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ghostgirl-22 · 2 days ago
careless whisper is patashi right? right??
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hurtingbuck · 1 month ago
And that was it? That was it.
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nootshell · 2 years ago
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iseathegalaxy · 4 months ago
listen, Nicholas wasn't afraid of Rio, a supposedly strange woman with a torch coming up to them in the middle of the night while they're asleep that tells him to come with her, so...
Rio has been doing that forever, coming up to them at night to walk with Nicholas, they will stroll around and talk about their days for a few minutes and then she'll walk him back to Agatha, and she always, always reminds him to kiss her goodbye before their walk
all of this so that, when she finally came to get him for the very last time, he wouldn't be afraid, he'd be calm and unaware and his passing would go even unnoticed to him, to spare him of the pain of his own death and of never seeing his mum again
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sweeneydino · 4 months ago
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The loveliest lies of all.
Its a trap
I am feral about the new update, read the fic here vvv
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xihe1874 · 6 months ago
All right. So I rewatched Top Gun: Maverick yesterday and I had some quite angsty realisation that I have to share with all of you. You are welcome.
You remember in TG:M, how Mav tended to speak to himself when flying? Little pep talk such as "Come on Mav", "Let's try not to get fired at the very first day Maverick", "You've got this Mav"?
Well, if memory serves me right, he didn't do that in the first movie.
Why's that?
My take on this is: The person(s) used to exchange the talk, the encouragement, the quip, the endearment with him, poking fun at each other while watching each other's six, are either dead or dying.
"You've got this".
("You've got this, kid." Duke Mitchell smiled to his son.)
"Let's turn and burn."
("Let's turn and burn, Mav!" Goose shouted excitedly behind him in an F-14.)
"Let's try not to get fired at the first day."
("Let's try not to get fired at the very first day as instructors, huh, Maverick?" Ice shook his head with resigned fondness.)
"Come on!"
("Come on Mav!" Goose swung an arm around his shoulder, his voice warm and kind.)
"You've got this".
("I've got you. I've got you, babe." Ice whispered and tightened the embrace while Maverick clutched his lover to his body.)
So he had to say all of those to himself, to pretend that all of them were still with him, to bring all of them all the way across the ocean, the wind, and the sky.
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pendovah · 2 months ago
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A part of me will always be praying for your face in the crowd.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 9 months ago
I'm pretty sure that this:
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Is in the same thought process as this:
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The tone and the eyes were the same 😢 the same embarrassment and the pain of feeling pitied and the despair of unrequited love (not knowing that he's going through the same thing).
I'm happy for her confidence in putting herself out there but the sacrifice of letting go of your first love after finally experiencing a kiss from him just breaks my heart. She was truly doing her best to move on.
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no-onemournsthelesbians · 4 days ago
I absolutely made myself sob thinking of Glinda waiting for Elphaba for several years. For at least the first year and a half after Elphaba’s “death” Glinda had to be absolutely devastated. She did what she had to do and carried on Elphaba’s cause, but she was heartbroken and lonely. She didn’t eat or sleep for days at a time and shunned deeper relationships in general.
It took some time for her to gather that her Elphie was too smart to let something that simple and rudimentary catch her off guard. Glinda definitely thinks she’s alive at this point. If that’s true then it meant Elphaba left Glinda once again.
Glinda refuses to take that personally because at this point she believes that that’s the least she deserves, and satisfies herself with knowing that Elphie is at peace somewhere while her dreams are being fulfilled. However, that doesn’t stop Glinda from staring out the window each night, hoping against hope that Elphaba might appear outside of her dreams.
When Elphaba finally does come, she’s shocked that Glinda doesn’t seem surprised or upset or even angry. When she asks how Glinda knew she would be there, Glinda simply says “I was waiting for you.”
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astrered · 2 years ago
Luz insisting so much, asking the Titan to please say something to King... Not only because she knows King would love it, but because she would have loved to have that chance with her own dad.
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aesthetictarlos · 6 months ago
No one has ever called Tommy beautiful before. He's been called hot, sexy, attractive, that's for sure, especially by the guys who hit on him in clubs. Someone has even told him he was easy on the eyes or good-looking, and it's not like he didn't have mirrors at his place, but it was always nice hearing those words because he could use a boost of self-esteem here and there, especially in those bad days where he would look at himself in the mirror and saw that chubby young boy who got braces, too many unruly curls, and had to deal with bullies.
