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day 236
so in one of the book commentaries theres a comment about aradia mentioning the voices of her "ancestors" and how that could just reference the voices of the dead she can hear but also could literally refer to HER ancestor since. yknow, she was around.
and anyway i have never stopped thinking about that
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
helloo!! love ur stuff:3
do u write for criminal minds? if so could u write something about spencer reid🙏🙏
something that goes more into detail with his (ovbious) autism where he masks so much around everyone else that it causes him to sort of burn out and become more cold towards people and seem dislikeable??
but he has a sweet spot for us and only us🫶🫶 and everyone else is sort of shocked by it??
totally okay if not!! love ur writing
a/n: eeek tysm!! first request is a banger heck yea. also i LOVE this kind of spencer he’s so cute 😭😭 hope you enjoy!! requests are open <3
Soft Spot
pairing: spencer reid x gn! bau! reader
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the bau was where spencer felt safe.
he could do his own stuff, mainly paperwork, and nobody would interrupt him. he was content and liked being left alone, nobody was getting to know him, and he liked it that way.
until you joined.
you joined the bau a sunny day in june, practically bounding in, brimming with exitement. you walked into the bullpen, your pin covered, beaten up backpack slung lazily over one shoulder. a man called derek was the first to greet you
“hey there cutie, what brings you here?” he folded his arms over his chest, the curves of his muscles clearly visable through his tight grey t-shirt.
“hi!” you beamed at him “um, i’m the new hire and i start today. do you know where i can find-”
“lemme guess, you wanna see hotch?” he cuts in
“i think so, aaron hotchner right?” you looked at the small buisnuess card in your hands, running your thumb over the embossed text reading ‘AARON HOTCHNER, UNIT CHEIF, BAU, QUANTICO VA’.
the tall tanned man giggled at your enthusiasm, and points to one of the offices up the side stairs. “hotch is up there. i’m derek morgan, by the way.” he held his hand out for you to shake.
“derek, cool, i’m (y/n), it’s really nice to meet you!” you grasped his hand, shaking it gently “guess i’ll see you round then!”
he smiled and watched you run upthe stairs to his boss’ office. you knock on the door, and there was a deep voice that shouted from inside.
“it’s open”
you twisted the doorhandle, and walked into his office. it was pretty big, and really neat and tidy. there’s a tall man behind the desk, sat writing something next to a pile of files
“ah, hello (y/n),” he said with a slight smile, leaning over his desk to shake your hand “i’m aaron hotchner, i’ll be your unit cheif here.”
you take his hand eagerky and shake it, smiling at him.
“i just have a form i need you to sign and i’ll introduce you to the unit.”
“yeah awesome, cool- i mean- yeah that’s fine. good stuff.” you said nervously, wanting to come off as profesional as possible.
back in the bullpen, derek sat at his desk as spencer walked up to him.
“is the new agent any good?” he says blankly.
“i don’t know, seemed pretty nice to me. but, we haven’t been on a case yet so no clue. why’d you ask pretty boy?” he looks up at spencer, who’s fixing his tie
“no reason, just don’t want someone on our team we don’t need.” he retorts, flattning the tie against his chest. before morgan can say anything back, spencer had already turned his back, walking to his own desk, and shutting everything out. penelope, who had walked past as she heard derek mention a new hire, hung back so she could ask him all about you
“who’s the new hire derek!” she asked exitedly
“some kid, i think you’ll get along. very bubbly and smiley, just like you princess” he smiled at the blonde, earning a giggle from her.
up on the balcony of the bau, hotch was stood introducing everyone.
“that there, is ssa derek morgan,” he pointed to derek, who you met earlier. “he’s the man if you’re ever on any case involving obsessional crimes”
“and girl covered in glitter talking to him is our technical anaysist penelope garcia, ” you looked down to derek’s desk, where a pretty blonde lady with a big poofy dress and chunky glasses was stood. ”she can find just about anything, so she’s always on hand in a case”
“and that over there is ssa jennifer jareau, who we call jj,” he pointed to a woman with long wavy hair, stoof talking to a woman with thick black hair. ”she’s our media and communications liason, so she decides what cases we go on”
“stood next to jj is ssa emily prentiss,” your attention shifted to the woman with the dark hair and bangs. ”she specialises in cases with children, and knows 6 languages.” this earned a whistle of admiration from you
“then you have ssa davis rossi,” he pointed to an older looking man who was reading something at his desk. ”he’s our most experiienced agent, and he’s a brilliant hostage negotiator.”
“and that over there is dr. spencer reid” he points to a very tall, very handsome man around your age, dressed in a button up shirt and purple tie, with unrully brown waves. ”he’s literally a genius, he has an iq of 187, and a photographic memory. but he’s not really one for friendships, he’s got his walls up.”
you frown slightly, but accept it. not everyone wants to be your friend, but you’ll be nice to him either way.
a few days had passed, and you’d gotten to know everyone really well, especially garcia who was so sweet to you, you could feel the cavities in your teeth. you were talking to her one day when she invites you to a bar later that night. because it was a friday and your first team outing so, you said yes. garcia gave you a big hug, and said she’d pick you up at 7 to take you.
after that, you finished some paperwork and headed to the elevator to go get the metro home, and to your surprise, spencer held the door for you, so you beam at him
“thanks spencer” you stand next to him, and rocked back and forth on your feet next to him, gently humming to yourself
“yeah, no problem” he gave you a polite smile, and looked down at his phone at his phone
the ride down was spent in comfortable silence, and as you left the lobby of the building, he turned the same way as you.
“you going to the station on 550?” you looked up at him as you walked side by side down the sidewalk
“yup” he said blankly
“cool, me too! i get off at leeland road.” you replied
spencer hummed, and said “oh, me too”
you smile as you look straight ahead, almost skipping to keep up with him
“so, how’s your day going?” you started to make small talk
“fine. you?” he looked into your eyes, taking in your features. he doesn't like people, he’s never liked people. he’s tired all the time, he just likes his own company, thats all he needs. nobody would understand the way he works. maybe his mom would. but maybe you would too. who was he kidding? no you wouldn't.
“yeah! yeah i’m good. exited to go out tonight,” you smiled contently, realising that you were really part of the team now. it felt good “not sure what i’ll wear. i don’t think i have any clothes clean i can wear. i also need to feed my cat. i should write a reminder. i should probably also do my dishes. oh and also water my plants. i don't know where i put the mister. i need to find that….” you start to trail off
spencer looked at you, your brain working so fast he can barely keep up
“sorry, i don't mean to ramble, that happens sometimes. i’m sorry.” you looked away from him awkwardly, the lump in your throat drying it out.
“no its okay, my brain works a similar way sometimes. i like organisation more though.”
the train pulled up in front of you, and you realised you’d been walking on autopilot for a while now, not entirely realising you and spencer had gotten to the platform. he continued to make polite small talk with you on the train, and when you got off, and when you started walking down the street
“welp,” you said, stopping outside your apartment block. “this is me. i’ll see you later on though, yeah?” you give him a smile and he nods, giving you a small wave as you walked into your building. as he walked away, he felt his stomach churn. he didn't know if that was good or bad.
now, you stand in your apartment, haven fed your cat biscuit, your socks scrunched at your ankles, baggy t shirt over your frame, and twenty five minutes until penelope got here. and you hadn't decided what to wear. to be safe, you pick out a nice button up and trousers, sliding on your converse. you grab a jacket, and as youre picking up your keys, a honk makes you jump. you rush out the door to see garcia, jj, and derek all in a red car outside
“hey hey hot stuff, hop in!” derek shouts at you. you clamber into the back next to jj, and make your way over to the bar. when you get there derek asks you
“what are you drinking?”
“um, i’ll have a lemonade please”
“not a drinker?” he raises an eyebrow
“only on special occasions”
he nods and walks to the bar, shorty returning to your guys’ table with a beer for him, a tall fruity looking concoction for garcia, and your lemonade. you’re sat between emily, and a very agitated reid. the night goes on slowly, all chatting away and laughing.
“hey genius, loosen up!” emily says over the music. in response, he just huffs, and swirls his straw around in his glass of water. you take a sip of lemonade, and nudge him with your shoulder.
“you okay?”
“loud” is all he manages to respond with, clearly not enjoying the setting.
“we can go outside if you want”
he nods, and you two stand up. you tell derek you’re going outside with spencer, and to keep an eye on your drink
“you got it” he gives you a thumbs up, and shuffles back into the booth.
standing in the cold, you cross your arms, the gentle pounding of bass coming from inside the bar
“hey uh- thanks for coming out with me.” he says to you. his gentle hazel eyes meeting your own, his hair tucked behind one ear, as it was starting to get quite long. you think its cute.
“yeah, of course, its nothing. i don't like it in there either to be honest, my head cant handle it. its a lot.” you give him a half smile and see him pacing a bit.
“i get that” he says, clearly agitated
“do you want to go home? i can call you a cab if you want. we can go back to my place and i can make you food if you’d like”
“if you don’t mind, that’d be nice”
this time when he smiles at you, it’s genuine. not like when derek makes a joke and he smiles to show he’s listening, not like when he smiles at emily when she brings him coffee thats cold. no, this was real.
a few minutes later, the cab arrives and you tell the driver your address. spencer’s leg is bouncing as he looks out the window. you pull up in front of your building, thank the driver and pay, and walk up to your apartment.
“here we are,” you unlock the door “home sweet home”
you kick your converse off, having to shake your ankle a fair bit. you hang your jacket up, and spencer does the same. sitting on the couch is biscuit who stands up and arches her back, slightly meowing.
“hey baby!” you smile at her and scratch her chin. spencer looks over at you as you kneel in front of her. he thought you looked really nice. he wasn’t going to tell you though.
“your apartment is nice.” spencer says, sinking into your leather armchair in front of your bookcase
you smile at his remark, attention still on biscuit. your apartment is pretty simple, just a few pictures hung up and pretty colourful furniture. after fussing over your cat, you make yourself some tea and some coffee and a bowl of soup for spencer. you add milk, and like seven spoons of sugar to his coffee, which you’re sure was too much but you’d seen him make his own before and that’s how he makes it, so he must like it. you set the coffee and soup down in front of him, and sit down on the couch, tea in hand. he takes a small sip from big mug and smiles
“hey, how did you know how to make my coffee?”
“observant, i guess”
“nobody has ever made it like that for me before”
“well, i guess im not nobody” you shrug, and stand back up again, walking into your bedroom to put on some pj’s.
after three minutes and forty two seconds, he counted on his watch, you're back in some sweats and the same t shirt from before.
“oh shit i forgot to ask, do you want some pjs? i mean, that is if you want to stay over, you don’t have to”
“if you’re offering” he smiles at you, and you walk back into your room to grab him a t shirt and some grey sweats from the bottom of your drawer. he chants, and walks back in. you notice his socks, they’re odd. one has pink and blue squares on, the other is green with a dinosaur pattern. you smile.
after a few hours of just talking about books, and live, and family, and everything inbetween, you head to bed, and spencer climbs in next to you. he’s so gentle, barely dipping the bed.
