ambersky0319 · 4 months
I have multiple things I need to do tomorrow and I dont wanna do any of them
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Captain Confusion
A/N: Inspired by this video that makes me weep with its cuteness! I just had to write this okay 🥺🥺🥺 This is in the same universe as Homeward Bound, which happens after this story. Feel free to give it a read after this, if you haven’t already! ALSO should note that the lovely @ohmygoodie​ is my Sy partner in crime and without them this fic would not be made possible :)
Warning: mention of operations/hospitals, and a whole lot of fluff!
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It was a simple procedure and so it hadn't worried you too much, other than the usual fears when a loved one is under the knife while in the hands of trained doctors. Sy’s hernia had been authorised for operation only five minutes into the doctor’s appointment you had all but dragged him to, and scheduled for 4 days later. Not really much time to prepare mentally, but you knew it was necessary with your big bear of a man in pain. Despite the painkillers prescribed, he was walking with a limp and groaning in bed for all the wrong reasons.
In the waiting room, you and his Ma kept busy during the 45 minute wait by looking through magazines, talking about how the Captain’s quality of life will improve, and what kind of minor jobs you’ll have him do around the house while he’s recovering as you continue to work.
“I hope the recovery isn’t as long as some people have said. I know for a fact he’ll not want to be cooped up all day. If he’s anything, he’s stubborn” you sigh, knowingly.
Ma smiles, looking at you pointedly, knowing that she is in the presence of the only other soul who knows what is best for her son. “He knows better now that his health is his wealth. He’s got a lot more riding on being well now. After all, it’s not just him he’s gotta be there for anymore.”
“Yeah, I mean I always tell him, he’s not 25 anymore. Or even 30. I’ll need you to back me up, he does anything you say. I’m his equal, you’re his Mom.”
You both laugh a little, hers warm and kind, while yours tinges with the remaining hopeful nerves of an army Captain’s wife. You don’t like not knowing about your Sy, especially since you spent all those years apart, not knowing if he was safe, or even alive. The waiting, in any capacity, is the hardest part.
You’re flipping through a random tabloid magazine, when the surgeon in charge walks through to the waiting room.
“Everything went really well with Captain Syverson. He’s coming to from the anaesthetic and asking for his Ma?”
Ma grins before sucking her teeth between her lips watching as your mouth drops. You both move from the waiting area to follow the surgeon towards where your husband is resting. You speak under your breath, only wanting Sy’s Ma to hear you; “I hope he still remembers how to grovel after this.”
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Ma enters the room with you following her, arriving only a couple more corridors along from where you’d last seen him earlier that morning. He may not have asked for you but you were going to see Sy whether he wanted it or not. A grand push of the door allows it to swing open, and suddenly there he is. A little disoriented but has a large dopey smile plastered on his face as soon as he sees his Ma. His heavy head lolls to one side as he rests it on the plush hospital pillow.
“Hey Ma” he groans out as she bends over her large son to give his forehead a kiss, taking his hand in hers. He spends a moment just gazing at her for a while, the love he has for her evident on his face, as she tells him that everything went well, and that he can go home tomorrow.
It’s only after this tender mother and son moment, that he notices you.
“Ma.... why ya bringing a beautiful girl here when I’m like this...oh god I’m not wearing underwear Ma!”
His feeble attempt at trying to cover himself means that you actually end up seeing far more of him than you expected. Nothing you hadn’t seen before, but it definitely hasn't happened in front of his own mother before. The whole situation makes you blush and giggle a little as you try your best to avoid eye contact with Ma. You can only imagine the look on her face, and you don’t want to get any more involved with Sy’s naked form than you need to right now.
Rather than put you and your poor Sy through any further embarrassment, Ma speaks up.
“Oh darlin’, this is y/n. You remember her, right?”
And while he’s listening - or at least pretending to listen to his Ma fussing over him again - he’s just staring at you, gazing in awe as if you were the one to hang the stars in the sky.
“You are.... so pretty” he slurs, making you break out a genuine smile that he mirrors, glad that he was the one to make you look even more pretty.
“Well thanks handsome. How do you feel?” you perch on the edge of the bed and hold his hand. To him, the gesture feels warm and inviting - even if he doesn't know you, he recognises something about you in the comfort that you bring.
“Feel like shit. Oh fuck i said ‘shit’ in front of the lady” he whines again, scrunching his eyes closed as hangs his head in shame. It looks like he might even cry with the realisation that he’s made such a foolish impression of himself. It takes Ma shushing him and making him take a sip of juice from his bedside to calm down, dabbing his face with a cloth when his juice spills from his mouth.
“Oh Logan Daniel Syverson...what did they do to ya?” she lightly scolds as she helps clean up the mess he’s unknowingly created around him. That’s your Sy, a hurricane of mess that somehow fits into order just how he likes it.
You giggle a little more at his shameful expression, before he refocuses, giving you his undivided attention once more.
“How is it that ya know my Ma and we’ve never met? Or have we? ‘Cause I think i’d remember a face like yours” 
“Well...” you start, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear to let him see your entire face, hoping it would jog his memory. As you do so, the ring on your fourth finger glints in the hospital light, and for the first time since you've entered the room, he’s noticed.
“Oh...man...knew a girl like you would be snatched up already. Whoever has the honour of being yours is a very lucky man.” He smiles softly, a wistful look in his eye, while makes you realise that you can’t wait for the drugs to leave his system, you have to remind him who you are and who he is, right this very moment.
“Sy honey... we’re married. You’re my husband, and I’m your wife. I think the drugs are making you more than a bit loopy.”
It’s his turn for his jaw to drop, his eyes are unblinking as he takes in what you’ve just said. He turns sharply - more than his doctor would have probably liked - to his Ma, and then back to you, and then his Ma again, waiting for one of you to burst out laughing at the prank you surely must be playing on him.
“Wha-? A wife? I have a wife?” you nod and he exhales a deep breath of air in amazement. 
“YOU’RE my wife? Really?” you nod again and Ma smiles at you as she watches the scene of Logan meeting you all over again.
“Am I still in the army? I’m a Captain ya know”
“You left just a few months ago. You still work in the local camps, of course. You like it there, and you’re home every night and most weekends.”
“Does Ma like you?” You don’t even get a chance to finish as he turns to his mother “Do you like her? is she nice? Does she like your new kitchen? I built it y’know.” 
You knew when you met, dated, and married him, that Sy was a Momma’s boy. He loves his mother so much, that her opinion will always mean the world to him. 
Ma nods “You two are the sweetest couple. She’s the best addition to the family, gives you a run for your money alright. She’s my new favourite.” You get a soft hug from her as she says this, with her wrapping her arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. She’s always felt so grateful that her Logan found you, because my goodness did he love you ferociously, and he needed you in his life. You were the making of him, and the whole Syverson clan will forever be grateful to you for it.
"And where did we get married? If we really are married.” He continues his line of questioning.
“At the ranch, on your family’s land. it was such a special day. We had the reception there too. And we went to Italy for our honeymoon.”
Sy is basking in every word you say, praying it to be true, as if he could will it into existence if it hadn’t already happened, wanting badly to remember sunset kisses and italian food and beach days all spent with you. He perks up at the last thing you say, taken by complete surprise.
“Honeymoon?! Oh my god have we...ya know..?” A blush fades over Sy’s face, and even though you love his Ma, you really wish she wasn’t finding out so many details about your personal life today, like how your son rails you on the regular in many ways, and in many places. He must somehow remember or at least accurately imagine your past endeavours, as he grins like a little shit. 
You smack his arm, lightly but with a firm hand.
“Be quiet, or the whole ward will know about our sex life” you threaten. “Yes we’ve had sex. i’d hope so given that we have a kid on the way.”
If Ma had had to deal with her son getting horny over his “new”wife, she was being fully compensated for it as she witnessed him fall head over heels in love with you, all over again.
“A kid?...Tell me ya not messing with me...are we really- I-” he swallows and his tears come even easier than before “We’re havin’ a baby?” With the sudden realisation, he turns to his Ma. “This beautiful woman right here’s havin’ my kid, Ma?” He looks between the two of you again, watching as you both nod and beam from ear to ear.
“You know you cried just as much when i told you for the first time too. i promise when the drugs are out your system it’ll all make sense again.”
Sy smiles, clutching your hand in his warm palm, almost scared to let go as the door is knocked and he feels you might be taken away. Instead, it’s a welcome visitor.
“Hey doc,” Sy greets the man who reenters the room, now freshly out of scrubs  to visit his patient - who if anything is now simply love sick, no hernia to be found. “This is my wife, and she’s having a baby.” he looks back to you with a quirk of his eyebrow “My baby?” You roll your eyes and he confirms it; “my baby.”
“Oh, congratulations...again.”
The doctor’s evaluation and explanations don’t take long, and while Sy is being informed, you start rubbing your belly as a form of self-comfort. You will need to remind your child that while their father looks incredibly stern and impossibly large, he is silly and goofy and already loves them with his entire being. Over the course of the afternoon, Sy talks with you while the anaesthetic wears off. It turns out they had given him a pretty high dosage based on his height and muscle mass, so he would be out of action for a couple of hours at least.
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“Oh, i have your ring” you pipe up before he starts getting too sleepy again, taking the thick gold band off of the necklace around your neck, placing it on his finger carefully.
“That feels better already” he sighs, as he begins to doze in and out of consciousness. Before he closes his eyes once more to rest peacefully, a small tear slides down his cheek, which you of course, notice. Sy has cried maybe 5 times in the time you’ve known him and three of those times have been in this very room.
“Honey what’s wrong? Are you in pain? i can call the doctor-” 
“No i’m fine i’m fine i just-” he sniffs and tries to clear his throat from the sad, heavy pain he feels in his chest. “I’m gonna be real sad when I wake up from this dream. What if I can’t find you when I wake up?”
Oh your sweet, silly man.
“Bear it’s not a dream, I’ll be right here when you get up properly and we can go home and cuddle and I’ll heat up your favourite meal. I’ll be right there with you.”
“And the baby?” he asks, eyes wide. almost nervous to ask.
“Well they have to come too, they're with me. We can look at their pictures again so you can get reacquainted. And Aika will be so happy you’re back. We’ve been gone the whole day.”
“Aika!” your husband perks up, “Oh Aika, man....I love that dog..”
“I know you do bear, you just get some rest for now and then we can go home.”
Before you know it, he’s fallen back to sleep, his mouth wide open as he slumps against his pillow, completely out of it.
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It’s dark outside when Sy opens his eyes again, watching as his Ma passes you a small herbal tea in the dimly lit hospital room. Technically visiting hours are over, but no one was going to argue with the Captain’s family. You smile, and he feels like he can finally relax, in your presence
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes” he growls lowly, and you look up at him from your phone, beaming in surprise, glad that your husband had woken up feeling a bit more like himself.
“Oh hello again” you smile and squeeze his hand, his slow blinking already indicating a much clearer mind, and that he knows exactly who you are.
“Again? What’d I miss?”
“The drugs” he stops you mid-sentence for a sweet kiss, acting as though a minute more without your lips would be the source of his downfall. “Mmmh, the drugs made you so loopy, it was the sweetest thing, Sy.” You grin as he pulls you up beside him on the bed.
He raises his eyebrows, clearly with no recollection of any of the past events. Yet still, he smiles.
“Yeah? How’s baby?” he holds you close to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist so he can cover your tummy with his palm.
“They’re great. Glad to have daddy back and sane.”
You swear that as you say that, he starts tearing up again, this time however he doesn’t let them fall. He was openly weeping earlier, but you won’t tell him that. Not yet.
“Damnit. Must be something in these drugs they got me on.”
“Mm-hmm sure bear.”
You stay close that evening, both curled up on a hospital bed that is already quite a tight fit for your husband alone. But as always, he makes it work. You’re half on top of him, both of you fast asleep, when the nurses come to do their rounds. Ma had left just after he had woken up, sneaking off into the night to let the rest of the family know how her most middle son is keeping after the operation. You’d cuddled and doted on each other until you’d fallen asleep, Sy following not long after as he bid goodnight to you and your precious cargo with a soft kiss to your lips, and protective rub of your stomach.
He counts himself more than lucky to have something so good, that it would pain him to forget. He was living the life that he’d been too scared to ever dream of, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
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taglist: @ohmygoodie​ @michelehansel​ @la-cey​ @palaiasaurus64​ @sassy-pelican​ @brandycranby​
feedback / ask me a question here!!
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snowboiwinwin · 4 years
I really liked your the boyz headcanon 💞 can i make a request for a BTS one?? Something like BTS having a s/o who they share similar interests with. I’ll be very grateful, have a good day ✨
Thank you very much, I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🥰 I hope this turns out the way you imagined it to!
our leader LOVES nature, I think we can all agree on that
of course there are people, who might not be as fond of it as Namjoon himself
therefore he is scared, he might bore certain people
but when you walked up to him and asked 
“hey, would you mind if we spend our day at the beach? I really like going there... there are lot of cute fishes and crabs.”
his heart was about to BURST
when you then started rambling about how you hope it won’t be too boring to him
he shut you up with a big smooch on the lips
“silly, i would love going to the beach with you! i’m also quite experienced with catching crab friends, so i can teach you a thing or two.”
the way your eyes lit up made him weak in the knees
but it meant as much to him as to you, to get to know you guys have similar interests 
i’m still confused; is Jin the fishing boy or Yoongi?
either way, let’s just say Jin is obsessed with going fishing
but for similar reasons, he is scared to tell you
it is quite boring, right?
that’s what he tells himself
and even if you don’t like it; please just show a little interest
he always leaves early in the morning for his fishing trips
so one day you got up early and prepared and waited in front of his house
to say he is surprised is an understatement!
“Jagi? what are you doing here?”
“we’re going fishing right? you gotta teach me how to do it properly but i will try my best!”
dude, if he wasn’t already in love with you, he will be after this!!!
his smile would be so big and his cheeks so red
you would make him feel even more loved than before
our boy is always sleepy
that’s just part of his personality
he is so busy all the time - there is no time for sleep or food
because every free minute he has, he wants to spend with you
therefore, sleep has to wait
but luckily he got himself a sleepy girl
so usually, whenever a comeback is around the corner
you prepare a pillow fort in your living room and organize a sleepover date
you basically have Yoongi arrive in his pyjamas so you both can cuddle in the fort and fall asleep comfortably
he will never admit it, but he LOVES it
he always complains how cheesy you are but dude, he is in love
with the date idea and you of course
“man, i truly love you.”
“i love you too sleepy head.”
“ya, you are as much of a sleepy head as i am. stop bullying me.”
“stop being a big pouty baby and sleep. your genius brain needs a break.”
it’s not like you are a good dancer (if you are; pretend i didn’t write that)
but you are super interested in learning it
your boyfriend is this crazy talented dancer, so why not try it?
usually he separates his private from his work life
he never wants to put any pressure on you
when he is in his zone, there is no coming home until the early morning hours
you, the good partner you are, decided to bring him food one day, cause he has been occupied in the practice room for days
and when you arrived, you could see the frustration in his eyes
nothing’s working out
after wordlessly walking in and giving him a soft kiss, you slump down next to him
“mind teaching me?”
he looks confused
“teach you what?”
“dancing! just maybe a few simple steps... but i would love to be able to dance with you one day!”
the excitement in your face warmed his heart
not only has your presence made all the frustration vanish but it also made him realise how in love with you he truly is 
he is always very hard on himself
as another comeback is coming up, his vocals are his main problem
no matter what, he felt as if he sounded horrible
which is far from the truth
he is so passionate about singing... when something isn’t working out it seems like a major set back to him
he locked himself in the bathroom, so all you could hear was his sobbing
which is absolutely heartbreaking
quietly you walked up to the door and tried to calm him down
“baby, don’t be so harsh to yourself! you’re a fantastic singer, you just need to rest your voice for now.”
although the sobbing died down, you know he is far from being back to his usual cute self.
“you could give me some singing lessons, if you would like? i always wanted to learn how to sing, so why not start now?”
the door then opened and Jimin walked out, a faint smile on his lips
“you would really want me to teach you?”
“who else? you are the best singer i have ever encountered. you’re the best for this job!”
he pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your forehead lovingly
“thank you, i love you so much.”
our boy loves photography
whether it’s pictures of him, Tannie or the boys - he loves it
but now that you walked into his life, he loves taking sneaky pics of you
what he did not expect, was you having the same passion as him
so when he caught you taking candid pictures of him, which resulted in you blushing hardcore, his heart skipped a beat
“sorry Tae, I just love taking pictures of things that inspire me.”
that made him even more giddy
“you find me inspiring?”
“yeah? you are so beautiful. on the inside and out. you are such a kind hearted and well-mannered man... i cannot not be inspired by you. you are a fantastic human being.”
with slightly glistening eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his head in your neck
“oh honey, you’re going to make me cry.”
“i’m sorry, i just love you a lot.”
“i love you too, so much. now show me what pics you got and i’ll keep on posing for you!”
it was the first time he stayed the night
and you completely forgot to tell him, you have a date with your personal trainer at the gym
but he looked so peaceful sleeping, you couldn’t wake him
so you just left and hoped to be back before he woke up
you succeeded, because as you entered the apartment, he just walked out of the bedroom
“baby? where were you?”
“oh, sorry. I was at the gym. i had a scheduled session with my coach.”
confused he looked at you, or so you thought
he was actually feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach
“you work out? for how long? what are some exercises you do?”
after explaining everything to him, his smile was sooooo big
“damn, i got myself a badass woman! we HAVE to workout together next time!”
he literally turns into an excited bunny and will constantly brag about you to the boys
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peterthepark · 5 years
Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: He’s seen her around the campus - a polite and quiet girl, who unmistakably happened to be very close friends with Billy Hargrove. But the more Steve gets to know her, he realizes that there’s a completely different person underneath that shy facade of hers. 
Warnings: smutty content, cursing, fluff, some angst, DADDY STEVE, more than 5k words
A/N: Pure filthy fun and fiction. Enjoy! 
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It’s Thursday when Steve Harrington finally shows up to class. His hair is a mess, falling in matted waves against his forehead as he struggles to even out his breathing. Everyone is glaring at him because of his late and abrupt arrival. He leans against the doorframe of the busy classroom, flashing the professor a charming smile as he attempts to casually waltz in.
Steve takes the empty seat beside you, pulling out the chair with a sharp screech that makes him comically cringe. You look over to him, smiling shyly as he scoots closer to the edge of the table. He meets your gaze, returning a tight-lipped smile in your direction before he takes out his notebook and pen, scribbling nonsense as the class picks up again.
However, you do catch him looking occasionally over your shoulder at some points during the lesson, and figured that he was having trouble keeping up with the speed of Mr. Cortez’s lecture - and so you decided to do what any other kind classmate would do. You slide your notebook over to Steve, not failing to notice the breath of relief he takes once he‘s able to successfully copy your notes without rush.
“Thanks.” He nudges you softly. “I was literally dying earlier. I mean, c’mon, I show up and suddenly he’s zooming through this thing.” He jokes, covering the side of his mouth as he whispers to you. “By the way, I’m Steve.”
“I’m Y/N.” Extending his other hand, you give it a polite shake before you turn back to the projector.
“You new here?” You take your notebook back, brushing your hair away from your face as you continue to write. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around that much.”
“Oh, I only come around to class on Thursdays. I have a few other classes that - that screwed up my schedule.” You chuckle, tapping your pen lightly against your hand. “Overloaded myself this year. College sucks.”
“Shame. This is the only class we have together, then.”
He can see your rosy blush despite the slight dim in the room. She’s pretty.
Steve bites his lip subconsciously when you look away with a mousy grin. He bumps your knee with his, before he continues. “It’d be nice to have you around. You’re cool. Uh, you’d be a cool study buddy, you know? Unless - unless you have one already? A study buddy?”
Damn, get it together.
“Study buddy?” You glance at him, shutting your notebook. You lean back into your chair. “That’d be nice. It’s - It’s real sweet of you, Steve. But I’m - I don’t really... I like to stick to myself with my studies.”
“Oh! Of course. Yeah, no problem.”
“No hard feelings?” You laugh, watching as he runs his hands through his hair.
“No hard feelings.”
Class is over by the time you and Steve are done speaking. He walks you down the hall towards Economics before you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder, tugging you slightly away from your newfound classmate turned friend.
“Y/N, I see you’ve met Steve Harrington.”
“Billy.” Steve gives him a nod, clenching his jaw at how the asshole of a guy pulls you closer towards him. Billy chews on a piece of bubblegum, smacking his lips together before he whispers something into your ear, to which you laugh at.
“Oh, Steve, yeah, this is - Billy’s a friend. I didn’t know you guys knew each other?”
“We go way back. High school.”
“That’s great!”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve replies, eyes trained on the ground. “Played him in basketball a few times. For sure the best players on the team. Although, don’t get me wrong, but he was a big piece of-“
He turns his head to look at you. But you aren’t there.
And that’s when he realizes that he’s walked past your Economics classroom.
“Harrington, where you going?” Billy smiles viciously at him, following Steve down the hall with long, smooth strides.
“Just headed to the library. I’ve got a free period.” He rolls his eyes as Billy starts chuckling once more. “Okay, what’s funny, asshole?”
“You - you gotta stay away from Y/N.” Billy takes out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket, lighting one as he places it between his lips. “She’s a lot different than you’d think.”
“Jesus, I’ve just met her and you’re already hounding me about her? Chill out.” Steve scoffs. Unbelievable.
Fucking annoying.
“I’m warnin’ you, Harrington.” Billy glances behind him, looking in the direction of your classroom while he shakes his head. “She’s a player. She ain’t afraid to break hearts around here. Watch your back.”
Steve gives Billy a dirty look before he walks away again, pushing his shoulder to open the door to the library. It’s silent, as expected, and Steve is sure to walk around quietly. He sits down by the table in the back corner of the room, hidden away in the shelves of numerous books. Bored, he takes one into his hands, placing it down onto the table as he reads quietly. He can’t get you out of his mind. Although his eyes read over the words of the book, all he can think of is you - your voice, your hair, the aura of mysteriousness that you carried. Normally, Steve wouldn’t care to go after a girl as shy and as resigned, but something about you simply struck a place in his heart.
But, Billy’s apparent warning from earlier also sends him into a spiral of confusion. What could you have possibly done to cause Billy to tell him that? It seemed like you wouldn’t even hurt a fly - much more a person. Maybe Billy was just trying to have you all to himself, and that irritated Steve.
Unless you were dating each other.
It’s hard for him to imagine it - Billy Hargrove, the town asshole, with one of the sweetest girls that Steve has met. It’s all very strange. But it doesn’t stop Steve from wanting to be around you more. 
He hears faint footsteps approach him. He doesn’t think of it much, until he sees a stack of books drop onto the wooden table. He looks up, and he nearly jumps out of his seat. You smile at him as you sit down across from him, pushing your stuff aside before you take out your homework.
“Y/N, hey.” Steve says, surprised to see you so quickly. 
“Hey, Econ got cancelled. That’s why I’m here.” You shrug with one shoulder, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you fix your gaze on the tiny lamp on the table. “Free period?” You ask him.
He nods, pursing his lips. Now, he’s able to finally get a good look at you under the harsh light. He wasn’t wrong before. You are pretty. Wisps of hair dangle against your face, coming loose from the modest ponytail that you had done earlier. There’s an innocent glimmer in your eyes, accompanied with another look that Steve can’t quite place.
He watches as you shift in your chair, tugging at the knitted fabric of your sweater. That’s when Steve sees the faint, red mark hidden in the juncture of your neck. He’d recognize that kind of blooming shade from anywhere.
A hickey?
Your lips turn up into a quick smirk, and it fades instantly before Steve can see it. You cross your legs over each other, bumping your knee softly against the hard wood of the table. 
“Well, uh, there’s this party tonight,” You start, licking your lips. Steve’s eyes flicker down to the motion. “Billy and I are gonna be there with a bunch of other people from our year. I... I think it’d be nice to see you there.” 
Steve didn’t take you as the type of person to party even though he had just started talking to you.
But, really? You? A sweet, smart girl partying with Billy and other classmates?
It was a little crazy and surprising to think about. He considers your offer for a second, knowing that he hasn’t been to a college party since last year. Even more, he hasn’t been hanging out with anyone new recently - other than Robin and a few other mutual friends, who fortunately, also got into the same school as him. Though, for once, Steve just wants to be a regular, college kid - partying, hooking up with girls, or regretfully getting hungover before an exam day. There’s a voice in the back of his mind that urges him not to go, to focus on studying and finish the essay that he needs to turn in before Saturday night.
“Fuck it.” He chuckles, gesturing a hand mindlessly. “I’ll see you there.”
You grin toothily.
“Can’t wait.”
Steve stares at the neon pink flyer in his hands. He runs a hand down his face, sighing as he places the paper onto his bed. He looks at himself in the mirror, readjusting the collar of his leather jacket. Suddenly, he feels a little self-conscious. He tugs his sunglasses over his eyes, running his hands through his hair with groans of frustration.
He‘s gonna have fun tonight. He promises himself.
There’s a loud, rhythmic knocking at his dorm when he finally puts his shoes on.
“It’s open!”
