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teashteinn · 19 days ago
When I watched the teaser for Shrek 5, those Buff Kinger art were on my mind
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perryrata · 2 months ago
Hear me out.
Boat boys,
But pirates.
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almondcroissantsandink · 7 months ago
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i've wanted to practice drawing cowboys for some time now and so the daggers have turned in their helmets and fighter jets for stetsons and horses! yeehawwww
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cbfanart · 1 month ago
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Should I consider this… an AU?
Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Have a bowuigi with Kitsune/Fox Luigi
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hugsandchaos · 10 months ago
A video was posted in a Facebook group that doesn’t include the Fentons. The video shows Plasmius and Phantom talking while Plasmius is holding Phantom by the back of his suit like it’s a scruff. The conversation goes as follows;
Plasmius: How many more times are you going to sneak into the planetarium?! I’ve caught you, like, 17 different times!
Phantom: I’m thinking… it’s gonna be at least 18.
Plasmius: … *tired sigh*
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funkyfreshman · 4 months ago
I’ve read a couple fics where snotlout gets good with archery and I genuinely love that, I think maybe it’s the fact he’s been pushed to be this big burly guy who fights with axes, swords, hammers, his damn fists, then being good as hell at archery it’s just RAHHHHH imagine he just embraces it and lets himself indulge on that skill please it would be so good and just another thing that makes him different to how his dad wants him to be. And maybe it helps him even further strengthen his bond with hookfang like if he were to focus on archery and then add it with dragon riding, he would have to put a lot of trust into his dragon so he can focus on hitting targets. And augh there bond is already so good but imagine IMAGINE, PLEASE SEE MY VISION. And like it would add so much to the team, hiccup is oddly there front line he has his sword and his gas thing. Astrid is his shield. Ruff and tuff the bomber or whatever you would call it, and fishlegs is there heavy hitter. IMAGINE IF THEY HAD RANGE, eugh. The thoughts are swimming
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rat-dw · 2 months ago
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beast of blood🩸
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raemoebea · 2 months ago
baby shadow ヾ(´∀`)ノ
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proffesionalyappperr · 3 months ago
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I think I’m gonna stick to this style for a bit while I get back into more legit art - expect to see a super inconsistent style from me for a bit 🥲
Anyways - I’m kinda thinking up an au?? Possibly set after Tord leaves for the first time but due to some disagreements within the trio (Edd, Matt, Tom) they go their separate ways? Maybe a year or so later, Tom and Tord have an unexpected encounter and start reconnecting. Idk though, just ideas for now :)
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theblueblazes · 1 year ago
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Found a horrendous error in an early chapter of my fic- CLERIC?? LIKE THE FIRE EMBLEM CLASS?? THE CLERKS HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING??
So anyway, Cleric Orion and Hero Megatronus to distract you from my grave mistake (do not go back to look pls, I've already fixed it 💀)
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dododlee · 6 months ago
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Wow I sure hope nothing bad happens to them
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ammnd · 10 months ago
Come say hi whenever :)
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melancholialapelada7 · 1 year ago
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I have alot of ideas regarding the bishop lamb
One here, for example, is that once in the definitive and most divine form they can change that form at will. Preferring to stay in their firts form because well
Who wouldn't trust a little and innocent lamb?
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st4rry4543 · 2 months ago
King dice & the devil are cuphead and mugman's uncles, and you can not tell me otherwise
( ignore the fact that kd and the devil tried to obliterate cuphead)
Anyways I love these dummies lol
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snootlestheangel · 1 year ago
Hear Me Out
Guys, just, hear me out: YouTubers/Streamers AU for COD. There was a series of posts on @cod-dump 's blog about what games are banned for the boys and I've just been thinking about this but with Ghost, Gaz, Soap, and Alex where one of them is the actual streamer/gamer dude and the others just almost always play with him (maybe Roach if we went on the path that he's not actually mute, just kinda hates talking)
Retired or discharged for whatever reasons, the 141 are actually kinda happy to be living semi-normal lives. Maybe they're not all entirely civilian now, maybe Price has a position that doesn't require him to be on the field but he's still teaching/being a Captain.
But he's constantly telling the boys to find things to do to keep themselves happy. Especially Gaz and Soap, cause the military is kind of all they know, they've never had to be civilians really as adults.
Ghost is transitioning fine, and he's been a huge help for Soap, but Gaz is still kinda struggling. Eventually something happens and Alex is part of his life, but it's still not really what Gaz needs to feel "normal".
So Soap and Alex convince Gaz to start streaming/recording videos of their gaming sessions. It's a slow start, and Gaz is getting frustrated.
