#I just want Pearl and Marina to KISS ON THE MOUTH ON LIVE
foxyk7 · 2 months
I usually stay QUIET on main about anything else than is not my art or about my mutuals...
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If this happen to decide which path Splatoon will take AGAIN THIRD TIME IN A ROLL we're so FUCKED.
I'm soooo fucking sure than Team Past will win but at the same time there's Team Future!! (Of course that is IF its the Idols against each other then Present might have a chance since is Off The Hook, everyone love those lesbians!, or just Shiver VS Frye VS BigMan, then its most probably gonna be Shiver)
I'm even more angy than I won't be able to see the live stream! I HAVE A FUCKING JOB NOW!!! I CAN'T JUST TURN TO MY BOSS AND SAY "Hey boss! I'm not going to work today because there's a Live stream show than I want to see of a bunch of cephalopods with humanoid proportions singing and dancing songs that don't have 'exact' lyrics because is ALL GIBBERISH BUT IS ALSO SO FUCKING GOOD"
Splatoon changed my life in a way that is not reparable anymore.
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devilmeows · 3 years
8. for both
thank you for enabling me kib :]]
8. "So you lied to me."
8. "Go on. Make a wish."
not beta read bc i like living Dangerously
8. “So you lied to me.”
Ari knew a lot of things about her girlfriend. Cadence was smart, she was funny, she always needed 8 hours of sleep to be functional, she was incredibly fast despite her short legs, and most importantly, her birthday was extremely important to her. If there was one good thing that she remembered from her horrible family, it was the birthday parties and the hype around that date. The inkling had once told her that she missed throwing herself big birthday parties: her apartment was far too small to host more than three people at once. And that day, as her girlfriend snored in her arms, Ari had grabbed her phone and created a new groupchat.
Cadence’s big 21.
Naturally, the first messages sent on that chat were memes, because Callie and Spencer always had to have a competition for who would send the best meme in any groupchat they were in. It was a weekly occurrence. They had three separate groupchats together. And now Ari had just added a fourth. I’ve made better decisions in my life, admittedly.
Ari - Please stop this or I will kick you out.
Spencer - :(((((
Callie - ok but one more? :D
Ari - No.
Callie - pweaaaaase?
Marie - say pwease again and i’ll throw my charger at you
Callie - pwease? :3
Spencer - marie is a woman of her word
Spencer - one time she said she’d toss me off a roof and then she did
Marie - lskfjgdfgkd
Marie - please stop bringing that up it was an accident
Ari - Is no one going to pay attention to the name of this groupchat?
Marie - no <3
Marie - jk but yeah cadence’s birthday /is/ coming up
Ari - Yes, it’s on February 12th. Aka next week.
Ari - That is indeed what I was thinking of doing.
Callie - NICE
Spencer - NICE
Spencer - i can make the food!!
Ari - Good, I was about to tell you to take care of that.
Marie - where are we having this party? if i recall correctly cadence and spencer’s apartments are too small, and our landlord would kill us if we had a party here
Callie - :eyes:
Marie - ?
Callie - so you admit you’ve been to spencer’s apartment before :eyes:
Ari - Pearl and Marina will be out of town for a few days, and they’ll only be back on the 13th. So we can have it at the mansion.
Callie - can i take care of Decorating :D
Ari - So long as everything isn’t pink, yes you can.
Callie - :(
Ari - You can come to the mansion in the morning and we can set everything up together, and then I’ll go get Cadence.
Spencer - gotcha!
Spencer - whats marie in charge of?
Ari - Anything. I trust her.
Callie - ouch????
Spencer - yeah ouch ari
Marie - :)
“This is a lot of pink.”
“It’s not all pink though!” Callie held up a string of orange fairy lights. “Look, this is orange!” With her other hand, she pointed at the army of balloons lying on the floor. “And those are blue and white!”
“Callie, there is a total of five blue and white balloons for twenty pink balloons in this room.”
The inkling stared at the balloons for a moment, as if she’d only just noticed that. Then she turned back to Ari with a wide smile.
“Oops. Sorry!”
She did not look sorry at all. Ari sighed, then pinched the bridge of her nose. Well, at least it’s not khaki. Cadence hates khaki. Do khaki-coloured balloons even exist? At least the rest of the room looked really nice, despite the overwhelming amount of pink. Granted, Ari wasn’t an expert on what birthday parties were supposed to look like, but in her humble opinion, Callie had done a good job. She had even gotten a giant Great Zapfish cutout that stood in a corner of the room, looking at her with its big goofy smile.
“Anyway,” Callie clapped her hands excitedly. “Wanna help me tie some balloons to the ceiling fan?”
“I would love to, but I have to check on how Spencer and Marie are doing. Just to make sure I don’t have to go to the supermarket before I go pick up Cadence.”
Callie smirked. Ari mirrored her smirk. They nodded, exactly as they had a few hours ago when Marie had innocently decided to help Spencer bake. The octoling left Callie to her work, and trotted down the stairs to the kitchen. She checked her phone: it was 12:31pm. She frowned. Hopefully baking was going okay, because she definitely wouldn’t have enough time to swing by the store before 1pm, the time she was supposed to go get her girlfriend. She pushed the door without looking up from her phone as she checked her texts, but a clanking noise did make her look up. Marie and Spencer were standing a strange distance away from each other, considering that their two bowls were sitting right next to each other on the counter. They also both looked the slightest bit flushed. Ari lifted a single eyebrow.
“We’re baking!” Spencer provided a bit too quickly for it to be natural, waving the whisk she was holding as a greeting. “Right?”
“Right!” Marie supplied helpfully. “Baking...food. Good food.”
“Uh-huh,” Ari pointed to her own nose as she looked at Marie. “You have batter on your nose.”
The white and green inkling quickly brought her hand to her nose, her face turning a darker shade of blue. She threw Spencer an accusatory but lighthearted glare, which made her chuckle, and she turned around to grab a paper towel to wipe it off. Ari walked up to her friend, looked at her bowl, then stared at her. Spencer stared back. She cocked her head to the side, as if asking her why she was staring.
“Useless lesbian.” Were they doing that thing they do in the movies where they flirt by tossing food at each other?
“I- What- You-” the orange inkling sputtered, then pointed at Marie, who still had her back turned. She’s right there! Spencer mouthed.
Ari snorted, then shrugged with a slightly smug smile. “Anyway, how is the baking going?”
“Pretty good! The coxinhas are ready to go in the oven, I’ll put them in later so that they can be warm when Cadence arrives.”
“And the cake is almost done,” Marie continued, now back with no batter on her nose. “It looks and smells amazing. Cadence better like it.”
“If she doesn’t, I’ll eat my spatula.”
“There’s no reason she won’t like it,” Ari said, turning around to look at the oven. Inside it sat a chocolate cake that gave off a decadently delicious smell. “This is her favourite. Is the...the thing already in it?”
“The brigadeiro?” Spencer asked. “Not yet. I’m just finishing up the kibes and then I’ll get to it.”
“Perfect.” I don’t need to go to the supermarket then. “In that case, I’ll leave you two to it, and I’m going to go pick up the birthday girl.”
Ari had never been more happy that she’d made a duplicate of Cadence’s keys: it was freezing cold and there was absolutely no way in hell that she’d wait for her girlfriend outside. She loved her very much, but there was only so much she could take in the name of love. And even in the hallway outside her door, with her scarf, Spencer’s old pilot hat, her two sweaters and her thick winter coat, she was still cold. She couldn’t wait to go back to the warmth of Pearl’s mansion. She took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.
“I’ll be there in a second!” Cadence’s voice echoed from inside her apartment.
There was some rattling, then a crashing sound followed by a loud “Fuck!”, then silence. Ari thought she heard the soft thump of something being tossed on top of a bed, and after some more shuffling, the door finally opened.
How is she allowed to look that cute.
Her girlfriend was wearing a fairly simple outfit: she recognised the pale purple dress Ari had bought for her a while ago, as well as the little paintbrush choker which also happened to be a gift from her. She was also wearing black tights and boots just a shade darker than her dress. And to complete the look, she had slung a long black coat over her shoulders. She looked adorable.
Cadence looked her up and down, and chuckled.
“What?” Ari asked with a little smile.
“You look funny,” she replied, pointing at the hat.
“It’s freezing, I don’t even know how you’re not cold right now.”
The inkling shrugged. “It’s only 16°C, it’s not that cold.” Then she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Ari’s waist. “Here, let me warm you up.”
The octoling smiled as her girlfriend kissed her. She’d never get tired of kissing Cadence. Or hugging her, or cuddling with her, or curling up in her arms as she slept.
“There you go!” Cadence said as they pulled away, face slightly flushed. “Feeling warmer?”
Ari nodded. “Definitely.”
“Alright, let’s go then!” The inkling bounced on her toes as she whirled around to lock her door. “Crêpe time, crêpe time, crêpe time!”
Ari felt something vibrate in her pocket. Making sure that her girlfriend wasn’t looking, she discreetly checked her phone, and smiled as she saw a thumbs-up emoji sent by Spencer. Nice. Let’s do this.
She gasped, which made Cadence jump and almost drop her keys.
“Sorry,” she apologised, “but I just realised that I forgot your gift at home. Do you mind if we stop by the mansion before we get our crêpes?”
“Oh! I thought this was way more serious,” Cadence laughed, her shoulders slumping with relief. “Yeah, no, sure, we can do that!”
Cadence pocketed her keys, then held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. Ari took her girlfriend’s warm hand in her own, and they set off towards the mansion.
