dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
A moment of silence for the golden deer girls...
jk jk! Personally I don't really hate any characters (even Edelgard, but I DO hate her stans LOL )
so to sort of reframe it.. As a writer (and in your personal opinion) how would you improve Bernadetta and Marianne as characters?
And how did Hopes do better in regards to Bernadetta?
NGL I was pretty surprised when I found out how popular they were. Though I can see them working for the JP audience moreso than the Western audience.
Like I can see why some may not like Bernadetta and Marianne when they both have passive personalities , can be extremely pessimistic, and are so wrapped up in their own anxiety and trauma to the point they don't have the capacity to deal with everything else that's going on (That and the writers 100% treat Bernadetta as a joke). Whatever the reasons are it's valid, sometimes characters just dont work for someone!
With Marianne she improves if she survives to post time skip.
With Bernadetta it kinda does and doesn't? though I think she improves in her supports with Raphael and is much more tolerable (in general) in her supports with Leonie.
This is super old and I forgot to finish replying to it but! Look! I'm replying to it now!
Yeah see when it comes to EdeIgard I actually hated her but like... not with the same vitriol I do now because of the stans. I already found the writing for her to be bad (must I once again mention for the unknown amount of times: Ashnard lol), but then the way the stans who go far beyond "I like this character" shove what you already didn't like down your throat? Yiker pikers on a stick. It's one of those things where I didn't like her, but then the fans just made it so much worse. :/
I'm definitely not a fan of the GD girls lol. I mean like I probably said in the last ask response, I don't hate Lysithea or Hilda, but I don't have a strong attachment to them. Really it's GD in general I'm not that fond of, because the only characters I care about from that house nowadays are Lorenz and Claude, with a side of Ignatz lol. That is, I'm not big on Ignatz but I do like him and he'll always have a special little place in my heart for being my very first recruit in my very first playthrough.
For Bernadetta, I posted about her in response to this ask here.
With Marianne, it's not so much that I like, actively despise her. I don't like that she's just... extremely aggravating. She does get better post timeskip for sure, but pre-skip is just awful for me.
I get having anxiety and being afraid and all that, but she takes it too far. Her insistence that "something bad will happen" is used so much that it begins to feel like a poor excuse. On the writers' part, this is irritating because they could've written a character who had anxiety and just... had anxiety. Instead they gave her the whole backstory of thinking she's cursed. I feel that she would be more relatable if she was just a normal person with anxiety.
Because of the supposed "curse", she behaves rudely to people and cuts them off to "yell" at them (not literally yell, but I think you get what I mean?). People seem to give her a pass for usually saying "I'm sorry" before leaving, but it's so abrupt and someone will just be trying to talk to her and/or be nice to her, but she makes them feel bad for talking to her and trying to be nice.
I don't know that it was meant to be intentional on the writers' part, but it comes across as disgustingly manipulative, because that's what people do irl who are trying to garner sympathy. They play the woe is me part and apologize and all that, but it leaves their conversation partner feelings badly toward themselves for doing nothing wrong.
Typically conversations with Marianne are one-sidedly complimenting her and being super nice to her with nothing in return. She makes them feel bad about talking to her, then they compliment her and are still all nice to her. It rubs me the wrong way.
The thing about Houses' supports is that even if you get to the timeskip, if you have C and/or B conversations left, the characters' personalities will still be their pre-skip personalities. Even if she's grown in her timeskip personality, I still end up having to get through supports of her pre-skip personality during the second half of the game. It makes feeling better about her growth a lot more difficult.
And like I said, I don't straight up hate her... but her attitude in the first half of the game is definitely something I wouldn't be able to put up with if I knew her irl. It also gets to the point of being so over exaggerated that I don't feel sorry for her at all anymore. At first you're like oh poor girl, but then it happens so often and with so many characters that it just gets annoying and irritating. It's a boy who cried wolf situation.
I do think she was handled better than Bernadetta in the sense that she was definitely not played for laughs, but I think that's also because there's a huge gap in understanding between the mental illnesses they have. Anxiety is much more commonly understood nowadays, whereas agoraphobia isn't taken seriously and is usually written off as lazy people who just don't want to bother going out. Since it's also become a trope, whereas anxiety is seen irl as a more serious mental illness that is almost always coupled with depression (which makes it even more extreme), it's used as lol look I know that trope, rather than actually diving into what makes people behave like that.
Marianne has some similar problems that make me not like her as Bernadetta, but they're not entirely as bad, she does get much better development, and her situation isn't meant to be funny. I don't mind her being passive and pessimistic - I mean hell I'm super pessimistic irl, thanks society! - but it's the way she treats the people around her and uses the woe is me excuse every single time.
She doesn't want to feel responsible for something bad happening, so she instead puts those bad feelings onto everyone else so they instead feel poorly and she gets to feel better knowing "nothing bad happened". It's like, oh wow, now I feel so much better since I don't have to feel responsible if they die, even though now they're upset because they think they did something wrong when they didn't. It's extremely selfish and while sometimes being selfish isn't a bad thing, imo it kinda is when someone else gets hurt for the sake of oneself feeling better about the situation.
I agree that some characters aren't for everyone! While you don't have to hate the characters to not like them, there can be some that irk you and some you just aren't interested in (I mean take Raphael for instance. I don't care for him either way. He's a sweet guy and I wouldn't want him to die! I just don't have an interest in that type of personality for a character, and also because it's so immensely tropey with little else to him that I'm just very eh about him).
So yeah, Marianne is more along the lines of I can't stand her pre-skip but I can definitely tolerate and appreciate her post-skip. The supports just make it a lot more shaky because like I said, the way they work in Houses just makes the part of her I didn't like come right back instead of me getting to see just the development.
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laulink · 2 years
U played 3hopes yet...? SPOILERS IF U HAVNT. Geez the BEs really dont have a good day on AG huh. They seem utterly miserable when recruited except for maybe petra but well the lady has to move on for brigid. As compared to recruiting BLs to SB, recruitment on AG really is only about survival? Ashe and Mercedes are miserable on SB but at least they have Lonato & Jeritza. Dorothea has 0 supports with BLs. Bernie stays in her room. Linhardt is sick and tired. Does the kingdom even care abt Brigid?
I played SB but not AG, though I did hear a few things from it (I'm not looking for spoilers but I don't mind them either).
Yeah, the BE really only join for survival in AG from what I've seen, while recruitments in SB are always about playing on heartstrings a little. I think that's because, weirdly enough, not being at Garreg Mach for a full year has allowed Edelgard to grow closer to her friends because she didn't have to lie to them, distance herself from them and betray them after a full year of companionship, while the BL, as you would expect, are not very close because they've barely spent any time together (aside from the Faerghus Four and Dedue). The BL also had no reason to work together more than your average King and Lords/Knights for two years while the BE were enlisted by Edelgard/their fathers to help prepare the upcoming war, therefore allowing them to grow closer as friends, like they would have at Garreg Mach (more or less), but without the betrayal at the end.
So when you get into the war, the only reason the BL fight are out of loyalty to their King/country while the BE, on the other hand, having been aware of what would happen from the start and being allowed by Edelgard to back out of it whenever they wanted, go into this conflict with firm beliefs and convictions (that Edelgard's reforms are necessary, that she's the only kind of ruler that will try to understand them and their needs and take care of them, etc). To recruit a BL, you just need to give them something they value more than their loyalty to distant, barely-talked-to-them-twice Dimitri, and for Ashe and Mercedes it's not too hard to find that ; if you want to recruit a BE, however, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone or anything in the Kingdom or Dimitri's beliefs that they relate to more than Edelgard's views and dreams for Fodlan, so the only way to get them to leave the Imperial Army is to tell them "either you join me and live or you die". And the Empire and Edelgard have never been nearly as obsessed with loyalty and nationalism as the Kingdom, so of course the BE value their lives more than the "honour" of dying for their ruler.
On top of that, Edelgard is a ruler who values individuals, their specific qualities and dreams, even if she's not particularly close to them (re : Lord Lonato and her being bothered at his death in Houses even though he wasn't a lord of the Empire) and who will never kill anyone or want them dead if she doesn't absolutely has to (not even Rhea) ; Dimitri, on the other hand, despite believing that his officers and friends deserve to live and disliking injustice... well, really doesn't mind killing people even if there are other options available (purging the western nobles instead of putting them on trial and in jail) and has a bit of a tendency to detach himself from what happens to his allies if they're not people he personally cares about (re : Lord Lonato in Houses and how Dimitri didn't try to empathise with him, even though he was a lord of the Kingdom). So when a BL joins the Empire, sure, they're bummed out about being a traitor and having to fight their friends, but at least they're welcome with open arms by a ruler who sees them as more than simple pawns, someone who tries to empathise with them and will want to bring them in the inner circle and listen to their opinions, while when a BE joins the Kingdom's army, they're feeling bad about fighting their friends, about fighting against the ideals they want to defend, and they are faced with a ruler who sees them as assets to use in his army, but whose ideas he won't ask for and that he won't mourn if they are killed.
So yeah, that's a bit of a bummer for the BE. I don't know how things are in GW when you recruit the BE, but Claude is more similar to Edelgard, in his beliefs and the way he interacts with his officers, than Dimitri, so I expect the BE have an easier time adjusting to being in the Alliance than the Kingdom.
