#I dare that fucker to look one more time I should kill him just for having the privilege of looking at you looking at what’s mine
I dare them to keep staring. Like I won’t bend you over my lap right here and finger you in front of them just to prove a point🔪🌹
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Some Kind of Angry Beaver
Summary: The Wolverine’s massacre has made you lose everything. Your friends are dead, you’ve left home, and the world’s hatred for mutants grows worse. You promise to yourself you’d have a few words to him if you meet again, and you do, at one of the shady bars where you both grieve your losses.
Notes: Reader is a mutant and was with Wolverine for a brief time, very very brief implications of sub!Logan. Not romantic anymore, and yes the title is from ERB deal with it. Worstie is a lot more sad and pathetic since this is early post!slaughter, gender neutral reader, not beta read we die like this universe’s X-Men, I wrote this in a day and it’s absolutely gonna show
Warnings: Logan killed some of Reader’s friends in his rampage, story is based on grief and death, mutant racism, Logan tries to kill himself but he comes back dw, and a whole lotta swearing
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Before you met him, you had no clue what a wolverine was.
You’d barely heard of it, having skipped over it in some animal documentary to focus on more interesting animals, like sharks and alpacas. When you passed by a bar with a few cage fights, you heard the name Wolverine for the first time. When looking at the man’s body, admittedly luscious hair with canines and claws, you had assumed a wolverine was some type of dog or cat, before nailing it down to a wolf. Wolverine, wolf, they just added some more syllables to make a difference.
“It’s a weasel.” The man who you now knew was called Logan answered curtly upon your question, looking away from the bed which smelled of steamy intimacy from last night, and thus, turning away from you, who was on the other side, putting your clothes back on.
“That doesn’t seem very threatening,” You quipped back, putting your shirt on. “The fuck’s a weasel gonna do to the lucky guy?”
Logan gave a quick grunt. “They should be more worried about what I’d do to them.”
“If you can avoid their little collars, that is. Fucking bastards and their dampeners.” You said with a sarcastic sigh. The Senate was trying to make them more commonplace, and though the clapback was fierce, you were still a bit wary.
He gave a quick hmph, and that was that.
You stayed together for a few months. It was unforgettable, to say the least. Watching that man squirm under your touch was an accomplishment for the ages, and the moment you made tears come out of his eyes you did a little victory dance in your brain. You bought him dogtags and things you thought he might’ve liked, while he defended your honor in your ring, beating the shit out of anyone who dared to shittalk you.
“You shouldn’t have, sweetie,” You jokingly answered, upon noticing that his knuckles were still dripping red after passing by a beaten guy carried by his friends, making small comments about how dumb he was. You noticed some scars subtly close in, and turned away, pretending you saw nothing. “His ego can’t take another hit.”
“Can yours?” He answered, and your only response was a pinch of his cheek.
Of course, it didn’t last. Nothing bad happened, you simply just went in other directions. Logan kept hopping between different clubs with cage fights, and you settled in a small town and made a life there. You never forgot how it felt to touch him, but you’d seen him in action. Dude could do just fine.
You got a job, and got your own group of people. Majority of them were human, but like hell if that mattered. You shared good drinks of booze together and you cared for them. Brittney gave birth to a child, and god that kid was the cutest, fattest little fucker you’d ever seen. A few years had passed since you’d met Logan, and by then you were content. Your abilities were accepted, you’d gotten your own little found family, and you comfortably nested yourself in the community.
Brittney and her new fiancé, Ken were going to NYC for a vacation, and trusted the rest of you with their child. For the best, you know now.
“The X-Men are dead. You should be staying here.” Charlie said, crossing his arms to the couple. He wasn’t exaggerating, the X-Men were dead. Their mansion was ransacked and their bodies were fucked. You remember holding in the urge to puke, as the censoring on the news was done horrible, all the guts and gore visible. Jayden didn’t, you remember, running to the toilet and letting out a combination of a vomit and sob.
“We can’t just cancel. I promise, we’ll be safe.” Ken said, though it was obvious he was nervous. “That money can’t just go down the drain, and we’ve shortened it to just two days.”
“The fuck’s the point on going a vacation, then?” You spoke up, eyebrows raised. Brittney looked at me, before back to her now crying baby, probably from all the arguments.
“I have a gun for a reason.” Ken shrugged, and you and Charlie died down. You knew you weren’t gonna win.
“Just….keep Hope safe, alright?” Brittney’s query ended the conversation, as you nodded before giving her a hug. Charlie left the premises, and later you’d see him in the casino, trying to drown out the worry you felt.
You should’ve pushed more. You should’ve tied them to a fucking chair, drugged them with some sleeping pills or whatever. Anything to prevent what happened. But you can’t turn back time, that wasn’t your mutant ability, and now your friends are dead.
So many people were dead.
You spent three days in lockdown. All from some….monster, indiscriminately slaughtering everyone in a path that couldn’t be determined. New York was fucked, Brittney and Ken were fucked. You saw their names on a list of casualties. Jayden wailed for the loss, and you let out a few tears yourself. This shouldn’t have happened, this shouldn’t ever have happened.
The three days ended, but it felt a lot more like an eternity of Hell. Your town wasn’t touched, but you still saw so much blood as you left your home. Nothing changed and yet it all changed. This didn’t feel like home, not anymore.
When the news told you the culprit of this massacre, you couldn’t resist the urge this time. You puked in your toilet, tears running down your face. Your friends were dead to someone who you knew, who’s cheeks you gently pecked. The hands that you once held were used to slaughter Brittney and Ken and so many innocent people. Logan had killed your friends, had killed you in a way.
The bodies were returned, and you cremated the couple at their funeral. You still had some tears to cry, face blank as you stared at their urns. That was your second last day in that town. Everyone hated you now, your mutant powers were despised once more after Logan fucked everything up. No-one looked at you normally anymore. Their gazes were full of hatred and prejudice and pity and god you fucking despised it. With the knowledge that Charlie adopted Hope and Jayden had absolutely run out of tears, you left, wiping your face as the downpour consumed you.
You passed by, traveling across without a goal. You became closely acquainted with the train and bus, and you once more learned to hide your powers, something that you never thought you’d have to do again. Any progress people might’ve been working on towards total acceptance went down the drain, organizations quickly scrambling to make speeches about how ‘one mutant shouldn’t define an entire race’. You would’ve agreed, but the carnage was massive and you still saw dried blood on some walls from the Wolverine’s rampage is you looked closely enough.
After it rained again, you sought refuge in one of the nearby bars. It smelled of shit of booze, and you took a seat near the front.
“Whatcha want?” The bartender asked, gruff in his voice noticeable, and you thought for a second, looking at all the glasses behind him.
“Second heaviest thing you got.” He nodded, and quickly poured some beer in a glass. You had him a note before drinking.
You comfortably fell in the routine, sitting in silence, all the other conversations providing ambiance to your casual misery. Then, like a lightning strike to a tree, it just had to end.
The door opened again. You didn’t care, but when all the conversation stopped, you looked up. You retched upon seeing the fucker’s face, and moved farther away from the door until you were on the opposite end of the counter.
Logan either didn’t notice or didn’t care, sitting at the counter. “Fuck off,” The bartender almost snarled. “We don’t want ya kind here.”
Logan pulled out a few coins. “Not a paying customer?” He spoke, as if he was ignorant to all the shit he pulled just a few weeks ago.
The bartender grunted, pouring him a glass of wine that was obviously cheap and old. The mutant accepted it anyway, taking a long sip. He shouldn’t be enjoying himself, you thought with disdain, he should’ve been rotting in Hell without a drop of drink and no flames to light up a cigar.
The ambiance stopped, no-one wanting to talk while the beast was around. For some fucking reason, you didn’t move from your seat, and so you were just a few meters away from the ex who took so much from you.
After five drinks, you had enough. You got up from your seat and left some change behind as a tip. A more conscious you wouldn’t have tipped someone who was likely a mutant racist, but you weren’t really thinking. You wanted out, you wanted away from the monster, you wanted away from that bloody wolf.
You walked a few steps away from the building when Logan came approaching you. You paused in place, perhaps by the audacity of his actions.
“I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened, but you gave a small growl, turning them narrowed again. “For what?”
“I wronged you.” You always did need observational skills to become a good tracker.
“Their names,” You shot back with a snarl, “Were Brittney and Ken, and they were heading to New York. They did nothing to you. And you still killed them.”
“I did. I’m sorry.” He repeated, as if that would make it any better.
“I don’t care if you’re sorry!” You yelled out, pointing a finger towards the other mutant as you took a step forward. “You slaughtered my friends you fucking bastard! You lost your family, big whoop, what right does that give you to make mine too, you bloody prick?!”
You had thought about this type of scenario before. You wouldn’t give him a verbal beatdown, no, you were too classy for that. You’d say one sentence that would crush his resolve and leave him astounded as you walked away, knowing that your friends were at peace. But you were drunk and angry and your family was fucked over because of this one man, and so you went on, like a lion going overkill when it finally encountered their prey.
“I wish I never fucking met you! It’d be sooooo easier if you were just some psycho rando, but I fucked you! We slept in the same bed and I kissed you and god I fucking knew you. You were one of the X-Men, you were supposed to save the world, but all you do is make things worse!” You sobbed, dropping your hand to your side as they shook.
“And it’s god’s greatest wish that you die alone and scared, just like your fucking victims, but it’s also god’s little gift that you can’t die! And you just had to in-fucking-flict it upon all of us! All you do is make things worse for everyone, you ruined everyone’s life, you ruined my life, god fucking damnit!” You put your face into your hands and sobbed. You must’ve looked so pathetic, having this breakdown on the road in front of your murderous ex.
“I should’ve tried harder.” You murmured weakly to no-one in particular. “I should’ve stopped them. Shouldn't have relented when Charlie did. Should've done more……” Tears and hands muffled your voice. “But I didn't and now they're fucking dead.”
You finally looked up, and just like you, Logan's face was covered in tears. Good, you thought. Let him suffer.
“Should've been there for them.” You didn't expect him to talk. “Should've gotten off my ass and done something. And now they're ten feet under cuz’ I didn't.”
A stray sob escaped your throat again, looking at him, covered by rain and tears and now the moon was out. “Guess we both fucked up, huh?” You tried to smile, head tilted, with it only just looking broken and fake.
“They'd all be disappointed.” Logan confirmed somberly, as he thought back to Colossus and Professor X and Scott, all too aware of their hypothetical reactions if they knew of his actions.
“The X-Men were supposed to be heroes, weren't they?” You looked up at the stars, and held a hand up like you were trying to catch them. “But you were always the best at what you did, and what you did was never heroic. You told me yourself.” Answering your own question, your hand flopped to the side again. The stars didn't feel so luminescent, not right now.
Logan gave a small grunt, trying to wipe away his tears. “I know. I'll carry it for the rest of my life. It's what I deserve.”
“It's what you deserve.”
You spoke at the same time, before you gave a fake small chuckle. “God, you're fucking horrible.” You paused for a second, letting out another pretend giggle. “Thanks for telling me what a wolverine was, Logan. Cuz’ I know that you’re the fucking worst one.”
You lunged forwards and punched him in the cheek. It hurt like hell, and Logan didn't flinch, but fuck did it feel good.
“Fuck you, Logan. I hope you rot in Hell, you bitchin’ bastard.”
He only nodded, tears still cascading down his face as you stormed away and walked away, just like you did to your home.
You found yourself sitting on a bench, still raining and still wet from your encounter. Your ass was fucking freezing. Maybe you deserved it for being such a bad friend. You wouldn't be here if you had been there for Brittney and Ken. You had a lot of tears in your body, you realized, as you sobbed once more, grieving the loss of everything you once had. God, you hated beavers.
Logan hated himself too. That should’ve made you feel better, but it didn’t. You were still just as empty and sad as you were this morning, just this time you were drenched and drunk. You looked up at the stars again, and though they were still just as dull as they were when you encountered Logan, you still gazed anyway. They were all you had left.
Logan rushed into the dump he called a home, a retch stuck in his throat as he frantically searched. Your words were repeating once more, becoming one with the fucked up chorus that was his mind, mocking him for even considering that you’d want him back. It was a passing thought that he immediately disregarded, but the voices milked it, acting as though he’d been pining over you for years.
He’d never forgotten you, you were important to him. But you moved on, and so did he, and he tried to shoot his shot with Jean. But Jean’s dead, and you weren’t, and you hated him. As you should, he didn’t blame you, he hated himself. And yet it somehow stung.
The cacophony roared with laughter at his turmoil, and he clutched his head, praying they’d get out. He couldn’t handle your voice, he couldn’t handle Jean’s voice he couldn’t handle Colossus’ voice he couldn’t handle Scott’s voice he couldn’t-
Finally, he found it. He snatched the gun that was hidden in the sofa, a desperate last resort who times like these, when they wouldn’t stop. His finger stroked the trigger almost tenderly before putting it to his head.
“You know this isn’t gonna work, right?”
“Bro forgot he has a healing factor. Did all that killing make him braindead or what?”
“You don’t deserve to die. You deserve to live with this for the rest of your life.”
He knew that. He deserved all this pain, but Logan was never the paragon of morality. He was a selfish prick, who ruined everything he touched and yet he was the last one standing. But he wanted the voices to go, he wanted them to stop, and he wanted to stop crying because God it’s just been a dam breaking on his face since you yelled at him.
He was alone, and he was scared. Just like you wanted him to be. He embraced the trigger, and felt tranquil as the surge of bullets went through his brain.
It was only serene for a few minutes, but for Logan, the worst Wolverine who killed so many innocents, who ruined any chances of the world accepting mutants, who drunk so much it got his family killed and still drunk? Even a second of that serenity was a touch of heaven that Logan didn’t deserve.
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
A Taste of the Divine - Chapter 1
Masterlist Chapter 2
Pairing: Yakuza!True Form!Sukuna x Black!Fem!reader/plus size reader
Warnings: 18+ only. MINORS DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. slow burn. Monster fuckers unite. Dark elements. Kidnapped reader. Cursing, graphic depictions of violence, implied violence against women but not shown, mentions of blood and gore, Sukuna is aroused by violence. Sorry if I missed others.
Summary: Sukuna is the feared leader of the Itadori clan. There are rumors that he uses a pet beast to get rid of his enemies. Nothing but rooms and locations full of blood and body parts. He happens about a group of men who dared to cross his territory without permission. When Sukuna runs across you, he suddenly finds himself unable to kill you. Not until he figures out who you are and why you were so important as to get kidnapped. He takes over being your captor, whisking you away to his property, where he proceeds to play with his food.
AO3 Link
Word count: 5,763k
A/N: Could not get this idea out of my head to save my life. I hope you enjoy. Toss a coin to your blogger by leaving a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @westside-rot @00aijia00 @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @browngirldominion @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @harmshake @judymfmoody @multiversefanfics @tvchi @twocentuar @umber-cinders @chaos-4baby @soft-persephone
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Rain beat against the windows in a steady stream. Cold, neon lights shone in a haze just beyond, painting the sides of the building sunset purple and cerulean. Ads played lazily on the billboards, reminding people that even while sleeping, it was never too late to buy.
Rival clan Kamo had members holed up in a shithole penthouse apartment, awaiting the signal for when they could move. They spent the first few days playing cards and board games. They were strictly forbidden from turning on their phones. From going outside. From doing anything fucking fun. 
Yet, after a few days when they were tired of talking to each other, it was only a matter of time before someone broke the rules. There were only four of them. Each low tier members of the Kamo clan, some not even worthy of the association. 
They were a low-key crew, handling situations that required stealth and finesse. Like babysitting a sweet little morsel tied up in the bathroom. They were instructed not to talk to you, touch you, or breathe in your direction.
