#syn rambles
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synthanic · 2 years ago
I think this was a canon event, actually.
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synesthete-sylke · 1 month ago
irl inspiration for sierra: my 12wo lab sdit, beignet (benny) :>
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the goodest girl <333
also i wanna meet some more disabled mcyt fans!! y'all cool as hell (and a lot of the people around me irl are fully abled/not as understanding ,w,) so def send me a message if u wanna chatter about these goobers
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synalpheus · 2 years ago
Mmmh, so my blog was a little broken but it’s working again now. Yay! I have been and still am really busy with lots of business travel and other madness right now, but I think I will return here sometime in June to finally fill my queue back up again. I have stuff from Africa now, and also lots of bees. So many bees.
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syneilesis · 2 months ago
I've been thinking about this for a long time about Rafayel – the way he is visually designed he is objectively speaking the most beautiful out of the five. Beautiful in the artistic, aesthetic, auric sense. Xavier has this boy-next-door appearance; Zayne a modern romance webtoon male lead; Sylus, rough and roguish mafia don (now there's a fic idea); and Caleb actually gives me high school senpai vibes. These four emit the impression that they can be touched, approached, circumstances notwithstanding. But Rafayel – with his full lips, his glimmering gaze, the fall of his fringe bracketing his face, and all his sensuous curves – looks untouchable, like a subject of a painting created centuries ago, or a muse that arrests you the longer you stare at him. He looks otherworldly, an ideal.
That effect may also play into his outfits and the sensuality of his stories. Notice how many of his outfits are partially unbuttoned, or shirtless, or show more skin than, say, Xavier's and Zayne's. And his Memoria cutscenes seduce you into touching him*. Sense, sensory, sensual – Rafayel entices, seduces, wants you to step closer and looktouchtaste. And when you do get closer, he dances away (physically and/or emotionally, especially in his earlier stories)**. He embodies what Barthes refers to as the gape: the skin that peeks betwixt the fabrics, the focal point of eroticism. What does he let you see? What does he let only you see?
*It's different with Sylus. With Sylus the effect of his sensuality is rooted in his precise worldliness. Fall into him, with him, plunge into the earthly pleasures and the desires thrumming beneath your skin, your veins. He welcomes it.
**I talk about this one a bit here, about how his stories aren't as, ah, 'smutty' as the others'.
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remadra · 4 months ago
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Leave it as a warmup challenge failed. We'll get em next time boys.
Come get your favorite son @crazysnor1ax
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ace-malarky · 3 months ago
Character Ramble; Halliel
I have had a less-than-optimum amount of sleep and do also definitely have things to do today so like
we're going to ignore that for a bit and like. do a ramble to work out who Halliel is! yes she's the second protag! yes I should probably actually know who she is by now!
tag for all the repeated reblogs is "character ramblings" if you don't want to see this until the end <3
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atimefordragons · 2 years ago
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barbie icons made for myself and my friends of our faves and some oc's. made with this template. watching it with one of my cousin's today, and we plan to watch it again with another younger cousin and some aunts, and then again with my bestie. she is the moment.
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magdaclaire · 2 years ago
we as a society need to be more abundantly clear about the fact that nothing a stranger does in public will ever be as cringe as you filming a stranger in public in front of God and everyone and posting it without their consent
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synthanic · 1 year ago
Here I am - Reading a bonafide academic paper about polling anime fans for my Uni work.
When a professor with the full confidence of a thousand suns: Categorises “Food Wars!” And “Shokugeki no Soma” as two different anime and reflects on how the archetype of food anime must be incredibly popular right now.
Maybe my brain is friend - but I couldn’t stop giggling at the idea of a super serious professor seeing weebs put Japanese and English names for anime and thinking: “Wow there’s a lot of anime about foods and their wars… I see.”
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draconifay · 1 year ago
As much as I like the clothes and such and all the neat outfits you can make on Fashion Dreamer, the game feels rather lacking as...a game, in general.
You tend to do the same things a lot and don't really get to connect with people too much on it (which is ironic cuz apparently according to the developers, connecting with people was the point of the game). It just feels...empty. and I think I realized why.
It feels like a slightly more interactive version of social media.
I mean, most of what you do is like and follow, and as LovelyLor said in her video about the game, there's such a big focus on followers and even one of the first things that hovers over other players' heads is their follow count.
And, as someone who tries to post on social media but struggles due to how discouraging it can be, being fixated on likes and follows is like. One of the worst aspects of social media.
I think it doesn't help that unlike Style Savvy, it doesn't feel like there's any sort of challenge to it, so just like mindlessly scrolling through social media, you end up in this drone state as you do the same things, over and over. And it gets rather bland.
I think if they wanted to make a game about fashion, it could have been cool to, like in Style Savvy, have characters you build relationships with, have some more stakes - make it feel like you're actually progressing somehow and hell - maybe even have a thing with the NPCs or something where you learn why their specific fashion styles are so important to them, emphasizing the connection of fashion to self-expression...or something like that.
