thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
Cassie took the ships in the divorce and that’s why Grizz uses helicopters now
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egg-emperor · 2 months
Why I love how Eggman talks about Maria in the Shadow 101 + the connection that can be made to his feelings on Shadow:
I love this part so much and I wanna go into way too much detail and depth to explain why lol
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The things this could imply are things I've thought about for a long time and to keep getting new official things that align with my theories on how he feels about Maria lately with Frontiers and now this is awesome!
First of all, I wouldn't say him taking Maria's death personally is an example of him having good standards or implying genuine moral goodness above G.U.N, considering he was cool with pointing a gun at Amy's head, who is around the same age as his cousin was who died via bullet, aboard the very place she died on.
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He really didn't care about how he would've been no better than the soldier that killed his similarly aged cousin, with the same weapon, in the same place!
With the harshness of his threats and how he gets increasingly pissed during Crazy Gadget like "Sonic, if you don't come here, she WILL die!" and how he already tried to kill Tails and tried to kill Sonic and Tails again after this, his threats weren't empty.
So I'm seeing it as him taking it personally on the basis that she's a member of the family, the Robotnik family name, so an attack on a family member makes them a threat and enemy to him too.
Think about it, there's a conflict you're not a part of at all, you're just an observer but then two members of your family/your people/community etc become a target- that's when you go "oh this just got personal" because they're related to you, of your blood, and it means you're now a part of it too with your connection to them.
It's like that, except with Eggman's selfish nature, he's looking at it for how it poses as a threat to himself personally for his connection. They killed his grandfather and cousin in their slimy shady operations and they don't want to stop at them, that's when it became personal and a threat to him too and they have tried to directly take him out since multiple times in SA2 and Shadow 05.
Plus he's making Maria's tragedy all about himself with that in true Eggman fashion too, which we'll also get into.
And I want to note the very interesting difference in how Eggman acts on the subject of Maria when in private all alone to himself with his private memos, where he seemed to express absolutely no care about her tragedy and only expressed jealousy and resentment for how he feels he should've got all the attention instead.
He didn't expect anyone to ever hear these memos, he said many private things he'd never say to anyone else in them, a real intimate glimpse into his thoughts and feelings and that's what makes them so cool. He can express his bitterness and jealousy and resentment towards Maria to his heart's content.
Then compare that to how he talks about her in the Shadow 101- which isn't a private memo, it's a data log that he can present to someone else, us, the viewers. Which is why he talks like he's actually talking to someone else (Ex: The "treat him as extremely dangerous" part)
It's certainly very interesting difference to how he talks about her when people aren't supposed to hear at all in the memos huh 👀 After how much he heard "everyone" talking about her like she was so special, he knows what others want to hear.
And what comes right after this? Eggman's rant about how he was the one that released Shadow and he had to go ahead and be such an ingrate. This is very important to note because it works as him attempting to convince the viewer that Shadow not being on his side is this horrible disservice to him “after all he did for Shadow” and how he “cared so much about Shadow's only friend, my cousin” and he clearly actually finds the former amusing and scoffs at, by the way!
Two key things here, he's establishing Maria's importance to Shadow with her being his "only friend" and he's stating his own connection to Maria in being related to her as his cousin.
While he literally couldn't help but scoff at Shadow just wanting to live in peace with his only friend Maria, he still recognizes how he can use that in his attempted manipulation and argument for why Shadow should be on his side- and use the way that she's his cousin.
I'm related to his only friend Maria, I recognize how tragic her death was (because he heard everyone talk about her like she was special instead of giving him the attention he wants! He's putting it to use, eh 👀), I found and released him- these are all reasons he can feel and argue that he's entitled to owning Shadow
I'm also reminded of how Flynn said Eggman can be an unreliable narrator, which he specifically said when asked about implications to his past with the Egg Memo about Maria.
He's extremely biased and unreliable in his intended to be kept private memos, of course he's not going to be entirely truthful in his data logs and presentations too!
And his usual manipulative streak is very important to consider, especially on the subject of Shadow with his entitlement to him. It's his whole deal in the story of Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 which I've done extensive analysis of.
This 101 history video gave us yet another example of his "I'm entitled to him as a member of the family, I did so much for him, he's so ungrateful" attitude that he's always had towards Shadow. Behold, the entitlement compilation lol:
The first few examples are when he's saying how dare Shadow disobey him because he "made him" in lies and gaslighting. But in the route where Shadow knows the truth, even then he pulls the "it was MY grandfather who created you" card to express his entitlement. Literal emphasis on the MY:
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He has always felt entitlement based on family connection, he can use both Gerald and Maria for this.
So he's still using a combination of that and now the way he was the one who found and released him as the reasons why he's still entitled to him now, creator or not.
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And man the ME? ME! being the only word on his screen at the end of both sentences is perfect, really emphasizes how it's all me me me in his mind. Of course he's going to make everything about him, that's his whole mindset as the most egotistical self-centred narcissist of all time.
Of course he's gonna take it personally if something bad happens to a family member and he's gonna take even the smallest opportunity to make something about him. How can I make this thing about me, how does this affect me, how can this either benefit or harm me, etc. And whenever he can use it to his advantage, he will.
So yeah, I believe his words on the subject are very carefully chosen in this 101. He knows how to set up his case for why Shadow should be on his side, his weapon, his puppet, his property that he tried to trick and manipulate him into in Shadow 05 too. When lying about the origin of his creation with attempted gaslighting of him being an android doesn't work, he starts taking advantage of the truths.
I always theorized that Eggman would also try to use Maria's tragedy as a way to do so as well, if he were to actually mention her, many years prior to Frontiers. The way the only times he's cared to mention her was her name being the password in SA2, on the topic of his bitterness and jealousy in Frontiers, and as a precursor to his rant about Shadow- those are all under very interesting circumstances that are important to note. And boy do I like the implications hehe 💜
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itsohh · 9 months
Electra Heart Part 1
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A/N: Female reader, I had this idea in my head for soooo long and finally got it down on paper. Idk if I love mk11 or mk1 Johnny more but I do love how they emphasize how smart he is in the new game. I love the idea of being stupidly rich and famous like him and just... him not knowing.
Summary: Being one of Earthrelm's defenders isn't easy. Johnny flirting with you doesn't make it easier but what started as an annoyance becomes something you welcome. Perhaps dating Johnny isn't so bad after all- so long as he doesn't find out that you're an a list popstar.
Word count: 6192
Warnings: None
Part 2 AO3
“There is one more we wait for.” Liu Kang’s voice was calm, patient as he looked at the four men in front of them. Having just being met, they constantly sized each other up. To be Earthrelm’s champions was no small feat. It was only at the hurried sound of feet behind them did the four men turn. Most of them made small glances, interested but not over-exerting themselves but Johnny was the one to truly look. 
Your shoes skidded slightly on the ground as you came to a stop and your eyes dated from the group of men before you. Admittedly it wasn't your most graceful entry. The weight of all eyes on you had you freeze a bit before your eyes settled on Liu Kang's. They were gentle and kind most genuinely. Something you didn't often see. 
“Oh uh-” You cupped your fist and bowed before him. “Apologies for making you wait. It was a mission to get time off from work.”
“I understand that your career is one of the most presidential demands and thank you for accepting my offer.”
“Anything that gets me out of the house.” You nodded to him and he smiled. With the gesture of his hand, he guided you to a spot next to the men. 
“What. A. Total. Babe.” A poorly hushed voice whispered as you walked and the snap of your eyes towards the voice caught the man in the act. Oh, you had seen that man many times before. Johnny Cage himself. 
As his eye made contact with yours he completely stilled. Only the corner of his mouth had opened in a comedic fashion and he leaned towards the men in red. 
The man next to him promptly elbowed him and hissed out. “Would it kill you to show her some respect?” 
“Oh trust me, I have a huge amount of respect.” He grinned and gave you his signature grin. 
“Now we are all here-” Liu Kang took control of the scene and commanded attention. “-allow me to introduce you all.”
“You know when the tournament is all done and dusted you should come star in one of my movies with me. I'm always in need of a hot love interest.”
“I'm no actress, Johnny.”
“You say that but I reckon you have what it takes. There's something about you that screams that you belong in front of a camera.” 
“Hm, no. I have to go back to work.”
Johnny rolled his eyes as he bounced a little on his feet. The pair of you continued to circle each other, ready for your spar. 
“I get being committed to your job but I swear that's always your excuse. How ‘bout this then, you let me take you out on a date?”
“You're a sound salesman's Cage, make them an outrageous offer so then your hard-to-sell offer sounds better in comparison when the second offer is the true one you wanted in the first place.”
“Hey, I would be totally down having you in one of my movies! But yeah, you caught me.”
You took a step forward and his focus was instant. Every move from both parties was highly calculated. “Whenever you talk about her, you sound a bit bitter about your ex. Are you sure you’re ready for another relationship?”
“Ho! I said date but would. Not. Say No. To a relationship with you, god damn.” He tilted his head and put his hands up. “And trust me, there's no lasting feeling there.”
“And why would I want to date you?”
“The question is, why wouldn't you? I mean look at all this.” He gestured towards himself. “I got fame, fortune and the good looks to go with it.” 
“That means nothing to me. Fame is a curse rather than a blessing. Privacy is removed for all eternity. Let me guess I become your side piece that you show off then get harassed by all your loyal fangirls that want to screw you. Besides I have enough money to support myself, any more would not bring me happiness. Finally, tell me, is there any intellectual maturity behind those pretty eyes of yours? Any at all?” 
“Wow you really put some thought into this, I'm surprised actually. Considering you always say no and all. But uh- you think my eyes are pretty?” 
“You ignoring everything I said and focusing on a compliment is so you Johnny in a way that answers my question completely.”
“Just one date, I will rock your world!” 
“I don't need my world rocked.”
“How about you tell me what you want from a man and I'll see if I can be that.”
“Johnny, if I ever go out with you it's to be with you, not someone you're pretending to be to please me.”
“I won't change, promise. Just see if what you like aligns with this perfection.” He gestured to himself. 
“Maybe if you impress me in this fight. Consider it a wager.”
“Easily. Deal.”
“But if you don’t- you stop asking me. Forever.” 
His face scrunched up for a moment and he weighed his head. “Fine deal, I won't lose.”
“I said to impress me. Not win.” 
The fight had started with your foot against his head. A kick. It finished with a different kick. One to your head. You had been a second too slow and hadn't been quick enough. It sent you directly down onto the mat in an instant. The last of your strength was gone and pain surged in your sinus. 
Your hands flew to your face as you curled up on your side. Johnny called out your name in shock before he quickly ran up to you. His knees slid down on the mats and you could hear his voice next to you.
“Oh shit! I didn't mean to actually- are you okay- oh fuck I'm so sorry.” 
You whimpered when you felt his gentle touch on your cheek and where your hand connected with it. “Hey-” His voice cooed before his head snapped up to one a monk that neared. “Go get a healer or something! Or Liu Kang! I don't know what you guys have just go get help.” He hurried and swallowed when he looked back down at you. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Let me look at it.” He lightly tugged on your hand. 
You were hesitant to move but slowly you rolled from your side to your back, legs still on each other. With a pained breath, you opened your eyes and allowed him to pull away your hands that covered your nose. 
Blood had covered them and ran down from your nose over the rest of your face. It was a constant flow but there was a decent amount of it. “Shit your bleeding.” His big brown eyes looked at you with complete concern as he cupped your face. Johnny was leaning over you, one hand planted on the ground next to your head for balance. He swallowed and quickly got something out of his clothing. A white piece of fabric which he held up to your face to capture the blood. 
