sarafangirlart · 7 months
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This is so funny but also strangely wholesome.
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katerinaaqu · 21 days
Katya hi :D
Please tell us about whatever the shit that goes on between Hephaestus and Athena
Oh Hephaestus and Athena huh? That is an interesting couple of gods we do not see so much these days and yet they were really co-worshipped in antiquity! Let's buckle up then!
For starters they are half-siblings that much many people know. There are different myths about Hephaestus. Apollodorous and Cicero have him as the legitimate son of Zeus and Hera while other writers such as Hesiod, Hyginus, Pausanias and the Homeric Hymns mostly want him to be a son of Hera that has no father and basically was born out of a virgin birth process. Ironically with this train of thought he has no biological father while Athena has no longer her biological mother given her birth. Also both gods being born out of both the members of the couple and the parallel is interesting.
Hephestus and Athena are also sharing the attribute of the protectors of the craftsmen. Hephaestus is generally seen as the protector of metalwork and Athena of other crafts but the two overlap a lot. In fact many temples have them co-worshipped with it. Another common thing they have is their elleged mighty strength. Despite the fact that he is limping, Hephestus is mighty in strength and Athena easily overpowered Ares in Homer to say a few.
Now as we know Hephaestus is a god that was either born crippled as we have from Homer or crippled by the fall he had from Olympus (either because of Hera or because of Zeus depending on the myth) while Athena is a goddess dressed in armor and choosing to remain a virgin and unmarried. Both cases seem to be "contrasting" some of the ideals of antiquity (the ideal of beauty and the ideal of women marrying and not fighting) and both are respected for their contributions which is interesting. Hephaestus being unattractive surely didn't stop him having his own affairs and according to some myths he was given Aphrodite, the most beautiful goddess, as a wife as a compensation (of course we know that this didn't really work out given that by most accounts following the myth Aphrodite was never faithful to this union either and she had a number of lovers with one of the most known being Ares)
In one of the myths Hephaestus tries to bed Athena and violate her. The reasons behind it vary according to writers. Pseudo-Apollodorous says that Hephestus was just abandoned by Aphrodite and so being angry and sad. Athena arrives to his warehouse to get some weapons made, where she gets attacked by him (in fact Apollodorous says that he had to chase her before finally catching up with her. The description is rather graphic and detailed to say the very least). Pseudo-Hyginus also mentions a similar story although that states that after Dionysus made Hephaestus drunk to coerse him release his mother Hera from the chair he had trapped her, Poseidon took advantage of the situation to get revenge on Athena so he urges Hephaestus when he would have one wish granted to ask Athena to marry him. He does and she defends herself and they struggle a bit (ερις eris= fight/strife) . In another work of his the same writer states that Hephaestus was just enflamed with passion for Athena and begged her to marry him but of course she refused and Hephaestus chases her. She hides herself to a sanctuary (believed her co-worshipping center with Hephaestus in Athens) and there Hephaestus follows her and tries to embrace her.
Either way Athena repells him and gathers his seed that has fallen onto her sandal in the process with a piece of wool (ἔριον) [or shakes her foot on the dirt to get it clean] and she throws it away. The piece of cotton proceeds to to fertilize Gaia (earth, χθών) who later gives birth to the mythical king Erichthonius (ἔριον+χθών - wool+earth/ground) who becomes the legendary first king of Athens. The infant is being depicted on various attic vases, with Gaea basically giving baby Erichthonius to the arms of Athena. The myth was basically to signify not only the protection of Athena against the city or the connection of the city with arts and agriculture but also signify the legend Atheneans believed into, that their nation was native indigenous of Attica as opposing to other greek tribes like Dorieans who came from the north (or Hyperborean lands). Since Erichthonius came directly from earth beginning the line of the Atheneans.
I hope this helps!
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nakeddeparture · 8 months
UPDATE: CDB-Barbados. The two officials on leave are said to be Dr Hyginus Gene Leon and Andrea Power (MP Kerrie Symmonds ex-wife).
