#How to remove splinters
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bongreviewbd · 4 months ago
স্প্লিন্টার কীভাবে শরীর থেকে বের হয়ে যায়: জানুন বিস্তারিত
শরীরে ক��নো স্প্লিন্টার বা কাঁটা ঢুকে গেলে তা খুবই বিরক্তিকর এবং বেদনাদায়ক হতে পারে। এটি সাধারণত ছোট এবং তীক্ষ্ণ বস্তুর টুকরো হয়, যা হাতে বা পায়ে ঢুকে যায়, যেমন কাঠ, বাঁশ, ধাতু, কাঁচ, অথবা অন্য কোনো কঠিন পদার্থের টুকরো। প্রায়শই, এটি নিজে থেকে শরীর থেকে বের হয়ে আসে, কিন্তু কখনও কখনও এটি এমনভাবে ঢুকে যায় যে তা সহজে বের করা সম্ভব হয় না।
স্প্লিন্টার কীভাবে শরীরে প্রবেশ করে? অত্যন্ত সরু এবং তীক্ষ্ণ বস্তু খুব সহজেই আমাদের ত্বকের মাধ্যমে শরীরে প্রবেশ করতে পারে। কাজ করার সময়, হাঁটা চলার সময়, অথবা কোনো দুর্ঘটনা ঘটলে কাঠের টুকরো বা বাঁশের স্প্লিন্টার হাত বা পায়ে বিঁধে যেতে পারে।
কাঁটা বা স্প্লিন্টার ঢুকে গেলে কি করবেন? প্রথমেই, স্প্লিন্টার শরীরে ঢুকে গেলে তা যত দ্রুত সম্ভব বের করে ফেলা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। সহজভাবে যদি তা ত্বকের উপরিভাগে থাকে, তবে তা টেনে বের করা সম্ভব। কিন্তু, যদি তা গভীরভাবে প্রবেশ করে এবং সহজে দৃশ্যমান না হয়, তখন কিছু সাবধানতা অবলম্বন করতে হবে।
প্রাথমিকভাবে কীভাবে স্প্লিন্টার বের করবেন: ক্লিন টুইজার ব্যবহার করুন: যদি স্প্লিন্টার হাত বা পায়ের উপরিভাগে থাকে, তবে এটি টুইজারের সাহায্যে ধীরে ধীরে টেনে বের করা যেতে পারে। সেফটি ��িন বা সুচ: যদি টুইজার দিয়ে না বের করা যায়, সেক্ষেত্রে একটি পরিষ্কার সুচ বা সেফটি পিন ব্যবহার করে স্প্লিন্টার বের করার চেষ্টা করা যেতে পারে। মনে রাখবেন, অবশ্যই ব্যবহৃত যন্ত্রপাতি স্যানিটাইজ করা জরুরি। ইনফেকশনের ব্যাপারে সতর্ক থাকুন: কখনও কখনও স্প্লিন্টার ঢুকে গেলে সেই জায়গায় ইনফেকশন হতে পারে। ইনফেকশন হলে জায়গাটি ফুলে উঠতে পারে এবং পুঁজ জমা হতে পারে। এর ফলে স্প্লিন্টারটি ধীরে ধীরে ত্বকের উপরের দিকে চলে আসতে পারে এবং শরীর নিজে থেকেই তা বের করে দেয়।
যখন চিকিৎসা নেওয়া জরুরি: যদি স্প্লিন্টার দীর্ঘদিন ধরে ত্বকের ভেতরে থাকে এবং তা নিজে থেকে বের না হয়, তাহলে চিকিৎসকের শরণাপন্ন হওয়া প্রয়োজন। কারণ ইনফেকশন ছড়িয়ে পড়লে তা শরীরের অন্যান্য অংশেও সমস্যা তৈরি করতে পারে।
শরীর কীভাবে স্বাভাবিক প্রক্রিয়ায় স্প্লিন্টার বের করে: মানবদেহের ইমিউন সিস্টেম বা প্রতিরক্ষা ব্যবস্থা খুবই শক্তিশালী। যখন ত্বকের নিচে কোনো বাহ্যিক বস্তু প্রবেশ করে, তখন শরীরের প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা সেই বস্তুকে চিনতে পারে এবং তার বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিরক্ষা ব্যবস্থা চালু করে। ইনফেকশন হলে, ত্বকের চারপাশে পুঁজ জমতে শুরু করে, যা প্রাকৃতিকভাবে একটি চাপ তৈরি করে এবং স্প্লিন্টারটি ত্বকের উপরের দিকে উঠতে সাহায্য করে।
সতর্কতা ও পরামর্শ: স্প্লিন্টার ঢুকে গেলে কখনও সেটিকে উপেক্ষা করবেন না। ইনফেকশন হলে দ্রুত চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নিন। ঘরে প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা দেওয়ার আগে অবশ্যই হাত ও যন্ত্রপাতি পরিষ্কার করুন। কখনও কখনও স্প্লিন্টার ক্ষুদ্র হওয়ার কারণে দেখা যায় না। এ ক্ষেত্রে ফ্ল্যাশলাইট বা ম্যাগনিফাইং গ্লাস ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।
উপসংহার: স্প্লিন্টার ঢুকে গেলে তা ছোট একটি সমস্যা মনে হতে পারে, কিন্তু সঠিকভাবে যত্ন না নিলে এটি বড় সমস্যার কারণ হতে পারে। শরীর অনেক সময় নিজে থেকেই এই ধরনের স্প্লিন্টার বের করে দিতে সক্ষম, তবে ইনফেকশনের আশঙ্কা থাকলে চিকিৎসা নেওয়া জরুরি। সঠিক প্রক্রিয়া মেনে স্প্লিন্টার সরিয়ে ফেললে অস্বস্তি ও ব্যথা থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়া সম্ভব। আরও দেখুনঃ তোমার রক্তনালীগুলোর দৈর্ঘ্য কত?
ট্যাগ: স্প্লিন্টার বের করার উপায়, ইনফেকশন প্রতিরোধ, প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা, ত্বকের যত্ন, স্প্লিন্টার ইনফেকশন, স্প্লিন্টার থেকে মুক্তি, স্প্লিন্টার চিকিৎসা, কাঁটা ঢুকে গেলে করণীয়
আরও দেখুনঃ ম্যাকফ্লারির অদ্ভুত চামচের রহস্য
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sluckythewizard · 10 months ago
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coolguycy · 10 months ago
How does Splinter go from human to rat in the versions he does that?
in 12 and 87, i believe he was walking down the street or chilling in the sewers and was mutated into a rat the same time the turtles were mutated.
in rise however.. its a longer story
Hamato Yoshi had a fuckton of childhood trauma (which i will not get into because Spoilers) he was raised by his grandfather but rejected the traditions his family tried to force on him. he moved to LA and became action star Lou Jitsu. he had fame, money, his own merch, he was living the high life.
while at the height of his stardom, he meets Big Mama and they fall in love. after dating for a while Lou proposes, at which point Big Mama revels herself to be a spider yokai and kidnaps him. She forces him to fight in her Battle Nexus, a gladiatorial death match run from BM's hotel. for a while (unclear exactly how long) Lou Jitsu was the undefeated champion and was discovered by none other than Baron Draxum
Draxum kidnaps him and uses his dna to mutate the turtles, in the hopes of creating soldiers with Lou's fighting prowess. Some of the Mutagen gets on Lou, hes bitten by a stray rat and mutates. blah blah blah big escape, lab blows up, and the rest is history
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21st-century-minutiae · 4 months ago
In the early twenty-first century, Magic the Gathering is a popular trading card game. The game has multiple official formats which define which cards are legal to play, to create different experiences. Pioneer is one of the newer formats, which generally allows cards that were created after 2012 to be included, with some bans.
Ancestral Recall is a card from the original 1993 release of Magic the Gathering. It allows a player to draw three cards at instant speed at the cost of "1 mana." "Instant speed" means that you can play it on your opponent's turn. This is contrasted with "Sorcery Speed" which means you can only play it on your own turn. This is generally a powerful option since you could wait for your opponent to take their turn before deciding what to do, and because it doesn't allow your opponent to react. "Mana" is a resource in the game. Generally speaking, more expensive cards are harder to cast and need to be played late in the game. "1 mana" cards are VERY easy to cast and can be used as early as the first turn. Because drawing cards is VERY useful in Magic, and because Ancestral Recall is very very very easy to cast, it is considered one of the most powerful cards in all of Magic's history and is banned in most formats, including Pioneer.
Treasure Cruise is a card from the 2014 release of Magic the Gathering. It allows a player to draw three cards at the cost of 8 mana, but it also has an ability to make it cheaper at the cost of doing some setup, to a minimum of 1 cost. If you build a deck in the right way, it is pretty easy to make Treasure Cruise a 1 mana spell that draws three cards, which makes it often seen as comparable to Ancestral Recall. However, there are a few key differences:
First, it does require setup to use. Even if it is relatively easy, this setup cannot happen on the first turn of the game (except in VERY weird circumstances). Second, using one copy of Treasure Cruise undoes your setup for the next one. Ancestral Recall can draw another Ancestral Recall which can be used immediately, as early as turn 1 or 2. But it will be somewhat later in the game before you have enough setup that you can play multiple Treasure Cruises in a row. Third, while pretty much every single deck can play Ancestral Recall (indeed, it is almost mandatory to play the card whenever it is legal), only some decks can properly setup Treasure Cruise to make best use of it. Finally, Treasure Cruise is NOT at instant speed. You have to commit to playing it on your turn. Even in the best case it is not as strong as Ancestral Recall for that reason alone. Treasure Cruise is a very powerful card, but it is not as ludicrous as Ancestral Recall. It is also LEGAL in Pioneer.
"Splinter Twin" was a powerful and popular combo from the "Modern" format in magic circa the year 2013. Modern as a format which permits most cards that were printed after 2003. The year 2013, where there were about 10 years worth of magic cards, was considered something like the height of the format, and is often compared to the current Pioneer, which also has about 10 years worth of magic cards.
The Splinter Twin combo made use of two cards. The first was the titular "Splinter Twin" a '4 mana' 'sorcery speed' card which permanently gave a creature the ability to make temporary copies of itself once per turn. The second was any creature that could let a creature use their 'once per turn' effect again. With those two cards together, you could make a copy, have the copy refresh the copier, make another copy, have the new copy refresh the copier, and keep going infinitely. This let you do infinite damage as early as turn 4 of the game, assuming your opponent couldn't disrupt you. Waiting until a later turn allowed players to prevent disruption pretty consistently. This combo was banned in 2016 from Modern, because it was very popular at the cost of other decks. Many people felt this banning was a mistake, especially in retrospect as the format only got more powerful. Splinter Twin was never legal in Pioneer.
The asker in the post above is inquiring as to why Treasure Cruise is legal in Pioneer, but Splinter Twin is not. Calling Treasure Cruise "Ancestral Recall" is a provocative effort to hyperbolize the card, and calling "Splinter Twin" a "turn 4 combo that dies to removal" (removal being a term for getting rid of a creature which would disrupt the combo) is an attempt to minimize the power of Splinter Twin and ignore the fact that it was printed before 2012, meaning it is not currently eligible for Pioneer. The implication is that if a card as powerful as Ancestral Recall is legal, than something that is weaker like Splinter Twin should NOT be legal.
Mark Rosewater, an individual who designed a lot of Magic the Gathering, denied the premise that Treasure Cruise is Ancestral Recall, implicitly stating that the probing question was made based on a flawed premise.
In the early twenty-first century, Magic the Gathering players familiar with the Modern format of 2013 (of which many older players would be) would likely know that both Treasure Cruise and Splinter Twin are being mentioned here, despite neither card being mentioned by name. They would understand the description, know about the formats, and know what Ancestral Recall does. They would know who Mark Rosewater is, and likely have an opinion about Splinter Twin (and Treasure Cruise).
People NOT in the space of Magic the Gathering, of which the majority of the early twenty-first century would be categorized (as, while popular, the card game is not universal) would have zero idea as to what is being discussed in this exchange.
Why is ancestral recall fine for pioneer but sorcerery speed infinite damage, turn 4 combo that dies to remove, isn't?
Ancestral Recall is not legal in Pioneer.
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ghouljams · 12 days ago
More omegaverse with knight!Ghost and princess!reader
Because the problem is that you see your knight as something better than the man that he is. You know Ghost would never hurt you so you don't suspect that he wants to. You know that his oath keeps him by your side so you never see how badly he wants to leave it. You see him, smell him, to be this perfect model alpha, the protector made to serve and molded in blind loyalty, and you don't know how the horribly crying beast in his breast that lashes and tears at its restraints in an increasingly desperate attempt to hold you between its teeth and shake.
You need more protection than a simple knight can provide. A princess has value if she's the only heir to the throne and it bristles against Ghost's nature to think that if he left you there'd be no one to fill the gap. Maybe if you hadn't been so against the inevitability of marriage your outer kin wouldn't have resorted to such dastardly means of ascension.
As such when the heavy wooden beam above the pulpit collapses as you take communion, your lovely head bowed and your mouth open to receive a salvation that Ghost could only find between your thighs, there is no one else to save you but him. And far be it from him to deny himself the pleasure.
It satisfies some baser instinct to hear the creak of wood splintering, to feel the sudden rush of bloody adrenaline, to grab you and hold you. Tackle you really. A flurry of momentum that wraps its hand around your head to cradle you close and save you from the worst of the impact when you hit the ground and find yourself blanketed by metal plates. And anise seed.
Sharp peppercorn that tickles in your nose and sparks on your tongue only to be softened into a slow indulgent sweetness by the anise that sticks to the roof of your mouth and crumbles against your tongue like a spiced biscuit. It makes your teeth itch for a taste.
Ghost feels the change in your scent before he smells it, feels the bloom of warmth that trickles through his stomach and settles heavy around his cock, your soft scent teasing him like the stroke of a hand. He could part your legs and take you here. You're already in a church, what better place could there be? Knot you, mark you, make you his, only his, utterly his, always his, his, his.
He opens his mouth and feels the pool of drool that wets his mask, the ache of his teeth to bite, to claim. He gets no relief when he presses his hips against you, too many layers of padding, mail, armor. Too many barriers when he can feel the heat of you like a brand, your scent writing itself in deep carvings over grey matter.
"Ghost?" You question.
Consecrated ground stained with the red of virginal blood, drunk like wine, feasted on-
"Ghost." You press, your hands against his breastplate.
Your neck stretched long, his teeth notched against their home, placed like a cornerstone, sinking, sinking, sinking, until he never has to remove them, until the priest is forced to call it. Man and wife, hades and persephone, the monster and its-
"Simon," You whisper, your hands snuck under his helm to hold his face, "I'm alright."
His breath shudders from him, his chest pulling in a final heaving breath before he pushes away from you. His eyes train on the broken banister, your sneaking hands pulled close to your chest. Skin to familiar skin, right where his lips should be.
"Report." He barks to a nearby knight. He needs something else to sink his teeth into, some heartier rabbit to slaughter, or he'll dig his violent hands into you.
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yanderenightmare · 8 months ago
Gojo Satoru
TW: implied noncon, yandere, captive reader, blood, knife play
gn reader
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Satoru doesn’t have infinity activated around you. You don’t really pose much of a threat, and he thinks you know that too—besides, you’d never actually dare do anything anyway…
The knife in his lung says differently. Your hand around the hilt shakes, unintentionally wiggling the blade.
The surprise is greater than the pain. Honestly, the pain barely matters. He’s experienced so much worse, his body scoffs at the tiny kitchen utensil. Cursed technique stops the bleeding before a single drop even escapes—it works like a well-oiled machine without him even thinking about it.
You seem worse off. Tears fumble down your face as you tremble, wide-eyed and petrified, staring at where you’ve just driven the weapon through the otherwise pale and perfect alabaster muscles of his abdomen. 
He says your name, and it seems to shake you out of it. You let go of the shaft, but the knife remains inside. He pulls it out himself as if it’s nothing—not even giving it the same regard you would have a tiny splinter.
A droplet of blood slips down the blade and splashes on the cotton of your panties—the ones he’d been so eager to remove only a minute ago.
Where’d you even hide the knife? Has he become so comfortable around you that he didn’t notice you holding it?
You’re still in shock. Small whimpers escape your trembling and the erratic nature of your breaths. You’re not really breathing fast or slow, it’s almost like you’ve forgotten how to do it right—hitched both on its way in and on its way out again.
He almost feels sorry for you. But then again, he’s the one who was just stabbed.
“Lick it.” He doesn’t know where it comes from. It’s the first punishment that he could think of.
You blink like you’ve got an eyelash stuck on your lens as you adjust your gaze to look up at him. He holds the knife to your lips.
“It’s dirty. Lick it clean.”