Spencer - ari dont come to the kitchen
Callie - yeah dont
Marie - or if you really want to do that, do it later. way later. like 1am later
Ari’s excitement only grew as they neared the mansion. She’d felt her phone vibrate a few more times in her pocket, but hopefully it wasn’t anything important. At least no one had called her, which automatically meant everything was fine. Everything better be fine. The two cephalopods walked up to the large metal gate and Ari pressed the button to ring the bell and warn the other three that they were here. Cadence gave her a puzzled glance.
“Why are you doing that? Aren’t Pearl and Marina...not home?”
The octoling froze, hoping her look of realisation looked convincing enough. Without a word, she shoved her free hand in her pocket and pulled out her keys, which made Cadence laugh. She pointedly avoided her gaze and focused on the lock, feigning embarrassment, then pushed the door. Thankfully, she managed to keep her excited smile off her face. They were so close, there was no way she could fuck this up now.
The smell of cake still hung in the air faintly when they entered the mansion. Ari tensed. Hopefully, Cadence hadn’t noticed. She didn’t dare look at her to check. Instead, she simply pulled her girlfriend towards the stairs.
“Isn’t your room over there?” she asked, hopping up the carpeted stairs.
“It is, but your gift is in that room,” Ari responded, pointing towards said room.
She could feel her heartbeats racing as they stood in front of the door. Her hands felt clammy under her gloves, and slowly, she opened the door.
Instantly, three party poppers went off and a song in a language Ari didn’t understand started playing.
“Surprise!” Spencer, Callie and Marie shouted. “Happy birthday, Cadence!”
Now, Ari could smile. She looked back at her girlfriend, who was just standing there with her mouth hanging open in surprise. She still hadn’t let go of her hand, and her gaze flicked from Spencer, to Callie, to Marie, to the giant Zapfish cutout, to the balloons hanging from the ceiling fan, to the tables of snacks, back to Spencer, then to Callie and Marie again.
“So you lied to me.”
Ari froze. “What?”
Cadence turned to her girlfriend with the most adorable pout on her face. “We’re not getting crêpes?”
Ari opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. On the other side of the room, Spencer exploded with laughter, quickly followed by Callie and Marie.
“That’s what you’re-”
The short inkling cut her off by cupping her face and kissing her very gently. Ari felt herself melt, and when they pulled away - just a bit too soon, in her humble opinion - she felt her hearts fill with joy as she saw her girlfriend’s face. That smile, those shining eyes...I did it. Mission Cadence’s big 21 is a success.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”
It was only later in the evening that Ari stumbled across the mess that was the kitchen. She simply stood there and stared at the carnage. Then she decided that cleaning up was a problem for future Ari to deal with. Right now, all she wanted was to get some water and get back to cuddling her birthday girlfriend.
8. “Go on. Make a wish.”
They’d never been more scared in his life. It came nowhere near close to when Reef had torn them to pieces, or when the alarms had blared the minute Agent 3 had appeared in front of Octavio. They were terrified, because they knew that if they got caught, they would not live to see another day.
The tunnel was dark, damp and suffocating. Not being able to see anything besides the faint glow of their freckles only exacerbated the loud clamor of the soldiers chasing them - and they were already so horribly sensitive to sound. The noise pricked at their skin and their head, and they had to pick between controlling the tears streaming down their face and stopping the pained whines from coming out their mouth. They chose the latter.
I never should’ve done this. I should’ve waited. I should’ve woken them up. They should’ve come with us. I can’t do this without them.
The person in front of them suddenly halted. She was saying something, but their brain couldn’t seem to process her words. They only tightened their grip on her wrist, which didn’t seem to help since they felt a nervous flick of tentacles against their arm. They tensed. If she didn’t know what to do, if she was as stressed as they were, if she was lost...then they were utterly lost. And to be fair, they couldn’t exactly blame her. They fought the urge to curl up on themself and cry. Was it possible to die from crying too much? Right at this moment, they was perfectly willing to try.
A cracking noise split the air. Before they had time to realise what was going on, they felt their companion shoving them to the side. And this time, they were able to hear her scream.
Their body reacted faster than their mind: running was a simple command, and obeying it was committed to muscle memory by now. Everything around them trembled. Where should they run? They had no idea. All they knew was that they had to run.
Behind them, something crashed to the ground with the loudest crack they’d ever heard. A thunderclap of pain coursed through their body, and this time they couldn’t contain their scream as they fell to their knees, hands clutching their head in a silent plea to make it stop.
And then it stopped.
Now all they could hear was their own laboured breathing.
For a moment, they didn’t dare move. Because maybe if they moved, the world would fall apart again, or they would be crushed by either rocks or a steel-toed heel. But nothing stirred as they gently let go of his head. The air around them was completely, entirely and utterly still. They uncurled themself extremely slowly, both out of wariness and because their body was shaking so violently that they were certain they’d fall back down if they moved too fast. When they were finally sitting up straight, they turned around. The faint glow of their freckles bounced off of a wall of freshly-fallen chunks of rocks.
The tunnel...caved in.
Tentatively, they reached out to touch the stones. They felt freezing to the touch, which sent a harsh shiver down their arm. Horrible, horrible feeling. Don’t know why I did that. They rubbed their arm to try and get rid of the awful sensation. The movement seemed to calm their trembling as well. The purple glow dimmed. And slowly, a feeling of dread and apprehension creeped in their gut.
Their voice echoed and bounced off the walls around him. No reply came.
Is she…
They refused to finish the thought. They refused to think about the possibility that the other octoling might be…
But she might as well be. Because there was no way they could get back to her now. their limbs were weakened from all the shaking so they couldn’t even think about lifting a single rock, and they weren't that strong to begin with. No matter what they did, they would not be able to find Marina again. They brought a hand to their face and took a trembling breath as they tried to stop the tears from falling again.
A breeze blew past them, making their tentacles twitch. A...breeze? It was cold, so cold, but it felt fresh, unlike the hot and heavy air of the domes. They turned around. It was still pitch black ahead, which terrified them, but...if the surface was beyond that darkness, maybe they could stress themself enough to make their freckles light the way. And maybe if they got to the surface...maybe then they would be able to feel something other than pain.
They got to their feet, and thankfully their legs did not give up on them. They still felt like they might fall over at any moment, and their muscles were screeching with pain, but at least they could stand. Progress. Now...walking. They took one tentative step. Then another. Then another. Then some more. Then they tripped. They managed to grip the wall next to them and prevent another fall, but they immediately regretted it: the earth was squishy and wet and disgusting. They hated it.
But they continued. They continued to walk. They occasionally tripped, which earned them some scratches. They could feel the blood trickling down their legs, but they couldn’t do anything about it, nor did they care. The more they walked, the colder they felt and the stronger the wind was. They knew they were getting closer. The surface was just beyond their reach. Soon, they would be able to call the domes a distant memory.
Somehow, all they could feel at that thought was dread.
Then, they noticed that the tunnel wasn’t as dark. They had to blink several times to notice the difference, but they noticed it. A rush of anxiety seized their chest. I’m so close, they thought, clenching their fists. I’m so close. I can do this. Soon the ground sloped upwards under their feet, and while the roof closed in on them as they progressed, the air only grew fresher. A small hole came into view. Their heartbeats quickened. They could no longer stand, so instead they crawled, ignoring the loud protesting of their entire body. The hole was now an arm’s length away from them. Slowly, very slowly, they inched closer to it. They stuck one arm out, then the other, and once they were sure that their grip on the outside of the hole was secure, they pulled themself out of the tunnel.
A violent shiver shook their body.
They had made it to the surface.
They stood in a large, grassy valley, dotted with the occasional bush and tree. They were blooming. But they didn’t care. Because above them, an indigo blue sky stretched out. It was huge. It looked like the sky they’d always seen on the domes’ monitors, but at the same time it didn’t look like it at all. They didn’t have the words to describe it, simply because it was beyond anything they’d ever known or imagined. It was...beautiful? Stunning? Breathtaking? Magical?
They fell to their knees.
Above them, the stars twinkled. They remembered that old inkling tradition they’d read in a book one of their sisters had stolen. The one about wishing upon stars. They’d promised each other that they would do that once- if they ever reached the surface.
Go on. Make a wish.
But they couldn’t.
They couldn’t bring themself to make a wish when this was how they had gotten here. Sure, they had escaped the domes, but...they were alone. They’d lost Marina during the escape, and most importantly, their sisters had not come with them. Their beloved sisters, the only octolings they knew they could trust with their life down there. The only people that had ever mattered to them. They were up here, while they were still stuck in hell.
They were completely alone.
I don’t deserve this.
This time, they didn’t try to stop the tears. The endless sky above them grew lighter with the sunrise as they sobbed on the cold, dewy grass.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Fall From Grace, Pt. 10
Bryan Kneef x Reader. Fandom: The Good Fight. Reference: S4, E.4, “The Gang is Satirized and Doesn’t Like It.” CW: smut and fluff... the tiniest pinprick of angst (like minuscule). Language, of course.
AN: Our lovely REE was on The Good Fight for all of 3 minutes so I am taking lots of liberties. I am obsessed with the anti-Barba. He was just delicious.
AN: Lots of references to our other fave prosecutor. Can you spot them?
WC: 2837
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S/O to @prurientpuddlejumper​ for the Kneef gifs! 
Back at your apartment, Bryan had you against the wall. He nuzzled your neck, causing you to shiver. Two large warm hands rose up the sides of your thighs before slipping under the hem of your skirt. He hooked his fingers under the straps of your panties and tugged. The flimsy lace underwear you wore tore easily. He nudged your legs apart with his foot.
The sound of a belt unbuckling and clanging to the floor followed by a zipper sent a thrill up your spine. 