The door clicks, and Robin peers into the room with a suggestive face. “You going to the party?”
“Yeah, aren’t you?” He tilts his head at her. A purple masquerade mask covers her eyes, while her freckles peek out from beneath.
“Of course I am, dingus. I’m trying to have fun tonight.” She chuckles, moving out of the way so Steve can shut the the door behind him. They walk down the bustling hall of boys, who also seem to be dressing up for the party. “I can’t believe you’re wearing shades...” She flicks the frame, rolling her eyes when Steve lets out a yelp. “...To a masquerade party. Literally. You’re lame.”
“I’m not lame!” He raises his eyebrows at her, wagging his finger before they leave the dormitory. The air is cool, blowing a light breeze through Steve’s hair. “These shades are - they’re cool, okay? They’re Ray-Bans, c’mon. Anyways, who are you tryin’ to impress?”
“I’m not impressing anybody. I’m impressing myself.” He shares a knowing look with her, biting the inside of his mouth. “Fine, fine. I’ll actually be honest. There’s this girl that everyone’s been talking about-“
“Oh! So she’s popular? Okay, I can get with that.” Steve pushes at her shoulder, throwing his head back with a laugh as she tries to push him, too. “Sorry! Sorry! What’s her name?”
“Literally nobody knows. She has - she’s like some mystery girl around campus with like multiple aliases. I don’t know.” Robin shrugs, eyes twinkling with wonder. “Maybe she’s into girls. Maybe, you know?”
And Steve nods with understanding.
There’s some part of him who wants to have fun and hang out with potential hook-ups. But also, he really doesn’t want to look for other girls. He wants to genuinely hang out with you, to get to know you better, to actually talk out of class and without Billy getting in his way.
After all, you did invite him to the party - which must’ve meant something, right?
Steve and Robin push past the masses of people - students and graduates alike fill the big house, each holding red solo cups or a can of beer. It’s loud and reeks of liquor, as expected from a party. Def Leppard plays through the speakers by the DJ booth, while people dance and grind around in the living room. There’s a pool outside, where older students push each other into the water and play beer pong.
Steve doesn’t deny the fact that he’s missed going to parties. High school was different, but college - it was something else. It’s wild, fun, and nobody really gives a shit about what anyone’s doing. He bobs his head along to the music, still sticking with Robin as they make their way to the kitchen. There’s cheers and hoots, and Steve runs into a bunch of friendly classmates.
“Frankie! What’s up, man?” Steve rejoices, bumping fists with his old dorm buddy. They start to chat with one another, catching up on the latest happenings in each other’s lives before Frankie - as usual - brings up something about dating and sex.
“Dude, you’ve heard about that girl, right?” Frankie pours Steve a drink, passing him the cup of alcohol.
“Which one? There’s a lot of girls here.” Glancing around the room, he chuckles. Was he talking about the one that Robin had brought up earlier? “Oh, wait! Is it - is it that girl, the one with like no name? Nobody knows her? But she goes here?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes!” Frankie pumps his fists into the air, beer sloshing over the rim of his cup. “Hottest chick I have ever seen. God, she’s supposed to show up tonight. She literally never misses a good party. She’s crazy, brother. This is why I’ve always invited you to the parties, Steve! This - this girl! Have you even seen her?” Steve shakes his head, feeling a bit overwhelmed from Frankie’s sudden burst of energy. “Man, you’ve gotta - you are missing out.”
Maybe Frankie has had a little too much to drink.
It isn’t long before Steve is on the dance floor with Robin. Alcohol pumps through their veins as they jump around and shout, taking gulps from their something-number cup of beer. Steve can barely hear his voice anymore over the booming bass, and he’s sure that he’s probably lost it from how loud he’s been drunkenly screaming the lyrics of certain songs.
However, Steve feels his chest tighten from how cramped the room is as more people begin to flood in. He lets Robin know that he’ll be outside, and steps out onto the deck by the pool - finally getting some much needed fresh air.
“Steve!” He turns with a look of surprise, shifting into laughter when he sees Penny Kramer - a friend that he had met through one of his previous classes. He pulls her into a quick hug, instantly hitting it off into a conversation about the party.
“Oh, yeah. I’m having so much fun.” He tosses his empty cup into the trash, before he leans onto the deck railing. A thought passes through his head, and he swallows before speaking, “Hey, uh, really weird question.”
“All ears.” Penny replies, taking a drag from her cigarette.
“By any freakin’ chance, do you happen to know anyone named Y/N?”
Penny bursts out into a long chuckle, blowing a puff of smoke into the night air. “Oh, Y/N? Such a nice girl. Too nice. Kinda freaks me out sometimes. But yeah, I do know her. Why?”
“She invited me here tonight. I haven’t seen her at all. Was hoping to hang out with her, but... she’s not here.”
“She invited you?” She stops, tapping her cigarette. “What the actual fuck? That’s so weird.”
“What? Why?”
“She never invites people to parties. Hell, let alone ever show up to one.” Steve furrows his eyebrows, burying his hands in his pockets as he scoffs. “Seems like she stood you up, bud. Sorry, I guess.”
“And she’s friends with Billy Hargrove? He’s an asshole? And she’s like a really sweet and quiet girl? How do you explain that?” He should’ve known that you wouldn’t have come. But why the hell did you invite him in the first place? To embarrass him? Leave him hanging?
“Now that... that I can’t explain. Maybe they’re like study buddies or something. She probably tutors the damn idiot, Steve.”
Study buddies. Funny.
Suddenly, collective shouts ring from the living room as the loud roar of a motorcycle echoes through the neighborhood.
Curiously, Steve makes his way back inside with Penny, along with other groups of students who seemed drawn to the sudden attention. He finds Robin in the crowd, tugging on her shoulder to ask what the ruckus was about.
“It’s her.” She says, not bothering to look back at Steve. Everybody turns to the front door, and Steve can just squint out the sight of a group of people approaching the house.
The music kicks up as soon as they walk in. Billy Hargrove, along with a few other people, stride inside. As always, Billy carries a smug smirk, sporting a leather jacket to go on top of his bare chest. He’s got a cigar between his fingers, laughing about as people begin to talk to him and greet him.
But Steve doesn’t give a flying fuck about Billy.
Instead, his attention shifts over to the girl who has Billy’s arm slung around her shoulders. A blue bobbed wig sits on her head, along with an ornate mask that covers the upper half of her face. Her lips are painted bloody red, while she shows a cocky grin. She’s barely dressed as well - wearing a flashy top accompanying the fish-net tights underneath her short skirt. It’s also as if Steve can hear the sound of her high-heeled boots click onto the hardwood floor.
Immediately, he knows who she is.
The mystery girl that everyone seemed to be whispering about.
And now, he realizes why she’s the talk of the town.
She kisses Billy on the cheek, giggling when she realizes she’s left a lipstick stain on his skin. The people in the room start to separate as her and Billy strut deeper into the house, before stopping in the middle of the makeshift dance floor.
Robin whispers something to Steve, but frankly, he doesn’t hear her.
Because mystery girl seems to have locked eyes with him.
Her blue wig glitters under the disco lights, and Steve can barely make out the color of her natural hair beneath it. The party picks up again, only this time, it’s much louder and crazier than before. Mystery girl hasn’t broken eye contact with him, even though Billy starts to kiss up her neck and grope at her hips.
Who is she?
Steve tries not to get affected by her. Him and Robin decide to sit on the staircase, taking a break from all the heavy partying.
“I’m gonna have a killer hangover tomorrow.” Robin mumbles, falling into Steve’s shoulder. “Dude, I’m so wasted. Holy shit.”
“Yeah, me fucking too.”
He looks over the crowd. He can see the blue head of hair from a mile away. She has her arms hooked around Billy’s neck, making out with him amongst everyone else. She pulls away, before whispering something in his ear. Steve shuts his eyes for a second, only to miss out on how mystery girl pointed in his direction and Billy looked.
“I’m gonna throw up.”
Steve winces as Robin hurls loudly into the toilet. He sits against the shower curtain, massaging his temples as he waits for a minute of peace. Because Robin - poor girl - is literally still spilling out her guts into the toilet. She takes a deep breath, flushing away the disgusting contents before she collapses against the sink cabinet with an exaggerated groan.
“I wanna die. This is terrible. Why are people doing this to themselves?” She scoffs, burying her face in her arms as she brings her knees to her chest.
“At least you’re already sobering up. I can still - I’m still a bit doozy.” Steve chuckles, rubbing his eyes. “God, is that - girl with blue wig... she’s the girl?”
Robin nods, voice muffled as she speaks into her arm. “Yeah. She’s always wearing a mask to parties and that wig so nobody - nobody really knows what she looks like. But I’m sure she’s beautiful. And hot. She’s probably hot.”
Steve chuckles, before he stands to help Robin to her feet. “C’mon, let’s ruin our lives some more. Make the most out of this damn party.”
That’s how Steve ends up by the keg stand.
Chugging and chugging and chugging.
He feels adrenaline soar through his veins. Beer trickles down his shirt when he pulls away, while Robin and the people around him cheer happily for his new record.
However, his glorious ‘King Steve’ moment is stolen when Billy and Mystery Girl enter the kitchen, possibly drunk off their minds.
“Harrington! Finally fuckin’ showed up, huh?” Billy punches Steve’s shoulder, biting his tongue when he sees him wobble over. “Fucking lightweight.”
“Hey, back off, dickhead.” Robin steps in front of Steve, slurring her words as she snarls spitefully at him. Pulling him away from Billy, she glances at Steve with reassurance before she ushers him to the less-crowded backyard.
If Steve wasn’t drunk before, he certainly is now.
“God, so much for ruining your life.” She scoffs at her friend. She sits him down in a plastic chair. “I’m gonna get us water and some food. Cool down, alright?”
Steve can only nod, and Robin disappears back into the house party with hasty steps. She bumps into Mystery Girl, apologizing profusely with blushing cheeks.
Her wig bounces as she wraps her arms around her chest, shielding her skin from the chilly air. There’s an empty seat next to Steve, and she gestures at it as if to ask if it were taken. She sits down, crossing her legs together.
“You’re pretty big around here.” Steve pipes up, feeling a bit nervous to be around the ‘myth’ herself. He immediately wishes he hadn’t spoke when she quirks a brow at him. 
The voice sounds almost familiar, but Steve can’t place where he’s heard it before. She sounds slightly strained, as if she were speaking in a pitch that isn’t her regular voice. Steve looks over at her, eyes trailing down her neck and down her chest. He shakes himself out of his trance, knowing that he shouldn’t be looking at her like that.
But he can’t help it with the way she chews on her lip.
“Yeah, everyone - everyone thinks you’re-“
“Hot? Pretty? Sexy?” She chuckles, glancing down at her freshly manicured nails. “Trust me, I’ve heard it all.”
She reeks of confidence. Steve would be lying if he said that he wasn’t attracted to her. She seemed straight out of a movie.
A fantasy.
“You’re with Billy Hargrove, then? How’s that? Must be some...” He scoffs, clasping his hands together as he leans forward in the chair. “... some power couple, yeah?”
Mystery Girl cackles loudly. Her hand comes up to cover her mouth, and Steve can’t help but smile. Her masked eyes twinkle in the night, while the water of the pool reflects ethereally onto her outstretched legs.
“Oh, Billy wishes that I was his girl.” She sighs, before she finally looks over to Steve. For a second, he thinks he recognizes the face beneath the mask, but she turns her head away again before he can mention it. “I like to ride solo. There’s nothing better than - than being free to do the shit I wanna do. Being with Billy would only tie me down.”
“Of course. Someone like you... I’m sure you have lots of - of, uh, fun.”
“Met anyone nice tonight, Steve?”
“I’ve actually been look - wait, how do you... how do you know my name?”
“Uh, you mentioned it to me earlier.” She flips her hair over her shoulder nervously.
She doesn’t let Steve see the faulty break in her wall.
“Did I?” He narrows his eyes at her. She nods confidently. “Damn, I really must’ve had too many fucking drinks. Jesus.”
“It’s a party. Have fun. You’re supposed to get drunk.” She utters, waving her hands about. “When’s the last time you’ve done some stupid shit?”
Steve exhales, closing his eyes in thought. “I don’t know. Uh, maybe... maybe the summer after high school graduation? Got into a fight with this...” He shakes his head with disbelief, before continuing. “... this Russian guy.”
“That’s hot.”
Her and Steve exchange another round of laughter. She uncrosses her legs, smoothing down her skirt against her thighs with the palms of her hands. She pushes her hair away from her cheeks, licking her lips.
Steve is hooked.
And he’s desperate to know who she is.
“What’s your name?”
She huffs, turning in her chair towards him. “You really think I’d tell you that?”
“Well, you know my name. I just think that...” His gaze flickers down to the hickey on her neck. His cheeks heat up, before his whole body starts to feel warmer. “I just think that it’s only fair that you tell me yours.”
She opens her mouth, hesitating for a split second.
“You can call me Princess.”
Steve gulps audibly. His jaw clenches momentarily and he feels a rush of sensation in his body.
“That’s hot.” Steve jokes, earning another smile from her.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” She stands from the chair, holding a hand out towards Steve.
“And do what exactly?”
“Just stupid shit.”
Steve gasps as he is pushed against the door of his dorm. His hand cups Princess’ cheek as he kisses her deeply. Their breaths are heavy as Steve takes off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor. He steps forward, letting his hands roam all over the expanse of her back as he traps her against a wall. Her blue hair tickles his nose as he goes to suck on her neck, leaving an angry red love bite.
“Fuck...” She whispers, watching intently as Steve rids her of her shirt and lacy bra. Her mouth falls open as he cups her breasts, squeezing them softly in his hands before he leans down and takes a nipple between his plump lips. She chuckles, running her nails through his thick hair. “You’re wearing too many clothes.” She pushes him away for a minute before she tugs his shirt over his head.
Princess slings her arms behind Steve’s neck, pulling him into another messy, hurried kiss. Her lipstick is smeared all over his mouth, traces of it littering the length of his neck. Steve reaches behind her to cup her ass, moaning into her shoulder before he unzips her skirt. He curses when he sees her lack of underwear, and the fact that she was only wearing the fishnet tights for the entirety of the party. She’s taken by surprise when Steve grips her face, bumping noses with her as his lips ghost over hers. He parts his lips as he watches her tongue poke out from the corner of her mouth.
“Shit, look at you.” He brushes her hair away from her eyes, still hidden by the mask. He tries to hold back a moan when her leg brushes against the bulge in his jeans, and he places a hand on the wall beside her face to stop himself from stumbling over. “I’m so fucking hard, Princess. Fuck.” He gasps when she repeats the motion, but Steve catches her wrist the next time she does it. “Can I... can I taste you?”
She whimpers loudly, nodding with furrowed eyebrows. Steve takes her by the arm, guiding her to sit down on his bed. She yelps out of surprise when he pushes the back of her knees over her head. He rips the fishnet tights apart, moaning when he sees how wet she’s become. He sinks to the floor, pulling her to the edge of the bed before his tongue delves deeply between her sweet folds.
“Steve!” She sits up on her elbows, face contorted into a mix of pleasure and relief. Steve locks eyes with her, chuckling.
His mouth feels divine. But his goddamn tongue...
The ridge of his nose brushes against her clit. And Steve feels himself twitch in his pants at the way her back was arching. His hands wrap themselves around her thighs, pushing her legs farther back onto the bed before he’s replacing his mouth with his long fingers. He pumps them in and out at a quick pace, collecting her juices once he pulls them out of abruptly.
“Jesus...” Steve shakes his head, undoing his belt. Princess crawls forward, tearing Steve’s hands away from himself as she unbuttons his jeans at an expert pace. Princess laughs at the state of his lips - swollen and wet and definitely sweet.
Suddenly, Steve is the one on the bed - clothes are strewn all over the room, hanging from ridiculous places as Princess lays between his parted thighs. She takes him into her mouth, humming. Her wig bounces as she pushes him into the back of her mouth, gagging once her mask brushes against his pubic bone. She pulls herself off of him, saliva dripping down her chin as she tries to catch her breath. Her hands twist around his length, jerking him off quickly while she bounces on her calves. Steve throws his head back against his pillow, groaning quietly as Princess moves to hover above his hard cock. But before she can sink down onto him, Steve flips them over, so that her torso is buried into the mattress while her ass is in the air.
“Do you have a condom?” She breathes out. 
Steve swiftly opens the drawer in his nightstand. He rips the packet open with his teeth, groaning as he rolls the latex onto his erection. He’s panting, running a hand through his messed-up hair before he finally gains the air to speak. “Do you want this?” Princess nods silently, pushing her ass back at him teasingly. “Tell me to stop. I’ll do it right now.”
“No, I want it. Steve, just fuck me alr-” She chokes on her words as Steve pushes his dick inside her, placing his hands on her hips. He’s smirking at her silence, knowing damn well that her cockiness and bratty demeanor was just an act. “Daddy...” She whispers into the sheets, fisting the material.
Steve moans filthily. He leans over to grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her back carefully to brush his lips against her ear. “What’d you call me?”
“Daddy.” She giggles, biting her lip when she decides to look into his eyes. She gasps when Steve lets go of her hair, letting her fall against the mattress without care as he starts to pound into her.
“Keep calling me that. Fuck.” He thrusts into her, screwing his eyes shut at the pleasure that he was feeling. He’s flush against her, mouth agape as his dick slams in and out of her.
“So good, daddy. I love it.” She glances back at him, flashing the small butterfly tattoo on the back of her neck when she moves her hair away. 
It isn’t long before Steve is pinned onto the bed, while Princess bounces on top of him - tits in face and everything. Steve has never done anything as dirty as this, and he feels his abdomen tighten as she leans back, placing her hands on his thighs as she rides him sensually.
“Princess...” He bites his lip, bucking his hips up to thrust into her pussy with choked moans. “You gonna cum? You gonna cum for - for daddy? Shit...”
“Yes! Yes!” Her legs quiver as she reaches her orgasm, and she falls against Steve’s chest with loud pants. Steve sits up, hooking his arm around her waist before he pounds harder into her. The sound of skin slapping against skin rings throughout the dorm room, and Steve’s glad that he doesn’t have a roommate. Princess pulls his hair, and Steve places a hand around her neck before he’s sent to the edge. He thrusts out of her, sliding the condom off before he’s covering her tits and stomach with strings of his cum. 
He stops to catch his breath, resting his cheek against Princess’ chest in exhaustion. “Fuck, that was so good.” She toys with the little tufts of hair at his neck, leaning down to kiss his cheek before she leaves the warmth of his lap. 
She combs at her blue wig with her fingers, sighing when she swings her legs over Steve’s bed. There’s a hesitancy in her voice, but Steve is too hazy to hear it. “Do you have a bathroom?”
He nods to the bathroom in the corner of his dorm - it’s super tiny, with only a toilet and sink, but it’s enough for Princess to freshen up. She collects her clothes from off the floor, before locking the bathroom door behind her. Steve grabs a fresh pair of boxers from his closet, before going to rest on his bed to wait for her to return. He shuts his eyes, placing a forearm over his head.
The last thing he hears before he falls asleep is the click of a door, and a muffled ‘thanks.’
He groans, rolling over onto his back. The room becomes brighter as his curtains are pulled apart, bringing him to a state of anger at the sudden disruption.
“What?” He mumbles, clutching his pillow under his arm. Lazily, he lifts his head towards the sound of his voice, and his eyes bulge out of his head. “Robin? What the fuck are you-“ He tightly wraps his sheets against his bare chest, scooting up till his back hits the headboard of his bed.
A pang of nausea hits him, and he’s immediately reminded of the amount of alcohol he drank last night. Still wrapped in a sheet, he sprints to the bathroom, nearly tripping over his own feet as he vomits into the toilet. He mewls dramatically when he feels the throbbing pain in his forehead. Slowly, he makes his way back to his spot on the bed with hooded eyes.
“Put some clothes on, you dingus.” Robin makes a face at him, tossing him some from his closet. Steve grunts as he slips into the fresh clothing, struggling to get into his shirt from how sore his whole body feels.
“What happened last night?” He asks, voice hoarse and laced with sleepiness.
“Dude, you ditched me!” Robin frowns at him, crossing her arms over her chest as she plops down onto his study table. “You suck!”
“I didn’t ditch you! What - when did I ditch you?!” He panics, genuinely unable to think about the rest of last night. “Ro, all I remember is the keg stand and that’s it. That’s as far as - as my brain can go. Oh, my - I wasn’t drugged, was I? I must’ve been drugged. Holy shit, it’s that whole Russian thing all over again-“
“Steve! Hey!” Robin claps her hands, blinking at Steve with utter concern. “You were not drugged last night. But you were drunk off your ass!”
Steve literally doesn’t remember shit. He’s not kidding. Frankie. Penny. Beer. Keg stand. Mystery girl. That’s it.
Then a memory hits him from out of the blue. He snaps his fingers continuously, recollecting thoughts as he turns to look at Robin. “Does the name Princess ring a bell to you?”
“Princess? Are you still drunk?” She rolls her eyes at him, slapping the back of his head. “The only princess here is you, sleeping beauty.”
“Robin! I’m serious! I swear I... nevermind.” He facepalms his forehead, obviously frustrated with how last night’s events have gone over his head. “Fuck, how drunk did I get?” He rocks back and forth on his heels, nervously pulling at his hair.
“Steve. Listen.” Robin reaches over, squeezing his shoulder with a softer voice. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out but...” She erupts into a chuckle, glancing around his dorm. “By the looks of this place... it seems like someone had a lotta fun last night.”
Surely enough, Steve’s place is messy. His clothes from the party are thrown all over the floor, along with a few pillows from his bed. There’s a condom wrapper on the floor, to which Robin gags at. 
But his gaze is drawn to the shimmering thread on his pillow.
He reaches for it, then realizing that his fingers were pinching at a strand of hair.
“Is that...” Robin gasps, eyes widening when she takes the string of blue hair from Steve’s fingers. “Why the - what - no freaking way.”
“I have no idea what this is. What-“
“Steve. Mystery girl.” She dangles the strand in front of his face. “Did you take her here?”
Oh, fucking hell.
“Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god!” He launches himself off the bed, pacing around in short circles. “There’s no... how...”
“Steve! Remember. Try to remember.”
Stupid shit. They did stupid shit.
“We hooked up.” He realizes. His eyes dart around the room, and all the memories come back to him in short pieces. “Her - She goes by Princess. That’s her name. And then - oh, my god. I had sex with her, Ro-“
“Calm down. She didn’t hurt you, did she?”
“No! Of course, not. I just - fuck!” Steve stops pacing. “Yo, what time is it?”
Steve ends up late to class. Again. For the second day in a row, Mr. Cortez gives him a disapproving nod, glaring daggers at Steve as he drags his feet shamefully to a empty chair. He looks over, realizing you are nowhere to be seen. It’s Friday, and Steve remembers that you only show up on Thursdays. Maybe it was for the best, not to see you till then, because Steve did feel a bit angry and saddened that you didn’t come to the party. He’s thrown off for the rest of the day - searching for someone who resembles Princess in the halls to get his mind off you. But he doesn’t know what he’s looking for, except a bright ass blue wig and possibly a flamboyant outfit.
It’s the following week when Steve is able to see you. He isn’t late, but in fact, he is very early. He can easily spot you in your navy turtleneck, and the bare beautiful face that he can’t help but stare at. He walks up to you quietly, unsure what to say. 
“Y/N.” He says, clearing his throat when he hesitantly sits down next to you. You seem surprised, and your eyes flash with pitiful embarrassment.
“Steve, listen, about - I can-“ You drop your pencil onto your notebook, gesturing at him with an ashamed voice.
“It’s fine, Y/N. It’s fine. Just... why invite me to the party if you weren’t planning on showing up?” He scoffs, looking down at his lap as he plays with his hands. “I wanted to hang out with you. I was - Y/N, I was so excited.” He rubs at his chin, shaking his head. “Genuinely.”
“Steve, I’m so sorry. I wanted to go. I just... I forgot I had other freaking plans and I had to stay home. I didn’t mean to - to flake on you.” You pause, before continuing with a shaky voice. “I invited you because I think you’re... shit - I think you’re cute, Steve. And I wanted to hang out with you, too.”
Steve looks up at you. “Actually? You think I’m cute?”
Blushing, you chuckle. “Yeah. I do. And you’re really nice to me.” There’s a hint of distrust in Steve’s body language - due to past experiences with dating and girls during high school. Slowly, he nods, taking in your unexpected words. “I totally get it if you don’t... I mean, we’ve only known each other for a week, probably less. But the party was a way for me to get to know you more. Out of school. I definitely missed out on not going.”
You send him a hopeful look. Your lips are pulled up into a struggling smile, obviously under pressure because of the situation. Your hands tremble on the desk. “Y/N,” Steve convinces himself that you probably were busy. Anyways, he didn’t know you that well, so who was he to distrust you right away? “You know what, let’s meet up later.”
“Yeah?” Instantly, you sit up straighter in your chair.
“Yeah. Let’s go to that coffee shop down the block. It’s my favorite. I think you’d like it.” He flashes a boyish smile at you. “I’ll pick you up?”
“Okay. Yes, of course.” You nod rapidly. Stuttering, you whip around the grab your notebook, tearing out a paper before you hurriedly scribble something down. “C-call me. Later. I mean. Before you pick me up.”
