#Hokage Shikaku au
stillpanicking · 8 months
Mimicking Shadow
Part 1 of ?
Fandom: Naruto
Main Characters: Shikaku, Orochimaru, Minato
Tags: Hokage!Shikaku, Good!Orochimaru, and in the future... a very tired Shikamaru who has an orange shadow following him. Vowing that the young Nara heir will be the next Hokage! RTN Characteristics.
Summary: Shikaku was never one to purposely take on a leadership role. Nor can he say it was given to him. Preferring someone to take on the role.. if they deserve or show adequacy in said role. When it comes to the candidatcy to become the Forth Hokage... it's going to be a drag, but he's up for it.
Chatter of the upcoming vote has the whole village filled with anticipation. Let it be good or bad. They just came out of a war and the need for peace is something that many want. While others, want to continue on with the war. The need to showcase power surpasses the need for peace.
Revenge is such a strong force that blinds many.
Those that follow such path has many weary.
The candidates are not known as of yet, but speculation has it going to be one of the Third's students. Rumors spread out that the War Hawk had put his own name into the race... well. That was the case until something came out...
Shikaku Nara narrowed his eyes at the report Anko managed to get him from her mentor.
"Sensei told me to make up some trouble to get this to you." Anko grinned at herself, proud at her handiwork to get into the Nara's office without anyone being the wiser. "Gimme a d-rank mission, Sensei said he'd get me dango if I get that to you without getting followed."
"The next time you do this, I'll have you chase after the Damiyo's pet peacock." Shikaku pulled out a scroll from his desk and tossed it over to Anko. "Tell Lord Orochimaru I will get in touch with him soon. Keep the bastard distracted."
Anko grinned before she started to act up as she exited the office. Yelling out how unfair she got stuck doing D-Rank missions. This earned Shikaku a look from his secretary and another surprise visitor.
There stood an obviously awkward Minato Namikaze, trying his best to wonder what Anko did this time to earn the eerie of the Jonin Commander.
"Having an already eventful morning?" Minato asked, walking into the office and closing the door behind himself. "I have heard an interesting rumor...."
"By rumor... you mean that pervert sensei of yours?" Shikaku deadpans. He signaled for his friend to take a seat.
Minato smiled as he took a seat. "It's an... interesting rumor."
"That rumor is, exactly?" Shikaku pulled out some packaged sweets he kept hidden in his desk. He nearly jammed his fingers over what was the rumor that was spreading around.
"Rumor has it.... Lord Orochimaru and yourself are conspiring against the Village and the Third Hokage."
"What a drag..."
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hellcifrogs · 28 days
Out of curiosity, what do you think about an au where Sasuke’s mom actually did get to adopt Naruto and how do you think the uchiha massacre would go in that universe?
Oh boy I can think of a few ways this could go...
My favorite idea is Mikoto taking Naruto in, and he naturally becoming family. So Itachi could either spare only Sasuke and him, or run away with the two causing a whole new issue for the village that's now down a spy and a jinchuuriki, OR EVEN Naruto and Sasuke returning home to find everyone dead and Naruto loses control of the fox causing another huge disaster in the whole village.
I like this last one because the hokage and elders could use this as an excuse to hide the Uchiha massacre and say they all died because were the closest to Naruto when it happened - and also keep Naruto under even closer watch after this.
But Naruto and Sasuke would still know the "truth".
Or Naruto could become kind of an object for leverage between the clan and the village elders (aka Danzou). But imagine the Uchihas all protecting little Naruto, the nine tails boy, as their special little ball of power.
Danzou tries to pressure Fugaku into whatever and he goes "Nuh uh" because they have Naruto and Danzou probably knows the sharingan can control the bijuu. And the massacre doesn't have to happen - another disaster can still happen for trauma fuel  but the clan doesn't have to be killed by Itachi.
And also, if I were to add some touches of my own... Around the age when Sasuke starts training, Naruto too is practicing with him and Itachi, (so not too long before the massacre was to happen) then Mikoto and Fugaku realize that it would be hard for them to properly teach Naruto - they have their clan style and jutsu types that Naruto might not manage the same way Sasuke does.
So Mikoto takes into her hands to go find Jiraya! She leaves the village on official missions to investigate and search for the senin and bring him back. They could even arrive right at the last minute and stop Itachi (and Obito which coul be a whole thing to add).
Now that could stop the massacre and Danzou from the very start. It's a win-win: Naruto gets a family, Mikoto gets a big role, Jiraya arrives, takes one look at Hiruzen's current system and goes "Nope" and starts looking for a new Hokage right away (Shikaku? Fugaku? Jiraya himself while he trains Itachi to take the role in a few years? Maybe Danzou to make things messier for a bit?)
But the best thing is that Mikoto would 100% tell Naruto about his parents, and he would grow up knowing how loved he had always been and still is.
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mixelation · 1 month
oh yeah while i'm here. speed run au thoughts ->
so i do like the idea of this being the one AU where tori comes clean about the reincarnation thing (i feel like this also has to happen in async, but probably very late in the game). however also i cannot see her doing this without having first solidified a LOT of trust
so what could catalyze her deciding this reveal is a good idea...? the idea i have been rotating is:
i don't think orochimaru cares too much when she just up and disappears. however he might suddenly care a whole lot if she reappears hanging around the hokage. that is HIS pet fuuinjutsu master in training, not yours!!!!
some sort of Situation happens where he grabs her and brings her back to oto. tori you silly child this where you belong
tori gets upset because she LIKED not being in oto and also she's pretty sure it looks suspicious af she's just with orochimaru again. like PROBABLY the conclusion here is that she went on purpose. and now she's mad because this ruins being able to go back
wrong!! minato shows up and is like hi guys!!! don't mind me just here on my legal right to kill orochimaru <3
so he kills oro, grabs tori, and goes home. what an exciting day
minato: hey, why are you crying? are you hurt? did you want to say bye to someone? tori: did you come to save ME 🥺🥺
and like. minato didn't kill orochimaru for tori per se, but he needed to do something about him anyway. this just sort of sealed the deal + gave him a reason to act
tori voices the fear that he thought she was a traitor. however this did not occur to minato even once because even if orochiamru is a master manipulator...... minato is a better manipulator for this sort of thing. obviously tori would not betray him and his wonderful family?
i think i would probably have it as a plot element that someone (shikaku?) keeps pushing minato to let someone do a mindwalk on tori. this is less because he thinks she's super devious and more because mindwalks can pull up forgotten memories + let an adult analyze a child's memories, so tori's brain is probably full of details on oto she can't actually articulate even if she's cooperative in being interviewed
so this Incident is also a catalyst for shikaku brining the mindwalk idea up AGAIN and minato is like "tori i think this would be a good idea. i promise it won't hurt or get you in trouble" and tori is like. my GOD you could not handle what's in my mind, and does a Reveal
i think minato is secretly revealed because tori has wormed her way far enough into his heart that he's starting to consider that this is actually an insane way to treat a child. however it's fine she's secret been a grown up this whole time
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thena0315 · 5 months
What if Orochimaru had revived the Hokages before Ten Tails' Attack AU
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Sensing a large mass of charka and the direction where the tailed beast bomb was heading, Minato could had easily rescued every one at HQ. Tobirama did say that Minato was faster than him. And it wouldn't surprise me if he marked his former classmates with his jutsu when they went on missions together in the past. He is a sensory ninja.
