'i am asking for a small donation of $20-$25'
That is a SIGNIFICANT portion of my income.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
i was wondering if we could have some roomate!james where him and reader have a disagreement over something and reader feels like james don’t want her there anymore but he comforts her??
Thanks for requesting!
cw: reader feels financially insecure
roommate!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
“James.” You run your fingers worriedly over the small tears in the doorframe. Look to your roommate in the kitchen. “This is getting out of hand.” 
“What is?” 
“Juniper’s been scratching on the doorframe again.” 
James tsks. “Junie-girl,” he coos, little reprimand to be found in his tone as he looks down at the orange cat currently winding through his ankles, “what are you trying to do to us, huh?” 
You’re not quite so amused. Since James had agreed to look after his friend Lily’s cat while she’s traveling, Juniper has knocked down and broken two of your glasses, scratched up a corner of the couch, and pissed on the carpet in James’ room. You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with the smell of that last one yourself, but you doubt your landlord will be pleased if James can’t get it out by the end of your lease. 
“She’s got to stop,” you say, oddly unsure if you’re trying to reason with James or the cat. “It’s getting really noticeable.” 
“I’m not sure what else to do.” James shrugs. His pan sizzles as he turns over the chicken he’s cooking. “I’ve already moved her favorite scratching post over by the door and sprayed it with the catnip Lily gave me.” 
You cross your arms and sit down on the couch, chewing the inside of your lip. “I’m worried about the security deposit,” you admit. 
“Oh, don’t be.” James waves a hand vaguely in your direction. “My last apartment was way worse than this when I moved out, and they didn’t charge me for anything.” 
His unconcern nettles you. Of course, why would James be upset about a security deposit? He likes to pretend at independence, but you know his parents will always give him funds if he’s in a bind. He doesn’t worry about money the way you do. 
 “Yes, but that was a different landlord, wasn’t it.” There’s a bit of bite to your tone, and you try to soften it. “Maybe someone else could take her for the rest of Lily's trip?” 
James turns, eyebrows lifting as though he’s surprised you’d even ask. “She couldn’t get anyone else to take her in the first place. Mary’s visiting her family, Marl’s allergic, and Sirius would have a cow.” You’re not very inclined to find the last one a spectacular excuse, but you keep your mouth shut. “I agreed to take her,” he says, somewhat firmly, “and I don’t want to go back on that.” 
Heat prickles over your skin. “I just—listen, I can paint over the small things,” you say. “I’m going to try to cover up as many damages as I can, but when your friends come over and break the handle off the microwave” —true story— “or you let their cats tear up the apartment, I don’t know what to do.” 
“I told you I’m going to fix the microwave,” he says without turning around. 
“When, James? That was months ago, and—” 
“And if my friends coming over is a problem for you, it’s not like you didn’t have plenty of opportunities to mention it when we first moved in.” Now James is growing agitated too, his posture stiffening over the stove. “I don’t get where this is coming from. I told you before we moved in that I’d want to have friends here often. When I asked if Junie could stay here, you said it was fine!” 
“I didn’t know it’d be like this!” You feel ridiculous, nearly shouting at him in your mostly lovely apartment. James really isn’t a bad roommate overall; you know you could do far worse. But the small things have begun to add up, and you really cannot afford not to lose your deposit. “I like your friends, and I like Junie, but this is—it’s too much.” 
“You shouldn’t have lived with me if you couldn’t deal with it.” 
James flicks off the stove, turning around to speak to you directly, and you see the moment he sees the glossy sheen in your eyes. His expression pinches. 
“No. Do not feel bad for me right now,” you hiss, blinking furiously. “Just because I’m not good at arguing doesn’t mean I’m not still mad.” 
Your anger is rapidly fading, though, as his words reverberate around in your head. You shouldn’t have lived with me. Does he really think that? There are certainly things upon which you don’t see eye-to-eye, but you love living with James. You love spending time with him, sharing things with him, just being around him. The idea that he doesn’t feel the same about you starts spiderweb cracks going through your heart. 
“I’m not good at arguing either,” he says with a hefty sigh. The tension seems to go out of his shoulders with it, and he starts toward you with heavy steps, plopping down on the couch. “Can we just talk, please?” 
You sniffle, working hard to suppress your tears. “Do you think it’d be better if we didn’t live together?” you ask. 
James' eyes widen behind his glasses. His brows hook up in the middle. “No. Why would you say that?” 
You shake your head, not quite looking at him. “I honestly do like your friends. I don’t mind them coming over or helping you do favors for them, and I get that—that sometimes things happen.” You take a shallow breath. Ignore the way James’ hand twitches in his lap. “But you’re right that I didn’t consider all of this when we moved in together. I’m okay with trying to get past it, but if you want me to move out—” 
“Oh my god, no.” James leans forward, trying to catch your gaze. You don’t let him, because just then a small droplet of water squishes out of the corner of your eye and begins a slow trudge down your cheek. “Sweetheart, I don’t want that. I like living with you.” 
Juniper hops up onto the couch, plodding onto your lap and rubbing her side against your stomach affectionately. A wet laugh bubbles out of you, more tears cresting your cheeks as you scratch awkwardly between her ears. 
James makes a sound so soft you think you’ll dream about it. “Can I hug you?” 
You lean toward him in answer. He meets you halfway, needling his arms under yours and folding you into him. You press your face, hot with embarrassment and upset, into the crook of his neck and shoulder, and James’ hand rubs your back in big, sweeping circles, before it stops moving at all, pressing flush to your spine, easing you closer. Junie hops off your lap. Evidently, she considers your comfort taken care of.
“I don’t want you to pity me,” you mumble. When you blink, your lashes leave wetness like the strokes of a paintbrush on his skin. “If you want me to move out, it’s okay.” 
“I don't,” he promises, squeezing you until it almost hurts. “I was being rash. I was only being defensive because you were angry. About very reasonable stuff, if I’m honest. I can pay for your half of the security deposit if we lose it.” 
You shake your head, shifting your body to hug him harder. James meets you a hundred percent. “You don’t need to do that.” 
“I do, it’s fine. It’s my mess. Just don’t talk any more about moving out, okay?” 
You mumble your agreement into his neck. It tickles, and James squeaks, but he doesn’t let you go.
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hedwig221b · 2 months
hiii i hope you're well ! can we please have a snippet ? 🥺
You're in luck cause I've been writing over the weekend so I actually do have something to share lol
“Are you familiar with this part of town?” Derek asked.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Stiles smile a little.
“No,” the omega answered with a tinge of nostalgia. “This is where the rich kids lived. You know, the assholes.”
“Are you saying I’m the asshole?” Derek arched his brow.
“No, you’re a rich kid.” They walked a bit in silence. Stiles sighed. “I guess, I should stop saying that.”
“Saying what?”
Stiles shrugged. “I mean, I should probably stop referring to myself as not rich. It’s not a good look if I want to attract someone with money.”
Derek tensed. He worked his jaw for a bit and glanced around, suddenly despising the humans living there.
Assholes, Stiles said they were. The same assholes that would probably sell the said houses to get the omega.
Derek felt Stiles’ careful gaze at the side of his face.
“What, no ‘just be yourself’ speech?” Stiles let out a dark laugh. “Harsh, dude…”
“I can be harsh if you want me to.”
Both of them stopped.
Stiles folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at him. “Shoot.”
Derek huffed and shook his head. “Listen, I don’t know what movies you watched—”
“— or what bullshit they told you about marriage. But those people? The ones that requested a meeting with you? They offered to buy you.” Derek breathed out harshly. Stiles just stared at him with a mask on his face. “They came to my mother, they came to me. You don’t even understand what kind of money they have going around. And don’t think they didn’t make the same offer to the institute — they did. It was my mother who refused to let them accept.”
Derek bit down on his words and glanced around, instinctively seeking danger and finding nothing but bright orange light and high brick fences. When he turned back, Stiles was still staring at him from under his long fucking eyelashes.
“You are a status, Stiles,” Derek grunted, meeting his gaze. “A rarity only the ‘best’ of them can afford. I’m sorry but they don’t give a fuck about who you are.”
Stiles blinked, his jaw working.
“Sure, anyone can send a request for you. A hopeless romantic from those movies you watched, the one you would maybe fall for. But the minute they notice whom you favor… God help them if they don’t have the means to protect themselves.”
“So, what,” Stiles’ throat clicked, “you’re saying I should just lie down and spread my legs for anyone who’s rich enough?”
Damn, Derek hated the thought with vitriol. He jutted his chin out and flashed his eyes at the omega.
“No. I’m saying that I can’t lie to you. I doubt someone told you how it’s gonna be, and I don’t think anyone will bother in the future. Sorry to be the bearer of the truth. This is not a movie, or a fairytale. I cannot guarantee who is going to request you or what the poll is going to be like. But I swear to you that I’ll do anything to make sure that you will be the one making the choice in the end.”
Stiles’ eyes were unreadable.
Still, in this ugly light, with a frown on his face, and an angry tightness to his lips, he was the most beautiful creature Derek had ever seen.
Damn him. Damn whoever gets to have him.