(On Brigid specifically, Dimitri doesn't seem to have any interest in it one way or another and would probably be easy to convince to give them their independance, but still, Edelgard gave Petra her blessing to surrender and has already promised that Brigid would be an equal to the Empire/Fodlan, so while Petra has to push through for her homeland, there's no doubt she's aware that things would be smoother/easier if she had to deal with Edelgard instead of Dimitri, if only because Brigid has only ever been the Empire's vassal state, never the Kingdom, so Edelgard is bound to know more about it than Dimitri)
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ciown · 2 months
Okay yknow whatever, what did I ACTUALLY do wrong besides getting pissed off and hurt ect. Because what it actually looks like to me, is needing an excuse because you two dont like my personality and cant respect that other people have feelings and opinions different to yours. Im p sure your friend just couldn’t handle me or make up his damn mind. For some reason you wont even let me have the peace that the universe is vast and just because one person kins them doesnt mean I have to see them as wholly them if its hurting me. Obviously I dont want people to hurt me because it means people do horrible things to me and spread harmful info about me. Hes deeply hurt is he well do you not think being called horrible names and treated like scum has had an impact on me. He needs to get his head out his arse, hes been horribly ableist and even attempts to make sure I cant engage in a community but complains I drove him out. He just refused to communicate normally.
dismissing the things you did as "getting hurt and pissed off" when it's been over 8 months of you stalking and harassing hubert and his friends - some of which has been vehement ableism, transphobia, and racism - is so incredibly fucked up that i can't even put into words how frustrated and angry that makes me
i don't like you personally. i have never made that a secret. i do not have to like the person who called my best friend a "muddy girl pretending to be [hubert]" and a "BPD [person's] worst nightmare" for not responding to you on time when he was asleep or busy as a grown man with his own responsibilities and life
you do not respect our feelings. if you did you wouldn't have been stalking and block evading us for literal months. you would not be messaging me right now. also what "opinions" are you even talking about? what part of any of this is opinions
he couldn't handle you. that is why he blocked you. i don't know how that is such a wild line of logic for you. you would spiral/breakdown in his DMs at his 1am and then would send 10 more messages essentially guilting him for not being able to respond while he's asleep or insulting him by calling him "a bit cruel" for not responding because, again, he was asleep
also what do you even mean by "make up his mind"? are you talking about that time he gave you a second chance in a completely different kin server only to blow up at him when he interacted and joked with another edelgard? that second chance? the one *you* fucked up? that one?
i have never said you can't see him as hubert. if i have, i literally don't care if you do now. it means nothing to me whether you see him as a hubert or not. it is literally the least important thing to me right now when you're harassing and abusing a real life person in this life. i think his feelings as a thinking and breathing human being is more important than things that happened life times ago, most of which being things You as edelgard were not apart of. you are not his edelgard canonmate. he is not yours. i do not care what you see him as, i want you to leave him and his friends alone
alright. what about the people you hurt? should hubert just suck it up when you repeatedly break his boundaries and send him and his boyfriend and his best friend and his other friends vitriol for weeks? should he not make true on the boundary he set when he TOLD YOU he would post the screenshots of you being abusive and toxic in his inbox if you didn't stop messaging us? what about the people YOU hurt? what about the people YOU are harassing? should they just let you? should we just allow you to call us horrible, racist, transphobic, and ableist things? should we allow you to continually tell us to kill ourselves and that you wish us or our pets to die? are we not allowed to call you vermin or a parasite for continually stalking us and sending us messages when you've said so much worse? where is the line drawn? when do WE get to be upset and frustrated and fed up with your behaviour and actions toward us? when do WE get to be hurt and upset? when do OUR feelings matter?
you are the one sending us "harmful info", aka toxicity/abuse. us speaking up about this so others are aware and are able to make a decision over whether to interact with you is out of concern for their safety. do you think what you're doing here is normal? do you think it's reasonable? do you think if this was happening to a group of people unrelated to us wholly, that they would be in the wrong to speak up about this stalker's behaviour?
you are the cause of this. you make constant and repeated decisions that put people in harm's way. you put in the effort to block evade and send 200+ asks in 3 days like it's nothing. when exactly should we be able to speak up about your behaviour? when do we get to tell others to be mindful of talking to you?
"Hes deeply hurt is he well do you not think being called horrible names and treated like scum has had an impact on me" do you not think being told to die has an impact on him? do you not think wishing his husband, his best friend, or his pet to die has any affect on him? do you not think making a mourning altar for him would affect him?
you need to stop projecting. you are the one who was unable to give him space to breath, let alone deal with his own mental health. he was exceedingly patient with you every time you vented, brokedown, and spiraled in DMs over the course of the 4 or 5 days you knew each other. you called him cruel and nightmare for being unable to support you every waking and sleeping hour when he has his own struggles to deal with, which you know about because he fucking told you during those days. instead of trying to be patient and understanding, you got pissed at him for exhibiting symptoms and struggles of his own disorders when he was nothing but kind and patient to you with your BPD/MH struggles. you started this off being ableist and uncaring and cruel
if you can't engage in the community, then that is your OWN fault for not understanding the literal basics of boundaries and respect. there is nothing lost in communication with blocking you and telling you to leave him alone SEVERAL TIMES. for MONTHS. MONTHS. EIGHT MONTHS. there is no loss in communication that you getting pissed at him for interacting with a double is unreasonable after everything you did. you left that group on your own. you did that yourself. he did not force you. he did not even ask you. he said it was fine before you felt entitled to him as a person enough to think he should never interact with another edelgard in front of you after all you did. he did not stop you from entering other kin spaces after he blocked you. there was MONTHS of him taking your abuse before he posted that callout. you are the one who made the active decision not to go elsewhere or find other kin spaces instead of spending all your energy harassing one man for the gall of being human and having feelings + boundaries. god forbid one man doesn't want to be around you. god forbid he has limits. god forbid he doesn't want to insulted and degraded for his mental health and his own disorders because they are an inconvenience to you. god forbid he doesn't want to be told to die or have his loved ones wished death upon. god forbid he has enough of your constant abuse after a last desperate effort to get you to leave him alone with that callout that he TOLD YOU HE WOULD DO if you messaged him or his friends again
what the fuck else is he supposed to do now, neva? what the fuck do you want from him? from us? was he not supposed to leave? is that not what you wanted? you made it clear you thought of him as subhuman. should he simply stay and have to read the horrible things you say to him forever? is that better for you? for You? since that's all that matters to you. how things affect you. only you and never anyone else. what else? what is there? what can he do? he will never win in your eyes. he will never be enough. you will continue to take and take and take and never think of other people beyond yourself
you only ever see how things affect you. you will only ever care about your own feelings rather than the mental health and safety of others. you will continue to harass and harm others and break their boundaries in desperation for someone to take your abuse so that You can feel better and feel safe and feel loved. you will never care that they feel unsafe around you, that their boundaries will never be respected by you, that they will feel like you only care about what they can do for you. do you genuinely believe that all the people you've hurt are in the wrong? do you genuinely not see the harm you've caused? you're doing this all over again, neva. we are not the first people you've done this to. i'm scared thinking this will never be the last
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finitevoid · 6 months
to begin: im sorry for kinning edelgard and im sorry about your wrist “What about micaiah” Ive thought about her and i didnt know what to say about sothe so i just didnt. my mind immediately jumps to sothe being in middle school and then i lose my shit and stop thinking about micaiah. they are the same age? But ….. the vibes…..? Maybe theyre just sou//wen (From irl lore)
What i did establish is that micaiah is also in the group home with stefan and soren its like a literal final fantasy house in there. micaiah gets limited contact with them because Girl (foster care 1984) but generally stefan is fond of her and soren tolerates her more than in canon because he grew up with her and shes not lighting his troops on fire. She still gets on his nerves because she’ll just start psychoanalyzing him out of nowhere and he hates that but its kind of a greil mercenaries type environment for him where this is kind of his family but its Not ike
branded group homes are pretty common because either youre bigoted against the branded or you dont want the load of trauma that comes from fostering/adopting a branded child. Most adopted branded were charity case infants from countries where theyre especially marginalized (please save the branded children from gallia. THere is nothing loaded about our perception of laguz countrys persecution of minority groups and lack of insight into our own). the yank branded children in the states of crimea are kind of ickier and get adopted less. foreign or not once they hit age 6 in the system they are demon children no one wants to adopt. Notably a good chunk of the branded population is foreign born because of this + asylum seekers. Even if they get adopted 7 times out of 10 its kind of a fail adoption story (maybe beorc savior complex religious people adopting foreign branded children dont always have the best interests of the child in mind and are prone to fostering superstitious beliefs about the children they adopted). ps Soren and micaiah were taken from daein and cant run for president now :(. soren was an infant but micaiah is proudly a daeinite (yet another reason for people not to trust her) Yes they were all in iep connections together where micaiah a couple of times per year off her meds would poke sorens legs with sharp scissors. Otherwise she was usually chill
also...... post the rest of the videos in the pictures channel?
