#might actually write somthing about this/draw somthing cause
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I’ve read a couple fics where snotlout gets good with archery and I genuinely love that, I think maybe it’s the fact he’s been pushed to be this big burly guy who fights with axes, swords, hammers, his damn fists, then being good as hell at archery it’s just RAHHHHH imagine he just embraces it and lets himself indulge on that skill please it would be so good and just another thing that makes him different to how his dad wants him to be. And maybe it helps him even further strengthen his bond with hookfang like if he were to focus on archery and then add it with dragon riding, he would have to put a lot of trust into his dragon so he can focus on hitting targets. And augh there bond is already so good but imagine IMAGINE, PLEASE SEE MY VISION. And like it would add so much to the team, hiccup is oddly there front line he has his sword and his gas thing. Astrid is his shield. Ruff and tuff the bomber or whatever you would call it, and fishlegs is there heavy hitter. IMAGINE IF THEY HAD RANGE, eugh. The thoughts are swimming
#high httyd thoughts#httyd snotlout#httyd#snotlout jorgenson#rtte snotlout#rtte#au?#might actually write somthing about this/draw somthing cause#I can’t stop think about it#imagine#see my vision
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1-ALLL I wanna know all about the Mun!!!
OwO lol ok ^w^ *gives diedrie a big hug
1. What is the middle name? *leaves it n/a* owo
2. How old are you? OwO 27 wishing i was younger
3. What is your birthday? september 7
4. What is your zodiac sign? virgo owo
5. what is your favorite color? all the colors of purple >=3
6. What’s your lucky number? would it suprise you if i said 7? cause thats my lucky number x3
7. Do you have any pets? Yes but its my sister’s dog though that is a goldendoodle they are lovely dogs that loves playing with kids. but also good guard dogs.
8. Where are you from? USA kansas xP
9. How tall are you? i am 5′8 owo
10. What shoe size are you? oh gawd shoe sizes are evil if its in womens i gotta get size 12 if its in mens i gotta grab 13, But i happen to lose weight over the 2 years from before so i had to go slightly smaller size shoes. So i am unsure the size right now.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I would say about 5 i think all for different occasion *has lost count cause she kept some old shoes for outside yard work.*
12. What was your last dream about? Hmmm the last thing i remember was that I was talking to black shadows and sparring supposingly it was supposed to be a nightmare but i manage to turn it around i guess *shrugs*
13. What talents do you have? hmmm well i am good at writing some stuff cause i can write a short one and leave a good cliff hanger. But love to draw alot x3. and messing with yarn still learning all of the basics when it comes to crochet.
14. Are you psychic in any way? Now i wouldn’t really call it physic but I often do see ghosts from time to time that would give you guys the chills x3. But the problem having that ability growing up was hard cause i kept it a secret only cause i was scared to be called crazy or insane. But i was taught alot of things thanks to some ghosts i have met but i also learn not all of them are safe to talk to as well. So be careful if you have this ability or if your child happens to have this. Cause some ghosts are not safe and tend to try to lure you away.
15. favorite song? omg this is hard can i just say imagine dragons is the favorite band please? love too many of their songs but if i was to choose it would be raidioactive
16. Favorite movie? spirit away =D
17. Who would be your ideal partner? owo that would be someone who i can chill to hang out with and that we just be ourselfs to be honest. I rather place no judgement if i can between the partner and me only cause i rather have us have fun and be able to relax.
18. Do you want children? x3 me and my hubby has talked about this since ours is a distant relationship we did decide if we ever got to move together to be in the same house its a definate yes.
19. Do you want a church wedding? That i don’t know actually to be honest that would be somthing down later in the future road i rather think of the present than worry about later in the future.
20. Are you religious? now this kind of topic i rather stay away if i can but i am most comfortable talking to my hubby with. Only because i seen alot of wars between people who are religious and some who are not. I rather respect both sides if i can to be honest. even though to being religious i would say i am a little cause i am a wiccan gonna be honest here. But i still respect all religions if i possibly can and i even have respect for the preists as well.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes i have alot of good and bad memories i have out of going there the last thing i been there for though was worrying about my grandpa which i am still worrying about him even now. Which I am hoping he can live a bit longer. Cause he is a great man to be honest.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not really like the last thing i got trouble for was accidently speeding and I had apologize to the officer which he did gave me a ticket but i didn’t have to pay for it just take the ticket in and was warned to be more careful next time. Which i am more careful and try my best to stay out of trouble.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? nope i haven’t =/ but i probly would freak out just a little but try to stay calm as well.
24. Baths or showers? Can i say both? please =3
25. What color of socks are you wearing? Was wearing black grayesh socks last night but took them off lol =3
26. Have you ever been famous? nope =3
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Hmmm i would say yes but i rather work for it.
28. What type of music do you like? to be honest i love all kinds of music but i love the most is country rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? um no I haven’t owo
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? uhhh....*counts* about 5 big pillows and 2 small little ones owo
31. What position do you sleep in? which ever is the most comfortable but mostly sleep on my side.
32. How big is your house? owo....idk.....*shrugs*
33. what do you typically have for breakfast? which ever sounds good but love susage sandwiches the most. but somtimes i would make myself a really fluffy egg omelette =3
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes but only because my uncle was teaching me how to use one properly to get over my fear. Cause i rather be able to move if i get stuck a situation one day instead of being frozen in fear. I rather help those in need to get out of the dangerous situation if i can.