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And thus preventing all of their deaths at HQ & Ao joining Kara in the future
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Shikaku & Inoichi could have also met their grandsons
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jacksgreysays · 9 months
Tobirama matter of factly planning a temple of the Shikabane-hime in the middle of Konoha is SENDING me oh my god?? Is Shikako still born to Shikako and Yoshino in this universe? How does everyone react to maybe having a mortal incarnation of their patron deity growing up before their eyes? Wait does Shikabane-hime create the Garden during the Founding era. Is she also worshipped in Sand?? And not to hijack other anon’s prompt but the full saying is “by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes” so.. Jashin? Does Konoha have beef with Yugakure in this world? I LOVE THIS AU AAHH
First of all, Tobirama is a very clever lad: if a goddess is going to support their village built on the shakiest network of treaties and alliances, then he's going to take that support and use it as a foundation because otherwise all they have to go on is his older brother's charisma and that's NOT going to cut it long term. Also, he really is quite jealous that all Izuna had to do was look at Shikabane-hime to get a cool technique while he has to actually go through the scientific method WHILE ALSO DESIGNING THE VILLAGE.
I think Shikako looks enough like Yoshino that in this universe, they think it's the other way around--that Yoshino is, if not a mortal incarnation of their patron deity (because MAYBE Shikako is immortal in this universe due to the massive amounts of earnest worship actually working to make her a goddess even if she wasn't actually one in the beginning) then some kind of... goddess blessed? Like... this Konoha is so off the rails that there may be a separate order of priest/priestess-nin and Yoshino would be recruited for that.
And, like, I do like the Shikaku and Yoshino's love story, and it would be very sad if they didn't get together, so it's not that the priests/priestesses of the Shikabane-hime CAN'T fall in love and have families (and also, because Shikako is just like. Hey. As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, the genders of said parties does not matter. Hooray marriage equality decades earlier)
Anyway, then if they do still have child Shikako, it could be a very... !!!! ... A Chosen One!!!! And then, THIS Shikako would be the "she who has divine right" version of Hokage!Shikako from my Hail To The Queen series... but that's maybe getting too self-referential?
I do think Shikabane-hime and Gelel create the Garden during the Founding era--because her arriving in each universe post-Split makes the Garden, if it hasn't already been made--so I would think that, yes, a version of her is also worshiped in Sand. But if she didn't stick around to make contact with the shinobi who would become the founders of Sand, they may know her by a different name? Like, in Land of Wind she is Gelel but in Land of Fire she is Shikabane-hime and it becomes a matter of, like, denominational differences.
Alternatively, rather than the Kazekage clan being called "Sabaku no" (of the Desert) perhaps they are called "Yokuchi no" (of the Oasis)? But I suppose that depends how early on in the timeline she is for Sand.
And finally… IS THAT WHERE THAT PHRASE COMES FROM? Oh my god, I'm so bad at identifying when prompts are references to things. It just goes right over my head T_T
I don't think Yugakure even exists long enough for Konoha to have beef with them. If one of Shikabane-hime/Gelel's early "miracles" DOESN'T include a divine smack down of Jashin, possibly erasing Yugakure--or possibly the whole of Land of Hot Water--from the map via volcano (I mean, hot springs are usually because of geothermals, and if she can make an earthquake she can probably make a volcanic eruption) then I don't know what counts as a miracle.
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thekingwhereitallends · 3 months
Tenchijin AU Birthday List
*Note: Some of characters may be younger or older than their canon selves.*
Kaguya Õtsutsuki:Aug.15 543 BC
Tenji:Oct.6 30 BC
Jigen:Sep.4 29 BC
Aino:May.12 20 BC
Hagoromo Õtsutsuki-⼤筒⽊ハゴロモ:Aug.6 0000
Hamura Õtsutsuki:Aug.6 0000
Haori:May.19 0001
Indra Õtsutsuki:Jan.4 0033
Sakura Ainoten:Apr.1 0034
Ashura Õtsutsuki:Jun.8 0034
Kanna:Jun.30 0035
Ichikishimahime:Sep.20 1351
First Mizukage Byakuren:Jan.20 1863
First Tsuchikage Ishikawa:May.6 1872
Ashina Uzumaki:Jun.21 1876
Butsuma Senju:Jan.16 1892
Tajima Uchiha:Mar.28 1893
Bunpuku:Feb.9 1904
First Raikage A:Dec.1 1912
Rai Uchiha:Nov.6 1913
Second Raikage A:Mar.1 1914
Hikaku Uchiha:Aug.12 1915
Naori Uchiha:Nov.14 1915
First Hokage Hashirama Senju:Oct.23 1916
Madara Uchiha:Dec.24 1916
Mito Uzumaki:May.3 1917
First Kazekage Reto:Jun.27 1917
Sasuke Sarutobi:Jul.19 1917
Izuna Uchiha:Feb.10 1918
Second Hokage Tobirama Senju:Feb.19 1918
Second Kazekage Shamon:Mar.12 1919
Tõka Senju:May.26 1919
Second Tsuchikage Mū:Jun.6 1920
Second Mizukage Gengetsu Hõzuki: Oct.26 1920
Itama Senju:Jan.17 1921
Genji:Jul.20 1922
Kawarama Senju:Jul.3 1923
Kinkaku:Mar.7 1926
Ginkaku:Apr.9 1927
Kakuzu:Aug.15 1930
