a-lilypad · 2 months
‘omg ailish why haven’t you been active lately i bet ur life is so fun and interesting and cool’
i read a 200k bkdk fanfiction in ONE SITTING without even a single tiktok break, one sitting straight, i didn’t move, i didn’t leave the app, i just read. i’ve read TWENTY SIX fanfics from 30k words to 400k in the space of a few weeks my brain is mush
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seefasterdraws · 1 year
“you were a wonderful experience”
“you were… everything”
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toxooz · 9 months
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workin man (orc)
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heph · 2 months
It's so interesting how submissive House is to Wilson. In basically every scene where Wilson gives his 2 cents about a case, House without fail (for the most part) follows his opinion. Wilson gives him unsolicited advice and half the time he listens without saying anything, and the other half he argues but ends up listening to him anyway. House starts psychoanalysing Wilson and Wilson does it right back to him and House shuts the fuck up or gives a one line quip back at him (to have the last line) but knows deep down Wilson is right.
For a man of House's stature and how he interacts with Literally Everyone Else, the writers really hammer it into your soul that House only really listens to Wilson and no one else
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thegreatimpersonator · 3 months
your personal relationships will never be as complicated and messed up as my parasocial bond with taylor swift
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da-janela-lateral · 12 days
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accio-victuuri · 14 days
this yibo video tho. so precious 🥹🥹🥹
OP’s text/explanation:
The torch relay was over by then and the staff has been debugging the camera position for a while. just wait a little longer with Yibo. the baby just smiled warmly. later, other torchbearers were being interviewed nearby. yibo just said it casually "I think it doesn't matter, there are other people's voices."
then they cooperated and recorded the first Q&A. i met him many times because of work. He is always considerate. not late or even arrive early and just wait in the car. easy to talk to but not too busy, very cooperative, professional and insightful. After the filming was over, he was just playing with his cell phone alone.
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ender1821 · 9 months
behold. me coping with session 9 SL!shinyduo
— — —
The crackle of a lightning strike hits at the exact same moment Pearl hears a resounding crack from her neck. After she had been shot by Scar, the impact of the arrow led her to stumble down the ravine beside Scar’s base, leaving her at the bottom of the pit.
Well, at least it was quick.
She finds herself lying on the stone ground, a view of a clear blue sky above her.
The only thing she could do was let herself breathe. (Do ghosts even need to breathe? Eh, who knows.)
Her eyes close as she builds a steady rhythm with the rise and fall of her chest, willing for the aching and exhaustion riddled all throughout her body to somehow dissipate.
Aside from the sound of her breaths, she can pick up Scar’s voice off in the distance. It doesn’t sound much like a cheer, or a cry, or anything— but then again, Pearl’s not in a fit state to focus on whatever he’s saying.
Instead, she tries to think back on everything that just unfolded, all the deaths, the hunts…the duel. The zombie that had been creeping towards Scar before Pearl warned him.
She sighs, “I swear, if he dies to a zombie, after all that…”
Now, she wasn’t really expecting a reply.
Especially not a reply from a voice that’s so familiar.
“I know, right? It’d be embarrassing for both of us.”
Pearl’s eyes snap open in an instant, as though the answer gave her a surge of energy, overpowering the waves of numbing pain.
She looks…just like she used to, when they were red…together.
Pearl blinks, trying to focus on the figure looming over her. It’s only then, that she notices Gem’s body is slightly translucent, allowing rays of sunlight to pass through.
“Hey, Pearl.” Gem extends a greeting they both know far too well. She crouches down, tilting her head. “Are you going to keep lying on the ground, or…?”
“I might.” Pearl chuckles. “It’s pretty comfy down here, actually.”
“I can imagine.” Gem shifts to sitting cross-legged next to Pearl, which prompts her to try and actually sit upright as well.
Pearl grunts when she finally manages to move, scooting over to Gem. Sitting underneath the shades of a bit of overhang of the earth above, they find themselves situated in a corner of the ravine, now further ruined with scorch marks and splatters of blood on the walls.
Despite the destruction, sunlight casts shadows of sunflowers into the chasm. It must be the ones Scar has around his base.
Silence follows. Pearl tries her best to stare only at the walls around, but she ends up glancing at Gem a few too many times. She hopes Gem is too preoccupied to notice. (Pretty slim chance of that happening, considering the fact that there’s nothing of interest nearby but them.)
Eventually, though, something in Pearl pushes her to speak.
“So,” Pearl starts, “what’s got you wanting to give me a visit? I thought you’d be with Scott and Impulse.”
Gem jerks up at the sudden question, then turns away from Pearl. “I— I dunno, I just… We died pretty close to each other, you’re the first one I saw.”
If Pearl’s head had been a bit more clearer, maybe she would’ve questioned why Gem was so insistent on not facing Pearl when she answered. Instead, she accepts the answer with a nonchalant “Ah, I see.”
“Well, I appreciate the company. And…” Pearl adds, pausing as the following words get caught in her throat for a brief second:
“I’m sorry.”
That seemingly got Gem’s attention, causing her to look at Pearl once again.
Just today, Pearl was met with those same pair of eyes on multiple occasions. For some, they sparkled with a sense of joy. For others, they held a flurry of panic behind them.
At this moment, they were glazed with a whirlwind of emotions Pearl couldn’t even begin to decipher.
Pearl can see Gem obviously struggling to find something to say, or to piece together the thoughts in her head. Either way, Pearl waits.
“When you— when Scar was coming for me, you asked me if I wanted to duel it out with you, with swords.”
Pearl nods.
It’s such a simple question, really. Pearl knows exactly why she did it. Just as she knows why she went into the End earlier in the game to fight the dragon, why she rode a camel with the same person who’s killed her twice, why she couldn’t get a successful ambush when she’d been in the siege against Gem and the Scotts.
