ghostbite0 · 2 months
hi bite :D I just binged your tiny 21 trio tag (I’ve been on a 21 trio craze recently) and I love them so much. If you have any concepts or cute little head cannons for them I’d love to hear them. They’re just perfect😭🫶🏼 I adore your art sm
awhh hello!!! thank you thank you, this is so kind!!!
hmmm... concepts/headcanons... i do have a bunch! I've posted some in the past so i may accidentally repeat myself a bit haha
also, apologies in advance-- a lot of these are going to be centered on obanai, since he's my favorite among the three..... unfortunately i am biased :(
sanemi can't stand the heat, and he warms up really easily. he's also really picky about his textures and he gets really worked up if he's wearing something he deems bad
a lot of the time he's just left in a shirt and a diaper. he just needs a lot of skin showing otherwise he feels constricted
obanai is the opposite--- he needs to be warm at all times. he shivers like a leaf if he's wearing anything that isn't long sleeves and will wail his little heart out if he's cold
giyuu always has his blanket. big or little brained he always has his blanket with him. he hides under it a lot, whether it be to avoid everyone else or just to take a nap
when sanemi cries he is so god damn loud. he shrieks and screams and will kick and throw things; he just doesn't know what to do with himself...
again, obanai is the opposite to sanemi in that he's a silent crier, and he even muffles his little wails with his mittens or by burying himself against someone :(
giyuu and sanemi have an easier time falling asleep compared to obanai. someone has to sit with him to make sure he falls asleep and stays asleep--
otherwise he'll pretend he fell asleep or try to get himself out of his crib
they all have nightmares. all of them.
sometimes they have to sleep separately Or Else
tengen's favorite baby to take care of is, surprisingly, obanai. he likes getting to hold him and coddle him and he always really looks forward to feeding the little guy from his bottle or rocking him to sleep
sanemi was originally his favorite, but then big brained sanemi threw mushed up carrots and rice in his hair, and it took days for tengen to properly clean himself up
giyuu is the only one who is obedient when it comes to food, so long as he gets to feed himself
sanemi is a nightmare. he makes a huge mess every time. he loves playing with his food and trying to feed others (specifically genya) handfuls of said food. he will giggle like a lunatic as he covers himself and his loved ones in food
again since obanai is so small and weak he has to nurse from a bottle which is a nightmare when he's big and small
when he's little brained its a lot easier but he'll still get sick on himself sometimes :( he has a sensitive tummy
baby giyuu LOVES bath time. he would sit there for hours if he could. he has lots of bath toys and goes splash splash
all three of them are obedient with gyomei and kagaya. otherwise at least one of them is being difficult for one reason or another
big brain obanai hates touch but baby brain obanai loves cuddles... it's another way to keep him warm
he also likes to be swaddled
the babies do arts and crafts sometimes and its always a disaster
kaburamaru gets paint and glitter on him and obanai freaks out
sanemi and giyuu try to eat the paint then both start coughing and spitting and losing their minds
mitsuri and tengen teach them how to be more gentle and careful and such and they learn how to finger paint
obanai always paints a snake
mitsuri keeps every single piece and hangs them up around her estate
muichiro helps them make tiny paper planes
obviously they're babies and they can't actually make it but muichiro helps them and lets them think they did it
uhhh thats all i can think of right now, sorry!! i hope this will suffice :,D sorry for taking so long to respond!!
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ddejay18 · 5 months
Batfam Reality TV show
Ugh FINE I'll tell you about my Batfam Reality TV show HC's okay? jeez... (nobody asked).
Before i yap, this idea has been swearving around in my brain like a wagon tied to a angry rhino for a while now. I can't remeber if i was inspired by other posts so if im accidentally stealing someones idea or someone has similar posts pls lmk so i can I'll tag them :). Also reminder that these are Head Cannons, if you don't agree then thats okay. These are just the senarios I play in MY head. (pls ignore all spelling mistakes, im lazy)
Okay, I feel like a reality TV show centred around the batfam would be so funny. Like, a bunch of self aware traumatized orphans hanging around in a mansion. The Kardashians but actually likeable, humble (well, it depends) and absoloute chaos, and not the "omg youre so chaotic lmao" but instead "Ah shit, someone is trying to break in to confess their love to Brucie again, someone call the cops" kind of chaos.
Bruce Wayne is the prince of Gotham. He has built Gotham from the ground up and he is loved by the majority of Gotham residents and even villains. In this cenario, Bruce's billionare playboy days are behind him, and works more like a tired dad who is just trying his best (good parent Bruce Wayne basically). He really has no idea how or when most of these people became a part of the family but is just happy they're there. Mabey Selena Kyle /or Clark Kent could be a side character and there could be a B-plot where Bruce is panicing about proposing or something. Is chronically reading the newspaper. Bruce is also the type of parent to really try to BOND with his family. Puzzles, games, trips, picknics, lgbtq+ merch ect.
Dick Grayson lives, and even has a key to the city of Bludhaven but still visits home regularly. There is an on-going gag where Dick always talks about longing for a relationship but when sees his ex'es while out and about and turns 180° and hides. (its my HC i can do what I want. Dick is a terrible long-time boyfriend, okay).
There is also a scene where Dick makes fun of Tim for being emo (he was just on his phone) and the rest of the Batfam in their one-on-one interviews show pictures and share horror stories from Dick's 'Hot topic, MCR, stealing dads car, eyeliner, youre not my real dad, ugh' phase from his teenage years and a screen shot of Bruce Wayne holding up a picture of Dick with a joint hanging out of his mouth becomes a meme format. Another clip that went viral is a home video where Alfred is scolding Dick for staying out late and he goes "UGH" and backflips out of the room. It cuts right back to Dick where he is smiling and hugging Damian being all ":D".
Jason Todd is thought to have been dead by the people of Gotham for years but as the season progresses, can be seen more and more often in the backround like walking into rooms while people are giving their one-on-one interviews and slowly backing out, or him just walking past a room, or as soon as the camera crew enters a room Jason makes eyecontact with the viewer and just turns around and leaves. There was an intstance that sparked a lot of controvercy online where Roy Harper came to the mansion looking for Jay and the batfam just stared at him, looked to the camera crew and then looked back at him. He swiftly left after rambiling about his terrible grief. (nobody bought it)
They all grew lazy nearing the end of the season and Jason just sits at the dinner table with everyone there, the camera never focuses on him and nobody mentions that he IS actually alive and is sitting RIGHT THERE. Jason just covers his face with his free hand while he eats and can just be seen in the backround while people talk. Jason says something and the camera turned to Bruce, and the editors, very poorly, tried to make it seem like Bruce was the one talking when it was obviously Jason.
In season two of "THE WAYNES" Jason finally joins the cast and admits in a one-on-one interview that he is, in fact alive and that its not a big deal (they make up an excuse and say that he just didnt like papparazzi/had a brain injury or something so he faked his death). This is never mentioned again.
Duke Thomas lives in the manor and was adopted by Bruce (again, its my HC i can do what I want). Duke is the moral compass and seemingly the only one that actually does their own chores. He is constantly just staring out into the madness that is the rest of his family since he is one of the newer member of the family. He, along with Tim are the only ones that can cuss out Bruce without reprocussion. Damian gets kind of jealous of Duke becasue Alfred the cat seems to like Duke a lot, and Dami is afraid of Alfred the cat choosing Duke as his new favorite person. Duke is extremely aware of this and shoo's Alfred the cat away and pretends to not like cats when Damian is around (to soothe his soul a bit).