Third Tsuchikage Õnoki:Oct.8 1939
Kagami Uchiha:Feb.22 1940
Third Mizukage Kenshin Mikami:Feb.2 1941
Third Kazekage Samirõ:Aug.9 1941
Hanzõ:Sep.24 1941
Chiyo:Oct.15 1942
Third Raikage A:Aug.1 1943
Ebizõ:Jan.6 1944
Danzõ Shimura:Jan.6 1945
Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi: Feb.8 1945
Homura Mitokado:May.8 1945
Biwako Sarutobi:Jun.21 1945
Koharu Utatane:Sep.1 1945
Jinin Akebino:Sep.25 1949
Ise:Mar.23 1955
Fusõ Uzumaki:Aug.5 1955
Shinku Yūhi:Aug.9 1960
Tsunade Senju:Aug.2 1964
Orochimaru:Oct.27 1964
Jiraiya:Nov.11 1964
Dan Katõ:Dec.4 1964
Sēramu:Jul.31 1965
Hiruko:Oct.23 1965
Jinpachi Munashi:Jul.4 1968
Ameyuri Ringo:Jun.7 1969
Nawaki Senju:Aug.9 1971
Sakumo Hatake:Sep.3 1971
Might Duy:Dec.10 1971
Rõshi:Jun.4 1974
Fuguki Suikazan:Feb.22 1975
Kitsuchi:Mar.22 1975
Yahiko:Feb.20 1976
Okisuke:Jul.27 1976
Ao:Aug.1 1976
Konan:Feb.20 1977
Nagato:Sep.19 1977
Kizashi Haruno:Dec.6 1978
Mebuki Haruno:Jul.26 1979
Malice Rinha:Jun.24 1980
Gari:Aug.8 1980
Mui:Nov.3 1980
Fourth Raikage A:Jun.1 1981
Hotarubi:Aug.9 1981
Kushimaru Kuriarare:Nov.18 1982
Blue B:May.31 1983
Natsuhi:Jun.28 1983
Hiashi Hyūga:Jan.8 1984
Hizashi Hyūga:Jan.8 1984
Inoichi Yamanaka:Jan.24 1984
Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze:Jan.25 1984
Nonõ Yakushi:Mar.5 1984
Fourth Kazekage Rasa:Mar.29 1984
Yagura Karatachi:Apr.3 1984
Chõza Akimichi:Apr.22 1984
Mikoto Uchiha:Jun.1 1984
Kushina Uzumaki:Jul.10 1984
Shikaku Nara:Jul.15 1984
Fugaku Uchiha:Aug.16 1984
Karura:Nov.11 1984
Yoshino Nara:Feb.24 1985
Pakura:Apr.9 1985
Kazuma:May.29 1985
Tsume Inuzuka:Aug.12 1985
Raiga Kurosuki:Sep.13 1985
Yashamaru:May.23 1986
Killer B:May.15 1987
Baki:Jul.4 1988
Kaiza:Aug.21 1988
Sazanami:Sep.15 1988
Nan:Nov.15 1988
Shiranami:Jan.28 1989
Nowaki:Mar.7 1989
Jūzõ Biwa:Apr.14 1989
Tsunami:May.4 1989
Suiren(Kiri):Jun.2 1989
Sāra:Sep.17 1989
Sasori:Nov.8 1989
Kisame Hoshigaki:Mar.18 1990
Sadai-サダイ:Jun.19 1990
Ran-乱:Apr.21 1991
Miru-美瑠:Sep.13 1991
Might Guy:Jan.1 1992
Obito Uchiha:Feb.10 1992
Ebisu:Mar.8 1992
Kurenai Yūhi:Jun.11 1992
Chiriku:Jul.1 1992
Genma Shiranui:Jul.17 1992
Zabuza Momochi:Aug.15 1992
Raidõ Namiashi:Aug.28 1992
Honoka:Sep.1 1992
Aoba Yamashiro:Sep.3 1992
Kakashi Hatake:Sep.15 1992
Asuma Sarutobi:Oct.18 1992
Rin Nohara:Nov.15 1992
Shizune Katõ:Nov.18 1992
Hanare:Dec.16 1992
Shimon Hijiri:Feb.1 1993
Fugai:Aug.6 1993
Chino Oyashiro:Nov.4 1993
Samui:Jan.7 1994
Mabui:Feb.1 1994
Emi:Nov.11 1994
Sukui:Mar.7 1995
C:Apr.3 1995
Utakata:Jun.16 1995
Maki:Aug.15 1995
Fūka:Nov.17 1995
Izumo Kamizuki:Nov.25 1995
Iruka Umino:May.26 1996
Anko Mitarashi:Oct.24 1996
Hayate Gekkõ:Nov.2 1996
Darui:Jan.6 1997
Muta Aburame:May.27 1997
Tenzõ Iburi(Yamato):Aug.10 1997
Kaori:Oct.1 1997
Shinko Inari:Nov.1 1997
Yūgao Uzuki:Nov.3 1997
Tokuma Hyūga:Feb.10 1998
Sagi:Feb.16 1998
Toki:Feb.16 1998
Yurika:Mar.21 1998
Sadoru:Apr.5 1998
Momiji:May.5 1998
Susuki:Jun.2 1998
Kirisaki:Aug.9 1998
Genshõ Ryūdõin:Sep.6 1998
Shisui Uchiha:Oct.19 1998
Yukiji:Dec.1 1998
Kotohime:Feb.9 1999
Yugito Nī:Jul.24 1999
Saya:Aug.4 1999
Shibuki:Dec.15 1999
Kabuto Yakushi:Feb.29 2000
Inaho:Mar.26 2000
Hidan:Apr.2 2000
Okyõ:May.4 2000
Koyuki Kazahana:Aug.21 2000
Nurui:Sep.10 2000
Guren:Dec.18 2000
Kohada:Oct.14 2000
Kujaku:Jan.11 2001
Mangetsu Hõzuki:Feb.15 2001
Yūto:Mar.31 2001
Hana Inuzuka:Apr.13 2001
Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi:May.21 2001
Itachi Uchiha:Jun.9 2001
Masako:Jul.31 2001
Izumi Uchiha:Aug.28 2001
Otoha:Sep.10 2001
Kinsei:Oct.6 2001
Oyone:Nov.12 2001
Natsu Hyūga:Dec.4 2001
Haku Yuki:Jan.9 2002
Akatsuchi:Jan.11 2002
Ameno:Jan.15 2002
Ayame:Feb.14 2002
Deidara:May.5 2002
Kimimarõ Kaguya:Jun.15 2002
Kõji:Jun.27 2002
Gen'yūmaru:Jul.27 2002
Fū Yamanaka:Aug.20 2002
Shū:Sep.3 2002
Kurotsuchi:Sep.6 2002
Aoi Rokushõ:Sep.22 2002
Torune Aburame:Oct.24 2002
Gazeru:Nov.10 2002
Toneri Õtsutsuki:Dec.6 2002
Seina Shakudõ:Dec.23 2002
Hakui:Dec.10 2002
Kõ Hyūga:Jan.8 2003
Tayuya:Feb.15 2003
Princess Chiyo:Mar.9 2003
Sana:Apr.16 2003
Hõichi:Apr.30 2003
Ruka:May.28 2003
Ajisai:Jul.21 2003
Temari:Aug.23 2003
Taruho:Sep.13 2003
Jūgõ:Oct.1 2003
Chõjuro:Nov.1 2003
Sagiri:Nov.3 2003
Muku:Feb.18 2004
Shizuka Nadeshiko:Mar.29 2004
Karashi:Mar.29 2004
Ran:Apr.4 2004
Kankūrõ:May.15 2004
Kagerõ Fūma:Jun.1 2004
Dõsu Kinuta:Jun.12 2004
Kin Tsuchi:Jul.6 2004
Ryūzetsu:Jul.30 2004
Atsui:Aug.2 2004
Shin Katõ:Sep.6 2004
Zaku Abumi:Sep.14 2004
Hotaru Tsuchigumo:Oct.9 2004
Nae:Nov.29 2004
Shira:Dec.5 2004
Menma Shīn:Dec.14 2004
TenTen:Mar.9 2005
Hokuto:Mar.29 2005
Fū:Mar.31 2005
Kido Tsumiki:Apr.3 2005
Emiru:May.19 2005
Sasame Fūma:May.25 2005
Neji Hyūga:Jul.3 2005
Idate Morino:Aug.25 2005
Rock Lee:Nov.27 2005
Fifth Kazekage Gaara:Jan.19 2006
Shino Aburame:Jan.23 2006
Karui:Feb.14 2006
Suigetsu Hõzuki:Feb.18 2006
Sakura Haruno:Mar.28 2006
Chõji Akimichi:May.1 2006
Yukata:May.3 2006
Kiba Inuzuka:Jul.7 2006
Sasuke Uchiha:Jul.23 2006
Sumaru:Aug.17 2006
Shikamaru Nara:Sep.22 2006
Ino Yamanaka:Sep.23 2006
Shiho:Oct.9 2006
Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki:Oct.10 2006
Matsuri:Nov.22 2006
Sai Yamanaka:Nov.25 2006
Hinata Hyūga:Dec.27 2006
Sari:Apr.14 2007
Karin Uzumaki:Jun.20 2007
Shion:Aug.4 2007
Omoi:Dec.26 2007
Mugino:Jul.26 2010
Yūkimaru:Dec.25 2010
Udon Ise:Apr.3 2011
Moegi Kazamatsuri:Jun.8 2011
