#How am I supposed to NOT see this as shippy content
crookedfivefingers · 5 months
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Doctor Who - 'The Forgotten' - Vol. 2
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kalfui · 7 months
as someone who's aroace myself, I...really do not like all the sexualized content of Alastor. or the romantic content tbth. it is deeply off-putting to me. like idk, yeah I get that ace people can still have sex, that aro people can still be in romantic relationships--but as someone who's sex-repulsed AND romance-repulsed, it's. uh. idk, it made me happy to think of Alastor as the same. (my favorite joke reason I've seen for why Alastor vanished for seven years is "Vox confessed to him and Alastor is so romance-repulsed that he had to leave for seven years to get over it." bc SAME. I know it's not canon but I like pretending it is.)
I do kinda ship him in a QPR way with some characters (after he finally figures out that he is aroace), bc I was in a QPR for a long time (with someone who wasn't even aroace himself) and people so often just...didn't get it, didn't get that it was platonic but also different than "just a friendship", and so I am projecting my experiences on Alastor a bit lmao. putting my favorite aroace character into my own lived experiences. Alastor can experience the same frustration I did as everyone around him is like "wdym you're not dating, you hold hands and cuddle, there's no other interpretation of that!"
but like...most of the shippy content I see written or drawn with Alastor is romantic and/or sexual. at best, if it even acknowledges that he's aroace, it's just to justify the shipping with "well SOME aroace people are romance-positive/sex-positive!" people could, at the very least, take this opportunity to explore and try to understand QPRs, relationships that don't have sex or romance and are platonic but are also not "just friendship", but I see like. almost none of that
I'm.. completely tired of the aroace people can still date stuff. Hey, if you're gonna ship him and erase representation, at least admit that you're taking away a canon part of him, and don't act like it's canon he'd date or have sex, he is most likely sex repulsed and romance indifferent or repulsed. The fact that I see people debating this is absolutely crazy to me, do people need everything spelled out for them? Did they need to write Alastor looking disgusted by some sexual remark someone makes and then looking into the camera and saying how he feels repulsed by sex, and how he doesn't care for romance or doesn't like it either?
I'm not too familiar with QPRs since I only found out about them some time ago, but I've seen people say that he's in a QPR with this character or that character and then just, write sexual stuff? I don't know too much about QPRs like I said, but I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to be? I mean, there's a reason it's platonic, and it seems that a lot of the time people are just using QPRs to not get attacked when they ship Alastor with someone.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Been getting back into Star Trek after binge-watching it with my dad as a kid, and stumbled across the - ahem - "encounter" between Data and the Borg queen in Star Trek: First Contact. (I really didn't remember those scenes like this lmao.)
Soo, being a Data fan who does find him very aesthetically pleasing, I went to look for shippy fanfics involving those characters, and I gotta say, I was really surprised to find a total of 3 fanfics on AO3 that have their tag, and also just a few on FFnet, and none on a fanfic site in my language (then again searching stuff there is a fucking nightmare because people really aren't too great at tagging stuff accurately).
I hope this doesn't come across as whiny and complain-y, I will probably write about them at some point, once I'm past starting a new semester at university and have more time.
Basically just came here to say that I am quite surprised that there are such few fanfics about them (or that I'm just too stupid to find more, which is very likely lol), since they're technically temporarily canon, and I wonder if it's just because of the context and its kinda sorta dubious consent or if it just happens to not be on that many people's minds and there not being too many people who like the ship enough to write about it. (I am guessing the latter, since I also don't write about stuff that I don't think about heh.)
(Then again, I do tend to ship rarepairs and often pairs that are considered problematic for whatever reason, and where shippers get shit for shipping and writing fanfics. Though I don't know if this particular pairing is considered terribly problematic or not. Have read youtube comments on their scenes, and many people there absolutely despised their scenes and found it disgusting that there weren't more comments saying the scenes were disgusting lol. Also, kinda unrelated, but one of my favourite ships is Hotch/Reid from Criminal Minds, and I just recently read that there are quite some people on reddit who hate that ship because "bla healthy father figure bla - he's his dad not his daddy - bla" and use nasty words to describe shippers, but I am very glad that there are lots of fun fanfics for these two nonetheless, ha! :D)
Sorry for babbling for so long, it's half past one, and I should stop rambling at your inbox and get some sleep. Have a nice day/night!
Ahahaha. No, it being problematic is not why.
It's far, far more likely there's none (or none that's easily findable) because the bulk of the fandom activity around TNG was around later seasons of the show. Maybe the Riker/Troi and Crusher/Picard shippers were more into early seasons, IDK. But a sequel movie that lots of people didn't even like or didn't even see is not going to be the source of the big ships in a TV fandom.
On top of that, a lot of the shipping patterns get set relatively early in a fandom. Sometimes, a character shows up later and changes the fandom a lot (Methos, Castiel), but often, many fans stick with how they saw things towards the beginning of canon.
Adding to that is the fact that the number of fic writers in 1996 was vastly smaller than now. Spaces also weren't always set up to accommodate rarepairs or rare fandoms. A lot of archives and lists were topic-specific, and that topic could be one single juggernaut ship.
If there was fic, I suppose it was probably on Usenet or a mailing list. The great era of fannish archives was in the 00s. This movie came out in 1996. Perhaps we even grabbed a relevant list in our attempts to save yahoo groups' data, but it's definitely not going to still be up with an easily googleable set of contents.
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acollapsar · 2 months
i usually don't like to talk about certain characters or ships i don't like in an overly negative way because i honestly see no point in wasting my energy on hating a certain ship when i can spend that time loving my otp instead. however, i'm having a bit of a rough time with filtering on tumblr and i really need to vent... so, i guess if you're a sebac*el enjoyer... don't read?
i'm so insanely tired of going into sebastian's tag on tumblr and be so overwhelmed by all the sebac*el fanart. and what sucks even more is when i see a piece of art of the two of them that i perceive as non-shippy and simply just.... you know, them, in the same manner yana would maybe draw them (which many people would call 'suggestive', yet what i would refer to as just sebastian being possessive over his dinner. i know, i know, this topic is a debate in and of itself but it's not what i'm here for today).
but that is exactly it. that's what pops into my mind whenever i see that type of art of them; ociel being on display, more or less, and sebastian patiently waiting for his dinner to be ready. i don't know if i'm making a lot of sense, but i HOPE people get what i mean; an artpiece that i don't perceive as shippy, but shippers do (i know not all sebac*el shippers are the same, so don't throw that at me - i'm talking about the general degeneracy some seba*el shippers does have).
i see artpieces like that, thinking they look super freaking cool and pretty and i want to reblog them - until i read the tags and they're tagged with their shipname. suddenly i'm so turned off from reblogging it because i don't ship it so i don't want those kinds of artpieces on my blog. maybe the artpiece isn't even meant to be shippy, but the op still tags it as that to reach a wider audience. but how should i know? i don't want to reblog something really pretty that i didn't think of shippy at all, only for it to be intended that way by the op.
now, i'm well aware that art is INCREDIBLY subjective. if i see an artpiece like that and i don't think it's shippy, that should be well but enough for me to reblog it and call it a day. i don't care what other people think of me either if they saw that on my blog and saw the tags on the op post and somehow thinking that i ship it or whatever. but what i do care about is my own immersion. if i look at an artpiece that i do not perceive as shippy, but am told via the tags that it actually is, then my immersion is broken.
people can post whatever they want, i don't care. i try to blacklist certain tags to the best of my ability as it is, but more often than not certain posts slips through the cracks anyways, and i just feel very disappointed.
you can ship whatever you want, and as long as i don't have to see it (hence my tag blacklists) if it happens to be a ship i strongly dislike, i really don't care what you ship. i am also in no single way trying to imply that great artists are "wasting their skills drawing something i dislike" - absolutely no fucking way. but it still doesn't change the fact that i get this sense of disappointment every time i see a really pretty artpiece of the two of them that i want to reblog, only to find out that it's supposed to be shippy.
this isn't even anybody's fault, except tumblr's website because you just can't properly filter out things you don't want to see. it's not the artists fault this website is shit, and it's not even my fault for feeling the disappointment that i do (even if it might make me come across as a little bit entilted just because i'm expressing my own disappointment with the amount of awesome fanart i see that turns out to be something i strongly dislike; it's just that it happens so much and so often that everything piles up within me after a while).
all i want is to be able to browse tags without having posts slip through the crack - whether they're something as trivial as fanart pieces, or even something really triggering type of content.