Tim Drake is also one of the few members of the family that actually lives at home. Tim is a skater kid and Ipad kid at the same time somehow. He is also the ONLY person in the manor (Alfred excluded) that Bruce doesn't scold (it would be weird, since Tim basically babysat Bruce after Jason died).
Tim and Bernard Dowd start dating during the filming of S1 so there are a lot of scenes of Tim freaking out because Bernard is coming over and of the others making fun of him for looking into every detail of their interactions and overthinking them (was that a romantic gesture or not??). Bernard finally makes an appearence where he gives a short one-on-one where he introduces himself. Bernard quickly rose in ranks in terms of the internets white boy of the month (the TikTok edits went hard).
Cassandra Wayne was also legally adopted by Bruce and is his little princess (she is highly dangerous). She changed her last name from Cain to Wayne, bc i feel like she sees the Waynes as her real family. She looks nice enough but once the audience gets to know her they become aware of her insane competitiveness and how she has everyone in the manor wrapped around her pinkie. She dominates in board/video games and is the only one that can convince Alfred to get take out. Cass also practices ballet and is selectively mute and uses ASL most of the time (i just like the idea of her being SELECTIVELY mute, okay).
She is dating Steph (ITS CANON IN MY EYES). Cass, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, Damian and Duke are the only actual residents of the Wayne manor, the others just come and go like its an open buffet.
There is a scene where Cass, Steph, Tim and Bernard all sit on the couch and tell the camera crew that, "well yes Steph and Tim used to date and didn't get along for a while but now we're all friends". "Steph is tecnically dating her ex's sister but its not that complicated, REALLY". "Well yeah, Bruce conciders Steph a part of the family but its not weird or anything guys I PROMISE". "Well yeah actually, both Tim and I realized we weren't straight during our relationship. Why?" Cass and Bernard also get along really well but Bernard doesnt know any sign language and has to rely on others to translate/ Cass has to write thing down for him (they talk MAD shit).
Stephanie Brown. Damn, how the fuck does she keep get in? Sometimes Steph just sneakes into the manor to watch TV or to raid the fridge, while texting her girlfriend, Cass about how much they miss each other when Cass is litterally just upstairs and they're both too lazy to move. Bruce offered her a key to the mansion but she just responded by saying "nah its more fun this way". Steph is constantly accused of being a gold digger within the home and she doesnt deny the claims but its obvious that she does genuinely hang around because they have all become a family to her (found family basically, ugh im such a sucker).
Damian Wayne is still young so there is not a lot of scenes going into his personal life like at school and stuff but he is still there a lot. Anytime Damian says something socially strange or offputting, the others just chuck it up to Damian being a little weird sometimes teehee, or just tell people to not mind him because he is kind of new around there. Meanwhile, Damian speaks in a very professional and sophisticaded way which creates conspiricy theories among viewers about his upbringing, ESPECIALLY because Damian said something in passing about being raised in a secret mountain society.
The camera crew caught a glimpse of Damian in the yard casually accomplishing amazing feats with a giant sword and then immidietly stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed a wild rabbit in the garden. Keen viewers also noticed this strange phenomenon where Damian somehow wins every argument EXCEPT for when its with Alfred.
(I both love and hate the idea of Damian being a spawn of satan in everyones eyes. It can be funny sometimes but in my universe, Damian gets along well with everyone. Sure Damian is crude and weird but he's a kid, and i want him to have a supportive family that understands why he does and says the things he does. I basically just want Damian unapologetically being a kid.)
Alfred Pennyworth is an interesting person for newer fans of the Wayne family, since he is practically unknows to the public. Alfred introduces himself as the only butler in the Wayne manor and a long time friend of the Wayne family. Viewers quickly realize that Alfred is really the man of the house and it becomes previlant when he goes on a short weekend trip (with a secret girlfriend perhaps, Maggie Page perhaps) and everything falls apart. Bruce doesnt know where he is supposed to be at any given time, a hirearchy is established (Cass is a very unfair leader) and the only person making sure the others are fed is that mysterious figure in the backround (Jason).
Alfred makes it sound like he is only the butler but the rest of the batfam all talk to/about him as the essential part of the family that he is and how he is everyones badass, british, grand papa, dad, butler- babysitter-cook, friend thing.
Barbra Gordon is another unofficial member of the Wayne family. She is always over for game and movie nights and just in general. Barbra and Dick used to date but are on really good terms (suprisingly). Barbra is especially close with Jason, Cass and Dick, and is kind of a mentor/cool older sister figure to the others. Sometimes Jim Gordon visits as well, since he and Bruce are fellas.
In the opening scene of the first episode, the batfam are asked to make a family tree or list of sorts since there are so many of them and Barbra was the only person who remebered that Jason was supposed to be dead (nobody bought it).
This will do FOR NOW. I wasn't be able to fit everything here so ill prolly make a pt.2, where i tell yall abt some silly situations that would take place in a Wayne reality TV show. This is more like an introduction into the convoluted storyline that has been building up in my head (what else am i supposed to do at work?).
I also want to state that Leslie Thompkins is also concidered a family member to me since she is like a surrigate mother figure to Bruce but she won't be hanging around the manor as much as the others.
Ik i skipped a lot of characters that are concidered to be in the batfamily but even I dont know who IS concidered to be in the BatFam atp or I skipped characters that i just dont like/think about as much bc im shallow like that lol.
ALSO ALSO im not a huge BatCat or SuperBat shipper but i just felt like them being in the family dynamic would be interesting. Timid ol' Clark or the HBIC Selena Kyle. I also didnt include friends and stuff that would prob be at the manor all the time too like Roy, Wally, Jon, JLA, TT, YJ ect. blah-blah-blah you get it, I'll stop yapping now.
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a-may-w · 11 days
Women and gay shipping in Anime
I just had a realization on why women seem to be the majority that ship male characters---women are able to put themselves in the female characters shoes. Let me explain. Often in highly popular male ships---specifically in anime for this post, including but not limited to Bakudeku, Sasunaru, etc.---the two male leads/rivals have an extremely close relationship and large portions of their lives, character arcs, and stories revolve around one another. Their is also more often than not a canonical female love interest the main male character gets with. The main male characters life, character arc, and story often doesn't revolve around the main female ones, but her life, character arc, and story revolve around him. What happens then is that the female love interest becomes second place to the other male lead. This alone is enough to justify why people ship the male characters as opposed to the main straight one, but the reason why women specifically often ship the two males leads because of this is because women don't want to put themselves in second place. To men, or really anime dudebros, the female love interest being second-place really doesn't matter to them. Their favorite male characters who they see themselves in gets to have his 'best-buddy' around all the time and gets the girl, because, duh, he deserves it. But to women, who often see themselves or can see themselves in female characters, wanting/watching her get with the main male lead feels sad. It literally feels like watching a friend from high school settle with their below-average high school sweet-heart. I don't want that for her. I want her to be an equal to the main character---a part that completes him, and in turn, a part that completes her. The main male lead and female lead often do not fill these rolls for one another. Do you know who does fulfill these roles for one another? Thats right, the two main male leads. Women reject the often unequal, heterosexual relationship presented to them in cannon and embrace the homosexual, equal, relationship that rarely ever happens. And its so bizarre because this inequality of relationships often occurs because of internalized mysogony authors hold towards female characters---like, what do you mean in order for my cannon straight relationship to be compelling I have to write a 3-dimensional female character that gives and takes from the main male character, I only know how to do that with men---but they ARE NOT gay. Or, even funnier, the authors did want to make it gay but couldn't so they just hinted at it a bunch. I'm looking at you Horikoshi and Masashi, I don't know anything concrete but I've heard rumors. I feel like this is also proven by the fact that when a female and male character are on an equal standing the amount of gay shipping surrounding those two is a lot less prevalent. Obviously it's still their because, duh, thats just how shippings work, but it is not nearly as large or intense as when the specific scenario I described above occurs. Like Kirishima and Mina (yes I know my only examples are from MHA), they are equals, and as such I have seen little to no argument against their relationship and a decrease in krbk work---which is also due to the recent MONUMENTAL rise of bkdk. Of course I know that a lot of shipping is due to fetishization and that this realization most likely isn't new or original but I have no one in real life to talk with about it with and want to get it out of my head. Like, why would I wanna watch a women settle for second place in a mans life, I already see that shit on the daily bruh.