Bryan’s breath was warm on your ear as he pressed himself along your ass. You instinctively pushed back, desperate for more. Bryan nipped your ear as he stroked your soaked pussy with his cock. 
“Like the song, we’re reunited and it’s going to be so fucking good.” Bryan purred. “Now place those arms on the wall and bend over more a little, sweetheart.”
--- Flash Forward to Four Years--
At the speed in which Bryan paced in front of you, you were certain the handsome litigator was going to wear a hole in the carpet. “Well?” He asked exasperated. He tugged on the collar of his navy polo, feeling warm and constricted.
“Two more minutes Bryan. These things take time.” You gritted. You rapped your freshly manicured nails along the counter. “I can’t tell who is more nervous. You or I.” 
Bryan stopped his pacing to glare at you. “This is life altering news.”
“Gee, whizz, you don’t say.” You replied with a roll of your eyes. “You are not making this any easier.” You stood straight and marched off.  
“Where are you going?” Bryan called out after you. He followed you, basically nipping at your heels.  
“To get something to drink.” You replied. “I need something to settle my stomach. I think I saw ginger ale in your fridge.” 
Bryan sighed. “I need something stronger.”
You returned with two low ball glasses. “Whisky on the rocks for you. Ginger ale for me.” 
Bryan took the drink and with his free hand, pulled you in. “I love you. No matter the results.” 
You cupped his bearded cheek. “I love you too.” You were about to stand on your toes to press a kiss when a buzzer sounded. You gasped and thrust your drink into his hands. 
Bryan watched your form disappear back into the room. There was silence and Bryan swore inwardly. “Okay, time for plan B.” He muttered before downing his drink in one shot and then downing yours. You walked back out into the room. Your face was unreadable initially and just as he was about to say something, you broke into a big smile. 
“I passed! I passed the bar exam! I’m a lawyer!” You shouted before running full-speed into Bryan’s arms. The glasses dropped to the floor, shattering into a million pieces as Bryan scooped you into his arms.
“I knew you would. I am so fucking proud of you.” Bryan replied before capturing your lips with his. Any tension you had, melted away and you allowed yourself to sink into his embrace.
“Let’s celebrate!” You exclaimed.
Bryan’s eyes twinkled. “I have just the place in mind. Go pack your bag while I have this cleaned up.”
You cocked your head and raised your brow. “And where exactly will we be going?”
“You’ll see.” Bryan replied huskily. As you turned, Bryan swatted your ass.  You looked back at him and the look on his face was absolute sinful. Your heartbeat began to race in anticipation. 
Thirty minutes later, Bryan had finished securing yours and his bags to the rear rack of his motorcycle. You tightened your helmet before hopping on and held Bryan tightly. Bryan kicked his motorcycle into gear and off you went, leaving his luxury apartment in the Gold Coast behind.  
 “You have a yacht? Since when?” You asked as you and Bryan walked down the slip taking in the sight of the boats at the marina.
“Not my yacht.” Bryan winked. “Someone who owes me a favor. Come on.”
 “Welcome aboard.” A man in a captain’s uniform greeted. “I’m Captain Williams – it’ll be my honor to take you along Lake Michigan. It’s a beautiful day for sailing; could not ask for better weather.” 
Once on board, another member of the staff came to greet you two with two flutes of champagne. You both followed and were given a tour. When you imagined a three-bedroom, two-bathroom living space with a spacious kitchen and butler’s pantry, life on the water did not come to mind. The boat was outfitted in a subtle palette of champagne, ivory, platinum, stainless steel and chocolate brown. 
Each room boasted an oversized, sumptuous bed clothed in supima cotton percale linen and a cashmere throw. In addition, the seating was Italian leather. There were two fridges, a below-deck engine room, a two-mode table that phased into a dining and cocktail table, Corian benches and an icemaker. The 40-foot yacht combined the timeless appearance of a bygone-era cruiser with stylish design and high-tech engineering. The opulent master ensuite featured beautiful Spanish hexagon tiles with a light running through it to create a sensual oasis. There was glass wall separating each bedroom and to your surprise, the glass could be easily blacked out with a frost effect at the touch of a button creating privacy. 
Finally, you and Bryan were alone again. You hopped onto one of the lush beds and almost sank into it. As Bryan chose some music to stream, you gasped at the skylight above the bed. The Illinois sky above was crystal clear, nary a cloud in the sky. The yacht’s engine roared quietly beneath you as it departed from the marina.
 “This is too much,” you murmured, turning to Bryan who joined you in the bed.
 “You deserve everything.” Bryan praised, as he pressed a kiss to your lips. “You worked so hard. And as a reward, now I am going to fuck your brains out.” 
“And what if I hadn’t passed? What was plan B?”
 “Plan B was going to be to take you here anyway and fuck your brains out.”
You let out a giggle before moving closer to him. You ran your hand over his toned arm. “You’ll be my sponsor, right? At the swearing in ceremony?” 
Bryan’s hands ran up your leg. He stopped at the top of your thigh and began to rub small circles. “Of course. Now, if I can only convince you to move back to Chicago and leave that firm of yours.” 
“Reciprocity takes five years, Bryan.” You replied, reaching across to tap his temple. Bryan took your hand into his and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. 
“You can come to New York, you know. Reciprocity here would be cake for you.” You continued, your voice dropping to a near whisper at the end. 
Bryan froze. “And leave Chicago?” 
You let out an irritated sigh. “I just hate that we’re apart. I want more for us, for this relationship.” 
“You’re a born and bred Chicagoan. Surely you understand. Everything I have worked for is in Chicago.” Bryan replied, letting out his own equally irritated sigh. 
“Let’s just drop it. I don’t want to fight. Please, today’s a good day.” You flopped onto your back, staring at the clear sky above. You felt your eyes brim and you brought your hands to your face. 
“Hey…” Bryan replied softly, removing your hands. “Maybe I can talk Laurie and Firth into opening a New York City office.”   
Your lips twitched into a smile. “Yeah? You’d do that for me?” 
Bryan pulled you close. “Of course. I love you.” 
You wrapped your arms around him and kiss him hard. Bryan took the opportunity to roll you on top of him. Excitement swirls down and pool between your thighs. Bryan wasted no time to grip the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head. 
“Someone wants to get laid.” You smirk, crossing your arms, purposely pressing up your sheer, lace covered tits. 
“You have no idea.”
“We should do something about that then… what did you say, you were going to fuck my brains out?” You asked leaning down. Your lips were by his ear as you reached around to unclasp your bra. “Because I am pretty sure this bomb pussy is going to milk out all that cum, out of that big… hard… cock.” You reached down between his legs and stroked his cock, which grew harder against your palm. A groan strained from Bryan’s throat. 
When you sit up again, your eyes settled on Bryan’s. His clear green eyes were now dark and stormy. 
You squealed as he rolled you back onto the bed. Bryan undid the button of your shorts and tugged them off. A smirk graced his face at the sight of the dark wet spot on your underwear. “These have got to go.” Bryan murmured, yanking them off as well. Once off, he balled your ruined panties into his fist and took a deep inhalation of your sweet scent. A rumble emanated from his chest. 
You let out a gasp as Bryan’s mouth settled on your pussy. He licked a tantalizingly slow, broad stroke before settling on your clit. He flicked the tip of his tongue across your clit causing you to arch your back in response. Bryan then used his fingers to spread open your lips, and stroked them, playing with your wetness. You gripped the streets as Bryan buried his face in between your legs, sucking and licking. 
You grinded against him, desperate. “More, please.” You whimpered.
 Bryan removed his mouth and you whined at the loss. “So fucking greedy. Fingers or mouth?” A digit slowly penetrated you and your walls clenched tightly. A moan escaped your lips as Bryan slowly thrusted his finger in and out of you, before moving to insert another finger. His tongue flicked against your swollen pearl before he paused once more. “Answer the question, Y/N.” 
“Both.” You sobbed. “Please don’t stop.” 
Bryan dove back into your folds, devouring you as if you were his last meal. You chant his name and other obscenities loudly. You were certain everyone on the boat could hear you. Part of you didn’t even care. The man in between your legs is a god amongst mortals when it comes to eating pussy and all the praise deserves to be heard. You bucked against his mouth, until you are full on fucking his face and fingers. Your walla began to flutter, signaling you were coming close to release. Bryan crooked his finger, stroking the sensitive spot inside you and the coil in your belly snapped. You came hard, wailing Bryan’s name as your orgasm ripped through you. Bryan rode out your orgasm and as you came down to reality, Bryan continued with gentle licks and kisses; your body jerked in overstimulation.
Bryan pressed kisses along your thighs before moving back up your body. He paused momentarily to pay attention to your breasts, licking along your breastbone before swirling his tongue over a nipple. You cupped your breasts together and Bryan continued to lavish you with his tongue. Bryan moved to your mouth and he kissed you deeply, before pulling back. 
“Can you taste yourself on my tongue?” 
You whimpered, nodding. “What’s that you called it? Bomb pussy?” Bryan murmured against your lips. 
You nodded. “Yes.” 
Bryan chuckled darkly, his lips against your ear. “Now it’s my turn to wreck that bomb pussy with this cock.” 
You closed your eyes briefly – for what even seemed like a half second but when you opened your eyes again, Bryan was fully nude. Pre-cum beaded on the head of his cock, and you resist the urge to lick it off, as you’re desperate to get filled and fucked to your heart’s desire. 
Bryan laid down on the bed and fisted his cock, so it was pointing straight to the ceiling. You climbed over him and take his cock from his hand, guiding him into you. You slowly slide down and sink onto him, until you’re fully connected. Bryan’s eyes roll back momentarily. “Oh fuck Y/N, you feel so good!” 
