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Know what? I'm gonna try throwing my hat into the ring for Danny Phantom.
I accidentally electrocuted myself as a kid and never told anybody- nothing serious, I grabbed the three exposed prongs of a half plugged in laptop charger in the middle of the night and didn't want to get in trouble since nobody else was awake. Even if it isn't fatal, it's terrifying and your vision completely blacks out and your arm tingles for days afterwards, and for the whole day after you got shocked your fingers on the hand that grabbed the prongs will randomly twitch, open or close or jerk to the side. You have no control, it's like when the doctor hits your knee to check your reflexes.
Now, from what I can tell from the scene where Danny went ghost for the first time, he really was electrocuted. From what I can tell, his ghost and human halves seem kinda separate- not completely, but the change is there. Where is this going?
Danny never told anyone about the accident- not anybody that could help him, anyways. I propose that, since he never got medical treatment or physical/occupational therapy after the accident, his motor function deteriorates over time.
More specifically, his small motor function is effected- I will be using personal experience in this section, since my small motor skills were so bad I couldn't use zippers or tie my shoes until I was 12, but I'll try putting things in reverse.
Danny starts fumbling with tying his shoes, laughing it off as being tired. Buttons take a few minuets, and even snap buttons become a bit hard. Odd, mildly confusing, but nothing to be concerned about. Then it progresses. He can't properly use tools anymore, it's like nothing is ever precise enough, everything takes a few tries to get it right. His fingers are fumbling everything, his handwriting turns to chickenscratch that not even he can read at times, he struggles to comb his hair because it's hard to coordinate movements, his back teeth are always textured because he struggles to brush his teeth and he can't really reach the back ones properly anymore.
I don't know if this is connected to small motor or not, but he starts dragging his feet and the toes of his shoes wear out quicker because walking while lifting his feet any higher doesn't feel right. This was something I had fixed during occupational therapy, but I don't know if it was just me or not.
Eventually, it becomes sunlight-on-clean-pact-snow levels of blindingly obvious that something is incredibly wrong. Danny's hair is knotted and half-matted because he is unable to brush it properly, when he smiles there is plaque on some parts of his teeth and not others, he always wears slip-on shoes or his laced shoes are always untied, buttons always seem like they could unslip because they're only half-buttoned, zippers in his jackets getting stuck in shirts and he doesn't bother to fix it, teachers can no longer read his assignments and his friends can't read his notes. Nobody can ignore it, but nobody knows how to help when Danny gets so clearly frustrated when he has to do something with his hands and it just doesn't work. It seems like he suddenly developed a hole in his lip, since he always had to lean far over his bowl or plate to not end up on food with his shirt because his hands can't hold silverware steady.
But Phantom? None of those issues. He became a ghost after being electrocuted, of course. Why would there be damage from the initial creation of this half? It could be why he ends up enjoying fighting the ghosts, his hands actually work with him instead of against him.
Feel free to take this idea and do what you want with it, I really liked writing this!
Also if you use this for a fic, please comment the link if possible, I wanna see all the ways people use this :)
Edit: So I started a mini-series about this. Is it any good? Probably not, but writing makes me happy.
Noticed But Hoping For The Best
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I fear I'm not practicing the LOA "right" and i'm so anxious. I keep thinking "what if all my persistence is useless because i'm not practicing the LOA right?" I can't tell if I'm truly partaking in imagination or just simply daydreaming. My understanding of the concept of "daydreaming" and "imagination" seems to have no clear distinct difference. Maybe I'm spiralling, but I feel like a fraud and can't seem to have faith in my own abilities. I continue to doubt everything because I wonder "does not feeling fulfilled in imagination mean my 4D has not shifted because I don't understand I have it?"
Is it okay to not feel anything or even feel bad towards your desires but still understand you have it and actually shift realities?
Take a deep breath.

You are going to be ok. There is nothing wrong with you. You are safe. You are stronger than you think. I believe in you. Not feeling anything is OK.
I have a laptop I manifested sitting next to me right now. I didn't feel anything when I was manifesting it and I don't feel like I have it even though it's physically here right now.
Please don't be so mean to yourself. You're going to be ok
Disclaimer: This may be controversial because people have really been shitting on affirmations lately, so let me first say that all methods work. This is just my personal experience. I understand that some of you will disagree with this post, that's OK. Please respect that everyone has their own beliefs.
Emotions don't matter
I normally put links at the end but you should really read this: it's ok to feel like shit
I know you're very stressed out, I am also a very anxious person. Please know that hurting deeply doesn't mean you can't manifest.
Feeling is not what manifests. For a long time I ran in circles because I was trying to force my emotions to conform.
I am a very anxious person sometimes bordering on paranoid. If my reality was solely dependent on what I felt like was happening a girl with long hair would be crawling out of my TV right now.
The truth is emotions are fickle. Trying to force an extremely positive emotional state will most likely just make you hurt more.
Often the most painful part of suffering is our constant attempt to suppress it instead of processing the emotion.
We are not our feelings. We are often subject to dramatic and irrational emotional states that don't reflect our actual thoughts and opinions.
"I feel awful and I don't like how often I'm feeling it" often leads us into thinking "nothing is ever going to work for me", but it's important to ground ourselves and realize that feeling like shit is not divine undeniable proof that it isn't going to work.
So what does manifest?
Your dominant thoughts and mental state.
The thoughts you repeat over and over and over. Your subconscious listens to everything you tell it and it takes you at face value every single time. If you repeat something to your subconscious it will push that experience into your reality.
You ARE manifesting, just not what you want.
I'm guessing your most common thoughts right now sound something like this:
"why isn't it working" "what am I doing wrong" "why can't I get this right"
THAT is what is manifesting right now.
It's not about feeling like you have it, it's about thinking thoughts that imply you do.
So what's the whole deal with the 4D 3D thing? Those are just buzzwords that mean your internal and external world. Your internal world manifests. What part of your internal world is constant? Your thoughts. You may not be visualizing or mediating all day but you ARE thinking all day every single day. (visualization and mediation still do work, I'm not discrediting those methods. Your mental images are still thoughts)
What now? (What I think you should do)
I want you to try robotic affirmations. There is literally no way to do them wrong. They don't require feeling or belief. its ok if repeating them feels wrong.
This is all you have to do:
All of your thoughts and words are affirmations so don't affirm against your desire. I know these are often very very habitual. That's ok, you just need to break the habit. Flip the thought or start affirming.
Repeat thoughts that imply it has manifested. It's best if it's in your own words. What would you say if it his happened? Now repeat that sentence whenever possible. Whenever you are doing something that is boring like a chore or showering instead of letting your mind water repeat your affirmation.
Don't try to feel it or imagine it, just repeat the sentence. That's why they're called robotic. There's nothing else to do but repeat them. Hopefully this gives you less to worry about.
How to break a thought pattern
Affirm and persist
Do I have to believe?
Robotic affirmations
Please please please watch this.
#affirmyourreality#affirmyourlife#affirmations#affirmdaily#affirm and persist#robotic affirming#shiftblr#loa tumblr#shifting antis dni#loa blog#reality shifting#loassumption#shifting community#loablr#shifting#loassblog
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seeing the influx of gfm campaigns on your dash may be overwhelming- the purpose of this post is to help others navigate through the many gfm links that are circulating here on this site- esp. those that find their way directly to you via your inbox. this advice is specific to tumblr- i cannot speak on other platforms (instagram, twitter, etc.) though some things i say may be applicable
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify any campaigns myself. i simply want people who are willing to engage with these types of posts to do so in a safe manner
read more below:
what to do if you get a message from an account claiming to be 🇵🇸 in your inbox:

-> step 1: do not immediately dismiss it as spam
to quote one of nabulsi's posts:
"... you cannot generalise with Gazans if their tumblr blog is only a few days or a few hours old.
Gazans on tumblr are making accounts for the express purpose of spreading their fundraisers because it is spreading amongst Gazans that tumblr is a safe place to do so.
They could often be making multiple blogs and even remaking after staff flags them as spam. But don't blanket assume that Gazans are scammers if they're on a new tumblr blog with no pfp or content.
I agree that until a fundraiser is vetted you shouldn't reblog it in case it is someone dishonest taking advantage of the circumstances in Gaza. But you cannot do the opposite and immediately assume they're a scammer. I'm seeing people harass Gazans sometimes who genuinely are people who just don't know how to use tumblr and are falsely raising red flags because of it." (read full post here)
to sum it up: don't hit 'report' right away- marinate a lil and put on a detective hat
-> step 2: background check
the following are accounts that are known to vet/verify gfm campaigns here on tumblr. note- this is not a comprehensive list:
90-ghost* (edit 8/4: recently announced that ahmed will no longer be vetting/verifying new campaigns)
ibtisams* (only has done it on situational basis; is not currently vetting new campaigns- read post here)
rubashabansblog (has been promoting other palestinians who lost their tumblr accounts; currently living under occupation)
heba-20 (unsure if heba takes request to vet others personally but is a reliable source for finding legitimate campaigns)
fairuzfan (says they are less active on tumblr these days/not currently vetting new campaigns but is a reliable source)
i recommend giving these individuals a follow if you haven't already as they provide far more information regarding all things 🇵🇸. they've all put in a lot of work to make the process i'm sharing with y'all as simple as possible. also please be respectful if you try reaching out to any of them. they are likely getting a high volume of asks and may not be able to respond to you quickly
important note: it has been recently announced that nabulsi + el-shab-hussein have stopped vetting new accounts for the time being and are only focusing on campaigns that have already been vetted. read their full statement here and here
to start- check out the person's account. this can be a hit or miss depending on how new the account is. however- you may notice that the person in question has stated that they have been vetted:

good signs so far- but better to be safe than sorry. next thing to do is search the username of the person who messaged you on tumblr. it's likely if you got a message like the one pictured above, others may have received one as well and did the digging for you:

if you can't find a clear answer with tumblr's illustrious search bar/want to confirm someone's claim that the campaign in question was already verified, the next thing to do is check one of the following:
el-shab-hussein's pinned post
el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's google sheet
imo, this process is far easier to do while on a laptop/desktop vs. mobile app. ctrl+f is your friend in this scenario as is the ability to click through multiple tabs. for el-shab-hussein's pinned post, i click through the multiple lists and see if any names match. in ruba's case, she was found under List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan:

and for the google sheet- her campaign is no. 90 on the list:

tip: to narrow down your search even further- ctrl+f the title of the person's gfm campaign that they've linked on their tumblr account:

-> step 3: share your findings + follow that account
if everything checks out- ✨share le campaign✨ provide the link to it in your response to the ask + where it was verified. make it easier for the next person who gets a message to figure out that the gfm is real
following 🍉accounts is esp. important since the forces that be are keen on suppressing them at every turn. the more eyes on these accounts- the easier it'll be to determine the legitimacy of any new accounts they may need to make
okay, but... scams 😬:
-> step 1: seek a master
people can be assholes- and anyone trying to make a profit off of an ongoing genocide can eat glass
anyways- the following are accounts that are known to identify scam posts on tumblr (again, not a comprehensive list. these are just the one's ive seen/most familiar with):
kyra45's pinned post contains a plethora of resources to help determine if a post/message is a scam- and not just in regards to 🇵🇸- key goes in on many types of scams. please refer to their guides (and be sure that you are reading the most recent version of key's posts)
-> step 2: if you see sumn, say sumn
we're human and sometimes things slip our radar. so if you ever see someone on here sharing a known scam, do 'em a solid and let them know about it regardless if you are mutuals or not
final/misc. thoughts:
it's good practice to double check a campaign's verification with these tools for yourself regardless of how legitimate it looks. note that checking for a gfm's verification is not the same as verifying them. that work should be left to qualified individuals with experience in doing so. this is why it's bad to attempt things you are not qualified to tackle also- i think it's important to remember that transferring 💵 from a gfm campaign to those in need requires a lot of pieces to be perfectly set in place. if you see 🇵🇸 blogs linking alt. methods of raising funds (ex. p*ypal/k*fi) the reason could be that their gfms were frozen/suspended for a myriad of reasons. as always- check credible sources if you are unsure about a campaign you may come across notice how the spreadsheet provided here has over 100+ campaigns listed. generating a list that extensive requires hard work that is undoubtedly both physically and mentally straining to the individuals who are involved in making it. i've seen some accounts myself that have had to announce that they can no longer continue to vet campaigns because it has taken that much of a toll on their wellbeing. do not let their efforts go wasted
other resources:
some other places/grassroot organizations where you can find vetted campaigns:
operation olive branch (oob)
operation poppy flower (now also linked in oob's sheet)
operation watermelon
project watermelon
strawberry seeds collective
camps breakerz crew
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| i think you're something i have been looking for
synopsis: one day your sister sends you a google document link to their position paper because she needs your help, you have no idea that she had a partner for the essay and that you didn't change your email account.
— nonidol!sportsjourn!mdanielle! × nonidol!athlete!fem!reader
( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
BEEHIVE tavern
minji: [sent an attachment]
minji: y/n YOU LOOK GOOD
minji: finally!!!
y/n: fuck you mean by that?
hanni: i'm so proud you have an achievement other than being hopeless romantic!!
y/n: when can i actually get a compliment without an ill intent?
y/n: and thanks btw, this is like my 10th regionals my whole table tennis career
y/n: doubt i'd get any further, i always lose when i'm about to get a spot
minji: this is your time to change that!!!
minii: plus, you can't just weep when you've won. you're gonna be the talk of the region once you reach nationals!!!
hanni: IKR you can't keep being negative, just grab the chance!
hanni: you might meet the one in the regionals!!!
y/n: how many times have you said that???
y/n: thanks guys, that's why i always do my best during training.
y/n: i'll try reaching for the nationals spot, promise.
minji: we appreciate your hardwork bro! you're like super busy with training and such!
minji: and we want those hours of hardwork to be worth it!
hanni: ya plus, you really deserve it this time!
hanni: if you need something you can always ask us!
"unnie! come here!" you look up from your phone to the living room where your sister is sitting on the couch on her laptop for something. you sigh before standing up from the dining table chair and making your way to the living room with your phone. "what's up?" you ask, standing beside the couch, darting your eyes on your sister who is leaning on the laptop. her face is almost close to smothering the monitor of her laptop. "don't sit like that, do you want to be a shrimp forever?" you tell your sister before putting a hand on her back, causing her to stir and sit straight, looking up to you.
"oh hi!" youngseo sighs before turning the laptop for you to see. "unnie, can you help me? i've been working on this position paper for a while but i really can't take a grasp of it." you nod and take the laptop to read what your sister has written so far.
"i assume this is a position paper?" you ask, youngseo's face lights up and she nodded.
"yeah! we were asked to pick an editorial cartoon and make two positions for it, then choose one and make a position paper out of it." youngseo answers, she leans on the couch and scratches her cheeks, pursing her lips. you nod as you read the paper, apparently it's about the spread of fake information with the use of social media — having some experience in writing before, you expected the paper to be a lot more easier.
with that in mind, you turn to look at your sister with pure confusion. "what's so hard about this? it's just a position paper." you tell your sister who then sighs and shakes her head. "no! you don't get it! we were given a 10 page format for the paper, i really did think too that it was easy but it's not." youngseo protests, shrugging and standing up, she walks next to you and gives you a side hug. "come on unnie! please help me..." she whispers and buries her head to your shoulder.
you couldn't help but sigh of course, you still have the laptop in your arms and you look at your sister. "i'm really worried about you, what if i wasn't here?" you tell her with a chuckle, the younger girl pouts and sticks out her tongue. "but you're here and you have no choice." she lets go of you and you take it as a chance to place the laptop on the coffee table and cross your arms.
"alright, i'll help. send me the format and this google document link." you tell your sister who nods and smiles brightly at you. "thank you so much sis!" she laughs and claps her hands. you shake your head in faux disbelief. "make sure to check out the document and be updated." you remind her before leaving and making your way to your room which was upstairs.
"okay unnie! i love you!" you hear your younger sister as you leave.
it's funny, you really did have good intentions for your sister when you finally received the link of the document and the paper format — youngseo was right, the formatting of the position paper required was different than the usual, it followed certain paragraph forms that aren't usually used.
when you opened the google document link, you started editing some stuff and entering new paragraphs, making sure you follow the format and the right grammar — the thing is, you didn't know that you were using an email account you didn't mean to use.
minji'[email protected]
another thing is that, you didn't know another person beside you was making edits and writing on the same document. your sister had never mentioned that the work she was doing that you were now working on was a project that is done by pair.
"minji's pinky toe..? is this youngseo?" a certain girl behind the account: [email protected] muttered under her breath, they've been working on this project for almost 1 week as the allotted time for the work is 1 month, in those 7 days she and jiwoo shared — the girl had never used this account and have been using her school account.
now this account that is sharing the same document as she was is an account she had never seen before, not only the name was questionable but it's also quite peculiar how much work the person behind the account has done in just a span of an hour — usually youngseo would be asking several questions and will take time before writing a new paragraph just to make sure she's doing the right thing.
danielle scrolls to the recent paragraph that the account is currently working on.
your eyes spots the anonymous puppy in the document and squints your eyes. "is youngseo active?" you look up to see there's another account working on the paper and click on it to see the email.
"huh?" you whisper to yourself. you watch as the person starts typing out a sentence besides the one you just finished.
youngseo? why is your email account named like that?
"like what?" you ask yourself before clicking to check the email you're using and to your surprise, you immediately gasp as your eyes lands on the account that hanni made in your laptop. "oh my god, what is this?" you start to panic realizing that the person in the same document might have thought that youngseo is the one behind the email account.
"holy shit..." you mutter before typing an answer to danielle's question.
oh my god, i'm sorry i was using the account my sister's friend made.
danielle blinked as the anonymous raccoon finally answered.
you couldn't help but sigh and slap yourself due to embarrassment and now you'll hear youngseo whining into your ears for putting her on an awkward situation.
y/n: dude what the fuck?
y/n: [sent an attachment]
hanni: LMFAOOOO what's the context?
y/n: don't you ask my ass you know what's up.
hanni: what?
minji: what's the matter?
y/n: dude hanni made an account on my laptop named minji'spinkytoe and youngseo's classmate saw it.
minji: bro what the fuck? my what? ಠ_ʖಠ
hanni: ur pinky toe.
minji: hanni what the fuck!!??
hanni: look it's supposed to be a joke since you sent me a pic of your toe.
hanni: and ofc i didn't know ms. lee right here wouldn't notice.
y/n: how am i supposed to know? ಥ‿ಥ
y/n: my sis asked me to help her with her paper and i didn't know someone else besides her was working on the document.
minji: DUDE WHY MY TOE ┻┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵┻┻
minji: why not y/n's toe instead?
hanni: cause it's funny okay!!?? →(° °)┗
y/n: youngseo's gonna scream on my ears tonight (●´⌓`●)
turns out you really weren't wrong because as soon as you got downstairs your sister suddenly appeared as if she was teleporting. "youngseo—!" you're caught off guard and your sister crosses her arms on her chest with a sharp glare. "why did you use that horrible account?" she asks.
"youngseo look, hanni made that account and i accidentally used it because i didn't know!" you explain watching as she turns her back to you and walks upstairs to your father's office with her feet stomping on the floor. "hey don't tell dad!" you tell her but she turns around to you with a frown. "then why did you tell dani that it was me using it?" you laugh sheepishly and shrugged.
"cause i didn't want her to think you're letting your sister do the work." you answer, youngseo takes some deep breaths and raises her hand to your face. "keep it, thank you for your help but starting tomorrow i will be working on that paper again." she tells you and leaves to enter her room, leaving you confused with her sudden change of mood.
marsh danielle
youngseo: hey dani, i was just gonna say it was actually my sister who was using that account.
youngseo: i asked for her help and lent her the google document.
youngseo: she just really has the most annoying friends ever.
danielle: hey youngseo!
danielle: it's alright, i did kind of think it was funny tho...
youngseo: yeah she's goofy and stupid.
danielle: her name's y/n right? and your youngest sis is hyein?
youngseo: yup, why?
danielle: nothing, i heard your older sis is joining the regional table tennis competition and might make it to the national team.
youngseo: ohhh yeah, but she has to win the regionals first and then she's going to compete in japan before qualifying for nationals.
danielle: that's awesome! good luck to her.
danielle: i'm competing for the regional journalism competition and i'm covering for sports so i was a bit curious.
youngseo:...so you want to meet her or something?
danielle: yes, kind of.
"oooh isn't that danielle?" hanni's voice rolls inside your ears while you are tying your shoes, you look up at your two friends who are whispering towards each other. "who?" you stand in the middle not too far from the duo who both look at you at the same time. "the sports writer for HYBE chronicles." minji answers, you look towards the girl's direction and then to minji.
"you know her?" you ask, minji shakes her head and looks at hanni. "do you?"
"of course not, she's pretty popular okay? and she's attending your competition for the HYBE chronicles." hanni answers, you look once again to danielle and try to decipher what memory you have that reminds you of her name.
but to no avail, you really don't remember anything.
"her name sounds familiar" you tell your friends who both look at you in unison. hanni laughs as if mocking you, she points her index finger towards you with a smirk. "what? she talked to you before?" she says.
minji raises her brows and looks at you with surprise written on her face. "wait really?"
you roll your eyes and shake your head. "duh, no. i just remembered my sister mentioning it once."
while the three of you talk, danielle turns her head around to spot you out of all the people that are present in the park inside the school premises.
"can i excuse myself for a bit?" danielle asks the people who are also a part of their organization, she gets an approval before she takes her leave and makes her way to you and your friends.
you feel minji nudging your sides and you glare at her. "dude what the hell do you want?" you tell her and notice she's staring right in front of you, hanni also was speaking. you turn your head to see danielle making her way to you with a smile.
"hi! your youngseo's sister right?" danielle asks you and you feel your knees shaking, your shoulders feel stiff under her graze. this must be your sister's classmate, yes you figured it really might be her. you look at your two friends who just had their eyes on you with a worried expression. you smile at danielle before scratching your cheeks and nodding.
"oh yeah, right. i'm her sister, is there anything i can help you with?" you ask danielle who only smiled brighter and even giggled. "wow, i've been hearing a lot about you since the division competition and i was so stoked to see you." minji and hanni exchanged looks as you and danielle stood face to face between the duo. you feel your blood boiling upwards to your cheeks causing it to glow red.
you're super sure you've never seen a girl as pretty as danielle, maybe there were some before but if you were to be really honest it really feels like you're talking to the sun itself with the way the girl glows right in front of your eyes.
it's blinding and even the way she smiles doesn't help it.
"ah, yeah... i'm also excited about it. you're also competing right? for the HYBE chronicles..?" you ask her, sounding so cheesy and sheepish hanni felt like she was about to vomit on the spot, but danielle only nodded and even gave you a small tap on your shoulders.
the way her soft fingers trailed on your blazer caused you to almost fall. almost.
"yes! we're publishing our online newspaper and we'll also take our legacy by printing out these papers and submitting them in an international competition." the way danielle talks about it, made her seem more amazing to your eyes — you barely even know this girl but the way she carried herself almost had you wanting to carry her too, with your not-so-flimsy arms.
"god... that sounds amazing." you barely even understand whatever she was saying but you were sure enough that you knew what that meant: danielle is everyone's it girl.
hanni grimaced at your response and minji couldn't help but chuckle, even putting a hand on her mouth. "i know right? you must feel very happy about yours too, i can't wait to cheer you on! good luck." with that, danielle bid her goodbye and left, leaving you with your two idiotic friends.
