#Hm! Fun franchise
stonktronk · 5 months
The Naked Time is genuinely so good. istg star trek original series is great to study if you want to write good stories...Episodes like this one provide positive examples to strive for. Meanwhile, there are plenty of miserably awkward episodes to watch as counter examples. TV show of all time
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salamispots · 3 months
I want more horror like the thing where you're somewhere isolated like in the arctic or an oil rig or the deep mountains or a dead planet and you're studying sciencey things or doing something mundane and you come across Something™ and it's some nasty little creature/alien/??? and body horror and chaos ensues ouuuaarghgghghgh
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hall0wedwyrm · 10 months
my friend likes to joke about me and my shipping collection, and in one of these convos this exchange happened:
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Hey, Can I make a request with a s/o teaching Shenhe, Eula, Yelan, and Arlecchino how to play video games?
(Genshin Impact) Shenhe, Eula, Yelan, Arlecchino, Furina, and Clorinde's S/O teaching them how to play video games
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Game: Animal Crossing
Shenhe has tried games like Genius Invocation TCG, but that one frustrates her more than anything.
S/O, then decided to show her a game that she for sure would enjoy: Animal Crossing!
It didn't require anything other than just a will to relax. Plus, it was just a cute way to do something together!
(Shenhe) "...Your character looks cute."
Shenhe is enraptured by the charming little animals, being fondly reminded of Cloud Retainer in a strange way.
She plays it a little bit in what free time she gets, but really enjoys it in S/O's presence. Though there is one thing that annoys her about the game.
(Shenhe) "This is the fourty-seventh time I have gotten the 'Sea Bass' today. Am I doing something wrong when I am fishing, S/O?"
Her ingame avatar has long white hair and wearing something far more cutesy and casual than her usual attire.
Part of her wondered if S/O could get her these kinds of clothes from a store so she could wear it in real life.
A/N: I've gotten more Sea bass from ocean fishing in this franchise than I've eaten bread in my life.
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Game: Monster Hunter
Eula decided to indulge S/O in trying to teach her how to play a game. After all, it was better than doing nothing.
It takes her a second to get used to the controls, but she quickly learns how to attack and dodge.
Only when the game truly begins did she realize what S/O had picked out.
(Eula) "Are you trying to tell me you'd like to go hunting for beasts with me, S/O?"
Teasing aside, Eula is a quick learner and becomes very skilled at hunting the many monsters of the game, getting weirdly competitive about it. Despite the fact there was no player versus player element at all in it.
(Eula) "HAH! I finally made the best Master Rank armor in the game! Everything we fight should be child's play!"
She also loves the cat companions that are in the game and spends a great deal of time dressing them up in cute/hilarious outfits.
Though she will enact vengeance if anyone calls her out on that.
A/N: Man I can't wait for Wilds.
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Game: Metal Gear Solid
Yelan usually rolls dice to see what her day off becomes.
And this time, it was to have S/O show her these "Video Games".
Yelan settled for some "Tactical Espionage Action" game, the irony not being lost on her at all.
She learns the controls and plays it extremely casually, being more drawn in by the absurd story and characters.
Yelan is usually laughing at the action, but still enjoying herself.
(Yelan) "Geez, is this how your world views agents, S/O? It's not nearly as cool as this game's making it out to be."
Part of her wants to try hiding in a box to see if anyone would notice, but she'd also like to still be alive and not caught.
But the temptation is always there, everytime the dice decides for her to play this game again and again...
(Yelan) "Hm...the explosions in this game are a little much, but I guess it's also not entirely inaccurate...Sometimes, anyway."
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Game: Mario Kart
Arlecchino usually passes on any offer to play a game, not because she didn't want to, but because she likes to observe.
(Arlecchino) "Let the children play first, S/O. I will join soon after."
What she usually witnesses for Mario Kart is a bloodbath.
This game brings out something in her kids that she hasn't seen before.
Even Freminent and Lynette, some of her more reserved kids, turn to something feral when playing against the others.
She's equally entertained and kind of concerned, like maybe this game wasn't healthy, but it did bring everyone closer and give the kids something fun to do.
Arlecchino decides to jump in at many kids' requests, and admittedly isn't that great at it.
But she has more satisfaction in watching the kids have fun.
That being said, there is some sadistic pleasure she has throwing the blue shell and watching whoever's in front take the brunt of it.
(Arlecchino) "Fascinating what these video games can do to children. Do you have more they can all try?"
A/N: Coconut mall is the best map, change my mind.
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Game: Subnautica
Furina is at first excited to try something new.
(Furina) "Oh, a game about the beauty of the ocean? I shall beat it no problem!"
But she didn't realize that unlike Fontaine's waters, (Which to be fair, held its own terrors), this was an alien planet's ocean.
She's jumping at every little thing, screaming as she's desperately swimming away from the tiniest fish or anything that even makes a weird noise.
That's not even to mention the Leviathans.
The first time she saw a Reaper, she immediately dropped the controller and buried her face into S/O's arms in terror, yelling out something sounding like a curse and crying.
Furina doesn't like video games anymore.
It takes something like Endless Ocean to calm her down about the waters again, thinking that every video game ocean has a Leviathan now.
A/N: For me, that game is horror until I get the Prawn Suit, then it becomes Pacific Rim as I hunt down every Reaper near the Aurora.
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Game: Baldur's Gate 3
Clorinde was intrigued by video games, but honestly wasn't too keen on the idea of trying it. It didn't seem up her alley.
Until S/O showed her a game like Tabletop Troupe, but this time without the fears of annihilating some poor Game Master's campaign.
(Clorinde) "...Do you mind if I give this game a try, S/O?"
Her expression doesn't really change as she's playing, but that's because Clorinde is really immersed in the world.
It's just a lot of fun to truly let loose and interact with the world and NPC's, no fear of dealing with any player trying to murder-hobo their way.
SHE could be the Murder-Hobo, finally. Not that she would.
She enjoys playing it in her off time, but nothing beats living players and rolling the dice herself however.
This game did give her a few ideas for some new campaigns however.
(Clorinde) "I'd be interested in seeing you play with me, S/O. What choices would you make? And by the way, in true Tabletop Troupe fashion, we're not save-scumming. Once you roll the D20, our fate is sealed."