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A smidge late but of course I gotta jump in for CubScar Week! Day 2: Redstone/Terraforming. Cub asks Scar for some help with maintenance out at Total Chaos. This one's not particularly shippy, just a couple of kisses at the end. :3c
Cubfan135 whispers to GoodTimeWithScar: Hey are you free? I need some help out at Total Chaos.
Cub put his communicator back in his pocket and continued making a circuit around the perimeter of Total Chaos while he waited for Scar to arrive, making sure every dispenser had enough of the appropriate contents. He'd just finished and jumped down in front of the entrance when Scar came into view, and Cub took a casual step to the side as a flame arrow embedded itself in the wall only inches above one of the many boxes of fireworks. Well, that could have gone poorly, thought Cub, and wondered how big the resulting explosion might actually be.
"Dang it!" complained Scar, landing a few feet away and putting away his bow as he approached. "Maybe I really am losing my touch." He frowned at the arrow, looking more despondent than Cub wanted to see.
"There, there." Cub patted Scar's arm. "'Hotguy' or not, you'll always be a hot guy."There, that was better, he thought as a smile returned to Scar's face.
"So what do you need help with?" asked Scar. "Is it terraforming? Please tell me you need some help terraforming and you're finally going to cover up whatever all of this is," he said, gesturing at the rows upon rows of exposed redstone parts.
Cub laughed. "Not today my friend. Come with me." He led Scar inside and up the scaffolding to the arena. "Stand over there," he said, pointing at a corner.
"I already don't like where this is going," sighed Scar, but moved over anyway.
"Hah, I'm not Grian. Feel free to dodge anything that comes your way," said Cub. "It's encouraged, actually. ...Did you set your spawn? Eh, doesn't matter too much," he shrugged and went back down the scaffolding, hearing a splash potion break open and a surprised yelp from Scar. He went back to the redstone lines outside and began his inspection.
Group? buzzed the message from Scar on his communicator, and Cub put in his earpiece. "Cub, there are scary things in here!" complained Scar immediately as soon as Cub was in the call. "How long am I supposed to stand here and not die? I can't see a thing!"
"Ah, whoops. Meant to give you a night vis," said Cub. "Can you move to the east?"
"Which way is – okay, got it," said Scar, and Cub moved down the line at roughly the same rate he assumed Scar was, keeping an eye on the redstone lines as he did so.
"So far so good," said Cub. "When you get to the next corner wait a sec while I check some things."
They made their way around the entire arena that way, and once in a while Cub stopped to make an adjustment to the redstone. He listened without much comment as Scar rambled about whatever came to mind, punctuated by the occasional yelp or complaint when he took damage from arrows and potions. "Shulkers, Cub? Really??" Cub smiled to himself at how indignant Scar sounded. "Great, now I'm levitating, and I'm going to oh geez there is lava, Cub, there is lava above my head and I'm headed right towards it! Cub!"
"You'll be fine if you only got hit once or twice," said Cub. "It should wear off right about - " There was a short scream and a thud over the com. " - Now."
Scar groaned, more annoyed than hurt. "You suck. I hope you know that."
"Yep, I do now, I guess," said Cub, and frowned at a repeater that was in the wrong position. He put it back as it should be before continuing down the rest of the wall and back to the entrance. "Okay, you can come out now." He put his earpiece away and met Scar at the scaffolding.
"What was even the point of all that?" asked Scar, rubbing at his arm and following him outside. "Just wanted to make me suffer?"
"Wanted to make sure all the redstone was stable," said Cub. "And you can break any contraption just by being in the vicinity. It's a great stress test."
"What? I do not!" argued Scar, sitting on the nearest shulker box.
"Yeah? How's that storage system working for you?"
Scar opened his mouth, closed it again, and settled for crossing his arms and pouting. "Rude. Okay, maybe – maybe! - you're right, but still. Rude."
Cub laughed. "Hey. Scar."
"What?" he grumbled. Cub leaned over and kissed his cheek, and Scar blinked. "...Nope," he said after a beat. "Still mad."
He wasn't, and they both knew it, but Cub rolled his eyes and kissed him properly anyway. "Better?"
Scar pretended to think for a moment. "One more," he said, "and I want lots of cuddles tonight."
"Unbelievable. I'm being scammed," said Cub, and leaned in for another kiss.
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raichett · 2 years
For writing prompt- something about Grian and Zed’s Tango-wrangling adventure. Or something shippy with Team ZIT regarding the same shenanigans?
Oh, I am always up for some Team ZIT content!
This flash fic can also be found on AO3 here.
Tango comes out of his AFK state to see Impulse’s big grin and mirthful eyes leering at him. The next thing he’s aware of is how wet he is, stranded at the top of a bubble elevator in the shopping district, the Entity off to the side and below him.
Tango does not have a particularly composed reaction to his newest predicament: he squawks, flails, and nearly falls out of the bubble elevator, Impulse’s booming laugh echoing in his ears as his much-larger boyfriend grabs him with his much-larger hands and hauls Tango back by his shoulders.
“Oh, they got you good, didn’t they?” Impulse says as he rights Tango, helping him in his quest to pull himself out of the bubble elevator and onto the surrounding glass blocks, steadying him so he doesn’t slip.
“I don’t even know who they are,” Tango grumbles as he squeezes water out of the bottom of his jacket – his trousers he gives up as a lost cause – and gazes around the evening light filtering through the shopping district. “Heck, but whoever it was, they really did get me,” he says, his chest filling with equal parts awe, confusion, and humour as he pulls out his communicator to see the time, reading his new list of advancements in the notification window. He flips it around to show Impulse. “How’d I get all these advancements while AFK? Better yet, why?”
“Oh, well, just to see if it could be done, I think,” Impulse answers. A smile is lingering around his lips.
Tango narrows his eyes. It’s such a Hermit answer, is the thing. There are so many things on this server that are done just to see if it’s possible and Tango has hardly been any exception to that in his time as a Hermit. “You know who did this.”
“You mean who made you the most efficient and productive AFK-er yet?” Impulse asks. “I might know a little something-something.”
Tango scrolls through the list of advancements as he waits out Impulse; his boyfriend really, really wants to spill what he knows, so Tango’s not going to ask and instead make Impulse impatient enough to say it first. “Uh-huh…” He squints at the screen, glances around, and comments, “So I guess all this was for Great View From Up Here?”
Impulse practically vibrates next to him. Tango swallows a smirk. “Yep.”
“And I suppose Grian’s doorman shulker was utilised?” Tango asks, tilting his head down at the Entity and watching Impulse from the corner of his eye. He shivers; the evening chill is creeping in, and he’s still pretty wet. “Stupid question, the answer’s obviously yes. C’mon, let’s go to yours – I want to warm up and get dry.”
“I’ll message Zed,” Impulse says as Tango sorts out his elytra. The thing can fly even when wet, thankfully, but he still takes the time to squeeze water out of the thick membrane. “Oh – quick response for Zed – he said he’ll meet us there.”
Zedaph is notorious for getting caught up in his eccentric experiments and not seeing messages for hours. Tango narrows his eyes suspiciously; giving people advancements while AFK, especially hard to get ones, sounds like exactly the type of challenge that Zedaph has been setting for himself all season.
“Then let’s go,” Tango says, firing a rocket and taking off, Impulse right behind him, as they soar over to his base. He winces in the frigid blasts of air, the wind cutting cold with the sun so low on the horizon. Impulse sees him shiver, reaches out a hand, and Tango takes it. His boyfriend’s fingers are scorching hot where their fingertips meet, just far enough apart for their elytra not to tangle.
They swoop down and land on the grass, Zedaph waiting outside with a mischievous grin and a golden trophy in his hands.
“Heard you’ve been a busy little bee, Tango!” he says as they walk up to him, Impulse back to shifting eagerly beside him. “Must be hard, doing a whole lot of nothing. In fact, you should be awarded for it!”
Zedaph thrusts out the trophy and Tango reads it, amused.
Awarded For Knothing
It takes Tango a moment to parse the acronym as AFK, and then he snorts, laughing. “Only you, Zed,” he says, taking the trophy in exchange for a kiss. Impulse is chuckling next to them.
“Well, to be fair, Grian helped a bit as well,” Zedaph says, beaming. “I had major shenanigans going on and who better to ask than our resident pesky bird, yeah?”
“And very fine mischief the pair of you got up to,” Tango says, impressed. Hermits don’t do anything halfway, and that includes mischief. “You should beware, by the way. You know I volley back whatever you serve up.”
Zedaph laughs, not even nervous. “Oh, I know,” he says, taking Impulse’s hand to bring them into a group hug, unminding of how wet Tango still is. “I look forward to it.”