Days passed and the men’s eyes lingered a beat too long, licking their lips as their thoughts ran away on their face, or rubbing their hands together as if they could imagine what your skin would feel like. 
While on mission, they used no names. So instead, they numbered themselves. One, the leader, was bald with a stern frown permanently etched onto his face. He currently held the biggest pot of money on his side of the table, flipping through cards with masterful precision. 
Three was to his right, a man with long hair that reached well past his shoulders. It was swept back into a half ponytail, the rest running down his back like a black river. Two was next, a shifty and nervous sort of man who couldn’t sit still longer than a minute. Eyes were always on a swivel around the room, looking for potential threats.
Though if Four had anything to say about it, he’d say that Two was snorting the White Dragon and they were left to suffer through it. Four held the worst hand with his cards, but he kept his face neutral. He could bluff with the likes of Three, but One might see through him. 
A thump on the roof made them all look up. All except for One who continued to stare at his cards. Two sat up in his seat, moaning and chewing on his nails. He shook his head back and forth, getting more agitated by the minute.
“I told you we should have checked. This doesn’t feel right,” Two said.
Three sighed and rolled his eyes. “You say that about every drop of water that hits the roof.” 
Two shook his head once more. “That wasn’t a raindrop,” he said and pointed to the ceiling. Four looked at him, annoyed. This mission was freaky enough without the ghost stories. He took a swig of his whiskey, following the burn down his chest since it was the first interesting thing tonight. 
He stood up, getting ready for Two’s freakout to overtake the night. First it was the bird that flew into the window. Then it was the nail he found under his mattress. He went on rants about ill omens and angering the elder gods. 
“Then what was it, genius?” Three sighed, tossing down his cards because he also knew that Two was just getting started. A crackle from the lit fireplace drew Four’s attention. He stared at it and briefly wondered if dying by fire was worth the pain.
“We’re too close to his border. How sure are you that this is on our side?” Two asked. 
One leaned back from the table, tossing down his cards and rolling his neck. “I know how to do my job,” One said. He folded his arms and stared straight ahead. If Four wasn’t mistaken, he was pretty sure that Four was a hidden synth. Nothing but clockwork and oil pumping through his system. 
The first thing Four was going to do when the mission was over, was take his payment and go find a warm pair of legs to sleep between. Maybe this was burnout. Maybe he needed to check out that app his sister sent to him about that crap. She always thought his stress was too high. Always going on about going on walks or getting a pet or doing anything else that didn’t involve being a gangster.
Heh. He owed his baby sister a call soon. Their last conversation ended too quickly when she started talking about an asshole teacher and how Four offered to kill him. Or at least persuade him to watch his fucking mouth.
“How do you not know who Sukuna is? He’s the leader of the Itadori clan,” Two said.
Three laughed obnoxiously and clapped his hands. “Since when do you believe in fairytales? No one’s seen or heard of that made up bullshit. You really think that he has so much curse energy, that he’s lived this long? That he has a secret army of beasts who rip his enemies to shreds?” Three continued laughing, his chair creaking from Three settling into it. 
Two cracked a smile and Four poured himself another drink. The first two clearly weren’t doing the job. Four moved back to the table, bored out of his skull. In fact, he should probably check on you. He wouldn’t get paid if you went on and died on him.
Instead of sitting, Four changed directions and went towards the bathroom. The penthouse was decorated in slate gray and mustard. There were expensive paintings on the paneled walls, ceramic statues of bodies twisting, imported plants from all over the world every few feet. It was a pompous, underhanded way to show that the rich could buy anything, even nature.
Four moved down the wide hallway, big enough to park a sedan in and still have room on both sides. He knocked on the door once and your answering gasp was enough confirmation that he needed. Still..,
He opened the door, turned on the light, and looked down at you. You were on your side, curled up on the plush bathroom rug like a pathetic pet. Your sweater was stained and dirty, your light colored jeans worse for wear. The tennis shoes used to be a light color, but were now so dirty that it was hard to tell. The blindfold was still secure on your face.
“You dead yet?” Four asked.
“Untie me and find out, bitch,” you spat at him.
He laughed, tempted to kick you in your fat ass stomach for that. But he doubted you’d feel it. “I’d watch that mouth of yours,” he said.
“Or else you’ll try to stick your shrimp dick in my mouth? Might take me a few tries but I’ll bite clean off if you do,” you growled. 
Four laughed again and shook his head. “Never fails to make me laugh, bitch,” he said. He turned off the light and slammed the door. His anger at last getting the best of him. Stupid bitch. He had half a mind to break that reckless streak of yours. To fill your mouth so you couldn’t talk back for once.
You’d been nothing but a pain in his ass since they kidnapped you. You fought like a hellcat, scratching and biting. They had to punch you in the face a few times to knock you out and then drag your fat ass to the van. When you came to in the bathroom, you gave everyone a mouthful. And had been an annoying asshole the last few days.
Four rubbed his shoulders and walked away. He needed the money more than he needed to teach you your place. As Four walked down the hallway, he heard a series of thumps that made him falter in his steps. He looked between each of the closed doors, sealed up like a damn museum in this place.
He walked closer to one door, where he thought the thumps were coming from. He strained his hearing, awareness searching for anything out of the norm. Two and Three were still arguing in the living room but Four was too far away to hear what stage they were in. If Two was standing on the table and arguing his point or covering his ears and screaming loud over the other person.
Four opened the door he was in front of, arms up, prepared for anything to pop out. The room was dark but the window was open, letting watery moonlight shine across the carpeted floor. Looked to be some kind of guest room, all done up in cobalt blue. Four did a cursory sweep, just in case.
He turned around to the shadowy figure before him and jumped, screaming out before realizing that he faced a mirror. His heart skipped a beat as it caught up to the realization that he wasn’t in danger. He stalked closer to the mirror, chuckling as he confirmed with his eyes that he got scared by his own reflection. The other men couldn’t know this. They’d see him as weak and he couldn’t have that. 
He tapped the mirror once, for extra confirmation. Two’s conspiracy theory rants were starting to get to him. Next thing he knew, there’ll be Sukuna’s pet beast right behind him. He chuckled at his own thoughts and looked at his reflection. It became darker so he leaned in, opening his mouth to look at his teeth.
The darkness kept going, almost otherworldly so, and Four felt a menacing, thick presence at his back. The aura was indescribably heavy, bowing him at the shoulders. Going lower still. He had just enough energy to turn his head and stare into a pair – no two pairs – oh god – there’s too many red eyes staring at him.
He opened his mouth to let out a scream but a slice to the neck cut it off. His hands flew to his neck, warm spray of blood soaking his fingers. There was nothing to compare to the horror of feeling the heat from your own blood outside of your body. Hands stained red and sticky. Four stared into those red eyes and his last thought was of how Two was actually fucking right this time.
One opened his eyes with a silent gasp. “We are not alone,” he said. He hopped from his seat, flying to the edge of the living room where they had abandoned the majority of their weaponry. They each held their guns at the base of their spines, tucked into their pants. But the bigger weapons lay across the table, thrown haphazardly. They had gotten too comfortable.
The menacing aura was enough to choke him but he kept his mind on the mission. This had turned from a simple kidnapping to a game of survival. No amount of money was worth this, losing his life to the boogeyman. His people had forgotten the old world. Forgotten that the myths were merely legends once upon a time. 
The lights shut off as his hands closed around his semi-automatic. Two and Three finally stopped their incessant fighting and grabbed their guns. Gone was the twitching, sketchy conspiracy nut and in its place was a ruthless killer. A ruthless kobun for the Kamo clan. 
Three took measured, slow steps around the room. The rain seemed to increase in intensity. But that was only because it was quiet now. The water slapped against the windows. Purple and blue neon light shone in from the windows giving them just enough light to see each other. Or see anything that may have entered the penthouse.
If they somehow found a way to survive the night, they’d have no answers on how the beast got in. How the beast found them. Or how Sukuna even knew that they were on the this side of the boundary. 
One hadn’t lied. He was very good at his job. This building was right on the cusp of Sukuna’s territory but it was decidedly in Kamo’s territory. If this was Sukuna’s infamous beastie, then Sukuna was in the wrong this time. Honorless scum. 
One swept through the living room, keeping his semi-automatic up and at the ready. He communicated silently with the other two. Where the hell was Four? If he was back there missing with you at a time like this, he’d kill Four himself. 
He took off in your direction, intending to check and make sure that you hadn’t escaped. Reaching the door, he opened it and heard you gasp. “What’s going on?” You asked.
“Shut up,” he hissed. If you were too fucking stupid to understand what was going on, then the least you could do was shut that fucking mouth up for once. He closed the door and continued checking rooms, wondering if Four went out onto the terrace for a smoke break. 
He made his way forward, the crack of a door catching his eye. He used his gun to nudge the door open, the room too dark to see much of anything. Still, something was off about this room. Some lingering aura that beckoned him even as his brain was screaming for him to turn around and run and never look back. 
His boot squelched on the carpet and he looked down. His mind couldn’t comprehend what he was seeing. His mind said he was looking at a mangled hand but his eyes only saw blood. Red. 
There were pieces everywhere. Half a foot. An elbow. One stepped backwards. The evil aura in this room was astounding. The rumors were true. They were actually true. Sukuna did have a beast in his employ and it was here to eat them all. 
He turned and ran to the door only to be blocked by a massive arm across the doorway. The massive tree trunk sized arm split in two. Oh god. There were four arms. Red eyes crept open slowly and a wide grin split open in the middle of the beasts’ belly. The monster stood on two legs, at least seven foot tall, and it chuckled. It laughed.
“You’re far from home,” the beast said.
“You’re in Kamo’s territory. When Kamo hears about this…” 
The beast chuckled and the deep rumbling laugh was like the crack of lightning outside the windows. “Who’s gonna tell him?” The beast asked.
One was no stranger to fear and he would not pretend as if he were not capable of it. But even as he trembled and gulped around the painful lump in his throat, he stared at the many-eyed beast and lifted his chin. 
“Your lord has no honor,” One said. Sweat gathered at his brow, tickling his forehead and he fought the urge to wipe it away. To move. 
The beast laughed again. And laughed still as he picked One up as if he weighed no more than a feather. It laughed and laughed as it took big chunks out of One, chewing on him like a snack. Blood sprayed One’s face, hot and sticky and stinging his eyes. His screams were no match to the sound of that maniacal laughter.
The second scream had to be the worst one. Maybe because it was coupled by the sound of bone-chilling laughter. Something cold and cruel. Your arm was killing you from laying on your side but you were finding it difficult to roll over in this bathroom. 
The nauseating perfume clung to your nostrils and made it hard to breathe around its cloying scent. Why couldn’t these idiots kill you and call it a day? You hated being at their mercy. Hated the way they casually joked about slitting your throat or teaching you how to respect your betters. 
Assholes. You’d be a liar if you weren’t enjoying the sounds of their screams. But at the same time, you didn’t want to meet whatever the hell that thing was. You prayed that you’d remain invisible, small, insignificant. Not worth whatever that thing’s gaze was. Surely it was some sort of vengeful god. Malevolent beast come to feast on the world. 
You couldn’t draw attention to yourself. Couldn’t make a sound. In case the beast was capable of turning the knob, opposable thumbs letting you know that the beast was far scarier than previously believed, you wanted to remain on the floor. Better yet, you needed to get somewhere you could hide. 
Your options were limited. There were no other sounds outside your door. You knew that you were in the bathroom so you rubbed against the floor until you could heave yourself into a sitting position. You were out of breath, but you had to keep going. Had to get into the tub.
Hell, what was worse? The silence or the screams? 
You got to your feet and steadied yourself. You were woozy. It’d been too long since your last meal. Your fault. You couldn’t take your death lying down. You fought and cursed and insulted their dick sizes until you were blue in the face. They retaliated by withholding food. 
You’d take that over the way they knocked you out. Hitting you like a grown man. Your jaw still stung from it. Your skin would surely be darker with a bruise the size of a fist. The way their hands wandered while they checked you for weapons, tied your hands behind your back, and shoved you into a musty van. How they laughed over your figure as they pretended to struggle with tossing you into the bathroom. 
You didn’t know when they put the blindfold on but had to be when you were out cold. There was no telling what they could do while you were sleep so you learned to sleep lighter, waking up at any little sound. So far they weren’t hurting you. You couldn’t imagine why. However, you’d have to stop provoking the last guy that came in here. He was perilously close to breaking and you didn’t want to be around for it. 
You felt behind you for the edge of the tub. Rich people’s apartments like these usually had a tub on one side and a shower on the other. As if it was some subconscious misogyny bullshit about women taking baths and men taking showers. 
You scooted further down, tennis shoes scraping against the tile as you tried to figure out how you were going to get into the tub safely and quietly. You weren’t even sure that you’d be hidden from the door. But you had to do something. Had to try at least.
You lifted one leg and got into the tub as another blood curdling scream split the air. You were shaking with fear while at the same time feeling vindicated. Fuck those bastards. If you’d survive, you’d never take your life for granted again.
The sound of wet splatter hit the walls and you wondered briefly if a window opened somewhere. If there wasn’t rain pouring all over fancy furniture. You got your other foot into the tub and then sank to your knees, getting down into the wide tub and turned on your side. 
It wasn’t perfect. And you didn’t want to think about what kind of germs you were kneeling in. But beggars couldn’t be choosers. 
You waited. You jumped at every sound. Every scrape. Every knock of wood. There was a final scream as the last of your captors went silent. His screams still echoed in your ears. 
Your heartbeat thumped steadily, shifting your awareness inward. You ached all over. Your shoulder was killing you. Your stomach pains twisting your insides. You had a faint ache in your foot and you weren’t sure if you sprang it during your last escape attempt. 
How the hell did you end up here? 
It was the question that rang through your mind every so often when you weren’t thinking about escape. How did you end up kidnapped, taken, and held against your will like this? 
And the sick part? No one would know. You had a job where you set your own hours, the perfect introverted job. You didn’t have to talk to others when you didn’t want to. Didn’t have to set alarms for when you went to sleep or stayed up. You followed your body’s natural rhythm and was damn happy with your solitary life. You had friends, but they knew about your need to disappear sometimes. Go radio silent while you work on your special projects. Or pigged out in front of the TV. 
So here you were, stuck between how you were going to escape or how you ended up in this position. You lived a normal life. You didn’t go out of your way to hurt others. You gave money to the homeless and smiled at the janitorial staff. You weren’t perfect, but fuck. You didn’t deserve this shit.
Thumping steps traveled down the hall and you clasped your lips shut, throat shaking with your need to cry. You needed to alert someone, anyone, to come and help you. Or at least untie you so you could have a fighting chance. How pathetic it was to die on your back, tied up, and at the beasts’ mercy. 
The steps got closer. That aura. It was so intimidating. Sweat gathered on your brow, fear like icy spikes in your stomach. There was no way that you were getting out of this alive. With an aura like that, the beast could likely smell the fear on you. Lead it straight to you as if you had rang the dinner bell. 
You were so stupid. You should have used your remaining time to find a way to cut through the zip ties behind your back. Found a pair of scissors or clippers. Anything to get your hands free. Ah well. Didn’t matter this time. Because whatever it was that was outside of your door, you had no way of defeating such a creature.
You smelled delicious. After dispensing with the four-man crew that dared cross into his territory earlier in the week while traveling to this dump, Sukuna licked blood from his lips as he shrunk down from his true form. 
He hadn’t intended on striking against the Kamo clan for at least another two weeks. He’d been in the middle of his usual reconnaissance, following the habits of his enemies before pinpointing when to strike. 
These four were barely worth the effort. A small time, petty offense. But the rules were the rules and he had to enforce them. He grinned, picking meat from his teeth as he thought how these idiots still haven’t figured out that there is no Sukuna’s beast. He was the beast.
