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thechaotichorselord · 10 months ago
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i love this woman
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chaifootsteps · 4 months ago
OMG the scene where Charlie baby talked to Baxter irked me SO bad! Like what are you doing?!? Youre a grown ass adult talking to another grown ass adult, you dont talk to people you just met like that EVER!
Like what was the point of the scene?? To be funny? Cause it isnt, there is no joke, punchline, nothing, its just Charlie being rude to a random stranger that she just met.
Was it to make Charlie look like an "adorkable kawaii potato that LOVES cute little things :3"? Then someone tell Vivziepop that it isnt 2014 anymore and nobody likes these characters, epecially when theyre ADULTS, theyre just really fucking annoying.
This is why i hate the Show's Charlie, they try to sell her as if she is oh-so-nice and the most kind person in the world that CARES about others issue's when she is actually a priviliged bitch that thinks she has the solution to every problem in the world when she doesnt understand shit about other's people's situation nor cares enough to listen to them.
She reminds me to these internet e-celebrities that build their whole image on being wholesome and sweet but then when theyre asked to talk about some societal problem they decilne because "sowy i dont want to bring politics to my channel :3 xoxo".
It would have been interesting if she was written this way on PURPORSE. Like at first her being a naive, rich, priviliged princess that never faced any real problems and thats why she is sure that she can easily solve other's problems by doing what she says, and as the show progresses she starts learning to LISTEN to other's explaining their situation and why the solutions arent as simple as what she was made to belive growing up privileged.
But since Vivziepop lacks any self awareness the show tries to convice us that her ways are the correct ones, and that everyone should do as she says in order to fix everything and that her acting like an ignorant asshole to thers its ok because its "cute :3".
Maybe im just exagerating because im a short person with a baby face who got treated a similar way Charlie talked to Baxter by other adults, and i dont think i need to clarify you should definetely NOT do that to other people like that, like how do people not realize its rude as shit.
Its embarassing how upset i got at this, i hope this show gets cancelled as soon as posible.
Yeah, that was pretty vile. It was that unbearable scene where she forced them to play rhyme-and-clap games all over again, and that other unbearable scene where her idea of redeeming them was putting them in stupid outfits and having them read from scripts.
I hate series Charlie so much.
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frogcoven99 · 10 months ago
My Thoughts on Wish 💫💜🌳🐐🫧
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First of all, this review is dedicated to that one Wish stan on Twitter who said I have "no media literacy" when I tried to say that Magnifico wasn’t really threatening, but wasn’t trying to start off a big fight or anything.
I hope that person is having a wonderful day, and I hope this review proves that I do actually have media literacy 🥰🥰
Now, back to the film:
I really wanted to like this movies guys. A film about the origins of the wishing star sounded amazing!
And after I saw the film TWICE in theaters, I was in love. I thought surely my opinion wouldn’t change.
But…the more I thought about the movie, the worst it got.
For example, the songs. I don’t think I need to explain to you guys why "I let you live for free and I don’t even charge you rent" and "throw caution to every warning sign" and "watch out world here I are" DO NOT WORK.
I don’t blame the songwriters for this, because I’m sure they are very talented people.
But they were clearly not the people who should have been in charge of the music.
Not to mention the fact that Julia Michaels was given TWO WEEKS to write “This Wish”….
The Characters
Asha 💜
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I like Asha’s design enough, like her braids. But her personality is as bland as a scoop of vanilla ice cream (jk, vanilla ice cream is goated).
Lots of people have complained that the “adorkable” leading lady trope has worn out its welcome.
I used to disagree since those “quirky” characters were some of my favorites (Like Rapunzel, Mirabel, and Moana), but Asha has definitely reached my limit with them.
Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel all feel like distinct characters from each other (yeah stfu ModernGurlz), but Asha feels like an imitation of them, like the cheap Walmart version.
And she’s not really interesting either, she has a passion for art, but the film doesn’t do anything with it. In fact, nothing about her feels genuine. She feels so hollow and like she only has two personality traits: Quirky and the protagonist.
Like, during “This Wish” (which is probably the worst Disney “I want” song ever) I never felt connected with her. It just felt like, oh this is the Disney “I want” song because this is a Disney movie.
I didn’t understand what Asha wanted, “something more for us than this”? Okay…what about you? What do you want?
With all the other Disney “I want” songs, I could feel a connection and what the character wanted.
So yeah, Asha is probably the worst protagonist in the modern era of Disney. At least in terms of writing.
And while I did say I like her design, I prefer her concept arts.
King Magnifico 🫧
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Chris Pine seems like he is having a blast in the recording booth, and I gotta say his performance was pretty good. But it wasn’t enough to save this character :/
So, the main problem with his character is that I can kinda agree with him on the whole wishes thing. But, I also barely found him threatening.
The most threatening things he does in this movie is crush a bunch of balls (that’s what she said) that make people feel sad and chain everyone to the ground.
Not only that, Magnifico’s use of his magic is SO LAME! Another major reason I was never intimated by him is because he never did anything really scary or threatening with his magic, all he could do was create giant hands and chain people up. Like…ok? Is that all you got? Really? 😑
Also, I don’t think I need to tell you that his villain song SUCKS ASS. You know it, everyone knows it. I’m not getting into it. Go listen to a real villain song like "Hellfire" or “Friends on the other side" instead.
As for the other characters, I don’t have much to say about them unlike Asha and Magnifico.
Star ⭐️
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The Star was really really cute, even tho they were just a Luma/marketable plushie. And also REALLY reminds me of a squish mallow, am I the only one who sees that?