People call him cool and competent once they know what he does for a living and that's nice, too, but no one has ever called him beautiful. And it's not like he minds, he hasn't even thought about that until now.
Now that he's laying in bed with his boyfriend, after they made love for the first time (yeah, made love because what he and Evan just did is so, so different from the sex he was used to and he's also a romantic, sue him) and Evan is leaving the imprint of his fingers all over his face. First, Evan traces the outline of his eyebrows, then thumbs at the laugh lines around his eyes and grins softly before his index finger follows the slope of his nose, down to his cupid's bow, murmuring a soft "God, your lips are perfect." Tommy believes him, and sometimes he wishes he could see himself through Evan's adoring eyes. Evan's not done, yet, and his fingers graze every inch of his face, lingering on the cleft on his chin.
"Tommy, you're beautiful," Evan whispers, his impossibly blue eyes filled with so much fondness and affection that Tommy tears up. "So beautiful."
With those few words, Evan fixes something in him that he didn't even know was broken.
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judahlux · 5 months ago
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darth-jess · 3 months ago
Just thinking about the horribly heartbreaking symbolism of Padmé going to her grave with the Japor snippet laced in her fingers.
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The Japor snippet was her reminder of who Anakin always was, of a boy who had nothing and still risked his life to help others, without thought of reward.
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– Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover
This necklace was a symbol of Anakin. It signified who he was as a person, of his selflessness, of his light, of his love. (See –> "You'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine")
And her carrying it to her grave is both a symbol of her unshakable faith in him, and a metaphor: that the last piece of Anakin Skywalker is following his wife to her grave.
That Anakin Skywalker is dead.
Vader is all that's left.
(…at least, for now.)
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moonstainn · 2 years ago
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"Odasaku...what should I do?"
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tenthrees · 2 years ago
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Ed surrounding himself with reminders of Stede
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hellfire--cult · 1 year ago
You two were laughing as you ate pizza on Steve’s couch. You are feeding eachother as he kisses you with saucy lips while you giggle like crazy.
The TV is on in the background, the loud noises fade into nothingness as you two keep talking and laughing. There are other noises outside, but you two shut the blinds closed, and locked the doors, because you just needed to be with one another tonight, just you two.
Steve looks at the watch on his wrist and he shoots a smile your way.
“Wanna go to bed?”
And you eagerly get up from the couch, grabbing his hand as you lead the way upstairs towards his room. You two stumble in, wiping the remnants of pizza away, and you both get ready to bed, already too late despite the noises outside. Yelling, cheering, screaming, it was all a mix.
The bed is comfy as you two lay down, looking at one another, smiles still on your faces as the tears start forming in your eyes. The memories just fill your minds as the loud sirens start blasting, wanting to break the moment, but they won’t. It’s just the two of you right now.
The cheering stops, the screaming remains, the red light of the sky shines through the closed blinds, the expired pizza you two ate downstairs because that’s all you could find in an abandoned 7Eleven.
It was the only solution because the upside down filled through the gaps, all around the world, consuming it in monsters and darkness. It was the only solution…
And as the earth burns to the ground…
“I love you Stevie…” Your tears are already falling onto the pillow as the sirens start going into a countdown. He nods as he pulls you close by the waist, pressing a shaky kiss on your forehead.
“I love you too Baby…”
Oh boy it’s you, that I lie with.
You smile up at him as you press a soft kiss on his chin, causing him to chuckle through his wet sob. The screaming is barely audible as the siren becomes louder and louder, the screeching of monsters trying to get into the house so they could escape the sound.
As the atom bomb locks in, oh boy it’s you…
The TV downstairs shows a static transmission of the news, the reporter crying as she counts down the final seconds of the human race, extintion just a moment away.
I watch TV with… As the world…
You two look up as the final long siren goes off and the red light becomes brighter and brighter, the sound of a loud explosion echoing in the distance as it becomes louder as it reaches you two.
And your lips finally meet, smiling in between as the tears mix with your lips, tasting them. It was the perfect last kiss. The perfect moment. The perfect situation. It was perfect, and you spent it with him. For the last time.
As the world caves in.
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