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Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis
Okay so basically let's just cut to the chase, the main character "(y/n)" is Sidney Prescott's little stepsister, yeah? Well, what happens when she takes Sid's place as the final girl? A whole lot. Disclaimer: All rights reserved to the copy righted owners of the Scream franchise. The only creative input I had in this fan fiction was the part of (y/n), almost everything else can be found in the movie. Follows the movie very closely. I mean the actual movie, not the script. Obviously switching out some parts to fit the narrative. It takes a couple of chapters to really get it kicking but I promise it gets good. *NO SMUT* these are still high school students and I do not want to overtly sexualize KIDS! And if you make the argument of "I'm not a kid" I'm 18 been there, done that, don't try it.
  "Hello, who is it?" I asked into the large telephone. 
"No one in particular..." Sounds like another one of the boys' prank calls.
"Okay Mr. No one in particular, any reason for the call?" 
"No reason in particular, just wanted to talk." 
"Hmm okay then talk," I said as I swiveled around in my chair.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" The raspy but oddly pitched voice asked. 
"Oh I've got plenty but you might want to sit down, it'll take a while." 
"I've got time." 
"Ya know, stuff like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw. Then there's creature features like The Thing. B-horror like Slumber Part Massacre or Sleepaway Camp." I finally finish my rambling when I hear my step sister and her boyfriend in the other room. 
"Do you really like scary movies?" 
"Oh yeah definitely but I think it's mainly because of my step sister's friends?" 
"Oh yeah?" 
"Yeah, I mean I always liked horror but they really got me into it. Especially our friends Randy, Billy and Stu, they're crazy about that stuff!" I said as I flopped down onto my bed. 
"What's a pretty girl like you doing with all those guys?" 
"They're not a lot of guys, if anything it equals out our group," I said, completely avoiding the whole 'pretty girl' thing... that was kind of weird. 
Hearing a knock at my door completely startled me. 
"Oh um hey I have to go but feel free to call me back anytime," I whisper into the phone quickly placing it back on the body. 
It was obvious the person on the line was saying something before I hung up but I didn't bother to listen 
  In popped Neil's head from the other side of the door. "Hey kiddo who ya talking to?" He said as he looked around. "Hm? Oh no one, what's up Neil?" I asked, now back in my desk chair. Neil was a good guy, I'm glad he and my mom started dating, they actually just got engaged! I think I was more excited about it than my step sister, Sindey, she's still grieving. "Just got done talking to your sister, I'm going to hit the sack, remember I'm not back until sunday. Cash on the table and call if you need anything," He said waiting for me to say something. "Alright got it Neil, have fun at the expo!" I waved him off before he closed the door. 
  My mom and I didn't move to Woodsoro until she really started dating Neil. It's always just been her and I for as long as I can remember, but it feels good to be part of a complete family again. I missed our old home at first with all my friends and family but Sid quickly took me under her wing. I met all of her friends including Stu, Tatum, Randy and Sid's boyfriend Billy. I'll admit it was weird at first because they just saw me as the little step sister but once Randy and I went on a ranting debate about which was the real pioneer of Slasher; Texas Chainsaw or Black Christmas, it got a lot easier. Even though Stu and Billy were pretty cute I'll never be used to Stu's wild energy, nor Billy's slightly shady behavior.
  The next morning didn't go quite as expected... There were reporters, cameras, and news vans posted up all around school. Sid and I were freaked the moment we got off the bus. She was looking around bewildered by everything going on until we spotted one woman in particular, Gale Weathers. To say the least, Weathers was a total bitch towards Sid's mom's name. 
"Can you believe this shit?!" We heard a voice pop up from behind us. Sid totally jumped. 
"Tatum, what is going on?" Sidney asks, waving her arm out to the school. 
"Yeah, since when was Woodsboro flooded with reporters?" I looked over at Tatum, crossing my arms over my chest. 
"You don't know?" Tatum asked both of us, a hint of amusement on her face.
"No," Sid and I said in unison, still confused. 
"Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night," She said with a harsh but light tone just above a whisper. 
"What?! No way!" Sid softly exclaimed. 
I was too shocked to say a single word so I just listened. 
"And we're not just talking killed, we're talking splatter movie killed. Ripped open, from end to end," Tatum talked about it with entertaining ease, like it was just gossip. 
I think I'm going to be sick. 
"Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English," Sid said looking over at her best friend. 
I think you mean sat, Sid. I thought. 
"Not anymore," Said Tatum with a wobble of her head. 
She went on saying, "It's so sad, her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree. Her insides on the outside." Shoving her hands near her stomach. 
"Oh my god," Sid said as she reached for the back of her neck, probably to feel the goosebumps that appeared. 
"Do they know who did it?" I finally asked, feeling the urge to know. 
The two looked over at me with Tatum saying, "Fucking clueless, I mean they're interogating the entire school? Teacher, students, janitors." 
"They think someone at school did it?" Sid asked
"They don't know, I mean Dewy was saying this is the worst crime he's seen in years. Even worse than-" Tatum paused when I nudged her side, "Well, it's bad." She finished. 
The bell signaling the start of the first period rang.
"C'mon Sid, we gotta get to class..." I said as I lightly grabbed her hand, giving it a slight reassuring squeeze. 
"Yeah, alright..." She responded, removing her hand from mine. She's just going through a lot right now. 
  Sitting through the first period is weird when you have a seat that was right behind a dead person. Not Casey Becker but Steve Orth. He'd ask me for a pencil or notes every day because he forgot his. Claimed it was because of football practice. Soon enough the five minute bell for next class rang. A class that didn't have any dead students.
  Walking to my locker to rotate my books I was blocked by none other than Stu Macher. 
"Hey, (y/n)," He drawled out my name with a big smile, "Whatcha up to?" 
"Getting my books Stu, same thing you should be doing." 
"C'mon, you're not still upset with me, are you?" He asked with a fake pout 
"Yeah actually I am Stu!" I shouted in a whisper 
"I couldn't help myself, I mean look at you?" He said as he squished my face. 
Swatting his hand away I said, "That's no excuse!" 
"You can be such a prude," he said as he leaned his head on my locker. 
