#Hill Top School
townpostin · 21 days
KSMS Fiesta 2024 Celebrates Youth Talent with Carnival Theme
South Park School wins Overall Championship; Hill Top School named Runners-Up. The two-day KSMS Fiesta 2024, held on August 29-30, witnessed 17 schools and over 500 students competing in diverse creative and competitive events. JAMSHEDPUR – KSMS Fiesta 2024, hosted by Kerala Samajam Model School, saw 17 schools competing in a vibrant carnival-themed event. The event featured numerous on-stage and…
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masterrainb0w · 6 months
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-Through tears- They were high school sweethearts....
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Big Brother Slider, the true Mom Friend™
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So we all have that friend, who is 100% the mom friend. And listen, are both Slider and Ice little shits of their own devices? Yes, but i'd say that Ice can be a solid Mom friend, when needed. BUT, when with Slider it just goes out of the window, and pair that with Big Brother!Slider, and you have one hell of a head cannon there.
Every time that they go to the bar, Slider doesn't even leave Ice's side, guards his drink like a feral dog, and rounds Ice up when it's time to go home
Stops Ice from having fun recklessly endangering himself
Once at the bar Ice was on his 5th Whiskey sour before a table sent over 3 shots of tequila, Ice smiled and brought one up to toast, and using his mom senses common sense, Slider abandons his chat with Goose and is at Ice's side in about 3.5 seconds saying "no no no no" takes the shots and whiskey sours out of his hand and drags Ice home
Nearly had an aneurism when he found out Ice let someone else (Goose) drive him somewhere
Slider always, ALWAYS has snacks and Capri-Suns on his person incase Ice gets hungry
It's like clockwork, every time Ice starts to get hungry, hangry, cranky etc. Slider is there handing over a Capri-Sun and some carrot sticks or apple slices
"Well maybe if you didn-" Ice starts before being interrupted by Slider shoving an apple slice into his mouth mid sentence, and stopping what seems to be the next arguing match between him and Maverick in it's tracks. Ice just glowers at Slider with a pout and starts chewing on his apple slice. "I told you not to skip breakfast, now you're gonna be cranky" "Bite m-" and once more Ice is silenced with an apple slice, as Goose and Mav along with the rest of the flyboys watch on in fascinated horror as Ice's temper is swiftly and expertly derailed by Slider and his apple slices. When they're finished Slider promptly procured a Capri-Sun from somewhere and quickly shoved it within Ice's hands before he had a chance to protest. "No" Ice said looking at Slider "Drink it" "No" "Ice" "I don't want to, so im not" "Toma Mikhailovich so help me god" Slider starts, pinching the bridge of his nose, and Ice just huffs and starts to drink. The flyboys never recovered from this.
Once when filing paperwork Ice got a paper cut, as people do, and the cut is small but the tiniest, tiniest, itty bitty drop of blood wells forward and Slider already has a portable First Aid kit spread out on the desk, Neosporin on a bandaid before being wrapped around Ice's finger and Ice doesn't even blink
It's a whole 10 second ordeal and they just continue on with their lives like nothing happened
Ice coughed once after accidentally being caught out in the rain and Slider straight up commandeers the kitchen to make more soup than Ice could ever possibly consume fully convinced Ice is coming down with something
Admittedly, Ice did in fact get the flu, but Slider was too concerned to say "I told you so"
Despite everything, Slider and Ice (platonically) love each other, and Slider is 100% the mom friend between the two of them
If I forgot anything feel free to tell me!
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willczek-art · 8 months
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Remember this concept from a while back? Here's how it ended up looking! :D
Way less elements actually got done, but seeing how far away this is from my drawing comfort zone I'm more than happy with this result ;P
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quiet-art-kid · 9 months
Snotlout animatic full: top of my school (Finished with music)
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apocalypticdemon · 6 months
stubbed my fucking toe so hard this afternoon that i have Schrodinger's Broken Toe. this sucks
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onlyfangz · 1 year
what i dont get with the colleen ballinger alleged grooming accusations is if you wanted to brush all of this under the rug why in the fuck would you make an earworm of a song to do it? i have had the chorus stuck in my head since it came out, and every single time it gets stuck in my head, i’m reminded about how much of an evil creep she is.
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weirdviolence · 3 months
Rehabilitation of Hounds, part 2
[read part 1 here]
(Content warnings: swearing, implied physical abuse, mentions of murder and corpses, potentially extremely light self harm - Nubbins digs his fingernails into his palm 'til he bleeds.)