“I'm so so sorry I-”
Johnny's voice was cut off when someone interrupted him. Liu Kang and a couple of monks behind him rushed down to your side and Johnny pulled back from you. 
“What happened?” Liu Kang asked. 
“We were sparing and I kicked her too hard. I didn't mean to properly hurt her. She's normally so quick to block I-”
“I understand.” Liu Kang nodded and turned his focus to you. Liu Kang took the cloth away from your face and stared at your nose. “Get me something for her pain.” He turned to the monk next to him for a moment. “This might hurt more but may I touch it?” 
You made a small nod and winced when his fingers made contact. “It doesn't look too bad, I've had worse myself over the years but I need to realign it. This may hurt a bit.” 
He steadied his two hands and you thought he would give you a count down but no- he quickly flexed them and moved your nose back into position. A loud cry came from lips and you snatched your head out of his grasp. 
“I'm sorry, it's better that you don't know when it's coming so you don't tense.” 
Liu Kang moved to your side more. “Here, let us help you up." He nodded to Johnny to slowly pull you up into an upright position.
It wasn't intentional but you leaned into the warmth of Johnny's support as hurried footsteps approached the group of you. 
“Thank you.” Liu Kang spoke and you felt his hand on your knee. “This will help with the pain, may I?” 
You blinked a few times and stabilized yourself before you nodded. His hand gently graced your nose as he applied an ointment. The pain relief it supplied was instantaneous and had you sigh. 
A groan left your lips and your breathing slowed. “Thank you.” You finally spoke and he pushed up on his heels back into a stand. 
He offered a hand to you which you quickly took and he pulled you up to your feet. 
“It looks a lot worse than it is, you will heal quickly.” 
“Whatever that stuff was, it did wonders.”
“Will you be alright?”
“Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks really, don't worry about me.” You waved him off and he nodded with a smile. If anyone knew you were okay, it was him. Liu Kang nodded to Johnny before he handed you the piece of bloodied cloth and left. 
“I am so sorry I really mean it I’m-” Johnny was quick to apologize when your eyes landed on him. 
“It's fine Johnny. Relax, accidents happen.”
“Yeah but- god- I never wanted to hurt you. Ever. I got so caught up and- fuck- I'm so sorry.”
“Johnny, I'm fine really. It was a good hit, I should have been quicker.”
“It is not your fault.” He was fast to defend you, completely obvious from his earlier words. 
“And it's not yours either. That's why they call it an accident. If it makes you feel better, you certainly impressed me.” 
His concern wasn't killed but was covered up by interest in your words. “Oh yeah? Me breaking your nose is how I impress you?”
“No, allowing me to know something I need to work on impressing me. Which means you won our bet.” You looked down at the cloth in your hand and started to wipe away the blood from your face. 
“As much as I would love to know how you like your guys, let's get you cleaned up first.”
Johnny slowly took you back to his room where he got you a fresh cloth and wet it. He slowly started to clean your face and you let him. 
“Mmm.” You hummed as he cleaned you up and then took a step back to admire his work. 
“There! Good as new, save for the bruising.”
“I like someone that can take care of me.” You caught him off guard and his brows shot up. Johnny placed the wet cloth on a side table and pulled a chair opposite you. He sat down in it as you sat on the end of his small bed. 
“I also like someone who can make me laugh. Someone who can genuinely love me for every side of me. When I'm quiet when I'm loud. Someone who accepts how important my work is to me and doesn't try and ultimatum that away from me.” He leaned in as you did. 
“I like someone who can be genuine and be there for me just to listen when I'm having a bad day. Someone to hold me close when I cry. I want someone who can love me for me.” Your voice cracked a little and you broke eye contact with him. 
“I can do that.” He whispered and your lips curled. 
“Can you? Or can you just act like you can?” You stood up from his bed and his lips opened. 
“I can, I-”
“I guess we won't ever find out.” You shrugged, your voice a tease as you headed for his bedroom door. 
“Wait! What about our date?” He asked as you started to go through the doorway. 
“Date? The bet was to tell you what I want in a partner. Be them a dude or not. I never said I would date you. Thanks for cleaning me up but now I have to go change clothes.”
As Liu Kang explained how you all would fight to become his champion, Johnny leaned over to your ear. “We have to fight each other huh? If I win you go out on a date with me. Anywhere you want, best night of your life guaranteed.”
“What do I get if I win?”
“Same as last time, I'll never bring it up again.”
“You know most men are normally content with a woman telling them no and listening.” Kenshi huffed and Johnny put his hands up. 
“Hey! She's never told me directly no. Only used it as a bet wager. Probably because she likes it and just doesn't want to admit it.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Johnny. You are first.” Liu Kang’s words had Johnny's ears perk up. 
“Doing the best first huh?”
Liu Kang called out your voice and you could see the way that Johnny's entire body seemed to vibrate with excitement. 
“We got a deal?” He asked as he found his position across from you. A deep breath calmed your body and allowed you to focus. 
“You really want to place a bet on arguably one of the most important kombat fights of our life.”
A grin formed on his face as he summoned you with his hand. 
As you looked at your phone you felt a presence appear. 
“You let Johnny win against you.” Without looking up you recognised Liu Kang’s voice. 
“And how did you figure that?”
“I've seen you work, seen you practice. Johnny is good but you pull your punches a lot against him. Today was no different.”
“It’s not moral kombat, I'm not trying to kill him.” You looked up and locked your phone with the press of a button. 
“True but I believe you rival Raiden. If you won against him I wouldn't have been surprised.”
“Truthfully? Since you said there would only be one Champion I didn't want to be it.”
“You don't believe you could do it?” He stepped fully into the room and sat down across from you. His eyes examined you as his eyes read your body. They softened into a look of realization. “You don't think you can handle the pressure.” He seemed so surprised by the fact it made you press your lips together. 
“Yeah. Why are you surprised?”
“Well, doing things in front of an audience isn't anything new for you. I would have thought you would enjoy the spotlight.”
“Not as me though. When I'm up one stage as Nightingale that's another person. She's a mask I put on. Admittedly it can be a liberating mask at times but this is scary being me. Doing something with my name and my face. It's not the same.”
“I understand and I thank you for doing this regardless.”
A knock at your door had both of your heads turn to face it. Liu Kang nodded to you and you spoke up. “Come in.” 
Johnny's head poked around the door and landed on Liu Kang’s for a second. “Hope I'm not interrupting anything.”
“No, we were just discussing the fight. I was heading out anyway.” The fire god stood up and smiled as he left the room. 
“Soooo.” Johnny slid into the room and you swore his teeth shined as he grinned. 
“Yes, Johnny?”
“Pick you up at seven?” 
“From where? Johnny, we’re going to Outworld in a day. You can't be seriously thinking about a date.”
“No, no I mean after all this. Me, you, a world-class view and the best Wagyu you ever had.”
“No.” You folded your arms and his face dropped. Before he could say anything you continued. “You said anywhere I want. I don't want some flashy restaurant. I want at home-cooked dinner.”
“Oh thank god, I thought you were telling me no. Yeah, I can cook for you. Prepare for the best home-cooked meal you ever had.”
“I want to watch you cook it.” 
“Come on you doubt my ability? You really think I would purchase food then disguise it as my own cooking?”
“Yes. That's exactly what I think and the fact you brought it up tells me you had thought of it.”
“No way. You underestimate, trust me I know how to cook.” 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Your house never really felt like a home. Not after your address got doxxed and you were never left alone. Paparazzi loved to sit there and attempt to get photos of you out of costume. In all honesty, you spent most of your time at your friend's loft. As much as you could, she didn’t mind.
That's where you were as you got ready. Lisa smiled as she helped you with your dress. “So what's his name again? I can't believe you went to a monk monastery and found a hot date.”
“And what does this Jonathan do?”
“Some acting.”
“Uh-huh uh-huh.”
“It's not a big deal.” You shrugged as her hands left your dress and you turned to face her. 
“Not a big deal?! I don't think you have been on a genuine date since ever. When was the last time you had a date that wasn't a PR stunt?”
“I don't know.”
“Nev-er.” She emphasized the two syllables. 
“It's one date and I already know the guy.”
“The fact that you already know him and agreed to go out on a date with him tells me there's going to be wedding bells in a month.”
“Lisa! No way. He's charming sure but I don't know. He might be one for the chase you feel? Might get bored.”
“Girl if he gets bored of you then we're all doomed cause then love isn't real.”
“He, like, split with his wife a few months ago.”
Her face fell you could see concern form on her face. “Shit, that's not great. If the press find out about it they could spin the whole-”
“Homewrecker story yeah I know.”
“You don't even have an album to profit off it either.”
“Yeah, I'm hoping to keep this all on the down low”
“Lips sealed. Where's he taking you?”
“Dinner at his place, it was my pick.”
“Smart.” She gave you a sly smile and tapped the side of her head with her finger. 
There was a knock on the door and Lisa pretended to go for it and you scrambled to get to the door before her. A loud laugh left her lips and you glared at her before she disappeared into the kitchen. 
You made your way to the door and cracked it open to see Johnny leaning there on the door frame, flowers in his hand. A bouquet of red chrysanthemums.
“You got me flowers?” At first, you thought it was a little corny but then you paused at the type. 
“I remember you looking at them back at the temple. We were training and took a break by them. You had the prettiest smile as you looked at them.”
A flush formed on your face at the realization he had been watching you. It was hard to tell when he wore sunglasses almost everywhere. “Here let me go out these in a vase.” You took them from him and wandered back into the loft. As you approached the kitchen a single hand came up from the side of the island and placed a vase on the surface. Lisa was obviously hiding down. 
It already had water in it. You put the red bouquet in them and settled them there on the counter. 
“Nice place you got here.”
“Oh uh, I didn't decorate it. All credit goes to my friend Lisa.”
“Well tell your friend Lisa she did a good job.”
“I'm sure she knows in her own way.” You mumbled under your breath. “Shall we get out of here then?” You turned to face Johnny as he looked around the loft.
“Right this way.” 
Johnny's mansion was massive and in every way, it screamed him. “Welcome to mi casa.” He put his hands up and walked backwards. Your eyes trained over the building as he led you through the building. It wasn't new by your standards, you were no stranger to lavish houses but you couldn't deny the stunning view of the sun setting by his pool. 
“And this here is the kitchen.” It was a massive room that had an island that connected it to the rest of the building. It had giant windows without curtains that continued on the view. He pulled out one of the island counter chairs and gestured for you to sit on it. 
“Mi lady.” You placed your hand on the counter and sat down.
Johnny jogged into the kitchen and started to roll his sleeves up. He started to pull out ingredients from his fridge and cupboards. 
“So what's on the menu for tonight.”
“You said no to Wagyu so hope you don't mind pasta.”
He got a pot out. “Mmm, I do love pasta, what kind?”
“Rotini.” He dramatically said with a fake Italian accent. 
You watched as he picked up two onions from the cupboard and started to juggle them in one hand. 
“Faster.” You commanded with a devilish smirk on your face. His brows shot up above his glasses but followed your request. Faster and faster he went until he threw one up really high and caught the other. It landed in his hand and you started to give him a little applause as you laughed. 
“Johnny Cage the clown. How fitting.”
“I may be a fool but only a fool for you.” He tilted his face so you could see above his glasses and he winked.”
“That's so bad.”
