taraishere · 7 months
Concept Art
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toiletdestroyer3415 · 21 days
kissing all of my mutuals goodnight 💖
and i get to kiss you on the lips @urinalfixer5143 😍
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stellarune · 2 years
RIGHT hello. hello. im thinking about elwin and huz and keefe breaking into their home. why? you may ask. well, see, elwin said he was always welcome there, and showed him where he put his key, but keefe cant remember for the life of him, so there he is, using up all of his focus to pick the lock with his telekinesis, just so he can get a good night's sleep and stop feeling his father around all the time.
he isnt fully sure it'll be better, mind you, hes never really felt what this would be like, with elwin and huz around, but its late at night, or early in the morning, and hes pretty sure that anything would be better than the contempt emanating from cassius so loud he still feels it from his room ten stories away from his.
at first, what there is is fear. keefe feels it, acre in hi throat, and nearly gives up entirely right then. he hears huz call out, asking whos there, and he almost doesnt answer, but that seems to make it worse, so after only a second, he calls back.
the house is flooded with relief so overhwleming it nearly makes him stumble, bittersweet and light.
what comes next is worry, when huz gets downstairs and asks why he's here, why he showed up in the middle of the night without calling ahead. from his father, keefe would have shrugged it off, given him some bullshit reason for it. from huz, he tells him cadleshade was overwhelming, and he needed a break. that he couldnt sleep, and figured he'd be more comfortable there than back with cassius.
huz doesnt say anything. keefe can still feel he's at least somewhat glad to have him here, warm and soft, as he nods and doesnt go back to bed, even as he could.
instead, huz waits for him to follow before going back upstairs. brings him to a guest room. they pass huz and elwins bedroom, and keefe doesnt stop in his tracks, but its a near thing, seeing his art hung up on the wall, right there, in the hall, for everyone to see.
huz leaves him be, after a while, letting the door close behind him. keefe doesnt sleep, then, and he's here for the moment elwin wakes up, in the other room, first with confusion, fizzy on his tongue, then that same warmth from earlier, fading back after a while as he falls back to sleep.
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basicgrayson · 11 months
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Felt cute at Disneyland today ✨
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gonul-dunyam-29-09 · 11 months
"Huz mâ safa da' mâ keder."
"Mutluluk vereni al, keder vereni bırak." 🥀
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huzzhuz · 2 years
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Yo, Huz here! I’m reviving my old Timblr account cuz of Chirp’s shenanigans 
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theworldibuilt4you · 2 months
Adder... Might work... I could make it Addie...
[They put their hand to their mouth in thought.]
I guess it can't hurt to roll through a few more...? Don't want to get overwhelmed by choices...
"Fzlvzhb, Jj qua iub "Nircr" hn buj dca uoiei hbrg fwe tbyf mo srjd. Frm's arj…. O wbnptr lciq L nizjg ihm tprws… Mneemaj, Gnrelia.. Xwfnl… Ywh pbij, pe kbzzx ztyjr ic mbfebunba jbtp gms qbkd "Vnlo".. Nuxy'zr fbigaez zdhbbeoovhof fxrxrsh ca huz jtffq… Mhml ymjvvatyd ayng "Hiyk Voztn, Pnqt Mrkpmay"
"Ob… Jaab qt mih luxctgy?"
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newlifeprojects · 7 months
a tegnap esti hirtelen jott esemeny nem adott ra lehetoseget, hogy beszamoljak ket fontos dologrol, amin magam is meglepodtem egyebkent, szoval hogy jelentkeztem a negynapos nyari mantrailing taborba (😂), amihez varialni kellett a novemberben leadott szabadsagigenyen - ami nem valtoztathato januar elsejetol - es az aprilis kozepi helyett julius kozepere tettuk, 'csakneked, csakmost, senkinek egy szot se rola', de kiderult, hogy az sem jo, mert majus es szept kozott csak harom hetet lehet kivenni, igy pedig ez mar a negyedik lett volna, igy vegul abban maradtunk, hogy az aprilisit nem bantjuk, juliusban meg megkapom szabadba azt a negy napot. a masik dolog, hogy lesz treibbal eu verseny pragaban, amire ugye rohogve mondtam, hogy kizart dolog, de aztan annyira lelkesen invitalt mindenkit az oktato, hogy gondoltam egye fene, ranezek a datumra, vasarnap, vegulis meg jo is lehet (utana levo szombaton van egyebkent a gybe koncert is), igaz huzos lesz a szombat es a hetfo is melo elotte-utana, de sebaj, egyszereelunk, most eppen felfele huz a hullamvasut, igy bejelentkeztem (🤣). aztan utana neztem meg csak jobban a datumot, es hat mekkora veletlen, a novemberben kikert, elcserelt, de aztan visszacserelt aprilisi szabadsag eppen akkor utana heten van! igy modosult a terv, vasarnap toszogatunk, hetfo-kedden pedig megnezzuk magunknak pragat fuloppel, es szerdan visszauton meg azt, ami utba esik :D kellene szallas, ez az egy meg a kenyes resze a dolognak, remelem lesz valaki, aki leszur nekem harmat, amibol valaszthatok, es nem nekem kell mind a szaz rosszabbnal-rosszabb opciot kiselejtezni...
