sky-cotl-nature · 7 months
animal of the day: this beautiful manta from the lantern!
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these guys are so cool, and OBJECTIVELY better than normal mantas due to them being portable. wish i had a little guy to bring around wherever i went 😢
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thetombedspirit · 3 months
Jurassic World: Camp Fam - Next Generation
I was board, so I made a next gen for the Nublar Six, based on my personal headcanons and ships so if you don't like Benrius and Kenlynn, then please don't come at me. This is all just in good fun.
Emily Bowman (Benrius)
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Emily was nine-years old when her parents were unfortunately killed in a freak dinosaur attack, leaving her orphaned. Darius and Ben responded to the call and took her into their care. She stayed with them for a little while whilst Social Services began sorting out her situation, wherein during that time, Emily gotten to get to know Darius and Ben and what they do; how they locate dinosaurs, care for them, and ship them off to private island habitats funded by Dr Mae Turner and Mantah Corp, now under Kenji’s full jurisdiction. She even began to conquer her fear after making friends with a Maiasaura she named Ursa.
She was eventually put into a foster home, but the conditions were poor, so she decided to run away and return to the Sanctuary, via stealing the mum’s credit card to book a plane ticket.
Darius and Ben were shocked to see Emily and horrified to hear about the living conditions. After sending her to bed, they had a long talk about how they had once talked about adopting and raising a family, agreeing they both adored Emily and didn’t want her to go. So they gave Emily the good news the next morning that they would adopt her into the family and she said yes.
Fun Fact: Ursa the Maiasaura is a direct nod to concept dinosaurs that would eventually become Bumpy, as Maiasaura was one of the many plausible candidates.
2. Julia and Xavier Kon (Kenlynn)
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Despite their ups and downs, concerning Brooklynn’s line of work and Kenji's inheritance of Manta Corp, Brooklynn tries extra hard to live in the moment and not take her time with her family and friends for granted and Kenji works hard to ensure that the Kon family name is redeemed through his work. Regardless of their hardships, they work well together and support each other through their struggles.
Julia Kon is the more extraverted of the duo. She takes after her father, enjoys skating, archery and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, preferring physical activities to staying coped up indoors all day. Her brother Xavier is more closed off then his sister. Younger by two years, he prefers technology and hacking to climbing and being outdoors.
Despite their differences, two things they have in common is their love for their family and their association with dinosaurs. Namely the herd of Parasaurolophus living by their father’s climbing camp. Every month, Kenji would take the family camping at the cliffs and the kids would play with the baby Parasaurolophuses. One in particular took a real shine to the children; Brooklynn affectionately named her Nightlight, due to how Xavier would snuggle her tightly due to his fear of the dark when they went camping.
Fun Fact: Julia and Xavier are named after Brooklynn and Kenji's original concepts for Camp Cretaceous, Jules and Xi respectively. Also, Kenji and Ben used to have different roles, with Ben being the strong, athletic character while Kenji (at this point in time, Xi) was the shy, nerdy type. They since swapped roles, with Ben becoming the shy one and Xi taking the role of the rich kid and was renamed Kenji.
3. Katie Gutierrez-Fadoula (Yasammy)
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When Sammy and Yaz got married and talked about starting a family, they realized there were some complications: Sammy's encounter with the Scorpios Rex damaged her reproductive organs and left her unable to carry a child to term, and Yaz was uncomfortable with the idea of ordering a doner. So in the end, they agreed to adopt.
Katie loves her moms and her life at the ranch. She enjoys spending time with Angel and Rebel, who they were able to rescue and keep on the ranch (best cattle dogs Sammy ever had), tending to the cows, chickens and the stray Pachycephalosaurus that had been hanging around the ranch lately, who she has named Bonehead. She came out to her mums as trans when she was 13 and they wholeheartedly support her through her transition.
Fun Fact: Katie is a sorta merge of Sammy and Yaz's concepts. Sammy was originally meant to be male and Yaz's name was originally Katie.
Anyway, those are my versions of the next generation of Camp Fam. I hope you like them and again, this is just all in good fun; I'm not trying to start any shipping wars.
Take care peoples.
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ghostie-in-wonderland · 3 months
Rides I think the Obey Me! Characters would dislike
Tw: motion sickness is mentioned
Mammon: Manta at Sea World Orlando
I think his voice box would be definitely strained afterwards from screaming. Definitely don’t think he’d enjoy the whole like laying parallel to the ground part. He seems like the friend who would pretend to not be scared of a ride, while actually being terrified and at the end of the day has no voice from how loud he was screaming. 