"No, it's called being a good friend with a balanced moral compass that can see when her friend's boyfriend is about to cheat with her." I huffed as I slammed my locker door. 
"C'mon, (y/n)! You can't stay pissed forever! You'll come around eventually!" Stu shouted after me. 
"Like hell I will!" I shouted back. No matter how abundantly clear my feelings for him are, I would never do that behind Tatum's back.
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
is it bad that as much as i like your ocs (theyre amazing, i love them!), i really miss seeing you write for the canon characters
You know, that’s valid. The proportion of Canon and OC content here lately has been way off. It’s sort of the elephant in the room I ignore every time I think about Obey Me and my inspiration automatically focuses on the world building or OC potential instead.
There’s a few reasons why I’ve been less interested in writing canon lately.
1. Disappointment with Nightbringer. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure why this game exists (except to overhaul the franchise’s monetization structure). The premise and lore payoff hasn’t been that great for me personally - it feels more like an AU rather than a canon addition/continuation of the OG game. It feels like we still end up with more loose ends and questions that we don’t have (and may never get) answers for. I’m still waiting for Raphael and Mephisto to be dateable, by the way. As a result, my focus when writing OM content has been using the OG story/characterization using the odd piece from NB that makes sense, and that leads into…
2. My favourite parts of Obey Me are under-developed in canon. I enjoy most of the canon cast, I really do. But I want more Celestial Realm lore, I want more Michael (and not NB HM Lesson 20 Michael), I want more angels in general. They’ve mentioned Uriel a couple times now, give me that angel please and thank you! (No longer relevant, I wrote a version of him myself.)
The world feels so empty at times but there’s so much potential. Parts of the Devildom are more fleshed out with NB adding to it, but what about the other realms? What’s going on with the Sorcerer’s Society and the reapers? I never know if the interesting hints of lore we get are truly relevant or if it’s just something the game decided was convenient for a plot point and never gets mentioned again. NB has been great for Solomon fans since it’s practically a Solomon x MC fanfic written with a forced roommates trope, and that might be the best thing about it from a lore perspective.
My OCs were originally meant to explore gaps in the world and give the canon characters room to grow beyond the one or two defining traits the game keeps repeating over and over. I like writing Mammon when I can have him interact with Karasu, I like imagining the types of angels other exchange students might meet in the Celestial Realm, I like giving a name and personality to the mysterious owner of The Fall where so many events and Devilgram stories take place. Admittedly, it was refreshing to see that other people enjoyed reading about them or imagining them paired with their own MCs/OCs too. I call them the OC Fan Club with genuine affection.
3. It’s not something I talk about often but before I began writing fanfiction, I was mostly focused on concepts or outlines for original stories. Writing supernatural and horror themes always been my interest as a writer so anything with demons/angels/other monstrous races automatically catches my eye.
It’s a little mean to say, but half-baked worlds like the Devildom are a lot of fun to use as a foundation for expanding my own ideas. The OC story I’ve been working on is one way for me to write longer and more complex pieces which is the type I like most. Granted, it includes nearly the entire game cast and it explores the Devildom and Celestial Realm in ways that tie together some of my favourite personal headcanons and characterization. It focuses on angel characters and the history/culture of the Celestial Realm which are two of my main interests for this game. It’s a huge project - the outline is nearly 20k words on its own, it’s practically a novel divided into four sections with 30+ chapters and an epilogue. I can’t even express how excited I am when I get to work on this.
That being said, I do like writing canon content and I’ve been missing it more lately. I got burnt out when it felt like I was losing interest in NB and was pushing myself to keep writing anyway which isn’t great.
Today someone left a nice comment on something I wrote a while back, an angst piece for the demon brothers. I haven’t read it in a while and after going back and re-reading it, I was like, “Huh, I don’t remember liking this as much as I do.” And then I remembered something in my drafts that’s been rotting away, half-edited and ignored, and realized that I wanted to finish it. So, I’ve been slowly tinkering with things while I work on my angels’ story. Some of my plans are ambitious and real life distractions (mostly health related, like my recent bout of COVID) haven’t helped.
If I learned anything about my writing since starting this blog, it’s that:
writing what you’re passionate about is more fulfilling than writing what seems trendy or popular
giving and receiving feedback and fostering friendships/supporting each other keeps the community thriving
self care self care self care
Anyway. My goal has always been to write about the things I love about the game world and the things I create that are inspired by it. It’s a delicate balancing act that I’m still working on.
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starleska · 3 months
[me walking into your inbox not knowing anything about Maxime or what the Despicable Me franchise has been doing for the past five years:]
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Hm, I saw your post about that Maxime La Mal guy being cold-blooded and I think you’re so right about him cuddling to cope. He definitely looks like an expensive guy, with a coat THAT thick in THAT weather, he’d probably in some big ol lavish, luxurious bed with a million bajillion blankets and multiple comforters and pillows still clinging to you I mean whoever haha unless.
Temperature dips just a little below Pretty Hot degrees and he’s fully wrapped himself around you, maximizing….Maxime-mizing sharing your body heat. His bones are probably inside your ribcage at that point, he seems pretty boney…or exoskeleton-y, Idk the situation, but it’s probably somewhat overcome by the cuteness of having him snuggling so close and clinging like a cicada to a tree <3 or something.
it’s also the perfect opportunity to snuggle him back and pet his hair…wait his antennae are in there…is it okay to touch his antennae? They seem like they’d be devilishly sensitive, that’s kinda their whole purpose. Idk maybe it’s 50/50….AGH WHATEVER you know snuggling we all know snuggling. Perfect opportunity to hold him close <3
…y’know an electric blanket would probably also help, you reckon he owns one of those? Someone should get him one of thoseI should stop standing under this air vent when my digestive issues are making me feel colder already, I’m getting way to sympathetic to the random character plights, I don’t even GO HERE I gotta go, my tumblr is breaking down rn-
SQUEAKS...!!!!!! 😳😳😳
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PLEASE you did not need to come into my inbox with all of these glorious ideas for cold-blooded Maxime oh my god!!!!!!! 🙈💖💖💖
you are so right, Maxime is a man of comfort, excess and style and wherever he sleeps would reflect that...fun fact, cockroaches don't have eyelids, which is why they sleep in darker places!! they also fold their antennae down during rest :3c so i reckon his bedroom probably simulates something of a cockroach sleeping environment and is completely blacked-out 👀 khgfl 🥴🥴 i can tell you for a fact that Maxime canonically calls his antennae very sensitive (after Gru Jr. grabs them as an attack 😂) so i love the idea that at night he'll let you pet them gently...perhaps he'll issue a little click or a chirrup if the sensation is particularly pleasurable 🥰 honestly, i'm imagining an Italy from Hetalia situation 😳 hahahaha you SAY you don't go here but you come in with paragraphs about this silly little villain? oh, my dear friend. i think you're too far gone 😉 do try not to think too hard about Maxime wrapping his coat around you and spending a little too long with his fingers lingering on your arms, squeezing you. "C'est parti!" he'd chuckle. "You're much less cold now, no?"