I should definitely mention how he was originally gonna be a StarBoy, but we’ll get to that later don’t you worry. That is a VERY important element in our discussion.
The Other Characters This Movie Has
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Amaya is so BORING! She barely has a character outside of being the queen and Magnifico’s wife, she was just…there. You could remove her from the movie with very little tweaking and nothing would change.
I would’ve preferred it if she was also a villain like Magnifico, which WAS originally in the script. But like StarBoy, that is something we will get to later.
The Teens are fine, but really forgettable. I like how they are all based off the Seven Dwarves, that’s cute. But it feels like they didn’t have any character outside of that.
Yeah, Dahlia is Asha’s bestie, but there wasn’t enough scenes between them to show me their dynamic to make me feel like their friendship was genuine.
Simon ended up snitching out on Asha and betraying the Teens in the middle, but I literally couldn’t have cared less because what do we know about this guy other than he’s sleepy and gave his wish to Magnifico?
As for the other Teens, just like Amaya, they could’ve been removed from the script and barely anything would change. The grumpy one had some sassy moments, and he’s voiced by Harvey Guillén (Perrito’s VA) so that’s something I guess. The shy one had this one gag that had comedic potential, but wasn’t really expanded.
And as for the other Teens…uh…I can’t remember a single thing they did honestly.
And then there’s Valentino…fuck that goat man. 😑 I love Alan Tudyk and his roles in other (better) Disney movies, but yeah Valentino is definitely my least favorite role he’s ever done.
All of his jokes were unfunny, and were mostly butt jokes. Which is probably my least favorite form of comedy ever that I cannot stand for the life of me.
Speaking of which, this movie just was not funny. None of the jokes made me laugh or chuckle or even smile.
Raya and the Last Dragon is a Disney movie that I really don’t like, but there were some jokes that got a chuckle or smile out of me. Wish didn’t even have ONE good joke.
Uhh…Asha’s grandpa was build up as someone important but he just peaces out in the middle of the movie with Asha’s mom, who did not do a single thing other than a ball getting shattered making her sad.
And that’s all the characters in this movie.
Legacy Nods, why they do not work
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Alright, what else is there to talk about?
Maybe the endless amount of Disney references? I get it’s the 100th anniversary film and all and Disney has had Hidden Gems like that in their films. But the difference is the ones in previous films were subtle and hidden in the background, and it would probably take you a rewatch to see it.
But in Wish? They all feel shoved down your throat. It’s like: “HEY REMEMBER THIS MOVIE??" “REMEMBER THAT??” “DON’T YOU WANNA WATCH THAT MOVIE???” It’s so exhausting.
When I heard the movie was gonna have “legacy nods” as they liked to call it, I was excited and thought it would be so much fun to point them all out and to pay closer attention to the background.
But instead every nod was thrown at my face and was heavily obvious. Disappointing 😔
The Animation
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Let’s get to the animation now. It’s probably (one of) the most discussed things about this movie, especially when the teaser first dropped last year.
Lots of people were complaining it looks like a Disney Junior show or Ai and said it looks unfinished. Even one of my best friends who was just as excited for this movie as I was admitted it looked weird.
At first, I loved this art style and thought it was beautiful. And I was determined it would look even more beautiful on the big screen.
And now? I…actually still like it. I definitely don’t hate it, and thinks it gets some getting used to. I think it’s actually kinda pretty.
Apparently it’s supposed to be watercolor and combined with 2D animation, which is neat.
But compared to the films like the Spider Verse films or Puss In Boots 2, yeah it’s not the best.
I personally would’ve preferred it if the film was in 2D, Disney’s 100th anniversary would’ve been a PERFECT time to return 2D animation! But, nope 😒
Yeah it’s bad, but…
I know I’m making it seem like I hate this movie, but I really don’t. I’m disappointed in it more than anything.
If anything, I’m thankful this movie was still made.
Well, easy.
It allowed many people to be able to tell their own version of the story.
I’m sure we’ve all heard of StarBoy and the cut Evil Amaya.
And yeah, these concepts could’ve made this movie 1000x better.
But because of these concepts, so many amazing people have been given the opportunity to rewrite the movie and give amazing stories.
I have read so many wonderful Wish rewrites, which are so much better than the film.
At the end of the today, Wish is a bad movie.
But, I’m glad it exists.
Without it, we wouldn’t have gotten so many amazing stories.
I’m gonna give Wish a 4/10, still bad, but I appreciate its existence for the rewrites alone.
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Wish spoilers ahead.
The start of Wish is exactly like that of Encanto but without all the heart. It is literally the meme of "Can I copy your homework?" "Yeah but change a few things so it is not too obvious."
Also Asha deserved a pretty dress in the end like wth are you going to sell to little girls Disney you are all about money and you failed miserably even at that.
And it is for real soooo unfair how the queen did get a pretty dress the whole movie and Asha only got some lazy ass sparkles added to her boring ass dress.
Asha... not bad, ok, but she is copy paste Anna, Mirabel, and Rapunzel. Youtuber ModernGurlz is right about Disney's "adorkable" problem. All their main girls since Rapunzel have the same "quirky" personality save a few details. I have liked them all but it is getting boring. Give me a princess with a monotone, sad personality, give me a shy princess who only smiles and talks around close friends, give me back the classic super girly personality Aurora and Snow White style, give me an angry girl with a brutal sense of humor like Merida. Be creative, please!!!
I love the queen's design, super gorgeous. Too bad her character added nothing. Her help was barely needed since Asha's friend had already sneaked them into the castle and it was her who deciphered the king's magic. A super villain couple would have been way more fun.
