of all those cows lol but he was acting like, “oh you’ll be ok I’m with you” wow!
Then becuase Andrew wasn’t successful in making me “fall in love fast” because I was hurt from Cody, Andrew bread crumbs me for the summer. Every morning text me, “Good morning cutie 😘 I hope you have a good day.” Gosh it was so sweet to me but frustrating cuz I would say like “wanna play 21 questions and get to know each other??” But he would say back, “I want to but I’m getting ready for work right now sorry I will later…” BUT later he would text me, “I’m home from work cutie 😘 wanna come cuddle me??” 😳😳 and he would act all “sexual” and never bring up playing “21 questions” and I wasn’t sure WHAT his intentions were or what he wanted from me. He stopped proposing to me and didn’t ask me out. I was getting tired and realized I was too attached to move on but afraid he was going to hurt me too. He just put me in a difficult situation.
When I did ask him out after he started his sophomore year, he said yes that he was shy and waiting on me to ask him out… what??!!! 😳😝 confusing. He was NOT shy. He had over 2k followers on both Ig and Fb. Plus was an ambassador for his university!! Don’t tell me you’re “shy”. But back then it was sooo foggy, I believed him and trusted him. Andrew told me “I love you with all my heart and soul.” AND he also said, “You mean more to me than life itself.” Jeez…. It’s like he knew what I wanted to hear and played me so good.
But as the relationship was ending, I found proof he cheated and he denied it. Tried to make me believe I was crazy and misunderstood the whole situation. He played innocent and tried to confuse me even more. Then when I’m trying to break up, he WILL NOT end it with me. He talked circles around me for 3 long agonizing hours. Kept holding on to me and making me question the truth. He did not love me it wasn’t hard to tell but then why wouldn’t he let me go?? He even asked for us to take the weekend to “think it all over first”. Asked me why was I making it a big deal and why did we have to make a decision that day? 🥺😭😓 cuz dude…. You’re hurting me so much. You clearly don’t love me so let me go!!!! Why you trying to hold me hostage in a loveless relationship??? 💔
It’s day and night with these men how at first you think they just adore you to pieces but then you realize they only want to harm you. They hate you so deeply. No wonder Andrew wouldn’t let me leave so easy, he wasn’t done torturing me yet. Maybe I’m over exaggerating but that’s how they all made me feel. 🥺🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 at least now I know that all those crazy grand words and lines they used wasn’t legit or genuine and that most men don’t say those romantic words. My husband has NEVER said “I am obsessed with you” and would find it crazy and weird to say… ugh.
It all sucks and hurts. All I wanted was this beautiful love story with someone special and now that I’m married, I just feel “blah.” I’m not excited or thrilled. I’m just…. Existing for the moment but I KNOW this will all get better. There’s only one way to go and that’s up ⬆️ TAKING IT ONE DAY AT A TIME ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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justmeinatree · 5 months
it is a little sad to delete fics but i usually delete old ways that have embarrassingly bad writing or fics from fandoms i'm not active in anymore so i tend not to miss then too much 😅 very occasionally i go the orphan route so they're still on the archive!
it's admittedly quite a dialogue heavy chapter because it's Niall and reader figuring out what's going and having a conversation about it and that's all i can really say without spoiling it all. it's an important chapter but it was a little boring to write because i felt like nothing was happening 😂 and knowing i've got two readers invested has totally made my day and i just woke up 🥺🫶
my cat is the biggest spoiled brat in the world but we love her 😂 we don't know what kind of cat she is but i'm pretty sure she's a tabby and Egyptian mau mix. she's literally gorgeous and i will send you pictures if you remind me lol. she also happens to be the most talkative cat ever born...she will sit outside my door and just meow over and over until i open it.
also! that snippet you posted!!! 👀 i've been in such a Niall mood this week and now you've got me in a Louis mood 😂
what fandoms were you a part of ? you totally don’t have to answer this, i’m just curious ! so you’ve written a lot then, when did you start writing ? and what was the first bit of fanfic you wrote ? like for who ? what’s the first fanfic you read that got you into the world of fanfics ? 😂 fkn hell that was a lot of questions, feel free to just tell me to fuck off, i will not take it personally in the slightest !
i LOVE dialogue chapters !! 98% of the time i’m coming up with a chapter, it starts with the dialogue and everything gets built around it. dialogue is where i connect with stories tbh, like describing the space for example, doesn’t do anything for me because i’ll probably envision it the way i want to 😅 but dialogue is where it’s pure and it’s where it’s AT !! you really get a feel for the characters there. apparently you’ve caught me at a very chatty time I APOLOGIZE ! 😂 yes there’s two of us heavily invested, we’ve literally chatted about it on snapchat 😂
i’d love photos !! i have no idea what that mix would look like but you mentioned egyptian and i imagine her being very cute !! how old is she ? i love the attachment level 😂
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