Lucifer: Tower of Terror 
I can’t explain it, but he gives me the vibes of someone who has definitely freaked out about getting trapped in an elevator, but he plays it off because of his pride so he would never let anyone know that the ride spooks him. He’s also a 1000% someone who’d go on the People-mover all day, which is definitely a mood sometimes. 
Leviathan: Thunderbolt at Kennywood
It legit causes someone to pretty much sit on someone else’s lap. I think he’d be freaked out by that. If he rode it with the MC, instant nosebleed. I think he’d prefer to play the games or do rides where he’s not sitting directly against someone. 
Asmodeus: A Bug’s Life at Disney World 
The seats make it feel like bugs crawl on you. I think he’d hate that. Plus, you watch like a little Bug’s Life performance thing and it’s freaky (I also hated this attraction as a kid). 
Satan: It’s a Small World at Disney 
Somehow, he would get stuck in there. The ride would then be closed for the next five years because of how angry he’d get about the song. It would be entertaining though for MC if they’re chaotic. 
Beelzebub: Mission: Space at Disney World 
This ride is motion sickness devildom (lol see what I did there). He gives the vibes of the family member who has to sit in the front seat or next to a window because he gets really bad motion sickness and feels guilty the entire time. 
Belphegor: Black Widow at Kennywood 
I don’t think he’d vibe with the swinging and the spinning. I think he’d get really dizzy and annoyed by it. Especially because it’s longer than it needs to be. He also seems like the type to get headaches from rides that spin too much. 
Diavolo: Raptor at Cedar Point
This man is beefy. Truly I don’t think he’d like rides that have over the shoulder harnesses because they squish him. I think if you asked though, he’d still go with you on any rides because you asked. Also, I feel like if you’re plus size/chubby and nervous about fitting on a ride, he would 1000% make it seem like he was the problem if you don’t fit on the ride. He is a 100/10 character to go to a theme park with. 
Barbatos: Exterminator at Kennywood 
This is the entire reason I thought of this idea. I love this ride, but Exterminator with it’s OG theming (pre-making an express lane when it had good theming) would have freaked Barbatos out because it’s all about rats taking over a city. Like the whole ride is rat themed and you’re in a car that looks like a rat “trying” to escape exterminators. 
Simeon: Pipeline at Sea World Orlando
I think he’d dislike the whole standing while on a rollercoaster. I think he’d just dislike Sea World in general because of the ethical issues with it. I feel like his least favorite part would be getting off the ride and his legs being all shaky because of it. 
Luke: Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Disney World 
I think it would mostly be the jokes the brothers would make at his expense in line. 
Solomon: Invertigo at King’s Island 
I think he’d hate the possibility of going backwards on a rollercoaster. I think he’d also hate rides like the Music Express at Kennywood or Matterhorn at Cedar Point because it only goes in a circle. 
Mephisto: All of them
He just gives those vibes. I’m sorry he just does to me. I feel like he would be one of those people who are there for the vibes, probably go on a couple of the chiller rides like the Merry-Go-Rounds or join Lucifer on the People Mover (which would be amusing to watch). 
Thirteen: None 
A 10/10 character to go to a theme park with if you want a ride buddy, she’ll go on everything with you. 
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 1 month
May I offer you another character to headcanon as trans in these trying times?
His name is Manta, he comes from this French cartoon called Droners, and in season 1 he looks like this
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(He's the white haired one)
Then in season 2, after making a much happier life for himself, and going through a cool redemption arc, and standing up to his abusers, he looks like this
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(You can even see he covered that tattoo on his shoulder—that was the symbol of the military academy that brainwashed him and where he was treated like trash)
He's a really fun character. We learn in season 1 that despite acting all big and tough on the island, he was actually bullied at his military academy, and basically did everything his abusers told him to gain their respect, which of course never happened.
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But like, just look at him. The animation! The smug aura. The voice actor is also doing such a good work selling just how feral this boy is.
And you know the best part? Unlike a lot of redeemed rivals, he never loses that edge after he chills out. He's still this extra. He just went from bully (derogatory) to bully (affectionate). He's still headstrong, he's still ready to throw down, but now it's in defense of his friends. He's willing to compliment people, he does not threaten his friends with violence, he smiles, and has small talk about home food, and plays video games with other droners.
And when he flies his drone in the race, he's still this wonderful heel, he still wrecks stuff in his path, his drone is literally designed to be able to chomp other drones in half. AND WE LOVE SEEING HIM CHOMP OTHER DRONES IN HALF. I love my trans shark son reenacting the plot of Jaws (btw, his drone is also named Jaws, and we love that)
I feel the need to tell you, every time he does that attack, he does the ice cube crunch. So extra.