He can see the gears turning in your head. He wonders what you’re thinking about. Is it how much you hate him? Regret for what you’ve done? Or misery over how it didn’t kill him?
Would you really want to kill him? He would ask, but he doesn’t think you know the answer.
Your tongue trembles as it reaches out, gasping once it touches the blood.
It’s weird, but there’s something really intimate about it. Maybe it’s because he’s horny. He was planning on fucking you just a while ago, after all.
You whimper as you lick along the length of the blade, feeling the fresh blood soak into your tastebuds—salty and metallic and a little sweet. He turns the blade for you to finish the other side as well.
The taste stays on your tongue.
He throws the knife away once it’s clean. There’s no clatter, just a thud as it lands in the white fur of the living room carpet.
Lanky hands hold both sides of your face as he lays his forehead down upon yours. “I know it wasn’t your intention…” he rasps while his thumbs rub into your cheeks, making your lips jut out in a pout. His blue eyes are even crisper than usual. “But that really turned me on.”
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♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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miniseokminnies · 5 months ago
you don’t own me —- c.sc
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☆ pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader ☆ genre: club owner!seungcheol, established relationship ☆ wc: 1.2k ☆ warnings: 18+ MDNI, possessiveness, jealousy, dom!seungcheol, toxic relationship, spit kink, fingering, unprotected sex (that's a no no), multiple orgasms, creampie, name calling (slut), public sex, exhibitionism
Choi Seuncheol was not a possessive man, or so he says, however, the grip on your thigh told you otherwise.  The comments he made minutes ago dragged the silence on and you wished that he would drive faster.  If he needed space, by God you would make him regret it.
“Listen…” Seungcheol started when he was putting the car into park, unfortunately for him you were out of his grasp and out of the car as soon as it stopped moving.  He groaned and slumped in his seat. It was going to be one of those nights.  Plastering on your favorite smirk, you approached the door with your boyfriend trailing behind you.  
Your favorite bouncer smiled at you as you pushed past the entrance, you are always on the list so no need to check your ID.  He chuckled to himself as you sauntered in, knowing exactly what kind of night you were trying to have.  
“What did you do this time, boss?” he asked, trying not to laugh.
“Mingyu just do your job” Seungcheol muttered and the taller man held his hands up in surrender, still smiling.
Choi Seungcheol was not a jealous man, but he knew when something belonged to him. Watching you, his girl, from across the bar flirting with some stranger just because he made some off handed comment about needing space. His grip on his glass tightened, almost sending shards splintering across the freshly waxed bar top. 
You didn’t look at him as he approached, pretending to be interested in the one sided conversation this poor guy was trying to have with you. He was nothing to you besides a pawn in the little games Seungcheol and yourself like to play. 
Seungcheol pushed past the crowd and gripped on to your seat, spinning it towards him. His eyes were wild and you knew you had riled him up. He didn’t even give you a chance to smirk before taking hold of your chin, 
“Open up,” he commanded, not even looking at you. Confused, you did as you were told. Without breaking eye contact with the guy you were previously talking to, Seungcheol spit into your waiting mouth. “Swallow that for me,” he gives you two slightly stinging pats on your cheek. 
Choi Seungcheol knows when something belongs to him, and everyone else should too. 
With that Seungcheol turned and didn’t look back at you.  He knew he had you in his grasp now, he knows how to play your game and he beats you at it every time.  Wordlessly you rose from your chair and followed him into the hallway where the bathrooms were.  He turned to face you hearing your footsteps in the quieter secluded area.  
“You always ruin my fun” you blurted into his face, he cocked an eyebrow in response,
“Oh really?” he smirked, “I found it fun” he moved closer to you, putting one hand on the wall beside your head. 
“Well..” you avoided his piercing eyes, “I didn’t…” you knew the comment was in no way convincing. 
“Oh really?” he trailed his other hand across your soft skin, getting higher and higher.  You feel his calloused fingers drag up the length of your thigh and under your skirt. His fingers reach the apex of your thighs and you know you can’t lie anymore, “Doll, you’re so wet,” he shoves his hand on the wall into your hair and briefly massages our clit through your soaked panties.  You have to bite your lip to stop a moan from escaping your lips at the sensation.  
A whine of protest does tumble out of your mouth when Seungcheol removes the hand under your skirt.  He pulls you by your hair off the wall and positions you in front of him and pushes you into the men’s bathroom straight ahead.  Once the two of you were through the door you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.  The visual of yourself being utterly controlled by the man behind you filled your body with heat that rushed straight to your core.  
Seungcheol pushed you further into the bathroom before letting go of your hair and moving to check the stalls.  He all but punched each door open before returning to you. 
“Turn around,” you did as you were told once more and he wasted no time bending you over the sink in front of you, “Teasing me all night has consequences” he rasped, pulling your underwear aside.  He almost moaned aloud seeing your glistening cunt on display like this.  He easily slipped two fingers in, surprising you.  You whined at the feeling of being filled, wishing for more.  Seungcheol sets a swift pace, you know he is nervous for someone to interrupt even if he would never admit it.  “You like that?” he watches his fingers disappear and reappear.  
“Yes, oh my God” you mewl. 
“That’s right, you love my fingers,” he punctuates his sentence by adding a third finger, making you shiver with pleasure, “but you’re a slut for my cock, isn’t that right?” You nod in response, not quite able to form a response.  He pulls his fingers almost all the way out of you, “No you use your words with me” 
“Y-yes, I’m your slut” you choke out.  He shoves his fingers into the spot that drives you crazy, coaxing you to the edge.  
“That’s what i thought,” you were starting to become overcome with pleasure, “You can cum now, Doll” with his permission you let go, white spots overtaking your vision.  You cry out from the intensity of the orgasm.  
You feel Seungcheol pull his fingers out and you hear his belt hit the floor.  He pulls his pants down just enough.  You hear him spit into his hand and he grunts giving his cock a few pumps.  Lining himself up he uses the reminisce of your orgasm as lube.  Sliding in easily he gives you a few moments to adjust to the difference between his fingers and his thick cock.  
He begins thrusting into you, setting yet another bruising pace.  Despite the swiftness of his movements you could feel every inch of him each time he pulled out and slammed back into you, you couldn’t control the noises coming out of your mouth nor the squelching of your pussy each time.  
“Doll” he grips your hair in his hand and pulls you up slightly, “Look at you, getting fucked in the bathroom of my club,” he smiles wickedly between thrusts, “Look at yourself getting fucked, don’t forget who you belong to.” You look at your own fucked out face and the face behind you twisted with pleasure.  You feel a second orgasm creeping up on you.  Seungcheol is approaching the edge as well, judging by the fact that his hips are sputtering and he can barely manage to keep quiet anymore. “Gonna cum” he grunts. 
White hot spurts of him begin to paint your walls white as the coil in your stomach snaps.  You take all of it, like the good slut you are.  Seungcheol’s hips still, the two of you breathing heavily for a moment.  Slowly, he pulls out of you, staring at his seed spilling out of your perfect cunt.  He takes a moment to push it back in with his fingers as best he can before sliding your underwear back into place and putting his fingers in your mouth.  You clean them off greedily.  
“Hold on to that for me,” he pats your clothed cunt twice, “I will check when we get home later.”      
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hellinistical · 24 days ago
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in which you are trapped in a haunting pact with Caleb, bound by the pomegranates you unwittingly took. Caleb x fem. reader. mdni.
Part two here
tw: kidnapping. dubious consent/non-con. choking. manipulation. forced arrangement. coercion. scaring. panic attacks. nightmares. threatening of loved ones.
wc: 10.7k
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The pomegranate orchard sprawled like a cursed labyrinth, its gnarled trees clawing at the ashen sky, their twisted branches skeletal and accusing. The bitter clouds churned above, heavy and oppressive, a leaden canopy suffocating the air with an unnatural stillness. The light barely penetrated the gloom, casting long, distorted shadows that seemed to shift and writhe, as though the orchard itself were alive and watching. 
Hanging like swollen wounds, their dark crimson skins mottled and bruised, glistening faintly in the little sunlight presented. Some had burst open, spilling their putrid seeds onto the blackened soil, a grotesque mockery of spilled blood. The ground was slick and sticky, as if the land itself bled in a silent protest. Bitter winds slice through the orchard, the howl a whispered warning, carrying the faint, acidic tang of decay. The rustling of the brittle leaves sounded almost human, like the dry whispers of unseen figures lurking just beyond sight. In the distance, a crow’s cry pierced the silence, sharp and grating, cutting through the thick atmosphere like a blade. The sound didn’t fade; instead, it seemed to linger, twisting unnaturally, echoing back and forth between the crooked trees.
Heavy footsteps crunched the brittle leaves below, their sharp sounds splintering the fragile silence like broken glass. His sandals, worn and cracked, struck the earth with a deliberate cadence, their weight unforgiving in their wait for departure. Each step left behind a faint imprint, quickly swallowed by the restless soil as if the orchard sought to erase his presence.
The ends of his robe dragged through the dirt, gathering its stain—dark, earthy smudges seeping into the white threads that might have once been pure. The fabric clung and twisted, weighted by the dampness of the soil, as though tethering him to the cursed ground.
Above, the crow’s cry came again, louder now, a guttural warning that seemed to reverberate through the trees. The sound merged with the eerie rustling of the leaves, their whispers sharpening into something intelligible yet incomprehensible, a chorus of voices too faint to follow but too distinct to ignore.
And yet...
His eyes lingered on a single leaf that had defied the rot and ruin surrounding it. Its green shimmered faintly in the muted light, an unnatural vibrancy that seemed out of place amidst the decay. It quivered slightly, though no wind stirred, as if beckoning him closer. Beneath it hung a fruit, untouched by the blight that marred its siblings, its skin smooth and taut, glowing a deep crimson that bordered on otherworldly.
How did this happen?
He was sure he had killed them all. Every last one. The orchard had been his domain, its life snuffed out by his own hand. The trees, once vibrant, now stood as withered husks, their fruit rotting where it fell, their roots choking in soil poisoned by his will. There was no room for life here—he had made sure of it. And yet...
That single leaf, green and defiant, mocked him. It was small, insignificant, but its existence burned in his chest like a splinter lodged too deep to remove. His fingers curled into a fist as he stepped back, the weight of realization settling over him. The leaf shouldn’t be there, and neither should the fruit it sheltered.
A smile almost rose to his face. Almost. But his lips hesitated, caught in the tension between amusement and unease. He could almost admire its resilience, the audacity of this life that refused to die, as though it had been waiting—challenging him.
A laugh bubbled in his chest, rising unbidden, loud and boisterous, yet devoid of humor. It spilled out of him, echoing through the lifeless orchard like a cruel specter. The sound was harsh, jagged, and wrong, as though the land itself recoiled at its presence.
“Defiant to the last,” he muttered, his voice low and sharp, as if addressing the fruit itself. The defiance only fueled his resolve.
Without hesitation, he reached out and tore the pomegranate from its branch, his grip crushing the delicate stem with a brutal finality. For a moment, he held it in his hand, the fruit’s weight heavier than it had any right to be, almost as though it resisted his grasp.
With a vicious twist of his hands, he split it open. The rind cracked like brittle bone, its blood-red juice spilling over his fingers, staining them with its vivid essence. The stark white flesh inside was veined with crimson, its beauty grotesque and unsettling. The seeds, glistening like rubies, tumbled free, falling to the earth like droplets of freshly spilled blood.
The air thickened as the orchard seemed to shudder, the ground beneath him trembling faintly. A sharp, metallic tang filled his nostrils, and the hum, once faint, now roared in his ears, a relentless rhythm that seemed to emanate from the fruit itself.
His laughter died in his throat as his smiled shifted, stifling itself into a chuckle. 
“The seed of vengeance is sown, and the promise is broken.”
The shadows around him deepened, crawling closer as if drawn to the fruit’s destruction. The ground beneath his feet cracked, a network of fissures spreading outward.
Your bed was unusually cold, but not so; winter had long since approached, and the snows were well into place, their heavy flakes falling in absurd elegance, a reunion with the earth that was both beautiful and terrifying in its silence. The chill settled into your bones, seeping beneath the blankets, but it was nothing new.
No, the cold wasn't what bothered you.
It was the dreams.
Each night they came, vivid and suffocating, like they were not dreams at all, but memories dredged up from some other place, some other life. They had started innocently enough—fleeting glimpses of darkened forests, whispers on the wind, strange figures lurking just beyond the light. But now, they were growing more real, more unsettling, the edges blurring with your waking moments.
You had stopped sleeping soundly weeks ago.
In your dreams, you walked through an orchard—a pomegranate orchard. The trees, gnarled and twisted, loomed overhead, their branches reaching down like the fingers of some forgotten god. The air was thick with the scent of decay, yet the fruit—pomegranates, gleaming blood red—hung from every tree, too heavy for the branches that bore them.
The dreams always ended the same way.
You would reach for the fruit, compelled by something you couldn't name, your fingers brushing its smooth surface, only for it to burst open in your hands, the seeds spilling out like blood from a wound. The voice would come then, whispering in a language you couldn't understand, its tone low, almost mocking.
Each time you awoke, you were left with a lingering taste of iron in your mouth, and the sensation that something had shifted, something had changed, though you couldn't say what. The coldness, yes, but also the weight of the dreams pressing down on you, growing heavier with each passing night.
You’d seen a priest. Three of them, in fact. And an oracle. None of them had anything useful to say.  
Sure, the priests had been polite, their hands steady as they muttered prayers over you, their voices low and soothing. They spoke of purification, of light and darkness, of the spirits that roamed the earth- the usual stuff. But their words felt empty- like they were reciting from a script they’d memorized just for this kind of thing. Their incense did nothing to clear the air, and the talismans they’d brought you did little. They were a token, nothing more.
The oracle, however, had been…strange. She’d stare at you with eyes that seemed to pierce through you, as if peeling back you skin, tissues, and muscles, down to the bones and deeper. She spoke in riddles you didn’t care to try an figure out for more than a day, words twisting in ways that made the hairs on the back of your neck and on your arms stand up. 
But you did remember one thing. 
How her gaze was almost pitiful, and the last line before she ultimately went silent.
“The pomegranate seeds have been spilled. They will find you.”
You tried to understand, you really did. The words clung to you, spinning in your mind, but they felt as if they were wrapped in shadows, half-formed and out of reach. Pomegranate seeds?  What did that have to do with anything? Aside from the dreams at least. And besides, no pomegranate would grow here; it was far too plush a land- too vibrant and thriving. Pomegranates only grew in hot, dry places. The soil was rich, the air thick with moisture, and the trees were lush and green. At least, it was that way in the summer and spring. Now it was late winter. 
Never mind that. 
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, the cold wood pressed uncomfortably against your skin, sending a shiver up your spine. The chill wasn’t anything you weren’t used to- it always got like this in winter. 
You glance at the fireplace, untouched since the last time you managed to stoke a fire. You’d have to light it again- soon, when you had time. Eh, it could wait for now. 
The farm was waiting for you, and with it, your work. The chickens needed to be fed, the barn doors needed fixing, and the well was still frozen over.
With a heavy sigh, you rise to your feet, feeling the weight of your body against the cool air. You step carefully, avoiding the floorboards that creak underfoot, and cross the room to the window. Snowflakes continue their relentless descent outside, drifting in and out of view as the wind picks up, swirling around the empty landscape.
Grabbing your coat and gloves, you sluggishly tug them on, the motions stiff and uncoordinated from the lingering cold in your joints. You hold the sleeves of your nightgown tight against your wrists, trying to keep them in place as you slip your arms into the thick wool coat. It doesn’t quite work. The fabric bunches awkwardly beneath the layers, twisting and pressing against your skin, the discomfort a small, irksome distraction in an otherwise bleak morning.
Your fingers fumble with the buttons, the chill making them clumsy, and you tug your gloves on with the same sluggish effort. The leather is stiff and worn, the seams stretched from years of use, but it’s enough to keep the worst of the cold at bay.
You exhale sharply, your breath misting in the icy air of the room, and glance toward the door. The world beyond it waits, indifferent and unchanging. The tasks ahead loom large, heavy in your mind, but there’s no avoiding them.
With a final tug to straighten your coat, you steel yourself and step forward, boots scuffing against the wooden floor as you make your way to the door. The cold greets you like an old adversary the moment you open it, biting at your face and creeping past the gaps in your layers. But you push through. You always do.
Outside, the snow continues to fall, the landscape quiet and heavy beneath its weight.
The chickens squawked and flapped in a frenzy as you tossed the feed onto the frozen ground, scattering it with a hurried motion to keep the snow from clinging to your coat and gloves. Their frantic clucking rose in a chorus, a cacophony that only deepened your irritation.
"God—hey—no! That’s all you’re getting, you freeloaders," you snapped, shaking the nearly empty bag at them for emphasis. One particularly bold hen pecked at your boot, and you glared down at her.