“Promise you won’t flake on me.”
“I promise.”
“Robin, what do I wear?” Steve tosses a pile of clothes onto his bed, clearly stressed as he places his hands on his hips.
“All of this shit is ugly.” She sputters into laughter, sorting through the clothes. “Where’s that jacket I gave you for Christmas?”
That’s how Steve ends up in a denim jacket with fur lining, sporting a white shirt underneath. He rubs his hands against his cuffed jeans, adjusting the black belt around his waist. He feels good. He looks good. He smirks at himself, before spraying a round of Farrah Fawcet into his hair.
“So, tell me about this Y/N!” Robin sits up on the bathroom counter, looking down at Steve with pure excitement. 
“She’s really pretty, and shy. Smart girl.” He chuckles, flicking the stubborn curl that wouldn’t leave his forehead. “I’m going in pretty blind. But hey, it’s a date. I’ll get to know her.”
Robin smirks, playing with her shoelace. “Well, look at you, Steve Harrington. Hooking up with the hottest girl on campus then scoring a date with a smart, gorgeous lady? You’ve gotta lend me some tips, dingus.”
“You don’t need any. Anyone would easily love you.” A friendly stare lingers between the two of them, before Steve huffs and slaps at Robin’s shoe. “Now get out of my room. I’m tryin’ to call Y/N.” 
After an awkward yet pleasant phone call with you, Steve drives himself over to your house. He’s nervous, but also eager - he hasn’t been on a proper date for a long time; he knew that he couldn’t find anyone more perfect than you to be his new first. He pulls into your driveway, tapping his fingers against his steering wheel as he stares up at your big house. Preparing himself, he takes a couple deep breaths, before he steps out of his car and strides up your porch. Then, he’s struck with realization: he never got you a gift. Frantically, Steve’s eyes dart around his surroundings, landing on the vibrant yellow sunflower in a planter. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Steve immediately holds the sunflower up to his face once your front door swings open. You break out into a grin when you step out onto the porch with him. “F-for you.” He stammers. 
“Thank you, Steve.” You take the flower into your hands, completely looking over the fact that it was one that your mother grew herself. Closing the door behind you, Steve offers his arm to you. You chuckle, wooed by his chivalrous gesture as he walks you to his car. There’s a sway in your steps, and Steve finds it a little amusing that you can’t walk straight. He’s suddenly thinking about Princess, wondering if he did enough to...
He shakes his head, pushing away any thoughts of her as he reverses out of your driveway. You and Steve are engaged in conversation; all awkwardness between the two of you are thrown out the window, and Steve feels relieved in getting to talk to know you more. Weird as it seems, he also feels like he’s met you before. Something about the way you talked and the sound of your voice sent him into memory lane. Only, he’s sure that it was a recent memory. 
As promised, you and Steve walk around the city with coffee cups in hand. Occasionally, your shoulders brush against each other. Your voices are loud, filled with enthusiasm when you mention a quaint bookstore down the avenue. Soon, you’re taking Steve by the hand, pulling him into your get-away place with innocent eagerness. You start to chase each other quietly down the shelves, laughing silently as Steve manages to nearly knock over a porcelain vase. You stand on opposite sides of a bookcase, starting another interesting conversation. 
“You’ve read all these books?” Steve stares at you in wonder, following you down the aisle. You nod proudly, picking up a lost novel from the floor. You pass it to Steve, who takes it carefully into his hands. He looks at you for a moment, before he flips through the dusted pages. “This is your favorite.”
“You remembered?” You meet his gaze with a touched smile, feeling giddy at how Steve was able to remember your favorite book from when you told him on your stroll.
“I didn’t know I was gonna be tested on that.” He jokes, tucking the book under his arm. “Is it for sale? I’ll buy it for you.”
“No, Steve. It’s okay. Thank you.” You pass up on his offer, rounding the corner of the bookcase in that you stand across of one another. “I would’ve bought it for myself, but it’s too expensive.” 
“That’s why I’ll get it for you. It’s a gift. Let me, Y/N.” He towers over you, holding the book against his heart. “I like you a lot. I wanna buy it for you as a - as a...”
You burst out into laughter, taking the book from him to place it on a shelf. “As a token of your affection?” He shrugs with a playful scoff, studying you. “Steve, you don’t need to give me anything. You don’t need a book to show me that.” 
He sucks in a nervous breath, parting his lips as he speaks. “Would it be too soon for me to kiss you?” He steps forward, light on his feet. The bookstore is silent, and the sudden tension between you and Steve is loud. “Can I kiss you?”
“I think that’d be much better.”
Steve pushes your hair behind your shoulder; his fingers brush over the fabric of your turtleneck sweater as he dips down to kiss both of your cheeks. The tip of his nose bumps against yours, and Steve closes his eyes at the little gasp you make when his hand trails across your back. You step into him, peering into his beautiful brown eyes with marvel. He presses his lips to yours, softly. The toe of his shoe bumps against yours as you run your hands down his arms. He tastes like an autumn day - a combination of sugar and spice. You pull away, letting your thumb graze across his bottom lip gracefully, and Steve isn’t afraid to kiss you once more. You’re smiling like a teenager when you finally step away from each other, cheeks reddened. 
“We should go...” You grin up at him coyly, lashes fluttering against your skin. Steve’s hand envelops yours as he leads you outside. Your arm finds itself tangled with his as you walk across the street, winding around the town until you reached his parked car. 
From then on, Steve hasn’t stopped taking you out on dates, bringing you to different shops and restaurants around town until nothing new was left for the two of you. However, you never really expressed what your relationship with him meant to you. Steve was in turmoil: Were you two casual? Was that a ‘no strings attached’ kind of thing? Were you guys even a thing?
Steve thinks he’s found an answer when he sees you one Wednesday morning in the community park - with Billy Hargrove. The conversation seems to be tense, based on the way that Billy stares down at you and how you push at his chest. Immediately, Steve’s jealousy is replaced with furiousness. Was Billy messing with you? Stopping his morning run, Steve stomps over to your place by the fountain, frowning with clear resentment. 
“You okay, Y/N?” He pulls you behind him, taken aback when he sees the tears in your eyes. He brings his voice down to a whisper so that you can only hear him. “Is he messing with you? What’s going on?”
“Steve, it’s - it’s fine.” You place your hand on his chest, pulling him away. You sniffle, and Steve feels the blood boil in his chest at the thought of someone making you cry.
“Whatever shit you just pulled, Billy, I want you to know that you should fuck off.” He growls at Billy as you both walk away, tugging you close to his body. He shushes your sobs, soothing you with sweet words. “I’m here, Y/N. Can I take you home? Do you want me to take you there?”
You’re nodding rapidly; your airway is constricted with overwhelming emotion as Steve talks about his day to distract you, not once does he ask you for directions to your house, having memorized the walk there anyways. 
You’re in your room when you cry into his shoulder, clutching at Steve’s shirt that was now damp with tears. Steve feels heartbroken - not because he saw you with Billy, because that meant nothing to him. Nothing mattered to him than the beautiful, crying girl in his arms. The bed creaks as he shifts, embracing you tighter. You haven’t spoken a word since earlier, and Steve patiently waits in the silence of your room. “I’m sorry,” You croak, wiping your tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket. “God, I ruined your shirt.” 
He rubs your elbow. “You wanna tell me about what happened?”
“You’re gonna hate me.” You mutter, curling up into yourself. Steve stares at you intently, clenching his jaw. “Billy... Billy and I were kind of - I don’t know what it was, but we messed around. We were messing around before we started going out.” You shut your eyes at how Steve tenses up. “I wanted to break things off with him, but I couldn’t... he knew stuff and... he wasn’t hurting me, I hope you know that. I was just too scared to let go.”
So you were messing around with Billy.
“You didn’t tell me.” Steve scoots away from you. His jealousy arrises again at the thought of you and Billy together, behind his back. “We were together and you didn’t tell me about him? Y/N, what the hell!”
“You have every fucking right to be angry, but Steve... Steve, when were we ever together? You were doing the sam - It’s not like I was cheating on you.”
No. Not like this. 
“Bullshit, Y/N! We were going on dates!” He stands from your bed, gesturing at you wildly with his hands. You hurt him. You fucking hurt him.
“I’m sorry! Steve, I’ve never... I’ve just never been committed to anyone. I-It scares me.”
“Well, it looks like you won’t be committed to anybody for a long time. I’ll see you around, Y/N. I’m done here.” 
You are left with a hanging jaw and an aching soul as Steve leaves your house, slamming the front door behind him angrily. 
Steve doesn’t sit next to you anymore on Thursdays, resorting in the dark corner of the classroom. He doesn’t talk to you that much either, rarely even engaging in a full conversation with you. He knows it’s childish to ignore you, and that you weren’t technically at fault for anything that had happened.
He’s done the same thing as you. So why the fuck was he acting like this?
He just needs time.
Time to figure everything out.
He’s at a well-deserved spring break party when he runs into Princess again. She seems off, disinterested in everything around her. Heck, Billy was staying out of her way as well, making out with other girls instead of her, to his surprise. Steve feels a bit suspicious, based on how she began to stray away from the attention, chatting with friends in the corner of the room and drinking soda rather than beer. When he locks eyes with her from across the house, he doesn’t hesitate to approach her. This time, he’s completely sober and he can actually feel his nerves flare up.
“Hey,” He says to her, raising his cup of water. “How are you?”
“Not in the mood, Steve.” She sighs, downing her soda as she stares at him blankly. There’s a tiny hitch in her forced voice, and Steve easily catches the way she eyes him. He inches closer to her, yet respectfully careful in keeping his distance. “A guy fucks you once and suddenly he can waltz in whenever he wants.” She snaps, brushing angrily past Steve.
What the hell?
People whisper and point at Steve as he chases after her. She walks briskly out of the party, clicking her heels against the sidewalk as her arms swing at her sides. Not once does she look back when Steve calls for her to stop. He’s able to weave around her, halting her in her tracks. “What is your problem? Does everyone have a problem with me these days? Jesus, Princess-” She stops him by smashing her lips against his, bringing his head down to meet hers. Steve raises his eyebrows in surprise, before relaxing into the kiss. He caresses the side of her neck, before he has to tear himself away. “What’s gotten into you?” There’s something about the color of her eyes underneath the mask, a shade that he’s sure that he’s seen carved into his mind. His eyes are concerned, and he suddenly feels a knowing feeling when she presses her forehead against his, tracing his bottom lip.
It feels too familiar. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what? Princess?” Confused, he takes her hands into his. It’s too intimate of a gesture, he knows, but her behavior was worrying.
“I need you.” She whispers breathily, before stepping onto the tips of her toes to kiss him again. “Please.”
“I don’t wanna take advantage of you like this.” 
“You aren’t. I just want another good time with you...” She scoffs, and the wall she’s been putting up is back again. “Daddy?” Her face splits into a mischievous smirk when Steve holds his breath.
Screw it. 
He leads Princess by the shoulder, pushing her into the backseat of his car roughly. She lands against the leather seats with a squeal, before Steve is climbing in himself and locking the doors. He slams a hand against the window to brace himself, hovering over her body as he leaves open-mouthed kisses down her neck and over the tops of her breasts. They’re naked in minutes, grinding against each other. The car has fogged up, windows blocked out with condensation as Steve pushes his cock between Princess’ folds. Her leg is propped up over his shoulder, while the other hangs loosely against the driver’s seat. Steve can’t hear his own thoughts over the sounds of her wetness, which drives him to thrust into her harshly. She gasps at the full feeling, gripping the skin at her stomach as she bites back a moan.
“Where do you feel me? In your stomach?” She nods blissfully, combing her nails through Steve’s hair as he pounds in dick into her. “Does Daddy make you feel good?”
“Yeah. You do.” She whimpers, barely audible over the creakiness of the car. It shifts from side to side, surely drawing attention from outsiders. It excites Steve, the possibility of getting caught with Princess. He wraps his arms around her waist, groaning as she whispers dirty comments into his ear. “Look at you, daddy. Fuck, you love it. Can I cum, daddy?”
“No. Shit, no.” He shakes his head. Sweat accumulates on his forehead from how hot the car’s gotten, and he grunts loudly into Princess’ blue hair. “I’m so close. Wait for me.” Steve’s thrusts become sloppier each second, and she pushes the extra mile by clenching around him. “Go, cum. Fuck!”
Princess moans sinfully, hitting her head lightly against the door as she rubs at her clit. Steve pulls out of her pussy; she rolls onto the floor of the car gracefully, landing on her knees before she pumps Steve’s dick into her mouth. He holds onto her hair, careful not to tug too hard as he fucks her mouth. It’s messy - saliva everywhere, mascara running down her cheeks as she struggles to keep her tears under control.
With a look of approval, she lets him push her head down onto his cock, her nose brushes against his happy trail while she gags around him. Steve cums in her mouth, moaning at the lustful look that she was giving him. He pulls her up for one more kiss after she swallows his load, then collapses against the seat with ragged breaths. He’s quick to put his clothes back on, taking a glimpse at Princess with awestruck eyes as she followed his actions. 
“Hey.” He nudges her arm. “Don’t leave.”
“I have to pee, Steve.” She snickers, glancing at the house that still held a party. “But I... I’ll come back.”
She cups his cheek, wiping the lipgloss from his mouth. “I promise.”
Steve feels nothing but relief when he sees Princess come back to his car. He pulls her inside, scratching his eyebrow as she takes a seat beside him. The air smells of sex, and Steve resorts to rolling down the windows. 
“Are you okay now?” He questions, staring outside. 
“I will be.” She answers. The leather squeaks as she turns to face him, leaning against the door. “Are you okay?”
There’s no point in lying. Because based on how she began to study his face, Steve knows that she sees the bags under his eyes, and the lack of enthusiasm in his voice. With an exasperated sigh, Steve meets her stare.
“I don’t think so.” She listens earnestly. “I met this... this amazing girl. Her name’s Y/N. I doubt you’ve heard of her. She’s low profile around here.” He chuckles. “But, uh... I really like her. A lot. I haven’t met someone as - as breathtaking, and kind, and intelligent as her in a long time. She’s different, you know?”
“And, the thing is... I thought I knew her. I took her on countless dates - great dates, by the way. I’m a pro at dates. Dating professional, actually.”
“I’m sure of it.” She laughs, fixing the mask on her face. “God, sorry, I hate this thing.”
“Take it off then. I’d like a face to match the voice.” She glances away, peering at herself in the rearview mirror. Steve senses her uneasiness, so he moves to rub her thigh with a comforting tone. “I’m kidding. I just hope you haven’t glued it on.” Momentarily, they exchange laughter. “But I’d like to meet you one day. Really meet you. When you’re ready.” There’s a lingering gaze between them, before Steve continues swiftly. “Anyways, I’m taking Y/N on dates, then she tells me that - I guess that she was involved with someone before me. I got mad. I’m a fucking hypocrite because here I am, with you.”
He exhales shakily. “I’m jealous, too. Because someone as perfect as her could never be with someone as imperfect as me.” Princess opens her mouth, but Steve speaks before she can. “I know. I know it’s stupid to think like that, but damn. I can’t help it.”
“Not everyone’s perfect, Steve. I’m - I know that deep down Y/N feels the same way. I don’t know her, but as perfect as she makes herself out to be, she must have her vices, too.”
“I should talk to her.”
“She’d like that. I’m sure.”
A pinch of sadness wafts around the air, and Steve knows that it’s goodbye. If he really wanted to pursue you, he’d have to leave behind Princess.
He’s okay with that.
“I guess this is goodbye, then.” She smiles nostalgically.
“It is.”
Princess leans over, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of his head. “Bye, Steve.” She steps out of the car, carrying her boots as she heads the opposite direction.
Goodbye, Princess. 
“You wanna talk?” You look up at Steve, who leans over your desk. 
“After school. Not here.” He shakes his head, ignoring the way that your classmates were glaring at the two of you. “I’ll meet you at the bookstore. Your favorite place.” 
Steve doesn’t even wait for your response. Suddenly, he’s hollering a big ‘screw this class!’ to Mr. Cortez as he bolts out of the classroom, leaving you there in your chair with wide eyes. 
He wants to make it perfect for you - his apology, his sappy ass declaration of ‘emotion’ towards you. He’s rented out the whole bookstore, passing the clerk a couple hundreds as he waits for you to come. His head throbs with adrenaline, pacing around the store as he thinks of what to say to you. 
You’re my perfect.
I think I love you.
“Shit, too soon.” He hits himself in the face with a book.
You still aren’t here. Should Steve be freaking out? Were you going to flake on him again? He’s too busy panicking to hear the chiming bell by the door. He walks to the back of the store, banging his head against a shelf as he tries to calm himself down.
But when he turns around, he nearly faints.
“Princess? What are you-” She holds a finger up to his lips, before she slowly pulls it away from him when he is finally silent. 
Stepping back, she inhales deeply. 
Her hands move up to touch her blue wig. With a tug, she pulls it off. Her natural hair falls in waves against her shoulders, and she combs her hands through them lazily.
Steve’s eyes widen when she reaches around her head to untie the mask. 
It clatters to the floor.
It all connects.
The voice, the movements, the mannerisms...
You’ve been behind the mask for this whole time.
“Hey, there.” You chuckle uneasily, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Y/N, you - I - Princess was - what?” He covers his mouth in shock, placing a free hand on his hip as he bites down on his knuckle.
“I’m sorry if... if I’m not who or what you expected.” You shrug, crossing your arms over your chest as you observe his features. “Steve? Are you mad?”
“No, I’m... I’m not mad.” He stares at you, mouth agape as you grab his hand. “I’m - it’s been you? This whole time?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it has.”
You wipe away your lipstick with the back of your sleeve. “I never told you about Billy because he knew my identity. I couldn’t let go of him because he would tell everyone about me - the real me.” You confess, feeling tears brim at your eyes. “I know this whole thing looks... looks awful. I wasn’t using you. Gosh, I hope I wasn’t using you, Steve. But fuck, you noticed me. The real me. I was too scared that you’d see all my flaws the more we got closer, and I thought that being Princess would save me from that hell.” You swallow, closing your eyes as Steve brings a hand up to hold your face. “You proved me wrong. Because someone as perfect as you ended up liking someone as imperfect as me.”
He wipes the tears from your face. “You know... you know that you’ve seen my dick, right? My actual, full-on, naked dick?”
“Steve!” You gasp, chuckling uncontrollably at his words.
“Y/N, I like you for who you are. Shit, I hope you realize that. Yeah, I did like Princess, but Y/N was a whole new level of breathtaking. I don’t care that you have flaws. We all do, remember? You told me that. And I lo - I like you for everything that you are. Whether you’re shy, or - or loud or quiet, whether you like bookstores over parties or whatever. I just wished you didn’t have to hide yourself from me. Princess or not, I would’ve fallen for you either way.”
“Fuck, yeah.” He whispers, leaning into you. “Princess was able to show me a good time, but Y/N is someone I want for a long time.” 
He takes you by the chin, pressing his lips against yours for what felt like the first time again. How could he not have realized? The way your lips felt, how perfect they molded with his, the sweet taste of your gloss and how feathery your touch was against his skin. He should’ve known it was you. Steve moans into your mouth when you pull at his hair, and the kiss deepens when you slip your tongue into his mouth. He spins you around, slamming your back against the bookcase. 
“I wanna see the real you, okay?” He murmurs into your collarbones, undoing the zipper of your jeans. You whine into his jaw, peppering his neck with hickeys.
He drops to his feet to pull down your panties. Steve lifts your legs up with ease, before his face is buried in your pussy. He laps at it, sucking on your clit and licking at your folds with expertise. You don’t shy away from moaning his name, yelping when he smacks his hand against your inner thigh to keep your legs apart. He pushes a finger inside you, smirking at how wet you always get because of him. He adds another digit, gasping at the wanton groan you let out when he uses his thumb to play with your clit. 
“I love your fingers, daddy. Feels so good.” You place your hand on the back of his head, guiding him to the perfect spots. “I... Steve, fuck.”
“You gonna cum so soon? You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” He stands up, still fingering you at a fast pace. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you began to see white spots in your vision. “Good girl. Look at you, angel.”
“Fuck me, please. I wanna make you feel good.” You beg him, whining as he quickly stepped out of his sweatpants. He tosses his shirt aside, licking his lips at how your nipples poked out through the thin fabric of your top. He laughs at the neediness in your voice, turning you around so that your tits were pressed against the bookcase. 
“You’re beautiful, Y/N. Every single time I see you like this...” He kisses your shoulder, pulling your hair into a ponytail. His eyes land on the butterfly tattoo on your neck. “My sweet princess.” Steve lubes up his cock with his spit, groaning at how painfully hard he is. “You’re okay?” He checks up on you, pushing the tip into your wet hole. You nod, moaning when he sinks in deeper. 
Books begin to fall to the ground as Steve fucks you, holding you by your waist as he thrusts into you.
It feels better than before.
Princess was a great fuck, but you?
You were heaven itself. Despite how lustful you made him feel.
Steve cums at the same time as you do, grunting and moaning without shame as he emptied his load onto your back, where it dribbled onto the floor.
“That never gets old.” You giggle, breasts heaving as Steve turned you back around.
“You’re perfect.” Steve says, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Thank you for everything, Steve.”
He stares into your eyes lovingly, glistening with nothing but pure adoration for you.
“Anything for my princess.”
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fearsbellsarchived · 5 years
[me? Thinking about a gf fairytales au instead of being productive? More likely than u think!!! think ou.at buT BETTER and w/o the real world dimension hopping part. under the cut bc i just copy/pasted my tags from forever ago to put them in one place
mabel and dipper are hansel and gretal
paz is sleeping beauty 
bill is maleficient 
if we’re gonna get disney about it wendy as merida 
i LOVE the idea of tambry as rapunzel??? 
mabel can also be like...eric from the little mermaid 
so mermando can be ariel 
bill is also rumplestilskin 
stan can be the huntsman (idk from which story cause theres a fEW BUT)
ford is the sorcerer from fanstasia 
ford is teaching dipper magic....and instead of a true love’s kiss that’s how he wakes paz (maybe?)
the northwests made a deal w bill like in the most famous version of rumplestilskin but instead of wanting paz for himself he just wanted to steal her body at 16
so when they lose the deal they ask for help from ford and ford’s like “yo i can maybe change the deal??? a little bit???” so instead of bill taking her over when he goes to she falls asleep ​
so dipper wasnt supposed to wake her up but he found her and fords notes and he and mabel went on an adventure
bill is all the villains 
so stan has to leave mabel and dipper in the woods (idk y it wasnt for long the twins are just impatient) so stan disappears and the twins are like “lETS EXPLORE THE WOODS”
they come across some creepy old house w a lot of spiderwebs (can u guess the villain yet?)
an older woman comes out and is like “why are you guys lost in the forest?”
mabel points to the glitter trail “we’re not lost”
dipper looks behind them ‘mabel!!! where’s all the glitter?!”
so they lose the trail 
meanwhile stan is losing his fucking mind
he follows the stray glitter but it’s blown all over
so the old lady offers for them to stay the night bc its getting late
dipper is SUPER sus but he plays it cool surprisingly
mabel is So In!
long short...stan eventually saves them from darlene’s trap
usually shes just a maneater but look
when u live in the woods u do what u can
so stan hauls them back to their cottage
dipper knew there was weird shit out there but he wants MORE
he starts going through his great-uncle’s journals (*cue the dipper squee*)
he reads about bill and his deal w paz’s parents
he’s like....’maybe we should rescue her?’
ford wont tell him why they cant
so dipper and mabel sneak out
they steal the grunkles’ boat
mabel falls over board???
dipper tries like HELL to save her
but then he sees mermando save her
gideon (who had long-loved mabel from afar) finds out
he visits the merman to trick him
all mabel remembers is his voice
so YES mermando trades his voice for legs just like the movie
sue me okay w his distinct accent it makes sense!!!
so the twins get sidetracked bc mermando shows up out of nowhere
they dock on a small island for a pit stop and thats when ‘kiss the girl’ happens
they dont kiss so they move on
they dock on another stretch of land the next day
the twins have only heard about him from their grunkles so mabel hears his voice and goes *heart eyes*
mermando is Distressed
dipper is Focused on getting to this sleeping princess
mabel makes fun of him for liking her
at one point dipper catches him w/o the amulet that makes him sound like mermando
and he tells mabel and its kinda like “the hand that rocks the mabel” or whatever the ep was called
it takes dipper and mermando being threatened (and gideons voice slipping) for her to catch on and she breaks up w him
dipper wants to throw him overboard
they just leave him on the next inhabited island they find
mermando got his kiss but decides to go back to the ocean anyway
he promises to write
mabel is Sad
the twins come across a land near the one paz is on and decide to stop for food and to stretch their legs and other hygiene things
they find out there’s some archery thing going on and mabel is like ’ooooh can we try?!’
turns out its for neighboring kingdoms’ princes to win a princess
mabel and dipper think this is RIDICULOUS so they crash it
mabel steps up to shoot and everyone’s like ‘wHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?’
then dipper steps up beside her. neither of them have shot a bow before
they shoot at the same time. mabel’s like thisclose to the bullseye. dippers too far right
but wendy is like ‘ACTUALLY ILL SHOOT FOR MYSELF THANKS’ and splits like three arrows down the middle w her accuracy
she looks at mabel and dipper and is like ‘u dudes look fun! ive never seen u before who are u???’
and they’re like ‘WELL!’ and launch into detail about their adventure w overlapping voices and sound affects and VAST description
anyways. i cant decide how old people are rn okay 
so wendy is like “hey dad??? im going on an adventure w these guys!” and her dad is like “unusual but u DID just win ur own hand. so ill allow it”
“YES! can i take soos too?!” 
sO THEYRE OFF AGAIN!!! lemme tell u the ship is filling faST!!!
they get to paz’s land. and the first thing they find is a girl in a tower with long purple hair.
everyone is pretty much just making ‘wtf’ faces for like....ten minutes.
finally wendy calls up the tower like “YO! WHATS W ALL THE HAIR?!”
tambry leans out the window w a bored expression and goes “its mine. im tambry. who r u?”
they introduce themselves and are like “u wanna come on our adventure?”
and he knows where the princess is!!!