“Ah, but you love it.” 
You rolled your eyes at him and slipped out of the chair. Johnny watched with interest as you approached and took the onions from his hand. You ran them underwater before you grabbed his kitchen knife and started to cut them on the waiting cutting board. 
“Thought I was making dinner.” He hummed and placed his hands on your shoulder. 
“Well someone has to make dinner while you're doing your circus act.” 
“In that case, we want them in small cube kinda shapes. We only actually need one onion.” 
“You just wanted to show off your juggling skills?” 
“Uh- yeah! Come on, of course, I’m going to do everything I can to impress my incredibly hot, smart and talented date.”
You shook your head as you laughed and he snatched away the spare onion. To stay productive he reached and got the garlic from a small container on the bench. Johnny pulled out a small bowl and crushed the garlic into it. 
“Is this good?” You asked and Johnny leaned over you to look. 
Johnny leaned over to grab a large pan and placed it on the element before he doused it in olive oil and turned it to medium heat. He grabbed some butter from the fridge and broke some off and added it to the pan. 
Johnny lined up a few spices and grabbed passata from the fridge. “I can cook but there is no way I am making my own passata.” He pointed it at you and you held your hands up in defense. 
“Never said a word Cage.”
“Good, I don't want any minus points.”
“I'm not grading you on our date Johnny.” You laughed. “Just be yourself.”
“Greeeattt. Because myself is my favourite person to be.”
“Never mind, I take back my words I am grading you and you just lost points.”
He made a dramatic gasp before his lips curled upward. 
“Oh, teach is there any way I can get extra credit? I’ll do anything. ” His brows wiggled and you grabbed a tea towel and whipped him with it. 
“You’re the worst now shut up, the pans sizzling.” 
His attention snapped back to the pan and he took a few steps towards you. When he was close enough to touch you he picked up the onion with cupped hands before he dropped them into the pan. 
“Mind stirring the pasta?” He nodded towards it. You grabbed the spoon that was placed to the side and followed his instructions. 
“You know, it's pretty crazy we both live in L.A.”
“Yeah, I moved here for my work. I don't think I ever quite made it home though.”
“How come?”
“I don't know, it's so loud and in your face. I think that's fine some of the time but other times I just want to hide away with the quiet.”
“Not a fan of partying it up large?”
“Oh I can party- trust me. I'm no shut in but like sometimes I need to rest. Just curl up in bed on my phone.”
“I get that.”
“Really? You seem so high energy all the time.”
“Ah trust me sometimes the Cage needs to chill at home with a drink. Not often-” He paused. “-But sometimes yeah.”
He stared off for a moment before he snapped back to the onions. Johnny grabbed the small bowl of garlic and dumped it. It sizzled and added to the inviting scent of the onions. 
Johnny added the passata and his lineup of spices and continued to mix the pan. “So what do you do for your work? I don't think I remember you saying at the academy.”
“Ah, it's not very interesting compared to you.”
“Awww come on, I still want to know. Considering how big of a deal it is for you.’
“Mmm, I'm an artist I suppose.”
“Woah really?” 
“Kinda I guess. It's whatever, I'm not really a fan of taking about it, to be honest.”
“No problem here, if you don't want to talk about it that's fine by me.” He smiled. 
“I appreciate it. But what about you? How's the directing business going?”
“Oh fantastic honestly, Mortal Kombat? A massive hit let me tell you. What did you think of it? Comparing it to real life.”
“I uh haven't actually gotten around to watching it.”
His jaw dropped and turned his entire body to face you. “You haven't watched it?”
“I guess I was scared maybe? Like I presume you put someone as me in it and I didn't really want to see myself portrayed?”
“Hey if you wanted me to write you out-”
“No, no, it's not that. I like that you're telling our story I just, ah, I've never been a fan of seeing recordings of myself.”
“You’re not? But how come? Loom at you your gorgeous. A grade triple S for super smoking sexy hottie.”
“It's a mental thing.” You shrugged and scratched your side. 
“Look, I don't understand that at all, but I respect that. How about I make a cut specially for you, that hasn't got you in it?””
You laughed and slapped his arm. “No Johnny that's sweet but I'm not going to get you to do that. Look if you want me to watch it that bad I will.”
“Yeah, you’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I’ll take it.” He pulled out some cream from the fridge and dumped it into the pan. Johnny turned it down to a simmer and got the cheese from the fridge. 
Johnny started to grate the cheese and you couldn't help but watch his muscles tense as he did so. You leaned against the countertop with your back and folded your arms. 
“How big of a cheese fan are you?” 
“Mmm go to town.”
“Hey hey! That's what I like to hear.” 
“Oh, man I was dying there at the academy without it. Practically gorged myself when I got back.” Johnny turned off the element and strained the water from the pasta. He let it sit for a moment before he added the cheese and finally the Rotini. 
Johnny fished out a fork from his draw but as he went to try it you grabbed his wrist. Caught by curiosity, he allowed you to direct it towards you where you put it in your mouth. 
A moan got caught on your lips as you let go of his wrist and enjoyed the flavours that delighted the inside of your mouth. It was warm and comforting in every way it should be. 
“Mmm, this is really good Johnny!” 
Despite your compliment, he just stood there stunned “Johnny?”
“Huh? Oh yeah uh-” He cleared his throat and shook off his stunned state. “You go into the dining room over there and I'll bring it out.”
“You don't need my help?”
“Trust me you've been plenty of help, I'll be there in a second.”
The dining room was a lot more separate in its own way. It was on the side of the house and gave a view not to the pool but the large garden outside. It felt in its own way a lot more private somehow. 
There were two large solo unlit candelabras in the centre of the table while a setting for two had been prepared.
You found a seat and after a couple of moments, Johnny came through the door. He had a fake moustache on and a tea towel draped over one arm. Johnny held a pair of plates with a metal round cover over the top of them and practically bounced over to the table. 
He put one across from you and then one in front of you. The metal covering was lifted and he gestured towards it. “For the lady, our finest Rotini.” A return of the fake Italian accent. “And would she like a drink with her meal? Wine perhaps?”
“Waters fine thanks, I'd like to be able to remember this.”
There was a glint in his eyes at your words and he vanished for a moment. “The finest water we have.” He placed a glass on the table and then poured a jug into it. Johnny placed it on the table and then lit the two candles. 
“Now is there anything else we can do for the lady?” 
“Mmm, perhaps a dinner date would be nice, just someone to keep me company.” You played along and brought the glass of water to your lips. 
Johnny ripped off the fake moustache and dumped it to the side with the towel. “Hey look at all this! Mind if I join you?” 
“Be my guest.”
“Man, this place has great service.” Johnny slid into the seat across from you and removed the top. He was about to pick up his cutlery when he paused. Then he fished a small remote out of his pocket a clicked it. Behind you, a speaker started to lightly play soft music and you could only roll your eyes. 
“Hey got to have a good soundtrack to your life huh?”
“Whatever you say, Cage.” You bit into the pasta and you had to admit he had cooked it to perfection. “I admit I'm surprised you can cook this well.”
“My mom taught me when I was a kid. Credit goes to her. Was a pain in her ass too, I always kept eating everything.”
“Wow seemed like littles changed huh?”
“You love me.”
“Sure Cage whatever you say.”
The meal the pair of you eventually finished and Cage disappeared for a moment when he cleaned the table. You were left alone in the dining room as music continued to play. 
“Now, how are you? Looking for dessert because I can get us some if you want.”
“Ugh, I think I'll die if I eat another bite thanks.” 
“In that case…” He dramatically held out his hand. “May I have this dance?*
“You dance huh?” You took his hand. 
“Of course!” He led you past the end of the table where there was room. “Do you?” His voice was far lower and quieter than usual as you placed your hands against his chest where you leaned into him, far from proper form. 
“I do but I kinda just want to sway if that's okay.”
His hands settled on your waist as he soaked in your proximity. “Hey, anything the lady wants.” Johnny pulled you against him and the pair of you slowly swayed to the music. 
“I had fun with you tonight. It's been a long time since I cooked for let another cooked with someone.” 
“Thanks for cooking for me Johnny. Despite what I say, or when I act annoyed, I enjoyed myself as well. A lot.” You lift your head and looked into his eyes. Slowly, one hand drifted from behind his neck down to the side of his face where you cupped it. 
Johnny stayed almost completely still and allowed you to take the lead. Then slowly you started to lean in and just as you closed in, lips just about to touch- a loud barring sound came from your phone. 
Snapped out of it, you pulled away from Johnny and desperately went for your phone. 
“I'm so sorry I have to take this.” You apologised and answered your phone as you left the room. 
“Jackson you said you wanted work like my old stuff, this is like it.”
“Yeah, but a love album? The style might be the same but the messages? This is all different.”
“What do you mean it's not a love album it's a party one. Pop music about sex and shit.”
“I have fucking ears, Gale. I know when a song is about falling in love. Who's the person huh? At least give me a heads up before there's a scandal.”
“There's not- I'm- look” You stuttered as Johnny came into the living room and headed to get a drink but didn't disturb you. 
“We can talk about it tomorrow come into the studio tomorrow morning at eight. The actual one, not your home one.”
“What? No, I always work from home I'm not-”
“That was before you delivered me a fucking love album. This is not your old work!”
“But it's the work you're getting from me you can take it or leave it.” You hissed. 
“Look, we can make it work we just have to do a little editing. Just come into the studio, no buts. Be there.”
“No I-” The line went dead. You let out a sigh of frustration and combed your hair with your hand. 
“Might have only heard some of your side but I presume that was work?”
“Yeah my manager called, I have to come in tomorrow. Look Johnny this has been great really and I wish I could stay but if I'm going I'm tomorrow I really need to get back home and retire.” Guilt formed on your face but he didn't get mad. 
Cage shrugged and draped an arm around you. “Don't sweat it, we’ll get you home nice and early. There's always next time.”
“Next time?” You cocked a brow as the pair of you started to head towards his front door. 
“Yeah. Next time.”
Admittedly you spent most of the car ride grumbling about your manager as Johnny attempted to cheer you up. Eventually, you found yourself back at Lisa’s doorstep. 
“Thanks for the ride, Johnny.” You stood in the doorway as he leaned on the door frame. 
“I had a good time, that was really nice.”
“That's what I've been telling you babe!” You rolled your eyes at him and snaked an arm around his neck. You leaned in and soon your lips connected with his. At first, he only moved slowly, testing the waters to see where you were going with matters but as you pulled him against you he committed fully. 
He pressed against your body as one hand found your backside and started to feel it up. Johnny's tongue danced against your own. Just as he started to get comfortable you broke away. A sound rumbled from his throat and you couldn't help but grin at him. Your hand drifted from his neck up to cup his cheek. 
“Fuck.” He whispered and went to kiss your neck, just one last touch. With your free hand, you gently pressed on his chest and he got the idea. 
“Goodnight Johnny.” You hummed and you swore he practically whined. 
“One more.”
“Next time.” A promise. 
“Next time?” He sounded pleased at the motion. 
“Sure, got to give these back.” You stole the glasses off his face and escaped out of his grip. One last wink, you shut the door behind you. Lisa popped up from the couch with wide eyes. 