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
i have a question, as a fellow Orbot and Cubot fan, how do you feel about most recent content showing all egg man's robots as his children and them all being siblings? i like it for metal, belle, and sage, but i don't know about Orbot and cubot. also i get worried about shipping them? i totally shipped them before frontiers but after sage referring to them as her brothers idk how to feel. i joke that cubot is a "brother in law", but idk how long canon will allow us to ship them before it gets weird. anyway, just wanted to know your opinion! thanks!
I'm not the biggest fan of the fanworks showing Orbot and Cubot as siblings/Eggman's kids, personally. Nothing wrong with it, never was, just not my thing. As for the canon stuff...honestly? I don't think it's as big of a deal right now as people worry about.
When I first heard the news I hadn't seen all that far into Frontiers yet (it was only a day or two old at this point), so all I knew was from seeing someone i follow saying "well shit theyre canon brothers now guess im not shipping them anymore" out of nowhere. Which. Without any context. Did make me a bit afraid at first.
But later I saw what was actually said in game and realized...this is just some kid trying to learn what a family is supposed to be, and what her family would be compared to that, with her father figure basically going "yeah if you say so i guess". This is not Orbot and Cubot calling each other siblings. They aren't even there to call Sage their sibling. Sage is trying to connect the relationship of inventor/invention to parent/child, which, while functional sometimes, is not an accurate assumption 100% of the time.
I am an extremely firm advocator for how relationships involving sentient robots has very different rules to organic beings. A robot and their creator can have a parent/child relationship, sure, but they could also be a couple, siblings, friends, enemies, literally any relationship to each other should they choose. The parent-child dynamic could even be swapped, with the robot taking the parental role and the creator being their child (they've done this in the Sonic franchise already, see Mombot and Eggman from Sonic Boom). Same goes for multiple bots of the same maker. Partners, families, anything. And one robot seeing the creator as a dad doesn't mean the other robots made by that creator have to see them that way too. I feel like this especially applies to things on the scale of Eggman's robots. He's made thousands, if not millions or even billions of robots. At that point it's more like a whole race/species/community/something on that larger scale than one single family.
I also have a distaste for the "all eggman robots are siblings and are kids of eggman" thing especially when it gets used for ALL Sonic universes, not just the modern universe? For example, if you apply that to Boom, you get some...uncomfortable clashes with some canon relationships (see: Cutebot & D-Fect, Mombot, every time Cubot hits on another machine, probably other things I'm forgetting)
Anyway. Obviously I have a lot to say on the topic, but in the end...who cares? I don't see them as siblings, I probably never will, regardless of what canon does to 'em. None of my shippy art or writing will ever have them as siblings, and I assume the same of all that I reblog. I've been here on the cuorb/cueball train for years, other people have been here even longer than me. Definitely a whole lot longer than Sage's little throwaway 'brothers' comment in Frontiers, or Orbot's 'big bro' gag in Rise of the Wisps.
If those things make the ship feel icky to you when it hadn't before, and you don't wanna ship it now, that's fine. Sure, it sucks when a ship you love doesn't work out, but it's not your fault canon threw a curveball at you. Sometimes that ball hits you in the gut hard, makes you feel sick. You can hit it right back - choose to ship it anyway, via au or canon divergence or whatever else - but there's no shame if that ball hits you hard enough that you gotta sit out the rest of the game.
So, my final verdict?
Just do what you want. It's more fun that way.
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blue-ravens · 3 years
Charles Emerson Winchester III
hahahaaaa okay let's go
favorite thing about them
that he's an idiot. an insufferable, boorish, opinionated oaf. a big obnoxious stupid idiot that i would probably fight in a mcdonald's carpark at 3am with a hockey stick. listen. he is complicated and flawed and nuanced and frustrating and really really interesting. is he evil, unrelentingly arrogant, petty, and self-serving? yes! is he well written, well played, and well layered? YES! a thousand times yes! i do not wish to know how he would have turned out played by a lesser actor, and frankly i don't have to because for six seasons and a movie we got a gift every single episode. he is unlovably lovable, and that's his entire charm, a particularly expensive gourmet fungus that grows on you. i tune in every time to see what secondhand embarrassment, well-timed pratfalls, and existential angst he's going to put me through next. dignity. ALWAYS dignity.
least favorite thing about them
no i will not excuse his crimes. his crimes are still a facet of his character and can't be denied or hand-waved away. being a product of how he was brought up and being a product of the time are a reason, never the excuse. the blatant racism and sexism he does get called out on when the plot demands it, and to be honest i wish it went further in him acknowledging how much he fucked up, and doing better.
favorite line
"Each of us must dance to his own tune."
"then let me be more succinct"
"I want to thank you both; you've made me realize what going home is all about..."
'brOTP' as a concept is not something i really grasp, but if i had to say which non-shippy/platonic dynamics i really enjoyed the most, i'd say it would be with kellye, and with potter. behind the scenes it's just so obvious that david and kellye had a great relationship, as well as the one he did with harry, and it *showed*.
and i mean if you wanted to get technical about the term, his overprotective big brother relationship with honoria is possibly one of the best things about him. :D
i am not going to pick which is my number one true pairing because i don't need that negativity in my life. is it charles/donna? is it charles/hawkeye? is it charles/donna/hawkeye because renewable polyamory technology is ready to go whenever?
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d) all of the above
i think 'nOTP' has unnecessarily harsh connotations, and i don't want to go throwing the hate around. but if there's a pairing i can't ever get into, it's charles/klinger. sorry, but it's really not for me.
random headcanon
post-canon he gets glasses? he is 6'4" of bitchy ace trans man? his sister sent him tom lehrer records as a joke? he bullied jfk in high school?? idk. okay uh. the brother who died was his twin and was NOT called timmy.
unpopular opinion
i have... a few. hm. how do i put this. i have experienced some, i suppose you could say... unwarranted and aggressive discourse to the idea that he can be read as ace-coded, or hell, even bi(romantic)-coded. i'm all for living and letting live in fandoms, but at times it's like anything suggested to be outside of the so-called gay-straight dichotomy is met with some contention, and i'm honestly not here for that. it's not a theme i'm seeing in this fandom per se, just here and there from a few blogs. i am not saying it to start anything, but i haven't not noticed it.
song i associate with them
'red heart' - hey rosetta!
'left and leaving' - the weakerthans
'what the water gave me' - florence and the machine
favorite picture of them
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sebastard69 · 3 years
Post-Endwalker Thoughts
I finished the msq, I took a nap, I am ready to put my thoughts into words.
- Hythlodaeus and Hades are in love, and like that's not just me being shippy. Objectively, they are very much in love. Their demeanor with each other on Elpis alone said as much, but the fact that they both narrated your arrival on Ultima Thule? The fact they're both summoned? The fact when Hythlodaeus said he hoped you met again in another life, Hades only said he wouldn't be happy about it not that he wouldn't also be there? Just. Yeah. And it all kind of drives home the fact that Hades was trying to do the Rejoining just so he could see Hythlodaeus again. I am so glad they're reunited at last, I'm so happy they can drift through the aetherial sea together finally. It might not be how Hades wanted to be reunited, but at least they're together.
- Speaking of, though, I suppose you could argue that the person Hades loved was Azem - and while I have no doubt that he did love Azem, it wasn't romantic, and Azem certainly was not who he worked so hard for. The goal was to have Zodiark resurrect all those who had given their lives to bring him forth, and Azem was not among them, proven simply by the fact we possess a sundered fragment of Azem's soul. Did Hades love Azem? Of course, he loved all his friends and all his people, and wanted to bring back the world they knew because he loved them, but it wasn't his main driving force imo. Hades was friends with Hythlodaeus, Azem, Venat, and Hermes, and of those four, only one of them is a possible love interest given that information. Azem and Hermes were sundered, and Venat became Hydaelyn, ergo the person Hades loved was- IS -Hythlodaeus.
- I'm glad Meteion didn't die. Like I was really worried that was going to be the only option, that we'd have to find a way to completely and permanently end her, and that wasn't what she deserved. She was as much a victim as anyone else, completely powerless against the sheer magnitude of sorrow and resignation from the stars she visited. I'm happy she's able to live on, and I kind of hope she's in future content or at least talked about. Don't forget her! Remember her, like you remember the ancients.