One hand gripped the slope of your hip tightly as your bodies move together rhythmically. Bryan usedd his free hand to smack your ass. You braced your hands on his chest with your nails pressing into his skin, leaving crescent marks into his skin as you ride his cock.
“That’s it, ride that cock.” Bryan encouraged, smacking your ass again, this time harder. The sting spurred you on and you began to speed your movements. Bryan leans up and pushes you back, breaking the connection for a second, before sliding his cock right back in. Your legs are pushed up, so your knees are by your ears and your arms are over your head. Bryan pins your wrists with one hand as he takes you to pound town. The sounds of grunts and moans along with skin on skin, fill the room and you can feel his balls slap against your pussy. 
Your foreheads are pressed together as he takes you deeply, sliding into you over and over in deep, long strokes. As he feels his own release approach, Bryan turns his face to the flesh of your shoulder, and bites before running his tongue over the bruised skin. 
This surprises you and you come completely undone, again wailing his name. Feeling your walls flutter around his cock, seeing your wrecked face - it was all too much for Bryan and with a strangled cry, he stiffened and emptied his seed into you.
Your bodies are covered in sweat and Bryan kissed you softly before rolling off. He pulls you in close, and you curl into his strong arms. It’s not long before you are both asleep – partly from the orgasmic oxytocin wearing off and partly from the rock of the boat. 
Later that evening, you wake up to an empty bedside – but there is a note from Bryan asking you to meet him on the deck for dinner. You shower and change into the dress you wore at The Hamptons when you all those years prior – it was a cream colored short-sleeve wrap dress that had a ruffle hem and an adjustable tie at waist. You left your hair in a loose wet braid and decided to go barefoot.
The night sky over Lake Michigan was dark, with nary a cloud in the sky. Away from the orange glow from the artificial light from increasing development and glare from unshielded streetlights, you found yourself beneath the twinkling stars and other celestial objects. You were surprised to find how many stars you were able see even just miles away from the city and northern suburbs.   
A pair of hands touched your shoulders and you jumped slightly until the familiar waft of Bryan’s cologne filled your nostrils. 
“Have you seen anything so beautiful?” You asked as you turned around. And when you did, you found Bryan on one knee. In his hand was a sparkling ring, which you presumed was at least 2 carats, flanked by smaller diamonds. 
“When I first met you, you literally collided into me. And from then, I couldn’t get you out of my head. At first, I thought we were going to be nothing more than a fling, an itch to get out of my system. I told you I didn’t do the boyfriend thing and you were more than okay with that. And for awhile it was that, but you weaseled your way into my world and black and white became different shade of gray. And then it became blues and reds.” Bryan’s eyes shimmer as he professes his love. After a beat, he continues.
“And I know we have had our issues in the past, and I can’t promise you that we won’t have rough patches again. In my heart, you are the only one for me. I cannot imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?” 
Your hands covered your mouth as tears streamed down your face. A gentle breeze blew through and you nodded before you dropped your hands. “Yes, of course Bryan, yes!” Bryan smiled as he stood and your hand shook as he slipped the ring onto your finger. You wrapped your arms around his neck as two kissed. 
“What about everything I said – about New York? Not being able to come to Chicago right away?” You asked breathlessly, as you broke the kiss. 
Bryan wiped a tear from your cheek. “Oh Y/N, I already had it all taken care of. Laurie and Firth already agreed to it. I’ll be heading the NY office when it opens in the Fall. We signed a deal with a building space in Midtown.” 
You gasped once more before playfully hitting him on the chest. “So you were just fucking around with me below deck?” 
“In more ways than one.” Bryan winked. 
“You’re such an ass.” You replied. “Wait - does that mean you’ll actually tell me what memo 618 is now?” 
Bryan responded by cupping your ass and kissing you once more.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @blk0912 @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi​ @caked-crusader​ @rachelxwayne @the-hopeless-haze
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
TWC Playlists
Thank you so much for the tag @vienocalledmebuddy! I have more coupley- playlists for my detectives and their LIs, and not really any for my detectives themselves, but I do have a couple. So, I’ll put those here, and also those that I have! (Sorry this took me so long!)
Detective Thea Holland
Cinnamon Girl- by Lana Del Rey-  There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live/ Like if you hold me without hurting me/ You'll be the first who ever did/ There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give/  But if you hold me without hurting me/  You'll be the first who ever did
Soft to be Strong- by MARINA-  I believe the world is beautiful/ Only the weak ones are cruel/ I choose to love you without fear/ I choose to love you without fear/ And I guess I've known it all along/ The truth is you have to be soft to be strong/ Finally, I feel the fear is gone/ I found out love has to be soft to be strong/ Soft to be strong/ Somebody hurt me long ago/ And though to heal a heart is slow/  It's just a consequence of pain/  There is no use in laying blame
Felix and Thea
Never be the Same- by Camila Cabello-  It's you, babe/ And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe/  And I could try to run, but it would be useless/  You're to blame/  Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be the same/  Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need/  All I need, yeah, you're all I need
Lights Down Low- by MAX-  Heaven only knows where you've been/ But I don't really need to know/ I know where you're gonna go/  On my heart, where you're resting your head/  And you just look so beautiful/  It's like you were an angel/  Can I stop the flow of time?/ Can I swim in your divine? /   Cause I don't think I'd ever leave this place
Porcelain Heart- by Beth Crowley-  I couldn't help myself/ watching your moonlight silhouette as we all sat fire side/  I was hanging on to every word you said/ in that moment all I wanted was a chance to love you/  So I handed you my porcelain heart, breakable but not yet broken,/ harboring my words unspoken/ I handed you my porcelain heart, disregarding consequences,/  letting down all my defenses, to my porcelain heart/  You came and stood by me/ your crooked smile brighter than the stars/  And you pulled me to my feet/  whispering the summer time is ours/  and I felt it as we melted into something wonderful
Somebody to You- by The Vamps-  All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you/ All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you/ Everybody's trying to be a billionaire/  But every time I look at you I just don't care/  'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you
Absolutely Smitten- by Dodie-  Handsome stranger, you have made her happy/  The first in a long time/  Did you just whisper in her ear?/  Words she only dreamed to hear?/  Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling/  I think he likes you!
I Wouldn’t Mind- By He is We-  Forever is a long, long time/  But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side/  Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile/  I wouldn't mind it at all/  I wouldn't mind it at all
Dandelions- By Ruth B-  And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime/ And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine/ 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions/  Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine/  And I see forever in your eyes/ I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Electric Love- By BØRNS-  Candy, she's sweet like candy in my veins/ Baby, I'm dying for another taste/  And every night my mind is running around her/  Thunder's getting louder and louder/  Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle/  I can't let you go now that I got it/  And all I need is to be struck/ By your electric love/  Baby, your electric love/  Electric love
Detective Pearl Reid
To Be Human- By MARINA-  All the people living in, living in the world today/  We're united by our love, we're united by our pain/  All the things that I've done and I've seen/  Still, I don't know, don't know what it means/ To be human/
Neptune- by Sleeping At Last-  I’m only honest when it rains/  If I time it right, the thunder breaks/  When I open my mouth/  I want to tell you, but I don’t know how/  I’m only honest when it rains/  An open book with a torn out page/  And my ink’s run out / I want to love you, but I don’t know how 
Nate and Pearl
Something Just Like This- By The Chainsmokers and Coldplay-  But she said, where d'you wanna go? /  How much you wanna risk? /  I'm not looking for somebody /  With some superhuman gifts /  Some superhero/  Some fairytale bliss/  Just something I can turn to/ Somebody I can kiss/ Oh, I want something just like this
Bailamos- by Enrique Iglesias-  Tonight, I'm yours/ We can make it happen, I'm so sure/ I won't let it go/ There is something I think you should know/ I won't be leaving your side/ We're gonna dance through the night/  I want to reach for the stars
The Man Who Lives Forever- By Lord Huron -They said we're all gonna die, but I'll never believe it/  I love this world and I don't wanna leave it/ Said that death is a deal that you cannot refuse/ But I love you, girl, and I don't wanna lose you/  Don't want a long ride/ I don't wanna die at all/ I wanna be the man who lives forever/ I ain't never gonna die and I want you to come
Sweet Boi- By Chevy-  Tall and gentle/ Too hot to handle/ You're all that I want/ You're all that I want/  Oh baby.../ Sweet as nectar/  Honey suckle/  You make everything so fun/  Oh boy.../  My sweet boy
Brown Eyes- By Destiney’s Child-  I know that he loves me cause he told me so/ I know that he loves me cause his feelings show/  When he stares at me you see he cares for me/  You see how he is so deep in love/  I know that he loves me cause its obvious/  I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts /  And he's missing me if he's not kissing me /  And when he looks at me, his brown eyes tell his soul 
Like Me Better- By Lauv-  I don't know what it is but I got that feeling/ Waking up in this bed next to you swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling/  If we lay, let the day just pass us by/  I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something/ Damn/  I like me better when I'm with you / I like me better when I'm with you/  I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time, 'cause/  like me better when, I like me better when I'm with you 
You are in Love- By Taylor Swift, Travis Atreo Cover-  And so it goes/  You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round/  And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown/  And you understand now/  Why they lost their minds and fought the wars/  And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words
Habibi- By Tamino-  Something hides in every night /  Brings desire from the deep /  And with it comes a burning light /  To keep us from our sleep /  And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine/  Glances of a new day have arrived/ And though he’s not alone, he fears to never love another /  And leave his heart forever with her smile 
Detective Natasha Trexler    
Dear Fellow Traveler- By Sea Wolf-  Dear fellow traveler under the moon/  I saw you standing in the shadows and your eyes were blue /  You put your hand out, opened the door /  You said "come with me, boy, I want to show you something more" /  You spoke my language and touched my limbs /   It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again /  And in our travels, we found our roads /  You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose 
the broken hearts club- By gnash-  And at first i wasn't sure/ If there's even a cure /  For what i'm feeling cuz what i'm feeling’s /  Been feeling more and more absurd/ The repeating in my head/ Of every last word that you said /  Feels like ever since you left/ You still won't leave me  (Bobby breakup) 
Adam and Natasha
Green Eyes- By Joseph-  We're taking the room for breathing/  You can walk away, I'm not leaving /  There's pride in your mouth, you got used to the taste /  Can you swallow it now when you hear me say/  Those green eyes are my green light /  I'm giving up on control /  You see red lights /  I see me blowing straight through to you /  If we're headed for the cliffside /  I'm ready for the fall, if you know me at all /  You know I don't need lights to decide/  I'm not changing my mind
Indestructible- By Welshly Arm-  Eyes lock with yours, my head distorts/  You pull me in then turn to a ghost/  And now you got me like, frozen in the headlights/  Soft, golden skin/  Kiss like heaven/  You're an open door but you won't let me in / And now you got me like /  And now you got me like, oh, oh, oh /  Why you gotta' be so/  Indestructible/  Fire in your bones/  Nothing can touch you/  Why you gotta', why you gotta'/  Why you gotta' be so indestructible?/  With a heart that's made of stone/  And nothing can break you/  Why you gotta' be so indestructible?