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Have I also mentioned he gets a romantic arc with the main heroine of the story? He becomes the bad boy love interest?!
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Also, his drone is literally a blåhaj, and his insignia is the Monster logo. Love that for him
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On a side note: check how his best friend added freaking cat ears to his hood after they rebranded themselves. (Also note they both stopped wearing dog tags)
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They dance together. (Which is also a nice subtle character development, because at the beginning of season 1, they're always sitting around the parties, sulking, and glaring at everybody)
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spnfanficpond · 7 months
February 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Pack by @spnexploration
I love this story. I love the pack dynamics and how they all are despite Dean being the Pack Alpha. I love that they even have an extended pack as well (Claire, for example). I love that the reader has to learn the world and shows a very real world freak out over the information as well as how the pack dynamic and tactics work with and without Dean and Sam. I love how gentle and human Dean and the Reader are together. It’s a very relatable story with new relationships. I related to the Reader’s self-view very, very much. I’m gonna start including pack dynamics in my own a/b/o fics. I love that idea, so so much. Evolution is slow to change, so even if a/b/o was an evolutionary change, it doesn’t mean that all aspects would change with modern day society. Please check the story out and the author. Thanks!
The Cala Lillies of Winchester by @littleangelcassie
This is such an amazing story! Castiel instantly connects with Dean who falls asleep on him while on the bus and Cas being Cas decides to take him home and keep him. Doesnt take long for Dean to agree. It’s an amazing, challenging love story from there that encompasses family, children, health and home, and the challenges of in-laws for their personal and religious views. It’s beautiful and terrifying, and worth the tears.
The Heartbreak Hotel by @naughtystiel
You have to read this is such a fluffy story. It’s like so heart warming, chest squeezing, heart racing and so angsty. I love it. It’s so fluffy that it’s schmoopy. That’s how affectionate and caring it is. Let the story take care of you. Trigger Warning: cheating, survivor’s guilt, bad parent Mary Winchester
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
If you don't look good, we don't look good by @talltalesandbedtimestories
HOLY HELL!!! This is SO HOT! With feelings, and hair, and brotherly Sam, and HOLY HOTNESS DEAN. *wipes sweat from brow*
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Mutually Beneficial by @kittenofdoomage
It's cute, fresh, and I can't wait to see where it goes!!
Nominated by @spencereliotwinchester
Flash by Ellia (AO3)
It’s so simple, yet extremely deep. An amazing take on the masks we wear
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
(K)not For Sale by @sam-is-my-safe-word
I don’t even go to the school of ABO, but, Kasey, love, you killed me. It’s emotional and anxious and hot, and SB is the Omega. Yes. Good.
Spotless by @stusbunker
FAKE. DATING. I’m epically behind in college comments for this, but it’s so fun and sexy and Stuie!
Nominated by @glygriffe
Wait for the Ricochet by @bobwess
I nominate this fic - first, because it is by Bob Wess and I think everybody in the SPN fandom should read at least one Bob Wess story - second, because it’s a time travel WIP where Dean and Sam meet their younger selves. 16-year-old Dean getting all big brother-y with 36-year-old Sam is precious, and Castiel serving as a buffer between the two versions of Dean is quite an interesting read.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
I had…the weirdest thought/idea while reading through your mermay stuff. This can be h2o no au or just general mer shenanigans but…what if reader was allergic to shellfish/fish in general before becoming a mer/siren? Like- for h2o it just adds to the “ocean and fish bad” mindset and trauma reader has. But also when they become a mer that would bring up so many questions. (Do you think they’d become immune or just stay allergic bc the human part of them is still technically the same???)
When they become a mer they just suddenly have this urge to consume something that quite literally will kill them. When they eventually wind up with the yans and the caretakers try to feed them reader once again just sees it as an attempt on their life and not some caring gesture. The adults are so concerned and confused that their guppy won’t eat anything, but it doesn’t seem like a hunger strike they literally freak out when food is put toward their mouth. Maybe reader finally explains it and the adults are just CONFUSED.
“Reader please eat your food.”
“I can’t I’ll literally die.”
If reader is still deathly allergic they become the mer equivalent of a vegetarian or idk marine animals are weird, if fate is kind reader is partially a type of sea creature that just filter feeds or something (ex: whale shark, or manta ray)
(Idk all of this is coming from the mind of someone who cannot eat fish, had a very violent reaction to it, and has been scared of it happening again ever since)
I’m curious what you think, does the moon pool just heal the immune response? Is reader only allergic while in a human form but fine to eat fish as a mer? Or is reader plunged into an even worse situation bc when the yans find out about the allergy they become 100x more protective, treating reader as the most fragile guppy on the planet that needs even more of their attention and care? Like- allergies aren’t a thing for mer so they don’t really understand it so they’re just like: “No Reader! If that fish gets near you you’ll die!” Imagine someone like Sabertooth being like that one uncle that’s like “you’re just faking it” or “that’s not a thing!”, playfully force feeds reader a crab or something and suddenly reader’s gills swell and they can’t breathe. That makes x2 murder attempts on reader by Sabertooth. And then from that point on everybody in the pod is traumatized by the experience, reader is even further from being assimilated, and the yan adults are so much more worried about their reluctant guppy.