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luphorics · 1 day
wait so let me get this straight.... the devs pretty much confirmed that mostly everything we've done in the past dragon age games more or less have no relevancy to da:v now? save for like 3 decisions in da:i? hm. i'm not really complaining though. it's better than nothing, but i can definitely see how its upsetting to other players.
its tricky to really squeeze in every game-changing decision we made (not like that was ever really possible before either, though i'm not highly nitpicky abt it), tho i think it'd be fun if we still had some control over our world-state. like even moreso now. a few codices or some voicelines abt what happened or what our prior characters have done. but, there definitely might've been circumstances that led into this decision.
edit: i wanna mention that i'm a latecomer/returner into the franchise—which is why i'm not as strongly affected by this decision nor can i speak strongly abt all of this (not that i really want to anyways... bc doomposting bad). at the end of the day, i wont let this stop me from enjoying da:v. but, i absolutely get the frustration from others.
i think it's safe to consider that this was probably smth bioware had to sacrifice due to being in development hell. regardless, 10 years to find out that your past characters now have little to no influence in the new world-state can be pretty disappointing. though, i feel like we shouldn't resort to constant doomposting. it's just not healthy... enjoy what da:v has to offer in the very end.
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kdsburneraccount · 5 months
reasons to root for every team in the nba playoffs (or not) western conference edition
pros: they're young they're fun maybe they can make something happen in the playoffs
cons: maybe some other team should have a turn, basketball timothee chalamet
pros: jamal and nikola need to renew their wedding vows
cons: repeating champs would be a little boring, Michael porter jr
pros: again, small market team finding success! very cool
cons: their vibes are a little off it doesn’t seem like everyone is friends with each other 😭
pros: plz can russell westbrook get a ring, the clippers franchise in general has suffered a lot
cons: james harden? Not a con to me but i understand if someone feels that way.
pros: luka is a good player, idk what’s going on w maxi kleber and dwight powell but it makes ppl on tumblr happy
cons: mavs fans do have a certain vibe to them (must be the Dallas aura, which is not as bad as say the Cowboys but that’s bc historically the mavs haven’t been good). Kyrie lowkey but he’s been on good behavior lately so hm.
pros: i would like beal to beat the statpadding allegations actually
cons: kd still hasn’t paid his karmic dues from winning in golden state after leaving russ in okc. booker is a little annoying. Best case scenario is that beal is the best player on the team during the playoff series (doubt)
pros: omg postseason lebron idk how much more we’ll get of that
cons: it's the lakers... they already have had a championship in the past five seasons.
pros: a new team in the playoffs, maybe they’ll figure out something in the postseason
cons: no zion for the postseason, also they are kinda just there
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 11 months
Some sleep deprived ideas for possible future Kirby games.
- Spinoff title that features one of Kirby's friends as the main character of their own adventure instead of Kirby. I know it's his franchise but I want it. Doesn't have to be a big thing, a small problem Meta Knight, Dedede, or Bandana Waddle Dee have to solve without Kirby present just sounds fun.
- fucking just revist the mirror world again. Please. I want to learn more about mirror dimension.
- a story based rpg / visual novel type game. I think it would be fun.
- Make Galacta and/or Moroho Knight the actual big bad instead of a secret boss. Orb on orb violence.
-dms. Or dmb. Is Dark Matter swordman/blade dead in canon? I know he's been defeated but dead? I want to know, and I want hm to have a comeback. Make him a friend.
-Necrodeus. You can't give us a king/god of the underworld and then do nothing else with him.
- Please I just want more galacta make him actual canon in a mainline game.
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 24/03/2024
Aphex Twin Snakes
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by Snowva
I suppose we'll round off this streak covering rips with sources I'm far too unfamiliar with, with yet one more that I, like Poké Village, discovered on my own. Yes, I admit it: I am uncultured, I am weak, and I am not yet properly educated on the world of Aphex Twin. Now, that's not to say that the artist hasn't had an impact on me all the same - it wasn't that long ago that I wrote about just how much the Season 1 rip Aphex affected me way back in 2016. So I do have a tenuous attachment of sorts to their music, yet its an attachment I only get reminded of through rips and other remixes. Aphex Twin Snakes is one of those reminder-rips, one I found on a whim just browsing the archives of the Volume L album - and it's an absolute banger.
I may not have actual investment into the Metal Gear franchise yet either, but its at this point impossible not to know of the most legendary music of the Solid series. There's of course the beautiful credits theme to Metal Gear Solid 2, Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday - as performed by Bob Dylan (yes, by the REAL Bob Dylan!), and the long-overdue-for-coverage main theme for the series' third game, Snake Eater - but the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 2 has always felt like THE Metal Gear theme in my head. You can immediately tell something is changed in Aphex Twin Snakes - before the elements of Aphex Twin are even implemented, sound effects from the Metal Gear Solid series are sampled to create a far more prominent "beat" for the track, sort of in the vein of Banjostruck or the various Hideki Naganuma-inspired rips a la September. It's a fantastic way to transition the rip into the more jungle-y style of the Aphex Twin track used, which is Carn Marth if I'm to trust the Wiki - but attachment or not, its novelty as a jungle remix of such a proudly-orchestral piece is appealing all on its own.