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queensilber · 5 months
Supernatural: Witch‘s Canyon
Posting everything in this book that i think you need to know, lets go!
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Okay, so, the boys head to the Grand Canyon to solve a case of a fourty-year murder cycle. The spirits of variouse humans and animals alike attack the locals and they need to find out why and how to stop it.
It is set somewhere in Season two.
My opinion:
This was so much fun. Like, it was really like watching an episode, just a lot longer and with the magic ability to see into Sam and Deans (and a bunch of other characters) heads.
It also gave a little bit of a fanfiction vibe, just with the addidtion that everything is cannon and that all the random little facts and quotes are a real thing (i‘ll list those in a second)
And also there were flashbacks of their childhood??? That made me cry??? I hated john winchester before, but now even more so. (More about the flashbacks below too)
So yea, it was definetly worth it and i cant wait to read the others!!
This is the music Sam and Dean listened to during the course of the book (some locals listened to music too, but i did not list those)
- „paranoid“ by Black Sabbath
- „turn the page“ by Bob Seger
- unspecified tape by Bad Company
There are two flashbacks to Sam and Dean‘s Childhood:
- the first one is Dean Remembering a time when John made him and Sam run through an obstacle course at age twelve and eight. Dean had to shoot a gun during it, Sam just had to point and yell „Bang!“.
In the process of that Sam got injured and cried and John yelled at him to keep going and that he was doing poorly. Dean comforted his brother and encouraged him, leading to sam actually making it. Sam did it and Dean cheered, but john kept yelling at them to keep going to the next obstacle.
- the second one was from when Dean was fourteen and Sam was ten. Their Dad gave them backbags and said what was in them could last them fir four days and they all went on a hike together.
In the middle of nowhere john then saud that they should not trust anyone on what they are told and left them alone, telling them that they should find their way (at very least two days of walk) back themsleves and they shouldnt have relied on him so much and he just… left.
When they checked their backbags they found that most in it was useless and they were also filled with rocks to make it seem like it was more than it was.
Thats so fucked up, like
Those are children. And the worst part, when Dean rememvers this he thinks of it almost positively because it taught him a valuable lesson. I cant even begin to describe how my heart hurt for them.
Random facts:
Here are some facts from the book, i do t know anymor if those are mentioned in the show too, but it hardly matters, i think:
- Sam outgrew Dean at the age of 16
- Dean felt gutity over Jessicas death and thought that it was a „more solid basis“ of guilt than Sam had on the matter
- Sam can differentiate between uniforms of different wars in history just by a look
- Dean hates Rats. A lot.
Some quotes from the book:
John Winchester hunted monsters, ghosts, demons — the creatures most people only believed in deep down in their 3:00 am hearts, abd that they laughted off when the sun was bright and their spirits high.
It was a habit Dean had picked up from Dad — reffering to what they did as a „job“. To Sam it was nore of a Mission, even a calling.
„Sammy really likes cops,“ Dean said. „If he didnt have any talents he might have become one“
Sometimes he thought Dean wouldnt mind dying if he could go out in a blaze of glory, as the saying went. In moments of fairness, Sam knew that wasnt true. Dean didnt care about the glory; he cared about making a difference.
„I‘m coming around to the point, Sam.“ „He‘s Dean,“ Sam corrected. „I‘m Sam“. „Sorry, For some reason, you just look more like a Dean to me“
Gilmore Girls reference?
„You tried to shoot my brother“ Dean said.
Sam belived in a highter power, Dean didnt. Sam didnt have any special knowledge that Dean lacked, handt seen or heard or met God.
Lol, not yet.
Dean had been a kid, hadnt ever had a chance to become anything other than what Dad had made of him. That, finally, was the gulf between them — the canyon that could never be bridged.
Dean was an amazing guy, Sam knew, with skills and abilities most people would never imagine, and smarts Dean himself wouldnt credit, even though he relied on them all the time. And yet, at times like this, he was so humble, so unassuming, that he seemed almost unaware of the importance if his iwn contributions. At other times, of course, that humility vanished. Knowing and accepting both Deans, he guessed, was what being brothers was all about. Maybe I wouldnt want to be Dean, he thought, but i‘m sure glad I have him araound.
So anyways, that book sure was an experiance and i cant wait for the next one! I‘ll post a review of that as well and will update that post with a link to it one i‘m done!
Xoxo! <3
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
I completely understand a crippling fear of twitter, but if you ever DO decide to make it, I'd love to hear your most behated Hazbin takes bc people do keep getting Vox so wrong lmao
ur so real for this nonny
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actually since u sent this ask in i may as well
a lot of the shitty characterizations i see are all revolving around mostly twitter staticmoth/radiosilence shippers (no surprise there i guess :/) and almost always portray vox as a macho dom daddy with a superiority complex and that 50s Misogyny Grindset babyyyy or just as a straight up rapist and s/aer. which. Sigh. i can tell you right now ive not only seen that take from rdsl shippers (which, while disappointing, isnt surprising because most of the ones with shit takes are actually just alastor whump fans) but also from a staticmoth shipper???????? ive since blocked and muted their ass but whatever the fuck they were on i do NOT want to go near .
and while im AWARE that yeah sure its all just hcs l and they can do whatever the fuck they want w them (and ill do what i want x1000 intensity just to spite them all) i get SO inordinately pissed at the notion that vox is some sort of violently abusive man perpetually stuck in 50s misogynistic mindsets with an obsession for alastor OR val. he's hell's media darling, for fucks sake. he's not preaching outdated shit to people, his WHOLE FUCKING THING is UPGRADES and MOVING ON into the future. does he BELIEVE IT? maybe not. but he's not going to ever show that if he isn't, because he needs the love and support of the media.