Bubba began their morning as quietly as possible. Drayton and Nubbins needed rest, and they'd hate to deprieve them of it. Breakfast was quick, cereal eaten in a hurry. They then tidied up the bathroom, fixing everything they'd knocked askew. The room couldn't be called 'nice' by the end of their re-arranging, it seemed to be in perpetual need of a good scrub, but it was better. Stopping by their bedroom, they grabbed a sun hat. A woven and tattered thing that fit comfortably over their curls.
Outside, the world was calm. It would be a pleasant day, if only there was more cloud cover or trees. Just a few seconds outside of the house's acommodating shadow and Bubba felt beads of sweat forming on the back of their neck. They rubbed the collar of their shirt against their skin, grunting in anticipatory annoyance. Heat wouldn't stop them from doing their chores, but that didn't mean they had to like it.
They took their time walking to the generator. No point in rushing; from the looks of it, it was running fine. They passed the dozen or so vehicles taken from the family's meat, pausing to offhandedly wonder how Drayton would fit a van in.
Maybe he'd take one of them down to the junkyard, Bubba thought. That'd be nice. Last time he had to get rid of a car, he made a bit of money off it, enough that he came home with gifts. More film for Nubbins' camera, a new dress for Bubba, a discounted record for Bobby, all on top of a better meal than usual. They were tempted to check the interiors for personal effects, a task that was either fun or tedious depending on the person's prior life, in the hopes it might encourage Drayton to dispose of one in order to make room. (Though they ultimately decided against it; the quicker things were done, the quicker they'd be out of this heat.)
The generator was, as expected, running fine. Next, the fences needed checked. Those who wandered in(or tried, in vain, to get out) had a tendency to leave a mess, broken posts or tears in the barbed wire. Once, Bubba found an entire body tangled up in wire, cooking in the unforgiving sun. By that point, the meat was simply too spoiled to risk eating. It was a terrible waste, but at least Nubbins made use of the bones.
No grim scene awaited them today. Just rusted wire, graced by the odd wasp. They made a note of that, reminding themself to check for nests in the future. Overall, it was an uneventful morning, which suited Bubba perfectly fine. No ornery critters hid in the unused sty, no police sirens could be heard, no headstrong teens were looking to find out what became of their friends. It was a peaceful morning that slowly turned into a quiet afternoon.
Bubba opened the front door softly, wincing as a shard of wood fell to the floor. Drayton's outburst before dinner wouldn't be the last they heard of their carelessness, they felt sure of that. Pausing in the doorway, they listened. For Drayton's angry voice, for Nubbins' manic laughter, anything. It was silent, and, so, they continued with the same gentleness they entered with, hoping not to wake their weary brothers. The first thing they did was get a glass of water, cringing behind their mask at every creak from the cabinets and squeak from the sink.
Drayton was still asleep when Nubbins woke. He'd been teetering on the edge of consciousness for a few hours, his admittedly underfed body working overtime just to keep him alive and finding that job decidedly easier when he was sleeping. When he managed to open his bleary eyes, a mundane scene floated in front of him, indistinct like a channel they couldn't quite tune in to, distorted images wading through static. Drayton, passed out on a chair, while Nubbins lay on his back.
In his mind, mingling present and past, a ten-year-old Bobby jumped on Drayton's lap, causing enough chaos to get Nubbins up and about, too. The world was dark, the television playing in the background. It was a special occasion, letting them stay up late, or maybe they'd snuck in after Drayton fell asleep, changing whatever news channel he'd been watching to something more exciting. His hair was short, the world was big, and the Nubbins that lay delirious on the couch did not yet exist. Not until the soft clinks of glass and silverware beckoned him further into the waking world.
He wasn't immediately in pain. Maybe it was the residual fuzziness of sleep clouding his senses or his traumatized body still feeling aftershocks, but he felt fine. However, when he reached his arm up, intending to grab the back of the couch and pull himself to a sitting position, all those wounds Drayton had cleaned and sewn screamed out with voices like fire spreading along his back and up his arm. His ribs, too, burned, a sensation that multiplied when he burst into laughter.
It wasn't that he found the pain amusing. It wasn't enjoyable, either- well, there was a brief wave of euphoria as his body tried to cope with the utter agony, but it only left worse pain in its wake. No, he wasn't happy about this. His stomach twisted in a way that told him everything was wrong. What else could he do to get that tension out? Laughter led to much easier breathing, once it subsided.
