fruffles-art · 3 months
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Happy late birthday to Fritz!!
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localratwithcowboyhat · 10 months
@eat-applez @goo-goober Your were right it is in the beginning of the meatlocker
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
paz dying was A Lot, but the real tragic death in the last episode was the three little monster chicks the covert took in, that seem to have been barbecued to feed the newcomers during the feast
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alr im cUrious . Which of the fandoms i rb stuff do yall like seeing the most ?
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corrupttheconscience · 8 months
Guys im freaking out i just realized people find will wood hot.
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muffinninjafairy · 11 months
Life Update
Oh my goodness, to be quiet frank I have no idea when was the last time I have actually sat down and made a text post. I one day was going through my archives and everything that was going on in my personal life from over a decade ago and never really spoke about what happened to me from then to now... so I guess I will.
I've personally have been more active socially on discord, and more so been using my socials as platforms for my work, but I also remembered , this is my blog so I'm gonna blog. I have no clue how many people from all those years ago are still on here but if you are, I hope all is well.
TIME CAPSULE TIME~ (These are all summaries of the time minimizing details because of personal reasons) I guess I would say my activity started to become less and less as of like 2015 - 2016, Like I was on here, but mostly reblogging and running off. To put it in the frankest of terms, I was having a sever mental episodes during that time frame. With a lot of personal situations happening with my family and not being in a healthy environment to properly regulate my emotions nor the proper support system to help me with what I was going through.
On July 11th 2015 I was admitted to the hospital for a mental breakdown that caused me to be taken away via ambulance. There I was diagnosed with BPD and Bipolar 1 (manic depressive episodes) . The health care system where I came from was not at all great, my phycologist over medicated me to the point where I would have black out spells and seizers (then given medication for those seizers) . My family still then refused to support me and so I clung to what ever I could for validation. As a result of this I tried to become hyper independent.
Months after being released from the hospital I moved out of my house and with an old high school buddy and their partner. Then after I entered a long distance relationship. Which in toe turned very toxic very fast. But being blinded by my BPD, I stuck with it for 2.5 years.
In February of the next year I was kicked out of my roommates apartment because of my job being closed down and had no income. So I was forced to move back home with my father. In those years from 2016 - 2018 felt like my absolute rock bottom, I would have extended periods of time where I never left the house and hid in my room. In fear of the world around me. My relationship was not helping if not hurting me more and more. They did not care about me or what was going on, only what they wanted out of the relationship. My father was becoming more and more verbally abusive and felt that I deserved nothing. I did have a new job then too but it was a dead end job and was paying very little (8.25$ an hour when I left I was being paid 10$ an hour)
2018 comes around, this is where I feel things starting to change, I met my DnD Group (March 2018) at this time but because of the toxicity of my ex, they left me because I would no longer isolate myself and wanted friends. (May 2018) Time goes by, me and the DM of the DnD start becoming closer and start our relationship in Sept. 21, 2018.
2019 Comes by and I get hit with reality, I need help. My episodes were coming back and I was hurting those around me, So finally I pulled my boot straps and looked for professional help. Once I found the therapist for me, I started to improve, my relationship with my partner and my friends increased in strength. I was still having problems at home with my family, but came to the realization that if they didn't want to be part of my healing journey then they didn't need to.
2020 is here and me and my partner are becoming serious, to the point of planning our future together. we scrounged and saved until the end of the year where we finally had enough to move in together in a new state. I quit my dead end job, and sent my stuff across country.
In Febuary of 2021 I finally said goodbye to my home and my partner and I moved to their grandmothers home temporarily until we secured an apartment. Once we did we collected everything and with the moving truck we drove to our new home.
we have been here ever since and I could not be happier. I have had a stable job for 2 years now, I've also been promoted within the company, I can actually go out now with out having an anxiety attack, I have friends both online and IRL, I have been in a 5 year relationship and still striving for the future. I can finally be myself without having to hide away in a room for years. I can actually be independent. It took some time but I feel much more mentally healthy.
Long Story Short: For a very long time I was stunted by my environment and did not have tools properly to grow until one day I was allowed to. Now I'm doing much more positive things for myself and receiving the support I needed. I am loved and cared for. Life can get better. I am doing a lot better.
I honestly do not know how many people are still here that knew me during this time period . But I am alive, healthy, and being the best I can be.
I also don't know why I felt the need to explain my life, I guess reflecting from then to now. I guess I wanted to share my progression cause I am proud of who I am now. And if throwing it into this void and someone sees this. Hope this lets you know that things can get better.
Love you cuties Shaylee
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ryanthel0ser · 4 months
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victor-v · 6 months
what do you think about jerejean vs jeanee
idk man to be honest i never gave a thought to any of those ships, and quite never understood where jeremyxjean was coming from
but we will see when i read tsc ill tell you
actually when renee left everything to go and save jean i was like wait a minute...... who does that what's going on here 🤔
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Holy shit I haven’t posted in 6 days my bad lol 😭
I have been thinking about soft body 13 primes
(Yknow the one au were people will draw the head of any transformer and give them the best human body type imaginable)
If anyone draws that do tell me I would ABSOLUTELY ADORE a soft body alchemist prime
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(I’m back now so yay 🎉)
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nestedfeathers · 6 months
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
OH MY GOD. cj the x's album be perfect or die. be perfect or die. bpd. bpd gang. BRAIN EXPLODES
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Your spamming blew up my notifs, like 64 notes???😭😭
thx for your encouragement tho
You're welcomeee
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poison-uwu · 2 years
I love when random people I didn't know were following me pop up
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
isagis ao3 tag is BARREN
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twilightarcade · 1 year
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melodicfix8 · 1 year
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