”oh yeah. her. shes also in a tower. its got a door but its guarded by gnomes.”
then robbie climbs tambrys hair pecks her cheek and ducks in the tower
they decide to head for the tower robbie directed them to. but they have to pass the castle. Northwest Castle
robbie warned them about the northwests. said that the princess was one and before she disappeared she was the snottiest brat hed ever met
so they became friends despite the fact that he plays music for a living (and not very well either)
her parents told her of the spell when she was twelve
so robbie’s like “they are not nice people and neither was she??? most of the townsfolk are glad shes asleep tbh”
but dammit! dipper came here for an adventure!!! he wasnt going to stop just bc the princess wasnt what he expected!
so they continue on!
mabel is like “maybe she doesnt KNOW how to be nice!”
and soos is just excited to be there!
and wendy is just...u kno...chill
they start to get close to the castle and they feel like they’re being watched
and then soos notices the PEACOCKS!
they assume theyre spies for the king and queen. which is half true?
they can also warn bill if someone is near pacifica
oh damn imagine that
being stuck asleep w a DREAM DEMON in ur head
sorry for the accidental psychological torture paz
i think to make up for risking her life as a baby ther parents were like “we’re just gonna spoil u rotten and PRETEND u do no wrong eVERYTHING IS FINE”
so dipper is reading the journal and he FINALLY gets to the true loves kiss part of the deal
and he looks around at the party like “oh shit true love what do we do???”
mabel suggests he at least try and everyone agrees that yeah okay thats the back up plan
but dipper wants to use a SPELL!!!
so the king and queen see him w the journal and remember ford having the same one
so everyone is brought to the king and queen
theyre like “pRINCESS GWENDOLYN?!”
bc this is MY STORY and if i wanna give wendy a more princess-y name thEN I WILL
i say as i continue to refer to mason as DIPPER!!!
wendys like “yes that is me the princess” and then everyone else introduces themselves...w dipper introducing himself as mason bc it just sounds more fairytale-y
soos is jesus (hey zeus! not jee sus)
soos is like....wendys bff/personal servant but mostly bff
so they explain their adventure to the northwests as quickly as possible
preston is no patient man and he’s is like “tbh its probably important she be here for her 18th bday soooo??? as long as she wakes up by next year why not???”
but only bc dipper was like “i wANNA USE MAGIC I DONT WANNA KISS HER THATS PLAN B!!!”
plus u kno...even if he DOES whats the guarantee itll work???
the guarantee is me being a filthy shipper tHATS WHAT!!!
so they continue to the tower!
there is probably a sidequest thingy with giffany bc i liked that episode
also soos needs more screentime im sorry
also theres a manotaur/multi-bear sidequest i just thought of bc i like THAT episode!!!
is this gf, a fairytale, sk.yrim, or a d.n.d campaign now??? WHO KNOWS!!! ITS NOT ME!!!
first they offer safe passage in exchange for mabel as their queen
after thats declined theyre like “or the redhead. well take her!”
this is also declined
finally jeff tells them to attack
at first the party tries to fight them off and they do okay
finally mabel just pulls out her trusty crosSbow (aka “GRAPPLING HOOK!”) and they just make a tightrope to the window above the door
wendy goes first and NAILS it
then everyone else follows
soos almost falls and gets left to the gnomes but everyone helps him balance and they all make it through the window
coincidentally. the window leads to the princess’s room
oh well. anyways.
everyone is looking around the room and like...taking it all in
dipper takes a moment...then walks over to the princess
he isnt sure if waking her will also wake the demon
crossover even more w my old paciphera au??? idk probably not
so dipper tries the spells he narrowed it down to
none of them work
all his friends have returned to the princess’s room and mabel is like “u gotta kiss her brobro!”
so dipper...poor poor dipper...just leans forward and kisses her
paz pretty much snaps her eyes open when dipper is a half inch from her face while he’s pulling back 
and even tho she was forewarned she wasnt expecting DIPPER so she SCREAMS
dippers ears are ringing
she shuts her eyes and stills her breathing and sits up.
so once shes a little more calm they explain the whole adventure to her
paz feels a little honored they came all this way just for her
also since True Love beats everything bill is like.....back in his home dimension. also paz has been fighting him for like....over a year.
so paz is like....ready to Go. u kno. just wants to go HOME.
they get pazs shit together and exit the tower through the door
she says goodbye to the gnomes. all by name.
“oh yeah mom and dad made them my personal guard when i was like...eight. theyve been prepping for this my whole life. they’ll meet me back at the castle.” so then she starts telling them about herself and her last like 
two years of being asleep w a DREAM DEMON
“sometimes i got the weirdest nightmares??? and they never ended. but when i woke up i couldnt remember anything specific.”
she and dipper talk away from the group. he tells her about how hes her true love and everything “okay well. we’ll have to lie to my parents and say it was a spell. bc they will NOT approve of us being true loves and if they hurt you...”
“then they hurt *you* too!” dipper finishes (idk maybe a combo w a soulmate au thing?)
meanwhile mabel is like...whining about boy problems??? and wendy is like “this is y boys r dumb.”
soos is like...wandering off. I WANNA INCORPORATE MELODY BUT WHO SHOULD SHE BE?!
paz and dipper start like....arguing about how to deal w her parents
apparently they actually ARENT that nice. if she doesnt marry a prince they’ll give her over to bill completely...or something idk
SO theyre nearing the castle!!!
theyve written theyre grunkles okay no worries. also mermando.
thats y mabels complaing about boys.
mermando and that manatee wife of his!!!
paz is not exactly ready to face her parents so she convinces the party (roll for charisma) to go the long way
which is actually just circles
we run back in to melody and soos and the party is like ‘wHOOPS WE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE GLAD U DIDNT GET EATEN BY A SPIDER LADY!
maybe melody is like....a fairy???
something light and ‘childish’ bc thatd fit her personality
soos is like “ive BEEN here. u dudes have been going in circles.” and everyone glares at paz.
“im sorry!!! i just dont want to go back!!!”
“ur dad made us promise to have u back for ur 18th bday.” says dipper while he tries to stay mad at his future wife
idk why paz and dips are being better at being soulmates here okay i was like....sleep-drunk when i first wrote this
so the party has a choice to make.
take paz back home where she wont be able to be w her TL (which in some cases has probably led to death) OR!!!
sneak her out and take her home w them?!
wendys probably gotta go back to her own kingdom tho.
and soos wants to stay w melody
so anyways
mabel and dipper decide to help her sneak out
luckily she knows all the blindspots
it takes longer but they finally make it back to their ship
they say theyre goodbyes to soos and melody and paz wishes them well in her kingdom. she promises to return when shes ready to rule
they load the ship and sail to wendys kingdom next
they stay a few days to recuperate
paz has trouble sleeping bc when she does the nightmares come back.
cue a kat.niss/pee.ta thing where paz sleeps next to dips bc it keeps the nightmares away
wendy has to explain why soos isnt w them to her dad who kinda shrugs it off?
“u proved u can protect urself.” or something.
after like.....a whole fucking year the twins are heading home.
paz and dipper sleep together on the ship too bc its just fucking easier
paz is nervous to meet the grunks
she and dipper arent exactly....dating??? its def more like soulmate au
where theyre AWARE theyre supposed to be together but they dont even rly know if they WANT to be together.
paz is p much “i dont rly wanna be w anyone else. ill let u kno if that changes.” and dips is like “tbh same.”
mabel is already planning a big royal wedding.
iDK Y BUT I WANT THEM TO FIND OUT THEYVE BEEN ROYALTY ALL THIS TIME??? probably just bc i LOVE that trope!!! but theyre not so its whateves.
so they FINALLY get home. mabel has been writing letters this whole time. to mermanso. to soos and melody. to wendy.
shes the captain of the dip.ifica ship and shes gotta keep her crewmembers in the know!!!
the twins also wrote to the grunks the whole time so!!!! no worries!!!
paz tries writing to her parents...but she can never find the right words.
meeting the grunks isnt as bad as she thought???
stan loves her off the bat. partially bc shes rich and bc she doesnt take shit
ford is pleased to meet the girl he saved and shes v v thankful to him for saving her life as best he could.
it takes her like a YEAR to write the letter.
she promises her parents she’ll return. AFTER shes married.
at this point she and dipper ARE together. they figured all theyre confusion out and are just living the good life!
mabel and wendy are doing the long distance thing. shes still friends w mermando.
robbie and tambry found paz and they write back and forth.
everything is as happily ever after as it can get.
and then dipper proposes despite knowing what it means.
*end credits roll. an epic theme song starts playing*
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dandelions-sea-blog · 6 years
These are the Nights that Never Die Chapter Three
Read on Ao3(so much better there)
Rainy Days are the worst....
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“Wow… the storm’s gotten really bad, hasn’t it?” Blue says, looking up at the sky. Despite the fact that it was mostly clear, with only a few fluffy clouds covering up the blue ocean above, the RV has been plagued with moaning winds and harsh rain all morning.
“yeah, it’s really raining dimes and nickels out there…” Red says, head in his hand.
“What does that even mean?” Blue asks, giving his friend an odd look.
“that there’s been a change in the weather.”
“Stop.” Blue slaps his palm into Red’s face. It only seems to encourage him.
“Is Red making unnecessarily complicated puns again?” Papyrus sighs, eyes never leaving the table as he scrubs it clean, removing all remnants of their breakfast. He’s tenser than normal; under his eyes are a woven pattern of black swelling.
“Yes, he is,” Blue pouts. Red places a hand over his soul.
“excuse? my puns are only as complex as they necessarily have to be,” He claims in mock outrage.
Blue rolls his eyes, going back to staring at the clouds. They are honestly very pretty… days like these just don’t seem real; when the sky looks just so perfect like this. Ah, if the weather wasn’t so bad they could all go out and have a picnic with the new food that Sans and Edge bought last night! It would be nice to get out of the RV… it has started to accumulate a bit of smell that Blue can’t quite find where it’s coming from.
A particularly bad gust of wind hits the side of the camper, causing Blue to jump and Red to jerk awake from his half nap. Sans watches them from behind.
“why don’t ya come away from the window?” He says from the couch,  “ain’t good t’ be that close to glass during a storm…” Sans’ books and spreadsheets laid out in front of him. He does all the planning for the trip; deciding where they’ll stop next, how much water they can use, how much food they have. Blue sometimes wonders what he does to be able to afford a vacation like this… it’s rude to ask though.
“Oh okay,” Blue says, pulling Red’s arm over to the couch. Blue takes a seat next to Sans while Red sprawls out on the floor, snoozing quietly. “...Lazy.” Blue mutters, shaking his head. At least the others have an excuse, being out all night getting groceries.
Sans hardly seems to notice when Blue sits down next to him, frantically scribbling on sheets of paper as he sweats in silence. Everyone seems to be stressed out today; Blue imagines it has to do with the storm. Papyrus is oddly quiet, hardly taking up any conversations or banters with his counterpart, and Edge has been particularly snippy as well. It all makes Blue very uncomfortable, but he refuses to bring it up in fear of making everything worse.
Blue plays with his hands for a while, trying to seem uninterested in the incredibly interesting things that Sans is up to. He may not want Blue looking over his shoulder, after all. He seems pretty deep in focus right now… He looks up at the ceiling, attempting to count every tile on the roof… then all of the corners of all the tiles… then all of the dead flies in spiderwebs that they really should clean off sometime …
“So whatcha doin’?” Blue finally breaks, looking over at the papers laid out all over the coffee table. In the center of them all is a blue notebook with a faded skull sticker on it. Sans smiles, glancing at Blue out of the corner of his eye.
“what, you wanna take a look at my cheat sheets?” He says, scooting over just enough that Blue can get a better view of all the papers.
“What are these?” He asks, looking over the complex documents.
Sans points to the first one. “this is water supply; we can carry about 150 gallons of water at a time, and we gotta periodically flush out the waste water.”
“That sounds hard,” Blue says.
“yeah, it’s a real drain. ”
“Mweeeh… no puns while we're learning!!!”
Sans chuckles, shuffling the papers around. “right now i am focused on making sure that we have enough food to make it to our next stop - this storm has really put us behind schedule… we might have to leave today.” Sans says with a frown, tone shifting minutely towards the ‘worried leader’ side.
“Aw, but we just got here,” Blue complains. Sans snorts.
“tell me about it… it’s a pretty big pain in my coccyx,” He says, nose ridge wrinkling up. “we got some stuff last night, but we’re gonna need a lot more before we head out for our next stop again.”
Blue hums in understanding. “So… if you don’t mind me asking… what is our next stop?”
“heh... i’ll tell ya when i figure it out.” Sans’ voice sounds deeper than usual, raw exhaustion interwoven between every syllable.
Blue raises a brow bone, confused. Don’t they have this trip planned out at all? He opens his mouth to ask exactly that when there is a loud noise from the kitchen, taking both of their attention.
“welp... i better go step in before someone busts a skull…” Sans says, sliding off the couch. Blue scoots over entirely onto the couch, looking over the notebook that Sans left behind. He hesitates… is it rude to look in here when Sans had already sort of gave him permission? Yes, but Blue isrealllllly curious; he decides one little peak is a forgivable offense.
Blue giggles to himself as he opens the book, feeling like a child going through their parent’s drawers. Inside he finds page after page of calculations; records of how much fuel they’ve used, how much they’ll need, where they’ve been, places they plan to go… some sections are crossed out with little scrawlings giving reasons as to why this plan won’t work, or why going to that state is out of the question… just a bunch of random, ramblings thoughts and plans that Sans has collected.
Blue finds himself quickly bored with his searches, scanning through the pages until he gets closer to today’s date. He stops when the pages run out, going back to the last writings that Sans made.
   Runs out in 3 days
Black Water:
  Runs out in 6 days
  Low but not dangerous. Yet.
  Literally the only fucking resource we have.
Closest Safe-Havens:
   Pleasant town (Too far)
  Gaston (Probably not safe)
  Hagersville (Not enough gas)
  Berton (Too Residential)
Conclusion: We’re fucked.
Blue hums, looking over the notes. Well these seem… rather bleak. No wonder Sans seems so stressed out all the time! He is doing so much planning and worrying that he doesn’t have time to enjoy this trip at all!
Blue closes the notebook, setting it back down where he found it. He claps his hands together. Well! This certainly won’t do! He won’t allow their brilliant leader to be bogged down with so much worry. Blue is going to make sure that he has fun tonight.
Sliding off the couch, Blue taps Red with his foot. The other stirs, looking up sleepily.
“wha…?” He says, rubbing an eye.
“Get up, lazy bones - we have planning to do!” Blue says, skipping back to their room. Red just shrugs, following along.
“whatever ya say, kid,” He mutters.
“now, have th’ two ‘o ya finally got that out of yer systems?” Sans says, exhausted from mediating the two very large yet immature skeletons in front of him.
Edge frowns, holding his precious cat to his chest. “I would be more satisfied if he would apologize to Doomfanger.” He says with a genteel tone.
Edge snarls as the two fall right back into bickering. Sans sighs hard, pinching the bridge of his nose. This… is exasperating. Everyone is exhausted from their stressful night, and waking up to a hoard of zombies banging at the side of the bus this morning wasn’t exactly the most relaxing turn of events.
He doesn’t even try to get between the Papyruses this time, just sitting down on the dining booth as he waits them out. The van rocks as a particularly enthusiastic zombie slams its body into the side of the vehicle. Really, this is his fault. He should have known this place would be crawling with crawlers… except it also had so many useful resources - it was worth the risk as long as they didn’t do anything to catch the attention of any predators .
Anything, such as running out into the middle of the woods at night shouting like a crazy person …
Sans laughs at his own unintentional joke, even if it is in bad taste. He glances over to where he left the kiddo, feeling a deep pang of worry when he realizes Blue isn’t on the couch anymore. He looks around and sees that the back-room door is shut - Blue must be in there. He relaxes once more as he listens to his brother and friend snap at each other over just about every petty squabble one could have. Jeez… they haven’t fought like this since Blue came around…
That guy sure does wonders for the psyche, ironically. Sans really thought that things were gonna get better now that he was around; but nope. It was just a lull in their luck, a pleasant kink of fate. And now that they are settling back in things are going right back to shit.
Sans sighs.
He’s lost track of which one is speaking at this point… Sans puts his head against the table, digging his palms into his temples. The headache this entire conversation is giving him has spread to his patients. He’s done .
“ e n o u g h!”
Sans’ hand comes down on the table.
“alright, you two - listen up!” Sans snaps, head jerking up. If he still could, his eye would be ablaze with magic right now. He stands up off of the bench, ready to lay into the two skeletons until they put this petty squabble to bed for the rest of the day.
Except he is interrupted by a familiar, cheerful voice.
“Guyyyys~” Blue says in a sing song voice, walking into the room with one of the biggest grins they’ve ever seen on his face. In his hands he clutches a baby-blue bag - the only item they had found on his person when they discovered him locked away in the basement of his apartment complex. “I have a surprise for you~~”
Papyrus’ arms unfold and his face softens some. Of the three of them he has been the most receptive to Blue’s particular brand of positivity. It seems that no matter how bad his mood gets Blue is able to come in and cheer him right up. Edge is much less so, but even he relaxes a bit, attention turning from the skeleton beside him to the one across the room.
Sans smiles, well, this at least makes his job easier.
“heh, whatcha got there, kiddo?” Sans asks, hands shoved into his pockets. Blue’s smile grows impossibly wider. If he had skin it would probably tear with just how much force he is putting into showing his happiness.
“Close your eyes~” Blue commands.
“Now may not be the best ti-” Edge starts, abruptly cut off by Sans elbowing him in the shin. Papyrus already has his eyes shut, and Sans waits only long enough to ensure Edge’s cooperation.
“No peeking~” Blue says, voice laced with excitement. Sans can’t help the small grin that plasters itself over his face. The kiddo is just so contagious. There is a soft shuffling of fabric from in front of them, and something is unzipped as Blue places the contents of the bag down on the table in front of them.
“Ta-da!!” Blue shouts. Sans winces at the sheer volume of the noise. “You can open your eyes now!!”
Sans opens a socket to take a look at what Blue has decided to get so worked up over. Part of him is honestly expecting nothing - that he’s created some new delusion in his mind to instantly remedy the situation. But once again, the kiddo manages to surprise him.
“heh... where’d ya get that ?” Sans asks, hands in his pocket as he steps forward to observe the grey, book-shaped box that has been set up on the dining table. Even at first glance there is no mistaking what this is; a portable DVD player. Sans hasn’t owned one of those since they were in the Underground, and even then it was way back when he was a babybones. He opens the lid with a finger, looking at the screen inside. It isn’t much bigger than his hand-and-wrist, but it looks to be in perfectly good condition. He wonders if it still works…
“It’s mine,” Blue says proudly. “I carry it with me on the way to work. The buses run so slow, so I like to watch a movie on the way.” Sans snorts; that’s genius. Papyrus has bent over to look at the device, examining it with mild intrigue.
“Well that is very nice,” Edge says shortly. “But what I would like to know is why you chose now to bring on this impromptu show-and-tell.” He snarks. Sans rolls his eyes - jeez, what a wet blanket.
“Well, Red and I decided that it is time for us to have a movie night!” Blue says. The three skeletons stand up straight, looking between each other. Movie night?? Now? Blue smiles, crossing his arms. “I know that everyone is a bit stressed out because of the storm, so since there isn’t any way we can change the weather, we might as well take this time to relax and have some fun!”
Sans blinks, tapping his chin. That… isn’t a half bad idea actually. It’s not like sitting around and worrying about if-or-when the zombies will crawl back into their hiding spots is doing anyone any good. They have the extra electricity from charging in the sun all day; and if the three of them continue to stay this high strung it isn’t the hoard outside the party will have to worry about killing them all…
Edge looks less convinced, scowling at the device. “That has got to be the single dumbest idea I’ve ever-”
“heh i’m in.” Sans says with a shrug.
Both Papyrus and Edge look to him curiously
“Sans, are you feeling alright?” Papyrus asks, sounding worried. His hand comes down on Sans’ forehead. “You aren’t developing a fever, are you??”
“nah bro,” He chuckles, shaking his brother’s hand off of him. “i think it’s a good idea; our batteries are full and they’re just gonna keep chargin’ t’day since we won’t be doin’ much. i say we should just relax and take the day off.”
Papyrus doesn’t seem entirely convinced Sans is entirely sane, though apparently the idea of a movie night speaks to him as well, and he lets up. “Well, it does sound fun…” He says, a smile slowly writing it’s way onto his face.”
Edge is less convinced, looking between the two as if they had just suggested they jump out and try to make friends with the hoard surround them.
“it’s not doing nothing,” Sans corrects. “it’s a mental health day, for our health.” He closes the dvd player, flipping it over to check just how many watts it uses for his notebook. “if we stay cooped up in here worrying any longer we’re gonna end up killing each other or ourselves; the kiddo’s got the right idea.”
Blue squeals in pure delight. Hands curling little balls at his chest. “THIS IS SO AWESOME!! MWEHEHE… WE’RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!” He reaches into his bag, practically dumping out about half a dozen DVDs.  “I don’t have too many with me - if I had known we’d be gone this long I would have packed a few more…” He says, already going through and picking out favorites.
Sans chuckles, strolling across the room to one of the shelves.
“oh, i wouldn’t be too worried about running out of choices,” He says with a wink, opening up the doors of the storage space to reveal his and Papyrus’ collection. Practically every movie they’ve ever seen is in here, and several that they haven’t, all organized by genre and director. He turns around, delighted to see Blue’s awestruck face as he pursues the titles.
“now, what kinda movies you guys like t’ watch?”
In the end, they settled on five movies; A comedy for sans, an action thriller for Edge, a superhero film for Papyrus, a mystery for Blue, and a cartoon for Red. They drew straws to decide who goes first, all agreeing that Sans should get first pick of times since he’s done so much for them all. Blue and Red end up in the kitchen making popcorn while the other three set up the living room, finishing their chores down with twice the gusto.
An air of excitement seems to have come over the entire camper. It seems that for the first time since Blue arrived everyone is in anticipation for something; even Edge, despite his constant grumbles about how stupid this all is, seems to be just a little lighter in his steps as he goes through his routine.
By the time midday rolls around everyone is sitting in the living room, waiting. The spare duvet from the master bedroom has been pulled and laid out in the middle of the room, Papyrus and Edge sprawled out as Sans selects his dvd. Blue has finally finished popping the popcorn he found under the sink, pouring out the warm treat into bowls. He keeps the kettle ready for another batch, certain that there will be more need to be made by the time the day is through.
Blue hops up onto the couch with Sans and Red, offering up the bowls to everyone who wants one; which is everyone. Even Edge takes some popcorn, eating it slowly and savoring every bite. Papyrus is much less conservative with his, taking entire fistfuls at a time and dropping bits onto the mat which are promptly scooped up and fed to Doomfanger. Blue doesn’t actually see Sans eat any of his popcorn, but every so often when Blue looks over a little more has disappeared.
The movie is more to Sans and Red’s taste than anyone else's, but it gets a chuckle out of Blue. Sans, on the other hand, just about busts a rib with every line. Red lets out a constant stream of chuckles, drowning out the dialogue half the time. Blue acts as the runner, going between the living room and the kitchen to retrieve drinks and refresh popcorn. By the time the credits roll on the first movie everyone seems relaxed. Blue comes back from getting another round of snacks to find Papyrus leaned back into the couch with Sans draped over the armrest so the two are almost completely side by side. Red has his feet propped up by Sans’ head, looking halfway to sleep - a sign of relaxation for him. Even Edge looks less… well, on edge. He sits with his spine straight, Doomfanger in his lap. His facebones are no longer scrunched up, his shoulders hung relaxed at his side. Blue smiles at him, feeling his soul warm.
Edge glances over at Blue, face suddenly dusting with a light blush as he looks away, hands clenched.  “I still say this is a waste of time and electricity.” He snips, arms coming up to cross over his chest. Blue rolls his eyes.
“Would you like the orange juice, or apple?” Blue asks, holding out the cups in his hands. Edge refuses to look at him as he snatches the apple juice from him. Doomfanger rubs her head into his shirt and he lets a hand down to pet her coat.