What kind of Man- By Florence and the Machine-  I was on a heavy tip/  Trying to cross a canyon with a broken limb/  You were on the other side, like always/  You could never make your mind/  And with one kiss/  You inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years/  What kind of man loves like this?/  What kind of man?
Break My Heart- By Due Lipa-  You say my name like I have never heard before/  I'm indecisive, but, this time, I know for sure/  I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all/  Are you falling?/  It's you in my reflection/  I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me/ If I would've known it, baby /  I would've stayed at home/ 'Cause I was doing better alone/  But when you said, "Hello" /  I knew that was the end of it all/  I should've stayed at home/  'Cause now there ain't no letting you go/  Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?
Hurts Like Hell- By Fleurie-  I don't want them to know the secrets/  I don't want them to know the way I loved you/  I don't think they'd understand it, no/  I don't think they would accept me, no/  I loved and I loved and I lost you/ I loved and I loved and I lost you/  I loved and I loved and I lost you /  And it hurts like hell/  Yeah, it hurts like hell 
Even if it hurts- By Sam Tinnesz-  It's darkest before the dawn/  But you don't need to do this alone/  No you don't /  'Cause when you get this close, you can feel the heat /  Now you're so afraid of what's underneath /  Oh, don't/  Even if it hurts/  Even if it makes me bleed/  I'm gonna carry you/  Pushing through/  With the dirt on my sleeves
Rescue my Heart- By Liz Longley-  Lie and tell myself I can make it on my own/  Making it alone is lonely/ Twisting and I'm turning, oh, I'm crashing and I'm burning/  So reach out your hand to me/  And come down/ Rescue my heart/ I'll drown/  Without you/  Come down/  And rescue my heart
Where’s my Love- SYML-  Cold bones, yeah, that's my love/ She hides away, like a ghost/ Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same?/  Ooh, don't wanna cry but I break that way/  Did you run away? Did you run away? I don't need to know/  But if you ran away, if you ran away, come back home/  Just come home
Detective Mariana “Mari” Gonzales
Older- By Sasha Sloan-  The older I get, the more that I see/  My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me/  You just try your best not to get hurt/  I used to be mad, but now I know/  Sometimes it's better to let someone go/  It just hadn't hit me yet/  The older I get (Not a perfect match, but Mar’s relationship with her mother (and kind of her father as well))
Mason and Mari (Haven’t found 10 I liked for these two yet, since their playlist is still a work in progress, but here a few)
Play with Fire- By Sam Tinnesz, Yacht Money-  Insane, inside/  The danger gets me high/ Can't help myself/  Got secrets I can't tell/ I love the smell of gasoline/  I light the match to taste the heat/  I've always liked to play with fire/  Play with fire/ I've always liked to play with fire
Make me Yours- By Beth Crowley-I've said too much but I have got to get this out/  Don't blame the timing/ 'Cause the only time is now/  And if we're done we'll go our separate ways/ And say goodbye/ But I think we'll both have our regrets if we do not give this a try (This is very much deep relationship for these two, nowhere near now haha!)  
R U Mine?- By Artic Monkeys-  Years too late, she's a silver lining/  Lone ranger riding through an open space/  In my mind when she's not right there beside me/ And satisfaction feels like a distant memory/ And I can't help myself, all I/  Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?" /  Well, are you mine?/  Are you mine?/  Are you mine? Woah, ah
Like Lovers Do- Hey Violet-  Ooh, love is just another four letter word/  But that never stopped nobody/ Ooh, either way we lose/  Just like lovers, just like lovers do/ I see you watching me/  Eyes on your target/  Mix drinks and smoke rings, it's already started/  Let's roll the dice and we'll both make our moves/  Playing like lovers do
Nicotine- By Panic! At the Disco-  I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you/  So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do/  Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine/  Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine/ Yeah
One Woman Man- By John Legend-  Damn, I used to be so cold/  Would never ever get too close/ Didn't ever wanna lose control /  But from the moment that I tasted/  I knew that I would have to chase it/  You said hold up, I want you to be/ A one woman man/  Want you all to myself/ Don't want nobody else/  All your loving  
I might add Rosalva’s later, when I actually figure out her playlist haha!
I’ll tag @lividlyinlove,@sosolenoo, and @gloynporslen and whoever else wants to do this! (Doesn’t have to be 10! Not all of mine reached it haha!)
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modestmuses-a · 6 years
tagged by: @herotting
tagging: @the-twilight-aspect, @insidersknowledge, @exemplarum, @seishin-hinan, @apodnimat-sya​, @chartyourownxourse, and anyone else who wants to! If you do decide to do it, you can go ahead and tag me! I love seeing people’s music inspirations and stuff!
Whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood—pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse—then tag your favourite peeps to get an insight on their musical inspirational feels.
And, because I’m a bit of an idiot and a fool overachiever, I’m gonna do... all of them.
Lupe, you absolutely don’t have to do this with all your muses as well, ‘cause I know you have A LOT. I only have six, so I figured it was a little bit more reasonable for me to do all of mine, haha!
Read more for length
making up words / bug hunter / my music wouldn’t fit inside a status or a hashtag
starlight / the supermen lovers / can you give me the fame? can you hurl me the game?
thunder / imagine dragons / now i’m smiling from the stage while you’re clapping in the nosebleeds
clint eastwood / gorillaz / rhythm, you have it or you don’t, that’s a fallacy
good for you / dear evan hansen cast / it would kill you to have to stay trapped when you’ve got something new
cool patrol / ninja sex party / you’re sendin’ all them shits a message, there’s a new king in class (i’m sorry)
she’s kinda hot / 5 seconds of summer / oh my, that’s a big plan you’ve got there
even on a rainy day / rizzle kicks / turning words into pictures like i was flippin’ hieroglyphics
destroyer / saint motel / i don’t break hearts, i destroy them!
hijack / mc chris / i’m a sound wave tsunami, vocal origami
lonely dance / set it off / i don’t need you to understand
inside out / eve 6 / wanna put my tender heart in a blender
broken / lovelytheband / i like that you’re lonely, lonely like me, i could be lonely with you
stolen dance / milky chance / the only thing i feel is pain caused by absence of you
the churchyard / voltaire / he turns and screams at the sky and it burns like the truth in my ear
riot / hollywood undead / tear shit up, fuck peace and quiet! (i don’t even have a good explanation for this one tbh)
don’t worry, you will / lovelytheband / trying to stay positive, not an easy way to live
ghosting / mother mother / this is why i’ve decided to leave your house and home unhaunted
you say / lauren daigle / the only thing that matters now is everything you think of me
sonny boy / al jolson / friends may forsake me, let them all forsake me
B R I T  C R U S T
popular / the veronicas / i get what i want, my name is my credit card
supermarket / bart & baker (ft. dimie cat & hailey tuck) / i bought my latest boyfriend down at the supermarket
black queen style / mechanical moth / i’m infected with the bitch disease
dressed to kill / sharon needles / this isn’t a fucking costume, this is a way of life
superstar / toy-box / i am a superstar and i don’t care who you are
money / poppy / i used to think i was wrong for wanting diamonds and pearls
vanity / mindless self indulgence / hate me ‘cause i’m beautiful!
problem / unicorns killed my girlfriend / you’re not the type of girl that’ll end up on my friends list
gucci gucci / kreayshawn / you can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown
pink wednesday / canadian softball / our love is completely unconditional, as long as we like the things you say
C I N D Y  S L A M
lights out / mindless self indulgence / all this violence makes a statement!
stand alone / chris lake (ft. lazy rich & jareth johnson) / i’m the rebel type to never do what i’m s’pose ta
one woman army / porcelain black / if you wanna rumble, all you gotta do is ask
can’t pin me down / marina & the diamonds / do you think i’m stuck up ‘cause i’m always pickin’ fights?
problem / nova rockfeller / late night arguments, so mad i’m throwin’ tables
you call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing / halestrom / can’t get your way so you’re so pissed off!
criminal / five knives / got the kiss of death, yeah, this is ride or die now
die motherfucker die / get set go / get out of my way or you will pay and you’ll pay with your life
you’re on fire / they might be giants / you must’ve got one of them combustible heads
lump your head / hollywood undead / my name ain’t dick, so keep it out of your mouth!