He had no qualms about eating his enemies into submission. Fighting for every strip of land, every pulse of illegal activity in the country, every dollar to join his coffers. And he’d be damned if even one cockroach stepped an antenna out of line. 
What he did not expect was the tasty scent of fear wafting from the bathroom. A stowaway. The imbeciles had hidden you somehow. Oh, that delicious scent. He followed it, already growing hungrier by the second. 
His black suit was pasted to him, slick with the blood of the four insignificant humans. Let their people find them like this. Ripped apart, Let the rumors grow. The beast. The beast. 
He approached the door and he sensed that you sensed him. Your body was shaking, teeth clacking. He could hear you through the door. He was getting harder by the minute just thinking about it. He pictured where he’d start first. If he’d bite your neck. Or somewhere he could still make you scream. He wondered what you’d sound like.
He pushed on the door and it gave way under his hand. He left a bloody handprint on the door as he swept into the dark room. His eyes adjusted to the dark, detail starting to fill in as his eyes relaxed. 
There you were. Sukuna chuckled evilly as he approached. You were too damn good. Each second brought a fresh wave of fear skittering down your spine. He inhaled deeply, mouth salivating with the thought of ripping you to pieces. 
You were cowed in the bathtub. Sukuna grinned wider before he really took you in. Your hands were bound behind your back. You also had a blindfold on. Your clothes were dirty and stained, a strange odor emanating from you. Your shoes looked like you’d been marched around in mud for the past few days. Your hair was wild and unkempt, riotous thick hair escaping your plaits. 
His smile disappeared. You had already been kidnapped. You weren’t part of their crew. You were a victim. Sukuna’s curiosity peaked. It wasn’t every day that he ran into this situation. He was no hero. Whether lord or pauper, a tasty meal was a tasty meal. But the urge to eat you was growing fainter the longer he took in every detail he could about you.
What did you do in order to get kidnapped by these thugs? What was so special about you? You’d clearly been here a few days and you were still alive, untouched. You were important to them for a reason. 
“Well?” You asked.
Sukuna was taken aback by the sound of your voice. He could smell your fear and yet…you dared to talk to him? 
“Quit playing around and kill me, I don’t have all day. Or night. Whenever it is,” you huffed.
Shocked, Sukuna laughed. Hell, he hadn’t been this surprised in a millenia. “Who are you?” He asked.
“I’m a nobody. Are you going to kill me or not?” You asked. 
Sukuna chuckled again, sucking blood from his finger. “Pretty eager to die,” he commented. 
“Not very eager to wonder when it’s coming. The wait is the worst part,” you said.
There was a hitch in your voice. As if you were no stranger to waiting or being disappointed. Sukuna tilted his head. This was bizarre. It’d been a long time since he felt like this, interested in something other than eating at the moment. You couldn’t see him. You were right to be afraid but still had the audacity to talk to him like that.
He had half a mind to break your spine here and now. Rip your head from your shoulders. Suck the life from your heart. His fingers twitched with the insatiable need to shred. Throat burned with a hunger that never truly faded. 
He stepped closer to you, stared down at your pathetic form on your side in this tub. It’d be so easy to lift his boot and crush your skull. So easy to snuff the spark of life that kept you animated. 
But he found himself hesitating. Withdrawing his presence. You gasped audibly, catching your breath. It was a wonder you held out as long as you did. He’d seen people have entire heart attacks after enduring his aura for too long. But not you.
“Who are you and why did those men hold you captive?” Sukuna asked. 
“I don’t know. I told you, I’m a nobody. Just an insignificant bug,” you said.
A burning in Sukuna’s chest made him want to correct you. To ensure that you’d never talk like this about yourself where he could fucking hear. He grimaced and scowled. What the hell kind of thoughts was he having? 
He lifted his hand, reaching out over your form. He’d just snatch you up like he did the others. You were their victim and it wasn’t terribly your fault for crossing boundary lines with them, but well. He couldn’t let you go.
What if you talked? What if your harmless story caught on the news like wildfire, spreading, until the legend of Sukuna’s pet beast was no longer feared. The real gangsters knew. No one fucked with him or his clan and lived to tell the tale. 
He had to end you right here and now. Go on and do it. Be done with it. Separate your head from your body. Again, he was unable to harm you. There were too many questions in his head. He was having fun not being the smartest person in the room at the moment. 
He growled and grabbed the front of your sweater. You yelled out, kicking your legs as Sukuna lifted you higher, more at eye level with himself. You scrambled, kicking and kicking. 
“Put me down!” You screamed.
Sukuna laughed. “Aren’t you scared?” He asked.
“I’m terrified!” You yelled. 
“Then how do you bark orders with the same mouth that should be begging for mercy?” He asked.
“What mercy? Go on and kill me and be done with this bullshit,” you said. You were still flailing but no longer screaming in fear. 
You were fun! He scanned your body, looking for some source of trickery. Some hidden agenda. He stretched his awareness searching for a hint of your aura to reveal something that explained you. Some part of your genetic makeup, some part of your clothing or jewelry able to repel creatures like him.
Nothing. You wore nothing, you had nothing, you were nothing. And he still had questions. He wanted to know more. His thirst for knowledge was almost as large as his thirst for blood. He should want yours. But even yours smelled insignificant. 
“Who are you?” He asked once more, voice soft as he regarded you. You didn’t make sense and it was driving him nuts. Driving him to the point of not wanting to solve you at all. He’d rather toss you into the nearest fire and call it a job well done. 
Tonight, at least, his curiosity got the best of him. He’d figure out who you were and what you were keeping from him. Then he’d get rid of you. 
“I’m nothing, a nobody,” you responded. Your lips parted and he felt a strange tug in his chest. Another weird sensation he hadn’t experienced in hundreds, if not thousands of years. 
“You’re coming with me,” he growled. He half dragged, half carried you out of the room. You didn’t fight him or scream. You didn’t try to tug yourself free. You kept up as much as you were able as Sukuna left the penthouse suite of the Kamo clan. He didn’t have to worry about security cameras as he turned off power to the whole block.
Rain pelted the both of you, soaking his shirt. Rivulets of red dripped from him and disappeared into the nearest drain. He ran towards his car at the end of the block, shaking you in his haste to get to his car. His hair plastered to his face and he growled. He didn’t have enough hands to move his hair from his face.
It may be the dead of night, but that meant little to a world still guided by its misconceptions and folktales. They told themselves stories about being safe because the government told them that they were. Nevermind the fact that the pent up anxiety they pushed down, the suppressed emotions, created a legion of curses to haunt the natural world for years and years to come yet. 
He couldn’t shift into his true form over hair in his eyes. Too many cameras. Too many onlookers. He pushed you into his car and you finally yelped as your shoulder hit the side of the seat. 
He quickly crossed in front of the car and got in, starting it, and tearing off down the street in a whirl of tires and smoke. The sound of the windshield wipers were the only source of sound. 
Sukuna kept glancing at you. At the way the streetlights and ads shone periodically across your face. It was maddening to see. And yet all you did was pant for breath. Your lips were parted again. Were you doing it on purpose? What the hell was wrong with you?
He could tell that you were still scared. Still nervous to be around him. But there was a soft acceptance in the way you didn’t mouth off or ask a million annoying questions. You were an unassuming presence beside him and it was a feeling he wasn’t used to. Couldn’t name. 
It didn’t take long for Sukuna to arrive at one of his many penthouses. This one was in the dead center of the city. If his enemies got through his defenses and reached the middle of the city, well then, they deserved to take their shot at him. 
He pulled into the private garage, turning off the engine and looked over at you. You licked your lips and he followed the movement, the glide of your tongue darting out from your mouth. Sukuna tore his eyes away with a scowl.
He got out of the car a little too roughly. Yanked open the passenger side door a little too harshly. Grabbing you out of the seat with too much force. He slammed you against the car as he closed his door. Then, he dragged you towards the private elevator.
No cameras. Exactly what he needed. He rode the elevator straight to his penthouse. It opened out into a spacious foyer decorated in black. He dragged you inside, growing impatient with your human body unable to keep up with his stalking gait. 
He knew the perfect room to throw you in too. Sometimes Sukuna liked to play with his food. 
He pushed you into the small room that had a million cameras set up inside. The room was decorated in an off white subway tile scheme. There was a bunk bed held up by chains drilled into the wall. There was a private bathroom. He found that allowing that little bit of decency made humans think he was merciful. It made betraying them that much more delicious. 
You fell to the floor on top of your bad shoulder and cried out. Sukuna laughed at your pain and shut the door. 
“Why won’t you kill me?!” You yelled, loud enough to be heard through the thick, reinforced door. No small feat. 
Sukuna turned and looked at you through the checkered plexiglass window. He smiled, grin spreading across his face and likely making him look feral. 
“The fun’s just getting started, princess,” he said. His haunting laugh echoed throughout his apartment as he left you alone for the night. Tomorrow, he’d make sure that you knew whose control you were under.
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Masterlist | Chapter 2
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yakumtsaki · 1 month
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Spice and Cyan are the last cousin-fuckers left standing and are proving impossible to break up. I'm inclined to blame the fact Sugar and June also had the hots for each other and passed these destructive genes on to these losers but whatever it is they're just annoyingly into each other.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I did almost waver cause I was like 'man you know what they're second cousins so at the end of the day truly who cares, maybe I should just let them stay together and create one Union super-bebe'.. and then I see this:
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In case you can't tell from this amazing screenshot they have ONE BOLT. ONE. ALL THIS DRAMA OVER ONE BOLT ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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-What is drama compared to someone you almost desire? -Oh baby, the mediocrity of my passion for you is too much to bear!
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-This lukewarm hot tub water is the perfect metaphor for our love.. -Exactly, it's the water of the womb and we all know that's where that sole bolt is even coming from!
UGH. Also man the difference between your noses is UNREAL, now I'm more worried about that if you procreate than the incest.
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-Hahahaha, as expected I'm the only one of this trash family that's in a non-disgusting relationship!
Felina no offense but you could afford to add some drama cause you've become boring af.
-People are sick of all this perverted nonsense! They want someone dignified and happily monogamous!
Ya idk sis, I mean look at Barth dislocating his entire spine as we speak:
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-You were??
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Bro I can't, the entire house hates Barth other than Meadow and her billion nice points and Spice who is his childhood bestie. Note that he and Sunset have that goddamn amour fou and are independently becoming un-enemies, which I'm NOT GONNA LET HAPPEN.
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-Ok Barth, let's get drunk and make some reckless and sexy decisions!
-Why do you keep cockblocking us? You know our kids would be hot!
-Ya right! Don't act like you haven't thought about it!
-You know we would produce a hot, psycho turbo-Union! A little Jojo or Jojette, untainted by non-Union DNA, one freakshow to rule them all!! Look into your heart, you know it to be true!!!
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WTF. Why are you here we've paid our bills!
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Oh great, now half these flops are in aspiration failure, that's just what the doctor ordered.
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-Can you harpies take this somewhere else, I'm trying to get high here!
OK NO. No one's killing anyone, we're NOT cursed, ok?
-We're broke, afflicted with a bills glitch, fires keep starting and half the house is in aspiration failure!
Well let's be real, the broke part is on you.
You idiots are averaging a D each semester because you're too busy fucking each other, beating each other up or both..
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..I mean freaking Jimmy is on academic probation, I have never gotten this before in all the years I've played this game, this is the worst college run of all time.
My point is the bar is in hell so let's just get out of this run alive, ok? Now you kids make nice!
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-Well, Failina, now that I'm looking at you up close I guess putting lipstick on a pig does work sometimes.
-For my next move, I'll shove my queen in your other eyehole.
See, now isn't this nice? And I think I figured out what caused the bills thing so everything should be fine now..
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Ok you know what I'm actually fine with that one, take it- Um do I hear hearts??
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-We've been friends for a long time-
You have?? Man I really need to pay more attention around here.
-Yes well you can't help being useless!
Very true! Well please, continue, let me just call someone over-
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Man I know, it's so terrible! Anyway-
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DOES HE?? Cyan you are one crazy bitch, I love it.
-I take after my mom! :D
Which one, they're both insane! :D
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-What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go🎵
Alright well Chapell karaoke seals it, Kea, welcome to the family!
-You mean it this time right, you won't fuck me over again like when I was engaged to Sophito?
LOL I forgot about that but no I'm certain this one is gonna work out, unless crazy ass Cyan goes back to one of her cousins
I said start planning the wedding!
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otomeowl · 1 month
Impressions of all the villains as of writing-
Routes I Completely Read
William - Excellent starter villain who really went “I could make her worse 💅” Has a way deeper voice than you’d expect and it keeps surprising me every time. I really like how proactive Kate becomes, and it’s nice to have a man decently chill and not super clingy. And I’m fine with clingy, but we go a lot of clingy boys in this game already!
Liam - He’s so sweet he makes me blubber and sputter like a seal. Love how his voice purrs, but despite the game always saying he’s like a cat and super curious his route doesn’t really focus on those aspects. It has a lot of The Sad and it makes you want to give him a warm blanket. Kate and I agree sweet boy must be treasured. And Kate and Liam are also really sweet to each other and the fact that Kate was already into theater and Liam’s an actor makes me happy.
Elbert - SAD WET CAT SUMMER!!! The most interesting thing for me is how despite being The Greedy Queen and thus being the most obsessive out of all the boys once he’s into Kate he’s also one of the nicest? Like even before he’s attracted to her he’s so sweet, tender and gentle and he’s always looking out for Kate’s wellbeing? It makes me sob! Sweet Boy 2!!! It also really showcases how the curse itself affects a villain. Like previous routes there’s some bastards (fucking Jeffrey every time I think of this fucker I wanna-) who hurt Elbie, but what made his past so tragic is directly caused by the curse. Very melancholic. Aside from The Sad he’s also dense and slow-spoken when he speaks, cuteness factor is off the charts! Not to mention his friendship with Alfons I could write a six-page essay on that.
More about incomplete and unreleased routes under the cut
Incomplete Routes
Harrison (Read Summaries but Haven’t Started His Route)- I’m sorry I keep setting him aside 😭😭😭. I want to get his 22 bond first before doing the route but I should probably just read it already after finishing up Elbie. I also haven’t read most of his events because they’re all after he and Kate get together. Strangely this makes me more intrigued by Harrison since I’m purposely leaving myself in the dark. From what I gather though he’s even more chill than William and despite his curse he seems like a decent fella.
Alfons (Japanese Only, Read Summary) - Stay away from Kate 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪. I simultaneously love reading about his character but hate hate hate him using his illusion power to make Kate do things. It’s not my thing and every time he has a scene with Kate I’m like don’t fucking dare 🔪. Love his interactions with Elbert and I’m really intrigued by him but every time he uses illusion power I’m skipping 🛑✋🛑✋. Has a nice voice though. Listen to Kate when she says he is a literal nightmare though.
Ellis (Japanese Only, Read Summaries and Translations up to Ch. 10)- SWEET! BOY! THREE!!! He’s the most outwardly kind to Kate, but he’s also super caring to all his fellow villains. He’s even sweet to Jude, and Jude going “ew” every time he does makes me chuckle. But he’s also one of the most dangerous to Kate so far. Out of all the villains (aside from Vogel that’s tbd) he’s somehow the most likely to kill her. So every time he asks if she’s at her happiest I’m like 😳😳😳 and then she says no and I go 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨. Probably has my favorite voice, so gentle yet so creepy. Out of all the villains (again aside from the newbies) he keeps the effects of his curse close to his chest the most.
Roger (Japanese Only, Read Translations up to Ch. 3) - Another man who needs to practice personal space with my Kate! 🔫🔫🔫. And yet another really interesting character in spite of that. Unlike his fellow Crown members he’s the most determined to fight against curses. I’ve only read three chapters of his route so far (translated by dark-frosted-heart) and so far I’m interested to see where it goes. I’m really intrigued to see how Vogel plays a part since Roger’s the first route to feature them, it’s a good way to draw people in! Voice is nice but I’m not hunting down his voice line the way I am with other villains.