“i’m not made of glass you know spencer, you can make yourself comfortable.” you giggle a bit at his tense body.
“yeah, okay.” you feel his body shift on the mattress, clearly more relaxed. you switch on the lamp next to you and lie down, wrapping yourself up and wallowing in spencer’s cologne- it smells like wood and coffee. you hum, and drift off. as you sleep, he watches your chest rise and fall, enjoying the frequency, and just knowing that you understood him.
the morning comes around, saturday sunlight seeping through your blinds, a gentle chirp can be heard outside as your eyelashes bat awake. you look over and see spencer, hair strewn over his face, eyes closed, and mouth slightly smiling. he’s breathing very steadily, he looks peaceful. you gain full conciseness and realise your legs are entangled with his, and you feel heat rise to your cheeks. you prop yourself up, and check your phone. the bau group chat has 4 unread messages.
bau gang
morgan damn @(y/n), finally get through to pretty boy?
garcia the last time i asked him to stay at mine, he stared at me like i’d just kicked a puppy
prentiss same here, he just looked at me in disgust and walked away. we didn’t talk for two days
rossi how on earth did you crack that wall? whats his soft spot? teach me your ways, young one
you smile at your phone and just reply
a magician never reveals her secrets 😚 he’s asleep rn but i’ll be sure to ask him to be nicer to you all later
you then take a picture of spencer as he sleeps, just to remind yourself that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
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alchemistc · 2 years
Eddie practices his arguments with Steve.
The thing is -
Here's the thing. It's not that he's expecting an argument. So far every time either one of them have been irritated with one another, or pissed off about something, they usually just, like, talk about it and shit. Healthy-like, which is -
Totally fucking weird for Eddie My-Parents-Fought-As-A-Love-Language Munson and Steve Still-Figuring-Out-Its-Okay-To-Be-Loved Harrington. It's weird, it is, and Eddie can't help but wonder if Steve is just bottling shit up until it explodes out of him and he realizes that this thing they're doing just isn't worth it anymore.
So Steve does this thing, right?
This thing where he rolls his jaw and sometimes it pops and it makes Eddie want to stick a curly straw up his nose and scramble his own brains. And he's such a fucking neat freak that every time he's over, he ends up rearranging Eddie's room - not even in purpose, just. He likes to touch things, and Eddie gets it, he does, but touching things usually leads to picking things up leads to setting them back down and before Eddie's had time to look up, Steve has swept empty beer cans into the trash and lined up Eddie's models in a neat row like they're troops readying for battle and since he's like a war buff they're always lined up like a little battalion which is cute but also frustrating as hell because - because Eddie's chaos is organized and now he can't find his fucking lyric journal with the song he's very much not ready for people to see, or know about, or -
The point. The point is Eddie has been gearing up to talk to Steve about it for three days now and he's now at the stage where he practices. Works out the scenarios, muddles through possibilities, tries to anticipate every way it could go tits up.
He's never - Steve is most of his firsts, and he knows it's dumb and romantic but he'd like Steve to be all of his lasts, too, and so what if that means he's pacing the length of the trailer (all the while perfecting his Steve-voicr, which has been a tough one to nail but he feels like he's getting there. He's smarter and more eloquent than he lets on, is Steve.) and arguing with himself. Resetting, back to the start, working through a disastrous turn where Steve accuses Eddie of cheating on him (nope, reset, Steve's well aware Eddie wouldn't, cut that from the options).
"And seriously, Eddie, how could you think I'd do that shit to you, you know -."
"What the hell?"
Eddie whirls.
Mike Wheeler is standing in his living room, staring at Eddie like he's grown a second head. Which. Shit. They haven't actually, like, told anyone that they're...doing whatever it is they're doing (There's things Eddie wants to call it, but he hasn't brought them up yet because they're terrifying and super fucking telling and even though he's pretty sure he and Steve are on the same page he doesn't want to presume) so the kids don't know. No one except Robin knows, and she's states away and busy so.
"What the hell right back, Wheeler, what are you doing here?"
"I left my chem textbook here last night. You said I could come get it."
And - sure, he definitely had, but he'd sort of been staring at the hollow where Steve's neck and shoulder met and imagining biting it when he said it, so -
"So you broke into my house?"
"The door was unlocked."
"So you walked uninvited INTO MY HOUSE?" And he's maybe hamming up the annoyance as cover, but Wheeler just stares at him.
"Are you practicing breaking up with Steve?" Wheeler asks without preamble, with zero inflection, not even a quirk of his brow, and Eddie -
Flounders, is a generous term for it. Really what he does is shriek, and cackle, and then cover it up with the weirdest laugh either of them have ever heard which covers nothing at all. "What are - why would you - what makes you think - listen, Michael, you can't just break into people's homes and accuse them of - of - what exactly are you accusing me of?"
"Of having really terrible taste in men, Eddie, where's my textbook?"
"I don't fucking know, Wheeler, Steve rearranges shit all the time so who the hell knows where he would have -."
"It's probably on the bookshelf, then," Mike says, and then squints. "Are you...practicing arguing with Steve?"
"How do you even -?"
"Neither one of you is subtle."
"Shut up, Wheeler."
"If that's how you talk to Steve it's no wonder you have to practice your arguments."
"I'm not - you're infuriating."
Mike squares him with a look that reminds Eddie of when he's calculating hit points and strategizing his next move. He frowns. Sighs. "I have like ten minutes before I have to leave. Steve doesn't think you're cheating on him, so let's start from the top."
"The kids know," Eddie tells Steve, fingers shifting in Steve's hair, and Steve's lashes flash as he looks up from Eddie's lap. Mike had been - well, Wheeler might be half a decade younger but he'd been pretty instrumental in helping Eddie nail down the right approach to "Please stop cleaning up my messes you're ruining everything." so another non-argument is in the books, and Steve had looked confused about it but he'd agreed to try not to move shit around at least.
("I'm still cleaning up all the trash, though, you live like a goblin."
"It's hot that you know what a goblin is, baby."
"Are you...okay with that?"
"Are you?"
"I asked first."
It's not that he doesn't want to answer, it's just.
Okay he doesn't want to answer. Jesus Christ, he'd used Mike goddamn Wheeler as his Steve stand in to practice an argument that hadn't happened and he's still scared to call Steve his -
"I... don't really know. What to tell them." And that's - shit, not what he meant to say, Jesus.
"What do you mean?"
Steve crinkles his nose, and Eddie hates how goddamn cute it is, because he really wants to just, like, boop the tip of it and then suck Steve off but -
Where's Mike Wheeler when he needs him?
("If you ever tell Steve about this I'll tell Will to TPK your party for the next ten campaigns."
"Why would I tell Steve I'm helping you save your relationship?"
"Brownie points. So you can hold it over Henderson's head. Blackmail."
"I used to be terrified of you, but you're actually super lame, honestly."
"Preaching to the choir, my friend.")
"I mean, what...what do we tell them we...are?"
"Are you freaking out about calling me your boyfriend?"
He shifts, and Eddie's fingers slip through the strands of Steve's hair as he shuffles, scoots, sits up and twists to face Eddie.
"I am, right? I mean...you want me to be?"
Eddie hasn't practiced this conversation, because - because it's presumptuous, because it felt sort of like jinxing it, because -
"Yeah. Duh. Of course I - shit. Yeah. Yes."
Steve's smile is bright and a little knowing. "I have a confession."
"I'm not sure I want to hear it."
"Trust me, you want to."
"Okay fine," Eddie tells him, eyes on Steve's hand as he slots their fingers together. Eddie hooks his pinkie along the edge of Steve's sleeve. "Twist my arm, why don't you?"
"I'm actually kind of glad they already know. I've been trying to figure out how to tell them for a while. I've been, like - creating scenarios in my head to try to figure out how they're going to take it."
There's - okay, so Eddie's thinking a lot of things, right at this moment, like how Steve apparently also creates mind-scenarios to play out before a situation happens, and how they might want to test out their creativity in other areas, actually, and that derails his whole train of thought for a moment, but "How long?"
"How long what?"
"Have you been trying to figure out how to tell them?"
Eddie's not insecure, exactly, but he is a big fan of knowing what people he cares about think of him and how often they think of him and -
"I mean, since, like, the first time I kissed you?"
Eddie is stupid crazy about Steve Harrington. He's fully fucking feral for this man, honestly, it's dumb. Absolutely ridiculous.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie tells him, and the tips of Steve's ears are pink.
"I know," he says, with a smarmy little grin because Eddie had admitted (under duress, and screw anyone who doesn't think a naked Steve Harrington in your lap is duress) he'd been obsessed with Harrison Ford for like a full year in his tweens, and Steve takes every opportunity to remind Eddie he knows.
"I'd also very much like to circle back to you creating scripts in your mind about telling the kids about us."
"Henderson's always a nightmare, I swear to god."
"We gotta teach him some humility."
"He respects you more than he respects me, you teach him."
"You gonna say it back?"
"Well not now," Steve says, and Eddie wants to bite him.
"I love you," Steve says, while Dustin and Mike and Max argue about who knew first.
Eddie hasn't practiced this one. "I know," he says, and Steve's brow quirks when Dustin catches the exchange and groans.
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muffin-snakes-art · 10 months
Hi. So I’m not a Layton guy and all THAT familiar with the lore, but a close friend of mine is, and as far as I understand Layton has a dead girlfriend? Can I please know who Magolor’s dead girlfriend equivalent in this AU is? I’m legitimately so curious. /pos
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I have been thinking A LOT about which Kirby character would fit Claire's (dead gf) role. In the end I chose Taranza bc I feel he and Claire are the most similar in character. They're both really good at what they do (Claire: brilliant scientist - Taranza: immaculate mage), quick thinkers, humble, and have a lot of love to give.
I'll explain more under the cut (along with images of Claire and younger Layton for design ref), but Taranza could've also fit in as a couple other characters bc I made Sectonia as Descole. In this essay I will-
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In Kirby there's an interesting connection between Magolor and Taranza. Primarily based on that one Magolor portrait in that haunted house in Triple Deluxe (like ok huh????) and also that one Star Allies Wave 3 illustration.
With that portrait existing, to me it implies that Magolor has met Taranza and Sectonia before the events of the game somehow. This theory is further backed up with the Old Friend mask in Merry Magoland. Magolor would HAVE to have known what Joronia looked like before her transformation, and that means he would also have met Taranza too at that time. I could be completely wrong about this HAHA but those are my thoughts on that.
When Wave 3 was announced, I didn't think much on the connection of the 3 characters other than they were from the first three core games of modern Kirby. But then they posted this art piece.