Gengorõ Kamakura:Jul.4 2011
Ranmaru:Sep.21 2011
Konohamaru Sarutobi:Dec.30 2011
Hinoko:Jan.12 2012
Hanabi Hyūga:Mar.27 2012
Kaede Yoshino:Dec.20 2012
Inari:Dec.25 2012
Erimaki Sharo:Feb.18 2013
Akita Inuzuka:Apr.20 2013
Tsubasa Emiya:Sep.17 2013
Kohan Yamanaka:Dec.6 2013
Isari Funato:Jan.23 2014
Sansho:Jun.11 2014
Mibuna:Sep.8 2014
Tsukune:Feb.16 2015
Garashi Tõno:Jul.19 2016
Ichirõta Oniyuzu:Oct.11 2018
Kankitsu Akitsuki:May.25 2019
Remon Yoimura:Jul.21 2019
Hebiichigo:Jan.9 2020
Deepa:Jul.15 2020
Matsuba:Feb.19 2021
Ada:May.7 2022
Sazanka:Jan.9 2022
Code:Aug.24 2023
Kawaki:Nov.18 2024
Buntan Kurosaki:Apr.28 2024
Kagura Karatachi:Sep.27 2024
Kozuchi:Aug.30 2025
Ryõgi:Jan.31 2026
Boruto Uzumaki:Mar.27 2026
Sarada Uchiha:Mar.31 2026
Sekki:May.6 2026
Sumire Kakei:Jun.12 2026
Mitsuki:Jul.25 2026
ChõChõ Akimichi:Aug.8 2026
Shikadai Nara:Sep.23 2026
Inojin Yamanaka:Dec.5 2026
Shio:Jan.6 2028
Satõ:May.1 2028
Jin Kaminari:Sep.25 2028
Daemon:Jul.22 2029
Himawari Uzumaki:Aug.19 2029
*the list will be updated as the story progresses.*
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atqh16 · 1 year
For my Minato lives au
Minato wakes up with Kushina’s name on his lips and Sarutobi’s heart breaks for him. He’s seen his fair share of grief and tragedy. He’s fought in 3 different wars ever since he was a teenager. Life had rarely been painless for him and his people.
Still, it never makes it any easier.
Minato is not conscious enough to receive a reply and before Sarutobi can even get up from his seat, the man has already fallen back into a more peaceful slumber after several nights of restless, feverish, nightmares.
At least the worst has passed, he thinks as he leaves, hoping that whatever waited for his protégé when he awakes will be enough to root him to the earth. Right now, Konoha needed him more than ever.
When Minato finally breaks through his dreams the first thing he feels is surprise before he’s speared by a pain so deep and visceral that it’s a shock to him when he sees no wound on his chest where the agony was tearing him apart. Truthfully he knows why he’s feeling the way he is. His memory is not merciful enough to have blocked out the reality he’s being made to face but as he’s learned over the years, awareness doesn’t take away grief. Nothing can and that is another fact that has him choking on his own breath. Before the nurses can even be alerted of his waking, tears are already falling in unbidden streams that soak the pillow beneath him. Every part of him hurts but the pain is not enough to distract him from the horrible picture in his mind that replays like a haunting nightmare he can't seem to break through.
He can feel with unwavering clarity how it felt to have his hands sticky and wet, soaked with Kushina’s blood even as she smiled in his arms, dark blue eyes never leaving the sight of their son that he’d placed so delicately on her chest.
The nurses seem to understand without words because as soon as the doctor left after a short evaluation, a crib was wheeled into the room and suddenly Minato felt like he’s fallen back into a dream but one that’s managed to pierce the darkness and loosen the knot around his chest.
Naruto feels almost weightless when the nurse finally places him above his heart, so much so that Minato doesn’t think he’d believe his child was even there were it not for his own eyes assuring him of the truth.
“Naruto”, he whispers as the tiny life fusses and whimpers in the blue wrap he’s bundled in.
A part of him wants to sit up so he can fully feast his sight on his son. But even being awake for a bare few minutes has depleted his strength. Still even as his eyes fall to a close, his grip on Naruto doesn’t loosen.
“I love you. I’ll take care of you. I promise. Till my last breath”
““Lord Fourth, I must insist that this is not a conduct fit for a Hokage”
Minato doesn’t even look up from where he was reading through a report on his desk, his right hand twiddling a pen while his left pats the bottom of the wrap that was strapped over his shoulder and side just loose enough to comfortably nestle his 3-week-old son. Naruto’s annoyed grumbling tapered off back to sleep soothed by his father’s touch.
“Lord Fourth-“
“Inside voices Shimura-San. If you’d be so inclined”, Minato whispers back in his usual calm demeanor but no one in the room misses the sharp way the words are uttered.
Minato can almost hear Danzo gritting his teeth.
“Lord Fourth, I must insist that it is both unnecessary and unsuitable for a child to be guarded by the Hokage when we have perfectly competent caretakers to look after him while you work and anbu to protect him”
“I don’t think Naruto’s presence has caused any disturbance in my work ethic as of yet. Is my son’s presence bothering you Nara-San?”
Shikaku, who’d been standing idly by the filing cabinet, can barely hide the smirk threatening to lift the corner of his lips.
“Not at all, Lord Fourth. I say Naruto being here creates a much calmer atmosphere and helps you focus without being distracted by worry for his well-being should he be cared for by anyone else”
“Thank you Nara-San. And I trust that you will be honest and straightforward with me if Naruto’s presence does create a problem in your ability to commit to your work?”