- Hydaelyn's fight was really cool, I enjoyed it, and it showed me that I was RIGHT about trials being able to be done with a Trust, so @ squenix trust trials when???? The cutscene after was incredibly emotional, of course, and I am so, so, SO happy Venat finally gets to rest. Also like, what is it with people crying when the WoL says their name? First G'raha, then Venat. Oof ouch ow my heart.
- the Aitiascope mcfucked me up I did NOT expect those ghost weapons and also the buff Haurchefant gives you is called "together forever"??? OW??? Gasped so sharply my partner thought I'd hurt myself, nearly died in the boss fight cuz I cried.
- ok I know the scene with Asahi is not meant to be funny but I could not stop laughing because literally the reason he's so pissed off at Amon is because Amon betrayed Zenos. THAT'S IT!! Like yeah the body possession irked him, but the fact Amon used his body to betray Zenos is what made Asahi homicidal and that's so fucking funny to me idk
- I knew the Scions were going to be ok, especially after Y'shtola mentioned Azem's creation magicks, but the entire sequence through Ultima Thule was fucking painful and I spent the entire time sobbing my fucking eyes out.
- Glad to see Fourchenault stopped being an insufferable asshole
- The quest where you go around and spend time with all your friends before setting off for Ultima Thule was really pleasant and soft I liked that. Plus, Urianger got drunk.
- So Emmanellain and Sicard are totally a thing right? Like they're totally a thing. 100% a thing. Good for them.
I'm sure there's more somewhere in my head but I'm still drained and also only managed to get 3 hours of sleep so this is all I got for right now. This expansion was so good in every aspect, and I really enjoyed it. I'm excited to play the patches when they drop, and even more excited to see the direction Yoshi P takes 7.0!
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - cdrama edition
This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2020; if I had to make a post about all the cdramas I watched this year, I would still be doing it in three months...
Overall it’s been a fairly decent cdrama year (certainly better than the very lacklustre kdrama year.) It’s no miracle that 2019 was (so many excellent dramas!) but overall pretty solid.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
44 The Legend of Jing Yan - the worst cdrama I have seen this year, and possibly the worst drama of 2020, period. The hero and heroine were both uncharismatic, incapable of acting and saddled with such shrilly moronic characters, the only suspense was how they haven’t both perished long since from forgetting to breathe. Nor was anyone in the rest of the cast much better; the screenplay was written by a lower mammal and the cinematography was the best a third-rate wedding cinematographer could offer. Stay the HELL away from this one.
43 Unicorn Girl - the only unicorn about this bland yet irritating piece of pap was the fact that I was supposed to believe the leads are hockey players.
42 Autumn Cicada - I like spy stories, Allen Ren, and Republican Era settings. I can tune out Communist propaganda with the best of them. Yet, the propaganda ate the story to such a degree that there was nothing left; pre magic change Pinocchio was less wooden then this narrative.
41 You Complete Me - no you do not.
40 Skate into Love - the only positive thing I can say about this is that at least it’s better than Unicorn Girl, if for no other reason that only one of them is supposed to be a hockey player.
39 Irreplaceable Love - how do you make a story about fake siblings with a mad mother falling for each other boring? I don’t know, ask the makers of this.
38 Eternal Love Rain - I hate to rain on their parade, but these two actors cannot act, have about as much chemistry as a piece of bread, and are trapped in a story perfect for entertaining the mental abilities of the leads of Jin Yan.
37 For Married Doctoress - ummmm, you could do worse I guess. It only made me break out in mild hives. The sadistic ending did make me laugh though.
36 Dance of the Sky Empire - why you get Xu Kai and waste him in this insipid mess of a story is beyond me.
35 Love Designer - it’s inoffensive except to my sense of entertainment. There is nothing wrong with it but oh God is it bland.
34 Love a Lifetime - It felt like a lifetime watching this, but I didn’t love it. The story is incoherent, the actors have no chemistry and it’s all an epic waste of time.
33 Love is Sweet - so sweet it gave me diabetes. I like Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, but there is literally no plot. I don’t need to sink into a plotless morass to watch pretty people engage in PG-rated make-outs. I am an adult with access to stronger stuff if I am thus inclined, though to be fair they could get x-rated and I still wouldn’t be able to sit through so many episodes of plotlessness for that.
32 Fake Princess - I love Zhao Yi Qin, but the guy needs to pick better projects. The female lead in this one has the voice and personality that can strip paint but the story is also doing nobody any favors.
31 The Changan Youth - I lost my brain checking this out. I had to go and read a dense treatise on medieval coinage or Mayan farming to try to recover it.
30 My Dear Destiny - kinda cheesy fun. It honestly shouldn’t be as low except it really feels like community theater.
29 Handsome Siblings - why is the Nic Tse version so good and this one so bad? True mystery for the ages. Chen Zhe Yuan is the sole reason this isn’t lower, because that kid tries SO HARD to make this drama bearable and almost succeeds. I can’t wait to see him in Sha Po Lang which actually will give him something to do.
28 In a Class of Her Own - see my comment on The Changan Youth. But at least Song Weilong is gorgeous to look at.
27 General’s Lady - inoffensive, pretty and so utterly pointless.
26 The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion - those two leading actors are a no go to me but at least they considerately acted with each other instead of ruining two dramas for me. It’s very pretty though.
25 Jiu Liu Overlord - it’s a mess and I bailed, but I placed it this high merely due to the fact that Lai Yi finally gets a leading role and he’s sexy as fuck and I am shallow. Whoever styled Bai Lu should never work again except at a circus, however.
24 Cross Fire - not my genre and Luhan will always look too much like my cousin for comfort, but it’s a surprisingly gripping and dark drama. I liked it!
23 God of Lost Fantasy - if you want to watch a mediocre wuxia/xianxia, this is not a bad choice. Probably better than Legend of Fei actually, because at least it doesn’t have an A-list cast to waste and gives us Sheng Yilun himbo and shirtless.
22 Renascence - the insane cuts (it went from 70 eps to 36!!!) made a fairly cheesy story into a total mess. But I had a good time until I finally bailed mainly because of the male lead (Chen Zhe Yuan yet again carrying a not-good 2020 drama on his shoulders; the guy should be nicknamed Atlas) and the insane but in a fun way story. The female lead (both the character and the actress) were not up to par but oh well.
21 Legend of Fei - only this high because objectively there is nothing I disliked it. But there is nothing I liked either. The most uninspired drama on the list. If you could eat cardboard, this is what it would taste like.
20 Ever Night 2 - compared to EN1, it’s a waste of film. On its own merits, it’s not very good (the cast replacements are uniformly inferior and Dylan Wang is so wrong for Ning Que I cannot even put it into words; the script is useless.) But it had some parts I loved so very VERY much (all the shippy stuff was perfection) so I don’t feel too bitter.
19 Castle in the Sky 2 - a lovely if not too complex fairy tale. It is inferior to its prequel because it doesn’t have Zhang Ruo Yun who elevated it, but it’s still a solid bit of fun.
18 The Great Ruler - it’s very high fantasy, very pretty, and surprisingly involving.
17 (tie) Legend of Two Sisters in the Chaos - the secondary couple steals the show but the rest is not too bad if not too involving.
17 Legend of Awakening - a solid bit of fun with a seriously BDSM streak (theme this year apparently - but come on, the lead’s powers only activate when he’s in extreme pain!) It’s a bit generic and the costuming is done by a blind person, not to mention the OTP is a NOTP, but the rest of relationships (romantic and platonic) are wonderful (I live for the found siblings story in this one) and I like most of the characters.
16 Consummation - a rare modern cdrama I liked; a sweet coming of age story (and love story) even if wrapped in a pretty weird virtual reality concept.
15 Oops the King is in Love - this is how you do a low budget, sweet, silly piece of fluff. Our heroine pretends to be a eunuch and crosses paths with a powerless young king and they are adorable, even more so than the drama.
14 Song of Glory - pretty solid, though draggy and I didn’t love the toothpaste filter. But A+ cast, excellent leading couple chemistry, Li Qin being a BAMF and a leading man (Qin Hao) who is actually an adult.
13 And the Winner is love - objectively kind of a mess (and the heroine has the brainpower of a gnat), but the OTP chemistry is excellent and Luo Yunxi fighting and flirting with a fan as finally a leading man is worth the price of admission.
12 Miss S - snazzy and snappy and stylish and whatever else starts with S.
11 Eternal Love of Dream - I don’t know if it would work for you as well if you weren’t a hardcore shipper for this OTP in Three Lives but I was and this was such a darling, wonderful, shippy delight; plus I love this type of high fantasy.
10 (tie) Maiden Holmes - solid and sweet and a wonderful OTP. Proves that functional doesn’t have to mean boring. If you watch one cross-dressing drama this year make it this one.