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It's so cute how Magolor and Taranza combined their magic to create a shield for Kirby!! Both of their respective magic circle designs are melded together perfectly. Did they practice together on their own to perform this or was that a lucky in-the-moment occurrence? Either way, they must know and understand each other's magic abilities to a decent extent. Like how both Claire and Layton understands each other's careers and goals. Layton is a professor in archeology. Claire is a scientist researching time travel and other stuffs. Those fields go hand in hand, and the two do what they can to support and improve each other's passions.
Now onto the other characters that Taranza would've fit as and reasons why I ended up putting him as Claire.
So I put Sectonia as Descole. Descole has an extremely loyal partner/butler/henchman named Raymond. Yea Taranza would easily fit as him, but a few things made me decide not to. Descole may appear cold and not show it, but even in his madness he cares for Raymond. He does order Raymond around, but he still gives Raymond freewill to do as he pleases. Sectonia is very controlling over Taranza. If Raymond were to make mistakes, I don't see Descole punishing him for them. Sectonia would. She blasted Taranza away for mistaking Dedede as the hero of the lower world. Maybe when she was Joronia she wouldn't and wasn't as controlling but....I feel we don't have the full story on their relationship. I also focused more on Sectonia's overall in-game personality. I absolutely love seeing the two spiders enjoying each other's company and having fun, but in-game we never really got what Joronia really thought of Taranza. As Sectonia, she saw him as a disposable servant. You can say her personality was corrupted by the mirror, but I personally believe the mirror actually amplified her negative feelings and views. Negative emotions are brought up a lot in Kirby lore. I personally find that more interesting than just the mirror possessing her or something. I may be very wrong on that, but those are what I thought about.
Last reason, which is uhm, Raymond saves Descole from death FGDHSJ I don't think I need to elaborate on that. It would be so neat and ironic to have Taranza as Raymond, but I also wanna keep things in line as possible with Kirby lore canon.
Yet, who could be Raymond then? Idk fgdsj that's why I struggled so much. If Claire wasn't an option, Taranza would've been Raymond.
Now the one other character Taranza could've fit as is Descole's late wife. His wife was never mentioned by name, to my memory, and didn't have a huge role in the games. There's not enough information on who she was. I wanted to give Taranza a fitting role in personality and importance.
So in the end after all that thinking, Claire it is! I also don't know who else in the Kirby cast would fit her better and be Professor Magolor's late partner. One may think Susie would fit Claire more, but I've already decided she will be Emmy. Emmy's and Susie's personalities are very similar to me. And Emmy's lore? Fits quite well with Susie's. I'll draw that at some point.
So uh yea. Thanks for reading all that if you did! Hope you enjoyed the insanity
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creedslove · 10 months
mariii, i’d love it if you wrote something with post-outbreak joel, if possible, in jackson, where you two go on patrol, you have a thing between you, like — you act like an already married couple but you aren’t actually married, and in that little patrol, you two go together and can’t keep your hands to yourselves? 👀
like, you’re riding your horse and he can’t keep his eyes off you and your hips, he finds you alluring and sexy in everything that you do.
Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I love this so much 🥺
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• when Joel got to Jackson with Ellie, he didn't fit it right away with people, it wasn't surprising at all, not only because of his private nature and the social skills he seemed to lack, but also because it was kind of difficult to adapt to normality after two decades of living through hell
• so it was expected he would struggle at that matter for a while, but when he didn't approach anyone through the months that followed his arrival, it was clear he wasn't one to socialize and that was fine, Jackson people had more to worry about other than finding Joel Miller friends
• and yet, for some reason, he just let you in; in the beginning he was distant, it could seem he was being cold or rude, but that wasn't really the truth, deep down, under all the layers of hurt and trauma, Joel Miller was still a southern gentleman at heart and he would never treat a pretty lady as roughly as that
• but the moment you were both assigned to patrol together, eventually you both got to know each other a bit better by chatting, sharing some bits of personal information here and there and overall hanging out
• turns out Joel was a lot nicer than you had previously thought, he was including a little sweet - to you at least, and to be honest, that was all that mattered because you couldn't give a shit about how he would treat other women
• in reality, you were already jealous of the possibility of Joel liking another woman, and showing her the same kind of warmth and affection, but you wouldn't admit it anyway
• so it was natural your friendship went beyond your patrol shifts, as you very often spent time with each other around town, whether taking a shift together at some other job or spending your free time together as well
• and it didn't take very long for you to hang out at each other's place; Joel didn't mind fixing things up for you here and there, and you also didn't mind cooking him and Ellie dinner, making some real meals so they'd eat something else other than sandwiches and of course, spoil them a little by baking cookies, bread or anything you could find really
• you didn't mind washing his clothes just as he didn't mind helping you fold his and yours as well, you didn't mind dusting his furniture just as he didn't mind sweeping the floor
• and you both didn't mind keeping each other's gardens neat, fruitful and beautiful
• whenever you were out on patrol or just looking for supplies, you would always find small gifts and treats for each other, or for Ellie, which melted his old broken heart even if he didn't admit it
• it came to the point both you and Joel simply couldn't imagine your lives in Jackson without each other; it was just so natural, so good and comforting to have each other's backs and Joel came to the realization his old broken heart wasn't that broken anymore, not since he met you, because it hit off differently, and he liked it
• and as he'd always been attracted to you, ever since he realized that maybe he didn't think you were *just* pretty, and he wasn't sure that all that affection he felt was *just* w regular friendship, he started yearning for you
• at the same time he was afraid of ruining your relationship because honestly, what could assure him you liked him the same way? maybe you were doing all that just because you were nice or he was a little insecure
• so he kept his feelings for you, at the same time he barely could hide it, always caressing you, looking for excuses to touch you and be close to you
• and you both behaved like a couple, which was adorable to be honest
• and when you were out on patrol, Joel couldn't keep his eyes off you: your body, your back, your hips, your hair, everything about it was so beautiful to him
• while you two were on resting during a break, Joel offered you a bottle of water, sitting next to you and telling how pretty you were that day, which made you blush, because even if he was always gentle and sweet, he'd never talked to you like that
• you thanked him and replied by saying he was handsome and you two were a little flushed but the conversation went on until he finally took courage and stole a kiss from you
• and you kissed him back
• and that was just the beginning of the beautiful romance you shared with Joel, after only a few months dating, he decided to propose even if marriages weren't really a thing in the apocalypse, it was a thing for you, because you were his wife and he would love you and cherish until the end
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Frodo
a/n: anon requested, this is for all the frodo girlies out there - y'all are one of the pillars of this fandom, truly! i feel like (and hope) this is very cute <3 enjoy and be kindly reminded that all feedback/reblogs are so appreciated xxx and my drafts are almost cleared out - stay tuned for new things!
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A = AFFECTION (how affectionate are they and how do they show affection?) He needs a little bit of time to get completely comfortable with being openly affectionate to you, but once he does, there is affection galore! In many little ways - running to hug you after being apart, making you tea, reading to you, questioning you about your interests. And he likes to feel you close at all times, whether it’s just pinky fingers interlocked in a public setting, or an evening cuddle session.
B = BEST FRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend and how would the friendship start?) He would be a really nice best friend, you would be able to confide in him about anything, you’d lean onto each other during tough times, but it would also be balanced out with a good amount of jokes, little adventures, and of course trading books!
C = CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle & how?) He is a cuddly person through and through, he will initiate it relatively often, but if you want to make him extra happy, you be the one who suggests a cuddle session. He likes to read with you while you cuddle, so a common position would be your head leaning on his shoulder and one of his arms around you, while he holds a book in the other.
D = DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down; how are they at cooking/cleaning?) Probably yes, he loves his home and he is comfortable there, but what would make it even better is if you stayed forever! Frodo is pretty neat and clean, maybe not the best cook, but at least he is tidy. If you like to cook, he will enthusiastically learn from you, or just hang around while you do it.
E = ENCHANTED (what was their first opinion/feeling about you when you just met?) He was eavesdropping on you a little bit as you talked to a friend of yours about something you were passionate about, and he found it so charming that he immediately decided he needed to build up the courage to go and talk to you, because you sounded so interesting. And he loves an interesting conversation!
F = FIANCE(E) (how do they feel about commitment; how quickly would they want to get married?) Commitment - yes, for sure! However he takes a bit of time to make up his mind about taking such an important step, and he wants to know as certainly as possible how you feel about it. He’d never want you to feel forced into anything or to regret such a big decision, maybe he even overthinks it a little bit.
G = GENTLE (how gentle are they, physically and emotionally?) Come on he is The Baby!!! He is so soft and loving towards you in all the possible love languages and he is absolutely the kindest little soul!!!
H = HUGS (do they like hugs, how often, what are they like?) Big fan of hugging, he will hug you at any given opportunity, he’ll literally run to you and hug you when he sees you after a few hours of being apart! His heart flutters when you do the same, especially if it’s in public, since his reputation isn’t exactly the most amazing - it means a lot to him when you show him off a bit.
I = I LOVE YOU (how fast they say the L-word) I think he falls in love pretty quickly but he would push the feeling aside, or try to, because at first he thought he doesn’t have much of a chance with you… wrong! Even after you begin to return some of his affections, he would put the “L-word” on hold, but eventually when he confessed it was super romantic - maybe a poem or a letter with rose petals inside of it while he waited anxiously somewhere behind a corner to see your reaction.
J = JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get and how they act then) Frodo is not jealous at all, he is literally too pure for that and he trusts you endlessly. In case someone is bothering you a bit too much, you can just give him a “save me” look and he will be there in an instant, more worried for you than jealous. Sometimes he will deem someone more suitable for you than himself, so he might grow a little quiet while pondering his insecurities, but if you kiss him on the lips in front of everyone, the negative feelings will dissipate rather quickly.
K = KISSES (what are their kisses like, where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?) He’s a little bit shy when it comes to kissing you and a little hesitant, so he appreciates it if you take charge when it comes to that, at first. Later on he will kiss you without a second thought, and he relishes in kissing you on the cheeks, you’re just so cute and precious (oops)!!! Maybe he won’t go for it in public, but if you kiss him on the lips in front of others he will blush FURIOUSLY but he will be unable to wipe the smile off of his face. Also he’s very respectful and will kiss you on the back of your hand a lot.
L = LOVE LANGUAGE (what is their love language and how they show you love) Acts of service and words of affirmation! I don’t think I need to explain the ‘acts of service’, but as for words of affirmation, he’s a nerd who reads a lot and has a wide vocabulary in more than one language - you’ll often find him lavishing you with compliments and sweet declarations of love. Maybe quality time as well.
M = MORNINGS (how are mornings spent with them) I think he could be a morning person! As much as he wants to cuddle with you a bit longer while you’re still asleep, he will most likely get up, open the windows, put some tea to brew so that you wake up to fresh tea. If he wakes up early enough, he will even go outside to pick you a few flowers to give you as soon as you open your eyes so that your day starts in the best possible ways. 