“Of course Lord Fourth. I wouldn’t be so disrespectful as to be less than truthful to you”
“That’s settled then”, Minato says cheerfully but his tone falls with a firm finality in the air that brooks no argument. The very thing that had made Sarutobi choose him as his successor and also the very thing that was the bane of Danzo’s existence. Minato’s refusal to ever let anything pass his awareness without strict scrutiny.
Minato drops his eyes back onto the document lying so ‘invitingly’ on his desk and it's as clear as a dismissal as it can get.
Shikaku barely manages to catch the door in time before the older man can slam it shut behind him as he leaves the office.
Still, Naruto ever sensitive to even the smallest disturbance, begins to fuss in annoyance but he calms quickly when his father presses him just a tad tighter against his chest.
“I don’t think I need to warn you about getting on the man’s bad side”, Shikaku tries to scold in a grave voice but Minato knows his friend well enough to decipher the hint of mirth peeking behind his words.
“I’ve been on his bad side since day one. Why stop now? Besides, watching out for his schemes and machinations is your job isn’t it?”, Minato jokingly replies and his smile widens when his advisor gives him a mournful look.
“You put too much work on me. Can’t you leave me unbothered for once?”
Minato graces him with a cheeky smile, “I’m sure you’ll have more than enough time to spend at home afterward to pass on your wisdom and philosophy to your son. But until then, call Fugaku in will you?”
Shikaku gives him a playful salute as he leaves, careful to open and shut the door without so much as a squeak.
As soon as the door closes, Minato brushes his fingers through his hair before massaging his forehead and letting out a lethargic sigh.
“One at a time. One at a time”
@maelstrom-of-emotions thoughts?
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Anon's idea is good but like, what would happen? Would the squad just go attack Danzō? Would they go to the Hokage? Would Kakashi tell them about the time Danzō told him to kill Hiruzen and he told Hiruzen and he did nothing and that he's probably not going to do anything this time as well?
Oh, but maybe they go to Inoichi after making sure Shisui won't die on them. I could see Shisui asking them not to take him to the hospital in the chance Danzō is keeping an eye on it to find him
I think the major difference is that, in HOPE AU, none of the really bad shit had happened yet so Danzo was in the dark, Shisui hadn't revealed to him what exactly Kotoamatsukami could do, and there was no physical evidence so Inoichi took the legal route as much as possible. That....wouldn't happen here 😏
If Shisui, on the night he died, went to his Squadmates... Things would develop extremely quickly and violently. We're talking a possible ANBU revolt against Danzo, made possible because of ROOT infiltrating the Ranks so it actually looks like ANBU in-fighting, the Uchiha arriving late to the party just to kick off, the other Clans freaking the fuck out about bloodline theft, and it all turn's over within the course of hours/days instead of days/weeks/months!
As for the Squad taking Shisui to Inoichi, it would probs go more like;
1) holy shit we need to kill Danzo (queue Kakashi's thing about Danzo trying to get him to kill Sarutobi without consequences + Tenzo probably having a Moment™)
2) holy shit Shisui's still bleeding and almost died (we need to kill Danzo and get the eye back)
3) holy shit we need help... Who here knows a good adult????? Shisui's not-dad Inoichi! Crap!
They'd go to him but the chances of Inoichi slowing down the ^^^ above scenario of events unfolding... Slim. He's more concerned about Shisui and also getting to rip Danzo's mind to mush.... He'd go to Shikaku and Chouza, he'd get the other clan heads involved, they'd probably storm the hokage tower just in time to see ANBU arrive, having taken ROOT down and possibly holding Danzo's head! Ta dah!
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
Au where everyone lives and Kakashi becomes Hokage when Hiruzen retires :)
The elder’s try to get Minato, but Shikaku still nominates Kakashi because he thinks he’d be a good Hokage, and ultimately Kakashi is chosen
Naturally Obito is a little crushed, but he quickly gets over it and decides to become the most obnoxious right hand man ever
He does not actually get to be the ‘right hand’ but is instead put on the new council Kakashi forms after retiring the elders. A voice Kakashi will happily listen to, and just as happily ignore if he thinks Obito is being hard headed
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I don't know if this would fit in the Hot for Teacher AU. But please consider:Kakashi totally oblivious to any and all suitors that Naruto has, like physically incapable of imagining Naruto dating, almost has a panic attack when someone suggests it because Naruto is babyyyy. Meanwhile Naruto has a full harem ready and willing.
Maybe not for Hot for Teacher (because Shikamaru is very obviously head over heels for Naruto from square one and his mom definitely called Kakashi to tell him about the retainer incident) but I could absolutely see it for a different “Kakashi raised Naruto” au either set on canon era or in a modern AU.
Just kakashi like “no wait he’s like four” when Naruto is eighteen and won a war and is well on his way to becoming Hokage. Iruka cannot understand how Kakashi can’t see that half of Naruto’s age group is fully in love with him and have all had the polyamory talk just in case he’s interested in having all of them. The older Jonin are all taking bets for if Kakashi faints or tries to murder like half of his active Shinobi first.
For a Modern AU the entire school all knows that Naruto is going to end up with like nine boyfriends and all of the other parents (/older siblings *coughtemaricough*) are frankly waiting for Kakashi and his to catch up so they can all watch the worlds best soap opera in real time. (Shikaku is the only one equally in denial but that’s more of a Shikaku thing rather than him thinking Shikamaru is still baby)
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
A little guide for my personal use, but could come in handy to understand my Diamond Girls au:
This world is based on Naruto, manga/anime by Kishimoto. However, it's an alternative universe set on semi modern times, where even the best shinobi only holds a low reserve of chakra. Therefore, the characters are forced to rely more on their ninja like abilities and well, rely on guns and weapons.
Example A: the Susanoo technique allows the user to fortify their skin and clothes, along with giving them enhanced strength and speed, but it is not a giant spectral warrior who can cut down mountains in half.*
*No one in this au can take down a mountain.
Example B: the Byakugan have a time limit of usage that corresponds with the chakra reserves of the user AND it can't shut down completely chakra pathways. Although it can be used instead for strategies and tactics, as well as to wear down the enemy with heavier strikes to their systems.
Let's call the year the Konoha 12 were born the Point Zero or Year Zero (Y. 0) and count accordingly.
Minato became Hokage on year 3, did the shinobi system reformation on year 4 and died on year 8. The sannins reached the village on year 9. The Konoha 12 started their Academy phase on year 9 and became genins on year 16.
The main timeline starts on year 20, with the Konoha 12 getting reunited to train together for the Chunnin Exams.
Based on how old were they on year zero:
The Sannins were 35 years old.
Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura were 55 years old.
Sakumo Hatake was 38 years old (if he was still alive).
Fugaku Uchiha was 32 years old.
Mikoto Uchiha, Shibi Aburame, Hizashi Hyuga, Hiashi Hyuga and Rasa (Gaara's dad) were all 26 years old.