my wrist does that its ok . and dont be sorry about that. Im glad you kin a woman i think thats progressive #girlboss #vriska
did she make soren bleed with the sharp scissors or was she just being a little silly. either way soren probably wants her dead for that. i like that in this au he gets to grow up around other branded people i dont think it made him more normal or anything but its something. The three of them are like the branded crew and thats their social niche it actually sounds like hell on earth
i think sothe being just younger enough than her that (if? when?) they start dating everyones like Um.... but cant say anything is really funny. but also. micaiah voice Sothe give me your hand... theyre so much bigger than they used to be(they are the Same age). is also funny. either way they are insane. sou//wen from irl lore indeed. sothe leaves for a week to go on a vacation with his parents and micaiah cries
i dont have anything to add to your detailed worldbuilding regarding the displacement of foreign branded children in crimea due to anti branded sentiment and then being seen as charity cases that beorc parents take in to feed their savior complexes until they get old enough its impossible to forget that they are people and then they live in group homes until adulthood. Yeah. Thats deep thank you
also i just did i made a google drive with all of the videos bexause i dont remember which ones i posted lo l
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jackienautism · 11 months
hi again!!! no worries about taking time with my asks, they are very long i totally get it!! rereading my last ask i realize there were a handful of times where i just. left out complete parts of sentences LMAO whoops. that will happen when you are typing and watching someone play a game at the same time.
anyway i finished my vw playthrough yesterday! my brother is almost done with his playthrough as well. he ended up siding with edie :) he also decided to buy his own switch so he can play on his own LMAO.
hmmm.. thinking about the fics i've read (since i hit part two on my deer playthrough i was playing more and reading fic less lol). immediately after playing i was like hm. this is great territory for time travel and time loop related fanfiction given the whole. divine pulse plus new game + mechanic. i'm sure there's interesting stuff related to this. and i was right. then i think i looked through some edelgard related tags, and then some marianne related tags? i was mostly sticking to one-shots and like. mid-length multichapter fics, and sending the really long ones to my read later list lol. saving those for when i finish at least the three lord's routes.
as for art, i was mostly just searching a character or dynamic i liked on here and going from there LOL.
yeahhhh. ingrid and felix's paired ending isn't Bad or anything but like after the b support i just. don't like the idea of them ending up together lol. and meanwhile any ending where ingrid has children bothers me? so. absolutely not to the sylvain ingrid paired ending. and honestly i kind of hate the whole.... 'oh she's always cleaning up his messes' thing that their c support (and other general interactions) suggest. like i do like sylvain but i am Not subjecting ingrid to him LMFAO.
i ended up reading some bernie/edelgard fanfiction and Really liking their dynamic in that which is. funny considering i've never seen their a support LMAO. as for dorothea and edie, i've seen their a support now thanks to my brother's playthrough!! they're sooo good. i think you're right about marianne supports with girls outside the deer?? which is annoying. let marianne interact with more girls she deserves it. and YEAH i did end up seeing the marianne lysithea supports and like. they're fine! but man there were so many interesting directions they could've taken those two and they just. didn't. very unremarkable supports imo which sucks extra because they could've been so good!
i got mercedes and annette to b support! so they had their fight and then the next time they see each other they are facing each other on the battlefield. which was very fun. i loveeeed creating scenarios like that caspar killing linhardt was also so :((( i was gonna have sylvain kill felix but he failed so bad annette had to kill felix too LMAO. and i had dorothea kill ferdinand which is :( and. for edie i had petra, claude and byleth all land at least one hit on her for maximum interesting dialogue.
i love how last ask i was like 'sylvain is going to end up alone because i can only pair him with byleth or dorothea and i'm not pairing him with dorothea again, and im either pairing byleth with claude or dorothea' and then i ended up. s supporting sylvain. idk what it was about claude.... i absolutely loved him as a character, but i was not feeling the romance at allll. like that's my dear friend claude.. as for dorothea, i was thinking that i probably want to s support her if i ever go for silver snow, because i think the idea of byleth and dorothea who both like. still really care about edelgard and maybe even regret their decision to side against her in a split second but hey it's too late to turn back now, right! getting together is just. so. there's sometihng about it. will i ever actually bring myself to play silver snow?? maybe.. i think if i dont let myself s support dorothea until i do, though, i'm more likely to play it, and i do want to see all the routes.. i also really wanted to see the dorothea petra paired ending.
i ended up with completely different paired endings than i initially anticipated, which i ended up really liking! aside from sylvain and byleth, and obviously petra and dorothea, i also got claude and hilda, which. LOVED their a support. i am an absolute sucker for characters who are both wearing masks of sorts calling each other on it.... also got marianne and ashe which was really sweet :) caspar and annette as well, which, again, i really liked and thought was sweet. i also ended up with leonie and shamir, which was good as well. honestly maybe one of the best endings for leonie, who i ended up getting more attached to than i expected during my playthrough. OH and ignatz and raphael, whose supports started strong but like.. his sister? ignatz marries his sister? okay. i wasn't aware i was doing the supports for ignatz and raphael's sister but. whatever. like i don't mind it, i wasn't particularly attached to them like. ending up together? but it felt like a cop out from making them romantic honestly.
circling back but MAN dorothea and petra's a support and paired ending.... i love them they're sooo good. dorothea is sooo special to me i love when she gets to be happy...... she deserves it!!
i ended up REALLY liking annette, way more than i expected to lol. very excited for the lions to see her sylvain and mercedes specifically. i thinkk i'm gonna recruit marianne again, since like. why wouldn't i recruit marianne. dorothea as well because. well. it's dorothea and i love her. i'm probably gonna recruit bernie because i didn't last time, and maybe ferdinand as well? i could get caspar since i hear he's got a paralogue with mercedes but, as much as i like caspar, i want to recruit some different people this time around and i'm already set on getting dorothea again lol.
i'll probably get leonie as well, and then either raphael or hilda? haven't decided yet. i like hilda, but i think my first real character defining experience with her being her literally dying for claude in CF (before i used divine pulse to prevent that lol) has like. solidified and defined my interpretation of her and i don't feel right recruiting her away from the deer. soooo funny to me that hilda 'i would never die for my friends' goneril is now stuck in this role in all of my subsequent playthroughs. i don't even know if you fight her in the lions route but i'm still not pulling her away from the deer and claude. sorry girl.
i like avoided using lorenz like the PLAGUE because well. i didn't have to use him. and i really didn't want to accidentally get a paired ending with him LOL. idk i feel like his whole lack of respect for claude was reallyyyy grating especially after a certain point. and the fact that the byleth c support is you going 'hey lorenz stop being weird to women??' idk. like i'm sure there's Something interesting there but i didn't care enough to look for it honestly he just has too many unlikable qualities and not enough charm or interesting stuff to make up for it. to me.
OH IGNATZ AND MARIANNE..... i loved their supports actually. they were so good. i keep forgetting about them and then remembering all of a sudden and going. oh those were good. the claude and petra supports were also good, as were annette and claude's! and i didn't see all of annette and ashe's, but they were sweet too. hmmm sylvain and marianne's b support was surprisingly good, as was his b support with hilda (once again. characters wearing metaphorical masks is sooo interesting to me and i love when they interact..). claude and marianne's were SO good i loved them. i love how marianne is in the ending tapestry/mosaic thing for VW too, especially considering the ending of their supports! leonie and claude's were good, marianne and hilda's were pretty sweet, and so were ashe and caspar's..... man i'm trying to think of what other ones i got. i want to like.. say how i feel about all of these but i don't want to spoil any you haven't gotten yet so! i think i'll just leave it there.
anyway! excited for the blions route! gonna go play with my brother again lol so he can finish CF and start his own playthroughs on his new switch, and so i can move onto the lions! as much as i love the other houses, going through this game twice i Have noticed that a lot of the early game stuff skews towards having the lions be plot relevant, and the themes and connections between the lions just seem. really deliberately woven if that makes sense. so i'm looking forward to seeing it all play out! i think before i play silver snow i'd have to do another CF route tho bc i can only go so long supporting the church before i feel the urge to not do that LMAO. anyway i hope you're doing well!!! have a good day/week, it's always nice talking with you and hearing your thoughts :)
HIII thank you so much for understanding! its very much appreciated :] and fdkndg no worries man, im pretty sure i understood what you were saying and all. but yeah that prob is gonna happen when youre watching someone else play at the same time, so no worries!
OHH GOOOD. GLAD HE SIDED W/ EDIE AFTER ALL YIPPEEE but i suppose that was assumed right? glad it came true!!! and CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR VERDANT WIND PLAYTHROUGH!!!!! you play fast fdgndfg took me a good like 2 years to finally get back to it and finish it 😭 good for you! glad youre enjoying everything!