Weird funny concept. This became so long, I am so sorry.
Been binge reading your work and I think it’s awesome! You’re a really creative writer, and I love everything I’ve read from you!
Idk how your anon system works
Call me rhino anon 🦏 if that’s available?
Oh wow! Okay, I have a family member who is also allergic to shellfish (I'm not sure about fish, but they're allergic to shellfish), and I hope you are okay after that experience, 🦏 Anon.
I can see it working as Reader is either immune as a mer but can't eat shellfish as a human, or as them being unable to eat, well, any seafood at all.
They're basically stuck eating seaweed, kelp, and/or filter feeding, and Reader isn't happy, and neither are the platonic yans, especially the adults. Their kid/sibling isn't eating, they're worried Reader will starve, and they want to help but are confused by being allergic to what is a sirens main diet.
If Sabretooth did force Reader to eat shellfish or fish, he'd be lucky, and so would Reader, if they didn't die or have a severe allergic reaction. Reader does however fear him even more after it, regardless of if they almost died or if they actually stomached fish for the first time in their life.
I think if Reader had to have a meat to eat, it would have to be sea birds or sea mammals. So, seagulls, albatross, terns, for birds... or seals, dolphins, or orcas for mammals... It's still a hassle, but it's worth it if Reader doesn't end up with anemia or sick from only being able to eat seaweed and kelp and seagrass...
The adult platonic yans at this point are having to fist fight or tail fight who is and isn't allowed near Reader as one of their main caretakers, because they need someone they will listen to yet have a chance of liking. Reader is scared of all of them, but some more than others, so it's best to pick the ones who haven't traumatized them, and go with the ones who at least they won't faint from seeing...
(Welcome to the platonic yandere X-Men club!)
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gatheredfates · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Aww, I love positivity asks! I can't say mine are in any way profound, but:
My loved ones. Cheesy, I know. Shout-out to my partner who does have a Tumblr account but refuses to be perceived because I know he'll read this and appreciate the fact I didn't tag him. I've been asked before how on earth I've been in a relationship with one person for over half my life and that's simple: I fell in love with my best friend. 💖 Also huge shoutout to @riftdancing who will be perceived because she's the platonic love of my life and, without her, I would not be who I am today. These two have seen me at my literal worst and stuck by me — I love them to bits! There's also my FC members/close friends @lightwrought / @gaygentofchaos / @whirlwyrm / @snakemoltsiren / @swingbeard / @dragons-ire / other people I have missed and/or wouldn't like to be tagged but know you are included because I love you. IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. Also everyone in Seafloor!
Music. I've always loved music, but I really only got into music and listening to different things later in life! Sleep Token fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and I will thrust them on anyone who will listen (start with Sundowning through to Take Me Back to Eden if you want the whole ~experience~ but Jaws is also a good separate introduction). I've also come to love Crywolf, Ashnikko, Bad Omens, as well as old faithfuls like Red, Evanescence, Halsey, etc.
My cat. She's not really my cat, but she adopted me. Ratticus le Catticuses the third of her name; brat cat, rat cat; little goblin; my little baby girl, love of my life. (Her name is Lucy).
Graphics design/creativity. I make it no secret my favourite part of my irl work is when I can make a brochure/pamphlet/poster. I don't profess to be an absolute master in it, and I'm entirely self-taught, but there is something about making something better. It's the same with GPOSING and the like. I don't do it often, but my edits are there. There are people in the community that use the little dividers I put together in Canva. It makes me happy!
My current mental health/personal journey. I'm in a really good spot mentally. My diagnosis has changed my life, and I was already on a good trajectory with my personal mantra/outlook on life prior to it. A few years go I was extremely depressed/anxious, I had a lot of trauma/paranoia around my spaces, and acted in ways I'm not proud of. I've reached out and reconciled a lot of it, and it's allowed me to engage with this community and my personal projects in a manner that's healthy and engaging for me. I was in a spot of ~drama~ recently (which I won't get into — that's another personal choice I made to keep things between relevant parties) and, rather than freaking out and thinking everyone hated me... I just dealt with it. I took all sides, formulated my opinions and blocked the people I didn't want to deal with. I was SO proud/happy with myself — I still am! It's not world-ending like it used to feel and that's so freeing for me as someone who used to be a chronic people-pleaser/conflict averse. I still want to try to be the latter, but I really believe the manta of 'be kind, take no shit'. It's done wonders for my happiness.