C Y B O R G  N O O D L E
bang bang bang bang / sohodolls / sunlight falls onto his eyes but he don’t stir or turn
activate my heart / natalia kills / hold me close while i push restart so i can love you right
afraid / the neighbourhood / i’m afraid somebody else might end up being me
girl got a gun / tokio hotel / boy better run, boy better run, bang, bang!
volatile times / iamx / adieu to the fuckers that think that it’s funny
sad machine / porter robinson / she’ll go on and never speak of this again
malfunction / steam powered giraffe / pull out the wires and trim the fluff
irobot / jon bellion / before you killed me and ripped my heart out, i knew what love was
she wants me dead / cazzette & aronchupa / woke up this morning with a gun to my head
goodbye to a world / porter robinson / though it’s the end of the world, don’t blame yourself now
man alive! / billy talent / if history don’t lie, they’re gonna take you for a ride until you die
holiday / green day / another protester has crossed the line to find the money’s on the other side
fast talk / houses / what if death is just another pair of handcuffs?
don’t stay in school / boyinaband / now i can tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime
viking death march / billy talent / make no mistake, they’re shaking your hand while they spit in your face
breaking the model / new medicine / this is a coup d'état, you're gonna get it
the ballad of barry allen / jim’s big ego / you say the time goes rushing by, it seems so slow to me
rich kids / new medicine / ain’t got shit, but i got this far
burn it / fever 333 / got us pledging our allegiance to a hand that doesn’t feed us
stakes and torches / voltaire / anything at hand, anything that can help us to remove the head
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theashemarie · 6 years
Polishing | Pearlina
[Pearl doesn’t like cleaning, and Marina is trying to live with that.]
This time I picked the prompt from the list: 94. “I’m willing to wait for it.” 
Wrote this one with no plan and no idea what I was doing, other than starting with “Here’s what I don’t understand,” and going from there. This is the result. 
(Also, I’m not here for Nintendo’s whole ‘They die with they touch water!’ thing. It’s silly. Just say they can’t swim. 
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Marina says as she watches Pearl polish the silver at the dining room table. “You won’t do regular chores, but you’ll do this.”
Pearl holds one of the spoons up like a torch. “Look at her glow, Marina! Now that’s shiny! Nothing like washing clothes for the fourth time this week.”
Marina hitches the laundry basket higher up on her hip. “It has to be done. That’s part of life.”
“It sucks.”
“Trust me, there’s stuff that sucks way more.”
Pearl brandishes the spoon at her. “Nah uh, you don’t get to be all sage and talk about how you were a child soldier. I get it, babe. I’m just saying. We could have a butler.”
Marina shifts uncomfortably. “You know why I don’t want—”
“We could have a cleaning service then.”
Marina puts the laundry on the table. “Why have that when you can do it?”
“Because I don’t want to.”
“Spoiled,” Marina sighs. “It builds character.”
Pearl looks at her like she’s an uninteresting PSA on the television. “I have so much fuckin’ character.”
That much is true, and Marina knows it. She chews on her lip, suddenly out of arguments, and scoops the laundry basket back up. “Fine, enjoy your spoons.”
“I will!”
It’s an old argument, but they’re both too bull-headed to give in. Pearl is used to a world of luxury and weak rules; her whole life has been characterized by doing only what she wants, not what needs to be done. Marina, meanwhile, is from a life of structure and hard, backbreaking work. She designed machines under threats that she didn’t understand until much later, and she kept her room and bunk spotless, folded the corners of the sheets just so, hand-washed her own clothes when she had to. The idea of not doing her own chores is so alien that sometimes she doesn’t recognize Pearl.
The strange thing is that Pearl retaliates against Marina’s complaints and hard disbelief by... doing chores. Granted, they’re not exactly the most orthodox chores, and they’re definitely things that don’t need to be done, but if it’s washing sheets, cleaning the windows, polishing the silver, or handwashing the china, she’ll do it. Often, she does it while Marina gathers laundry or mops the floor, as if she feels guilty for not contributing. Just the other day, Marina caught her with a long-handled feather duster, trying to get at nonexistent cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling. When Pearl caught Marina spying, she looked at her, sheepish, and said, “Hate spiders,” as if that cleared everything up.
Today, as Marina begins the long process of cleaning the sinks and bathrooms, Pearl has taken to rodent control. She has a net, and she’s sitting in the corner of the room, where mice sometimes skitter past late at night.
“You know they won’t come out when you’re there, right?” Marina asks as she runs water in the sink, trying to gauge if she needs to get out the heavy-duty cleaner.
“I’m willing to wait for it.” Pearl’s hands tighten on her net. It’s nothing more than a butterfly net and probably made of paper. Any mouse that’s unlucky enough to wander into it will escape pretty easily.
“And what will you do when you catch them?”
“Put them outside!” Pearl sounds pleased with herself, as if she really thought all this through.
Marina sighs and reaches under the sink, gropes blindly for one of the sponges. “You’ll get bored just sitting there.”
“Shows what you know.”
Marina does know, and she’s proven right when, approximately half an hour later, Pearl abandons her post. Marina is on her hands and knees, scrubbing the tub, when Pearl speeds by in the hallway. She’s got her phone blaring music and Marina listens to it disappear down the corridor. The door to their bedroom closes with a sharp snap and Marina curses to herself and throws the sponge into the tepid, half-dirty water that’s pooled at the bottom.
“Catch anything?” she calls, hands coming up to cup her mouth. She pulls them back down and rubs her fingers together; they’re puckered from the water, but at least her calluses seem to be going away. She can barely tell where the octoshot used to rest.
“Shut up!” Pearl yells back. Her voice is loud enough to shake the shampoo bottles from their perches in the shower.
A week later, Marina catches Pearl scrubbing the shower walls. “What on earth...” she mutters as she stops in the doorway.
Pearl doesn’t look up. Her tongue is poking out just there, and she has her hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Her tank top is falling down, and Marina is treated to the long expanse of her throat.
“Don’t say anything,” Pearls says.
“I wasn’t going to.” Marina leans on the doorjamb with her arms crossed. “Too scared it’ll scare you into realizing what you’re doing.”
“Haha,” Pearl clips, dry. “I just think it’s stupid.”
“This! Cleaning! But then I started doing it and it’s actually... nice.”
Marina steps forward, hands held out. “Do you have a fever?” She presses her hands to Pearl’s forehead and cheek.
“Knock it off, Reena. I’m fine.”
“Is this about the mice?”
“I’ll have you know that there’s no more mice in this damn house. I got rid of them.”
That’s news to her. She wants to ask, but Pearl is already plowing ahead.
“Trapped them. Don’t ask. Turns out that they’re a thing because I’m a mess. So, I cleaned the kitchen. And now I’m here. Doing this.” She throws down the rag she was using to buff the tiles. “This is all the mice’s fault! Did you know that there’s this thing that happens when you do mindless work? It makes you go all calm and zen. It happens to me when I’m writing music and... cleaning... Cleaning, Mar.”
Marina can’t help it—she laughs. It’s low and quiet, but it’s enough to make Pearl indignant.
“What? Is this what you’ve all been hiding from me! Cleaning is actually good for you?”
Marina shakes her head. “It’s just funny. I hate cleaning. I just do it because it has to be done.”
“You... You what? But you’re always doing it!”
Marina shrugs and stoops down to grab the rag. She carefully squeezes it out. “It has to be done. Here, I’ll show you a better way.”
She carefully walks Pearl through all the cleaners under the sink and shows her how to use the toilet brush—“Please, only in the toilet.”—and Pearl pays close attention, nodding here and there. When that’s done, she grabs Marina hands as she’s turning to leave.
“Marina... I know I’ve been a really bad roommate lately... I just... I’m not used to living with someone else.”
Marina rolls her eyes but smiles to show that it’s all in good fun. “It’s only been two years.”
“Yeah, and I grew up pretty much alone for twenty years before that! What I’m saying is... Thanks for being patient with me.”
Marina’s smile widens. “Of course...”
Pearl grins in return and goes up on her tiptoes to place a little kiss on Marina’s cheek. “Now!” She flexes. “Back to work!”