Flipping them off with a gloved hand, you added, "I’m gonna turn you into a soup just for that. Matter of fact, who’s got eggs?"
Your voice echoed in the cold air as you scanned the coop with a narrowed gaze. Most of the chickens scattered at the sound, pecking furiously at the feed as though they hadn’t eaten in days, while a few stayed huddled together near the corner, unbothered by your threats.
Grumbling under your breath, you made your way to the nest boxes, brushing a layer of frost from the wooden edges. Carefully, you reached inside, your fingers brushing against something warm. A small victory, you thought, as you pulled out a freshly laid egg.
"One of you finally decided to be useful," you muttered, holding the egg up as if showing it to the flock. The hens clucked indifferently, entirely ungrateful for your ongoing tolerance.
You shook your head, pocketing the egg in the folds of your coat, and moved to check the other boxes. "Soup," you repeated under your breath, the word a half-hearted promise. "Mark my words. Soup."
"She laid an egg?" Josephine’s voice called out from the window, muffled slightly by the frost-covered panes. She peered out, her gray hair tucked under a knit cap, the lines on her face softened by the faint light streaming through.
You turned, clutching the egg carefully in your hand, and squinted back at her through the falling snow.
"Yeah, one of them decided to be useful for once," you said, holding the egg up for her to see. "The rest of them are freeloading."
Josephine chuckled, a dry, raspy sound that carried a warmth the cold couldn’t touch. "Don’t be too hard on them. It’s a miracle any of them are laying at all in this weather. Poor things probably feel like they’re in the Arctic."
"They’re fine," you replied, brushing snow off your sleeve. "I feed them, don’t I? Besides, they’re tough little things."
Josephine leaned further against the sill, her joints too stiff and fragile to be out in the biting cold. "Well, don’t break that egg before you bring it in. We might need it for supper."
"You think I don’t know how to handle an egg?" you shot back with a mock glare.
"Not with those gloves on," she teased, grinning despite herself.
You rolled your eyes and turned back to the coop, muttering under your breath. "I’ll bring it in safe. Not like we have a whole flock waiting to replace it or anything."
Josephine’s laughter followed you, soft and fleeting, as you went back to your work. It wasn’t much, but even her small remarks made the cold day feel just a little warmer.
Not even a second passes before you hear it: a faint, wet crack. Your heart sinks as you freeze, slowly looking down at your hand. 
"Gods..." you mutter under your breath.
Sure enough, the egg is broken, its yellow yolk oozing between your gloved fingers and dripping onto the snow below.
"Cursed chickens," you hiss, shaking your hand instinctively, though it only makes the mess worse. The yolk clings to the wool of your glove, smearing like a bad omen. You curse again, louder this time, kicking at a nearby patch of snow in frustration.
You wipe the yolk off your gloves quickly, making sure Josephine doesn’t catch sight of it—she'd never let you hear the end of it. You brush the remaining mess onto the snow, hoping it’s out of view before she can see the disaster.
"Grandmother?" you call, turning back toward the house. "I'm, uh—I'm gonna go to the market. The horses are good, right?"
Your voice comes out a bit more strained than you intended, but it's enough to keep her from asking too many questions. The market is a short walk, but it’ll take you most of the day. And truth be told, you don't relish the thought of another day with only the chickens and the endless chores for company.
Inside, you hear a faint groan from the other room before Josephine responds. "Yes, yes, they’re fine. Just make sure you get back before dark."
"Of course," you reply, trying to sound more confident than you feel.
You hesitate for a moment, then glance back at the coop. You can’t help but wish for just one more egg, a small consolation for the misfortune of the morning. But you know it’s pointless. You’re not going to get any more today, no matter how hard you try.
"Fuck," you mutter under your breath, glancing down at your now-eggless hands. "Guess I’ll just have to buy them."
You head back inside quickly, pulling your coat tighter around you, and grab your purse from the hook by the door. The cold is starting to seep through your layers again, and you can already feel the chill nipping at your fingers.
Still, despite the morning’s mess, a small part of you is eager for the trip. Eggs are a rarity these days, and you haven't had a decent meal in weeks. The market might be a small reprieve—at least for a little while.
The market was...gross. Gross, crowded, wet. Mud clung to every surface, pooling in the uneven cobblestones and splattering onto hems and boots alike. The air was thick with the scent of damp wool, unwashed bodies, and the acrid tang of smoke from hastily lit fires.
The man didn’t like it—not that he was a fan of humanity to begin with. They moved like insects, a swarm of noise and chaos, bartering and shouting, their voices clashing in a discordant symphony. He towered over them slightly, his presence noticeable but not quite commanding.
His clothing was woefully out of place for such weather. The himation draped over his figure was far too thin, the edges soaked and clinging to him as if mocking his indifference to the cold. Snow clung to his sandals, his feet chilled but steadfast against the biting frost.
The crowd parted instinctively as he walked, some murmuring complaints at his carelessness as his steps splashed muddy water onto their garments. He ignored them. He always did.
His eyes scanned the bustling market with vague disinterest, a predator among scavengers. Stalls lined the streets, overflowing with goods: baskets of wilted vegetables, carts of salted fish, bolts of cheap fabric in dull, washed-out colors.
And yet, as he moved through the throng, his attention drifted—not to the wares, but to something far more elusive. Something that lingered at the edges of his awareness, like a scent carried on the wind, or the faint echo of a memory just out of reach.
He stopped suddenly, his gaze narrowing on a stall piled with winter fruit. Among the pale oranges and frostbitten apples, a single crimson pomegranate sat, its skin glistening unnaturally in the dim light.
His lips curved into a faint, humorless smile.
"Well," he muttered to himself, his voice low and rough, "isn't that something?"
"Excuse me!"
The voice startled him—not the sound itself, but the sheer audacity of it directed his way.
You stumbled past him, nearly colliding, your basket of produce wobbling precariously in your hands. One of the eggs inside cracked, a faint, sticky wetness starting to seep through the cloth lining, though you hadn’t noticed.
His eyes followed you, narrowing slightly.
You didn’t look back. Your focus was entirely on the fruit stall ahead, where the winter fruits were piled high. He watched as you approached, your fingers brushing over frostbitten apples and oranges with practiced ease, checking for firmness, for ripeness.
You paused at the pomegranate, the same crimson fruit that had caught his attention. For a moment, his breath stilled, waiting.
But you didn’t take it.
Your hand hovered, then moved on, picking up an apple instead.
The man’s gaze lingered, his curiosity piqued despite himself. You left the fruit untouched, walking away as though it meant nothing at all.
His fingers twitched at his side. Strange. Most would have taken it, drawn by its unnatural allure, even if they didn’t know why. But you? You walked past, oblivious.
His gaze sharpened as realization dawned. No, not oblivious—wary.
You had seen the fruit. He was certain of it now. The way your hand had hovered, hesitated, before choosing something else—it wasn’t chance, nor indifference. It was deliberate.
His fingers flexed at his side as he watched you, taking note of the subtle tension in your shoulders, the way your eyes darted briefly toward the pomegranate and then away, as though avoiding something dangerous.
You knew.
Not in the way others might. Not with clarity or understanding. But something within you had recognized it for what it was—or, perhaps, what it wasn’t. And instead of succumbing to its allure, you had chosen to move past it.
The man’s smile grew, faint but unmistakably sharp, curling at the edges like smoke. This was unexpected. Most people stumbled through life blind to such things, ignorant of the strange and the unnatural, even when it was placed right before them.
But you? You saw it. And you chose to walk away.
He tilted his head, considering you as you handed a coin to the vendor and turned to leave, your basket shifting with the weight of your purchases. Snow clung to the edges of your boots as you moved with purposeful steps, casting one final, fleeting glance back at the stall—and, inadvertently, at him.
That fleeting glance. Wary. Appraising.
His smile vanished, replaced by a flicker of something darker.
And so, he followed.
Silently at first, blending into the crowd, a shadow among the many. He kept his distance, his footsteps measured, not too fast, not too slow—just enough to remain unnoticed. His eyes never left you as you wove through the market, your pace quickening as you made your way toward the edge of the town.
He watched as you passed by stalls, the vendors' shouts fading into the background, the market’s noise muffled under the steady rhythm of his own heartbeat. Your unease was palpable, your steps purposeful, as though you knew you were being watched, yet you refused to acknowledge it directly.
He admired that about you. Most would have fidgeted, glanced over their shoulder, or given in to the primal fear that comes with being hunted. But not you. You walked with the sort of quiet determination that made him all the more curious.
Through the alleys and narrow paths, you moved with a sense of knowing, a sense of urgency that tugged at him.
There was something in your movements—something sharp, something instinctual—that made him feel as though you weren’t just trying to escape, but were leading him.
And so, he kept his distance. Close enough to see you, but far enough to remain just a presence in the background.
The market’s noise faded as the streets narrowed. He could feel the chill creeping in with the wind, but it wasn’t the cold that had his attention now. No, it was you—wary, sharp, unknowingly playing a game with him.
"Let’s see where you go," he whispered under his breath, the words barely audible.
As he passed the fruit vendor, the farmer at the stand smiled. “Sir, would you like a pomegranate? It’s the last of this season.”
He looked at the farmer, at how he leaned over the stall, holding the pomegranate out to him. It gleamed in his hands, its skin rich and flawless.
The last of the season, huh?
"No," he replied quietly, his voice cold and precise. "Not today."
"Granny? Granny, I'm home!"
Your boots crunched in the snow, the sound sharp and clear against the muffled backdrop of the winter day. The path beneath you shifted from the soft powder to the slush of the thawing ground, then to the thick, stubborn mud of the dirt road that hadn’t frozen over yet. It clung to your boots, stubborn and sticky, each step making the journey feel slower, more deliberate.
The words spilled from your mouth, half-relieved, half-frustrated, as you made your way toward the warmth of the house. Your voice cut through the cold air, but there was something strange in the way it echoed—almost too still, too empty, like it was bouncing off walls that shouldn’t be there.
You pushed the door open, the familiar creak of the hinges greeting you, but something felt off. The warmth from the hearth didn’t reach you, the air inside too still, too quiet.
The house seemed empty.
"Granny?" you called again, stepping further inside. Your eyes swept the room, landing on the empty chair by the fire where she should’ve been, knitting or reading or simply gazing into the flames. But there was nothing there—nothing but the faint, cold smell of the earth creeping in through the door, the faintest trace of something… wrong.
The kitchen was untouched, the table bare, and the silence was thick, almost oppressive.
Your heartbeat quickened as the feeling in the pit of your stomach began to rise. You knew the house was old, but it had always felt alive, warm with the presence of your grandmother. Now, it felt... hollow.
A strange shiver crawled down your spine, as though the house was holding its breath, waiting for something. Or someone.
"Welcome home."
The words sliced through the heavy silence like a knife. You whipped your head around, your heart skipping a beat as you saw him standing there, just inside the door. The man from the market.
His smile was too warm, too wide. His eyes gleamed with an amusement as he closed the door behind him with a soft click, shutting you in.
You took an instinctual step back, your hand tightening around the handle of the door you’d just entered through, but it was no use. It was already too late.
He was too close now.
"Your coat?" he asked, extending a hand, his smile lingering, unbothered by the tension that crackled in the air.
You froze, staring at the hand he offered, as if it were a venomous snake. Every nerve in your body screamed to refuse him, to turn and run—but there was no escape. The cold, oppressive feeling from earlier intensified, filling the room, the walls suddenly closing in.
"Get out." Your voice was firm, but your body felt rooted in place. You tried to gather your bearings, but the unsettling calmness of the moment was too suffocating.
His smile didn’t falter. He stepped closer, the warmth of his body too near, too intrusive.
"Not yet," he murmured softly, his eyes never leaving yours. His hand remained outstretched, waiting. "You and I have much to discuss."
“Where’s my grandmother?”
The door was behind you, but the air in front of you seemed to thicken.
Your breath catches at his words. "Where's my grandmother?" you demand again, a trembling edge creeping into your voice. Your fists clench involuntarily at your sides, desperate to hold onto something solid, something that might keep you anchored in this strange, unsettling moment.
He tilts his head slightly, a smirk curling at the corner of his lips. "You mean Josephine? She's fine, I promise you."
But the way he says it—the way his eyes gleam—makes your skin crawl. The lack of any real warmth, the forced calm in his voice, sends a shiver down your spine.
Before you can react, before you even have time to process his words, he’s already taken your coat from your shoulders, his fingers brushing against your skin as he pulls it from you. You freeze, the realization that you hadn’t even felt him move causing your heart to race.
"No..." you mutter, shaking your head. "No, where is she?"
Your voice rises, cracking with the tension building in your chest.
But his smile only widens, almost pitying. "Don't worry," he says, his voice low, smooth, as though trying to calm you with his false assurance. "She's not far. Not far at all."
You can’t tell if he’s mocking you or telling the truth, and that uncertainty claws at you, drowning out the rest of your thoughts. The room feels too small now, and every corner is crowded with his presence, his waiting.
"What do you want with me?" you finally force out, your voice barely a whisper.
His words hung in the air like a dark cloud. "Like I said. We have things to discuss."
He gestures toward a chair—your chair, or at least, it should have been. But it wasn’t. It was far too fine, far too pristine for the rest of the crumbling shack. The wood gleamed like freshly polished mahogany, the fabric soft and deep in color, too extravagant to belong in a place like this. It was as though he had placed his own stamp on your home, turning the room into something that didn’t feel right.
It wasn’t his chair.
But that was exactly how he acted. Like he belonged here. Like this was his space.
You hesitate. The room is too heavy, too thick with his presence. Every instinct screams for you to run, to bolt for the door, but your legs feel like lead, your body unwilling to move.
Your gaze flicks from the chair to him, and for a moment, you see something in his eyes—something dangerous. Something that wants you to sit. Wants you to comply.
The smile on his face is patient, too patient.
"Take a seat?" he repeats, his tone smooth but carrying an underlying edge.
Your pulse quickens, but you force yourself to breathe. You know he’s trying to manipulate you, to force you into submission, but you won’t give him that satisfaction.
"No," you reply, voice firmer than you feel. You take a step back, trying to create distance between you and the chair, between you and him.
The air in the room seems to darken with his response. His smile never wavers, but the coldness in his eyes sharpens, as if he were enjoying your defiance.
"You misunderstand," he murmurs, his voice low and almost amused. "This isn’t a choice, love. Take a seat. I insist."
The words are like an invisible force, pressing against you, pulling at your very core. You can feel something—gravity?—something heavier than air itself, pushing you down, urging you toward the chair. Your muscles scream in protest, your mind races, but your body moves against your will.
You clench your teeth, the sharpness of the motion grounding you against the force that threatens to break you. You sit, but it’s not voluntary, not a choice. The chair feels foreign beneath you, the fabric too soft, the arms too well-formed. It's his chair now, and you hate it.
As you settle, the man steps closer, the air thickening with each movement. His smile stretches wider, an unsettling satisfaction behind it. His eyes gleam with something predatory, though it’s hidden beneath that calm, almost bored exterior.
He doesn’t answer immediately, his gaze flicking over you, almost like he's savoring the moment. Then, slowly, he steps back, his expression thoughtful.
"What do you want with me?"
"Everything," he says, his tone deceptively gentle, as if speaking to a child. "I want everything you have."
His fingers are cold as they grip your chin, turning your face toward him with an unsettling gentleness. You can feel his gaze weighing down on you, as if he's studying you, dissecting every reaction, every twitch of your body. The question is a strange one, unsettling in its simplicity:
"You didn't take the pomegranate. Why?"
Your breath hitches, but you force yourself to remain still, your eyes meeting his despite the overwhelming desire to look away. The way he speaks, the way he presses into your space—it’s like he’s daring you to defy him, but the weight of his touch, of his presence, is too much.
You swallow hard, your throat dry. You didn’t take the pomegranate, yes, but the reason feels almost insignificant now. It’s not about the fruit anymore. It’s about him. The way he’s here, in your home, making demands, insisting on control.
The silence stretches, thick with tension, as his thumb runs lightly over your skin, a strange, almost affectionate gesture that makes your stomach churn.
His eyes never leave yours, waiting. Expecting.
You know the answer should be simple, that you should give him something that satisfies him, but you don’t want to play his game. You can’t play it.
The cold touch of his fingers presses harder, forcing your jaw to tighten in an involuntary response.
"Answer me," he says, his voice turning slightly darker. "Why didn't you take it?"
“I didn’t want it. Not enough coin.” A pitiful excuse. But, a half-truth. You bought eggs. 
The grip on your chin tightens, and your breath catches in your throat as his fingers dig into your skin, cold and unyielding. "Lies." His voice is a low growl, soft but cutting through the air like a knife.