This got really long, I appreciate anyone who got to the bottom! I'll send these out to ten people from my permanent interaction call because I think that's nice. Thank you @disciple-of-frost for sending this in!! ✨
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stiffyck · 1 month
For the tattoo bug thing you asked for
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Praying mantas
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And one of these is a silver fish the other one might be a silver fish, i dunno
Also the other two freaks. Love that. Creepy as fuck /pos
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jazzystudios82 · 4 months
Webcomic Recommendations ♡
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Here are some comics that I've read (physically or digitally) that I'd like to recommend to people who have similar interests.
Made of Stardust The Remarried Empress Muted Lore Olympus
Mythos Redone Ava's Demon Lackadaisy Crow Time Your Throne
The Reaper and the Waiting Gourmet Hound Crumbs
Siren's Lament The Prince of Southland Bailin and Li Yun
Cursed Princess Club The Wrath & The Dawn Ladykillers Hooky
Heartstopper Not Even Bones The Witch and The Bull Raven Saga
Lovebot The Blind Prince Jungle Juice When Jasy Whistles Osora
Forever After Nevermore Brimstone and Roses Asking You
Avatar: The Last Airbender The Fever King Jackson's Diary
Castle Swimmer Suitor Armor Blades of Furry Covenant
Les Normaux I'm the Queen in This Life Everything is Fine SubZero
Down to Earth Watermelon Love Me to Death Marionetta
My Gently Raised Beast Unholy Blood The Mafia Nanny
Morgana and Oz Freaking Romance Lumine Your Letter
Dark Moon: The Blood Altar The Star Seekers 7Fates: CHAKHO
Marry My Husband Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Yellow
Go Away Romeo School Bus Graveyard Sable Curse Novae
Dolls Realta ZomCom Death: Rescheduled Lovely Hell
I'm the Grim Reaper 23:4 The Guy Upstairs Mystic Prince
Lady Knight Twilight Poem The End of You Vermelho
Night Owls and Summer Skies SOLEIL Purple Hyacinth AXED
My Deepest Secret Always Human HEART Anthology Shiloh
I Love Yoo I Am the Villain Of Swamp & Sea The Little Trashmaid
Operation: True Love Silent Screams Like Wind on a Dry Branch
Eros Conquers All Fathoms of Atonement Wild Forest Beast House
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me Homesick
My Husband Changes Every Night Punderworld Eaternal Nocturnal
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Mother's Contract Marriage Daughter of A Thousand Faces
Villains Are Destined to Die Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom
The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine Doctor Elise
Beware the Villainess Lady Chef Royale I Made a Deal with the Devil
Star Crossed Love The Crimson Lady Solo Leveling
The Villainess's Stationary Shop House Garnet's Archvillain
The Baengri Clan's Unwanted Granddaughter A World Without You
The Crimson Lady The Crow's Prince Magical Boy DPS Only!
RAINBOW! A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom FANGS
Surviving as a Maid Office Gods What's Wrong with Secretary Kim?
The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family His Majesty's Secret Heroine
The Villainess Turns the Hourglass Who Made Me a Princess?
Lady Crystal is a Man A Business Proposal Solo Leveling
The Demon's Darling Daughter I Shall Master this Family
The Fantasie of a Stepmother/A Stepmother's Marchen
Stella: The Lost Star The Lady and Her Butler
Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion
I Listened to My Husband and Brought in a Lover Swan Lake
I Will become the Villain's Poison Taster Magical Boy DPS Only!
As Goofy As Can Be! Wild Beast Forest house
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Manta Comics:
Under the Oak Tree Finding Camellia Semantic Error
The Bromance Book Club Disobey the Duke if You Dare
Lies Become You
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The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
The Abandoned Empress Born as the Second Daughter
ENNEAD King's Maker King's Maker: Triple Crown
Father, I don't want this Marriage The King and Me
Am I your daughter?
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eriexplosion · 11 months
Clone Wars - Shadow of Malevolence
Having expended everything I remembered about this three parter in the first part, I'm going into this one not remembering anything whatsoever.
First of all 'diabolical droid commander, General Grievous' I love that the writers simply do not know what this man is. Droid? Not a droid? Who knows, not the people writing this that's for sure!
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I love when the clones get the salt and pepper hair... absolute top tier look right there. And one of them even gets a name, Matchstick - taking bets on if he survives the episode because I have a haunting feeling the answer is no.