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mortalaura · 7 years
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A Little Wicked [a Starscream playlist]
- No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne -
Edit: Spotify version  by @dusty-shelf​ (not a perfect match but mostly complete)
[Song list under the cut]
Valerie Broussard - A Little     Wicked
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
One of these days a comin', I'm gonna to take that boy's crown
There's a serpent in these still waters, lying deep down
To that King I will bow, at least for now
One of these days a comin', I'm gonna to take that boy's crown
Bishop Briggs - Dark Side
Acting like I'm heartless, I do it all the time
That don't mean I'm scarless, that don't mean I'm fine
Twin Shadow - To The Top       
Oh I know it’s not the right time tonight But I won't move until this stops We go back to the top
Mikky Ekko - Watch Me Rise       
I'm still standing, I'm still climbing Even when the best are falling, You say, say my name Cause once I get my head above the clouds I'm never coming down
Tove Lo - True Disaster        
Keep playing my heartstrings faster and faster You can be just what I want, my true disaster
Grace [Ft. G-Eazy] - You Don't     Own Me
Don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say Please, when I go out with you Don't put me on display
Halestorm - You Call Me A Bitch     Like It's A Bad Thing
You call me a freak like that means something Can't get your way so you insult me I think we know the rest Get it off your chest I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
Lady Gaga - I Like It Rough
Cause it's a hard life With love in the world And I'm a hard girl Loving me's like chewing on pearls
Porcelain And The Tramps - King     Of The World
'Cause I'm the fucking king of the world Do as I please So get up and get out and I'll show you What it takes for me to control you
Kerli - Hurt Me
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
Halsey - Castle
And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
Bebe Rexha - Cry Wolf
Where the grass is green, but underneath you're cold and hollow Yeah, the words are sweet but no see they're hard to swallow So sick of your crooked smile and your counterfeit soul
Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care     (Machine Shop Remix)
I don't care what you think, As long as it's about me The best of us can find happiness in misery
GUNSHIP - Fly For Your Life
I got spirit, I got wings
I got fire in my lungs
I don't know what you're fighting for
You better fly for your life
Sia - Unstoppable
All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear
Porcelain Black - Pretty Little     Psycho
You're lookin' crazy, you're lookin' wrong It looks like we're gonna get along And once I've got you, it's a fact Baby, there's no turning back
Archive - Hatchet
Every time I see you Look me in the eye I look straight back 'Cause a part of me will die
Simon Curtis - I Hate U
Betrayed me, played me, slayed me Hurt me like I've never been hurt before Disowned me Only For the other people you decided that you wanted in your life more Made your bed now lie in it
Mother Mother -  Reaper     Man
Oh yeah I'm an ugly mess Not in the face, but in the head I'm thinking that was best not said But I say it anyway, then I say it again
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
Over the bend, entirely bonkers You like me best when I'm off my rocker Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
Egypt Central - Backfire
If I could leave this town forever It seems like no ones on my side Duck your head and run for cover Cross that bridge and just move on Save myself but lose another All my innocence is gone
Digital Daggers - Out Of My     Head
I know what's underneath the mask What seemed so good at first is under attack I'm in the wreckage, damage done It almost killed me
Downplay - The One Who Laughs     Last
This is a battleground, I'm caught in the crossfire
My words are weaponry and I'm waiting patiently
You win the battle now but I will return the fire
'Cause I'd crawl on broken glass
To be the one who laughs last
Susanne Sundfør - Delirious        
I hope you got a safety net 'Cause I'm gonna push you over the edge The strangest thing, deliberate Done with intent, without repent
Marina & The Diamonds -     Blue
No, I don’t love you No, I don’t care I just want to be held when I’m scared And all I want is one night with you Just 'cause I’m selfish I know it’s true
Of Monsters and Men - Human
Cage me like an animal A crown with gems and gold Eat me like a cannibal Chasing the neon throne
First Aid Kit - Master     Pretender
I always knew that I was young But with a head held high and a shotgun I could fool almost anyone
I never expected to be struck By the fatal hands of fortune or by sheer bad luck
Snow Patrol - What If the Storm     Ends?
Just for a minute The silver forked sky Lit you up like a star That I will follow
AURORA - Murder Song     (5,4,3,2,1)
He holds the gun against my head I close my eyes and bang I am dead I know he knows that he’s killing me for mercy
Royal Deluxe - Born For This
I get hit, and I might start bleeding But I'm not on the floor staring at the ceiling I'll give you something to believe in About to show you now that it's more than just a feeling I was born for this
Rihanna - Sledgehammer
I hit a wall, I thought that I would hurt myself Oh I was sure, your words would leave me unconscious And on the floor I'd be lying cold, lifeless But I hit a wall, I hit 'em all, watch the fall You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer
Laura Mvula - You Work for Me
Dragged up, kicking and screaming Tied to the bottom of the sea I really don't care what you believe in Just remember one thing You work for me
Zedd, Kesha - True Colors
All my life, one page at a time I'll show you my, my true colors No, no no no I won't apologize for the fire in my eyes
The Prodigy - Spitfire
Fitz and the Tantrums - Burn It     Down
Let's sit behind this fortress I built it just to keep the whole world out It wasn't meant for you Look who's left a prisoner
Bishop Briggs - River
Tales of an endless heart
Cursed is the fool who's willing
Can't change the way we are
One kiss away from killing
Don't you say, don't you say it
One breath it'll just break it
So shut your mouth and run me like a river
Hoobastank - First of Me
I here a voice inside It's crowning to a scream 'cause I can live the lie I am just what you see I'm not the next of them I am the first of me
Lissie - I Don't Want To Go To     Work
I don't wanna go to work You don't pay me what I'm worth Can't make me go home now and go to bed I don't want to go to work All my dreams just turned to dirt 'Cause pretty soon there won’t be none left
Sia - Never Give Up
And I won't let you get me down I'll keep gettin' up when I hit the ground Oh, never give up, no, never give up no, no, oh
Lauren Aquilina - King
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again
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robertmartynbahamas · 3 years
Bahamas - Amazing things to do
Dare to visit Bahamas beaches and islands for up lift in air, Swimming, Go under water etc. Swimming is one of the best activities that are enjoyable for every age visitors.
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Few things that you need to keep in mind before go for swimming activities
The Swimming Tour covers a hundred miles; you should be prepared to spend a lot of time on the boat and under the sun. Choose right season to go to Bahamas, Nassau.
There are hundreds of beaches, islands in Bahamas. It is difficult to choose one for you. I recommend you to go nearby Nassau,Capital of Bahamas .Where you can enjoy everything.
Follow all guidelines if available when you at site .
Don’t go in red areas.
Take Safety measure and wear necessary Costumes if     necessary.
Dare to Swimming With
Many other Sea Spices like Star Fish etc
Believe me it’s really unforgettable, wonderful swimming experience for anyone else .Just dare it. Don't afraid, all such swims are under supervision of trainer and may with trained spices that not going to harm you .Just choose right place to enjoy safe and best.
1 Swim with Shark
—  May it’s be your first time experience to swim with shark, If yes then you should go for it , Unbelievable moments of life ,No need to Capture them  in Camera as moments direct link to your heart ,you not forgo them all life , . Live Picture of moments stay long in your heart and in mind and bound you to come again and again.
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—  Some Places Where you can Enjoy the Activity
 Exuma (Most preferable )
Cay in Staniel Cay
Cay Marina
Exuma city of Nassau, best place for many kind of swimming activities. Shark – Nurse Shark are very friendly even allow you to touch , Play Like your pet .For take experience of Swim with Shark ,Just go to private Island Compass Cay where you have to pay to go swimming with Shark as maintenance fee .Swimming with sharks is a magical moments in your life.—  BE safe , Here are Do’s and Don’t
—  Don’t
Touch Mouth of shark
Harass them
Confuse them
Touch Back
Be Polite and smart
Just Enjoy their presence
2 Swim with Dolphins
Place where you can enjoy the activity
Dolphin Cay
Salt Cay
Blue Lagoon Island
Balmoral Island
Dolphins are well trained and make our moment unforgettable by their Cute, Intelligent, Friendly moments that allow you to touch, Play and even kiss them like a pet. You can dare to have swim with them.
3 Swim With Pigs
Oh! Have you Listen it before . I Socked when listen to it ,I saw them in mud only. So if want to experience to see pigs to swim wait.. wait... Wait ….. , Not just see you want to swim along with pig then Bahamas is right place to visit.
Place Where you can enjoy the activity
Staniel Cay
Big Major Cay
Pig Beach
4 Swim With Turtles
It's not just Amazing to swim with sea spices . Stunning moments of our life to have a smooth time with sea spices and lucky to know about friendly behavior of them .If you like turtle, Bahamas Island allow you to enjoy swimming along with them. Wow you swim with turtles ..amazing moments. Fall in love when it really happen.
Place Where you can enjoy the activity
Green Cay Island
Pearl Island
5 Snorkeling and scuba diving
Most of the visitor's have dream to participate in scuba activity . It allow a person to have great time under water like we stay long on earth .Feels like we are part of sea spices and become family with them . This is incredible moment of life when you hunt nature beauty under the water . You can enjoy different spices while you’re snorkeling or scuba diving in Nassau.
Places where you can enjoy activity
Grand Bahama Island
Paradise Island
Most known Spices
Starfish of different colors
Nurse Shark
Vide range of Fishes
Conch etc.
6 Dare to Parasailing & Paragliding
This activity is most enjoyable and allows you to have Flying high in air about hundreds of miles above clear ,blue water of Nassau ,Bahamas . All activities are non forgettable and under a single packet (Visiting Tour to Bahamas ) .Why not buy such packets. It means our life to enjoy such activities, make us stress free .
Places Where you can enjoy the activity
Adventure Parasail Watersports. 
Dare to fly up in the air over the crystal clear water ,Just Amazing ,Wonderful. All your dreams comes true at Bahamas .Whole process is safe, enjoyable … Follow Guidelines of Captain.
Now after goes through all these activities one Question that comes in mind is ... How much time it takes to enjoy Swimming with Spices, Pigs, Sharks, and Dolphins?
It takes long time
As Boat time is considerable and opportunities avail     with in hundred miles, So you should have good time to enjoy all daring     activities at once.
Choose a best time to visit. (July August is best )
Whether condition play vital role, so don’t allow     whether to obstacle your visit, choose right time, right season .
Relax at beaches and Enjoy Swimming : Number of beaches that allow you lots to enjoy. Bahamas beaches are best known for its crystal clear blue water ,Pink Sand , White pure sand etc.
List of Best Islands Shared by Robert Martyn ,Bahamas where you can enjoy all such activities .
Grand Bahama Island   
The Abacos
The Berry Islands
Eleuthera Island
Harbour Island
The Exumas .