Oh, yeah, Asha's friends. There were so-damn-many of them and only like 3 were rememberable or needed for the story.
The villain is a complicated issue. I appreciated Disney's attempt at another fully evil character, I liked how he wasn't yet another badly set up "twist villain" revealed only at the end. But I didn't like the end result that much.
His backstory was super underdeveloped and to "get" his motives better, if they really wanted to make him evil-yet-complex, they should have shown us a flashback of him losing his family Encanto style (They copy pasted the start might as well do the same with the antagonist backstory.
What the hell was the missing piece of tapestry for if it wasn't going to have any significance later on? Did the writers just forget or what even?
Worst part for me: The stakes were low as fuck. Disney doesn't respect its target audience, nowadays it thinks that children can't handle anything worse than a main character getting disappointed. The worst this "super evil" villain does is make people sad temporarily, for like two minutes (Kid you not), like one character stays sad for longer but MOST people in the kingdom seem happy and normal after giving up their wishes, he legit just makes people sad a few minutes (Again, I kid you not, no one dies, the wishes he "eats" to make himself stronger come back, nothing he does has a permanent, devastating effect, he is not even revealed to have killed Asha's father in a dramatic way or something). Yeah he makes people forget their wishes which is pretty sketchy but up to that point he seemed to have complex reasons for that, reasons that seem to disappear or have never even been there the second half of the movie when he magically becomes more evil due to a forbidden green spooky magic he uses, and then suddenly he becomes Maleficent (The cool, perfect villain version, not the woobie one) style evil in a very, very rushed and over the top way. I feel like he should have started up as fully evil with no backstory (Just a simple, Gaston or original Maleficent style, self centered guy, who wants more and more power and adoration), and simply gotten worse and stronger OR given more complexity as to why he became that way, but instead we got this weird thing in between where it is clear he just wants power and love from the people for the sake of it and yet he has this half-made sob story on how his family died.
There was a great lack of originality in this movie at the climax as well. Anyone watched "The little mermaid II"? That was pretty much it. Villain gets power boner, says he will enslave everyone (Worst thing he does in whole movie and yet no one trying to defy him dies at least off screen or gets hurt in any meaningful way). Then heroine saves the day.
The funniest part of this movie is that the villain's fate is worse than anything he ever did in the movie I swear. He gets trapped in a freaking mirror and then locked up in a cell (Similar to the Little mermaid II villain's end too lol). That is straight up torture till death, it is so fucked up. And his wife who literally sees how the green spooky magic is the main thing responsible for his bad day (If we are being honest that is all it was, other than the taking wishes part he seemed to be a good king) leaves him to rot and becomes queen Catherine II style, it is hilarious. Like girl, you turned against your husband like five minutes ago because apparently through decades of seemingly loving marriage, you never knew he was evil but now somehow you are ok with him rotting in solitary confinement till the end of time? So dorky and silly. So bad, so bad.
Lastly, that goat was annoying as hell.
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opinated-user · 2 years ago
Ok so I've never watched Owl House but I will say, everytime I see Lily shittalk Hunter, comparing him to Kylo Ren and whatnot while putting up pictures of him I have to laugh because, he does not give me That Vibe at all. His design makes me think "awkward troubled boy", not "generic angsty evil guy" ("adorkable" would be another good word to describe him tbh).
And from what I've seen, teenargers tend to put him in the "he's just like me" box, as opposed to "omg he's so hot". Especially transmasc teens tend to relate to him I've noticed.
It's just so funny when Lily says something like "generic angsty white guy" and on the screen you see Hunter with the goofiest smile like, girl I'm not convinced sorry.
tbf a person can relate to a character and also find them attractive. hunter is a fictional teenage so if teenagers girls or boy or non binary people find him attractive, there's nothing wrong with that. it's only wrong when an adult woman feels entitled to judge them because of doing the most normal thing any teenager can do.
hunter starts as a dark and mysterious villain with sassy moments, which is when and how LO liked him to be, but the more is known about him we find him to be just a traumatized boy who wants to belong somewhere and have friends. he's not my favorite character, but i can easily see why it would be the one for so many other people and why he became popular in fandom. the experience of seeing a character evolve and change makes them more interesting than the characters who stay the same the whole way through, which is exactly how LO wants all characters to be.
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bloom-agreste-cheng · 9 months ago
Rant upcoming:
It breaks my heart that Wish is supposed to be a live letter to Disney’s past and yet the progress I’m noticing from the animation concept arts to the official art, there’s a staggering decline in content us fans want. It’s as if Disney’s just trying to fulfill some kind of woke, modern quota to appease the mass rather than truly honoring 100 years of people’s childhood magic with a story that would truly make us feel the worthwhile years until today.
Asha is just a feeble redesign of Rapunzel personality wise. Like how many heroines have we had so far were clumsy adorkable MCs: Rapunz the OG, Anna and Moana fit into that description. Aha isn’t completely original.
The story feels like a little like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves but without the charm. Like where’s the soul? It just feels like a hollow story without the heart truly present and is just filled with as many references to past movies as it can. Like a isaid; they are just filling some quota and that includes listing things people might want to see referenced instead of giving us the magic and wonder we experienced for a century. Yes using a Snow White model is a good idea but it’s not even done well.
Why take out Starboy; because Disney thinks a female MC is better off without a man ever since Elsa being an icon in 2014. They could still have made Asha iconic while still having Starboy as her fun himbo love interest and we could have a new Disney crush. That’s a missed opportunity there, Disney.