“Some actor? You didn't tell me you were going on a date with Johnny fucking Cage! ”
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Would be in the same universe as my Yandere! Adventurer but idk, I really love women right now.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose job is to seduce and kill, when she gets hired to take you out however; she can't do it. You're too sweet and earnest, not to mention absolutely adorable with how flustered you get when she flirts with you.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who breaks into your room at night when you're asleep, admiring you peacefully and cupping your face gently as she sighs lovingly. She's never felt romance, only lust and bloodlust, but something about you makes her feel so soft and free. When you wake up, you wonder why there's a lipstick mark on your cheek or your neck.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who, unlike the Yandere Adventurer, won't have to rely on kidnapping. She's spent years perfecting her art of acting, of being the ideal woman her target wants her to be, and she can easily do that with you♡
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose so pretty that it lulls you into a false sense of security. After all, she's got such a sweet smile and such pretty eyes that you can't help but feel squirmy and small under her gaze.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose just a lovesick puppy around you. Clinging to your arm, sitting a bit too close for comfort at times, loving to play with your hair and letting you rest your head on her chest.
- Yandere Femme Fatale catches everyone's eyes but hers are glued on you. Who is stopped by men and women when she's trying to stalk you, trying to ask her put on a date, so she just subtly poisons them and catching them, pretending they randomly fainted and letting other people take care of it. Dammit! That idiot made her lose you!
- Yandere Femme Fatale who has a brief romantic history with Yandere Adventurer, who is VERY shocked when his ex is starting to hang around his darling but quickly gets all bitter and mad. He pulls her aside to threaten her but she just smiles gleefully at him, after all, she didn't know he had his sights set on you but now, you're somehow even more enticing than before.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who worries about what you think of her and her passionate history. Whose worried that no matter how pretty she looks, you won't be able to get passed that. She'll track them all down and kill them all if it bothers you so much! They don't mean anything to her now that she has you! She just didn't know you were her soulmate back then!
- Yandere Femme Fatale who loves to buy you outfits and dress you up♡ Sometimes the outfits are a bit of a tight squeeze but she assures you that it's supposed to be like that. Who suggests a little fashion show so she can see you wearing all the outfits she thought would look AMAZING on you.
- Yandere Femme Fatale who'd briefly team up with Yandere Adventurer if it was for your best interest, after all, she wouldn't want anything to happen to you! But, just like always, she backstabs him. The way she fantasizes about comforting you, holding you in her arms and loving you til you forgot about him...only for her mood to be dulled when he survives because OF COURSE HE WOULD.
- Yandere Femme Fatale whose always been a selfish lover but not to you, whatever you need she will give it! Her soul, her heart, her body, her blood! Anything you could ever possibly want, just tell her and she'll give it to you!♡ And if you ever want anyone dead, don't even HESITAITE to ask!
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rems-writing · 3 months
Doberman cafe but a Maltese owns it?
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Pairing: barista!Yeosang x office worker!reader
Summary: This will be tied to the dilf YunGi fics I posted a while back but this time, the reader will have no connection to any of the characters. Just a heads up lol
Warning(s): Swearing, yelling, Yeosang being a total softie for the reader, reader is a certified simp for Yeosang (i mean who wouldn't be lol), mentions of a non-Ateez member
Genre: A shit ton of fluff lol
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
Originally, I was going to post a Hongjoong fic. However, in observance of the birth of the man named Kang Yeosang, I've decided to post this first before the Joong fic.
Thank you to @bunnliix for helping me decide the order of the remaining fics that I should write and post
The calming effect of the soft jazz music playing in the background of the Doberman Cafe provided much needed soothing effort for those that entered the small coffee shop. From college students to families that wanted a day out, the owner would always greet his customers with a smile.
Kang Yeosang was happy where he was at. After quitting his old job, he found it relaxing to grind coffee and mix in various ingredients to create caffeinated drinks varying from sweet to bitter. He also got some help from his best friend Jung Wooyoung, who was currently in the back baking various pastries. The two have been friends since diapers and they vowed to never abandon the other.
Yeosang has heard tales of Wooyoung's other best friend getting together with Jeong Yunho and the widow of Doh Kyungsoo dating Song Mingi.
When would it be his turn?
Business was slow as usual for today. After all, it was Friday so most of his usual customers weren't coming in which was fine. It gave the man time to relax and rest his hands from making coffee. The bell attached above the front door chimed and Yeosang looked up. He was getting ready to greet the customer with a kind smile when he heard the argument that came through.
Oh dear. This person sounded angry. Wooyoung must've noticed Yeosang's confusion and slight fear since he poked his head out of the back and heard the unintentionally loud conversation this person had with this Jones person.
Oh. This just got interesting. As Yeosang saw the customer sit down, he couldn't help but to be smitten with them. Sure, they were angry as hell and very much stressed yet he couldn't help it. He tilted his head and eavesdropped some more. Unintentionally.
"Look, Jones! After gathering the divorce papers, make sure you also provide documents for a restraining order against my soon to be ex-husband. It may be too much, but I don't care. I'm so fucking tired! I'm just... done. Let me know when those papers are finished and fax them to me. My boss won't care. He knows of the shit that's happening to me right now. Hence, that strangely kind offer for me to take a trip down to the Bahamas. Anyways, I have to go. Tell your wife and kids I said hi."
You hung up after your attorney and former college roommate Jones bid you goodbye. You groaned quietly and laid your head on the table that you sat at. You felt someone sit across from you and you were about to tell them to kindly fuck off when you lifted your head and was immediately greeted with a statue staring down at you with big brown eyes that were full of curiosity and wonder.
'Quit it, Y/N! He probably thinks you're a lunatic with the way he must've heard you scream over the phone.'
'Damn it! Ok I'll stop my simping...'
After you finished internally scolding yourself, you looked down to see him move a white teacup slowly in your direction, along with a slice of cake.
"Hey. I figured you'd need this. I didn't mean to, but I overheard you yelling at someone over a certain douchebag that's also a man-child. Hopefully, this cheers you up." He said in a rich honey-like deep voice.
In the cup was a freshly brewed batch of lavender green tea and on the plate was a slice of black cherry chiffon cake. You smiled sheepishly and thanked him shyly for the treats.
When you sipped the tea, all the stress over your cheating soon-to-be ex-husband washed away and you instantly relaxed. You then picked up your fork and took a piece of the cafe before eating it.
You were in heaven. You definitely needed this.
"Um... thank you." Your voice came out softer than usual and had a twinge of shyness to it. Yeosang smiled and beckoned for Wooyoung to come sit with you.
Wooyoung was extremely sexy, but not as sexy as the man sitting across from you.
"I hope you guys don't mind me coming in here at this ungodly hour. If you haven't heard, I'm... kind of going through a lot right now."
Wooyoung, who was usually loud as hell, softened his voice.
"It's no problem. Fridays are our slowest days and since Saturday is our day off, we usually stay in here until we decide to go home. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."
"Thank you. By the way, these are amazing."
"Thank you! I made the cake." Wooyoung proudly said with a smile.
"And I made the tea." Yeosang said. "Speaking of which, would you like to spill the tea on your oh-so shabby life?"
You found yourself smiling at that and Yeosang found his heart beating rapidly with excitement.
"Oof. Where do I start?"
From there, you spilled the tea on everything. From your recent tragic event to your life in general, you said it all. Yeosang and Wooyoung were sassy and savage and you found yourself giggling at their quick and witty responses. Finally, you felt yourself becoming sleepy and you yawned. Yeosang found the sound cute. Wooyoung cleared the dishes while Yeosang stood up and help you with your things.
"Would it be possible to walk you home? Not only do I enjoy your company but uh... the Namhae Strongman is still out there. You need to stay alive in order to sign those divorce papers and file that restraining order against that ex of yours."
You shivered at the thought of the killer coming after you. Even though you were angry at your ex, you wished him well enough to pray for his safety.
The Namhae Strongman is not someone you'd want to mess with.
"Of course, Yeosang. I live down the block from here so it'll be a short walk."
Yeosang grinned excitedly and your heart ached in adoration for the human personification of a Maltese. After Wooyoung locked up the shop, you three headed to your apartment. You talked some more and kept an eye out for any suspicious activity or sign of the killer. Finally, you reached your apartment.
"Thanks for the walk home. Oh and for the tea & cake as well. How much do I owe you by the way?"
"It's on the house."
"No no, Yeosang. It's ok. I seriously need to repay you-"
"Repay me by giving me your number. So you can send updates."
Wow. He was smooth.
You blushed lightly and nodded before exchanging numbers with him. After that, you bid him goodbye and entered your apartment. You sighed dreamily as you closed the door behind you and locked it. You set your keys on the counter and made your way to the kitchen, where your roommate was still awake.
"So... you got a new man now?" He teased you and smirked at your reaction.
"Shut up, Jongho!"
A couple of days later, you found yourself in Doberman Cafe again. Insomnia was being a bitch to you so you woke up way earlier than Jongho. Sighing to yourself, you threw on a hoodie and walked to the coffee shop before looking for the one person you were majorly simping for.
He just so happened to be standing in front of you with a grin on his face.
"Good morning, lovely."
The pet name gave you butterflies.
Yeosang led you to your seat from Friday night and sat down across from you.
"What will it be today?"
"I'll get a caffe mocha with a soymilk substitute and if possible, a slice of that black cherry cake?"
"Ahh. Now with that cake, it only pairs with tea since it's sweet. Unless you have a giant sweet tooth, I'd recommend some of our breakfast sandwiches. Specifically, a roast beef sandwich with a fried egg all on ciabatta bread that's toasted to perfection."
"Ooh! In this case, I'll have that then. And maybe later, when I leave, can I get an iced americano to go?"
"Sure thing, lovely. It'll be $10 by the way. For your order and that iced americano."
You pulled out a $10 bill and gave it to Yeosang before seeing him walk away and do his magic. While you waited, you received a text from Jones.
Jones: Hey. I'd thought I'd stop by and give you the papers myself. Are you home?
You: No. I'm at the Doberman Cafe. I couldn't sleep anymore so I'd figure I'd stop by here and wake myself up.
Jones: Oh? Ok bet. I heard from my wife that the owner is handsome. Maybe I'll see for myself. ;)
Jones: Can't a man appreciate another man's good looks?
You: And I oop -
You: Don't go simping for the barista now, Jones. You're married and he's actually mine fyi
You: Of course you can. Just don't go full on simp mode. XD
Jones: Like you? XD
You: Fuck you <3
Jones: Ew. No thanks <3
You: Hurry with the fuck ass papers, you dickhead.
Jones: Ok ok! XD
"Is that Jones?" Yeosang asked curiously. You would expect the Maltese to be jealous, but since he overheard your conversation two nights away, he wasn't too worried.
"Yeah. He's coming by here to drop off the divorce papers and the necessary documents to file a restraining order." You clarified to him. "I know I said that he'd fax them to me, but I didn't think he would get them that fast. Hence, why he's coming over to drop them off himself."
Yeosang nodded and set your coffee and meal down before sitting next to you. You thanked him and began to eat. You two made small talk and even introduced Yeosang to Jones when Jones came walking in to deliver the papers. Yeosang grabbed a pen and you happily retrieved it from him before signing the papers. After that, Jones put all of those papers away and bid you goodbye before buying a coffee from Yeosang and going home.
A weight lifted off your shoulders and you felt at ease. Yeosang was feeling the same way, especially since he found you attractive.
Little did he know that you felt the same way.
"Now that it has been done, want to turn this little encounter into a date?"
Yeosang was shocked by your boldness but he eventually nodded eagerly.
"I would love nothing more than that."