Glancing over, he saw that Drayton remained asleep. A dark circle formed on his chest, a steady drip of drool caught by his shirt. Nubbins tried again to sit up.
He should have felt his knee bending as he dropped his leg to the floor. His other leg should have followed. Confused, he made another attempt to pull himself up, if only to get a good look at himself. This time, he was prepared for the burning. He dug his nails into his palm, deep enough that rivulets of blood appeared under his dirty fingertips. He managed to lift his body a good few inches up from the couch. A moan escaped his lips at an entirely new source of unpleasantness. It wasn't his wounds informing him how raw his flesh was but a sharp sensation near the small of his back. With a rough gasp, he dropped back down, cuts rubbing against the inside of his shirt.
"Huh? What? Hell are you laughing at, boy?"
Nubbins grinned up at Drayton, roughly wiping away the tears of pain threatening to dampen his cheeks. "What do you think you're doin'? You probably tore all them scratches 'a yours back open!" he snapped, putting a hand on the back of the couch to more effectively loom, "You trying to undo all my hard work, you ingrate?"
"Shut… Shut your mouth, cook! I'm just tryin' to sit up."
Bubba rushed in, all squeaks and clucks, immediately at Nubbins' side. Tears flowed freely beneath their mask. A few drops wet Nubbins' gaunt cheeks when Bubba grabbed his shoulders, too worried about his wounds to hug him yet eager to show their brother that they love him, that they're unbelievably grateful to see him awake, alert, alive. "Did I scare ya, Bubba?" he asked, pulling them into a hug, pain be damned.
"Help him sit up. Careful, now! Slow, got it?" Drayton barked. Bubba nodded, lifting Nubbins up off the couch before setting him back down in a sitting position. Behind their back, Drayton paced, only standing still once Bubba moved away from Nubbins. "Move your leg." Drayton demanded. Nubbins did. Or, he intended to. He'd spent his life skittering around, moving his leg should be as easy as… well, as easy as moving his leg. "Huh." he said, more amazed than concerned.
"Move-move the other one." Drayton said. Now he was worried. Drayton never used such a gentle tone, not unless he was addressing baby Bubba. "Guess I f-fell harder'n I thought." he said, a cavalier smirk on his lips, vanishing with a twitch, "Ah, who cares. I'll be, be chasin' fresh meat down in a couple days."
Drayton smacked the side of Nubbins' leg. He flinched at the raised palm, expecting hot pain on his cheek, only to feel nothing. Nubbins took his leg in his hands, squeezing it like the neck of a rabbit. Head cocked in curiosity, he lifted his leg up using his hands, letting it drop after a few seconds. "You didn't feel any'a that, did you?" Drayton asked. Nubbins glanced up, gauging his expression. His eyes were distant, brows knit, mouth covered by his hand. Nubbins looked down at the floor, shaking his head.
"Let's, let's try to get you walkin'. Can't hurt to try, right?" Drayton asked, anxious laughter paired perfectly with his forced grin, "Bubba, you stay on that side. Take his shoulder, see? Gotta make sure we can grab 'im if…" he trailed off. Nubbins slung an arm behind either sibling's neck, ready to rest his meager weight on them.
"On three. One, two…"
Drayton straightened, with Bubba following suit a half-second later. Nubbins was upright. It felt like a minor miracle. "Now, just, get your feet straight." Drayton said, staring at Nubbins' limp legs. "I can't." Nubbins replied.
"Well, try."
"I, I am tryin'!"
"Try harder, dammit! Just- shit. Fuck!"
Drayton stamped on the ground. Everything was going wrong. Terribly wrong. "Put 'im back down, Bubba." Drayton said. With Nubbins safely on the couch, Drayton kicked the chair he'd been sleeping in, sending it to the floor. Bones shot out, falling out of the strings keeping them in place. A few outright exploded on impact, little shards of bone scattering over the floorboards with soft clicks. "Hey, gettin' all those together took… weeks!" Nubbins said.
"You fucking idiot!"
He turned on his heel, facing his brother. Bubba shrank, shoulders slumping as they stepped back, hoping to avoid Drayton's ire. He only had eyes for Nubbins. Drayton gripped the back of the couch on either side of Nubbins, hoping, somewhere in his racing mind, to keep him from even thinking about running off(not that he could, could he?). "You almost died! Got that? Died! And, and now-" Drayton laughed mirthlessly, flecks of spit landing on Nubbins' face, "Now you can't walk. Might stay like that, too, who knows? I ain't a doctor, and it ain't like we can afford t'have one take a look at'cha."