and yeah that makes sense ! glad that the game had you that hooked and stuff (eyeballs) but yeah it sucks that its between either playing or engaging w/ content... and that can be a difficult thing to decide sometimes jdfgfd YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABT THE TIME LOOP / TIME TRAVEL POTENTIAL!!!!! AND SPEAKING OF THAT? HAVE YOU SEEN AN EAGLE AMONG LIONS? ITS GOOOOD. its like 80+ chapters BUT ITS SOOO GOOD. i myself am only like ? not even a quarter of the way through but it plays on different timelines and time travel and stuff. and it has a HUGE focus on edelgard. def couldnt recommend it enough. makes sesne that you stuck w/ the shorter ones though... since it does get time consuming. any ones you read that you recommend :o? glad youve found a bunch of good ones regarding that concept though
AND NICE. MAKES SENSE. it just sucks that sometimes if th edynamic isnt very popular it gets difficult tofind stuff</3 esp art stuff. like. for example. i wanted to find som e marianne and lysithea stuff. and not even like romantically. i just want to see them together. and i couldnt find any art but i DID find a few fics but </3 sometimes i just wnat Them you know? and they were often accompanied by several other characters / dynamics. there were 2 that i rly liked though
I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT INGRID HAS ENDINGS WHERE SHE HAS CHILDREN!!!!!! IS THE GAME DAFT? IS THAT /NOT/ WHAT THEY ESTABLISHED AS SOMETHING SHES AFRAID OF? gosh dfkgnfdg jesus christ. and no youre sooo right abt the whole sylvain and ingrid dynamic. like. of course its funny to a degree and ingrid doesnt have to place all that onto herself but............ i think both the game and the fandom play it up a bit too much. but yeah fdgjdfg i totally understand why you wouldnt pair her w/ either felix or sylvain
OOOO i know bernie and edie is ? sort of popular? so im happy that youve enjoyed their dynamic, i still need to go through their supports myself</3 AND YIPPPEE glad you enjoy edie and dorothea together and that you liked their A support<3 yeah ): i like just didnt remember seeing marianne have supports w/ any girls outside the golden deer... which SUCKS bc 2 out of the 3 she only goes up to B. SHE DOES DESERVE IT!!!!!! and like. ive thouhgt abt this before but..... dorothea and marianne........ they both have themselves in their dislikes section........ thoughts in my brain. AND FOR REAL !!!! ABT LYSITHEA AND MARIANNE. THEY COULDVE DONE SOOO MUCH MORE AND YET THEY DIDNT ): and not only that, they dont even have a post timeskip one ?? which i feel they TOTALLY deserve. esp since lysithea's whole thing was like. enjoy lfie while you can! look at the positive! and then she DOES post timeskip! i dont knooow they couldve so much, like you said
and ah okay! i guess i shouldve assumed that you were referring to mercie and annette, just based on their supports and all. but thank you! but also. BOOOO. i get wanting to create a scenario like that but 😭😭😭😭 the sheer POTENTIAL of something like that though is SOOO good. i assume mercedes was w/ dimitri during that one battle where all 3 armies clashed on gronder field? i haven't gotten caspar and linhardt's special dialogue on the battlefield.... and i probably never will TBH. THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME LMAO w/ sylvain and felix. atleast in my CF run. i got their special dialogue and then sylvain was GONNA kill him but felix's pavise or some shit activated and ALMOST KILLED HIM RIGHT BACK!!!!! it was very unfortunate. glad annette was able to cover for him i guess though 😭 /AND/ YOU HAD DOROTHEA KILL FERDIE???? GODDAMN...... you are very strong my friend. getting special dialogue is fun but at the same time </////3 it makes me Hurt. does petra and edie have special dialogue together? i didnt realize that :o
OHHHH YOU ENDED UP S SUPPORTING SYLVAIN???????? THATS CERTAINLY A SHOCK FGNJDFGF i thinki believe ive seen your account? you hva e a bi sylvain icon right? if youre not comfortable w/ me saying that just lmk and ill remove it asap. BUT GOOD FOR YOUUUU FKNGFGDF I CERTAINLY WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT LMAO. and yeah i feel that for claude and byleth. i honestly cant say anything bc i had no intentions of S supporting him to begin with but. yeah. WHEN HE CHANGES FROM "TEACH" TO "MY FRIEND"...... I THINK THATS SO CUTE THOUGH. and ouuugh the potential of silver snow byleth / dorothea.... i like that concept a whole lot. i think you def should do that if you go down that route. but at the same time. are you even able to keep any of the black eagles in your class during that route? or does edie turn against ALL of them? i have yet to play so i dont knooow. nbut the potential scares me. since going against edie after gaining her trust is one thing, but to have to go against the WHOLE CLASS? very sad. but no ytoure absolutely right... i think theyd have a particular bond after going agsinst edelgard, and i think that may increase their relationship and all. they get to revel in that guilt together!!!! mmm, using dorothea as a reason to play it is dfngdfgk it gives you incentive you know? and i believe thats needed as a route like SS
yeah!!! claude and hilda's A support was very good... makes sense why theyre so drawn together and all. because, like you said, its interesting how characters who tend to put up a mask themself also tend to see through someone else's, especially if its a close friend. ooo didnt realize marianne could A support w/ ashe! or annette w/ caspar! thats very interesting. i knew abt leonie and shamir, i dont quite understand Why yet (since i have yet to see them) but. i suppose it makes some sense considering that shamir is sort of a mercenary? it was something like that right? i forgor. glad to hear that thats one of the best endings for leonie! i literally just recently finished VW and i already forget who leonie ended up w/ oops. andd getting attached to her is epic as well, bc i just couldnt get myself to tbh. ofc i like her and alll, but i just. eh. you know? I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHO IGNATZ AND RAPHAEL ENDED UP WITH!!!!! NO WAIT I DO. NVM. anyway. i had no idea thats who their (ignatz and raphael) ending plays out?????? thats so :/ i get not everything ahs to be romantic but come OOOOON.... ESP SINCE WE DONT EVEN GET TO SEE RAPH'S SISTER??????? LIKE 😭😭😭 gosh. thats so annoyingg. but no youre right, them adding in maya like that is such just ..... like you said, a cop out. and it sucks. not all the endings are specifically romantic, like raph and lysitheas for example iirc, but CMON !!!!!!!!
RIIIIIIGHT....... in my playthroughs i tend to only get the supports of the characters in my house (as i also tend to use only those characters and maybe 1 or 2 recruits) but MAN. FOR MY AZURE MOON ONE I JUST CANT LET DOROTHEA BE ALONE...... SO IM GONNA GET HER TO A SUPPORT W/ PETRA AGAIN......... she deserves to be happy andd knowing that she has the potential to be alone makes my heart hurt.
annette is a real sweetheart. and i love her little songs dfkgndf and ofc her relationship w/ mercedes is real nice. BUT YEAAAAH GOOD RECRUITS AS USUAL.... im only on like the first chapter of the timeskip actuallly dkfgndg i havent played azure moon in a bit, i rly need to change tha.t. i actually havent played the game at ALL in a little bit, for reasons i wont get into, which sucks but </3 gonna try and get into the groove again soon. dont blame you for wanting to get different people, and yeah caspar and mercedes do have a paralogue together! it has to do w/ the death knight iirc. anyone you plan to recruit in place of caspar? or are you just gonna wing it?
OH guess the next paragraph answered my question mb. BUT OOOO HILDA... THATS VERY INTERESTING TO THINK ABT..... i totally forgot that she was like that in terms of dying and stuff... unless i just misse dhtat entirely? and i cant remember her dying quote / special interaction w/ marianne or byleth rip. BUT YEAH. I CAN DEF SEE HWY YOU DONT WANNA SEPARATE HER FROM THE DEER / CLAUDE..... they both already go soooo well together.... so i totally get it. aside from hilda literally dying for claude after saying she wouldnt ddo such things for them, what was your other character defining moments for her? if any?
LMAO LORENZ..... i like. gosh. i dont blame you at AALLLLL. his first impression is just so bad and ugly and..... iugh. i went through all his supports w/ the golden deer (except for claude's. i missed out on it. which. im not too disappointed abt LOL i can imagine he goes through some growth hopefully nbut i cant rly say that he truly does) and yeah... he has some redeeming qualities. like. hes a very caring and nice guy beneath it all. but you're right. his distrust in claude is so just annoying and UGLY if you really get down to it. /I/ dont like him either but going throuhg his supports w/ the deer made me appreciate him a littl emore? not by much though. i still think hes annoying. and honestly i dont even remember his A support w/ byleth LOL which probably means it wasnt that memorable. but yeah i dont blame you for avoidinig him at all costs lmao hes a really unlikable character imo lol. and as youve siad, his whole thing w/ claude rly puts me off
YESSSS IGNATZ AND MARIANNE'S SUPPORTS WERE SO SWEET.... I ESP LOVED WHNE HE SAW THE SUNSET AND THOUGHT TO HIMSELF "OH, MARIANNE WOULD LOVE THIS" THATS SO NICE AND CUUUUTE 😭😭 OOO i dind realize annette had supports w/ claude... interesting. i think i stilll need ashe and annette's A support but they were so fun dfngdfg esp them getting Scared together and stuff. i dont rly care abt sylvain very much but i do enjoy most of his supports. rly shows a different side of him, which made me realize just how strong of a character he is. character wise, i mean. but yeah! OHHHH CLAUDE AND MARIANNE'S WERE SOOO GOOD.... I ESP LOVED THEIR A SUPPORT AND HOW HE GAVE THAT STORY ABT HIMSELF AND ALL..... TO RELATE TO MARIANNE AND HER STRUGGLES W/ BURDENS AND SUCH...... i also got their ending (out of pure chance which i was VERY happy about)AND OHH YEAH, SO THAT WAS MARIANNE ON THE END ART HUH? i mauyube thought she was there just because of my game getting their ending but fkgnfg THATS SO CUTE !!!!!! I LOVE U MARIANNE . i vaguely remember leonie and claude's which sucks, ill prob have to go throuhg them all again separately since i just BINGED most of them during the end of my playthrough. marianne and hildas were good too.... i thought it was so cute how hilda got her to laugh so hard during their A support )): and i still need to get ashe and caspar's! and thank you for not wanting to spoil stuff for ): that's very nice of you, feel free to talk abt the ones in specific you rly liked! its ok if i havent gotten them before :] ill def just go through them again regardless! but, just so you know, ive gotten all the golden deer's supports w/ each other. excluding lorenz and claude. and pretty much all of the blue lions' supports w/ each other, i have just a few left
HAVE FUN W/ THE LIONS ROUTE!!!!! youre def right to say that white clouds is very heavily biased towards the blue lions... esp narrative wise... you'll. def see what i mean. even more so than the obvious. i wont say much but it regards edelgard. but yeah! like. sylvain and miklan... mercedes and the death knight... i swear there was more but my mind is drawing a bblank rn. OH aand ashe and lonato. imo it was clear that azure moon was meant to be the Bulk of this game. like. you were meant ot play this route and that's it. you're absolutely right abt it seeming deliberately woven. they rly dont try to hide the bias lol which isnt a bad thing ofc but. just seeing how much the fandom is prone to hate edie...... i blame the game's targeted narrative for that. AND I FEEL THAT L,MAO. being on the church's side is so just... it pisses me OOOFF tbh. i can only take so much of that. so i def agree that you plau CF again before doing SS or another one fkndgffg
HOPE YOUREDOING WELL TOO !!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY / NIGHT AS WEELLLLL. and hehe thank youu..... im glad you enjoy reading my thoughts, bc i feel the same about yours!!!! :D
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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Verdant Wind Claude did win me over for being so paragon though. But i have no illusions about what he's capable of. And though part of why i love him is because he chooses not to enact severe measures until absolutely necessary, I'll admit that a lot of circumstances in that route didn't force him into such decisions, by coincidence.