“i think boss ha’ next selection, right?” Red says from the couch. Blue nods.
“Yeah, he does!” He says, turning back to the gruff skeleton. “Which one was yours again?”
“Midnight Blaze Racer Four,” He mutters, squirming in his seat.
“Aw, but we haven’t seen the first three??” Papyrus says, sounding just a tad disappointed. “How will we be able to follow the plot?”
“heh... yeah… ‘plot’...” Sans says from his spot on the couch, physically drawing the air quotes with his fingers. Edge turns, throwing a bit of popcorn back at Sans, bouncing off his head with a satisfying thunk . Sans chuckles.
“You will be able to pick up on main story,” Edge assures Papyrus. “Besides, this is the fourth installment, but it actually takes place before the first movie but just a bit after the third-and-a-half, which was a prequel telling the story how Blaze’s mother ended up going from a rich girl from southern california to wanted intergalactic crime fighter.” He is already loading up the DVD and skipping through the commercials for ‘soon-to-be-released’ movies that came out almost a decade ago. “But you don’t need to know any of that because when this movie came out the plot for the next hadn’t even been written yet. This is just the best movie in the franchize, so we are skipping all the garbage that came out with the extension and sticking to the original cannon.”
“...Well now I’m even more confused than when we started!!”
“shhh, just watch the movie bro.”
Blue ends up spending this move squished between Sans and Red, the two of them falling in and out of naps as the spectacle on the tiny screen plays out before them. Honestly, Blue has no idea what is going on, and he has a sneaking feeling that even if he’d seen all the previous movies he would still be lost. This time the movies takes about twice as long as it’s runtime due to Edge pausing it at random intervals to explain some plotpoint from another movie in the franchise, then again seconds later to answer follow up questions posed by a very befuddled Papyrus.
By the time that movie ends the group is very much ready for Papyrus’ much simpler, logical movie about an orphan bit by a genetically engineered snake, gaining the power of super speed and strength and chooses to fight the forces of evil. It doesn’t have to make sense in the real world - it just has to flow logically on its own. Which it does, somewhat. At times…
Papyrus is on the edge of his seat the entire time, and even Blue gets excited, cheering along Snake Lad as he takes on Sir Mongoose and saves Lady Lana, warrior super spy princess, from his evil clutches. Sans seems to get his enjoyment from the flick by pointing out every time the movie tries to do science and exactly why it is wrong, while Red just makes lousy puns on just about everyone and everything there. Edge pretends to ignore it, claiming the effects are too cheesy for him to get involved - but every once in awhile Blue thinks he sees genuine enjoyment on Edge’s face.
Finally it is Blue’s turn! Sans only had a single mystery movie that Blue hasn’t gotten to see yet; it’s an old one in black-and-white. It has a very unique pacing and tone to it, something that Blue can appreciate. Sans and Blue keep a long discussion going on about film techniques and cinematography. Papyrus and Edge seem bored, while Red straight up falls asleep during the first act, though the action scenes at least get some response out of the others.
During the final confrontation where the murderer is revealed Blue notices something. He steps forward, pressing pause on the player and he listens.
“Do you guys hear that?” He asks, quickly getting the attention of the other occupants of the room. They all sit up, listening closely for any sign of disturbance, sharing a look of mild fear.
“Hear what, Blue-Sans?” Papyrus asks with a frown. “I don’t hear anything…”
Sans’ eyes widen as he practically throws himself off the couch, bare bones clacking against the floor as he prances over to the window. He stands on his toes to look out. “...they’re gone……” he mutters, almost too quiet for anyone to hear. Edge and Papyrus share a look of disbelief as Blue smiles.
“See? The storm is over now, and you guys didn’t even notice!” Blue chirps. The others look between each other, seeming blown away by the fact that they could have forgotten about their current situation. Blue rolls his eyes, ejecting the DVD before going to the cabinet to select a new one.
“what’s up kiddo - movie borin’ ya?” Sans asks, going back to lay out on the couch.
“It’s getting late, and I wanna see Red’s movie before we go to bed!” Blue announces, pulling out the DVD Red had anted in. The skeleton chuckles from the couch.
“aw, yer sweet, kid,” Red says, setting his head on his hands.
Edge stands as the movie loads up, taking the empty bowls of popcorn back into the kitchen. Blue frowns, watching his friend leave the room with a deep heaviness in his soul. “...Are you not going to watch the movie with us?” Blue asks, downtrodden.
“No,” Edge replies, scrubbing the bowls harshly with a dry sponge. He growls softly as Blue watches, scrubbing with extra gusto. Blue would like to think that it is just because he is trying to get off the extra butter… but... Blue glances back at Red, looking apologetic. The bags under Red’s eyes seem deeper than normal as he waves a hand.
“don’ sweat it, kid,” He says, a hint of something deeply troubling in his voice. “boss is… complicated…” He leans back into the couch, arms folded over his chest. “let’s just watch the flick…“
Blue isn’t entirely satisfied with that resolution; nevertheless he slots the dvd into the player and presses play, sinking back into relaxation as the cheerful sound of violin music fills the room. Almost as soon as the actual movie starts Edge seems to be satisfied with the dishes, immediately climbing the ladder to his bunk and flinging shut the curtain with a loud grumble. Sans and Papyrus relax some, politely asking that they unfold their bed so that they too can lay down. By now it’s pretty late, after all; they spent the entire day watching movies.
Blue starts to feel sleepy as well, rubbing his eye as the movie splashes bright colors against the dark walls. He moves closer to the DVD player on the table, setting him and Red up at the foot of the brother’s bed. He curls up in the comforter with Red, rubbing his eyes.
“heh, kiddo… ya should probably get t’ sleep yerself,” Sans says from utop the bed, propped up on a pillow. “ya look bone tired.” He chuckles. Papyrus grumbles in his sleep, mumbling something that sounds suspiciously like ‘overused joke’.
“I wanna stay up with Red, though,” Blue says, flighting back a yawn. His head bobs without him meaning too, floating town to rest on his hands. “Everyone else got to watch their movie with friends…”
“heh, i think red’s already asleep kiddo…” Sans says from utop the bed. Blue blinks, looking back to his friend lying next to him. Sure enough, soft snores come from the snoozing skeleton. Blue chuckles, curling up in the blankets.
“What a lazy bones...” He mutters sleepily, petting Red’s skull. A soft purr builds in the other’s throat as he nuzzles into the touch. Blue is tempted to just sleep here on the ground; but that would just be too lazy for his tastes. Slowly he rises to his feet, nudging Red awake as he bundles up their covers. He turns off the DVD player and ejects the disk, making sure that all of the DVDs make it back to the correct case and spot in the cabinet before heading off towards his bedroom.
“Goodnight Sans!” Blue says, following the sleepy Red into the bedroom. “Goodnight, Papyrus…”
“g’night, kiddo…” Just before Blue can shut the door Sans continues. “hey, uh… blue?”
Blue pauses, looking back out into the room. It is dark, the only light coming from the everpresent glow of the outside lamps. Sans’ silhouette would look ominous in any other context, but to Blue it is relieving. Sans’ posture is relaxed, slouched against the back of the couch-bed. Blue can practically hear the other’s calm soul-beat from here.
“i wanned t’ thank ya,” Sans says, contentedness filling the air. “fer t’night…“
Blue feels his cheeks warm, his soul aching in a way he can’t quite place. The smile on his face can’t be seen in the dim light of the RV, but Blue has a sneaking suspicion that Sans knows it’s there.
“Mweh… no problem, Friend! I’m glad everyone had fun...” Blue says quietly, slipping into the room. “Goodnight.”
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Episode Fourteen: Date Night at the Library
[podcast music]
P: Well that’s why you’re a damn fool, Sammy.
S: Pete, I thought you weren’t listening to King Falls AM ever again?
P: Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you. Nobody keeping you on the straight and narrow, you roughed up rascal. I’ve got just the mind to stop.
S: Of course you do, Pete.
P: Don’t push me, ‘cause I’m close to the eeeeeedge.
S: Okay, you know what, the hotline is ringing, Pete, I gotta let you go buddy.
P: Say what? I’m done? Are you kidding me? I’m f***ing destroying your Yelp page, alright? I got homies on Yahoo Answers that are gonna hear about this, it’s gonna go straight down the grapevine, and you’re going-*hang up noise*
S: Hey Ben?
B: Hey Sammy! This is weird, huh?
S: For those of you just joining us, local King Falls apparition expert and our beloved co host Ben Arnold-
B: Oh, stop.
S: -is not in the station with me this evening, but is actually conducting an on site interview-
B: And investigation, don’t forget that part, Sammy.
S: -and investigation, with Dan and Larry of the TV show Mission Apparition, down at the King Falls Public Library. Y’know, Ben, of all the weird kooky places that are…’haunted’, why did you pick-
B: Dude, they just pulled in with their fancy van right before I called? *laughing* I think they're bringing out the  goofy goggles and some proton packs. Who you gonna call?
Emily: *In the background* Ghostbusters!
S: Oh. Emily Potter. Y'know, I didn’t expect you here.
B: Duh! How else was I gonna get in the library for this? I don’t think old Mrs. Kilpatrick was gonna come let us in. Jeez.
S: I was being sarcastic, Ben. Maybe you didn’t notice because you were blinded by lo-
B: Don’t.
S: So you've been at the library all evening long with Emily, while I’ve been here scrambling by myself in studio?
B: You know I had to set up for the interview. There’s a lot of work that goes into this. Y’know how hard it is to set up a remote? *scoffing laughter* This has not been all horseplay.
S: Just some horseplay.
B: Not a lick, I mean, none. Y’know how serious I am about prep.
S: You’re right.
E: Hi Sammy.
S: Hi Emily.
E: Did you tell him that joke you told me Benny? Tell it to Sammy.
B: I stand by my previous statement.
S: Of course you do.
*knocking in the background*
B: Oh! They’re here! *humming the ghostbusters theme*
E: I’ll go let them in.
B: *still humming* Ghostbusters!
*door opening and closing*
S, with Ben still humming in the background: Folks, maybe you're thinking my esteemed colleague has just been down at the closed library with the girl he lov-
B: Sammy! Can we just do this later?
S: Only if you tell me that joke, Ben.
B: Huh. Uh huh. Hey! I’m Ben, with King Falls AM, thanks for coming.
Larry: What up, Ben. I’m Larry, and this is my partner Dan, and together we are-
Larry and Dan together: Mission Apparition!
B: That. Is, a very synchronized introduction, guys.
Dan: Thanks, Ben. Sooooo...this is the King Falls Public Library, huh? Very nice.
L: Creepy, man!
E: Hi, I’m Emily Potter. I’m the head librarian here. Thank you so much for coming to check the place out! It’s...been a trying few months, with the uh, the spirits we have here at odds with one another.
D: Not a problem at all. Anything to ease the minds of the dearly departed.
B: Jeez. Us! Jesus. You guys should do a Jerusalem episode.
D: Y’know, the ratings said yes, but then homeland security actually said no. You can thank Larry and a funky batch of Ayahuasca for that.
L: Maybe in 3-5.
S: As Ben said, thank you guys so much for joining us live here on King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the AM dial. It’s a pleasure to have you on tonight.
D: *clearing throat* Uh, is this Sammy Stevens?
S: That it is. Y’know we-
D: Y’know I notice that you aren't here live after your big email writing skills, Sammy. You afraid of what we’ll find tonight? Or of looking Mission Apparition in the eyes after your disparaging remarks?
S: *clears throat* Okay, you know that, actually wasn’t-
B: *very deliberately clearing his throat*
S: Yes. Let’s go with that, either one of them.
B: Thanksm Sammy.
L: I’ve got the gear Dan. Where, where do we start?
B: Oh we can head over to the-
D: Listen to the lovely Miss Emily, we are indeed guests in your den of enlightenment.
B: *sighing*
E: Ben has an interview area set up, right over here. Maybe we should start there first, Ben?
B: That’d be-
D: That’d be terrific, Emily. After you.
B: *scoffing* Did you guys find us alright? Tonight?
L: Man, you wouldn’t believe it. We got awful lost coming up the mountain, I mean, turned around for something stupid like twenty? Twenty five minutes?
D: That’s right, GPS right? I mean, sometimes you can’t trust technology to steer you straight. You just have to navigate, with your heart. Isn’t that right, Emily?
B: But maybe if you steer with your heart too much, it will lead you to that weird shaman from Temple of Doom and you lose your heart.
S: What Ben was trying to say was, uh Sweetzer Forest, that’s where you guys were, right?
L: Hell yeah it was.
B: Maybe if you did your homework, you’d know it’s another one of those spirits here in King Falls. General Abilene, back in-
D: Oh, that makes sense. He leads travelers away from the bloodiest massacre in King Falls history.
E: That's right, Dan. You really studied up.
B: Yeah. Dan. Good job. Really. So good.
S: You know what, everybody, just to keep us on schedule, I think we’re gonna take a real quick break, you guys can get settled in, and after the break then we’ll take some calls.
L: Looking forward to it bros! And, and broette.
S: Ladies and gents, we’ll be right back after this message from our sponsor.
Rich McGuff: Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books isn’t your normal neighborhood bookstore. Think of it more as rustic but magical menagerie of information. Sweet, succulent, knowledge. Knowledge that can only be found in a first edition leather bound book. I know what you’re thinking, there’s second edition books. Third edition books. Hell, there’s even fourth edition books. But come on, at that point you’re basically reading hieroglyphics, etched into petrified road apples. First edition leather bound books are where it’s at. There’s nothing better in the world than feeling the leather luxury, the spine of a first edition book, can provide in your silky soft hands. And there’s no better place to find the book you need, dare I say desire? Than Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books. From Dr. Seuss to Dr. Love, we’ve got you covered. Pun intended. Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books, because you f***ing deserve it.
[KFAM music]
S: You're back with Sammy and Ben, and we’ve got a special treat for you tonight. Our very own Ben Arnold is with Emily Potter at the King Falls Public Library, interviewing Dan and Larry, from the astoundingly popular hit tv show, Mission Apparition.
D: Sunday nights at 8, on spook tv, channel 13.
S: Dan. Larry. Now, you gentlemen have one of the top TV programs in the nation, and I venture to say that you’ve seen probably about everything one could imagine. What would you say is the craziest thing you’ve seen?
L: Ooh, Sammy, this one time, up in Cougarneck-
D: You know, we….don’t ever say that things are crazy in our line of work, Sammy. We’re dealing with souls that don’t know where they are, or why they’re here. Astral projections trapped in a physical world. Lost. scared. Crazy is not part of the equation.
B: So on your show,
Dan and Larry: Mission Apparition.
B: Right! Uh, well the show oddly gets massive ratings, there are uh a lot of detractors, critics, and viewers saying there isn’t really any science behind your work, and that basically you guys are just, well, uh, shysters.
D: Oh, yeah, right, shysters, like old Sammy up in the studio. Right?
S: Y’know, I didn’t really write-
B: Sammy. Let the guest answer. Please.
L: The show speaks for itself, y’know Ben? Dan and I, share a love for the paranormal world and, we just wanna know the how and the why of these lost souls and do what we can to get them back to where they belong.
D: Larry. You eloquent son of a b****. I just teared a little in my tear hole.
E: Aww. I love that you two take your job so seriously.
B: *frustrated noise*
S: Would you guys be cool with taking some phone calls?
D: We would absolutely love speaking with our fans. Bring it on, Benedict Samuel.
B: Sorry, Sammy.
S: Uh huh.
B: Give us a call here, folks, and speak with world renown paranormal experts *laughing* sorry, Dan and Larry, from Mission Apparition. 424-279-3858
S: Or you can tweet us @kingfallsam and we’ll pass on your questions and comments.
D: What’s that perfume you’re wearing, Emily? It exquisite.
E: Oh, do you like it, it’s Clinique-
B: Expensive! Someone who must really care for her must have gotten that for her birthday, after she said “hey, that’s too much for a bottle of perfume, Ben”, but then they did it anyway, because she means that much and more to them.
D: It’s nice.
B: Yeah! Oh, it’s nice!
S: Okay. So, the phone lines are lighting up, let's give lucky line one a try, good evening, you’re on with Mission Apparition.
Doyle: Oh yeah, baby, I’m just loving the show boys. All them spooks.
Multiple: Apparitions.
S: And who’re we speaking with?
DB: This is Doyle, Doyle Bevins. How you doing Sammy?
S: Real well, Doyle.
DB: How y’all doing this evening, Mission Apparition ?
D: Doing just fine, sir. Do you have a question for us?
DB: You better believe it. So I live up the street, in old Hollybrook.
L: We aren’t from here, so I’m not exactly sure where Hollybrook-
Db: Hey. Hey. hey. Can I finish Larry? Can I finish?
S: Lets stay on topic, Doyle. So do you have a question for the team?
DB: Ten four, Shotgun. So I got this apartment up the ways, right?
D: We’re following, Doyle
DB: Well sometimes, late at night, I get this real hungry feeling all rumbling around in my tummy, even though I already ate, right? So I go preheat my little toaster oven-
B: Doyle. Come on, man.
DB: And whoopadopa! That thing’ll snap right shut up on me, just a growling like grrrrmrmmmrrrr and it won’t open up for the life of me. Just got my hot pocket stuck in there like it’s in the toast oven purgatory, fellas.
S: Is it the crazies-
DB: Craziest thing you ever saw, boys.
B: Can we take another caller Sammy?
D: Excuse me, it was Doyle, correct?
DB: You got it, bossman.
D: Are you saying that your toaster is experiencing a haunting?
DB: Don’t you know it.
D: Y’know, Doyle, it it’s not uncommon in our line of work to see this. When you look at the toaster oven, how does that make you feel?
DB: It just makes me sad, bro. Trapping up like that. I just wanna work with it, make some goodies. Teamwork, universal harmony, bros.
D: Next time one of these late night experiences happen, look at it. I mean, I mean really look at the toaster and say these simple words. “I forgive you. You can go home”
DB: That is heartbreaking Danny boy.
D: I believe you’re gonna see a world of difference.
*hang up noise*
S: Thanks for the call, Doyle.
B: Maybe if anyone has any other, um, I don’t know, real things? That happen with spirits, give us a call.
D: Don’t downplay Ben, you can’t be too careful. You should be thankful it’s not your toaster that we’re talking about.
S: Line four, you’re on King Falls AM.
Troy, unenthusiastically: Hey Sammy. Ben. Emily. Dan. Larry.
S: Hey Troy, how ya holding up, buddy?
T: I’m okay. Just wanted to call in and tell Dan and Larry I’m a big fan.
B: You off duty, Troy?
T: Yeah, Ben, I’m off duty.
B: I was asking because, I’m worried about what the mayor said, not, to rub your nose in it, man.
T: I’m sorry Ben, I’m just touchy like my great uncle Herb.
S: We’re really sorry about the mess we’ve put you in, Troy.
T: Shucks, it ain’t nothing on you fellas. I just need to be more responsible with my time while I’m an officer of the law. Says Sheriff Gunderson and newly introduced municipal code 4.02.051.
S: You know what, we’ll talk real soon, Troy. We do have Dan and Larry here, if you’d like to-
T: Just a big fan of you, boys. Mission Apparition is can’t miss in the Kriegshauser household.
D: And we appreciate it, deputy.
L: Yeah man, thanks for watching the show.
T: Keep on doing good work, guys. Sammy. Ben. I’ll talk at you soon.
B: Bye Troy.
T: Bye, Ben.
*hang up noise*
S: Thanks for the call, Troy. Take care. Line ten, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Greg: Hey Sammy, it’s Greg Frickard.
S: Hey Greg, nice hearing from you. Are you a big fan of Dan and Larry’s show?
G: Yeah...not really, no. Granny doesn’t like the jump scares at her age, so I don’t get a lot of time to watch the old boob tube to myself. I was actually calling to see if I could speak to Emily? If that’s okay?
B: We, we, uhh, we’ve got a bad connection, Sammy, you’re, you’re, you’re breaking up, I can’t hardly-
E: I’m here! How’re you doing, Greg?
B: Are you serious, Greg?
G: Well, heyyyy, hi Emily, I’m a big fan of your work.
D: Um, sir? Are you talking to Emily, or are you talking to Mission Apparition?
G: I’m speaking to Miss Potter, slimer. Do you mind?
B: Can he please stay on topic, or go to another call, Sammy?
E: Ben...it’s alright. Did you say you were a big fan?
G: Oh yeah! I really think you’re doing some amazing things. *stammering* Down at the library. Uh, the reference sections reshelving? Really kind of makes the back area of the second floor pop.
E: You think so? I didn’t think anybody noticed.
G: Oh. I noticed. It’s really nice. You’ve got a great eye.
S: Greg. We appreciate you calling in, but the Mission Apparition guys are about to do a little investigation down at the library themselves.
B: And not the ‘hiding behind the Encyclopedia Britannica’ kind, Greg.
G: Oh, sure thing Sammy. Can you just give me one second?
B: Lets cut it off, Sam?
S: Umm...sure.
E: What’s on your mind, Greg?
G: Emily. I’ve been studying you from afar for, well, longer than I’d like to admit.
E: Oh. Okay. Thank you?
B: *clearing his throat?*
G: And I know you’re pretty good friends with Ben there, but, I’ll be honest, I’d really like the chance to court you myself. Ben said you two were only pals…
E: You know, Greg, you sound like a really nice guy, and I’ve actually been down to Granny Frickards-
G: Oh, man, that’s, wow, I’m happy to hear that. And I am a nice guy!
D: Guys, I am, I’m so sorry to break up the love fest that’s happening here, *Ben choking in the background* is Ben okay?
G: Look, I’m just putting it all out there, Emily. And I don’t need an answer now, but I just think you’re the most beautiful thing in all of King Falls. And I would regret it for all of my days, if I didn’t do my darndest to tell you how I feel.
E: Oh...wow...uh, I, that’s...really sweet, Greg. I think maybe that’s something we can- *crashing, Emily gasping*
L: It’s got him! Holy s***! *Ben choking* It’s got him!
E: *gasp* Oh my god! Ben!
S: What’s going on? Is everything okay, guys? Ben?
g: You tell me, Sammy, sheesh. A man staples his heart to his to his sleeve-
B: Oh god!
G: -and all I hear about is-
S: Greg, we’re gonna have to talk to you later. We’ve got a situation, it seems.
G: I love you Emily!
*hang up noise*
E: Somebody do something! Hang on, Ben!
B: *struggling in the background*
S: Guys, what is going on?
E: Put him down! Right now! I mean it!
D: Yes! Do what she says, you magnificent ethereal being!
L: Sammy, it’s Larry, you gotta call your deputy buddy, it’s getting crazy here! The phantasm, it’s choking Ben!
S: Okay, I’m sorry, what was that again? I thought you said-
L: Some sort of see through figure is choking the hell out of your buddy Ben. Then he picked him up, ten feet in the air, and I can’t watch, it’s too much!
D: You put that man down there this instant, John Wilkes Booth!
S: Okay, did somebody just say John Wilkes Booth?
B: *still choking and struggling in the background* You….racist!
L: He’s, he’s gonna, he’s throwing Ben!
E: Sammy, please call Deputy Troy!
*rushing wind*
L: He got loose, Ben got loose!
B, out of breath: What the f*** is going on here!
S: Ben! Are you okay? What-
B: Larry, get the doors open, we’ve gotta get out of here.
E: Ben? I was so scared, are you okay?
B: I, I’m okay, we’ve gotta get out of the library, s*** is hitting the fan, Sammy, I was pacing back away from the group and that mustachioed son of a b**** grabbed me
S: Ben, please be careful, I just texted Troy, I think he’s heading up there right now. You don’t have to stay on the air, get out of there.
D: Four scores and a five dollar bill, that’s Abraham Lincoln.
S: What?!
L: President A. Lincoln has got a big ass gun, we’ve gotta go, Dan.
B: Emily, stay down. President Lincoln has a ghost gatling gun, man. I think he’s about to blow Boothe to hell and back.
D: Oh s***, yeah, that’s a gatling gun
L: The door’s open, Dan. You gotta get the hell away from there. Move your ass, let's scoot!
D: Larry, Larry, get back here right now! We gotta film this, Larry, grab the camera!
B: Emily, let’s go, Sammy we’ve gotta split, I don’t know how ghost bullets work, but I don’t wanna stick around to find out.
S: Get out of there, Ben, be careful.
D: No no no wait, don’t shoot Mr. President, camera isn’t on yet! Mr. President, we’re on the same page here, this guy shot you, in a theater, you should be angry, you should be furious, this gatling gun should be going when we hit the rolls, you should be going, on the mark, on your mark, no no nonono! Pull back, pull back Mr. President, we aren’t rolling yet, we aren’t rolling, NOOOO!
Abraham Lincoln: John Wilkes Booth, four score and a cap in your ass! *sounds of gunfire*
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fabermemorialrink · 7 years
some mistake, part 5
When exactly is something going to happen in this story, you may ask. Soon, but the pacing will be super weird, I tell you. In other news, to answer a question that I am too dumb to understand how to tumblr-reply to, this story isn’t yet on AO3 because it’s very unfinished, but hopefully someday I’ll get it together! Thanks for reading so far!!