N = NICKNAMES (do they like to use cute nicknames for you/you for them?) Actually not so much, he likes to stick to the classics like ‘dear’ or ‘love’, and he likes it when you call him that as well.
O = OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves; everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Somewhere in between. You two build a solid friendship, and then a relationship, through a lot of talking about all things, and a lot of pretty good communication, and some things just pop up with time. He grows to trust you more than anyone and knows he can confide in you with basically anything, however big or small.
P = PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?) Literally never ever, especially not at you! He gets more annoyed than angry with things, and he will absolutely vent to you about anything. At some point he will stop himself and be like “sorry, did I burden you too much” but you think it’s kinda cute when he’s ranting about something.
Q = QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you – every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget most things?) He remembers quite a lot and he likes to learn things about you, about things you like, things from your past, things you love. He will ask you to elaborate on anything and everything and then listen to you with a smile on his face.
R = REMEMBER (favorite moment in your relationship) When he first introduced you to his besties!!! He was and is SO proud to be with you, and he had a feeling they would love you but he was still a little bit anxious because that’s just how he is. But of course you hit it off immediately, and before you knew it you could turn to Sam for advice, or have inside jokes with Merry and Pippin, and all that makes Frodo so happy - he is close to them, and you’re his special person, so his heart triples in size when he sees you getting along.
S = SECURITY (how protective are they; how they'd like to be protected and how they protect you) A moderate amount - he has a lot of respect for you and your independence, but at the same time he can be a little anxious. If needed be, he will stand up for you, or get you out of a situation as soon as you give him The Look, but he won’t necessarily step in if you seem to have everything under control. Sometimes you can be a bit too defensive of him, which is especially understandable after the quest, so if you shut down any rude comments he will be relieved, but sometimes reassure you that you don’t need to expose yourself for his sake that much. 
T = TRY (how much effort do they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, everyday stuff) Frodo is a very romantic soul, and he will try to create special moments with you as often as possible, but still manage to keep you on your toes. On some extra special days, like birthdays and anniversaries, you can expect really well-thought out gifts (gifts, plural), which show that he really knows you and really listens to what you say and what you want. On other regular days, he will get you flowers in the morning, get you your favorite book for no special reason, or ask Sam to help him prepare food for a romantic picnic on a hill at sunset.
U = UGLY (some bad habits of theirs) He can be in his head a lot and he can zone out relatively easily, especially when he’s bored (he hates being bored so he often turns to his imagination). It’s not necessarily that bad of a habit
V = VANITY (how concerned are they with their looks?) As long as he’s clean and has clean clothes on, he is good to go. He will most definitely ask you for your opinions, and if he notices that you particularly like when he wears this or that shirt, he will make sure to wear it more often. Maybe he even likes to match with you in subtle ways!
W = WISH (something that they really want to do/experience with you?) He would love love love to visit Rivendell with you once more, but this time without any burdens or threats. It’s such a magical and comforting place, and he would love nothing more but to enjoy it with you in peace, listen to elvish music, take long walks and appreciate all the stunning nature. 
X = XTRA (a random headcanon for them) Not the best of singers, but he’s very talented with words and writes quite decent poetry. At first he doesn’t want you to see it, maybe only for your birthday or anniversary he might write you a little something. Obviously, you love it, and that boosts his confidence and encourages him to show you more of his works.
Y = YUCK (what are some things they dislike generally or in a partner?) He despises violence, obviously even more after the quest!!! Boy just wants to live in peace!!!
Z = ZZZ (a sleep habit of theirs) He quietly mumbles nonsense in his sleep on the nights when he’s extremely tired, and sometimes it can be super funny! Also it’s a habit that he pulls you closer in his sleep if he doesn’t feel you nearby anymore… adorable!
taglist my beloved @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorin-painter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3 @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @moth-makay
@bubbleyukismile @kitexvi @herstudios
i hope i tagged everyone right cause my taglist is a mess oops-
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jadeazora · 1 year
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A bit of review/overall thoughts for the Teal Mask.
Overall, a much better attempt compared to DLC1 of SwSh. The Isle of Armor was pretty cool, but the storyline was pretty bland overall. I found the story much more engaging here, especially when we get the true story of what happened between the "Loyal" Three and Ogerpon.
Speaking of the new Legendaries, the L3 are interesting with how much intelligence they show (from knowing how valuable the masks are and traveling across regions to get to Kitakami to clearly planning their revenge on Ogerpon right in front of you and Carmine) and how they might have been corrupted by the Toxic Chain. Ogerpon is also really cute with how much personality she shows. I feel SV really did a great job with bonding us with our Legendary partners overall.
Also with the Loyal Three, there's a number of interesting guesses about how they came back to life. My initial assumption was that it was something like them feeding on Kieran's anger and resentment to reawaken themselves, but there's also the theories that he was possessed by the Toxic Chain (we do see a purple glow travel up his arm during the scene if you pay very close attention, so it's possible this is where he would be possessed) and the rumors of the crystals from the Crystal Pool possibly bringing the dead back to life, since Carmine mentions a rumor where people have met those who have passed away there, and Kieran was hanging around with the Mask that had been imbued with those crystals.
(As an aside, SV has very much of a corrupted wishes vibe, from the Professor and their vision of a utopia would cause an ecological disaster to Paldea, to the Loyal Three wishing for beauty/power/intelligence when they made contact with the Toxic Chain at the possible cost of their morality, and how Kieran wishes to become stronger than the player but falls into his obsession at the end.)
Honestly, Kieran's launched himself into being one of my favorite rivals with the game seemingly building him up as a problem for the Indigo Disk storyline, but it's neat how the siblings undergo a complete reversal with how they view the protagonist. He's also a pretty decent challenge, with a fully-evolved team of six in the low-mid Lv70s all packing held items. (If you're doing this after you completed the main story of SV.) He puts up a much better fight than Geeta does, for sure, and I hope he gets to meet your base-game rivals in the next storyline.
Carmine is also really fun, especially when she starts warming up to us, but I do hope she gets called out for her earlier treatment of her brother, and how she started this whole mess by lying to him. Like, I don't think he would have felt left out by us just randomly running into Ogerpon. We thought it was a child until it dropped its mask, we could have just explained that to him. We're the new kid, how would we know any better or what the ogre looks like? I guess she might have been worried that two little kids would just climb up this dangerous mountain at night, but it still lead to more problems.
I loved Perrin's sidequest too, and hope we see her again in the Indigo Disk! Bloodmoon Ursaluna is so cool (already one of my fave Gen9 Pokemon and regional variants), and can actually give you a pretty fierce battle if you go in with a new team.
Kitakami still feels a little empty imo, just like the base game, but there's a good amount of small caves that sometimes have rare Pokemon inside, and places like the Chilling Waterhead that I wouldn't even know was there if not for Fezandipiti. Some other areas are also visually cool, like the Crystal Pool (interesting to see those crystals from Area Zero are showing up in other regions as well) and the Fellhorn Gorge.
I'm really excited for the Indigo Disk now, like full-on brainrot mode rn, and feel the Teal Mask really does a pretty good job of building up the second part of the DLC with all the little teasers we get. (In comparison, SwSh's DLC felt more separate between the two halves.) I feel they haven't shown much of the story aside (from the BB League/battling stuff), so things are probably going to get pretty crazy, especially with certain things the datamine has given us, in Pt2, and I really can't wait to see what happens next!
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ravelights · 6 months
head canon/ theories for who Hisashi is and role he'll play in the story
With DFO resting in the grave, I thought I'd give a few of my other theories I have come up with for Hisashi over the years.
He's the person the Deku narrating everything too. IDK why but for Some reason I always liked this theory. Although there no evidence that Deku is telling the story to anyone, I can't help but think it's neat.
He studies quirks, like that his job. Considering 80% of the world has a quirk I think it's fair to say there would be people studying them for many different reasons. I think he be this strange mash up of a doctor, scientist and academic. His job would make him travel around the world and study bizarre, amazing and dangerous quirks. It also be a great tie in stories wise to the quirk doomsday theory, if it turns out he was really away studying to see if that theory is actually true. (I also think that where Deku pick up his hobby for studying quirks as well) his job would make him have to be away from home for long period's of time and not easy to contact sometimes. Despite how interesting his job sounds, it actually involves a lot of paperwork and reviewing and research.
When he's home he's usually home for a good six months or more, and typically the three would do things together when he's home. Inko doesn't mind Hisashi job because he was doing it long before he met her and didn't want him to quit doing it just because they got together. And like most Japanese housewives she controls the finances he just makes the money that give them all comfortable lives.
I think he's a quite, charming guy who keeps to himself, unlike Izuku and Inko he's much more calm and never cries. He very much like's his life, he has no dreams or goal to become a hero or be out on some battle field. He's a passive guy who isn't big on violence, and see's the value in a ordinary life. I wouldn't think of him as a pushover, but like Izuku he's nice to everyone he meets. Also like Izuku he is the person you do not fuck with, he seems like a guy that vaguely feels like he's been through some stuff, it take a lot to get him mad but when he is, you run for the hills.
Izuku doesn't think of him much because he knows his dad doing just fine and is used to him going away on long trips. But also because as much as he hate to admit it, Izuku does not want to end up like his dad when he grows up. As much as he loves and respects Hisashi and think he's a good man with a stable job, he feared that if he grew up to be his dad then it's an admission to giving up on his hero dream, and just being content with ' an ordinary life'. Something he does not what to think about now that he had a real shot at being a hero. That being said, If Hisashi where to come home at anytime Izuku would absolutely be happy he's home and they go do something together.
Hisashi is the person who introduced heroes and heroics to Izuku, and arguably shaped how Izuku viewed them, and how Izuku would believe a hero would act. Hisashi like Izuku is an All Might fan, just not to Izuku level. Izuku only vaguely remembers, but Hisashi was the one installed a lot of values that is ingrained in to Izuku being, of being a good person. One of them being to never give up on saving a person and that everyone deserve a seconded chance. (I think he'll show up at some point in the flash backs that are happening)
His is neither supportive of Izuku hero dream nor is he dismissive, ultimately he just believes that Izuku life is his own and Izuku can do what he wants. Hisashi just there to provide Izuku with every possible pathway he can get, no matter how impossible they may seem.
He's AFO son, because can you imagine how hilarious that would be.
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mothercetrion · 1 year
I really like the relationship between Johnny and Ashrah. like, a lot, and I think it's a very underrated relationship between the characters. full thoughts under the cut because it gets long (and also has MK1 spoilers!).
they get along for the duration of the story mode, with Johnny flirting with her/talking about her looks significantly less than he does any of the other women he has met (Kitana, Mileena, and Sindel, notably). he still does on occasion, but it doesn't feel as often? to me?
