#Holly King
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violetmoondaughter · 1 year ago
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Blessed Winter Solstice!🕯️
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pr0ject-mayhem · 1 year ago
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tarottchotchkes · 2 months ago
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The Holly King wishes you a Good Yule.
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ezziefae · 1 year ago
The Prisoner's Throne Predictions and Connection to The Oak and Holly King.
I just made a HUGE discovery that Oak and Wren's character and story was inspired by the famous mythical story of The Oak King and the Holly King. According to myth, the Oak King and the Holly King are siblings who battle for the crown. Eventually, one of them emerges as the king, but is later overthrown by the other. This cycle is endless.
The Oak King (Prince Oak) represents life, growth, summer, light, and fertility, while the Holly King (Queen Wren) represents death, darkness, and winter. Each king has a bird that represents them; the Robin represents the Oak King, and the Wren represents the Holly King. (Holly is so smart and sneaky, love her for this)
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Oak King/Prince Oak. Holly King/Queen Wren
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When the Oak King rules, flowers bloom and grow tall, representing life and summer. When the Holly King rules, the days are cold and things perish, representing death and winter.
'They say that he can talk flowers into opening their petals at night, as though his face were that of the sun. He'll steal your heart.' - The Stolen Heir
Even though the Oak king and The Holly king battle for the crown, they cannot live without each other. Death must occur for life to happen; there's no one without the other, but they don’t rule at the same time!! (HMMMMM)
It's a super cool mythical story. When the days are hot and flowers are blooming, it means that the Oak King has won the crown. On the other hand, if it's cold and things start dying, it's a sign that the Holly King is ruling
"With him, I am forever a night-blooming flower, attracted and repelled by the heat of the sun."
- Wren, The Stolen Heir
According to an old folk belief, if you see a robin(Oak) during winter, it signifies the end of the Holly King's(Queen Wren) reign and the arrival of summer. Centuries ago, when people had limited knowledge of the seasons, they used to kill wrens to fasten the end of winter and end the Holly King's reign......
So let's try to connect this to The Prisoner's Throne...
What we know so far from the promotions of the book, and sneak peeks is that there will be a huge battle for a CROWN.
If Oak is The Oak King, and Wren is The Holly King (queen) then there will possibly be a dethroning. Meaning that Oak will most likely dethrone Wren. Which would be quiet messy, since we’re all pretty much expecting Oak and Wren to rule together. But even the overview for the book mentions that Oak has to choose between trying to regain Wren trust, (which if you read chapters 1-3 of the prisoner's throne, you know that option isn't working), or fighting against her and ending her reign.
Here are some of the promotions pics for the book, including TPT's overview.
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When I read the words "And a battle for a blood-soaked crown" and "blood will reign," it made me think of the Elfhame Blood crown, which only members of the Greenbriar line could only wear. But then i remembered that Cardan had destroyed the blood crown in the end of TQON. So this makes me believe either there's a battle for a NEW crown (Wren's current crown) or that Oak IS the crown, as if that Wren and Elfhame (Jude and Cardan) are battling to keep Oak. There could be many interpretations, what do you guys think?
Also, going back to the story, If the Oak King and the Holly King cannot live without each other then I think that pretty much confirms that neither Oak or Wren will die? maybe a part of wren could die but who knows. I think they would have to come to term with each other eventually. Since Oak is part of the Greenbriar lineage, and Wren carries milieht's heart, then technically in a way they are fighting themselves? Could the magical lands of faerie possible have response or reaction to their heirs fighting each other? If Wren wanted to magically erase Oak or Cardan from existence then would it work?? Sooo many possibilities UGHHHH.
It's possible that Holly isn't going to fully follow the story of the Oak and Holly king into the prisoner's throne, but so far we've gotten MANY similarities between Oak/Wren and The Oak/Holly King.
Hopefully this wasn't so confusing to read, I got too excited writing this. I'd like to hear your predictions on this!!! In the meantime I will be trying to connect the dots.
39 days until The Prisoner's Throne comes out...