Golden Wildfire did force him into more corners, additionally after still recovering from a trauma---that people dont seem to realize was more a blow to his IDEALS, than to his emotions. I used to say he's the same Claude at his core, but GW did prove how much he can change with the circumstances.
IMO killing Shahid put such self doubt into Claude's ideals and motivations, that he remained on shakey ground in judging his own decisions for a long time afterwards. The proof being when he needed Shez and Judith to chew him out. VW Claude usually made good (condoned by the narrative) choices on his own, while only needing emotionally supportive reassurances. (Aside from Hilda's disguise at Merceus idea.)
The thing about FE3H is that Claude needed to be a paragon to contrast Edelgard. She too, thinks she has all the best intentions, truly believes she genuinely cares about people, and is being manipulative (during White Clouds). But she was the villain (in all routes but her own). Claude's manipulatve side had to stay benevolent (using Byleth to consolidate armies), unacted upon (poisonings he kept saying he might use but we never see him do), and presumed as trustworthy character potentials (from understanding his character), so that when he thinks he has all the best intentions, truly believes he genuinely cares about people, and is being manipulative, he can portray to the audience, the benign version. Or at least make the audience aware that a benign version of the same thing can exist. The thing that makes Claude admirable (at least to this fan) is that he is fully capable of being manipulative, cutthroat, ruthless, and underhanded, but he knows to save that for when there is no choice---vs when your trauma has forced you into such hyper vigilance, that too many situations get assessed as only allowing the harshest decisions, instead of always trying for Kindness. That criticism goes towards both Edelgard and GW Claude.
If i didn't make sense just now, then please just watch Trigun. The reboot, Trigun Stampede, just started, so i dont know if it handles the same ideals about Pacifism, True Strength, and Compassion, with the same interpretations. But the original Trigun anime had lots of good ideas about being a paragon and the true meanings of Attacking, Fear, Power, and Weakness.
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hresvlgse · 4 years
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hiatus cancelled 
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emblemxeno · 3 years
Sorry to the other nonny but I dont see how Rhea sending the students on missions to take care of bandits and criminals is a point against the church at all because its literally a military academy. Raphael and Ignatz are specifically there to become knights and Leonie wishes to be a mercenary. And the times the students do get sent out on missions its not just on church buisness but also to assist others that have asked the church for assistance with bandits and pirates so its not 1/2
like Rhea is using the students as her own private army, they are literally training to do things under supervision from other knights that they need to learn either for their chosen careers or the titles they will inherit that requires them to protect their people. 🤷 2/2
Absolutely! And also, Seteth says "Students are obligated to help those in need regardless of social standing" like??? Idk how people forgot about this, but that helps prove how the church doesn't wanna enforce divides between nobles and commoners. Everyone must do their share, and everyone needs to help.
It's another reason why Edelgard's motivations are wonky, cuz she says "if we dispense with the goddess and crests, people will have no choice but to rise and fall by their own merits" and at the end of CF she says "when humanity helps each other we have no need for gods". Just, what? The same establishment she hates explicitly said 'doesn't matter if you're noble or not, you have to help people in need and do your part to keep the peace'.
Did Byleth just not tell her? God, this is why I don’t like Byleth as a silent protag, all they have is reactions. They can almost never initiate conversation or tell people about anything they heard. And even if Edelgard still didn’t care, at least that would be a moment where Byleth can, y’know. Disagree with her instead of just take her word for things all the time? Granted, they do that with all the house leaders, but it’s most especially for Edelgard tbh.
But yeah, the whole "Rhea uses child soldiers" thing just sucks. The most harrowing missions they go on were never supposed to turn out that way (Lonato, Miklan, Flayn's Kidnapping, Remire, Holy Tomb), and others happen because Byleth or the class themselves came up with the ideas (Mausoleum, vs Kronya/Solon), not Rhea. The only time the church ever asks the students to fight in a life-or-death battle for them is chapter 12, which, let's be honest: the students spent an entire year training to be great fighters, I think it stands that they can help with defense. Plus, iirc, Rhea or Seteth or someone offers for the students to retreat if they want.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
hey if you uh 👀 wanna share that essay on dimitri 👀 i'm sure more than one of us will be happy to read it... 👀👀👀 (dont mean to pressure you or anything! just joking around but in all seriousness your metas are 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼)
This feels a bit like someone asking me to indulge in my favorite food.
I’m a bit stuck right now with no new content for Dimitri, and with that shocking personality turn, I’m dying to know where this all goes, and you bet there will be some massive Dimitri analysis coming. 
But for a “short” breakdown of why he’s my favorite so far:
He’s that kind, empathetic, diplomatic lord I always go for, but avoids being too vanilla because he’s allowed to have faults. It’s also so nice to see a character who goes through trauma and see it realistically affect them, and not just in a romantic tool kind of way either. You see it in literally everything Dimitri does and how he interacts with everyone. It’s an excellent case of “tragic backstory” done right.
It’s almost unfair how many complex relationships Dimitri has on the other main characters. It takes the Byleth pandering edge off a lot when he’s got these deep, rich connections to Felix, Dedue, Ingrid, Rodrigue, Sylvain, Gilbert, and even Annette and Catherine. It’s such a leg up on the other main characters that he gets to skip over awkward intro C-Supports and jump right into the drama. 
He surprises you. I fully expected Dimitri to be kind of boring, but instead he just made me . . . fall in love with him? Like, I’m closer to 30 than 20. I have not done this over a character since high school. Like what is this?
The trauma is interesting and well-done and all, but even without it Dimitri’s a character who I would’ve gone for. He’s so awkwardly adorable and gets so easily excited when you talk about his favorite sword or whatever. But then he’s also so composed and confident at times.  
I also love how traditionally “feminine” his strengths are. He’s kind, empathetic, wants to compromise rather than punch his way through his problems, and he’s still totally a guy. Many times these “softer” male characters are written super feminine, but it’s nice to see these traits in a character who is still traditionally masculine. It’s refreshing because it shows these things don’t have to be one or the other. You can be a guy’s guy and still be emotional, considerate, and caring. Like his hobbies are swordplay and sowing, and he’s allowed to just like both and no one makes a big deal of it one way or the other.
Dimitri embraces his leadership role. You can tell it takes a toll on him, and that he’d probably really rather not have to take on all this burden. But he does. I’m so sick of entitled leader characters play the “but I never ASKED to be XXXX!!!” Dimitri just embraces it and wants to use it to help others. For all of Dimitri’s trauma and how center-stage it takes, you literally never hear this guy complain about anything. The headaches? You know know because of Felix and Dedue. Same with the sleeplessness. Dimitri never says a word because he’s just so ingrained to take on all the burdens and lead everyone else. It’s to an unhealthy level, but oh my God it’s so refreshing after dealing with so many heirs and chosen ones that come across like spoiled brats. 
There’s a few key moments in the story that Dimtiri really stuck out to me too. 
Post-Lonato - This was the scene where his character really caught my attention. So often fantasy glorifies war. Kings and chosen ones fight for their ideals against some dark overlord and it’s all rah, rah!!! And it’s all good and fun, but I can’t ever help but wonder what any of these stories look like from the common man’s POV. Dimitri gets that. He’s not about some high and might cause. He’s always focused on how the common man is getting hurt by their leaders. He does this with Miklain too. Of all the lords, he’s the only one who noticed how Miklain mistreated all the nearby commoners. That was what he talked about. It’s what he’s always talked about. And it really resonates with me. Leader characters with admirable ordeals are a dime a dozen when you read as much fantasy and historical fiction as I do, but ones who set that all aside and their ultimate goal is to serve the people - now that’s interesting. 