Unreleased Routes
Jude - Rude Boy Rude Boy Rude Boy! One of the funnest villains with his attitude and how trouble follows him around. I’m not into how cruel and disrespectful he is to Kate but sometimes Kate is kinda into it? The amount of events where Jude is surprised when Kate’s a little too turned on by him being a meanie makes me laugh. I’m really interested in his route to see how many fights break out and how many kinks Kate discovers 🤣. Also interested in his attitude towards love and making promises.
Victor - Guys I love him so much I wanna sneak into the kitchen at night and eat scones with him too! So gentlemanly! So suave! So villainous! I want his route NOW!!!! His voice is nice but what really sells it is how cheerful he is! You can really hear the ✨ sparkle ✨ in his voice. And how he’s such a dad to his sons fellow villains! I want to hold this man and give him a tight squeeze and maybe commit crimes for him.
Nica - The literal definition of a Bad Boy who plays with girls’ hearts, hmph! 😤 I can’t stop thinking of a certain German prosecutor in ace attorney every time he injects German in his sentences. The Bad Boy girlies are gonna be suuuuper into him but I’ll have to see what else he’s got. I like how he cares for his twin a lot though.
Ring - S-sweet boy four??? Seems like a strong silent type but it looks super easy to break his tough exterior. His unconditional trust in his brother and Darius makes me feel like I need to hold his hand when he crosses the street! He’s a real cutie but given how all our previous sweet boys have a dangerous side I’m keeping my eye on him! I’m worried that his curse is to have his feelings affected by touch, as a foil to how his brother can cause others to feel affected by his touch, which makes me even more worried for him.
Darius - I’m having Gilbert flashbacks and can’t stop mumbling “this motherfucker” under my breadth. Really interested in what he’s hiding and I can’t stop listening to his voice. I don’t appreciate him hating my Victor though! Guards, put him in a jar and shake him violently!!!
Feel free to reply/reblog with your own impressions of the characters!
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Tommy Shelby- Expecting
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Keeping mine and Tommys relationship a secret wasn't something I wanted to do. I wanted us to be official, but Tommy had other ideas. Instead we would sneak into each others bed at night. All hell broke loose though when I found out I was with child. At first Tommy didn't believe me that it was his, then he told me that he didn't want to settle down and have a family. Offered to find a good doctor to do an abortion. I refused and now I'm known at the Watery Lane Whore. Anger however bubbles inside of me when Tommy announces his relationship with Grace and that they were expecting.
I walk through the door of the Garrison and the first thing I see is her smiling and laughing with Tommy and his family. I roll my eyes and turn around wanting to leave when John calls me over
"YN! Come join us, we're celebrating"
"No thank you John" I glance over to Tommy who's got his arm around Grace "not in the mood"
"Hey wait" John runs over to me "how's the baby?" he asks with genuine concern
"Fuck YN whatever you and Tommy are fighting about now just put it to bed for one fucking nought to celebrate"
"Only if you knew what we are fighting about. Look I'm gonna go. Enjoy" as I leave I hear John say
"If I ever find the fucker who did this to her..." little does he know his own brother is the fucker that he won't do shit to. As I walk the streets to get home I'm called a number of names because I'm pregnant out of marriage, but would anyone dare say the same thing to Grace? No because she's with Tommy. The bitch that tried to get Tommy killed is now having his baby and engaged. It's like he's been brainwashed. Ignoring the comments I get home, deciding to go to bed early.
Over the next few weeks I stay as far away from the Shelby's, that is until I hear a knock on my front door. Groaning I get off the sofa, putting my book down on the coffee table and walk to the front door. I open it up not expecting to see Tommy stood there looking disheveled, but here he is
"Can I come in?" he asks sheepishly which is very unusual for Tommy. I cross my arms and frown looking at him
"I don't know. Why are you here"
"She lied. The whole time Grace was lying to me" still frowning YN doesn't say anything but continues so look at Tommy "YN please let me explain" In YNs mind she goes back at to about what she should do. Let Tommy in and talk, or close the door on him and never speak to him again.
Ending 1- YN and Tommy end up together
Wanting her child to know their father, YN sighs letting Tommy into her house. He walks in and takes off his shoes knowing YN hates mud being brought into the house. Not uttering a word, YN walks into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. Tommy walks in behind her also not saying anything
“So. Gonna explain?” YN finally says crossing her arms and turning to look at Tommy
“YN I fucked up”
“Tell me about it” YN mutters
“Grace wasn’t pregnant. Never was. She was helping the copper, get close to me the kill me”
“And why should I believe you?”
“You have no reason to. I get that. But I’m sorry. I really liked.. like you YN and I let that bitch cloud my judgment. When you told me you were pregnant I freaked out. I spoke to Grace about it and she told me shit about you. Said you weren’t actually pregnant with my child, said she saw you with another man. That’s why I didn’t believe you. I was hurt”
“You you don’t think I was? I could have dealt with you not wanting a family, I could have even dealt with you just not wanting to be with me. Yes it would have hurt, but not as much as finding out you were happy to settle with Grace”
“Your right. I’m a fucking dick for that and I’m sorry” this catches YN off by surprise. Tommy never apologises. Yet here he is apologising to her “YN I promise you I will do everything I’m my power to make it up to you” thinking about it YN decides to give him a chance.
Over the next few years YN forgives Tommy, they end up getting married and having more children together.
Ending 2- YN leaves Tommy alone and moves away
“I’m sorry Tommy. I can’t. You hurt me more than I ever thought could be possible. I could have dealt with you not wanting a family, I could have even dealt with you just not wanting to be with me. Yes it would have hurt, but not as much as finding out you were happy to settle down with Grace”
“YN she was never pregnant please let me explain”
“No Tommy. I’m moving away tomorrow. I will tell our child that their father was a good man, but couldn’t look after us. When they’re 18 they can choose whether they come to see you. Until then, this is goodbye” YN closes the door in front of Tommy and heads up to her bedroom for the final time here in Watery Lane.
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rugggie · 1 year
My school bus graveyard obsession has come back, and what better way to indulge it than writing abt it🤞
Sbg Drabbles... my favorite characters x fem! Reader
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You and Logan have been friends forever, forever being since middle school, 6th grade to be exact. So You've been though a lot of each other's cringe phases, relationships, family issues, drama.... So it was no wonder you guys were so close, what you didn't expect was to be going through this together. Every single night since the savannah field trip was like hell, Roman eating creatures trying to kill the 8 of you, running like your life depends on it, being scared to go to bed at night, not being able to tell anyone.
And now to make it even worse.. you just watched the side of your best friends stomach get scratched open.
"H-how bad is it.." Logan chocked out though sobs, while everyone just looked at it "why aren't you guys saying anything?! It's bad isn't it, it hurts I'm scared!" He said in obvious panic.
You walked over to him sitting down in front of him "no, you're good bro." You spoke calmly smiling, lying to his face.. even though on the inside you were also freaking out. You took your hand cupping his cheek, and wiped his tears away.
He was still crying, like a lot but he was definitely calming down. "Ashlyn, can you pass me the pain medicine?" You said, still trying to keep your composure.
"Mhm, here.." he said passing you one of the pills, you took it out of your hand offering it to Logan "here, take this it should make it hurt less..."
Logan didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and swallowed the pill..
"Hey, Logan remember that one time in like 8th grade..." you paused scooting into a more comfortable position "..where you got in trouble for calling Mr W an idiot,, because he marked your test wrong and wouldn't change it.. than I felt bad and called Mr W a mother fucker so we could both get lunch detention together..?" Logan nodded, looking at you smiling a bit.
"Oh! and that one time my dad took us fishing and I got a fishing hook stuck in my hand and I made you pull it out?" Logan laughed a little.
"That was horrible, I was so scared I was gonna get it more stuck" he mumbled with a shaky voice.
"Oh my god.. remember 7th grade?!" You said with wide eyes as if you were having flash backs, which you were...(dark times..) flash backs to your bad anime phase, and Logan's stranger things phase.
You laughed, giving you the look.. you both knew what you were talking about. Everyone around you two looked very confused.. aiden even started asking questions that you both could never answer.
You kept talking to him as Ben patched him up, it was definitely helping him calm down.. you grabbed his hand when ben was about to disinfect the wound. Logan death gripped your hand biting his lip. You just smiled and kept bringing up stupid stuff the two of you have done.
It was probably obvious to everyone but Logan that you liked him, Taylor asked you about it before, You tried denying it but it was obvious
You were the only person in the world that would sit and listen to his 10 hour rants about astrology, the only person in the world that stands up for him constantly, you wanted to be the only person in the world that liked him. It was painful to see him hanging out with Taylor, of course you knew Taylor wouldn't ever do something like that to you. But you couldn't help but think he would end up liking her she was smart, funny, positive, and so so pretty. You never knew when the right time to tell him was, or if he even liked you like that.. but for now its best for everyone if you just stay friends.. you wouldn't wanna go messing everything up, and you definitely don't want Logan to feel awkward around you.
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You and aiden were the definition of polar opposites, he was a thrill seeker, dare I say crazy.
You were carful, and a lot more prone to freaking out in situations like this.
"A-Ashlyn what was that... it looked like the thing we saw at the weed house..!" you said, panic and fear present in your voice. You had just left you, and your friends shared room. "A-and where is {friends name}?!" You started to cry, wanting to turn back and go get her.
"She wasn't in the room with you?" Taylor gasped, more than a little freaked out. You shook your head no, Ashlyn stayed quiet leading the two of you out of the room.
"Taylor!" You heard a relieved voice, that had to belong to Tyler yell.
"Ty!?" She said in what sounded like disbelief.
"Oh so it was you guys, why are you running? And why are you crying y/n?" Aiden teased with his usual smile on his face.
"The thing from the serrel weed house.. it was in Ashlyn and Taylor's room.." you breathed out, still terrified.
"What's going on!?" Tyler asked, hugging his sister.
"There's something in the-" Ashlyn all of a sudden stopped mid sentence turning around.. the thing was there again. Right in front of you again.
You looked at it wide eyed, still trying to put some sort of reason, or logic behind this all, tuning out everyone. You were pulled out of your thoughts by Aiden grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room. You all got out safely, making sure to slam the door shut.
"W-what was that thing.." Logan stuttered out, shaking with fear..
"According to Tyler, that would be the "prank" from earlier today." Aiden said, in a very condescending tone. "You know what I find kinda weird,, no one's even come out of their rooms even after all the screaming and banging." The door knob wiggled, thankfully Ben grabbed it before the thing could get out
"That could've been bad!" Aiden smiled, and laughed
"Could've?!?" Tyler spoke angrily, looking at Aiden like he was crazy. You still haven't said anything, you just kept staring at the door still gripping Aidens hand. completely disconnecting from everybody.
"STOP TAKING THIS AS A JOKE, ITS BEEN BAD! THE SKY IS RED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Tyler angrily yelled Trying to knock some sense into aiden, they kept bickering only to have it interrupted by Taylor's quiet voice
"G-guys.." she paused almost in fear "look down.." everybody but you looked down, you did not want any part of this anymore. "Out of sight out of mind" you kept repeating in your head
"How far away is your room?" Ashlyn asked Aiden
"5, or 6 doors down.." he said almost nervously, well you could tell he was nervous. The grip he had on your hand tightened.
"Y/n, Aiden give me the strings off your shorts.."
"Kayyy,,,, why?" He asked pulling his string out of his pants..
You quickly pulled it out handing it to her.
"Y/n.. are you okay, your face is really pale.." Ashlyn said with concern examining your face..
"Y-yeah I'm totally finnee" you weakly whispered out, still on the verge of pissing your pants. She told you guys her plan on using it to trap the devil spawn. She told everybody to go, you were still paralyzed with fear, and the person who was dragging you alone let go of your hand tying the rope to a pole.
Ben let go of the door so the others started booking it, Aiden yet again grabbed you and yanked you along with them. You were struggling to keep up with everyone, maybe due to the fact you're fairly unathletic. You were already panting and gasping for air by the time the thing was right behind you. Turing your head fast enough to get whiplash you saw it reach out for you, Aiden tugged you forward causing it to only rip the back of your shirt. Ashlyn crashed the cleaning cart into it, slamming it against the wall.Ben gave you a look of concern, like he was asking if you were okay. You nodded your head sorta understanding what he meant.
"Y'know.." Aiden said letting go of your hand and grabbing a bottle of bleach "this could be pretty fun!" He laughed looking like an absolute crazy man, he sprayed the bleach in the creatures eyes.. the side of its face started to melt and its mouth unhinged, as if it was supposed to be screaming but none of you could hear anything.. well except Ashlyn, by the why she was plugging her ears.
"Why isn't it screaming..? Is it mute lol" Aiden said tilting his head.
"Ew, why does it look like that.." you whispered finally getting a good look at its terrifying ugly face.
"Y/n, Aiden c'mon! We gotta go!" Ashlyn yelled at the two of you.
"Nah c'mon I think we can take 'em! There's enough bottles-" Aiden went back to making his crazy face, you grabbed him this time pulling him back and running to the room with Logan, Tyler and Taylor.
You shut and locked the door, finally relaxing and falling backwards onto the floor trying to catch your breath. "GAH!" You yelled and jumped back as the monsters started banging on the door.
"Maybe we should put the couch in front of the door.." Ashlyn said. You guys moved the chair, you sat on the floor next to Aiden calmed down a little.
"Hey, Aiden.. thank you for saving me like 6 time out there.." you sheepishly whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Nah, it was nothing! But it was super funny to see you so scared!" He laughed hardly elbowing your side.
"Nuh-uh! So not funny it was scary!" You protested elbowing him back
"Okay, scared cat.. you couldn't even move" he said laughing 10x harder than he was before.
You giggled with him a little bit, sorta embarrassed about how much of a baby you were being in front of him. And even more of the fact that you guys were holding hands.
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ladykissingfish · 4 months
*Deidara waking up in bed, groggy and confused*
Deidara: What the hell? *groans* My head … what happened last night?
Deidara: *turns his head to the left and notices the many empty beer bottles scattered along the floor*
Deidara: Dammit … this is exactly why I told Hidan I don’t like drinking, hm! My body feels like shit and I can’t remember a thing!
Hidan, next to him: Please shut the fuck up before I kill you, blondie.
Deidara, startled: What the — why are we in bed together?! Oh god I didn’t … WE didn’t …
Hidan: Relax, bitch. They just put me in here ‘cause they didn’t wanna clean up our puke from a lotta different places.
Deidara: *lifts the blanket and blushes* Oi; why are we both naked?!
Hidan, turning on his side and pulling the pillow over his head: So loud! I always sleep naked, asshole. You, you took off your pants ‘cuz of Uchiha.
Deidara: … Itachi? What does he have to do with anything??
Hidan: Fucker dared you to get naked and go confess your gay love to puppet-dick, remember?
Deidara: WHAT?!
Hidan: If you scream one more time I’m cutting your fucking nuts off. You spent all night drinking and going on and on about that ugly-ass redhead and finally Uchiha told you to stop bein’ a pussy and do something about it.
Deidara: Itachi said to “stop being a pussy”? Really?
Hidan: Fucker gets weird when he drinks. Anyway you stripped and we went to puppet-dick’s room. You did a “mating dance” for him with your dick swinging and shit, and at the end you kissed him then ran away giggling like a fucking weirdo.
Deidara: *pulls his own pillow over his head* Oh my god … yeah okay, go ahead and kill me, Hidan, hm. As soon as Sasori comes to find me, my life is over anyway!
