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Konveksi Tas Ransel Bandung Jawa Barat Telp/WA 0813-8943-6442 BAHAN PREMIUM
Tempat Produksi Tas Murah, Jasa Konveksi Tangerang, Produsen Tas Lokal, Jasa Jahit Konveksi Tasikmalaya, Jasa Konveksi Terdekat Konveksi Tas Custom Reuma Bandung: Ahlinya Tas Custom Berkualitas Apakah Anda sedang mencari konveksi tas custom di Bandung yang berpengalaman dan terpercaya? PESAN SEKARANG JUGA !  KLIK DISINI https://wa.me/6281389436442 Konveksi Tas Di Bogor,Distributor Tas Murah…
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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justjams2003 · 8 months
Fast Pace-1
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Word count: 2,4k
Part 2
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Your feet hurt, throbbing in your worn-out sneakers that you’ve owned since your first day at university. Your legs feel like jelly, and not in the good way, in the way where the back of your knees hurt, and the earth’s gravitational pull seems to be so much stronger. You feel like you’re being cooked like the way you’re preparing your sauce. Boiling, bubbling.  
The sweat gathers at the brim of your chef’s hat and the back of your neck. The head chef is screaming at you, again, like he always does. You swear that he gets some sick thrill out of yelling at one. Forcing you to do 15 tasks all at once, while telling you just how horribly you’re doing all of them. Not only that, but you feel like you must think for the other four cooks you work with. 
How you’re not used to it yet, you’re not sure. Maybe you’re not cut out for the industry, but you refuse to think of it. That would be your life’s dream down the drain. Not only that but, 20 000 euros down the drain. “Y/N, *il nous faut la sauce pour le jarret d'agneau!” Again, that damn head chef calls and you can feel your frustration burning in the back of your eyes. *We need the sauce for the lamb shank! 
“*J'apporte ta foutue sauce maintenant!” You can’t help but let your anger bubble out. You give the sauce for the cook preparing the lamb, ignoring the fiery glare of the head-chef. “**Je prends ma pause.” You say, throwing your hat and apron on my station, once again ignoring your boss’ threats. You throw the door open, sighing in relief at the fresh air. *I'm bringing your damn sauce now **I’m taking my break.  
You sigh, sitting on the dirty alleyway floor, leaning against the old brick wall. You pull out a pack of cigarettes, take one out, light it and take a deep pull. And as you sit, you can’t but groan as you read the invoice for your rent. You’d been so good on your bills, but then you got sick, again, then the bills started piling up.  
“Fucking hell...” You mutter, rubbing your temples in annoyance. You get a message from your mom, asking how you are and when you’re coming to visit. You avoid it, you can’t face her. Your family all believe you to be this fancy five-star-chef, making it big in the capital of France. You don’t have the guts to tell them of your failure. Or the fact that you’re sitting on a dirty floor, after being verbally abused all day.  
When you were little, you imagined being a princess in a big castle. With lots of gowns and jewels and shoes. You’d use your mom’s old dresses and put on a show. Whenever you’d get hand-me-downs or the new outfit once a year you’d put on a whole show. When people would ask what you want to be when you grow up, you’d always say a model.  
When you got older, late teenage years, you, of course, had to think of something more realistic. And with chef-ing having the easiest job to find and the easiest degree to get, you chose it. Now, you regret it more than anything. Your dreams have been sucked dry and aspirations have little left. At home, you spend your time scrolling through the vogue Instagram, dreaming of the day that someone can do all this adulting for you.  
Out of nowhere, a loud scream is heard. You snap your head up to the direction it came from, after watching the newest runway from Versace. Suddenly a man come barrelling down the alleyway. He keeps glancing over his shoulder in panic and almost fear. His skin is a golden tan colour, and his beautiful dark hair flies as he speeds down the alleyway. He looks ready to to climb into a nearby dumpster before he spots you.  
He seems beyond relieved to see you. And then another scream is heard, and his expression becomes one of alarm. “J'ai besoin...uh...help?” His French is sloppy and mixed with English. But his accent is not one of an American. You cross your arms and lift your brow. “Aide?” You translate his words for him. He nods, glancing to the alleyway entrance again. “Si, si-” very much not French. “Now. Uh...” Then another scream and his urgency grows. “I speak English.” 
This news gives him a massive sigh of relief. “Oh, thank Dios.” He mutters and then his relief turns again to imperativeness. “You to hide me. Now. I can’t tell you why. But you need to hide me. Now. Uh-please.” His dark brown eyes seem frantic, and his accent sends shivers down your spine. You’ve never met someone with this accent, in your whole 23 years of life and something about this intrigues you.
“And why should I, for all I know you could’ve just killed someone!” You reply, standing up and stomping your cigarette out. And yet your firm stand buckles when he gives these big brown eyes, which are filled with fear. “I’ll pay.” Your expression changes almost instantly. At this point you’re ready to do just about anything to get the insurance off your back.  
“Yeah? You like that, cosa bonita? How much, pretty girl?” Then he pulls out his wallet and takes out a stack of hundred-euro bills. “You name the price, doll face. Here, two hundred? But please be quick with your decision.” Never before have you had this opportunity to make money this quickly. And you need to money now more than ever. How can you say no? What’s the harm? If he was a criminal, he would’ve hurt you by now, right? You don’t mutter a word.  
Not to mention the way he uses the pet names don’t seem gross. He’s charismatic, so much so that you hope he doesn’t see the blush creeping up your ears. Not only that but his smile seems almost comforting. Like you could trust him with your drink in a busy club. How far are you willing to go to pay your bills? You grab his warm hand, with the money in, and shove the both of you through the back door.  
“*Je suis malade. Je prends le reste de la journée.” You call out, shoving your chef’s jacket and the rest of your work attire into your bag, all with the man still trailing behind you. “I do like it when a pretty girl like you speaks French. I must thank you, not many girls would usually do something like this.” Suddenly his worried nature turns into a more welcoming, flirty one. *I'm sick. I'm taking the rest of the day off. 
It’s rare that you’re called pretty by an utter stranger. Frozen in place as you stare up at the handsome stow-away. “Where is he?” It’s the same girlish voice as before, the slightly above standard’s restaurant doors slam open. “I must say though, my French isn’t very good. I’m sure you noticed. But I do hope you were telling your manager that we are leaving, no?” He asks and this time blush creeps from your cheeks all the way to your ears.  
“Uh- yes- something like that. Come, we’ll hide in the worker’s bathroom.” You stammer your way through your sentence. Though you regret it the moment you close the bathroom stall. It’s small and barely above regulations, this place is cheap on their worker rights. His chest is pressed up right against yours. His body is so warm, like a nice fire in a winter cabin.  
You know if you were cuddle with him in the cold snowy months, you wouldn’t even need a heater or warm socks. Wait, why are you thinking this? You’ve just met the man! Now you’re already thinking of burrowing yourself closer to him. His big hands stabilize themselves on your waist, trying not to topple over you. And you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together, hoping the handsome man won’t notice.  
At the same time, you wish your hair isn’t tied up, so that you could hide behind that piercing gaze. Especially now that your bodies are pressed against each other in the small bathroom stall. Your hands grow clammy, and you can feel that his eyes are trying to catch yours. Trying to see more of your face and you’re merely hoping the earth would swallow you whole. Feeling inferior to be admired by a man with such heat.   
“I knew coming to France would be fun, but I didn’t expect being so close to such a pretty girl.” He seems entirely too big for the little stall and now you wish they had aircons that the American’s talk about. You too are forced to also steady yourself on his big, hard chest. Those dark unruly brows furrow. “Why are you so quiet now? Earlier you were quite happy to talk, no?” 
Now you’re really blushing. “I assume when you someone like you, pays someone like me, you expect them to keep quiet.” You say avoiding his gaze, this seems to aggravate him. He takes you by the chin and forces you to look at him. His gaze softens when you look up at him through your lashes. But your legs feel like jelly when staring into those chocolate brown eyes.  
“Someone like you? Someone like me? You should watch what you say.” Those dark golden eyes seem to stare right through your insecurities. “Why is that?” His words cause a spark in your mind, you’ve always been jealous of the rich ones. Not only that but the way they look down on you. This causes a smirk on his face, “So the mouse does speak?” You scoff at his words and start staring him down.  
“The mouse does speak, and she’d love to ask why on earth she’s hiding with you in a bathroom stall?” His jaw snaps at your words and this time he looks away. “If I tell you, you might just be another person I need to hide from.” This time it’s your turn to laugh. “Tell me now, or I’m throwing you to the wolves.” He snaps down to look you in the eyes again. “You wouldn’t dare.” You smirk, “Watch me.”  
His hand snaps up and then falls to his side again. Your heart is racing, it’s unlike you to be so daring or disobedient. But something about him makes you feel bold and confident. “Alright, niñita, tell me do you know about the Tifosi?” He asks, mixing his language in between and you can’t help but want to beg to know what he’s calling you 
You shake your head no. “Alright, what about Formula 1?” Again, you shake my head no. He sighs and rubs his head. “Let’s just say I have a few loco, um, crazy fans.” You laugh, full on head back laughing. “Really? You paid me two-hundred euros to hide with you in a bathroom because you have some passionate fans.” Your eyes are twinkling with delight.  
“No, no, no, niñita, you don’t understand. They had scissors! They wanted a piece of my hair!” This causes a flash of fears in his eyes, and he subconsciously rakes his fingers through his luxurious dark hair. You shrug and lift your hand, wiping a strand from his forehead. “I can see why.” It goes quiet then and the both of you can’t help but notice the screaming has died down.  
“Well, if you’d ever like to know more about someone like me-” He sends you a wink and then grabs your phone from your back pocket. He shows you the lock screen and you roll your eyes but give in and open the phone. He puts in his number, adding a chili next to his name. ‘Carlos Sainz 🌶️’  
 You frown, “What’s the chili stand for?” Once more, he winks. “You’ll find out soon enough, I’m sure. And here-” he pulls out his wallet and hands you another hundred, “-for the trouble.” You blush again and shake your head. You hesitate, eyeing the money, biting the inside of your cheek, churning over if you should take it or not.  
It’s been the first time that you’ve laughed in weeks. Not to mention the previous money already helps so much. “Tan testarudo que ya lo puedo ver. Está bien, me gusta un poco de coraje en mi chica.” He scoffs and shoves the bill in the back pocket of your jeans. “I think they’re gone now, I’ve got to go, I’m sure my manager is looking for me.” He says after his rant in the language I don’t understand.  
He unlocks the bathroom stall door, and clatters out, yet somehow makes it look so hot. You escort him out of the restaurant and find yourself staring at him on the sidewalk of Paris. You can’t but remember, when he looks at you like he’s ready to devour you, that this is the city of love. Again, he steps up close, feeling his hot breath on your forehead. He’s six inches taller than you, he’s looming.  
As if thirty minutes ago are happening again. He’s quiet and contemplative. His sweet, cocky attitude turns dark suddenly. His warm, rough hands gently caress your cheek. “I’m only in Paris for one more week, before I’m off to the Netherlands. If you don’t message me, I’ll make sure to see you again.” He looks so serious, so much so that your stomach turns slightly.  
“Wouldn’t that be going a bit fast? Seeing me at my work a week after we met?” You chuckle, rolling your eyes. His eyes turn slightly darker and yet he smirks. “I like a fast pace.” As if he’s a villain in a bond movie, a bright black SUV pulls up next to him. “Don’t tell anyone about this. It’ll be better for the both of us. I don’t want the world to know about you just yet.”  
His wink sends shivers down your spine. He then takes your hand and places a kiss on your knuckles. “I will see you again, muñequita.” He then slides into the back of the SUV; his gaze makes your core warm. And when he rides away you can’t help but lean against a close-by streetlamp. Your legs feel like Jello.  
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darlingsfandom · 2 months
can i request a dark older actor cillian where he works on set with younger actress who is new to the industry and cillian thinks shes like naive and pretty so he manipulates into being his
you got it friend ✨
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TW: dark! Cillian, he’s a creep! P in V, unprotected sex!
It had been a long day, your body ached, eyes burned and brain turned to mush. This was your first big break at a real Hollywood movie! You were going beyond your limits to prove yourself (even though you had the part) because you had the feeling swallowing you whole that if you didn’t you’d be fired.
Your trailer has been your new home over the last four months so you made it cozy for you! You were laying on your back closing your eyes and listening to your white noise machine with your fan blowing high to get your self calmed down and it was working until someone decided to knock on the door. A sigh left your lips.
“Come in!” You yelled and the door swung open. Cillian had waltzed right in. You loved Cillian and playing his leading lady made your head spin!
“‘Ello dsrlin.” He sat down next to you before pulling you in closer. “Wanted ta check on ya. I know tis was a big scene for ya! Had ya show everyone your young body.” Today was a first for you since you had just filmed a nude scene and it did make you feel seen in an unwanted way. “Ya did amazin darlin!” Cillians fingers brushed up and down your arm as he leaned in to kiss the top of head, but it wasn’t just a kiss he had also sniffed your hair which made you furrow your eyebrow. It wasn’t the first time Cillian had sniffed your hair or rubbed your back or he’d happen to catch you when you tripped and his hands cupped your body just right .
“Thank you Cillian.” You squeaked when you felt his hand sneak its way down to your ass and give it a feel. His lips curved into a smile.