You wince, your jaw aching under the pressure, but you refuse to look away. You fight the urge to squirm, to pull away, to lie your way out of this. The coldness in his eyes, though, leaves no room for hesitation, no space for escape.
"I didn’t want it," you repeat, forcing the words out despite the sting of his touch. "I have enough already."
But his face twists in disbelief, the smile fading entirely, replaced by a cold, calculating intensity. His thumb brushes across your skin again, but it no longer feels gentle—it feels as though he’s searching for something beneath the surface.
"You don't get to lie to me." His voice is quieter now, dangerous in its softness. "Why didn’t you take it?"
A heavy silence settles between you, thick with something you can’t name—an urgency, a power dynamic shifting with every breath. The weight of his presence is suffocating, pressing down on you, and the realization that he isn’t going to let you leave until you comply makes your heart race in your chest.
He knows you’re holding something back. He’s not asking because he wants an answer; he’s asking because he wants to break you.
His fingers, ice-cold and unrelenting, drift across your jawline, and you instinctively flinch at the touch, the intimacy of his proximity overwhelming. His other arm braces against the chair, closing the distance between you, and his breath brushes against your skin, the sound of his words a low whisper, too close.
"I'm familiar to you, hmm?" His voice is thick with something darker, almost possessive. "Caleb."
The name hits you like a punch to the gut. Caleb. You blink, trying to make sense of the words, but the sound of your name from his lips sends a jolt of recognition through you. You’ve heard it before—somewhere deep in the recesses of your mind, in a place you can’t quite place.
"What?" You force the word out, disbelief crashing over you like a tidal wave. You don't want to understand. You can't.
"My name." His voice is cold now, almost amused at your confusion. "My name is Caleb. And you broke our promise."
The world seems to tilt on its axis, your breath freezing in your chest. Promise? What promise?
A thousand memories flash—disjointed fragments of a time long past, faces that don’t quite fit, voices that are just out of reach.
But none of it makes sense.
The way he says it, the way his eyes darken, hints at something deeper, something long buried beneath the surface.
"Promise?" you repeat, your voice barely a whisper. You don’t know what he means. You can’t know what he means.
He leans closer, the heat of his breath on your neck sending another wave of discomfort through your body. "You promised me you wouldn’t forget."
Forget? What was he talking about? Your heart pounds in your chest, and suddenly the room feels smaller, the walls pressing in on you.
The only thing you’re sure of is that whatever this promise was, it’s something you never agreed to. Something you never even knew you had made.
Your breath catches in your throat, and before you can even process the shift in his movement, his lips are on yours, cold and forceful. The shock of it seizes your body—an electric jolt of surprise, of horror. The pressure of his kiss is suffocating, overwhelming, and you feel trapped under the weight of it.
You try to pull away, to break the contact, but his grip on you is unyielding, his hands keeping you firmly in place, as if locking you into the moment. Your heart races in your chest, pounding against the cage of your ribs. Every instinct in your body screams at you to fight, to push him away, but the force of his kiss disorients you, blurs your thoughts.
Everything in you fights against it. You don’t want this—you never wanted this.
The coldness of his lips, the sharpness of his fingers gripping your jaw, the way he dominates the space between you—it all feels wrong, like a violation of something you can’t quite define.
His tongue brushes against your lips, demanding entry, and the part of you that still has control tenses in resistance. Your breath quickens, heart thundering in your ears, as you turn your head, the strain of your muscles pulling against his hold.
But he’s relentless, insistent, as though this was always the endgame.
And it’s then, in the midst of the storm of confusion and anger, that it hits you: He’s not just Caleb. Not the Caleb you thought you knew.
This... this is a different man entirely.
The world around you blurs, your senses drowning in the sharp pressure of his lips, the roughness of his hold on you. One moment, you're sitting—frozen, fighting, overwhelmed—and the next, your back hits something soft and plush. The bed creaks beneath you, and you realize, too late, that you've been moved. You don't know when it happened, but now you're lying there, the softness of the bedding contrasting with the harshness of his body pressing against yours.
Your chest tightens as his kiss returns, insistent and suffocating. His presence feels like a weight, pressing down on you from all sides, a physical force that you can’t escape. His hands roam with a practiced familiarity, like he’s done this before, like he knows how to break you, how to keep you in this moment. Your heart pounds in your chest, and every instinct screams at you to push him away, to run, but your body betrays you, frozen in place, unable to muster the strength to move.
It’s like he’s taken control of everything—your thoughts, your body, the space around you—and you can feel yourself slipping into a fog, disoriented, trapped in this strange reality where nothing makes sense anymore. The soft sheets beneath you feel wrong, a dissonance with the terror swirling in your chest.
His lips move from yours, but it’s not relief. His breath is hot against your skin as he traces a path down your neck, his grip tightening, and you can’t shake the feeling that everything you thought you understood, everything you thought you knew about him—about you—is slipping away, piece by piece.
“Do you understand now?” he whispers against your skin, his voice low, almost mocking. “Do you remember?”
But you don’t. You can’t.
“If you can’t remember, why did you take them?”
Your eyes only held confusion. Frustrated, he asks again.
“The pomegranates were supposed to be dead,” he all but hisses, his hand moving to your throat, squeezing. “But you brought one back. How?”
The pressure on your throat tightens, sharp and relentless, and your body tenses as you gasp for breath. His words are barely audible, but the venom in his voice cuts through the fog in your mind, and suddenly, everything is clearer. The question—How?—echoes in your head, your pulse hammering against his fingers as if to answer him, but your throat betrays you, unable to form the words.
His eyes, dark and furious, bore into you, and the weight of his gaze feels like a brand on your soul. There’s an urgency in his touch, like he’s desperate for an answer that you don’t have. His grip on your throat tightens further, and you can barely think, only feeling the constriction in your airways, the frantic beat of your heart.
"Pomegranates..." you manage to whisper through clenched teeth, barely able to speak, your voice rasping in the thick tension of the moment.
He doesn’t release his hold, not even a little. The threat in his touch is clear, and something deep inside you knows he's not just angry—he’s frantic.
"How did you bring them back?!" His voice is a low growl now, filled with a chilling sense of desperation. "You had no right."
You choke on your breath, the weight of his question landing like a hammer. You know the pomegranates he’s talking about—how they weren’t supposed to be here, how they were dead. You never should’ve found one, never should’ve brought it back. But it’s not the how that you can’t answer.
It’s the why. Why is he so invested in them? And why are you suddenly the one in danger over them?
The world spins, but his hands on your throat ground you in place, trapping you in a moment where the answer is just out of reach.
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I walk through that hellish field every day. And every day, they are all dead. So what did you do?”
The cold grip around your throat tightens again, and your breath becomes shallow, each inhale a struggle. The urgency in his voice, the desperation, the fury—it's almost enough to send you into a panic. He’s so close now, his breath mixing with yours as he presses into you, demanding answers, demanding something from you that you don't even understand.
The mention of the hellish field sends a shiver through you. You know exactly where he means—the barren stretch of earth where the pomegranates are supposed to lie dormant, rotting, where no fruit should grow. It had been a place of silence, of dead leaves and dust. The pomegranates had always been gone, and you thought nothing of it when you found one that had somehow survived.
But now, he is asking about it, and something in his words tells you that this is more than just a passing curiosity. He’s not asking because he’s wondering how the fruit is growing. He’s asking because he knows. He knows it shouldn’t be possible, and somehow, you’ve made it so.
“I didn’t…” you gasp, your voice weak, struggling against the pressure of his hand. “I didn’t mean—”
“You didn’t mean?” he interrupts, his fingers digging into your skin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “Do you think I care about your good intentions? Do you know what this means? What you’ve done?”
You try to focus, but his eyes are too intense, and you can feel the world around you closing in, everything blurring except the sharpness of his words, of his grip.
He knows. He knows, and that makes you realize you’ve stepped into something far beyond your understanding.
“You... you were the one... who killed them...” Your words come out haltingly, the pieces falling into place—his anger, his fury, the strange obsession with the pomegranates. “You—You’re the one who made them die.”
The realization hits you like a bolt of lightning. This isn’t about the fruit. This isn’t about something that grew in the wrong soil. This is about something much darker, something he’s tied to, something you can’t comprehend.
And yet, as the words leave your mouth, you wonder—how could you have known? How could you have guessed?
The pressure on your throat burns, every second stretching into an eternity as you feel yourself slowly suffocating under his gaze. His eyes, dark and furious, make you feel small, insignificant, like nothing more than a mere insect beneath his heel. His grip tightens further, the reality of his anger closing in like a vice around your neck.
Your thoughts are clouded, your body trembling, desperate for air, for release from this moment that feels like it might swallow you whole. The world around you blurs, and the edges of your vision darken, but you can't afford to lose consciousness—not now, not when everything feels like it's slipping through your fingers.
The field, the pomegranates, the months since you wandered through that cursed stretch of earth—they all seem like distant memories now, as irrelevant as the flutter of a bird's wings in the storm of your present. What did it matter? You never meant for any of this to happen.
Months? Yes, it had been months since you came across the field, since that moment of discovery. The fruit had been so alluring, so strange. But now, it doesn’t matter. It doesn't matter at all.
All that matters is this: the suffocating weight of his hand on your throat, the rage in his eyes, the sense of power he holds over you in this very moment. It’s not about the pomegranates anymore, or the field, or anything else you’ve done. It's about survival, about whether you can stay conscious long enough to find a way out.
"You have no idea what you’ve done," he hisses through clenched teeth, his voice low and venomous. His fingers dig into your skin, making it feel as though your very breath is being stolen from you. You can feel the blood rushing to your head, the pressure mounting, and for a moment, you wonder if this is how it all ends.
It’s hard to focus, hard to think. And then-
The realization hits you like a cold slap to the face. Your breath catches in your throat, the air refusing to fill your lungs, even as his grip loosens just a fraction, as if sensing your sudden understanding. The seeds. Those damned seeds. You had taken them, thinking nothing of it. Just a curious moment, a strange instinct to keep something from that cursed field. They hadn’t grown, though—at least, you’d thought they hadn’t.
But one of them had.
The cold weight of it settles in the pit of your stomach. You must have dropped one, somewhere between your hurried walk and the spill of your water satchel. Perhaps on the way home, or somewhere in the market. It could have fallen unnoticed, but it had taken root. And now… now, you know exactly what that means.
It wasn't just the fruit that was alive—it was the seed itself, brought back from the dead, blooming in a place it shouldn’t. In the wrong soil. Under the wrong conditions. And he must have sensed it, felt the change, the unnatural resurrection of something that was supposed to stay buried.
It wasn’t just a seed anymore. It was something else. Something that had no place in this world, and definitely no place in your hands.
Your pulse spikes, your breath still strained but clearer now. You can’t let him know you’ve figured it out. Not yet. Not until you can find a way to make this right—or at least survive the next few moments.
"I didn’t… I didn’t mean to," you rasp, the words stumbling out, barely audible. "I thought they were dead... I thought I was doing no harm."
His eyes narrow, a sharp flicker of something darker passing through them. He doesn’t speak at first, his fingers still lightly brushing your skin, but there's no mistaking the shift in the atmosphere. The air thickens, tension pulling tighter, and the room itself seems to darken in his presence.
"You didn’t mean to?" His voice is dangerously low, but there’s an edge of disbelief in it. "You thought they were dead?"
The mockery in his tone is almost worse than his rage, as if everything you’ve done—everything you thought was inconsequential—has led to this. The pomegranate, the seed, the field… this has been waiting for you. Waiting for someone to make the mistake of finding it, of bringing it back.
"I didn’t know," you whisper, your eyes darting to the edge of the room, anywhere but his burning gaze. "Please... I didn’t know."
For a moment, there’s silence—heavy, suffocating silence. And in that silence, you realize just how much danger you’re really in. This isn’t just about the seeds. It’s about what you’ve awakened. What you’ve released.
And he’s not done with you yet.
“That doesn’t matter. You owe me. You owe me everything. The pomegranates are a contract. How many seeds did you take?”
His grip on your throat has tightened again, though not as much as before. He’s holding you in place, forcing you to face him, to answer him, to acknowledge what you’ve done.
Your pulse quickens, fear seeping into your veins. He’s right. You owe him, but what he doesn’t know is that you hadn’t taken them for any grand purpose. You’d been foolish, reckless even, thinking that the seeds were just something to keep, something harmless. But now, his words cut through you like a blade—those seeds were never meant to be collected, never meant to be used. They weren’t just fruit, they were a binding, a covenant, a contract you hadn’t understood.
You swallow hard, trying to focus, trying to keep your voice steady. "I—I only took a few... just a handful," you whisper, your words hoarse as they tumble from your mouth. "I didn’t think they’d… grow. I didn���t think it meant anything."
Which hand? The right or the left? It’s such a simple thing, such a small detail, but you can feel the gravity of it. He’s making a game of it. Toying with you. You wonder if this is his way of breaking you down, piece by piece.
“A handful, huh? So I should decide how many then?”
“So how many?” Caleb’s voice is almost playful in its mockery. “Actually. I’ve decided. Which hand did you take them with?”
Your breath catches in your throat, a lump of dread settling in your stomach. You can barely think, your mind reeling from the weight of his question, his control, his power over you.
A lie wouldn’t do you any good. He’d know. He always knows. The truth is the only way out, even if it feels like a betrayal of your very self.
You try to steady your breath, your hands trembling at your sides as you force yourself to speak, though your voice is barely a whisper. "The right," you manage, the words feeling like acid as they leave your mouth.
“So should I take it? Or break it?” His voice is laced with amusement, yet the question itself is far from playful. There’s a menace in his tone, a quiet assurance that whatever choice you make will only lead to more pain, more consequence.
Your right hand trembles at your side, feeling like a weight you can’t escape. It’s as though he’s already decided your fate, and the moment you answer, it will be sealed. The choice—take it or break it—feels like the very foundation of your existence teetering on the edge. One wrong move, and you’re shattered.
It’s not just your hand he’s talking about. It’s everything. The lies. The theft. The contract. And you have to make a choice.
"Well?" He presses, his smile widening slightly, his patience wearing thin.
His grip tightens around your mouth, pressing down hard enough to stifle your breath. The weight of his hand is suffocating, and your thoughts are scrambling to make sense of everything. His words from earlier echo in your mind: You can thrive with no hands.
Calebs gaze shifts.
“Nevermind that.” he takes your right hand, kissing it. “You can thrive even with no hands, I’m sure, so that would be pointless.”
You try to push through the panic rising in your chest, but it only gets worse when one thought cuts through everything—Josephine.
Your grandmother. Where is she? What has he done to her?
You open your mouth to ask, but his hand clamps over it with more force, cutting off your words, your breath. You struggle, your pulse thundering in your neck, the terror building with every passing second. You can’t think of anything else but Josephine, and the fear of what might have happened to her.
"Shhh," he says softly, almost patronizingly. His voice is too calm, too cold. "No need to speak right now. We'll get to that later."
“You took a few. It doesn’t matter. Your hands will know how many it was, even if you forgot. And your tongue will know how many you’ve eaten.”
"Six," he repeats, his voice cold as he watches your hands, as if counting them. The weight of the word presses down on your chest like a heavy stone, and your throat tightens. Six. The number echoes in your mind, a cruel reminder of what you've done, of the mistake that’s now spiraling out of control.
"Please-" his hold goes to your hands, and his eyes close. you struggle to break free, try to kick at him, but he's firm.
Dread fills you.
"Six seeds. You ate six seeds."
You struggle against him, your breath quick and uneven as you fight to break free, but his grip is ironclad. His hands are everywhere—on your wrists, your throat, your arms—and no matter how hard you kick or twist, you can’t escape. He’s too strong.
"Please..." you gasp, the word slipping out in a broken whisper, but it’s more out of desperation than anything else. You can feel the weight of the seeds in your gut, the aftermath of your recklessness settling like a poison in your veins.
"Six," he repeats again, the word dragging out in a way that makes it sound almost like a verdict, as though he's already decided what will happen because of it. The dread in your chest deepens, and the air around you feels thick, heavy with an impending sense of doom.
His eyes close for a moment, like he’s savoring the knowledge of your mistake, the fact that you’ve already crossed a line you didn’t even understand until now. When he opens them again, they’re sharper, more piercing than before.
"You don’t understand the consequences," he says softly, almost too calmly. "But you will."
You try to steady your breath, to gather yourself, but everything inside of you is shaking, fear and confusion clouding your thoughts. What did it all mean? Six. Six seeds, and now you're trapped, tangled in a contract you barely remember signing, but which he is now holding you to.
"Six," he repeats one last time, his eyes scanning you like a predator eyeing its prey. The word is both a warning and a promise. 
His voice is a low, chilling whisper, a cold wind sweeping through your mind with every word.
"Six seeds in the winter. Six months. Every year."