Hidan: *rolls back over towards him* Hey, cheer up, bastard. I mean yeah what you did was fucking stupid but it was kinda ballsy too. *laughs* Literally, “ball-sy”. And if Red don’t want you, I’m pretty sure mask-boy does. He was looking so hard I thought I saw blood running out of his eye-hole!
Deidara: So not only did a lot of you see me naked, but I completely botched my confession to Sasori and made it so that now he’ll never take me seriously. That scythe of yours is sounding better and better every second.
*the door opens and Kakuzu and Sasori walk in*
Kakuzu: Come, brat … *bends and lifts Hidan out of bed and into his arms* We have a mission this afternoon and I need to get you sobered up before then. Let’s get you into a bath.
Hidan: Yeah, yeah … later, blondie.
*once Kakuzu is gone, Sasori shuts the door and sits at the edge of the bed, a cup of tea in his hands*
Sasori: Drink this. I’ve crushed some powders into it that should help with the headache you likely have.
Deidara: T-thanks, Danna. *quietly sips his tea and tries to ignore Sasori’s gaze on his face*
Sasori: So. I was thinking now might be a good time for us to have a little talk.
Deidara: Danna please believe me, I am so sorry about what I said and did. You know that wasn’t me, that’s not how I am, right?
Sasori: So you’re not in love with me?
Deidara, blushing harder than ever and looking down: Well, yeah, I am, hm.  I meant the dancing naked thing, and whatever other stupid thing I did last night, hm. That’s not me.
Sasori: Alcohol is certainly a funny thing, isn’t it? Lowered inhibitions can be quite the mixed bag. But, despite everything … I’m glad you told me, Deidara.
Deidara: R-really?
Sasori: Mm. I’ve had some hours to think about it, to really think about what you said, and my own reaction to it. And … *gently takes Deidara’s hands* I believe I have some pretty strong feelings for you as well. I have for quite some time. *chuckles* I suppose it took seeing your very brazen “dance” to make me realize it.
Deidara: Oh god …
Sasori: And seeing you naked like that, well, it made me feel almost desperate to see you like that again.
Deidara, flustered: D-Danna … that’s really flattering but I … I’m n-not ready for that yet? I mean shouldn’t we start with a date or something first and then work our way up to —
Sasori: No, no, brat. I meant I wish to closely examine that mole on your backside. It’s quite large and should be removed. Don’t worry; you’ll only be incapacitated for a couple of weeks, the pain in your buttocks will be minimal, and when it’s all over, then we can have our date.  *stands up* Now finish your tea and come to my lab. The sooner I can cut into you, the better. *leaves*
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
Drama and rage
*Jackson is arguing with a another medic that just arrived to the base, because the visitor disagreed with how he was organizing his desk*
Luke: That's a record, just because of the desk and he's already arguing *leaning against a ceiling beam*
Alicia: We knew he was like this *sit on the same beam as Luke* he's the short-tempered of the team
Luke: Tell me about it, does he even like someone? Y'know, someone who he doesn't gets scolded for nothing
Alicia: Hmmm, Dr. Kalani maybe? They seemed to get along last time we visited Captain Toa (@islandtarochips OC's) *raising an eyebrow* also he tolerates First Lieutenant van Rijn more than he tolerates you
Luke: Maya? (@justasmolbard OC) I mean, she easy to like, but I still surprised that Jackson ended up considering them friends with all his things
Alicia: Maybe he got fed up with y'all and wanted to met people that doesn't do stupid crap all the time. But friends...I'm not so sure about that, maybe just acquaintances whom he tolerates
Luke: He's fed up with you as well, you are the mother of the stupid shit we do
*Jackson and the visitor start to shout at each other, making the Captain and Lieutenant look at them, wondering if they would kill each other soon. Then Luke noticed Elijah and Noah hid on the other side of the room, whispering while they watched the arguing*
Luke: There are those two, huh?
Alicia: Yep, and over there are Alexander and Marcus *pointing to another beam*
Luke: Huh, we had the same idea then *waving towards them when they lock stares*
Alicia: Mhmm, and even Wraith is watching this
Luke: Is she now?
Alicia: Dominique, who is with you now? *opening the radio channel*
Wraith: Fowlett, Jackson, Stevens and Scott *with the sound of popcorn in the background* holy shit, Blackwell is gonna fight this one
Alicia: Yeah he will, but apart of the desk thing, why are they arguing? I never expected Jackson would fight someone over his messy desk
Wraith: Oh no, it isn't because of the desk
Marcus: It isn't? *confused*
Wraith: No, from what I've heard, this other medic is someone known for being pushy as hell and take control of medic bays that aren't his! And apparently he was trying to tell Jackson how he should leave things under his command and just shut up and obey him!
Noah: Ohhh, that bitch *offended* that explains a lot
Wraith: Agree, so the desk thing was the last string
Luke: Now I want Jackson to kick his ass
Alicia: Me too, but maybe we should step in
Elijah: Why exactly, Captain?
Alicia: Because I'm not loosing one of my boys thanks to a moron, he doesn't need a fight on his record
Luke: Aww *teases before getting smacked* ouch
Alicia: Shush, look at that
*Jackson has a tic on the eyebrow, clenching his fists at the side, but he's barely able to control himself. Meanwhile Elijah walked around in silence, leaving some ropes for the ones over the beams, the went back with Noah*
Luke: The base is...
Alicia: Let him, I want to see how this goes *whispering with a frown*
*The visitor was frowning, furious and frustrated that nothing was going as he wanted, and in a second of impulsivity he slapped him to the point that Jackson's face went to the side. Just for a moment everything stayed silent, but over the beam Alicia's and Luke's blood was boiling before they tried to go down back to the floor. But Noah's signs stopped them*
Alicia: Why are you stopping us? *with her face filled of anger*
Noah: Just give Jackson a second, Cap *pointing at the blonde* please
*Before anyone did anything, Jackson slapped back the other medic with his face contorted in rage, but with his hands trembling with a mix of fear and anger. And in a moment Alicia went back down, frowning as she walked towards those two, with the visitor smiling with malice and Jackson getting tense as he looked away*
X: Captain Ma-
Alicia: Get the fuck out of my base *putting herself as a barrier and glaring at the visitor*
X: Excuse me?
Alicia: Don't make me repeat myself, get out
X: But your Sergeant-!
Alicia: Shut up, Sergeant! *squaring up with a deeper frown* you also are one, and you decided to not only try to take over one of my men work, but you slapped him inside MY BASE!
X: H-he also-!
Luke: Self defense *sat over the beam, looking down* it is catalogued as self defense since it was you the one who attacked him first
X: Ugh...
Alicia: We have proof to report you with your superior, and if you decide not to go and try to attack our medic again, then *grabs him by the collar and lifts him up, looking him in the eye* a slap is the least you would get
X: I-it's...
Wraith: *from the speakers* I wouldn't do that, young man, you don't want everyone here as an enemy
*Then Alicia let him go, then the man walked away as they all stared at him, then the woman sighed*
Alicia: You good? *turning around to look at Jackson, then gasped* Christ, kid, your cheek is getting inflamated!
Jackson: Wha-? Aren't you pissed?
Alicia: Why would I be? Yo, can someone bring an ice patch?!
Jackson: I...thought you would be furious thay I slapped that man
Alicia: He started it, and you defended yourself, I'm cool with it
Edward: *walking inside, throwing it to Alicia* You should've smacked that bastard in the face, Captain
Alicia: I had the intention, but you know, laws *accomodating the ice patch over Jackson's cheek* there we go
Marcus: That was something I didn't expected *going down with Alexander* I hate that one
Elijah: Agree *walking away from their hidding place* but hey, for the first time the fact that we were watching the fight worked for us
Jackson: Were you watching? Seriously? Why?
Luke: It's not our fault that your life is the soap opera of the base *mocking him*
Jackson: Screw you *glaring at him*
Alicia: Leave it you two, enough drama for today. Jackson go to rest, Luke leave him alone *then looking at the security cameras* Nicholas, do you mind statting a reunion with that man's superior? Wraith and I have...things to discuss with them
Nicholas: Right away, Captain!
Alicia: Thank you, I'm on my way *walks away while ruffling Jackson's hair lovingly* Wraith leave the fucking blackmail archive alone, we don't need it yet
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Hi!! This is my first time requesting but could you please make a Wednesday x male reader angst? The reader is an outcast but also a direct descendant of his family like Goody Addams.
wait so which outcast type should I take? Oh, I know!
I ain't seein' no male witches here!!!
Okay bro, hopefully this is going to be legendary!
Wait so that I understand it. You want me to write about someone who has a connection to his greatgreatgreat-something relative, right? If yes, then I'm writing it like that! I hope I got it right. If not, I'll just write it again.
Also I think I'm trying to make this more funny than angsty but we'll see. also you are going to be russian because I said so. Also because I can speak a bit of russian. Your name is Alek Ivanovich, to keep it simple. Okay?
Here's all the foreign words:
ai = y without w, tixo = quiet, cabaka = dog, ras = on, dwa = two, tri = three, chiteri = four, pyat = five, da = yes, ya ne xatchu = I don't want to, ti krasivaya = you are beautiful (when reffering to women), dusha = soul, eto kto? = who is this?, moy drug = my friend (when referring to men), blyat = shit
again, i did not proofread
"I'm a witch, Addams."
"What the hell did you do to my son?!", a nameless mother shrieked. You wore a hoodie, and your hair covered your face. Your hands were in your pockets. Your parents stood behind you. You sat on a wooden, too light coloured chair and next to you sat your bully- no, your victim.
"He was simply testing my patience, sooooo....", you trailed off and did jazz hands towards the fucker who dared to approach you. The guy himself looked like a failed experiment. One eye was bigger than the other, the mouth reached form one ear to the other, hair gone, nose like Voldemort and the rest of his body...well, let's not talk about it, yeah?
Your mother surpressed a chuckle while your father only sighed deeply. The headmistress herself was also dead serious, and you couldn't help but burst out laughing any minute. You were a weak man in situations like this. situations where it felt like being at a funeral and you not being able to keep your shit together.
"Mister Ivanovich, I hope you know how serious this situation is, because of where you peop-..."
You raised your eyebrows. Ooooh, what will she sayyyy~?
"Because of your family's heritage.", the woman stated, satisfied with her answer. You snorted. Your father slapped the back of your head.
"Ai, papa!"
"Tixo!", he only hissed and you mumbled something under your breath.
"My son, Alek, might be like this because of the puberty. You know how it is, dear. Boys fight all the time and-"
"This boy is not like the others, Mrs. Ivanovich, and I hope you know it. Alek is...special in his own way.", the curly haired woman started. She took a folder with a good load of papers from a drawer and gave it to your father.
"Alek is a good student at heart. But fights like this are sadly not uncommon. And your son is always involved in this."
You could feel the steam and heat radiating from behind you to your right, where your father stood. Hopefully he won't explode today...
Your mother was also taking a look, and that's when the other woman chimed in. "But what will happen to my dear Tommy!? Who's going to turn him back?!"
You smirked. "Relax, he's going to be back to his normal self when he gets his true love's kiss. You know, like in the fairytales." The woman looked like she wanted to kill you, but before that, you couldn't hold it anymore.
"BWAHAHAHAHH, you really thought about him having to kiss somebody?! Please, it's the 21st century!", you exclaimed while you wheezed and rung for air. Sparks were already flying around your father, and your mother patted her beautifully round nose. "A-Alek, please turn this poor boy back."
You sighed. "Mama, please, I'm having fun-"
"I'LL GIVE YOU FUN! GET BACK HERE, YOU CABAKA!", your father roared and a firework errupted in the headmistress's office. You were running away from your father, the headmistress was crying for help when the office caught fire and your mother sighed tiredly.
"ras dwa tri, turn back thee. chiteri pyat shest, stop this jest!", she mumbled, and everything got back to its original place. You got dragged back to your seat, your bully was back to his own self and ran away with his mom, and the office wasn't burning anymore.
The only thing which was not alright was your dad. He was still fuming. "What I wanted to say...", the woman sat down on her chair again after she examined her precious kabinett,
"was that Alek might be better off in another school. Nevermore, to be exact. There are people like him-"
"You mean outcasts?", you frowned. You had your fun, now you were serious.
"Alek...", your mother said and squeezed your left shoulder.
The woman behind the desk coughed to hide her embarrassment before continuing. "If you put it that way...then yes. And I'm sorry for you, Alek. You are one of the best students this little itty-bitty school has ever had. It's a shame that your peers like to poke at you."
"Evermore...wasn't it where we have met the Addams?", your father spoke suddenly, and you flinched.
"Oh my, da! We have to contact them! How long has it actually been since we last saw them? At your graduation?", your mother spoke and all of a sudden, everybody's mood lifted, yours excluded.
Wait, new school? What school? I hope it's not a boarding-
"And for your information, it's a boarding school.", the woman sitting in front of you said.
Why did I jinx myself?!?!?
"Papa, ya ne xatchu." "I don't care. Get in the car."
And right after you sat down, your father began speaking. "Why do you always have to make a mess, son?! Wherever we go, you use your magic to curse somebody! Stop it!"
"...yes.", you answered with a grumble.
"And that boy- what did he do to you?!"
"He was making fun of me.", but it was only half the truth.
"But you're still not allowed to use your magic, Alek!"
"He was pushing me to it!"
"What could he have done to make you use your magic?", your mother's calm voice called. You could clearly hear her sadness.
Your mother was a beautiful woman, who never failed to make friends in places she's never been before. She always managed to help you whenever you struggled with something.
And now, you felt like crying. you wanted her to hold you, but she was sitting next to your father and you were sitting alone on the other side.
"He...was making fun of us witches, of all the other outcasts or monsters- he was making fun of us unhumans!"
The ride was silent and suffocating then. your mother was stroking her round nose again, which you loved, but you got your father's boring straight nose.
"there was also another thing....", you began as you recalled being in a fever-, or lucid- like dream. You somehow got in contact with a person you admired. Dima Ivanovich.
He was the greatest witch you've ever found out about, and you dedicated your life to that man. He might have been a jerk, a klutz and always in for dangerous activities, but he also risked his life for defending his family, he treated his wife with the upmost respect and he tried his best to make life easier for the next generations.
"I got in contact with Dima Ivanovich."
Your mother's breath hitched and your father glared at you. "He told me to act. I would've kept my head down, but he lifted it. He also lifted my hands. I could feel his presence, papa! You should have-"
Was...was he for real?
"Sorry that he helped a relative in need of pretection and defense instead of money problems."
"What did you just say-"
"Seriosha, Alek, enough already!"
You hated when your mother yelled. "Dima had a good reason to step in and protect our poor son!"
He only looked out of the window.
"...Sooo, tell me about Nevermore. Or the people you met there.", you asked after a few minutes in hopes of getting at least some of the nonexistent background information you had about your parents. And to make the ride less boring and long.
Again, to your surprise, your father answered. Normally, it would have been your mother, with your dad nodding along, but oh well. "Nevermore is a magical place. Back in the days when I was your age, I was the sporty guy. We played football, exercised and sharpened our skills, and also had many events. Your mother and her best friend at the time, Morticia Addams, these two were the fencing captains."
"Oh, how I'd love to meet her again! I'm sure she'd be just as beautiful as she was when she was a teenager!", your mother gasped, and smiled.
"But mom, you are the most beautiful here!", you spoke, but she just shook her wavy locks. "No, no, son. I am not pretty. Just look at my nose, or my skin! I look like my own mother!"
"First of all, ti krasivaya. Second, baba yaga is also pretty. Otherwise, dad wouldn't have married you, would he?"
And also this time, your father said something. "I don't know why you are still so insecure. You are the most beautiful witch, the most beautiful woman and the most wonderful dusha I have ever met."
"Aww, Seriosha...that was good to hear."
"Yes papa, you should speak to her more often like that! and also teach me the art of flirting!"