And the music… ok while I do enjoy it, the lyrics are a little weak. They feel soulless and doesn’t give any nuances that give us information we couldn’t have just gleamed from dialog, or taught us anything of substance about characters. Well they tried but they only got to a surface superficial level. How did we get from Part of your World and Reflection, such powerful poignant lyrics that made us genuinely care for Ariel and Mulan, to “So I make this wish, to have something more for us than this.” Good try, I appreciate trying to respect the I want song popularized during the renaissance but it feels directionless and so vague. Adding more about Sava Sabino’s wish and adding more about her dad (the way you always taught us too,) would have really made me feel more for Asha. It breaks my heart. Honestly.
This honestly feels like there is a lack of direction; a weak thesis statement. Or at least they didn’t strengthen it enough to make it a strong story so now it flops. Or maybe they embarked on a journey but lacked the right direction and leadership to guide them through it. Either way, Wish is just a checklist of items, where the truly interesting ideas that do honor the past are left behind for some modern ideologies they think people want to see. Disney at its core worked so well because the people in the past took risks and worked right from their heart on each story. They brought the magic from their hearts and it touched ours.
Maybe this should be Disney’s legacy, given the soulless extravagant projects they’ve made recently. It hurts to think about Disney this way. It’s as if saying it’s time to leave it behind because the magic there is gone.
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Honestly, this make me so sad. I would have preferred this story so much. THIS feels like a love letter to Disney's past. I'm sure others will have their opinions on it. But this pretty much sums up mine.
(I kinda hope they'll do a remake someday with this instead. That's probably wishful thinking. But hey! I can dream. Lol.)
EDIT: People seem to think I mean a live action remake. I don't. I mean I would want it completely done over. That's a bit out there, but like I said, I can dream. It's just my fantasy.
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winisayswhat · 6 months ago
Hello! I hope you are doing ok! May I participate in your exchange game please?db the Capricorn
First impression of my fs of me
Visual: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IixUY9-O4e4&pp=ygUXcnVzaCBob3VyIHRyYWZmaWMgc2NlbmU%3D (0:00-1:16)I feel like your fs will meet you during a really odd moment. Maybe at a party where you are trying to decompress after a stressful week. You may not be on your best behavior but you really aren’t trying to be. You are done up and ready to paint the town red. Your femme fatale side may be in full display and you’ve already got some other admirers by the time they officially notice you. You may be on the dance floor when they first spot you and they may think you’re really hot. Your fs may gravitate towards you as the night wears on but they won’t approach you. They may think that they don’t have a chance since you’re rejecting people left and right. Eventually they’ll decide to buy you a drink and walk over to you to try to strike up a conversation but in their nervousness may end up spilling it on you. You may think it’s on purpose and yell at them for it. I feel like you’re not normally like that but this week just been so bad you’d snap at anyone.
Visual: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PfL89fdcGF4&pp=ygUid2hlbiBoYXJyeSBtZXQgc2FsbHkgb3BlbmluZyBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D. Your fs may rush off to get you some napkins even though you said it was unnecessary. You may notice you’ve attracted some unwanted attention from what happened and you rush off to clean yourself up in the bathroom. When your fs comes back and sees you’re gone they may curse themselves thinking they really messed this up and you’d never want to talk to them.
Visual: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rVss0IfxSwc&pp=ygUTSGl0Y2ggYXBwbGUgbWFydGluaQ%3D%3D Your fs may be wishing he was as smooth as the guy in the clip. They may not know this for a long time but you had noticed them prior to the incident. Youd been watching them dance for sometime and thought they were really adorkable. When they knocked into you you hadn’t really paid attention to who it was and by the time you did it was too late. “ I’m such a b*tch!” You’d gone to the bathroom to clean up and figure out a way to apologize.
Visual:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AD7L_O4PzKU&pp=ygUOem9ycm8gdHJhaW5pbmc%3D By the time you get back they may be gone. I feel like you may meet again soon after from mutual friends? They may try to set you up. When you meet again you may be stunned into silence only broken by leaping into each other's arms to kiss. You may end up at your fs apartment and agree to seeing each other casually. However I feel like you’ll realize pretty quickly you want more than that. You’ve already reached a level of intimacy that goes beyond casual but neither of you will admit it. Your fs though may be wishing they’d taken things slower with you. They may not like how quickly you went from 0 to 100 with each other. They may try to subtly woo you in between hookups. They’ll try really hard to show you you’re more than just a body to them.
0 notes
miradelletarot · 1 year ago
When Life Give You Lemons...
I knew that 2023 was going to be my year. The age of Aquarius, and the chaotic upheaval that needed to happen. It really manifested in such an unexpected way.
I have been in therapy this year with an incredible human who has helped me, friends who supported me (and still do) during my darkest hours, and I found myself becoming more in-tune with my spiritual side. However, home life has been less than glamorous so the last part of that has dimmed a bit. I am now preparing to divorce my husband after 16 years (amicably thank goodness,) and now I am left to discover who I am deep down...on my own terms, and in my own way. Unfortunately, that transition is going to be difficult. My married life left me without a job, without a car, credit card debt, and the worst credit score i think one can have. Starting over is definitely an understatement. With the selfless help of my dear friend, she has helped me to get my resume out there to a bunch of different people in her field so I am crossing my fingers that I get something good! ideally, I want to just read Tarot for people, but that will have to remain a side hustle until further notice. When the universe thinks I'm ready for it to become a full-time thing, then it will happen. =] (though really, I just aspire to being total witchy-auntie energy and helping people with their spiritual journey, and just live the aesthetic boho lifestyle). Gods, that would be amazing, eh?