Derek’s first year at Phillips Andover finally draws to an end, and it's as he’s locking his dorm room closed that he takes a deep breath and decides that yes, he's got this. He can make it through the next three years.
Summer passes in a blur of lazy days spent lounging at the Met trying to find inspiration for his summer writing assignment and hot afternoons on the balcony looking out on the city. Derek rides four different airplanes and swims in two different oceans; he visits family down the east coast for the Fourth of July and hits up Chowder in early August to see all the local sights in the Bay Area. Chowder takes him to San Francisco where they walk along the wharf and gawk at fish at the aquarium. He drinks milk tea full of custard and eats enough egg tarts to last a lifetime. They go surfing and Derek manages to trip while underwater, causing Chowder to go into heroic lifeguard mode even as he's shrieking barely censored profanities in alarm. C helps him pick out a tiny orange crab keychain for Dex that Derek wraps protectively under several layers of tissue paper.
Derek returns to New York to hang out with his parents before their schedules de-sync again. Mama takes him to the ballet while the other two are busy. He goes with Mom to Central Park where they eat ice cream and people-watch for an entire day. Dad decides they should try a glassblowing class together while he's not needed for a few blessed days at the company. Derek makes a clear paperweight with a golden-red heart, like a flame suspended in crystal. It's pretty and pointless and it makes him think of Dex, who'd hate to know what Derek's comparing him to. He wonders what Dex is doing for the summer. Is he working somewhere else, or still doing his odd jobs in the forest? Derek can imagine him working in a hardware store half the week and on the docks for the other half, plus baby-sitting duties on top of it all. Dex has never talked about his family, but he seems like he would have siblings. Derek's never asked if Dex is home-schooled, though he suspects it might be the case. Why else would he have so much time to spend in the woods? He figures he'd have learned by now if Dex went to Andover High. Maybe he attends the technical school in town?
There are a lot of things he still doesn't know about his best friend. It's sad, he realizes as he watches sunset dip into twilight over the skyline. He knows little things, like Dex's favorite cookie and that he likes all bugs except mosquitoes, and that he knows how to ask for a glass of water in French and Russian. He knows that Dex is afraid of the undertow in one of the forest's brooks, and that he has a collection of odds and ends that's been bestowed upon him by the forest crows (which Derek maintains is the most YA protagonist shit that he's ever heard of).
But none of the big stuff. Where Dex lives, what his parents do, how many siblings he has. What his hobbies are and what his dream job was when he was a little kid. Whether he's ever broken a bone or his favorite Halloween costume or the first person he gave a real valentine's card to in middle school. Who he is when he's not with Derek. Who he is when he's not in the woods.
Derek doesn't even know Dex's real name.
That's a part of the rules though. Derek knows that, but it doesn't stop him from wanting.
Early at the start of sophomore year, Derek finally takes Chowder into the woods with him. Chowder waffles between being excited to meet Dex after so long and wary of all the rumors that still float around the school.
“Do you think Dex knows about all the ghost stories?” he asks as they trek across the field. “Do you think he’s ever seen a ghost?”
“Even if he has, he probably wouldn’t admit it to me,” Derek says. It seems like the kind of thing Dex would remain tight-lipped about. Dex can talk for hours with Derek about fly fishing and carnivorous plants and the nitrogen cycle, but important subjects like Dex’s birthday and rumored exorcisms have him clamming up before Derek can even think of an objection.
“Maybe he’s shy because he thinks we won’t take him seriously! Nursey, you’ve gotta tell him that I won’t laugh at him. I mean, unless he does something hilarious. He sounds like a funny guy.”
Derek isn’t sure where exactly Chowder got that idea from, but Chowder does have a hidden streak of schadenfreude under his naturally caring personality. He and Dex probably have that in common. Derek’s been chirped enough times by both of them for injuring himself whilst just trying to live his life.
Shit. What if they get along too well? Not that Derek’s jealous or anything. He just doesn’t wanna get ganged up on by these two terrors.
They enter quietly, with Chowder making a suppressed fuss over every cool thing they see. Derek brings him to his hollow tree, where they huddle together trying to listen for ghosts, or birds, or any other sign of life. Nothing appears, as always, so they lie there trying to decide if they should take digital photography or sculpture next year.
“But think of how sick it would be if you woke up and were like, ‘oh I sure would like some wheaties-’”
“C, wheaties, really?”
“ ‘-wow am I glad I can eat out of this mad awesome bowl I made in sculpture with my buddy Chowder!!’” Chowder’s New York accent is so exaggerated it warps into Jersey, Appalachian, and leprechaun by the time he's done.
“Okay, but consider this: you, fifteen years in the future, sitting at your desk coding or some shit. You look to your right, it's to a stunning framed photo of your beautiful spouse and your beautiful kids. You look to your left and see a gorgeous photo of yours truly that you keep on your desk to remind you of what a hella cool idea it was to let me convince you to take photography!”
“Pretty convincing, but why does ‘hella’ always sound so wrong coming from your mouth?” Chowder ponders, which is when Dex pokes his head into the hollow and observes them needling each other about regional slang, Chowder starting to put Derek in a headlock.
“Yeah, I think I'm gonna go,” Dex says blandly, ducking back out as Derek tries to pinch behind Chowder’s knees.
“No, wait, hold up,” Derek gasps out as Chowder lets him slip free. He falls to his knees, about to introduce them to one another when Chowder releases him like deadweight and springs to his feet outside the tree.
Chowder opts for a wave at the same moment that Dex reaches for a handshake, and they wind up swaying their hands around in that dance of indecision, until they settle on some sort of awkward introductory fistbump mush. Derek clears his throat to pretend he isn't laughing. Without further delay, Chowder jumps right into his spiel, full speed ahead.
“Hey, Dex! Nursey’s told me all about you. You can call me Chowder! I know you have these, um, special rules, but I swear I won't break them, so I hope we can be friends too. Not to pressure you or anything! Acquaintances is fine! People in casual acknowledgment of each other, or whatever! It's all good!”
He finishes by tossing up his arms in a mix of declaration - here I am! the famed chowder! - and apology, which Dex watches with a sort of baffled fascination in silence. He looks somewhat overrun, Chowder drops still after his stream of crescendoing words, and Derek has flip-flopped from being afraid they'd like each other too much to being terrified they won't like each other at all.
But Derek’s told Chowder all the rules before, made him promise to remember every single one or Dex would blow his fuse and murder them both, and it pays off, because all Dex does is take a deep breath before meeting Chowder’s greeting with his own slightly flabbergasted one.
“Hey...Chowder. Nursey talks about you all the time. But I didn’t realize you were, uh. So exuberant?” Dex scratches at the base of his skull, watching Chowder like he might solve him if he looks long enough.
“Oh my god, it’s too much, isn’t it? Shit, sorry, I know, I know, I'm way too excited, but like, Nursey’s my closest friend here? I still feel like the ‘new guy’ with everyone else, and you’re his best friend, and I just thought it’d be ‘swawesome if we could also be...something? I should just shut up, sorry-”
“No! No, ch- calm down,” Dex says, biting back the ‘chill’ that Derek is positive he was about to let slip. Derek cackles internally, expressed as a smirk, and Dex glares at him before continuing. “You’re fine. I just don’t hang out with people much. Besides this guy,” he says, jerking a thumb and Derek, and how he manages to make it sound both fond and contemptuous is impossible to understand. “I need to adjust, but it’s not a big deal. You're kind of refreshing.”
Chowder goes from raincloud to solar flare in under a second, beaming at Dex so brightly that the redhead staggers momentarily under his light. “Really? I mean, since you mostly talk to Nursey, and he’s a huge dork-”
“What,” Derek interjects.
“-I mean, I love him and all, but…”
Chowder stops to give him a pointed look, which Dex notices with a stifled laugh, and he claps C on the arm.
“Yeah, I know,” he says, the lines of his frame finally loosening up. “I’m with you on that one.”
Derek eyes them suspiciously. “Yo, are you two just here to slander my name, or-”
“Oh! I brought you a burrito!” Chowder interrupts, swinging his backpack around to present his prized offering to Dex, who accepts it with an unholy gleam in his orange demon eyes.
Chowder had wanted to bring a gift for their “host” because it’s only polite, and Derek has learned by now that Dex, despite being a self-professed unadventurous white American, will eat basically anything Derek offers. Junk food, spicy food, vegan food; “anything but bugs” seems to be the general rule. Regardless of his height and a fair amount of muscle from what Derek can make out under Dex’s loose flannels, Dex’s poor dietary choices can't be doing him any favors.
“Wow, thanks,” he says blankly, trying to absorb the burrito through its foil wrapper with his stare.
“Go ahead; we’re down to chill while you eat,” Derek says, and Dex tears into it, dropping to sit up against the roots of Derek’s tree. He's toting a canvas bag that he dumps in favor of food.
“What's in the bag?” Derek asks.
“Garbage,” Dex replies. “No, seriously, I was picking up litter,” he says when Derek tries to sneak a peek after that unsatisfying answer. True to Dex’s word, there's nothing but wrappers and styrofoam and cigarette butts.
“Whoa, that's great! Nursey says you’re really into nature and science, but I didn't know you were such an environmentalist!” Chowder, squatting next to Dex, bounces on his heels.
“It's not quite like that,” Dex says, words only a little muffled by all the food he’s crammed in. “I'm not planning to study this at college or anything, but- it's just something I do. I take care of the forest.” He scrunches his mouth on one side as he tries to find the words; Chowder waits patiently until he starts explaining. Both of their hands soon join in the conversation as Dex gives Chowder an overview of what he does in the woods all day. Derek watches as they string together movement and sound, orchestrating words with every sweep of their arms. There’s poetry in it, but Derek is content to let the words flow through him without trying to capture them.
He lets them talk without giving much input, happy to sit back and see where things go. Around him, the forest is quiet and light, an island of respite from outside. Conversation between the other two runs easy, a comfortable air already settling around them, and Derek lies down to rest his head on Chowder’s shin. He feels almost completely at ease.
He doesn't realize he's dozed off for a short while until he’s woken by the sound of his name from Dex’s mouth.
“Y’know, I'm, uh- I’m glad Nursey has you at school. He was- I think his first semester was hard for him. But you’re actually normal and nice, unlike all those dyed-in-the-wool old money jackasses. And me, who lives in the fuckin’ woods.” Dex’s voice is wry, but truthful, and Derek studiously keeps his eyes shut so Dex doesn’t stop talking. It feels slightly disingenuous to be listening in like this, but when else will he get the chance to enjoy Dex being the secret sap that he is?
Chowder, perfect as he is, hasn’t moved at all since Derek passed out on his leg. He keeps his legs still, though Derek can feel that his upper body must be moving as he speaks. “No, you're super cool! Living like a book character from one of those outdoorsy survival books like The Hatchet? And you're really nice too!”
“I’m really not,” Dex says around a smile; Derek can tell as much even with his eyes shut.
“Even better, then,” Chowder declares. “It's good to have at least one friend who’s kind of a dick.”
Dex’s laugh slips out, raucous and surprised, and Derek bites his lip to keep from laughing himself. “That's a role I can play,” Dex replies warmly, and for the first time in his life Derek is truly, legitimately glad he came to Andover, if only for the chance to meet these two.
With a loud yawn Derek visibly rouses, stirring on Chowder’s shins. He meets Dex’s upside-down gaze and crosses his eyes even though it makes him dizzy, just to see the way Dex’s mouth twitches as he raises an eyebrow.
“Good nap?” Chowder asks.
“Of course; you're the best pillow I could ask for,” Derek replies, and both his friends snort.
“Don't sugarcoat it, Nursey. I know I'm all bones down there,” C says, nudging Derek with his knee to drive the point home. “Good thing you woke up. I was just about to ask Dex for camping tips! He lives in the woods, you know. Oh, you probably do know - have you seen his house before?”
Derek, stretching his arms wide enough to almost punch Dex in the side, finally lifts himself off Chowder as he tells him, “C, he doesn't actually live in the forest. He just spends like 85% of his time here.”
“Ha, yeah, what he said,” Dex says hurriedly, taking another bite of his burrito. “This is really good; thanks, C,” he mumbles, cramming the rest in and tossing the tin foil ball into his rubbish bag.
Chowder goes supernova when he notices Dex using Derek’s nickname for him, and dives into an extended analysis about the burrito places he's encountered so far in the northeast, and how they can never compare to the ones back home. Dex, used to Derek’s rambling, impassioned treatises about food, flashes him a knowing smile and settles in to listen.
When sunset draws close, Dex walks them to the field. Derek stays behind a minute to dig up a few pieces of trash Dex didn’t notice: glass shards and what looks like a crumpled dryer sheet. Carefully, he wraps the glass pieces so he doesn’t cut himself and jogs to catch up with C, who is saluting Dex goodbye and starting to walk swiftly backwards out from the trees.
“Hey, wait for me,” Derek calls, but Chowder shakes his head, yelling back, “I’m not gonna get stranded in pretzel prison again!” as he hustles across the grass at an alarming rate while waving at Dex.
Derek resists the urge to pull a face, but Dex notices his displeasure anyway, asking, “Pretzel prison? What the heck is that?”
“Team movie night. Coach always buys these unsalted wheat pretzel sticks and someone gets stuck with the responsibility of eating them. Usually it’s last one through the door; C learned this the hard way.” Derek wrinkles his nose, then gets an idea. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to-”
“I’m not going to pretzel prison for you, Nursey.”
“Weak.” Dex bats Derek’s thumbs-down away, his face a ruddy pink. Odd. “Why do you look like a Valentine’s Day candy display?”
“Shut up, that’s why.”
“Ooh, nice burn,” and when Dex just rolls his eyes, Derek decides it’s time for his customer satisfaction survey. “So, um, Chowder’s cool, right? You guys had a lot to talk about.” A flutter of worry lands on his chest at the thought of them somehow hating each other, regardless of any evidence saying otherwise.
“Yeah, he’s really- uh, he’s great. How do you handle it? He’s so...dazzling,” Dex hisses. He looks overwhelmed still, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. He keeps glancing away from Derek to return another little goodbye wave to Chowder, who's shuffled backwards quite a ways on the soccer field, waiting for Derek despite his fear of low-sodium snacks. Dex’s gaze won't hold for long though, and keeps skittering back to rest safely on Derek, who doesn't make him act like a shifty corner dealer. Suspicious.
“Holy shit, you have a crush on Chowder,” Derek accuses when he realizes the truth.
“I don't have a damn crush-”
“Your face is fluorescent pink right now, you liar-”
The color only worsens. “He gave me a hug, okay? I haven't hugged anyone in years, and he's good at it, so sue me.” Dex’s choppy robot arm movements aren't doing him any favors. “And you know I turn red at everything; it doesn't mean anything, Jesus.”
“Years?” Dex's family must not be big on physical affection. “You should've told me. I could hug you.”
“Why the hell would you hug me?”
Derek fixes him with his sternest frown. “You're clearly hug-deprived; it's my duty to fix that.”
“It's really, really not. Stay back, Nursey, don't you come any cl- aaaurgghhh!”
It's unintentional, of course, but when Derek latches on for a hug and unavoidably knocks them to the ground, Dex lands in a painful heap on a cluster of roots and rocks, and he groans miserably into Derek’s shoulder.
“Shh, shh, there there. I'm here now.” Derek uses one hand to pet gently at Dex’s hair; Dex wriggles anemically in his grasp for a moment before sagging into the ground, his face still buried in Derek’s shirt. He’s solid under Derek’s weight, all his sharp corners leaving Derek comfortably uncomfortable.
“Thanks. Now please leave.”
Derek already knows he’s going to be turned down, but he can’t help asking on the off chance that one day Dex decides to accept, so as they walk to the treeline he asks, “You sure you don’t wanna come crash movie night? We’re watching Toy Story 3. It’s supposed to be incredible.”
“They made a third one?” Dex looks pleasantly surprised, but he shakes his head. “You know me; I’ve got wood to chop and fires to extinguish. Maybe next time. Good luck on your math test tomorrow.”
Maybe next time is better than all the other previous rejections. Someday perhaps it’ll become a yes.
“Alright, Smokey Bear. I’ll save you some pretzels.”
By the time Derek catches up with Chowder, Dex has retreated back into the forest, but Derek is left pondering one glaring oddity about his friend that he’s wondered about before.
It’s been over a year, but Derek has never seen Dex cross the treeline before. At the very most, Dex will linger right at the edge of the wood, but Derek has never seen him step foot on the soccer field. That, he could attribute to some kind of superstition, but what he really wants to know is...
Does Dex actually live in the woods somewhere?
His stories - the ones about Bitty the baker and his boyfriend J, about Lards and Cam and April and the party girls - mostly seem to happen in the woods. Could it be that they all reside in some kind of wilderness commune?
Dex talks more about his friends than his family, and Derek would assume that Dex just has a shitty home life, or terrible parents, but the few times he does mention them in passing during vague anecdotes of his childhood, he always sounds fond. Sometimes he seems envious of the good relationship Derek has with his parents, but as if he misses them. Maybe his parents passed, or there's some other complicated situation with his folks, but Derek doesn't know how to ask without making Dex feel trapped and on edge, so he continues to keep his mouth shut and wonder about all the sad possibilities.
Because there are times he wants to ask more, wants to press his luck and tell Dex, hey, you're my best friend and I'm here for you; you can tell me anything. Like when Derek asks why Dex has such strong feelings about the fishing industry, or where he grew up, because sometimes his inflection and the draw of his vowels doesn't quite match any of the Massachusetts accents Derek’s used to.
Or when Dex traces those three letters on his hatchet, KAP, and his eyes go dark and wistful before shuttering when he notices Derek watching.
But Derek is patient, and if he needs to wait a lifetime until Dex is comfortable enough to tell him all his forest-kept secrets and the memories he holds close to his heart, then he will. He will wait until they're both ready.
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jujywrites · 7 years
Bewitched (Promptember 2015)
By this point I’d fallen hopelessly behind on posting a fic every day. But I was still burping rainbows from writing the previous day’s NanoFei fic, so I decided to write a GL ship I hadn’t written before. YumiKuri won and I came up with this AU on the spot. Another one I had a lot of fun with and might revisit someday.
Fandom: Attack On Titan
Pairing: Ymir x Krista (pre-relationship)
Prompt: (from figment daily themes) “There are fairies in my garden!”
or keep reading
“What the hell?”
Ymir had today all planned out. She would collect some sage, some rosemary, make sure her plant family was fed and watered, get more water from that magic pond in the woods, and then she’d spend what time was left studying her intermediate spellbook.
But no. Instead the day had barely started, and something had already thrown off her schedule. Namely…
“Fairies. Why’d it have to be fairies?”
Aside from the usual garden pests such as aphids, slugs and so on, she’d dealt with gnomes before and even pixies. But not once in her life had she needed to deal with fairies. They were entirely different from pixies, and absolutely no one bothered to tell them apart these days. Ymir had only one book that thoroughly described their differences, and it was fifty years old. As far as she knew, their habits and physiology hadn’t changed much, but still.
So there Ymir stood, watching two dozen fairies flit among the flowers, herbs, and berry bushes. She tried to recall if she’d added or changed anything in her garden; nothing came to mind. Were fairies attracted to magic? She had learned a few elemental skills recently…
Heaving a sigh, she went inside to go fetch her wand. When she came back out, what she saw nearly made her drop it. A girl in a white sundress was in her garden, wielding a net and scurrying around after the fairies.
“What the hell?”
“Please forgive me,” the girl said, snagging a pair by the blueberry bush and just missing a pot full of herbs on the upswing. “I didn’t think they’d wander so far from home.”
“Watch the-–” Ymir ran over to catch a tomato knocked from its vine. “Be careful with that damn thing!”
“I’m sorry, miss.”
“First, I’m Ymir, not miss, and second, I–- uh-–”
Several things distracted her from finishing the sentence. The net, larger than it looked, was levitating thanks to the fairies within it. And the girl, not quite reaching Ymir’s shoulder, was swiping blonde hair from her flushed face and looking at her with big, blue, earnestly apologetic eyes.
“It’s fine,” she said, scratching her neck as she looked down at the girl. “You cleaned them all up for me, so…”
A tiny smile appeared on the girl’s face.
Damn it. She’s really cute…
“Um.” Ymir coughed and looked away. “How did you catch them all so fast, anyway?”
“It’s not the first time I’ve had to.” The girl’s smile grew, though tinged with embarrassment. “It is the first time I found them on a witch’s property, though.”
“How did-– oh.” She looked at her hands; tomato in one, wand in the other. “Yeah, well. I wasn’t gonna hurt them, really,” she said, backpedaling. “Thought I could guide them someplace else, maybe. But then you showed up so I didn’t have to do any–- whoa!”
One foot hit the first step to her house, throwing her off balance; she flung her arms out, sending the tomato and wand sailing; she was falling straight back and couldn’t stop–-
But something stopped her. Hands on her shoulder, golden hair tickling her forehead.
“That was close,” the girl sighed into her ear. “Are you okay?”
Ymir was on solid ground, the girl’s hands no longer on her shoulders. She remembered to breathe. “But my wand,” she exclaimed, glancing around.
“Here.” The girl stood before her, wand and tomato in hand.
Ymir took them slowly, eyes wide. “I don’t understand. How…?” Then her jaw dropped, and she pointed over the girls shoulder.
She’s so cute I’ve gone insane.
A pair of gossamer, rainbow-tinged wings fluttered on the girl’s back. “What?” she said, then gasped, hand flying to her mouth. “Oh, no, my wings came out again?” She turned away, hiding her face in her hands. “My aunt is going to kill me. In front of a witch, no less!”
Ymir, still processing, could only stare. The netful of fairies hovered by the girl, its glow dimmed slightly.
“You can… fly. You’re a fricking fairy? You’re a fairy!”
“I’m their queen,” the girl said despairingly, voice muffled.
Ymir crumpled onto the front step, setting the tomato and wand next to her. “Okay. I’ve got a crush on a fairy queen. All right.”
“What…?” The girl looked at her, sniffling.
“Nothing!” Panicked, Ymir grabbed her items and scrambled up. “Listen, come inside for a minute, I gotta put this damn tomato somewhere. Bring your, uh, entourage too.”
Not waiting to be followed, she power-walked into the house, cursing under her breath.
When she reached the kitchen she placed the tomato on the windowsill at the sink, sighing heavily.
“I’m not ready to be a queen.”
She jumped and spin around, bonking her hip on the sink. The girl had come in, talking like she hadn’t stopped. Her wings had disappeared.
“You’re quiet enough to be one,” Ymir said, hand on her chest.
“My sister was next in line, but she fell in love with a human and abdicated the throne.” She sighed. “So I had no choice. But I was still a princess! I was only just learning to keep track of my… cousins.” Her shoulders and head drooped. The fairy net glittered next to her. “And I can barely do that.”
Ymir looked around the room, the girl’s sadness twisting her stomach. Spotting a bowl of strawberries on the counter, she brightened and took one, then stepped over and held it out. The girl raised her head, face quizzical.
“When I’m sad, I like to eat sweet things,” Ymir said. “I just picked these yesterday.”
The girl took the strawberry, giving a watery smile. She took a nibble, then promptly ate the rest, top and all. “Thank you!” she said, swiping at her eyes, her smile strengthening. “That’s delicious. You grow them?”
Ymir nodded, smiling back and gesturing to the bowl. Her chest felt bubbly. “There’s plenty more if you’d like some.” When the girl moved to get another, Ymir held up a hand. “I haven’t gotten your name yet.”
Immediately the girl made a curtsy, dipping her head.“I am Queen Historia of Fae,” she murmured, looking up demurely.
Ymir fell to one knee in a blink.
“O-oh! Please…” Historia moved to her side, guiding a bewildered Ymir up by the arm. “You mustn’t do that. If anything I should bow to you, since I’ve never met a witch.”
“Please don’t,” she said faintly, finding the edge of the counter to grip. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…” She shook her head; her eyes focused on Historia, who was blushing, and she felt her face instantly heat up.
Too cute!!
“Well, I guess I can cross ‘meeting the fairy queen’ off my to-do list for today."
Historia laughed, and Ymir felt like fainting. “I’m glad my cousins ended up where they did. They let me meet you. Although,” Historia scrunched up her forehead in thought, “I do wonder what brought them here. Most Lesser Fairies stay out of witches’ gardens…”
“If you don’t know, then I certainly have no idea,” Ymir said with a shrug.
“Perhaps it’s something to do with the Minor Lake. I was supposed to check on it today.” Historia smiled. “That was before my cousins flew away. Would you like to come with me?”
She moved toward to door while she spoke; Ymir was already following, and the fairy net was following her, she noted with some confusion. “Sure! If you’re sure it’s all right.”
“Of course. My cousins seem to like you already.”
“But what does this Minor Lake have to do with fairies in my garden?” she asked as they walked down the steps and into the woods.
“Sometimes when the lake is disturbed, the fairies go far afield. I can’t imagine what might have caused it this time, though. It’s been calm lately.”
Suddenly the route they were taking looked familiar.Ymir froze, realization sinking in. In those few seconds Historia was far along the path.
Ah, damn.