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astro-royale · 9 months
How to “make it” when you live in a toxic environment
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‼️Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion based on what has helped me and is by no means professional advice. Please take what resonates according to your situation.
1. Drop your expectations. People who have shown you consistently that they don’t care will not change.You need to preserve as much energy as you can for yourself and your goals. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment. Yes, it’s sad. Do the shadow work and don’t tell people things YOU KNOW they will react negatively to.
2. Don’t expect people to be happy for you or support you. Move in silence. People’s subconscious fears will be projected onto you and your goals, why do you need those curses placed upon you when you have so much to deal with anyway.
3. Take what you can get. Accept whatever help you can receive that you know will have no repercussions. Sometimes people can help you with some things and not others.
4. Shift all your efforts towards being able to leave that environment. Do research on how you can expand your finances, and that may mean doing something out of your comfort zone such as creating a social media platform etc. Never compromise on your well being however.
5. You need to believe in yourself as much as you can, even if people won’t.
6. Take advantage of the free help and advice on the internet. Can’t afford something? Well you have time more than money at the moment so use it to research. That research can be used as an asset to help you now and maybe later it can be the reason you start a particular business or are inspired to help people.
7. BE SOLUTION ORIENTED. focusing on problems only creates more problems. You’re going to have to try over and over again in life. Focusing on what’s wrong all the time will not allow you to step outside of the box and see things from a detached point of view where you can actually see a solution.
8. Prayer. I cannot stress this enough. Prayer has caused miracles in my life. Rely on God/Universe whatever you resonate with as much as you can. Your connection to yourself and your higher power is something you always have access to and if you believe and have faith even in times of darkness your high vibration will cause the ripple effect you’re looking for and problems will be solved. I recommend praying and setting up an intention every morning and night.
9. Even if you’re in survival mode 90% of the time. That 10% you spend meditating and praying. Even a little 10 minute meditation, if you can do it and have that time to be in complete surrender and serenity it will still make a difference. It’s not about how much time is spent on something but rather the quality of that. Allow that 10 minutes to be sacred, profound.
10. Ask for all the help you can get from where you know you can. you may get turned down, life is about risks. But always keep going.
11. Create time if you don’t have it. Give something up in order to gain something else. You may need to compromise on something for the time being to be able to create a prominent change/shift in your life. But make sure it is something that won’t affect your health and well being. Example; less time watching tv, more time spent on cultivating faith
12. Be very consistent in your efforts. Consistency towards something is what creates that energetic momentum which will eventually lead to a manifestation.
13. Daily affirmations and listening to affirmations when you sleep is also a great method to reprogram your subconscious and set you up for success. Again, so many free resources out there you can use, you just have to consciously use your will power and pray to receive the strength you need so you can push through.
I’ve linked my energy healing playlist as well as another energy clearing I listen to. I will also be posting more energy healings , always listen with the intention to receive. You don’t even need to pay attention when listening to those.
The meditation I linked says “love meditation” but I’ve used it to manifest other things and I’ve received answer to my prayers immediately.
I hope this helps and I’m sending much love to everyone needing this.
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Hey friends,
I have edited this to be a more concise and in-depth breakdown of my fundraiser reasons, details and costs.
I'm currently on low income & living with my sister's family. I am unable to afford to save for housing let alone current rent & storage fees in top of that cost. I am seeking employment but both job & housing markets are difficult to navigate.
Cost breakdown
Currently I make $375 a month.
Current Rent - $75/week
Storage - $128/bi-weekly ((PAID!!))
Personal (ie : toiletries, laundry, food etc) - $50
1st & Last Mths Rent/Sec. Dep - $700+ (min)
This isn't feasible so I am doing everything I can to stay afloat but I'm starting to panic.
My rent for this week has not been paid, and is three days late as of Monday, July 22. As such, I am unsure if I will be remaining with family or moving back to the streets.
I have removed my GFM and am currently only working through PayPal as GFM was having issues and everyone was donating through PayPal anyway. I do not want anyone losing money through GFM if any further issues were to arise.
All monies will go towards housing costs and more immediate fees. Immediate fees are things like current rent, 1st & last Mths rent & deposit & personal costs, as listed above.
I know I don't have many followers on any of my accounts. All I ask is a few dollars, or, if you cannot, please share so I can manage a wider reach.
I've been homeless already. I spent the entirety of last summer on the streets and I am praying the same thing doesn't happen again. I am hopeful but scared. So I'm doing what I can to manage the situation. Thank you, in advance, to anyone who donates and/or shares.
It means the world to me that you've even read this far and we're able to empathize enough to give up your time to listen. 💜
My linktree is below. The first link will take you to my PP. Thank you again. Whether you donated, liked or reblogged. All of it helps me gain more reach and garner more support. You're all amazing and I hope you're all doing incredibly well. You deserve all the light & love. 💜
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
i saw this promt:
"Please. Stay with me."
A turned to spit out a snide remark, but they bit their
tongue when they saw B's eyes glistening with tears.
... Please," B repeated softly. "I'm scared!"”
could you please write where the reader is scared and says that to shuri? maybe in an enemies to lover situation but that line is like the switch for them? it doesn’t have to be enemies to lovers if you dont want or if you have another ideas!! i love your writings so much and cannot imagine a better writer for it
Please, Stay With Me
Pairings: Knight!Shuri Udaku x Princess!Reader
Summary: When the kingdom gates are breached and your parents enemies have returned in attempt to kidnap you once again, your father assigns Shuri with the task of making sure you get to the safe house unharmed. Is this when your true feelings for each other are finally revealed?
Word Count: 2,176
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Alternate Universe: Your parents are King and Queen of Wakanda. You are a princess while Shuri is your assigned knight. The MCU plot doesn't exist.
A/N: Not my best writing, and I’m not sure if I like how this one turned out because I’ve never written enemies to lovers before, but I tried. Let me know what you think, and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!
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Second Person POV:
"Udaku, please escort princess Y/N to her room. Make sure she doesn't attempt to pull anymore stunts." your father ordered Shuri.
"Yes, sir." she said with a single nod of her head.
Earlier you had once again left the kingdoms boundaries against your fathers orders to spend time in your favorite spot, the dandelion field. It was located a little ways beyond the kingdom walls that your father forbidden you to exit without a guard for your safety, as you were the princess of Wakanda.
But you didn't care. You quite frankly hated the fact that you were born into royalty because of all the responsibilities it came with. Your parents were always very strict with you, telling you how your focus should be on learning to run the kingdom instead of "playing games and your precious flower field" in their words.
You just wished that you were normal person living a normal life. On the other hand, your knight, Shuri Udaku, couldn't understand why on earth you would ever want to run away from the royal life. You lived in a beautiful palace, had all the delicious food you could hope for, and people who would protect you and do chores for you.
She was annoyed, but found it hard to hate you because you were always so sweet to everyone. Honestly, she thought you were gorgeous and she didn't like to think about it, but she might actually have real feelings for you.
But she couldn't help but be jealous of you. She didn't understand why you had so many privileges, yet didn't want them. Meanwhile, she was living off of the minimal salary she earned from being your knight.
You noticed the subtle glares and irritable heavy sighs Shuri would give you, but you didn't get why she was like that to you. You tried to be nice and make conversation when you first met, but it just seemed like she didn't want to and was only there to do her job, then go home.
So you began to be just as unfriendly to her as she was to you, creating tension between the two of you. If she wanted to be stone-hearted towards you, then you would do the same to her.
As you stood up from the large dinner table, Shuri stayed at your side, walking you to your bedroom.
"Have a nice night, princess." she spoke blankly when you arrived at your door.
She turned to walk away but you stopped her, "Are you like this towards everyone?" you asked.
She turned back around to look at you, "I'm not sure what you mean by that, princess."
"What I mean is that you're always so cold to me. It makes it seem like you hate me or something." you said, explaining what you were trying to say.
"Look, I'm just trying to do my job so I can earn money to afford to live in an actual house with four walls and a roof. Something you'll never have to worry about." she snarked.
"I'm sorry that's the case for you, but that doesn't mean you have to act like a total jerk to people who haven't done anything to you. Seriously, what is your problem?" you voiced, wanting real answers for her behavior towards you.
She just blinked at you for a few seconds, "Good night, princess." she muttered before turning around and walking off.
You sighed, feeling defeated and confused. You didn't know what you did to make the knight dislike you so much. You really just wanted to be able to talk to her without your conversations turning into snarky remarks.
You didn't like to think about the feelings you might have for her either. You've seen the way she laughs and smiles when talking with other guards, and deep down you think it's adorable despite how poorly you two get along.
So let's just say things were complicated.
As the day was now coming to an end you got ready for bed, changing out of your dress and into a white silk nightgown. You read a few chapters off the book you had started in the dandelion field earlier before setting it down and turning off the lamp on your bedside table, falling asleep for the night.
Meanwhile, it was very late at night, nearing 1:00 am when the gates at the front of the kingdom had been breached. Your parents were immediately informed of the situation, and they had no doubt in their mind that it was their rivals attacking for the second time.
They've always had their minds set on capturing you, but no one knew why. That was the reason why your father was so strict with you leaving the kingdom  and who you left with.