For the first time this week, your father laughed. And it was saturday. You were proud of yourself.
"Sooo...this is it? Looks old in my opinion.", you said as soon as you stepped out of the car and stretched. Your mother was looking around and then she screamed. You and your father were ready to throw hands and cast spells left and right when all that happened was your mother running towards a woman with long dark hair in a tight black dress. The other woman was also screaming.
Why are women always yelling when they see a familiar face??
"Papa, eto kto?"
"Morticia Adda- GOMEZ, moy drug! Idi suda!", your father yelled and nearly floated towards a middle aged man who could loose some pounds.
Welp, guess it's just me then-
And there, you saw a girl step out of the -like your father's- old fashioned, black vehicle. Your dad's car was a dark wine red.
She had twin tailed, braided heir, and she was also not that thrilled to be here. She also watched the interaction, but with more disgust than curiousity. Both of your dad's were now dancing with each other, each in their traditional way.
Make a friend...
So, you strutted to her, but stayed a little more than five feet away from you. You didn't reach out your hand, for she didn't look like she'd like to even acknowledge you.
"My name is Alek Ivanovich. I guess our parents knew each other very well back in the day. what's your name?"
"My name is Wednesday Addams."
"Cool. Why are you here?"
"Attempted murder."
"What, you don't-"
"You didn't get the job done? Tsk, tsk, tsk."
And now, the girl gave you her attention. "Excuse me? Then why are you here?"
"I was experimenting with my bullies. Say, why did you "attempt" to murder somebody?"
'Did you say 'attempt' with a special undertone just now? Are you making fun of me?', she thought and her brows furrowed a little.
"They were messing with my little brother."
"Ah yes, nothing's more important than family. but why kill? Didn't you want to make them suffer a little?"
"I put two bags, each filled with a number of piranhas into the pool they were swimming at the time. Not enough, but still good when in school."
"Nah, I would've...I dunno, maybe cursed them that they'd have constant constipation...or, uh...turn them into unsightly things, like I did with my last victim..."
As you were deep in thought, Wednesday studied you. You were not like the other kids. You didn't give her a freaked out expression.
'You...are you trying to start a competition?' With the way you were making ideas on how she could've done it better, she felt a sharp pain in her pride.
But why did she feel like this? Why did she feel like she'd have to better her antics? Just because she spoke to someone who maybe understood her?
"What are you, Ivanovich?"
"I'm a witch, Addams."
The get-to-know with principal Weems, a tall and very---suspiscious looking woman, you and Wednesday had to part ways.
"Wait, can I get your phone number?" "I don't use phones."
"Aw, blyat. Then what do you use for communication?"
"My cristall ball." Ah-you remembered. Her mom gave her a suitcase with it inside. No, you didn't take a peek when she opened it.
"I have one too! Although it's so small that I can fit it into my pant pockets."
You relished the moment her eye twitched when you said pant pocket. She could only hope that her blazer and skirt had pockets.
But instead, she asked another question. "How did you make it so small?", and her eyes were a little big. You huffed.
"Magic. Bet you wish you could do it as well."
"Curse you."
"I did, and now I'm here."
"Hah? Oh, Addams, what's up?"
"Hide me."
"Wednesday! Come here!", Enid, Wednesday's roommate called and you could hear her squeaking sneakers in the hallway.
And with using your magic, you turned the girl behind you invisible. Enid arrived right after Wednesday was turned transparent.
"Do you need something from her?", you asked politely. Enid gave you bombastic side eye as she looked around.
Maybe it's her first time seeing a witch?
"Uh, no. It's just, Wednesday had removed the coloured stickers from her side of the room. Which I put on!"
"When it's her side of the room, then she can do whatever she wants. And you should know by now that she doesn't really like colours."
"Still, she should've asked me first! I could use them for something else, you know?"
"Yeah, understandable."
"Anyways, have you seen her?"
"I can sense her soul near us, but I cannot see her, Sinclair."
"Why do you have to talk like that."
"Because we are not a body but a soul. We have a body. We are souls living in bodies."
"...o...kay...? I...I'll look somewhere else.", and with that, she dissappeared.
Wednesday started speaking. "How long will this spell last?"
You could see her again. "When the affacted person starts speaking."
She stared at you for a long time and you surpressed a chuckle.
"There's something I wanted to ask you, Wednesday. Did you also get the feeling that Enid doesn't really like me? For whatever reason?"
"She doesn't like witches because she got dumped by one. I wonder why."
"Welp, sucks when she hasn't even fully become a real werewolf. Also did you pull those stickers away because you really didn't like it or because you wanted to spite her?"
(2.1k) "Weems said you'd be stopping by. So, what are you guys? Alto, soprano, or just loco?", Bianca said after you and Wednesday went to her choir group to maybe join.
The other kids giggled while you sighed out of your nose.
The person by the nearby piano which you noticed only now pressed a button and a tone was heard. Wednesday opened her mouth.
You heard nothing except some glass breaking.
"What was that?", Bianca asked.
"A tone only cabaki can hear, cool!", you complimented.
Wednesday allowed her mouth to lift 0.01 %.
"...and...and you, Ivanovich, what about you?"
At the siren's question, you started to sing Polina Gagarina's "Lullaby". Your voice fitted the song perfectly and you loved singing it.
After you were done, the students one by one started clapping, and in the end, everyone clapped. You were bashful, to say the least. Too bad Bianca was not having it.
"So you're one hell of a singer. Did you use some of your witch powers for that?"
Instead of wanting to punch her, you decided to bite back. "I could say the same to your 'Siren'-voice."
"Why, you little-"
"What happened here? I heard glass breaking, and then a beautiful singing voice!", Weems interrupted and you smirked at the short haired girl.
"Nothing,", she only hissed.
"Woah, these are some cool powers, Xavier!"
"Thanks man!"
"You guys are too loud."
"Oi, I'm just complimenting him-wanna be friends?"
"Sure, why not?"
Whoah, Xavier might be the second teenager in this school who actually respected you, the first one being Wednesday.
Wednesday was drawing what could be identified as a gilloutine, with Enid's head poking through the hole. The blade was halfway through and blood spurted out of Enid's neck. Enid herself had a terrifying expression.
If the real Enid saw this...
"Uh, n-nice work!" "You don't have to compliment me on everything, Ivanovich."
"Uh, okay!"
"How do you two know each other?"
"Our parents." "To be more detailed, our parents actually were friends and also attending this exact boarding school. And, well, they seemed to be pretty good friends. But I still don't understand this whole hyde thing, and one of our students being dead and then reappearing as if nothing happened."
That gave Xavier and Wednesday a little time to think, while you thought that you messed up the mood. again.
"Sorry for ruining the mood..."
"What? No, What you said was actually something to think over. Wednesday was there when the guy died, but him being there the day after? either someone's trying to mess with your head, or the person doesn't like you.", the artist said.
Wednesday only had another unreadable expression on her face.
"Um...can I take a picture?"
"Of your painting- Oh! Y-yours as well, if you're okay with it, Xavier!"
"Sure thing man."
"But Enid's getting killed."
"I like the strong colours-"
"It's mostly red-"
"And the way you could draw her face in detail is so pretty-"
"She's literally screaming in agony while she's getting beheaded-"
"I don't care, Wednesday. I like your work. Now can I take a pic or not?"
"...are you okay?"
"Are you?"
"Heheh.", Xavier chuckled while Wednesday only looked at you again.
Hey, how was that love? I wanted to make this longer because...I dunno. I just thought this could be nice to start with a sweet beginning and then the story getting darker, you know?
I will for sure do a second part!
Anyways, please write how that was and pls explain it to me again, but in more detail because I'm stupid :p
Read you in the next post!
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melishade · 1 year
Could you write a one-shot of Optimus in his Dinosaur mode?
Funny thing about this!
So when writing Attack on Prime back in 2013, I had no idea that Rescue Bots was also part of the Aligned Continuity. I had no idea that Optimus could transform into a Dinobot. Even if I knew back then, I still wouldn't have added it because it would've made Optimus too over-powered and also too chaotic.
That being said, this was a conversation I had with @justawannabearchaeologist and @echoblaze5 because of some AU bleeding over into different forums that got extremely out of hand.
So we'll say that Optimus is able to transform into his Dinosaur form. Thing is, he keeps it a secret. He's never told anyone back at the base, and he clearly felt no need to do it now. Plus, a place where humanity is on the brink of extinction because of titans is already bad enough. Having him transform into an unknown species that he can lose control of is going to cause panic. Extreme panic. So he keeps it under wraps.
Until Zeke shows up, and invokes his ire and drops the bomb that titans are humans. With an already high strung situation and that breaking the camel's back, Optimus gets pissed off and unleashes his Dinosaur form and roars, getting everyone's attention. Including Megatron, who was in Shinganshina at this time. And before Zeke can even react, Optimus breathes fire on him and starts burning Zeke alive, ignoring Ymir's titan transformation and the castle collapsing. The Survey Corps have to come and rescue the crew at the tower, and are met with the sight of Optimus using his jaw to tear Zeke apart while he's still on fire. Hanji realizes that Zeke might be a titan shifter and quickly tells Eren to stop the T-Rex. No one is sure if that even is Optimus. The color scheme is the same, but he's just so out of control. Eren transforms and yanks Optimus off of Zeke, and Eren is trying to wrestle an out of control T-Rex. Optimus manages to throw Eren off of him, and Eren is at Optimus' mercy. Optimus is ready to tear into him, but Megatron kicks Optimus, sending him flying across the area.
Megatron sees a threat and doesn't recognize that it's Optimus. He watched him die anyway. When Megatron approaches ready to kill him, Eren has to grab him from behind and pull him back with all his might. Hanji screams at Megatron to not kill him! It's Optimus! And before Megatron can even challenge Hanji's statement, Optimus transforms back, unconscious, which takes everyone for a loop. They do manage to capture Zeke, who's pretty charred, and Megatron and Eren carry Optimus back to Wall Rose. Everyone waiting in Trost is pretty shook at the sight of Optimus injured and unconscious, Megatron being there, and a human that was charred beyond belief slowly healing from his wounds.
Levi takes one look at Megatron: Who's this fucker?
Megatron: Someone who can squish you like a bug!
Hanji: Can we not?!
When Optimus wakes up, he's shocked to see Megatron and pulls out his blaster and demands what he's doing here? And Megatron replies: "I don't know which situation I should be more furious at. The fact that you're still alive, or the fact that you could turn into a Dinobot and DIDN'T TELL ME!"
Optimus is mortified that his secret is out to his former enemy, but the Survey Corps is also there, and realizes from their faces that they know the truth too. And he has a lot of explaining to do.
So a few things:
-Optimus does confess that he was able to transform into a Dinobot starting on Earth, but kept it under wraps because it was ultimately going to put the Rescue Bots in danger during the War. Megatron is 0.5 seconds away from blowing his lid. Rescue Bots?! Prime what the hell?! But the form was also extremely hard to control, since it was organic components mixing with Cybertronian biology. He lost his mind, quite a few times, to this form, and decided that it would be best to keep it a secret considering the negative side effects.
-Hanji is both excited and angry! How dare you keep this from her?! Levi is just annoyed. So annoyed. He's already dealing with enough! Why is this an addition to the bullshit?! Erwin sees potential, perhaps there was a way this form could be controlled.
-Megatron does end up confessing who he is, cause he technically kind of outed himself from what he's been saying. But Megatron says he'll play by their rules, because he wants answers out of Optimus, and he might just kill him for it!
-Zeke is kept underground and interrogated, but doesn't reveal anything, and Reiner and Bertholdt, understandably keep their mouths shut. However, Marley wants to know what the hell happened to Zeke, and that's a whole other issue.
I would like to post bits and pieces from the conversation, but I'll only post my half. I don't want to overstep and post their parts without permission.
Optimus: Roaring at Zeke as a Dinobot Zeke scrambling to run: WHY IS THIS SO MUCH WORSE?! Hanji: TITAN BRAWL!!!
Levi: I looked inside myself to ask "What am I willing to put up with today?" Gestures to Dinobot Optimus NOT FUCKING THIS!
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
Just another night in my pick-up truck
Characters: Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Finally, after hours of searching, I found this stupid side street. How hard can it be to find a place to sleep? No one lets me park my car anywhere for the night. Not even in hidden places. What should I do? Without having an apartment?
I can't count the number of times I've been chased away by angry homeowners, unsympathetic police officers, and even hunters.
But here now? I actually feel safe for some reason. So far from the main street that no one but the locals knows about this long-forgotten street. I hope to get a good night's sleep. Maybe then I can finally think about what to do next.
As I slowly reclined my seat, it took me about a minute before sleep finally got the better of me. Finally, the warmth overcame me as I pulled my blanket higher under my chin and crossed my arms across my chest.
Out of nowhere, I came across this fateful bride while trying to reach my sister. I killed her! I know that and will never forgive myself for my past atrocities. Suddenly my hand came into my field of vision, and I was finally able to reach her to save her life. Suddenly the dream was gone.
I turned around in a panic, but there was nothing instead than the terror fields of my dreams. "Fucking wake up!" I don't know that voice! What the hell is going on?
My eyes suddenly opened to reveal the darkness of night enveloping my car. "It was just a dream," I mumbled groggily.
"No, you fucking dimwit!"
"Ahhh!" My scream was probably the most unmanly thing I've ever made, high-pitched and fearful. In the next second, my claws popped out, ready to fight. "WHO-?"
"We don't have time, wolf boy, now drive!" The stranger shouted at me. I stared at him, perplexed, my eyes wide in confusion. "Don't look at me, you idiot, drive!" he yelled louder, even more aggressively this time.
Tempted to open my door, I tried to grab it, but the guy was too quick. Before I knew it, his hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer to him. So close, even through the darkness, I could see his bright, sparkling eyes and cold expression. “Hunters are out here. Now put your hands on the damn steering wheel and drive!” he ordered me sternly.
I couldn't take his frozen stare any longer and nodded my head. But he didn't let go of my neck, expecting something. I could only stare out the windshield, slowly putting my hands on the steering wheel. Finally, he let go of me, pushing himself off of me
Frightened beyond belief, I did not even try to flee again, knowing deep down that I didn't want to mess with this guy for some reason.
As soon as I started the engine, I heard a rustling from the side, but I didn't dare look. But what surprised me was the light reflected from behind. I knew immediately that the guy next to me was right.
Without thinking, I laid in the gas paddle and left the hunters in the dust. Everything seemed perfect. That was until I heard it... gunshots. I jerked the steering wheel at the sound and spun the car out a little. "Can you fucking keep that stupid car steady, for Christ's sake?" The stranger's angry voice made me wince again. Snorting and gasping, seemingly on the verge of an explosion, I ducked my head and tried franticly to balance the car.
"Finally!" he exclaimed moments later. Just to open the window and shoot? It surprised me so much that I spun around again but got back in line faster than last time. This time the guy only cursed once before he started shooting again.
Trembling because of the sounds of the weapon, it is hard to contain myself. Tears start to form in the corner of my eyes. "Keep your head down!" The stranger suddenly screamed. I thought he was concerned about me, but his eyes were still cold. "After all, you are my fucking prey, and these fuckers should keep that in mind!"
The fight shattered several windows and audibly hit my poor pickup truck.
Luckily the fight was over quickly, with a violent crash behind us. As I looked over at the guy who might have saved my life, concern grew in my heart in seconds. "You got hit!"
The guy looked down at his arm, confused. "It's just a graze," he commented softly. "You needn't worry, wolf cub." A devilish hot grin on his beautiful face made my stomach turn. "Next left, then right, then just straight ahead."
I nodded as he told me. We drove for hours until we came to a small town. "You can let me out over there." He pointed to an empty parking lot. But when we came to a stop, he didn't go away. Instead, he casually leaned against the closed door, looking straight at me, chewing gum. "You're way hotter than they told me, you know." As my cheeks flushed, his grin only widened. "Do you have a phone?"