“Such a pretty young thing you are.” His lips brushed against your ear sending shivers over your body. You shrunk a little before he grabbed you by your chin and made you look him in the eyes. His baby blues suddenly seemed dark and it made your throat dry. “And all mine.” His grip tightened making you whimper. His free hand made its way back to your hair and tangled his fingers into it. You gave him pleading eyes which turned him on even more. Cillian had been obsessed with you since he met you at casting. It was because of him that you had the role. You OWED him! You just didn’t realize it.
“Give me a kiss doll.” He puckered his lips to you. You shook your head which landed a smack across your cheek. “I said! Give! ME A KISS!” He sputtered at you making your thighs clench which he did notice . He squeezed your cheeks hard to pucker your soft lips before pressing his into yours. It was a rough kiss which you couldn’t deny actually felt good .
“If yer gonna be a brat, gonna treat ya like one.” Cillian bit your bottom lip before yanking on your hai to make your head go back so he could suck on your neck. A small whimper escaped your lips which made Cillian suck harder on your collar bone while his free hand groped your tits. He squeezed them hard before shoving his hand under your shirt and playing with your nipples. He smiled against your lips for not wearing a bra and giving him easy access. Cillian pulled away from you with a smirk before he pulled you up to you feet.
“Get naked.. now!” His fingers snapped at you as he sat there rubbing his bulge through his pants. Your hands grabbed the bottom of your shirt and yanked it off before getting your pants off. “Panties gotta go to doll.” You pulled off your panties and stood there fully nude as he licked his lips.
“See! Such a pretty young body doll! Show me yer pussy.” Your jaw dropped at his words.
“I won’t repeat meself! Do it!” He barked at you. You leaned back on the edge of the couch and spread open your legs. Cillian watched in amazement at how easily you listened . He also loved how wet you looked. He leaned forward and dragged his finger through your folds before bringing it to his lips and looked into your eyes while cleaning his fingers. “Such a pretty pussy too!”
Cillian stood up in front of you and unzipped his pants. He dropped his boxers and your jaw dropped when he pulled out his fat cock. It was average length but the girth made you gulp. He stood over you and slowly rubbed his cock.
“Bet ya want me cock don’t ya ?”
“Yes Cillian!” You gave him doe eyes and that’s all it took. Cillian pulled you up before he sat down and pulled you onto his lap. He helped you steady yourself onto his cock. “Oh!!” Your mouth hung open as the girth of his cock stretched you open.
“Dats it doll, make yerself cock drunk!” His words struck your core making it easier for you to slide all the way down his cock until you felt his balls against your ass. “Good girl, ride me!”
You held onto his shoulders as you started bouncing up and down on his thick cock. Cillian watched how your pussy sucked his cock making him even more aroused. You were his personal porn star. “Fuck! Such a tight pussy gripping me cock! Fuck doll!” He gritted his teeth and tossed his head back as you bounced yourself dumb on his cock.
Cillian gripped your hips and took over. He fucked his cock hard up into you. You were crying from the pleasure building up inside. Your nails were digging into his arms as the sound of his balls slapping against you filled your ears and it was such an exciting sound to hear how your wetness squelched on his fat cock.
“Cillian! I need to cum! Please please!” You pleased as your eyes rolled back.
“Be good for me and cum on me cock! Be a good girl!” He grunted hard as his own orgasm was building. His moans were enough to send you over the edge and your orgasm hit hard.
“FUCK!” You cried out as your thighs shook hard, your mouth hung open and your pussy clenched his cock hard!
“I’m cumming doll!” Cillian held you tight on his cock as his large load of cum shot into your wet pussy and already started to seep down your legs.
“Cillian!” You yelped and tried to pull yourself off.
“No no! Stay still doll! Allow your body to take me cum!” He smiled at you as you gulped.
“Always going to take care of me pretty doll because you are mine!” Cillian held you in his arms as the two of you came down from your highs. This was more than you had accepted as your first role.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 4 months
Congrats babes on 3000 followers! If you're still taing requests , I would love to see Curtis Everett/Mob AU/"You don't know what I'm capable of."
Thank you so much! and oh my goodness, Curtis + Mob AU is the most delicious of pairings!
Bait and Switch - Mob!Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: A meeting with Curtis 'The Axe' Everett takes a surprising turn
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Darkish? Mob Dynamics! Arranged Marriage! Language! Guns! Brief Mention of Blood!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / Celebration Masterlist
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You smoothed out your black shimmering dress, the one you chose because it looked like an endless night sky, in the back seat of the car. Your gaze was set on the numerous industrial buildings you passed as you drove through town. It was different to what you were used to, trees that went on for miles only broken up by long drives towards estates. It was different in that despite the lack of nature it felt alive, like the buildings were breathing as men and women moved around on the streets.
The placement of a hand on top of yours drew your attention away from the view. You glanced over and smiled gently at your husband as his thumb brushed over the large ruby on your finger.
“It goes well with your dress” Bryce murmured.
The corner of your lips twitched upwards “black does go with everything” you pointed out with a smirk.
Bryce snorted and shook his head as he smoothed down his tie “I would have preferred to have worn something with a bit more oomph but I want us to look like a team”
You nodded your head in agreement “The deal is pretty much finalised right?”
“Right, but nothing is set in stone until the signature is on the paper, so I just need you to be my secret weapon” Bryce smirked as he leant over and caressed your cheek.
You nodded your head, you understood exactly what that meant. You were there to look pretty and be a distraction while the men signed the deal.
It was a risky strategy. You were meeting Curtis Everett, otherwise known as The Axe and in the mob world if your leader had a nickname they were in a league of their own.
But you were confident that he would fall into the trap you laid like a black widow. In previous meetings, you’d caught his icy blue eyes lingering on you and what you wore then was far less revealing and tempting than the dress you wore now. If everything went to plan he would be too distracted by your looks to notice the changes to the contract Bryce had made.
Soon enough the car pulled into the nicer end of the industrial area. As you stepped out of the car you glanced around, it was clear lots of money had been pumped into this part of town yet it had kept its industrial charm.
You looped your arm in Bryce’s and allowed him to lead you inside the apartment building. The doorman waved the both of you through, directing you to the top floor where Curtis’ penthouse apartment was.
The man himself was waiting for you when the elevator doors opened. He wore a simple white shirt and black slacks. Much more understated than Bryce’s three-piece suit yet he remained the better dressed out of the two.
“Welcome,” Curtis greeted as you walked over.
“You have a lovely place” you commented as you looked around.
The industrial look had carried on inside his penthouse. It was full of deep blues and browns with accents of metal throughout. Despite all that, it was warm, welcoming and comfortable. Much different to the stately home you shared with Bryce where all the furniture was so posh that it looked nice but it wasn’t comfortable.
Curtis grunted and his lips twitched upwards as he glanced over at you. His icy blue eyes roamed over your body before he turned “this way”
You follow him into the next room which you guessed was the equivalent to Bryce’s drawing room. There was a large roaring fire, various different places to sit all comforting and inviting. There was a wet bar which Curtis was making his way towards, but your attention was captured by the large arched window that took up most of the far wall.
Your arm slipped from Bryce’s as you walked over to the window, your hand reaching out to run your fingers over the black metal frames. You admired the view as the two men began to talk, exchanging basic pleasantries.
You gazed over your shoulder, taking advantage of the men being distracted to survey the room. There was only one entrance or exit, unless you counted the window you stood by. You noted that Curtis didn’t have a bodyguard in the room, the only one was Bryce’s.
You looked at Curtis whose sights were already on you. You gave him a small arch of your brow which he returns with a small dip of his chin. Keeping your eyes on him you sauntered over to where the men stood at the wet bar. Keeping a healthy distance between them and positioning yourself between them and the bodyguard.
Curtis who was stood behind the bar passed Bryce, who was sat on the other side, a tumbler of whiskey before turning his attention to you “Would you like anything?”
You shake your head, hands gently gripping the clutch handbag you brought “No thank you, maybe later to celebrate”
A smirk played on Curtis’ lips as he nodded. He then turned his attention back to Bryce, his face turning as hard as stone. He took a couple of steps back to lean against the back counter and crossed his arms over his chest.
“About that… I’ve been doing my due diligence as any good businessman would do and decided to ask around about you some more, get some more… references” Curtis stated “Let’s just say they were less favourable than the ones you provided”
“If you’re talking about Drysdale he’s a trust fund prick” Bryce growled, his grip tightened around his glass.
“He is” Curtis nods “but his grandfather didn’t have many positive things to say, neither did many others”
“My family has been in this business since we first came to this country hundreds of years ago” Bryce stated tapping his finger down harshly on the bar counter “You need us and this deal, far more than we do”
Curtis’ poker face gives nothing away “I don’t think that’s true, you approached me, I’ve heard your family have been siphoning money and it’s only gotten worse since you took over, you’re approaching the red” he stated.
Bryce’s knuckles turn white “You know nothing about my financial situation, whatever you heard is wrong do you really think I’m foolish enough to advertise that if I was so near the red?” He argued.
“You’re doing it without even realising it” Curtis retorted.
“Sign the goddamn deal already and we can sort all this out later” Bryce growls slapping the contract down onto the bar.
Curtis didn’t move let alone flinch “No”
“I wouldn’t recommend that” you spoke up.
Bryce shot you a glare while Curtis looked over at you inquisitively “Why?” He asked.
“Financial situations aside, Bryce’s family carries a lot of influence, and so does mine it’s the reason he married me” you start “You may have created quite a notorious reputation for yourself but you’re still new and you’ve made a fatal error” you pulled out the gun you hid in your clutch, a silencer in place so even his guards outside the room wouldn’t hear the shot.
Curtis doesn’t flinch “Now I wouldn’t recommend that,” he said, you noticed his hand slyly reaching behind his back, not that it mattered it wouldn’t stop you.
You smirked at him “You don’t know what I’m capable of”
Faster than anyone could realise what was happening, especially Bryce, your aim shifted and the bullet was fired. It found its intended target inside Bryce’s head.
Before Bryce’s body had even slumped onto the bar, Curtis pulled out his own silenced gun and fired, Bryce’s bodyguard collapsed to the floor dead.
Finally, a smirk broke out on Curtis’ face “I think that went perfectly to plan”
“It felt so good too” you sighed, relief coursing through your body.
You grabbed a cloth from the bar and wiped down the gun to remove your fingerprints and remove the silencer. You sauntered over to the dead bodyguard and placed the gun in his hands while removing his gun from his belt.
Everything went according to plan and Bryce was none the wiser. You hadn’t lied when you said the reason Bryce had married you was your family’s influence, but you hadn’t agreed to it your father had. You were the sole heir to the business yet your father didn’t believe you could handle it so married you off. It was truly a marriage of inconvenience.
So when you heard about Curtis six months ago you set up a meeting. It was strictly business to begin with but then it developed into a friendship and then an affair. Which is why the two of you hatched this plan to merge the families and free you from Bryce.
You had been secretly working behind the scenes for weeks, planting enough seeds to doubt in Bryce’s men, gathering enough support that once he was gone they would follow you.
“It was very sexy” Curtis murmured as he moved over to you, placing his hand on your hips, head dipping to press a kiss to your bare shoulder “Freedom is a good look on you”
You smiled up at him, reaching up to cup his cheeks. Your thumbs brushed over his beard as you gazed into his blue eyes which had warmed now the mask was dropped.
“I’m about to look a lot less attractive” you smirked.
Curtis gave you a lopsided smile as he kissed you “Never” he said before kissing the tip of your nose “Ready?”
You nodded as you walked into position. You stood the opposite to where you stood before, so to anyone who entered you would be on the wrong side to where the bullet came from. You also made sure to stand far enough away from Bryce so it wasn’t strange that you weren’t covered in his blood.
Curtis took up his original position and took out his gun, he glanced over at you and nodded to make sure you were ready before he shot another two rounds in quick succession. At the same time, you let out a blood-curdling scream, hand cupped over your mouth playing the part of a wife who’d just witnessed her husband’s murder.
Crocodile tears were streaming down your face as Curtis’ men rushed into the room along with a couple of your own men. Everyone had guns drawn and were pointing them at each other as they surveyed the room.
“What happened?” one of Curtis’ men, Grey, asked.
Curtis shook his head in disbelief “I don’t know, he just shot Bryce out of nowhere” he explained pointing over to the dead bodyguard “I shot him before he could kill anyone else” he added as he glanced over to you.
You were still sobbing as everyone else lowered their guns “he and Bryce had an argument yesterday, something about pay…” one of your men comments as he glanced down at the guard with disgust “What’s gonna happen now? The deal” he asked as he looked at you.
You shook your head and sobbed harder, making sure your entire body shook.
“We’ll sort that out later” Curtis huffed as he made his way out from behind the bar and towards you “Let’s make sure you’re okay first, how about a drink?” he offered as he gently led you to sit down.
You nodded as you sat down, making sure your shoulders were hunched “Thank you” you muttered weakly.
Once your drink was in your hand Curtis saw to the bodies, making sure they were properly disposed of and any blood was cleared up. You kept up your grieving and shocked widow act the entire time, slowly allowing yourself to calm down as time passed.
When enough time had passed Curtis sat down in the chair opposite you “I guess the deal is off?” he asked.
You shook your head “No… it’s still on, but let’s re-negotiate” you said as you looked over at him.