Johnny is the one to invite Ashrah and Syzoth to come back to Earthrealm with him, Kenshi, and Lao. when Johnny gives her what she views as a ridiculous disguise at the festival, she openly says as much, and Johnny insists that it looks good on her. it's about as flirtatious as he gets when he's speaking to her in the story.
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A: You couldn't steal a more functional hat? JC: What? It hides your face. And honestly...it suits you.
I'm sure it's more of a nod to her more well-known design, but…still. it feels so much more genuine than his normal compliments, if that makes sense? no cheesy nickname, nothing drawn-out or overly dramatic. short and sweet. very unlike Johnny and incredibly endearing (and noticeable) as a result.
and then, once they're in Earthrealm, he's the one to introduce Ashrah and Syzoth to Liu Kang. he attributes the safe arrival to Earthrealm to them, which is true, but hearing Johnny openly credit them for their help was quite nice.
their story mode interactions end here, but their pleasant relationship continues in their intros. granted, Johnny does flirt with her (he is Johnny, after all), but it's a lot less than it is with the other girls on the roster. their intros are actually incredibly sweet and show off their close bond.
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A: You fought bravely against Shang Tsung. JC: That's just life imitating art, sweetheart.
Johnny calls her "sweetheart" in this one. typical Cage flirting and hyping himself up.
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A: I will fight without fail until I am absolved. JC: You are truly a wonder, woman.
more flirting…and a not-at-all-subtle "Wonder Woman" reference. a mix of Johnny's typical media references/possible flirting and a nod to Ashrah's VA (Susan Eisenberg, known for voicing Wonder Woman) from NRS. checks out.
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JC: It's hard to believe there's a demon inside there. A: My true face would horrify you, Cage.
they talk about Ashrah's demonhood and how human she looks, something Johnny notes within seconds of their meeting. I feel like this intro also implies that Johnny thinks she's beautiful? "under there" being a beautiful face and Ashrah's "true" face potentially being horrifying to him, unlike her more human face.
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JC: Your kriss would look outstanding on my mantel. A: I could never part with Datusha.
Johnny needs a replacement for Sento since he gave it to Kenshi! he thinks Datusha is neat, just like he did Sento. not a surprise here either.
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JC: I love redemption stories. A: Yet mine is not for sale.
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JC: C'mon, a tour would really help my story research. A: No living creature should visit the Netherrealm.
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A: Your Hollywood is rife with evil. JC: You don't need your kriss to know that.
they talk about Johnny's movies, life in Hollywood, and Ashrah's story being made into something that Johnny makes. it makes sense with Johnny's character since he's interested in everyone else's stories for his movie, but talking about Hollywood generally is interesting to me.
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A: So you were once married? JC: Amazing anyone would let me go, right?
Ashrah talks to Johnny about a very personal part of his life, possibly in an effort to get to know him more? or perhaps just asking him about it after hearing it from someone else. it's not revolutionary that she would ask, considering that it's brought up in other intros, but it's still interesting nonetheless.
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JC: I've been in recovery too, y'know. A: We all have our inner demons.
this intro is one of my favorites for Johnny. he mentions doing "steps" to her briefly in the story mode, and he mentions his "recovery" here. I am extremely curious about what he's gone through in his career to warrant what sounds like therapy of some kind. regardless, he knows what it's like to want to be a better person, and he tells Ashrah that, supporting her own journey to goodness in his own way. it's a new layer to him that I would love to know more about. regardless, for some people, talking about their vulnerabilities so openly can be challenging, so it's clear that he doesn't want Ashrah to feel alone in her efforts. it's sweet.
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A: You have poor taste in disguises. JC: [groans] When will you forgive me for that hat?
…and Ashrah still gives him hell about that disguise.
the vast majority of their intros are friendly with minimal flirting in sight. if so, it's much more subtle than his usual manner. Johnny is much more genuine with Ashrah than he is with the other women on the roster, and I think a lot of that is because of their time together in the story mode. they get to know one another and even have some things in common, things to bond over to strengthen their relationship.
anyway, I think Johnny and Ashrah are really close <3 and I think it's sweet.
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salty-croissants · 10 months
Can you do headcanons for Rayman with a Sally type of s/o from the nightmare before Christmas?,Like a reader that tries to tell him about Eden and all of that but even if he doesn’t listen she still stays by his side and loves him nonetheless pretty please :)
Thank you for the request ! 
As a big Nightmare Before Christmas fan , I found this scenario to be very neat :D 
I tried to integrate a few personality traits of Sally in the reader , I hope it worked !
Details : use of gender neutral reader ;
friends to lovers ; 
no warnings needed , other than a few swear words at the end  
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One of the many things you’ve always admired about Rayman is the sheer passion he always put in his dream of hosting his very own show : 
you have been watching his hard work for years , all his sacrifices … and all the difficult times he went through . 
Being so different from everyone else made him an easy target for people’s derision and prejudices , and for the longest time Rayman felt like no one would’ve ever accepted him for who he really was … 
Until he met you .
You were the first person who showed Rayman kindness , and let’s just say he will never be able to forget that : 
you always seemed genuinely interested in what he was doing , never once shunning him for his appearance and even offering him words of advice and encouragement …
< Another failure … I thought this time was going to be different … can’t believe I was so stupid … > 
< Rayman , you’re not stupid . I know it’s tough , but people will understand your talent someday … 
You just have to be patient . > 
He was truly grateful for your friendship , and it’s also thanks to you if he managed to get through it all and get where he is today . 
Even tough he’s now the voice of Eden , Rayman hasn’t forgotten about you and all that you’ve done for him , and whenever he’s not too busy with his shows he loves to spend time with you , happy to have a chance to get his mind off of work : 
your presence is just so soothing … your kindness and eagerness to listen to him always manages to put his mind at ease , and sometimes he can’t help but wonder what would it be like if the two of you became … something more .
< You mean a lot to me y/n , you know ? I think I might be … uh … > 
< Yes , Ray … ? > 
< … heh … oh , it’s nothing , don’t worry about it . I’m just tired … > 
Little does he know that you feel the exact same way , however every time you try to say it out loud the anxiety of getting rejected , or worse , making your long time friend uncomfortable has always stopped you from doing so … 
Much like Rayman . 
… but the day you eventually discovered Eden’s plans and just how much they have been using Rayman for their propaganda , everything changed . 
You felt horrible to know that the people who promised to help him make his dream come true were just doing that to cover the many dark realities they were trying so hard to keep hidden from everyone , and you knew that you had to tell him somehow …
Of course , it didn’t exactly go well .
< Please - I know this sounds crazy , but you have to believe me ! 
The Board of Directors aren’t who you think they are … I would never lie about something so serious to you , Rayman , you know that , right … ? >
< *sigh* … y/n , I … 
I’m sorry , but that just isn’t … possible . Sure , the Directors are pretty strict about a few things , but they wouldn’t do that to me … I’m their star . > 
< But - > 
< Please , let’s not talk about this anymore … I know you mean well , but I think it’s just a bunch of … really well made fake news . 
I gotta go study my next script , just … try to forget about it , okay ? > 
You were admittedly pretty hurt by Rayman’s lack of trust in you … but maybe you just needed to think of a better way to explain everything to him .
You only want him to be alright … it’s for his own good … 
Despite everything , you still remained by his side , comforting him after the disastrous interview with Red and reminding him to come visit you if he ever needed help … Well , one day you were surprised to find an unannounced Rayman outside your door , wearing a coat and with a terrified expression on his face that you’ve never seen before …
It was enough to make you very concerned .
< Woah - come in Ray … are you okay ? 
Did … something else happen ? > 
The moment he heard you lock the door , was the moment he finally broke down :
You watch him take a few steps in your direction , locking you in a tight embrace while sobbing right next to your ear …
< y-y/n … I’m sorry , I’m just … I-I’m so sorry … ! > 
After a second of shock , you hug him back , confused but most importantly worried .
< Ray … what’s wrong ? If you let me know I can try to help you … > 
< You were right … you were right about e-everything … I went talk to the frog , and he showed me … I-I saw … > 
Rayman tries to take a deep breath to calm himself down … to no avail .
< I saw what those bastards did … using my f-face … oh god … i-it’s so bad , and if I just listened to you I would’ve known sooner … I’m such a fucking idiot … will … will you ever be able to forgive me … ? > 
You have to admit , it’s all still very confusing to listen to , but as soon as he stops talking you place your hands on his cheeks , gently wiping away his tears . 
< Of course I forgive you . I understand , it really wasn’t an easy truth to come to terms with … 
I just want you to know that no matter what happens , I’m always going to be on your side , Rayman , because … you mean a lot to me too . I just wasn’t able to say it before … > 
You both stare into each other’s eyes , before you realize that you’ve been doing that for a bit too long and stand up , your cheeks blushing a little …
< A-anyway , um … since you’re here I could get you something to drink , so maybe we can sit and talk about what happened a bit more calmly … if that’s okay with you , of course ! > 
Rayman can’t help but smile in front of how cute you are , and after a few more deep breaths he starts feeling a bit less overwhelmed . 
< Yeah … yeah , that’d be great . > 
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gleefultogo · 10 months
Aira Character Talk
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Since Aira was mentioned again in Saltyplaytoons (spongebob reference? Lol, funny either way) blog post I wanted to take a deep dive and talk about her. Plus at this point she’s the only pure character that deserves to be rescued from this shit comic and not written by a misogynist. She get’s shit on for no fucking reason. 
It is very well known now that kique has stated that she is his “least” favorite character. Why? Probably because she’s another female character he made and got bored of her. Honestly it saves her the injustice he would have given her if she had more screen time.  When we first met Aira, she was stuck in her creature form. I thought at first she was an evolved creature that was based on Aedra and her beast form was pretty cool in my opinion it looked like a mix between a cat and a dog. Which btw people was made and turned into by a Spirit, so that quickly leads my thoughts into rhov’s and feaf’s future kids. If a spirit can turn a dog into an evolved creature, then it’s very much possible because of the spirits for them to have hybrid kids. Will it be canon? I don’t know, like many have said; it’s obvious kique is bored of his own comic and shoved into our faces just to keep pages being pumped out with nothing really interesting. For me, I see the comic as a sitcom show that just goes nowhere and the characters do and say random stuff that doesn’t revolve around their world or plot. Besides, you can’t tell me half of the characters in this world wanna sit cooped up in one area based on “Tribes” Dog’s just don’t do that they would have way too much pent up energy and would need to run. Can you just imagine if this comic was realistic,  the dog's muscles and bone structure would become weaker because they aren’t doing anything really, they just sit in one place and that's it. Ok sorry, back to Aira :) 
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   (Aira’s first appearance form)
You see what I mean though? She resembles a sorta dog and cat hybrid mix. The paws are a dead giveaway as they look like a feline and she has retractable claws. It’s a neat design in itself. I'll give kique that much of any positivity for his comic XD. 