I'm thinking of streaming on Twitch again too. I quit it to help my husband with his business. I forgot how good it felt to feel the energy flowing through me, the itchy nose I always got when spirit was nearby, and the grateful messages I would get from viewers when I gave them hope for the future. I really felt like I was doing some good in the world. If only that was enough to pay the rent. My year is not over, and I will take this chance to make 2023 my bitch. I will not allow these setbacks to deter me from the things I desire. I hope YOU find the same fire to follow YOUR heart, and do what makes your soul take flight. For me, that's Tarot. (ok, ok...AND my copious amounts of Gale brainrot lol). You didn't think I would find a way to mention that adorkable wizard in this post did you? Anyway, thanks for putting up with my late-night ramble that got stuck in my head keeping me from falling asleep. <3
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so-idialed-9 · 3 years ago
So Harry Styles said "convince my boyfriend to propose" reading a fan sign and then got very embarrassed tonight, and then in the middle of this exchange started the background music to Canyon Moon.
I witnessed a #larrystylinson moment #rightinfrontofmysalad. Just kidding, I didn't have any salad. But this is real and Harry is ready for the proposal, Louis.
Love on Tour Chicago Night 2, 9/25/2021
Full transcript of what Harry says -
"Convince my boyfriend to propose." (reading a sign)
[23,000 PEOPLE LITERALLY GASP in unison, ready to be called into duty, we have been training for this for years]
(Harry laughing, a little embarrassed): As I started reading the sign, I went, 'Oh, God...'
(Trying to bring it back on track) How long have you guys been together? 7 years?!?
(Now Harry makes a errgh face, and full body blushing and laughs, hiding his face in realization this has only made it worse) I can't help ya.
[Crowd loses it]
Ok. What are your names? Sarah and Lucas? I like your shirt. (She gave it to him apparently) Thats why he"s wearing it, 'cos he loves you so much. (Crowd awwws)
What's the hold up, Lucas? It's a thing, it's a thing, you know? You love each other. (Pauses, response from Lucas not satisfactory to Harry) You love each other..? You're best friends.
(Harry adorkable hand gesture of self-awareness of how this is all going and what we are all thinking)
[Crowd SERIOUSLY loses its collective shit]
Just do it. Just do it. You don't have to do it now, but - she's your best friend, just do it, you know what I mean? JUST GIVE HER WOT SHE WANTS! (thrusts fist into the air, moment seemingly over, but he circles back)
How...? I do have a question. When you were writing this sign...was Lucas there? (No) Did he know the sign was coming? (Yes) He's going to do it then. Are you going to do it?
Then he crouches to silently look Lucas dead in the eyes for a good 10 seconds, saying, "Let me look him in the eye. You can always see the truth in someone's eyes."
(Eventually guy nods slightly but Harry continues to not let him off the hook, staring him down like, no, I'll evaluate this myself thank you, and smiles)
"He's going to do it! You don't have to do it now, Lucas...but do it soon."
TLDR - "Louis, what's the holdup, when is our proposal?" "Marry your best friend."
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stephiethewephie · 10 months ago
Ok, I saw this and I thought, for my 2 year anniversary playing this game, this would be a cute way to celebrate
The character that was supposed to be your favorite is the one you are in love with!!!👇
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I was one of those people who thought that twst was an otome game (boy was I wrong). And at the ripe age of 20, I had a thing for shy, nerdy boys with long hair. So, of course I had to choose the fire boy. Once I learned more about the characters and story, I soon became the adopted mother of 20 kids. And I am not ashamed to say I have a favorite child:
The character who eventually became your favorite is the one who is in love with you!!!👇
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MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY!!! The moment I heard his backstory and got to know him as the adorkable goober he is, I had the adoption papers ready! His determination to become the best person he can be is very admirable! I especially loved him in Book 5 where he used what he learned to help Epel with his want to change! He’s just incredible!
I’m sorry sweetheart, I can’t accept your declaration of love! But I can be your step-mother! I’m marrying your mom!
Small anniversary banter: I did not expect the Disney anime game to have complete control of 2 years of my life! Maybe it’s childhood nostalgia, maybe it’s the story, maybe it’s the characters, maybe it’s maybelline! But it definitely is a special interest that has had me in a chokehold that I can’t escape, nor do I plan to!
I love this game and the fandom (even if it is A FANDOM)! So, thank you for Twisted Wonderland, my wonderful moots and followers, and the fandom for all the amazing moments and memories! Here’s for more years to come! 🥂
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(Almost forgot that this is a trend and got sentimental. Anyways, anyone who wants to join, keep it going!)
It was a cute Twitter post!!😍💞
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I wanted to come up with something interesting and cute with it!!💞💖
The character who was supposed to be your favorite is the one you are in love with!!!👇
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The character who eventually became your favorite is the one who is in love with you!!!👇
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Please show me what you've got if you want!!🙏💕💕💕 You don't have to use a picture, just write a name or one picture, as you like! Btw Or maybe your love turned out to be mutual if the character turned out to be the first and remained the same?🤭 Anyway, I did it just for fun, you can tag each other!!
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thatblondeperson · 3 years ago
Headcanon: (Post RR and Batgirl)
Steph doesn't know when but Tim suddenly went from cute and adorable to sexy.
Now that doesn't mean Tim isn't adorable and cute, because he still is, with his unkept long hair that she loves to play with, being a secret cuddle-bug, and the way he looks at her like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
But, during that time he took to go find Bruce he grew up and Steph has this come to a head during a girls night or something.
Like, Steph lives with Tim ok? A year or two after RR/Batgirl.
So, Steph has friends around, yay Steph has more than two friends, and Tim just comes down from his shower in a towel and doesn't notice because he's a tad bit sleep-deprived and contemplating what Dick meant by he totally has a type.