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repairgirl · 1 year
michelle || leo valdez x fem!reader songfic
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a/n: #2 in songfic series! song: michelle- sir chloe
t/w: alcohol, cursing, substance abuse, mention of vomitting, super smutty and super nsfw
word count: 1.2k
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You swayed back and forth to the boom boom boom beat of the music, sipping the raw, bitter alcohol. Travis's party was just what you needed: shots, random boys you didn't care about to grind on and distract yourself with, getting blackout drunk, and basically anything to make you get your mind off of him.
Just thinking about his name made you want to vomit. You were reminded of walking in on him with that other, terrible, Nemesis girl, the half-assed breakup, never getting closure, and endless nights of sobbing and feeling sorry for yourself. Two weeks later, and his words were fresh in your mind like a fresh cut he had just re-opened yesterday. You drank more, feeling dizzy, praying the alcohol would numb your brain.
Fuck him, anyway. You'd show him you could do better. 
"Woah, calm down," a random boy said, approaching you. The darkness and flashing lights of the cabin made it hard to see his face, so you could barely make out his gleaming brown eyes and sepia skin. "You might wanna be careful with that much alcohol."
"You don't know what's best for me," you snapped, your words slurring. The bass pumped in your ears, making your head feel like it was going to explode. 
To your surprise, the boy laughed rather than acting offended. "Okay, I guess you're right. I shouldn't be talking, anyway. I just finished shotgunning this beer,” he answered, showing you his tattered-up Natty Lite can.
Lightheaded and unphased, you allowed yourself to plop on the tattered sofa, the boy crashing next to you. His breath smelled of beer and straight tequila, and you only imagined that yours did too.
"Why?" you asked, inching close to him. His hand rested on his thigh, barely grazing yours under your ripped denim shorts. 
"Why what?"
"Why do you drink? I mean, we all drink for a reason. We're either mad at someone else, or ourselves."
He paused, tapping his leg. 
When you got drunk, you got angry and philosophical. Mad at the world, hyperaware of everything wrong with everyone, the reason why many people couldn't handle you drunk. The reason you usually drank alone. 
The boy leaned back, resting his head against the seat. "I'm lonely. I'm fucking tired of being the seventh wheel, and always feeling like everyone's life is better than mine."
"Hey, I'm lonely too."
"You?" he asked. "Once everyone heard you were single again, they all wanted to get with you. Thought you would even be taken by now."
You scowled. You hated your reputation at camp: the pretty girl who everyone thought they could take advantage of just because she was from Aphrodite. You were tired of being treated like a sex object, especially by your ex, and you wanted to prove them all wrong. "That's exactly the point. All anyone ever wants me for is my body. But apparently even that wasn't good enough for... him."
The boy paused, almost looking sorrowful, and like he regretted saying anything. What was that look he was giving you? Pity? 
"He cheated? I'm sorry... That's rough."
"Yeah, but it's whatever. That's why I drink, anyway," you said, gulping down more of a Coors bottle someone handed you. He looked concerned. 
"You and me, we're opposites. I have to rely on my personality to get me anywhere. All my friends have amazing good looks to rely on.  I have to work for that shit, to even be slightly noticed."
The strobe light shined on him, and you could see his features more clearly this time. Unsure of whether it was you or the alcohol speaking, you noticed his chocolate brown hair, beautiful curls you wanted to pull. 
Most guys repulsed you, especially after the breakup. You wanted them to get their hands off of you, because no one felt right the way your ex did. But every move this boy made, every hungry look he gave you, all of that just made you want him more. He made you feel different. 
"Then we would fit together perfectly," you said, inching towards him. 
He moved his hand to your thigh, rubbing your leg with his thumb. The lights dimmed as the party entered its peak, and the sexual tension between you two increased. 
The boy inched oh-so-slightly to the left so that his hot breath was on your ear, close enough to bite it. "Maybe we would."
Agonizingly slowly, he put one hand on your waist and used another to cup your face. You stared into his eyes, mesmerized by his gaze, your ears and head buzzing from the alcohol. Finally, you both shared a drunken kiss. You didn't even think about what you were doing.
He gripped your waist, and you climbed on his lap. He bit your lip, then sloppily put his tongue in your mouth, not bothering to ask for permission to enter. You kissed back, your tongues swirling together, making out like you were running out of time, running away from the world, running away from your ex, running to each other. 
Once you slowly started grinding on him, he pulled away and whispered in your ear. "Let's take this to a room." 
Once you got to an empty room, the boy twirled you around and pressed me against the wall. He tightened his arms around your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, having to stand on your tiptoes. You pressed your body as close to his as possible, sticking your knee in between his legs for extra friction. 
"Jump," he growled.
You did as you was told and jumped up so you were face to face, straddling him. He connected his lips with yours and squeezed your ass as he held you, making you moan into the kiss. 
You urgently ran your fingers through his hair, feeling his curly locks. You grinded into him, and he moaned into your mouth.
He set you down and pushed you onto the bed, never letting your lips disconnect. 
One you were on the bed, him towering over you and shoving his tongue in your mouth, he finally put his hands under your shirt, feeling and squeezing your tits. He grinded his member against you, and you shivered in delight, running your fingers over his well defined muscles. 
He started trailing kisses down to your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. Once he did, you let out a loud moan which you had been holding in, which of course only encouraged him to suck harder. Once he was done covering your neck in red spots, he pulled back, giving you that lopsided grin, then he finally hungrily kissed you again. 
Whatever you felt- buzzed because of the alcohol, eager to get a rebound to prove your ex wrong, or solely just sexual attraction, you knew it felt right.
He was taking off your shirt after already discarding his on the floor when you stopped him.
"Wait," you panted. "I don't even know your name."
"Leo. Leo Valdez," he responded, and as he did, you watched his lips, wishing they were back on yours. "You?"
"Y/N L/N."
Leo trailed kisses down your chest, seductivley looking up at you with hungry eyes.
"Y/N L/N, you are a monster from hell."
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leo valdez taglist: @slytherindaughterofposeidon0​ @persephil​ @mmmelanie-blog1​ @blue-violin​ @goldengoddess​ @dee-zbignuts​ @animes-trash​ @nottherealslimshady​ @cellias​ @lovemss​
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bengiyo · 9 months
5 moments from 2023 BL that felt new or different?
I feel so much pressure to do a good job with this one. You're an OG. You've been in this game longer than me. I'm pretty sure you've actually seen more than me.
La Pluie Episode 6
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Sure, we've had a lot of sex in BL in recent years. What's special about La Pluie is its willingness to release the sexual tension and explore the emotional space on the other side of that. Tai and Phat actually started making out on the goddamned floor, we got a sneak peak of Saengtai's bulge, and we mentioned that he was still aroused while they were sitting on the couch later. They also talked about what was going on between them and some of Tai's hangups. Usually these shows love to interrupt these moments because they don't know what to do with the characters once they bone. Not this show!
Jong Chan Adapting to Seung Hyun in The New Employee
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This wasn't my favorite show of the year, but my man Jon Chan is one of my favorites of the year! I like that he was solidly in his 30s and looking for a partner. I like that he didn't exactly understand all of Seung Hyun's hang-ups about the ex, but decided to let that go and focus on building their future. His exasperation about this felt distinctly gay.
Jim and Li Ming's Relationship in Moonlight Chicken
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I like calling Moonlight Chicken a gay family drama more than a BL because I don't think romance is the central driving factor of the show, but it feels like splitting hairs. What is my favorite part of this show is that the only "I love you" said in the show is between Jim and Li Ming. I love that the relationship between a gay man and his gay nephew feels like the heart of the show.
Seo Lee Joon being a Terrible Gay in Love Mate
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I know a lot of y'all got your knickers in a knot over the way Ha Ram determinedly pursued Lee Joon, but I feel like we ignored how fucking rude Lee Joon was in this show. This man goes on the apps to flirt with people without making it clear he's only going to date them once before abruptly cutting them off and blocking them. This is mean! We are fucking gay! We have a hookup culture with its own language! This thing where he wants the flavor of first dates and sets up his dates for extreme disappointment is so mean. He was going to make a whole dating app about how bitter he was about his own breakup. This man needed to face his own issues, and I'm glad a stern dicking turned him around.
The Sex Scene in Candy Color Paradox
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This is a show that tried and failed to punch above its weight. The leads were too inexperienced to carry a kinda dense script, and they got blown out of the water by the talented Izuka Kenta for about three episodes. It's really unfortunate because I think Kimura Keito and Yamanaka Jyutaro put in real work in this show. Their bed scene was probably the most stylish of the entire year. It is worth watching just that scene because it really stands out. Also, they discuss m/m acts the morning after in a way that felt refreshing.
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: There's a few characters I wasn't expecting to write for but it's hilarious and I couldn't think of any other villains with a heart other than the icons (Kai, Katherine, and Enzo). There were a few I debated on adding and then decided not to. I feel like there might be slight yandere vibes in here but I'm also like ... *crickets chirping*
If anyone wants a villain they like and want it written, be sure to send in a request and I'll see what magic I can work
He always thought Maggie was his girl, never gave any other woman a thought (before and after his time being locked up at Whitemore). Then he found Damon and the rag tag crew who are always in trouble, which is when he met you (after trying to kill Damon, of course). And after coming back from supernatural purgatory one time too many times, he stopped acting like a jackass and decided it was time to live his life. He felt something in his undead beating heart for the first time and had no idea what to do. Finding out you two are mates was even better than he could have thought, more so after you sacrificed yourself to stay with him during that fire to show him that you weren't going to leave him, whether he had his humanity on or not, really sold him
With him having no emotions, merging with his younger brother, and then getting them was terrifying but he'd never admit that out loud. Being told that the reason his heart beats faster around you are because of the feelings for you and is fated to you, he nearly pissed his pants. Then he approaches the Salvatore's for dating advice, and they nearly die because Kai is asking the two guys who have been nothing but mean and are actively trying to keep you two apart for help (the way his mind works is fascinating). When they couldn't offer too much help and nothing was working, he decided it was time to talk to you, confusing you when he had no real motive behind it. It worked though, you two would not be where you are without him chickening out/ manning up
With her being on the run for most of her life, she never planned on tying herself down somewhere, more specifically to anyone. Honestly, after her family took away her little girl, she didn't want to be tied down; she was afraid they'd be taken from her. But then you fell into her life, literally. She was almost taken to Klaus (for the billionth time and you fell in front of her). If she were to find herself truly in love, and not what she feels she had with Stefan, a clumsy person like yourself does not make it onto her roster but you've changed her life for the better. Even when she runs back to Mystic Falls to terrorize everyone, she makes sure your safety is her top priority first and foremost
He always thought Amara was his special someone but then his ex got in the way and messed all that up (big rip for him). Anyway, when he decided to play the role of Saint Stefan, he found himself fascinated by you. The littlest things you did drove him wild, and it took him a while before he realized why he felt this way. He was always told to believe that mates didn't exist, but people still liked to pretend as if they did. You proved him and everyone from his youth wrong because here you two are. Don't forget that he will try and kidnap you to ensure you don't get hurt when everyone tries to gang up on him and to make sure he can "help" you because you are his most favorite thing person
She always thought her true love was Silas and always would be, but then he decided she wasn't enough and only used her. The bitterness in her heart grew after that and ruined her thoughts on romance and love. Then she kidnaps Stefan and fries his brain while also finding you amongst his friend group. She knew she had to meet you. Her being in the same places as you, not a coincidence. She slowly found her way into your life and started off as a friend. Then she figured out why she was so invested in your life and slowly backed away until you decided to do something about it. There's no way in hell you're losing someone else in your life especially when you know she means more to you than any of your friends could ever know
The heretics
This was an interesting development for everyone, not just you. But in this case, you could choose whether you wanted a romantic relationship or more of a friendship with the group. Lily and Julain weren't so much involved in the fated bonds thing which annoyed the man from time to time. The Salvatore's mother was just happy her family found someone special (reminding her of her Julian). This whole bond made things harder at times, but they were all happy to have someone else to care for and you’re the one who stopped any arguments from happening and/ or things from getting worse. None of your friends were happy to hear about you deciding to leave with them but if it meant you could save their lives, you're going to take the chance whether they like it or not
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shanksbaby · 1 year
Shanks x Fem!Reader - Old Love
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you are one of the members of the Straw Hat crew, you have recently become one in reality. You have been following in the footsteps of your captain Luffy for about a year and a half, you decided to be a part of it when you met him on an island that he was liberating from the world government.