I couldn't move and just stared at him. But he quickly found the phone and took it in his hand. "Not even a password? You're living on the edge, aren't you?” He shamelessly examined me, even moving my shirt a bit without me doing anything about it. "If you need anything, call or text me."
Immediately after putting the phone back down, he elbowed the door open, rolled out, and landed on his feet. What a damn braggart.
"And sorry about your baby," he murmured sympathetically as he surveyed the exterior of my beloved truck. Only then did I realize with horror what had happened that night. "Drive to the garage at the east end of town and give this card to the mechanic. They'll fix your truck for free!” With a final salute, he pulled a backpack from my truck I hadn't seen before and slipped on a snapback before winking at me, licking his lip lasciviously, and walking away, chuckling.
I couldn't understand why he was giggling until I felt something wet drip onto my forearm. When I looked at it, it appeared to be water, but when I touched my chin. With my hand, I traced it back to my mouth. "Oh shit!" I cursed at myself, "Please, earth, swallow me whole, now!"
As if showing another guy weakness wasn't bad enough, I also drooled over myself because of him. What the hell is going on? When I suddenly felt myself hardening, I was left with only one thing I could do. The horn of my truck could surely be heard across town as I kept banging my head on it.
For a second, I could have sworn I heard that motherfucker laughing at me. But he was long gone. I swear if I see him again, I'll make him pay!
But the question is, will I be the one to make the stranger pay, or will the seeming hunter be the one to get me?
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gardenofshadcws · 1 year
Dracula Daily Day 86
Dr. Seward’s Diary
Renfield nooooo I’m so upset
Dracula how dare you beat my boy like this I’m in PAIN
Dr. Abe this is so not an accident what are you talking about
Arthur and Quincey heard the plot needed them and who are they to refuse?
Can we save his life because he’s a human and a good bean and not just because he has information?  Like please?
“What’s wrong with my face?” I’m DISTRAUGHT
“I must go back to death - or worse” DRACULA HOW COULD YOU
The way Renfield capitalizes He like Dracula is a god, or on a level with God is so telling without saying much at all
Ugh this poor thing has been a victim this entire time.  And Jack just looks at him like a science experiment.
“I don’t care for the pale people” AAAHH MINA
Everything hurts and I’m dying
Oh cool we’ve gotten what we wanted so we’re just ditching im I guess.
Quincey I love you but I think saving her from becoming a vampire is more important than silly Victorian propriety
It’s truly disgusting how many adaptations saw this scene with Dracula drinking from Mina and decided “romantic?  Sexy?  Soulmates???”
Noooo Mina ;~;
This part is destroying me
Jonathan seeing his wife distress and immediately going “I’m going to kill the fucker” is glorious
Mina and Jonathan are relationship goals
“I much touch him or kiss him no more”  “aww hell no” Jonathan is the most ride or die ever.  Given the choice between Mina or God and he chooses Mina I LOVE this sweet boy
NOOO THE RECORDS.  But it’s okay, Mina’s the best and saved everything
Quincey and his bats, man.
I’m so upset
The story of Dracula slipping in to attack Mina is just as horrifying the second time around
“A little refreshment” ewww
And there goes Jonathan’s hair
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
Jonathan stressing makes me stressed
God’s not helping you, your friends are helping you
He tried to save Mina and this is what he gets 
This attendant sucks at his job and now my SWEET BOY IS DEAD.
Nothing should have been kept from Mina in the first place dammit
“I shall die!” MINAAAA.
Van Helsing’s right for once, that’s not actually going to help anything. 
Yes, lockpicking, much better than breaking in.
At least Mina doesn’t have fangs yet, that’s a good sign
Way to go Van Helsing, you made Mina cry again.
And then you burned her head.  You’re handling this extremely poorly, man.
Poor Mina :(  Girl just wants to live her life
“She shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone” AWWWW.  JONATHAN YOU ARE THE SWEETEST.
This is so romantic it’s melting my black dead heart
“I have written this in the train” Just like the beginning of the book, that’s a beautiful callback.
“The place smells so vilely” perhaps that’s because you just lit a cigar, Art (yes, I know it’s Vamp Stink)
Dr. Seward’s Diary
It always seems like a long wait when we’re waiting for Arthur and Quincey.
Jonathan babyyyy
Yeah, Jack, you’ve got nothing on Jonathan I’m sorry
So, if Dracula was a scholar, are we… condemning the seeking of knowledge over faith?  Is that what’s happening here?
The zoophagous patient had a NAME, dammit
Jonathan is out for BLOOD.  And not in the vampire way
There’s Dracula, it’s battle time!
Jonathan where the HELL did you get a kukri
Damn.  SO close.
All this and Mina’s still trying to put on a brave face
Can we stop talking about Mina’s purity because that’s giving off some really icky Madonna-whore stuff
These two love each other so freaking much
Stoker’s letting his boys cry again you love to see it
I am also in tears by the way if you even care
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
I too thought today would never end
“My poor wronged darling” awww
It’s okay, guys, Quincey’s here to protect you :’) 
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vince-linder · 11 months
[WIP] Police Mayhem // 2010 AU, Police V
Its ages I started this kinda AU, first after meeting the Maxtac guys in the one sidequest. Afterwards I was just. Damn. I read too much lore about the police system and putted Vince into a pretty Police fit. Also thats what my brain wrote about it. Its a perma-wip, as I am just not feeling the idea behind it anymore. But why not post it anyway. Vince is here "Sergeant Smidt", my lil fucker. The rest should be clear ______________ "Sergeant Smidt, there's another 7-13, down at Martin Luther King Boulevard."
"That's not our problem, call Beat Patrol, or someone from Vice Department. But don't ever waste my time."
"No, no. Sergeant Lewis from Beat called for Assistance with this. Said to come especially to you, Sir. Heavy armed forces, many aggressive accomplices and a handful of..."
"Dirty punk rats?" Smidt let out a deep sigh.
"Yes, Sir."
"Tell the boys to delta in five. Its crushing time." crackling his neck and knuckles, he gets up and leaves his office. Another night, another dirty duty. But he would love to punch in some heads of cyberpsychos, not hunt down dirty rioters, just cause they always riot at corpo places. Priority one, his ass. These people were small fishes, far beyond his talent. But he knows exactly why he has to deal with this. Fuck this Black Mark he got as a Veteran, since then all dirty biz got his biz. Sure, he got, finally, promoted this year, but doesn't change a thing. And he knew for sure, if he wouldn't catch em promptly, it wouldn't take too long, until he would work on Beat Patrol. That was the last thing he ever wanted again. Hunting down every small criminal wasn't his working style.
On the way out, he starts calling his Lieutenant
"M'am, got another 7-13 with 23-245, seems to be the usual guys."
"Get 'em this time, Smidt! Every two or three weeks the same."
"They are fast, as rats are. But I'll get 'em this time. Smidt out."
Fumbling for his lighter for a moment until funding, he lits up a cig and takes a deep puff, deeply exhaling after. The AV lands just two feets before him, the doors shed open. His team was ready, as always.
"Ha, happy to see your beloved rioters again, Vince?", one of his colleagues jokes, as he got in.
"Always, Ted.", he smiles smally. "You know how I love to smash faces of dirty goons."
Both started laughing.
"Oh, for fucks sake, could you two for once be serious?", her feminine voice stood out, with a dark glace she looked at them.
"Chill, Kate." Vince smiled at her "Not as if this was a big thing for us, hu?"
"Not for us, no. But if you fail.", she looked him dead in the eye "All of us knew that the next mission would be without you. Am I right?"
"That's cold...", whispering from the side.
"No, no. She's right. So, s'ppose we start the briefing now. I want the three main rioters, these Samurai guys, alive. Break their bones, if you need to, but dont kill em. If any of em die, or escape, my last act in this position will be giving out black marks without charge.", a dark smile formed on his face, as he spoke out this soft threat.
"You... you dont mean that, Vince!", Ted looked at him with pure disgust.
"He means it, and you know it.", Kate putting on her helmet and the rest of the gear, getting finished. The rest of the team followed her lead.
Flight were silent for the rest of the time, nobody dared to say another word, one could just hear the rattle of the AV, and sometimes a small rustle if someone moved a bit.
Vince was fully in his mind. He know these fuckers far to well. God dammit, in his Beat time he even visited some of their concerts, listening to this heavy rock music, helped him to chill a bit. But in the last few years, these rats just dont stop. He watched the news. There were fires at corpo grounds four times last week. And it always were this samurai fuckers or their fans. But they are always ready to run, there are always some cars with running engines, some spontan gathering of more people, to protect their getaway. This time, they needed a better plan.
"Call Beat for me."
"Sure thing, serg'", it took only a moment "Connected with Veteran Officer Myer"
"Greets, Myer. Sergeant Vince Smidt, MaxTac, Badge 1077."
"MaxTac?! You one the way?", he could feel the shaking in his voice.
"Yes. But I need your help."
"Sure thing, Sir!"
"Listen carefully to me, Myer. I am not the person to repeat myself."
Five minutes later they arrived at the scene, even up from above one could hear the screams of panic and violence, a few gun shots here and there. But one thing overshadowed all other noise.
A sharp voice, echoing through the air. A well known voice, for Vince at least. It was truly one of the two lead vocalists of Samurai. At some moments one could also hear the second one, but not nearly as clearly. The AV stays in the air, a few hundred meters above the ground.
"Just jumping, or taking a rope today, Vinny?"
"Oh shut up.", he laughed for a short moment. "And besides, my ankles can take the jump.", he saluted, smiling, to his colleagues, and just jumped out. The others shook their heads in disbelief, and got their gear ready to jump off.
In the air, free falling, Vince did a few forward rolls, getting his 'wear ready for contact with the concrete at the bottom. In a moment, he would just land directly in front of the so-called rocker boy.
And there were the screams he enjoyed the most.
"MAXTAC! THE FUCKERS ARE HERE!", after that scream, Vince could feel the panic emerge in the group beyond him. And then he could feel it. A frown from a certain rocker. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. He could see the dark grin, as the fucker flipped him off and started running.
"Not this time, fuckboy.", he landed with a crash on the concrete, the floor beneath him cracked, but he doesn't have time for that. Just after landing, he started his Sandevistan. He got thirty seconds before his brain would start frying. He has to get a trail of him. This fucker was the main rioter.
With a quick scan through the mass, he found him, and charged at him. Twenty seconds left. There he was. And he turned and looked at him, just for a split second. What? He shouldn't even be able to sense him! Not important. He tackled him, and back in real time.
"MAXTAC, surrender now!", he was on his back, kneeling at the spine.
"Get down off me fucker!", the rocker twisted beneath him, trying to get free.
"Not this time, Silverhand. Listen closely, I never repeat myself.", he got both hands of the other, and cuffs him.
"SHUT UP!", more twisting, so Vince gave him a slap against the back of his head.
"You have the right to shut the fuck up, call whoever you think would get you help, once we reach the police station, and rot in jail until you got free again. So never.", he smiled darkly. Finally he got him. And he could hear his team, and Beat getting control of the rest of them. Trying to get the rocker on his legs, he turned his head and spit Vince directly in the face, against his Aviator.
"You little dirty rat." Vince punched him directly at his kidneys, and the rocker twitched in pain.
Vince hate it when this little fuckers get disrespectful, so he grabbed the other at the hair, and pulled him up, to his face. "If you ever do something like this again, boy, I'll kill you. You know, most of us MaxTac Soldiers are Cyberpsychos."
"As if, asshole. Know you from Beat. Punched you in the guts back then.", he grinned widely.
"Dream on kid, never get punched on duty."
"But you are dumb like a scav."
"What did you say?!", he shouldnt even be talking to him. But whatever. He could feel Kate and Ted coming to him.
"Sergeant, we got the rest of his crew." Kate and Ted saluted, stopping behind him.
Vince could hear the muted screams of the second vocalist and the girl they have with them. Perfect. "The officers got hold of em."
"Great, and as I see, alive and loud as always."
"Yes sire. But we have another problem.", Ted nervously rubs his neck.
"What is it?", annoyed Vince let out a small sigh.
"Arasaka self wants em. But we cannot reach the Lieutenant, or even the Captain. The connection outside this district seems broken."
Vince could feel how the rocker in his hands started chuckling "Hearing em, Ker? Jammer is working!", he shouts in the direction of the other members.
"Bring the other two here to me.", his voice was ice cold. He could not risk another failure with this.
His officers, as always, were obedient and dragged the other two at his feet. With a small sigh he pushed Silverhand into Teds grip. "Stuff his damn mouth."
"Yes sir.", with a grin, and much screams from the rocker, Ted got him all shut up.
"So, 'Ker'", Vince grabbed the head of the second vocalist, forcing him to look him in the eyes.
"Wazzup cop?", he grins widely. There was not a single bit of panic in the face or voice of the three. The girl and Silverhand just sat up, both smiling totally pleased. This could not be real. This fuckers, they were between six MaxTac Agents, and nothing?
"Bite your tongue, pig?", the girl spit out laughing.
"Tell me one thing, rats. Why aren't you afraid? All of you are cuffed, surrounded by MaxTac, positively these are your last moments in freedom, and you are laughing?"
"Yes sir, am crazy, cannot control myself. Hes drunk, and shes totally gonked out."
"Fuck off, you are gonked out!"
"Nah, Rogue, you've always been gonky."
One could hear Silverhand spit out the clothes his mouth was shut with, and he just laughs
"Both of you are crazy gonks."
"All of you shut up!" Vince demands, massaging his scalp. He needs answers, but they won't give it to him. Cause not. He's a Cop, they are thugs, nothing to work with. He just should punch em unconscious and wait for their 'Taxi'. But no, at least he wants to break them! If he cannot crush a thing.
Cannot be...
"~Tonight is the night that we run, the hunter becomes what he hunts~", 
Silverhand and 'Ker' just started singing. How much more mockery would he get this night? But somehow he was stunned? He stared at Silverhand, following his mouth forming the words, spitting out the dirty song.
"~The escape and the chase is now one, run!~"
All his alarm systems were screaming in his head, but he could not move a single muscle. Could not speak, but he felt the panic rising in him.
"Spiders here, kids.", Rogue smiles smally, standing up and grabbing the keys from Ted. Nononono. This could not be. Vince's inner voice screamed, he had to stop em! These dirty rats played for time, until their backing arrived! Goddammit, Silverhand even called him dumb, and was he right. They all got rid of the cuffs.
"Come on, Johnny, have to run.", Ker demands.
"Yeah, coming after.", he smiles widely "He Spider, knock em all off, besides the blue haired, would ya."
Vince could feel how the rocker got hold of his hands, bent them behind his back and cuffed him, kicking his knees, so he had to kneel down. "Yeah, wake him, could control it. Yeah, leave em offline."
"YOU little fucker!", Vince roared out, as his voice worked again. He tried to activate Sandevistan or his Blades, but nothing. He couldn't even move really!
"Ah, found your tongue again. Nice, nice.", Silverhand putting his hand beneath his chin, grabbing his fingers in the flesh and pushing his gaze up. "Hows the feeling of being absolutely helpless, Mister 'Im so important, look at me, Im Maxtac'?", he chuckled darkly.
"Shut the fuck up and tell me what you want."
"Not the best at flirting, ain't ya?"
"What do you want, Silverhand?" Vince was at the end of his tether. This was it, goodbye MaxTac, hello Beat Patrol! Now he would run after some little gonks again, for years.
"Delete our records.", his voice suddenly got grim. "Or protect us from 'saka."
"I cannot do one of these, and you know that!"
"Find a way, Cop.", he slapped his face hard with his mechanical hand, Vince could nearly feel unconsciousness coming around. Spitting out blood, he felt somewhat funny.
