#meeting a magical man
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iamvegorott · 10 months ago
Jackie's Bachelor Party
Welcome to a spin-off of Meeting a Magical Man, which, as the name implies, is Jackie's bachelor party! Get ready for sass, chaos, go-karts, and a cowboy bar
Meeting A Magical Man; Ao3: Link Tumblr: Link
Jackie's Bachelor Party
“Chase, Edward, Mare, and Dark are our DDs. Designated drivers. They’re not drinking so they can drive.” Marvin explained what it meant before Mad could even ask.  
“But we didn’t drive here,” Mad said. 
“They’re staying sober so we won’t die.” Marvin changed his explanation. 
“We won’t start drinking until we get to that cowboy bar because, like hell, I trust Anti behind the wheel of a go-kart with anything but water in him.”  
“I am a graceful drunk.” Anti protested.  
“You cried about a stuffed turtle the last time we drank together.” Marvin scoffed. 
“There was that one time you cried because Dark sent you a green heart emoji,” Chase added. 
“You kept going, ‘Guys! He loves me! Guys!’" Marvin exaggerated his tone and hugged Chase’s arm.  
“I’m a little emotional when drunk, alright?” Anti huffed, crossing his arms.  
“A little is beyond an understatement,” Dark stated as he sent a text.  
“Dark! You’re supposed to be on my side!”  
“Jackie’s still not here yet,” Mad commented with a hum.  
“He’s always late.” Marvin clicked his tongue and checked his phone before looking at Chase when his went off.  
“Hey Jackie, you on your way?” Chase asked when he answered the phone. “You can see us? Where are you?”  
“He is a fairly large man; how can we not see him?” Henrik asked with a light laugh as he and the others looked down the streets. Marvin paused and was the only one who looked up, sighing when his assumption was proven correct.  
“Darling, can I borrow your phone?” Marvin asked Chase. 
“No problem.” Chase handed Marvin the phone.  
“Thank you.” Marvin smiled at Chase before putting the phone to his ear and immediately used a much harsher tone. “Jackie Boimen, get your ass off the roof before I drag you down by your hair in a way you will not enjoy!”  
“Who enjoys getting their hair pulled?” Mad asked. 
There was a pause. 
Anti suddenly broke into a loud laugh, leaning against Dark as he laughed while Dark pinched the bridge of his nose. Edward opened his mouth to say something, but Henrik elbowed his side, shook his head, and had a warning glare. Chase held up his hands in surrender and Marvin was too busy watching Jackie climb down a fire escape to notice the question. Mare sighed as he accepted his fate and whispered something into Mad’s ear. 
“Oh.” Mad held out the word. “Oh!” He repeated himself as his face went red. 
Anti started laughing even harder and Dark had to hold his arm to keep him on his feet. 
“What are you doing jumping from roofs a week before your wedding!?” Marvin scolded when Jackie reached them.  
“It was faster.” Jackie rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Faster? Faster to your death, maybe. Honey, you are so accident-prone. We’re testing luck as it is with the go-karts.” Marvin poked at Jackie’s chest. “I have half a mind to take you back home and tell Phantom that you’re doing parkour and risking limping down the aisle.” 
“I think he’s got the point.” Chase chuckled, wrapping an arm around Marvin’s waist, and walking away with him. He looked over his shoulder and gave Jackie a thumbs-up while Jackie mouthed a thank you.  
“And this is why we have several DDs to make sure you all don’t do something too stupid.” Edward joked as he started herding everyone together and walking them toward the building they had been standing in front of.  
“He won’t die because if he does and breaks my brother’s heart, I’ll bring him back and then kill him myself,” Mare said as he held open the door for Marvin and Chase to go through first.  
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Dark said as he and Anti walked into the building. 
“He says that like I care about his opinion.” Mare popped his lips and smiled when that got Mad to chuckle.  
“Oh, snap!” Jackie snapped his fingers with his comment, smiling with pride after. “Phan taught me that.”  
“I’m so shocked.” Mare rolled his eyes while Edward ushered Jackie and Henrik through the door. “Is it too late to go home?” He asked Mad.  
“I don’t know a lot about weddings and bachelor parties, but I’m pretty sure the brother to one of the grooms can’t run off.” Mad chuckled as he pulled Mare into the building with him.  
“Y’all must be the bachelor party.” A young man greeted everyone with a big smile, face round and making him look like he had just turned eighteen. His name tag read Keith. “We got a lil’ tournament for ya. Since we got an uneven number, we got a bye set up that our groom can either use or we can pick someone by random.”  
“Let someone else have the bye.” Jackie chuckled.  
“Okie dokie, give us just a second to finish up our bracket here and then we’ll get our first round going with our groom here.” Keith shot a quick finger gun at Jackie before walking off to a young woman who appeared to be his age. Her name tag read Annalise.  
Everyone waited as the two set up the large whiteboard with black lines, writing names on the lines to create the beginning of the bracket. 
“Me and you Hen!” Jackie commented after seeing himself and Henrik in the first two spaces.  
“At least I’ll get one round in.” Henrik chuckled as Keith led away him and Jackie to the karts while everyone else was shown to the bleachers by Annalise.  
“Keith’s filling those two in but I'll let you guys know the idea, too.” Annalise played with one of the many piercings in her ears as she spoke. “Three laps, try to stay inside the padded walls, helmets and seatbelts are required, new helmets can be given upon request and most of all, have fun!” She let her ear go and perked up with the last part, which seemed to be her favorite section of the script she presented.  
By the time she had finished, Jackie and Henrik were inside their karts, helmets on, and seatbelts buckled. Jackie had his hands on the wheel and practically bouncing in his seat while Henrik had one of his hands resting on the wheel and he waved at Edward with the other.  
“When the light goes green, y’all can hit it,” Keith said to the two as he went over to stand with Annalise, pointing to the light that hung in the air in front of where the karts waited. Annalise pulled out a little remote from her pocket. “It will change in three...two...one-” He snapped his fingers while Annalise pressed a button, changing the light to green.  
Jackie and Henrik took off with squealing tires. Jackie got an early lead and maintained it throughout most of the race. 
“Go, Jackie!” Chase cheered. 