The more skilled defense force immediately sprang into action and started fighting back, but they came prepared with more numbers this time around. So it was clear that they might actually succeed in their goal this time.
Your father searched for Shuri, finding her in the armory where she was putting on her gear to go help, "Udaku! You're my best knight, I trust you. I want you to get my daughter, and take her to the safe house I told you about during your training. Go out the back gate, and don't come back until I send someone out to get you, understand?"
"Yes, sir. I won't let you down. The princess will be safe with me." she responded knowing not to question the king, going to follow his orders.
She ran up to the palace bedrooms and knocked on your door, not even waiting for a response before entering knowing that you were probably asleep.
"Princess," she whispered, gently shaking you awake. You tiredly mumble a few incoherent words.
"Princess, I know it is the middle of the night, but you need to get up now. Your father has ordered me to take you to the safe house as those people are back to get you again." she quickly explained.
You sat up to look at her as best as you could. The only light in the room being the moonlight that shines through the window, "Why should I go with you? For all I know you hardly like me, so what makes you think I'd believe you care about my safety?"
"You will go with me if you'd like to continue living freely. Who knows what they will do to you if they finally get their hands on you." she responds, and you just roll your eyes.
Throwing the covers off of your body, you stand to your feet and begin to go through the drawers filled with your clothes.
"What're you doing? We have no time for that, we need to go before they block the back gate off." she grabs your hand and leads you out of the room, rushing down hallway that'll get you outside the quickest.
Trying to avoid all of the commotion, she hopes that she has enough time to get to the stables. Her horse would be the most efficient way to get you out of here, so she makes fast moves of getting it out of the stall.
"If we don't run into any interferences and all goes as planned, then we should get there in no more than thirty minutes." she spoke, helping you onto the horse.
"You must be so excited to spend a half hour this close to me." you muttered under your breath, wrapping your arms around her waist to hold on.
"Ok, can we not do this right now. There are people actively trying to kidnap you, so we don't have time for this." she said, sounding annoyed and you just huffed as she quickly led the horse out of the stables and in the direction of where you needed to go.
When you arrived she helped you off the horse and guided you inside the small, secluded house. It was located in the woods, so all of the trees made it uneasy to spot, especially at night.
"What're we supposed to do now?" you asked, turning on the dim light and looking around the unfamiliar room.
"Sit and wait. Keep you out of harms way until your father sends someone out to come get us." she answered blankly. "If you want to go back to sleep, the bedroom is in there." she pointed towards the only other door in the house besides the front door.
You of course were tired considering you were woken up from your sleep in the middle of the night, and then drug half an hour away from your kingdom.
So you entered the bedroom, closing the door and dusting off the sheets before climbing into the bed. Laying there awake for few minutes, you didn't think you'd get to sleep anytime soon now that the scary reality of the situation was setting in.
You still tried to fall asleep until you heard yelling in the distance coming from outside. You sat up and looked out the window that was right next to your bed. You saw the warm lights of lanterns through the trees, but the people who were holding them did not have warm intentions.
They were the people who were looking for you.
You were about to get up to get Shuri until she opened the door and rushed to the window, looking out of it just as you were.
"Do they know we're here?" you asked with a shaky voice.
She stared out the glass for a few more seconds before answering, "I don't think so. It's night, so we're well hidden." she answered, standing up straight to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" you spoke with a small voice.
"To go keep watch. Someone has to make sure you stay safe." she responded as she started to shut the door.
"Wait. Please stay with me." you quietly whimpered out.
Shuri turned around to spit out a snide remark, but bit her tongue when she saw your eyes glistening with tears.
"...please." you repeated softly, "I'm scared."
Her heart practically shattered into pieces at those words. Everything she convinced herself to feel for you before disintegrated as compassion and the desire to comfort you took over.
She immediately took off her heavy armor, leaving her in her black compression shirt and pants. She climb into bed with you, letting you curl up to her, gripping her shirt so tightly she thought it might rip.
Her hand went to rub your back over your lace nightgown, "Shhh it's okay. I'm here, I'm so sorry." she whispered.
"I know you hate me because I annoy you or whatever, but can you please just stay here the rest of the night?" you sniffled.
If it was possible, her heart broke even more hearing you think that she didn't like you, "Of course, but I don't want you to think I hate you."
You looked up at her through teary eyes, "What?"
She sighed, "Princess, if anything I'm infatuated with you. I know how I treated you, but I was jealous. You had everything I didn't have, yet you didn't want it. You wanted to run off and read books in a dandelion field." she lightly chuckled at the last sentence.
You were shocked, but confused at her words, "You could've just talked to me about how you felt."
"I know. I know, and I should've. But I'm not very good with that kind of stuff so I tried to convince that if I acted like I hated you, then those feelings would go away, but I just can't anymore." she said and you stayed silent.
"Now you’re probably the one that hates me." she mumbled mostly to herself.
"What? Shuri, I could never hate you. I just thought you did, so I reciprocated. All I wanted was for you to like me because I knew I liked you." you admitted and her heart fluttered hearing you say that.
She gazed down at you, everything in her body was screaming at her to kiss you, but she could see how your eyes were struggling to stay open. So she opted to just save it for another time when the circumstances where also better.
"I'm sorry. I guess I kind of fueled the fire." you spoke quietly.
"No, don't apologize. I should be the one saying that. But you look like you're gonna pass out any second, so go to sleep." she said in a hushed voice and you giggled, laying your head on her chest.
She wrapped her arms around you, mentally lecturing herself for the way she acted and not telling you sooner.
But both of your secrets are out, and it seems like the only way for your relationship to go now is up.
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bowtiesandsandshoes · 2 years
Spoilers for Bad Batch s2e4
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Tech x Reader
No use of y/n
Warnings/Rating: spoilers for s2e4, fluff
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: You worry about Tech's safety during the race, fluff and realisations ensue
Tech stood towards the back of the hanger, giving the ship and his calculations one last look over. He was confident in his skills, despite the look on Cid’s face when he decided he would be the one to race.
He heard footsteps coming from behind him, instantly realising who they belonged to. “I’ve gone over the final calibrations, and everything seems to be in order.” He turned to see you coming to a stop a few feet from him, a grim look on your face. “You have no need to be concerned. I am fully confident in my abilities.”
“I know you are Tech, that doesn’t mean I don’t worry.”
He hummed in response. “Yes, your concern is very typical of your behaviour- “
“Tech.” You interrupted.
“You will be careful, won’t you?” His eyebrows rose, as if surprised.
“As I have just said I am fully- “
“I know you are, but that’s not what I meant.”
You took a step closer to him. “I just,” you paused, “I worry about you. These people play dirty. All they care about is money.”
Tech sighed. Of course that would be your uneasiness would be about. As if he wasn’t also out to win this race.
“Cid is at stake here. As well as more credits that we can afford. I cannot just opt out.”
“I’m not saying you should. All I want you to understand, is that your life is worth more than any amount of credits.” You put your hand on his arm. He looked down at it. “But Cid- “
“We can always get Cid back. And no offense but I care about you a lot more than I do her.”
He looked up into your eyes, your brows creased with concern. No. It was fear. You were close to terrified.
He sighed your name, but you interrupted him again. “Just please come back in one piece. That’s all I ask.”
He looked long into your eyes, his stomach knotting. “Of course.”
He paused, then whispered your name, as if about to ask you something.
“Hey Tech! You ready?” Omega called from the entrance to the hanger, Wrecker trailing behind her. You stepped back quickly, as if you had only just become aware of the proximity between the two of you.
His eyes shifted to give you a once over, your own fixed on something near your feet.
“Yes, I’ll be right there.”
You stood at the edge of the balcony, watching the hovering screen displaying the live events of the race. You were half aware of the commentary, shifting your focus mostly to the conversation happening behind you. You gripped the commlink tight in your hand, feeling the edges digging into you, knowing it would leave marks on your palm.
The racers flew out of the tunnel, Tech careening towards the run where you were all situated. The weapons carrier on the front of his ship dislodged, clattering to the ground. “Your weapons!” Omega cried.
“They were slowing me down.”
He shot forward, clearly moving at a higher speed than before. That did little to quell your anxiety.
“Tech.” You spoke into your comm. “You can’t defend yourself properly.” You did little to hide what was close to anger in your tone. “I am aware, although I have deemed my shields and speed to be of greater importance.” After a moment he added “Don’t worry. I’m being careful.”
“Yeah, doesn’t really look like it from here.” You mumbled under your breath.
“I heard that.”
As the race continued, your fear and anxiety only grew, your stomach feeling as though it was folding in on itself.
“You’re losing shields.” You heard Omega say behind you.
“Tech, if you die, I’ll kill you.” You muttered into the commlink.
“Noted.” He responded curtly, although you could hear the smirk in his intonation.
Omega and Wrecker had now joined you overlooking the track. Looking to your left, Omega was anxiously peering over the railing. You placed a hand on her shoulder, not trusting your voice enough to be convincing of the phrase, ‘Don’t worry, he’ll be okay.’ She placed her hand atop of yours and squeezed.