The weight of his words sinks in slowly, painfully. Six months? Every year? A feeling of dread floods your body, a cold sweat breaking out across your skin as the meaning starts to claw its way to the surface. The pomegranates. The seeds.
The finality in his words cuts through the air, sending a cold shiver down your spine. His hand remains on your jaw, pressing down, his eyes never leaving yours. He leans in, his presence suffocating, his breath hot against your skin.
"You... you will be bound to me. Me. Every year."
The implication of his words settles over you like a weight too heavy to bear. Each year, you’ll have to answer to him, every winter, every cycle, every six months, until... until what? The uncertainty gnaws at you, but the truth is undeniable: you’ve made a pact. And now, you are bound, tethered to him in ways you don’t fully understand yet.
The reality of what he's saying—what it means—sinks in like ice, creeping through your veins. Your breath catches in your chest, and the urge to run, to escape, is overwhelming. But you know better now. You know you can’t escape him. You’ve already given too much away, unknowingly, thoughtlessly.
"You won’t be free," he continues, his voice a low, venomous promise. "Not for as long as you live. Every year, you will return to me. And you will serve your purpose." His thumb traces your lower lip, slow and deliberate, as if savoring the taste of your fear.
"Every year." The words ring in your ears, a constant reminder of the contract you’ve unknowingly entered.
You open your mouth to protest, to plead, but nothing comes out. What could you say? How could you explain that you never meant for this to happen, that you had no idea the consequences would be so... severe?
His eyes gleam with something darker now. Something almost... triumphant.
"You’ll learn the price of what you’ve done," Caleb murmurs, his grip tightening around your wrist, holding you firmly in place. "And when you do, you’ll understand why you belong to me."
His lips crash against yours, urgent and hungry, as if trying to consume you whole, each kiss more fervent than the last. But in that brief, fleeting moment, as his hands grip at your body, you see it. The truth in the shadows of his touch.
His fingers, stained with something dark. Black and red. It’s not just dirt. Not just the earth.
The realization hits you in an instant—what you thought was just a product of the field, of his rough nature, was something far worse. Something tied to the very fruit that had been the cause of this entire twisted encounter. His hands, stained with the dark liquid of the pomegranates, blood and juice entwined together. You could smell it faintly—a sweet, acrid scent that clings to him like a curse. It coats his palms, dripping as he touches you, as if his hands were forever stained by the fruit’s sacrifice.
A chill runs through your spine as his touch lingers, his grip tightening. The pomegranates, the seeds—he’s been part of this too. His very essence is tied to them. He’s not just a man, not just some random stranger from the market. He’s part of the cycle, just like you. He’s no god, hes a curse! A snake! 
You try to jerk away from his touch, but the force of his hands holds you firmly in place. The stains on his skin are like a brand, marking him, marking you. It’s as though the blood of those fruits courses through him now, and through you.
The softness of the bed feels foreign against your body, like you’re sinking deeper into a pit you can't escape. Your nightgown clings to you, the fabric damp and uncomfortable against your skin. You can’t remember when your boots came off, but the cold from the snow on your clothes lingers, biting at your skin as if it’s refusing to let go. It’s a strange contrast—how you feel trapped in this bed of softness, yet every part of you is screaming for escape.
Caleb’s presence is overwhelming, suffocating. He follows you, his weight pressing down, his breath hot against your skin. His hands are still stained, dark and red, as though the pomegranates’ curse has been embedded in his very touch. Each time his skin brushes yours, it's like you can feel that stain transferring—marking you, binding you further to him.
You try to shift, to find any escape, but his hold is unyielding. Your heart races, your mind scrambling for any way out. But everything feels wrong—like this is the inevitable result of a choice you didn’t even consciously make. The blood on his hands is no longer just the pomegranate juice; it feels like it’s becoming your blood too, intertwining your fates.
"Stay still," Caleb's voice murmurs in your ear, his tone low, almost soothing in its malicious calm. "You’ve already done enough. Now, you just have to accept it."
The weight of his words settles heavily on you, the reality of it all pressing in, making it harder to breathe. You close your eyes, trying to block him out, but you can’t escape the feeling of being completely consumed. He is everywhere—his hands, his touch, his scent.
And you are trapped.
He opens his mouth to bite, and there, you see it- fangs. Horrible, horrible fangs, like a snake. And when he bites-
Your breath is erratic, each inhale sharp and frantic, as your chest heaves with the remnants of the nightmare. The warmth of your bed clings to you like an unwanted weight, your body still tense from the terrifying images that danced in your mind. You blink rapidly, trying to focus, the disorienting haze of sleep still clinging to your thoughts.
It wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been.
But as you scramble out of bed, panic surging through your veins, your legs barely hold you up. You stumble, almost falling as you rush through the dim hallway toward Josephine’s room. Your heart pounds in your ears, and your hands tremble, brushing against the walls to steady yourself. Every step feels like it takes forever.
You reach her door, your breath caught in your throat. You hesitate for just a moment, but the terror, the urgent need to see her safe, pushes you forward. You twist the handle and burst into the room.
"Granny?" you call out, your voice trembling. The room is dark, the shadows in the corners unnerving, but the familiar smell of Josephine’s comforting herbs fills the air. You can hear her slow, steady breathing from the bed, the soft rustling of blankets as she shifts in her sleep.
For a second, you just stand there, listening. Waiting.
Relief washes over you as you realize she’s still there, still alive. The nightmare, the horrible fangs, seem to retreat into the dark corners of your mind as the reality of the moment settles in. Your mind fights to differentiate dream from reality, the lines so blurred, you almost can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.
You collapse onto the edge of her bed, your hands trembling as you reach out to brush a lock of gray hair from her face.
She stirs slightly but doesn’t wake.
Your heart stops. The basket, innocently placed beside Josephine’s sleeping form, feels like a jolt of ice through your veins. Pomegranates. Red, ripe, gleaming under the dim light filtering through the cracks in the curtains. You blink, your vision swimming for a moment as you try to steady yourself, but there they are—those cursed fruits, as if mocking your worst fears.
The world seems to tilt as the realization sinks in. You hadn't brought them inside, had you? The dream... had it been a dream? Your eyes dart from the basket to Josephine, your breath catching in your throat. Her soft, even breathing remains unchanged, oblivious to the dangerous gift that sits at her side.
You step closer, as if by instinct, as your fingers tremble at the edges of the basket. Each pomegranate gleams like a secret, an omen you can’t understand, yet it feels all too real.
You stumble away from Josephine’s side, the unease gnawing at your gut. The sight of the basket, so innocently placed, is now burned into your mind. But the chill is not just in your bones; it’s in your very skin.
Racing to the mirror, you meet your own reflection. At first, the face staring back is foreign—disheveled, pale from the cold, with eyes wide in panic. But as your gaze drifts downward, you freeze.
There, just below your jawline, is a mark. The skin is raw, bruised, angry red. It’s a bite. Caleb’s bite.
Your hand reaches up, touching the tender spot. The scar doesn’t just throb with the usual tenderness of a bruise; it burns.
What had been a dream now feels like a slow, suffocating reality that���s slowly tightening its grip around you. You feel his presence lingering like a shadow just outside, and you know deep down that he's watching you, even from a distance.
Outside, the first rays of sunlight are breaking through the clouds, spilling over the snow. You watch as it melts, revealing the earth beneath, yet it feels wrong. Almost like the sun, so pure and innocent, is powerless in this moment. The air feels thick with something you can't name, the stillness broken only by the slow, steady drip of melting ice.
Everything feels wrong. And with each passing second, it becomes clearer: you are no longer in control. The pomegranates have bound you to something you can't undo. The bite on your neck, the basket by Josephine's side, the promise... it’s all real.
And you have no idea how to stop it.
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©hellinistical 2024 do not copy, translate, distribute, plagiarize, or reproduce in any form without permission, and do not share to any media outside of tumblr.
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shellxrls · 1 year ago
hiiiii angel smutty rafe thought here!!! rafe slutting you out so hard he breaks the headboard 🥵 OR yall going at it on the druthers 😍
rafe 🤝 rough sex
MDNI | 18+ content
he's hitting it from behind bcuz he's mad, muttering something about how you're 'too pretty' for him to look at right now — and so your face is shoved into a laundry scented comforter only to stain the cream colour with layers of eye-makeup forced out of you through sobs of pleasure elicited by the harshness of rafe's thrusts.
he's mounted you completely, one hand bracing himself against the dip of your back, and the other concentrating his residual strength against the wooden headboard, the solid timbre hitting the plaster of the wall with every slap of his hips against your ass.
just when he's about to cum does he finally remove the hand from your waist, instead propping your ass up higher and moving both hands to the headboard so he can increase his pace without the risk of harming you.
he doesn't even notice when it happens, too entangled in this cocoon of pleasure he's orchestrated with you to hear the snap of wood corroding under his powerful digits.
it's only when the two of you are done, and you're fussing with the sheets to get them right again after your sacrilegious demolition of the poor bed, do you notice the splintering of the headboard.
you cross your arms over you chest defiantly, "rafe, did you do this?"
he just shrugs, "quit actin' like you weren't the one beggin' me to use you."
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moonlight-prose · 2 months ago
smoke and ash
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a/n: this is based entirely on a post made by the amazing @cavillscurls and i was given permission to write it for her cause the idea actually made my brain go numb. plus just the thought of this man having an oral fixation paired with someone who also has an oral fixation?? beautiful. filthy. spectacular. it's quickly written cause i had the inspo at the time and really didn't want to lose it. so enjoy!
summary: cigar smoke trailed after him with every step, his mouth always desperate for something to wet, something to bite down on. and you with the match between your teeth indulged him every which way.
word count: 1.4k+
pairing: old man!logan howlett x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY!!, oral fixation, spit kink, choking, dry humping, desperate!logan, overstimulation, cigars, they're fucking messy, dirty talk.
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A dark stain of saliva coated the base of a match as you sat sprawled on his leather couch. Your teeth dug into it, creating an indent that would last until you decided it was time to strike the phosphorus and let it burn down. Sometimes they snapped. Other times you tossed them in the trash. Tonight you were intent on lighting it up—solely for the cigar currently stuffed in between his own lips.
He sucked at the end thoughtfully most nights. Glasses perched on the edge of his nose, a book he'd read a hundred times over propped in one hand—whiskey in his other. Half of it was already burnt through. Used within the span of a few days before stubbed out and saved.
“Interesting story?”
The soft hum was all he offered, his eyes flicking back and forth between the lines even though he could recite the words from memory. The pages were worn from use, spine cracked every which way, and you often considered buying him a new copy. If just to give the story a chance to breathe in his mind. Sink beneath the depths of memories that still floated along the surface—seeking to ruminate in the cracks of chaos.
“What does it taste like?”
At last he looked up, eyebrows lifted and fingers moving to drag the sticky wet cigar out of his mouth. “This?”
You nodded. “Good or bad or…”
“Better than those fuckin’ matches,” he scoffed, pointedly glaring at the splintered wood between your teeth—a nervous habit you had yet to kick. “C’mere and find out.”
Scrambling off the couch a bit too quickly, you found yourself perched in his lap, legs straddling his hips with a smile painted across your lips. He removed the match, flicking it into the discarded ashtray with contempt—happy to have your mouth empty and waiting. Only to place the soaked butt against your tongue, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip at the sight. You always imagined what the flavor resembled. Until it finally dawned on you.
This is how it tasted to kiss him. The bitter tang of the cigar muted by the flavor of the whiskey he drank and the mints he chewed in his spare time. You sucked on the remnants of his saliva, your mind lighting up at the feel of it. Of having something stuck between your lips, a thing you could fixate on.
“Taste’s like me don’t it?”
You nodded, shifting against his body as the first spark of heat began to slowly meld with the rest of your senses.
“Good girl,” he mumbled, the book forgotten to the side in favor of his hand sliding along your throat, thumb catching just beneath your chin. “Suck on it harder yeah? Want it to taste like ya when I smoke it again.”
A whine cracked in the back of your throat, your hips catching on the zipper of his jeans. “What about you?”
The mumbled words caused spit to drool down to your chin, his eyes tracking the slide of it with a heavy gaze. He wanted to lick it up. Swallow down what you offered. But the sight kept him transfixed—your tongue sliding along the end of the cigar as if it were his cock. Soaking it in your taste enough to drive him a bit closer to the edge, his other hand suddenly a harsh grip on your ass.
“I got what I need,” he replied with ease. “Yeah?”
You nodded, catching the glaze of desire in his dilated pupils. He wanted more than an empty mouth. The cigars appeased a side of him no one saw, a man who ached for something to bite down on, someone to taste even in the most mundane of ways. He was your guard dog looking to chew, to gnaw, even if spit flew out of his mouth with a feral edge of desperation. And with a grin, you stuffed three fingers into his mouth right down to the knuckle.
He took them with a moan, tongue laving over the length of them as his hips bucked up into yours. The hot cavern of his mouth and wet slide of his tongue drew out a sound you never knew you could make. A biting grunt that made spit fly everywhere, splattering against his cheek to mix with his own.
Ripping the cigar from your mouth, you hastily licked around his full mouth. “Suck harder for me baby.”
They met the back of his throat, choking him enough to force his head back. His eyes rolled, nostrils flared, and for a moment you felt the power dynamic shift. You were in charge. Telling him what to do to appease the ache of pleasure growing in the pit of your stomach. And it might have lasted. He very well could have given you complete submission if it weren’t for the lack of the cigar in your mouth.
A growl rumbled up from his chest, eyes flashing dark enough to send a thrill down your spine, and before you could fix your mistake he rectified it for you. Three fingers—to match your own—were pushed harshly against your tongue, hooking behind your teeth to drag your face closer to his. You didn’t need to hear him to know what he wanted.
The intent blazed in his hazel eyes well enough: suck.
Through the haze of wanton lust you felt his hand begin to guide your hips along his crotch. The bulge of his cock straining against denim, pushing the metal zipper up for your clit to catch on each time. Clad in his flannel and cotton panties, you found yourself plummeting towards the burning ache that built faster than you could comprehend.
You ripped your hand from his mouth, burying the spit soaked fingers into his hair to grip him close. But it never remained enough. He wanted to delve beneath your skin. Seek the warmth that seeped from your body where his fingers kneaded and pushed to drag you to a fro. His teeth latched onto your shoulder, the sweater pulled to the side while his fingers met the back of your throat, choking you with their size.
A cry slipped past his knuckles as you humped his clothed cock—dragging yourself inch by inch towards the release you could practically taste. It clung to the tip of your tongue—the saccharine flavor intertwined with the tobacco musk of his fingers. You swallowed around them, drool spilling down your throat and pooling at the top of your breasts.
“That’s it,” he gasped, a line of bites trailing right to the juncture of your neck, his spit smeared across your skin. “Gonna cum for me?”
You whined harshly, body going taut as your clit pulsed rapidly with the impending wave of bliss that tugged sharply on your spine. The pain of his teeth puncturing hard enough to draw blood dragged a knife through the thin strand  of resistance. And you came with his name at the back of your throat and white bursting behind tightly shut eyelids.
“Yes. Fuck–” His growl ran down the length of your spine, body trembling in his tight grasp. “That’s my girl.”
Unconsciously your nails punctured the skin at the back of his neck and with a jolt, he groaned long and ragged against your throat. A dark wet patch formed beneath his jeans as you soaked him with a spit filled cry. The pleasure wrung your body dry, pulling the final dregs of your energy straight from the source. Your chest heaved, mouth a gentle suckle at the very base of his fingers, and Logan could feel you begin to collapse forward into his chest.
“You really like when your mouth is filled,” he mused, lips curling into a smile.
Nodding, your voice was a content hum—his fingers dragging at the back of your teeth, tracing their shape. A kiss was pressed to your head, body slumping further into the chair with you atop him.
“Gonna get you some more matches in the mornin’,” he mumbled lazily. “My pretty girl needs a treat for being so good.”
Your heart fluttered, eyes glistening with the devotion you’d never dare to hide. The love that burned with the power of an eternal flame. Settling into his body, you felt his hand drag along the expanse of your thigh. Calming the storm in his mind—a catastrophe you longed to weather with him.
You were the balm to his weathered soul.
A permanent fixation of smoke and ash that surrounded his charred and splintered heart that burned for you.
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crushmeeren · 2 months ago
master list link
༝ ᭝ ༝ just a little blurb, maybe I could circle back and expand in the future? this is kind of all over the place, but i love illumi and this my first hxh work! ༝ ᭝ ༝
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The rhythmic tick of the clock on the wall steals your attention, the murmuring chatter of the other three people in the room muffling as you zone out. It’s mindless, the way your fingers trace over the dark mark sticking out against the conference table like a neon sign. The rich mahogany is smooth, not a splinter in sight.