“You got this, Hen!” Marvin counter-cheered and laughed when Chase playfully bumped him with his hip. 
The race was far from close, Jackie finishing his final lap a good five seconds before Henrik. Jackie waited until Henrik finished and gave him a big hug, shouting in support and excitement. He seemed happier about him and Henrik having fun than the fact that he won.  
“Here go, Mr. Groom.” Annalise handed Jackie a golden star sticker.  
“Awesome!” Jackie perked up and immediately slapped the sticker on his chest. “Who’s next?”  
“Mare and Dark.” Keith read from the board as he added Jackie’s name to the line beside where his and Henrik’s names were.  
“Let's get this over with.” Dark sighed as he went over to the karts.   
“Good luck,” Mad said to Mare. 
“Well, now I’m definitely going to win.” Mare winked and went to the karts as well. 
“Aren’t you two so cute?” Anti teased when he saw Mad watching Mare walking away with a soft smile.   
“It’ll be even cuter when Mare kicks Dark’s ass,” Mad said without missing a beat or looking away from Mare.  
“Marvin! Your apprentice is sassing me!” Anti called out with a laugh in his voice.  
“Did the sass make sense?” Marvin called back. 
“Good job, Mad!” Marvin’s praise had Anti acting offended with a hand on his chest while Mad’s smile grew into a proud one.   
“Three...two...one-” This time Annalise did the verbal countdown while Keith pressed the button.  
Mare and Dark took off, staying evenly paced for most of the race. Sometimes one got ahead of the other, but it didn’t last long. 
“Faster, Mare, faster!” Mad cheered. 
“Go, Mare!" Edward added to the cheer. 
“Am I the only one rooting for Dark?” Anti asked. The immediate and unified yes had Anti laughing hard enough that he nearly fell off the bleachers.  
“Mare!" Mad practically screamed with excitement when Mare passed Dark and won.  
“You do know this means you’ll have to race against Mare, right?” Anti asked and his laughing returned at Mad’s face dropping in realization, but that moment passed when Mare went up to him. 
“You won!” Mad said with the brightest smile.  
“How could I not with my good luck charm?” Mare chuckled.  
“Gag me.” Anti stuck his tongue out with his joke as he and Marvin walked by, the two already seeing their turn was next. He paused when they got to where Dark was talking with Annalise, looking at his watch and likely checking what time they’d be finished. Dark politely nodded to the young woman and turned, stopping short of running into Anti. “We should have you race more often, Darky~” Anti giggled. 
“Gag me,” Marvin said and waved with his fingers when Anti glared at him. 
“I’m going to lap your ass,” Anti stated as he moved away from his flirting and went to the karts with Marvin. 
“Good luck with that, honey.” Marvin brushed his hair back with his hand before putting his helmet on.  
“You look hot, Marv!” Chase called out from the bleachers. He let out another cheer when Marvin blew him a kiss as he got into his kart.  
“So, should we expect the next wedding to be for you two?” Jackie teased, lightly nudging Chase with his elbow. Chase choked on his breath and started coughing, face red from both the coughs and a bit of a blush.  
“My money is on it being Edward and Henrik.” Mare said.  
“How did we get involved in this?” Henrik asked.  
“Just a feeling.” Mare sang. 
“My feeling is that one twin is getting married and the other will follow suit soon.” Edward grinned when Mare stiffened and then glared at him. Mad was too busy watching the race to pay attention to the conversation.  
“Go, Marvin!” Mad clapped his hands. 
“Get him, Anti!” Dark shouted his support, making Mad flinch since he wasn’t prepared for Dark to suddenly be so loud.  
“Damn Dark, blow out a man’s eardrum.” Chase laughed, rubbing his ear to add to his joke.   
“Are you blushing?” Jackie joined in on the joke and he quickly slipped away to sit on the other side of the bleachers when Dark looked like he was going to stab him. Thankfully, Dark didn’t have time to follow through on that silent threat as the race finished and most of them were cheering Marvin’s name since he won.  
“What was that about lapping my ass?” Marvin taunted Anti with almost a purr in his voice.  
“Oh, shut up.” Anti scoffed with a hint of a smile. Turning to Chase and Edward as they went to the karts. “You better win Chase so then you can beat Marvin.”  
“We’ll have to wait and see.” Chase chuckled. 
“Have some faith in me,” Edward said as Anti handed him his helmet. Anti just stuck his tongue out and went away to sit next to Dark. 
“Good luck~” Marvin kissed Chase’s cheek, put the helmet on him, and went to the bleachers as well. Chase couldn’t stop his giggle as he watched Marvin leave, he still got a flutter in his heart with those kisses, and he knew that warmth in his chest would never stop when it came to Marvin.  
“Have you ever driven one of these things?” Edward asked as he got into the kart.  
“A few times.” Chase shrugged and got into his kart.  
“You got this Edward!” Henrik followed his cheer with a shout.  
“Think I’ll still get a kiss even after I lose?” Edward laughed.  
“It’s Hen, he’ll kiss you no matter what.” Chase reached over and playfully punched his arm.  
“Y’all ready?” Keith asked.  
“All set.” Chase perked up, hands on the steering wheel and Edward followed suit.  
“Three...two...one-” Keith did the countdown and Annalise pressed the button.  
The race went fairly smoothly aside from Chase beating Edward by almost a full lap. Most of the others weren’t too shocked by this but everyone was shocked when the next race between Mad and Mare had the same outcome and Mad won.  
“I studied the layout of the track while everyone else was racing.” Mad explained to Anti from the kart he still sat in after he had rushed down and asked, ‘How the fuck did you do that’. “Calculating the angles of the turns and getting a loose estimation on how fast the karts can go and-” 
“Okay, we get it, you’re smart, damn.” Anti clicked his tongue. “We need to get you drunk the moment we’re at the bar to make me feel better about myself.”  
“I'm sorry?” Mad wasn’t sure if he had done something wrong but it was better to be safe. He hummed and tilted his head up when he felt something on his helmet, smiling when he saw Mare.  
“You did really good.” Mare said.  
“Nope. Not watching you two get all kissy-kissy. Bleh.” Anti exaggerated his tone as he walked away.  