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junos-cacophony · 7 months ago
i would call myself a fictionkin but i dont REAALLY identify as heart
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ace-malarky · 6 months ago
Storyteller Saturday - in your shapeshifter WIP, what are the general rules of shapeshifting? Is it one person per animal or can any person turn into any animal? Are animals even involved or is it more subtle shifting? Can ANYONE be a shapeshifter or only certain members of society?
Hi ooh ok so
So Syn is the only shapeshifter we have met thus far and whether that's because they're rare and secretive or because Syn is actually like a little feeler/scout of some eldritch mass that has been in the world since time immemorial is uh. jury's out on that one currently
The general rules as I have them tho are that it's a kind of subtle shifting? Syn for instance is largely humanoid but generally has antlers. Has given themself raccoon masks and rat-hands and dog tails and fluffe ears. disguises themself as a dragontouched for spying purposes.
They can't go full animal, technically but there are ways to offset that. They can't change their eye colour, can't lose/gain mass. I'm shying away from being able to fully mimic someone else's form etc but that may just be a moral thing rather than a technical thing
If there are other shapeshifters then it's a species thing! one thing I haven't really said about the shapeshifter wip (or made clear, w/e) is that there aren't? really "fully human" people - everyone is a li'l animalistic, like Halliel and Jaiel have wings, some of their other friends also have antlers, there are the dragontouched and like
it's a lowkey furry setting mkays but like the human-with-animal-characteristics side of things
or like. everyone is descended from shapeshifters but only a few can still shift. that seems like a fun way to go.
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sugoi-writes · 8 months ago
Hiya, my lovely Danny Baby~! Haven't heard from ya in a hot minute, and I just wanted to check up on ya, make sure all is good. I hope you're doing okay, sweetie! 🫂❤️
This is long, and I'm Gay, so everything is below the cut HHHHH--
Henlooooooo my dear! I'm sorry I've been so away! Danny is... DANNY-ING. But in the most decent of ways, all things considered!
I won't get into the nitty gritty, but between visits from folks out of town, a recent promotion at my new job (WITHIN A MONTH, NO LESS), and struggles emotionally and financially... It's been a T I ME
BUt, dear readers, Danny-Boy:The Sugoi, is trying to make a comeback! And hopefully with some va-va-VOOM
(You've been quite busy yourself~ I have my work cut out for me, but I hear you have THREE chapters of smutty goodness for us all? 👀 Don't mind if I do~)
But yes! Danny is alive! Danny is MOSTLY well! We can't all be perfect ✨ but I'm trying! I do hope life has been treating you fair, dear? (IT BETTER BE OR IM MARCHING UP STAIRS TO THE BIG MAN HIMSELF)
You may have a photo of a Danny in wild, as a treato (peep the phone, the perfect censor. ALSO I HAVE A MULLET NOW???)
Works and smut and all the stuff in between coming soon! Just know that there will be... BUMPINESS. I need to iron out my writer's creases ASAP--
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nightly-ruse · 2 years ago
I like love xenofiction but the story with Syn is def not that. So I’m still having the urge to make something with animals but idk what to do :/
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fandominsanity · 2 years ago
scaramouche stans should look up Azuma's a3 discography tbh
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synthanic · 1 year ago
Let me set a scene for you, just briefly. We’re playing Hit TTRPG: Dungeons and Dragons. We’re actually playing a sci-fi spin on it called Hyperlanes with DM homebrew original races.
One of these races, is a mushroom. Now the cool thing about the mushrooms is that their brain is everywhere so if a limb gets ripped off, it just decreases their total hp and they can reabsorb it later.
Cool, that is, until they roll a nat 1 on their gravity field hammer and sends both floating up into the air. This is Auri. Auri did not want to let go of the hammer. In a fit of chaos, the group creates a conga line into the air to try to hold Auri down - MID BATTLE WITH A GIANT FLYTRAP HYDRA PLANT.
Auri rolls another nat one while trying to fix the hammers gravity field.
Then we realise: It is not that Auri doesn’t want to let go of the hammer. Auri does not REALISE he can let go of the hammer because he thinks the gravity field is affecting him as the hammer crashes back down to earth and the opposing force of the conga line and the hammer splits him in two.
But Auri is fine, alive still. Chaotic, but alive. Still holding the hammer in one hand, but being held in the arms of his pseudo daughter character.
Until one of our other party members sees that the hammer about to explode and YEETS IT AWAY IN A CHAOTIC PANIC.
In order to react and let go of the hammer, Auri must roll a d20 dex save. With advantage because he’s being semi held in the arms of another.
You will never believe what happens next.
I want to put a witty line here to sum it all up but honestly I’m still reeling from the shitfaced star alignment that occurred for it to get that bad THAT QUICKLY. Astonishing.
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