Most parents of the Konoha 12 were 22 years old: Minato, Kushina, Shikaku Nara, Chozo Akimichi, Inojin Yamanaka, Tsume Inuzuka, etc.
Except Kakashi, who was 14 years old.
Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi and all of that generation were 16 years old.
Shishui Uchiha was 11 years old.
Itachi Uchiha was 7 years old.
The Konoha 12 were born that year or maximum 2 years prior.
Konohamaru would be born on year 4.
From ages 0 to 8, children are encourage to develop a sense of citizenship in the village. Those feelings should grow as the ideals who would made of them great shinobis. Around this time the clans would teach their children most of their traditions. They're not expected to understand/apply the knowledge yet. For civilian kids, these years are just school years and could be filled with the families teaching them a new profession, unless they desire to follow the shinobi path.
Minato created the new system intending so no more children were forced to go to war.
It favors the education of highly skilled shinobi and medic nins in order to decrease the death rates. It also favors adaptability and creativity, to avoid getting skillful shinobi stuck on a stiff team structure.
From ages 8 to 12, it's Academy I. On this period the children are taught the basics of the shinobi world. Their schedules still allows free afternoons and weekends for them to play or spend however they like. Most civilian kids leave on this stage when they realize they don't want to be shinobi. Also, this stage separates the kids in three secret categories: genius, average, special interests.
From ages 12 to 16, it's called Academy II or Field Academy. Here happens the heavy load, with simulated missions and full schedules. Here geniuses are tested to verify their ability to manage a real life challenge. If they pass, they'll go directly to anbu at 16. The average kids will be trained to become genins at 14 or maybe 15, ready to be assigned to the field. The special interest children (clan kids) get recommendations to join a special program as genins, where they'll have to balance missions with their continuing education.
Ages 16 to 20. Teenagers leave the Academy as genins sorted in the following categories: Far Above Average (FAA), Above Average (AA), Average (A), Slightly Below Average (SBA) or Below Average (BA).
⠀⠀⠀Based on this, there are 5 options as a genin:
1— ANBU / BLACK OPS: for FAA only. They become chunnin, not genin. Every FAA who wants this option must have passed their psychological examination.
2— GENERAL FORCES: mostly for A, SBA and BA. This genins are the common force behind most of the mission that reach Konoha. They go directly to work at the field, being either in D-rank mission outside Konoha or helping the village.
3— SPECIALIZATIONS: for all categories if they have recommendations. This is mostly for clan kids or genins interested in special areas like I&T. Like the general forces, they're assigned in groups of three members, but they take fewer missions and focus more on learning their roles in the village.
4— SUPPORT SYSTEM: for all categories. Similar to the specializations, this is for genins that want to work on an specific area in short-term programs. They help run most of Konoha, act as messengers and members of the administrative staff, etc.
After reaching 20 years old, any shinobi is competing within the system for promotions and higher ranks. There are different ways of becoming chunnin, not always having to pass the Chunnin Exams. Minato's reform helped raise the common age to take the exam to 18 and 20 years old. Only FAA take the exams or are promoted before that age.
5— SANNIN PROGRAMS OR OPERATIONS: open to all categories without recommendation. However, it's not compatible to any other category. Genins who join this option leave behind their clans and teams, since their loyalty must lay with the sannin and the new mates in the program/project. Not all genins can access them. They must past the test of the sannins or their subordinates in order to get accepted.
Every character in this au is slightly changed by the difference in experience on this world.
For example, Akatsuki is not as radicalized as in the manga, although they are working with one of the sannins to kill Hiruzen (wait and see!). Without Madara / the Zetzus to control them and with Yahiko still alive, they fight to bring peace to all nations. The morally greys.
Sakura met Chiyo during her specialization, when Sakura studied in Sunagakure for a year. The circumstances of their fight with Sasori where different. Chiyo didn't die and Sasori was taken back to a prison in Suna. The specifics in the fic.
Sasuke is more openly affectionate (barely) because his family is alive. What makes him more like his manga self is Fugaku treatment and the political context suffocating him. The Uchihas are the next clan to eliminate after the Senjus and the Uzumakis, a international complot with Danzo being the executioner of Konoha. There're other factors, like Akatsuki and the Sannins.
Kakashi is equally guilt ridden but at least Rin is alive. He focus on supporting her with her chronic illness condition, an aftermath of her being a jinchuriki and Kakashi's chidori, (here chidori is an attack to the nervous system capable of frying it in full force. Rin fell on a coma but Tsunade was able to "reboot her system"). Also Obito is Tobi, but not a puppet of Madara. He works with Akatsuki and later with Itachi and Jiraiya and other shinobis to clean Konoha's corruption.
On their Academy II era, Team 7 went to the Land of the Waves mission. Haku was saved. It happens that Itachi had read the mission specifications some time later after the team assignment and immediately sent Shisui to them when he realized the real danger they were in. With his speed, he was able to reach the bridge on time. Chidori affected Haku's nerve system, but his natural cold kekkei genkai allowed his body to enter a coma that could be stabilized with Sakura's knowledge of medical ninjutsu. At this point in time, Sakura had been taking spare lessons from Tsunade for 5 years. Shisui took Haku on emergency back to Konoha, where Tsunade took care of him, having experience with Rin. Haku was them basically adopted by Kurenai (an accident, really!).
And so on. The characters and dynamics won't be the same as in the manga/anime, because the circumstances are not the same either. Although I try to respect the bases of how they're written.
Most of the main conflicts are there, except for Kaguya and Madara. The real conflict is the political corruption of the hidden villages, responsible for the Uzumaki genocide and Minato and Kushina's deaths, for example. They want to eliminate the Uchihas for the same reason why they wanted the Uzumakis gone or the Senjus buried. Other things they don't like and want to erase: Akatsuki, Jiraiya and Tsunade; the first for helping Naruto on his journey to figure out the truth about his clan and parents, the second for pushing for the medical shinobis age and preaching that medics can overrule most shinobis at war.
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❉ What is a dream AU for you? If you haven’t done it yet, why not? (With Naruto or Shikamaru. Whoever you feel like answering for.)
// June 18
It’s Munday!
// My dream AU is one with alternative crossover ships from canon such as NaruSaku, ShikaIno, SasuHina, NejiTen, JiraiTsu, and probs more!
Shipping aside, also AUs where certain characters survive such as Minato/Kushina, Itachi, Asuma, Neji, Shikaku, Inoichi, Obito and so on
for Naruto, being Hokage with Sakura by his side, and Shikamaru being Naruto's advisor with support from Ino, and all four go on double dates together!
As for setting it all up, it depends on the mun if they’re willing and have (most) of the female muses mentioned and interested in interacting with mine, just reach out and plot with me, and we'll figure something out!
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The character au ask thingy
Pick what you want to do ♡
Sukea, "no agency wants to hire him, but he's the best in the field" Spy au?