“Coming from the man that made out with his boyfriend in Marvin’s living room,” Mare called after him. 
“Like you haven’t!” Anti called back. 
“I did when I lived there.” Mare countered.  
“Raise your hand if you haven’t made out in my living room.” Marvin joked, looking at Henrik and his eyebrows going up when Henrik’s hand didn’t. “Hen!”  
“It was one time!” Henrik protested. 
“Twice.” Edward corrected.  
“Okay, now I need all the details~” Marvin teased Henrik.  
“We’re ready for the next round,” Annalise announced and Henrik let out a sigh of relief when the attention went back to the races. 
“They changed the track,” Mad said.  
“Their site said they switch it up between rounds so it doesn’t get boring,” Jackie explained as he checked his seatbelt. 
And shit it was. Jackie ended up lapping Mad since he kept driving into the padded walls and by the time Mad was finally finished, he felt dizzy. Mad fumbled out of his kart and wasn’t shocked at Marvin and Mare being right in front of him.  
“Are you okay?” Marvin asked as he took off Mad’s helmet.  
“Did you hurt anything?” Mare asked, checking over Mad’s body.  
“I’m fine. I just wasn’t ready for the sudden change.” Mad laughed. “It was like bumper cars but more intense.”  
“Is he okay?” Jackie asked as he jogged over.  
“Would you all stop acting like I’m made of glass?” Mad rolled his eyes. 
“Oh, we just care about you, Maddy.” Jackie laughed, wrapping an arm around Mad’s neck and rubbing his knuckles against the top of his head.  
“Go back to the glass treatment.” Mad protested as he tried to squirm away from Jackie.  
“You’re lucky he has control over his fire,” Marvin said as Chase joined them for the next race. “Well, for the most part.” He added the last part as a joke and he knew that would get Jackie to let Mad go. And Jackie did, even bouncing back a little as an extra precaution.
“I swear Marvin acts more like your mom than your mentor.” Anti teased as Mad, Mare, and Jackie joined him and the others on the bleachers.  
“I’d be okay if Marvin was my parent,” Mad said.  
“At least he doesn’t have to worry about the ‘birds and the bees’ talk.” Anti nudged Mad’s arm with his hand. 
“He did. My parents didn’t want me to know what sex was, they didn’t even want me to know about kissing.” Mad stated. Anti started laughing like Mad made a joke and it slowly died off when he noticed Mad just blinked at him. 
“You’re kidding, right?” Anti asked. Mad only shook his head and looked out to the karts. “He’s-He’s kidding, he’s just pulling my leg, right?” Anti asked Mare, getting another head shake. “The fuck?”  
“Different day,” Dark whispered to Anti, that being his polite way of saying drop it. 
“If I win, you’re doing dishes for a week,” Marvin said as he got himself ready in the cart.  
“And if I win, you’re doing them without magic.” Chase winked.  
“I see how it is.” Marvin giggled. “We’re ready~” He sang to Annalise and Keith.  
“Three, two, one.” Annalise did the countdown a little faster this time and Keith pressed the button.  
“I don’t know who to cheer for,” Mad said.  
“Me neither.” Henrik agreed. 
“Fuck him up, Marvin!” Anti shouted.  
The race between Marvin and Chase went fast and smooth until the very end when Chase’s back wheel bumped into Marvin’s kart and got him to spin. Chase didn’t realize what had happened, thinking he had scraped a wall, until after he passed the finish line and looked over his shoulder to see Marvin correcting his kart.  
“Sorry!” Chase called as Marvin crossed the finish line a few moments later.  
“I can’t believe you hit me.” Marvin played up his fake pout as he took his helmet off.  
“I didn’t mean to,” Chase said.  
“You owe me now.” Marvin got out of the kart and went over to Chase.  
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow,” Chase promised, smiling when Marvin gave him a quick kiss.  
“I’ll hold you to it.”  
“Should we go ahead and book a party for your guys’ bachelor party?” Annalise asked with a teasing grin.  
“Anna,” Keith spoke through his teeth in a warning.  
“Time for the finale!” Jackie’s cheer saved Marvin and Chase from having to react to Annalise’s comment. “The groom versus the best man!”  
“Good luck.” Marvin winked and slipped away to the bleachers.  
“Here comes the bride~” Anti sang as Marvin sat down next to him.  
“I will throw you out of the building.” Marvin threatened.  
“And ruin Jackie’s party?” Anti puffed his lower lip out.  
“He won’t notice.”  
“Three! Two! One! Go!” Annalise and Keith’s shouts echoed and the higher-pitched revving of the karts followed as Jackie and Chase took off.  
Their race was a much more exciting one than the others. The two were laughing while bumping into each other, letting one get the lead, but it wasn’t long before the other was on their tail, hitting them and taking over.  
“Woo!” Jackie shouted, throwing his arms in the air as he barely beat Chase.  
“We’ll have to do a rematch at some point.” Chase laughed.  
“You're so on!" Jackie said as he held up the trophy Keith handed him. 
“Thank God, we’re finally done.” Anti groaned. “I need a drink.”   
“Don’t forget we’re going to a cowboy bar.” Marvin reminded. 
“Damn it.” 
“That's the good shit,” Anti said after putting down the empty shot glass. He had no idea how many of those he had drank but it was enough that he didn’t care anymore about anything, and he wasn’t the only one in that state of mind. 
“Ta-da~!” Mad sang, holding his arms out to show the little crowd around him the coin floating in the glass of water. 
“Dude!” Jackie said in awe while the group of equally intoxicated men shouted their approval of the trick as well.  
“That’s magic!” One of the men said. 
“Not magic, science. Now pay up.” Mad held his hands out with a giggle, swaying a bit as he was handed some cash from a handful of the bargoers who had participated in the bet.  
“A drunk Mad hustling cowboys with science was not on my bingo card.” Chase chuckled.  
“It was on mine,” Edward said.  
“I think that’s enough science bets for the night,” Mare said as Mad joined them back at the bar counter.  
“Okay.” Mad sat down on a bar stool. “Jackie went to get his free hat.” He added as he started counting his ‘earnings’. “Can I have another shot?” Mad handed one of the bills to the bartender.  