And like Steph and her friends just watch and Steph internally is like: "When the fuck.....?"
And then Kara is like: "Well, if he weren't dating you I'd tap that."
And Steph blushes and tells her to shut up and this is why Tim is no longer allowed to be around when her friends are.
(Also, Kara is friends with Tim, but like through Steph, and wouldn't date him, but she does point out that Tim is very attractive sometimes to make Steph blush, and bc while they may not be close Kara isn't blind and knows that Tim's attractive.)
This is very very specific anon lol
So like, 100% Steph finds Tim both adorkable and sexy. Marcus To gave us a Tim with great hair and a few years down the road would only do him well.
I can absolutely see Tim just wandering around aimlessly in a towel, not realizing guests are over, though idk how many of Steph's friends are gonna wanna jump him lololol
Tim's obviously always been attractive, and as an anon once said to @incoherentbabblings, he pulls. Like it's no secret a lot of people have been into him over the years so he's gotta be pretty dang cute and charismatic.
I don't think absolutely everyone wants to jump his bones, though I can absolutely see in a bit of Steph fashion, Tim walking into the room to very tease-y wolf whistles and Steph jokingly bragging a bit. Just giving Tim a bit of a hard time for his sleep deprived faux pas.
I don't think he would be barred from seeing her friends, I think he would hide from them for a bit XD
I will note, Kara was friends with Tim before she was with Steph, and they got along pretty well. My headcanon is just that I can see her jumping ship to Steph because sisters before misters and all that.
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silkclawsdraws · 2 years ago
Thank you, i feel exactly the same way. The game had so much potential, but jam city really ruined it after the year 6. The only good thing they did in year 7 was Victor, and he just wasn't that perfect because jam city loves to throw their own characters development in the trash and focus on more important things like uuuuh knarl's birthday of course :^)
Peregrine was such a waste of time, it would be ok if he was just a member of R, but the leader? Even Sickleworth would make a better job in that than him, he's just too forced and weak of a character, so weak that they have to tell us minute after minute how """"awesome, charming and charismatic""" he is, instead of proving in a convincing and non forced way (like make all of our friends suddenly love him at first sight besides knowing that he's the guy that caused all the nightmares in school and his actions ended up killing Rowan. Guess Rowan wasn't that important at all because uhuhu look how adorkable this maniac is! ^^)
But lets be honest, Jam city is not the only culprit. The majority of the fandom loves to defend Jam city, covering up their filth and stuff because "ohoho, its a mobile game! Be easy on them!" Or "who cares about the story or the consistency of it? I love the game and the fact they give everything to my beautiful baby mc who never does no wrong! :3"
And yeah, if anyone don't say anything, then why would they change? Why would they try to do something right if they are going to be fine with whatever they give to the public? Just make all the characters compliment and want to kiss mc and the job is done! Because at this point they do not give a damn about the game, they want the money and thats all.
Basically jam city killed it, and the fandom helped to bury. Sorry, i didn't pretend this response to be so long, but as a fan, i'm almost as sad as you and a lot of people are.
If you hate hphm so much, then why are you keep playing it? I don't mean it in a disrespectful way, if you don't like the game, you don't have to keep playing it
I don’t hate HPHM. There are things I hate about it, but I don’t hate it per se. I don’t think I’d spend so much time writing paragraphs about something I hate. Honestly, I rarely interact with things or people I hate in general. Not to mention that there are not many things I’d say I hate, to begin with.
See, the problem is that I really love the story of HPHM. My issue is with JC who’s wasting its potential. But even that wasn’t that big deal for a long time – because I believed that we could eventually get where the original team wanted us to go. And frankly, while JC is making many mistakes for years now, there were still things I truly enjoyed. Hell, let’s take Peregrine. To be clear, I absolutely hate the way his character was introduced to the story and executed later on. But… I don’t hate Peregrine as a concept. In fact, I quite like the idea of that total douchebag who left his family because he has a god complex and whatnot. Obviously, we’d have to change a lot for it to really work in HPHM, but still.
Things started changing drastically when JC came up with their brilliant idea about Merula’s Unbreakable Vow, I think. I feel like more or less from that point, the writers stopped even trying to pretend they know what they’re doing. I can’t think on the spot of the last chapter that didn’t introduce some massive contradictions to the plot. And sure, there were some contradictions in the story every now and then, especially since Y6. However, JC’s biggest crime was always ignoring/not remembering plotlines. The thing is that it didn’t conflict that much when you tried to connect known elements. But currently? I seriously don’t know what JC might think the story is. I honestly doubt they know it. Like, let’s take Olivia. Did she know about R while at school or did she not? Because I feel like JC claimed both, and we got no conclusion whatsoever.
Still, even that, it’s not hatred – it’s frustration.
Also, criticising bad media can be both enjoyable and useful – because it teaches you what things don’t work when you want to tell a story and what might be frustrating for your audience. I mean, why do you think commentary channels on YouTube reviewing bad movies are so popular? I understand that not everyone will enjoy this type of content, but hey, you don’t have to visit my blog – and I don’t mean it in a disrespectful way either.
Anyway, I can tell you that once HPHM stops bringing me any enjoyment, I will probably leave it – just like I left the Quidditch storyline, for example, or how I stopped playing every single side quest. I mentioned a while ago that I’d likely quit the game after Y7 if not for Callum McClintock. And well, they really got me with this lad. Is keeping playing the game for just one character that will probably get ruined by JC anyway a big sacrifice? Maybe. But on the other hand, playing HPHM nowadays means dedicating to it like… a couple of evenings a month. So, I think it’s not that bad. And who knows how things might change, considering this release pace.