and on that, vox is one of the most fragile cast members: his head is a fucking tv screen, for gods sake. you know how hard it is to break a flatscreen? Not very hard. and he's upgraded before: out of necessity or out of want, we won't know, but he willingly upgraded to something more fragile when he could have kept a CRT. why would he do that if he was a violent and abusive character like some people like to posit? it'd be more advantageous for him to keep the old head, but he doesn't- and that's because between vox, al and val, he's the "brain" of the bunch: his power lies in his words and his mind, not his fists or his physical might- he's not just another val with hypnotic eyes, for fucks sake, he's got a different skillset and specialty because he's not as physically violent as the other cast members. if he's hurting people it's with his words and persuasion, not like al or val.
and on the obsessions: vox Is obsessed with alastor, yeah, i won't deny that, but alastor REVELS in his obsession, and frankly, he's just as obsessed back- there was this tumblr post about stayed gone and how al was listening to vox even before he started the broadcast, and Thats certainly not something someone not happy with the attention theyre getting would do. the thing most ppl use to say vox is obsessed w val is the cameras- and . Hey. have you ever paused to consider that Maybe he's monitoring val because he's a loose cannon who LITERALLY TRIED TO GO AND ATTACK THE PRINCESS OF HELL BECAUSE HIS EMPLOYEE WAS STAYING AT HER HOTEL??????
ignoring all the other facts such as that there are cameras around to monitor his employees and velvettes studio as well and just focusing on the cameras with val (and alastor i spose but luckily i havent seen much try to tout this argument) is reductionist as all hell and literally so dumb i wonder sometimes if twitter keyboard warriors failed their highschool english classes. they teach media literacy there, did you know? you should go and see if you can sign up for one of those.
sigh okay thanks for sending this in nonny ive quelled la creaturas need to kill people
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tatefan811 · 12 days
this is so stupid oh my g
HIIII,,, SO UHH!!! me and my brother are writing a FIDDLESTAN fanfiction and in another fic after the one we r writing there is gonna be MASSIVE tate conent and i wanna INFODUMP ABOUT IT!!!
OK SO the sequal fanfiction persay is revolved around tate and his life because i'm hyperfixated on him and i LOVE HIM OK SO in this universe, stanley never breaks Fords project, Ford ends up going to his dream college, and Stan goes to backupsmore and meets FIDDLEFORD!!!!!! They make a computer company and a bunch of other shit will happen (NO SPOILERS, WINK WINK!!) and after all of that they adopt Tate:333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah basic rundown and whatnot ANYWAYS MOVING ON
the sequal will bascially be Tate in his sophmore year in highschool (1997) and he meets a kid named BRODY BACKLE!!!! (a lot of people have a oc named/based on "backle" but i found that out AFTER me and my brother made him.) Brody is kind of a reckless guy, he gets close with Tate and they become best "freinds" (there is A LOT of homoerotic tension with them) they do normal teenage stuff persay Brody makes Tate do reblalous things aganist his dad's rules, and genuinely becoming KIND OF AN ASS.
So for context Tate is 15 and Backle is 16
Tate used to wear; sweaters, (Knitted by Fiddleford) cargo shorts, big bulky sneakers, HATS. and very soft kind of look (me and my brother joke all his outfits are picked out by Fiddleford) BUT AFTER he meets Broody he dresses in oversized band shirts, baggy pants, beanies, backwards hats, and of course his hair covering his eyes because by god in my au his eyes are BLINDING like the bluest eyes you have ever SEEN.
Brody/Backle wears; bascially the same thing Tate would wear minus the hats, His head is shaved with blonde hair, his ears STRECHED TO THE MAX, pircings EVERYWHERE and genually like ur averge alt guy, he chills out when he gets older tho
They never OFFICALLY GET TOGETHER (as if rn) but they do kiss, hold hands, get matching stuff, cuddle, hug, all that mushy couple stuff they do (When they get older i might get them together who knows,,) when they get older they created the bait shop together, they spend a shit ton of time together they are INSPERABLE, they own a house together near the bait shop, (no homo, Brody says whenever someone asks about it)
Tate (when he gets older) would wear ; what he wears in the cannon gravity falls universe but looser because dear god holy shit. when he isn't working he would wear button ups, with hand knitten sweaters made by Fiddleford, cargo pants, and very beat up shoes with of course, a hat. So bascially what he wore before he met Brody kind of thing
Brody would lowkey dress the same as he did when he was youger, when he's older, he usally wears band tee's with a flaneel drapped over it (all of his flanels were owned by Tate at one point, he would have blonde wavy longish hair and is a genually chill guy.
in they older years, Tate and Brody spend most of their time (when they aren't working) fishing, talking about endless stuff never ending coversations, Brody never really opens up to anyone that isn't Tate (Broody lore coming soon). ALSO, Brody is VERY affectionate to Tate like thats his number one thing in the entire UNIVERSE right there, Tate has a hard time giving love out to Brody, he doesn't understand how to do it or how it works, Brody understands and he knows Tate loves him back.
When they were teenagers, Brody always stayed at Tate's house, never really going to his own. Stan and Fiddleford see him as another member of them family at that point, Brody would spend weeks at the pine's house, Brodys parents lowkey stopped gaf about Brody after 5th grade so his parents did not care he was spending most of his time at this random kids house
Tate's first kiss was Brody, they usally got affectionate when they were high or something along those lines, they kissed mulitple times, whenever Tate would ask what they were, Brody would ignore the subject leaving Tate confused and upset. When they got older they eventually sorted everything out leaving all the tension behind them.
ok i'm getting sleepy sorry if this is shitty my autistic brain needs to rant to someone and the someone is tumblr so, yay
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valen-3o · 5 months
Ok I have a bunch of characters in mind for the ask game no 1 Carol (if I have to answer it so do you)
oh you did not. /lh but I shall:
First impression
click clacky u gave me the hibbity jippites (ep 5 has left a mark) but such a girlboss
Impression now
lowkey need to catch up with corollary before I answer this one 😭
Favorite thing about that character
her and annex's silly bickering
Least favorite thing about that character
what they did to neighbour and randi.
Favorite interaction that character has had with another
A character I wish that character would interact with more
lori, oh good lord, lori.
A head-cannon I have about that character
if she ever gets the time to rest (highly doubt it) she does grandma like activities.
A song that reminds me of that character
nothing comes to mind all honesty 😭
An unpopular opinion I have about that character
she takes things a bit to far sometimes, thats its a bit unlikable 😗
Favorite picture
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this emo by @echovale052 /pos
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ultra-raging-ghost · 10 months
What are your ideas on the differences between a human and a demon, I've seen many many many many differing interpretations and I wanna collect them all like Pokémon cards
I have a couple thoughts on this actually!!!!
So first off the big ones, physically there's a bunch of differences between humans and demons, and even between demons themselves!
To me, humans generally follow like IRL rules and shit like that, but theres additional things that kinda come with minecraft mechanics. Obviously theres respawn, but i personally attribute that to some kind of supernatural occurrences or very specific circumstances. In the case of the QSMP there's cannon vs non-cannon/in-universe deaths, but i also like to keep the Federation in mind - they obviously have some sort of hand in the life cycle on quesadilla island, with the eggs having two lives and whatnot, and being able to briefly bring them back to speak with their parents before being sent off to the afterlife. I personally think humans have IRL mechanics, but organizations like the Federation or even sometimes standalone experimental organizations can have a hand in trying to affect the human life cycle.