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (18)
T for Tinne (Holly) - July 18th - August 5th
“Tree of Sacrifice - 8th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn: Gemstone: ruby, bloodstone; Gender: male; Patrons: Taranis, Jesus Christ, Thor, Lugh; Symbols: discord + humanity, blood + compassion, endless love
When it comes to holly, there is no one who doesn't know the prickly leaves and red berries. The evergreen holly tree has dense branches, and thanks to its glossy evergreen foliage, the holly tree remains unchanged through over time and throughout the year. 
Since ancient times, holly has represented the robust vitality and masculine strength of nature. It was closely associated with birth and rebirth rituals and the transmission of esoteric knowledge, and was particularly linked with unconditional love, and eventually came to symbolise all gods dedicated to sacrifice. The holly is also known as a tree that protects fairies and, as with all 'fairy trees', legend has it that cutting it down will bring bad luck. People in the past planted holly near their houses because it was said to ward off evil and stop lightning from striking.
It is said that long ago, when the island of Britain was still called Albion, prehistoric Britain was protected by a giant called Gogmagog. This giant who covered his entire body with holly branches and leaves, primeval god Gogmagog, eventually became known by the name 'the Holly King'. The giant held a holly bush as a club and is said to be the twin brother of the 'King of Oak'. In the medieval story 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight', the Holly King appears as the immortal Green Knight and Sir Gawain as the Oak King. 
The Holly King, who rules over the six months leading up to the summer solstice and winter solstice, takes the throne after the Oak King dedicates himself to the summer solstice bonfire. Then, in a cycle of death and rebirth, he sacrifices himself to give way once more to the Oak King on the winter solstice. Hence, Oak King and Holly king represent two phases of nature's guardian deities.
The Celtic festival of Lughnasadh (Lughnasa) takes place at the end of the holly month. This celebrates the rebirth of Lugh, the god of light (the sun) and crafts, and is celebrated on 1 August in the UK, Ireland and Europe at the Harvest Festival. This is also the Anglo-Saxon festival of Lammas.
The evergreen holly, which does not die out even when all plants have died, symbolises a strong life force and is a 'good omen' tree. The druids (Ref2), who regarded holly as a particularly sacred tree, proceeded to bring holly into the house during the winter months. The holly, with its red berries and bright foliage, which exalts the soul, was a protector of elves and fairies from the harsh cold. So, during the winter, they do not misbehave.
Any holly brought into the house must be returned to the outdoors by 'Imbolc Eve'. It's because if holly leaves remain in the house after that, misfortune will befall them.
This was retained in Christianity as Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve). In Christianity, which teaches that holly eventually grew from the ground on which Jesus walked, the thorny leaves and red berries of holly represent the Passion and shed blood of Jesus.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (18)
TはTinne (ヒイラギ) - 7月18日~8月4日
『犠牲の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第8月』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星: 宝石: ルビー、ブラッドストーン (血石) ; 性: 男性; 守護神: タラニス、イエス・キリスト、トール、ルー; シンボル: 不和+人間性、血+憐れみ、限りなき愛
ヒイラギの月が終わる頃にはケルトの祭典、ルーナサが行われる。これは、光 (太陽) と技芸の神、ルーの再生を祝うもので、英国、アイルランド、ヨーロッパでは、8月1日に収穫祭が開かれる。これはアングロサクソン人のラマス祭にも当たる。
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men-and-gods · 1 year ago
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stripper-toast · 1 month ago
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Ocs from wildly different stories
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jennatuatha · 2 months ago
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The set up for my Sabbats is always so much longer than the ritual itself lol
Still, I see it as a part of it, so it’s fine.
It also didn’t feel like a “do magic/divination” kinda night either which is why it felt so short.
Either way I’m glad I did it, though I did get a little push of encouragement (wasn’t feeling in the spirit and time blindness was a factor). So thank you @n0tthec0ffeemachine for that! I do feel better and a bit more connected with myself.
It’s surprising was grounding and light meditation can do lol.
Pictures are also pre ritual, would have been too dark to take them during.
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crossroadart-seabear · 2 years ago
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I like to imagine there’s no malice in it. Rivalry, I’m sure. But nothing personal.
I also like the idea of it being scheduled in their diary. Holly’s diary at least, Oak absolutely does not have a diary.