Post-Jeralt - This was one of the few times I felt kind of self-inserted in the game. I don’t care too much for Byleth or Jeralt. But after Jeralt did his thing, I got Edelgard’s harsh treatment, than Claude’s complete disregard, and I was honestly feeling so put out. I really expected the game to play this up given how much they love to pander to Byleth. I was especially shocked to see Edelgard be so dismissive of Byleth’s feelings when she’s so hung up on Byleth. It’s like Claude and Edelgard ask so much from Byleth - both openly wanting to use Byleth to achieve their own goals - and the single time Byleth shows weakness, is faltering, neither care enough to bother. By the time I got to Dimitri, I expected nothing. But when he showed up instead of Alois (sooner than the other two), I was a bit taken off guard. And then I finally got to see someone really care about Byleth for Byleth’s sake, and not only what they thought Byleth could end up doing for them later. He was so kind and considerate. He didn’t belittle Byleth for grieving, he offered to cover for anything Byleth needed. And it really got to me, because we’ve all been there. We have people we think we’re good friends with, but when you need them they’re just . . . not there. And then that one person who is there just really ends up sticking out so much more. 
I really expect this list to get so much longer after seeing the time skip. He’s clearly going to get some massive character development, and I’m so excited to see all the sides of Dimitri explored - even - especially - the not so good ones. So it’s slightly torturous that I’m stuck replaying the route I saved over and not seeing anything new and smarts even worse because Dimitri’s (and Dedue who coincidentally is another favorite) are literally the only characters I’ve seen 0 final supports for and I’m just . . . really dying over here. 
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Hello! Was wondering what you thought of Rhea?
Just got the game last week and I do not trust her in the slightest! (Feel free to speak as freely about her as you want, I dont care for spoilers or anything whats so ever)
Hi! Thanks for asking! I’m not sure what route you are or are planning to play first, but there’s a whole lot here that probably won’t make much sense until you’ve played Edelgard’s route.
Putting it simply: I hate her. She’s an interesting character and I love reading peoples’ analyses of her, but I hate her. Cannot stand the woman. 
First off: I understand why she did everything that she did. It was kind of genius of her. Doesn’t mean I can’t hate her for it, though.
Spoilers under the cut! And also a lot of rambling! I’m not great at analyses or keeping things succinct so this is kind of a huge mess!
I don’t even know where to begin when talking about Rhea. Her blind devotion to her mother? The way she’s twisted the past to benefit her? Her whole “join me or die” attitude?
Y’know what, that is where I’ll start.
Rhea is so fixated on bringing Sothis back. Throughout the entire game, that is her sole goal, the one thing she’s wanted to do. Even before the events of the game, she’s been trying to get her mother back. And sure, I get wanting to bring around a second coming of the goddess, but she was willing to sacrifice so many innocents to do that. And before someone says “oh Edelgard sacrificed plenty of innocents, why aren’t you mad about her?”, Edelgard was trying to obtain a better future for everyone (and yeah maybe there were better ways to go about that but her hands were kind of tied and this post isn’t about her). Rhea just wanted her mom back. And even if she got Sothis back, would she really recognize her? I think about the post I linked there a lot.
Second part: the way she’s twisted the past. This post has a lot of good points about how Rhea lying about the origin of the heroes’ relics is pretty damn genius, seeing as her goal was self-preservation at that point. Despite that, though, I am still pretty pissed about how difficult it is to get the truth from her. I haven’t played through the church route (and refuse to) but I’m pretty sure the only routes where you actually get answers about Seiros and the ten elites are Claude’s and (I assume) the church route. 
And of course, the literal “join me or die” attitude. As in, if you side with Edelgard, she tries to murder you right then and there in a fit of rage. And of course everything just goes downhill from there - when you fight her at tailtean plains, post timeskip, she’s not even really there for the kingdom. She just wants her mother back, and to kill Byleth and Edelgard.
Despite you saying that you’re alright with spoilers, I feel obligated to say that what I’m going to say next is a MASSIVE spoiler for the end of Edelgard’s route.
 When you finally reach Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital, she sets it on fire despite there still being innocents in the city. One of her pre-battle lines, “I shall sacrifice as many lives as it takes!”, is when it really cemented in my mind that I despise her. Edelgard’s line to her really verbalized how I felt - “So it's true. You don't value human life at all.”
Rhea’s not fighting for humanity. She’s not fighting for the sake of the people who’ve just lost their king. She just wants her mother back. That singlemindedness, that lifelong obsession on bringing Sothis back, it’s what I can’t stand about her. Loss is hard to deal with, but dwelling on it, or fixating on it as she did, just makes it worse. She doesn’t care about anything other than killing Byleth and Edelgard at that point, and it honestly makes me really sad.
Sorry for that massive rant but I hope that’s an alright answer!
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pandapupremade · 3 years
hair wash
words: 894
ship: dimitri x rene (self insert)
content warnings: none that i can think of
rbs okay and appreciated!! i started writing this during a storm the other day for comfort and. well. i just finished it. its messy and stuff but ...bwush. this is my first time writing dimitri (and my s/i actually) and its not perfect but i rly just wrote it for fun dont think too much on it
     Rene gazed into the darkened, weary eye of the man he'd once known; a man who had witnessed ever-terrible atrocities, and committed such deeds as well. Most had nothing but fear when perceiving him, but right now, Rene was not to be deterred by anything, much less the man's scowl. Finally, with a sigh, he spoke without breaking eye contact.
      "Please take a bath, your Highness."
       His "Highness", otherwise known as Dimitri, seemed taken aback by the words, his mentioned scowl fading fast into a look of shock. "W...what?"
       "A bath," Rene repeated, "You smell terrible."
        It'd been about five years since the Garreg Mach Monastery had fallen into ruin, and yeah, Rene had the suspicions Mr. Eyepatch hadn't taken care of his hygiene that entire time. After all - he probably would've starved to death without Rene bringing him food and water - why would he care about his other needs at all?
       "How...how dare you! Y-you..." Dimitri clenched his fists, though he knew Rene's words to be truth...and wasn't exactly disputing them, either. But even so, the prince shook his head. "Nevermind that - you're a fool if you think such...frivolous activities are more important than killing that woman. I don't have time for it."
       Rene crossed his arms. "It'll only take a little bit. I'll help you, even, to speed it up."
      "Hmph! Like I'd expose myself in such a way. Forget it."
       "I will not forget it, thank you." Rene frowned.  "...Look, you can even keep your armor on- I just want to wash your hair, so you don't look so...straggled, at least."
          "Again, I haven't time, nor should a monster like myself make time, for something only important to nobles." Only important to nobles, huh? Not just everyone with a nose?
           Rene tapped his finger against his bicep, pursing his lips. "...You want to look better than Edelgard when you kill her, don't you? Certainly, you can't rush into Enbarr looking like THAT..."
          Dimitri paused. He scoffed at his shorter companion. "Why not? I don't need to look regal to enjoy crushing her skull."
          "Oh, but you do! You do!" Rene insisted, "You'll need a clean hand to crush skulls with, yes? Let's go."
         "...My hands? Clean? You must be joking. My hands could never be-"
         "Let's go, Dimmy!" Almost got stuck listening to him self-deprecate again there, Rene, old sport. Be more careful. ....
          All that aside, Dimitri was to be dragged to the monastery's washroom. There, despite his agitation and resistance, he would get his hair washed.
         Rene hummed to himself,  rummaging through the abandoned shelves for things like soap and towels. "Hm, these are a tad dusty, but should work.." He turnee to the prince now. Now, we'll take off the fur, but you can leave your armor on..."
          "...."           "Hm? Do you want me to take it off for you or something?"
          "As previously established, I don't want any of this nonse-"
         "I'll take it off for you then!" Rene was still not going down without a fight, and moved faster than Dimitri would've liked to pull off his cape. "Hm, hm, we should probably wash this as well...What kind of fur is it?"
      "Nevermind, I won't fuss over those details." He tossed it over a broken nearby bench, "It's heavier than it looks, though...Which says a lot, considering you're usually slouching when you wear it, anyway..."
     "....You're quite the fool, aren't you?"
     "If you think me a fool, that's fine. Now sit down here...."
       Soon, a begrudged young prince was sitting on a stool, feeling...annoyed and humiliated, to say the least, at his companion's behavior. Still, he was appreciative that Rene was quick to work, and hoped it'd be over with soon...
      Rene's hands were gentle on Dimitri's scalp, though, despite the speed...he sat quietly, for once, and perhaps this quietness was in part due to Rene's humming. The purple haired diva didn't really sing, but he clearly liked to make a little noise...Dimitri didn't exactly mind - it did drown out...you know. Just a touch.
      Not to say they weren't still there, though....
     Anyway, Rene gently spread a shampoo of sorts through his hair for a while, then pulled back. "Alright, now then...I need to rinse it out - ah, the water will be a little cold. Is that okay, your Highness?"
      ".....Do whatever you want."
     Rene smiled a little. "Well, that's a little far from what you said before, Dimmy..."
      Dimitri closed his eye. "...Rene, right?"
       "What, did you forget my name? Yes, that's me..." He gave a light chuckle.
        "Why...Why do you call me that?"
         "You mean 'Dimmy'? Oh, it's...Just a term of affection, I guess."
       "Hmph....Affection...Lowly rats like myself don't really need that sort of thing, do they?"
           "....Sure they do." Rene shook his head.
          "Spoken like a fool as always..."
         "Maybe." Rene wasn't going to argue, and used a wooden cup to begin rinsing his prince's hair. He flinched a little, and Rene quickly paused. "Sorry, I told you it'd be cold..."