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Very Interesting design features if you ask me. Anyways, Aira gets killed by kargo and she wakes up a normal dog again and sets off into the woods to heal her wounds I guess? Probably also went to seek shelter maybe. We later on see her again on page 138. Heavily bleeding still and this when she meets keirr and you know how it goes. He ends up helping her and she’s taken aback from being surprised I guess, which is quite valid of her character, as we do eventually learn about her backstory and she was never treated kindly by others. Aira is a character who’s a really good example of someone who would have a “fixation” on someone, I don’t think it would personally be a bad thing and realistic to her character because she’s never been treated so kindly before and i don’t think she’d be able to help herself with that mindset. She obviously took comfort in keirr  as she hesitated to follow him at first, but also because he was offering to help her and wasn’t appearing a threat to her.
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  (oh look when keirr was actually a nice guy, before becoming a dick to her) 
Moving forward. Keirr takes her back to her cave and was suspicious why she was living in such a large area for one individual. Aira remains mute and just eats the food she was given. Which I suppose was rude on her part, but her communication skills seemed to be lacking as she was trapped inside a body and couldn’t talk for a long time, ok at least that makes sense because there is a valid reason enough for her to be doing that. Eventually keirr leaves her behind as she is now safely placed back into her sheltered area. But she ends up following him and keirr ends up venting to her about why he couldn’t go back to his family, he was understandably grieving over zilas. I find these next few parts important to Aira’s character. She willingly sits there even if not knowing him for not a very long time. But she sits there and listens to him vent and doesn’t question him, that’s just an empathetic thing and it's wholesome to have seen that in the comic as they being the characters actually talked about things that troubled them, and it didn’t lead to sex confrontation. She may not have known him very long, but she’s a character that gives off a warm and comforting vibe, like a friend you can tell anything too without her judging because she obviously cares about others. 
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Later keirr ends up following her and getting to know her more. Then we see a page with them together and keirr is giving her physical therapy? 
(hey keirr how do you know about PT?). They end up jumping over some logs to strengthen her legs or whatever. Kinda pointless in a way if she was born with a weak structure. It’s like saying you can just magically cure a dog with mobility issues with just some PT. Wellll nope, it’s much harder and time consuming. Plus it won't fully heal someone with a physical disability, it may help strengthen her a bit, but she wouldn’t be able to fully walk normally. Compare it to a dog who was born with swimmers syndrome or cerebellar hypoplasia. That’s a lot of PT work and also medication in order for them to walk to a degree. It’s not something that can fully be cured, so Aira’s 180 later on would be really stupid when the author wrote her this way. 
Now the next page (198) is important, keirr states he has to go back home cause he’s been gone for too long. Aira very clearly goes into panic mode and begs keirr to stay with her because she clearly states she doesn't wanna be “Alone” She’s told to basically just shut up and he’ll return soon whenever. Again Aira panics and kisses keirr forcefully. 
Now I find that quite sad and interesting for her. I’m not a therapist or a physician by any means. But this is my own take on this situation. Aira is using a tactic that almost feels like she is forcing her own affection onto keirr, not being in control of her own body due to her panicking. In a way, yes Aira did sexually assault keirr and he had every right to confront her about it because it was wrong of her. He leaves her behind anyway to go back to his family. Aira is then left with what looks like the expression of shock and most likely guilt because she’s being left behind again and most likely processing stuff in her head. I'd like to believe that her mind is very scattered due to her having issues of being left behind. 
We then proceed to see Aira again and most likely took keirr’s words to heart and goes back to the spirit of strength because she feels weak without and can’t survive. She practically feels hopeless without that spirit, keirr stops her and then asks was it because of him? Keep that in mind. Aira is obviously upset in this scene and then tells keirr her back story and the things she did. She basically claims that she went back to the spirit because of Keirr, she was upset. It’s like if someone told you as a person, that you weren’t good enough for them, nor did they want you around them because to them you felt like a burden. I wouldn’t be surprised if Aira was the first dog in the comic to commit suicide because she deems herself as a burden and was never accepted. If the spirits didn’t exist and the comic took more of a dark turn, I think she would have been a character to have that type of mindset. 
Eventually keirr takes Aira under his wing with a better understanding of her to a degree. She proceeds to then help him look for his family as she’s apparently traveled all over the map while being a beast at the time and saw many tribes fall and create new ones. We meet the deer rp tribe and then kique puts them there because he doesn’t know what to do with them at that moment. Aira is then very clearly seen to be hesitant and doesn’t wanna join them because they were just going to ask if they saw family members of keirr’s. But then the 180 happens and they join anyway. Keirr becomes a dick and then judges fucking Aira behind her back  because of the jarl confronting her leg structure. Yeah hey morons, maybe she's struggling because she got a giant ass heavy deer rack strapped to her head and has weak legs, antlers are not light things. Of fucking curse she’d be struggling. 
Honestly that’s when I started hating keirr the most, like why the fuck are you jugding her? She literally told you she was born with a mobility disability and was tossed aside for it. *sighs* She ends up stuck with Keirr as a Herbalist, like kique? The fuck man, how stupid can you be. You made a character with a physical disability who struggles with that and you give her a rank that requires to walk a lot? Like what? She’d be a terrible herbalist because she’d probably take much longer to even get to a location and back to the tribe. She has to carry her weight around. How frustrating, it’s like he literally forgets his own character traits they have. Like if you didn’t wanna deal with a character with a disability then why give her one if you're gonna 180 it.
Page 481. The page that did it all for me and hated this dude's guts. Ok so even if Aira did end up stuck in a tribe she didn’t wanna be, plus she looks absolutely miserable in the panel. She literally got excited when he returned with bootleg kargo after their little flirting session or whatever that was. 
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    (look at the sweet baby… I love her)
Like damn keirr, you should be fucking honored that someone likes you for you and your company, plus she was even worried about you. He could have easily just told her he was being sent to scout, like keirr did you not forget that you joined the tribe when you didn’t have too? Like at all. Aira stated to you that she didn’t wanna be there and wanted to go back to looking for your family. But whatever, he gives her the cold shoulder and tells her to suck it up and build connections with a tribe of strangers. God I really want to just rewrite this page at times. Keirr should have welcomed her with open arms (or paws) and told her about his travels and that he didn’t find what he was looking for unfortunately. Like why did you diss the only character who showed remorse and care for you. She obviously likes having you around and because you took her under your wing, you have no right to be a moody dick to her. This is when I see abandonment issues come into play. As someone who has abandonment issues myself, Aira is so frikin relatable. It hurts a lot when you think about it and you're stuck in your head wondering what you did or if you're doing something wrong to have someone push you away like that. It’s the worst feeling ever and poor Aira here basically got rejected from someone she clearly cares about. 
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    (She looks so lost and heartbroken in this page)  But like keirr, dude how the fuck did you forget that she told you earlier on before you joined the stupid tribe. That she literally went back to the spirit because of YOU. That’s basically her struggle, Rejection and being alone. I’m disappointed that some of the people were siding with keirr on this page. In reality if a friend asked about your mental health and you told them to fuck off in, just because your moody. Then be damned if they leave your ass. That's such a shitty thing to do to a person. Aira is no exception and didn’t deserve any of that. And sadly it only gets worse for her as even when he did do that, she still looked out for him and had to save his ass from a ghoul. 
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(She cares about him still)
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      (Fuck you keirr, you should have thanked her)
I’d also like to point something out. But in a certain page, Aira claims she lived with the meteor tribe. I’m unsure if she was referring to a beast or when she was a normal dog before cursing herself? 
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If that’s true then could Aira quite possibly be a victim to rape as well? I didn’t think much of it at first because the wording confused me for a while. But going back it made me think. If she was used by MT before arenak rules then she’s very much understanding when it comes to her trauma and issues she has. In conclusion Aira seems like a complex character with her own trauma and if it was written better, it would have been interesting to see her overcome her said trauma. She’s a literal victim, a lot more than what kique claims rogio and his “mental chains” bullshit. Aira didn’t have a choice in her life,she didn’t ask to be born the way she was or have to deal with not feeling wanted by others. I feel if kique actually knew how people worked when it came to trauma and one’s mental health and emotions. Aira and keirr could have been a great duo for each other and helped support each other as friends and grew a good connection based on needing each other in a certain time because they were struggling. Sexual intercourse during trauma isn’t something that’ll help someone. It's only a distraction really at the moment. But again it shouldn't be a way out when you're in your feelings and all that. It’s quite unhealthy. I’ll say it again, Aira deserves better and needs out of this terrible comic. 
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syn4k · 2 years
Evil Xisuma is fascinated by lizards.
There's some in the Nether, of course, bejewled in crimson and golden and black, but those types usually hide out near the lava pools, and EX isn't fireproof, not by a long shot. They tried to catch one once, but they burnt their hands and got told off gently by X when they came home and the lizard escaped. There's some in the trees, but they're venomous and lightning fast.
The ones in the Overworld are much friendlier, so whenever they can, they walk over there and find a mangrove swamp far out, where the Overworld lizards like to hide. They're skittish, but EX has found that if you're gentle, they'll let you hold them.
Why lizards and not like, frogs or something? They don't know. They just think they're neat.
One evening, EX found themself in a particularly foggy swamp, grumbling as they picked their way through sprawling tree roots and mud that pulled at their boots much like the soul sand did. They were getting lost. They didn't care. This server had respawn enabled, anyways. But as they trod deeper and deeper in, something felt a little... off.
"Where are these lizards?" they grumbled, loudly enough to get the attention of a nearby breeze, which ruffled the leaves. Wait.
You can't be noticed by the wind.
"Hello?" they asked, looking up.
Somewhere to the front and right of them and very much on the ground, a twig snapped. A light came out of the fog, and a figure wearing a very broad hat walked into view.
"I'm telling you, Joel," they sighed, "you can't be in here. Especially not after dark. It's dangerous, the ghosts might- who are you?" They stopped and leaned closer, confusion clear on their face.
"If you're asking for a name, I won't give it," said EX. "They're powerful things."
"Fair enough," shrugged the stranger. "There have been some weird things happening around here lately. I'm the swamp witch. What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for lizards," said EX.
"In full body armor?"
"My lungs are shit. I have to wear this. Also, it's comfortable."
"Oh, so you're the swearing type," said the stranger with a frown. "Okay."
EX sighed. "I've never met you in my life, but you've already managed to sound exactly like my brother."
"Your brother??"
"Yes, my brother. People have them, idiot. I'm not giving my name away but I'll sure as hell give you his- Xisuma. I could pr-"
"Wait, wait, hold on," said the stranger, cutting them off with a wave of their hand. "Xisuma?"
"Weird name, I know."
"No, I mean I've met him. I never knew he had a brother."
"Sibling," corrected EX. "Also, what?"