"All you got?"
"Want to fuck around with me, Mister?", Silverhand eyed him up. "Hope some more troops arrive in time, to catch me and rescue your little ass? Sorry, not today."
He kicked against his chest, moving him on his back. His legs just were not working.
Standing on top of him, the Rocker bent down to him and grins widely. The next punch hitted his nose, and got all his lights put out.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Love in the air ep12 messy review
Hello once again. So it's safe to say that the Sky won't be as clear after this episode or maybe even during this episode, so let's just dive in. Oh, now I've read a lot of people analyzing Sky and I am just saying I will not be doing this, at least I will not go in too deep, with that being said, let's go!
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awwww he really got Pai to help him out willingly. Of course he cuts himself and this sweetie Sky is all worried. Lmao Pai making it seem much worse to get Sky's full attention, it's too cute. Look at that face, oh boy Pai you got it bad for him!!🤭...Teasing Sky like that, super cute!!🥰
I love how Sky's actions still surprise Pai, I mean he really didn't expect Sky to kiss his finger!!😎
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Ah Saifha, I can't imagine how much he is suffering between Pai and Payu. Also, this might be the first time he sees Pai in love with someone. Yeah, Payu you are definitely the husky.. 🤭Ugh Pai is seriously in love with Sky and I just love it and that smirk on Payu's face makes this even better. lol, that was a quick cancellation of party plans! Sky has him wrapped around his finger. It's really the best thing ever!
Shopping date....I see you Sky!😏 I love how Sky tries not to show Pai that he loves it when he flirts with him. Those smiles are very obvious my man. Just give in to him, you know you want to! Sky is very domestic if I look at this. He loves to do daily things with Pai, although he still denies it's a date. He is seriously cute. Taking Pai to his favorite bbq and trying to give him food. Sky is just a sweetie. They are really sweet with each other. Just take the food Sky.
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Wait I thought they had established that they were in a relationship now.... What is Sky even talking about? I love Pai though. "This guy is my wife" omg Sky's face is priceless!!!!! 🤭The teasing never stops does it, I just love it. Pai's smile ugh, my heart. He is like a fangirl/boy who is looking at his/her's favorite idol..👀
ahhhh the apartment. I love how different the mood is now. Now you can feel love and the calmness in Sky's eyes as he looks out of the window, I'm here for it! Pai giving him a back hug...(okay maybe not a back hug but it seems close to it!!) Sky doesn't need expensive things, Pai, he just wants your heart.
Reminiscing about their first night together. Sharing the details he never forgot, gosh Pai. I expected Sky to come with that comeback, because fair enough. Pai did have a lot of people in his bed before Sky. Good thing that stopped quickly after his night with Sky. Wow, this confession is sexy!!! Pai knows what he is doing for sure!! Now just kiss boys!!👀
oh, major steps for Sky to confess this to Pai and I love that so much!!! Lol yeah just forget about that party, that's not important right now. Wow, Sky skipping morning classes but then again, can we blame him... I know I won't!!😏
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ugh parties, something will happen, because things always happen at parties. Sky is completely in love with Pai. Yeah hit your mouth, how dare you tell him, you are his!!! silly! 😏
hahahaha, Pai!! this is the dude you send home. you should not make promises you can not keep. Ahhh Sky, just don't go inside, I have a bad feeling about this. Those girls gossiping about Pai are not helping at all. oh shit there we go. The look on Sky's face, I just want to run over, drag him out of there and hug him. The hurt on his face, I hate it. He must be making things up in his head because of his trauma but still, this is sad. And we are back to nightmares, why oh why.😭
The walls are back up and I am afraid this time it will hurt even more. Poor baby. I wish he had more confidence and trusted Pai more but then again if my boyfriend would let someone touch him like that, I would kill someone. I love Pai for making things very clear I just wish he had done that before the dude threw himself all over him. 🙄
Sigh this will end badly, and that friend of Gun, can we kill him as well because he is one of the fuckers who hurt Sky as well. Gun will go after Sky and I just know that when Pai finds out the fucker is dead.
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Ugh, flashbacks. I hate this because sky's trauma made him think of things that won't happen again, so this is probably where he decides to pull that wall up again. Of course, he is avoiding Pai now, which is very unfair to Pai because he doesn't even know why Sky is doing this. Sky even ran away from his dorm to avoid Pai. this is going far and I really feel sorry for Pai.
This phone call hurts. I know why Sky is doing this but still, Pai has a heart you know. The way he is breaking that man's heart right now, those tears. This is not okay, not okay at all. How can you hurt someone that badly but again I get it but still? I am happy that Pai doesn't give up though.😭
Oh, so there is where Sky is staying. See I knew Sig was one of the best friends. He is even going to move out, isn't that drastic. Sig really says the best things, sadly Sky is too upset right now to really listen. Sig isn't wrong about that it's better to just cry. I mean just cry, it's okay!🥺
the black notebook is gone and of course, that Pai has it, who happens to be in the room. This is going to be a confrontation. My heart is already hurting. there we go, this is going to hurt badly because everything he loves about Pai must be there, everything he tries to fight is in there. His heart desires are in there. I think this is the best thing Pai could do in this situation.
Can you not look for someone else? Can I be the only one for you? I might be boring, unpretty, uncute but please don't get bored with me Don't say the word 'like' to anyone but me Don't leave me There is nothing good about me but I'll do my best I'll do whatever you want Please don't like anyone else Please like me, please love me P' Pai
Confronting Sky is the only way he can break through that big wall. Pai has every reason to ask these things. I know he is being harsh with Sky right now but sometimes it's the only way to get through to someone and in this case, this is the only thing that worked on Sky. This is all the confirmation Sky needs right now. Pai's comforting words and his love and comfort. I think my heart is breaking for Sky so many times already. Thank the universe for making them meet each other. 🥹
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oh, he is opening up a little about Gun, this is huge, good for him!! Can we just kill Gun already PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Pai for letting him tell the entire story when he is actually ready for it.
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hahaha "cause love makes blind" gosh cheesy but I love it! 🤭
HAHAHAHAHAHHA RAIN MY CUTIE!!! Why do I feel like he is the mother of Sky? The way Pai is provoking him, omg. Oh, Rain is not liking this at all! 'Did he drug you sky?!' omg, I think I fell from my chair, this is too funny. Messing with Rain's head like that, he can't focus on two things at the same time! I love Payu's "You just don't get it" in the sweetest voice ever! Rain is the MVP of this moment.😂 I do love this moment of happiness
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okay, so I really loved everything about this episode. I mean it was to expect that it wouldn't be all rainbows and butterflies, as we are leading up to the last episode. Now again I won't be analyzing Sky's behaviour too much but I certainly understand why he acted the way he did and as I said I think Pai did a good thing here. You can agree or disagree with that but for me personally, he did it the right way. I wish someone had done that with me when I had a huge wall around me because life would've been much more fun. That being said, next week is going to be the last episode of LITA.... I am already sad because I don't want my Thursdays without PayuRain and PrapaiSky! It's going to be boring. Also, don't forget to bring tissues next episode because it's going to be a heavy one. 🫠
p.s Also thank you to @/singharit for making awesome gifs.
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randomperson351 · 2 years
Hiding in plain sight** - Harringrove.
Summary: There is a monster hiding in the woods, and he’s very happy to see a certain familiar face.
Do not repost or rewrite any of my work. Minors and ageless blogs get blocked.
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This is an 18+ piece, I will block ageless, blank and minor blogs.
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Steve was going to kill those fuckers. 
His boyfriend had seen the glowing tree in the woods and goaded Carol and Tommy into daring the recently reappointed King Steve to climb through and see what was on the other side. Now Steve, Steve has already had his fair share of seeing what was on the other side, fought it with a bat in fact. But does that stop a thoroughly pissed off Steve from climbing through anyways to shut his moron friends up? No. It should have. But no.
The other side was red and stuffy, the portal completely sealing off the voices behind him until they were nothing but murmurs. Steve decided he was just going to take the safe route and stay there for a little while; do some looking around, maybe do a bit of stretching but staying firmly near the exit should an emergency arise (as they often did in this place). 
Unfortunately this would be easier said than done. A swarm of demobats came hurtling right for Steve’s head, some of their sharp little claws scraping across his back in the process. Steve leapt to his feet and went springing forward, getting further and further away from his only exit and deeper into the woods in front of him. His back stung something nasty when another bat landed on him, only to be viciously ripped off when a vine wrapped around his foot and sent him sprawling to the ground face first.
“Ow.” He whimpered, running his tongue along his teeth to feel if any were missing. He happily came to the discovery that his teeth were all still in his mouth, but there was still a vine attached to his left ankle that didn’t look as if it had any intention of letting go. Steve gave an experimental tug (which was not a good idea) which enticed the vine to wrap further around his leg to his knee, and drag him further into the forrest. 
With the demobats gone Steve’s scream for someone, anyone to come and help him echoed through the dense woodland all the way back to his own ears. When the vine finally stopped pulling him, Steve’s beloved polo was rucked up beneath his chest and he could feel his stomach bleeding onto the dirt below. That’s gonna be a bitch to disinfect.
“Tommy!” Another vine wrapped around his right ankle, slithering its way up his leg as the left one had.
“Carol!” They twisted up to cover Steve’s thighs.
“Anyone!” He was desperate to get away from the vines getting dangerously close to his unprotected crotch, trying to army crawl away with his free arms with no success. He opened his mouth to call again when someone answered him. 
“Easy Bambi, you’ve got a long night ahead of you.”
Steve froze. He knew that voice. That voice was supposed to be dead, dead and buried. He closed his eyes and hoped it was all a weird dream, he’d wake up in a drunken haze with a skull splitting headache and a vow to never drink again.
“Stevie.” The voice taunted, rounding on Steve’s prone form until it was coming from in front of him. “You can’t get away from me that easily.”
Blue eyes met his as soon as he dared to open them. Squatted before him was none other than Billy Hargrove himself. The ghost. The dead man. The myth. 
“There he is, back for more little Stevie?”
“One time not enough for the pretty princess?”
“No, just-”
“Aww, sweetheart you shouldn’t have.” Billy cooed in a condescending tone, flicking his wrist to make the vines flip Steve on his back and carry him back to Billy’s little fortress.
“I just need to get back to my friends!” 
“Not so fast pretty boy.” 
The vines came to an abrupt halt and sent Steve sailing through the air into a familiar bed of darkened leaves and moss; more vines trapping his arms above his head and holding down his middle. “You know the price of freedom.”
“You know how well that worked the last time.”
Billy shrugged. “Worked well enough for me.”
Steve grit his teeth and struggled against the vines, inadvertantly scrubbing his injured back into the leaves.
“Stop it.” Billy placed one of his heavy boots against Steve’s vulnerable groin to still him instantly. “The pretty princess is going to hurt himself.”
"They'll come looking for me."
"Not till I'm done with you." Billy pressed his boot down harder until Steve was hissing in a combination of pleasure and pain-Billy's specialty. When he believed Steve wouldn't try and do something stupid, he released the boy's crotch and relished in his sharp inhale.
"I think it's time we go somewhere a little more comfortable."
Steve could only groan, eyes fluttering to see the blonde's wicked smile as the space around them turned into a bedroom, one identical to the one he'd been in before, laying on a much more comfortable bed with his hands still tied up by his head.
Billy was stood at the foot of the bed looking down at his prey, black veins traversing up his skin and rippling beneath the surface watching Steve wriggle to get loose.
The restraints on his wrists tightened, joined by vines creeping up his ankles beneath his traitorously loose jeans, slithering against his bare skin. Billy almost shivered as they reached Harrington's soft creamy thighs, licking his lips like he was tasting the boy. The unyielding pressure snapped the seams of Steve's jeans and boxers as other smaller vines came up to take the clothing away leaving Steve exposed once his top had been ripped off as well. 
Billy undressed himself and crawled up between Steve’s legs until every inch of their skin was touching, Steve hissing once again as Billy’s belly melded to his own scraped up skin. He was huffing and puffing when the smug face finally came into view, directly above his own.
“Obviously, you are the one who dragged me along the hard-ass ground to get me here.”
Billy ground their dicks together. “Enough of the attitude Bambi, yeah?”
“Well get off then!”
“You still owe me from last time, and I intend to get what I am owed.”
The vines attatched to Steve’s ankles wrenched his legs apart, Billy sinking down nicely between them as he weaved their mouths together, unable to stop himself from writhing closer to Steve’s warmth, his thudding heartbeat pushing blood through his veins down to his steadily rising dick. As Billy claimed his mouth Steve felt something prod against his hole, it was small and slick; too small to be a finger, not to mention Billy’s hands were currently on his chest or wrapped around his throat.
Steve jolted as the slimy thing managed to wriggle its way in, detaching himself from Billy’s relentless mouth and trying to move away from the thing buring itself in his ass. 
“Just relax Stevie, I need you ready for me.”
Steve ignored him and gave another fruitless jolt as the thing started expanding, massaging his walls in a frighteningly pleasurable way with its thrusting and wiggling. A hand planted itself in the middle of his chest, holding him still. 
“Look Stevie, just relax and let me get you nice and loose or I can fuck you dry, hmm? You’re already doing so well, why ruin it now?” 
Billy’s condescending tone brought him back from the edge, enough so that he could try and limit the jumps and pulling that he was doing, although that remained an impossible feat once the vine had reached his prostate and began rubbing against it like a cat. Whimpers, moans and keens were punched out of him with each thrust; Steve was mercifully close to the edge when all the sensations stopped as the vine slithered out of him, hooking teasingly on his rim.
“Sorry pretty boy, you gotta wait for me when you cum.”
“I hate you.” Steve panted.
"Not for long."
Billy eased his cock into Steve’s warmth torturously slow, dragging out every milimetre of pleasure until he’d sunk all the way in. He laughed as the brunette gasped when he began thrusting relentessly, a full belly mocking laughter that created goosebumps on Steve’s skin. 
Billy dipped his head and ran his tongue along Steve’s stomach, feeling each contraction when he made the wounds sting and subconciously clenching down on the blonde’s dick. When he’d finished Billy lowered himself back down so he was completely covering Steve again, mixing their saliva together as they kissed making him taste his own blood as their tongues swirled together.
“You gonna cum for me Stevie?”
He was already painfully close to the edge from Billy’s version of foreplay and the constant rubbing on his trapped dick wasn’t helping much either.
“Come on Bambi, together. Let’s do it together.” Billy licked at a tear trailing down Steve’s cheek.
The brunette let out a soundless gasp as his hips pressed flush against Billy, cumming violently against the other boy’s stomach. Billy followed in much the same pattern, filling Steve with his warmth and collapsing down on top of him. 
The boys panted while they came down from their respective highs, the vines unravelling themselves from Steve’s wrists and legs.
“That was fun.”
Billy chuckled and rolled them over so Steve was led on top of him with a sleepy, sated smiled on his face. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it pretty boy.”
“Thanks, for doing it for me.” Steve said almost shyly, moving his face away from Billy’s gaze despite the fact that his eyes were still closed. Billy pressed two of his fingers underneath his Bambi’s chin, eyes lighting up when they met two endless pools of glossy brown.
“Out of everything I want to do to you, this was pretty tame Stevie, not gonna lie.”
He snorted and ran a hand over his face, exhausted from the night’s activities though blissfully aware the scrapes on his stomach had healed up from Billy’s touch.
“I should go.”
“Yeah or, you could stay with me for a snuggle?”
“Jared’s waiting for me.”
“What if he wasn’t?”
Steve narrowed his eyes at Billy’s innocent smile. “What have you done?”
“Relax Stevie, he won’t remember a thing. Hopefully.”
Steve forgot the rest of his protest when he was rolled over onto his back and kissed all over, swiftly leading into round two.
Oh well, Jared would be fine.
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