The rip sells you in just the first 15 seconds alone as a distinctly different-feeling take to the legendary theme, but continues to impress throughout. I'm always caught off guard by how hard the intentional stutter in the track at little over 30 seconds in hits, and not long therafter the sound of Snake's iconic death sound from the series is used to amazing effect to punctuate the rip's change in tone. Midway through, we're even treated to a little bit of a "dialogue" in a codec call seemingly between Snake and Aphex Twin itself, only communicating through a change in music to the track Windowlicker. This is obviously not really the same thing as something like the canon-to-the-channel dialogue in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but it is a really fun surprise althesame - when Aphex Twin Snakes was uploaded, we already knew that Snake was to reappear as a character in the King for Another Day Tournament, and so this little moment of interaction from the character (or the Figment, if we're to be lore accurate) feels all too fitting, its as if he himself was shocked to encounter another source in "his" own track.
After this little interlude, Body & Blood by clipping. is added to the mix, giving the rip a vocal performance quite different in tone from the rip's first half. It was the first half that sold me, and though this shift in direction is certainly a form of escalation, it is maybe a bit too drastic for me - whenever I come back to Aphex Twin Snakes, it is the Aphex Twin part of the first half that I'm most drawn to. But I'm of course althesame thankful that we even get rips with such variety and risks taken in them (sort of like Metal Gear Solid 2 itself, hm?), and that the rip knows not to overstay its welcome. Each of these three sections of the rip get just enough time to land, and all three feel polished to a sheen. This is the first rip by Snowva I've covered on here, but if Aphex Twin Snakes is anything to go by they have an absolute knack for quality - and have helped remind me of yet another incredible artist that I need to start actually listening to.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Arcadia by Sakamaki Ayato Mini Drama “Tide of Battle”
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Original title: 勝敗の行方
Source: Diabolik Lovers CHARACTER SONG Vol. 1 Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note: These CDs take me back because I used to translate a lot of these generic ‘Diaboy sucks your blood in a random situation’ CDs which define the earlier era of the franchise. :p There isn’t anything special about the script, but I suppose it’s still enjoyable for those who stan the character. 
*Flip flip flip*
“...I lost. ーー Ugh.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...Didn’t you hear me when I said I lost!? That should be pretty obvious since you have no cards left in your hand! ...Damnit. Why couldn’t you pull the joker? (1) You sure have some nerve to win from me, Chichinashi!”
Ayato gets up and starts walking away.
“And to think I was so kind as to play with you to kill some time...”
You tell him that there’s nothing to be so upset about.
 “Haah...? I’m not mad! You really think I’d lose my temper over some stupid card game with someone like you!? Idiot! Don’t think so highly of yourself! ーー Hmph!”
You note that he looks upset.
“...Aah? Oh shut up already.”
You tell him to stop sulking.
“Haah!? Me, sulking? Don’t be spoutin’ bullcrap!”
“Whatcha grabbin’ the hem of my shirt for? You’ll stretch out the fabric, let go.”
You insist that he’s being a grump.
“Yeah, I’m in a bad mood. I absolutely loathe the thought of losin’ after all.”
You promise to make it up to him.
“Hm? You want to cheer me up that badly?”
You seem determined.
“...Idiot. Don’t make such a serious face.”
He leans in close.
“There’s only one thing for you to do to accomplish said goal, no?”
“Let me suck my blood. ...That’ll fix my mood. So, what do you say?”
You nod and pull down your collar.
“Hehe...If only you were this obedient all the time. ...I guess you want me to suck from your neck since you pulled down your collar? You’ve really upped your begging game, huh? ...Sure, I’ll suck from here as you wish.”
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato bites you.
“...Ah? No, not yet. So gimme more...Mmh...”
“What’s with that face, huh? Why are you the one feelin’ good when this is supposed to be a way of liftin’ my spirit? Well, I guess you could say that seein’ you pull that sorta expression puts me in a good mood too.”
Ayato continues sucking your blood.
“...Hah. I already feel a lot better. But I guess I haven’t quite had enough just yet.”
“Hey. Don’t think you’re the shit just ‘cause you beat me at cards once. That was a dumb luck just now. You’re no match for me. I’m sure this situation should make that very clear. You have no other choice but to let me have my way with you. ...For the rest of your life. ーー Right! Next time I’m bored, I’ll toy with you instead. No way I’m ever touchin’ that stupid card game again.
You chuckle.
“...What’s so funny, huh!? I’m not frustrated or anythin’...! I just don’t like how you made such a cocky face after winnin’ against me!”
You deny his statement.
“Hell yeah you did! You were grinnin’ from one ear to another! It hella pissed me off!”
You apologize again.
“Idiot. Stop sayin’ sorry already. ...Besides, now I know that card games are a horrible way to kill time. Those sorta games are for lil’ kids. If I want to have fun...”
“You’re the ultimate toy. ...Right, Chichinashi? Hehe...”
“Come on. Lift your face. I’ll kiss you next. ...Didn’t you hear me earlier when I said I wasn’t satisfied yet?”
You hesitate.
“Come on, part your lips already. Mmh...”
Ayato kisses you passionately.
“...Hah. ...Hehehe. You really make the best faces. I’m in a great mood again thanks to that. Haha...Aren’t you glad? You didn’t like seeing me upset, correct? You were grabbin’ onto my shirt and actin’ all meek...I guess you were worried ‘bout putting me in a bad mood, huh? Haha...Are you really that crazy ‘bout me?”
You stubbornly shake your head.
“...Ah? You wanna claim that you don’t like me at all?”
He leans in close again.
“Like you could ever say those words. ...If anything, I wouldn’t let you spout nonsense like that. Mmh...”
“...What’s the matter? Reached your limit already?”
he continues making out with you.
“...Hahaha. Seems like you’re no match for me after all. ...Still. Right. If there was one category in which you could beat me, it would be with how much you love me. I guess...? I wouldn’t mind admittin’ defeat in that regard. ...I mean, just look at how esctatic you are just from some kisses...Mmh...”
“I know damn well...Whenever I suck your blood or kiss you, you’ve got ‘I want more’ written all over your face...I bet you’re actually aware of this as well, right? ...Hahaha. You really are somethin’ else, givin’ your feelings away so easily.”
You grow embarrassed.