There was no need to negotiate. You and Curtis had already agreed to the deal, you had made sure all of Bryce’s business went to you in the event of his passing before an heir was born. With the deal you struck with Curtis, you now shared them with him, as well as all of his businesses. It was essentially another marriage deal, but the wedding would come later and at least this time it was your choice.
“Sounds like a plan” Curtis smirked.
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A/N: Okay so this just might be my favourite oneshot I've written, Mob Curtis is just *chef's kiss*
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zgvlt · 1 year
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CRUSH x CRASH ruggie bucchi x reader
summary: Ruggie, your fake boyfriend, is your date to yet another wedding.
tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff + attempt at humor, 3.1k+ words, not beta read
author's notes (see end for more): i was in a bit of a writer's slump with some newer stuff i was working on, so i picked an older draft to finish. i'm glad it worked out in the end for me. anyway, if this is something that bothers you, reader does not talk about getting married :) the setting is just a wedding
[you can also read this on AO3]
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Ruggie likes weddings more than most people. Sure, lots of people find them awfully stuffy, terribly expensive, a huge waste of time, but not Ruggie—even if he does think a lot of them are too fancy shmancy for their own good! Like, what’s with the wedding industry being so costly? Does it seriously cost that much money to rent a venue? Why do dresses and tuxes cost an arm and a leg? Are the to-be-weds actually expected to pay for the flights of their guests if they’re coming out of town?
That aside—he’s not planning a wedding so those questions have nothing to do with him!—Ruggie adores weddings, enough to crash them and celebrate with the newlyweds! 
Not that he crashes them, not at all in technical terms, has not really needed to considering you were more than willing to invite him as your plus-one for every event with catering or an all-you-can-eat buffet, all events including weddings! Birthdays and gender reveals were all fine and dandy too, but sometimes those adult party games could get embarrassing, even if they had some snazzy (and usually practical!) prize to be won.
But really, none better than a good wedding.
So sure, maybe tuxedos weren’t exactly his style—he’s worn the same one to pretty much every wedding, but guys tend to get passes on that sort of thing—but it’s really not that bad having to dress up every, what, once or twice a month… and sure, maybe he’s a bit selective with the wedding speeches he actually finds sweet, but he has the decency to clap after each and every one (and even let out a whistle or holler if the atmosphere is casual enough!)
There was also the issue that maybe some of the time that should have been spent chatting up other guests was spent discreetly putting food in the tupperware for him to take home—not like most of them would have finished the food anyway! It would be a waste if it had just gone in the trash!—but he’s the first to ask and lead you to the floor when you seem like you’re in the mood for dancing.
So okay, maybe he doesn’t like every aspect of the arrangement (it’s hard to care about it 100% when most of the attendees are strangers or acquaintances at most) but, well, you were his friend and there was bound to be good food, especially the more extravagant weddings, so attend he shall.
“What color do I have ‘ta wear? Don’t wanna be stared at like I’m the asshole for not following some dumb dress code.”
Like, why the hell would guests have to wear certain colors or prints? Wasn’t it good as long as you didn’t outshine the bride(s) or however the rule went? As if he could even wear something glamorous and bling bling enough for that to happen anyway.
“Sunrise colors, so probably red and orange and yellow… maybe blue as well?” 
Excellent, Ruggie thought, absolutely excellent, considering he actually owned a yellow tie!
No need for renting, no need to borrow one from Leona (again), no need to ask Kalim, who would have probably sent him a bunch of way too expensive ties with exquisite patterns and stitching, and definitely no need to ask some other guy who would probably ask for a favor or something which, no thank you, he’ll just break the dress code and play dumb.
“I’ll go wear yellow, then,” Ruggie announced, just in case you wanted to, well, match or something. Wouldn’t be the first time (and the first time was a complete accident!) so he could probably handle the teasing… probably.
“Ah, one more thing,” he asked, suddenly remembering something—his part of the deal when it came to attending these events with you. “So our, y’know, our usual—do we have to do that there too?”
“Hmm? Do what, Ruggie?” you asked, feigning forgetfulness. 
With how many different occasions he’s accompanied you to over the past year (this would be the seventeenth, and the year was still a few months away from ending), not to mention the amount totaling from all the years he’s known you, he knew that you were very well aware of what he was talking about.
“Y’know…! Pretend that me and you, you know, that we’re… Oi! Can your laughter, you’re at fault here!”
He gave in anyway, only because he still found himself embarrassed whenever it was brought up. It was easier once he was settled in, but the process was still… yeah. 
Honestly, he doesn’t really have much of a (valid, not embarrassing to say) excuse for how and why the whole ordeal still flustered him even after how many years has passed since the arrangement—it just does. 
Well, okay, there’s an actual reason, but best not to speak it into existence in case you find out and make fun of him for that too.
He just has to be satisfied knowing that in some ways, he gets the best of you as well.
“Sorry, sorry!” you said, appeasing him with your laughter, “No, no, there’s no need to pretend we’re dating this time! The groom is pretty chill about the invites, so it’s no big deal if I bring a friend along.”
“Cool, cool,” he replied, not really feeling any smidge of the relief you were expecting him to. He feigned a sigh anyway, just to pretend he did. “‘S not that it’s a big deal if I had to.”
“Of course not,” you agreed, “must be like a second skin at this point, huh?”
He scratched the back of his neck as he laughed.
“Ah, yeah, somethin’ like that!”
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Second skin might have been the right way to describe it, though Ruggie’s beginning to realize that there are problems as well with how natural everything’s become between the two of you. 
This whole fake dating business seemed like all pluses at the start—hanging out with and getting to go to snazzy events with a friend, eating good food, getting all the perks of socializing without having to make too many promises and commitments. Those were all pretty fantastic, really!
The issue is, though, that once you become someone’s fake significant other, you simply can’t stop fake dating them because of the mutual friends and acquaintances you happen to share with the other person. The degrees of separation have decreased significantly since becoming your go-to partner to these things.
“Ruggie! It’s so good to see you!” He gets scooped up into a tight hug—if his personal space is gonna get invaded, can they at least mind the tail?!—by some person he attended the wedding of some months ago. What was their name again…? 
“Yeah, good to see ya too, man!” Well, he can’t say he’s all that upset about seeing a sort of familiar face or two, especially a face of a genuinely generous person, but he’s not sure he has much to say, really. Other than your mutual friends, he mostly lets you or the other people decide what to talk about and he sort of just improvs from there. If he ends up getting asked about work and life and such, he’d end up drawing a blank (too hectic and too little he’d be willing to say to an almost stranger).
“Since you’re here, it probably means you’re still dating my cousin, huh?” 
The person he had been talking to before the interruption—the groom of today’s affair—was momentarily confused, before grinning at the revelation.
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah? Did Ruggie not tell you he’s the S.O. of…?”
Basically, people know him as your boyfriend, and he will be introduced as your boyfriend even when neither of you had the intention of pretending that day for the sake of not blowing your cover. 
Like, it’s not as if he’s gonna fake break up with you or anything anytime soon, so spreading the fake news it is!
Really, ain’t he just such a good friend for keeping up the act to the best of his abilities? Not that it was all that hard or nothing, it’s kind of just like lighting a match—after a few flicks, it’s already registered in his brain that he’s supposed to be your date. 
“I thought the two of you were just friends?” The groom wiggled his eyebrows in the way annoying adults tended to when they felt like teasing the children in the village about their crushes. 
Except Ruggie was already a few years past drinking age so he doesn’t really feel like playing into that game, even if the guy’s your friend. He’ll just answer quickly and move on (back to you, and maybe the buffet table as well).
“Shishishi… It’s an inside joke we love to tell people,” he explains, a well-practiced excuse at this point. “Started out because people kept telling us we’d make a pretty good couple not knowing we were already dating, so we kinda just committed to the bit!”
Yeah right! The irony of it all, if that was the right category it fell into.
“So this has been going on for a while then, huh!”
“Yeah, something like four years, one month, and eight days,” of fake dating, Ruggie said nonchalantly, like it was no big deal that he’s been keeping himself single for all that time so he can continue to fake date you. He’s just never felt the compulsion to stop, and clearly you haven’t either considering you’ve been single all that time as well!
“You can’t just say something like then get the exact numbers down to a T, puppy.”
Likely wondering what was taking him so long to return to your side, you decided to finally grace him with your presence, wrapping an arm around his waist. He pretends it happens frequently enough to the point that he’s not flustered about it.
“Means ya have it memorized too, kitty,” he replies, deflecting. “Not that big a deal. Also, hyenas aren’t even part of the dog family, y’know!”
“Okay okay, whatever you say!” you laugh, nudging the groom with your free arm. “Sorry I lied to you about him being my boy space friend and not my boyfriend. I saw an opportunity to lie and I took it!”
“You know what? I’m not even surprised,” the man says, shaking his head before turning to the hyena once more. “So, Ruggie, since the two of you have been together for several years now, do the two of you plan on getting married any time soon, too?”
Questions like that are meant to be heavy hitting, meant to be discussed for more than just a few minutes, but Ruggie manages to answer it swiftly. 
Again, not the first time he’s been asked, but his answer has never really changed from all those years ago.
“Only if my partner wants to,” he replies. He grabs the hand you have wrapped around him, pushing it down so he can clasp onto your fingers properly, like a dutiful boyfriend would. “I’d be happy as long as we have a future together.”
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Considerate. That was how Ruggie was known to… pretty much everyone you had introduced him to that didn’t know the truth. He was a considerate boyfriend, one who never spoiled or babied you too much, but one always eager to help or guide you with whatever it was you needed.
You saw him as considerate too, you let him know, a considerate friend. It was why you approached him with this whole fake dating shenanigans in the first place, and why you continued to rely on him over and over again.
“I just don’t know what I’d do with you, really,” you bemoaned, “you’re seriously the best, you know that?”
“Shishishi… if you wanted me to comfort you, you could just ask,” Ruggie replied with a grin, more receptive to the compliment than he wanted to let on. “Whether you want to cry at their speeches and use my tie as a tissue, or ask me to refill your plate with something in particular, I’ll do it.”
You smiled, your appreciation extending from your lips to the tips of your fingers, reaching out to comb through his hair gently. 
“Your tie’s too nice for that,” you admitted, your fingers trailing down to his neck to caress the fabric. He might have misheard, but he thought he heard someone murmur about public display of affection… as if a wedding didn’t scream P.D.A. already. Regardless, he lowers his eyes to watch the movement of your hands, only a little bit mesmerized by how gently you treat him at times like these. He’s used to you not being afraid to fool around with him, which is nice, but… but this is nice, too.
Yikes, you’d think you were cupping his face or something by the way he reacted—it was just his tie, for sevens’ sake!
“I’ve always liked how you looked in yellow,” you said, and he could do nothing but melt. That’s all he can do, considering if he tried to speak he would probably whimper and purr and let you have your way with his heart… But you look like you want him to say something, so he should try to do that. It can’t be that bad! He just has to clear his throat and make sure he actually vomits out words instead of feelings.
You can praise me more! was what he wanted to say. Instead, he said,
“Ahh, ya look very charming too in…!” It’s a good enough start, but he trailed off when he realized he couldn’t really pinpoint just one thing he liked. What, was he gonna say you looked good in yellow too? You said it first! He’d just be repeating at that point! “Agh, you’re just cute…! You don’t have to laugh at me for that!”
“I’m not making fun of you!” you explained quickly—not that you needed to, he knew you weren’t, and the clarification didn’t make his cheeks cool in the least bit. It’s like the heat of his hometown all over again! “You’re acting like you wouldn’t tease me for the very same thing!”
“Who, me? Your Ruggie? Never!” he said, lying as easily as he breathed. “So go on, might as well ask me for a few more things while I’m in the mood to be all sweet with ya~”
“Well… what if I want to ask you to dance?”
He laughed, as he tended to in many situations, but he laughed then because he knew his leading you to the dance floor would be inevitable—it was just a matter of time. When you laugh with him, he knows it’s because you knew the very same.
“You know my rhythm ain’t that good, especially when the music is…” He paused to listen to the music, having been too invested in you to pay attention to the tunes. “...classical? Like, piano and violin instrumental and all.”
“Then I’ll let you step on my feet—once!” 
“You’re only sayin’ that because ya know I won’t,” Ruggie said, grinning, “well, not on purpose anyway! Shishishi…”
They’ve danced this dance before… not literally, or maybe literally, many wedding playlists and bands repeat the same songs anyway, but the whole let’s dance and pretend we’re an engaging and fun couple kind of dance specifically. He’s not really sure why they continue doing so, most people only really care about who the newlyweds dance with, but once they’ve started they never really had it in them to stop. 
At least, that was how he felt about it.
“‘Times it feels like the first time,” Ruggie said, hands gesturing vaguely in the air before they take their place next to yours. You interlock your fingers with his in response. “This whole thing. The date and dance thing.”
“S’ not the right word,” he replied, “I always feel comfy around you.”
“Fun,” he supplied, “somehow this has never gotten boring even after four years–”
“–and one month, and eight days,” you were already smiling the whole time (he would know—when he wasn’t staring at his feet to make sure he wouldn’t accidentally hurt you, he’s been staring at your face shamelessly), but your eyes crinkle a little bit more. He thinks you might’ve stolen his abilities because he mirrors your very movements. “Or is that nine days counting today?”
“Nah, I already counted today as the eight.”
The look you have on your face resembled approval, as if you were praising him for remembering so well. 