Taking a deep breath, a nervous smile settling onto her mouth, Ymir hurried to catch up. “Um, I think I might have an idea…”
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Episode 14: Date Night At The Library
(King Falls AM Theme Plays)
Pete: Well that's why you're a damn fool, Sammy!
Sammy: Pete, I thought you weren't listening to King Falls AM ever again.
Pete: Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? No one keeping you on the straight and narrow, you roughed up rascal. I've got just the mind to stop.
Sammy: Of course you do, Pete
Pete: Don't push me cause close I'm close to the edddddge.
Sammy: Okay, the hotline is ringing I gotta let you go, buddy.
Pete: Say what? I'm done? Are you kidding me? I'm f**king destroying your Yelp page, alright? I got homies on yahoo answers that are gonna hear about this. It's gonna go straight down the grape vine and you're going -
Sammy: *hangs up on Pete* Hey, Ben?
Ben: Heyyyy, Sammy. This is weird, huh?
Sammy: For those of you just joining us, local King Falls apparition expert and our beloved co-host Ben Arnold-
Ben: Ohhh, stop.
Sammy: - is not in the station with me this evening, but is actually conducting an on-site interview -
Ben: And investigation! Don't forget that part, Sammy.
Sammy: ...and investigation with Dan and Larry of the TV show Mission Apparition down at the King Fall's public library. You know Ben, of all the weird, kooky places that are "haunted"... why did you pick -
Ben: Dude, they just pulled in with their fancy van right before I called *laughs* I think they're bringing out the goofy googles and some protons packs. Who you gonna call?
Emily: Ghostbusters!
Sammy: Oh. Emily Potter. You know, I didn't expect you here.
Ben: Duh, how else was I gonna get into the library down here? I don't think Ol' Ms. Kilpatrick was gonna come let us in. Geez
Sammy: I was being sarcastic, Ben. Maybe you didn't notice because you were blinded by lo-
Ben: Don't.
Sammy: So you've been down at the library all evening with Emily while I've been here scrambling by myself in the studio?
Ben: You know I had to set up for the interview. There's... a lot of work that goes into this. Do you know how hard it is to set up a remote? Psh, this has not been all horseplay.
Sammy: Just some horseplay?
Ben: Not a lick. I mean none. You know how serious I am about prep.
Sammy: You're right.
Emily: Hi, Sammy!
Sammy: Hi, Emily!
Emily: Did you tell him that joke you told me, Benny? Tell it to Sammy.
Ben: I stand by my previous statement.
Sammy: Of course you do.
*knock on door*
Ben: Ahh! They're here! *hums Ghostbusters theme song*
Emily: I'll go let them in.
Ben: *still humming theme* …Ghostbusters!
Sammy: Folks, maybe you're thinking my esteemed colleague, Ben, has been down at a closed library with the girl he loves for-
Ben: Sammy, can we do this later?
Sammy: Only if you tell me that joke, Ben.
Ben: Uhhh, hey – uh, I'm Ben with Kings Falls AM. Thanks for coming.
Larry: What up, Ben. I'm Larry and this my partner, Dan. And together we are -
Larry and Dan: Mission Apparition!
Ben: That... is... a… very synchronized introduction, guys.
Dan: Thanks, Ben. So... this is the King Falls public library, huh? Very nice.
Larry: Creepy, man!
Emily: Hi! I'm Emily Potter. I'm the head librarian here. Thank you so much for coming to check the place out! It's been a... trying few months with the…. spirits we have here…. at odds with one another.
Dan: Not a problem at all. Anything to ease the mind of the dearly departed.
Ben: Jeez. Us. Jesus. You guys should do a Jerusalem episode.
Dan: You know, the ratings said "yes" but then Homeland Security actually said "no"... you can thank Larry and the funky (???) for that.
Larry: Maybe in 3 to 5!
Sammy: As Ben said, thank you guys so much for joining us here live on Kings Falls AM. That's 660 on the AM dial. It’s a pleasure to have you on tonight.
Dan: *clearing his throat* Is…uh.. is this Sammy Stevens?
Sammy: That it is.
Dan: Yeah you know I noticed you aren’t here live after your big email writing skills, Sammy. You afraid of what we’ll find tonight? Or of looking Mission Apparition in the eyes after your disparaging remarks?
Sammy: You know that actually wasn’t m –
Ben: *clearing throat loudly*
Sammy: Yes…let’s go with that. Either one of them.
Ben: Thanks, Sammy.
Larry:  I’ve got the gear, Dan! Wh-where do we start?
Ben: Oh, we can head over to the –
Dan: Let’s listen to the lovely Miss Emily… we are indeed guests in your den of enlightenment.
Ben: *scoffs*
Emily: Ben has a lovely interview area set up right over here. Maybe we should start there first, Ben?
Ben: That’d be –
Dan: That’d be terrific. Emily, after you.
Ben: *laughs nervously* Did you guys find us alright? Tonight?
Larry: Ben, you wouldn’t believe it! We got awful lost comin up the mountain. I mean, turned around something stupid – like 20-25 minutes? *laughing* GPS, right?
Dan: I mean sometimes you can’t trust technology to steer ya straight. Sometimes you just have to navigate…with your heart. Isn’t that right, heh, Emily?
Ben: Well maybe if you steer with your heart too much it’ll lead you to that weird shaman from Temple of Doom. And… you lose your heart.
Sammy: What Ben was trying to say was, uh- Sweetser Forest- that’s where you guys were, right?
Larry: Hell yeah it was!
Ben: Maybe if you did your homework *laughs condescendingly* you’d know it’s another of the spirits here in King Falls. General Abaline.
Dan: Ah. Huh, that makes sense. He leads travelers away from the bloodiest battle in King Falls history.
Emily: That’s right, Dan! Really studied up.
Ben: Yeah. DAN. Good job. Really. So good.
Sammy: You know what everybody? Just to keep us on schedule, I think we’re gonna take a real quick break. You guys can get settled in and after the break then we’ll take some calls.
Larry: Lookin’ forward to it, bros! And broette…
Sammy: Ladies and gents, we’ll be right back after this message from our sponsor.
 *Soothing piano music* *relaxing mellow Ron Burgundy type voice*
“Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books isn’t your normal neighborhood book store. Figure it more as a rustic but magical menagerie of information. Sweet, succulent knowledge. Knowledge that can only be found in a 1st edition leather bound book. I know what you’re thinking: there’s 2nd edition books, 3rd edition books… hell, there’s even 4th edition books. But come on, at that point you’re basically reading hieroglyphics etched into petrified road apples. 1st edition leather bound books are where it’s at. There’s nothing better in the world than the leather luxury and spine of a 1st edition book can provide, in your silky soft hands.  There’s no better place to find a better book you need - dare I say, desire -  than Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books. From Dr. Suess to Dr. Love, we’ve got you covered. Pun intended. Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books… Because You F*ckin’ Deserve It”
 (Welcome to 660 theme plays)
Sammy: You’re back with Sammy and Ben and we got a special treat for you tonight. Our very own Ben Arnold is with Emily Potter at the King Fall’s Public Library interviewing Dan and Larry from the astounding popular hit TV show Mission Apparition.
Larry: Sunday nights at 8 on Spook TV! Channel 13.
Sammy: Dan, Larry, now, you gentleman have one of the top TV programs in the nation, and I’d venture to say that you’ve seen probably everything one could imagine. What would you say is the craziest thing you’ve seen?
Larry: Ooo, Sammy! This one time up in –
Dan: You know, we don’t ever say that things are “crazy” in our line of work, Sammy. We are dealing with souls that don’t know where they are or why they are here. Astral Projections trapped in a physical world. Lost, scared…crazy is not part of the equation.
Ben: So, on your show –
Larry and Dan: Mission Apparition
Ben: Right. Uh, well, the show oddly gets massive ratings. There’s a lot of detractors -critics - and viewers saying there isn’t really any signs behind your work and that basically you guys are just...well, uh, shysters.
Dan: Oh, yeah, right…shysters. Like ol’ Sammy up in the studio, right?
Sammy: Ya know, I didn’t really write –
Ben: SAMMY. Let the guests answer… please.
Larry: The show speaks for itself, ya know, Ben? Dan and I share love for the paranormal world and we just wanna know about these lost souls and what we can do to get them back where they belong.
Dan: Larry, you eloquent son of a (censored). I just teared a little in my tear hole.
Emily: Aww. I love that you two take your jobs so seriously.
Ben: *clears throat in annoyance*
Sammy: Would you guys be cool taking some phone calls?
Dan: We absolutely love speaking with our fans. Bring it on, Benedict Samuel.
Ben: Sorry, Sammy…
Sammy: Uh-huh…
Ben: Give us a call here, folks. And speak with “world renowned paranormal experts” *chuckles* Um, sorry. Dan and Larry from Mission Apparition. 424-279-3858
Sammy: Or you can tweet us @KingFallsAM and we’ll pass on your questions and comments.
Dan: *whispering* What’s that perfume you’re wearing? It’s exquisite.
Emily: Oh, do you like it? It’s Clin-
Ben: EXPENSIVE. Someone who must really care for her must’ve gotten that for her birthday after she said “Hey, that’s too much for a bottle of perfume, BEN” but they did it anyway because she means that much and MORE to them.
Dan: It’s nice…
Sammy: Okay. So the phone lines are lighting up. Let’s give Lucky Line 1 a try. Good evening you’re on with Mission Apparition.
Caller: Oh yeah, baby, I’m just lovin the show, boys. All them spooks.
Dan and Ben: Apparitions.
Sammy: And who are we speaking with?
Caller: Oh yeah. This is Doyle. Doyle Bevens. How you doin’ Sammy?
Sammy: Real well, Doyle.
Doyle: How y’all doin this evening, Mission Apparition?
Dan: Doing just fine, sir. Do…you have a question for us?
Doyle: You better believe it. So, I live up the street on ol’ Hollybrook-
Larry: We’re not from here… so, I’m not exactly sure where Hollybrook is –
Doyle: Can I finish, Larry? Can I finish?
Sammy: Let’s stay on topic, Doyle. So, do you have a question for the team?
Doyle: 10-4, Shotgun. So, I got this apartment up the ways, right?
Dan: We’re following, Doyle.
Doyle: Sometimes, late at night, I get this real hungry feeling rumbling around in my tummy even though I’ve already eaten, right? So, I go pre-heat my little toaster oven-
Doyle: Then WAPPA-DOPPA! That thing will snap right shut up on me. Just a growling *makes growling noises* and it won’t open up for the life of me. Just got my hot-pocket stuck in there like it’s in a toaster over purgatory, fellas.
Sammy: Is it the craziest th-
Doyle: Craziest thing you ever saw, boys.
Ben…Can we take another caller, Sammy?
Dan: Uh, excuse me – it was Doyle, correct?
Doyle: You got it, boss man.
Dan: Are you saying that your toaster is experiencing a haunting?
Doyle: *chuckles* Oh, don’t you know it.
Dan: You know, Doyle, it’s not uncommon in our line of work to see this. *cheesy sentimental music starts playing* When you look at the toaster oven, how does it make you feel?
Doyle: It makes me sad, brah. Trappin up like that… I just wanna work with it. Make some goodies. Teamwork. Universal harmony, brahs.
Dan: Next time one of these late-night experiences happen, look at it. I mean, really look at the toaster and say these simple words, “I forgive you… you can go home now”
Doyle: That is heart wrentchin’, Danny Boy.
Dan: I believe you’re gonna see a world of difference.
Sammy: Thanks for the call, Doyle.
Ben: If anyone has any other… I don’t know, REAL things that happen with spirits…give us a call.
Dan: Don’t downplay it, Ben. You can’t be too careful. You should be thankful it’s not your toaster.
Sammy: Line 4 you’re on King Falls AM.
Troy: Hey, Sammy. Ben. Emily. Dan. Larry….
Sammy: Hey, Troy… how ya holding up, buddy?
Troy: I’m okay… just wanted to call in and tell Dan and Larry I’m a big fan.
Ben: You off duty, Troy?
Troy: YEAH, BEN. I’m off duty.
Ben: I, uh, was asking because I’m worried about what the mayor said. N-not to rub your nose in it, man.
Troy: I’m sorry, Ben. I…I’m just touchy like my great Uncle Herb.
Sammy: We’re really sorry about the mess we put you in, Troy.
Troy: Shucks, it ain’t nothin’ on you, fellas. I just need to be more responsible with my time while I’m an officer of the law. Says Sherriff Gunderson and newly introduced municipal code 4.02.051.
Sammy: You know what, we’ll talk real soon, Troy. We do have Dan and Larry here if you’d like to –
Troy: Just a big fan of you, boys. Mission Apparition is can’t miss in the Krieghauser household.
Dan: We appreciate it, Deputy.
Larry: Yeah, man. Thanks for watching the show!
Troy: Keep on doin good work, guys. Sammy. Ben. I’ll talk at ya soon.
Ben: Bye, Troy…
Troy: Bye, Ben…
Sammy: Thanks for the call, Troy. Take care. Line 10 you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Greg: Hey, Sammy! It’s Greg Frickard!
Sammy: Hey, Greg. Nice hearing from you. Are you a big fan of Dan and Larry’s show?
Greg: … Yeeeah, uh, not really, no. Granny doesn’t like the jump scares at her age so I don’t get a lot of time to watch the ol’ boob tube to myself. I was actually calling to see if I could speak to Emily? If that’s okay?
Ben: We, uh, w-we got a bad connection. Sammy, you-you’re breaking up I can’t, uh, hardly hear-
Emily: I’m here! How are you doing, Greg?
Ben: You serious, Greg??
Greg: Well, hey! Hi, Emily! I’m a big fan of your work.
Dan: Uh, sir? Are you talking to Emily or Mission Apparition?
Greg: I’m speaking to Miss Potter, slimer. Do you mind?
Ben: *through gritted teeth* Can we please stay on topic or go to another call. Sammy?
Emily: Ben, it’s alright… did you say you were a big fan?
Greg: Oh, yeah! I really think you’re doing some…amazing things. I – uh – down at the library! The, uh, the reference section re-shelving? Really makes the back area of the 2nd floor POP.
Emily: You think so? I didn’t think anybody noticed!
Greg: Oh. Oh I noticed. It’s really nice.
Sammy: Greg, we appreciate you calling in, but the Mission Apparition guys are about to do a little investigation down at the library themselves.
Ben: And not the hiding behind the Encyclopedia Britannica kind, Greg.
Greg: Oh, sure thing, Sammy. Could you just give me one second before you cut me off?  
Sammy: Um, sure.
Emily: What’s on your mind, Greg?
Greg: Emily? I’ve been studying you from afar for… well, longer than I’d like to admit.
Emily: Oh…okay. Thank you?
Ben: *more excessive throat clearing*
Greg: And I know you’re pretty good friends with Ben there, but… I’ll be honest… I’d really like a chance to court you myself. Ben said you two were only pals…
Emily: You know, Greg, you sound like a really nice guy. And I’ve actually been down to Granny Frickards.
Greg: Oh, man… I’m happy to hear that! And I am a nice guy!
Dan: Uh, guys? I’m so sorry to break up the love fest that’s happening here, but is Ben okay?
Ben: *additional angry throat noises*
Greg: I’m just putting it all out there, Emily. And I don’t need an answer now, but I just think you’re the most beautiful thing in all of King Falls, and I would regret it for all of my days if I didn’t do my darndest to tell you how I feel.
Emily: Oh, wow. That’s, uh, really sweet, Greg. I think maybe that’s something we can *strange sudden loud noise* *Emily gasps*
Larry: It’s got him! HOLY (censored) IT’S GOT HIM
*sounds of book shelves rattling*
Ben: *gasping like he’s being strangled*
Emily: OH MY, GOD! BEN!
Sammy: Is everything okay, guys? BEN?!
Greg: You tell me, Sammy – yeesh. A man staples his heart to his sleeve and all I hear about is –
Sammy: GREG! We’re gonna have to talk to you later. We got a situation, it seems.
Greg: *quickly* I LOVE YOU EMILY *line disconnects*
Emily: Somebody help me! Do something!
*sounds of Ben struggling*
Emily: PUT HIM DOWN! Right now! I MEAN IT!
Dan: Yes! Do what she says! You magnificent ethereal being!
Larry: Sammy, it’s Larry. You gotta call your deputy buddy! It’s getting crazy here. That phantom! It’s choking Ben!
*More sounds of Ben struggling*
Sammy: I-okay-I’m sorry. What was that again? I thought I heard-
Larry: Some sort of see-through being is choking your buddy Ben! Then he picked him ten feet in the air and-and I can’t watch! It’s too much!
Dan: You put that man down this instant, John Wilkes Booth!
Sammy: Okay, did somebody just say John Wilkes Booth?!
Ben: *struggling* YOU. RACIST.
Larry: He- he’s gonna throw Ben!
Emily: Sammy! Please call Deputy Troy!
Larry: He got loose! Ben got loose!
*more chaotic sounds - book shelves rattling – fire crackling*
Ben: What the (censored) is going on here?!
Sammy: Ben! Are you okay?! What –
Ben: Larry! Get the doors open! We gotta get out of here!
Emily: Ben? I was so scared… Are you okay?
Ben: I- I’m okay. We gotta get out of the library! (censored) is hitting the fan, Sammy! I was pacing back away from the group and that mustachioed son of a (censored) grabbed me!
Sammy: Ben, please be careful. I just texted Troy. I think he’s heading up there right now. You don’t have to stay on the air! Get out of there!
Dan: 4 scores and a 5 dollar bill, that’s Abraham Lincoln!
Sammy: What?!
Larry: President Abe Lincoln has got a big ass gun! We gotta go, Dan!
Ben: Emily! Stay down! President Lincoln has a-a-a ghost Gatling gun, man! I think he’s about to blow Booth to hell and back!
Larry: Oh (censored) yeah that’s a Gatling gun. The doors open, Dan! You gotta get the hell away from there! MOVE YOUR ASS. LET’S BOOT.
Dan: Larry, get back here right now! We gotta film this! Larry, grab the camera!
*more chaotic noises*
Ben: Emily, let’s go. Sammy, we gotta split. I don’t know how ghost bullets work, but I don’t wanna stick around to find out.
Sammy: Get outta there, Ben! Be careful!
Dan: No, no, no – wait, wait, wait! Don’t shoot, Mr. President! The camera isn’t on yet! Mr. President, we are on the same page here! This guy shot you in a theater- you should be angry! You should be furious! This Gatling gun should be going! On your mark – no, no, no, no, no! Go back! Go back! Mr. President, we aren’t rolling yet, we aren’t rolling! No!!!!!!
President Lincoln: John Wilkes Booth! Four score and a cap in your ass! *sounds of gunfire*
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The Resident | Shawn Mendes Imagine
(a/n): hello there!! I’m back with this imagine, but as I promised and as you’ve requested, famous (y/n), and Hogwarts Shawn will be back soon 😍🙈. OH AND BTW, i’m not a doctor or anything, I just watch Grey’s so forgive me if there are any mistakes <3.
prompt: Aaliyah needs an appendectomy, Shawn is worried, and (y/n) is a surgical resident.
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The ER was way more crowded than usual. 
Your shift had just started and you were exhausted. It was almost midnight, and your prior shift had finished just four hours ago, meaning you had spent your time in the on-call room, and of course one of your interns had decided to almost kill a patient, and your beauty sleep had been interrupted.
It was your turn to cover the ER, and of course some drunk idiots had caused an accident, leaving six people injured and ambulances kept making their way. You sighed as you directed your fellow residents and interns to the different boxes. Attendings were nowhere to be seen, making your existence miserable as  you could hear some patients screaming in pain. You took a quick look to the emergency room and noticed every bed was being attended except for one; you quickly made your way to the bed where a girl was holding her tummy, and a boy who you assumed was her brother or something was beside her with a worried expression. 
The boy seemed relieved when you walked towards them, closed the curtain and took the chart. Aaliyah Mendes.
“Hello, Aaliyah. I’m doctor (y/l/n) and I’ll be taking care of you tonight,” you smiled at her and the boy, who was ridiculously hot. “It says here that your stomach is giving you some trouble?” you asked her and she nodded. “When did the pain start?” you asked her again as tied your hair in a ponytail before washing your hands.
“She complained about it in the morning, but she thought it was going to pass but it only increased during the day, and when we were reaching the hotel she couldn’t even walk anymore.” he answered for her.
“Did you eat something that might have made you feel like this?” you said carefully exposing her stomach before starting to apply some pressure.
“I don’t think so, we ate pizza yesterday and today I ate an apple in the morning, I haven’t been very hungry and I was sure I was going to throw up.” Aaliyah said and the pain was evident in her voice.
You thought you knew the answer to her pain, since all the symptoms matched, but it became apparent when you gently pressed the lower right side of her abdomen and all her muscles contracted as she cried in pain. The boy, who you still assumed was her brother, widened his eyes in worry as he watched his sister, before his eyes quickly found yours, waiting for an explanation to what was going on with Aaliyah.
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry but that’s your appendix.” you sighed as you wrote things down on her chart.
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” she groaned when she recovered from the pain she had gone through a couple of seconds ago.
“I’ll start you on some antibiotics for the pain, I’m going to order a CT scan so we can have a clearer picture and know how to proceed. It doesn’t look like we are facing a rupture, but we still have to be sure. After we have the results we’ll know what to do, and it’s very likely that you’ll require surgery.” you informed and the boy looked like he was going to pass out at any minute.
“Surgery?!” Shawn exclaimed. “God, are you sure?”
“It’s a minor procedure, and the cases where the appendix heals itself are very rare.” you said. “I’m going to bring some papers for you to sign, and I’ll come back soon to drive you to your room, okay?” you smiled at the girl who nodded.
You opened the curtains to leave the box when you felt someone grabbing your arm softly. You turned around, not expecting to see the hot boy in front of you. He was taller than you, but someway it felt like you had some power on him since he looked worried, his eyebrows were furrowed in preoccupation and he couldn’t stop bouncing his leg.
“Hey, I’m Shawn, I’m sorry if I’m interrupting you or something but…” he started nervously, but you gently shook your head.
“It’s okay, I’m here to help.” you said giving him a smile.
“Is my sister going to be okay? I called my parents, they’ll get on the first flight here…” he stopped talking since he noticed your confused expression. “We are from Canada.” 
“Oh, really? Well, you can tell your parents that she’ll be okay, and maybe you can relax a bit, too? We’ll take good care of her.” you assured him and he let out a deep breath.
“I’ll try… It’s just, this isn’t how the trip was supposed to end.” he sighed.
You were used to see worried people by now, but there was something about him that made a smile appear on your face. You softly placed your hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. “I’ll be keeping an eye on her, she’ll be okay. Now, go back with her and I’ll bring some of the paperwork and the antibiotics so she can start feeling a bit better.”
“Some of the paperwork?”
“Yeah, we can save the rest for when your parents get here.” you smiled at him, again. 
“Right, my parents.” he let out a breathy laugh. “Well, thank you so much.”
“It’s nothing.” you said giving him one last smile before turning around.
You checked that your interns hadn’t killed anyone before collecting some papers and antibiotics, you put them in the cart and went back to your patient, who was now dressed in a hospital robe and her legs were covered with a blanket. You greeted the both of them before giving Shawn a few papers and taking your place next to Aaliyah to insert her IV.
“Oh, no please don’t.” Aaliyah said when she saw the IV needle, making her brother laugh.
“Don’t be a wimp, it’s just a needle.” He made fun of his sister, making it obvious that he had relaxed a bit.
“God, Shawn, I’d kill to see you here, crying because you don’t like needles.” she said and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips.
“I know it can be a bit uncomfortable but I promise it’ll make you feel a lot  better.” you told Aaliyah. “Okay, so we’ll wait a few minutes for the antibiotics to start working before taking you to CT, and after the CT we’ll take you to your room, sounds good?” 
“Sounds perfect.” Shawn said and your eyes found his.
“Okay then, I’ll be around so call a nurse if you need me.” you smiled at them one last time before leaving the room.
Aaliyah giggled, making Shawn turn around to look at her with confusion written across his face since she wasn’t supposed to be laughing at all. “Shawn, you totally like her.”
Shawn’s eyes widened. “Me? What are you talking about?!” He said and Aaliyah rolled her eyes.
“You are so obvious.” she rolled her eyes as she felt the antibiotics start making effect.
The CT scans showed what you had already said. Your attending had paid her a quick visit and asked you to schedule her surgery, and the OR was available at 7:00 AM, which was six hours from now, and in the meantime you had a surgery, but you were going to make sure to make time to be in her surgery since you had taken a certain liking to her, and her brother, but you weren’t going to admit that.
Aaliyah was falling asleep on the wheelchair while you guided her through the empty halls. You opened the door to her room and what you saw next made a silly smile appear on your face when you saw Shawn asleep next to the bed on the typical uncomfortable hospital chair. You gently shook Aaliyah to help her get into the bed. She smiled at the sight of her brother, who woke up when he felt the bed shift. He rubbed his eyes and passed his hands through his hair.
“How is she?” He said getting up and helping his sister.
“Appendicitis, yay for me.” Aaliyah’s sleepy voice said.
“Then, what’s next?” Shawn asked you.