"ho! ho! hold on! what was that?" hanni asks, holding her hands to your face with a surprise look on her face, minji shrugs and smiles— seeing your lovestruck face at the encounter with such a gorgeous girl. you smile, blinking your eyes slowly, watching danielle go back to talking with her friends. "i don't know..." you mutter.
"wow, she actually knows you? i didn't expect she'd care." minji laughs, she's kidding actually, it's not like you're not that popular too but she likes messing with you sometimes. "you're pulling girls now?" hanni asks, raising her brow at you, you shake your head and bury your face on your palm, smiling. "no! god leave me alone hanni." you say, but smiling hard as you turn away — the duo looks at each other and shrugs.
"i'm still embarrassed by the fact i used an account named minji's toenail and danielle saw it." you sigh as you plopped down your bed, you had your two amazing friends to stay with you in your room before you go through a long training session for the tournament. minji rolls her eyes at your statement.
"how are you more embarrassed? that's literally my toenail." minji scoffs, earning a laughter from hanni who gripped the edge of your table. "i'm so sorry minji, just don't send photos of your toenail next time alright?" hanni says, wiping a tear from her eyes.
"why not? that was such a silly impression to make." you tell your friends, minji sits next to you on your bed — her weight sinking. "since when did you care about your impression to girls? last time i checked you couldn't even answer a simple mathematical problem to impress a girl." minji crosses her arms on her chest, looking down at you.
"and you used to have stomach aches when a girl talks to you." hanni adds, this causes you to scoff with how true their words are.
yes, you used to never care about your impression on girls even if you'd regret it after since you used to have the biggest and most pathetic crushes on girls you were sure you can never have.
maybe because you've grown or was it really because it's danielle — but you can't ever fuck it up, you don't want to mess this up, there's no way you'll let go of the chance god has given you to crawl your way to danielle's life.
"call it puberty hanni, but i swear i've never seen a girl as pretty as danielle before — not as smart and not as kind." you sit up on your bed and look at your friends, minji scrunches her face at you. "again, how sure are you? you don't even know her." she says. you give minji a deadpan look and answer. "do you? that's why i need to make a good impression and get to know her so we can be friends and eventually i can ask her out."
"i do admire you for considering being friends first with her. but hey, i think you've already made a good impression i mean she did approach you, right?" hanni being a good friend for once says. you look at her and shrug. "really?" you ask.
minji rolls her eyes. "you have a fucked up sense of self-esteem huh? she literally said she's stoked to see you because she's heard of you. she's the head of the sports writing and chief editor of the HYBE chronicles. how will she not have such an impression of you?"
you stand up and look at your friends, your back facing your door as you raise your hands. "woah, you mean i have the chance?" you ask your friends, causing them to grimace together. hanni looks at you with disbelief. "of course you have dumbass!" causing minji to laugh.
"we'll support you in your tournament just in case danielle's present there."
the door opens slightly and your friends all look surprised to see the person behind you, you turn around to follow their gazes only to see danielle standing there with the doorknob in her hand. "oh! sorry, i didn't know where youngseo's room was." you stare at her with no words and smile. "it's okay... you'll sleepover in youngseo's room?" you ask, fully turning your body around and blocking your friends' view of danielle.
"yes, we have another project together and i thought it would be a great idea to stay over for the night." danielle answers, smiling at you brightly — your face lightens up, warmth engulfed your cheeks and ears start to burn red. "really? have you eaten dinner yet?" you ask again, tilting your head with a silly smile. danielle shakes her head and giggles. "not yet, i have just arrived." you put a hand on your cheek and look away. "oh okay, the door next to mine is youngseo's room —"
"danielle! what are you doing there? my sis and her annoying friends are there." youngseo exits her room and looks at you with a deadpan expression. danielle nods and waves at your sister. "oh, i thought this was your room." danielle looks back at you and peeks at your friends waving her hand. "bye guys and..." she looks at your again and taps your shoulder. "bye y/n." before leaving and entering your sister's room.
"oh my god is that danielle!?" hanni stands up from her seat and puts her hands on her head with a surprised look on her face. minji laughs and slaps her thighs. you turn around and close the door with a stupid smile, limply making your way to your bed to throw yourself again. "you should be nice to your sister, she's carrying all these interactions on her back." minji says, patting your back.
you breathe heavily, trying to process the situation with the way danielle touched your shoulder. it felt like a feather fell on your way with how soft her fingers were.
you push yourself up with a determined expression. "i have an idea." you propose.
"you'll cook a meal for youngseo and her friend?" hanni asks, following you as you enter inside the kitchen and starts checking for ingredients around the cabinets. minji stands next to hanni, nodding her head. "no, i'll cook meals for us." you correct her and continue rummaging around any drawers or cabinets you see. "but technically because danielle's here. i mean, when did you cook for us anyway?" minji raises her hands and raises her brows.
"don't forget some nights." you grumble and glare at minji as you prefer the ingredients, minji scrunches her face. "reluctantly." she corrects you.
you ignore her and start chopping garlic and opening the stove, placing the pan on the stove to let it heat while the duo takes their time to gossip together at the kitchen diner table.
"i didn't think about writing academic papers being this hard before, i can usually ace them without doing so much." youngseo sighs as she leans on her coffee table with a small grumble, muttering a curse about how writing papers at their age seems to have been more difficult than it did before. lately, their projects have been revolving around writing lab reports and academic papers such as essays and position papers, even manifestos.
and youngseo is smart herself but usually she's more of a science and mathematics smart not writing smart, good thing she met danielle who's known for her writing wits, whether it may be creative writing or not.
"academic writing is like driving school, there's sets of rules you need to follow and it's really hard to master writing but once you get a hang out of it — you'll find yourself looking for the thrill again and again." danielle says, leaning on the table too and giving the younger lee a bright smile.
"oh, by the way — we haven't had dinner yet and i think there's food downstairs. wanna come?" youngseo stands up and rushes to her door with danielle following her. "okay, i don't mind." she smiles and follows youngseo downstairs where they walk past the living room to the kitchen where they see kim minji and pham hanni discussing personal topics as well as you cooking on the kitchen.
"woah why are you three here?" youngseo asks, walking behind minji who remains seated, while hanni follows youngseo with her gaze— danielle stands at the entrance watching the four girls. "your sister's cooking dinner for us and uh, i personally love her cooking." hanni laughs sheepishly and looks at minji who smiles at danielle and offers her a seat. "yes, i think danielle would love her cooking." minji says, danielle smiles at her and shakes her hand.
youngseo looks at you and to the pasta you're making. "i'm gonna remember this." she whispers and takes a seat beside minji, the three girls start a conversation and danielle makes her way to you. "what are you cooking?" she asks, hands behind her as she sways delicately to the melody of nothing, the delicious smell of the food wafts around the place and danielle just couldn't help but take a peek.
"oh vegetables? i love vegetables!" danielle says, you laugh but still have your eyes on the pan and nod at her. "yeah me too but minji hates them." you say, causing her to giggle too.
"i think it looks great and definitely tastes great too." you nod at her and smile, finally turning your head to look at her — it makes her heart flutter, something that feels nice but new, something she was happy to welcome with open arms.
"of course, i made sure it does." you tell her.
"come on minji, how are you almost 20 and still can't eat vegetables?" hanni grumbles as you all start to eat and you serve minji a plate of pasta without some of the vegetables. minji ignores hanni but earns a laughter from youngseo.
after eating dinner, you ask for all of them to leave as you were about to clean the table and plates but danielle insists on staying to help you out — this was a cue for the two of your friends to drag youngseo out of it. "oh come on! what are you doing you two!?" your sister complains as she was being dragged away.
"that was such a nice dinner, i loved it!" danielle says as she helps you take the plates out of the table, you smile at her and feel the way your blood runs hot to your cheeks, causing you to look down to avoid her gaze.
"thanks, i rarely cook here since our mom does most stuff but she's out with dad so — i kind of thought maybe i'll cook again." you tell danielle as you place the plates on the sink, she looks at you with glimmering eyes. "i did hear youngseo say the same thing before and she mentioned how she likes your cooking too."
"my sister is a little tsundere sometimes you know?" you laugh as you tell that to danielle, she giggles and nods her head. "she's so nice though and smart." danielle adds.
danielle helped you in washing the dishes, you talk about your experiences at the table tennis career of yours, what dreams you have for yourself as well as danielle's life as the chief editor of the HYBE chronicles journalism organization, how her journey started and what traits you share in common.
she's pretty spontaneous but likes to plan ahead cause it excites her, she likes vegetables and loves her family so much, she can get a little stubborn and she's always happy, she wants to bring positive vibes to everyone around her.
you tell her a lot about yourself too, your relationship with youngseo, how much your sport means to you and your friends too, how amazing they are even though you'd rather die than tell that to them cause hanni's gonna make fun of you.
"thanks for tonight." danielle gives her brightest smile, and it's almost like you were given the chance to take a peek of the milky way galaxy from her eyes the way her pupils shine bright lights. you couldn't help but smile too, you nod at her and try to keep looking at her eyes. "yeah, thanks too it's not much but i had so much fun." you stare at her for a while before looking away, both of you standing in the middle of the corridor where your room and your sister's room were located.
the lights were turned off already and the only source of lights were the window where the moonlight was present.
once again, danielle gives your shoulder a light tap to get your attention.
you steel yourself before turning around and you're greeted with her face close to yours. "don't tell this to anyone but — if you ever get the chance to compete in japan, let's go on a date, yeah?" danielle whispers and you feel yourself about to crumble to the floor with how close she was, you blink almost too many times to try and wake yourself up from what kind of dream this was but it wasn't working.
"ah, uhm... yeah, sure..." you mutter, still surprised but danielle couldn't help but giggle at your reaction, seeing how flustered you were.
you feel embarrassed but happy too, yes, you're definitely happy — who wouldn't right?
you began to laugh sheepishly and this had danielle laughing too.
"you're so cute," she pauses and reaches for your cheek to pinch it. "see you tomorrow." she continues before leaving and not even waiting for your response because she knows you wouldn't be able to function after what she did.
"i need to win and get to the nationals!" as soon as you enter inside your room you surprise your two friends with your shouting. "oh my god y/n! can you not do this tonight?" hanni grumbles before standing up and grabbing your shoulders. "what's gone into you?" she stares at your face.
"i need to train tomorrow!" you shake hanni's hands off of you. "18 hours practice, yes that's perfect!" you walk around your room whispering encouragement to yourself that had your two friends thinking you're possessed.
"you should cheer on your sister." danielle says as she enters your sister's room. youngseo sighs and rolls her eyes. "she's such a big baby." youngseo mutters before going back to reading her book, danielle laughs and sits next to youngseo, embracing the younger lee in a hug. "oh—! what's gotten into you? did her crazy friends possess you?" youngseo asks, trying to push danielle off of her.
danielle only smiles, not pulling away. "i just think your presence will help her win... i'll accompany you if you want." danielle looks at youngseo with a persuasive smile.
youngseo gives her a deadpan look before speaking. "you like her don't you?"
danielle laughs and shakes her head. "no!"
"really? danielle don't you dare lie to me!"
"i swear."
did you really come here to see her?"
danielle pushes youngseo away.
"i doubt it."
"well, yeah maybe a little."
"oh come on dani!" youngseo jumps on danielle on her bed, causing the girl to burst into laughters.
that night made danielle realize that maybe it's not like something or someone has been missing in her life for a long time, it's just that maybe a part of her is looking for that something as an addition to her life — she needed a bit of color, she found that it might be that she have only realized it when she first saw you, it's not on that day you first saw her on the campus after you embarrassed yourself using your friend's account — but it's has been a long time since that fateful day when you handed her a copy of your textbook, you didn't even bother asking her name or telling yours, it's so funny because you don't even remember that day.
ever since then, danielle has been looking out for another day the gods above will tie your strings together again.
and when that time comes, she'll never let your strings go again.
she's been so patient, always cheering out for you from afar, hoping someday you'll eventually notice her and to her surprise — and to yours, that day brought you two together again as funny as it sounds, it was destined to her eyes, it was meant to be.
#female reader#kpop#kpop imagines#newjeans#newjeans imagines#girl group#girlgroup imagines#hanni#kim minji#newjeans minji#newjeans hanni#newjeans danielle#danielle marsh#danielle
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Tex is a good movie you guys are just mean
i watched it like... two weeks ago? i think? anyway. i've now gone insane but here's all apparently 2400 words of my notes i took in google docs while watching the movie. highly highly HIGHLY recommend watching it or reading the book for anybody who cares about the outsiders because just. oh you just should read it and you'll understand.
spoilers for tex (and twttin) (and the outsiders mostly bc i have zero chill about anything ever and can't shut up about it) below!!!!!
also sorry for all the blurry pictures i took of my laptop screen while watching the movie, youtube wouldn't let me screenshot :/ & if any of this doesn't make sense or has headcanons dumped into it don't look @ me i didn't edit it before posting <3
btw this post doesn't look right on tumblr mobile for me for some reason so im gonna link the google doc here where it DOES for SURE look right lol
tex kisses his horse TWICE in the first MINUTE of the movie
also says he’s “a quarter horse by birth” to jamie he fully admits to the horse girl allegations <3
tex staring open mouthed at his teacher “authors can write more than one book?!?”
the board game behind mason when tex yells at him for selling the horses is called “breaking point”