         "....It's fine. You made it this far, I don't think there's a point in backing out..." In other words, he DID have soap in his hair that needed rinsing...
         "Alright, then, Your Highness...I'll try to make it fast, so you can resume your - um - mission..."
           "....Take your time with it." He sighed. For once, Rene could've sworn he was relaxed.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Weiss: *putting a hand on Byleth’s shoulder* Everything will be okay.
Byleth: *looking at Jeralt’s journal, sighing* I… still cant believe he’s gone…
Weiss: You have me and the rest of our team with you.
Byleth: *a fire in her eyes* I’ll make her pay. I’ll track her down, and I’ll make her pay.
Weiss: Just… dont let it consume you. I’d rather you not go down a path that you’re not sure how to get out of.
Byleth: *setting the journal down on a table and walking back to her room* I know I’ll have you guys with me, but I think I just need to be alone now…
Weiss: *sighing as she watched Byleth walk off* Great Weiss… you said the wrong things again.
Edelgard: *walking down the halls* I guess I did go a little overboard…
Cinder: *voice carrying form a secluded spot on campus* Are you both ready to carry out the plans?
Edelgard: *getting up to the corner of the wall, keeping out of sight and listening in*
Mercury: Mostly. Now that we know Pyrrha’s semblance, things should go a bit smoother.
Emerald: Shouldnt we be concerned about Ruby and her friends? After what happened to Roman-
Cinder: Let me handle them. They’ve been a thorn in our side, but I know how to deal with them.
Mercury: If you’re sure.
Emerald: *sighing* We should still assume they know more than they’re letting on.
Cinder: *pulling out her scroll and smirking as she brings up Amity’s matching system* Like I said, let me take care of them.
Edelgard: *running back the way she came to head to her friends, whispering to herself* I have to let them know!
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fellhellion · 3 years
1, 9, 42 for 3H asks :]
1. What drew you to / made you pick up and play FE3H?
I really like story driven RPGs ( dragon age fan...) and I had some vague memories of there being a lot of hype when 3h came out and I was interested in it! I picked up a couple other games when i bought my switch and i was just like huh i wanted to play this and people seem to like it, lets do it
9. What is your favorite scene in the game (can be in the main story or a support convo)?
I think the final CF cutscene w Edelgard and Byleth is my favourite tbh. it’s just SO good and I really like how the mood of that cutscene changes once you’ve got all the information regarding these characters, it makes that sad little bit of piano over the shot of Rhea’s body feel even more conflicting, for me personally at least. Also Edie and Byleth whacking a dragon w their weapons just looks rlly cool and i’m a basic bitch. 
Tied for second for me would be Bernadetta’s B support w Byleth (makes me tear up every time FUCK), Edelgard and Hubert’s A support and his A+ support w Ferdinand <3
42. Do you have / are you willing to share a possibly controversial opinion or headcanon you have about a character?
gfkdgjjklfdglk ive got a COUPLE
- a BIG portion of the fandom hatred of leonie yet adoration for felix is just sexism. it’s literally just sexism felix doesnt even APOLOGISE for lot of harsh or even downright cruel shit he says don’t even TRY me with the “oh but leonie said a mean thing she instantly apologises for in the next support :/” 
- lorenz’s critques of claude post ts (and mostly pre ts tbh) are literally just racism <3 theres also the the whole thing about “claudes ideals don’t seem to have concrete paths beyond tear down the borders” but the thing is thats a writing choice ACROSS THE BOARD every single lord is fighting for vaguely defined ideals w no concrete policies because 3h doesn’t care about those details! so i dont think it’s fair to critique claude for not laying that out, or lorenz for not badgering him on it because it’s this weird glaring hole in a character driven drama that every single lord gets, and it’s only made more awkward by the fact edelgard is waging a political war in the first place god WHY did the story choose not to give it’s main characters concrete idealogies and really explore and critique those
- i dont think this is unpopular but the duscur people murders being this narrative prop that gets overshadowed by dimitri’s trauma, to the point of the story privileging his perspective (to the point where dedue is the only retainer who can just fucking die before the ts) over a literal survivor of that genocide is just. such a terrible writing decision it astounds me. lets not even get into the fact that NO ONE really reacts to the revelation in AM as though “oh no we murdered the people of an entire country unjustly” it’s “oh no dimitri’s family was murdered by our own :(” 
- gilbert and annette’s story may not be personally sympathetic to YOU (and a large of portion of it isnt to ME) but i still think he and it are well written
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
hello 💚 if you’re available: hc of hubert w a crush on a reader who doesn’t believe it ? every time he tries to show sings they’re like “nah he couldn’t like ME” . I get this is a bit of a more complex request, so if you choose to pass it up no worries
it's not complex at all! thanks for requesting babes! i will say i did kind of go a different route with this, but i hope you like it nonetheless ~
letters. | hubert
hubert sat silently, eyeing you as you poked and prodded at the black box on your desk.
you had come in a few minutes later than he and edelgard did, chatting happily with dorothea. when you'd noticed the box, your eyebrows had furrowed and you asked dorothea.
the said girl looked over her shoulder when you weren't looking, making eye contact with him and winking.
hubert had flushed red but quickly turned away to talk to edalgard and now caspar, who had joined the group.
he still watched out of the corner of his eye as you opened the box and picked up the letter. he had spent hours writing it to try and mask his handwriting.
you are truly gorgeous. im not one to be overly sappy, or sappy at all, but i cannot hold it in much longer. you make my day better and i enjoy seeing you smile every day."
you leaned over to dorothea, showing her the letter. your voice echoed across the classroom, reaching hubert's ears.
"this writing sounds like ferdinand," you said thoughtfully.
"y/n, dear, it's not ferdinand." dorothea responsed.
"it's gotta be, nobody else speaks like this-"
"it's not. i know who it is, and i promise you it's not ferdinand."
--- --- ---
once again, you looked at the black box that was placed beside your plate.
you had only gone outside to speak to sylvain, who could've put it here this quickly?
you opened it up and read the note inside, this time accompanied with a small charm necklace with your initial.
"y/n, my dear,
im glad you're using your process of elimination. im certainly not ferdinand. i'd rather die than be that pompous. but since my anonymity is still secure, i'd like to tell you that i have feelings for you. feelings of affection, desire, love. everyone told me to drag out my confession to make it more meaningful, but why should my presentation be more memorable than the confession itself?
thus, i will only give you one more letter. if you do not figure it out... you'll see."
you shook your head as petra read the letter from over your shoulder. "who do you think it could be?" she asked.
"i don't know. i cant think of anyone who'd be interested in someone like me," you sighed. "i would think that their insult to ferdinand would give something away, but i can't think of anything."
"what about hubert? he's always insulting somebody." dorothea chirped.
your cheeks blossomed a small shade of red as you glanced over your shoulder at the man you sitting at a table near you. "no, impossible."
taking your friends' silence as a question, you clarified. "he's wonderful. he's got so much going for him, he couldn't possibly want someone like me. i cant get my hopes up just because i might like him."
dorothea and petra looked at each other slightly knowingly before joining you in changing the conversation. none of you noticed the raven-haired male with his eyebrows furrowed, wondering how you couldnt fathom his affections towards you.
--- --- ---
this is my last letter. maybe you're denser than what i had originally thought if you still cannot figure it out. but i must say, i love your density. i love everything about you.
"h... h... HILDA!"
dorothea slapped her forehead. "no you dumb bitch!"
"who's name starts with an h? what the fuck-"
your eyebrows only furrowed. hubert? impossible.
he's so emotionally ... unavailable.
"how do you know?" you finally asked.
"all of the black eagles are in on this. y/n, he's been planning it for weeks. he's not good with words- he tried to practice with edelgard and nothing worked, so he just wrote you letters. please."
you only looked at her and stood up, walking to said man's dorm room. you knocked on the door, your heart racing. a few seconds later, hubert opened the door with a single rose in his hand.
"it's you?"
"yeah," a rare smile crept on his face. "its me."
"but- but why? why me? you're so, so above me. i just don't understand-"
"how is it so hard to understand?" his head cocked slightly, "you're wonderful. you're one of the only people i can stand here."
"i just don't-"
"listen, y/n. im not the best with words, but i'm gonna try. you're beautiful. you're strong, caring, loving, and everything good in the world. i need someone like you to balance me out. i dont have a reason why i love you. i just do."
a shy smile crept its way onto your face. "i love you too."
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jackienautism · 1 year
update on the fire emblem playthrough! i've just started part two and let me just say. absolute ROLLERCOASTER of emotions since my last ask omg. i did manage to recruit the non-eagle characters i was most interested in (marianne, ingrid and felix. also i forgot to mention in my first ask but sylvain is also there since he was. easy to get). sadly i didn't manage to get raphael who was my next pick, probably because i kept accidentally skipping time (skipped a whole month by accident, and then later skipped a day of exploration without training bc edelgard asked me to come with her. and if i'd had that one day of training i would've gotten him too!! im so salty..) </3 living a sad raphael-less life now.
currently my absolute favorite is dorothea and it's kind of killing me that i'm not gonna romance her this playthrough (because i've gotta go with edie.) next playthrough however.....
i also still really love bernie and caspar those are my besties. i never disliked hubert but he's really grown on me. OH and i didn't even MENTION petra in my first ask which should qualify as a crime. i love her so much.
as for the other eagles, i still like them! i feel like i've already listed most of the eagles hang on who's even left.... linhardt and ferdinand. yeah they're chill! not on the same level as the rest of the eagles to me, but i do still like them.
and as for the recruits from other houses, marianne is definitely up there! although i feel like you have to work a little more to get to know the characters you've recruited from other houses, and the only one i've really gotten to know is sylvain. who i do like, honestly, but he just can't compare to the majority of the eagles lmao.
even though it's like... abundantly obvious by the rest of my ask. i did end up siding with edelgard. uhhhh other story related thoughts hmm.. OH jeralt's death was really sad.
idk i'm having fun!! still enjoying the combat, still enjoying the life sim, and still enjoying the overall plot. excited to see what happens next! LMAO this ask is mostly just me listing all of the characters i like and not much else whoops.
you have no idea how happy your updates and asks have made me <3 thank u so much for sending these in!