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes when i was little i went to church camp and tried archery there it was actually alot of fun learning how to use the bow.
36. favorite clean word? meep
37. favorite swear word? uhhh.....welp i know some of you will laugh real hard cause i said this a few times and left my hubby laughing alot hearing this. quote “What the flying fuck?!” x3
38.Whats the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? only one day i went without sleep.
39. Do you have any scars? uhhh.....*hides her scars.* sorry leaving that n/a? owo
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? hmmm nope owo
41. Are you a good liar? hmm i don’t really like lieing to be honest i only do this only if there is a good reason cause alot of drama does happen quiet often in the family and i only do this to avoid it. so i am somewhat a good one but i rather not do it it if i can.
42. Are you a good judge of character? umm idk?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? um no not really although i have a few people in irl who keeps saying i have some sort of accent and idk where it comes from.
44. Do you have a strong accent? um idk again owo
45. What is your favorite accent? owo uhh.....*shrugs*
46. what is your personality type? i would say just a fun loving type of personality with a slight dark humor once a while even though we don’t mean to have the dark humor to happen.
47. what is your most expensive piece of clothing? uhh....i would say a dress?
48. Can you curl your tougue? heck yea x3
49. Are you an innie or an outie? I am both =3 but mostly an innie
50. Left or right handed? i am right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? uh... I am but spiders and me go to war actually cause i had got bit all the time by them spiders.
52. favorite food? Anything Pasta related! =D
53. Favorite foreign food? Chinese food
54. are you a clean or a messy person? a little of both owo
55. most used phrased? idk owo
56. Most used word? merp =P
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? about 1 hour. to 30 min.s if i rush like mad almost about 10 min. flat.
58. Do you have much of an ego? ego? what ego? *has no ego*
59.Do you suck or bite lollipops? I only suck unless there’s somthing in the middle then i bite it.
60. Do you talk to yourself? I often do only when i am thinking or trying to decide on things to make a right choice. and yes this actually helps me think of a better choice.
61. Do you sing to yourself? owo yes i do when i am by myself.
62. Are you a good singer? ehh? idk?
63. biggest fear? I think i have a slight fear of abandonment i think but i think the worst one is snakes even though i found them cute on the net. the old biggest fear used to be guns.
64. Are you a gossip? I rather not gossip if i can actually.
65. best dramatic movie you’ve seen? can i say the best scary movie please? if i can i would say resident evil.
66. Do you like long or short hair? I like both actually owo but long hairs are harder to maintain.
67. Can you name all 50 states of america? I think if i can i would name all of them but its been a while so i might forget a couple actually.
68. Favorite school subject? owo Art class!
69. Extrovert or introvert? mostly introvert but i still like going outside once a while.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope but would love to one day
71. what makes you nervous? Um not knowing whats gonna happen next if things do get complicated
72. Are you scared of the dark? Yes V w V but mostly if i am outside at night is where its worse but i am fine inside the building.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? only if i can somtimes i am not able to all the time.
74. Are you ticklish? yes sadly lol.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? no and actually i don’t like dealing with rumors.
76. have you ever been in a position of authority? nope but it would be interesting to try i guess.
77. Have you ever drank underage? nope actually i never gone drinking dispite my age.
78. Have you ever done drugs? noppity nope never done them and never will.
79. Who was your first real crush? sorry keepin that a secret owo
80. How many piecrings do you have? one for each ear owo so only 2
81. can you roll your rs? uhh....idk? *has no clue what rs is*
82. How fast can you type? last i checked it was about 60 on the speed scale on that mavis bacon typing program.
83. How fast can you run? uhh idk....
84. What color is your hair? dark brown
85. What color is your eyes? hazel so a bit of blue and green
86. What are you allergic to? eh feathers (sorry bird friends i can’t touch birds owo) house dust might and mold. which i find this silly.
87. Do you keep a journal? nope
88. What do your parents do? eh....sorry leaving that n/a guys
89. Do you like your age? to be honest i wish i am younger but its ok really cause i at least can help my family by having a job and help pay the bills. which allows me to spoil my mom once a while. Why cause she deserves it ^^.
90. What makes you angry? oh well i really don’t get angry really easy mostly if it comes to family members starting drama and start shit up that they shouldn’t be doing and lie and steal yea i can get angry really easy then. And i had people get scared of me before cause i was like angry but looked calm at the same time. I try my best not to get angry cause i rather think clearly if i can to find out whats actually going on to help fix the situation.
91. Do you like your own name?.....*leaves it n/a*
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? um owo.....sadly nope.. i am not good with names to be honest. I try my best to come up with good ones if i do get stuck picking one though.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Eh?...idk i just rather leave it up to fate of what comes first in the future.
94. What are your strengths? I think my biggest strength i have is helping on calming a person down really and somtimes letting them lean on me to cry if they needed it.
95. What are your weaknesses? owo hmm not sure i think seeing cute things is my weakness lol.
96. how did you get your name? eh? i came up with this name a long time ago when i was younger i loved to draw and do alot of art related stuff but I also love playing fighting games as well. and actually had 1 year of karate as well.
97. were y our ancestors royalty? umm idk? it would be cool to find out owo.
98. Do you have any scars? owo uhh.. *hides her scars once again* why did this question come up the second time?
99. Color of your bedspread? white with a few other colors on it mostly green. been thinking about getting a new different one.
100. Color of your room? white if i had the choice i would paint it purple not only cause purple is my favorite color but also its a calm color to have in the bedroom.
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PILOT: Sherlock already knows 'what' the killer is. A cabbie.