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satanfemme · 3 years ago
sorry if you've gotten this question before or if it's a little silly but do you have any tips or pointers for people who want to start providing photo descriptions on their posts/other people's posts? its always nice to see so many people do it on my posts and just in general and want to contribute similarly!! thank you!!!
ofc! I'm not an authority on writing image descriptions (as I don't use them that frequently), so I think my first piece of advice would be listening/learning from the people the IDs are actually for, you know? but some things I keep in mind while writing mine are:
anything is better than nothing. if you're unable to write a long ID, consistent IDs, or are worried about how "good" your ID is, it's still way better to add a mediocre description than to have no accessibility at all!
IDs aren't the place to make joke or try to be "clever". if you're describing a photo of a dog for example, it's better to be factual, "a shiba inu walks down a sidewalk confidently", rather than write something unnecessarily goofy/infantilizing/unclear like "an adorkable pupper doggo walking down the hecking sidewalk like a boss!!"
on a similar note: be as objective as possible, rather than "telling" the reader what opinions to have. for example if you want to describe a drawing as "impressive" or "beautiful", try naming what specific and objective facts you like about it instead, like "intricately detailed" or "colorful".
describe the most important information first, what the reader needs to know most to understand the message of the image, and then add as much "filler" details as you want after that. personally I also try to do this by saying "what" the image itself is before anything else, ex: "a pencil drawing of __", "a reaction image of a man who's __", or "the XYZ meme. it depicts __".
when you're unsure how to describe something, a trick I find very useful is trying to try describe it the way you would to a friend on the other side of the room. POV you laugh at a meme on your phone and your friend asks what's so funny, what do you say to them next? I find this helps me balance being factual vs just rambling.
putting IDs in the original post's text itself (directly under the image) is the most accessible, because alt text can generally only be seen with a screenreader. that said alt text is still better than nothing. and if you want to be able to see alt text without a screenreader, xkit has a setting you can turn on to show it! this is specifically v helpful for me when determining whether someone else's post already has alt text or not.
before writing an ID for other people's posts, or on posts you can't write an ID for, check the notes to see if someone else has already added one for you (and then reblog that version!)
ok that's about it I can think of off the top of my head but hopefully this is helpful!
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holla-the-forestfairy · 4 years ago
This autism awareness acceptance month I want to give a shout-out to my autistic starkid headcanons. Let me know if I missed something!
1 Ani
Guy has zero social awareness, is super awkward and inappropriate and I love him for it. Has his special interests Podracing and StarWars jokes and they are amazing!!! He’s absolutely loyal to his wife (even... well, you know) and his friends JJ, Tarky and Mara. 
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Mooi mooi, I love you, okidei?
2. BatWayne, I mean BruceMan, FUCK!
Dude has no idea, how to act around people his own age (relatable), tends to absolutely misread most social interactions - especially when Clark tries to become his buddy -  and has a really Black and White way of thinking. Once he gets to share his special interest (fighting crime - duh) with Robin, he distincly reminds me of an overexcited puppy (or myself, when I get to rant unstopped about B@Man). 
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Do you want to be my superfriend?
3. Ginny Weasley
Red hair and hand-me-down clothes, you must be the adorkable airhead  I fell in love with! Not the best in social situations (Konnichiwa Cho Chang ring a bell?) and is fantastically happy stimming. She has an insane sense of justice and loyalty and from the first time I watched that show I just felt connected to her on a fundamental level.
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Couldn’t have said it better myself
4. Jafar
My man Jafar has a great sense of justice and equality and sets himself huge goals and ends up failing when it comes to details. He knows obscure stuff that no one else gives a crap about (story of my life...) and happily talks about that stuff. He’s quite literal, doesn’t get the merchant’s jokes and sarcastic insults thrown his way (especially the opening number) he takes as compliments. And why wouldn’t he, there’s a lot to compliment about that guy!
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I love you for all 1001 lifetimes <3
5. The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Paul Matthews. Ok? Ok. Ok. OK! Do I have to say much more? Loves his routine, echolalia, socially a bit weird, but so loyal (unless you ask him to come to a musical).
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Ok? Ok is wonderful!
6. And I was like... Schwoopsie!
Maybe I just love Jamie and her lovable idiotic characters, but Schwoopsie belongs on this list. Her special interest is comedy, she invented it no less! Social awareness is pretty much zero, though.  Often talks loud, when there’s no need to, takes things absolutely literally (and in turn tells everyone to eat her wife - and not in the fun way) and she doesn’t really manage to hold a conversation, unless there’s a joke of some kind involved. 
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This is exactly how I vibe with Schwoopsies comedy!
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mako-neexu · 3 years ago
solomon movie spoilers
putting all my reactions here instead of spamming through individual posts XD
okay but first 2-3 minutes and i was already crying????????? excuse me????? that introduction for solomon just snfnrkfjjdbfdjdbdj????????
romani is just a good director oh my god
he said to the staff in the command room should take a break and that he’ll handle things first here
i just love how cloverworks and wit studio gave me chaldea staff content. im so happy <3
meuniere!!! sylvia!!!!