“...Fine. If you admit it, I wouldn’t mind givin’ you exactly what you want.”
“To your heart’s content, that is. ...Mmh.”
“Aah...? What’s the problem? Would you rather have me bite you instead? Hahaha...No need to look so disappointed. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to suck your blood afterwards. I happen to like the face you make...”
“...in either scenario, you see. Mmh...”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) They are playing ババ抜き or ‘baba-nuki’, which is the Japanese name for ‘Old Maid’. Both players take cards from each other’s hand in search of pairs. However, there is one card replaced by the Joker and whoever is left with it at the end, loses.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Linktober: Nostalgia
You remembered being introduced to the Legend of Zelda franchise at a young age, your mother was a very active gamer in her youth after all and you remembered all the stories she would share with you- she even remembered when the first game had been released! Hours spent on her console as a teen, she grew up on the game and eventually passed them on to you once you showed interest, sharing hours of fun to experience it with her.
So, it wasn’t a surprise when you had been going through old collections in closest, looking for something to do when you had stumbled across a familiar-looking DVD, looking over the case with confusion until your mama had come to answer your questions.
“Well, I was a little too old when it came out to really enjoy it.” She explained, turning over the Legend of Zelda animated series case “Your nanny got it for me, but I didn’t really bother to watch it so I just decided to keep it for when I had you- do you remember watching it? You don’t? But you used to love it when you were five!”
You tried to argue that children loved any sort of cartoon at such an age but she was adamant, urging you to rewatch it to prove it.
And well, while a lot of inaccuracies and overall cringe of the whole thing made you- well, cringe you couldn’t deny the wave of nostalgia that washed over you, chucking along to some of the scenes and overall enjoying it- it was a connection with your mother and you cherished things like that with your body and soul.
“Saved you again, Sunshine! Kiss me!”
Even now, with Courage ever so persistent and brash, the feeling still stayed true, blooming a warm fuzzy layer of happiness in your stomach. Meeting him was like meeting the physical manifestation of sentimentality, such a great feeling that left you high on life. You thought of better times, you thought about your mother, your friends- everyone in the past.
Completely ignoring the hero in front of you. “Hey, pay attention, I’m talking here!”
“Hm? Oh, sorry, Link, was thinking about stuff.”
His scowl was way more handsome in person compared to his animated self. “Well excuseeee me-”
There he went again, invoking the feeling that made you feel fuzzy, your smile a little sad as you wandered back to the people you most cared about, only being pulled back by his whine and face against your shoulder. 
“Come on, one kiss?”
Courage only relaxed when your hand came to gently run through his hair, massaging his head and making him sigh in relaxation. “Damn, you sure whine a lot, Link.”
“Hey!” He cried, head shooting right back up to glare. “I don’t whine-”
You held his face gently when you kissed him, not stronger than a peck but most certainly longer than one, the arms he had wrapped around your waist tightening as he indulged in the moment with excitement, pressing back a little harder when he realised what was happening and chasing after you when you pulled away, placing your hand over his mouth to stop him from reconnecting your lips.
“Later.” The reassurance made him perk up, his eyes shining in the light of the dungeon and you could feel how hard his heart beat in his chest, probably similar to your own. “We need to get out first.”
You had speedran dungeons but it would never compare to the haste Courage had made to escape and receive his prize.
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oodlyenough · 8 months
aa4-1 turnabout trump
alright i finished the first case of aa4 last night!
despite my efforts i think i'm more spoiled for aa4 than i realized, or at least most of the hanging mysteries from the first case are ones i think i already know the answer to. kind of a shame but i don't think there was any way to avoid it. oh well, this case was fun anyway. i think 3-1 is my fave tutorial case still but this one was great even if i embarrassed myself by hitting the wrong button. also after banging my head against the wall through aai for five months it was nice to play a case where i could just use my brain and solve it because all the logic made sense and clues progressed naturally lmfao. i know first case are usually the easiest, but still.
apollo seems fun enough but the real draw of this case for me was FINALLY getting to meet beanix, whose characterization i know to be somewhat controversial lol. i've enjoyed him so far although fandom primed me to expect a weird secretive asshole -- will see if that changes as the game goes on. i missed phoenix a lot playing AAI so i am clinging to his ankles. was very exciting when his musical cue started in court. get his ass nick
the forgery ace stuff is... hm. i'm reserving judgment until i finish the game. also, lmao not to reference AAI for the thousandth time, but the conclusion of its grand finale was "illegal evidence is good sometimes" so i guess we already crossed this moral event horizon.
i've also been eager to meet trucy, who didn't do much in this case but have a bug-eyed stare. one thing i'm glad to be spoiled for actually is trucy and her approximate providence because the game trying to tease that as a mystery would've bugged me so much LOL and it's very funny to play when everyone is like "you have a DAUGHTER?!" and phoenix is just like :) yeah and as the player i am probably meant to be asking all kinds of questions about what happened there when i know the truth is just
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i think the biggest hurdle this game is going to have with me personally is the level of suspending disbelief i have to do that maya and edgeworth are just totally uninvolved and unhelpful while phoenix is embroiled in whatever kind of conspiracy plot is going on. on a real-world level this is almost certainly the result of the franchise wanting to pivot to new characters, so there's not much explanation beyond that. but it's a bit hard to rationalize in-universe, especially because i also know the franchise immediately goes "lol lmao nvm" in 5&6 anyway. phoenix said something in this case about needing a lawyer he could trust, in reference to apollo, and i was like yeah if only we... knew one of those....
but whatever i guess. the true gift aa4 will give me is finally being able to read all the 7yg fics i have marked for later on ao3. onwards to 4-2!
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gamequeenanya · 1 year
Security Breach: The Collab Fic! - Violet’s Version (Part 2)
Summary: After capturing Pocket and her friends, Moon is on the loose in the Pizzaplex! Can he be stopped? Can the birthday party be saved…?
Roxy laughed. This was a lot of fun!
Her fans giggled as she poked their sides and hips. Chica noticed her from across the raceway. Beside her, Scott was nudging her, urging her to go talk to her.
“Gosh, I don’t know. What will I say?”
Scott thought for a minute.
“Uhh, just try- Gah!”