“Water.” Mare corrected. “Keep the cash, added tip for them.” He gestured to the ones in the group that were drinking.  
“Let him have a shot!” Anti called out. “I want one too!”  
“You can have a shot of water.” Dark agreed with Mare to cut them off.  
“Boo!” Anti pouted.  
“Me and Hen can get-” 
“Some water as well.” Chase finished Marvin’s sentence and chuckled when Marvin whined at him. Henrik's protest came out in German and Edward pushed away the last few sips of Henrik’s drink.  
“When you forget English, it’s time to call it a night," Edward said when Henrik protested at him more in German.  
“I think Jackie is lost.” Chase laughed at seeing Jackie going in a bit of a circle at the other end of the bar. “I got him.” He added and walked off.   
“Oh, my God,” Anti said as he and Marvin watched Chase go.  
“What?” Marvin asked. 
“Chase has a slutty waist.” Anti pointed and Marvin tilted his head.  
“Yeah, he does~” Marvin giggled. “It’s a nice slutty waist.” 
“Mine’s better.” Anti giggled with him.  
“Do I even want to know?” Dark sighed, wishing that he had something stronger to drink than his Dr. Pepper.  
“Probably not,” Mare said with a shrug as he started handing out the water bottles they were given.  
“A slutty waist?” Mad asked. “Do I have one of those?” Marvin and Anti looked at Mad, looked at each other, nodded, and then went back to looking at Mad. 
“Yes.” They answered together. Mad, still not fully sure what the two were talking about, had a sudden panic in his face and shouted. 
“Mare! I’m a slut!” Mad was still confused as Marvin and Anti laughed, Dark nearly choked on his drink, Henrik tried to comfort Mad, but was still stuck on German, Edward covered his mouth with his hand and Mare looked like he was ready to smack the ones laughing.  
“Let’s not yell that in the middle of public.” Mare went to Mad and opened the bottle of water for him. “And you’re not a slut.”  
“But they said-” Mad was cut off by the water bottle getting put into his mouth.  
“I’ll explain what it means when you’re sober. But you two.” Mare turned to Anti and Marvin, who were still laughing. “I know that you’re drunk, but could you refrain from-” 
“Maddy!” Jackie yelled as he hugged Mad, his newly gained cowboy hat sitting cooked on his head. “Maddy, we’re going to be brothers!”  
“They gave him some birthday shots with his hat,” Chase explained. “He’s gone from drunk to trashed.” 
“Sounds like we should head home soon. Phantom can handle-” 
“Mare!” Jackie continued the trend of preventing people from finishing their sentences as he practically threw himself on Mare, giving him a bear hug. “Mare! We’re going to be brothers! I went from no siblings to two! That’s so awesome!” 
“Brother-in-laws.” Mare corrected, rolling his eyes but still having a hint of a smile.  
“My family is growing!” Jackie sounded like he was on the verge of happy tears.  
“Jackie, honey, you’re going to snap him like a twig.” Marvin giggled.  
“I am not that frail.” Mare said. Although, he had to admit to himself that Jackie’s grip was strong. “You can get off me now.” 
“We have to do brotherly things! Like, wrestle and, like, gossip, and argue about silly things and-and-” Jackie turned to get more ideas from Mad but saw an empty chair. “And Mad’s missing.”  
“What are you-shit.” Mare turned as well and managed to finally get free from Jackie’s hold.  “Did anyone see where Mad went?”  
“You need to get a bell for that nerd,” Anti commented. 
“He probably went to the bathroom,” Chase suggested. “Knowing how we are, he told us and wasn’t heard 'cause we’re all loud.”  
“I still vote on getting him a bell,” Anti repeated himself as Mare left to look for Mad.  
“I think I see Mad.” Marvin slid out of his seat  
“Marv, wait.” Chase caught Marvin’s hand and walked with him.  
“Stay here, I’ll go tell Mare where Mad is,” Dark said to Anti, having seen what Marvin had. “Drink more of this.” He moved the water closer to him before walking off.  
“We gotta go help Mad!” Jackie gasped and then ran to where Marvin and Chase went.  
“Jackie!” Edward was going to fight the others for leaving him alone with three drunk men. “Anti!” He missed trying to catch Anti as he went after Jackie. “Damn it.”  
“We can help.” Henrik took Edward’s hand and tugged. 
“At least you’re sobering up enough to be speaking English again.” Edward sighed as he let himself be guided away. He really did need to work on his German lessons. 
“I’m guessing Mad’s where our group is headed?” Mare pointed as he walked with Dark.  
“They need to work on listening.” Dark groaned. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” Mare chuckled, squeezing his way through the crowd and perking up when he saw Mad. He saw that one of the patrons was trying to get Mad’s attention and grabbed his arm. 
“Don’t touch me!” Mad snapped and, doing something no one would expect, punched the man square in the jaw.  
“Mad!” Mare had a lot of conflicting thoughts but the ones that took over were ‘run’ and ‘protect’ as he booked it to where Mad was and pulled him away from the beyond pissed man.  
“The fuck was that!?” The man held his face as he yelled.  
“He weighs ten pounds soaking wet, like it hurt that much, ya fuck!” Anti said in a slurred, yet mocking voice.  
“You little-” 
“Don’t mess with my brothers!” Jackie let out a heroic cry before tackling the man, sending both of them flying to the ground.  
“Get his ass, Jackie!” Marvin’s cheer was drowned out by the ensuing chaos, the other patrons getting bumped into and causing an all-out brawl.  
“This is like one of those movies Chase showed me!” Mad said, being way too excited about it. “Wait! We're supposed to fight!” He protested at Mare throwing him over his shoulder.  
“We are not fighting,” Mare said as he kicked away someone who got too close for comfort. 
“Don’t.” Dark, following Mare’s actions, caught Anti and put him up on a shoulder as well.  
“Let me kick some ass!” Anti squirmed, giving up after a few moments. All the alcohol in his system made him tire himself out quickly. He now just hung limply and muttered in disapproval.  
“Nope, nope, nope.” Henrik grabbed the back of Marvin’s shirt and pulled him away as Edward pushed through the crowd, still holding Henrik’s hand. Mare and Dark made their way through with them 
That meant Chase was left to deal with Jackie.  