10 Qin Dynasty Epic - srs bsns history epic. I am not far into it but it’s so good and smart and visually stunning (if you love battles, this one is for you.)
9 Love Lasts Two Minds - I adored this so much more than I should objectively have, but it’s so beautiful (and no I am not just referring to Alan Yu’s face) and the OTP has wonderful chemistry and the story is solid, and the whole trope of her memory being wiped but falling for him all over again while he’s constantly and utterly devoted is a fave; plus he’s in pain and semi-dyng for most of it so sluuuurp (happy ending, don’t worry)
8 To Love - yes, a modern drama is this high! But it involves intensity, tragedy, genuine adults and sexiness that is Lin Gengxin. And there is an actual plot and darkness OMG!
7 Legend of Xiao Chuo - so beautiful, so fun, so full of gorgeousness of Shawn Dou. Plus, Liao is a rare setting for a cdrama and there are a lot of characters and stories I liked a LOT. Less ship content than I wanted but more than I expected.
6 The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so so delightful. I was literally laughing out loud. I have no idea if it will work as well if one isn’t a seasoned watcher of period cdrama/reader of web novels, with bonus for watching/reading Goodbye My Princess, but it was a complete delight for me (and yes, I shipped for real, as well. Best of both worlds.)
5 Twisted Fate of Love - Jin Han gets a leading period drama role! And he’s enjoying it to the hilt, excellent as a smart, twisty bastard who is also charming and so madly in love with heroine. Sun Yi is beautiful and tough and her chemistry with JH is on fire, the story never drags, and it’s so twisty and fun and just awesome.
4 Love In Between - the most underrated drama on this list. It has no big names or big budget, but it’s wuxia that’s clever, driven, tragic, hopeful and so beautifully shot. Three separate (amazing) OTPs, a leading man who is so not typical (a doctor who cannot fight and who never acquires this ability) and who is intense and smart and damaged, a heroine who puts her quest ahead of her emotions, an unhealthy degree of involvement by yours truly. This is a drama Fei should have been.
3 Love and Redemption - such a lovely, addictive, utterly romantic fairy tale. I was obsessed with it for a reason. All the tropes you love and some you didn’t know you did, a star-crossed OTP to the nth power (and a secondary OTP I hardcore love), a twisty yet coherent plot, some insane chemistry and so much whump and hurt/comfort they must have bought blood packets in bulk.
2 Go Ahead - yes, I can’t believe it either. A contemporary slice of life cdrama made it this high on my list. But the way it feels so real, the found family perfection, the characters I love and loathe, the perfect cherry of a wonderful OTP that hits my narrative kinks on top, and just a perfect storm of loveliness all around with this one.
1 The Wolf - is that any surprise to anyone who’s checked out this tumblr for the last couple of months? Tragic, intense and gorgeous; so romantic and angsty and passionate it made me lose my mind (though some of it was gone the moment the camera panned to Darren Wang) - all my favorite tropes and then some; this is a drama that may not be perfect but it is 100% and then beyond perfect for ME.
The Wolf - I have seen objectively better cdramas; even this year. But it has been literal years since I have been this hardcore obsessed, this utterly pleased, this emotionally catered to and devastated at once. A beautiful dark fairy tale that manages to own me despite the storytelling gaps due to censorship, it took me for one of the biggest emotional roller coaster rides of my drama watching career. Visually gorgeous, poetic, intense, and so romantic it took my breath away, this is not just my favorite cdrama of 2020, it’s my favorite drama this year period, and the one cdrama this year to make it into my permanent Top 10 cdramas list.
Legend of Jin Yan - see my write up for it for why as I refuse to waste more time on this stupid mess.
Wolfie, The Wolf - he is such a haunted, tormented, complex, dark mess; loving and violent, severely damaged and with a hidden yearning softness, longing and aloof. And the amount of charisma and sheer masculine sex appeal Darren Wang brings to the role is insane and not something I see much of in a cdrama. Plus, that character arc with its rapid fall and slow painful redemption is A++++
Runner Up:  Sifeng, Love and Redemption - has a male lead ever loved more utterly and selflessly, suffered more thoroughly and beautifully, and managed to have such chemistry with both his leading lady and his leading man (that his leading lady temporarily turned into) at once? The answer is no.
Almost made the cut - Feng Xi, Twisted Fate of Love, Han Shuo, The Romance of Tiger and Rose, Qing Ci, Love in Between.
Xiao Qian, The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so funny, so much the reason this drama was such a delight. I adore her beyond words.
Murder Daddy, The Wolf - I am sad the censors robbed us of seeing him die on screen. He was fully human but nonetheless managed to be the worst monster in a drama full of literal ones.
Ling Xiao’s Mom, Go Ahead - I hate her so much I don’t want to look up her name. She abused the kid, the disappeared and came back to abuse him some more. I mean she literally gave her child mental health issues. She is the WORST.
Xing’er x Wolfie, The Wolf - are you kidding me? Who else could it ever be for me? They destroyed each other and saved each other, sworn enemies and childhood lovers, soulmates and epic messes, they couldn’t live with or without each other. The longing, the passion, the intensity, the angst, the epicness. LIKE THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!
Si Yuan, Shen Manqing, Love in Between - I loved them as much and often more than the main OTP. So much angst and passion and a happy ending! She is a seeming sect darling (except the sect is horrible and also sexist so her only worth is as a marriage candidate) and he’s an information broker who is actually one of the members of a destroyed sect that’s blamed for the massacre of her family. That chemistry and yearning is insane. The scene where she touches his face when he’s unconscious was in serious running for my favorite scene of 2020.
Legend of Awakening - I have never seen a couple that didn’t just have no chemistry but exhibited actual revulsion towards each other before watching Chen Feiyu and Cheng Xiao try to act as lovers in this one. It was almost entertaining to be honest.
It’s a tie and both are from The Wolf. One is a sequence where Wolfie marches to the walls alone, seeking death at Xing’er’s hands and the whole sequence with the battle and rescue follows. The other is the intercut between Xing’er going to her wedding and Wolfie going to his execution, and the auto-da-fe being intercut with her wedding.
Wolfie, The Wolf - Ummm have you seen this tumblr lately, it’s basically a drool shrine to the man.
Yelü Yansage, The Legend of Xiao Chuo - I have loved this actor since The Myth and he continued to competently steal every scene he was in.
To Love - come out of the coma, dammit!!!!!!!
The Wolf - duh. It started out as 59 eps and got cut to 49. I reaiize some stuff is never gonna get put in due to censorship, but some of the stuff that got cut got for time reasons because they were deluded and hoping to get a TV broadcast so ep count had to be under 50. I mean I doubt the censors would care if they kept scenes of Wolfie building her a swing or whatever. I really really want a director’s cut the way Goodbye My Princess did even if like with GMP it’s only three extra eps. Hell, I will take extra three minutes, as long as those three minutes are Darren Wang shirtless or with a sword. Ahem.
The Song of Glory - it’s a fairly solid drama but honestly it didn’t need to be as long as it was and kind of got draggy and I got lost interest. (I could have gotten snarky and said all the dramas I didn’t like needed scissors taken to them in their entirety but decided to play nice.)
There are a number of dramas I could complain about with regard to this (hi there, darling The Wolf!) but this award goes to Renascence - poor Renascence was never going to be a masterpiece, but it had the potential to be a bit of good cheesy fun until it had its run time cut by more than half and became an incoherent piece of insanity.
Dumb shrill innocent heroine who can’t tie her shoes - see basically all the cdramas I didn’t like this year.
Male lead torture - I mean it’s always open season on that in cdramas, but between Love and Redemption, The Wolf, Love Lasts Two Minds, Love in Between and so on, it was a banner year!
Legend of Fei - what a waste of that cast; what a waste of our finite time on this Earth. What a waste of my intelligence to hope for something better and stick with it for a dozen eps. I have had stale wonderbread that had more personality than this drama.There is absolutely nothing that stands out about this drama in any way,  from half-dimensional characters, to actors who are sleepwalking, to a plot that moves at the speed of an arthritic snail, to uninspired cinematography and direction, to lack of any chemistry between anyone in the cast. If paint-by-numbers was done by a group of particularly linear robots, it might come across the same way as this drama.