Shikaku, "I'm to old and tired for this shit, but someone has to do it right" Hokage au
Ibiki, "only one besides the Hokage, that knows all the creatures living in Konoha, and looks after them" Shifter au
Sukea-Spy Au
Sukea is a well known name in the spy community. He’s efficient, leaves no evidence behind except for some purple markings on a mirror or wall nearby what he was doing, and has never been caught.
He has never even been seen. No one knows what ‘Sukea’ looks like, which make’s it easy for him to slip in and out without detection.
No one wants to work with Sukea because he’s constantly thwarting their own missions, or just being kind of a big jerk to them, but at the same time he’s one of the best spy’s they’ve ever seen (but also not seen XD) and it would be terrible if he joined another organization.
So while no one wants to work with him, they do want him to work for them. It’s better than having him as an enemy.
Problem is, no one knows who he is so they have no idea how to find him or offer him work.
It’s kind of a whole mess, but they keep trying.
the funniest part of it all for Sukea, is that he works at the cafe that Gai and Tenzo all like to frequent at separate times, and flirts with each of them whenever they’re in.
They just don’t recognize him because they have no idea what he looks like.
Shikaku-Hokage Shikaku Au
After Minato and Kushina’s death, Shikaku decides he has had enough. Even during his short time as Hokage, Minato was starting to make some real good changes to the system. Not perfect, but good.
He does not want to go back to Hiruzen’s way of doing things, so when Hiruzen says he’ll to back to being Hokage Shikaku protests and puts his name forward as Hokage.
He may not be the strongest in the village, but he is the smartest and that has to be worth something.
It’s a struggle of course. There are people who support him, and people who don’t. In the end though, he has the unwavering support of the jonin’s and that’s what he needs to be Hokage. So Hiruzen steps down and Shikaku takes the spot.
Not his favorite job to do, but he’s here now and there is no turning back.
First course of action, Danzo.
It’s no secret Shikaku hates and doesn’t trust Danzo, so he wants to know what exactly Danzo is up. To do so, he asks one of his best Anbu operatives to help him out. Hatake Kakashi.
When Danzo approaches Kakashi about joining Root, Shikaku isn’t at all surprised. In fact, he expected it. Kakashi is a feared name already at age 14, of course Danzo wants him and others like him.
So Shikaku make’s a plan and plants Kakashi in Root.
It works perfectly, though it does take a few years. By the time Kakashi is 16, he has enough info to give to Shikaku that allows him to face Danzo head on, and the fun part of that is Shikaku is not alone. He’s not going to fight Danzo, danzo would win. But he will destroy him. Make sure everyone knows what he has done to ‘protect’ Konoha.
Danzo has almost zero support in Konoha after that, and is banished. Shikaku naturally doesn’t think this will be the end of Danzo, but it is the end of Root in Konoha and he’s ok with that.
Tenzo ends up joining them. Two years with Kakashi as a partner has given Tenzo the escape from Danzo he needed, and he’s more than happy to leave the old man’s side to join Kakashi and Shikaku.
After Danzo’s taken care of, he needs to deal with the Uchiha.
Thankfully, with Shikaku as Hokage the Uchiha weren’t ostracized more because of the Kyubi attack. He actually asks Mikoto to adopts Naruto, which she is more than happy to do.
Unfortunatlly, there’s still resentment and hatred. It was seeded into the ground long before he took over and now he has to find a way to fix it.
Part of his solution is replacing Hiruzen’s elder council members with members from various clans. Fugaku, Inoichi, Choza, Hiashi, and others.
Honestly, one of the good things about being hokage is putting Fugaku and Hiashi into a room and watching them argue.
It’s beautiful
Ibiki - Shifter au
Every shifter is listed in a database as soon as they are discovered. Partially to know what kind of specialized missions they might be used for, partially just to keep track of them.
This does unfortunately mean that people with ill intentions who get hold of that database can hurt those who are shifters.
Ibiki himself is a shifter, able to transform into a salamander (it’s cool i love them so much!)
He’s the first person on sight when a new shifter is discovered, wanting to make sure that they’re safe and that they know they’ll be protected from people who try to hurt or use them.
Unfortunatly for him, he can’t save every shifter. One big issue that sticks with him for years is Tenzo, who they didn’t even know existed at all for years until Kakashi dragged him out of Riot.
Some of the cases Ibiki handles hands on, picking missions for them and doing check ups on them, are Kakashi (a Shiba Inu dog), Maito Gai (a tortoise), Genma (a crane), Anko (a snake) and Kurenai (a Ussuri brown bear).
There are clans of shifters that take care of themselves, such as the Nara’s. As well as Clans that will protect anyone born into their clan that turns out to be a shifter (The uchiha won’t allow anyone else to take care of their shifters, for example. The Hyuga are also very protective of their shifters and hate non clan members trying to interfier)
Once every two weeks Ibiki scheduals a check up with every shinobi shifter under his care, while someone else takes care of any of the civilians who happen to be a shifter.
Kakashi is his most difficult one, because he refuses to talk most days even though Ibiki can always tell there’s a lot on his mind. Gai and Kurenai are his most relaxing, easy one’s.
He actually starts having his meet ups with Kakashi and Gai at the same time because he notices Kakashi opens up a bit more with Gai around.
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mixelation · 2 years
hmm okay, who are your alt hokage nominations for right around the time of the uchiha massacre? ive been writing my tobirama/oc fic, and he decides part of the way to prevent a coup involves getting a new hokage
tobirama: i'll just take over again. it's fine. i already have a list of infrastructure and policies that could be improved
shisui: i mean this with all due respect
shisui: that will make things worse
tobirama: >:(
tobirama: (goes to jiraiya) ive decided we need a new hokage. give me a list.
jiraiya: you just decided--
tobirama: yes >:( give me a list >:(
i think ultimately i'll make jiraiya hokage for ~AU feels~, but what names do you think should be on a list? kakashi's name might get floated even though he's hella young.... i've seen people stan nara shikaku for hokage? ibiki???
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Sensei and Jounin List
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Looking for Kakashi? Find him on the Founders and Hokage List!
