#House Hunting Update
dynamicdouble · 10 months
Property Hunt 22 - Another Close One!
Here's 2/2 of the property hunt updates I've missed but that's not all, more content will be coming out soon! #BuildMyAccessibleHome #Disability #Accessibility #PropertyHunt #FirstTimeBuyer
A Quick Find Close to Home Shortly after seeing the property in the previous property hunt update, I found another property conveniently situated near my current home location. However, something was different this time around with the property I was seeing, something I had been searching for a while… The Viewing Before I proceed, I want to make you all aware that this property was viewed by…
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skellydun · 8 months
bound my first journal today!!!! and boy is it fucked up!!!! can't wait to try my hand at a book next!! we're doing it lads we're fighting the depression with poking yourself 4738292 times with a needle
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fraternum-momentum · 5 months
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sracha · 1 year
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does anyone know where i can buy these amiibo cards
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swiftsaltsweet · 1 month
Fic updates
Hunt for Kyoshi: Lord help me and this writers block. I know what must be done but the words I want aren't flowing like I want. orz (we are 7 pages into ch 12, but god it is hard). I plan on finishing Arc 1 around chapter ch 15 I believe.
Thief in the Avatar's Estate: Still on hiatus after finishing Arc 1. The first chapter in arc 2 (aka chapter 11) is 16 pages long *sobs* Not completed. Might split it into two chapters *sigh* Don't want to but que sera sera (just know where ch 12 ends is where I wanted ch 11 to end u_u).
Two Knives: Working on, hopefully, the final chapter of Arc 1 (I'm afraid of it being split into two chapters too TT0TT). This fic will have an interlude of Rangi's POV of the previous chapters before going into arc 2. Still need to write 1.5 chapters of Rangi's POV (wasn't planning to but....eh I kinda think I should now. 8U)
The Fire Sage Fiasco: Chapter 4 is started but not very far. It's more or less planned out though.
Kyoshi's PR Manager: Ch 2 hasn't really been written yet, but I did get the doc started. Wanted to wait until I finished Reckoning of Roku. And guess who did? Yay! :D No idea when the next chapter will release.
The Tragedy of Kyoshi: Has to be put on hiatus/back burner because of stupid Reckoning of Roku BS >_> Wah.....
Hyde in the Shadows (Wednesday fandom): I still have episodes.....I need to fix up. TT0TT One day you'll get updated again......one day.
The other Rangshi/Kyoshi related fics that haven't been written yet but are threatening to come out of the closet: Back! Back I say! 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺
Chapter 1 of two unpublished Wednesday related fanfics: One day I'll get back to you too. TT0TT
Multiple chapters of a multi work Bellice fic: One day you'll see the light of day. m(_ _)m
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brown-little-robin · 5 months
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awaitingfall · 2 months
Ended up getting sick :( My boss came in sick on Monday and now my co-worker and I are sick and we both called out yesterday. I HATE being sick 😭 at least it feels like it’s passing already today. I had such bad achey-ness in my face yesterday and my throat was a little sore. My temp only went up to 99.4, so that wasn’t terrible. Today my temp is back down to 98.6 and my throat is better. Just have a runny nose now. I didn’t take anything other than 1 Zicam yesterday morning (which I regret because it had Red 40 in it and I didn’t see that until after I took it 🙄) and then my mom bought me some specific Cold&Flu Advil which I took in the evening. I slept better last night, at least.
The universe is saving me from consuming sugar today - I know I shouldn’t have sugar especially when I’m sick, but I was craving a matcha latte, but only from the Dunkin down the road from me because they have a drive thru and I wouldn’t have to get out of my car and expose a bunch of ppl to my sickness. But of course, that Dunkin is temporarily closed starting today for renovations 🥲 I just want a matcha latte w/o having to get out of my car 😩
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By the way I’m feeling today, I should be 99% over my sickness tomorrow so my bf and I decided to do a little hike this weekend to get some fresh air and sun after this entire week of rain. And then we might stop by a local outdoor Sangria Fest to celebrate my bf’s bday coming up in a few days. And on Sunday we’re scheduled to go look at 2-3 houses. I’m glad that ended up being a Sunday thing cuz I wouldn’t want to show up to that feeling under the weather still.