SHERLOCK: There are cars that pass like ghosts, unseen, unremembered. There are people we trust, always, when we’re alone, when we’re lost, when we’re drunk. We never see their faces, but every day we disappear into their cars and let the trap close around us.
And when a black cab pulls up at the other side of the steet Sherlock knows exactly what's going on.
SHERLOCK: I give you the perfect murder weapon of the modern age, the invisible car. The London cab.
Sherlock reacts immediately. With a little help of Angelo (code word 'headless nun') he acts like a drunk and approaches the taxi. The plan goes wrong though. Serial killer Jeff Hope is able to drug Sherlock. After bundling the half conscious man into his cab, where he quickly passes out, Hope drives away. John notices that something isn't right and starts running after the cab .... without his cane.
ASIP: Sherlock hasn't the 'faintest idea' who would be hunting in the middle of a crowd.

A black cab parks at the side of the road across Angelo's which raises Sherock's suspicion.
SHERLOCK: Look across the street. Taxi. SHERLOCK: Stopped. Nobody getting in, and nobody getting out. SHERLOCK: Why a taxi? Oh, that’s clever. Is it clever? Why is it clever
On the off chance that the serial killer could be inside the cab Sherlock and John (without his cane) chase the taxi through the streets of London . Sherlock is right and wrong at the same time. He suspects the passenger to be the murderer when in fact - as it turns out a little later - it is the cabbie. Sherlock and John return to 221b without having achieved what they set out for. After a while the cabbie arrives here as well and lures Sherlock into his car with the promise to explain how he was able to talk people into suicide.
PILOT: It is Sherlock who phones and approaches Jeff Hope