Until one time they play something silly but incredibly rage-inducing. It's a trending game because it's designed to pit you against your friends but is still silly nonetheless. There's one clip in particular that starts trending and becomes the reason Gaz's channel starts to take off.
The clip? Gaz yelling at Soap for something and Soap immediately just cursing him out in straight Scots only for Alex, an American, to scream into his mic as loud as humanly possible "WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER?!?!" after having been dead silent for the last 2 minutes. Why did he scream this? Not because of Soap's Scots, but because he had secretly just won the round after having lost the entire time they'd been playing.
People eat that shit up! Suddenly everyone's like "damn there's this hella attractive dude that records gameplay with his friends and they're all really funny." Everyone falls in love with Gaz's appearance first, but then they actually hear him and his friends interact and it's just trading insults and stupid jokes, acting like there's no one watching and they're suddenly kids again.
It eventually comes out that Gaz and his friends are all veterans, and despite the air around military not being the best, there's no denying that caring for veterans is a must. People slowly start to support Gaz's channel/streams, and before he knows it, he's actually got quite the following. His whole thing is about "wanting to do something to distract himself and others from the shitty aspects of life with a few laughs and some good games"
Eventually they convince Ghost to start gaming with them. It makes Gaz's popularity grow because now there's this really deep accent in the mix that's completely clueless as to what he's doing like 90% of the time (I just have this gut feeling that '22 Ghost is so fucking awful at video games) that they refer to simply as "Ghost". Suddenly, the chaos Gaz and his friends are known for increases tenfold. Ghost is flirting with all of them, Soap is arguing with him over literal couple things that come with living together, and there's a new element of really dark humor that wasn't there before (there was dark humor, just not this dark)
They're playing The Backrooms one time. They're not even in the game yet, just in the lobby. Gaz is laughing at Alex's tag for the game "MYLEG!" which is a reference to that one fish in Spongebob always yelling "my leg!" after an incident. Gaz is laughing too hard to actually explain to his viewers that, yes, Alex is an amputee. Soap starts making fun of him, as usual, and that's when it happens.
Alex: "I'll take my leg off and hit you with it, Soap, I swear to god." Soap: "I forgot you were already missing one for a second there and got real concerned." Alex: "No, Soap, I planned on removing my other leg. The one that's still attached, yeah. Just like a lil *pop noise*, ya know?" Gaz: *wheezing so hard he almost throws up*
Then they're playing this silly monster/cryptid hunter game called "A Day Out" and there's skeletons every now and then on the map. Gaz walks up to one and just starts freaking out, saying Ghost's name over and over.
Ghost, freaked out: What?? Gaz, pointing at the skeleton: Look, it's you! *cackling* Ghost, after a concerning long pause: *quietly* Nah, I'm not gonna say that Alex: SAY IT COWARD Ghost: No, that's my brother *Gaz making the most horrified face as he tries not to laugh* *Alex and Soap are losing their shit* Gaz: NAH THAT'S NOT OKAY
That clip posts and the internet looses it. I see this being the actual first video Ghost is in, so for this to be the first thing the viewers get of him, it's safe to say he's a hit. It's also never explained that Ghost does have a deceased brother, so there's just an acceptance of Ghost's skeleton brother.
There's several times where they've all gotten together and played silly games like Mario Kart when there's a bunch of them. There's the sober one and there's the drunk one, where there's so many different languages being hurled as curses at each other, Gaz gives up on captioning ANY of it.
OOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF! Roach becomes his editor once he gets popular enough so he can spend more time playing games, solo ones when the others are working.
For a while, everyone's going crazy wanting to see what the others all look like, and sometimes (cause we're assuming the world they live in now during all this is a lot better), they're joined by Rudy or Alejandro, or both in one rare instance. Sometimes, for old times's sake, during the drunk gaming sessions, they'll call Laswell only for her to scold them. There are times they'll bully Roach who always, as the editor, changes their words from the insults to compliments. Or he definitely trolls Gaz a lot with some of the editing, and it's all around just a good time. Hence why everyone wants to know what they look like.
Then it's around the holidays after about 2 and a half years of Gaz's channel being as popular as it is. He posts a single picture on his socials with a group of people and the caption: "Love seeing the boys over the holidays."
It's such a nice photo; Alex with an arm wrapped around Gaz's shoulders, Soap and Ghost on his other side with Roach between Soap and Gaz.
And the internet has once again gone crazy. Why? Cause not only are these dudes fucking hilarious, but they're hot and taken.
Except, as they all end up teasing him about, Roach is very much still single XD
I have been watching too much YouTube lately, can y'all tell?? Haha anyways back to my hole I shall crawl
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