What were they caught doing??? Have your say. Naked!!
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gardenofadonis · 2 years
my HC is that Ilia (fictional daughter of Priam who appeared in Mozart/Verasco's Idomeneo opera) is derived from Ilione/Iliona, the eldest daughter of Priam and Hecuba according to Hyginus and Virgil, not only because the names are similar but because, in fact, in the French text that Verasco based his libretto on (Danchet's Idoménée), her name is Ilione instead of Ilia (the female equivalent in the text that Danchet based his on does not have the Troy/Priam connection so it doesn't matter).
This is interesting because in classical texts Ilione is the wife of Polymestor and is most definitely not an unmarried teenager when the Trojan War happened (she was the eldest daughter, presumably married before the war started, and the war went on for 10 years).
BUT as an Ilia singer I would love to imagine that I have a somewhat personal connection to Ilione & Polymestor, especially after I became hyperfixated on The Burnt City. Anyway this is what my brain is doing after midnight instead of anything productive.
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kotaki · 4 months
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"Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!"
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xtarmie · 3 months
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Tropical Rouge! Pretty Cure
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hermesmoly · 3 months
Headcanon: when Hephaestus chained Hera to her chair, it took a night before Dionysus could convince him to free his mother. Hera spent overnight trapped in that chair in contempt and guilt. Zeus, for all his sleaziness cheating, and arrogance over his wife, never left her side during this. He wouldn’t sleep in his marriage bed nor in the bed of another that night. He slept right next to her on his own throne, clutching his hand with hers, their rings gently gleaming.
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pahsy-paints · 4 months
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Round 3 Wave 2
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mizuno-marmalade · 3 months
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happy pride, and happy birthday laura!! this is a redraw of an older piece from 2022 :]
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greekmythcomix · 3 months
Odysseus vs Palamedes
From Hyginus, Fabulae
95: When Agamemnon and Menelaus, son of Atreus, were assembling the leaders who had pledged themselves to attack Troy, they came to the island of Ithaca to Odysseus, son of Laertes. He had been warned by an oracle that if he went to Troy he would return home alone and in need, with his comrades lost, after twenty years. And so when he learned that spokesmen would come to him, he put on a cap, pretending madness, and yoked a horse and an ox to the plow. Palamedes felt he was pretending when he saw this, and taking his son Telemachus from the cradle, put him in front of the plow with the words: "Give up your pretense and come and join the allies." Then Odysseus promised that he would come; from that time he was hostile to Palamedes.
105: Odysseus, because he had been tricked by Palamedes, son of Nauplius, kept plotting day by day how to kill him. At length, having formed a plan, he sent a soldier of his to Agamemnon to say that in a dream he had been warned that the camp should be moved for one day. Agamemnon, believing the warning true, gave orders that the camp be moved for one day. Odysseus, then, secretly by night hid a great quantity of gold in the place where the tent of Palamedes had been. He also gave to a Phrygian captive a letter to be carried to Priam, and sent a soldier of his ahead to kill him not far from the camp. On the next day when the army came back to the camp, a soldier found on the body of the Phrygian, the letter which Odysseus had written, and brought it to Agamemnon. Written on it were the words: "Sent to Palamedes from Priam," and it promised him as much gold as Odysseus had hidden in the tent, if he would betray the camp of Agamemnon according to agreement. And so when Palamedes was brought before the king, and so denied the deed, they went to his tent and dug up the gold. Agamemnon believed the charge was true when he saw the gold [and it also proved Odysseus was right to move the camp]. In this way Palamedes was tricked by the scheme of Odysseus, and though innocent, was put to death by the entire army.
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lion-buddy · 6 months
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ur right they r very silly <3 @lytransthropy
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muffinmoonn · 6 months
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i like this pic of laura
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer:
best precure character since star twinkle ended. carried the tropical rouge season. her arc of trying to decide whether she belongs on land or sea is so good.