Sherlock knows already the cabbie is the murderer. John and Angelo are in on the plan and observe from afar. Sherlock gets druged, abducted and is then completely helpless at the mercy of the serial killer. John chases the taxi on foot back to Baker Street (a five minute walk between 221b and Angelo's)
ASIP: It is Jeff Hope who phones and approaches Sherlock

Sherlock follows him willingly and with full knowledge that this is the murderer. Sherlock doesn't tell anyone about it. He gets never druged in this version. John is able to trace Sherlock to Roland-Kerr Further Education College because the serial killer neglected to get rid of the treacherous pink phone.
John Watson the soldier, the doctor, comes invalided back from the war - unable to work in his job anymore. He doesn't get on with his sister Harry. Because John can't afford London on his army pension he is looking for a flatshare. His therapist tells John that writing down in a blog everything that happens to him would be very helpful. Problem is ... nothing happens to him. And John keeps a gun in his nightstand.

John (with his cane) meets Sherlock at 221b.
Sherlock reacts enthusiastically when he finally gets summoned by DI Lestrade on the case of the serial suicide murders. 'Oh, it's Christmas!' Sherlock exclaims and full of excitement he rushes out of the door.
A frustrated John stays behind who damns his bad leg, his disability, for being the reason he has lost a life full of action, adventure and meaning.
Unexpectedly Sherlock comes back to invite John on the case.
After having investigated the crime scene Sherlock rushes off again, leaving John behind a second time.
Unexpectedly Sherlock calls John back to Baker Street to discuss the case. Then he invites him on the hunt for the serial killer and ... to dinner.

Faith Smith (with a cane) comes to Baker Street seeking the help of Sherlock Holmes.
It's about murder. Later it turns out that a serial killer is involved.
Sherlock notices certain things about Faith. Her isolation, her limited funds, that she left her job.
But he isn't interested in her case and sends her away.
Unexpectedly Sherlock calls her back because suddenly he realizes somthing very important: Faith is on the verge of killing herself.
Sherlock invites her to dinner and takes her case.

In these scenes Faith Smith serves as a mirror for John Watson. For one second Sherlock even sees John in his mind ... walking with his cane down a dimly lit street (ASIP). There is the memory of a damp coat (lady in pink) and there is a handbag too.
PILOT & ASIP - a smallish suitcase without the weight of a pink phone
TLD - a handbag with the revealing weight of a heavy gun
Sherlock reads the symptoms of depression and suicidal tendencies correctlly and is aware of the dangerous condition Faith is in.
SHERLOCK: It’s too heavy. You said I was your last hope and now you’re going out into the night with no plan on how you’re getting home ... and a gun.
And Sherlock reacts really sweet. He invites Faith on a stroll through the nightly streets of London and later to dinner with fish and chips. He explains patiently and in great detail how he deduces certain things and how he draws his conclusions from them. They walk and talk the whole night. When the new morning dawns Sherlock demands Faith's gun as payment for taking her case and throws it into the Thames.

SHERLOCK: “Taking your own life.” Interesting expression. Taking it from who? Oh, once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it. SHERLOCK: Your own death is something that happens to everybody else. SHERLOCK: Your life is not your own. Keep your hands off it.