“Here they come! It’s going to be close!” The commentator cried as the remaining ships flew out of the tunnel ahead of the finish line. A cloud of dust enveloped the ships, preventing any of you from being able to see what was happening.
“Come on Tech, please.” You muttered, your hands clenching.
“And the winner is…”
The dust cleared and one ship careened towards the finish line.
Omega and Wrecker cheered. You leant forward against the railing, letting out a breath of relief with a laugh. Omega grabbed your arm to pull you, and all three of you ran down to reach Tech on the track.
You practically sprinted, launching yourself at Tech, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, almost knocking him back.
“Uh- “ Tech found himself dumbfounded. His arms hovered in the air, not knowing what to do with them. You jumped back as if shocked, suddenly realising what you were doing.
“You did it!” Omega shouted.
“You sound surprised.” He managed to choke out, still shocked by your display. You looked mortified.
“I thought you were a goner.” Wrecker laughed.
Tech went to say something to you but was distracted by the crowd chanting his name.
You sat next to Omega on the shuttle back to Ord Mantell. Tech sat a few rows behind, watching the back of your head as you listened to an excited Omega, who was recounting the days events. He pondered your actions as he scrolled through is data pad. While you had never exactly shied away from physical affection, this was clearly the most you had ever shown to him. Along with your anxiety about his safety, it was clear you cared about him. What he struggled with the most, was trying to figure out examples of when you were worried to the same extent about the rest of the group.
It was true you had been distraught when Wrecker had been overcome by the effects of the inhibitor chip, or when Hunter had been captured by the empire. He could not recall a time where your worry had been this highly directed at any other individual, except perhaps Omega. But she was a child, which made sense. You were fully aware that he was an adult and had more than enough experience taking care of himself, and that he was a skilled pilot. He could not fathom that your emotional response to his safety in such a small circumstance would be so high.
Once the shuttle landed on Ord Mantell, the group of you made your way back to Cid’s.
Once inside, they found Hunter and Echo, who had looks of relief on their faces as you entered. He was vaguely aware of Hunter lecturing them about going off world without notifying the other two. He was mostly paying attention to how you wandered over to the bar, reaching over the counter and pouring yourself a generous glass of spotchka. Once Hunter was satisfied he had conveyed his frustration, he and Echo turned to Omega who began retelling the days events.
Tech made his way over to the bar and took the seat beside you. He opened his mouth to ask if you were okay, but you beat him to it.
“I’m sorry Tech. I know you’re not a big fan of physical touch, I shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” The words came out in a jumbled mess, but Tech managed to understand what you were saying.
“I was not uncomfortable, just surprised. You have never shown me that level of affection before, so I was unaware of how to react. You have no reason to apologise.
You looked at him. “I was worried.” Your voice was strained. “I know you were, but I’m okay."
He placed his hand upon yours. As you turned to look at both your hands, he looked at you. He had never really thought about the fact that you were attractive before. Yes, he hated noted the way you looked, the slope of your nose, and the colour of your eyes, but he had never taken it all in as he was doing now.
You smiled as you looked back up at him. “I stand by what I said before. You ever die, and I’ll kill you Tech.”
He smiled back, “Understood Cyar’ika.”
Neither of them saw Omega looked between the two of you from the other side of the room. She grabbed Hunter’s arm, shaking it. “Look.” She whispered.
Hunter followed her gaze. A knowing smirk growing on his face.
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g4al4xyrang3r · 27 days
Out of character announcement
Hello, this is an OOC post from Aleks, but I feel the need to state something important. I have zero ability to donate to ANYONE. Period. I have no job, I have no money, I have no ability to GET a job, or money any time soon. I'm in MY OWN difficult situation right now. I am the youngest of a family of four, and we are struggling to try and not get evicted from our apartment because we can barely afford to pay rent. My phone is broken, and I can't get it fixed any time soon, and we have little food on a constant. I give Gaza my full support, and I hope the best for all of you, but the fact is that I have over four people in my asks asking for money that I do not have. At all. I made my main account into an ask blog for fun, and as an escape from the stresses of my current situation. I am struggling to cope, and my depression is the lowest that it has been in a very long time. If you see this... Please stop asking me for money, or donations. I hate the fact that I can't help, but that is the reality of my situation. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but I simply cannot supply what you need. I am a stressed out, jobless, autistic, 19 year old trans man that is struggling to earn his own dependence while also trying to keep from homelessness. And on top of everything else, I live in a house with a toxic mother and parents that argue and scream at each other constantly. I hope that you understand.. Thank you for reading. I'll be back with more Boothill posts and fun stuff soon.. please be patient with me... I'm just one person.. Thank you for your time, and again, I'm so sorry.. Love you all, with care. -Aleks 💙
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angelinatoybox · 2 months
Please help me keep my apartment!
Hello!! My name is Jaszmine and I am asking for help so that I do not lose my apartment this month. I have another account on here but I am unfortunately too shy to ask for help but since I am in an emergency situation I can't afford to feel that way right now.
TLDR and gofundme link on the bottom:
To start, I was finally able to leave an abusive home that I lived in for the past 24 years. I got my first apartment in June and it was the first major thing I had ever done for myself. But unfortunately, a few days before I was about to move in, my big sister passed away. My life had been going further downhill since then. Two months prior to all of this, at my then new job, they had started extreme budget cuts which largely effected our hours. I am supposed to be full-time and worked 36 hours a week. Very shortly after I had gotten hired, my hours went down to 21 hours per week. (more below)
At first this was somewhat manageable, then coincidentally, two weeks after I had moved into my apartment and my sister had died, I had received an email telling me that my wages were soon to be garnished for student loans… STUDENT LOANS. They had informed me that they would be taking 25% from my already short paychecks- my checks that were already small due to them cutting hours. I had the organization that was garnishing me, under their advising, to send them my paystubs and expenses so that they can lower the percentage that were taking and/or completely stop- but they denied twice. Despite seeing how little my checks were compared to my rent, on top of my other utilities.
My account has been in overdraft for months. I am not able to get food for myself at all. I have applied for food stamps and have been denied twice. They said I make too much which is insane to me, because I have absolutely zero spending money. I don’t even have spare change.
I have applied for so many jobs ever since they have been cutting hours. I have been turned down by each and every one. I have two more job interviews coming up that I am PRAYING goes through because my whole situation literally depends on it. I have asked for more hours at work and they always respond that there are none to give and that there are absolutely no shifts to pick up. I have tried food pantries and I am unable to get transportation to go out there. I cannot even afford a bus pass.
In the past two weeks, I have already received an eviction notice on my door- and mind you, I JUST moved into this apartment. I have finally been able to get a court date to file for hardship for my wage garnishment case, and I am extremely anxious about how I am going to be able to make it there. I have no friends or family who live around me who are able to take me.
My next paycheck comes on the 31st of this month, and I already know that the very little that I am going to get with this check will be going entirely towards my rent. My electric, phone and water bill are going to be cut off and this will be another month that I have very little to no food in my fridge. I am just praying that its at least enough to cover my rent. I absolutely cannot afford to lose this apartment. Shelters are unfortunately not an option for me and I absolutely do not wish to go back to my previous residence. I'm hoping that this job I am interviewing for comes through because it really make all of the difference with how my current situation is going.
TDLR: I moved into a new apt in June, my work hours have been cut since April and my wages are getting garnished for student loans. I have little to no food and I am needing enough to cover the rest of my rent for the month of August.
Anything helps! And I am deeply grateful for everyone who donates and/or took the time to read this. Thank you!!
I can also take:
Chime and cashapp: $jpjpow
Paypal: @jaszminepowell
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thelordfool · 2 years
i need help. again.
long and short of it: while i’m indeed working, a bunch of emergencies happened and i can’t afford to eat or pay the bills that are keeping me going to work. so i’m hoping the good will and kindness of people will shine through again.
for anyone that wants to see the proof and details, it’ll be below the cut. details on if you want to commission me so i can earn your money will also be down there. please share if you cannot comfortably donate. i will update the post as i get donations. i’m so sorry for doing this all the time. i just want it to stop.
Paypal.me/asrielelijahking / venmo: @thelordfool​ / CA: $thelordfool
prelude: about me
i’m a disabled (CFS probably; severe chronic depression, ptsd, anxiety, definitely), queer (agender “trans masc” and wow people are pretty) artist that’s been having issues with employment for so long, and i know 100% my dr wont help me get a case for disability. i’ve gotten a job through a temp agency but the contract is month to month and i have no idea if i’ll be kept on. i’ll know by 10/7 if i still have a job on monday. there’s a few other things going on, like needing to repair my front door after my roommate’s kids kicked the glass and broke it, and needing to buy food both for the house and for the cats, but i’m trying not to worry about that at the moment because i’ve got the door covered in cardboard and there’s enough food for the next few days.
1. cat bills
After losing my cat, Cinderdoodle, on labor day, my eldest kitty, Scotty, needed to be taken into emergency. this was a huge, emotionally devastating blow to me. he’s thankfully alive and doing much better but the urinary diet food is very expensive. I’m only asking for help to cover the cost of the visit. I paid it on Care Credit and would really just like for it to go away as soon as possible.