Your chair creaks when you shift your weight, eyes rolling in annoyance when your foot tingles with pins and needles, the appendage forcing itself awake.
For how rich they are, you’d think the Zoldycks could afford comfortable seats at the very least.
A much larger hand covers your own, halting your repetitive tracing, and you shift your head to the left to be met with your father’s firm gaze, his mouth set in a line. You glance across the table to Silva’s serious expression, then to Illumi’s blank one.
You lock eyes with the younger Zoldyck and something hot jolts in your belly, a deep ache settling between your legs. You linger a bit too long before returning your focus to your Father, who removes his hand from yours. You clear your throat, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet room.
“Yes, father?”
He raises an eyebrow, somewhat amused but hiding it well. “Did you hear anything that was discussed?”
Heat crawls up the back of your neck and into your cheeks, but you manage to keep your features neutral. “No, I’m sorry Father.”
“Silva and I have agreed to allow you to work with Illumi on this mission. We feel it’s best to have you both there,” your Father explains, gesturing towards Illumi. You blink twice, spine straightening, and your pride refuses to let you peak at Illumi and gauge his reaction. You know it’s non existent.
You hesitate, then nod. “I understand Father,” you assure. You turn to Silva with your chin raised. “I’ll be an asset to this mission. I won’t hinder Illumi.”
The soft rustle of Illumi shifting, like he can’t sit still, does not go unnoticed by you.
Silva looks as pleased as he’s capable of and dips his head in acknowledgment. “See to it that you are. Illumi does not fail, and if this mission falls apart, you’ll be the one who is punished.”
“She will not fail,” your Father interrupts, tone sharp at the edges. “She is just as capable as Illumi.”
Your Father and Silva stare each other down for a few tense seconds before Silva concedes, nodding once.
“Very well.”
⇣ ༝ ⇣ ༝ ⇣
“Illumi, fuck,” you moan, tightening your fingers in his soft hair as your lids flutter. Your breath hitches when he sucks the sensitive skin of your inner knee between his lips, intent on leaving a dark hickey. “You know you’re gonna get in trouble if— oh god!” You squeak. Illumi’s teeth bite down harder in an effort to stop you from continuing your sentence. “If your Father finds out, Illumi.” You emphasize his name with a pointed yank to his hair.
Said man’s warm tongue suddenly sweeps up the crease between your pussy and thigh, causing your hips jerk in the direction of his mouth, eager for what comes next.
The dingy white walls and scratchy sheets of the motel bed do nothing to curb the warmth that’s running thick and honeyed in your veins.
Illumi settles fully on his belly, placing his thumbs on either side of your pussy and spreads you apart. He distracted for a split second by how slick he’s gotten you, running his thumb over your pussy before meeting your heavy lidded stare with a bored one. The only evidence of his arousal is the dark pink flush on his cheeks.
And his rock hard cock.
“Why are you concerned with that now?” He asks, tone somewhat annoyed. “You’re aware I’m not bothered by that.” Illumi’s tongue flicks your clit, determined to refocus on the drool worthy sight in front of him. “Don’t you want me to eat your pussy?”
You curse, drawing your knees up and let your thighs fall open as wide as they can. “You know that I do.”
“Then stop whining.”
Illumi’s skilled. He’s precise and to the point, especially when it involves getting you to cum on his tongue. Then he’s in your face, leaving a few inches to separate you as his hair surrounds you, shielding you both from the outside world. When it’s the two of you, the pressure to be perfect fades to background noise.
One hand plants itself by your head, the other gripping the base of his shaft to steady himself. The slick tip bumps your clit, a brief, bright pleasure sparking in your pelvis, and then he shifts down to press forward and slide home.
Your moan is simultaneous with Illumi’s. His jaw clenches tight, eyes pinching together before flashing back open.
“Move,” you command. The assassin, who’s never this compliant, drags his hips back halfway and pushes forward smoothly. The glide is so fucking slick, so fucking hot, and you loop your arms around his neck, tugging until his sweaty forehead lands on yours. The steady roll of his hips builds to a quick pace, the filthy smack of skin colliding filling the room.
Illumi won’t last long. Not after a mission like the one you’d had. It went well, but there was a tremendous amount of fighting, and the tense line of his shoulders shows how worked up he is. He starts to whine with every other breath, dark eyes intense and locked with yours.
Illumi grips one of your legs and shifts it until your knee hooks over his elbow, cock striking your g-spot with each pointed thrust. You cry out his name, pulling him as close as you can despite the awkward angle, and he starts to twitch inside you.
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers in a rush, breath hitching as he catches your lips in a kiss, all the emotion he struggles to voice shining through. He sucks on your lower lip and it’s over, pussy fluttering and squeezing Illumi until he makes a choked off sound, surging forward until his balls are snug to your ass. He cums with a broken moan, and you swallow the noise like you’re dying of thirst.
There’s little fanfare after, just a quiet moment where you hug him tight, prompting him to sneak his hands underneath your back to return the gesture. The embrace is sticky and sweaty, overheated.
Illumi places his forehead on your collarbone, brushes his lips over the swell of your breast and pants as he catches his breath. The knowledge that even someone as cool and collected as Illumi needs a moment to gather himself when he’s with you steadies your thundering heart.
“I couldn’t be bothered to care what my Father’s opinion is. At least, not when it comes to you.”
“Well, that makes two of us.”
Illumi’s quiet laugh is the best thing you’ve heard all night.
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hanasnx · 10 months ago
Indy! What kinks do you think Bruce would have ?
bruce wayne's kinks.
! ── bondage + gags: it's a classic. tying you up and taking control from you is a huge turn on for him. if you have his complete trust, which rare ever do, you'll be able to do the same to him. unfortunately, those pretty silken ropes end up getting worn through way too quick, so you've upgraded to chains so you can ride him like a stallion. however, your headboard creaks a little more each time. when a 200+ man of pure muscle yanks on wood it splinters.
! ── edging + overstimulation + dacryphilia
! ── exhibitionism: part of his bruce wayne persona means public displays of affection are required. however, he enjoys it. getting his hands all over you where anyone could see means he elicits that cute reaction out of you where you hit him and scold him all the while his teeth are on your neck and he's groping you through your dress. the thrill of removing just enough to make sure he can get inside you makes him rip his belt open with fervor, and he's always a fan of a quickie. it's a stress reliever.
! ── breathplay: he's calculative when it comes to breathplay, but more specifically he loves putting his hand around your throat.
! ── size: he's an avid supporter. he thinks it's hot when you get all sheepish being reminded of how big and strong he is. he's got a powerful body he works day and night for, the least you can do is appreciate its every inch.
! ── food play: ever since strippers jumped out of his birthday cake in his twenties covered in frosting and edible bits that he was allowed to lick off he's had a thing for food play. at one point you feel like he's eaten entire meals off of you, he's completely nondiscriminatory when it comes to what he can lick and mouth as long as it's on you. if he's on a cheat day, he lets a scoop of ice cream melt on your skin just so he can clean you himself and watch your poor nipples pebble from the cold.
! ── impact play: chronic ass-smacker, tit-smacker less so, face-smacker even less.
! ── old school panty snatcher: if you put a pair of your used panties in his suit pocket before he goes to work he will play with it all day. stick his hand in there to meddle with the fabric between his fingers while he's talking to his board of directors with the presentation he's been preparing. he gets into the habit of inviting himself to your undergarments, and has been caught multiple times using one of your favorite pairs to jack himself off.
! ── bareback + creampies: condoms are fine he's not an idiot, but there's something about going in raw that draws him in. the extra edge of danger and the intimacy of touching the deepest parts of you bare.
! ── thigh riding: clasping your hands in his for balance while he watches you get off on his thigh. tells you it's like a personal show. he keeps those eyes trained on you with such an entertained grin it makes you whine in frustration, and that's hot too.
! ── threesomes/foursomes: he's done it all. having multiple partners is a testament to his endurance and he loves the praise, but since he's been official with you there is no room for that sort of thing and that's fine with him.
! ── light roleplay: you two have been known to throw the word "batman" around the bedroom.
! ── praise mostly very rarely a degrader
! ── daddy: as far as he's concerned, that's one of his names when it comes to you. in any context you call him that, he swells with pride. one time you visit him while he's in a meeting, not only did you turn every head in the room but when you called him "daddy" accidentally and out of pure habit, he didn't skip a beat. he glances at his companions with a knowing glint in his eye because they should be jealous that the girl they're gonna be thinking about for the rest of the day just called him daddy. he's got no shame about it.
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ladymercysletters · 4 months ago
NSFW Alphabet - Cregan Stark
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Word Count: 2,864
A/N: I have no words, other than I now have many thoughts about sex on furs. NSFW 18+ only!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
As much as he seemed like a solid silent brute when you first met him, upon your marriage bed Cregan was soft with you. Easing you through your maidenhead and doting on you afterwards. He removed the stained sheets from beneath you with ease before returning with wine for you. He cares for you the same every time you finish. Soft touches and demands to the maids that they bring in wine and some food after, tucking you up into the furs from the end of your bed and drifting off to sleep with you.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Cregan often trained with his shirt off. Partly to harden his body to the cold of the north, but also to intimidate his opponents. When he notices you watching him train from one of the wooden walkways he can’t help but put on a show. Roaring as his sword comes down on the shield, splintering it in two; he makes sure to roll his shoulders when his back is turned from you, flexing the muscles that show there. He is most proud of his strength and he loves that you watch him, satisfied that he can protect you from anything and anyone.
When it comes to your body he is in love with every part of it. Your soft hair that catches the snowflakes when they fall, to your cheeks that glow with warmth when you’re huddled up to the fire in the great hall. But he’s most enamoured with your legs. He loves how strong they are from horse riding. It’s the hidden aspect as well; he knows they’re there under all those layers and folds of your dresses. He enjoys helping you out of your clothes in the evening, trailing a hand slowly up your legs, feeling how they grow warmer as they get to your centre. And then the lovely treat between them, only for him to enjoy, hidden.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) - Winter is coming and so is he!
Cregan loves to cum inside you. This is well documented (thank you to every fanfic writer here!) There has barely been a time where Cregan has wasted a drop outside of your body. His favourite place is where he can breed you; the thought of his seed filling you completely and seeing you all round and lovely with his child sends a jolt of something through his spine every time he thinks of it. He loves to see you splayed out for him, your white shift not even fully removed in the haste of your love making, watching from above as your breasts move in time with his thrusts, your face flushing and soft moans pushing from your lips has him doubling over you to make sure he doesn’t spill a drop.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Cregan doesn’t really have any dirty secrets. There’s nothing he hides from you and to be honest, nothing he particularly finds shameful enough to keep a secret. There is nothing shameful in loving ones wife isn’t there? That being said, a blush forms just at the tops of Cregans cheekbones when he thinks of how his hips stutter and the groans roll from his tongue when you rake your nails down his back. That little spot right at the base of his spine, just as the skin of his buttocks gets a bit more sensitive. Right there, if your nails trail down to that spot his hips will stutter and twitch between your thighs.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Cregan has a bit of experience before your marriage, but not as much as most men perhaps. He first lay with a woman when he visited an elder cousin south of Winterfell who took him to their silk streets; and he’s had his share of women when away in battle. Those women always seemed to know where there were plenty of men, and when you think you may die there’s no harm in going out with a bang.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press. Face down ass up. Any way he can bend you and bed you he will. He especially loves these two positions as he can get so deep inside you; flipping you over or propping your ankles over his broad shoulders, both are excellent ways to view his wife in his eyes. If he had to choose, mating press would be his favourite. He once got caught up in the heat of the moment and had to steady himself as he thrust into you. It just so happens that he steadied himself by placing his hand on your abdomen. The shock of feeling the movement of his thick cock inside you sent a bolt straight down his spine. He didn’t last long after that.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Despite Cregan’s initial intentions in looking for a wife, you married for love. He had never met a woman as witty as you. With every sly jab from one of his men at your being from the south, you batted back with a comment of your own – leaving many stumped in response. Cregan loved your sharp tongue and teasing grin as you bounded past him on your horse. When you were wed this did not stop. Your laughter translated to more heated moments, when he has you pressed against a wall and you would tease him for being so eager for you; or when you shared the warm springs and giggled together at the thought of someone finding you in a compromising position.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s a hairy man. But not hairy like a bear, hairy like a wolf – an inverted triangle covering his chest, with a long dark trail leading directly over his navel and into his breeches. His back isn’t hairy at all, much to your surprise, but his forearms and legs display a similar coating of dark brown hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Cregan can be incredibly romantic. His lack of any close family and betrayal by some has left him without really love or intimacy for most of his life. But despite this, he isn’t a cold man. Many a night has been spent sprawled out on thick furs in front of one of the great fires; Cregans body covering yours as he makes love to you. He holds you tenderly afterwards, looking down on your peaceful face he draws a strand of hair away from your face, turning it in his fingers – amazed by the softness. He’s amazed by the softness of all of you. Amazed that you’re his.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He���s got himself off more times than he’s ever prepared to count, lonely nights in the castle or on the road necessitating this. When you wed this wasn’t something he thought he would need to think much of anymore. But during one feast, when you’d both had your fair share of wine, your hand had wandered to his breeches. First a hand on his knee, then higher. Then, just as he took a swig from his cup, over the thin material of his best trousers. Your small hand wriggled inside his trousers gripping him tightly. Cregan looked over at you and thought of how casual you looked, not a mark on your face would suggest where your hand was at that moment. Even as you carried a small conversation with a maid clearing some plates and replacing your wine, your hand continued its smooth movements up and down his growing cock.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Once the immediate delight in coupling with you has faded the first thing on his mind when sharing abed with you was what your children would look like. How good of a mother you would be and how you would look cradling his babe. How you would look growing his babe – all round and waddling through the halls. Curled up in the furs that lay over your bed. He’d make sure to hunt the finest fur he could for your first born, make sure you’d both be safe and warm. As soon as he got that thought into his head it was the only thing on his mind every time you fucked. He’d whisper the filthiest things in your ear about how good you’d look swollen with his child – evidence of you were his, his love.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
Hi favourite place to have you will always be his bed, your shared bed. He loves that you always sleep together – and everyone knows you do. It’s ones of the worst kept secrets in Winterfell that the lord and lady haven’t used their separate bedrooms since they wed. And if Cregan gets his way, you never will.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He can keep quite a good lid on his urges in general. He knows his duty and he never shirks from it; but when you glide past him in the hall to get to your ladies in waiting, when he’s got his mean around him discussing the days business, his eyes flicker up and over to you – and he can see how the bodice of your dress is just a bit tighter than usual, or you’re wearing a lighter fabric over your arms that is practically sheer. Little things like that, that show just a touch more flesh or expose the delicate softness of your neck. Those things just remind him how only he has seen you bare, and it makes him want it again.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s seen some things in brothels he’d rather not have seen. Some men using bodily fluids Cregan would never think erotic and doing things to women that made his stomach turn. He hated even thinking about those things, especially when he was with you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He would live between your thighs if you would let him. We’ve discussed that he is a thigh man but by the gods; having both of your legs over his shoulders, stroking up and down the fat of your thighs as he buries his face in your cunt. He’s so skilled with his tongue. As much as you may expect him to be rough and a bit clumsy, he isn’t with his face. He nudges you open with his nose first before starting off with gentle licks into your core. If/ when he does use his fingers it only when he’s got you absolutely soaking wet and he can feel the tremor in your thighs.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It very much depends on how you’re both feeling. Sometimes he needs to take you slow and soft; tracing his rough fingers over your soft exposed skin and kiss every inch of you. Other times, especially when you’re ovulating and decide to go and watch him train, the two of you barely make it somewhere alone before he’s got you in the air and inside you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not a huge fan of quickies. For one, he doesn’t like having to perform under pressure – not that he can’t! He just likes to savour you. Even if you’re both so desperate for each other and clothes off you both still want to take as long as you like; knowing you can tease each other until you can’t take it anymore or have each other again and again if you wish. The possibilities are endless with enough time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s down for most things but I don’t think he’s one to experiment off his own back. He’s more of a tried and tested kind of guy; if he knows something gets you off he’ll do it over and over. You need to be the one to take risks and suggest new things to try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The man is a beast, and his stamina is that of a hunting wolf. Some nights he can go three rounds, with breaks in between, each one making him more ravenous for you. Even if he just can’t go another round he still loves making you cum, just once more. Kissing up your leg before laying lazily between them as he eats you out so slowly; building your pleasure until you break like a dam one final time.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s not really one for toys; he’d much rather use his own body to pleasure you. That being said he’s not opposed to tying you up. He loves to watch you squirm for him. Maybe once you’re both comfortable enough and Cregan has had time to think about different ways to take you, he uses one of the ties to blindfold you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t particularly get off on it himself; though if you’re into it and he can see how much you’re loving it, of course he’s going to tease the hell out of you until he can get you to cum again and again. He’ll tie you up to stop you touching yourself or reaching out for him and trail a gloved hand over your soft stomach. The leather cool and rough against your warm skin. Cregan loves to watch your muscles twitch and goosebumps raise on your flesh. He loves to go slow when he teases you; the way you get impatient and start begging for him makes him feral.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Cregan isn’t that loud, he’s more of a grunter. He’s a stern rough man and he doesn’t particularly want others to hear him or know what you’re getting up to. But the deep grunts and groans that slip past his lips, getting muffled by your shoulder as he doubles over you, vibrate right through to your very core.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
At your wedding he put his cloak on you, bringing you under his protection and into his family. As a symbol of your marriage and in honour of the fact that your children will carry on his line, he loves to fuck you on his cloak. He lays it out on the bed and throws your naked body onto it – both of you giggling as you know what’s coming next. Its not just about carrying on your line though, it’s the memory of having you laid out for him on there when he wears it outside. Others seeing his cloaked figure as a terrifying symbol of the power and strength of the North; but Cregan also knows that he’s had you screaming his name again and again on it, soaking your scent into the fabric of it. If he risks it he’ll sometime draw his nose closer to the inside of it and inhale deeply.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Cregan is completely in proportion to the rest of his body. His girth always surprises you and, if you’re not prepared, still stings a little. And he’s a good 7 ½ inches, if not more. He can get so nice and deep inside of you; he stretches you out gently at first, making sure you can take him before he pushes into you. If he’s in the right position you can almost feel him at your cervix; he loves to get you into positions where he can feel himself through your stomach, knowing he’s so deep inside you and can breed you so easily.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s very good at controlling himself. His appetite isn’t insatiable – he has duties and responsibilities, and as much as you distract him, he is perfectly capable of holding off. That being said, if you tease him too much; the neckline of your dress lowered to distraction or some particularly lingering touches and soft words, expect a long night later on.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He has the entire weight of Winterfell on his shoulders. As much as he loves to lay and talk with you after a long day, more often than not he falls asleep very quickly. You were talking to him one evening about a letter sent from your cousin in the Riverlands, only to hear soft snores from behind you.