John's gun gets thrown into the Thames as well. It happens at the end of the PILOT.
SHERLOCK: Where is it? JOHN: Where’s what? SHERLOCK: Don’t. Just don’t. What did you do with the gun? JOHN: Oh, er, bottom of the Thames.

SHERLOCK: He wants to kill anyone. He’s a serial killer! SMITH: Anyone.
FAITH’s VOICE: Anyone. MOLLY’s VOICE: Anyone. MARY’s VOICE: Anyone
SMITH (multiple times): Anyone
(In total 'anyone' is mentioned by different characters 28 times in TLD)

CABBIE: Anyone who didn’t know where they were going, ’cause they were drunk or lost or new in town. CABBIE: Anyone I could walk through the wrong door
Interestingly the term 'anyone' is at no time uttered by serial killer Jeff Hope in ASIP.


In the PILOT as well as in ASIP Sherlock deduces a lot of things about John which he tells him right away - first in Bart's lab and on the next day during the taxi ride to the crime scene. But Sherlock is not the only one who notices certain things. The audience gets included in the deduction process as well. We are the ones who are able to watch an isolated and depressed John Watson in his sparsely furnished flat. His nightmares are the very first thing the story starts with. It is clear from the beginning that this man is in a really bad condition. This is a man who has lost his joy for life ... who has lost his meaning of life. The way John looks and moves when he is alone in his dim little room ... how he eyes the gun he's keeping in his nightstand ... tells that he is very near the mark of using it on himself.

But what the audience doesn't see is, if Sherlock Holmes notices the same things as well. Does he deduce about John in the PILOT and in ASIP what he deduces about Faith in TLD?
Looking at John ... does Sherlock see 'suicidal, alone, strapped for cash, good cook and isolation' ?
Does he notice that John is in great danger? That he is in dire need to be saved? If so ... how does Sherlock react? Well, he invites John on the case and to dinner ... very similar to how he reacts with Faith. Therefore Sherlock might very well have deduced the same things about Joh Watson. Just Sherlock's reaction isn't shown to the audience. Or ist it?
This episode is woven of several story threads (in fact, the whole show is). If I had to name the two main threads in TLD I would call them:
Actually, the second title could be used for the whole of S4 (or more?):
'Save John Watson' - The first episode TST - ends with this request
The whole second episode TLD - is about this request.
The third episode TFP - seems to bring the story in the perfect position for achieving this request.
Hopefully S5 will present the successfull outcome of this request.
((As mentioned in several previous posts (X X X X X X) I think that Mary isn't a real person but a character 'casted' (invented) by Sherlock to serve as an avatar for himself on his 'Mind Stage'. 'It's for an experiment'. Additional information regarding this idea can be found here and here and also in 'Why Mary?' by @loveismyrevolution. In that case the 'insturction' how to save John Watson actually comes from Sherlock himself - it is the result of his own deductions.))

This is how TST ends. And TLD starts with a case that mirrors the PILOT as well as ASIP in a lot of things. Probably to drive home the point as clear as possible - right after Faith 'vanishes' mysteriously by daybreak near the Thames and Sherlock starts wandering aimlessly through the streets - the audience as well as Sherlock is reminded of the main purpose of this episode again:
Don’t think anyone else is going to save John, because there isn’t anyone

And then later, near the climax of this story, the audience gets in detail Sherlock's instructions from the DVD which has already been given to him in the prior episode (TST). What he has to do to achieve the very important task of saving John Watson:
Don’t think anyone else is going to save him, because there isn’t anyone. It’s up to you. Save him. But I do think you’re gonna need a little bit of help with that, because you’re not exactly good with people, so here’s a few things you need to know about the man we both love – and more importantly what you’re going to need to do to save him.
You can’t save John because he won’t let you. He won’t allow himself to be saved. The only way to save John ... is to make him save you. Go to Hell, Sherlock. Go right into Hell, and make it look like you mean it.
Go and pick a fight with a bad guy. Put yourself in harm’s way. If he thinks you need him, I swear ... he will be there.