At that moment, another animatronic peeked around the corner. Its white face and black eye sockets would only be recognizable to long time fans of the franchise. Unfortunately, Scott was not a fan. Jumping with fear, he ran for it.
Chica looked confused. The animatronic was smaller than her, but it didn’t look all that threatening. She could probably take it in a fight. It looked like a marionette, with a black body with white stripes on the arms and legs. There was a permanent smile on its face, but tear tracks were drawn falling down. Chica thought it could resemble the people who worked at Freddy’s, always smiling yet distressed. People like Scott.
The marionette tipped its head, unsure of where it was. It seemed as though the character had woken up for the first time in 40 years. Cautiously, Chica approached.
“Hey there, who are you?”
From far away, Pocket’s friend Insanity called out.
“Hey! That’s my friend Mari!” they said, running over to hug the animatronic. “Sorry she scared your friend!”
“It’s okay,” Chica said. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”
There was another person with them called Mimi, who brought out Foxy.
“Hey, guess what? I found him in a box!”
“Y’arr!” Foxy said, his voice box staticy but still working.
“Hm,” Mimi said. “Maybe we can fix that.”
Meanwhile Moon had run all the way to the party room. His captives still had big smiles on their faces as they caught their breath.
He set down Pocket, Bee, and Rain at the party tables. The rest of Pocket’s friends came to join them. Glamrock Freddy caught up to them and checked up on her. Map Bot had heard of the party from far off, and came in with Juno.
“Wow, what a big party!”
“It’s for Pocket!” Freddy said.
There were all sorts of classic looking FNAF decorations and a banner that said, “Let’s celebrate!”
Seeing as the room was brightly lit, Moon turned back into Sun. The Sun’s rays came back and his outfit went back to red and yellow.
“Huh?” He said, looking around. “Moon! What did you doooo!”
“Don’t panic,” Rain said. “He just tickled us and then brought us over here!”
“Yeah,” Pocket said with a smile. “It was fun!”
“Oh! T-that’s good…” Sun said uncertainly.
“Guess what!” Aenz chipped in. “It’s her birthday!”
“It is?! Well that’s great!” He smiled in enthusiasm. “If it’s a birthday party, I’m here to help!” He looked around. “Okay, well first off: who’s in charge of the food here?”
Roxy jumped, remembering something.
“The party!” She spotted Chica and ran over. “Chica, there’s a birthday party today! We need to show up with the refreshments!”
Chica nodded. “But what about him?” She pointed to her human friend Scott, who was hiding behind a cutout of Roxy.
“Hey you!” She called out. “Want to join the party?”
Seeing Roxy, he nodded hesitantly.
“T-there’s a party?”
So the others were taken to the party, the kids being carried by their favourite animatronic. Chica was careful with Scott, knowing the last thing he probably wanted was to be carried by an animatronic at top speed. She got a Go-Kart for him, and ran alongside him. It was an unusual situation, but she hoped to accommodate her guest as best she could.
Roxy was in the lead, grinning. She was looking forward to surprising whoever had a birthday today!
Meanwhile, Sun had looked around in the kitchen to find the cake and had discovered it. Sadly it was completely blank, just vanilla icing coated. He shook his head.
“Oh no, no! This won’t do at all!”
So he took out various icing colours. He walked out to ask Pocket what her favourite colour was, but in the time it took for him to come back, the others were gone.
“Guys?” he said, confused.
Suddenly he was tapped in the middle of the back.
“Eeeeee!” he jumped. And turned around. “Don’t scare me like that!”
Pocket giggled. “Sorry! It was just too fun to pass up.”
Sun laughed. “Oh, you like surprises huh?”
And he went to scoop her up, just like the way Moon did. But his fans were too quick for him. He got loads of tickles all over his body. Joker got his neck, Ash got his armpits, Aenz got his ribs, Bee got his tummy, Rain got his sides, and Rando, Insanity, Mizuki got his hips, legs, and feet.
“Pink,” Pocket replied. “Just like tickle-me-pink!” She giggled.
“HAHAAHAHAAAA! UNFAHAHAAHAIR!” Sun was laughing a lot, but he made sure to store that information in his memory banks. “HAHAAHAHAHAHAAAA!”
Inside the Daycare Attendant body, Moon felt everything. He wanted to get revenge, but knew it wasn’t his time yet. He’d just have to suffer this fate for now.
That was when Roxy showed up. Behind her was Marionette and Foxy. And finally Chica and Scott.
“We’re not late, are we?” Roxy wondered.
Some of the guests ran over to hug them.
“No, you’re not late,” said Rando. “You’re just in time!”
“Sun is still preparing cake!” Fluff explained.
They found a table and sat down. Roxy laughed at the scene of Sun still being tickled by his fans.
“That’s a funny way of preparing cake!”
Now feeling more grounded, Scott looked around himself. He realized that Foxy was there. Seeing Foxy turn to look at him, he waved nervously.
“H-hi Foxy!”
“Y’arr…” Foxy said. “No hard feelings me boy. Don’t ye worry about a thing.”
Hesitantly, Scott came closer and gently petted Foxy on the head. Foxy tipped his head to the side, realizing this man had always been an odd fellow. He didn’t know how to respond but then decided to pat Scott on the head as well, deciding it was the best way to greet him.
Scott giggled. “Hehe! It’s nice to see you again.”
Foxy tickled him playfully, wanting to hear more of that adorable laugh.
“Heheheheheeeheheeehehee!” With a wide grin, Scott hopped up and down and pushed him away. “Hehehe! Don’t tickle me! Tickle her!”
Spotting Mimi, Foxy grinned a pirate’s grin. “If ye don’t mind, me lassie…?”
She giggled. “Of course not!”
And Foxy tickled her in every bad spot, making her laugh adorably.
Then Scott got up and went to help Sun in the kitchen. He pulled the poor animatronic away from the kids, and got together everything they needed for the cake.
Sun got the icing pipe and expertly placed the light pink icing frills on the edges of the cake. He added flowers and multi-coloured balloons in the corners. Then he wrote in light blue icing, “Happy Birthday Pocket!”
When he came out with the cake, everyone started singing Happy Birthday.