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fairyhaos · 10 months
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good morning, its been a while ^^ hruz?
telling u in advance bc i WILL forget. uhh im personally doing,,, ehhhh 👹👹 fine enough, ig. js tired huz, bc this week has js been rehearsals and crying omcm. hope it's worth it bc performance is next week
; 🌂
weiwei my little munchkin !! oof i hope rehearsals haven't been too draining for u 🤧 good luck w the performance next week too!
ive been doing okay :')) it's super duper ridiculously cold here and alsoooo i received my timetable for mock exams which is definitely Not Fun but other than that :< im good!
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JustinTimberlake: Let me tell y’all about this human… she is the most badass, most graceful, most gorgeous DREAM of a partner I could have ever wished for. And today is her bday! I’m so glad you were born, my love. And, I’m so lucky that you are choosing to do this thing called life with me. Aging like a FINE🍷!!!! I love you to the moon and back. —Huz
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amnesiamilk · 1 year
your pronouns are she/they..right :)))?
guh huz . Yep. But she/her is fine w me . So is they/them. Or he/they. Or he/him. Or
I’m good w whatever is more natural for u to call me 💪💪💪
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leylivaveyla · 5 months
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Huz mâ safâ, da' mâ keder
( Kederi bırak, mutluluğu al )
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cantripwilltrip · 11 months
best chrono ark character. go (charon free space)
aaaaaa you made this so hard now!!
I haven't unlocked everyone so I can't say for certain but if we're ignoring best girl charon it's a toss up between Huz and Pressel
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Ok but poor Leon. Well poor turtles in general but if we really want to break down Leon's trauma we have:
Watching his twin disappear in a portal and thinking he's dead cor 12 years
He got his brother back only to have to deal with a creepy goat dude trying to capture her brothers, maybe a year at most later as well as a bunch of pll trying to kill him
Meatsweats trying to eat his newfound twin and getting a shock collar as the first real present Dee ever gave him
Getting thrown off a roof
Portal jacked happens
Getting captured and used as a hostage Sotheby's creepy goat dude can turn into a demon
Demon going nuts and trying to kill everyone
Having to willingly leave his brother's behind to teh and trick a mob boss who happens to be his dad's ex into helping them, leaving them to fight presumably nonstop for 3 Days
His brother's shell being nearly torn open because of the fight with Shredder
The incident with the dentists in the woods
The freaking BIRD that kidnaps Donnie
Shredder getting loose and killing Gram Gram in front of him
The ENTIRE thing with Shredder and nearly watching his dad be sacrificed
Suddenly having the responsibility of being leader dumped on his shoulder when he neither wanted nor needed thay pressure
Accidentally causing an apocalyptic event. Watching Raph sacrifice himself. Being separated from huz remaining beithers when his first attempt fails miserably and watching Mikey be presumably crushed, having apanic attack, getting yelled (possibly still debating whether CJ would stkll yell at him with the pamoc attack) at and told everyone he loves is gonna die because of him, Raph turning into a kraang, watching the US Military be decimated, having to fight the kraangified Raph, watching as Dee and Mikey are captured and slowly tortured while be himself is going through it, the fight with the lead Kraang, watching Dee and Mikey get thrown form the ship, having to tell Raph to go after thay and leaving him alone wotht he kraang amd unable to see if Raph made it in time.
The sacrifice and knowingly locking himself up with a homicidal alien warlord to be beaten to death.
Mikey ripping his arms up trying to get him back.
Thw recovery which in and of itself would be trauma including bevquse of just how bad his injuries were
Oh yeah, Leon has seen some shit. dude needs like a months vacation (and therapy.)
Thank you!
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markjunior0 · 6 months
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wmucody · 7 months
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outnaboutcody posted on instagram
spring break better huz up. #frooooback.
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