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Does anyone else have unrealistic design ideas for a future home that will be nowhere NEAR their budget? 😌 I’d love love LOVE a central atrium. I love the idea of bringing the outside in. Having a view of an outdoor space from no matter where you are in the house. And the privacy from neighbors. It feels so peaceful and feels like it’d be such a cool hang out space. But where I live it’d have to be adaptable to weather changes. But even then, it’d be so pretty having a little cozy snowy view in the center of your home with floor to ceiling windows 🥹 Would just need to install really good drainage and maybe have it more like a pit, so it’s lower than the rest of the house and flooding inside wouldn’t be a concern. Look at me planning all this like I’ll ever have the money to do something like that 🤪 maybe one day…
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For 15 fucking years I've been looking for a way to move across this goddamn country, and now when shit in my personal life would make doing so at least impractical if not downright cruel, I stumble across a job listing that sounds ideal (not in a too-good-to-be-true scam sort of way; like a lot of people probably wouldn't want the job but it seems like it'd be great for me) and pays enough to (mostly) cover the higher cost of living, so for funzies I pull up house listings and I find not just one but TWO perfect little houses in like the exact part of town I'd want either of which I could *technically* afford if I got that job and Aaaaaa!!!
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harundraws · 2 months
i’m so tired of working !!!!! i want to quit!!!!!!!!
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A little home buying update (that ended up requiring a read more apparently):
We are now 15 days out from closing on our house. We had the Blue Tape Inspection today which I didn't know was a thing before we got started on this process. It's where the buyer of a new build goes around and puts a piece of painter's tape on whatever needs to be addressed by the builder before closing. We had a few scuff marks on walls, paint that needs to be touched up, a doorknob that got dented somehow after instillation that needs to be replaced. Lots of fun and stress. We also measured out a few spaces for furniture reasons. After that we took a few boxes to my Mother-In-Law's for storage before we move. She lives way closer to our new house than I would really like but I also know she's not going to just randomly drive over to our house because she's not like that. THOUGH, remind me after we've closed on the house to tell you a funny story about the time she DID just randomly drop by the house.
I have the day off from work so after we got home I packed a couple of boxes, went to the gym, read for a couple of hours. I've been trying to take it a little easier today than I normally do on a day off lately. There's really not a TON I can pack right now with the lack of storage we have in this apartment for packed boxes. Plus I'm going to probably have a really stressful month at my job until I get transferred the day before Halloween (because my current boss is petty as shit and hates that I'm the 5th person in the past 6 months to get a transfer--yes, literally 5 of us in my department, and there have been more since my request to transfer).
Speaking of near Halloween! We also hired our movers. We're actually going to sell or take to the dump a lot of our living room furniture so the cost is lower than expected. We're only taking a loveseat with us from that set. We've had this furniture since I moved in with my husband about a decade ago so it seriously needs to be replaced. We just kept saying "Oh, we'll buy a new couch when we buy a house." "Oh, we'll replace the table with all the kitten claw marks in it when we get a house." So, I guess it's going to be the day soon enough.
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dynamicdouble · 11 months
Property Hunt 21 - Cosy Box with Modern Flair
Catching up on the missing 2 updates for my latest property hunts. This is number 1/2 so make sure you keep on the lookout for 2/2! #BuildMyAccessibleHome #Disabled #Accessibility #FirstTimeBuyer #PropertyHunting
What’s In The Box? Would you like to see what I have in my box? Well, this isn’t my box, but another property viewing! This property came up near my current location a couple of months ago, and after the viewing, I left with mixed feelings despite it being a really lovely property. The property market is still pretty difficult to navigate as a first-time buyer, but searching is all part of the…
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cmdonovann · 8 months
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uh, sort of tangentially related to my bookposting, look! the rosaries and necklaces and stuff for my kofi shop are finally organized!
(coughs) pay no mind to the fact that all the books for my shop are a mess rn tho >_<
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lead-acetate · 1 year
Chapter 5 Darksider(ish)! Fox,
in which a family drama becomes a legal drama. And there is Satine!! And Quin gets introduced to her! Very important to the plot (not), thank you for your attention.
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magickedhat · 2 years
imagine wanting to write in this economy -
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rowanjasper · 3 days
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ribosomeraisin · 3 months
pain pain pain pain anguish pain suffering malaise pain
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