We have god-like beings, angels and ferrymen of death and whatnot, and i cant help but remember the Hunger Games lore where more than one life wasnt given which is cannon to the QSMP. I also like to consider the DSMP, which is semi-cannon, where they had multiple "cannon" lives (as opposed to the QSMP where they have one "cannon" life from what we've seen) and Ghosts and resurrections and all that, human life from what ive seen is not only fragile but flexible! Can be broken but also can be bent!
I got a little side tracked but point is: humans - one life (unless interfered with) Demons - not one life! (Bad follows a death/rebirth cycle/We dont know how mouse and tina operate/etc.)
Other physicalities I consider is humans are generally pretty realistically sturdy, they easily lose limbs but can wear prosthetics, and with the help of magic they can be immune to certain things (Still organizing my thoughts on Fit's recent lore - might think abt that more later).
Demons are not only sturdier (Bad/Mouse/tina/dapper/pomme/emmie having generally neutral reactions to radiation, obviously bad and dapper arent doing the best but theyre fairing MUCH better than a human would in their condition) but i like to imagine they can shape shift a little? we know the eggs generally like to hc bad as a shapeshifter that can get bigger/smaller, but he has consistent features he cant really get rid of as far as we've seen like his horns and tail. When i draw him, i generally vary his horn shape/length and change his body type and height a little in every drawing on purpose, but also i like extending this to the other demons! Mouse and Tina obviously look more human, but like cc!tina has talked about how she likes q!tina to have huge fucking knockers and i like to imagine they can change that themselves, it just makes sense to me! There are limitations to it, in my mind the horns are a consistent and identifying feature on them that they cant really change without a TON of practice. But the rules are bendy, ykwim? they can be more or less animalistic, swap physically gendered traits, shift from nails to claws, etc.
As far as cannon things go, we know demons generally have a better nose and all smell like sulfur, humans smell different to them, probably like BO or something lol
Thinking magic wise, humans obviously dont experience a ton of it, but magic is everywhere! In the air, on your skin, and thats to say i just think its funny to imagine that demons can be summoned by saying their name 5 times kjbhvjbn
Culturally, demons are definitely a lot different not only from humans but from one another and i think thats entirely based on their upbringing! I could write a lot about that, but the first thing off the top of my head is like their clothing i guess? We see from mouse and bad's clothing they tend to wear pretty gear-like clothing, i guess is how you could describe it? I like to imagine belts and buckles are something theyre used to wearing, maybe for aesthetic reasons, maybe for mechanical reasons! Maybe in hell you gotta carry a lotta small shit, or rock climbing is a popular activity, who knows!
Demon culture as well to me includes horn pride, ykwim? They care for and polish their horns, paint them for celebrations and decorate them with jewelry! Theres popular standard colors like black and white but choosing something more extravagant is common! Like matching your hair color if you have it dyed a fun color, staining it, painting it patterned for birthdays or holidays. Maybe its like homestuck purpleblood facepaint rules, where showing your bare horns is something you do with special people you trust a lot? Thats something very cute to me.
Also! Mentioned this in another post! i like the idea of Pool noodle jail!! Putting pool noodles on the horns of baby demons who cant stop headbutting eachother! thats adorable to me!!
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pumpkinsy0 · 11 months
Tim Shepard (Tv series) Head Cannons
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This is if you seen the Tv show or not its fine :P
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But take your time!! NO RUSH THANK YOU🙏🏻♥
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Sorry to ask this! Its just over seen the show and in my opinion i was a great show I loved it! I LOVES IT EVEN MORE CAUSE OF TIM. HE REALLY IS MY FAVE!🙏🏻😭 (IM OBSESSED WITH HIM! NOT IN A WEIRD WAY GOD NO😭) I KIN WITH HIM SO MUCH I RELATE WIT HIM SO MUCH🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also your my favorite "OUTSIDERS" fanpage! Your my favorite person! (Love'ya :D )
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i havent seen the show in a while so what i remember is rusty and i dont think tim was rlly there a bunch so i only have like 3 hcs im srry BUT to make up for it i will go into depth about them kinda sorta, and by hcs i mean aspects of his character i liked in the show and just went “yea thats tim im including that in my tim most definitely” but i do have like 2 hcs
•hes a good artist
loved this part of his character in the show, i feel like he was one of those kids who would doodle on like desk n stuff like that, and maybe he was one of those kids who was into graffiti and he just liked designing things but had no real outlet, sometimes at night when he cant sleep or somethin or hes thinking of like idk gang stuff he draws cause it helps clear his mind, he also just thinks its funny to draw a lot of weiners, hes still a teen hes a lil immature, but i also hc that his artistic abilities kinda inspired angela and curly as well and they become artist in their own right
•hes close to pony
OK LOOK I LOVE THIS AS A FOIL RELATIONSHIP TO DARRY AND CURLY ITS GREAT, but HOW did they get close??? most likely after johnny and dallys deaths, pony spends more time w curly which means more time at curlys house which means seeing tim a lot more as well, at first tim would just pop in and go like “do yall want somethin to eat” and ofc pony was afraid at first but l as time went on, they just kinda clicked, maybe over art, bc each other using creativity as an outlet, or something or bc tim was like “o he is a bit fucked up actually” and took him under his wing
•hes somewhat involved w the curtis gang
mostly based off that one rumble episode, BUT i hc that after dallys death, tim became not close but definitely not a stranger to the curtis gang, he doesnt rlly hang out w them or anything like that, but he does see them quite a bit and talks to them, and especially teams up w them when they need it, think of tim as what dally was to the gang, the guy who came n went but was down w them, but in his own “yall cool but i got a gang to lead so ill help darry a bit when it comes to handlin yall” way if that makes any lick of sense
•i hc that angela and curly werent there bc they were off w their grandma, y u ask??? man idk they love their grandma i guess who r we to judge
•perhaps it was around that time that angela and curly was gone that tim started getting closer to pony cause he kinda missed up and wanted someone to look after, he just got that “damn i need to b a guardian to a fucked up kid or else im gonna go insane my damn self” thing goin on and pony was there so
•i said it before but idc ill say it again, tims art is influenced by haitian art, maybe not like the style exactly, but the idea of it being vibrant, black ppl being shown using the actual color black, yknow that thing
•tim mostly draws ppl and landscapes, maybe he goes out of his way and draws like anatomy stuff wether its normal things or like horror
•he would never actually show his drawings to anyone, he rlly only shows pony it cause he knows pony wont judge, ofc angela and curly knows and have seen it but thats bc theyre nosey and poke around his things, he knows about it but they havent said anything so it’s whatever
thats all i could think of mb</33
and thank u im glad my acc beings some sorta joy, luv ya 2 anon🙏🏽🙏🏽
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gigii333 · 1 year
You said you were gonna do ship headcanons and were asking got suggestions. Mayhaps I can ask for some Goshi headcanons...? 👉👈
of course!! GONTA X RYOMA HEAD CANNONS (at least thats what I think it is idk ive never heard of this ship name before if its wrong I am dearly sorry) (AGAIN, NOT CANON! JUST IDEAS) gonta catches bugs he thinks ryoma will like and shows him. sometimes ryoma keeps them. gonta is always in the stands with a shirt that says "I <3 RYOMA" and a big poster for when ryoma has tennis tournaments after a long day of catching bugs, ryoma will give gonta massages (vice versa) gonta has tried to learn tennis, but ended up breaking the racket and got really upset. BONUS!! ryoma bought him a special one with butterflies on it after that, and gonta was happy again gonta is very much a gentleman, always opening doors for hoshi and pulling out chairs and such for their anniversary, ryoma set up a picnic in the middle of a field where he knows a bunch of cool bugs are, and took gonta. gonta cried happy tears when ryoma has his episodes of not feeling good enough and just being depressed, gonta just bear hugs him and tries to cheer him up by putting on matching cat onesies (98% of the time this actually works) Sorry I couldn't think of anymore lol. I don't know much about this ship, so I'm sorry if some things seem inaccurate! I'm still take ship suggestions ^^ have a good day!