Laura's journey from disdaining humans/seeing them as a means to an end is really great! She never loses her selfish/petulant streak, but she does mature around it and start using her qualities for good. While at first only seeing her human friends as a way to make herself heir to the mermaid throne, Laura slowly comes to trust and love them... and ultimately begins yearning to be able to walk with them and join in their land-based activities (especially after briefly switching bodies with them and getting to experience humanity). In an interesting twist, Laura refuses the Witch's offer to make her a human as it would mean betraying her friends - and for this she is rewarded with her own human form from a different source. It's a really great, charming arc for the character!
The little mermaid is a constant in the season, with Laura starting completely appalled that a mermaid would sacrifice herself for a human, not to mention wanting to be one, when she first learned about the story. However, after spending more and more time with her new human friends, she herself starts wishing in secret she could be human so she could join them in more activities although she doesn't want to admit it.
When confronted about it by the Witch of Delays (the villain of the season, who is stealing motivation from people to get an eternity of delays), Laura is offered to be turned into a human in exchange of standing by and letting the witch win. Laura then accepts that she does want to be human, but she will not rely on the witch's powers and will make her dream come true herself instead.
She manages to be able to transform into a human by her own means without losing the ability to go back to her original mermaid form.
So Laura has an Entire Journey over her Little Mermaid Connotations. She starts the show not at all caring for humans or the story of The Little Mermaid. Hearing the story makes her think the story is awful and the mermaid was stupid to give up huge pieces of herself only to turn into seafoam at the end. It takes nearly half the show for Laura to connect to the story; she can only be with her friends in secret and anytime they're having fun trying new things, she's confined to her little marketable pocket dimension or following them through secluded rivers and waterways. She *gets* the mermaid now, but she knows she loves herself and doesn't want to give something of herself up for the risk of what becoming human like the other girls could mean for her. She wants this, but she doesn't want to exchange the other pieces of herself to get it. One of the other girls sees her contemplating and says she always interpreted that aspect of the story to be about how if you want something in life, you have to make some form of exchange. If you want good grades, you have less time and energy to do other things. It's about evaluating well how to get what you want and how far you really want to push yourself to get that. This does not comfort Laura much.
The villain (who is indeed a sea witch) preys on this anxiety when she captures Laura. The themes of the show revolve around being the kind of person who Simply Goes For Things. Who simply says 'Right now, this is what is important to me. And I have to go for what is important to me!' Very Phineas and Ferb levels of Summer Belongs To You energy. When she offers to give Laura everything she wants in exchange for betraying her friends, Laura does not accept this, because the reason she wants to be human is BECAUSE of her friends. She isn't sure how she'll accomplish what she wants, but she's not bartering anything of hers with anyone else to get it. BOTH the pieces of her that are a mermaid and the pieces of her that feel belonging and happiness with her friends are important, and they're important all of the time. Even if she doesn't have a solution to her satisfaction directly in front of her, she refuses to have only half of what she wants just out of a desire for instant gratification. This resolve enrages the Witch of Delays.
Laura does nearly die for her wish to be fully and completely with her friends, to be human, and it is only by the power of her love for them and her resolution to become the biggest bravest version of herself that she gains a magical girl transformation and the ability to switch between her tail and her new legs.
I adore this bright comfy spin on the story, because it essentially takes the base characterization of the mermaid as a character who is singlemindedly after a soul she does not have and the love of another which she cannot make hers, and says 'What if we put an incredibly different character into that same position of desperate yearning? What if it wasn't that she has none of what she truly wants, but that she has conflicting wants? What if it is not the complete lack of companionship that leaves her reaching for ways to be human, but the want to fully and unabashedly participate in the love and companionship she does have?' Then rewards that character for sticking to her guns and being true to herself and her friends.
Also she is so funnie and cute and prebby and I adore her and she is for sure in love with Cure Summer. Thank you hav day♡
Vote Laura, our very own Little Mergremlin! [Click link to see images)
I do not know from Precure but I have seen this one AMV [Click link to access AMV]
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
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kotaki · 2 years
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xtarmie · 3 months
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Tropical Rouge! Pretty Cure
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