Setting the cake down on her table, Sun smiled at Pocket. Pocket made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered.
Marionette helped Foxy get the plates and passed them around. Pocket sliced the cake, and then Sun served pieces to everyone. Scott went back to check up on Chica, who was hungry for some cake herself. Roxy had apologized to Chica for being so distant, and Chica forgave her. Now they were smiling and laughing about some weird jokes they’d overheard from the guests.
And then Pocket opened presents. There were a lot! It was so much fun seeing all the smiles in the room. Some of the presents Pocket got were: some Mario and Luigi plushie keychains, a daisy patterned bucket hat, a new watch with the FNAF “6 AM” design, a Glamrock Freddy plush, a specialty nightguard plush, some “Pocky” earrings, and a bunch of holographic stickers.
She grinned and went over to hug all her friends. After thanking everyone and passing around hugs, another tickle fight broke out!
Juno tickled Map Bot, who broke out into cute robotic laughter and beeps. Everyone went in for Sun again, and he laughed, quietly accepting his fate. Glamrock Freddy got tickled by Pocket again, soon joined by Ray, Nova, and Fluff. And Roxy went in for Sofia again. Scott assured Glamrock Chica that he was okay with tickles, and so she tickled him gently with little tapping motions. He laughed adorably and barely fought back. Everyone’s laughter echoed through the party room.
All of the animatronics knew how to tickle softly, yet effectively. Even the older animatronics such as Puppet and Foxy knew how. Perhaps William or Henry had a playful side? In any case, the animatronics were all having fun tickling their favourite humans.
And then the tables turned, as they always do.
Sun managed to get the upper hand, and tickled all the lees around him. Freddy got revenge on Pocket, poking her sides and belly. Chica tickled Roxy, happily chirping teases as she did so. And then Scott helped Roxy tickle Chica back! Nicole joined in to tickle Roxy, who howled with laughter. Foxy tickled Mimi, chuckling as he did so.
And soon it was a full on tickle war! Some people gave up, some animatronics gave up, and some people were stubborn enough to stay in the game, even though they knew they’d lose.
After a few minutes, there was a truce and the tickle war came to a close. Everyone caught their breath. The winner of said tickle war? Well, that’s up to you, dear reader!
People shook hands, and thanked Pocket for the great party.
Friendships were rebuilt, new friendships were formed, old friendships were made stronger. All in all, it was a fun day.
The End.
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unlicensedmortician · 2 months
bad movies with j&j: divergent part three. the final part. thank god. i never have to watch these again.
- how much time is supposed to have passed??? that’s at least 8 months of hair growth
- i wonder if they want to kill him
- not how trials work!
- four still looks like he’s in his late 30s
- jesus christ??? dude??
- oh ok he’s fine
- thank god for peter he’s the only thing that’s making these movies watchable. guy who’s the fucking worst but at least he’s entertaining
- rip tori u were the most iconic bitch here
- hm. that looks like some form of ecological crisis
- do love a good blood river
- “this hole looks radioactive” hole you say?
- also that’s not even a little bit how radioactivity works at all
- “this is fun i’m glad we did this” cryingggg thank u for ur commmentary peter
- “someone’s coming for us 🥰” wrong tone! you are being hunted
- how are you not hitting any of them they’re running in straight lines
- huh?????????? what’s going on?????
- the future is more color coding apparently
- i feel like im having a fever dream
- at the very least tris has a cunty little bob
- jester: oftentimes what a main character girlie really needs is a cunty little bob
- we’re the good guys :) welcome to eugenics city
- also how the shit do they know who these random teenagers from the isolated city tm are
- i bet she has absolutely zero body hair
- fist the wall hole, tris
- ok i’m sure these tattoos are a cool completely fine thing
- oh! so they have aggressively overt eugenics! great!
- right ok. and none of you are unsettled by this
- oh this is terrifying. we’ve been surveying you your whole life and you didn’t know we existed until rn :) don’t worry about it :)
- oh so those are. barcodes.
- providence?? rhode island????
- haha this is terrifying. “i’ve observed every second of your life” WHAT
- she’s the ONLY ONE.
- yeah of course tris (cis straight white skinny neurotypical) is the only genetically pure person alive. what the fuck
- oh so u can get full access to people’s memories. that’s terrifying
- sure her mother might as well have been from outside
- the tattoos indicate how damaged they are that’s so cool and great. and that also determines how much access they have. awesome.
- there’s no way this guy is a good person
- when i say this surveillance technology is scarier than any horror concept i’m being serious
- really really interesting to have a black woman defending the status quo
- if they’re the good guys why is everyone else so afraid
- also like. why wouldn’t they take adults in also? what’s the cutoff point?
- “we’re here to help” while pointing a gun at a family. what. BRO YOU JUST FUCKING SHOT HER DAD?
- what the fuck they just wipe these kids’ memories ??
- the political messaging here is confusing at best
- this is the first time i’ve been anything more than completely neutral on four
- can i blame the current lack of media literacy on this franchise or
- tris. what the fuck
- who would win: guy who stuck by you through all the absolute batshit insanity of the last two movies and was like. decent through all of it. or old guy eugenicist who says he knew your mother. the answer will shock you!
- kinda ate with tris’ costuming evoking jeanine
- who media trained her
- “we’re not taking you to chicago” four is like. sure. this might as well happen. i guess. gonna make this ship crash now
- so were they gonna execute him? i’m confused
- “this ship is the only one that can fly through the camo wall” immediately crashes it
- wait lmao is this actually rhode island
- oh wow the eugenics guy is untrustworthy! who could have seen this coming
- “the factions work” they literally didn’t. that was. the point of the whole two other movies? are we forgetting those
- matthew and four should’ve been endgame thanks for coming to my ted talk
- thank you peter for always serving cunt
- yes girl completely wipe your ex husbands memory
- i don’t think anyone talked about tris’s terrible fucking tattoo enough
- yeah girl of course he’s wiping the memories of everyone in chicago
- she can do whatever she wants. she’s the protagonist
- peter cmon i liked you
- ok but like. the gas is still there? whatever
- i feel like this plot is not finished
- oh my god it’s not allegiant did so bad in box offices that they cancelled the fourth one. that’s hilarious. thank god.
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