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hestiashand · 1 year
Drop those team taka head cannons
omg i adore team taka altho i feel i don’t even have the most particularly interesting headcanons for them LOL a lot of them will be design headcanons bc thats what i normally think of as an artist hehee uhm.. i’ll start with suigetsu bc i love suigetsuuuuu
for suigetsu as shown in my drawing of him from today i like the thought of him dying the tips of his hair blue….. the way the anime shades his hair is far too cool to accept it’s shading and not act like those are dyed tips….
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[ ID: two screenshots of suigetsu. END ID. ]
like cmonnnnn the blue tips are the coolest thing in the world. it is NOT shading TO ME ☝️☝️☝️☝️ also i didn’t draw this in my recent suigetsu bc i forgot when i was drawing it 😢😢 but i do imagine he has scabs on his lips and around his mouth often from accidentally biting his lip T.T sometimes i bite too hard and draw blood i can only imagine having sharp teeth and doing that T.T also he wears smudged eyeliner. uh this ones maybe kinda obvious but to me he doesn’t have much of a sense of boundaries and doesn’t have much shame in his body so T.T being his roommate would be a constant battle to make sure he walks around the apartment in *some* clothes. like by everything holy just *something*
this one is absolutely not based at all but it’s my brain and i can do to jūgo as i please with it ☝️☝️ and i like to imagine jūgo likes to wear accessories on his head a lot. like hair clips, hats, maybe he starts growing it out a bit more and ties parts of it up. it catches little birdies attentions more too which he enjoys and is a bonus other than it just being cute to me. to me he’s also the friend that carries around a big bag to hold everyones shit in when they get tired of carrying their own stuff. like yeah man just toss it in… it adds nothing i already have anything you could imagine in here anyways. y’know y’know. most of my jūgo headcanons are not based at all ajksjsjss i’m sorry but i also like to imagine he might pick up smth like woodworking/carving maybee knitting/crotchet (but i lean most towards wood carving) to keep himself distracted and occupied. less likely to have episodes and intrusive thoughts for him. obviously doesn’t stop everything but it helps the tiniest but plus it’s fun :) i think if he were to do carvings and stuff he’d give like a few to his friends if it was smth they specifically liked but i think he kinda likes and prefers to just leave them around, to either be lost to time or be found by someone else! i think he has lots of scars on his hands and knuckles— between the wood carving and his rampages i think his hands take quite the damage. and y’all know i like scars so i ignore any jutsu that may deter scar creation so to me he defo gets scars. except suigetsu’s jutsu actually.. i dont think suigetsu gets scars at all.
i like to imagine karin with a bunch of neat kind of earrings. anything fun/funky. also she has one industrial piercing too to me.. sasuke has two of them but karin had one before she knew sasuke did 😭😭 just a coincidence she swears she swearssss. this one would like.. technically be canon anyways in the first half but bc of all the bite marks she has n stuff her skin would be suuuper bumpy… i think she probably doesn’t like people touching her cause strangers/non team taka end up commenting on how gross it is T.T she prolly wears long sleeves as much as she can. which i rlly don’t know much about boruto but i think long sleeves in that one is canon too. i like to work with out of canon clothings so even then if i end up starting a karin fashion board it would have strictly long sleeve outfits in it. also i like to imagine her with some vocal tics. i dont imagine her with tourettes but just a small tic disorder. i think she mostly does like clicking sounds and hums… not any words or anything :) also i feel like her eyesight is just constantly getting worse and worse. i imagine she’s legally blind but still it gets worse. when she’s older like maybe her 50s or 60s she goes blind and just relies on only sensing ppls chakra to know who’s around w/o asking. i mean she heavily relies on that anyways even when she does have eyesight.. i like to just think she uses it a lot instead of straining her eyes when her prescription starts changing.
uhm and for sasuke some more team taka centred headcanons instead of just some hcs in general… i mean i’ll just state the obvious here because soooo many ppl tend to ignore this but. team taka are sasukes best friends…. not the rest of the konoha 12… so jot that one down. i feel like even when they branch off and do their own thing (again idk anything about boruto none of that is canon to me akshjshsjsjs so don’t be like “uhmm well actually 🤓🤓”) they like to keep in contact. even if not often they’ll send messages. i like to think if they’re aware they’re gonna end up being somewhere near-ish the others they’ll all go out of their way to pay a visit. uh also i DONT think this actually happened like it’s not a headcanon of mine but i do think the thought of suigetsu being sasukes first (very short term) bf is a funny thought…. it does not last tho cause anytime they’re tryna talk about sweet things and their thoughts sasuke just talks about naruto T.T again i dont actually headcanon that happening but it is a funny thought to me… uhm also i don’t particularly think there’s a moment in which this would end up happening but i do think that out of all of team taka sasuke trusts jūgo the most to just… have a personal conversation with. like he doesn’t go out of his way to ever talk about personal shit with him, but i think if a situation were to come up in which he had to/felt like he needed to i think jūgo would be the one he’d go to c:
most importantly no matter how much they do argue with each other team taka does all love eachother.. and they certainly stay friends for life. even if they don’t talk much i think they will all always consider them a group of friends that they can just send messages to without the thought of it being strange after it being so long. it doesn’t even have to be some kind of important message either. just a little random message whenever they think of it.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Had to put my dog down today and I’m very upset about but your stories cheer me up.
Could I get some fluffy head cannons about if the mc was ace ?
Also maybe if the pack got a pet
i'm so sorry to hear about your puppy :( please remember to take it slow and greive in your own time, i wish our furry friends could stay with us forever but that just makes all the time we have with them more precious right?
hmmmm i think that the m/c would be a cuddly little thing, even being ace like- i just get the idea of maybe she discovers it later after a bunch of careful reflection with jin and namjoon- maybe thats just because i'm that sort of ace that doesn't hate sexual contact just...doesn't feel attraction all that often? like ever if i'm being honest.
but anyways, i just get the idea of the m/c realizing that she doesn't like the sex but she does like the closeness, she likes feeling the warmth of their bodies and the closeness of her pack. even during her heat, she doesn't really need any sort of sexual contact she just needs her alphas to sandwich her between them and smother her with gentle kisses to her cheeks. it's all slow touches that don't go anywhere.
i also get the idea that while she doesn't like sex,,,she does like aftercare, and she becomes an unoffical aftercare buddy with the sub, sweetly submissive too without being sexual, very very happy to cling to the others after sex and coax jungkook and hobi into eating peices of chocolate and give them sleepy kisses <3
as for what the pack would be like if they got a pet...you might have to wait until next chapter for that <3
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official-big-q · 1 year
Heyyy papa idk why I am invading ur inbox rn DNFNFNFB I just wanted to say stuff about how for some reason I like hearing your memories maybe cuz I never had like those kind myself just the feelings of things that happened in cannon
So I like you talking about them or your wings and your HUGE nest in las nevadas I think I would have liked to be there just us sleeping and you wrapping your wings around me and me wishing to be able to fly around with you
I think I always liked the idea
Of being a big dragon and fly around with my wings and have fun and spend time with my family
I didn't make the entire revived AU for nothing dnfbfjr
If you want to ramble abt your memories idm I love hearing them :]]
That’s heartwarminngg hhhhh<3
I WOULD HAVE LOVED FOR YOU TO BE THERE IN MY NEST AS WELL - that nest was so cozy it made me feel so safe and it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE NOW SOB
I was so very very vocal around you kids - dsmp and qsmp,, im just full of bird noises :]!! Coos, chirps, quacks, squawks, you name it !!! I had a large variety of bird noises I made towards you and your siblings <3 !!