“Jackie, yo, Jackie!” Chase shouted over the chaos. Jackie was shoving people away and laughing as no one was able to hit him as he spun about. “Alright, time for the secret move.” Chase rolled his sleeves before running and jumping up on Jackie’s back. “It’s time to leave, dude!” He raised his voice to be heard.  
“Oh! Okay! Hold on!” Jackie warned and then started running, barging through the crowd like a snowplow until he was outside where the others were waiting.  
“Holy shit!” Chase cursed and clung to Jackie for dear life.
“I’m ready to go home,” Mad said from where he sat in the grass.  
“Starting a bar fight is one hell of a way to end a bachelor party.” Anti laughed, leaning heavily against Dark.  
“Thankfully, Henrik is too drunk to scold,” Chase said as he got off Jackie. “You okay, Marv?” He asked when he noticed Marvin suddenly going quiet.  
“Darling, hold my hair,” Marvin said.  
“Hold your-oh, fuck.” Chase scrambled and pulled Marvin’s hair back when he started getting sick.  
“Party foul!” Anti cackled and then his face went green before turning away and throwing up as well.  
“Now, I’m really ready to go home.” Mad covered his ears with the palms of his hands.     
“I told you not to eat those onion rings,” Dark said, rubbing Anti’s back as he stayed hunched over.  
“They tasted good.” Anti groaned. “I regret nothing.”  
“I know you don’t." Dark chuckled.  
“I think Henrik and Jackie fell asleep.” Mad’s voice was louder than usual as he tried to hear himself through his hands, gesturing with his head to the two men on the grass. Henrik was resting on his stomach, glasses askew. Jackie was sprawled out and softly snoring.  
“Phantom’s ready for his drunk fiancé,” Mare said as he shook his phone to show that he had texted his brother.  
“I’m done.” Marvin turned and flopped himself toward Chase. “Ready to go home.” His voice was muffled by Chase’s chest.  
“I think we all are.” Edward chuckled, rubbing Henrik’s back. 
“Phan said he’s got everything set in the living room for you to show up,” Mare said to Dark. “You guys still good with the rest of us crashing at your place.” He added to Chase.  
“Still good.” Chase held up a thumb.  
“Good night, everyone. Here’s hoping the next party doesn’t end as violently.” Dark said. 
“No promises.” Mare laughed, seeing Dark sigh before himself, Anti, and Jackie were gone with the snap of his fingers. In the next moment, Mare snapped his fingers as well and sent the others to the living room of Marvin and Chase’s home.  
“Up we go,” Edward grunted as he scooped Henrik up in his arms. Henrik was back to German as he mumbled something in that language while Edward carried him away. Finally, it was something Edward understood completely. “I love you, too.”  
“The bed will be a lot more comfortable than the floor,” Mare said as he hoisted Mad to his feet.  
“Yeah.” Mad agreed, hugging Mare’s arm and resting his head against it as they started walking. “Night.” He half-waved toward Chase and Marvin. 
“Night.” Chase waved back before turning all his attention to Marvin. “Want me to carry you?”  
“Can you carry me like royalty?” Marvin asked, giving Chase a soft smile as he was leaning over a bit, butt sticking out, and keeping his chin on Chase’s chest.  
“Yes, I can.” Chase chuckled and moved to lift Marvin into his arms bridal style.  
“I’m the fanciest prince.” Marvin giggled, wrapping his arms around Chase’s neck.  
“And the handsomest.” Chase used his hip to open the bedroom door. 
“Nah, that title belongs to you.” Marvin hummed as he was laid out on the bed. “I’m the fancy prince and you’re the handsome prince.”  
“I can work with that.” Chase closed the door, kicked off his shoes and jeans, and hung his hat up.  
“And Mad’s the smart prince and Mare’s the musical prince and Henrik’s the doctor prince and-” 
“Is everyone princes now?” Chase asked while he got Marvin out of his shoes and pants. 
“Yeah!” Marvin said like it was obvious.  
“We must live in one massive kingdom.” Chase tossed the clothing and shoes into piles for morning him to deal with before turning off the lights.  
“We do. The biggest one.” Marvin said, watching in the very dim lighting of the moon Chase crawling across the bed and lying down beside him. He rolled over and flopped himself on top of Chase, hair covering most of his face. “Love you.”  
“I love you, too.” Chase fixed Marvin’s hair so he could see him. “You look like you really need some sleep.” 
“Not tired.” Marvin weakly protested, eyes already closing. 
“Sure, you’re not.” Chase chuckled, lifting his head to kiss Marvin’s forehead. “Goodnight.” 
“Night.” Marvin’s word barely came out, showing he had fallen asleep in mere seconds.  
“Night,” Chase repeated and kissed Marvin’s forehead again with a smile, closing his eyes and relaxing. He’d need to wiggle free later to get his sleeping potion, but for right now he was more than happy to enjoy holding Marvin as he rested.  
Chase had a good feeling that Phantom’s bachelor party would be just as chaotic.  
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kaahmbem · 6 months ago
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legend has it that the young witch circe and the once beautiful nymph scylla shared a complicated past...
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turtleblogatlast · 15 days ago
One of the funniest parts about the whole “Leo not giving Draxum any grace” idea is that Draxum is one of the ONLY notable older men in the show that Leo isn’t willing to give a proper second chance to OR really hear out in the first place.
