#i rly hope my star trek peeps see this and enjoy it
tickle-bugs · 4 years
Neat Trick
I was up until 5 AM this morning and I literally passed out as soon as I finished this, but this tiktok awakened something in me and I had to do something about it. Have some rough Star Trek content. I didn’t write anything explicitly shippy but interpret as you will. This is so rough but I am sleep deprived and in a horrid lee mood. Send help. And tickles. 
It was never good when Bones smiled willingly. Jim loved that smile, but it never meant good things, especially when the entire crew was bored out of their minds. 
The main bridge crew plus a few wandering faces were ambling about the Enterprise, having been relieved by second or third-in-commands for some much-needed downtime. Jim and Bones hid in the large training room that served as a gym and Spock followed. Uhura went to find Spock, Scotty walked in, and finally Chekov joined the party, with all of them sitting on the floor in a strange, distorted circle.
“I’m bored,” Jim whined, throwing an arm over his face. He was laying on his back in front of Bones, drumming the floor mats with his fingertips.
“Hey, who wants to see something cool I learned in the Academy?” Bones said, that damned smile lighting up the room. Everyone else murmured in interested agreement. 
“One of my classmates taught me this but I never had the chance to try it. Jim, c’mere,” Bones tugged on Jim’s arms to get him to sit up. Jim groaned, but allowed himself to be pulled into Bones’s arms. 
“Why is it that when I want to relax, you’re suddenly hyper?” Jim leaned his head against Bones’s shoulder.
“You did say that you were bored, Jim,” Uhura chuckled, and Jim stuck his tongue out at her.
“Quit complaining. Scotty, try this on Chekov. I think he’ll get a kick out of this.” Bones smirked. Chekov perked up, having been absorbed in reviewing old mission reports. He had never really known how to relax, anyways. With some physical and verbal prodding, Chekov crawled over to Scotty and sat in front of him.
“Okay, so what you want to do is cup your hands, like so, then press down on your victim’s shoulders, for leverage.” Bones demonstrated, holding his hands like he was going to strangle Jim, then pressing down on his shoulders.
“Wait, did you say victim?”
“Next,” Bones said quickly, talking over Jim, “You place your middle fingers on either side of the throat. Move up a little—there you go. Just where the underside of the chin meets the neck.” Bones smiled a little when both Jim and Chekov flinched, huffing little snickers as they tried to stay still.
“Alright, now this is the fun part. Take your IP joint—where the thumb bends in half, here—and press right on the sides of the cheekbones. Don’t squeeze, but be firm. Jim, Chekov, you ready?”
“I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to be ready for.” Jim sat up a little straighter, as if it would help.
“I agree with the captain. I am a bit confused,” Chekov said, stuttering around a sweet giggle when Scotty adjusted his hold. Uhura cooed at him and he blushed a pretty pink.
“Scotty, pull your middle fingers up.”
The room exploded into laughter. 
Chekov turned to putty in Scotty’s grip, hands clawing at the engineer’s in order to break free. High-pitched, hiccupy laughs tumbled from his lips and he scrunched his nose. 
Jim toppled backwards into Bones and flailed like a fish out of water. After his initial screech, he threw his head back, completely unable to stop his bright laughter and Bones’s evil fingers.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, our lovely victims are in a spot where they can’t escape, but it really tickles,” Bones said, grinning when Jim started to kick his legs.
“Jim. Is something the matter?” Bones asked innocently. Jim growled, or at least tried to, and Bones wiggled his fingers a little to send him into cackles.
“It tihihickles! Mr. Scott, pleahahase!” 
“Oh, does it? I couldn’t tell by the way you’re thrashing about,” Scotty teased, laughing himself when Chekov whined.
Another laugh joined the fray, and Bones was surprised to see Spock crumpled in Uhura’s lap, laughing for what was probably the first time. 
“I’ll be damned. He can smile after all,” Bones chuckled, drinking in the unexpectedly gentle sounds drifting from the Vulcan. 
“I couldn’t let you boys hog all the fun,” she smiled, vibrating her fingers to draw a snort out of Spock. His long limbs had seemingly tangled, leaving him completely helpless under Uhura’s soft hands. 
Jim, meanwhile, was laughing far too hard to enjoy the legendary moment. He’d been tickled plenty by his crewmates, but this was nothing like anything he’d ever experienced. Every nerve in his neck was alight with sparks, the sensation worming into his muscle and leaving him at a complete loss for words. The tingles jumped behind his ears and along his spine, and he even felt it in his arms, which was horrible.
“I’ll let you breathe. You okay, Jim?” Bones released Jim and he wheezed an answer, flapping a hand so Bones wouldn’t fuss over him. Scotty did the same, and Chekov curled up, still giggling as the sensations eventually faded.
“That was awful,” Chekov said, still sporting a blinding smile as he flopped onto his back and caught his breath. Scotty reached over and started poking Chekov’s stomach, delighting in the sudden breathy laughter that sent him curling up.
“Oh, you’re lucky you’re an ensign. If you were an engineer you’d never hear the end of this.”
“Trust me, Mr. Scott, I know. Thankfully, Mr. Sulu will protect me from the rest of you,” He smiled, batting away Scotty’s persistent hands. 
“Don’t count on it, Pavel. Hikaru has a mischievous streak like you wouldn’t believe.” Uhura had taken to stroking Spock’s hair as he calmed down.
As if by providence, Sulu poked his head in the room, curious and also seemingly dodging boredom. 
“Room for one more?” He smiled, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“Sure. C’mere, I wanna show you a cool trick I learned in the Academy,” Bones said with a bright smile and a wicked gleam in his eye.
“Run, Sulu!” Jim sat up with as much drama as he could muster, reaching out to Sulu like a man being dragged away. Bones immediately took the opportunity to vibrate his fingers into Jim’s ribs, toppling him backwards as he laughed frantically.
“It’s a trap!” Chekov yelled, before he too was pinned to the ground by tickling fingers. Scotty vibrated a clawed hand into Chekov’s stomach and the ensign shrieked, his arms and legs flailing wildly. He kept trying to protest, but he couldn’t overcome the giggles that burst out of him every time he opened his mouth. Sulu’s eyes widened into saucers and he bolted.
“10 credits says I catch him,” Bones said, dropping the now-incapacitated Jim. 
“20 if you make him squeal.” Scotty smirked, playing Chekov’s ribs like a piano.
Bones was gone in a flash.
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