"The Jedi are never that harsh with their clones." "The care these Jedi show for their troops is a weakness." "A weakness we shall continue to exploit."
Cannot get over that this exchange between Dooku & Grievous is actually about Grievous punching a head directly off a battle droid and getting told off because they're expensive. It's weakness not to decapitate your troops with a single punch, this is why the Jedi will lose. Clearly.
Honestly, I think that there's a strong preference for Grievous in like, the 2D series where he's an incredible badass but I love coughing little freak Grievous. Most character of all time. He has several things wrong with him.
Their target is a medical station with 60,000 injured clones though, fucking. Hands off the boys, Grievous.
One thing I like about this episode is that it really gives us the first bits of the Ahsoka & Anakin sibling dynamic that works so well for me. We got lots of them interacting last episode, but I don't think it has quite the charm of their back and forth over how Anakin TOTALLY doesn't hate Ahsoka's flying he just enjoys her company so she should come with him as the gunner and definitely not fly. Awkward big brother Anakin is my favorite.
UNEXPECTED NALA SE APPEARANCE. I forgot she was here so early. Headcanon possibilities abound with that, is Omega on the station somewhere? What about early pre-deployment batch? Some of the behind the scenes stuff makes it sound like they were only allowed into the field because someone spoke up for them after 99 died, but they're probably still Nala Se's pet project to experiment on. So many options just with her being here.
"Broadside, if we make it through this one, drinks are on me." "I can already taste it."
I love that Plo Koon knows that this random smuggler's route is the habitat of DANGEROUS POSSIBLY SHIP EATING SPACE MANTA RAYS. Is he particularly knowledgeable in smuggler's routes or does he just know a lot about space marine biology? I hope that he has a book about the Purrgils.
The "It's just smiling at ya!" bit from Anakin. I adore him, god.
Also yep, Matchstick is gone, doomed by making plans for after the mission ;A; don't like that, put him back. (Also lost an unseen clone named Tag, which is the cutest name ever oh my god)
And once again Plo Koon saves the day with clear headed thinking mid-battle. Best Jedi master.
At the end there's another little exchange that caught my attention, this one between Nala Se & Anakin:
Do not take the lives you saved lightly. I don't. But I also can't take the lives I lost lightly.
Once again I am TORN UP by how much Anakin cares about people and wants to do right by them, that even in victory he's thinking about their lives being lost I am In Agony about it. But also, it's interesting to see this Nala Se who seems a little more caring about the clones. She didn't escape immediately and stayed to oversee the evacuation, for one, but also praising Anakin for the lives he saved. She's almost likable and then goes on to do things like drug Fives to lead directly to his death.
I was going to do all three tonight but I'm getting a little sleepy so third one tomorrow. I am going to be turning around the thought of Omega or the batch being on this station with Nala Se ALL NIGHT, I just know it.
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happytobee · 9 months
i think the night yorb is so freaking cute in fhjy, just a cute little* manta ray that looks made out of the milky way
[*probably around 30 feet wide]
it looks like a fantasy creature out of a children's novel that you can ride on through the galaxy, i just love it
i know we are not going to get plushies of it or anything, but i hope i can at least get a sticker or something, i love its design so much
like just look at his silly face:
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foxyk7 · 2 months
I usually stay QUIET on main about anything else than is not my art or about my mutuals...
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If this happen to decide which path Splatoon will take AGAIN THIRD TIME IN A ROLL we're so FUCKED.
I'm soooo fucking sure than Team Past will win but at the same time there's Team Future!! (Of course that is IF its the Idols against each other then Present might have a chance since is Off The Hook, everyone love those lesbians!, or just Shiver VS Frye VS BigMan, then its most probably gonna be Shiver)
I'm even more angy than I won't be able to see the live stream! I HAVE A FUCKING JOB NOW!!! I CAN'T JUST TURN TO MY BOSS AND SAY "Hey boss! I'm not going to work today because there's a Live stream show than I want to see of a bunch of cephalopods with humanoid proportions singing and dancing songs that don't have 'exact' lyrics because is ALL GIBBERISH BUT IS ALSO SO FUCKING GOOD"
Splatoon changed my life in a way that is not reparable anymore.
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askdarkwingduck · 1 year
Hey darkwing Duck
Whats your favorite Pokémon?
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Oh gosh.... I have so many favorites...
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If I had to give 6 pokemon that I like, my pokemon team if you will, they would be...
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Honchkrow and Corvikight for obvious reasons... ;)
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Delibird for being soooooooo cute!!! Mantine for being a freaking manta ray!! I love those creatures!!