The Wolf - honestly, I did not expect it to come out AT ALL EVER let alone to become my favorite drama of 2020. I was not familiar with the leading man (hahah), I liked Li Qin but wasn’t yet obsessed with her, and Xiao Zhan was excellent in The Untamed but I was hardly going to follow him from drama to drama (and I don’t do SLS any way.) And the trailer was enjoyable but unlike seemingly everyone, I didn’t think it was going to be some epic masterpiece. And then it came out and while it wasn’t objectively an epic masterpiece, it pulled out all the favorite tropes, shippy and narrative kinks from the deepest darkest recesses of my id. And I fell harder than I have in years. 
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
Novoland Eagle Flag and Joy of Life - they are in my Top 10 dramas from anywhere now. They are quite different except being smart and giving me protagonists to obsess over.
ETA: Also The Untamed because @idlewilds3 pointed out I actually watched it in 2020 even though I didn’t think so because this hellyear has lasted about three decades.
I am gonna limit it to dozen and leaving out ones that aren’t necesarily supposed to air next year (Joy of Life 2, Love in Flames of War, Novoland Princess from Plateau.)
Monarch Industry, Novoland Pearl Eclipse, Silk Washing Stream, Dream of Changan, Sword Snow Stride, Wu Xing Shi Jia, Ancient Love Poetry, Immortality, The Long Ballad, Mirror Twin Cities, The Imperial Age, Fall In Love
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claracivry · 2 years
Hello Clara! I've got a little question for you, since I'm very curious about it: what do you think of Eddie and Steve as a couple? Do you like them together? just wondering, I swear I come in peace, too many people fighting over silly stuff like this lately, I feel the need to clarify ahahahah
ps: I love your whump fics by the way, I had to tell you!!
Hi, anon!!
I'm glad you like my whump fics!! It's my favourite genre and brings me so much joy, I'm glad there's other people enjoying it :)
Now, my thoughts on Steddie 😬 I come in peace too! Please don't shoot! I hope I don't get cancelled and lose all of my readers but. When I first saw the show, I didn't see it. As a metalhead who doesn't date, I saw Eddie and was like "hell yeah why be into boys or girls when you can be into heavy metal 🤘🤘🤘🤘"
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with the ship, but there's something about the shipping community that bothers me, is almost aggressive? Like going "if you don't like this ship you're either blind or homophobic!!!" is something that I profoundly dislike, like it's okay to have your ships but don't step on other people?? I think the fact that you have to say "I come in peace" in this message perfectly illustrates that. There's a lot of discourse and I hate discourse so so much. So yeah, that bothers me.
If you read me, you probably see that I love gen more than any ship. I wrote that much about umbrella academy because it was a bunch of siblings and ships were never central to the story or the fics. I sometimes love a very popular ship (Geralt and Jaskier in the Witcher) and other times I don't see it/ship it (Johnlock from way back in superwholock times). Is very rare for me to get reeeeally into a ship, so when the whole majority of fics is eaten by ships, it kinda bothers me, too.
And this was a thing before Eddie in this fandom, too! I would go to try and find some Jonathan whump and it would be all Harringrove where Jonathan was mentioned in one line. If all the whump fics are about feelings and romance Imma be pissed, I can tell you that. And this happens a lot with Steddie, I will see a promising fic about Eddie being sick and it'll be all couples fluff and romantic feelings. Does everything have to be romantic?
Also, I am a little petty bitch. Seeing gen fics getting two kudos and something very similar get two hundred because it has Steddie bothers me. I don't think it's fair. And again, the discourse, like you said, the fighting, is annoying. We write content because we want to have fun, right? It's not supposed to be a lesson in morality, Jesus. (That's why I love rarepairs, there's usually zero discourse)
Without all the drama, I think Steve and Eddie could be cute. I like the notion of Steve never having thought of boys in that way but being unable to tear his eyes off Eddie. I like the poor guy x rich guy thing, and how they could idk explore what each other's lives have been like. And let's face it, they're hot. They're friendly. Could be nice but sadly, the whole... vibe around it just bothers me.
And also, the fact that there's so little whump without Steddie. Like I said, petty little bitch.
So yeah, them as couple? I don't ship it, but the couple is cute. But the actual shipping community has ruined it a bit for me. If there's anyone out there who feels this way too, I would love to chat!
Thanks for asking, hope you don't mind my long and non-shippy answer! And I sure hope people continue to read me despite this :/
Clara out ;)
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talkcloneshipstome · 3 years
I stan spite writing, and in support for the revolution might I request Fox/Dogma? Any prompt would be cool, I just love giving the boys content
Oh, man. I’ve never written Fox before, to my knowledge, and I know I haven’t written Dogma at length, either. This didn’t turn out super shippy and is sorta angsty, so forgive me for that, but I am pleased with it. I also just chose a word from you ask that stuck out to me, so I went with “cool”. I hope you like this!
They’re used to cool weather. Kamino as a rule is never particularly hot. It can get warm, and the temperature comfortable, especially when the sun is shining. But that would require the sun to shine, so perhaps those days are fewer and further between than they are at first thought. Perhaps Dogma just never spent much time outside before being shipped out.
He’d been one of the younger batches; his training sped up and considered complete earlier than the previous batches had been. For a while, he’d thought perhaps that was something to be proud of. He knows now that it really just made it easier to produce more soldiers faster when the Senate offered up more money.
Dogma tries not to think about it now.
It’s been a month — less, maybe, since he was transferred. Since Umbara. Since Krell.
He shouldn’t still be here. Dogma shouldn’t be alive. After all, he disobeyed orders and he killed a Jedi. He killed their commanding officer. If he hadn’t been decommissioned, he knows he at least should have been reconditioned. Even if his body continued to live, his mind should be gone. He should be someone else now.
But he’s not.
Dogma doesn’t know how or why, but instead of being sent back to Kamino, he was transferred into the Coruscant Guard. He was carted off of Umbara in handcuffs and handed over to Commander Fox upon their arrival on Coruscant. The blue on his armor (which he hadn’t technically gotten back anyway) was traded for red. He was assigned a bunk in a room with four other men who didn’t talk to him, and that was that.
It’s been an adjustment, working here on the streets of the capital rather than fighting on the front lines. It’s both less and more dangerous. Less droids shooting at him, but more hostile glares thrown his way just for daring to be what he is.
Dogma can’t decide if this is supposed to be mercy for what he’d done, or punishment worse than what Kamino could give him. Not that anything could be worse than being turned over to the Kaminoans. He’s not stupid. He’s heard about the experiments.
A shiver runs down his spine.
He’s off duty right now. Sitting in his bunk all alone with nothing to do and nothing to look at is boring, and joining the others in the common areas isn’t all that much of an option. They’re still warming up to him. Still deciding if they should name this stray loth cat or not, he supposes. After all, he might not cut it, and then where will that leave him? Dogma doesn’t really know.
And besides, he’s marked. Everyone knows what he did. No one wants to talk to him. He almost got two of his brothers killed, based on orders from a general Dogma himself shot.
No, it’s best he doesn’t join them.
So he sits outside, where the weather is cool. It’s raining, actually. It’s almost like Kamino, except that the rain isn’t as clean. Doesn’t smell quite the way that ozone smells like in the stormy days on their home planet.
Not that they have a home.
He doesn’t expect it when a door opens to his little “rooftop”, or when boots on the duracrete approach and pause before a body plops down next to him.
“Hey, kid,” the brother says. Dogma glances to the side, somehow unsurprised to find Fox there.
He’s the only person who hasn’t treated Dogma like the leper he is. Fox smiles at Dogma, draws him into conversation. Sits with him in the rain when no one else would notice his absence.
Dogma looks back at the rain, and tries extra hard to keep his heart in check when a hand slips into his own. Fox twines their fingers together, settles their linked hands in his own lap.
Dogma squeezes Fox’s hand, and mumbles out his own delated greeting.
He doesn’t know why he’s here in the cool of Coruscant’s rain, rather than the freezing labs of Kamino.
But he supposes as long as Fox is okay with it, and willing to do this, he’s willing to stick around long enough to see where this takes them.
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inthedusksynria · 3 years
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Back on my ships, so, OMG i loved how random this was and how it made a silly little story when together!!!
Lewyn and Tailtiu meeting and hanging out while helping each other magic, Tailtiu giving tips on thunder, Lewyn on Wind, and then they both being like: "Well, you cheat with your holy blood on x weapon" And just snickering together and chatting on the training!
Then after hanging out, going on a mission and Lewyn going confident with a step about to impress, and then hilariously failing on breaking the stone while Tailtiu holds back a snicker.
Lewyn, embarrassed, trying to save face: "I suppose wind magic is not the best for this"
Tailtiu, chuckling: "Pff, you tried.