No seriously it’s genuinely a Thing.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#rottmnt headcanons#the men I’m thinking of specifically are as follows#marcus moncrief? very quickly just went along with anything he said#then repeating this AGAIN later#(Leo also refers to him as a father figure before ever actually meeting him lol)#piel? Leo happily greets and immediately offers his (and Hueso’s) help to the ex pirate#this is largely due to Leo’s own brother problems but it’s still a part of this trend#hypno? Leo literally stops fighting him to watch his magic act lol plus he helps Warren save him#if we count other older men then the list grows to continue the following#Tim Dunkman? Leo notably does his best to do good in Tim’s eyes#apologizing earnestly to Tim even when it’s not his fault even#and this is another older man Leo refers to as a surrogate father#Leo also quickly falls for the evil hair Yokai Masseur’s lies despite the bad vibes he got#Leo also was the main one who went easy on Bullhop#and let’s not forget Señor Hueso and Leo’s strong attachment to him despite Hueso’s consistent insults and annoyance#like even WARREN gets Leo’s sympathy and assistance when they all helped him get Hypno back#you can even argue that Leo WAS willing to hear Draxum out when they first met#and Leo assumed Draxum was surrendering before the whole ‘BARON DRAXUM DOES NOT SURRENDER’ thing#hell he’s not even antagonistic really to Draxum he just doesn’t really like him#he’ll listen to his advice if necessary#anyway this being a fairly consistent character trait of Leo’s is funny to me#it’s always specifically older men too - Big Mama does NOT get anything but immediate suspicion#not all of them but most of the ones Leo has specific interactions with are like this#I’m just saying!!! Splinter I love you dearly but your boys have Issues™️#anyway each of the boys has something like this going on#Leo’s are just weirdly consistent and happen a lot for a two season show
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 year ago
[Holiday Preparations]
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Merry December 27th!!!... I'm late shhh, I was sleepy and busy
Based off my hc where Percy instinctively, without fail, shoots anyone on the LL who so even whispers the word "magic"
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lunarharp · 10 months ago
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..polly pocket au.. (<- a type of doll.)
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iamvegorott · 2 years ago
Unseen is Marvin's pout XD
I love it! ❤️
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Just a casual Chase holding Marvin over his shoulder from chapter 16 (I believe) of the ‘Meeting A Magical Man’ fic by @iamvegorott
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irishmammonagenda · 10 months ago
"Mams...you okay?" You grin tiredly and teasingly ask your First Man, who is currently in the process of tearing up, his lips wobbling silently as he attempts to keep it in.
He looks up at you from where you lay exhausted in the hospital bed, attempting to blink back his tears. "Oh aye..." He replies shakily. "I-...I've never bin 'appier....Y-you should g-get some sleep...MC...get yer strength back..."
You grin stupidly at him, eyes closing sleepily as he watches you from the seat beside your bed, his attention drifts to you and his eyes water even more, the sheer lightness of the small weight in his arms making him dizzy as he leans further back into the armchair.
He looks down at the sleeping newborn in his arms. His baby girl. Her little yellow hat sitting perfectly on her little tiny head. He's sure she could fit on just on of his hands.
His bottom lip trembles, heart so full of love for the tiny thing in his arms it feels like it might burst. He holds her to his chest, bringing one finger up to gently caress her tiny tiny cheek. He sniffles, holding back happy sobs as he whispers gently. "Hiya little baby....I'm yer papa....I'm gonna take well great care of ye...I-I..I promise...Íosa Críost...yer tiny..."
Mammon looks over to your sleeping form in the hospital bed and slowly inches his chair even closer to you, so as not to jostle your daughter too much. He grabs his phone off of the nightstand and makes an order for your favourite food to be delivered for when you woke up. He chuckles softly as he texts the groupchat, telling them that you and the baby are okay.(albeit slowly seeing as he's only able to use one hand)
He asks for Lucifer to send over the cake he made with the horrible icing saying 'Congradulation COngratulations, MC, Your You're so amazing' so he could celebrate with you when you woke up from your much deserved nap. He turns off his phone and sets it back on the bedside table next to yours which is charging.
He could celebrate with you after, you could laugh at how he looked like a deer in headlights when the nurse asked him if he wanted to hold his baby for the first time. He could spoil you more than he ever has before (which isn't humanly possible considering how much he spoils you.)
But that could all wait for when you woke up, right now he was content just watching over his favouritest girls in the whole wide world, making sure you were both safe and sound.
But you should never trust a scheming scumbag, MC.
Oh no, fuckhead was already coming up with plans to spoil your daughter silly. That was his little princess, God dammit! She deserved the three worlds combined! And even then she deserved more! And don't get him started on you, you weren't going to even think about doing chores for at least 6 months. You just preformed a miracle. You get rest time. No buts.
In the softening light of the sun through the windows, Mammon holds your baby girl with so much gentleness, as if she'd crack at the smallest touch, his loving gaze flickers from you to her with so much tenderness, you would've thought he was an angel.
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vampyrmar · 5 months ago
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slutty little cutie pie
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fluffypotatey · 2 months ago
ok love the jayvik howl’s moving castle aus but what if Viktor was Sophie 👀
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veinsfullofstars · 1 year ago
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Magolor Epilogue where everything’s the same except this happens.
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic of Magolor - in his new gray purgatory garb - stranded in the green-tinted depths of Another Dimension, ranting about his defeat and thinking this is as bad as it gets, only for a familiar-looking star-shaped portal to open behind him and shoot a certain cosmic jester directly at him. Transcript under the cut. END ID.)
Started some time in summer 2023, finished 10/15/23, updated for color correction 11/02/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 10/15/23.
Handy-dandy transcript for ya:
Panel 1
Magolor: *exasperated* Great! Just great! Lost my Crown, lost my powers… How could my life possibly get any worse?!
Panel 2
*a crack forms in space behind Magolor, causing him to turn his head to look* vwp
Panel 3
*portal opens, shooting Marx out as high speeds, directly into Magolor’s back, in a very blurred and amusing smear frame* THUD
Panel 4
*Magolor prone on the ground on his face, Marx sprawled on top of him, both dazed and bruised as stars spin over their heads*
Marx: *disoriented, one eye swollen shut, one filled with a dizzy swirl, gesturing weakly with one wing claw* Hey hey… Did, uh, you lose to Kirby, too? (Ow… my bones…)
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iamvegorott · 1 year ago
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 71 End
Part 1: Link Prev: Link
“His favorite color is blue, so you better find a way to have blue roses in the centerpieces. I don’t care if the other flowers are real and those are fake as long as they don’t look like shit.” Phantom strolled through the crowd, the people parting out of his way. One would believe it was done by magic, but those who went to Phantom’s club knew better. Especially if he was sounding annoyed. 
“Is he still trying to figure out the flowers?” Marvin asked from where he stood with Mare and Mad. 
“Phantom’s taking planning the wedding very seriously,” Mad said. 