“We’ve never celebrated an anniversary, have we?” you whispered, as though too embarrassed to let anyone else hear. Ruggie doubted anyone would, too preoccupied with themselves and everyone else to pay attention to a couple of guests dancing, but he leans into you anyway to hear you better.
(He doesn’t need it, he can hear you fine and dandy with the ears he has, but neither of you comment on the action.)
“Is there somewhere you wanna go? Or do?” he asked, genuinely interested in what your idea of an ideal celebratory date would be. For future reference.
“Your hometown would be nice.” The answer very nearly has him yelping, but he managed to restrain himself by squeezing your hands a little tighter. His eyes look around wildly before gawking at you. You know what his hometown is like, but more than that, you know what that place means to him, the people there that he looks out for whenever he can.
“You’re sounding very much like a real partner right now,” Ruggie said, awed at the unspoken revelation, “makes me wonder why we put that fake label in the first place if we were just gonna reserve ourselves for each other.”
“Because we’re fools,” you replied, glad to be on the same page as him, “and we’ve just been acting as the other does all this time without stepping out of line.”
“Was there even a line in the first place?” The both of you shared a laugh. 
“So, what do you think? About that hometown date?”
You probably know exactly what he thinks about it. You’ve always had a way with his heartstrings and he’s done nothing to stop you from doing so, so you know his entire being feels very warm and bubbly just about now, has been the entire time he’s had you by his side, really.
“Help me sneak some sweets out later,” Ruggie murmured quietly, “in the tupperware. The brats back home will love it.”
“One step ahead of you,” you muttered back, a voice with barely contained mischief, “while you were busy chatting up the groom, I already snuck some food out to the car.”
“What the hell,” he breathed out, “I think I might have fallen in love with ya all over again.”
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end notes | masterlist of all my works
[ 1 ] Title's stylization was inspired by TOMORROW x TOGETHER, the kpop group. There's no actual inspiration from TXT, though. I just like it.
[ 2 ] Ruggie and Reader have been to seventeen events that year because Ruggie is 17 (in TWST canon, he's older in the fic), and they've "fake" dated for four years, one month, and eight days because Ruggie's bday is 4/18. I just like choosing numbers with purpose or as references is all. Reader only questions if it's been 18 or 19 days and doesn't question the other parts because they're also counting. They're whipped, amen.
[ 3 ] When writing Ruggie, I was careful in how I portrayed him and his attitude towards food and money, mostly I didn't want that becoming his personality. Big-scale weddings are often quite expensive and wasteful, and while Ruggie has his insights about that based on his background, but he also knows that people do derive joy from that and he can appreciate it (basically, he's not hateful even though he can't relate). Not the main point of the fic, but putting Ruggie in that setting I felt like I had to describe his feelings regarding it a bit.
[ 4 ] I made reader call Ruggie "puppy", then I wondered if he should actually be "kitty" instead. I had to search whether hyenas were part of the cat or dog family, only to find out they belong to their own family! Kept puppy in anyw.
[ 5 ] I asked some followers what nickname Ruggie would call his s/o and kitten came up. Makes sense, he says it in a voice line… but for the life of me I cannot type it out because of how the nickname became tainted due to "discord kittens" arghh it felt too silly… I'll commit to it next time when the context is better!
[ 6 ] ( “Because we’re fools,” you replied, [...], “and we’ve just been acting as the other does[…]” ) This is referencing Ruggie's UM/SS literal translation, "March of fools". Though in this case, I suppose it's a dance of fools, huh!
[ 7 ] As mentioned, this was something short to help get me out of my writing slump. This has been in my drafts since June and the original "june wedding prompt" fic I meant to write before I scrapped it for the jade wedding fic instead. I decided to finally write it since, compared to before where I only really enjoyed writing longer one-shots (around 5k-15k words), I've gotten more comfortable writing shorter one-shots :>
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gaysindistress · 1 year
Sad girl - eighteen
summary: James has an interesting new business proposal and one hell of a condition to deal with.
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: cursing, Bucky’s smartass, angst, guns, violence, Walker has decided that he wants to be Joe Goldberg
word count: 2.2k
a/n: there are some POV shifts in this part but I tried to make it obvious with dividers so it wasn’t too confusing. Anyways, there’s one part left!
part 17 | series masterlist
Taglist: @missvelvetsstuff @angelsincident @spencerreidisagorgman @goldensunflowe-r   @i-have-no-life-charlie @esposadomd @iateall-yourcookies  @littlelizardlizzie @alana4610 @kandis-mom @beware-my-thorns @ozwriterchick @reader-without-a-story @unaxv @wh0reforbucknasty @cjand10  @vickie5446 @katymae12344 @openup-yourmind @callsign-athena
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
The Stark Estate is always the looming house on the hill as the SUV approaches the large iron gates. The brick mansion is mostly covered in vines and plants, much to Pepper’s dismay. Anthony thought it gave the 20s-built house character and a homey feel so the vines were left along with the ridiculous amount of landscaping that lined the driveway. Bucky resists the urge to roll his eyes at the blatant display of wealth as the SUV rolls down the driveway to the main house. Scott is the one to meet the men, standing with his arms crossed in front of him. The SUV slows to a stop beside him and Bucky gets out of the driver’s seat. 
“The others in position,” Scott asks him as Bucky adjusts his black jean jacket to conceal his holster and gun better. 
“Yep, yours?”
Scott nods while the two walk into the house. While Pepper may not have any say about the outside, she took full advantage of changing every little detail inside to fit her taste. White and marble covered every inch of the 20,000 square foot home, a stark difference from the industrial and wood feel of Bucky’s house. It reeked of cold indifference as they walked up the same stairs Doll nearly cracked with anger that day. Scott pushes open the heavy doors, letting the other man enter the room first. 
As usual, Anthony is seated at his desk however without his normal crowd of men in black. Thor and Loki are reclining on the couches, guns completely on display due to their relaxed posture. A younger man, who he assumes is the new recruit Peter Parker is standing off to the side of Anthony. 
“You brought a kid?” Bucky tries to hide the disgust in their voice when he sits in the same chair he had during that meeting. 
“He’s not a kid and you didn’t bother to dress for the occasion,” Anthony, however, doesn’t even bother to cover his disapproval at Bucky’s outfit. 
Leveling a blank stare at the other man, he speaks again “We’re not here to do business.”
Anthony rolls his eyes dramatically, making a show of it as he gestures to Scott to come over. He says something about the ETA of John to which Scott tells him he’s at the gates before leaving the room. 
“What’s the status of your team?” He turns to his son-in-law. 
“Waiting for my cue.”
“Good good. How about my daughter?”
“Wow, I forgot how quiet you are,”  he widens his eyes in annoyance, “Anyways when John gets here, I don’t want you to speak. Let me handle it and if I need you to step in, I’ll let you know.”
“Fine by me,” a hardened expression takes on his face as he rests his hands together in between his spread legs. 
John’s voice echoes up the marble staircase as Bucky’s phone rings. 
“Buck we have a problem.”
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Nat had promised Doll that his meeting would only last a couple of hours and that it was just a business meeting. 
“I swear it’s just a meeting that’s all.”
“He took his gun,” Doll is trying not to panic, however with his injury and their developing closeness, it’s getting harder and harder to stop it. 
“He takes it everywhere.”
“But this is different, I can feel it. He didn’t tell me where he was going and he always tells me.”
Nat takes her by the shoulders and stops her pacing, “Do you really want to know?”
She pushes the other woman’s hands off of her, “Obviously.”
“If I tell you, will you promise to stay here until he gets back?” she demands as she sits down on the living room couch. 
Doll takes a seat as well while nodding her head. 
“He set up a meeting with John at your dad’s house to get him to cut his bullshit and to get your mom. Steve and Sam are headed in to get her as we speak.”
“Natasha what the fuck?” she jumps off the couch, yelling at Nat, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew this is how you were going to react. Now sit your ass back down. They’re going to be back in like an hour.”
Doll’s phone goes off, the ringtone specifically set for Morgan and she answers it in confusion, “Hey Mo Mo, what’s up?”
“Sissy help! He’s hurting everyone,” Morgan’s small voice is full of terror as she whispers into the phone. 
“Mo Mo what’s going on?”
“John, he's hurting everyone. Sissy, please help!”
She looks at Nat with frightened eyes, “Where are you? Are you hiding?”
“I’m hiding in Daddy’s closet,” she cries into the phone. 
She gestures to Nat to stand up as she holds the phone between her head and shoulder, “Okay Mo Mo, stay there and don’t make a sound okay? Do not open the door unless it’s Daddy, Mommy, or Scott. I’m coming.” 
Hastily shoving her feet into her torn vans, she throws a pair of keys to Nat and points to the door, “Start the car and call Bucky. Shit is going down.”
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“Buck we have a problem.”
“Do I even want to know?”
“She’s not here.”
“What do you mean she’s not there?” 
Sam shutters from the other line, “The woman we saw isn’t her. She says she’s a housekeeper and that Walker forced her to dress up as Marianne and stay in her room until he came and got her.”
“Fuck, get out and get over here,” Bucky hangs up the phone as John bursts into the room dragging the woman in question beside him. Blood is dripping from her eyebrow and her lip no doubt from where he hit her. Bruises are starting to form on her face and arms as she drops to the floor when John lets go of her arm. Thor and Loki jump to their feet, guns drawn and pointed at the man. 
“Gentlemen! What a lovely fucking surprise,” he exclaims, holding Marianne by the hair, “Imagine my surprise when Scott here told me that I was being set up and I found your two buddies lurking around my house.”
Anthony stands but the sudden movement is not welcomed by the furious man and he pulls his own gun on the woman beside him.  
“Sit down or I’ll shoot sweet Marianne,” the threat causes her to start crying and begging for her life as she claws at the hand holding her hair, “Shut the fuck up.”
Anthony does as he’s told and sits down. Bucky’s chest rises and falls at a steady pace, the soldier and mercenary in him remaining calm even when the room is up in arms. He rubs his eyebrow in mild annoyance that the meeting went south so quickly. He expected that this would happen, just not so quickly. Scott, on the other hand, is frozen by the door after being caught double-crossing his boss. 
“Thor and Loki sit,” John demands of the two brothers. 
Thor glances back to Anthony who gives him a nod and a dismissive wave. A shot rings out and is followed by a thud. Bucky glances over his shoulder to see that Scott is the one hit. Footsteps and shuffling are heard from behind him as the two brothers collect the body and take it out of the room. Looking forward again, he can see the disgusted and sickened face of Peter who hasn’t moved an inch since this whole thing started. 
“Peter, go find my wife and daughter,” Anthony directs the young man. 
He doesn’t move at first but Anthony saying his name sharply snaps him back to reality as he rushes out of the room to find the two other Stark family members. Marianne cries out again as John rips her up to her feet and forces her to sit in the chair next to Bucky. 
“Care to explain what the real reason for this meeting was?” John sneers at the two men, eyes rapidly shifting between them. 
Taking a deep breath and shifting his feet slightly so they’re more solid on the ground, Bucky speaks, “It was to ask you to leave my wife and her mom alone however objectives have changed.”
“Enough with the cryptic nonsense, start talking,” he shoves the gun into the woman’s hair, releasing another cry for help. 
“Let her go and we can.”
“I’m not going to ask again,” Bucky rolls his shoulders and shifts to the edge of his chair. 
“Then don’t,” he moves his attention to Anthony, “And you. I can’t believe you would help him with all of this. I had to go through Scott to find all of this out.”
Anthony licks his lips, “He is married to my daughter so I felt obligated to help.”
John lets out a downright evil laugh, “Obligated? You felt obligated? That’s fucking hilarious. I think you wanted to cut me out of the deal and saw your opportunity.”
“So what?” the older man shrugs his shoulders at the accusation. 
“If you felt so obligated to help your family then you would try and stop me if I shot Marianne?”
“No, she’s not my family.”
“You’re not going to shoot her. You are going to let her go though,” Bucky clears his throat and aims his stare at John. 
The constant demands are starting to wear down his resolve and his finger grows restless on the trigger. Taking out all three of them right now would solve all of his problems. Taking out all three would bring back his sweetheart and he could have her all to himself. The decision is made for him when three shots crack out and three loud thuds hit the floor. 
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“Fuck, get out and get over here.”
Sam curses under his breath as he pockets his phone and waves Steve over from his search of the bedroom. 
“Buck said to head to the Stark estate. John took her with him.”
“Shit,” Steve curses before turning to the housekeeper, “Go home, pack your stuff, and get out of here.”
She nods quickly while crying and takes off out of the room. The two men reupholster their guns and leave the room. They swiftly exit the house and climb into their SUV, speeding off to the Stark Estate. 
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Sam tells the man to his side as he races through the city streets. 
“Me too. Did he say anything else?”
“Not just that we needed to get over there. Do we have a first aid kit?”
Steve reaches behind the driver’s seat and pulls a backpack to the front. Opening it, he digs through it until he finds the kit.
“I hope you’re wrong,” he says, shoving the kit back in and putting it at his feet. He pulls his gun out and checks his clip before checking the rest of the clips attached to his tactile vest. 
“Me too, man, me too.”
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Nat refused to let Doll drive, insisting that she could get them there faster and in one piece. Morgan had hung up the phone before they left in fear that John would hear her voice and find her. She promised to answer when her sister got there and called her to get her out. The phone rings over the car’s speakers and she smashes the answer button when she sees that it’s Sam calling. 