"My bad," said the witch. They sighed. "Listen, whatever, I don't know how you got here, but you should probably go. There's some dangerous stuff in here, especially at night." They looked around warily as if to prove their point.
EX laughed. "You're tripping if you think that I'm scared of your stupid swamp. It's just a slightly damp forest. What could possibly live in here that I would be scared of?"
On cue, the wind picked up. The stranger looked around frantically. "You need to go." A bunch of blue lights appeared at the edges of the lamplight. "Now."
The wind blew a myriad of leaves into EX's face and they stumbled backwards as the yellow light receded rapidly, tripping over a tree root just as one of the blue lights came into focus. The last thing they thought before their head hit the ground was that it sorta looked like a face.
When they sat up, it was morning. The fog was gone. They looked around to see where it went, but there was none.
"Weird," they said.
Three unread messages from Worm Boy.
Dude, where are you? It's getting late.
EX? I'm going to bed now but please message me if you see this.
Just woke up. If you don't respond by lunchtime, I'm calling Xisuma.
"Hey. Sorry. I fell asleep while lizard hunting," they typed, then sent it with a sigh. What a mess.
A small blue wisp floated up where they had stepped as they walked out of the forest.
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thelikesoffinn · 6 months
Hey friend 👋 I have this Astarion based inquiry I wanted to ask you. Simply, what type of person do you think he is attracted to?
I wondered after the player + Star's meeting Sebastian in Cazador's lair and Star's mention of a "Darling boy" he met within the 1st decade of he captivity. I'm sure that Cazador is not picky about the type of people that the "family" brings in as long as this person's absence doesn't bring unnecessary attention, which would lean the "family" towards those that are considered to "dregs of society"
Star said to tav that he would try to pick "beautiful people" but eventually stopped caring (not exact wording, something along those lines), althought he didnt specify if be meant apperance or personality, I feel like his choices of Sebastian or "Darling boy" ( shy, naive, sweethearted individuals) are the personalities of person would pick for his own personal escapism for that night.
But my conflicting lies in his approval of a player that does things that are cruel or manipulative. So maybe, he just have a soft spot for people he deems as innocent or naive and not necessarily a romantic attraction, since he seen how cruel the world can be 🤔 I'm sure his preference changed between him being a magistrate, captive and post-game, but I think ideally he'd like someone that's good of heart?
idk what do you think?
Oooohhhh, that's a neat question to wallow over! Let's see, love, let's see...
I do agree that Astarion seems to have a certain weakness for good-hearted, somewhat naive and innocent individuals - almost golden retriever types - for the same reasons you mention. And, if we nitpick, we could add the fact that he used to dream about someone like Wyll saving him and if Wyll Ravengard is one thing and one thing only it'd be a goodie two shoes. (And he does have his innocent and naive sides as well, doesn't he?)
In the end, I do believe that a good heart is something spawn Astarion admires and looks for in a person. Probably because it feels so strange and alien to him after his years of abuse, something he hasn't seen or experienced in a long time and that he is now drawn to like a moth to light.
But, at the same time, there's a few... limitations. A good heart is one thing, but I have my doubts about how well a relationship like that - one with one of those kind, naive, innocent golden retriever types - would work in the long run.
While we could argue that Astarion has a good heart - which I personally do believe he does, deep down - he isn't innocent or mellow in character. Astarion is a character that tends to see the need for cruelty - and I do think he does enjoy his casual bouts of cruelty as well (think act 1, scaring the tiefling children) - and he is somewhat of a jackarse. A loveable jackarse but a jackarse nonetheless.
If we combine that with his polar opposite - a naive, innocent do-gooder - it makes for a rather...explosive combination.
There's a lot of room for conflict in that connection, because we're faced with very clear differences in core values and believes that are usually hard to navigate.
(In general, every person has a set list of core values that make us who we are. Those values determine not only how we act but also who we surround ourselves with and to form healthy, long lasting relationships - platonic or otherwise - those values need to somewhat overlap between us and the people around us. The less they do, the harder it is to keep a relationship stable. It still is very much possible, but it will require a lot of communication, openness, acceptance and understanding by all involved parties.)
I think that sort of relationship would come with a long list of big and small frustrations. Astarion would be frustrated because why can't they see how this is necessary? Do they always have to save every kitten in distress? Why do they care so. much.!? Can't they just turn and walk away for once? What has the world ever done for them? How can one person be so fucking naive?!
And darling would be frustrated because, hot damn why can't he do the right thing just once? Why does he need to be so cruel to everyone else? Why are we even discussing this!? Why isn't the path already clear to him? What has the world ever done to him? Why is he so cold? We are able to help so we fucking should!
As you can see, the script nearly writes itself. There's a lot of room for disagreement and even more so for annoyance and even infantalising - on part of both parties.
(And if, to top it all of, darling is one of the softer do-gooders - one of those that have trouble standing up for themselves and pushing back when necessary - the relationship could quickly delve into Astarion continuously walking all over them, whether it is intentionally done or by accident.)
As I mentioned before - Astarion is a jackarse. In order to be with someone like that, you need to be able to push back when necessary. Give shit where shit is due to drag him off his high horse. And I think this is something he is well aware of and doesn't necessarily mind. You can call him out on his shit multiple times over the course of the game and, far as I can remember, he doesn't disapprove most of the time - Cazador-centric moments not included. (Example - calling him an arse because he's being a racist shit towards the gur hunter in act 1.)
He needs to be told off just as much as he needs to be agreed with.
And this is, essentially, the problem with the darlings. Realistically speaking, I think there'd be too much disagreement and telling off and not enough agreement in most situations. It lacks balance. A person who is kind hearted and does good but can be cruel and cold if the situation calls for it would probably fare much better with him in the long run because they can see eye to eye when it comes down to it.
So, to answer your question:
I do believe that Astarion has his fantasies about those very lovely, kind and innocent people just as much as anyone. Maybe it's a thought he likes, maybe there's even more to it - we don't know.
But, in its essence, this seems more like one of those fantasies one might have or one of the archetypes one might like that aren't all too feasible in reality. You know, like how some people love the classic Tall Dark Dangerous but if they ever were to meet one of them in person, they'd probably be throwing hands.
(It's me, I'm some people.)
And sure, this might work for a night. Chat up the innocent and kind person, seduce them and, dare I say, corrupt them with a little bit of himself for one night - if only to escape reality, as you mention -... yeah. Yeah, seems feasible.
But a relationship with someone who he actually CAN see eye to eye with at least half the time would likely be much more realistic and sustainable and I think it's something he himself is well aware of, which is precisely why we gain the approval the way we do.
It's a fantasy. And some fantasies are meant to remain as such.
Luckily, attraction is based on a great many factors and can change the better you get to know a person! So, while he might initially be more attracted to a prince charming, that attraction can quickly fade. Meanwhile, someone who's the furthest from innocent and kind can become more attractive the more time is spent with them. Attraction is lovely like that, it's willing to shift and morph into anything for us!
Woof! I think I strayed a lot in the middle there, I'm sorry, love, but I hope I could answer your question!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
Have you gone over your interpreted dynamics that Magolor, Susie and Taranza may have with each other? (asking for 1-on-1 each, so three dynamics total)
My apologies if you've gone over them already, I just don't recall.
I have not!
In fact, I don't think I've done many character + character dynamics, so please, everyone interested, I request you send me even more combos! (Must...clean all this angst...off my dashboard...!)
Now then! Onto the dynamics!
Magolor + Susie
[Continued Below]
These two are possibly my favorite dynamic-holders of the Wave 3 gang! You've got your classic red oni blue oni except that Magolor is the exuberant one and Susie is the (slightly) more reserved!
Magolor is interested in ancient tech for its ability to make his dreams come true. Susie is interested in turning it INTO something that can be used to make dreams come true. Re-use vs repurpose.
And I think that old tech > new tech disparity would be at the center of their dealings with each other. (Frankly, everyone in the cast is "old tech" compared to Susie but someone has to be at the top XD)
Susie operates on a planetary scale: "How can my (father's) company be used to make things better?" whereas Magolor is very "I will make a thing that people will come to from all over to feel better!"
They're so near to each other's way of thinking but fundamentally different in a few ways that means they don't quite see eye to eye. But I think they can absolutely get involved in long drawn out discussions that involve lots of "Yes! And...!"
Clash indicates to us that Magolor DOES find Susie somewhat pesky. I can't help but wonder if part of that comes from a (potentially incorrect) assumption that Susie must have had EVERYTHING she ever wanted while Magolor had to dig around in the dirt of Halcandra alone for X number of years hoping to find a magic theme park building doohickey amongst the wreckage. (We know Susie's childhood was anything but ideal but HE doesn't.)
I guess DX josses the idea that the two of them met while Magolor was wandering AD, which is a shame as that was a very neat headcanon, but even if they had, I always assumed it would have been a neutral/short-lived partnership. Not enough to dramatically change their feelings toward one another.
...I also think that Susie will be constantly looking for opportunities to opportunities to turn the Lor Starcutter pink (which it wouldn't necessarily mind, but Magolor is vehemently against!) So, yeah, I would say "great collaborators when they're working together but not all the time, and Magolor is usually the one to snap first."
Susie + Taranza
I've said I only "ship" one ship in this fandom, and that's true, but I am also guilty of thinking, "Susie/Taranza kinda makes sense, right?"
I mean, he very much seems to be preparing himself to flirt (?) with her in the Star Allies opening sequence. He's looking for a new queen to worship, and would Susie find that so awful, really...?
Not that I want to characterize Taranza as a pitiful loser simp-type for her, so I think it would be nice if they approached each other on more equal terms. In this case, I would think that  their dynamics come from a shared appreciation for beautiful things.
If you were to stick all three in one living space, Susie and Taranza would be the neat freaks, making sure everything is organized (and laid out in an aesthetically pleasing fashion too!) meanwhile Magolor lives on half-finished energy drinks and sleeps on the floor. XD
They are also, obviously, notable for being the two major characters in the modern games to have lost a loved one on-screen in a big Kirby game event. They really should be allowed to use this to bond.
And I'd like to think they have.
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So they're kind of low-key get along. Nothing bombastic - they don't set the world on fire with how good they get along, but you're not too surprised when you see them out shopping together either.
Taranza + Magolor
I have a LOT of thoughts about the wizards. (In fact, I keep creating backstories for these two, because despite there being a few dedicated fans of this ship, I don't see a whole lot of people dig into Magolor having a shared backstory with Tara and Secty?!)
Despite that, my feelings on them tend to change depending upon how important I find giving them a potential backstory together. Because when on screen they feel very... neutral? They don't have the dynamism of Magolor and Susie's potential clashes, nor the obvious "lonely spider seeks confident beautiful queen" of Taranza and Susie.
Clash!Taranza sits on Magolor's shoppe, chilling out, and that is... really the best way I can describe them? They are very chill.