after they fight and tex runs out (WITH BLOOD STILL ON HIS FACE) Mason kicks shit around on the kitchen floor like a child (valid)
Tex walking down the street for HOURS to find his horse gives soda when that guy sold Mickey Mouse.
like it’s him just walking, and it could be any of the gang really but I’m picturing Steve and Two-Bit pulling up to walk alongside him for a bit but he won’t budge, so they go back and tell Soda’s parents and it’s his dad who picks him up (I wrote this btw and it’s also on my ao3 <3)
he cries the whole night
“I got a rope here to tie you up and drag you home if I have to” Mace jokes when Tex spends the entire afternoon walking aimlessly down the road to find his horse, even ignoring his best friend & love interest
Tex angrily elbows the car when mason tells him to get in (gets in anyway)
Robert comes over and looks disgusted at a playboy magazine (he is not beating the allegations either. but different allegations)
mason says “MY pop ditched us here” not OUR pop
mason still refers to Pop as both of their father if he knows Tex is listening/is talking to him tho
Mason says he can’t go to college and play basketball even though he’s being offered a full ride scholarship because he’ll have to take care of Tex if Pop doesn’t come home (Mason doesn’t think he will)
Tex doesn’t want to listen to mason saying he’s going to college on this scholarship and never coming back to oklahoma
Tex eats dinner & mason just reads the newspaper on the couch (Tex is so deep in denial about Pop)
“what’s he weigh?” “I dunno what he weighs he just got born and you wanna put him on a diet already?”
they have to sneak in to the Collins’ house all quiet bc Cole’s awake downstairs & then immediately start yelling and shoving around when they get inside ???? BOYS
“I’m gonna go get jamie” simp
“I ain’t scared of Cole” “well good mace I’ll tell him you’re here!”
“Shh get in the closet” that is not going to help your case
Feminist jamie!!!!
“Don’t get her started on that ‘female-ism’ stuff” johnny collins. please
Tex is into it tho
“I’m telling ya, Cole jumps on those guys like a duck on a June bug” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
Mason doesn’t smoke
MACE HAS A LETTERMAN JACKET did he get it from Robert
“You know I don’t see why a guy can’t have a baby if he wants to.” “Yeah? Looks like he can even if he doesn’t want to.”
darry & soda kinda conversation fr
The TULSA state fair?????????
Tex doesn’t want to see the horses :(
“I hope we land in the girlie show!” “nah we can’t man you gotta be 18”
Tex you are SOOOOOO innocent
“Hey you been to the fortune teller yet?” “I’m not wasting my money on that junk”
Tex proceeds to waste his money on it and thinks about what he’s told there for the rest of the goddamn story
Why does Jamie’s redhead friend look like one of the mean girls in season one of stranger things
Tex is fifteen in the movie (his birthday is October 22nd)
“There are people who go, people who stay. You, you will stay.”
Tex is really imagining horses during this like he is NOT paying attention
WHAT DO YOU MEAN “I’m sorry the answer is no” HE DIDNT ASK A QUESTION (the question was implied to be him thinking will he get Rowdy back but. he didn’t get to ask it that was bullshit)
JOHNNY IS JUST PASSED OUT IN THE BED OF THE TRUCK why are these fifteen year olds drunk
It’s explained in the book but what a choice of scenes to cut out bc the whole thing is Charlie’s fault and with how Cole comes by the next day it takes away the meaningfulness of it being COLE’S OLDEST SON THE SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR WHO GOT THEM DRUNK but he’s still accusing mason of being a bad influence on his kids
Tex is definitely a very calm contemplative sad drunk
he has a very good memory—overlooked detail
just wanted to talk about his mom :(
does he—does mason?— blame pop for that?
mason takes his boots off for him I could cry
Cole let Mason practice basketball in peace :(
Troy Bolton + Darry Curtis = Mason McCormick
I love how it cuts from Cole accusing Mace to hungover Tex in bed just going “oh no” when he hears them through the open window
Cole maybe speak to your children and realize they aren’t what you think they are. talk to your kids who moved out too lol. or don’t. we still don’t know why your second child changed their name and moved to California and never speaks to any of your family anymore so maybe it’s best they’re away from you
interesting that Cole calls his son Bob but Mason always calls him Robert and so seems to everyone else
“Don’t you have enough kids of your own to hassle?”
Movie Mason is 18 turning 19 in the summer — does he have custody of Tex? Would he even try?
Cole you would HATEEEEE the East side of Tulsa. You would HATE darry Curtis
Cole Collins looks like the villain in a horse girl movie
which he is
“Two boys living out here alone without the sign of an adult, now that’s really something. I bet the state welfare people would like to know about this.”
Cole your phone is ringing it’s darry curtis he would like to speak to you about minding your damn business before he has to mind it for you
TEX FELL OUT OF BED LMFAO mace doesnt give a fuck
Mason complaining robert shoves dirty magazines in his face… oh you two are so gay (would like to add here I only say that bc I got Darry/Paul brainrot and actually I’ve evolved since to decide Mason is asexual and I will not be taking questions)
Mason: “tex?” Tex (under his bed, toe sticking out of the hole in his sock) “mhmm?” Mason: “you lose something?” Tex: “it’s sorta nice down here. It’s kinda cool and quiet.” Mason: “well maybe you’d like to have breakfast under the kitchen table so you’ll be on time to get under the school bus”
I love them with my whole heart. Really competing for brothers of all time
“Anyway I can’t make it to school today. I woke up sick i think i got a 24 hour virus or smth”
“You’re a minor without a guardian remember?” “(genuine) i thought you were my guardian.”
“So that’s all you think about huh? Going off and being a big basketball star?” “well it beats staying here and being a big screw-up.”
This is so. Mace is so incredibly Darry if he only had one brother coded.
Mace you’re such a try hard who in their right mind WILLINGLY runs suicides even though they got told to take a break