Lewyn, gives a grumpy look
Tailtiu, holding out her arms: "Oh dont even look at me. Thunder magic is going to make this break in pieces that will knock us out"
Lewyn, picturing it: "Pff, Hehe, I suppose... So nothing happened here?"
Tailtiu: "Nope! We didnt see anything"
Then!! The sharing each other dreams on the ravine in the night sky oh my god the ampunt of feelings!!. They talking about the war they are fighting, their fears over their families, their fears over having to fight against their families. Then trying to light the mood with silly stories. Tailtiu talking about funny stories and adventures she had with Lex and Azel, while Lewyn tells her of Silesse and of his travels. They both bonding over adventures and travelling. Then Lewyn showing his bards skills -
I just i love this mode so so much! It scratches so perfectly my writing mood.
And then, on another mission, now more used to each other, both using and combining their magic in a powerful blast with the wind also protecting from debris and seeing the inside with amazing gem stones!
Insert here a shippy moment of one of them comparing the other to a gemstone and flushing then going back shdjdj
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And, then, ON FIRST TRY, Sayinh their relationship is incredible i am just i need a moment.
And both of them, grinning at each other going "of course it is." I can see a high five or just an easy feeling between them joking about being (blue) magic training and mission partners friends. And then they both seeing how far they come in this, from strangers to allies to friends, and how nice it is to hang out with each other and then realizing the slow growing feelings of-
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FEH really be like: Here Synria have your rare as fuck pairing content-and i cry dbdjjd
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
Neat Trick
I was up until 5 AM this morning and I literally passed out as soon as I finished this, but this tiktok awakened something in me and I had to do something about it. Have some rough Star Trek content. I didn’t write anything explicitly shippy but interpret as you will. This is so rough but I am sleep deprived and in a horrid lee mood. Send help. And tickles. 
It was never good when Bones smiled willingly. Jim loved that smile, but it never meant good things, especially when the entire crew was bored out of their minds. 
The main bridge crew plus a few wandering faces were ambling about the Enterprise, having been relieved by second or third-in-commands for some much-needed downtime. Jim and Bones hid in the large training room that served as a gym and Spock followed. Uhura went to find Spock, Scotty walked in, and finally Chekov joined the party, with all of them sitting on the floor in a strange, distorted circle.
“I’m bored,” Jim whined, throwing an arm over his face. He was laying on his back in front of Bones, drumming the floor mats with his fingertips.
“Hey, who wants to see something cool I learned in the Academy?” Bones said, that damned smile lighting up the room. Everyone else murmured in interested agreement. 
“One of my classmates taught me this but I never had the chance to try it. Jim, c’mere,” Bones tugged on Jim’s arms to get him to sit up. Jim groaned, but allowed himself to be pulled into Bones’s arms. 
“Why is it that when I want to relax, you’re suddenly hyper?” Jim leaned his head against Bones’s shoulder.
“You did say that you were bored, Jim,” Uhura chuckled, and Jim stuck his tongue out at her.
“Quit complaining. Scotty, try this on Chekov. I think he’ll get a kick out of this.” Bones smirked. Chekov perked up, having been absorbed in reviewing old mission reports. He had never really known how to relax, anyways. With some physical and verbal prodding, Chekov crawled over to Scotty and sat in front of him.
“Okay, so what you want to do is cup your hands, like so, then press down on your victim’s shoulders, for leverage.” Bones demonstrated, holding his hands like he was going to strangle Jim, then pressing down on his shoulders.
“Wait, did you say victim?”
“Next,” Bones said quickly, talking over Jim, “You place your middle fingers on either side of the throat. Move up a little—there you go. Just where the underside of the chin meets the neck.” Bones smiled a little when both Jim and Chekov flinched, huffing little snickers as they tried to stay still.
“Alright, now this is the fun part. Take your IP joint—where the thumb bends in half, here—and press right on the sides of the cheekbones. Don’t squeeze, but be firm. Jim, Chekov, you ready?”
“I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to be ready for.” Jim sat up a little straighter, as if it would help.
“I agree with the captain. I am a bit confused,” Chekov said, stuttering around a sweet giggle when Scotty adjusted his hold. Uhura cooed at him and he blushed a pretty pink.
“Scotty, pull your middle fingers up.”
The room exploded into laughter. 
Chekov turned to putty in Scotty’s grip, hands clawing at the engineer’s in order to break free. High-pitched, hiccupy laughs tumbled from his lips and he scrunched his nose. 
Jim toppled backwards into Bones and flailed like a fish out of water. After his initial screech, he threw his head back, completely unable to stop his bright laughter and Bones’s evil fingers.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, our lovely victims are in a spot where they can’t escape, but it really tickles,” Bones said, grinning when Jim started to kick his legs.
“Jim. Is something the matter?” Bones asked innocently. Jim growled, or at least tried to, and Bones wiggled his fingers a little to send him into cackles.
“It tihihickles! Mr. Scott, pleahahase!” 
“Oh, does it? I couldn’t tell by the way you’re thrashing about,” Scotty teased, laughing himself when Chekov whined.
Another laugh joined the fray, and Bones was surprised to see Spock crumpled in Uhura’s lap, laughing for what was probably the first time. 
“I’ll be damned. He can smile after all,” Bones chuckled, drinking in the unexpectedly gentle sounds drifting from the Vulcan. 
“I couldn’t let you boys hog all the fun,” she smiled, vibrating her fingers to draw a snort out of Spock. His long limbs had seemingly tangled, leaving him completely helpless under Uhura’s soft hands. 
Jim, meanwhile, was laughing far too hard to enjoy the legendary moment. He’d been tickled plenty by his crewmates, but this was nothing like anything he’d ever experienced. Every nerve in his neck was alight with sparks, the sensation worming into his muscle and leaving him at a complete loss for words. The tingles jumped behind his ears and along his spine, and he even felt it in his arms, which was horrible.
“I’ll let you breathe. You okay, Jim?” Bones released Jim and he wheezed an answer, flapping a hand so Bones wouldn’t fuss over him. Scotty did the same, and Chekov curled up, still giggling as the sensations eventually faded.
“That was awful,” Chekov said, still sporting a blinding smile as he flopped onto his back and caught his breath. Scotty reached over and started poking Chekov’s stomach, delighting in the sudden breathy laughter that sent him curling up.
“Oh, you’re lucky you’re an ensign. If you were an engineer you’d never hear the end of this.”
“Trust me, Mr. Scott, I know. Thankfully, Mr. Sulu will protect me from the rest of you,” He smiled, batting away Scotty’s persistent hands. 
“Don’t count on it, Pavel. Hikaru has a mischievous streak like you wouldn’t believe.” Uhura had taken to stroking Spock’s hair as he calmed down.
As if by providence, Sulu poked his head in the room, curious and also seemingly dodging boredom. 
“Room for one more?” He smiled, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“Sure. C’mere, I wanna show you a cool trick I learned in the Academy,” Bones said with a bright smile and a wicked gleam in his eye.
“Run, Sulu!” Jim sat up with as much drama as he could muster, reaching out to Sulu like a man being dragged away. Bones immediately took the opportunity to vibrate his fingers into Jim’s ribs, toppling him backwards as he laughed frantically.
“It’s a trap!” Chekov yelled, before he too was pinned to the ground by tickling fingers. Scotty vibrated a clawed hand into Chekov’s stomach and the ensign shrieked, his arms and legs flailing wildly. He kept trying to protest, but he couldn’t overcome the giggles that burst out of him every time he opened his mouth. Sulu’s eyes widened into saucers and he bolted.
“10 credits says I catch him,” Bones said, dropping the now-incapacitated Jim. 
“20 if you make him squeal.” Scotty smirked, playing Chekov’s ribs like a piano.
Bones was gone in a flash.
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cassatine · 5 years
TROS rambles under cut. Spoilers ahead.
There’s a lot I didn’t particularly like in TROS, but I expected that, so I’m mostly disappointed by the execution. It feels extremely messy, stuffed full of things supposed to please the audience but without that much thought given to the overall effect or the underlying message.
It’s small things like a cute new droid whose function in the narrative is to deliver one hint for the high-stakes treasure hunt, and also be cute and sell merch. At least the droid has a function; I’m still wondering why the giant slug on the Falcon at the beginning of the movie. Isn’t the cast big enough. Aren’t there enough new characters as is. Did we need the slug. I’m aware it sounds like nitpicking, it’s just that I feel it’s representative of the film making unnecessary detours for cool factor while moving at breakneck speed, which makes the whole story suffer.