0 notes
theashemarie · 6 years
Riding Out the Wave Ch. 3 - Pearlina Fic
↪Read chapter 1 here: [Adventures in Babysitting]
↪Chapter 2: [How We Got Here]
↪Chapter 4: [Morning Breakfast]
Crossposted: [AO3] [FFN]
Ch. 3: Gulf Space
The boat is quiet, and that’s worrying. Pearl and Marina sit with feet between them, with backs against the side. Dualies and Brella are huddled together near the front, and there’s a tension that’s strung tight between them, all four of them. The reality of what’s happened is finally sinking in, and Pearl wishes she could read Marina’s mind because Marina is being so, so quiet; she refuses to look at Pearl, and they haven’t touched since they separated from their unfortunately timed kiss. Pearl realizes now that that was probably a bad idea, all things considered—a very desperate (though not very hot and heavy, if you ask her) and sudden kiss in full view of a bunch of cameras—but she’s also not one for thought, especially when it comes to... romance.
(And wasn’t that romantic? Covered in ink, both their own and the enemy’s, breathing labored, Marina with that crazed, battle-look in her eyes. It certainly was hot, but not exactly romantic. Definitely not one of the dozens of ways that Pearl imagined it would happen, late at night when she was lying in bed. No sirree, those were safe, coffee shop affairs, or perhaps stage fever that resulted in a deep dip, Marina’s body cradled by Pearl’s arms. Not... during Salmon Run.)
Marina has one of the cameras that Pearl beaned in her lap and she’s got it cracked open. It looks fine to Pearl, but Marina keeps tutting as she digs around in the wires, searching for the short in order to fix it. She mutters about “unnecessary property damage” every now and then, and it’s pointed, so pointed that Pearl feels defensive. She wants to say that it shouldn’t be surprising, considering how much she used to break in her punk days and still breaks now (accidentally), but she’s also still reeling from the kiss so she just keeps her mouth shut.
There’s no sign of Grizz in their earpieces, so Pearl halfheartedly hopes that maybe the photos are stored locally in a memory card or something, not beamed back to whatever cave Mr. Grizz lives in. That’ll make the next few weeks a lot easier—she doesn’t want to have to bribe Grizz to keep the photos a secret, but she’ll do it if she has to. If Marina wants her to. She imagines that this whole thing won’t reflect on them... in a desired way.
But then, she doesn’t care, she realizes as she watches Marina let out a small aha! as she finds what she’s looking for. She dips those long fingers deep into the body of the camera and Pearl watches her dig around, feeling a bit uncomfortable. She forces herself to look away.
“There,” Marina says, and she screws the back into place with a screwdriver. Pearl is beginning to think that she takes that thing with her everywhere. “Good as new.”
“Any memory card?” Pearl asks, a little petulant.
Marina holds her hand up, and Pearl is happy to see a small black card caught between two of her fingers. “Whoops,” Marina sing-songs as she flicks her wrist, sending the card over her shoulder, over the side of the boat, and into the water.
“Yo, awesome!” Pearl hisses, and her impulsiveness gets the better of her as she jumps up to lay a kiss on Marina’s cheek. Marina, used to this thoughtlessness, quickly cuts her off, pushes her back before her lips can land, and she puts a finger against Pearl’s lips.
“Ssh,” Marina commands, and Pearl pouts her lips out against the finger.
Marina replaces the first camera with the second. Her deft fingers get to work quickly, and as Pearl watches her, she says: “You know that we’re gonna have to do this again, right?”
Pearl is a little too love struck by just how beautiful Marina’s hair is as she leans over the camera, so all she can think to say is, “Huh?”
Marina tuts under her breath and reaches further into the camera, going deep into the wires. “We’re getting rid of the evidence. That includes all the pictures.”
“Tch, whatevs.” Pearl waves a hand. “Like Grizz needs us to advertise. He has so many freelancers he doesn’t know what to do with them.”
Marina doesn’t answer, but Pearl sees her free hand tighten a little around the camera’s spherical body. “We agreed—”
Pearl sighs and puts a hand on Marina’s knee. “And your word is your vow. Yeah, I got it. You’re so stuffy sometimes, you know that? Is it a Marina thing or a...” Pearl glances around to make sure they’re not being listened to. “Y’know, an octoling thing?”
Marina finally looks up from the camera and she lets her head fall back against the side of the boat. “You read my file. You don’t get as high as I did without being reliable.”
“And here I thought it was your good looks. And your huge brain,” Pearl adds when she sees Marina roll her eyes.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Marina declares, and she dips back into the camera. It’s fixed in no time, and Pearl lets the silence sit, mostly because she can’t think of a possible answer to that.
They bid Dualies and Brella farewell at the bonus window. Both young inklings agree to keep what they saw a secret, which makes Marina look so relieved that it brings Pearl pause. She hadn’t spared the whole thing much thought after deciding to bribe Mr. Grizz if she needs to, but that would explain Marina’s silence on the boat.
Pearl can’t pretend to completely understand Marina, and that hurts. A lot. Sure, she knows how Marina ticks most of the time, but she also doesn’t understand a lot of her past, a lot of the stuff that put her together and could pull her apart. Pearl is an open book, a simple story: a rich girl from an affluent family, spoiled to the core, but with a heart of gold and a penchant for rebellion. There’s not much mystery to her, other than one small stint with heterosexuality that she doesn’t ever want to talk about, but Marina? Marina is smoke; Marina is a tight, strained smile; Marina is a past that is full to the brim of dark things that she’ll never talk about. No matter how much Pearl dares pry, Marina will never talk about certain things, so Pearl will never know her completely.
And, for the most part, she’s okay with that. She may have grown up sheltered, but she also knows that there are some things you can’t know, some things you can’t push people on. Because, people will bend until they break, but some things cause stress fractures that spread. This is one of Marina’s fracture points.
That makes it so much harder though. They walk toward the studio, where a car is waiting to pick them up, and Pearl wants to grab Marina’s hand. She’s been waiting so long to do it, and now she practically has permission, but she’s also painfully aware of that relieved look, that you wouldn’t understand, the countless times Marina has pressed her headphones tighter to her head to hide her ears, and she realizes just how much attention that would get them. Already, people are noticing them, rushing forward to ask for pictures, and Marina is slowly pulling her face into the public one she uses everywhere.
Pearl keeps her hands to herself, grimaces in the pictures, and tries to ignore the giant hole that she feels between herself and Marina.
They need to talk. But, when they eventually get back to the apartment, Marina squirrels herself into her room. She spares a few seconds to say, “I need to think,” and stoops down to press a kiss to Pearl’s head. It’s chaste, like a mother to a child, and Pearl is stricken immediately. Does Marina already regret it? Did Pearl already screw it up? Is the gulf of their pasts too much? Marina’s face reveals nothing as Pearl forces herself not to say anything, to smile a strained smile, and she disappears behind her door.
Pearl plays a violent video game in the living room with the television turned all the way up. She punches and kicks, throws the controller when she dies, hugs a pillow close when she feels tears hot behind her eyes. She’s not sure exactly what to do, but she feels like she needs to do something. She knows that letting Marina think is good, but she also knows that thinking too long is bad; thinking too long leads to second thoughts, second guessing, and she doesn’t want Marina to back out of something they both clearly want.
Pearl wants to do this right. Marina feels like forever, and Pearl doesn’t want to screw that up. Marina is forever—she’s symbolic of a future that Pearl never had before, from their shared music career to their shared home, but more than that, she’s Pearl’s best friend and Pearl can’t lose that. In a life full of excess, she’s become used to having everything, and the idea of losing something so precious makes her sick to her stomach.
She hides her face in her knees. On screen, her character does its idle animation, begging input.
In the end, she tells herself that she didn’t cry, and she gets up. Her over-large sweatshirt hits her knees as she walks, and she quickly draws a beeline to Marina’s bedroom door so that she can’t second guess herself. She doesn’t go in, doesn’t knock, just listens. There’s some soft lo-fi music playing and Pearl imagines Marina leaning back against her pillows, headphones off, eyes closed, thinking. Or asleep. She never considered that Marina could have simply fallen asleep after such a long, emotional day, but she still has to try. She can’t just let this sit, not with them so close to the precipice, dangling over what could be the happiest moments of their lives. For once, she’s not the one being talked away from the edge.
She sinks to the floor beside the door, like she’s done so many times before. She lets her head loll back, exhausted both because it’s almost midnight and because of the day they had, closes her eyes like she imagines Marina has, and she lets the words fall out.
She’s always been a jabber mouth, but today it’s something else. She says it all, how unsure she’s been, how she’s been so scared, how much Marina means to her. Gone is the yelling, the limb flailing, the Pearl who has to bigger than life. In her place is a quieter, unfamiliar Pearl, one who is small and vulnerable and has no airs to put on. She says things like “I know you’ve been through hell, but I want to make sure that never happens again,” and “I love... having you here. You’ve... changed everything.”
Marina might be asleep. She might not hear any of this, but it feels good to get it out, to breathe it into the world so that Pearl doesn’t have it all inside her anymore, turning everything into mush. Finally, she can begin to harden again, in case everything goes horribly come morning. She has to build herself up from the inside out, in case this was all one big mistake, in case the battle-hardened warrior that she calls a roommate isn’t ready for all of this. In case the kiss was one giant, glaring misstep in their otherwise brilliant partnership.
Before she departs, she stands, staring at the door, and says, “I don’t want to give up on this, but if you want me to, I will.” It’s a small emission, but she wants to give Marina an out; the last thing she wants is Marina to feel pressured into anything.
There’s no reply. Pearl sighs and sinks into her room. Her bed is big, too big she realizes, but she climbs in, lying with her head on the edge of her pillow. The darkness has no substance to it as she stares out, like there’s too much vastness there, like the space between galaxies, the giant spaces of nothing that she imagines the humans once touched. She thinks about them a lot—the humans and their reaching, reaching arms, how much they destroyed to get what they wanted.
She hopes, desperately, that she doesn’t follow in their footsteps.
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