being with the Straw Hats is one of the best things that ever happened to you. There hasn't been a day since you've been with them that you've felt sad or bored. If they saw you down there were already Usopp, Luffy and Chopper to make you laugh; and there was Sanji who was ready to cook you the most delicious dishes.
so you can't help but feel lucky. You are now on the island of Bourgeois, you will stop for a few days and then leave, due to the lack of supplies you were forced to stay on this island.
you and Nami took the opportunity to stop and do some shopping, you spent the day squandering the treasure you captured a week earlier. Have you bought designer clothes, bathing suits, hot lingerie (especially for you as you were trying to pass an old story behind you, and what better way than through sex with strangers?)
after a ( tiring ) day of shopping go back to your companions, and even before setting foot on the ship you hear Luffy's voice screaming from the latter
" Y\N! Nami! Get ready tonight we feast, an old friend is here"
Oh! how much you loved when you feasted, you loved eating in company, especially when there was a lot of food. You were already preparing to taste whatever delicacy Sanji had prepared, your happiness drops immediately.
the friend your captain was talking about was your ex, Shanks. Your gazes meet, both of you are surprised to see each other's faces, both you and Shanks have probably imagined never meeting again.
what should you do? go say hello? and pretend those years together and the break up didn't happen? you don't know what to do, and you stare at him, you actually stare at each other. It seems that he too is undecided, but luckily your companions save you, who greet him and start chatting with him.
during the evening you sit away from him, and mutter only a few words, never directed at him, and you get up early from the banquet inventing an excuse. You couldn't still be close to that man, not after what he did to you: he left you, and above all he left you on that island.
tsk, and now you're supposed to act like nothing happened? like it's a new face? No thank you. Seeing him converse so cheerfully as if you weren't in the presence of him, the person he swore he loved and then treated like an old object makes you feel sick. Not to mention he's seeing a person right now.
your stream of thoughts is interrupted by a familiar, all too familiar voice.
"Y\N " Shanks says with an almost uncertain voice, you've never seen him like this " I wanted to talk to you…"
"About what? How you left me like trash or how you came here acting like I wasn't there?"
he flinch at your words. "I wanted to apologize for how it went and for leaving you like that."
you don't reply to him, you simply turn to look at the calm waves of the ocean, you don't want to look at him or talk to him. What should you answer to these words? Okay, is all forgiven? Fuck, nope. You don't want to be mad at him forever (he was a friend first anyway) but right now you don't see why you forgive him.
" I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he speaks after a few minutes of silence " I know you don't bel-"
" Shut up " you interrupt him "I don't want to hear your bullshit" you give him a fiery glare again "I don't care what your intentions were, you still hurt me."
" And you are absolutely right. And I know that after stranding you on an island I don't deserve to say it, but it wasn't an easy choice. I didn't do it overnight, I wish you understood that"
a bitter laugh escapes you at those words " And do you think it was easy to have a stable relationship one day and then the next day to give up, not even giving the time to try to understand what happened?"
"It wasn't easy for both of us"
more minutes of silence pass and you think that if you had met Shanks a year ago you would have killed him, and you would not have had this reaction, now you are calmer, perhaps a sign of the fact that the wound is healing.
"Anyway, I find you really good you know? And the underwear you bought with Nami is really -" you immediately punch him in the stomach angry at the words he just said. Always been a pervert.
"You stayed the same, a pervert! "
"And you remained the usual violent one" but as soon as he sees your gaze he hastens to add an apology
" …You know, I'm still mad at you, don't pretend to be friends. Not that I don't want to be your friend anymore, but right now I can't"
"I know, I'll wait when you're ready"and he gives you one of those smiles that you fell in love with, and you realize that you're never really over it, you still love him.
after these words, he leaves, withdrawing from his companions. You can't help but look at him from afar with bitterness.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 months
TBOB Spoilers and more B/llford talk
Once again, not saying I ship B/llford. At all. BUT if you're using all the assumed stuff about them potentially being in a toxic-ex relationship as 'canon proof' that Bill was lying about being a preteen, I've got some unfortunate news: 1) None of it was confirmed, it was implied. I know I see a lot of people say 'wow, canon B/llford' and that's their right to do so. But as an ex-Roosterteeth fan..........it was about as implied as ANY of their mlm ships, which is to say; through jokes. The evidence is there if you WANT them to have been in a toxic-ex relationship, for sure, and I'm not gonna say I can't see WHY people don't jump to that conclusion. But.......it's not confirmed. At MOST, it's a lot of bitter feelings on Bill's end, which could easily be seen as a one-sided crush if you were interested in exploring that route. But I feel like if Alex REALLY wanted to make them canon, I kinda feel like he would've pushed a little harder to outright state it. And as someone who seems to actually genuinely care about his fanbase, I feel like he laid out crumbs for people who WANTED THEM, while allowing wiggle room for people to NOT take them if they didn't want to.
2) Using all that as a 'gotcha' for why Bill ISN'T a preteen is a little odd, given how this is the 'Dipper spends a good chunk of season one obsessing over Wendy and Gideon spends MOST of the series obsessing over Mabel' show. One-sided crushes, ESPECIALLY ones that will either not work out because of an age difference or them just being extremely unhealthy, aren't uncommon in this series. If you REALLY wanted to look at the way Bill acts with a romantic lens while taking that line as canon.......dumb baby triangle has an unhealthy crush. Simple!
3) This isn't related to the above stuff, but it IS funny how people assume Bill CAN'T be a preteen because he drinks and does a lot of other stuff to break the law. Bill Cipher, not drinking because he's underage? Come on, you have to admit that would NEVER stop him.
4) Absolutely DO NOT harass people who don't take that preteen line as canon, and use it as a GOTCHA for why they can't ship something. Even as the designated 'Bill Cipher is a child' guy, I'm fully aware at how that line could easily be taken as a lie, a joke, a silly reference to what Dipper said in The Inconveniencing. Schrodinger's Preteen means anyone can take it as they want. Don't harass other people who don't interpret it the same way you do, and for god's sake, don't use it as a GOTCHA for why a ship can't work. Come on guys, we should be past this.
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Birds of a Feather - Struck By Love Legacy Challenge - Episode 8
After the Halloween Party, Star ended up staying over. Star and Maeve stayed up all night talking, from childhood memories, to funny things they did as teens, and to past relationships. Maeve shared how her Ex-Husband, Akira, cheated on her after being together for 10-15 years as they raised their 2 children. Maeve shared that Akira expressed he never wanted children, just wanted her to have it all. Star was very empathetic towards Maeve, almost like sharing her pain with her. Star told Maeve that his actions were awful and she deserved better. They ended the night by hugging each other and Star went home to her apartment.
The next day, Star asked out Maeve for a lunch date.
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Star: Thanks for coming to lunch with me, I hate eating alone.
Maeve thinking this was a date, kinda relieved that it wasn't. She wasn't sure if she was ready to be romantic with another person after what happened with Akira. The main reason her and Samson called off their romance.
Maeve: Yeah, thanks for the invite.
Star: Have you been to this place before? I've heard great reviews.
Maeve looking over the menu: Uh, no. The last time I was in this building it was a clothing store.
Star: Oh they closed that down about 8 years ago.
Maeve lightly chuckles: I guess I'm showing my age here.
After ordering when the waitress came by, Maeve and Star touched hands while trying to grab some bread that was on the table. Maeve looks up into Star's eyes.
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Maeve thinks Star is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. Maeve could feel her cheeks heating up. They hold the shared stare for several minutes only to be broken when there was a loud noise coming from where the kitchen was.
Maeve: I- uh, I'm sorry for staring.
Star blushes: I'm sorry from staring, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met.
Maeve blushes and looks at her plate: You don't mean that, I mean look at you.
Star reaches across the table to hold Maeve's hand.
Star: I truly mean it Maeve, you are an incredible woman. After everything you've been through, you could be so bitter about the world, yet here you are, looking on the bright side and pouring all your energy into raising your kids. I admire you for it. That, and how stunning you are. You're the whole package, Maeve.
Maeve was too stunned to speak. She didn't know what to say. Maeve didn't feel those things about herself, but hearing Star describe her like that, she almost felt like it was real, the true her. Several minutes goes by with Maeve staring at Star. Star removes her hands from Maeve.
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Star wiping her mouth with her napkin and looks down at her plate: Sorry if that was too forward, ever since last night after having that long talk. You're all that I can think about and I guess I got ahead of myself.
Maeve reaches across the table for Star's hand: No, Star, I feel the same way. I don't feel those things about myself yet you make me believe in them. I share your feelings, I'm just scared.
Star looking up into Maeve's eyes: It's okay to be scared. I promise you that everything I do or say to you, I mean it. It's not a lie.
Maeve with tears in her eyes, thankful that Star knew exactly what to say: We can take things slow. I'm willing to try, with you.
Star: Of course, we'll only go as fast as you want it to go.
As they continue eating and conversating about their lives and their relationship. Star walked Maeve to her door.
Maeve chuckles: Well this is me, as you know.
Star awkwardly laughs and points at her door: Yeah, I'm over there.
They stared into their eyes with want. Maeve took a deep breath and leaned into Star, hoping that Star would kiss her back.
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Star kisses her back and their share a deep kiss lasting for several seconds.
Maeve startled by her own actions, quickly shouts: See you around!
Maeve runs inside her apartment and shuts the door, taking another deep breath.
Maeve: Well, that was dumb of me! Why am I acting like I've never been on a date before??? Hopefully she still likes me....
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rickytickychow · 3 months
I don't even have words for Apology Tour, it was such a great follow-up (types so many words)
idk if Stolas understands how Out Of Nowhere this whole crystal thing was for Blitz. Like sure, it had been a few months, but Blitz was truly expecting a "same as always" kind of affair, misread Stolas's advances and got shut down and shut out the MINUTE he made that mistake. Stolas's little "thank you" speech was visibly genuinely confusing and horrifying to Blitz.
And then (AS BLITZ EXPECTED!!) the prince who supposedly loves him soooooo much walks away after ONE MISTAKE.
Also Stolas, annoyingly enough for Blitz, will never understand why Blitz feels looked down on and mistrusting until he acknowledges his objective place in hell's society. Stolas has never felt like he looks down on or demeans Blitz because he truly put the guy on a pedestal for so long. Now he's assuming that because Blitz didn't respond to his love confession mutually, Blitz didn't actually mean any of it. Bc God forbid your grand romantic gesture out of nowhere doesn't make the other person sweep you into their arms.