Drayton stepped back, breathless from shouting. "That make it through your thick skull?" he snapped. A quiver in his voice betrayed him. With a sheeplike bleat, Bubba straightened, then rushed out of the room. Drayton couldn't muster the strength to scold them. He had to be content cursing them in his mind, for their rudeness and cowardice, leaving their newly disabled brother and poor, overworked Drayton all alone.
Consoling Drayton barely crossed Nubbins' mind. Whenever he stood like that- straight as a rod, hands balled into fists- he was practically guaranteed to lash out if approached. Neither had a chance to speak, to berate the other or offer some semblance of support. Bubba returned quickly, grinning, holding a collapsed wheelchair in their large hands. "Bubba, you genius!" Nubbins exclaimed. Bubba babbled excitedly in response, unfolding the wheelchair with some difficulty. It was an unfamiliar contraption, but they were determined to learn quickly.
"Help me get in." Nubbins requested, reaching out for Bubba. Satisfied that the chair wasn't going to collapse in on itself, they picked him up, placing him on the seat. He ran his slender fingers along the upper part of the tires, pressing his nails into the rubber treads, satisfied at both the texture and the imprints left on the dusty surface. He tugged at the armrests. Flimsy things came loose easily, but they were pushed back into place. He took the wheels in his hands, shrieking in surprise and delight when he moved himself a few inches.
It was an odd sensation, rolling, propelled by his arms. Watching the wheels closely, he moved forward a few inches, then back. And then he sent himself hurtling forward, arms moving as quick and as forcefully as they could. He missed the door by a solid two feet, hitting the wall with a metallic clatter, his chair shuddering from the impact. Bubba hurried to his side, chittering, looking him over for new injuries.
"Oh, I, I'm fine, Bubba! Didn't even feel it!"
Drayton watched them leave. He'd watched the whole scene play out, disregarded as if he were a piece of furniture(a fact that was quietly noted, fodder to be brought out during a future lecture). Still, he watched them go with a smile.
Sawyers take care of each other. It's what they're good at, and he was always proud to see he'd instilled that value in his siblings beyond helping each other chase down meat. Hearing laughter from the kitchen was a light in an otherwise dark moment. Come hell or high water, they'd look after each other. Maybe, just maybe, that'd be enough to get them through whatever trouble that girl was going to stir up.
"Watch the walls, you fudge-packers!" Drayton called out after a heavy thud, ready to join his siblings, "You're not the one who's gotta pay for repairs!"
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thornshadowwolf · 6 months
I don't remember why but I dreamed about looking up the common religions in different regions of Thailand last night
#in addition to like. more regular dreams where someone kidnapped part of our camping/hiking group and I needed to use my knowledge of#dog/wolf behavior to appease a wolf that we needed to pass by to get between two forest clearings and also since my character was a#clean-freak / germaphobe he had the power to have bugs not bother him in the woods and then that all happened twice because ofc we needed to#keep to the story script when it restarted and I had to keep everything on the rails but this time two other wolves also came up and they#all decided I was chill and we left each other alone even while I was de-escalating the kidnapping situation but then the kidnappers started#running away and I was like 'you know what would make them think again? three wolves chasing them' so I got the wolves' attention and#started running and they thought it was some kind of chase game and eventually after a couple times of them catching up with me and thinking#that was it they realized someone ahead of us was also running so THEY were the target and we finally started chasing down the kidnappers#and by this point I was considered part of the pack and also we were in a school gymnasium but right after some sort of fair or assembly so#we had to dodge chairs and tables and stacks of equipment and occasionally children but they mostly kept out of the way#oh and I think after the reset but before the kidnapping there was also a part where one of the other characters (I feel like one of my#siblings was playing this one) insisted that our top priority should be finding clothes and I was like 'wait are you NAKED?' and they were#like 'yeah we all are???' and I was like 'WHAT no I'm fully dressed. my character is wearing a suit and tie! and a hat even!' yeah yeah and#then the kidnappers/bullies came up and one of them was a blond lady with a bolo tie.#btw the reason I'm saying stuff like 'my character'/'was playing a character' is because in this dream it was explicitly characters we were#playing in some sort of game where the focus wasn't roleplay but it had a roleplay-y aspect where the different characters had different#strengths and abilities; such as Betrayal at House on the Hill or Western Legends or Dead of Winter#anyway. IDK why dream-me thought thailand was one of the most religiously diverse places on earth. in real life it's over 90% buddhist.#ThornShadow.said
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If it would stop snowing that’d be nice. IT’S ALMOST APRIL AND I JUST ABOUT SPUN OUT IN A ROUNDABOUT (I’m fine, just a little freaked out)!!