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skywalkerslvt · 10 days ago
Stop thinking about her- cheater!Ellie Williams x AFAB Reader
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❥Pairing: cheater!Ellie Williams x AFAB!Reader
❥Summary: Your ex-best friend's girlfriend approaches you at a party. You don't have it in you to push her away.
❥CW: smut, fingering, tribbing, a bit of thigh grinding, drinking, top ellie, ellie cheats on her girlfriend with you, this is kinda really cliche but idc im having fun, 5.4k words
❥a/n: finals are over SO LETS CELEBRATE WITH A FIC! here's the long awaited cheater ellie fic hope u guys likeeee <3
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You didn’t know how you ended up slightly drunk and under your ex-best friend’s girlfriend. That’s a lie—you knew exactly how it happened, and you didn’t feel nearly as guilty as you should have.
Ellie’s lips were on yours, hot and desperate, her calloused hand sliding up under your shirt like she couldn’t touch enough of you fast enough. The room spun slightly, whether from the tequila or the weight of her body pressing you into the mattress, you weren’t sure. Her knee nudged your legs apart, and you felt her breath hitch when you shifted under her, your thighs brushing against her hip.
You knew this was wrong—knew it deep in your gut—but the thought barely lingered, drowned out by the feel of Ellie’s tongue against yours, her teeth nipping at your bottom lip as if she wanted to devour you. Your cheeks were flushed, skin burning where her fingers traced slow, deliberate patterns along your side. You hadn’t even realized your hands had tangled in her hair, pulling her closer like you couldn’t bear for her to pull away.
The distant thrum of music from the party downstairs was barely audible now, muffled by the closed door and the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. It was someone’s room—a stranger’s, you guessed—but the thought was fleeting, lost as Ellie’s lips trailed along your jaw, down the column of your neck, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
This wasn’t where you expected the night to end. But if you were being honest, maybe some part of you had hoped it would.
Of course, this didn’t just happen. It had been building for weeks, months even—long before tonight, long before you found yourself pressed into this bed with her.
It started years ago, back when your ex-best friend was still your best friend.
The two of you had been inseparable once, the kind of friendship people envied. Late-night texts, inside jokes, and an unshakable bond that felt like it could survive anything. But it didn’t.
You could barely remember what the fight had been about—a crush, maybe, or something equally stupid. What you did remember were the words: sharp, angry, and designed to hurt. And they had. Even after the apologies, after the promises to move on, the cracks remained.
The friendship that followed wasn’t the same. You still saw each other, still caught up over coffee or at mutual friends’ gatherings, but it was stiff, polite. Surface-level. You held onto the good memories, but deep down, resentment lingered like a splinter you couldn’t quite remove.
When you heard about Ellie, it was almost a relief. It gave your ex-best friend something else to focus on—someone else. Ellie was different, not the type you’d have expected her to date. She was quiet but sharp, with a sarcastic edge and a disarming smirk that felt equal parts charming and dangerous.
You didn’t meet her at first, just saw glimpses of her online. Mutual friends posted photos, and then one day, Ellie’s name popped up in your Instagram notifications. She’d followed you. 
Sure you thought she was cute, and sure after creeping her account and finding out you two had very similar interests you thought that maybe if your ‘friend’ hadn’t gotten to her first, you would’ve made a move on her–but that didn’t matter. She was dating the girl who had broken your heart, your trust, and because of that, you and Ellie would never exist in the same world. You weren’t even sure you wanted to exist in her world if she could date someone who had hurt you with such ease. So, you accepted the request–just out of politeness for your sort-of-friend, and to occasionally creep. 
At first, you thought nothing of it. She followed plenty of people in your circle, after all. But then came the likes. It started innocently enough with Ellie occasionally liking music you’d repost on your story, or pictures of animals, but then it escalated. After a few months, the likes came in on everything–on your selfies, your random candid shots, even the pictures you posted to your story. Every time, there it was: a little heart from Ellie.
It was flattering, sure, but also…odd. You didn’t know each other, not really. Mutuals, at best. You debated bringing it up to her girlfriend, but the thought felt petty, paranoid. So you let it go.
Until tonight.
The party wasn’t your scene, but your friends had dragged you along anyway. “You’ll have fun,” they said. “Just a couple of drinks, some music, maybe you’ll meet someone.”
You didn’t. Instead, you spent the first hour nursing a drink and scrolling through your phone, trying to ignore the chaos around you. The house was packed, the music loud enough to rattle your skull, and the air heavy with sweat and spilled alcohol.
You’d just decided to slip out quietly when you felt it—a prickle at the back of your neck, like you were being watched. You turned, scanning the crowded room, and that’s when you saw her.
She was leaning against the far wall, a drink in one hand, her other tucked into her jeans pocket. Her hair was a mess, the way it always seemed to be, and her eyes—those sharp green eyes—were locked on you.
You tried to ignore the way your stomach flipped, the heat creeping up your neck. You didn’t owe her anything. And yet, when she started moving toward you, you couldn’t look away.
“Hey,” she said, her voice low and almost lazy, like she wasn’t fully aware of the effect it had on you.
“Hey,” you replied, forcing yourself to sound casual, though your pulse was anything but.
She smiled, slow and crooked, her gaze sweeping over you in a way that made your skin prickle. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“Didn’t know you even knew who I was,” you shot back, more defensive than you intended.
Her smirk widened, and she took a sip of her drink before answering. “Of course I do. Hard to miss someone like you.”
Your breath caught, but you covered it with a scoff. “Right.”
Ellie’s smile lingered, that knowing glint still dancing in her eyes, but she didn’t push. She leaned back just enough, but not far enough to give you space. It was a subtle move, like she was waiting for something, but you couldn’t tell what.
“Where you headed?” she asked, her tone light but with an edge of something that made you pause.
You glanced away, trying to keep your cool, your heart picking up pace for reasons you refused to acknowledge. “I was just about to leave,” you muttered, not entirely convinced you’d find the door anytime soon.
Ellie arched an eyebrow, as if considering the idea for a moment. “It’s so early, though,” she said, her voice smooth. “Stay a bit. What’s the rush?”
You bit back a groan. She was pushing, but not in a way that felt forceful. It was more like she was testing your boundaries, and you had no idea why you were so willing to entertain the idea.
You shook your head, trying to convince yourself this was all a bad idea. “There’s nothing to stay for. My friends have all gone off with other people. Here, I have nobody to talk to.”
Ellie leaned in just a little, her gaze never leaving yours. “Talk to me.”
It was simple, that invitation, but it hit you like a wave. Talk to her? About what? The last thing you wanted was to get caught up in her world, the world that had been woven into your ex-best friend’s life, but something about Ellie’s words softened the sharp edge of your hesitation.
The inner battle raged in your mind. You knew it was wrong. You shouldn’t even consider it. She was your ex-best friend’s girlfriend. And your ex had hurt you. She’d torn apart a friendship you’d once cherished and now was a distant stranger. There was so much bitterness, so much anger still brewing under the surface, that even thinking about this felt like a betrayal in itself.
But then, there was Ellie; Her confident, nonchalant way of speaking. The way her eyes never left you, pulling you in despite the walls you’d built.
You could say no. You should say no.
But somehow, you found yourself staying. The words slipped out before you could stop them. “Fine. One drink.” Your voice was quiet, guarded, but it was enough for Ellie to smile again, a smile that wasn’t as smug as before, but rather, almost… relieved?
She gestured to an empty corner, and you followed her, reluctantly, a part of you still wanting to walk away. You sat next to her, the air between you thick with unspoken tension. The hum of the party was still in the background, but it felt far away now, like it had no bearing on this moment.
Ellie poured you another drink, slower this time, like she was measuring each movement. Her fingers brushed against yours as she handed it to you, and the electricity that sparked between you was impossible to ignore. You held her gaze, trying to ignore the heat in your chest, the tightness in your stomach. You were overthinking it.
She’s not flirting with me, you told yourself silently. She’s just being friendly. Nothing wrong with that. She’s in a happy relationship, with someone I don’t even care about anymore. But even as you thought that, the doubts crept in.
Ellie raised her glass, giving you a small smile. “To new friends, I guess.”
You scoffed, not sure whether to laugh or roll your eyes. “Friends, huh?”
Her smile didn’t waver. “Why not? You never know.”
You took a sip, eyeing her over the rim of your glass. You weren’t sure if she was trying to be charming or if this was just how she was. Either way, you couldn’t seem to shake the strange feeling settling deep in your chest.
For a long moment, neither of you said anything. You were both too busy staring into your drinks. It was a strange kind of quiet, one that stretched longer than it should have.
Ellie was the first to break it. Her voice was low and warm, just a bit too casual. “So, you’re just gonna sit here, all quiet, or do you actually know how to have a conversation?”
You glanced over at her, eyebrow slightly raised, feeling a sudden tug of defensiveness. “Not much to say,” you muttered, your gaze flicking back down to your drink, as though the glass could somehow shield you from her attention.
She didn’t seem put off by your response, though. Ellie’s lips quirked, and she leaned in just a little, enough that her presence felt a bit too close. “I don’t know… I think you’ve got something interesting behind that quiet thing you’ve got going on.”
Your eyes flicked back to hers, finding her watching you with an intensity that wasn’t exactly friendly. But it wasn’t aggressive either. It was… curious, maybe? Like she was trying to figure you out. And for some reason, that made you a little nervous. You forced yourself to respond, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that she was picking apart every little thing about you.
“I don’t know about that,” you said, the words coming out a little more clipped than you meant. “Just don’t feel like talking much.”
Ellie didn’t take offense. Instead, her gaze lingered on you with that same focused intensity, and there was a playful glint in her eyes now, like she’d caught a glimpse of something beneath your defenses. She leaned back slightly, just enough to give you space, but not enough to make you feel like she was backing off.
After a beat, she asked, “So, what’s your deal? Why are you here?”
You shrugged a little, casting a glance around at the crowded party, the music pulsing in the background, the laughter of strangers bouncing off the walls. “Parties aren’t really my thing,” you admitted. “I was dragged here by my friends. They think I need to get out more.” You made a vague motion to the chaos around you. “And, well, here I am.”
Ellie’s smile softened a little, her gaze flicking from you to the crowd. “Yeah, I get that,” she said. “I’m not exactly the life of the party either. More of a people-watcher.”
You nodded, relieved to find some common ground. The tension between you had started to ease, but Ellie didn’t let the silence stretch too long.
“I mean,” she continued, leaning in just a little closer again, “I guess I can’t blame you for being here. There’s a certain kind of energy to the chaos, right? But, uh, it doesn’t seem like you’re soaking it in.”
“No,” you agreed with a small laugh, “I’m definitely more of a ‘watching from the sidelines’ kind of person.”
Ellie grinned, her eyes glinting with mischief. “Good. Makes you interesting.” She paused. “Most people here? They’re just noise. But you? You’ve got a vibe.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you tried not to let the compliment throw you off, but the way she said it, like she was really seeing you, made something warm unfurl inside you. “I don’t know about that,” you said, shifting awkwardly. “I think I’m just trying not to get caught in someone’s conversation I don’t want to be in.”
“Fair enough.” Ellie leaned back in her chair, giving you a little space. But she kept her eyes on you, observing. The quiet between you two felt comfortable now, and you couldn’t help but wonder how long this easy connection would last.
Before you knew it, Ellie was pouring you another drink, making conversation about your shared interests, your friends, family–anything and everything, really. You drifted from one topic to another, carried by Ellie’s easy charm and your hesitant curiosity. She had a way of drawing you in, her words casual but laced with something deeper, like every sentence was an invitation to unravel her. And you hated how much you wanted to take it.
She asked about your life—what you did, what you liked—and you answered in half-truths, skimming the surface but never diving too deep. You didn’t trust yourself to let her in, not when her very presence felt like a betrayal. But Ellie had a way of making you forget your reservations. She listened like every word mattered, her green eyes locked onto yours, her body angled toward you as if no one else in the room existed.
Somewhere between your third drink and Ellie’s story about a disastrous road trip she’d taken, you felt yourself relaxing. Laughing, even. You caught yourself leaning closer, your fingers brushing hers when you reached for your glass, and you knew you should pull back. But you didn’t.
The party had started to wind down. The music was softer now, the crowd thinning out as people either left or found places to crash. The room felt quieter, more intimate, and you were acutely aware of how close Ellie was sitting, her knee just barely brushing yours.
You know,” Ellie said, her voice quiet, almost thoughtful, “you’re different from what I’ve heard about you.”
Your stomach twisted at her words. She had heard about you through someone? Your ex best-friend must have been talking bad about you. You raised an eyebrow, confused. “What do you mean?”
Ellie’s lips curved into a sly grin, her voice dipping lower, a touch of mischief in her gaze. “I don’t know… I figured you’d be more, I don’t know, standoffish? Maybe a little harder to talk to.”
You tried not to let the thought of your ex-best friend—Ellie’s girlfriend—saying things about you to the admittedly attractive girl in front of you. But the old, familiar annoyance still simmered beneath the surface. Instead, you leaned in a little closer, your lips pulling into a teasing smile as your head buzzed from the alcohol. “Guess I’m full of surprises, huh?”
Ellie’s grin widened, but there was a flicker of something else in her eyes, something that made you wonder if she knew exactly what you were implying. “Yeah,” she said, her fingers brushing over the back of your hand where it rested on the table, sending a jolt of electricity up your arm. “You’re way more interesting than most people.”
Internally, you slapped yourself. What the hell are you doing? This was a mess—flirting with your ex-best friend’s girlfriend, someone you didn’t even know that well. But another part of you, the part that still held a grudge against your old friend, didn’t care. What’s one more mistake? You could blame it on the booze tomorrow. 
You shrugged, trying to play it cool. “Maybe I’m just good at keeping people on their toes.”
Ellie didn’t look away. She leaned in a little closer, and you could feel the heat radiating off her. The air around you seemed to hum with tension, thick and electric.
Ellie watched you for a moment, her lips curling into a slow, knowing smile. “It’s really crowded in here,” she said, her voice dropping to something quieter, more intimate. “I saw a quiet room upstairs. Wanna go?”
You froze, your breath catching in your throat. Was she—was she hitting on you?
No. I’m overthinking this. It’s just a quiet place. That’s all.
You forced a smile, trying to play it cool. “Sure, why not?”
You both stood up, and as you made your way upstairs, your mind was racing. Am I reading this wrong? She has a girlfriend. What am I doing? But then, in the back of your mind, you reminded yourself that you weren’t doing anything wrong—yet.
The room upstairs was quieter than the chaos downstairs. It was dimly lit, the soft hum of distant music floating up from below. You both settled on the bed, and Ellie’s proximity made the air feel heavy with tension.