“Which is why we’re tying him up during his bachelor party so he takes a break.” Mare chuckled. 
“Also a great way to deliver a ‘night before’ present for Jackie.” Marvin giggled.
“Why would a tied-up Phantom be a present?” Mad asked. 
“I’ll leave that for you to explain.” Marvin clicked his tongue at Mare. “And I think you’d like it, dear.” He added to Mad with a wink before slipping away. 
“It’s a sex thing, isn’t it?” Mad asked. 
“Yeah.” Mare laughed as he rubbed at his face with a hand. “How about a change in subject?”
“Okay. I like how Marvin talks.” 
“I’ll admit, I can usually connect the dots you make with subject jumping, but I’m a little lost.” 
“His ‘darlings’ and ‘honeys’ and ‘dears’ he can say the same word in a thousand different ways. Usually, I can’t pick up on subtle differences like that, but something about how Marvin talks makes sense. I can tell his ‘darlings’ with Chase are loved-filled, his ‘honeys’ with Anti are sarcastic, and his ‘dears’ to us are fun and friendly. And even if the word is different, the meanings are the same.” Mad spoke like he was casually stating a fact, but he had a smile with it. 
“He does love using his pet names,” Mare said with a shrug. 
“The connecting dots is because you always have a change in your face when Marvin uses one of those with me. I asked Chase about it, and he said you were jealous.” Mad sang the last word and chuckled.
“I do not-”
“Jackie finally found the shorts.” Phantom cut off Mare’s protest. “Ready to get dressed for your first day?”
“First day? You hired Mad? Why am I just now hearing about this?” Mare’s questions were answered by a wave of Phantom’s hand as he led Mad away. “It better be a safe gig.” He muttered to himself and walked off to do a lap around the club floor. 
“I’m thinking of a purple button-up with black slacks and heeled boots,” Marvin said, sitting at a table with Anti. Chase stood behind him, hands on his shoulders and looking around every now and again. “Gonna make that one wear purple as well so we match.” Marvin pointed up at Chase. 
“I don’t have a purple button-up,” Chase said. 
“I’m going to buy you one, darling.” Marvin patted Chase’s hand. “We’re getting you a fitted suit and everything.” 
“He’d look good in a suit~” Anti teased with a grin. 
“The purple may depend on if you’re part of the wedding party. I’ve been hearing a lot of blue talk.” Dark sat a drink down in front of Anti as he took a seat, a different drink in his hand. 
“I can work with blue. I can work with any color.” Marvin said with a prideful giggle. 
“There’s still like six months until this wedding, and Phantom’s acting like it’s in a week.” Anti swirled the drink Dark gave him before taking a sip. 
“Jackie’s like a headless chicken.” Chase chuckled. “They both just want it to be perfect.” 
“Wilford and JJ’s wedding is next month. Maybe attending and seeing everything go fine will calm them.” Dark suggested as he gestured toward the dance floor where Wilford and JJ were jumping with the crowd. Robbie and Blank were out there as well, the two of them on a ‘not date’.
“Or watch it catch on fire and make them panic more,” Anti said with a cheeky grin. 
“I’m helping with the wedding. It won’t catch on fire,” Dark stated. 
“Should I be worried that we’re talking about fire?” Jackie asked with a laugh when he neared the table and overheard that last part of Dark’s comment. 
“We’re talking about weddings,” Chase said.
“Now I’m really worried.” Jackie’s eyes widened.
“Nope, nope, not about yours, dude.” Chase quickly said, waving both hands in the air. “Focus change, it’s Mad’s first day. Think he’s excited?” 
“He’s excited to start saving up some money for him and Mare to move out,” Marvin said. “I think after Chase walked in on them the other day, kind of kick-started that quest.” 
“Does Mad have his freckles everywhere?” Anti asked. 
“I don’t know, I wasn’t focusing on his ass,” Chase said. 
“Whose ass?” Phantom laughed as he joined the group. 
“Mad’s,” Marvin answered. 
“I wanted to know if he has freckles on it.” Anti added. 
“He’s going to be out in a moment, we can ask,” Phantom suggested. 
“Why does it matter?” Dark rubbed at his temple like he had a headache. 
“I’m curious. You have a mole on your ass.” Anti said. 
“I did not want to know that.” Marvin stuck his tongue out in disgust. 
“It’s on the left cheek, right-”
“You are not pointing out spots on my ass to the others.” Dark moved Anti’s pointing finger away from him.
“Should I come back later?” Mad had just walked up to the table and was tempted to turn right back around. 
“You look adorable!” Marvin praised. “I told you he’d be a perfect shot boy.” He added to Phantom. 
“I am not adorable.” Mad weakly protested, cheeks going a little pink. 
“The theme you suggested was a good one. Adds to the cute card I wanted for it.” Phantom said with a nod, adjusting the headband Mad was wearing. 
Mad had on some black shorts and a black shirt, and he also wore a headband with some ears, and his belt had a fox tail on the back. He held a tray of shot glasses filled with a few different liquors.
“I will set the accessories on fire,” Mad warned. 
“Being cute will get you lots of tips,” Phantom said. “Use that pout to your advantage.” 
“We can test it on Mare first.” Marvin grinned and got up. He went to Mad and turned him so he faced where Mare stood. Mare was busy talking to someone and hadn’t noticed Mad yet. “Go up to him, bat your eyelashes, and ask if he’d like a shot.”
“Add a ‘sir’ to the end of the question,” Dark said. 
“Why?” Mad asked.
“Just trust me.” Dark took a sip of his drink.
“Okay?” Mad looked at Marvin and got a nod from him. “Okay.” He repeated and went off. 
Mad walked up to Mare, tapping his arm to get his attention. Marvin couldn’t hold back his laugh at the face Mare made when he saw Mad and the way his eyes went even wider when Mad clearly said the line. Mare took the tray, sat it on a random table, took hold of Mad’s hand, and walked him away into the back of the club. 
“It worked!” Marvin cheered with an even louder laugh. 
“Gross,” Phantom said with a playful roll of his eyes. The look changed to one of excitement when the next song started playing. “Let’s dance, Jackie!” He grabbed Jackie’s hands and pulled him out to the dance floor. 