The amount of exes at Blitz's party shows how little patience he truly has for relationships despite trying to connect to others, but it's also showing us how much contempt and impatience people really do show him. Objectively, Blitz knows he's a difficult person. He doesn't know how to navigate his OWN feelings, much less someone else's. It's soooo funny to me how he does indeed end up at the "I hate Blitzø" party.
"I don't think you meant to hurt me, cuz I don't think it meant a thing at all"????? STOLAS DID YOU SEE ALL THE BULLSHIT HE DID FOR YOU I THINK IT MEANT SOMETHING TO HIM IDK
Blitz is not someone who does things he doesn't want to. He may have been hasty agreeing to the full moon deal, but he VERY CLEARLY enjoyed it and didn't want it to just... End.
And the Striker thing was also a low blow on Stolas's part. Moxxie and Millie saved his ass, taking BLITZ'S van after he already explained that Loona had an appointment that COULD NOT be missed. I can't imagine Blitz enjoys being in any given hospital longer than he has to. But despite the audience knowing what affects these things, Stolas does not.
This is kinda disjointed but while I feel bad for them both idk. I feel worse for Blitz bc Stolas has every opportunity to get better once he heals his emotional pain. Every Single one. He's still dealing with the divorce and moving sure, but he's a prince with magic, resources, and as Blitz pointed out, a nearly immortal body.
Blitz has all this inner turmoil and... None of that security. He has more to lose by letting people in. He's had to claw, fight, and drag himself for everything he currently has. It's hard for him to apologize because honestly? None of his actions are excused by this fact whatsoever, but he's owed a lot of apologies from people over the years, too. When he says "they're for pussies and no one deserves them anyway," I don't think he's just bitter about giving them. I think he's bitter about the idea of receiving them. Wanting someone to apologize means admitting they can hurt you. Blitz is well aware he can and has hurt others, but loath to admit when he is hurt.
For all his talk about not thinking Stolas can get hurt, Blitz is the one who actually acts like he's infallible - that makes others expect more from Blitz, but he will take them being angry at him over being perceived as weak or pitiable.
Stolas lovvvvves being weak and pitiable because he was expected to grow up quick, and the tragedy of that doesn't excuse his part here either. Anyone can agree that his attitude toward Blitz has taken a complete 180, with no visible effort to see things from Blitz's perspective. Sure, Blitz has been an angry asshole about it, but people seem to think that not showing anger makes whatever shitty behavior they choose automatically better. It doesn't.
I can't wait to see more about Blitz and Verosika too. It was really eye-opening for both Blitz and the audience to see that side of her. There's probably more to their breakup than her saying "I love you," but that being the catalyst for Blitz up and leaving is the WORST. That had to hurt, and even if he just felt unworthy/unable to say it back right away, Blitz should feel bad about just running away.
Since he plays things so close to his chest and acts aggressive, it's easy for everyone around Blitz to overlook any selfless actions and label him as angry and selfish. It's pretty heartbreaking how his relationship to the world and his trauma responses make him lean into the idea that he's a terrible person.
TLDR GREAT EPISODE WHOA these emotional disasters warm my heart (with rage ❤️). Welcome back Verosika lmao
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abysshydra · 2 months
re: the whole thing about locking up persecutors; just thought I'd share my own thoughts on that, if its alright?
We have both a persecutor & a prosecutor, and I [the primary protector] very much do not like either - mainly for the harm that our persecutor causes to our mental state, and for the negative emotions and discomfort our prosecutor causes.
That said, even though I don't like them very much, I recognize that they're still beings deserving of love [And I do love them. They're part of this system, this little internal family of ours. I really can't *not* love them, honestly.]. I know that they're here for a reason. Our prosecutor doesn't really mean to cause harm, it just holds a lot of the negative aspects of our disorders, and struggles with coping. Our Persecutor is only trying to protect us from potential harm, and that's why he's often angry and quick to lash out. And honestly, even if either of their feelings or actions weren't justifiable, it wouldn't matter. They exist, and they deserve a chance to grow and, if they wish, to heal.
The idea of locking them up is completely repulsive to me. They don't deserve that.
Currently none of our persecutors, including me, actually do any damage. We don't act on impulses, but our presence does make our system uncomfortable (in the way that we hold bad urges and bleed them into front)
But our ex-persecutor was anything but.
Maybe He didn't act physically or overtly enough for others to notice, but He wreaked havoc upon our and mostly host's (at that time) mental state. He was in control, He was a dark intrusive thought, continously dragging into the same direction over and over until it came back to Him. There were no explanation why, as He didn't want to protect and He didn't want to control a system as a whole. He just acted on that cult-like manner.
Although we have no capabilities to lock up anyone, we see wanting to get rid of some headmates as having a similar treatment. And yet we never wanted to get rid of Him or any of our headmates, that includes me and other persecutors. Despite the fact that some of us ruined our connections, none actually came and said "I fucking hate you", didn't even thought of it.
I mean, we were lucky I guess that He changed after syscovery, because we didn't know we even had him before. That damage he has done now floats in our mind as another favorite dynamic we love to represent in writing. He changed, but others did not, I did not and I don't want to.
From a disordered perspective locking up basically a part of You, a collective You, is not only repulsive, but also harmful in the long run. This is a part that is traumatized like others in the system, regardless of their motivation the main cause is trauma. They are a trauma or stress response, maybe holders of symptoms, regardless. People preach on not being vile to those who became bitter from being traumatized yet treat persecutors like garbage. They are also people, they are also traumatized. They deserve to be treated with respect too.
Locking them up is a punishment and not a prevention. Punishment NEVER saved anyone.
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purefandomonium · 4 months
Just realized I never did get around to posting those headcanons for this version of Red, so I decided to do that.
Red in this iteration is more supernatural than sentient glitch.
He works using similar logic to another version I have of him, where he is linked to the cartridge and will never be very far from it. However, unlike the other version, it's not as simple as passing the game off to some other sucker. Red here is in full control of his fate, having figured out how to leave the game at will and even being capable of pulling players in and trapping them, although doing that takes a lot out of him so he doesn't do it often.
Once he's decided to torment a player, the only way they're getting rid of him is--well, they can't. The only options are die, die, or go insane and then die.
There's a 0.0000001% chance Red himself will get bored of the torment and leave without killing them, but that's basically never going to happen.
There is no way to harm him physically and it's impossible to damage the game as well.
The cart is in a perpetual state of just being playable and will remain that way regardless of what's done to it.
The Glitchy Red pokepasta exists in this universe, and Red is very aware of it. He does not enjoy hearing about it.
It's unknown if he's even the original Glitchy Red or some kind of replica. His whole deal makes zero sense. I mean, how does a game from the '90s, whose code is held together with duct tape, used gum and best wishes, suddenly develop a digital spirit? Perhaps some supernatural meddling was involved at some point... Red himself certainly won't tell.
Is an asshole with zero remorse for his actions.
Tormenting players is a game to him, and it's the only one he'll play. He likes to see how long they'll hold up against the psychological onslaught. It's usually not long.
Despite how much he enjoys his violent acts of revenge, he does get bored of it. Most players don't survive for very long and he doesn't even need to try for them to break. He's capable of so much more yet never gets a chance to use his full power. (That's why he's so pumped when Reader shows up. Finally, a real challenge.)
He's perpetually bitter and dare I say angsty from the suffering he's been through.
He's capable of feeling any emotion, but his primary state of being is angry and spiteful.
On the off chance he is feeling something different, it's likely only because there's no one messing with the game. If left to his own devices he's actually quite contemplative and serene, and tends to spend his time basking in the sunlight or enjoying nature.
Is basically a bitchy cat when calm.
It's impossible to befriend him if you're someone in possession of the cart. By default, that makes you an enemy regardless of your intentions or even if you had no idea about it. Ex: Someone gives you a box of old games and junk and you tuck it away in an attic without so much as looking through it. Doesn't matter that you didn't know he was there, you do now >:(
The only chance anyone has to befriend him is if they're someone in a similar predicament/a fellow entity. Escaped tortured experiment who knows nothing but misery? Welcome to the club.
Might also consider a being who likes to torment humans a potential friend too, if given the chance. He does like his torture.
He's actually very intelligent and crafty. He knows how to get his desired results without even needing to lift a finger. Whether it be forcing players to destroy their lives, tricking them into doing his bidding, or making them agree to a terrible deal and trapping their soul within the game to be used as a spare punching bag.
A couple of players have managed to beat him at his own game and he's still holding onto that grudge.
Intangibility--he can interact with the world/people, but they can't touch him.
Limited mind control--he can hypnotize players and alter their dreams but can't turn them into full-on puppets unless they're really worn down. Even then, it's usually only limited to things like obsessively playing the game or forcing them to stay awake.
Can inflict a powerful sense of fear onto others without even needing to do anything. Think Patrick's "He's just standing there... menacingly!"
Energy drain--the thing that allowed him to break free of the game. Over the years he learned how to steal and harness players' lifeforce, using it to bring himself into the real world. It's also how he went from glitch in the matrix to full-on evil spirit.
Shapeshifting--mostly into glitches or Pokemon, but can do people too if he feels like it. He's used this ability before to imitate dead loved ones as part of his torment.
Despite his origins, he can't interact with technology. He lost any ability to do that when he became what he is now. He still causes electronics to glitch out when he's near/his temper flares but only in the way supernatural entities do. Move the devices away from him and they'll return to normal with no damage done.
Teleportation--Only outside of a certain distance of the cart, as he can't be too far from it. He can only teleport himself as well, and has to actually have the cart with him to teleport that too. If he's got it, then he can go anywhere he pleases.
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beevean · 3 months
Cecile to Annette: Your life has always centered around slavery
Shrodinger's writing: it's simultaneoulsy aware and unaware of having created a one dimensional character
Cecile has gotta be one of the most bruh characters in the whole show, she literally chastizes Annette for acting all superior towards Richter and ignoring his traumas while at the same time literally saying that people like him cannot understand the trauma that slaves like them have suffered and they wouldn't care either way
It honest to God feels like someone jerked the pen from the writer's hand and added stuff of their own after the fact
Cecile's speech to Annette is the stuff of wonders. I need to copypaste it because I dare you to analyze it and make sense of it:
Annette: The Belmont boy turned out to be useless as fuck. He literally ran away. Ran. Away. Cecile: Everyone starts by running away, Annette. Annette: What? That is completely different. How can you possibly compare that? I came here for guidance. I thought I'd seen the worst evil the world could hold. But here, it's been growing roots for centuries. And this Vampire Messiah, she's older still. Cecile: Your power is old too, Annette. Annette: If these are my ancestors, Cecile, they're just a babble. Noise. They are no match for some ancient Egyptian Devil-God. Cecile: They're only a babble because you're not listening. You were shaped, Annette. Everything about you, by being born a slave. Of course you were. It's the source of your fury, but it's not the source of your power. They like to tell you, these petty devils like the Comte de Vaublanc, that slavery is just the way of the world. It's what people do. And you can look around and think, oh, maybe they're right. Evil, violence, and oppression everywhere. Even these French with their high ideals. What do they know about what we've suffered? And what do they care? They'll build their new world, but it won't be freedom or equality or brotherhood for us. If they build it at all. But they know it's not true, Annette. The petty devils. It serves them if we believe it. But humanity didn't enter this world dragging armies of slaves. That came later. And your ancestors. Of course I mean your mother, who loved you. And your father, who was dragged from her by men with whips. And your grandmother, who watched the ships sail, weeping and pulling her hair. But they go back. Beyond them and beyond them. Back to the source. To the Iwa of Ogun. And a world without slaves or masters. Learn to hear your ancestors. There is light in this darkness.