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Pelipper for reminding me so much of Launchpad for me! And finally Quaxly, for also being sooooooo adorable!!!
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Those are my personal favorites!!! As you can see, theres a certain pattern with most of them!!
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oh and because i've become obsessed with fallout 4 after buying it (i hate this game and how it runs SO much but GODDAMN IT im having fun and im mad about it) i've already made a little oc guy because nhnhnhnhhhhhh had to
"Caps". Not the vaultie, but an ex pack (nuka cola world faction) ..member? Slave? It's sort of blurred and honestly he couldn't tell you which either.
He's called Caps because he won't give up any other name and there's a bomb collar around his neck studded with factory-fresh caps (figure it's like a Flex, like having a diamond studded collar for your cat or dog or whatever)
I figure he sort of stumbled in after the raiders settled in and, being a violent idiot, figured he'd go in hammer-swinging. The pack alpha at that time was like LMAO, THIS LITTLE FREAK'S NUTS. lets put a collar on him so he can't leave and we can put him in the cage fights with animals (but with like a quarter respect because the pack values that kind of FUCKING KILL! attitude)
So after a few months of living in Berserk mode he slips away (SOMEhow not setting off the collar. Maybe he smashed the remote and got lucky? He's definitely not smart enough to crack into it himself and disable the bomb) and wanders around the state until coming around to goodneighbor. Goodneighbor is seedy enough it'll let him in (unlike DIAMOND CITY the SHITHEAD town) and hey. violence impresses Hancock.
This is sometime after Bobbi's stolen from him, and since the Vaultie fled afterwards, Dealing With It gets to be Caps' job. with half the payment up front he gets his first good meal in a while (a can of cram. he Loves cram.) and a gun and Handles it. He took back what she stole as well dirt-wise and wanted extra caps for it but settled for med-x instead.
Oh and him and Kent Connolly are going to get into a fucking nerd slapfight. Caps LOVES Grognak and would NEVER accept the Silver Shroud being 'better'. Eventually they'll bond over both hating Manta Man and Caps would do the silver shroud quest (FINDING GROGNAK'S THINGS AT HUBRIS COMICS AS WELL, WHICH HE WILL GO INSANE ABOUT. somebody please take the goddamn ax away before he kills someone by accident just swinging it around in the middle of goodneighbor)
His chem of choice is Psycho.
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sillymeter · 2 years
the island residents you can ask about: (VERY LONG)
alistair: interdimensional librarian, old and friendly lion who always has candy in his pockets. bloodworth: hitman/bodyguard/single father. cares but is bad at showing it. velociraptor. calypso: endling of an alien species by way of being trapped on the island. everyone’s trying to figure out how to care for him. very friendly. design unfinished. chevron: original occupant of the island. seems connected to it in a strange way. very peculiar. unknown animal resembling a goat/okapi. cymrian: powerful god trapped in a mortal body. cryptobro (derogatory) and proud of it. wanted in several dimensions. manta ray/snake mix gambit: teenage runaway who can’t actually go back home. very secretive. sabertooth tiger. ivy: one of my earliest ocs. older sister seperated from her siblings. very awkward. fluttershy is just like her for real. leopard. little fang: all-powerful reality bender who’s too young to control their powers, nonverbal flightless bat. mavalnol: unicorn from a world without magic, child soldier with Every problem. severe memory loss & aggression. something is following her. shes my poor little meow meow modem: gigantic computer moth robot who assembles polycules just to torture everyone in it. talks like a 2000s scene kid & refuses to stop. only behaves nicely to its children. morgrim: sambar/water deer mix with plant magic. nervous little freak who’s bad with people. REALLY needs to get back to his dimension. NULL: mavalnol’s ghost. to do the right thing and get nothing in return. how love turns to hatred, of her, of yourself, of the island, of what's happening to you both. it's not fair. saoirse: fishmonger who’s pretending to be older than she is so nobody will look into her self-destructive habits. numetal fan. seal. tickertape: calypso’s little sibling, a combination of multiple animals that would result in the WORST child to raise (goat headbutting, puppy chewing, etc etc) resembles a pinata. sooo silly with it the island residents i might not be able to answer because they are unfinished: ryne: early oc, peryton with strong magic (maybe a god) . really cool TBN1: living painting in alistair’s library. evil old lady (affectionate) would poison you for fun TBN2: on the island with chevron, owns a tea shop. happy about the progress to the island after being trapped there. hes a cool dog TBN3: pink artist, wheelchair user. has the least info bc made 4 days ago
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himebushou · 1 year
HI – I am finally watching Shaman King 2021!
The 2001 anime consumed my head and my heart (many a Maths lesson was spent discussing what had happened in Last Night’s Episode), so I’m happy to be diving in at last!