“Darky~!” Anti exaggerated a whine as he pulled on Dark’s hands. “You owe me at least one dance!” 
“Fine, fine, one dance.” Dark allowed himself to get dragged away. 
“Would you like to dance?” Chase asked when Marvin stood at his side. 
“I’m good for now. I’d like to be here with you.” Marvin leaned against Chase, holding his hand. He looked over his shoulder to where Henrik and Edward sat at the bar. Henrik’s face was a bright red, his laughs loud, and his slurred words showing his accent was even thicker. “Looks like Edward’s going to have his hands full tonight.” 
“Just a little.” Chase chuckled before he smiled and leaned back against Marvin. “You know, I can still remember when Henrik suggested I go to you for my sleeping problems. He said he was ‘sending me to meet a magical man’. Little did we know at the time I was about to meet one of the best things to happen to me.” 
“You need to stop being so cheesy.” Marvin lightly slapped Chase’s chest with his other hand, feeling his face going warm. 
“Because it makes you blush?”
“Yes. And I don’t blush. That’s your job.” 
“I like sharing.” 
“You can keep it.” 
“Come on, you two!” Phantom stepped in and grabbed Marvin while Jackie got Chase and they led them to the center of the dance floor. 
Marvin went with it immediately, taking Chase’s hands and placing them on his hips while his own went around his neck, leading him in a little dance. He wasn’t sure how many songs played before something bumped into his back.
“Sorry!” Henrik laughed as he took a fumbling step back, getting caught by Edward. 
“He wanted to dance,” Edward explained with his own laugh. 
“It looked fun,” Henrik added. His hold on Edward’s arm was the main reason he stood somewhat straight. 
“It is fun.” Marvin giggled. “And I think Mad and Mare just finished theirs.” He added when he saw Mad make his way back into the main room, headband missing, face red, and hair a mess. Mare followed Mad in and caught him before he wandered off. He fixed his hair and put the headband back in place and couldn’t keep him there much longer after Mad saw Marvin in the crowd. Mad squeezed his way through, Mare still following, and went up to Marvin. 
“Looks like our group took over the middle,” Mad said. “Phantom won’t mind if we have a dance before I get to work, right?” He asked Mare.
“He’ll get over it if not.” Mare chuckled and pulled Mad away into said dance. 
“Chase, I-” Marvin turned and stopped his comment when he realized Chase was no longer next to him and was currently up on Jackie’s shoulders, chanting along to the song. 
Marvin smiled and just took in everything around him. Thinking about how his life was now and likely to be for at least a while. Surrounded by friends and their loved ones. 
How Henrik was still the ‘mom-friend’ of the group. Even when drunk off his ass, he was asking Edward if he was okay and having fun. Edward had the biggest smile and kept a strong hold on Henrik to make sure he didn’t fall, unknowingly becoming the other mom-friend but embracing it nonetheless. Henrik had a boyfriend who’d fight the world for him and a son who would do the same.
How his friendship with Anti had returned, there were still some bumps in trust, but it was getting better and better. And how Dark was…well…he was tolerated at this point. Marvin likely would never see him as a friend friend, but Anti loved the bastard, and Marvin wasn’t going to take that away. 
How Mad was his apprentice, always happy and eager to learn about everything and yet teaching Marvin more than he’d ever realize. He was still a little naive and awkward, trying his best to copy some of the dance moves he observed and having Mare adoring every aspect of him and helping him find the beat so he could dance a little smoother. Mare was able to be with his brother and with his boyfriend without fear of either getting hurt from a job he never expected to go the way it did. 
How Jackie was now engaged and in love with Phantom. Going from the first man to break Marvin’s heart to the best friend of the man who now owned it. Phantom was now one of Marvin’s good friends as well, matching his energy and encouraging some extra chaos for the fun of it. 
How he had Chase. Someone who went from a one-night stand to a friend with benefits to someone Marvin loved more than anything. He made Marvin realize he didn’t need to be alone to be strong. That he could have it all with someone by his side. Chase made him happy. 
“Marv!” Chase laughed after almost falling off of Jackie. He climbed down and practically ran over to him. “Did you see us!? I caught a bottle in the air!” 
“It was flawless, darling.” Marvin placed a hand on Chase’s cheek. “Just like you.” Chase smiled and stepped closer to Marvin, pressing their foreheads together. 
“I love you, too,” Chase whispered before he leaned in to kiss Marvin. 
Chase made Marvin very happy. 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523 @ashtonisvibing
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robboyblunder · 5 months ago
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Colored sketch commission for my pal @the-unseelie-court-official of their OC Comedy, featuring my OC jayce with Comedy as a "Cyanide and Happiness" strip lmao. Jayce is not impressed...
ID in ALT text! If you're interested in my comms they're open with links in my pinned post! :)
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radaverse · 10 months ago
what if they met way before they did
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the baby
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shoyowo · 5 months ago
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this is a fairly obvious parallel so im not going to waste time talking about that, this is more so about the second panel.
why are two CLUB teams playing at a world stage? by digging a little, here's what i found-
The FIVB Men's World Club Championship is a tournament held at the club level. To qualify you'd either need to be a wild card invite - which shows the calibre of your club to be recognised at world level, or traditionally by winning the continental cup - CEV for Europe & CSV for South America.
what im getting at is the sheer level of dedication it requires to qualify and participate in the club championship tournament. quite frankly, it isn't as prestigious as other cups as well and YET kagehina are there, facing each other. they qualified (which is a whole cup in and of itself) AND got past every other opponent in the club championship to meet each other at the highest stage !!!
"(...)that means you're going to stay on the same playing field as me the whole time right? (...) or the top of the world stage?"
that's exactly what they did. that's why the fact that furudate drew club championship finals as the last panel makes me go kinda insane. they stayed on the same playing field by literally being one of the two best club teams in the world.
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spookberry · 1 year ago
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support group for my ocs who keep finding themselves stuck in timeloop adjacent horror stories
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cherryblossomsatsea · 5 months ago
Can’t stop thinking about modern!Rilla who starts a skincare brand with Una Meredith and they 100% make it to the top.
(Bonus points for Persis Ford marketing them all the way to the moon!)
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