In the dsmp i had a bad track record with love and was verY traumatized so the way I showed love at first was through gifts !!! I used to spoil Tommy rotten :]. (Tubbo wouldnt let me - he refused to take my gifts)
And then after I healed and realized I didnt need to hide my affection for others - I gave out words of affirmation and physical touch !!!
I WAS LIKE. PRETTY FUCKED UP ???? In the dsmp, after I got my injury to my eye/face, I had to take a couple weeks at least to be able to properly navigate again. Karl and Sapnap forced me into using a cane, which was something I very much needed if I didn’t want to walk into something or just fall over-
And just the eye thing in general messed me up permanently ??? Like I stopped using my cane and was okay most of the time without it - but my vision was really fucked and I couldn’t read cursive at all and needed bigger writing on documents to be able to read them, but the dsmp wasn’t a very accessible space so I just sucked it up and dealt with it.
I even learned braille because of it !!! Sam taught me braille !!! Sam also taught me some basic ASL and Foolish taught me more in depth ASL.
I remember Wil getting bad back pains and just aches after they got revived. I think it was just a side effect they had to deal with after it all. We couldn’t do much to help it, but I always made sure to give them a heating pad and some good pillows !!
Speaking of - I believe both me and Wil had chronic fatigue ? I think I just had it while Wil got it as a side effect from getting revived - either way it SUCKED
I remember playing with Fundy during Pogtopia and making sure he stayed fed and kept him company when I could :]
This isn’t a memory but in my head I always refer to Ranboo as the weird stray cat my kids decided to start feeding that never left lmao /lh /aff
Phil took care of me once ???????? I’m pretty sure I was grieving Wilbur and dealing with a whole bunch of feelings about that entire situation when he died - and I ended up on Phils doorstep basically completely shut down and he took me in and just started fully taking care of me. It was a weird experience- I don’t like the man for my own personal grudges but he’s still a kind soul.
Wilbur had a tendency to work himself or keep himself busy until he passed out - he hated sleeping after revival.
Schlatt but the bi in bitch - and other than that fantastic line I don’t want to talk about him lmao
OH I once panicked after I couldn’t find Tommy in the penthouse thing we stayed in in Las Nevadas and made various chirps and warbles while searching for them- they were simply in another room and I was panicked for no reason , Tommy did end up responding with quiet confused chirps hhdjdbd
I HAD SHARP FANGS AND TALONS >:D!!!! I think I also wore fingerless gloves too - sometimes just wearing plain gloves to hide the burn scars that I had on my hands
AND I DONT HAVE AS MANY QSMP MEMS BUT I remember feeling uneasy around Bad ????? He was a friend of mine n all but I remember avoiding him for a bit and feeling unsafe around him annnd I don’t quite know why
Jaiden and Baghera were / are like siblings to me, almost !!! I remember we were pretty close :D !! Jaiden and I were close friends and Baghera and I had more of a sibling relationship !!
I vaguely remember Maximus introducing me to his daughter !!! She was pretty cool and it was an awesome experience
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i sent that way too early oops fbvdgjsh
i'll put a readmoe cause this is going to be Long
anyway the first thing!! i was running to the building cause i thought i was late (i really wasn't) but i was running and this guy. is like trying to get my attention and i'm liek this is weird wtf cause i Do Not Know this person but anyway i stopped running and took out my headphones so i could hear them and??? they're like "the lady you ran past back there is my friend and she said i should talk to you and be your friend" and i'm like .what but also? ??? thank you i think?? and he thought i was really cool apparently jsdhfbgdjsdh and also he thought i was a girl so that was. kind of awkward i had to be like "oh actually. no i'm Not htat" but he was really nice??? he didn't have the right language (he asked if i was like a "man man" and i was like..well i'm trans if thats what you mean) but he was super polite and it was a very strange but nice experience ndhkj
the next thing was my friend's dad being there!!! which makes a lot of sense in hindsight given my friend is literally in the show and he's frequently backstage at things but i didn't have the hindsight. so. but it was really nice to see him and he was the first person there that i actually knew so it was super comforting :D and also he's very funny
i was wearing a nametag (most of the props people were) and one of the people playing the parents referred to me by name and it scared me cause i forgot my name was on my arm i was like who a re you how do you know my name
when i was bringing some of the props out onstage my sister's friend waved at me from the audience and i saw my sister as well because my sister. was sitting next to her nbdgsjhd
also i saw my old teacher/the director and it was so nice to see her again omg
they changed some things which is to be expected cause it's been like. three years since i've been there but Still,,, like one of the dolls boxes is purple but it used to be pink (why couldn't it have been purple when i was in it. smh my head) and also they added a cannon in battle scene????
speaking of battle scene!!! they changed the rats costumes a whole bunch. they used to be like..ok so they were bodysuits? i guess? like uh
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ok yeah like that but without the head, feet, and hands covered, and they had rubber masks with glowing red eyes. basically they were creepy as FUCK i loved them especially because the rats entrance is through the audience so you're just sitting there and the music is playing and all of a sudden theres GLOWING RED EYES in the aisle. fabulous. but now they're much cuter, like more like a rat stuffed animal than a rat that Wants To Kill You (except the masks whihc are still less scary than the old ones but don't have glowing red eyes) and it's also kinda sad because you can't see the dancer's movements as well? like the costumes are so fluffy it's hard to actually see what they're doing (not impossible, but still unfortunate)
when we were going over battle scene i was waiting in the wings and talking to my friend and someone comes up to her and asks her "hey have you seen a box full of santa hats?" which she had not. and i was very confused but also didn't want to ask. also i got to hold her sword (technically it's a sabre but whatever) and!! when they were running the other cast i held my old friend's sabre and while we were waiting for them to sort out the fog machine someone said something about a lighter? talking about clara's candle and we were like omg. what if instead of the candle clara just has a lighter and she runs around onstage with it and sets everything on fire. and it turned into us just making an au where clara is an arsoninst and kills everyone which was very fun <3
anway!! the most insane thing that happened. we were rehearsing snow scene after blocking it, and it was just before the blizzard part. actually i'll link the music because it's important (timestamped) and the music just stops. a literal record scratch. remember those santa hats? like a third of the snowflakes get up and 5-7 other people come onstage. and they're all wearing santa hats. the music starts playing again, only it isn't snow scene. it's the jingle bell rock scene from mean girls. they're all doing the dance from it. it's incredible. and they even do the part with the pushing and the music player breaking and then they all sing the rest of the song it was fucking incredible ndbhfdksdjn
most of the rest of rehearsal was pretty normal umm i talked to two of my old friends and we talked about sewing which was very fun cause their moms are the heads of the costume department and also one of them said i gave them gender envy <333
but yeah thats most of the things that happened i think!!! if i remember anything else notable i'll tell you njsbhd
dhewjfbrnsdh hes a little confused but hes got the spirit
NHBSDSJ they have psychic powers called reading nametags
SABRE!!! and omg i love that au
holy shit that's fucking incredible
!!! slay
!!!! afsdhfbsdjhg it all sounds so fun omggg
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In The Middle Of The Upside Down And No Where To Go
(for those of you who cant read cursive <3)
summary: who knew that accidentally finding Eddie Munson in the Upside Down all bloody and confused would be one good thing that went right about your day.