And exactly this is what Sherlock is doing in 'The Lying Detective'. He picks a fight with a really bad guy. He puts himself into mortal danger. He bets his own life by playing an insanely risky game. Druged and completely helpless Sherlock submerges himself to be at the mercy of a extremely dangerous serial killer. And John starts running to help him. Well .... he starts driving .....

Oh .... but hasn't all this happened before? It's on the tip of my tongue .....

Sherlock invites John on their fist case. He invites him to dinner at Angelo's. Sherlock picks a fight with a bad guy (and he doesn't inform the police ... really nothing new under the sun).
Sherlock puts himself into harm's way. He gets druged, bundled into a cab and is kidnapped by a serial killer.
JOHN: Something’s gone wrong. ANGELO: No, no, no. All part of the plan. ANGELO: Sherlock always has a plan. JOHN: Yes, and it’s gone wrong.
And John Watson immediately starts running .... chasing the cab ... attempting to save Sherlock Holmes. First part of the plan achieved? It seems ....

Hoping John arives in time. Because the only way to save John ... is to make him save Sherlock. Either they both survive or neither of them. Because #Sherlock Holmes lives means #John Watson lives. This show runs in circles!
Right from the beginning of the story? It almost seems so ....
Using the same filmset for PILOT and TLD X
I leave you to your own deduchtions. Thank you for the scripts @callie-ariane
@gosherlocked @isitandwonder @monikakrasnorada @tjlcisthenewsexy @longsnowsmoon5 @yan-yae @the-7-percent-solution @tendergingergirl @may-shepard @moffat-rocks @sarahthecoat @marchinaugusta @impatient14 @camillo1978 @shylockgnomes
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Hi, I am not actually upset about anything, I was just trying to offer up my two cents on the topic. But if I came across as angry in my comment, I apologise and blame the character limit on the comment box. (english is also not my first language, and i mostly write academically, so that might be a factor.)
I do infact have a rather busy life, and meant it more in the way of “if i get no response, then I am not going to take the time out of my day to post somthing”. I don’t particularly care (as in, it does not awaken any strong emoutions in me), but I’ve seen the debate about likes vs reblogs going around.
I guess I lied a bit when I said I don’t care. Because if I truly didn’t care, I wouldn’t have bothered commenting. I care in the sense that I am afraid that other artists are gonna draw the same conclusion as me, that if people don’t reblog then the people don’t care, and the artists are not going to spend their time shouting into an empty void. If no one shouts back, eventually all the people who create content for the fandoms are goiong to leave, and we are all going to be poorer for it.
Of course I appreciate likes, but as a person who use my likes purely as bookmarks, the ratio scewing more and more towards likes rather than reblogs as time goes by is very discouraging, and makes me rather sad when I consider where we might be in the future regarding new art and content for all the various fandoms at this site if other feel similarly to myself. (Which it seems like many do, based ont he posts I’ve seen going around)
sorry for the long reply, but apparently i did in fact care more than I thought. I appreaciate you reaching out, even if there is no cause for concern.
@theghostofaspider hey re: ur reply to the post abt likes vs reblogs, i think u shld read this post. it's entirely fair to be upset, i'm not trying to have a go, just offering an alternative perspective
#this was supposed to be short#I guess i had a lot of unsaid things about this that suddenly wanted to get out#I am however going to be honest: the post you linked to going 'you have a psychological issue'#did not appreciate it#I don't like people assigning emotions or behaviours to me which is not true#so maybe ask whether or not a person is upset before claiming they are spiraling because they need validation from strangers on the internet#It felt a bit like when you make a perfectly calm stament and the other person responds with 'omg calm down! why are you shouting?'#but i get that emotions and intent is difficult to determine in text form. and I don't blame you or anything
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