“Nat get her out of New York. We’re here and shit isn’t looking good.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” Doll says with an eerily calm voice. 
“Shit, where is Nat?”
“Here.” “Please tell me you’re not on your way here,” the stress of the situation is draining his energy. 
“Morgan called me crying that John was hurting people. She’s hiding in our parent’s closet. Do you know where their room is?” 
“Do not go in until we can meet you. Nat, make sure she stays put until we have eyes on you and Bucky,” Steve’s voice is harsh and authoritative as he takes over the call, “Doll I need you to answer me.” 
“Yes I won’t go in until I see you or Sam,” she begrudgingly answers, slouching into the car seat. 
“Good see you guys in a few,” he hangs up the phone. 
“Do you have an extra gun?” She asks, opening the glove compartment and riffling through it. 
“No close that,” Nat slams it shut, “you’re not going in.”
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rhysintherain · 3 months
Top 5 archaeological sites in your province
Well, I hope everybody's settled in for an illustrated archaeology infodump, because this one got long...
But thanks for asking, this was fun to put together.
1. Tse'k'wa (Charlie Lake Cave)
Partly because I worked there as a field school TA. Also because it's one of The Coolest sites. Look up the raven burials, they're incredible. Basically it's a rock shelter overlooking a filled in ravine used by Clovis-ish peoples moving north through the ice-free corridor 12,000 years ago. Our work there was looking at the top of the hill above, where the activity might be more recent. This is the home of the northernmost Clovis point in existence, among many other cool artefacts.
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It's a very cool place, and you can usually visit if you call ahead and use the driveway instead of the unauthorised path up the bank.
2. Keatley Creek
This site might be the closest thing to a precontact interior plateau city we'll ever find. The house pits are so close together they almost overlap in places. A community this size was possible because of Keatley Creek's prime location on the Fraser salmon run and the nephrite jade celt industry across BC (think like axe blades and chisels, etc.) that they supplied with top quality material. A disaster that impacted the salmon run is probably why the site was abandoned, but they left behind lots of evidence of the good times for us to find.
Here's the site in modern times courtesy of Simon Fraser University:
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And this is the inside of a modern reconstruction Lillooet pithouse like the ones those depressions used to be:
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3. Hagwilget Canyon
There hasn't been a ton of work done on this site, but oral histories document it as a key trade hub in precontact BC. People from all over the northwest would come to the canyon to trade and socialise annually. And, with all those people moving through, you needed proper infrastructure, such as:
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The first (and best, if you ask me) Hagwilget Canyon Bridge.
And here's the new one, in case you need context for how massive a crossing this really was:
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This thing was built before white people arrived, from natural materials, and stuck around for generations. It was an incredible feat of engineering, and I'm so glad somebody thought to get pictures.
4. Kilgii Gwaay (Haida Gwaii)
This is a cool site for a bunch of reasons. It's about 10,000 years old. It was occupied before cedar was well established on BC's coast. It was only occupied for about 50 years. It's a wet site with amazing preservation. It's been under the ocean for most of its history.
Once upon a time there were people who lived on a nice little patch of shore between a pond and the sea. They fished in the ocean and hunted bears and drove wooden posts into the ground to make their homes and drying racks. They made stone tools. And then the water came up, slow but unrelenting, and made them leave. The grandparents who held little kids hands as they walked away were probably the people who had first picked this place as a home. Everything we know about them came from the short time they lived there and the things they left behind.
And then the water covered it, and kept bones and tools and wood stakes safe for ten millennia. Only luck and climate and geology working together made it possible for us to find it again. It's like a tiny, perfect Atlantis. I wonder how many generations after heard stories about the village the sea took back.
5. Vancouver Island Petroglyphs
Had to have at least one hometown hit on this list, right? There's rock art all over the place in BC, but some of the ones on the Island are phenomenal. They're pictures carved into rock faces, sometimes flat, sometimes vertical. They tend to heavily feature mythical creatures.
Here's some from Petroglyph Park near Nanaimo:
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I like the chalk additions. You can't really damage carvings ground into bedrock and exposed to the elements for hundreds of years with sidewalk chalk, so why not let kids be kids?
This is the petroglyph wall at Sproat Lake Park:
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There's a dock set up in front of the wall to view the pictures. They must have been very cool to see from a canoe before the dock went in. Here's a close-up of some of the creatures:
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And here's a really big seal near Sooke, BC. Haven't seen this one personally, but it looks amazing:
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seytazen · 21 days
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When a Prime Falls
Ambition is the deadliest of poisons. It’s an unspoken fact. Codex Prime, one of the most beloved rulers in the history of Iacon, mysteriously falls victim to an assassin’s blade. The killer and their motives remained unknown, but they’ve unknowingly set destiny into motion. Rebels and propaganda are creating a perfect storm to rise up in the wake of the tragedy. The threat to those of noble standings are higher than ever, but they are determined to keep the status quo intact. As long as they keep Codex’s secrets hidden, they’ll be untouchable. Unfortunately, such is much easier said than done.
Orion had already accepted his predetermined fate as an ill-fit heir to the Matrix when his world came crashing down. A new destiny is unfolding for the entirety of Cybertron, and he will find himself at the head of it one day. He has much to learn before he is capable of holding such a burden, but he is determined to find the right path. Along the way, he’ll find twisted truths, buried histories, and pieces of himself he didn’t know existed.
Transformers— All Media Types
Royalty AU, Maximum High-stakes Drama, Romance, Viva la Revolution, Class Differences, Religious Trauma, Abuse of all types, Mutual pining, Unrequited Love, Infedelity, Regicide, Murder, Political Thriller, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Orion is disabled and is a main character, No he doesn’t become magically “fixed” at the end, Yes it gets in his way sometimes and effects his everyday life, Eventual happy MegaOp, IronOp, ShockOP (one sided), Arranged Marriage, Unhealthy Relationships, Finding Healthy relationships, Infedelity, Unethical relationships, Betrayals, Back-Stabbing, Mommy issues, Daddy issues, Omniscient 3rd POV, Unreliable Narrator, Sexual Assault, Rape, Dead Dove: Do not Eat in places, Lots of Plot Twists, Inheriting the Throne, Assassination, Heavy on the World building, Step-mommy is a creep, SLOW BURN, VERY VERY SLOW BURN, heart break, break ups, slooooooooow burn, Sexual frustration, Trauma, Sexual Taboo (Not extreme), Pent up feelings, Orion is repressed as fuck, Megatron is obnoxious, childhood friends romance dynamic, protector/protected romance dynamic, Gentle Sex, Reunion Sex, Oh my god we didn’t die sex, Sleeping with a superior officer, Sleeping around for power, Blood sports, Dark pasts, coup de ta, suicidal thoughts, Trigger Warnings, Painfully oblivious, multiple relationships, everyone loves Optimus Prime kind of, angst, fluff, family drama, mystery, politics, Continuity Soup
Royal!Orion Pax, Disabled!Orion Pax, Megatronus, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, Senator Shockwave, Shockwave, Elita One, OCified!Onyx, ooc Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Kup, Caretaker!Ratchet, Drift, Swindle, Rodimus/Hot Rod, Codex, OCified!Nova Storm, Mafia Boss!Dai Atlas, Wing, ooc Halogen
Optimus Prime/Megatron, Orion Pax/Megatronus, Drift/Ratchet, Senator Shockwave/Orion Pax, Ironhide/Orion Pax, eventual Dai Atlas/Wing, OC/Ultra Magnus, Chromia/Ironhide
Coming Soon!
Hello everyone, long time since I’ve written anything! I’ve got several unfinished works, but I am determined to finish this one. I’ve been gone for a while for a variety of reasons, mainly because of my home life and because I’ve been busy trying to earn my BA in Creative Writing! I’m an aspiring author, but I know I need more practice writing for an audience and marketing and such if I want to be successful in the publishing industry. Fanfiction is an awesome way for me to practice without any additional costs to myself! This isn’t a first draft for a book that I’m wanting to publish, but if I do publish something you’ll find some similarities lol. I’m going to be releasing the entire fic at once with a few sneak peeks for you guys here and there, just like I would a real book, so stay tuned!
To those who are interested in following me in this endeavor, I’m grateful for your support ❤️
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articskele · 21 days
Tagging @iiboronii and @moonymelly hehehe
Ok so we follow the Buttermilk Daydreams storyline, with Artic and the Onceler meeting on the road, discovering the valley together, and Artic inventing mechanical wings!
Except this time thneeds do get off the ground like in the movie. The Onceler calls his family over and is excited to start business, but Artic has an increasingly bad feeling about this.
They said they weren’t gonna cut down trees. They made a deal, they had a compromise. And now that that’s gone, what’s stopping things from getting out of control?
The Onceler feels personally offended, betrayed even! She stuck around and believed in him this whole time, only for her to get cold feet the second he gets a once-in-a-lifetime chance at success? I mean something good finally happens to me, and she just has to come along and rain on my parade! What's her problem!
So the two have a falling out as the Onceler pursues growth and profit while Artic was content to stay as they were. Realizing he’s too far gone, she tries to destroy everything related to the wings and leaves. But he manages to hold onto old plans or steal his own wings back or something like that.
Timeskip to Thneedville, based on EPCOT and with a steampunk / industrial revolution aesthetic. The company controls basically everything, so you have no choice but to work for them.
Not to mention the way new and experimental appliances are constantly being installed and replaced in homes, just like in EPCOT. And there's a system similar to WEDCOMM (timestamp at 19:59 if the link doesn't work) where information is super centralized.
The Onceler’s office is at the very top of a super tall tower in the center of the city, with big open windows for birds (workers who use wings, I’ll get to that later) to fly in and make deliveries, give reports, etc.
OOH and there are definitely whisper-ma-phones set up all throughout the factory
I talk a lot about the acoustics of the factory with its massively high ceilings, but just imagine what it must sound like in there! The rumbling and hissing and clunking ka-thunks of pipes and gears! The whirring of fabric being spun!
The Onceler initially worked right alongside his employees, viewing the company as one big family. Making friendly chatter as the clickety clack of knitting needles filled the air.
When asked why he did this, well, why wouldn’t he? How was he supposed to run a business without knowing the people who did such hard work for him, much less sit idly by?
And besides, he was the one who invented this craft! He knows how to do things right around here.
That is, until one fateful day. The sun was setting, and most people had already left for the night. He could’ve sworn he fixed that finicky mess of a machine, or maybe tiredness had caught up to him.
But it only takes the smallest slip-up to get your arms caught in the gears and-
The Onceler shudders at the thought, slowly slipping off a glove to examine the scarred grooves and lines etched into his skin like wrought iron. Remembering the way his own shrieks and the sound of jamming gears reverberated through the room…....
No one spoke of that day. He made sure of it.
He became a lot more distant since then. A wakeup call that gradually changed the friendly guy who you’d almost forget was your boss, into Mister Onceler.
And the fact that he’s experienced firsthand how dangerous this place can be, yet it never gets resolved. He was able to save his own skin by taking a step back, but his workers are still at risk because he’d rather keep things as they are than pay for the costs it would take to redesign, rebuild, and reinstall everything.
Some jobs involve the use of wings, which he had stolen repurposed and refined for company use, using a more standardized base. Different types of wings have a different shape and color, making them easily identifiable!
Pigeons: They handle mail and deliveries throughout the city! Sometimes tasked to work with PR and give urgent news before the press can get to it. If you know where to look, it's not uncommon to see them hanging around large events just in case things go south.
Falcons: Tracking the weather, optimizing flight routes, and dealing with birdwatchers (explained later) to ensure pigeons have a safe trip. Sometimes they'll be the ones to deliver important mail / info, since falcon wings are built for speed.
Canaries: Coming from the phrase “canary in a coalmine”, and named for their bright yellow wings (like how construction workers have those orange vests with shiny stripes), these are the repairmen of Thneed Inc. Sometimes tasked with repairing malfunctioning machinery in midair, and rescuing anyone that’s gotten caught.
Vultures: Garbage and waste disposal, smogulous smoke and schloppity schlopp. It’s not common, but if anyone dies on the job, they’re the ones that discreetly dispose of the body. Black wings / hat / gloves, the latter of which has red palms.
Woodpeckers: Sporting spotted wings, they survey the valley and plan out axe-hacker routes through the steep terrain. They also evaluate the quality of truffula wood, checking for bugs and mold.
Pigeons and falcons used to be the same thing, as evidenced by how closely they work together, but over time they split into more specialized roles! I imagine during that transitional period, they were referred to as carrier pigeons and homing pigeons.
Each set of wings has its own ID number! A lot of bird-based terminology gets used and I love it so much it's so fun :D
There are big air vents set up all throughout the city for ease of flight, and there are little checkpoint towers for breaks during long trips. I imagine they've got an icebox with snacks and water in there, plus stuff like a medkit and a small radio.
Birdwatchers are thieves who track and intercept flights, often positioned near these air vents, using nets and such to down the bird and steal whatever they’re carrying / get information out of them.
Falcons have these talon-like attachments to their boots (inspired by Guardians of Ga'Hoole battle claws), for everything from added traction to divebombing a net to cut it open.
And it has a latch to pull the claws up if you're not using them, that way they don't make noise or scrape against the ground! The latch is on the inside of the boot (like the left side of the right boot, yknow the part where it curves in a little) so you can push it down with your other foot!