“Tex setting fire to school property is not a little joke! I don’t care what that property happened to be!” “Yes ma’am” “were you mad the teacher?” “no i don’t think there was any psychology involved if that’s what you’re asking. I just thought my sculpture looked better on fire” “tex—” “no really if you had seen it you’d probably agree with me”
Are we still doubting that he’s related to dallas
“He’s my father and i can bitch about him if i want to. Bitch about your own if you ever see him again.” JOHNNY DAMN
“Tex you want a cigarette?” “no thanks” can he teach ponyboy how to do that
Something very funny about matt dillon yelling “hey, johnny!” and trying to stop his friend from getting himself killed in a hintonverse movie
And then immediately trying to get HIMSELF killed
“C’mon, Rowdy” i could CRY he misses his horse so badddddd
Fucks up his arm but god he did it i love himmmmmm
“Im going in to Tulsa wanna come” “yeah. You think we can go see a movie?” omg
Did Tex stare at Mace for the whole ride
“I don’t lie to you, remember?”
Tex stares at Mace the whole ride back too. Well.
Lem’s wearing a yankees hat as if i didn’t not like him enough
Wonder if they live on the east side or not
Oh Mason is IMMEDIATELY on his case about dealing drugs
“You don’t have a wife and kid to feed. You don’t got people depending on you” tex is right there
“What do you think he is, a baboon?” mason points at tex after staring at lem like he’s an idiot (he is)
They had target in the 80s?
I forgot about the Mace is a virgin talk
“But i thought you and bobby both—” “bobby hasnt gone any further than i have. Everybody talks. If you believe everything you hear in a locker room, you’ll never wise up.”
Gay shit actually
Oh no
Oh no it’s mark
Oh no it’s mark
Oh mark
Mark you should’ve just hidden out somewhere i heard there’s this abandoned church out in—oh wait
Still is some joke in here somewhere about people getting help from a character played by matt dillon after killing somebody
We get it Mark you tried to kill Bryon but chickened out shut the fuck up
Did they really cut out Tex going to look at the body
This one reference to TWTTIN is better than that entire movie and book combined
Uh oh Pop’s coming home
Mace should get to hit him
This is cruel and unusual punishment this little bitch girl doesn’t deserve Rowdy
The way he tosses the carrots out i could cry
AND HE FINDS THE FUCKING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION??????????? He should rip it up like Mason ripped up his heart by selling his horse to a little bitch girl
I think he did actually hide it. Good. also a federal crime but oh well
Yknow pointing and laughing doesn't help your case in saying you didn’t do it
Cathy you snitch shut the fuck up this is why ponyboy dumped you (that and he’s gay but that’s beside the point)
Uh oh
Are we gonna ignore Lem with drugs in his car being parked outside a high school
Lem taking a teenager to a drug deal he already knows is gonna go south is so fucked up.
“Wish you looked a little meaner—” he could. He could. Lem did you ever hear about a guy in tulsa about ten years ago named dallas winston? Did you? Do you know?
“If there is a hassle, they’ll be sorry, ‘cause i really feel like making somebody sorry.” DALLAS?????????
I’m getting soc vibes from these guys. High rise building, shit-talking poor country kids, “This is Tulsa, and we got ways of doing things.” ten years ago these guys jumped some kids in an east side park and watched their buddy bleed out in the fountain, and now they’re shooting teenagers with anger issues
Tex holding a gun to the guy cause he’s going out of his mind… having to be talked down, wanting to kill him oh my god
“What if he hadn’t missed you?” “he didnt.”
If i had a nickel for every time matt dillon got shot in a hintonverse film and then called somebody while delirious i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right
Calling jamie to ask his phone number to call mace oh my god. Oh my god “i got shot i wanna talk to mason
The blood on his cowboy boots
He’s just a kid <3
The first thing tex says is “i don’t hate you” and mace is speechless ugh and he just has to watch them wheel tex into surgery :(((((((((((
Mason saying he’s staying home instead of going to college because of Tex and because Pop “has to” leave again…
Pop doesn’t deserve to be here, doesn't deserve to ask for Mace to give them space, it’s bullshit
I forgot their mom’s name is Clare
I don’t think we learn Pop’s real name?
Pop got arrested for bootlegging when Mason was two
“So when you were in prison she was out screwing around?” “don’t talk about your mama that way, boy. She was 19, she was alone—”
I blame that damn golden-eyed cowboy, which. ugh. I could go ONNNN
“When you paid more attention to Mace than me, was that why?” “I reckon.”
This line is so utterly heartbreaking. But I’m glad Pop doesn’t apologize because it wouldn’t really mean much, would it?
Okay Jamie and Johnny sneaking into his hospital room is sweet as hell
He still has the bandana from his cowboy hat and Mason’s application stuff and he’s gonna send it in for him 🥹
“By the way that guy in admissions says you got good taste in reading.” “huh?” “he said smokey the cowhorse is his favorite book too.”
I cant decide if mason is ugly or not but when he smiles he looks so happy
And tex working at the horse ranch!!! He looks so happy
Tex is like if Soda and Pony were the same person
They are so brothers <3
“He’s not a bad person, Mace.” “Yeah, but he ain’t much of a father.” “Well, you ain’t either and you’ve been trying longer.”
“You better practice! It’s rough where you’re going!” “Yeah, it’s pretty rough where you’re staying.” “But I’ll make it.”
#tex 1982#tex mccormick#mason mccormick#tex book#tex se hinton#twttin#the outsiders#that was then this is now#<- bc they're mentioned a lot ok i wont tag characters tho bc that would be too annoying#my post#julie writes stuff#kinda
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hey hey I finished reading your "the adults are talking" and you WRECKED ME, like I genuinely don't think you could understand how absolutely ripped apart and splayed open I was. I was crying thick sob tears and putting the fic down, just to pick it back up and immediately start crying again. happened like 4 times.
you wrote it so, so wonderfully, and truly captured insecure Lance in a way that broke me. the characterization in each paladin member was distinctive and fit in the scenario, from their emotional reactions, to their outward displays, to the unique patterns of their speech (and even writing, for Keith n Lance). I loved how you wrote Keith and Lance, but I also absolutely loved the scene where Shiro talks to Lance, cause FUCK, it fucking hurt but was SO in character for him. devastating blow.
also the idea is so perfect? especially for langst?? and executed even more perfectly????? the pacing carried the emotion through it, never too rushed or slow, it was just... perfect.
anyways I'm currently reading through the other KL fics you've got and immensely enjoying the experience, but I needed to tell you how much this fic got to me. you wonderful wonderful writer 🙏
quick link to fic before my response: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59321800
*hands you a tissue for your tears* sorry?? I suppose?? But also your welcome?? I suppose??
It means so much to me that you like my work. Like so much. I'm like squirming with excitement, which is not good because it's causing my laptop to connect/disconnect from charging repeatedly (my charger is weird idk and my laptop's on my lap).
I can never tell how my writing is perceived to others because I'm so used to my words so every time I read it I'm like "okay....ig??" So this is great confirmation that my writing does NOT SUCK THANK YOU!! Thank you very much. It means a lot to my writer heart.
I think speaking is such a valuable and preferred method of communication to Lance. More than having a lot on his mind to say, I think it is a way for him to genuinely connect with people and he puts a lot of weight into his words and the words of people around him (especially if those words are directed at him). I'd like to think that its importance to him is a double edged blade. There are positives such as treasurable interactions, being able to express himself, having a thriving social life, etc. But there are also negatives like over-picking people's words or lack thereof, worrying about saying the wrong thing or too much/too little, putting so much value into his words that it starts to feel meaningless, etc. I wanted to play with the balance between these factors and that's how I came up with this fic!
I'm glad that the way I portrayed his thoughts and feelings resonated with you. I struggle with similar anxieties and it was very natural for me to write Lance's perspective in this fic, so I understand why it would feel personal. I hope that you are never in a situation where uh...you get zapped and your voice box gets paralyzed so you can't speak and are in imminent pain?? But in all seriousness, there is importance to yourself and your words no matter what you or others lead you to believe. Similar to the way I didn't realize the extent of the impact my fic had on people, you might not realize the impact you have on other people. Exhibit A: Your message to me was genuinely so kind and every single sentence you took the time to write means so much to me. I'm definitely coming back to this ask whenever I'm feeling down.
On another note, I feel so bad for making you cry that I'm thinking of writing a Lance Fluff fic to make up for it. What would that be called? If there's Langst, then would that be L' Fluff? Lafluff? L' Hurt/Comfort? If you have any requests or ideas let me know because I'm writing it with you in mind- no pressure, though.
Anyways see you around! I hope you have a good day and week and month and forever and read more good KL fics! Once again, thanks so much for reading!
#Klance#klance fic#langst#lance mcclain#keith kogane#vld fic#voltron legendary defenders#my first ask about a fic I wrote#AHHHHHHHHHHHHH#thinking about printing this out and putting it on my wall but I don't want my friends to find my tumblr#maybe Ill censor my handle lmao
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Of Palaces, Princes and Magic - Thor x (Fem)Reader
Warnings: Clueless, powerless Thor from 2011. Tons of fluff
Summary: Wandering arround your home Thor discovers evidence of the fairytale fantasies of your childhood and promises to make your dreams come true.
Note: I wrote this last night on my phone with the last bits of battery I had and post it on the morning from the laptop. There is no editing or proofread.
Tags: @thorsslxve
Allowing a stranger inside your home wasn't your initial intention, but you kept stumbling with him untill you realized he had nowhere else to go. From the barely understandable bits of explanations you got from him, your first guess was that he may have just escaped from a cult, but that didn't make him necesarily dangerous. He was lost, clueless of the world after abandoning the place that was all he ever knew. You did remember him mentioning something over the lines of ' being casted out as a punishment' and that seemed to comfirm your theory. A cult linked to norse mythology, with a leader believing himself to be Odin who had raised him as his son.
Thor lived in a fantasy world and you could tell he was harmless because he never meant to hurt you in any way. He probably required of professional help, but to get there he needed to reach some bassical functionality. If many people would get to hear more of his nonsense, he would end up locked and that possibility saddened you deeply. As far as you could tell, he probably had been physically disconnected from the world all his life already. Besides, it was clear that he trusted you, because the out of place displays of odd arrogance he had with everyone else didn't happen much between you. For you he only had a quirky but lovely chivalry that sometimes was enough to make you live his fantasy for a while.
From all the decorative details in the place, his atention was focused in a miniature replica of Cinderella's castle you had on a table near your bookshelves. A beautifull toy incluiding small figures of characters to habitate it, so delicated and romantic that you kept it as decoration even if you wouldn't play with it anymore like when you were a little girl.
" Do you like it? " You asked him, followed with a sweet smile of encouragement. " It was my favorite growing up ... I'm a grown up woman and I still love it."
The last part of the explanation confused him a bit.
" I don't see why age would fundamentally change your appreciation, it's a fine sculpture of a castle fitting for the aesthetic preferences of a lady."
You couldn't help chuckling a bit, then showed him how to unfold the toy in order to see the inside and put it all back in.
" It's a toy, for little girls to play with." You corrected him. " Many girls enjoy playing pretend to be princesses as children, but when we reach a certain age we stop thinking of palaces, princes and magic... Unless we are reading a fantasy novel or something like that. It's stuff of tales and Disney movies, not reality."
The answer surprised him even more, but there was some sort of sadness in it. Pretty much as if he took pitty on the fact.
" Are people like me casted out to remain only in the literature of this realm?" He asked, with genuine curiosity. " Which tale does this castle tells? If there is any, as your words suggest."
Even in the simplest of details, the conversations with him allways felt like the dialogue of a fairytale.
" If someone would tell me that you have came out from the pages of a fantasy book, I would believe it."
" Yet you can't believe that Asgard is my homeland." He mocked you in return. " I'll convince you, all your doubts will be clarified once I will have my mighty power back."
You didn't argue with him, there was no need at the moment.
" Alright, your highness ... Do you still want me to tell you the tale?"
Thor smiled in agreement and you began to narrate using the playset castle as a visual guide. The fact that a grown man was just being introduced to the tale of Cinderella felt quite odd, but very cute. He was particularly intrigued with the fact that the King found no issue on letting his son marry a servant that presented herself to him magically disguised just because she was the owner of the crystal shoe.
" ... Even if she was the rightfull heir of the household, her stepmother made her a slave and that's a downgrade that should have disqualified her at the eyes of the King. How could the prince convince him of blessing that union? "
He was taking the story seriously and it was hard to provide answers in that perspective.
" I guess he simply indulged his son and let him marry the woman he loved. Prince Charming fell for Cinderella at the Royal Ball, he had no idea of who she was back then. The girl was a princess in spirit and maybe the King saw that, the crystal shoe proved her worthy of the prince."
For some reason, your answer made him smile a bight brighter than before.
" I believe you are a princess in spirit. " Thor sweetly confessed. " ... and a magnificent storyteller."
His pure cuteness was too much for you and behind your own smile heat has started to take over your face.
" Me, a princess? Please! You don't have to flatter me for hospitality. I haven't wore a tiara since I was eight."
Thor looked at the little figures of Cinderella and Prince Charming in their miniature balcony, then glanced back at you as if a new strange idea had just occured to him.
" What if you could experience what's like to be a princess? Would you believe me then?" He asked you out of sudden. " Not only about Asgard, but about my very sincere perceptions of you."
You began to wonder if the last part was some sort of romantical approach and were quite confused about that. He was very sweet and you loved his company. It could be said that you fancied him too, but encouraging him would be taking advantage of the strange situation and you would never do that.
" It's allright, Thor. I'm fine just like this. We are friends, you can help me arround ... "
" I insist, that's how I will repay you for all the troubles I have caused. " He cutted you off with determination. " I will take you to a real Royal Ball."
He sounded so serious about it that you began to question your own sanity.
" The noblefolk would be judging, It's a bad idea. "
" They will see you like I do." He optimistically replicated. " Your looks will reflect your royal spirit and you will not have to flee at midnight. If that's your desire, you will get to dance with a real prince ... Maybe two, if Loki also requires it. Ask him nicely and we may convince him of hexing your shoes to look as if made of crystal."
You giggled out of a pure,sweet surprise while hearing the details of the fantasy he was almost roping you in.
" That's very sweet. You are the sweetest man I have ever known."
You were gazing into each other's eyes when he formalized the promise.
"Currently less than what you deserve, but I will fix that soon. I will be back to my former glory, I will be worthy of you and In honor of your infinite kindness and patience, I shall make your dreams come true. "
#thor x reader#thor odinson x reader#thor#thor odinson#chris hemsworth#chris hemsworth x reader#thor 2011#marvel fanfiction#mcu fanfiction#mcu x reader#marvel x reader
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Hi hi!!
If your requests are open may I please request period comfort with ikey?
If your not comfy with this please just ignore!!
Hope your doing well~
hi anon!! thank you for sending this request in, my apologies for my tardiness ╥﹏╥ writer's block is really hitting me, but i hope you enjoy these headcanons for ikey ♡
note: afab! reader