How did she transition from "please have more empathy for Richter, you two suffered a similar trauma" to "THOSE STUPID FRENCHIES WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND US, WE WILL BREAK FREE OF OUR CHAINS"? Like, what is her point at the end of it all? Because what I get is "don't be angry at Richter, but you are right in being angry because you are a slave".
Speaking of which, I love it. "You were shaped, Annette. Everything about you, by being born a slave." You know, it's one thing when fans call a character monodimensional, but to have the writing itself come and admit it? Bold move, I must say. Could we say this writing is... ahem... Wildly Inconsistent™? ;)
I am forced to concede the fans' point and admit that N!Isaac was written better in this regard. He didn't go around shouting "I am Black the Man!", but he told us, and one scene showed us, that the color of his skin lead him to being hunted and dehumanized, which made him bitter. Say what you want about the unfortunate implications of him being a Muslim devil-worshipper who believes he has to kill humans to purify the world, and say what you want about him being a grand pretentious cunt, but he does have a personality, however unlikable, that goes beyond his race and religion, even in S2 where he was at his flattest.
N!Annette, canonically, begins and ends at "angry ex-slave". There is nothing more about her. That's all she is allowed to be, except forced moments like her being forcibly shipped with Richter. The narrative won't even challenge her when her anger leads her to commit serious mistakes, because god forbid we show her being in the wrong. You have to find her cool, and she is cool because she is the Angry Ex- Slave.
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omgkalyppso · 4 months
A few months ago I found most of an old wip incomplete from 2011. It follows the post-canon tale of my warden Illusen Amell who intended to refuse Morrigan's ritual and die fighting the archdemon, but survives due to her own pregnancy. She had spent the game in a romance with Alistair, but made him king and effectively ended their relationship through this act. Morrigan, while trying to entice Illusen into agreeing to the ritual, brought up that Zevran also loved her, and perhaps she would consider surviving for his sake. Zevran had never spoken of these feelings with Illusen, but overall now I ship her and Zevran together, even if she and Alistair would be more amicable exes in other situations / au's than their own story, where things slowly spiral, get heated, and hateful.
He is bitter, because he hadn't wanted to be king, and he would have loved her and protected their child had he been provided the opportunity; but with her values, she would not have continued to love him if he hadn't lived up to his responsibilities — and not that she still loves him, or at least, loves him the same anyway. Illusen ends up living maybe a decade, maybe less, as a Flemeth figure in the marshes across the sea, while Zevran travels back and forth from Antiva, helping his brothers, and himself, and trying to make a home to lure Illusen and her child out of isolation. Her (initial) continued refusal to leave makes Zevran worry that she will never love him as he does, but they do grow past that as a couple, just as they both become attached to their strange magical child.
This was all inspired by finishing the game, dying, having Illusen's eulogy epilogue, and then being back at camp and being able to complete Zevran's romance dialogues, despite there being no game left to play.
Anyway. I found the version of the wip that includes Zevran's first appearance. It is 13 year old writing, so I'd like to think I've improved, but ... it isn't so different, and thinking about them lately makes me wonder about exploring their story again.
Fantasized se/lf-harm cw, fantasized harm to an unborn child cw?, weird dreams, dreamed animal death cw?, and other weird stuff!
The dream creatures are the three Hawke siblings as birds of pray, Varric as a nug, Flemeth is the dragon, the black bird can either be Zevran or Morrigan, and the halla is Merrill.
From the previous chapter in the wip:
"Alistair. I am harbouring an Old God, whether that means it will be born to look as a beast, or simply act like one … I can't think of one person who'd take the risk of having something like this come into existence," Illusen said, but her voice trembled and her eyes swelled up with tears again and she was glad of not having been presented with a knife with her meal, as she would have gouged out her innards in a moment such as this. "Morrigan … She didn't elaborate on what it meant that the child would have the taint and the soul of an Old God - but we know that an archdemon is simply an Old God subject to the taint so we can assume …" "We can assume the worst," Alistair admitted.
Weeks passed, and still no decision had been made over the entity Illusen carried. A team of forty Grey Wardens and seven recruits had arrived, and only their eldest was permitted in talks relating to the Hero of Fereldan. He was a good Grey Warden; distant, imposing and righteous. Alman had taken it upon himself to commit to the idea of having Illusen taken to Weisshaupt in chains, possibly Tranquil, to be examined by those who had access to Grey Warden records and sciences. If he did not think her or the child such a danger then considering the alternatives, his was the best option for public opinion.
To Illusen's mild surprise, the Chantry was uninterested in claiming the child for priesthood or imprisonment. It was they who called for a silent execution, to have the Blight right and truly ended. The public was already told that their Hero was ill, that darkspawn plague was the reason she made little to no public appearances while her subtle bulge grew. Meanwhile Irving, ever the absent and failing father, pleaded with the king to force the Chantry to take the charge into their care. The Circle was so unaware of the entirety of the situation that the First Enchanter believed a horrid precedent was being set by the Chantry seeking to slay the child.
King Alistair could not bring himself to clarify the situation to the Circle, as their response was the best he could hope for, and when he met with the authorities of each respective group, he hoped one might sway the other to compromise and save him this decision.
Illusen had spent most of her time confined in one way or another. Even when she was presented to the army or the Wardens for support in reclaiming the Imperial Highway and burning the dead, she did not look for faces she knew. She empathized more than she ever wished to, with Sten and the suffering of a caged mind.
The mage let herself be led from one gathering to another to a bed that brought her more nightmares. They were not those of an aging Grey Warden, but still vivid and disturbing, and grew worse with each lost familiarity. Wynne and Shale were off to Tevinter, Leliana had taken up work with the Chantry and been nominated to lead an expedition after Andraste’s Ashes in her ruined temple, Sten had left by boat before Illusen had even woken that first time, and none of them had said goodbye.
She saw Oghren in the castle from time to time. He looked wearier with each passing week, she thought, but maybe that was just her own perception, but he definitely had less to say as his responsibilities grew. Arl Eamon selected some human soldier to head Fereldan’s armies, but truly it was the dwarf who organized the companies — and the Dalish, so that the remains of the Blight could be dealt with without allies becoming enemies. Each night he was drunk, and Illusen couldn’t help but wonder how Felsi was coping with life at court.
Alistair might’ve started drinking too if he were not such a light weight.
Her troubled sleep, and maybe the babe, had given the mage to napping mid day from time to time. She was no longer confined to quarters, but didn’t much care for the attention she received in Denerim’s Market Square. Wrapped in robes of deep violet, Illusen made her way to Valendrian’s in the Alienage. Despite her humanity, the elves treated her as if her only oddity had been her being a mage. He was good company, and provided a respite from what had become her life. She would rest against the wall in his kitchen while others brewed ingredients she brought in to a hearty stew, to help with the passing of the plague.
Her head swam and dark clouds hovered over her Fade dreams; her mind and world a maze and the same. Two large birds of prey ripped the flesh from a third, masculine in his plumage; he lay dead beneath a tree twisted as if by the blight. A dragon’s shadow swept overhead, but when Illusen’s perception turned to look, she instead saw a nug falling from the sky, swiftly caught in the talons of a mighty bird of prey, leaving its dead and damaged siblings on the ground. Coins flowed from the nug’s mouth like loud destructive rain.
As the bird of prey took them higher and higher, a cage of harsh lyrium closed around them, with sharpened points threatening to tear the strange duo apart. Illusen soon found that she was the dragon and that her wings were rotten and that she was falling onto the pikes of glowing rock and would crush all that was below. Darkness took her, and so too did a warm comforting feeling. Upon opening her eyes Illusen could not say if she were a dragon or a woman or a flea, but she was cradled in the talons of a funny little black bird and could see that the bird of prey and nug were safe in the horns of a halla. She relaxed and felt safe listening to the beating of the black bird’s wings.
She woke with fever; hot and sweating and uncomfortable. She could have whined and cried were she alone, but she remembered her host and fumbled to stand and greet him. The sun still shone in the window and Illusen was glad not to have overslept. The Hero of Fereldan gave her thanks and stepped out into the Alienage.
It was always a test to make it back to the Arl of Denerim’s Estate without being seen, or at least, recognized and this time she had failed before having begun. Zevran stood at the gate, both arms and legs crossed as he leaned on a wall, chatting up a young elf that left as Illusen approached. She could avoid her friend no longer.
"Flirting with the locals?" asked Illusen, her voice more airy and weak than she intended.
"No more than is polite," Zevran replied with cheek as he stood upright. He squinted and turned his head, examining the Warden. "You look pale. Is it true what they say? That you are dying of the darkspawn plague?"
"I ... don’t know," Illusen responded hesitantly. She wondered how she must look, and how she might look if she retched as she crossed her right arm over her chest to hold the back of her neck. She meant to continue her thought but Zevran plowed on.
"Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?"
Her cheeks flushed as she struggled to meet his gaze. ‘Morrigan told me,’ she wanted to say, ‘that which I could not see or appreciate.’ She hadn’t realized Zevran was in love with her and that was shameful enough in itself, but also now to be carrying Alistair’s child, and to be soon hidden from the world for her sins, insulted Zevran’s interest, honour and trust. Illusen absently cradled her stomach with her left arm, and found herself stuttering as she tried to answer.
"Andraste’s Mercy," cursed a familiar voice. Illusen found herself weeping into Zevran’s pauldrons. He held her close, and tightly, so she could not see his expression, but the embrace only had her sob all the harder. She hadn’t allowed herself a good cry for too long, and her body was a jumble of emotions.
Zevran led her into a back alley, one hand on her back and the other grasping one of hers. He had nowhere to take her, but the apartments in the back of the Alienage were still mostly empty and not completely destroyed. A few picked locks later he seated Illusen safely from the public and waited to hear her tale.
She told him more than she expected to, and he listened more attentively than anyone else had since becoming the Hero of Fereldan. He knew everything now, more even than she.
"I saw Morrigan leave, I'll have you know," Zevran contributed as he leaned back in what remained of a chair. Illusen’s expression changed to surprise and he continued, "Those of the army who saw her say she vanished without a trace, but I ask you: what did she have to leave behind? Bah.
"Sten was blinded by your glory, and Leliana worked to kill more darkspawn, but I looked to Morrigan and saw her eyes. She looked hurt ... betrayed," he paused. "Why would you do something so foolish? Why not let her have the child and save your life?"
"I didn’t know what the child would become ... she even refused to call it a child, I don’t even know what it is that grows inside me ... I expected to be stopping an evil ritual not becoming the catalyst for it." Illusen was calmer than she expected. She did not even feel as if she were defending herself or her actions, Zevran simply sought answers, nothing more.
"What will you do?" asked the elf.
"Wait," replied the mage. "I will not fight my order, my king or the Chantry. I will accept their decision."
Zevran cocked an eyebrow before smirking and leaning forward in his chair, "Warden, perhaps you have them convinced, maybe even yourself, but not I. Would you not leave if you had the choice?"
Illusen’s azure eyes examined the elf slowly and she was quiet for a long time. This was why she had been avoiding him, truly. He was her man, through and through, and both of them were nothing after what they’d experienced, not Wardens, nor Crows, or anything respectable. Her lips trembled as she leaned in for the kiss, and she sighed heavily as she pressed her head against his chin and placed a hand on his heart.
"You will take me away won’t you?" she begged.
"When the time is right," he answered.
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