‘May 1st: Getting Murdered. Don’t forget to cancel milk.’
‘June 29: Brunch.’
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grimfox · 1 year ago
the king is fallen
lonely flower, shiver bright
beneath the ebon wings of night
a'dreaming of the seeming might
of Holly King and freezing plight
the raven flutters through
the truly desolate marooning
of the blooming little beauty
who sees through the gloaming gloom
she hopes for shadows fled
the fallow, callous meadows to be mended
in her petaled wish, this senseless
endless grift of winter's vengeance
on the fallen King, on Oak
in broken arborial yoke
the forest folk have spoken openly
of Oaken King's invoking
even now, the morning glimmers
like the fallen snow, or limits
of the yearly woe, defended
in the final moment, finished
vicious Holly King is fallen
like the leaves from fickle autumn
caught amongst the daisies' dawning
in the breeze, awakened solemn
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the-hermit-at-midnight · 1 year ago
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sovaghoul · 6 months ago
Something something Terzo is John the Baptist ("He Is" mv, head removed) who was Jesus' cousin, something something anti-Christ Copia. Is this anything?
But also there are Pagan comparisons, John being the Oak King and Jesus the Holly King. Sometimes John was portrayed with ram's horns too. John's feast/birth is at Midsummer and Jesus' is at mid-Winter. Also some hold that these Kings trade positions at the Equinoxes rather than the Solstices and Christianity's other Big Day is near the Spring Equinox when Jesus is sacrifced. Just saying.
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oneadhdwitch · 1 year ago
Yule Tidings!
Yule is the shortest day of the year and is also known as Winter Solstice!
Solstice derives from 'Sol' meaning 'sun' and 'Sistere' meaning 'to stand.' Winter Solstice means 'Day the sun stands still'.
In Celtic tradition Yule is a time to rest, spend time with our loved ones and feast on the previous years fortune.
There is a story of two kings who fight twice a year; they are The Oak King and The Holly King. Through out the summer The Holly King rules and as life begins to diminish, and light fades away.
In Ostara (Autumn Equinox) The Oak King is reborn and waits patiently to gain strength for the inevitable fight that comes his way. The mighty battle takes place Winter Solstice, under a new moon.
Every winter, the Oak King wins and rules over the kingdoms, making days brighter and bringing the world back to life.
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tarottchotchkes · 2 months ago
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Me as the Holly King or 'Spirit of Christmas Past' - take your pick!
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nocnitsa · 1 year ago
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pictopye · 5 months ago
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TLDR: Current Yuletide 2024 card I'm working on. Card idea based on the tale of the Oak & Holly King. The card will be a standard 5x7" and the top illustration panel is for the oak king with a deer loosely based on Red Deer (Cervus elaphus).
The long (rambley version): I've been working on a Yuletide card for this holiday season (2024) that I've had in mind for a few years now - been fighting the anxiety/brain gremlins that love to chant 'you're not ever going to be good enough' despite having more than enough logical evidence to suggest otherwise. But brains - ya know? So just going to give it my best!
I've gotten the blocking for basic illustration done - as seen above.
I also went full ham & created a short verse piece (in iambic pentameter!) based off the tale of the pagan tale of the oak & holly king aka the establishment of the solstices. Which I'm /currently/ pleased with, but I do want to step away from it to see if there are any other tweaks that catch my eye when I look at it next - as there were some lines I wasn't quite pleased with.
Currently I've been working on the front of the card, and fleshing out the top Oak King illustration panel. The imagery is to elicit the feel of the oaken king - greens, golds, warm, solar, oak. I chose to /loosely/ base my illustration off a Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) but have added elements (mainly the tail) from the White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for floof-factor. :P Hence 'loosely based'. I've included the customary green man in oaken leaves, the sun/solar rays to signify the warmer part of the year. I've already changed the background of this from yellow to red to really warm it up & also bring more of the standard 'seasonal' feel to the piece.
My secondary pannel for the Holly King will feature a Reindeer/Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) - as I feel like many other deer hold the visual significance within western culture as they do when thinking about winter/cold seasons of the year. But I've only gotten the basics blocked in on him atm.
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