DW we need that mystic code please
fou and romani’s interaction was so cute!!!!! although romani’s monologue about his journey and the seven singularities was spoken like he was preparing himself, the way he held fou was just cute. honestly, i want more scenes like that but we all know what happened TvT
i just wanna hug the doctor so bad…..he’s been through so much…..
marisbury content i love to see it <3
ok but theres no way marisbury left him there in the middle of a burning city butt naked right????? that was just representation right????
this movie just showed me a few scenes of chaldea’s cafeteria and hallways and i was already just so soso happy
the servant summoning scene was nice but hmm im not sure why i felt a little unsatisfied (maybe because im much more used to the game vers event?) but i wish the scene was teensy but more cool?
alexander is just (WILD GESTURES) so cool
also the roman emperors? THEYRE COOL TOO
honestly, everyone was just amazing
alexander’s horse is the real MVP
Also also the people with me in the theater CHEERED when they saw edmond and gil, i was kind of irked by them (the dudes seated near me) because as much as i wanna scream and cheer too, i’d prefer silence when watching a movie at the cinema. but honestly, i understand their hype
every scene that romani was in... i was trying to prepare myself for the inevitable
when romani got to explaining stuff, and gudao was just... “unfair...thats unfair, doctor” in that shaky voice and there were tears TEARS TEARS in his eyes (me too bro TvT)
just. i was crying so hard at that scene. heck, just remembering it right now while typing this is making me tear up
and when romani...solomon... cupped his cheek and gave him a gentle smile?
he also h a d to smile
the way throughout the movie he mentions that he was scared and stuff? yup! the tissues i brought with me wasnt enough
i legit cried harder when i saw the pictures on his corkboard (if i remember right...honestly im not sure because everything is blurry when you have tears in your eyes) in the after credits scene imean YOU DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT BRO
that was just!!!! just...
thats just unfair T^T
how could you just do that to my heart... its like you gladly broke the shards again, ground it to fine dust, and even made sure to burn whats left of it in front of my face
just that picture of gudao and mash taking care of an exhausted doctor roman...........................
them covering him with a blanket………………
( ;∀;)
romani’s chaldea staff id
his chaldea staff id
ugh when chaldea staff were congratulating them there was just this empty space where a certain doctor was supposed to be it
just h u r t
might add more if i remember stuff along the way
feel free to correct me on info!! (because i watched with 70% blurry vision from tears so i couldnt see clearly in the entire movie 😂)
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obeyme-kaidii · 4 years ago
Angelic Demons Event
Honestly? I really didn’t like this event.
Part of me thinks that Simeon and Michael did this as some sort of practical joke (most likely to target Lucifer). But regardless, it did nothing but make all the boys feel bad about themselves. I have so much to say, so I’m just going to break it down by brother -
His was one of the more difficult ones.
He never seemed to fully lose himself like his brothers did, which in some ways made it worse because he was aware of the changes he was experiencing.
What made his arc hurt the most for me is because he willingly fell - gave up his angel form, everything it stood for, lost his sister - and now he’s being forced to not only look like an angel, but act like one again too? I can’t imagine something more traumatic honestly. What sick fuck would think putting him through that would be ok?
His damn near broke my heart too.
Part of his charm is his obsessive personality, and his impulsiveness. And now that’s all just...gone. One of the reasons I love him so much is because his Greed mostly revolves around MC and doing things that make them happy or allows him to spend time with them. He’s Greedy for their attention and affection, in other words.
Seeing him suddenly lose that...ouch. Even though he’s finally able to be forthcoming with his feelings, it doesn’t feel like MC is going to be able to receive nearly as much love and affection from him since he’s trying to be “good.”
His was really hard and painful to read.
Him being all shy and awkward is why I love him, so seeing him be friendly and open and honest was just...unsettling. You no longer had the feeling of being “special” to him, because he could get along with just about anyone. It didn’t feel like MC was needed by him anymore, despite the fact he was honestly confessing his feelings.
His confession also lost a lot of its impact because it was easy for him to say those things now. Before, any time he said “I love you” or gave MC a kiss or a hug was something really special because we knew how hard it was for him to do that.
And again, like Mammon, he lost the obsessive part of his personality that makes him want to spend so much time with MC.
This was probably the most difficult one to read.
Unlike the others who seemed to embrace their changed selves, he just felt lost. Because Satan was born from pure Wrath. No Wrath...no Satan? That’s how he felt at least.
He goes and hides in his bedroom because he can’t handle feeling so calm. I honestly just wanted to go after him and cuddle him because he seriously needed cuddles.
His wasn’t that bad for the most part.
What hurt though was him saying he’s no longer going to try to be sneaky or whatever to make sure he gets enough time with MC. The writers tried to make it sound like he was doing this because he wants to give MC the ability to actually choose for themselves. It didn’t feel that way to me though. Because he never asked MC what they wanted. He just decided “this is what’s best for you, so this is what I’m going to do.” And I really hate that.
But hey! We got to kiss him at least.
His was one of the easier ones to handle. He’s still the same soft, squishy, nice boi he’s always been. He’s just not fueled by constant hunger anymore.
What was a really uncomfortable was how even when MC offered him food to share, he declines. Saying something about others needing to eat more than him. Selfless to the point that he neglects himself isn’t good. And not eating when he should eat is definitely neglecting himself.
This was a very hard one for me too.
Belphie’s whole charm is his bratty personality. And how he manages to act ridiculously cute despite that and get you to want to take care of him. With this spell, that’s all gone and he now wants to take care of you.
And I know taking care of your partner is good and all...but some people really like to spoil their loved ones. And I feel like if you’re a Belphie stan, you’re probably one of those people. Now Belphie doesn’t want your affection, he just wants to give affection to you.
He also did the same thing as Asmo and played the “This is what’s best for you” card and told MC he was going to back off and try to be more fair towards his brothers. Never asking MC what they want. Just assuming he knows best.
I just had a really hard time enjoying this event. 😢 I like my adorkable idiots. And they were nowhere to be found.
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