The concept of them talking deep magic with each other is interesting, but Taranza is a follower type of character. Someone who needs someone to be a catalyst before he will go off.
Magolor could be that for him, but I think Magolor needs to get in over his head first before he will go to Taranza for assistance.
Having said that, I think that what these two have over the other Wave 3 pair dynamics is the highest level of TRUST.
I once read a Japanese doujin about Magolor that was, frankly, even more depressing than MY most depressing works (if you know, you know, but I'm not linking it) but there was a moment when Magolor talks to Taranza about a serious issue and watching the two talk serious to each other (interspersed with some moments of comic melodrama from Taranza) was utterly FASCINATING~
I don't think they become their "true" selves to each other often, but I think that when they do talk about srs business, they are two of the strongest characters in the whole cast to do so...! (Which is probably why I would never "ship" them in the classical sense? I don't see them as going out on dates or sharing the same dessert or coffee shop stuff. When they are at their "closest" they are discussing forbidden history or the skeletons in their prospective closets....)
So, on the surface? They have a very vanilla friendship with nothing to stand out. But these two COULD (if they wanted to) get up to stuff so cursed it would drive even Marx from the room.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
please can u tell us more of ur thoughts on branding.
can u tell us ALL ur thoughts on branding.
can u tell us all your thoughts.
Why yes I CAN tell you my thoughts! but this post will stay pretty much about the branding, even tho there will be other points you can notice below; unfortunately I have limited space and time on these posts. One thing at a time for my brainnn 🙏
Also. This is another “there’s too much going on here for me to cover it all” concept, so this is actually in two parts just to make sure it doesn’t get too ungodly long 😂 and one day there’s a bunch of stuff I want so badly to write about it! For now, I’ll put the link to the second post [here] as well as at the very end for your reading convenience
Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕
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(This was supposed to be for showing the brands; it turned into an explanation of some of the physical effects of things that happened in Evermore and the direct aftermath.)
Ahem. So Riko’s pretty determined to make it as difficult as possible for Abram to sneak away again, blend into other places. The best way to do that, obviously, is to brand him to his court as he had the rest.
Abram expects that. He’s completely prepared to have this done, it’s all but inevitable. He’d been dodging his number III for far too long now. Even Day has the II still on his own cheek - Abram can deal with it. Riko’s too proud not to let it heal nicely. He needs his court to look as neat and uniform as possible.
Still hurts like hell.
But after, when Abram wants nothing more than to be completely alone until he can see properly out of that eye, Riko orders him to strip down. Abram doesn’t - his time in Palmetto and with Prince Andrew took away Abram’s only survival technique. He’s known good people now, he knows how a person is supposed to be treated and he’s learned at least some degree of self-respect. Nathaniel relied on a day-to-day understanding that he could die in any terrible, inhuman way at another’s whim. Abram knows better. (It ruins him.)
Of course, Riko gets his demands met anyway. They have to hold Nathaniel down to get the second brand on him. This one isn’t for show, though perhaps that was a thought in Riko’s mind - branded cattle is hard to steal and easy to identify. Mostly it’s the beginning of pushing onto Abram that he isn’t more than property, he’s a work animal and he’s expected to act like it. And Riko doesn’t care that this one heals as neatly. Since it’s not going to be for the public eye, Riko can let it fester and infect as long as it stays recognizable. As long as Abram can look at it and remember what it is and what it’s there for.
When Abram is brought back, when Day is with him in that cart, it’s another thing he begs for the prince not to see. The muzzle and the brand. At first Day is confused; “The prince will want to see your face, Abram. You know he won’t care. It’s just like mine.”
But Abram shakes his head. Says no. No, the other one. Please don’t let him see.
Maybe Day doesn’t fully realize what that means until he forces that bath on Abram. Abram doesn’t try to hide it; he’s already told Day about it, and if there’s anyone that will take Evermore cruelty in stride it will be Day. (That doesn’t mean Day isn’t enraged to see it. Healed ugly, even still a little inflamed from rough fabrics and no care. He knew Riko was always mad with power; this was something else entirely.)
So Day heeds Abram’s pleas and doesn’t let Andrew see the brand. It’s always covered in bandages. When Andrew begins to help with Abram’s care, Day tells him he shouldn’t remove that bandage. It would cause Abram a lot of pain. Andrew tries to ask about it, but Day gives him the same answer as with the strange little punctures in Abram’s face: he will tell you if and when he wants to. And again, Andrew cannot argue.
By this point I think Andrew and Day have reached an agreement. Abram’s eyesight is getting clearer by the day, and Andrew understands how serious Day is about both his and Abram’s safety. But Day agreed that as long as Abram can confirm he recognizes Andrew, Andrew is allowed to help when Day is unavailable.
So when Andrew is sent for, told that Abram has reopened some wounds or torn some bandages and won’t let any of the medics touch him, Andrew goes.
Abram is calm enough by the time he arrives. He lets the prince check the wounds, nodding allowances between each article of clothing and bandage that Andrew removes. And by then they may as well shower too, while Andrew is there. He’d like to try and do what he can for Abram’s hair.
Even then Andrew doesn’t remove the bandage. It falls off on its own under the stream of water. Andrew feels the slight tensing of Abram’s stomach, the way he pauses. For a second, Andrew can only stare, struck dumb with anger. Then, slowly and very carefully, he pushes the bandage back over the brand. Hardly breathing.
“Abram. What is that.”
And Abram tenses more. He can see enough now to place a good guess as to where Andrew’s eyes would be, himself wide eyed and suddenly fearful. (For a moment, the prince’s apparent calm response made Abram think that he’d somehow already seen the brand, which wasn’t impossible considering the circumstances. But his tone now, the ice in his voice as he confronts Abram on it - it feels like all of Abram’s worst fears have materialized there in front of him. Of course Andrew would be disgusted. Princes deserve better than damaged goods. Andrew deserves better.)
“I’m sorry,” Abram says automatically, which is the last thing Andrew wants to hear. “I’ll - you don’t have to anymore, just get Day -”
“Abram,” Andrew says again sharply, which is not the right thing because Abram flinches and pushes Andrew’s hands from him. He’s up and away from the hole-riddled bucket that serves as the infirmary’s makeshift shower almost immediately and finds his things half by memory and half blurry sight. Andrew wouldn’t want someone like him around, even as a guard. Especially in this state, when he can’t perform his duties at all.
Abram finds his way to Day’s room. Even with Andrew’s voice after him as he leaves the bath and infirmary altogether. Thankfully, it isn’t long before Day has returned from a routine check of the outer walls - Abram cannot handle being seen by the prince again, he’s shaking and slipping further from reality by the minute. Day takes one look at Abram in the hall and brings him into his room, trying to calm Abram enough to tell him what’s happened. Eventually, he pieces it together when Abram apologizes for making Day’s work for naught. You kept it from him this long time and I ruined it. Don’t let him be angry with you, it was my fault, just let him do what he wants and -
But Day won’t hear it. He figures out what it’s about, he tries to reassure Abram that it was a misunderstanding. Day knows for a fact, like any sane person and then as a person that knows Andrew, that the prince is not angry with Abram for having a brand or anything it was supposed to represent. He had been angry like anyone was angry to see it. Like Day had been. Day had just been much better about hiding it.
Abram isn’t in a state for rational thought or explanations. The panic and crying exhausts him, but nothing Day offers can comfort him. He won’t take the bed or couch or even the chair, too far in his head about Andrew finally seeing him for an animal. He ends up curled on the carpet near the fireplace, asleep by the time Andrew manages to find him. (He’d gone looking out by the gate, along any path Abram might have taken to run. It was either good or very bad that he didn’t find him there.)
Day answers the door and Andrew opens his mouth at the same time he scans the room, then stops. He sees Abram and tries to come in, but Day stands firmly in his way.
“Is he all right?” Andrew asks before he can stop himself. He messed up, this is his fault. He needs to be sure he hasn’t caused any real harm.
“Physically, yes,” Day says tersely. “But he’s asleep, and I will not be waking him yet. Out, in the hall. I need to speak with you.”
[part2 here]
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arr-jim-lad · 2 years
i think that so far, Whenua might be my favourite character, or at the very least my favourite toa metru.
i do love pohatu he's my baby boy (PS: oh my god what did they DO to him in that short-lived reboot....) but there's something particularly intriguing about a character who holds so much knowledge & knows his way around a really unsettling place and is really chill about it lmao like ohhh what secrets do you hold 👁️👁️
but the best thing about him is that he has this specific casual type of humour i really love where like... with the way he words it you're not initially sure if it was supposed to be a joke, like if he knows that what he said came across funny, but with the consistency of it you can clearly tell that yes, they are jokes, and yes, whenua is really fucking funny.
and he still has the same type of humour as a turaga as well, the last line in this scene from tales of the masks took me out;
"No. But our power —" "Is nothing. A Toa’s true strength is here," Whenua said, pointing to his head. Then he placed a hand over his heartlight, saying, "And here. Your Toa power can move the dirt… Your mind and heart can move mountains." Whenua began to walk again, Onua beside him. "And is that what you used when we met the Kofu-Jaga?” the Toa asked. "My mind told me they have a sting," Whenua replied. "My heart told me I would not enjoy it."
onua literally asked this old man what gave him the wisdom to run away from fire scorpions and the man basically told him "common sense" lmfao
in the metru nui books and he gets this scene early on in his designated chapter;
"Go ahead," said the guard. "No one has ever made it past that door. You won't stand a —" Whenua threw the levers, one, two, three. The great door opened with a hiss. The Toa of Earth turned toward the guard and said, "What was that? Couldn't hear you over the door opening."
truly a master class in comedy, thank you whenua
not as much a spoken joke by whenua, but this scene with him gave me a sensible chuckle;
Whenua spotted Tehutti's transport cart in a corner, empty. Lying near it was a hammer, the kind used in Ta-Metru forges. The archivist in Whenua was dismayed. Ta-Metru artifacts belonged on one of the sublevels, not in a Rahi section. It was only when he looked again at all the damage that he realized why the hammer was there.
my man cant get his head out of the job and honestly i love that for him bc he loves his job and i love to see a guy who loves his job that he's passionate about uwu
i also loved this moment was when him and nuju went to look for the disc in the archives & nuju decided to disregard Whenua's warnings, which almost caused a monster to escape its containment;
He turned around. Whenua was standing in the doorway, watching him. "Done?" asked the Toa of Earth. "Listen, I know you don't like it here. It's not neat and orderly like Ko-Metru. Archivists don't sit in clean towers studying all day, they are out getting their hands dirty. But we have rules here too - like don't annoy the two-headed Tarakava, if at all possible."
the fact that he just stood by and watched nuju struggling and didn't do or say anything to help is, frankly, hysterical. like hey, he warned him. fuck around and find out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lastly, here's just one of my favourite things this guy had said;
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"Screams a lot, though"
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