you knew that your period was coming so you prepared in advance — putting on a pad/tampon before heading to bed.
the next morning, you were woken up by the familiar yet annoying feeling of your period cramps in your lower abdomen.
yep, it's here. right on time. and it hurts just as much as the last time if not more.
you sigh inwardly and turn to look at your boyfriend sleeping peacefully beside you. you were immobilised from the pain and you didn't want to wake him up, so you had no choice but to just stare at the ceiling, wishing that the pain would magically go away.
after what seemed like an hour, you hear ike start to rouse. he does a little stretch and his eyes slowly flutter open.
"good morning my love."
"good morning ikey." you muster a smile, trying not to let your face twist in pain from the intense cramps.
ike sees through your facade and moves closer to rub your back.
"it's that time of the month again huh?" ike's eyes are full of concern as he looks at you.
"yeah...i can't really move because it hurts so much." you respond with a strained voice, your face twisting in pain.

ike would know when your period is coming because he would note it down on his calendar in his phone
beforehand, he would prepare a bag full of things that you would need, like pads, tampons, snacks and a hot water bottle
he would then bring in that bag and set it on the bed, he calls it "the y/n care package"
if you wanted to go change your pad/tampon, he'd princess carry you to the bathroom and carry you back to the bed
seeing you in so much pain makes him feel sad
"i'm so sorry that you have to go through this every month. i wish you didn't have to."
he would then run off to go put hot water in the hot water bottle for you and also bring some painkillers if you wanted to take them
if you wanted any other snack or had any cravings for a particular food, he'd run to the store to go get it
you'd feel bad that he's spending all this time taking care of you when you know how much work he has waiting for him
but he always assures you that he would take care of you first, make sure you're okay before going off to do his work
if he really needed to get work done, he'd bring his laptop into the bedroom to work on the side while one of his hands is rubbing your back/lower abdomen
if you hadn't prepared beforehand and stained the bed ...
he would assure you that he's not bothered by it at all
"sweetheart, every person that has a uterus goes through this every month, it's normal. don't worry okay? i'm not grossed out by it at all."
he'd then run you a hot bath and princess carry you to the bathroom
while you're in the bath, he'd go put the sheets in the washing machine and put on some new ones
he'd then get some painkillers and place them on the bathroom counter if you wanted to take it
after you're done with your bath, he'd carry you back to bed and ask if you need him to go get anything from the store
after you give him a list of things to get, he'd run off to the store to grab everything
when he's back he'd lay everything out on the bed, putting some on the bedside table as well
then he'd grab his laptop and hop back into bed to cuddle you
"i'm so sorry my love, i hope you don't mind me doing some work on the side, i just have a lot i need to get done."
if he notices that you're getting sleepy, he'd read you a poem or sing to you till you fall asleep
he'd then kiss your forehead and continue doing his work, making sure to always be by your side
ike is 100% husband material, i don't make the rules the rest of the luxiem boys will be posted sometime soon, i'll put the link to that on here once i've posted it ♡
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The Tang Chronicles - Chapter 6
Rating: G
Word Count: ~3,031
Characters: Tang, Pigsy, MK, Pigsy's Grandmother
Summary: Tang has finally handed in his final assignment for uni and celebrations are in order! Unfortunately though, it's not just his course that's come to an end.
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Pre-Canon, Pigsy's Grandmother is called Xiùyīng
CW: Mentions of alcohol, brief allusion to alcohol abuse
Link to AO3 Version
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He had done it.
Through blood, sweat and tears - so, so many tears - he had submitted his dissertation and was now finally free from the horrors of academia!
At least, he was until he started his post-grad in the Autumn, assuming he got the passing mark he needed, that was. But! That was something for future Tang to worry about! Right now, he deserved to just feel relieved and happy that the hard part was over.
On his way back home, he'd stopped by Pigsy's to tell everyone the good news and apparently they had been waiting for him.
It wasn't often MK was found in the restaurant during opening hours but he was clearly on lookout duty. Stationed at the booth closest to the window, he was leaning over the back of the chair and scouring the streets.
Tang had to admit, it was quite nice to have someone's face light up so spectacularly when they saw you. MK quickly disappeared from his sight but he was there when he opened the door holding up a very colourful, homemade card and cheering excitedly, "Congat- Congatu- You did it, Mr. Tang!"
He'd managed to arrive just as they'd reopened for dinner and as such it wasn't too busy but the few customers that were here looked very taken with MK's antics. He wasn't sure MK really understood why congratulations were in order but his grin was wide as he took his card from MK.
"For me? Aw, thank you, MK."
On the front of the card was a tall and shining rendition of himself with balloons and streamers surrounding him. On the inside, there were smaller pictures of all the things that MK apparently associated with him - his glasses, his laptop, books, noodles. And in the middle it read, "No more homework!" With many happy faces and words like "Wow", "Yes!" And "Lucky!" all around it.
It was signed MK, Pigsy and Xiùyīng.
Well, maybe he did understand why they were celebrating. He laughed as he closed the card, "Thank you, MK. This is the best "No more homework" card I've ever gotten!"
That got some amused smiles from around the room but MK just beamed at him before hurrying him to his usual seat, "C'mon, we made something special just for you!"
Xiùyīng was there waiting for him and he allowed himself to be swept up in her mighty hug as she congratulated him, "Oh, well done, Mr. Tang." She let him go and smiled at him as she continued, "You must be so relieved, you've worked so hard."
He heard Pigsy snort but he ignored him as he thanked her, "I can't even put into words how glad I am it's over. But you really didn't need to any... thing... for...."
His eyes were glued to the glowing bowl of noodles that had just been sat down on the bar. He swallowed the unseemly amount of saliva that had just materialised and tore his gaze away to look at Pigsy with eyes full of teary wonder as he pointed to the dish, "For me?"
Pigsy rolled his eyes but he was smiling fondly as he pushed the bowl closer, "Obviously. Don't start with the waterworks - you'll ruin the broth with your tears."
He sniffled noisily as he composed himself and sat down. Gratefully he accepted the pair of chopsticks MK was waving at him but before he could take a bite, Pigsy pulled the bowl away from him, "I just need to check - did you actually hand in your dissertation or did you just throw it in the river?"
In the weeks leading up to his deadline, he had gotten increasingly dramatic, threatening to scatter this Heaven forsaken paper to the winds or to burn it and bury the ashes. He huffed as he pulled out his phone and showed Pigsy a picture of him handing in his dissertation.
Mǐnyǒng had also been sceptical of whether he was actually going to go through with it or not and had bullied him into sending evidence that the deed was done - his classmates had found this incredibly funny but they had obligingly filmed and photographed him.
Pigsy nodded his approval and let him snatch his well-earned prize back. He was vaguely aware of Xiùyīng lightly scolding Pigsy but it all melted away as he took his first bite.
"Oi! What did I say about getting tears in the broth!"
He couldn't even slow down long enough to savour it, just shuffled it into his mouth as fast as he could as waterfalls ran down his face.
Xiùyīng helped MK up onto the stool beside him before taking the seat on the kid's other side so they could both tuck into their own special bowls.
Xiùyīng muttered something about too much soy sauce but it was drowned out by MK's happy humming.
When he was finished he looked Pigsy straight in the eye, "Pigsy. That was the greatest thing I've ever eaten."
Trying to hide how pleased he was, Pigsy picked up his empty bowl, "That'll be your way of saying you want more then."
This time, he took the time to savour the food and Pigsy was practically glowing as he waxed poetry about every aspect of it, backed up by MK's enthusiastic nodding and his simple, but heartfelt, compliments like, "It's really tasty!", "It's so shiny!" and, "Even the vegetables are yummy!"
That had, of course, prompted some light-hearted arguing about vegetables but if anything it only added to the enjoyment of the meal.
Eventually, Xiùyīng wisped MK away to clean him up and he got some final congratulations as they left.
His eyes caught on the card MK had made him lying a safe distance away from the splash zone and he picked it up with a smile as he admired it, "What a sweet kid. And he's getting really good with his characters."
Pigsy coughed, "Well, he may have had some help with them."
He laughed quietly, quite charmed that this card had been a collaborative effort, "Well, that doesn't change how much I appreciate it."
Pigsy turned away with a grunt to do some dishes, "Yeah, well, you can show that appreciation by making sure to still come by and visit him. I don't think it's quite clicked that you not having homework means that you'll be round less. He's going to miss you."
He smiled as he propped his cheek against his hand.
MK's going to miss me, huh?
Out loud he said, "I'll be picking up more shifts at the museum soon but I'll still be here at least couple times a week. You know I need my fix."
Pigsy huffed, "You better be." He then turned and pointed a wet wooden spoon at him threateningly, "And I better not hear that you've been sneaking off to have lunch at that noodle shop around the corner from your work - that place is a disgrace!"
It definitely did the job if you were just in the mood for some cheap, greasy food though but still he put a hand on his heart, "I have a stomach of integrity. I would never betray you like that."
Pigsy clearly didn't believe him but he let it go and returned to his dishes before asking, "Uh-huh. You doing anything to celebrate finishing uni then?"
He nodded, "A couple of us are going out for drinks tonight. Nothing too crazy planned but everyone is desperate to cut loose after a month of pure stress."
Pigsy glanced over his shoulder, "You wanting to take something away for later then?"
Coming home drunk to Pigsy's noodles sounded like heaven on earth so he grinned, "Can you double it? Mǐnyǒng is coming out too."
Pigsy nodded and started throwing something together as he commented, "I'll make him his favourite - he deserves it for keeping you out of trouble."
He huffed, "Since when do I get into any trouble?"
Pigsy raised an eyebrow and Tang hastened to clarify, "Drunken troubles! Not weird luck trouble! I'm a perfectly sensible drunk!"
And it was mostly true! While alcohol generally robbed him of his ability to shut up, he didn't tend to lose his filter or feel the need to do anything stupid. If anything, Mǐnyǒng was the more likely of the two of them to get into trouble - very easily persuaded into doing dares and challenges when drunk.
Pigsy looked doubtful and Tang responded, "What do you know anyway! You've never even seen me drunk!"
Pigsy scoffed, "And I'm more than happy to keep it that way. Drinking isn't my thing."
A little surprised, he asked, "What? Like at all?"
He wasn't a huge drinker himself but he did enjoy going out now and then and he thought it was sort of a shame if Pigsy didn't drink at all - it might have been fun to go out together sometime.
Pigsy shrugged and he continued to question, "How come?"
With forced nonchalance, Pigsy responded with his back turned, "My mā drank enough for both of us."
A little thrown by his explanation, he awkwardly got out, "O-oh... Uh, yeah. I guess that could put you off..."
By the rising tension he could see in Pigsy's shoulders, he thought that he might have regretted being so honest but he knew better than to pry and tried to move the conversation on, "Guess that means you wouldn't want to go out sometime, huh? Ah, well. Probably makes you better role model for MK anyway. Oh! Which reminds me! I still owe you that museum tour!"
Pigsy turned to look at him, a little bewildered, "How did that remind you of the museum?"
He'd really just been scrambling for the first safe topic he could think of but he tried to retrospectively apply some logic, "Well, it's a fun day out and we said we'd arrange something when I finally finished my coursework."
Pigsy eyed him oddly before letting it slide, "Right... Well about that. If he'll like it as much as you think he will I'm thinking I might save it as a treat or something for him attending his first day of Summer School. Try and make it as positive experience as possible, y'know?"
Without really thinking, he wondered out loud, "Isn't that how they train dogs? Y'know, give them lots of treats for going to the groomers or whatever?"
Pigsy just stared at him for a moment before apparently deciding not to comment, "So what I was getting at is was that the trip to museum is still a couple of months away."
A little confused, he responded, "Y'know, he can go more than once, right? And the exhibits change all the time."
Pigsy muttered something unintelligible before responding, "Yeah, I know but this is just the way I want to play it, alright?"
Sometimes, there was no understanding Pigsy, and there was no reasoning with him either so he just shrugged, "Suit yourself."
They chatted about how MK was getting on preparing for school and about what his plans were for the rest of the week before Pigsy handed him over his food and warned him to stay safe tonight.
He rolled his eyes but promised to drink responsibly all the same.
Two weeks later, he found himself in his usual seat slumped over the bar as his tears cascaded off the bar to create a small waterfall.
Pigsy had set up a wet floor sign beside him just in time for Xiùyīng and MK arriving back from their trip to the park.
Xiùyīng immediately approached him, "Oh dear, what's happened?"
MK clung to her dress and looked up at him as his eyes welled up with empathetic tears.
Pigsy grunted, "He was dumped."
He sobbed louder in response.
Xiùyīng gasped, a hand coming to her chest, "No! Why? What happened?"
Pigsy translated his incoherent blubbering, "Mǐnyǒng got offered a job in Chéngdū. He's taking it."
Xiùyīng placed a gentle hand on his arm, "Oh, sweetheart."
He wailed, "H-He doesn't even want to try doing long- long-distance!"
To say he was devastated didn't even begin to cover it.
He'd genuinely believed that he and Mǐnyǒng were going to be together for the rest of their lives but Mǐnyǒng wouldn't even entertain the idea of having a long-distance relationship for the year it would take for Tang to finish his masters and then come and join him in Chéngdū.
Did he want to move to Chéngdū? No. But upon receiving the bad news, he'd been severely tempted just to ditch his plans to do a masters just so they could stay together.
His mother had swiftly nipped that idea in the bud however.
Because, of course, she had been the first person he'd called.
Unfortunately, his least favourite older brother also happened to have be visiting when his snotty face had appeared on his mother's phone and he'd zero sympathy to his plight.
"Oh no, māma! Your gay wedding!"
She'd slapped his arm and sent him away before giving him her full attention, "Oh, Tangy. Tell mamā everything."
She'd been exceptionally sympathetic but hadn't minced words when she told him that no man was worth abandoning your education for. No man was ever worth sacrificing anything for.
Unless it was one of her sons, of course, then that was a different story.
He'd no longer been bawling his eyes out by the end of the conversation but he had sniffled an apology about not giving her the gay wedding she wanted. She had shushed him, "Oh, don't you worry about that. You'll find another man and I'll get my wedding yet." She raised her voice, "It's your brother that I'm worried is never going to get married!"
Almost immediately after that call, his other, much more likeable brothers, had messaged him with their condolences. His eldest brother showing he cared by threatening to fly to out and do serious bodily harm if he dropped out of uni for some guy.
Arguments that Mǐnyǒng wasn't just "some guy" and was, in fact, the love of his life were not entertained.
After that, obviously, the next person he had to tell was Pigsy and he'd been crying at the kitchen bar since he'd got here.
Pigsy did not have his mother's gentle way with words and wasn't really in the habit of lying just to make him feel better. And so he refused to tell him what he wanted to hear and agree with him that Mǐnyǒng was going to realise his mistake and change his mind.
He didn't care how unlikely it might be, he was nowhere near ready to accept the truth.
Not when he still had another couple of weeks of living together with Mǐnyǒng to convince him to give a long-distance relationship a shot.
At least, Xiùyīng was better than her grandson when it came to this sort of stuff, even if all she was offering was the generic platitudes of "You'll find someone better." Or "You were too good for him anyway."
Poor MK had no idea what was going on but he was very upset by the fact that Tang was upset and eventually Pigsy had picked him up and taken him upstairs to try and explain the situation and calm him down while Xiùyīng stayed to try and comfort him.
He'd just about pulled himself together by the time the restaurant had opened but he couldn't shake the depressed funk that had taken over him - not even Pigsy's cooking could cheer him up.
And he could tell the way he miserably picked at his food was what really alarmed Pigsy more than anything.
But how could he enjoy anything when perfection personified was about to walk out of his life? How was he ever going to find anyone remotely like Mǐnyǒng?
What if he was doomed to be single forever and he never found love again?
Because as wonderful as his mother liked to tell him he was, he knew he was high maintenance. And he was suddenly ruminating on whether he was the problem and this had been a long time coming. What if Mǐnyǒng had just been waiting for the chance to dump him without hurting his feelings because he was nice like that?
Over the coming weeks Mǐnyǒng would do his best to convince him that wasn't the case at all and that it was all because they were young and had different ambitions and that he didn't want either of them to miss out on opportunities and blah, blah, blah.
It didn't stop the heart ache and it didn't stop his erratic mood swings either.
Pigsy had taken a very tough love approach to it all, enduring his emotional tirade but only offering him cold, hard facts in return. Sourly, he thought it was because Pigsy didn't understand the pain of heart break. Xiùyīng had complained hundreds of times over the years about her grandson's non-existent love life, after all. So what did he know about what he was going through?
In sharp contrast, MK was very empathetic to his mood even if he didn't seem to really understand what had happened still. But he could often be found sat as closely to Tang as he could get away with at the bar, drawing things and offering him various toys to try and cheer him up.
He really wished he would stop and just leave him to his abject misery but he didn't need Pigsy's warning glares to tell him that rebuffing MK's efforts would end badly for him.
Xiùyīng was somewhere in the middle of the two, although she, very unhelpfully, kept mentioning a friend's son or the nice man that always stopped by on a Friday evening for takeout. I mean, could she at least wait until Mǐnyǒng had actually left before trying to set him up with someone new?
But eventually Mǐnyǒng did leave and on top of being depressed about that, he now had the pleasure of experiencing single life for the first time in almost four years and he hated it.
Unfortunately, no-one was particularly impressed with his rebound.
--Chapter End--
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LMK Fanfic Masterlist
#lmk#lmk fanfiction#my fanfiction#originally posted on ao3#tumblr fic#lmk mk#lmk tang#lmk pigsy's grandmother#lmk pigsy#lmk dadsy#pre relationship#lmk freenoodles#au: dadsy#lego monkie kid
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Ashlyn Banner in the Sims 4
will put cc links / what pack items used at the end;; more pictures below
SO uhm. uhm uhm i got randomly possessed with the need to make Ashlyn in the sims. if you haven't read School Bus Graveyard on Webtoon and you like thriller stories pls go read plspslpslspslsplsspls
i do a lot more live mode gameplay than cas gameplay but i love making pretty sims. and it took me 30 minutes to find a braid that is long enough screams sobs wails
im unsure how i feel about the short hair still but @arcaneafterhours told me she loved it so i guess it's fine lmaofhfkg
both of the long hairs are custom content by the same user, but the short hair is from City Living. i think. im away from my laptop rn
also Ashlyn in ""Aiden's sweatshirt"" because i wanted to
and her formal outfit. if you care. those Red doodles of Ashlyn in a suit
and i forgot to take a picture of her full outfit so here's a random screenshot i didn't realize i took on accident until after i sent the pictures to my phone. i was just swapping her outfit but i guess you could say it looks like she's dancing
ANYWAY;; if you scrolled this far i hope you liked this. i think she's pretty
here's a list of the cc links
HAIR: simandy's pinned post has a link to her downloads page. both hairs are in the "extra long" page of the female hairs category. ;; the short hair is from the City Living pack
HEADPHONES: Dissa's Headphones
CLOTHES: Amy's Turtleneck ;; green sweater is from Discover University and i think the "Aiden hoodie" is as well? i don't remember what pack the suit top is from ;; pants and boots are basegame
FACIAL FEATURES: Beetle Eyes 2 ;; EA eyelash remover mod + an eyelash pack. both by Kijiko. can't remember which pack the eyelashes are from so the first link is the overall eyelash page, second two are two downloads i know i have ;; freckles are from High School Years
#sunnybee creations etc#school bus graveyard#ashlyn banner#sims 4#ts4 simblr#ts4 screenshots#ts4 sims
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ᵗᵒʳⁿ ᵖᵃᵍᵉˢ ;; ᵈʳᵈᵗ
Summary: You can tear a page out of a book for countless reasons. The book can have things you don't want to read about, things you don't want others to know, or you simply felt like ripping it out. Whatever the case is, it's impossible to act like the pages were never there. No matter what, there will always be something to prove to you that there are pages missing, and the chances are that you'll know exactly why they're missing. Or, Ace Markey thinks about moments in his life relating to his childhood best friend, Min Jeung. Word Count: 427 A/N: My laptop can only work when it's being plugged in because the battery is dead. I have to use my mom's old one for now, but the fan gets turned on the moment you open it and it bothers me. Anyway, on a note that actually relates to this, this is the first chapter of a short multi-chaptered fic I started working on after Chapter 2's final episode because I started liking imagining Min and Ace as best friends, and them being childhood best friends made it even better. They literally are that in my heart, and you can't convince me otherwise. You can just take this as an advertisement to read this on other sites because Tumblr isn't the best place to post multi-chaptered works. If you're interested in reading more, the links to where you can read it in places where it will eventually have the other chapters will be provided at the end. And don't forget your daily clicks!