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2. personal medical bills
therapy’s fucking expensive! and i guess so is primary care. this is what i owe for both of them right now:
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I do not have any more therapy scheduled currently. I’ll be unable to afford it anymore in the future, it appears.
3. rent
as some of you may know i live with my abusive ex because it’s either this or giving up my cats and entering homelessness. he’s been... better.... recently. i was able to work out that i can pay octobers rent in two parts to him, so i only owe him $190.
4. commissions info
if you search through the ‘my art’ tags on my blog you can find, well, my art. i am not going to change my prices again for this. art takes time, practice, and a lot of research and i’m proud of what i produce. here is my commissions sheet:
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you can also check me out on twitter to see everything.
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bandgie · 1 year
Lost & Found
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
a/n: hey guys! so this is the second part of Predator & Prey. you don't have to read that first, but it defo will help with references and what not lmao. to be clear, this is not a chapter of the predator and prey series, this what happens after the series.
synopsis: You hated the little town you lived in, you hated your job, hated how everyone knew everyone, you hated how your mother didn't care about how much you hated it. You needed to do something, to get out of this repetitive life. You've decided to apply to be a maid in the castle for the Viscount and his family. With this new life, you hope to change your pace. Yet, one of the sons can't help but give you an eerie sense of familiarity.
cw: reader is mischievous/a little mean, mentions of insecurity, toxic family/people, running away, I dunno that's it
3.1k words
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She grabbed you roughly by the arm, literally throwing you out of the little shop. You landed on your knees, the cold snow burning your skin. You heard her take steps towards you and before you could turn, she kicked you right on the ass. You yelped.
"You're fired! I don't want to see your pathetic face again. Ya hear me?!" Your boss screamed as you struggled to your feet. She was a big lady, tall and thick with curves. A well-sign that she was fed well, paid well enough to afford food. Despite that, she still paid you so little. Measly coins of copper when you knew you deserved more.
When you confronted her about it, she shot you down. She got so defensive that you knew she was lying to you. So you did the only reasonable thing you could think of, steal her food and throw it to the cattle. She did not take it well, of course, and when she asked you about it you confessed rather easily. 'It was me. I did you a favor really, you were starting to get bigger than the cows.'
You had managed to stand on your feet, ignoring the pain in your legs. "I don't need this shit job anyway," you try not to shout. "I could have been making 3 times as much scooping up the dung from the animals." You could tell she wanted to slap you, but there were too many eyes on you both. It wasn't easy living in a small village, everyone was too nosy for their own good.
"Take your things, and go." She had her arms folded onto other chest. You roll your eyes, not bothering to go inside the shop and see if you did have any belongings. Even if you did, you kept it on you at all times. You had a feather necklace, one you kept in your pocket when it wasn't around your neck. For good measure, you flipped off your ex-boss and made your way to your house.
The walk home should have been shameful. All eyes were on you, whispers as you walked by, looks of pity and disgust from the people. You wanted to scream, you wanted to beat all of them to the ground for not minding their business. It's going to be very hard to find another job now, you couldn't help but think.
Once you got to you little cottage, you were bombarded with children running around. Your mother ran a small daycare inside the home, an easy way to make money. You stopped yourself from swearing at the kids as they stepped on your feet. With a groan, you pushed through them, ignoring how some cried and yelled at you. Your mom was not far, coming out of the cooking area to greet you.
"How was it today?" She asks. You debate on lying or telling her the truth, but you're too frustrated to have it in you to lie. "I was terminated. Good riddance." Your mom gasps at the news, hands covering her mouth. "You lie! Please tell me that you lie," her voice was desperate. "No," you speak firmly. "She was hogging all of the money, I was getting mere scraps."
Your mom huffs, hands on her hips. "That is no matter. You still needed a job that paid. How else do you think we put food on the table." She gestured to the 10 children that loudly scream and play. "You cannot expect me to be able to afford food when I can't even afford bones of an animal," irritated laced with your words. With an eye roll, your mom makes her way to the children, calling them for lunch.
You watch as the children slowly quiet down, walking to the dinner table. They're so young, so free, so careless. You envy them. Oh, how you would give up your adulthood for your youth, unknowing of the ruthless world. Your mother calls for you to help, but you're so lost in thought. Is it the world that's cruel? Or is is this village? This place with so many people up your ass that you can't breathe?
"Mom," you start. "Let's move." Your demand has your mom giving you a questioning look. "Don't be silly. Come help me serve the children." She disregards you quickly. Still, you keep remained in your place. "I can't stay here. We can't stay here. Let's go elsewhere. To a city so big no one knows our names, we start start fresh. We can be happy," you can hear your voice breaking.
You think that because some of your emotion is breaking thorough, she'll give in. Or at least consider it. Instead, she eyes you weirdly again. "We are happy, my child. You just had a bad day. Come and help me with-"
"No!" You shout before you can think. Your voice has the children quiet their conversations, eyes on you. On you, on you, on you. No one will just stop looking at you, no one will just see you as a person, no one will respect you here. "I hate it here!" Your eyes sting with tears. "I can't stand another second in this place. Everyone knows my name, they know my face, they act like they know me when they don't! I hate how they stare at me. How they look at me with such venom." You gasp for air, tears now fully dripping down your face.\
Pity. It's pity that your mom looks at you with. Not understanding, not love. Pity.
"I understand, my rose. But whose fault is that?" Your breath gets caught in your throat from her words. She really has the audacity to blame you? "You make a ruckus everywhere you go," she presses on. "You think I don't know what they say about you? About me? This village thinks I raised you wrong, when in fact, it's you that's just wrong. Can't you be grateful? You're lucky your mother puts up with these rumors. I should've kicked you out the moment you began causing chaos."
Her face is slightly pink from anger, hands clasping the wooden spoon a little harder than she should. Then, like she didn't just berate you, she serves the children. You stand there stunned. You're not sure how you're feeling; Angry? Sad? Neglected? Ignored? Shocked? Unimportant? You then wipe your tears, infuriated at yourself for wasting them to begin with.
"You don't have to worry about kicking me out. I'll leave," and with that, you take long strides to your bedroom. You grab your wool sack that will barely fit the things you need. It's not as though you had many things to begin with, but it really dawned on you then how little you had. For good measure, you grab your candle and matches, sure they would come in handy for the night. Once done, you reach under your yarn bed for a small pouch full of coins you've managed to save up.
You make your way out of your room, sack over your shoulder with the feathers necklace around your neck. You don't know even know how long you've had it for, but you still could never seem to part with it. It was huge, bigger than your hand. It seemed to blend perfectly with the night. Your mother always begged you to get rid of it, that it was riddled with disease. You wouldn't, maybe you couldn't.
Your mom sighs, seemingly irritated with you, "You're being dramatic." It takes restraint to ignore her words, continuing towards the door. She follows you though, fast feet behind you. "Foolish girl. You think you can survive out there in the winter?" You open the door, biting back the freezing air as you step out.
To your surprise, she's still following you. "My god! Get your bottom back in the house and-" You finally spin around, facing your mother. "No. I will not go back into that god forsaken house, to this god forsaken village. I will leave, and you will not see me again." You don't bother to wait for her reply, instead quickly walking to the path that leads out of the village.
Her footsteps stop, a clear indication that she is no longer behind you. Still, her voice carries in the wind, "Don't expect me to accept you when you come crawling back again!" You shake your head in an attempt to get her voice out of your mind.
Despite having a tear-stained face, you still have your determination. The will to save yourself from this life, the will feel alive.
The cold air around you is enough to have you feeling alive, adrenaline still running high. It's probably how you manage to push forward for hours without so much as a break. The sun in well down, and you were glad you could fit a lantern inside your bag. It may provided little light, but you could feel the heat radiating from it.
It's not as though you didn't know where you going, you already had a place in mind. There a big city not too far from where you lived, a place called Capua. It's where many of the noble men lived, even people who worked directly under the king. You may not be able to live there like them, but you could start fresh there. Maybe you'll find yourself a nice old lady to work with, clean her house for easy money.
Gosh, you could practically taste the metallic coins on your tastebuds. Your dream would was only another 2 days away, and you were more than eager to have it. For tonight, however, you find yourself resting in an old shack. You found this place many years ago when you ran away as a young maiden. It was dusty, abandoned, and smelly. Not that it mattered now, for tonight, it was your new home.
Your dreams consisted of your daily lives, though much exaggerated. You could hear them laughing, whispering about you even if there was no one nearby. You tossed in your sleep. It was all too much, you couldn't even escape your pathetic life in sleep. Then, your dream shifted to your future new life. What if they laughed at you there as well? What if your behavior was so bad back at home, that the people of Capua heard of the rumors. No one would hire you. You would still be alone.
The nightmare shifts, and you're suddenly standing in the woods. A man, if you can call it that, stand in front of you. He has horns on his head, eyes black, wings surrounding his frame. He is no human, but he gives you a strange sense of safety. He's saying something, but you can't understand him. Then you notice his bloody hands, his bloody teeth.
You open your mouth the scream, but instead you say, "So, see you later alligator?" Your voice sounds different, almost like you had an unfamiliar accent. The 'man' gives you a puzzled look, "Yes, but I am not an alligator." Pain, your chest heaved with heartbreak as you walk away from him, into a glowing tree.