𓆃 (Might) Guy
Might Guy Relationship Headcanons Part I
Might Guy Relationship Headcanons Part II
Might Guy x Childhood Friend Reader Headcanons
Might Guy Friends to Lovers Headcanons
First Kiss with Might Guy Headcanons
Might Guy x Petite!Reader Headcanons
Might Guy x Bubbly!Reader, Hurt/Comfort Headcanons
Might Guy x MainBranch!Hyuuga Headcanons
Might Guy x Reader x Kisame Love Triangle Headcanons
Cliché Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Finale BONUS
Cliché Rewrite Part I Part II Part III (coming soon)
Cabaret (discontinued) Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VIIChapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI 
Cabaret (rewrite) Chapter I Chapter II
Anbu Bae Oneshot
Castle Part I Part II Part III Part IV (on hiatus)
Might Guy x NB!Reader Oneshot, RQ
Remember me? (Might Guy x Akatsuki!Reader) RQ
Klutz (Might Guy x AcademyTeacher!Reader)
Surprise Oneshot
No You (Might Guy x Pregnant!Reader) RQ
Why Not? (Might Guy x Pregnant!Reader) RQ
Patience (Might Guy x Abused!Reader) RQ
Take Care (Might Guy x Medic!Reader) RQ
Home (Akatsuki!MightGuy x Leaf!Reader) RQ
Puzzled (Might Guy x TransM!Reader) RQ by Anon (2/17/21)
Birthday Cake (Might Guy x M!Reader) RQ
Creepy Guys at the Bar (Might Guy x Civilian!Reader) RQ
Night In with MG (Oneshot RQ
The Beach Episode (Might Guy x BodyInsecure!Reader) Oneshot RQ
Out (Might Guy x Reader)
Strong (Might Guy x Blind!Reader) Oneshot
Team Dinner! (Might Guy x Reader) Oneshot
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𓆃 Iruka
Iruka Relationship Headcanons
Iruka Platonic Relationship Headcanons
Iruka College AU Headcanons
Childhood Best Friends with Iruka Umino Headcanons
Oblivious (Iruka x Teacher!Reader) Oneshot RQ
Night Shift Oneshot
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𓆃 Jiraiya
Jiraiya x AdoptiveKid!Reader Platonic Relationship Headcanons
Jiraiya x Short!Reader Relationship Headcanons
Jiraiya x Spouse!Reader Domestic Headcanons
Jiraiya and Naruto Platonic Found Family Headcanons
Reader x Jiraiya x Tsunade Love Triangle Headcanons
Jiraiya Blindness Inbox Scenario 
When That Time Comes Oneshot RQ
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𓆃 Killer B - I will not be writing more for Killer B
 Killer B and Naruto Platonic Headcanons (Swivel)
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𓆃 Konohamaru
Cherry Blossom Homecoming (Konohamaru x Reader) Oneshot
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𓆃 Multi
Genma and Anko Roommate Headcanons (Reader Insert)
Genma x Reader x Anko Friendship Headcanons
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𓆃 Shibi Aburame 
Shibi Aburame Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 Shikaku
Working for Shikaku Platonic Headcanons
Nara Family x Reader Platonic Headcanons
Links: 71
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liam-cadmus · 3 years
Sasuke appears in front of the gate with a swirl of flames and crackling of lightning, wobbling on his feet when he arrives. Kushina shrieks in surprise, before glaring at him with mock venom. He was about to rub the back of his neck, before he realizes the braid covering said nape.  He moves the braid to a shoulder, before greeting his godparents. “Good Afternoon, Shikaku-san, Mikoto-san, I was told of your arrival, may I ask of what it would be?” he asked politely, which earned a fond rolling of violet eyes from Kushina.  “Sasuke-kun, ever so polite. Is it so bad that Kushina and I just thought of visiting our favorite godchild?” Shikaku questions, making him shake his head abruptly. “Ah, no, I was just surprised. Will we meet in a location or do we walk there as a group?”  “Let’s wait for your older brother before walking, Shikamaru and Naruto already went ahead. Minato unfortunately wouldn’t be able to make it because of Hokage duties, and Yoshino is out for a short mission in the Land of Lightning.”  He questions this, confusion and exasperation filling his whole being when he found out that somehow, Kushina and Shikaku, who are the exact people who his parents are pining for, are the ones who are destined to be his godparents. And the same people who have sons of their own, that are somehow the same age as his.  How destiny is playing with his strings, he doesn’t know. But his parents’ advice of not falling for a Nara and a Uzumaki is proving to be a difficult considering his situation.  He only nods, before the three of them wait in front of the gates, dead silent. He should have not of thought about it, because it made it very awkward. Wind whirls beside him, before flames burst, diminishing as a flock of crows as Itachi strides forward, smiling politely.  “Should we get going?” his brother asks, which his godparents nodded to, the two clan heads moving in front of the two brothers. He glares at Itachi suspiciously, the amused smirk looking far too annoying.  They enter Ichiraku Ramen, where Shikamaru and Naruto reserved seats, Kushina excitedly talking to Shikaku-san. He trails after them quietly, watching Itachi quietly add to the conversation. Clan Head matters, he realizes, remembering Itachi talking about him about Danzo. He finds politics only a tiny bit interesting, but he wouldn’t do it if someone asks him to. Except if they allow him to just talk down on the elders, he would do it in a second. He sits down in the remaining seat, somehow, somehow in between Shikamaru and Naruto. He resists the urge to throw his hands up, only pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. Naruto’s loud storytelling filling his ears as Teuchi-san places a bowl of tonkotsu ramen in front of him, which he smiles at. Shikamaru’s drawls answer to Naruto’s words, their voices mingling as the background noise, him quietly taking bites of the chashu pork belly.  “Sasuke-kun, I’ve heard that from Naru-chan that you pushed him out of the way by your last mission, I just wanted to thank you.” Kushina oba-san mentions, making him look up in surprise, ruffling his well-kept bangs.  “Hn, It’s fine oba-san, he was being an idiot anyways.” he explains, wiping his lips with a tissue. He moves the empty bowl next to Naruto’s stack, taking the half-eaten bowl Shikamaru moved, passing it silently to Naruto, who was currently defending himself on how he wasn’t a complete idiot.  Shikamaru just answers him with sarcasm, reminding him that he probably would’ve been kidnapped if Sasuke didn’t think of walking back to the town, because Naruto made it a rule to always get lost in their missions. Thanks to Sasuke, they were able to arrive on time, which saved Kurama from getting extracted from the seal.  He joins in their banter, teaming up with Shikamaru on how Shikamaru had to keep Naruto in place with his shadow technique, and that he had to subdue the Kyuubi with the Sharingan, while Kakashi-nii (sensei) fought Deidara.  Itachi snorts as he humiliates Sasuke to his godparents, telling them how he would let the young children from the clan braid his hair, that he would bring them to a training ground to help them practice. Itachi sure does find it amusing to be the one humiliating him, since their parents aren’t there to do it for him.  He laughs along as his godparents tease Shikamaru and Naruto, smirking when their cheeks look red.  He doesn’t notice the adults sharing a glance to each other, doesn’t notice Naruto’s arm around the back of his chair, or how Shikamaru smacks his thigh whenever the Nara laughs.  “Sasuke, I heard you and Gaara were doing joint missions? How has that been going?” Itachi innocently asks, which he answered with a nonchalant tone, “You know why, Itachi. I don’t know why you’re even asking me.”  He doesn’t notice the males beside him stiffening, or the jealousy swirling in their eyes. Sasuke may have avoided falling for a Nara or a Uzumaki, but the two males fell for him instead. Mikoto watching over her sons:  “Holy shit, Fugaku, look, he listened to our advice.” she murmurs, before laughing, hysterically crying when she notices the jealous teens on either side.  “He sure did.” Part 1 of this AU Part 2 of this AU
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