warnings: fluff/ angst, reader crushes on Eddie, blood, cannon violence. talk of injury/wounds ( let me know if i missed any)
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She hadn't known what was behind her she didn't want to know but it was to late she could hear it and now she knew She hadn't known what was behind her she didn't want to know but it was to late she could hear it and now she knew it was there. She was gathering the strength to come to terms that shes gonna have to kill what ever is behind her but once she turned around she was met with His face.. his beautiful face all the feelings from high school come back she had a big fat crush on Eddie.
She knew she couldn't kill him. I mean look at him how could she with his big curls and his big chocolate brown doe like eyes she could easily melt when he looks at her. She just couldn't even if she wanted to. She gave him a look over his clothes all covered in dry blood. he looked horrible but to her he looked perfect. Hes seen better days yes,but he was still perfect.
She finally spoke to him for the first time in a few years since she finally got a job and saved a bunch of money she finished her last year in a school a few states away and promised Eddie that she'd be back. She heard everything from Nancy so she knows all about Carver and Chrissy. Chrissy she was always so sweet to you she never deserved what she got and neither did Eddie. She knew about vecna she knew about their plan and Nancy begged her not to get involved so she did hence how she got down here. " Oh My God Eddie what the fuck happened to you" she panicked 
Eddie didn't know how she got down there he was shocked when he woke up and just started to walk not knowing what to do and then he saw YOU. you of all people he may be in hell and just got eaten alive by Demo-bats then have his friends leave him there in the middle of the upside down to die only knowing about this place for about 72 hours roughly but god has sent him an angle. A sign that he'll be okay eventually.
" I was eaten alive by Demo-bats and then woke up alone,cold and hungry. You stood there connecting the dots. Demo-bats. "woke up". cold. hungry. Eddies words repeating themselves in your head before it finally clicked Eddie is a vampire.
"E-eds" you say shakily you reach up to feel his pulse and Nothing nothing.. it took him a minute to understand what you were doing but he finally put the pieces together. Once he realized he could tell that every one of his senses was heightened he could hear your pulse,smell the blood in your veins. he reaches out and grabs your waist  and pulls you into him his new found strength making you gasp and your heart to flutter " sorry sweetheart" Eddie muttered.
you just hug him back he tensed expecting  pain from his wounds but was happily welcomed by none Eddie pushes away slightly to look at all his injury's but found none only fresh scarring.  speed healing. well thats new too.
You blushed harshly at Eddie for practically flashing you his abs you pull his shirt back down and go back to hugging him and holding him letting the un-shed tears spill over and over on to his shoulder he holds you tight knowing you were just as scared as him but he was just happy he wasn't alone and even better hes with you his best friend his everything His girl.
he buries his face in the top of your head he inhales deep even though your hair was from what happened to you and how the fuck you got there stuck with him. He could smell your lavender and strawberry shampoo you used getting ready this morning thinking that today would have been a normal day but who knew that accidentally finding Eddie Munson in the Upside Down would be that best thing that ever happened to you and you're happy that even though your day was Horrifying it ended in eddies arms all bloody,scared,traumatized and hungry with No Where To Go
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the end
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teddy-feathers · 3 months
gonna talk a bit about my super hero characters
This is cannon for the universe i need to build for them and not necessarily how ive been role playing them.
There's Noah Really. He's Caucasian and got a nose with a big arch, green eyes, and long blonde hair. His power is prehensile hair - if you had a power null on around him itd still work because its just another muscle. He's gay and came from a very large conservative family. They kicked him out as soon as legally able and he's been managing on his own since. While he loves his siblings and had a large part in rasing many of them as the second eldest, hes been completely cut off from his family. He made a new one though. a bunch of other young supers who needed/ need help. He's talkative, flirty, flamboyant, but despite that he very rarely dates. He has too many platonic people relying on him to settle for anything less than a real deep snd long lasting connection.
Jo Everbody is an Asian American kid with shaggy, ear length black hair and brown eyes. They're non binary but look and dress masculine, though the carpet dont match the drapes so to speak. They're younger than most of the rest of the group though only by a couple of years. they have a home though, they lost their parents when they were ten and their sister Cecilia "Cissa" had just turned 18 and was allowed to take care of them. Their power is they are a very powerful empath, when they were younger they got overstimulated by this frequently. Now that theyre older they have better control and regulation of their power... but they crave deep emotional attachments and often date and get dumped seeking them. Theyre quiet and studious outside of their flings and dont know how to handle ofher people's emotions without fixing it for them - something theyre loath to do. But they do like doing emotional feedback during romantic encounters. if they feel good and their partner feels good it can create a positive feedback loop that feeds on itself.
"Deb" Debrah Beat is an African American woman with brown curls, dark brown eyes, and a great smile. Shes very active and physical and would like to be a physical therapist but.... her power is she heals. From everything. Anything. Since it's basically a horrible power she designed and built - with the help of her girlfriend - some large robotic gloves. She can punch like the hulk with those on and she never lets slip her power is healing herself.
"Abby" Abhi Normal is a trans woman. She dyes her hair pink and favors very feminine clothing, rarely wearing pants. She likes costumes and trying different fashions but mostly she is creative. Her power is being able to control what she creates. So she creates everything from paper dolls to mannequins. Shes very handy. She is pansexual and in a very committed and loving relationship with Deb Beat.
Dan Gnabbit is a trans man. Hes a bit of a nerd, bit of a slob, but his power is opening doors. if it looks like a door he can make a portal between it and a place he knows that also has a door like area to anchor to. the fun thing is its all in his head - it doesn't have to be a door like structure. he can just make portals. but hes still learning to control his power and needs the mental connection.
Varie Nearly is a... difficult person. Shes Aromatic but into sex. thats not why shes difficult shes... kinda a bitch. very much a kick you while your down sort of person. very insulting. she like punkish clothing and has died red hair and wears heavy purple makeup. the thing with her is she might be an asshole but shes *our* asshole. surprisingly very loyal to the group. her power is she can talk to birds. youll find her up trees when shes not harrassing someone already having a bad day.
Seren Deputy is a hispanic american woman who really really wants to become a doctor. only problem is that her power is opening old wounds. She wouldve killed deb by accident had deb not been a healer. shes actually extremely smart, very kind, and is working her way to med school. shes just also feels bad that she could have killed deb that one time.
theres probably more to this but I'm tired
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