But this is also making me think about how all my guys would feel about snow. I’ll add that later.
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townpostin · 2 months
Hill Top School Awarded "Golden School" Title by Indian Talent Olympiad Group
Hill Top School receives prestigious national recognition, celebrating academic excellence and student achievements. Hill Top School has been honored with the esteemed “Golden School” title at the national level by the Indian Talent Olympiad Group, marking a significant milestone in its pursuit of academic excellence. JAMSHEDPUR – Hill Top School has received the esteemed “Golden School” title…
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Don't say I never gave you anything.
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Top 30 TV Ships (2022 edition): 28; Nathan Scott and Haley James Scott, One Tree Hill
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transmorolians · 1 year
i just looked across the water and saw my school far far away in the distance and i'm like "holy shit"
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Bright Kids Chinese School: Top Bilingual School in Middle Village & Forest Hill
Top bilingual Chinese school in Middle Village and Forest Hill, Bright Kids Chinese School offers immersive Mandarin education for children aged 2-5. With certified bilingual teachers, small class sizes, and a play-based curriculum, we create a nurturing environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity, and a love for Chinese language and culture. Our school welcomes children from diverse backgrounds and provides private tutoring classes in Forest Hill. Join the best bilingual Chinese school in New York and give your child a head start in their educational journey.
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brightkidsamerica · 2 months
Bright Kids America: Discover the Best Chinese and Bilingual Education in Middle Village and Forest Hill
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At Bright Kids America, we are dedicated to providing top-tier education for children, focusing on Chinese and bilingual programs that set the foundation for future success. Our schools, located in Middle Village and Forest Hill, offer an array of classes and activities designed to meet the needs of diverse learners.
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Top Chinese Schools for Kids in Middle Village and Forest Hill
Choosing the right school is crucial for your child's development. At Bright Kids America, we pride ourselves on being the top Chinese school for kids in Middle Village and the top Chinese school for kids in Forest Hill. Our curriculum is designed to immerse students in the Chinese language and culture, ensuring they gain fluency and a deep appreciation for their studies.
Comprehensive Chinese Classes for Kids 
We offer a variety of Chinese classes tailored to different age groups and proficiency levels. Whether you're looking to join Chinese classes in Middle Village or seeking the best Chinese classes for kids in Forest Hill, we have the right program for your child. Our experienced teachers use engaging methods to make learning Chinese fun and effective.
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Bilingual Education at Its Best 
Bright Kids America is also recognized for its excellent bilingual programs. As the top bilingual Chinese school in Middle Village and the top bilingual Chinese school in Forest Hill, we offer classes that combine Chinese and English instruction. This approach helps students become proficient in both languages, preparing them for a globalized world.
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Private Tutoring and Daycare Services 
For families seeking personalized instruction, we provide the best private tutoring Chinese class in Middle Village. Our private tutoring sessions are customized to meet each child's unique needs, ensuring they receive the attention and support they need to excel.
In addition to our educational programs, we offer top-notch daycare services. Our facilities are among the best daycare centers in Middle Village and Forest Hill, providing a safe and nurturing environment for your children. We also have bilingual preschool and daycare programs, making us the best bilingual preschool and daycare in Middle Village.
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Summer Schools and Enrichment Programs 
During the summer, we offer exciting programs to keep your children engaged and learning. Our summer schools in Forest Hill and summer schools in Middle Village are designed to provide a balance of education and fun. We also offer summer school programs in Forest Hill that focus on various subjects, including Chinese language and culture.
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Join the Best Chinese and Bilingual Schools
If you're looking to join the top bilingual Chinese school in Forest Hill or the best Chinese classes in Forest Hill, look no further than Bright Kids America. We also welcome students to join Chinese classes in New York and experience our outstanding programs firsthand.
At Bright Kids America, we are committed to excellence in education. Our schools in Middle Village and Forest Hill are the perfect places for your children to grow academically and culturally. Enroll your child today and discover why we are the leading choice for Chinese and bilingual education in the area.
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ambersky0319 · 4 months
I have multiple things I need to do tomorrow and I dont wanna do any of them
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