Wait! You want to scream. Where am I? Who are you? Instead, your dream self watches as the 'man' disappears until he's nothing but a memory. A locked echo you have forgotten in all these lives but this one. You can feel yourself waking up, how his face so easily turns hazy.
The sun peeks through one of the broken windows of the shack, effectively waking you up. Tiredly, you sit up. You look around for a moment, as if forgotten where you were. That dream, you couldn't help but think about it. It was like a distant memory, a place with a person you once knew. It's all garbled know, and you can't really recall the exact details in your wake.
Not that it matters, you have a journey ahead of yourself and you shouldn't waste daylight. A yawn leaves your lips as you stand, bones lightly cracking at the movement. You slip on your shoes, which are slightly damp from the snow. Without your mother noticing before you left, you had managed to sneak away some food. You take a moment to stretch before your walk while you eat.
You groan as you reach for they sky. Your body slightly aches from sleeping oh the floor, but you hope that your long stroll with that the pain away. Once you've finished warming up, you make your way outside. The morning cold nips at you immediately, but it's much more compared to the night.
The sun is over the horizon, still faints of pink from sunrise. There's no time to admire Earth's natural beauty. You have a voyage ahead of yourself.
It's the next day when you make it to the city of Capua. It's already almost sundown, and you need to find an inn quickly. The air is totally different. You can't help but feel like it's actually warmer here. There's so many people on the streets that they bump into each other, not bothering to apologize.
You actually feel a little honored when you yourself get knocked into. "Watch where you're going!" They practically scream at you. Still, there's not an ounce of anger in you when they do. Instead, you beam at them. You ignore how puzzled they look when you do.
You really want to explore the city, but your feet are unbelievably sore from the walking. Your lower back aches from the places you've been sleeping which consisted of the floors of abandoned homes. It was a sacrifice you were willing to make for this moment now.
The inn you find is small, low lit with candles, and cheap. It pretty much costs the entirety of your money pouch, but you need a good nights rest. Your room is small, merely a bed of hay with an even smaller desk.
Smiling, you set your belongings down and rest on the make shift bed. A new start, a life you've been dreaming of awaits you. When morning comes, you will look for a good job with good income. Screw your mom and the people that mocked you, they're the ones still stuck in that shit village.
Your dreams are still weird even here. You though you were having strange dreams because of the cold. In this instance, you're placed in a house so big you think it's a castle. People busy around you at the their tasks. You look down at yourself to see yourself wearing clothes of that of a maid.
The people, who you assume are other servants, talk in hush whispers. 'I hear he is cruel, unwilling to submit to anyone and anything.' 'That's not what I heard,' says another, 'I hear he has an illness, so he can't do normal tasks.' The room grows quiet when the person they were speaking of comes in.
His eyes don't bother looking at them, instead making his way past them. For a second, he meets yours. You stiffen under his gaze, his piercing eyes. A look of recognition passes him. Just as quick as he looked your way, he averts his eyes. 'You both are wrong.' One speaks once he's out of the room. 'He just prefers to be alone. Just likes it when someone keep his bed warm.' The voices snicker around you.
Morning comes quickly, ridding you of the details of your dreams. You have a mission today, and that's to find a job. The clothes you brought are not appealing to the eye, but they will have to do for now. You wear a nude color long sleeve over your white linen. Your skirt is long, almost brushing the ground. You wear stockings underneath and two pairs of sock.
The necklace feather matches your outfit well, and you wear it proudly. You clutch it in your hands, softly praying. Truthfully, you're nervous, scared even. You're in a new place with people and places you don't know. No one is here to help you, but then again, no one was there to help you back home.
Your quickly shown how difficult it is to find a job in a big city. Some people reject you rather harshly, and others don't even give you the time of day. That's fine, you try to convince yourself. It's only the first day, can't expect to have it all.
Now you sit in a tavern next to the fire to keep warm. The sun is still high, so not many people find themselves here. Only a few older men drink away, casually flirting with hostess who's just doing their job. The woman quickly spots you and makes her way to you. Once she's at your table, you wave your hand to dismiss her.
"I don't plan on getting a drink, sorry," you apologize. Instead she shakes her head, "No worries, I was truly trying to get away from those men. Just pretend to order something please." You immediately nod, "Of course. I'm sure working here can be stressful." She laughs, her cheeks turning a light pink. "Wouldn't you like to know? Pry, why come to this place if you don't plan on drinking?"
Her question leaves you a little embarrassed, but you find no harm in telling her the truth. "I came to this city looking for a job. I'm having no luck so far." She makes an open mouth expression in understanding. "Ah many young ladies like yourself do that same. Tell me, can you read?" Once again, you're embarrassed to tell the truth, but you do anyway.
"No. I come from a small village where schooling is scarce." You watch as her lips pinch into a thin line. "Reading is an important skill to have here in Capua, but I think your illiteracy might work in your favor." You eyes spark with hope as she continues speaking. "The Viscount is looking for a maid, only requiring that she doesn't have the ability to read. Does that interest you?"
You jump up from your seat, nodding frantically. "Yes! Oh Lord yes that's perfect!" You look around to notice the nearby older men staring at you. Quietly, you continue, "So where do I apply for the Viscount?" The hostess seems pleased at your reaction with the smile on her face.
"He lives up on the hill in the mansion, you cannot miss it. Though I should warn you, I hear he and his family can be quite unforgiving." She finishes. You shrug, "That is no matter to me. I thank you for your help." With that, you reach for your pocket and hand her there remaining money. It's honestly not even enough to order a round of pints, but she looks at it almost affectionately.
You can hear her telling you that she doesn't want the money, but you're already waving goodbye from the entrance. Your prayers have been answered.
a/n: hey yyaaalll I hoped you enjoyed. I hope it wasn't too boring, im just setting up the story yk. no clue how long this will be, no idea. I was actually planning on making nyryx a prince but I think that would've been too of a position for him. so yeah in case you haven't caught on, reader and nyryx are reborn in older times. I just love historical settings idk. also, if you saw another post of mine called 'lost & found'...no you didn't
taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby, @nekohollowsychogoth
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jackie-show · 7 months
Hi guys!!! I'm Jackie this is a multi parts enemies to lovers fanfiction about Hotch and a character I've created.For some reason I didn't wanna make the character an agent so I took an idea from an amazing tv show called "Psych" if you guys aren't familiar with it it's fine you can still read this,anyway this first part is very influenced by the pilot of Psych,hope you guys like it if you do please tell me so I'll make a part two plus if you have any questions feel free to ask <3
The BAU got assigned another case,this one was a little tough they have suspects but nothing's sure yet,after Jj finishes talking to the public the police gets a call that was immediately referred to the BAU;the call was from a girl that said who the unsub was and after making sure turns out she's right and after a few days they catch the unsub but there was one last thing to do.
Outside of the BAU Quantico:
Miry gets off  the cab and heads into the BAU, when she gets in she is escorted down the hall into an interrogation room.
Miry:So when do I get my money?
Miry:Yeah the reward.You guys arrested the man I told you about. Am I right?
Hotch:Why don't you let us ask the questions for a while.
Miry:Okay. (sits)So which questions might those be?
Hotch:Where were you the night of the murder?
Miry:I was robbing a stereo shop. (laughs) I wasn't. I don't know. I guess I was doing the same thing you were doing, not solving crime.
Hotch:You're not helping your case here.
Miry:My case? Wait, wait, wait. I'm actually a suspect?
Hotch:You're our lead suspect.
Miry:I gave you the guy.
Hotch:He could've had a partner.
Miry:I have to find that guy? I'm confused. When do you start chipping in?
Hotch:See, your information was good. So good, it could only have come from the inside.
Miry:Inside of what? Look, I've called in dozens of tips, okay? Just check it out.
Hotch:I did. I checked out a whole lot of stuff.Pardon me if I'm just a little skeptical. Believable as it is that you solved all these crimes... I'm sorry, what was it? Watching the local channel 8 news reports.
Miry:I confess. That's not true. Sometimes I watch channel 5. I prefer channel 8. The weather guy,hot.
Hotch:So you're telling us that you can read guilt off of tv interviews.
Miry:Can't you?
Hotch:Don't you try and trivialize police work.
Miry:I think you're doing a bang-up job of that all by yourself. You can't keep me here, guys. I know my rights.
(she stands and walks to the door)
Hotch:Good. Then you know you have the right to remain silent.
Miry opens the door and Morgan blocks her exit.
Hotch:You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
Miry:Wait,wait,wait.You're serious?
Jj:Just give us a reason that's all we need. How did you get this information?
Hotch:No. It is too late for that. (walks over) Morgan, book her.
Morgan walks up behind Miry and pulls her arms behind her back as he reaches for hiscuffs.
Miry:Book her?Oh, come on. Cuffs? What, for the walk back to the lobby?
Jj:Or you could give us a plausible explanation.
Miry doesn't know what to do so she goes with the first thing that comes to her mind,she puts her hands up
Miry:Okay. Okay. Fine. You win. I got the information because... I am a psychic.