The Mister Once-ler in Chief himself has these fancy custom-fitted peacock wings that are dark green and red w/ gold accents, plus a detachable long peacock train that can fwoosh out and everything!
They're mostly for show, but I imagine there being a secret escape route in the office for when things get too heated and he needs to dip out fast, gliding down a spiral stairwell.
Also he definitely has goggles on the brim of his hat steampunk style. AND the tuft on his lapel is actually a hidden microphone, based on this post!!
As for Artic's design, I picture her in something like this!
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Artic’s been living in an apartment working the assembly line, gone without her wings for at least a year or two. Sometimes her back feels… Not necessarily itchy? Just this vague sense of discomfort, like she can almost feel exactly where her wings would sit on her back.
She has a habit of rolling and flexing her shoulders, and sometimes she finds herself making room for them even when they’re not there.
Her coworkers are human versions of old D&D OCs, as a way to give them new life and a fun little reference ouo!
Kreva isn't a bird but she's super strong, Faye is either a pigeon or in the confneectionery department, Averran is part of Thneed Inc's legal team, Veil is a vulture, and Kav is a newly appointed canary! The latter being a reference to how Kav was originally an aasimar with glowy yellow wings ouo
(Also the last canary, the one that Kav is replacing? Yeah, they're kinda dead- Shoutout to the time my brain decided to fuckign jumpscare me with the mental image of a canary falling into machinery but before they get crushed the footage stops and it plays Amazing Grace)
There's this scene where Kav is passing through and Artic stops her to inspect her wings and boy she is FUMING at what that rat bastard did to HER invention-
The frames are too standardized, the sensors feel dulled, the stitching is- Ok well the stitching is phenomenal and the fabric is sturdy. BUT LOOK AT HOW THEY MASSACRED HER CHILD
She also has a habit of giving others flight tips and stuff like how to adjust the straps properly, which makes people wonder how on earth she knows all this
One time they’re all drinking and hanging out, and Artic is staring longingly at a photo of the Onceler she keeps in a hidden pocket in her hat. The old Onceler. Her Onceler.
The others notice and they’re like “you knew the boss??????” and she rambles on about their time together and all the silly memories before everything went to shit. Artic voice I miss my friend Tails. I miss him a lot. I’ll be back
There's this scene of her dancing, using a pipe like a mic on a stand and having it roll off the inside of her wing like she’s dipping someone into a kiss- It’s not easy to make the wing curl in like that, but she describes it as like a flick of the wrist ouo
The second the Onceler realizes where she is and that she’s been working for him, he immediately appoints her as a falcon. Because his prideful ass will never admit it, but she knows how the wings work better than anyone.
She could help with making the wings more efficient, and figuring out how different flight routes play to the strengths of different wings shapes. And it's an excuse to see her again-
They argue often, over accusations of delivery routes not being fast enough, poor air quality and how pollution is affecting the weather, safety violations, etc.
I’m picturing this scene where Artic accuses him of not taking this seriously, of not grasping the very real danger people are in because he doesn’t know what it’s like to be within an inch of your life.
And after she storms out, he glances at his arm. His expression is unreadable as he pulls off the green fabric to see what became of it.
These two know each other better than anyone else. Unfortunately, they hate each other
They’re basically bitter exes even though they never actually dated akfjsdf- I’m picturing her chewing him out about something but he’s clearly not listening, and he blows smoke in her face to interrupt her
He’s such a RAT HE’S A RATTT
And you already KNOW they call each other snarky petnames- The Onceler calling Artic firecracker is sooooooooo <3
There's this scene where she's in his office as the sun sinks towards the horizon. A regular occurrence by now; they always seem to be swapping quips and trying to get on each other's nerves, but lately it's been more quiet.
He's standing by the window, she's sitting on his desk, and there's something about the way her hair shines in the golden light filling the room that's just......... Beautiful. I mean. It's getting late, you should probably go.
Eventually the two of them get into a scuffle which turns into a hate makeout sesh, but they find out that they've been holding onto old photos of each other and they're both so sentimental and aaauauauu...... You were right. I do need you.
They finally admit to how much they've missed each other. How much they love each other. And how sick and tired they are of pretending they don't care. Holding onto each other like it's all they have.
And the Onceler just bursts into tears. God, he's so sorry. For everything. For all the damage he's done and for everything he's gotten far too deep into. Was any of this worth it? If things keep going this way the whole valley could be dead. I can't do this alone, just- Just hold me and don't let go. Please.
Artic's there for him when no one else was, just like before. It's always been her. She reassures him that they can fix this, that everything's gonna be ok, but the Onceler asks how she's so sure.
We'll figure something out. We always do.
AAAUGH and this scene of them flying together- The Onceler hasn't flown in a while so he's a bit rusty, but it isn't long until they're soaring over the city below and the way they twirl under the moonlight makes it look like they're dancing at the top of the world.
It's just a much-needed breath of fresh air. The softness of familiar company, without having to hide it under layers of sarcasm. Just letting themselves love each other.
The transition from petname (derogatory) to petname (affectionate) hhhhh- AND THEM USING THEIR OLD NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER. Artic calling him Ollie again.........
Also I have the mental image of Artic sitting on the Onceler’s arm and resting her chin on her hands on top of his head, kinda like this and I think it’s funny. Get perched on idiot
But something that people haven’t really mentioned about the barren state of the valley is how that would make way for more extreme weather, like dust devils and flooding. (Note: The initial inspo for this was the end of the Biggering Storyboard, where to me it looks like there are dust devils in the distance ouo)
This HUGE flood happens that the city is not at all prepared for, so everybody works together to set up sandbags, evacuate people, get resources, and just minimize as much damage as possible.
Part of the factory gets busted up and fuckign explodes and Artic goes in to save someone (insert reference to the Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole fire scene), but in doing so her wings catch on fire-
There’s this BANGER scene in my head of Artic spinning way up into the sky, red flames against the dark blue-greens of the sky, before falling like a shooting star and plummeting into the muddy water flooding the streets.
The Onceler drags her outta there but her wings don’t work anymore (and they were prob a huge hazard in a storm like this anyways since they’re made of metal), so she takes them off and continues the work on foot.
Eventually the storm passes, pale yellow light shining through smoggy blue-gray clouds. Everything is silent save for the idle dripping of water.
The catastrophe is over, and by this point everyone realizes that all this would never have happened if it weren’t for the damage the Onceler has done to the environment, so they’re all after his ass lmao-
BUT the last tree never got cut down, so perhaps there’s still hope. Efforts are made to rebuild everything that got damaged, and regrow everything that was lost.
So What: Their falling out from the Onceler's perspective. Storming off in a huff, determined to prove Artic wrong. To prove everyone wrong! He doesn't need her anyways! He's gonna do great, actually, and if she doesn't wanna be on the right side of progress then that's her own darn fault!
Fame < Infamy: This song represents that middle point between the gray and the green, so to speak. When things are just getting started and he's getting his first taste of things going his way. How he prioritizes his sprouting business over his relationships, reveling in the success and setting his sights ever higher. "The kid was alright, but it went to his head"
Biggering: The classic, the legend, the song which needs no introduction :D
Don't Mess With Me: A man reveling in his newfound power and desperate to be taken seriously now that things are finally going his way, but the lightness of the song (and the random mention of dinosaurs and even the name of the song itself) betrays that he might not be as cool and tough as he makes himself out to be.
No Place Like Home: THIS. THISSSS. If I had to choose a main theme for the AU, it would be THIS. IT’S SOOOO THEM IT’S EVERYTHING. This song was one of the big initial inspirations for the AU and I'm gonna make another post just goign crazyinsane over the lyrics BECAUSE IT'S SOOOOOOOOO
Devil in Disguise: This is of the songs I imagine Artic dancing to like that scene with the metal pipe ouo
Attention: Just kiss already
House of Memories: The Onceler's regret for everything that happened between him and Artic and just wanting to go back to how things were. Both of them finally admitting their feelings for each other, how much they need each other. "WILL YOU REMEMBER ME IN THE SAME WAY / BECAUSE I REMEMBER YOU" EXPLODES AND DIES FOREVER. No one else understands me like you do, can we try again.....?
Vegas Lights: What if we were friends-turned-enemies-turned-lovers and we flew around the city at night, feeling the wind in your hair as you look down at all the lights dotting the ground below, and we rose into the air dancing under the moonlight....... And we kissed......... Haha jk jk. Unless? "We gotta be starting something / would you change it if you could?"
Glad You Came: Ok this song just sounds magical and they're just happy to be in each other's company and they trust each other and aaaaaa <3
My Love Mine All Mine: Artic and the Onceler all cuddled up with moonlight shining through the window and she thinks he's asleep so she starts singing this........ And her eyes are closed and the Onceler looks up to see her singing and her hair glows in the moonlight and ouhg......... <3
The Phoenix: The rising tide of the flood and fabric crackling in the heat. Our time is running out, but we can still make things right. How? We'll figure something out. We always do.
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whencyclopedia · 29 days
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Agriculture in the British Industrial Revolution
Agriculture, like most other areas of working life, was greatly affected by the machines invented during the Industrial Revolution. Agriculture in Britain and elsewhere had made leaps forward in the 18th century, and its success released labour for factories in urban areas. From better iron tools to threshing machines, country life was transformed in the never-ceasing search for profit.
Uses of Steam Power in Agriculture
In the 18th century, agricultural activities across the world continued to use people power and animal muscles to make work easier and more efficient. In Europe, and particularly in Britain, the relatively high cost of labour (compared to, for example, Asia), drove inventors to create machines that would make farming cheaper and profits higher by replacing where possible traditional sources of power with machines.
A change to a fundamental farming method came with Andrew Rodger's invention of the winnowing machine in Scotland in 1737. For millennia wheat had been separated from chaff by simply throwing the two into the wind and allowing the chaff to blow away. The method was effective enough, but the wind had to be not too weak and not too strong, and those days without wind at all were useless. Rodger's machine worked using an internal fan, and it was capable of separating out the grain, chaff, dust, and straw. The fan was operated by hand, but the machine was another one of those that benefitted from adding a mechanism that used steam power.
The first steam engines to be used in agriculture were those attached to mills. Waterwheels had long been in use to move grinding stones to produce flour, but steam engines could now be used as a backup for when the water level of the river powering the waterwheel was low. Windmills had also been around a long time, but better ironwork during the Industrial Revolution meant that pieces like the sails' turning mechanism, brakes, and the fantail (which made sure the sails pointed in the direction of the wind) were better made and more efficient than ever before. From the 1860s, a new method of grinding flour, the roller mill, gradually began to replace windmills after its introduction to Britain from central Europe.
By the last quarter of the 18th century, engineers had perfected the steam engine so that it was mobile and fuel-efficient enough to be used anywhere. This mobility of power was particularly useful for agriculture. In 1787, the Scotsman Andrew Meikle (1719-1811) invented the first steam-powered threshing machine (which separates grain from the husk). The machine used a drum with beaters to remove the husk, first using horse or water power and then steam power. It greatly increased the speed at which grain could be threshed. The invention was successful at home and abroad; George Washington (1732-1799) ordered a Meikle threshing machine for his own farm. Another feature of mechanization in the Americas was the introduction of machines on plantations, used, for example, to crush sugar cane. In 1834 in the United States, Cyrus McCormack invented the first mechanized reaping machine. Now a farmer need only hire a machine for when he actually needed it, perhaps only a few weeks in the year.
Mobile steam engines were used to pump out waterlogged areas to make them useful for agriculture – a single machine was capable of draining 24 km² (6000 acres). Drainage trenches were cut using machines, and then pipes were laid down to better drain fields. These works meant areas of common land could be claimed for agricultural use, a process known as enclosure. As technology developed, powerful steam engines could be brought almost anywhere on a farm to uproot trees and hedges to make fields easier and more efficient to plough. Steam power was harnessed, too, for many other tasks such as cutting lumber.
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My New Addiction. Pt 1
Yeah so I went very overboard with this and I think I’ll make a part 2 eventually. Def a slow burn mutual pining type thing.
Also lmk if the Spanish is off at all!!
Octane x Fem!Reader
CW: mutual pining, s l o w burn, swearing,
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You did it. You finally did it, you were a Legend! An Apex Legend! You worked your ass off and you made it, you were on the way to meet everyone and get settled into your new home. Yes you were nervous, you’re a fan of almost all the legends and now you were one of them, how could you NOT be nervous? You breathe in and out as the momentum slows and you realize that you’ve arrived. The door gets opened by the driver and you exit, your bags already being taken up to your room.
As you were lead to the main area where everyone was gathered, you heard music and chatter before you got there. Everyone got quiet when you entered and the first one to say something was none other than Mirage.
“Hey hey! There’s the new gal! Welcome to our uni-un- special group! I’m Elliot, also known as Mirage.” He takes a little bow and suddenly another one of him wraps his arm around himself. It was confusing but you laugh nonetheless at his greeting.
Soon Ajay came up and shook your hand, smiling. “Hey now, welcome to da family! I’m Lifeline on da field but you can call me Ajay. What’s ya name?” You smile back, shaking her hand. Thee Lifeline, she’s literally so iconic and you’re just buddies with her suddenly. It was hard to maintain composure. “I’m Y/n! Nice to meet everyone!” You say cheerfully.