But there’s other, bigger things. Leia’s training, her having a saber, even if she put it down – it was such a big deal that Luke was the Last Jedi, the only one who could train Rey, and although we’ve seen Leia use the Force, there was absolutely nothing in the previous two movies to let us think she’d trained under Luke. I feel the main reason Leia has a saber is simply the need to replace the one yeeted by Ben so that he’d have a weapon in the final fight, and having another family saber handed to Rey was yet another way to confirm Rey as the chosen heir of the Jedi and the Skywalkers, something TROS really tried to hammer in imo; Leia’s saber and training, the pep talk with Force Ghost Luke (who doesn’t have anything to say to his nephew), everything about how the Jedi live in her in the final fight, plus the voices of Anakin, Obi-Wan, etc (who, like Luke, don’t have anything to say to Kylo/Ben), and the Force Ghosts of Luke and Leia appearing to her at the end. They didn’t do that when their nephew and son died. I don’t really mind that Rey takes the Skywalker name, because I’m not big on the blood lineage fixation to start with, and the film doesn’t make her reasons explicit so I can find a way to make it work for me, but it’s the culmination of the pattern framing her as the one heir.
Even her ending up in Luke’s childhood home fits within it, but I have other issues with her ending up alone on Tatooine; mainly what the fuck am I supposed to do with it? Like if there was something about how she was, idk, starting a Jedi school AT LEAST that’d make sense for the story I think Abrams is trying to tell because right now… how are the Jedi not going to end if she’s basically in exile?? Wasn’t it such a big deal to see the Jedi continue? How did we end up pretty much back to square one, with the last of the Jedi self-exiled on an out-of-the-way planet for not-so-clear reasons? For that matter, how is Rey choosing exile in the grand tradition of Jedi who failed – Obi-Wan, Yoda, and later Luke – supposed to be read? We’re given no insight in what goes on in her head after Exegol; her reaction to Ben’s death I’m 100% certain is meant to be heartbreaking, and it’s filmed that way. But after that she’s just… it’s not clear *what* she is, because there’s some happiness on her part, yes, but it’s part of the over-the-top ROTJ-like happiness expressed by all the Resistance peeps at the end, like they’re all so glad the Empire, First and Final Order are gone that they’re high on it. But as far as characterization goes it’s hard to say whether Rey’s going through the motions, if she’s sad but content that at least Ben turned or smthg, or if she’s totally fine and dandy. There’s nothing about why she choses to go to Tatooine, why she chooses to use the Skywalker name, why she buries the sabers, or how the fuck she feels about anything. I don’t think everything in an ending needs to be made explicit and explained in details, but it all kinda feels like a cop-out.
Speaking of cop-outs, I could mention The Pit, but also... I know a lot of people wanted Finn to have the Force; I’ve always been on the fence, because I feared his having the Force would end up being the reason he defected, and I didn’t want that decision to boil down to the magic force field told him so. Well, he had A Feeling, which implies he’s Force sensitive at least? Him and a whole other bunch of ex-troopers? I don’t know what to make of this. I mean, sure, the FO indoctrinates kids, but apparently once the Force gives them A Feeling they just break out of it? But also, how much does the Force meddles in events, because it kind of feels like those Feelings are moving people to where they need to be for Plot to happen (Leia’s saber premonition doesn’t really help the thus it was written vibe).  
Neither Finn nor Poe had any personal arc to speak of; they don’t grow or learn or do shit beyond being Rey’s sidekicks on her speedrun to the big boss (literally it’s a treasure hunt to open the final dungeon and beat the big boss; that’s it that the plot). They do Cool Action Stuff, and once Leia dies become Generals in her stead, which has about zero impact on anything. Poe’s revealed to be a spice smuggler because I guess a real Star Wars trio™ needs an ex-spice smuggler, just like a real Star WarsTM needs training scenes and a family reveal and a planet-destroying weapon (not spherical this time woohoo) and some Palpatine sprinkled on top. The trio’s interactions were… Idk what’s going on there. Sure there’s lots of banter and one-liners, but it left me with the impression that the film tried to have something for every ship (minus, very glaringly, Finnrose) – Finn seems to be trying to declare something to Rey, which seems to piss off Poe, but it’s hard to say if it’s because Poe’s into Rey as well, or into Finn, who also seems to be into Poe, but less than into Rey. And then there’s almost no interaction between Finn and Rose, who’s side-lined for the whole fucking movie, but there’s Jannah, who has either shippy or sibling vibes with Finn, I have no idea honestly, and Zorii, because I guess every ex-spice smuggler needs a Leia analogue.
Speaking of Leia, I have more to be displeased about – her death was fucking underwhelming, and not given much impact. Having Kylo/Ben haunted by Han (Ghost? Memory? Hallucination?), while not something I dislike in itself – Han had his big moment in TFA, and here he completely overshadows Leia’s. She doesn’t even get to have actual dialogue with Kylo/Ben, and the yeeting his saber should have happened after Leia reached him imo; switching that would have given a lot more impact to her death. The dialogue with Han doesn’t even need to change, but if Leia had contacted Kylo/Ben after the “I know what I have to do” repeat, it’d have been a more effective scene (and again, Han already had his big moment in TFA). The aftermath wasn’t particularly well-done either; characters are sad she died, of course, but it’s like perfunctory five minutes sadness and then she’s barely mentioned again, and her body just lies there in the background of some scenes while people talk.
I’m running out of steam, so in conclusion –
TROS I think mostly fails because it takes no risks; it’s trying to have something in it for everyone, and goes about it messily, without that much care for the big picture, which is how it ends pretending to have a happy end when we’ve just seen the final act of three generations of Skywalker tragedy. It doesn’t commit to anything, excepted leaving room for fun trio adventures sequels, because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that self-exiled Jedi are always found by some bright-eyed tentative student, if not a call for help from old friends.
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revasnaslan · 4 years
001 for She-Ra? (If you haven't done this before, can't remember)
even if i have it’s been a while so my opinions might’ve changed!!
Favorite character: hordak and entrapta are kind of tied here
Least Favorite character: catra
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): hordak/entrapta, shadow weaver/prime, scorpia/adora, adora/glimmer, and
Character I find most attractive: hordak
Character I would marry: hordak
Character I would be best friends with: entrapta!! or scorpia
a random thought: in three weeks we get to see hordak and entrapta reunited and if you hear loud sobbing, do not be alarmed that’s probably just me
An unpopular opinion: idk if this opinion is still prevelant but if hordak ends up a robot at the end of the show i’m going to be fucking pissed. idk there’s just something... like how it’s kind of problematic to make a chronically ill disabled person a robot??? because their life would be better that way or something??? i can’t fucking stand it
My Canon OTP: hordak/entrapta
My Non-canon OTP: scorpia/adora i suppose??
Most Badass Character: E N T R A P T A
Most Epic Villain: catra is only interesting to me as a villain, and she is fantastic when she is on screen doing villainous things. like yeah, she’s out here fucking shit up, she’s the keystone antagonist of the entire show. if you remove her, the entire plot falls apart because she’s the only character who keeps up an antagonistic relationship with adora the entire show. like she’s good at being a villain.
Pairing I am not a fan of: shippy horde prime and hordak. i am fascinated by their relationship from strictly a familial standpoint, i wouldn’t have written a 50k fic on the subject if i wasn’t, but i have negative interest in seeing content where prime rapes him ya feel?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ehhhhhh... OH, i have one. catra is unintentionally unsympathetic. i find it so difficult to sympathize with her even when i can clearly point out when we, the audience, are supposed to find her sympathetic. it fell so fucking flat for me. and like, i get that some people find her sympathetic, which is why i wouldn’t necessarily call it bad writing since clearly the writing did what it set out to do, but... i think maybe there’s improvement to be had there, cause i don’t care about catra at all for her sympathy points lmao
Favourite Friendship: hordak and entrapta or entrapta and scorpia
Character I most identify with: hordak and entrapta again. they both go through things that i have in the past. i’m a perfectionist who gets frustrated when my passion projects don’t come out how i want them to and my family just... doesn’t really seem to care unless i do something they want me to do. i struggle to make friends and i often feel like i’m kind of bad at being one at times. it also helps that both of them are adults and they’re still going through these issues as well, because i am an adult myself. ALSO adora, without a doubt. adora is going through what i went through when i went to college... my best friend seemed to take it personally, like i was purposefully leaving him and not just living my own life and making my own choices and long story short we are no longer friends. i’m so proud of her tbh, i only want the best for her.
Character I wish I could be: uhhhhh... idk, i don’t tend to think of characters like that much.
Ask Meme
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