the future marks a path unknown to us. pebbles poke at my feet, while thorns poke into yours. we will still walk side by side. do you remember?
The first time Ace Markey met Min Jeung was on the first day of first grade.
Ace didn't want to go to school. He had no friends there. In his first grade class, he already knew were going to be some people from kindergarten, but he didn't like any of them, and none of them liked him. Everyone else there were strangers. With so many people telling him not to trust strangers, it made it hard for him to understand why he was being put in a place with so many of them for so long.
Ace's first grade classroom had desks arranged in rows where there were two desks were pushed next to each other. They were placed randomly to help give the children an opportunity to talk to someone they might never have seen before. His desk was next to a stranger. The first thing he noticed about her was that she had really long hair, and some of it was falling over her eyes. He had immediately wondered if she had ever gone to a barbershop before and if he could introduce her to his. She always smiled when he told her his first opinions about her.
His first words to her were a simple, "Hi." He had decided that the new girl couldn't be that bad and was trying to get someone to play with at recess. He had no one else, so he might as well take advantage of what the teacher had tried to do.
The girl looked at him with really bright purple eyes. They looked so unnatural that, back then, he thought they looked weird, and it was good her hair was starting to cover them up. "Hi," she said.
"My name is Ace," he said. "What is your name?"
"Min," she said.
"Where do you come from?"
"My country?"
"No, school."
"Another town."
"You moved here? From where?" Ace had never moved before, but he saw it a lot on TV shows. His past self could never see himself leaving his home to move into another one down the street, let alone leaving the United States of America to live somewhere else entirely.
"I can show you on a map."
"What is a map?"
Min gave him a look he never saw anyone have before. She was suddenly interested in her school supplies. Now, Ace knew Min had thought he was stupid, but back then, he didn't know what he did. All he did know was that he wasn't going to be playing with anyone at recess today.

Short chapter, but that's really how they all are. Anyway, if you want to read more, you can read it on Wattpad or AO3! Please note that the rest of this work will have spoilers for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. It's just this chapter that didn't have it. If you would rather read more on Tumblr, just ask me for the next part. I won't constantly be updating this on Tumblr though, especially with my laptop deciding it lived a long enough life, so it's up to you to keep asking for new parts. Still, if you got this far, thank you for reading!
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Hi Cereal! Hope
Your day is going well so far! 9 and 15 for the fic asks? :)
HI ISA THANK YOU!!! i was waiting til i got home to answer!
9: How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I can't really remember EXACTLY, but back when i was a child in the early 2000s days of internet and on neoseeker forums, i liked seeing stories people would write in the forums dedicated to more creative things, be it fanfic or original stories. i read fics on ffnet, and my cousin even wrote some harvest moon fics that my other cousin and i would read and talk about lol. honestly it always comes back to harvest moon; i liked reading and posting in the threads/forums for harvest moon fics/roleplays [they were BAD bc i was like. 10 years old more or less lol, but i had fun and no concept of what good writing meant]
i don't really remember what got me into writing fics again more """seriously"""" when i got a little older. i never made a ffnet account despite reading and commenting anonymously for a good few years, and i dont remember how or why i made an ao3.
i was under the impression that rvb was what started it, but i remembered recently that like. i KNOW i wrote some homestuck oneshots back in the day. i very specifically can recall a silly croxy oneshot i wrote, but it's nowhere to be found on my ao3.... and there's even evidence of me having done a homestuck secret santa fic swap bc i have one in my gifts from someone and im p sure thats what it was from. so like, i THINK i mustve made ao3 during my homestuck era [bc that came before rvb; i got into homestuck in high school and i didnt know rvb until i started college] but i guess at some point i got embarrassed about my old homestuck fics and deleted them? which i dont really remember doing, so i have no idea when that happened lol. that or i only ever posted them on tumblr.... if i even posted them here? idr!
anyway. tldr: it always comes back to harvest moon / video game forum neoseeker / in general i just get possessed by The Madness and have to write it down. thats what drives me more recently lol.
15: Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
jdkfhsklg. there's a small handful of people from irl that follow me here and i do cross post my fics to tumblr so i'd imagine yes, but none of them are into twst which is currently the only thing ive really been writing fics for these days. i also get too embarrassed if i think about it too long so i like to pretend no one knows LOL please dont perceive my antics....
but also when i got BACK into writing fics after like a year or two of not writing anything, when i started writing twst fics, i was just writing them in word docs and sending them to my friend over discord based on our inside jokes and au brainstorming we used to do in the dms bc we got into twst together and there wasnt really much of an eng fanbase back in the early days. and i still send her the google doc links when i write them even tho we dont really talk twst aus like we used to lol. ill just be like "i had an idea / ive been writing this a few weeks here" and then i go put it on ao3 lol jsdklhgksjd shes an irl buddy, so not on tumblr or ao3.
and then my partner. he knows. and he also knows everything i do in life makes me feel irrationally embarrassed so we often joke that my doodles and fanfiction are like, the biggest sin in the entire world. he'll jumpscare me in my room and i slam my laptop shut and hes like 🧍 what are you doing. you better not have been in the google docs. what da hell were you writing 🧍 but he also doesnt know twst outside of what ive told him / random stuff he makes up to try and get a rise out of me lmao so he's never read them. but he knows i write them.
aside from that. NO. and i would like to keep it that way fjksldjfklsjg only people that i think will be cool about it can maybe know and even then im. shy. fjsdklfjskldhlksdjkfl like it's hard enough posting my fics HERE!!!!! the second i hit post i get anxiety jitters and need to go walk around to distract myself from the everything.
i love talking for 900 years to answer 2 questions LOL
[question post🧡]
#TY FOR ENABLING ME ISA ILY ISA#asks#isadora-greenhall#i dont choose what i write fanfic about it has to overtake every ounce of my being#tho sometimes trying prompt suggestions is fun#but ive had very mixed success w/those#sometimes they really fall flat if i didnt have a strong idea but was trying to just find something to say#other times it hits a perfect sweet spot and i churn out thousands of words in a few days [blue raspberry mango my beloved silly fic kfsld]#I HAVE TO HAVE THE MADNESS OR IT WONT WORK#occasionally a non twst thing sneaks thru like those 2 dndads fics i wrote#and the one i never wrote but did fanart about and was obsessing over the idea of in my mind LOL i really did wanna write that one tho#sparrow/nicky messy situationship my beloved.... anywayjsd klfjsdklg#and genshin... the alhaitham/kaveh fic i wrote down ideas for bc every so often they FULLY take my brain over#but i got too scared to write it into actual fic#but ough augh i love them. i just need to wait til the bug gets me again and then go go go before i get scared again lol#it also does seem to correlate when i have someone to talk to about it#like dndads having the server + a few friends talking about Characters makes me boucne them in my brain more#twst is my entire personality sljkfdsj and i have many pppl to tlak to about it#/it started with talking to my buddy#side eyes p5 and danganronpa.... it hasnt happened yet but i fear the seeds are being planted im being set up jfksjfldksjflsdhgklj#ive doodled for those so thats a warning sign LOL#sorry i just went off the rails trying to analyze myself and the way i interact with and enjoy media LOL#ok i gotta shower now bye
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Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #404
I got to sleep in a little today, which is nice, considering the hour I went to bed. I still have only around 6 hours of sleep, but still, I'm feeling pretty good today.
J went to his job, so M and I went to a diner in our area that recently re-opened after having been closed for remodeling. It was nice to return to a familiar place, even if it looks a little different now. They've redesigned the exterior, the interior, and the menus, too. The menu is a lot easier to read now.
I got a coffee. I'm not really sure why. As you might expect, I did my best to capture the swirls in it, as I mixed in the cream...

Feeling pretty hungry and knowing that it would probably be all I eat today (since it's a pain in the butt to have to scrub out the inside of my face literally every time...), I got a pretty big breakfast. This one was french toast with butter and sausage gravy, with eggs, bacon, ham, and a sausage link, too. I cut everything up and mixed it all together really nicely; the results could not have been more perfect:

M and I returned home, and M returned to writing his stories, and also checking for feedback on the things he's written; he typically likes to be left to his own devices when he does that, so I let him be. J came home for his break from work, and we were both feeling pretty sleepy, so we curled up someplace warm and took a brief nap. It was really nice. And then it was time for J to return to his job.
I had intended to work on my crafting project after that, but the other terabyte drive I bought to store my games on arrived, so I set to work moving my Steam games off my laptop and into the new drive. In addition, I tried to figure out why my headset microphone is so quiet. I came up with nothing, so instead I set up and started using a different one. It works a lot better.
Doing all that took more time than expected. J returned home by the time everything was all squared away. That said, I'm still up here, both writing this letter to you, and installing onto the drive all my games I didn't have room for on my laptop. I'll probably put all my non-Steam games on the new drive, too, just to free up some more space...
Today was blissfully empty. I guess I must have needed it; my head feels a little clearer. But on the other hand, I feel... maybe a little disconnected from you, which is abnormal.
And... yeah. Before you tell me we aren't connected in the first place... I know. I know that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, for the last several days, my thoughts have felt distant from you, in a sense that I don't really know how to describe. It's uncomfortable and I don't like it.
...Maybe I'm just tired...? Or rather... dehydrated is the most likely answer. I think I've had like... one glass of water all day today. Or maybe it's just getting close to my cycle again and I'm just feeling a little weird. I'm not sure.
Whatever it is... I hope it's temporary.
...And how are you? Are you safe where you are? Have you been working on yourself? What kinds of stories have you been feeding your soul with? Do you sing little songs to yourself sometimes? Which ones? What are your day-to-day experiences like? Can they even be measured in terms of “day-to-day”? How do you keep yourself nourished and whole? Who is lucky enough to share your company? And... are the people who share your company kind to you? ...Where even are you...? Is it someplace warm and soft...?
...There's so many things I wonder. I wish you could talk to me. But I know very well why you can't, and why you never will.
I wonder how it's possible to miss a fictional person I've never met this much.
...Ah. I guess... I guess it must just be close to my cycle. Writing those questions have left my eyes a little misty for reasons I don't understand. Also... J and I went to his job to return some keys he accidentally brought with him. On the way back inside the house, I overheard an owl calling with a soft, low-pitched sound. I love owls, but... for some reason, this time, the sound filled me with an inexplicable sense of dread and loss, like a cruelly gentle warning.
...I can't explain. There's so much that I perceive in my world that I simply... can't explain. To anyone, and... it's a little lonely sometimes, I guess.
Oh well.
Suppose I'll end today's letter here. Maybe I'll work on the crafting project. Or maybe I'll just to go bed early; I could probably use it.
I love you. I'll keep begging you to remain safe out there in the world. Promise me, okay? Because I'm gonna write again tomorrow. You don't wanna miss it, right?
Your friend, Lumine
#sephiroth#ThankYouFFVIIDevs#ThankYouFF7Devs#ThankYouSephiroth#final fantasy vii#final fantasy 7#ff7#ffvii#final fantasy vii crisis core#final fantasy 7 crisis core#final fantasy crisis core#ffvii crisis core#ff7 crisis core#crisis core#ff7r#final fantasy vii remake#final fantasy 7 remake#ffvii remake#ff7 remake#final fantasy vii rebirth#final fantasy 7 rebirth#ffvii rebirth#ff7 rebirth#final fantasy 7 ever crisis#ffvii ever crisis#ff7 ever crisis#ffvii first soldier#very relaxing days#resting#wholesome
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How Not To Do A Podcast
Don't have a web site: You don't really need one is this day and age. People find your podcast on Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts, or on YouTube. If you put your episodes up on YouTube, don't need hosting or a domain or a home page!
Don't link to the RSS Feed: If you do have a web site, you can just not bother with a public RSS feed. People on Apple podcasts get your episodes from Apple. If you want to post the episodes to your Web site, just embed the mp3a in blog posts! Don't give the hoi polloi access to the RSS feed, or they might steal your content, or worse, drive up hosting costs by downloading all the mp3s at once!
Don't bother with show notes: Show notes limit your reach. They don't show up the same on YouTube and Spotify, and you can't embed images in a pinned comment. Even worse, show notes lead people away from your podcast or the app. Alternatively, treat show notes as required reading. If you must have them, this is the way to get the most out of your show notes. Refer to the show notes all the time, and tell our audience to just read or listen to the linked stuff. Don't bother excerpting or paraphrasing things from elsewhere on the Internet. People are on a PC, they can click on links! In the show notes, don't bother adding context either. When your listeners have listened to the episode, they will know what the links mean.
Talk about your editing process and audio setup: Did you just buy a new mic? Are you recording on your laptop microphone in a hotel room? Don't just apologise for the audio quality, tell your listeners that normally you would record on the same hardware that NPR uses for This American Life. Talk about how you bought a new Mac Studio Ultra with 128 GB of RAM for editing the pauses out, and that time you had to interrupt the interview because your guest opened the door to accept a package delivery.
Keep introductions to a minimum: Your listeners have listened to the previous 500 episodes in chronological order, so they know what your podcast is about and who is hosting it. Don't start your podcast episodes with the name of the podcast, or introductions where every host says "Hello, I am Alice" "And I am Bob. This is the Alice and Bob send cryptic messages podcast. Today we're going to discuss PGP." This stuff is lame. Just say "Hi, here we are again, how has your last week been?" or "We're back! Sooo..."
If you really have to introduce multiple speakers, just have one host name everybody. Instead of repeating what the podcast is and who is doing it every time, start the episode with frequently updated information like upcoming meet-ups, listener feedback about the episode before last, how to reach you on twitter, your new mastodon instance, and current Patreon goals.
Use .mp3, .aac, or .wma: As long as the bit rate is high enough, people won't notice. Your goal is to reach as many people as possible, so an old file format like WMA is the best. For audiophiles, also have a feed in FLAC format. In the past, 250MB episodes would have been annoying, but everybody listens on YouTube and Spotify anyway (they do the transcoding for you). If they don't, maybe the 250MB per hour will make them reconsider.
Episodes should least at least 80 minutes long: Sometimes time flies, sometimes you need a lot of time to get to the point. People love to listen to the Joe Rogan Experience, which is sometimes 3 hours long. If your guests have more to say, don't record a bonus episode, just ask yourself: What would Rogan do?
Chapter marks work against you: Chapter marks let listeners skip past the ads, but they also let them skip past the part where you announce the next listener meet-up, the new URL of the t-shirt store, and ways to contact you. It is of vital importance that in five years, people who listen to your podcast will be familiarised with the old twitter handle you used to have, the old coupon code for RAID: Shadow Legends that doesn't work any more, and the listener meet-up in downtown Mariupol.
Frequently upgrade your web site: Like I said, it's usually not worth having a web site. But if you do, you need to
keep it fresh.
To do this, you should frequently update the URL of your home page, the URLs of blog posts where users can listen to individual episodes in their browser, your commenting system, your domain name, and the character encoding of your transcripts.
Listeners love banter and personality: Don't read from a script, because that sounds lame and stilted. Don't even have an agenda or written notes. If you want to talk something out, do it live on air. If you talk to a co-host or a guest about the topic or the ground rules for the episode, then do that live on air, too. If you go off topic, or if you have to spend a minute googling something during an episode, if your dog barks, a host goes on a tangent or if there is a package delivery at the door, just say "we'll edit that part out" and then leave the whole thing in, or edit but leave in the bit where you say "we'll edit it out in post". That joke never gets old. Asking your co-hosts about the topic of today's episode gives your podcast personality, rich texture, and entertainment value. The key is to be your raw, unfiltered self. Anybody can read from a script, but only you can answer the door for an Amazon package.
Listeners love drama: If somebody sends you a mean tweet, don't ignore it and move on. Use it! Read out all the mean tweets on your podcast. Make them a regular feature. Ask your listeners whether they agree! They will shower you with sympathy and engagement. If you don't have enough twitter drama to go on, you can invite guests for drama: Get people from twitter onto your podcast. I know, it sounds like a threat when you have twitter beef with somebody and ask them onto your show where you can edit them and you have an audience that's on your side, but you're reasonable here. You can say "twitter is such a terrible format for this, let's hash it out somewhere more appropriate". In the best case, you win the twitter argument without actually having to record the episode. You can just say in your podcast they didn't want to debate you.
Don't record episode 0 or -1: Back in 2005, it was customary to record an "episode zero" as the first thing in your RSS feed. There was even a cool service (now defunct) that aggregated all every "episode zero" from feeds into a feed of upcoming podcasts. These days, you record a trailer for your podcast and that is inserted into feeds of other podcasts at Wondery, Tortoise Media, and Serial Productions. It's passé to have a 15 minute introduction to an upcoming podcast.
Similarly, it used to be customary to record one or more "negative" episodes where you just check out your recording equipment and get used to the process, figure out which segments and interview formats work. You're a professional though. You don't need to get used to hearing your own voice.
You can go the extra mile and scrub everything but the latest 5 episodes from the feed.
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✿ did anything major change when you started writing [fic] to when you finished?
Link to the ask meme!
Alrighty so for reference, the first fic I am certain I wrote was one I started in 2014, which means I've been writing fic for 10+ years now. Which is uh. Wow. That's a long time!
Since then my writing style has changed a lot. For starters, I haven't written anything in first person in years. That old fic, named Genesis TT (for Time Travel), was in first person, and I think over the next year or two I wrote a few more first person fics, but I haven't at any time in the 2020s and probably haven't for a bit before then so that's one major change.
A more recent change is swapping from past tense to present tense, though that's something I'm flip flopping a bit on. I read a few good fics (and maybe a real book or two?) in present tense, enjoyed it, tried it out myself, and have been having fun with it since. Still, some of my current WIPs were started in past tense, so I've kept them like that just so I don't have to swap every word. Although...looking at Genesis TT again, that fic is in present tense! Wow. I wonder when I swapped to past tense then, since everything else I can remember is in past tense, hmmm.
Another big change is writing method. I started out on the family computer using Microsoft Word when I had the time to myself, before moving using Google Docs on my phone, which I used from probably 2015 to 2017 or 2018 when I got a laptop. I think I still ended up using my phone a lot until college, where I transitioned to mostly laptop writing, and at this point the vast majority of my fic writing is done either on my laptop or my PC. Part of that is because two of my current main WIPs are over 100k words and I can't really add anything to them without the app on my phone crashing. I still use Google Docs to write, though I've thought about switching from time to time. It works well enough for my purposes though, so I'll probably stick with it for a while longer. I like being able to work on fics on my phone, even if I can't work on the long ones, for times when my laptop is charging, I have a sudden idea, or I'm out and about and bored enough to want to write.
As for content, beyond changing fandoms I think I've also drifted further towards angst over the years. My love for character studies has held strong even if I didn't know what they were called back in the day, but more and more of them look at what it's like to put a character in a bad/unfortunate/angsty situation because I find it fascinating to push a character toward their limit. It's fun trying to get into their headspace. Maybe it says something that I keep going toward the dark ones but uh, I'm going to chalk it up to my love for drama and how angst lends itself to that.
Finally, the biggest change in my writing is EDITING. I did not edit back in the day. Sometimes I would post chapters without even *proofreading*!!! Over time I've started doing a much more thorough pass-over, as well as additional drafts. Recently I've also held off on posting several multi-chapter things until I've gotten most of the way through the story, so that I can go back to change things as I make decisions later on that will help with consistency. It makes writing take a lot longer, but I'm generally satisfied with the results.
Thank you for the question! If anyone else wants to participate, click on the link at the top of the post. I'm happy to answer questions about my writing in general, or specific fics, whatever you're interested in :)
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My home is in no way abusive, but:
To avoid motion-sensor lights, crouch or belly-crawl. This is not foolproof, it depends on the sensor. Also, learn where the sensors are. This is usually in doorways. If you move really, really slowly, you can get past most of them, though time vs. stealth might be an issue. Most people living in abusive situations will already have learnt this, but if your home just got them installed/ you moved, this could be helpful.
If they put a camera in your room, try to break it without making it obvious that you broke it. Pour water in the open bits instead of smashing, etc. This may seem obvious, but just in case. If the camera gets plugged into the wall, bending the cord a lot wil break it without making it seem broken. They might not want to replace it if it's expensive, so you probably only have to break it once or twice.
Know the blind sports of the camera. Can it rotate? How good of a vantage point was it put in? How good is the camera? Is it blurry enough to be fooled by a bolster under the bed? Does it store footage? Figure this out by researching the camera online (wipe your history afterwards, ofc, or use incognito) or looking at whatever your parents use to view the camera (usually their phone) if you can.
Also, in settings on apple phones, you can see the full list of apps downloaded at the bottom, even if they aren't on the home screen and are hard to find in the app library. I don't know about android/ samsung though. This is for apps that can be used to track your phone.
If they set limits on what apps you can download (you need permission from their devices to download stuff) than you can (with SOME apps) find a web link that doesn't go through the app store. Make sure you can find those links easily to re-download, but not so your abusers can find them on your devices. Alternatively, save the file you used to download in some obscure spot on your laptop they won't be able to find, and rename it so they can't use the search function to find it.
More general tech stuff:
Opening a recently closed tab is control (command on mac) + shift + t.
Quickly switching tabs is control/ command + whatever number from the left that tab is. For example, the tab on the very left would be control/ command + 1. The tab second from the left would be control/ command + 2. HOWEVER, control/ command + 9 will take you to the tab on the very right, regardless of how many tabs you have.
Hiding your bookmarks tab (on google chrome) is control + shift + b, and making them come back is the same. If your abusers aren't tech-savvy enough to get it to reappear, you can put links you need there. THIS IS RISKY, only for if your abusers are really really shitty at technology.
A far better way is the "other bookmarks" folder- you access ir using the "show side panel" thing and you can see your reading list, bookmarks, and journey. The bookmarks will have folders- bookmarks bar and other bookmarks. I think you can add more folders, but I'm not sure how.
You can quickly switch windows by swiping with three fingers. If your abusers know this, you can go into settings and change it to four fingers so they can't do it. They will most likely think this is a technical fault.
If your abusers block apps on your (apple, again idk abt android and samsung) phone, the web versions won't work on safari either but they will on google chrome.
A lot of these are tech-related, so they aren't useful for more physical-surviving things like food and water (sorry!) but having control over something in your life, even if that's your device, is better than nothing at all. Most of these I know because my parents are strict (except the light thing, that's to use the bathroom/ get water without waking my dad who's like the world's lightest sleeper), but I've never had to worry about my safety and I'm so, so sorry if you do. Stay safe, please. You will make it out one day.
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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