Fuse hollers out “and she’s a looker! What a deal!” The typical thing Fuse would say, soon being nudged by his own partner Bloodhound. That earned a chuckle from the one eyed Aussie and a kiss was placed on the masked hunter’s temple in apology. You thought they were flirtatious with each other but didn’t know they were actually together!
You went down the line of greetings until Ajax sighed and looked visibly annoyed. “Now where is that fool? I told him ta show up! SILVA YA BETTA GET YA ASS OVA HERE RIGHT NOW!” She shouted, soon enough you all hear distant mechanical sounds at a hurried pace. “Sorry Che! Sorry! Got a little carried away with the livestream! Did I miss the new guy?” He asked absentmindedly as he entered the room, everyone basically just gestures towards you and he soon looked over himself. “Oh! Hola! Welcome welcome! I’m Octavio! Nice to meet you, chica!” He walked over and greeted you personally, taking off his goggles revealing his eyes to you. He doesn’t reveal his face online or during the matches so you hadn’t seen his face before. What you did see though, was extremely attractive.
The evening started to liven up, as you were shown to your room and got to change. Wraith, who you came to know as Renee, told you about the welcome party they were throwing for you at the bar they go to. It was a special bar exclusively for the legends and higher ups in the industry to keep from getting bombarded with fans, paparazzi and onlookers. It was the best place for them to unwind other than their personal quarters. You nod and decide to change into something a little nicer. A form fitting top, with a loose sweater over it and some jeans. Nothing fancy but it was nicer than your typical outfit.
First thing you see was Elliott, Loba, Octavio and Natalie (Wattson) on the dance floor having a ball. They were tearing it up and once Loba caught sight of you she rushed over and dragged you to join. “Come on beautiful! You’re the guest of honor tonight! Want something to drink?” She asks as she pulls you into the group of friends dancing about.
You nod and tell her to get something strong but fruity and she just winks and says ‘leave it to me’ and waltzed off to the bar. A few songs and drinks in, you were feeling pretty loose, you were sitting in a booth with Ajay, Octavio, Renee, Loba and Elliott. They kind of already inserted themselves as your clique for now until they all get to know you and you basically choose yourself. You couldn’t complain though, you were enjoying every moment of this and as the night went on, the more comfortable you got. Not to mention you got to see Octavio’s full face for most of the night and holy hell he was attractive. You already had a crush on the daredevil but now seeing his face, his smile, his eyes. Your heart melted, you tried extremely hard not to stare at the man, failing and getting caught a few times. The girls were quick yo notice and once Octavio left the table to go to the bathroom, Loba immediately leaned over.
“Someone’s got an eye on the speedster hm?” She grinned, chin on a hand, leaning closer onto the table. Your face flushed red and you attempted to deny it but everyone already knew. Ajay not understanding the attraction but she didn’t judge. He was also basically her brother so it was weird for her to see him in that light in any way.
The rest of the night went great, nothing crazy happened. Just a party and getting to know a few of the legends you’ll be fighting and fighting along side.
About a month or so passes by and it was your first time to be in a duos match with Octane. He knocked on your door early in the morning already hyper. You groggily open the door and see him bouncing a leg while he waited. “What’s up Tavi?” You ask through a yawn, he grinned and handed you a coffee he had just gotten. “Here! It’s got an extra shot in it, gotta make sure you can keep up with me! Don’t want you falling behind, besides we gotta kick ass today and get a win! It’s our first time getting paired up!”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was more excited than you thought he would’ve been, not that you thought he was gonna be excited in the first place but it was nice to know he was looking forward to fighting with just the two of you. You had been in trios together and he was as chaotic as you’d imagine. Rushing in. Losing sight of him entirely. Him leading squads to you. All the fun stuff Octane does. One thing though was you’d never actually used his jump pad. You have done your best to avoid that, you didn’t know what it was. You could drop out of the airship fine so it wasn’t the height that bothered you, you weren’t sure as to why you didn’t want to fly off that thing.
“Thanks Tavi, we’ll do great today.” You take a sip of the slightly stronger coffee that was gifted to you with a hum. “Mmm, delicious. Wanna come in? I was just gonna start making some food.” You offer and he shrugs. “Cant turn down a free meal can I?” He walked inside your little place with you and plopped himself onto a chair, leg bouncing as he sat. He really could just never keep still. As you were cooking and making conversation a few other legends come to the door, Octane opening it for you while you had your hands full.
A few familiar voices chime in, saying good morning and good luck. You heard Ramya nudge her way in. “Heyy newbie! How’s it goin? Wanted to see if you wanted to make a bet with me ya?” You had been warned about Ramya’s bets and stakes. You squint your eyes with a grin, brimming with curiosity. “Depends on what the bet is. Shoot.” She chuckled and placed both hands on her hips. “If my team wins, you gotta do something for us for a week. If you win, vise versa. Easy.” You raise your eyebrow and look over at Octavio, he’s smirking. Always up for a challenge. “HahHAH!” He laughs loudly and wraps an arm around you. “WHEN we win, be sure not to be sore losers.”
You sigh in defeat as they leave, now the stakes were higher. You didn’t want to do things for Ramya and Ajay for a week! Let alone knowing that Octavio would literally never let you live it down. You look over at the green haired daredevil as he was eating the simple breakfast you had made. “Tavi, we gotta win now.” He chuckled and looked at you. “If we lose, you owe me a kiss.” You owed him what now? Your face must’ve said the same thing because he smirked. “Good incentive huh?” He teased. You just sipped your coffee with a gaze. “Maybe I don’t wanna win now.” You say softly, kind of hoping he heard but also not. He did though and his eyebrow quirked. He licked his lips, getting a little speck of food off. “Well well, don’t threaten me with a good time, Señorita.” God he was hot. You were no stranger to getting distracted by him during matches, he was always laying down casual flirts to you but you assumed that was towards most people, like how Elliott flirts with everyone.
Wasn’t long til the match began. Octavio was laying it on thick, if you had slipped up or got knocked he would wink and say things like;
“Wow someone really wants that kiss.”
“Come on, Chica. I know you want to kiss me but this is a bit much.”
“Should I kiss you now so you keep up?”
All of it was NOT helping you with this ordeal. Soon enough though you hear the announcement of
You take a breath and heal up from the last fight you just finished, looking at Octane with a grin. “Hey we might actually win this thing!” You say excitedly. He nods and snaps a selfie with you. “Maybe you should kiss me if we win. How ‘bout that speedster?” You tease and he laughs a bit. “Like I said before. Don’t threaten me with a good time, hermosa.”
You cocked your head a bit, asking what that meant and he ignored you. As he ran off to find the last couple squads. You roll your eyes and follow in suit. All and all you didn’t win and Ramya and Ajey had, they were cheering and happily teasing you two for just barely losing. If Octane hadn’t rushed in when Ramya was downed he wouldn’t have gotten himself killed. You sighed and made your way back to the ship to return home. Octavio returning soon enough himself.
It was awkwardly silent between you two as the whole group returned, you both walked towards the winning duo, who both has smiles plastered onto their faces. “Don’t worry mates, we don’t have anything planned just yet. Enjoy your freedom for now!” Ramya patted both you and Octavio’s back and pushed you along. You two chuckled and you sighed a bit “I’m so nervous to find out what they have in mind for us.” Octavio shrugged and looked over at you “Eh I wouldn’t stress about it, Cariño. Whatever they come up with won’t be the worst thing.” You look at him, yet another nickname you don’t understand.
You don’t even bother trying to ask because you figured he wouldn’t tell you anyways. You sigh once again and rub the back of your neck. “You ok? Sore or something?” He asks with concern, looking right where you just massaged. “Yeah kind of. My neck is bugging me.” You admit and soon you feel two hands on your shoulder and where the base of your neck is. You let out a breath of relief as you started to feel the knots surface and loosen under his touch. Surprisingly he was really good at massages. You let out soft sounds of pleasure due to the tense muscles finally being worked on. “Oh my gosh Tavi..” you whisper out. What you didn’t see it the pink flush under his mask, the sounds he’s getting out of you was getting to him, his core beginning to heat up and his shorts slowly getting tighter, he felt dirty and a little ashamed his body reacted to something so innocent.
Soon enough he stopped and chuckled a bit “Yeahhh I kind of got magic hands Y’know?” He wiggled his fingers by his face, smirking in a silly way along with it, making you laugh a bit. There was a moment where you both kind of just looked at each other in silence, you catch him glance at your lips and back onto your eyes, you did the same thing. You heart skips a little when you see him leaning towards you, only to be interrupted by Elliott coming literally out of nowhere. “HEY! You guys almost had it! Good game.” He held out two fists for you guys to bump knuckles and you jump from the sudden voice and happily give him what he was lookin’ for. Can’t leave him hangin like that. He smiled and put his hands on his hips. “Well what you guys have planned? Anything fun? Can I come? I’m not doing anything and if you need some company I’d love to join you… I’m really bored.” He admitted his true intentions that he just wants some buddies to hang with and you both chuckle.
“We don’t have anything specific planned, just chillin until we gotta go do something.” You typically had a conference with paparazzi and interviewers after games but today it was scheduled for later so you’d all go get dinner afterwards. Elliott shrugged a bit and the three of you just hung out, Elliott being the metaphorical ‘cock block’ for Octavio. He unintentionally stayed close to you throughout the hangout session before you guys split off from Elliott to head to each of your rooms. Octavio sighed a bit and ran his hand through his hair “Well chica, as sad as it is we must depart from each other to go get fancier than I’d like.” He chuckled a bit before taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. “See ya!” He winked and ran off towards his room.
Once he was behind his closed door he ran his hands over his face, sighing. A lot was going through his mind, well more than usual. His attraction to you was gonna get him in trouble if he wasn’t careful. He tried to distract himself and actually make himself presentable for this press conference thingie that he hardly enjoyed going to. Only thing he enjoyed was his fans seeing him and interacting with him. At least he would see you dolled up right?
Oh God. He was gonna see you dolled up.
Next part.↪️
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sparklywaistcoat · 3 days
Potatoes and Hobbit History
In J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Gollum has been captured by Frodo and Sam and has been tasked with leading the two hobbits into Mordor. At one point in their journey, Gollum catches some rabbits for their dinner, and Sam asks Gollum to go find some bay, sage, and thyme with which to season their meal. When Gollum refuses, Sam says that he'll punish Gollum if he doesn't go, then says, "And I'd make him [Gollum] look for turnips and carrots, and taters too, if it was the time o' the year." Gollum refuses again, saying that he "won't grub for roots and carrotses and—taters. What's taters, precious, eh, what's taters?" (Two Towers, p. 262; all page references in this blog are to the Houghton Mifflin second edition, 1965) (Sam's iconic line "Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew" is not found in Tolkien's original; it's from the 2002 screenplay adaptation by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Stephen Sinclair, and Peter Jackson, although Sam does say "po—ta—toes" in both the book and the film.)
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Although it's possible that Gollum at one time did know what potatoes are and then forgot during his long, lonely sojourn under the Misty Mountains, I think it's more likely that he was unfamiliar with them in the first place, given that he seems to know what carrots are. Gollum's ignorance of potatoes suggests that that vegetable was not part of his community's diet by the time he found the One Ring and went into exile. Five and a half centuries later, however, Sam knows about potatoes, and notes that his own father, the Gaffer, takes great pride in his potato crop. (p. 263) This shift in hobbit foodways therefore is one of several parallels between the history of Tolkien's fictional Shire and the history of England.
The Shire as Samwise Gamgee knows it is an idyll of pre-industrial—but not medieval—England, a place of peace and bounty where one can find well-tilled fields, fat livestock, hand-crafted ales down the pub, and cozy homes that are warmed by fires in the hearth. That Sam's Shire is pre-industrial but not medieval is shown by the introduction of heavy industry by Saruman's henchmen, who convert Ted Sandyman's mill into a factory complete with a brick chimney that "[pours] out black smoke into the evening air" (Return of the King, p. 283), and who force the conversion of the Shire from a self-sufficient, self-governing little country into one that is run by foreign overlords who take almost everything produced therein for themselves.
Gollum, by contrast, never lived in the Shire, and if we posit that Sam's Shire is pre-industrial and therefore roughly equivalent to eighteenth-century England, we can posit that Gollum's home along the banks of the Anduin was medieval and roughly equivalent to thirteenth-century England, or perhaps to thirteenth-century Northern Europe. Carrots had been known to Europeans since antiquity, but potatoes were only introduced in the sixteenth century, so a historical foodways parallelism between Sam's time and Gollum's could reasonably include the later introduction of potatoes into a culture that already had carrots.
Where, then, did the hobbits' potatoes come from? Potatoes in our world are native to the Andes Mountains. Presumably Middle-earth's potatoes are native to a similarly mountainous area, and Tolkien notes that the ancestors of the hobbits—the Stoors, Fallohides, and Harfoots—originally lived along the Anduin, east of the mountains, but that starting in 1050 of the Third Age (TA) they began crossing the Misty Mountains and traveling westward. The Harfoots were the first to move westward, followed by the Fallohides, who took a northerly route before crossing the mountains. The Stoors went south, crossing at Redhorn Pass near the peak of Caradhras. Unlike the Fallohides and the Harfoots, the Stoors returned to the Gladden Fields along the banks of the Anduin in TA 1356, and it is from this community of Stoors that Gollum was descended. (The Shire was founded about 250 years later, in TA 1601, and the action of Lord of the Rings takes place in TA 3018–19.)