You leaned back slightly, trying to shake the nervous energy crawling up your spine. “So, uh, what now?”
Ellie’s eyes never left you, her gaze intense, like she was trying to figure something out. She leaned in closer, close enough that you could feel the warmth of her breath against your skin. “We talk, I guess.” She gave you a half-smile, then added, “But I’m kinda tired of talking.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and your body tensed as she reached out, her fingers brushing your arm lightly. “What are you saying?” you asked, your voice a little shakier than you meant.
Ellie’s lips quirked up at the edges as she leaned even closer, her eyes darkening. “I’m saying you’re way more interesting than this room. And I think I want to know you better.”
You swallowed, trying to keep your composure. This is insane. She has a girlfriend. Why is she doing this?
“Ellie…” you breathed, unsure of what you wanted to say, your mind spinning.
She cut you off, her lips ghosting over yours as she whispered, “Tell me to stop.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and the words stuck in your mouth as her lips hovered just above yours, barely brushing against you.
You blinked, feeling a mix of confusion and desire. What about her girlfriend?
You pulled away just slightly, your voice shaking. “What about her?”
Ellie’s eyes flashed with something unreadable. “What about who?”
You hesitated, biting your lip, the words slipping out before you could stop them. “Your girlfriend.”
Ellie paused for a moment, her gaze flicking to the side, before meeting your eyes again. “You really want to talk about her right now?”
Your heart pounded in your chest. You looked at her for a moment, all the weight of the situation crashing down on you. Then, finally, you shook your head. “No… fuck it.”
And just like that, Ellie’s lips found yours, and everything else faded away.
Ellie kissed you with a desperation that made your head spin, her hands framing your face as if to keep you from slipping away. Every rational thought dissolved in the heat of her touch, leaving nothing but the electric hum of her lips on yours and the weight of her body pressing you into the bed.
Her hand trailed down your side, hesitating just briefly before slipping under your shirt. The warmth of her palm against your bare skin sent a shiver racing through you, and you arched into her touch despite yourself. This was wrong—every fibre of your being knew that—but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not when Ellie kissed you like you were the only thing keeping her tethered to the ground.
She pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, her green eyes dark with something you couldn’t quite place. “Tell me to stop,” she murmured again, her voice low and almost pleading.
But you didn’t. Instead, you tangled your fingers in her hair and pulled her back down to you, your lips meeting hers in a kiss that left no room for hesitation. Ellie groaned softly against your mouth, her grip on you tightening as if she couldn’t get close enough. It was intoxicating, the way she touched you, the way she made you feel like you were on fire from the inside out.
The world outside that room ceased to exist. There was no party, no ex-best friend, no girlfriend—just Ellie and the dizzying, reckless pull of her. Your mind screamed at you to stop, to think, to pull away before this went any further, but your body betrayed you at every turn. When her hand slipped lower, fingertips grazing the waistband of your jeans, you gasped, your breath hitching in your throat.
Ellie paused, her forehead resting against yours as she caught her breath. “You okay?” she asked softly, her voice tinged with concern that made your chest ache.
You nodded, swallowing hard, though your heart was pounding so loudly you were sure she could hear it. “Yeah,” you whispered, your voice barely audible. “I’m okay.”
Her lips brushed against yours again, softer this time, as if she were giving you the chance to stop her. But when your hands slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, she took it as the permission she’d been waiting for.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew this wouldn’t end well. This wasn’t a story with a happy ending—there was too much history, too many tangled emotions, too many people who would get hurt. But for now, with Ellie’s lips on yours and her body warm against you, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about anything else.
For now, it was enough.
Ellie’s lips moved to your jaw, trailing kisses down to your neck, where her teeth scraped lightly against your skin, making you shiver. Your head tilted back instinctively, giving her more access, but even through the haze of alcohol and desire, a thought pushed its way to the surface.
“Ellie,” you whispered, your voice trembling. Her fingertips slipped under your waistband, her fingers grazing the bare skin of your hip, but you pressed your hands against her shoulders, trying to gather enough strength to speak. “Aren’t you—are you sure you're not worried about your girlfriend—?”
Before you could finish, Ellie’s teeth sank gently into the sensitive curve of your neck, drawing a gasp from your lips. She sucked at the spot, slow and deliberate, before pulling back to meet your gaze. Her green eyes burned with an intensity that made your breath catch, her lips brushing against your ear as she murmured, “Stop thinking about her.”
Your stomach twisted at her words, torn between the guilt gnawing at the edges of your conscience and the heat pooling low in your belly. Before you could respond, Ellie’s hands gripped your hips, pressing you firmly into the mattress as she kissed you again, hard and demanding. When she pulled back, her voice was low and rough, the hint of a smirk tugging at her lips.
“I’m only worried about getting your clothes off right now,” she said, her words sending a shiver down your spine.
Her teeth found your neck again, biting just hard enough to make your head spin. Each mark she left felt like a brand, a reminder of the line you’d already crossed and the point of no return you were hurtling toward. Her hands roamed over your body, her touch both possessive and reverent, and for the moment, you let yourself forget everything else.
Ellie’s lips found the edge of your jawline, trailing kisses down to your collarbone, where her teeth sank just hard enough to send a jolt of heat straight to your core. Her hands were everywhere at once, caressing, gripping, claiming you in ways that left you breathless. When her fingers hooked into the waistband of your jeans, tugging them down, you lifted your hips to help her, the denim peeling away like it was the last barrier between you and the inevitable.
She tossed your jeans aside, her gaze raking over your body with an intensity that made your skin flush. “Fuck,” Ellie all but groaned, her voice thick with desire as her hands found your thighs, her thumbs brushing over your skin in slow, teasing circles. She looked at you like she was savoring every inch of you, and it made your chest tighten in ways you didn’t fully understand.
Her hoodie and tank top were gone in the next heartbeat, revealing the lean, taut muscles of her torso. Your hands moved on their own, sliding up her stomach and over her chest, feeling the way her body tensed under your touch. Ellie groaned softly, leaning into your hands before claiming your lips again in a kiss that was all teeth and desperation. Her body pressed you into the mattress, her thigh slotting between your legs, and the friction made you gasp.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” she muttered, her voice low and rough as she shifted her hips, the pressure against you making your breath hitch. Ellie’s hands found your panties next, tugging them down slowly, her green eyes locked on yours as if daring you to stop her. You didn’t. You couldn’t. When you kicked them off, she followed, shoving her boxers and jeans off in a single, hurried motion until there was nothing left between you but skin and heat.
Ellie lowered herself onto you again, her thigh pressing between your legs with just enough pressure to make you moan as her wet pussy grinded against your thigh. She captured your moan with her lips, kissing you deeply as she began to move, her body grinding against yours in a rhythm that made your toes curl. Her skin was warm, slick with a thin sheen of sweat, and the way her muscles shifted and tensed against you was mesmerizing.
Her hand slipped down your torso, playing with your breasts before continuing their path between your thighs. Her deft fingers swept up your slit, collecting the wetness before circling your clit with just the right amount of pressure. You cried out at the touch, hips bucking wildly against her hand as she slid two fingers inside your tight heat while her thumb rubbed at your clit.
“You like that? Yeah you do–that’s a good girl. Take my fingers like a good girl,” Ellie praised as her fingers quickened their pace, the wet squelching of your cunt filling the room as her fingers pistoned in and out of you. The pressure between your legs was building fast–faster than it ever had with anyone else. God, was this girl some sort of sex god? 
Before you knew it, your orgasm washed over you, your pussy gushing and fluttering around Ellie’s fingers as you moaned out her name. Her fingers slowed, hips still moving against your thigh as your chest heaved in an attempt to catch your breath. 
After a beat of silence, Ellie cleared her throat. “Are–are you oka–”
You cut her off, pulling her face to yours and crashing your lips against hers in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. “Want more, Els. Want you to ride me,” you mumbled against her lips, mind still hazy with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Ellie closed her eyes, resting her forehead against yours as a guttural moan left her lips. 
“Fuck. Y-yeah, alright. I’ll make you feel good, baby.”
And with that, her hand slipped under your back, lifting your hips to angle you just right as she lowered her dripping pussy onto yours, your slick aiding her as she slowly rocked her hips against yours–testing the waters. When you moaned and bucked upwards, grabbing her hips and pressing them harder against yours, she began to rock against you with more purpose. The friction was electric, the pressure building with each movement as her body pressed into yours. Your legs tangled with hers, pulling her closer, needing her in ways that felt both primal and impossible to articulate.
Ellie’s lips found your neck again, her teeth scraping and biting, leaving marks you knew would last for days. “You like that?” she murmured against your skin, her voice dripping with confidence and desire. When your hips bucked against hers in response, she chuckled darkly, her grip on your waist tightening as she thrust her cunt harder against yours, the friction on your clit all too much.
The sensation was overwhelming, her body perfectly aligned with yours as you moved together. The slick heat between you only made it easier, your bodies sliding and grinding in perfect sync. Each roll of her hips sent sparks racing through you, the pressure coiling tighter and tighter in your belly.
Ellie shifted slightly, one of her hands sliding down your side to cup your hip, guiding you against her. “Fuck, you feel so good,” she groaned, her voice cracking with need. Her other hand tangled in your hair, pulling your head back so she could kiss you deeply, her tongue sliding against yours in a way that made your head spin.
Your nails raked down her back, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as the tension in your core built to a breaking point. Ellie must have felt it too, her movements growing more erratic, her breath hot and uneven against your neck.
“Come for me,” she murmured, her voice low and commanding. “Let go, baby. I’ve got you.”
Her words sent you spiraling, the heat and pressure exploding all at once as your body arched against hers, a cry spilling from your lips that she silenced with a deep, searing kiss. Ellie followed moments later, her body shuddering against yours as her grip on you tightened, her breaths coming in harsh, uneven gasps.
For a long moment, neither of you moved, the room filled only with the sound of your labored breathing and the faint creak of the mattress beneath you. Ellie’s body was heavy and warm against yours, her skin slick with sweat, and you found yourself clinging to her, your fingers tangled in her hair as you tried to catch your breath.
When she finally lifted her head to look at you, her green eyes were soft, vulnerable in a way that made your chest ache. She didn’t say anything, just brushed a strand of hair from your face before leaning down to kiss you again, slower this time, as if savoring the moment. She pulled away, gazing up at you softly. 
Ellie’s fingers brushed your jaw, her touch softer now, almost hesitant. “Was it… good?”
You let out a breathy laugh, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the question. “You seriously asking me that right now?”
Ellie grinned, but the lightness didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Just making sure,” she said, voice softer this time.
A silence stretched between you, thick and heavy. You could still feel the heat of her against you, but the moment had shifted—tilted into something more fragile, more dangerous.
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to sit up, the cool air biting at your skin. Ellie watched you, her expression guarded now, like she was waiting for you to say something. Maybe waiting for you to break the spell.
You ran a hand through your hair, trying to steady your thoughts. “We shouldn’t have—”
Ellie sighed, pushing herself up on her elbows. “I know.” But there was no regret in her voice, only something dangerously close to satisfaction.
You should have left it at that. You should have gathered your clothes, walked out of that room, and never looked back.
But then Ellie reached for you again, her fingers catching your wrist, her touch warm and grounding.
And despite everything—despite the guilt, despite the consequences waiting just outside that door—you didn’t pull away.
Not yet.
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Tags: @sevyscoven
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months ago
hey, a Kendratello Au question:
if Donnie DOES manage to somehow recover from Kendra and realize that he was being manipulated and used by her, will he develop some kind of trauma or PTSD? Or something probably worse than that?
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Draxum works in tandem with Leo to watch over Donnie’s health. But Leo let’s Draxum take the lead. They’re more worried about the immediate concerns, like Donnie’s fever, and mental health. His ninpo will grown stronger once those things are addressed. Splinter is pulled in five different directions. Donnie is his main focus, but Raph, April, and Mikey are ignoring their own health and need to be watched closely as well. He’s trusting Draxum in the first few days, and provided support where he’s better suited. They will all be needed at some point. Splinter knows this will be a looooong recovery, and keeps trying to remind the others that they need to rest too.
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They weren’t that bothered by the idea, when Kendra pitched it. But seeing how wrecked Donnie became, they started to feel bad. Which is why, when the family saves Donnie, Jeremy and Jason grab all of Donnie’s tech and find Raph to return it. Jeremy even grabbed S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s AI chip and removed all of Kendra mods. Donnie will still have to rebuild him, but he will be just like before.
When Raph brings Donnie his shell, Donnie’s thoughts are “at least I’ll have some protection when I irritate them too much.”
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cockslutpadalecki · 10 months ago
There Is A Heaven, Lets Keep It A Secret
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Summary: The owner of the brothel you were sold to only offered you to the ghoul in the hopes it would frighten you. To stop you from trying to run away. You weren’t meant to actually like it.
Characters: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x F!Reader.
Words: ~1K.
Warnings: ghoul fucking, what else can I say? Mostly PWP, some initially unintended angst, 18+.
A/N: Dedicated to the queens that are @sweeterthanthis & @likedovesinthewnd ❤️ Not beta’ed so all errors, spelling mistakes and general bullshit are entirely mine.
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The smell of leather and day old blood used to turn your stomach. But as Cooper slams his glove over your mouth to keep you quiet, your gut rolls with something that’s so far removed from revulsion, it makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Pavlovian instinct or not, warmth blossoms in your core, and flames take root in your veins until all you can feel is unmistakable heat.
“Ssh sweetheart,” he coos in Texan above you. “Can’t have them knowin’ you like it. You wouldn’t want me to stop comin’ around, would ya?”
He doesn’t need your affirmation in words. The way your cunt pulses around him is more enough to tell him what he already knows.
The ghoul was only meant to scare you into staying. To put you in your place.
But the more he keeps coming back, the more of the man beneath the irradiated skin shines through.
Initial terror morphs into adoration and some nights, when the raiders decide to get a little rough, you find yourself hiding inside your head— fantasising that it’s his hands on you instead.
But the fantasy only lasts briefly. Cooper Howard would never.
Unless you ask him nice and pretty.
You stare up at him, his eyes lost in the way your breasts bounce from the force of his thrusts. He ruts into you with abandon, the loud slap of his hips against your ass echoing around the room. The obscenity makes heat creep up your spine, and settle thick beneath your cheeks.
You can’t have anyone knowing that these moments are all that keep you sane.
“Maybe it ain’t gonna be your mouth that reveals your truth, after all, honey,” Cooper observes with a husk.
A free hand slides up your writhing body, and a gloved thumb runs circles over your pebbling nipple. Your back arches at the contact, forcing your hips up. His stare catches yours over the top of leather.
“There you are, little Jet,” he smiles.
Cooper lifts your leg over his shoulder, the contrast in depth steals the breath from your lungs. He notices— must see the way your eyes widen as he slides back inside you, right up to the root. Your hand flies up, tightening your grip around his wrist.
“Right there, huh?” With another brash smile, he presses his lips firm against the inside of your knee. The kiss sends pulses of electricity firing straight to your core.
Fuck. If there was still a God, you’d pray.
There was a part of you that used to hate how easily he managed to unravel the components that make you weak.
But hate fast became a need. Now you welcome it. Crave it.
Your stomach lurches with heat the moment his pace begins to quicken. Everything suddenly heightens around you— heartbeat and all five of the senses— and it’s evident your end is close to catching you.
“You gonna give me what I came for, sweetheart?” His voice is gentle, but his actions are not.
You nod. You’d give him your fucking life at this point.
His hand slides off your mouth, settling loosely around your throat like a necklace. “Wanna hear you beg.”
You lick your lips wet, the words, “Please, Coop,” hissing quietly through your teeth. Just loud enough for him to hear.
He smirks. His free hand finds its way between your legs without a second thought, and the roughness of the leather against your sensitive clit is everything you need to tumble over the edge.
Cooper clamps his hand back over your mouth, hurrying to stifle your scream as you splinter beneath him. Stars swell, bursting into bright white behind your eyes just as the tremors start off in your thighs. Euphoria claims you for its own, and by the time you’re finished, your entire body is shaking with delirium.
He stares down at you in awe, hips snapping to a rhythm that has you keening into the palm of his glove. Leather and blood encompass you. Your body ripples from the weight of Cooper’s body against yours, your name wrapped up within his lips as he surrenders to his high.
When he moves out from between your legs, you’re too fucked out to pull him back in. Every inch of you needs him back.
You hate this moment the most. The awkward silence before he has to leave. And as he glances at you over his shoulder, tipping his hat in your direction like the goddamn gentlemen he still is beneath the surface, you feel a twinge in your chest.
“Until next time sweetheart,” he drawls thickly.
You flash him a small smile. “I’ll be here, Coop, just like always.”
And just like always, you’ll be counting down the days like it’s fucking Christmas.
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