Hotch:Get her out of here!
Miry:Oh, boy!(falls back against the door, hand to her head points to an agent behind Morgan)Hey you,your grandma would be so proud.
Agent:You spoke to her?
Miry:I did. She's... safe, comfortable. She wants you to stop spending all your money on those charlatans.
Agent(cups her face) The palm readers.
Miry:The palm readers.
Jj:Okay, just to be clear, um, you're claiming to be a psychic, Miss Wright
Miry:How else would I know that Mr. agent Hotchner here is having problems with his wife?
(Everybody looks at Hotch)
Miry:Ops did I touch a nerve?
Hotch:Oh c'mon who's buying this?
(Jj and Spencer slowly raise their hands,Penelope is in the corner raising her hand as well)
Miry:(she smiles,on her way out)Question.Do I pay taxes on reward money?
Spencer:I'll find out. Please feel free to call anytime.
Miry:You know I will. Magic touch.
(They touch fingertips,Spencer smiles then Miry leaves)
Miry exits the building with a smile and walks down the steps.
Gideon follows her out.
Gideon:Not so fast, Miss Wright
Miry stops and turns around.
Gideon:Jason Gideon,Senior Supervisory Agent 
Miry:I know.
Gideon:Heard about what you did in there.
Miry:Oh, you're welcome.
Gideon:That wasn't the phrase I was going to use. I was going to say improbable. Possible, yet unlikely.
Miry:Look, it's hard to explain. I'm gifted. I was born that way.
Miry:(after a moment of silence)Am I still free to go?
Gideon:Not exactly,there's been another murder
Miry:Oh, come on. I had nothing to do with that
Gideon:Would you like to?What I need is a miracle.Or a facsimile of one.
Miry:I see,I see.Well,I make $1,200 a day.
Gideon:It's a try-out.
Miry:That's what I meant to say. This is pro bono, something for you.
Gideon:And if this psychic thing is a scam... we will prosecute. You know hindering a police investigation is a criminal offense. 
Miry:Sounds good. We're on the same team now.
(They both go back inside together)
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Honestly? This was initially just an impulsive and sudden thought, him as a Millennial I mean.
Man is searching for himself like he's expecting to have a spiritual awakening in India or something, with a touch of edgy existentialism. Constantly moving around not only because of his criminal lifestyle but also to satisfy his compulsion to "travel to find himself"- like I know you rob rich people and all (including heavens arena- Lord only knows what the heck you do with those money, you sus excuse of an arachnid) but please save some money- If you'd save some you wouldn't have to go around and look like a greasy haired excuse Al Capone wannabe with your hair jelled back prolly by grime (Talking about the Yorknew arc, you cannot tell me he doesn't look like one of those fake-fancy junkies that go around in suits but forget to shower every week).I dunno He just gives me those vibes.
Like, I know you're traumatised and all but please stop psychoanalysing your troupe comrades after randomly coming across a Hoghwarts house quiz- do not fall into that rabbit hole- But the fact that I can picture this clearly is even more concerning. Boy prolly even started reading the books after that and started comparing/trying to seek himself in some characters like Tom Riddle or something, Sweet Heavens I cannot-
And- Ain't no way he didn't enter an alt-emo phase during his teenage years.
Man prolly used to listen to My Chemical Romance as well. And like, have you seen that one outfit he had in the Manga? The one with the weird hat that looks like a dead opossum and with that weird onion quilted jacket, yeah. If the pants he's wearing there ain't lookin' like skinny jeans, which scream millennial, I don't know what else they are supposed to be.
But I can clearly see why it'd be Canon for him to be of the 70's instead, I mean- Just look at his bowlcut in the flashback- horrid I tell you. An absolute social self-slaughter. And he also looks like he'd enjoy lame "dad jokes"/"gen X jokes", so yeah, I get your point-
I thereby bid thou these Chrollo slander crumbs
Ghastly Anon~
Ghastly anon my sweet you just violated everything this man is and stands for without batting an eye. I kid you not I laughed so hard at Al Capone that I had to take a break reading this. That man fears nothing except for your impromptu roasting that is completely uncalled for but always does the job of ending his career. Well done <3
And the Hogwarts quiz... I can picture that happening too. The troupe would take a BuzzFeed quiz of which cupcake are you and Chrollo would ask for everyone's results just to psychoanalyse their choices to get to know his friends better.
I don't want to judge his money spending habits but I don't think he spends the money he has for luxury. Despite being able to afford a hotel for his stay he'd still rather hang out at an abandoned church or ghost town just for the aesthetic. I don't think he bothers with luxury. He can make do with anything as long as he can sleep.
Also also!!! He didn't go through an alt emo phase. He is an alt emo phase. The skinny pants say it all
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skittles-the-whumpee · 3 months
I think I need to set something straight and try to not be overly rude about it.
I have a fundraiser because I need funds to stay out of prison. People who have fundraisers have them because they need funds for one thing or another.
So why, pray tell, do people find it appropriate to send those people public asks requesting money? What part of having a fundraiser gives them the idea that I am able to take the money that was donated to my fundraiser and give it to them? Why do it in public asks rather than DMs? Are they trying to make them feel like assholes?
I need to be clear by saying that, if you are being sincere and truly need the money for what you claim you need it for, then my heart goes out to you and I hope you get the funds you need...I'm just the wrong person to ask. Don't ask people who have fundraisers because they need the money that is donated to them.
I have received several asks from people asking for money for a few reasons and I have to delete them because I cannot afford to give them any...and it always makes me feel like an absolute cunt.
Please...stop. I'm not targeting anyone with this post, it's only brought on by the last one I received. This has been an ongoing issue.
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iamvegorott · 10 months
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 40
Part 1: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“Honey, I’m home,” Marvin said as he and Chase walked into Henrik’s house. “Are we all good?” 
“Kitchen,” Henrik called out. 
“He doesn’t sound like he’s crying, so that’s good news,” Chase said with a weak chuckle as he and Marvin went to where Henrik’s voice had come from. 
“So how’s-” Marvin’s question stopped in his throat when he saw Robbie. 
“Holy shit.” Chase blurted out his curse. 
Robbie sat at the table, shoveling a big forkful of food into his mouth, eating away as if he’d never had food. He was much taller than the last time they’d seen him and was also now a fully grown adult with a hint of a beard on his chin and cheeks and the beginnings of a mustache on his upper lip. Robbie was gigantic in every way, giving Jackie a run for his money and then some. 
“Hey guys!” Robbie chirped when he noticed Marvin and Chase. 
“That’s a whole-ass man,” Marvin said with a point while Chase’s jaw dropped, staring with wide eyes.
“It seems the final growth spurt has happened,” Henrik said, leaning his back against the counter, and Edward stood next to him, rubbing his chin and jaw in thought. 
“How do you know it’s the final one?” Marvin asked. 
“I’m done. I can feel it.” Robbie explained with a casual shrug. 
“Do you know how old you are?” 
“Okay…” Marvin’s voice trailed off. 
“Holy shit.” Chase cursed again. 
“Yep.” Robbie went back to his eating. 
“We’re not sure if the sudden increase in appetite is due to the drastic bodily change or if it’s permanent,” Edward said. 
“My wallet cannot afford it being permanent.” Henrik softly chuckled. 
“At least he’s craving food and not humans,” Chase said. 
“I can change that,” Robbie said with a grin, laughing when Chase stepped back. “Don’t worry, Uncle Chase, if I’m eating anyone, it won’t be my family.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” Chase tilted his head up when Robbie stood up. 
“Come here.” Robbie chuckled and only needed a few steps of his own till he was to Chase and hugged him. 
“I take back my earlier comment about Robbie being a whole-ass man; he’s actually two whole-ass men!” Marvin gestured with both hands. “Please tell me he’s not a magic user. I don’t think I can handle having two out-of-control, overly-powerful magic users in my life.” 
“He has shown no signs of it,” Henrik answered.
“I think his whole magical thing has to do with his current physical appearance and then the other part of his body, the one with the claws and all that,” Edward suggested. 
“That’s still pretty OP.” Chase’s voice got muffled by Robbie’s chest and was released. “He could cause some serious damage if he wanted to.” 
“It’s a good thing I don’t want to,” Robbie said with a big smile. 
“It’s moments like this that make me very thankful Henrik ended up being your daddy and not me,” Marvin said. “If he took after me more, we’d be screwed.” 
“You say that like you are the worst person ever.” Henrik rolled his eyes. 
“I mean, pretty damn close.” Marvin popped his tongue. 
“Nope. No bad self-talk.” Chase said before suddenly throwing Marvin over his shoulder. 
“Chase Brody! Put me down! I was just joking!” Marvin shouted, slapping Chase’s back. 
“Is now really the time for this?” Henrik went over to help get Marvin down. 
“Let the uncles have their moment.” Robbie grabbed Henrik and threw him over his shoulder as well. 
“Robert Schneeplestein! Put me down this instant!” Henrik demanded. 
“Nope!” Robbie chuckled, casually able to hold Henrik with one arm like he weighed nothing. 
“You are so grounded!”
“Can’t ground me. I’m an adult now.” Robbie sang.