I’m grouping my rambles for convenience.  Here are some squiggly thoughts on Episodes 1-9!
Episode 1
Ep 1 of Shaman King and I'm getting emotional – the way Anna and Yoh go up against Hao in the opening sent a chill down my spine!  And wow, they didn't waste any time establishing the twin connection, huh?
There's definitely a lot packed into Episode 1, which means that it goes super fast but hey, that's fine!
It will take me a while to get used to the voices because I love and adore the 4 Kids dub – but I'm watching this subbed and having fun so far!
Episode 2
SHAMAN KING is one massive eco message and I loooove iiiiiit!  Having Ren spend all that time staring up at the stars rambling on about air pollution… you tell ’em!
Episode 3
Phew, the bit in the Lee Pyron episode where he starts crying... that takes me back…  (Though I think they missed a trick here by sticking with ‘Lee Pyron’ in the dub; ‘Lee Pai-Long’ made a lot more sense to me, back in the day.)
Anna literally slapping sense into everyone, including Jun fhdjdn
Episode 4
Episode 4 is my favourite so far – the introduction of Tokageroh!  There was a proper laugh-out-loud moment as well as plenty of action... though I have to ask how in the world baby!Mosuke was making swords, lol.  Him and what resources?  The knife from his father? Gosh.
Tokageroh’s backstory was delivered pretty quickly… I also appreciated Ren in this episode.
I wish that the English dub had stuck with 4Kids’ term ‘sacred hang’ – that had so much flavour.  Ryu talking about a ‘happy place’ doesn’t really have the same pizazz.
However!  Amidamaru referring to Yoh as ‘Lord Yoh’?  Amazing.  Splendid.  Beautiful.  I believe it was ‘Master Yoh’ back in the 2001 days.
Episode 5
First of all, starting off with Ryu was cute!  Though I don’t understand how Anna summoned Mosuke to fix Harusame considering that he's dead dead (having passed on at all), but hey, I think we'll have to let it slide…
SILVA IS HERE!  I had to skip back and watch most of the episode in English because hi, DAN GREEN, HI.  He was so great and I just felt so happy hearing his voice again after all this time~ it helps that Silva is an AMAZING character and so much fun!
I cracked when Yoh lobbed Amidamaru like a baseball and tfjfj the bit where Amidamaru's spirit nearly ascends is so good –
I actually squealed when Over Soul started playing, sheesh.  Oh well.  It wasn’t too late, so I’m sure my neighbours were fine.
And man, Ren is such a lil creep at this point... The Tao family give off serious Zoldyck vibes, tbh.
(Shaman King 2021 is still super fast and I think it’s okay for people who’ve got 2001 or the manga as a baseline, but if I were completely new to the IP, I would be LOST.)
Episode 6
Horohoro is so cute.
That’s pretty much all I have to say!
Episode 7
Faust the VIII is a FREAK what the hell!
At this point, I’m flip-flopping between the sub and the dub based on whether it’s a Silva screen or not dndjkd but Faust sharing a seiyuu with Saurtobi Sasuke (from Sengoku BASARA!!) is making that complicated!
Also, the soundtrack is perfeeect for Shaman King I loooove it
Episode 8
Manta comes from money?? I don’t remember all of that stuff with his family from 2001 at ALL.
Also, the funny thought of Ryu going to America to train as a sushi chef like... surely it would be more prudent to stay in Japan?  lol
I'm pretty sure Amidamaru uses "de gozaru" when he speaks, which is super cute
This episode introduces Tamao!  I think she might be a little younger than Yoh and Anna (11?). Ponchi and Conchi were absolutely vile which was definitely, definitely left out of the dub.
I feel like we could have had more of Yoh's struggle in Yomi Cave, for sure, but that’s 2021's breakneck pacing again!  Also, I really have to question the tournament format considering that something like 10 days have passed since Yoh's loss to Faust – there wasn’t any mention of how long the qualifiers would last.  I love tournaments in anime, but they MUST be well structured!!  Or I get mad!!
Bason is adorable...... Also, I completely forgot that Ren disdains the Tao family?  What a dweeby child.  I love him.
How is it that Tamao has an Over Soul but Yoh didn't even know what it was called nfjfjd Just HOW slack was Yoh in his training??
Episode 9
I love how much this episode focused on Yoh saying things like, “I'm not going to force myself" djdj I wish he was the shounen protag whose example I'd followed… Yoh says such important things about not working to death that many of his peers could listen to!  And me too sigh sighs
Once again, the timeline is whack – the preliminaries are over but Ren’s only had two battles?  Huh??
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