What leaves her lips is not the answer. Not a clear one, at least.
(It’s never easy, is it? When Scar and Gem had begun fighting, all Pearl wanted was a moment to think. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know why she began shooting, she just didn’t know. She couldn’t decide.)
“You said you didn’t want a bow fight.”
“But a sword fight, Pearl?” Gem pushes on in an instant. “I know you, Pearl, I know you prefer using an axe.”
“I do, yeah.” Pearl doesn’t give away any more than that, choosing to give Gem a noncommittal response.
“So— If Scar hadn’t— If I agreed, you—”
“You probably would’ve kicked my butt.” Pearl admits with a smile.
Gem takes a deep breath. Then, in the quietest voice Pearl has heard all day, Gem asks, “And you would’ve been fine with that?”
(I would’ve been more than fine with it.)
“You would’ve beat me fair and square, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“But you��” Gem cuts herself off with a groan, growing more and more frustrated with Pearl’s vague replies. It’s no use when they’re both dancing around the topic, even though all Gem wants is to ask: would you have let me kill you? Could we have stayed friends? What went wrong?
Gem recalls Pearl backing away after one swing of her sword, when she was fighting Scar, she caught a glimpse of Pearl leaving the fight to them. She remembers how Pearl could’ve pulled out her bow, could’ve ended her right there.
(Do I forgive you?)
A breeze blows past the Sunflower Valley, leading the flowers above, along with their shadows, into a gentle dance.
Nearly every question Gem has dies on the tip of her tongue, leaving only one:
“What now?”
Pearl gives it some quick pondering, before stretching her legs out and bracing herself to stand. “I wanna check on Mailbox and Matchbox.”
“Then,” She helps herself up by leaning on a wall. “I wanna see if I can find my Mounders anywhere.”
Lastly, she extends a hand out to Gem. “After that… I think I remember Scott saying something about a spare camel around Etho’s?”
Gem returns the smirk on Pearl’s face with one of her own. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“The Murder Camel rides once more!” Pearl cheers as she pulls Gem up with her.
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starrcrossrose · 7 months
I love Rise Leo so much, if I think too hard about him I'll just start crying
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hauntingsunshine14 · 27 days
summer olympics 2028 in a universe with no exy we have:
star gymnast neil josten
heavyweight champion andrew minyard
tennis pro kevin day
rugby goddess allison reynolds
d pole laxer matt boyd
marathon swimmer renee walker
volleyball libero aaron minyard
hockey forward dan wilds
synchronized diver nicky hemmick
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sholmeser · 5 months
(in the tone of voice of someone who takes everything way too seriously) i think that akane and sigma kissed like one time and it was because they were both kind of drunk and laughing while trying to enjoy themselves for once and then because sigma is literally just fucking dumb he leans over and plants one on her and she just kind of sits there like Ummmm okay. and doesn’t really do anything. and then he sees she’s uncomfortable and says im so sorry and he kind of starts crying because he’ll never have his diana back, not her flesh and blood, and she’s numb and she will never see junpei again and no matter how hard either of them try, they will never be good enough for each other. they can never give the other what they want and they will waste away, like diana did, like junpei will. always alone. i really was gonna try and make this post funny i swear but i just can’t like i am sad. they make me sad .
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I've never wanted to cyber-bully someone more than I wanna Jojo Siwa
Girlie needs it lowkey
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My personal characterization of Jason filled with Lazarus Pit Rage™ is something like:
Tim, Red Robin, comes to the Cave after a very physical fight, leaving him with some joints not bending the right way. Jason, the only person already there, is the one to give him medical assistance, since leaving dislocated joints like that isn't the most painless process.
Jason, though verbally begruginly, helps him up to the cot and starts working on placing them back. One particular scream gets past the cloth in Tim's mouth, being that he refused being locally anesthesiated – which is also malpractice – sending Jason into unwanted memories of the smell of blood and gunpowder, sounds of screams and laughter.
From Tim's prespective, Jason sets his shoulder, stills, and proceeds to grip his forearm so hard he believes he just fractured both bones, pulling and pulling until the shoulder pops back out.
Tim screams out, screams for Jason to stop, struggles to let go. Jason, however, isn't doing any of that, he is still for most part, fixated in a point behind Tim. Tim knows he isn't there, if he were genuinely hurting him, he would've had multiple insults to prove him mentally present. All he can do is calm himself down, as his arm is wrecked so badly he is considering visiting space and looking for a healer.
A ping sounds in the Cave, probably from the batcomputer, it is nothing but a harmless ping, no emergency signal or call from those active. Probably a confirmation of apprehended wrongdoers.
It snaps Jason out of it. He lets go, looking down at his work and back up at Tim's agonising expression. Jason then, not unlike before, loses himself again. Instead taking a more clinical stance, setting the shoulder back and passing a portable x-ray over the arm, executing the procedures purely from muscle memory.
He leaves Tim with his wounds patched up and both arms in slings, one of them heavier than the other. Even leaving a motor wheelchair that they have in case of graver wounds, which works perfectly in this situation.
Tim, decides then, like a fool, not rest and follow Jason. Knowing he woukd rather cool down alone, but not really allowing him to be lonely.
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Dan and Herbert are both married and divorced no I cannot elaborate
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Ok so it's five am where I am and I just stayed up all night thinking about mha. Specifically my favourite fictional man Shirakumo Oboro
And you know what I realised? (It's probably been Noticed before by people but I'm gonna post about it anyways)
Before Shimura Tenko became Shigaraki Tomura, he had dark hair. When he became Shigaraki Tomura, his hair turned pale blue.
Do you see what I'm getting at here.
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gideonisms · 17 days
Had such a Day. Idk what's making me approachable to everyone but I need to stop doing it
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