“That does not stop a parent!” 
Edward just stayed where he was, casually leaning back and watching the chaos of the other four. He reached over, grabbed the coffee he had been drinking earlier, and took another sip, more than embracing that he fell in love with a man who had a very…interesting life. 
“I am so thankful that everything with Robbie seems to be working out good for us,” Marvin said after having himself and Chase appear at his front door. 
“Do you think he’ll be stuck at twenty-one forever?” Chase asked as he opened the door. 
“Who knows. Robbie said he was done but couldn’t explain what he meant by that.” Marvin stepped into the house. 
“But at least he has control now. Henrik says everything else is as stable as an undead man can be.” Chase followed Marvin in. 
“At least something’s got somewhat of a conclusive ending…well, isn’t this just adorable?” Marvin giggled when he saw Mad and Mare on the floor with a large, incomplete puzzle spread out between them
“Told you we’d be fine,” Mare said as Mad handed him a piece. 
“That thing is massive,” Chase commented. 
“It has over nine thousand pieces.” Mad grabbed the top of the puzzle box and held it so Chase and Marvin could see what the completed picture would become. It was a picture of an underwater biome with colorful plants and fish.
“How long have you two been working on this?” Chase asked, crouching down to get a closer look at the pieces. 
“A month or so. We usually try to get a little time each night to work on it.” Mare answered. 
“Aw, you two are like an old married couple.” Marvin sat on the arm of his couch. “Well, you’re not old or married, but we can easily work on that second half~” He laughed when Mad threw the box lid at him. 
“I have a big one of these guys at my place,” Chase said, changing the subject before Marvin got yelled at. “I think it’s like…twenty-five hundred? I tried for like an hour before I got distracted, and it’s been tucked away ever since.” 
“After we finish this one, we can help you with yours.” Mad offered, looking very excited at the idea. 
“I swear if I weren’t doing this with him, he’d never stop.” Mare chuckled, getting a piece and putting it in place. “Especially since Mad only likes the large ones.” 
“Don’t,” Chase said to Marvin when he saw him making a look. 
“Wait, don’t what?” Mad asked. 
“I’m just saying, I hope Mare’s big enough for him, too~” Marvin practically purred and wasn’t shocked when Mare threw the bottom of the box at him. 
“Big enough for what? I mean, he’s taller than me, if you’re talking about that.” Mad said. 
“He’s not talking about that.” Chase scratched his ear. 
“What is he talking about then? What part would I care about being big on Mare?”
“You don’t want to know.” Mare shot a warning glare at both Marvin and Chase. 
“His dick,” Marvin said, ignoring the glare completely. 
“His-” Mad was about to echo, but he stopped, face going red almost instantly. “Stop that!” He grabbed one of the pillows from the couch and threw it. 
“Careful, those are decorative,” Marvin caught the pillow. 
“They’re now ammunition!” Mad huffed.
“You don’t know what you’re getting-” Marvin got cut off by Mare thumping him in the face with a different couch pillow, getting Chase to break out into a loud laugh. 
“It is so on!” Marvin laughed, too, taking the pillow in his hand and hitting the top of Mare’s head with it. 
“Pillow fight!” Chase called out, casually jumping over the puzzle to get on the couch, grabbing one of the pillows, and hitting Marvin with it. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side!” Marvin hit him back, still laughing. 
“No sides! Only chaos!” Chase turned and smacked Mare. 
“Incoming!” Mad got on the couch, scooping up the last pillow and hitting Chase’s back several times. Mare sighed and got up. He jumped on the couch with the others and thumped Mad from behind. 
“Hey!” Mad turned and got Mare on the stomach. 
“Oh~” Marvin grinned when he noticed Mad and Mare focused on each other. He grabbed Chase’s arm and flicked his other wrist, sending them both to the living room’s entrance. 
“Why-” Chase stopped at Marvin holding a finger to his lips. 
“They’re about to have a moment,” Marvin whispered, turning Chase so they could peek in. 
Mare and Mad were laughing as they playfully smacked each other with the pillows, Mad somehow getting the upper hand at one point, and Mare slipped back and fell on the couch. Mad went down with him, still hitting his chest with the pillow.
“Uncle, uncle! I surrender!” Mare dropped his pillow and held his hands up. Mad had his pillow stay on Mare’s chest and leaned on it. 
“I win.” He said with the biggest grin. 
“You did.” Mare chuckled. 
“Yeah…” Mad’s grin softened into a little smile. 
“They are so going to make out,” Marvin whispered to Chase. 
“Should we leave?” Chase whispered back. 
“Only if they actually do.” 
“We should…uh…get back to the-um-the puzzle.” Mad’s voice was quiet and shy. 
“We can if you’d like.” Mare’s voice was quiet as well, but it was also caring and tender. 
“Maybe…in a moment?” Mad looked like he was relaxing more on top of Mare.
“Whenever you’re ready.” 
“We should leave.” Chase tugged on Marvin’s shirt. 
“Not until their mouths are touching,” Marvin said. 
“I-” Mad didn’t get to say his next thing before his phone went off, and he moved away from Mare to check it.
“Whoever is texting is such a bitch.” Marvin grumbled as he stepped back into the room, knowing that the moment was officially ruined. 
“It’s Dark,” Mad said, looking up to see Marvin.  “He says it’s time for my first practice?” 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523 @ashtonisvibing
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shefromhouston · 29 days
Why do you think it is narcissistic mothers are so invasive, and love to argue?? I live at home because I unfortunately cannot afford to be on my own because I don’t make enough…she is constantly wanting to argue with me and when I try to defuse it and say she’s right or say “okay” she wants to argue and escalate it more to where I am so upset and yelling…then she goes “why’re you yelling…” as if she didn’t lead it to come to that point even after I said I didn’t want to argue and that she was right?! Oh and she pretends she wasn’t yelling at all prior…it’s just getting awful and don’t understand how someone can have it in them to argue all the time….. She was cleaning my room to and found pregnancy tests …wanted to know all about it saying “it’s gross” kept asking invasive questions as to who I have been with and all that…i said to her “really you think that’s appropriate to ask me about, then proceed to want to know about it make comments and think I owe you information??” And honestly, I’m not sure she is a narcissist? but she makes me feel awful and every time we argue it’s not just a little argument it’s always so bad…and like I can never be too close to her or tell her anything because I feel with her it’s “all or nothing”….and I really am already depressed like barely can get out of bed some days, cry all the time in my room, late a lot to work…and I get it’s frustrating for her but I don’t get how she is being is going to be helpful…. any input?
I don’t know when you sent this but please forgive my late response; I have soooo much to say about this I don’t believe I can possibly find all the words to sum it up in this response but I can say I have and still am experiencing this…I am now 26 so my relationship with my Mother has changed and hasn’t at the same time. I moved out on my own when I was 19 years old, but during my freshman year in college and ALL through highschool and some of middle school (like the moment I hit 13) my mom and I have been in this constant push and pull. I don’t believe my Mother is a narcissist but at one point I MOST DEFINITELY thought so. Now she does have narcissistic tendencies and is VERY selfish so I can understand what you feel when you question if she’s an actual narc or not, the stress they cause can be so much that that would be the most logical explanation to their irrational behavior. But after being in a relationship with an actual diagnosed narcissist, I really understood the differences. My mom would constantly kick me out(even when I was underaged) pick fights with me, yell and argue for HOURS on end. She would invade my privacy by asking very intrusive questions and she would read my journals…she would say the most cruel things to me out of spite or misplaced anger. It was just bad. I was desperate to get out when I got home from Tuskegee. So desperate that my first apartment was like a guest house near TSU where I transferred to…It was hard, I struggled but I wanted my relationship with her to heal but ugh to this day, I hesitate to answer the phone for her. I love her. truly. but she STILL stresses me out every time I speak to her or every time i’m around her. She uses her health to excuse her behavior or guilt trip me into to talking to her. She was financially manipulative as well when I was living with her and little bit after I moved out until I had a friend teach me how to set better boundaries with my money and her. Sorry for going on for so long but jeez my mom has been a large part of my trauma and depression. The root of a lot of it.
but the advise I can give may be a little frustrating due to you not being able to move immediately but I strongly suggest you put distance in between you two (which could be a reason she’s acting like that, many parents believe their job stops at 18) but moving away saved my sanity and slightly improved my relationship with her. Mainly because I now have control over how much she can interact with me. When you’re under their roof, they will make you pay with your peace of mind. But until you can do that, I survived by gray rocking. Gray rocking is giving the minimum amount of energy you can to the person, this is also how I would eventually survive an abusive relationship with a narcissist. When they ask questions keep your answers as short and simple as possible. When they present issues or try to start arguments and you know being agreeable won’t work, separate yourself, leave the house for a bit if you can. Find a friend you can trust and see if you can make a safe haven at their place when things get heated at home. Go to the park. something…but do not engage. I’m telling you now, conversations with people that are committed to finding a problem or misunderstanding you won’t get you anywhere, don’t waste time trying to have sit downs with her until you have moved out and focused on yourself for a while…I am so sorry you are experiencing this and I pray you find solace sooner than later.
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