There are several possible reasons why the Stoors of Gollum's community did not have potatoes, despite their having crossed and then re-crossed the Misty Mountains in their early history. One possible reason is that in Middle-earth, potatoes are native to the northern part of the Misty Mountains where the Fallohides crossed, but not to the southerly part of the mountains where the Stoors made their crossings, such that the Fallohides encountered potatoes but the Stoors did not. A second possible reason is that the Stoors did find potatoes in their sojourns through the mountains but did not think them edible, while the Fallohides found them to be both edible and worthy of bringing with them to their new home as a new food crop.
A third possibility is that hobbits did not have potatoes until well after the Shire had been settled and that they were brought in from outside. Tolkien does note that dwarves were known to use the road that crossed the Shire from east to west on their way to and from their mines in the Ered Luin (Blue Mountains) to the west of the Shire. (The Fellowship of the Ring, p. 52) Dwarves, for all their hardihood, do not live on love and fresh air, and so perhaps they brought potatoes with them and traded them with the Shire-hobbits or, more likely, with the hobbits of Bree, who were more open to interactions with people of other races, and then the Bree-hobbits brought them into the Shire from there. If Bree were the point of entry for the potato, then traveling Men also might have introduced them when they passed through Bree. Having the potato be introduced from outside centuries after the settlement of the Shire would be a closer parallel to what happened in our own world, where the potato came to England from a faraway land a thousand years after England had been colonized by the migrating Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.
Ultimately, though, Tolkien doesn't tell us where potatoes come from in Middle-earth, nor does he tell us when or how they arrived in the Shire (although he does tell us when pipe-weed came to be cultivated; priorities, I guess). We can only make assumptions about the Middle-earth-ish history of this "rare good ballast for an empty belly" (Two Towers, p. 263) through the conversation Sam has with Gollum, and through the parallels between European history and foodways and those of the Shire.
[This post, along with my other meta, is also available on my WordPress blog.]
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hecckyeah · 1 year
every so often I rewatch season 8 of friends and have to watch joey fall in love with rachel all over again, knowing they could have had the healthiest, most adorable and pure relationship in all of tv history but because some slimebag idiot was destined to end up with her, it’ll never happen. maybe somewhere in an alternate universe joey is a part time stay at home dad, part time blockbuster movie actor, while his bombshell wife dominates the fashion industry. maybe their kids aren’t the smartest and never go to college, but their daughter grows up and joins the peace corps, and their son is a playwright specializing in romantic dramas, and emma goes into geology and while her mom and step dad don’t understand exactly, they love her enough to help her move across the country with ross to join him on digs and work as a TA at his university. and maybe they’re all happy and rachel and ross aren’t always at each others throats and maybe joey is actually perfectly happy.
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sunflowerxthoughts · 2 years
Here - Rockstar! Eddie Munson x Actress! Reader
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Summary: Eddie and Y/N meet at a party. Just a very fluffy ficlet. Might turn this into a series.
a/n: Hi. This is the first fic I post in here. Be nice please! I will be posting a few fics, both Eddie Munson and the Marauders. Please feel free to request things!
Eddie Munson is many things. He is loud. He is a rockstar. A freak according to Hawkings. He is a friend, a nephew. But at heart, Eddie Munson is a kid who grew up with nothing and suddenly had everything.
And some times it got a bit too much. Everyone is all over you, you stop having privacy. Eddie needed, sometimes a little peace and quiet. That's where he finds you, outside of a party full of people neither of you really know nor care about.
You have been known for a little while now, a bit more than Eddie. With a promising career everyone is looking at. You don't completely hate it, but you'd rather keep to yourself most of the time.
You are smoking, music blasting in the background of your thoughts. The moment Eddie sees you, something inside him clicks. Something about the moon in your eyes has him already hooked.
"Overwhelmed?" He asks, making you jump a little.
"Oh! Oh no, it's just not really my scene." She shuffles to the side so he can stand next to her in the balcony. "Don't get me wrong I love a good party I just know no one here."
"Well, now you know me I'm-"
"Eddie. You're Eddie Munson, right?"
"Just Eddie for you, sweetheart. And you're Y/N Y/L/N. Aren't you?"
Of course, when you are this famous, you know no one yet everyone knows your name. If makes you feel weird.
"So, wanna get out of here?"
He's grinning at you. And it's so bright you can't say no, he looks like a kid who just got a new bike for Christmas. His hand aches to hold yours and even though you've just met, he thinks he just wants to really know everything about you.
"Eddie, my agent-"
"Just dinner, it won't even be a scandal."
"But the pap-"
"It's publicity?"
"Not a good excuse, Eddie."
"Listen, we can just go for dinner, eat inside at a booth. Nothing fancy, even if it's just fries. And if tomorrow there's pictures so what? We can always keep the date a secret and act like we're just friends!"
"A date?"
"Unless you don't want it to be...?"
You decide to give it a shot. Eddie is nice and he's handsome. And if it all went down, you had at least made a friend in a very lonely industry. He is such a bright person, dragging you to the door and running to the car. Of course he still had his van, but sometimes going to these parties with it wasn't a good idea.
You don't even realise it but it's been hours. You and Eddie are sitting laughing in some greasy dinner, sitting in the same side of the booth. He's told you all about Wayne and his friends back home. He tells you about DnD, how Dustin is like his little brother and meant to go on tour with them for a bit.
And you tell him all about your life, too. He makes it all so easy, he listens to you like you are explaining the meaning of life to him. You feel seen, you feel understood and you feel normal. Eddie just looks at you with bright eyes making little comments here and there.
"Thank you Eds." You smile shyly at him all of the sudden. "I haven't felt this normal in so long."
"Well" he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "Even if you don't want a second date, which is completely fine, we could do this once a month. Just meet up and talk about life like regular people."
"Who said I didn't want a second date?"
Eddie's breath catches inside his throat for a moment. You agreed to a second date with him. He stills for a second, staring at you. He needed one night only to decide he wanted this, he wanted you. You see the way he has frozen so you continue to talk."
"How about in a couple of weeks, same booth."
Eddie and you start inching closer. His eyes go to your lips and back to your eyes, and you nod, closing the space between you two. And of course it's fucking magical. His hands tangle in your hair and you just can't help but to smile into the kiss, loving every damn second of it.
Of course the next day, there's pictures of the kiss everywhere. But it doesn't matter because you wake up to one text on your phone that reads:
I've already written a thousand songs about you inside my head. I wish last night had been longer, but I can't wait to know everything about you all over again.
Maybe, and just maybe, two weeks is a little too long. Maybe you've just decided you want to keep Eddie by your side for a little longer.
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ninelanguages · 1 month
Kanji for "way", "path", "road", "way of moral conduct"
道 = dou/ tou/ michi
歩道- hodou - a sidewalk - ほどう
帰り道に- kaerimichini - on one's way home (back) - かえりみちに
道に迷う- michinimayou - to lose one's way - みちにまよう
道具- dougu - a tool/ a utensil/ an instrument - どうぐ
柔道- juudou - Judo (Literally "gentle way")- じゅうどう
剣道- kendou - Kendo (Literally "way of the sword") - けんどう
水道- suidou - waterworks/ water service (supply) - すいどう
Kanji for "write", "writing", "book"
書- kaku / sho
教科書- kyoukasho - a textbook/ a schoolbook - きょうかしょ
辞書- jisho - a dictionary/ a lexicon/ a glossary/ a thesaurus - じしょ
名前を書- namae (w)o gaku - to write one's name - なまえ を がく
下書き- shitagaki - a (rough) draft - したがき
図書核- toshokaku - a library - としょがく
Kanji for "construction", "work", "artisan"
工 = kou/ ku
工芸品- kougeihin - a handicraft - こうげいひん
工場- koujou - a factory / a plant/ a workshop - こうじょう
工業- kougyou - (an) industry/ the manufacturing industry - こうぎょう
工事- kouji - contruction work - こうじ
大工- daiku - a carpenter - だいく
人工の- jinkouno - artificial/ manmade - じんこうの
Kanji for "sky", "air", "emptiness"
空 - kou/ sora/ a•ku/ a•keru/ kara
空手- karate - karate - からて
(Literally: empty hand)
空港- kuukou - an airport - くうこう
空く- aku - to become vacant (free)/ to be free - あく
空気- kuuki - air/ an atmosphere - くうき
空- sora - the sky/ the blue/ the heavens/ (the) weather - そら
空き缶- akikan - an empty can - あきかん
Kanji for "use", "employ", "messenger"
使 = shi/ tsuka•u
使う- tsukau - to use/ to handle/ to spend/ to employ - つかう
使い捨ての- tsukaisuteno - disposable/ throwaway/ single-use - つかいすての
天使- tenshi - an angel - てんし
使いこなす- tsukaikonasu - to use sth. effeciently/ to manage (people) - つかいこなす
使用- shiyou - use/ employment - しよう
使い方- tsukaikata - how to use (handle/ treat)/ management - つかいかた
Kanji for "direction", "way" "square", "side"
方 = hou/ kata
方法- houhou - a way (of doing)/ a method/ a system/ a means - ほうほう
この方- konokata - this gentleman/ this lady - このかた
方言- hougen - a dialect - ほうげん
両方- ryouhou - both sides - りょうほう
片方- katahou - one side/ the other side - かたほう
読み方- yomikata - pronounciation/ a way of reading/ how to read - よみかた
Kanji for "foot", "leg", "suffice", "be enough"
足 = soku/ ashi/ ta•riru/ ta•ru/ta•su
足- tasu - to add (to) / to make up (for)/ to supply - たす
足首- ashikubi - an ankle - あしくび
満足- manzoku - satisfaction/ contentment/ gratification - まんぞく
足りる- tariru - to be enough (sufficient) - たりる
足が痛い- ashigaitai - have a pain in one's leg (foot) - あしがいたい
不足- fusoku - shortage/ insufficiency - ふそく
Kanji for "origin", "beginning", "element"
元 = gen/ gan / moto
元 - genki - spirits/ energy/ vigor/ pep - げんき
元気のない- genki no nai - depressed/ low-spirited/ cheerless - げんき の ない
足元に- ashimotoni - at one's feet - あしもとに
元首相- motoshushou - the former Prime Minister - もとしゅしょう
元々- motomoto - originally/ from the outset/ all along/ by nature - もともと
元日- ganjitsu - New Year's Day - がんじつ
Kanji for "taste", "flavour"
味 = mi/ aji/ aji•wau
味わう- ajiwau - to taste/ to relish/ to savor/ to appreciate - あじわう
味をつける- aji (w)o tsukeru - to season (food)/ to flavor (food) - あじをつける
興味- kyoumi - (an) interest (in something) - きょうみ
味見する- ajimisuru - to taste/ to try (have) a taste of/ to sample - あじみする
趣味- shumi - an interest/ a hobby - しゅみ
意味- imi - (a) meaning/ a sense - いみ
Kanji for "outside", "without", "foreign"
外 = soto/ hoka/ hazu•su/ hazu•reru/gai/ge
外側- sotogawa - the outside/ outer side/ exterior - そとがわ
家の外- ie no soto - outside the home - いえ の そと
外食する- gaishokusuru - to eat out/ to dine out - がいしょくする
郊外- kougai - (in) the suburbs (of)/ suburbia - こうがい
外す- hazusu - to take off/ to remove/ to unfasten /to miss - はずす
外科- geka - (the science of) surgery / the surgical department - げか
Kanji for "weak"
弱 = jaku/ yowa•i/ yowa•ru/ yowa•maru/ yowa•meru
数字に弱い- suujiniyowai - have no (a poor) head for numbers - すうじによわい
弱点- jakuten - a weakness/ a weak point/ a shortcoming - じゃくてん
気が弱い- kigayowai - do not have the courage (guts/nerve) to do - きがよわい
体が弱い- karada ga yowai - to have a weak constitution - からだ が よわい
弱る- yowaru - to grow weak/ to weaken - よわる
弱まる- yowamaru - to weaken/ to abate - よわまる
Kanji for "heavy", "weight", "pile up", "duplicate", "repeat"
重 = shou/ chou/ e/ omo•i/ kasa•ne/ kasa•naru
二重の- nijuuno - double/ twofold/ dual - にじゅうの
重ねる- kasaneru - to pile up - かさねる
重要な- juuyouna - important/ essential/ principal - じゅうような
三重県- mieken - Mie prefecture (of Kinki region) -みえけん
重い- omoi - heavy/ weighty/ clumsy/ slow/ grave/ serious - おもい
重大な- juudaina - serious/ important/ grave - じゅうだいな
Kanji for "top", "up", "upper part", "rise", "go up", "climb up"
上 = jou/ shou/ ue/ uwa/ kami/ a•geru/ a•garu/ nobo•ru
差し上げる- sashiageru - to lift (up) / to raise/ to give/ to present - さしあげる
申し上げる- moushiageru - to tell/ to say/ to state/ to mention/ to relate - もうしあげる
上手な- jouzuna - skillful/ skilled/ dexterous/ proficient/ clever - じょうずな
上着- uwagi - a coat/ a jacket/ outerwear - うわぎ
机の上- tsukue no ue - on a desk - つくえ の うえ
上がる- agaru - to go up/ to rise/ to be promoted - あがる
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