SO GLAD YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE SECOND HAAAALF... you got there quite quickly WOW good for you! but yeah dfgjndfg and don't worry things are absolutely going to heat up even more <3 esp if you werent able ot recruit raphael <33 atleast i think so? i havent played crimson flower without recruiting him so i cant remember exactly what happesn... but yeah. AND SYLVAIN YEAH DFJGDFG he was also there for me my veeeery first run. i assume you chose f!byleth right? i think its so funny how he immediately says yes if youre a girl. glad you were able to get the non eagle characters though! youre def gonna be happy that you did 😭 i tend to recruit like everyone. even the characters i dont find myself attached to. just cause. well actually theres a reason but i wont say anything jsut yet
SORRY THAT YOURE LIVING A RAPH-LESS LIFE THOUGH ): glad you were able to get the other 4 but <//3 you have my condolences. did you accidentally skip the whole month when you had to explore jertiza's room? bc i did that during my current run djfjdfg i just. totally forgot abt it. i read the message that appeared and did not comprehend a single word. BUT AGUGGH THAT SUUUCKS MAN, IM SO SORRY THAT YOU WERE THAT CLOSE TO GETTING HIM. BUT ALAS.....
DOROTHEA<333333333 YOU HAVE SPLENDID TASTE. CAN YOU BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE HATE HER? STUPIDITY... anyway byleth and you and i (i assume) have 2 hands so why can't we romance both edie and dorothea? yk? have fun romancing them though i love them both so much<3 such lovely choices you are so cool
BERNIE AND CASPAR!!!!!! SO REAL AND TRUE IM HAPPY YOU FOUND YOUR PEOPLE... and the same thign happened w/ me and hubie fdkgjnf i didnt hate him perse but i just didnt reallly care and then i got his A support and justt.... oughhh. AND PETRA THE BELOVED!!!!!! SHES SO AWESOME.... she deserves all the llove in the world
fair enough! ferdie had to grow on me... but yeah his development regarding edelgard and whatnot got 2 me i guess. i love him dearly. plus his timeskip design rocks. and linhardt my boy linhardt.... i just think hsi disdain for fighting / war and his desire to just chill under a tree due to all the trauma and pain he's gone through is cool. hes gone through and is going throuhg a lot and he deserves a moment of complete and utter. tranquility
MARIANNE MY GIRL<33 but no youre absolutely right. you def have to go the extra mile to learn more abt characters who arent in the house youre teaching. which really sucks, but atleast you get a little insight into them and their characters before diving deeper in their respective route? sylvain is def a good choice, hes absolutely a very interesting character to me. but the black eagles my beloveds
glad you sided w/ her <3 wont even lie i was extremely afraid you wouldnt like her after what happens in part one and whatnot. bc i dont blame anyone who does. i just think most of the common reasoning against her is dumb. BUT YEAH. VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT LOL first impressions are super important ofc but things could sooo easily change.... esp in edie's case..... bc shes such a morally grey character. and also a girl so . and we know how fandom reacts to morally grey girls. ANYWAY/ RIGHT ? HIS DEATH MADE ME SO SAD. GOING THROUGH IT FOR EVEN THE SECOND OR THIRD TIME ... hes a great faather and i think his voice is cool
DW IM SO GLAD THAT YOU SPENT THE ASK TALKING ABT YOUR FAVES..... and im so happy that you seem to be really enjoying it so farrr ouguh... hope the rest of crimson flower and the other routes dont disappoint! feel free to chat whenever :D im always free to do so!
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the-worst-fe-player · 4 years
☕ everything about fates and the drama give us an essay king
Lamo thank you to king/queen/royalty
Okay so I'm gonna break this down into segments and header it with a different colour some will he shorter than others. Also sorry if I spell names of county wrong and rember this is just my opinion
Also heads up I played it in this order conquest -> rev -> birthrights I know I should have swapped rev and birthrights but it was really expensive and I was like 14
Fates story is not the best but deffently not as bad as some people said. Overall I'll be honst I liked conquest story but not birthrights which I know most people have the opposite oppion on but like I found conquest to be more fun I enjoyed the idea of sneaking around garons back with your siblings and being powerless at times to stop a lot of the things like the massacre where scarlet dies and ryoma death there where moments I just groaned at the screen but apart from that I had more fun. Birthrights I'll be real the story kind of bored me i only really found certain parts interesting but my favourite moment from fates actually came from birthrights and it was the Xander fight where he killed elise and then let corrin kill him it was tragic and sad and I live for angst ngl. rev story I don't remember to much sorry I mostly fouced on the characters ngl but that sence with the kid turning into the faceless was really cool and also the one with makoto and she fucks with you and the doors but idk if that's classed as story or gameplay but either way that was sick
Fates gameplay was soild as fuck I will die on this hill. The pair up was cool, the skills and classes where sick and the character balancing minor some major problems *cough xander ryoma takumi cough* was pretty cool and corrin is not nearly as broken as Robin or byleth. I like to play conquest the most because I'm a maschoist lol but even though most of revs maps where gimmicks I love them there so iconic, tbh most of fates maps are like I understand most of fates criticism but the maps, apart from rev as not everyone likes gimmicks, I just dont understand
Phoenix mode
Honstly play the game how you want to if that's on normal Phoenix go a head I dont care you play the game how you want to. Like yeah Phoenix mode may take away all the difficulty but casual took away perma death and that's the most played game mode because that's what people want and if people want Phoenix then just let them have it doesn't bother me I will never play it but I dont care if others do.
Okay so I actually like corrin and before you look away I will explain why I think their dislikes and why I do like them and think how they could be improved
I think the promblem people have with Corrin is that they dont have enough personilty to be a regular character but they have to much that they can't be an avatar if you know what I mean. Like with Robin they deffently had a personily but they weren't the main character chrom was so it wasn't in your face as much yeah they made some important decisions whitch often did nothing but at the end of the day it lopped back to chrom and this is something corrin cant do everything has to be about corrin as there the main lord. But corrin is kind they dont want to kill common soldiers and that's never really addressed (as far as I can remember) why corrin wont kill like the sibling bit make sense but the common solider whitch could have killed there spouse is just frustrating at times and something not many people feel while playing. Corrin would have worked better if they wasn't a self insert that went against the average players emotions. But yeah I do feel people are to harsh on corrin as well though like with the whole not earning the Yaot witch is like they kind of did though it was the fact that who ever held the yaot would bring the world peace and they did it was there destiny to do so to fight in a war and mabey kill there family but even then I don't see people giving the three houses leaders shit for there wepons and they did less all they did was be born from a group of people that committed genocide! But also many people say nothing bad happens to them but at least in conquest and birthrights corrin suffers, in conquest the blood of what you think are your siblings are on your hands one forced to commit sucide and the other painful possed and then there the amount of murder they just had to watch and then birthrights watching elise die for them and xander pretty much letting corrin kill him and everything else like bruh this shit is sad and is also the reson I pray fe stops using self inserts and goes back to the older ways
Why! Why! Who thought that was a good idea Xander what did they do to him 🥺 I haven't finshed reading a direct translation of fates yet but its like so much better then the English version if you have the chance to read through it's worth it so much. Also same with three houses it wasn't as bad but like certain scenes are better like the really cringy reponse el had to dimitri on gronder feild actually makes sense and just especially if you like crimson flower as out of all the routs edelgard and cf feels like it got changed the most its just interesting ngl anyway onto fates again
The petting game
I know I would hate it as I already hate the wake the slug a bug up and the "you didn't blow niles hard enough" stuff but it was also optional so like idk i don't really have an oppion
Fan service (camilla)
I like big tits (as long as there not mine lol) as much as the next person who also likes that stuff but even I'll admit It was way to much at times especially the did you miss you big sister part like I enjoy camillas character I'm a sucker for a character with a tragic backstory, loves there family, cares for others a bit to much and could bench press me but the times where she was just fan severse sucked.
Paying for everything sprealty
I hate it:(
Overall I like the majority of characters, here are my top 3 favs girls and boy
Best girls : Charlotte, orochi and Nyx
Best boys: leo, saizo and laslow (idk if he counts if not Forrest)
I always see people being like (x) was wasted in fates i wished they were in a different game but literally 3/4 of the cast have that said about them so like do yall hate the cast or love it :/
My overall oppion
I have mixed oppions over all I do like fates conquest is one of my favourite fe and I hope mabey in twenty years it will get re made with a better translation and some adjustments to corrin and the story
Thank you for the ask sorry this is so long and sorry if it makes no sense
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