“Her surgery is scheduled at 7 in the morning. Someone will be here around 6 to get her prepped and take her to pre-op. You can rest now, she isn’t in pain because of the antibiotics so, we’re good now.” you said writing some things on her chart.
“Are you going to be in her surgery?” Shawn asked.
“Hopefully. I have a surgery now, and since it’s brain surgery it can take some time but I’ll try my best.” you finished with a smile.
“I really hope to see you there.” Aaliyah said. “I like you, you’re very nice and pretty… Right, Shawn?” she teased her brother who turned red.
“I guess that’s the meds talking?” Shawn said letting out a shy laugh.
“Probably.” you laughed. “Sleep tight, I’ll see you soon.”
You smiled at them before walking to the door, and you faintly noticed Shawn nudging his sister who was falling asleep with a sleepy smile on her face. 
You stretched your arms when your pager went off, announcing it was time for your surgery. It was a pretty important surgery, since you were assisting the best neurosurgeon there was, and the patient was an old lady who was one of the sweetest persons you had ever met, and while she had been in the hospital waiting to get her brain tumor removed, you had gotten to know all her family, including her three sons, two daughters, and fifteen grandchildren. 
You scrubbed in and waited for the neurosurgeon to arrive. You checked the new MRI results for one the time but noticed something off, there was something you were sure wasn’t on the first results. You asked a nurse if she could show you the first results. You wanted to smash your head against the wall when you noticed there was a new white spot on her temporal lobe. The first images hadn’t caught it since it was so small, but it had grown and by the shape and location of the tumor, you couldn’t feel very optimistic. 
The neurosurgeon walked inside and you immediately called him. You didn’t even have to tell him what was going on when you heard him swear under his breath when he saw the white spot. 
“How did we miss this, doctor (y/l/n)?” He asked you, clearly frustrated.
“I checked the last MRI results, and the images didn’t show this… Doctor, we have to save her please, she has this beautiful family waiting for her and…” you were going to continue but the neurosurgeon gave you a look.
“I chose you because you are not one to get attached to the patients, was I wrong, doctor (y/l/n)?” he asked you arching an eyebrow.
“No, I’m sorry.” you apologized, though you wanted to punch something. “What’s the plan now?”
“We are going to do the surgery, and we’ll get to take a closer look to the new tumor. Then we’ll decided if it’s safe to remove it or not, but today we are just removing the tumor on the frontal lobe.” 
You sighed and took your place next to the neuro God, as people called him. The only thing in your mind was her family, and you wanted to kick someone because it wasn’t fair. You were almost sure the attending was seeing through you, so you had to clear your thoughts and completely focus on the brain in front of you.
The tumor had been removed successfully, but now it was time to wait for the old woman to wake up and tell her the bad news. You were washing your hands when the neurosurgeon stepped inside the room.
“You are good, and I get that it’s difficult to not get attached. We always get patients who are especial, but we can’t, and you know that, you’re smart.” he said looking at you.
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t even notice it happened.” you said not looking at him.
“Do you think you can come with me to inform the family?” he asked you and you looked up to check the time, and it was 6:30. You wanted to say no, but it was Neuro God himself who was asking you to go with him.
“Of course.” 
The walk to the waiting room was silent, but once you reached it your eyes didn’t immediately focus on the big family who got up from their seats when they noticed you and the neurosurgeon, but your eyes immediately found Shawn’s frame. He was sitting with his face between his hands. You wanted to go over him and talk him down, but now your attention was drawn to the happy tears shed by the family, you wanted to smile but you couldn’t since you knew what was really going on.
You told the family someone was going to inform them when they could see her. Your attending patted your back before turning around and leaving to the restricted area. You noticed Shawn hadn’t changed his position, you sighed and walked towards him, taking the seat next to him.
“Hey, are you okay?” you said placing your hand on his shoulder.
He jumped in surprise. “Doctor (y/l/n)…” he was going to continue but you interrupted him.
“It’s just (y/n).” you offered him a smile.
His lips curved into a shy smile. “(y/n), I thought you were in surgery.” 
“I was, now I’m heading back to the OR to see your sister.” 
“Yeah… She’s going to be okay, right?” he asked you fidgeting with his hands.
“Every surgery has its risks, but even an intern can perform a successful appy… and your sister is tough, so don’t even doubt it.” you squeezed his shoulder and felt him shudder slightly. “I have to get going now, but I’ll come to inform you right after we are done.”
Shawn nodded and gave you a weak smile. “Thank you, for everything. I don’t think we could’ve asked for a better doctor.” 
“Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my job.” you smiled at him one last time before getting up. “See you later, and maybe you can relax a bit?” you arched an eyebrow.
“I’ll try.” he said smiling at you before you turned around and walked to the area where only authorized personnel was admitted.
It felt like no one was going to be able to erase the smile on your face. Even as you walked to the OR where Aaliyah’s surgery was taking place, you couldn’t stop smiling just by thought of her ridiculously cute brother. You scrubbed in and noticed the still hadn’t put her to sleep. A nurse approached you so you could dry your hands and you knelt in next to her face. She looked scared, but she seemed a bit relieved when she saw you.
“(y/n), thank God you’re here! I thought you weren’t coming.” 
“I wasn’t going to leave you,” you stroked her hair over the hair cap she was wearing. “It will be over before you know it.” you winked at her.
“Did you see my brother?” she said and you noticed her breathing picked up some speed since she noticed the anesthesiologist was standing next to her.
“I did, he was worried but he relaxed a bit…” you told her and she nodded slowly. “Okay, now breathe with me, okay?” you started inhaling slowly and she copied your actions. “Good, now start count backwards from ten.” you winked again, and when she opened her mouth to speak you inched your face closer to hers. “You may be a bit high when you wake up.” you whispered in her ear and the smile on her face was the last thing you saw before she inhaled the happy gas.
You were falling asleep while you were washing your hands again. The clock said it was 8:20 in the morning and your were happy that the night was finally over and you were going to be able to get some sleep. You asked your attending if you could inform the family, and she said yes. You rubbed your eyes and placed your light blue scrub cap on your pocket. The waiting room wasn’t very crowded, and you noticed Shawn wasn’t alone anymore, he was accompanied by a man and a woman who you assumed were his parents, because the woman was softly stroking his hair while the man had a hand on his shoulder just like you had before. 
You didn’t have to walk towards them because the second Shawn noticed you, he jumped from his seat and practically ran towards you, and his parents followed him.
“How is she?” he asked and you couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips. 
“The surgery was successful,” you informed and they all sighed in relief. “She’s in post-op right now, and you’ll be able to see her in an hour or so after the anesthesia starts wearing off.”
“Thank you so much. We are their parents, I’m Karen and he is my husband Manny.” the woman said shaking your hand.
“You don’t have to keep worrying, she’ll be fine,” you said. “Oh, just to inform you, she’ll be a bit off because of the medications, so don’t pay attention to whatever she says for the first few hours.” you told them and they chuckled. “I’ll be around, so just ask a nurse to page me if you need anything.” 
“Thank you so much, doctor (y/l/n). Shawn has been telling us how good you’ve taken care of our girl and we can’t thank you enough.” Manny spoke for the first time.
“It’s my job, and your daughter is a very nice girl, and so is Shawn.” you said locking your eyes with his. “I have to get going now, but you can wait for Aaliyah in her room, they’ll take her there soon.” 
You said goodbye and stated walking to the nurses station to write something in Aaliyah’s medical chart when you felt someone grabbing your arm.
“Hey, I’m sorry, again.” he laughed nervously.
“Looks like this is the only way you have to get my attention.” you said and it only took you a few seconds to notice it sounded like you were flirting with him.
“Yeah,” he said and the nervous look was plastered on his face. “I just wanted to thank you, again… I know it might be silly but she’s my sister, and I love her, and i can’t help worrying for her.”
“I get it, and I have to say it’s extremely cute.” you said smiling at his flushed cheeks.
“Really?,” he said arching an eyebrow, and it was your time to blush. “Is it okay if I hug you? Just so you can feel how thankful I am, of course.” 
“That’s fine with me.” you smiled and suddenly felt a pair of strong arms around your back. 
You inhaled his scent and closed your eyes. At this point, you didn’t care if someone was watching you, you just wanted to take in every bit of him your hands could feel. Sadly, you had to let go of him, since you were in the middle of the area. 
“I’ll see you around.” he told you before turning around to go back to his parents.
You bit your lip and continued your way. Shawn walked back to the waiting room where his parents were looking at him with a knowing smile.
“You totally like her.” His mother teased him, making his cheeks turn a deep red color.
“What are you talking about? Now you really lost your mind, mum.” he said on a low voice, earning chuckles from his parents.
You had fallen asleep on the first empty on-call room you found, but of course your beauty sleep had been interrupted by your pager. You were ready to yell at your interns, but when you saw your near attending’s name, you quickly composed yourself and went to find him. He was waiting for you outside last night’s patient, and you knew what was coming.
“Morning, Doctor (y/l/n). Did you sleep well?” he asked with a grin on his face. At first you didn’t understand, but when he pointed his hair you knew why. Your eyes widened and you quickly tied your hair into a ponytail.
“I’m sorry.” you apologized.
“It’s okay. You know why we are here, right?” he asked and you nodded. “Good, let’s go.” he knocked the door before stepping inside.
The whole family greeted you with huge smiles on their faces and you couldn’t help it but feel terrible. Annie, the name of the patient, had her usual smile decorating her face. 
“Annie, yesterday we were able to successfully remove the tumor affecting your frontal lobe, but the new MRI results showed a new tumor on your temporal lobe. We were able to take a closer look yesterday during surgery, and I am so sorry but it doesn’t look good.” The neurosurgeon said and the room went silent.
“Is it operable?” Annie asked.
“It is, but it’s a high risk surgery. Due to your age and location of the rumor, there are a number of things that could go wrong.”
“What if she doesn’t have the surgery?” one of the daughters asked.
“She’ll live a month or two with chemo, which will inevitably lead to other organs to fail.” You answered again.
The room went silent again before Annie spoke up again. “I’m having the surgery.” she said and some of her grandchildren spoke up, while others remained silent.
“You don’t have to tell us immediately, you have some time to think.” your attending said.
“No, I’m having the surgery.” she said and you locked your eyes with the neurosurgeon.
“Okay then. Doctor (y/l/n) will book the OR and I’ll let you know.”
You weren’t able to say anything, you just wanted to leave her room and try to forget this had happened. You knew you weren’t supposed to get attached, but you couldn’t help it.
As you walked to the O.R. board, you realized you should probably check on Aaliyah, but right now you didn’t feel like it. You just wanted to sleep until it was time for Annie’s surgery, which had been scheduled for 5 PM today. You informed the neuro attending who told you to be there. You went back to the on-call room and ordered one of your interns to check on Aaliyah. 
Your eyes opened at 4 in the afternoon, and now you really felt a bit more recovered. You walked to the attending lounge and noticed it was empty, so you sneaked in and took a quick shower. One of the peds attendings caught you, but she just smiled at you and kept doing whatever she was doing.
You fixed your hair and went to grab a coffee. You were paying when you heard someone’s voice on your back.
“Hey, I hadn’t seen you. Are you okay?” Shawn asked you.
“Shawn, hey,” you greeted him. “Yeah, I’m just a bit tired.”
“Aaliyah is s till a bit high, is that normal?” 
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. “She’s younger, so you shouldn’t worry about it.”
“Are you busy now?” he asked you scratching the back of his neck.
“Kind of, I have a surgery now.” 
“Oh…” he said. “Well, good luck.”
“Thank you. Tell Aaliyah I’ll pass by after the surgery.”
“Will do.”
You smiled at him and took a sip of your coffee. You started talking with some of your other fellow residents when you heard your pager. You sighed and got up, throwing away the cup and walking to the OR where Annie was waiting. You took a deep breath as the nurses helped you to put on your gloves. 
You took your position next to the neurosurgeon and did everything he said. You had been standing for almost two hours now, and now you were face to face with the tumor, and the doctor didn’t know where to start cutting. He took a deep breath and asked for the scalpel, he securely made the first cut and everything seemed okay. 
You weren’t even halfway there when the nurses announced her BP was dropping, and it didn’t take long for the monitor to start emitting sounds that showed something was wrong.
“Get the crash cart!” the neurosurgeon said and everybody started moving. 
You stood there paralyzed, it felt like everything around you was moving, and when you realized what was going on, you didn’t want to believe it.
“Dammit, Annie. Don’t give up!” you exclaimed as you watched the doctor give her the electric shocks.
“Eight minutes.” one of the nurses said.
It was clear there wasn’t much to do anymore, and as you noticed the neurosurgeon gave her one last electric shock, you knew it was over. You felt your hands shaking, you bit your lip hard, and of course everyone noticed.
“Call it, doctor (y/l/n).” your attending said, but you silently refused. “Doctor (y/l/n)…” you noticed everyone’s eyes on you, and the only thing that was heard on the room was the sound of the flatlined heart monitor. “Doctor (y/l/n), your attending is giving you an order!”
“Time of death, 19:54″ you let out before ripping the gloves off your hands and throwing them away.
You left the room and walked. You didn’t know where, but you couldn’t stop your feet from moving. You just walked until you found yourself in an empty corridor, and just then you allowed yourself to break down. It was everything that had been accumulating inside of you.
You couldn’t control your breathing, you didn’t feel the tears streaming down your face. You placed your hands on your chest, trying to ease the horrible feeling that was taking over your body but you just couldn’t. The room was spinning, and you were surprised that you were able to notice a figure making its way towards you.
“Hey, I’m sorry but i heard… (y/n)? Oh my God, what’s wrong?!” Shawn’s voice said, and you soon felt his arms around you.
You collapsed on his arms, and he didn’t flinch when he felt your weight on his body. Now, your sobs were the only thing that was heard on the empty corridor, and Shawn was holding your body with a strong grip, softly running his hand through your back and hair, and whispering sweet nothings on your ear.
It felt like an hour, but it had only been a couple of minutes when you finally calmed down and allowed yourself to detach your body from his. Your eyes were red, and worry was written all over Shawn’s face, and you couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips.
“What’s that smile for?” he asked running his thumb on your cheek.
“You have the same worried look that you had when Aaliyah was admitted.” 
“Well, you can’t blame me. What’s wrong?”
You could feel your eyes well up again. “This is too much, I can’t do this.” you admitted out loud for the first time. “It’s not fair, she fought her whole life for a damn tumor to kill her. It’s not fucking fair.” you hid your face on your hands.
“Hey, shh…” Shawn placed his arms around you, again. “You are an excellent doctor, and sometimes it all gets a little too much, I get it, but you can’t give up. These are the things that make you stronger.” 
You wiped your eyes and smiled at him. “You are good with words.”
He laughed shyly. “Yeah, I’ve been told.”
“Thank you.” you said. 
“Well, it’s kind of my job.” he shrugged, making the both of you laugh.
You stayed in silence for a bit, with smiled on your faces when you noticed Shawn who was scratching his neck nervously.
“I know this i probably the worst possible time to ask you this but, I was wondering if maybe, we could grab some coffee together one day? I still have a few days left here, so…”
You smiled at his nervousness and arched an eyebrow. “Is it a date?”
“If you want it to be…”
“What if I say no?”
Shawn chuckled. “I’ll accidentally get hurt on the gym.” 
Your let out a loud laugh, your tears now long forgotten. “Coffee sounds perfect, feel free to call me.” you gave him a card with your name and phone number. 
“Are you feeling better?” he asked you.
“I have a coffee with a cute guy, of course I’m feeling better.” you flirted and his cheeks gained a cute pink color.
“I’m just cute?” he asked you arching an eyebrow.
“I guess I’ll have to find out the rest.” you shrugged. “I’ll go wash my face and take some air, and then I’ll drop by Aaliyah’s room. hope to see you there.”
“Don’t doubt it.”
A few minutes had passed since your encounter with Shawn, and now you were feeling a lot better, though you were ignoring the neurosurgeon’s constant pages, you were going to deal with him later, even if that meant no neuro for you for the next couple of weeks.
You knocked Aaliyah’s door and noticed her parents and Shawn. You greeted them all and took her chart to check her last temperature and stuff.
“I was told that you said some pretty interesting stuff while the anesthesia was wearing off?” you asked Aaliyah, whose cheeks turned red in the same way her brother’s did, and her family laugh.
“It’s not true.” she mumbled.
“Don’t lie, honey. We recorded it.” Karen told her, making everyone but Aaliyah laugh.
“It’s not funny, you took advantage of me!” she whined.
“Well, poor lady. It seems like you are doing just fine! I’ll be checking on you during the night, but it looks like you’ll be able to leave tomorrow.” you informed and she smiled.
“You can spend the night here, I’m sure Shawn wouldn’t mind.” 
“Aaliyah!” both Shawn and her mother said at the same time, but Shawn said it with flushed cheeks while Karen was laughing.
“I have other patients, but I’ll think about it.” you joked and locked eyes with Shawn, who looked very embarrassed. “Not having an appendix fits you very well, by the way.” you compliment her before writing some things down. “Try to get some sleep, it’ll help you feel better because I’ll start taking off the medications, okay?” you said and she nodded. “Call me if you are in any pain or discomfort.”
“How can we call you…?” Manny asked and your eyes widened. Aaliyah and Karen’s eyes directed her eyes to Shawn, and then to you.
You ignored the question. “I have to get going, see you later.” you said and left the room.
Silence filled the room for a couple of seconds until Karen and Aaliyah said at the same time: “Oh my God, you asked her out!”
Manny’s eyes widened. “Wait, so you really like the doctor?!” he asked and Shawn groaned.
“I hate you, guys.” he said before walking to the bathroom, leaving his family giggling.
The first thing he did when he locked himself in the bathroom was unlock his phone and add a new contact with your name. He smiled like an idiot as he typed a message.
‘How does tomorrow sound for coffee?’
His leg was bouncing up and down as he waited for your reply. He was aware that you were busy and that maybe it was going to take a bit long for you to answer, which was why he was surprised when he saw the screen of his phone light up, indicating a new message.
‘Tomorrow sounds perfect. I’m free at 4.’
He felt his insides jump in happiness. 
‘4 it is, then.’
He had expected someone to appear on his life, eventually, but never in his craziest dreams he had imagined that she was going to appear because of his sister’s appendix.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
The Best Years of Our Lives (Trixya/Pearlet) Ch. 4/? -Athena
Hi, everyone! So, I realized today that I forgot to write my chapter numbers! Sorry about that! Also, I apologize for the chapter lengths, I’ve been struggling to break them up, so they’re all different lengths.
Oh, finally, since I know some of you guys aren’t theater people I’ll clarify some things. Before you audition, you prepare a song song and pick 16 bars of music from the song to sing. Sides are scenes script that you read, which are usually given to you when you sign in at the audition.
The next week went by quickly. Trixie, Kim, Violet, Pearl, Fame, and Katya were inseparable. Trixie felt odd around Katya, still not being able to shake her feelings. She always found ways to avoid hanging out with her alone.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna hang out and watch a movie? There’s this movie called Contact and–”
“No, sorry. I have to go practice for my audition tomorrow.”
“But it’s a Friday! I’m sure your audition will go great.”
This time Trixie wasn’t lying. Her audition was scheduled for noon the next day. She was stressing about it, even though she chose the same 16 bars she sang for every audition since she was sixteen. The music building had eight practice rooms, all with pianos in them. After signing out one of the rooms, she sat in the bench and started playing simple scales, but kept on messing up. Her mind wasn’t in music mode. It was in Katya mode. She plunked the piano dramatically.
Sighing, she pulled her phone from her purse.
To: Katya Zamoksldjslkdf Hey, girl, I don’t wanna work myself up too much about the audition. Still up for that movie night? :D
Katya replied almost instantly.
From: Katya Zamoksldjslkdf Come over! Vi finally asked Pearl out, so I’m all by myself. :’(
As Trixie headed to Katya’s hall, she exhaled, not knowing what to expect.
To: Katya Zamoksldjslkdf Answer the door, ho.
From: Katya Zamoksldjslkdf I’m coming, skank.
Katya greeted Trixie with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She smells so good… Trixie thought to herself as they made their way to Katya’s room.
“You didn’t start the movie without me, did you?”
“No, I actually just made some popcorn. I have a nice bottle of pink rosé that’ll go justlovely with it. Do you drink?”
Trixie had never had a drop of alcohol in her life. “Yeah, I do.”
Katya grabbed the wine bottle out of her underwear drawer. “I don’t have any fancy wine glasses, but I do have these paper cups.”
Katya rolled her eyes as she handed a cup to Trixie, who was sitting on the bed. As Trixie lifted the cup to her mouth, she was greeted by the unpleasant smell of alcohol. As she forced a sip of wine down, she coughed.
That literally tastes like drain cleaner. People like this shit?
“You okay?” Katya asked as she was putting the D.V.D in her laptop.
“I’m good! Wrong pipe.” Trixie downed the rest of the wine as fast as possible.
“Damn, do you want more?”
“No! I mean… I’m good.”
Katya settled next to Trixie on the bed. As the movie went on, Trixie started to feel buzzed, or wat least what she thought was buzzed. She stopped paying attention to the movie and stared off into space. She thought about Katya and started giggling, then she almost started tearing up.
Turns out I’m an emotional drunk. Cool.
“Are you okay?” Katya asked, absentmindedly eating popcorn. She was engrossed in the movie.  
“What? Yeah… Actually,” Trixie paused the movie. “I have a question. Please don’t laugh.”
Katya noticed that Trixie was being serious. She sat up. “Of course I won’t. What is your question?”
“Katya, when did you know that you were…. gay? If this is weird or intrusive you don’t have to answer.”
“No, it isn’t. It’s just no one’s asked me that before. I guess I kind of always knew. When other little girls were trying to kiss boys on the playground, I wanted to kiss the girls. As time went on, I never developed feelings for boys, but I started noticing girls. Why?”
“I just wondered.”
There was a pause.
It’s now or never.      
“Katya… Can I… Can I try something?”
Trixie leaned into Katya kissed her quickly on the lips. She pulled back quickly. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I just need to know, you aren’t doing this just because you’ve just drank alcohol for the first time, are you?”
“It wasn’t my first time drinking… Okay, yes it was. But, no I’m not. Remember when you grabbed my butt the other day and I freaked out?” Katya nodded. “It was because, well, I liked it. Like, really liked it. Like, liked it so much I haven’t stopped thinking about it. About you.”
“Wait, really?
“Yeah, and I don’t know if that makes me a lesbian, or bisexual or whatever, but I just know that I like you. A lot.  You make me feel things no one has ever made me feel. I don’t know what I am, I just know that I really like you.”
They kissed again, deeper this time. Trixie didn’t know what to expect with kissing. All she heard is what her friends from home told her. They told her about how boys tried to jam their tongue down your throat. Not Katya. Katya was gentle with her. Cradling Trixie’s face gently in her hands. Her lips were just as soft as Trixie imagined.
Once clothes started to come off, Trixie laid on the bed as Katya got on top. Trixie couldn’t get enough of Katya’s kisses. She had never felt so physically close to anyone.
Katya paused and bit her lip. “Are you sure? I do not want you to end up regretting this.”
“I’m sure.”
Trixie was breathing so hard, it sounded like she ran a marathon, which made Katya laughed as she kissed her on the forehead.
“That was…”
“Hopefully not a mistake?” Katya smiled, but Trixie could see the worry in her eyes.
“No it wasn’t. But is it okay if I don’t… do it back to you? I don’t want you to think that–”
“Trixie it is absolutely fine if you aren’t ready. I do not want to make you uncomfortable. Besides,” she said shifting in bed so that her arm was around Trixie, “I like making you feel good. It makes me feel good.”
Katya turned the movie back on. Trixie didn’t watch the movie, she just stared at Katya and sighed.
“What does this make us?”
“What do you want us to be?”
Trixie hesitated. “I don’t know yet. This is all so new to me, I just had my first everything with you. I’m feeling all these emotions that I’ve never felt.”
“We don’t need to put a label on it if you don’t want to.”
“I think I’m gay.”
This caused Katya to smile and pull Trixie closer. “Go to sleep, you need to kick ass at your audition tomorrow.”
The next morning, Trixie awoke, her head still on Katya’s chest. She looked over to the other bed, which was empty.
Thank God.
Trixie felt Katya stir.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Katya greeted with a kiss.
“Look like Pearl got some last night, too. Poor Fame,” Katya laughed.
Trixie looked at her phone. 10 A.M. T-minus two hours until her audition. Trixie looked at her clothes that were in a heap on the floor.
“You can borrow some of my things. You don’t need to look like you’re doing the walk of shame. We’ll go to your room, then you can change, we can get food, then you can go kick ass at your audition.”
Going through her closet, Katya grabbed the first thing she saw off the hanger and threw it in Trixie’s general direction. Somehow, Trixie, who had no hand eye coordination, managed to catch it. It was the red dress Katya was wearing when they first met.
“It looks so good on you. Your tits fill it out better than mine do.”
Trixie looked in the mirror as she fixed hair. Katya was behind her and grabbed her hips. Trixie turned her head to give her a kiss.
“You’re honestly the best um… whatever we are I could ask for,” Trixie said.
“Miss Trixie Mattel, I’m glad I’m the best um, whatever we are you could ask for.”
Once they made it back to Trixie’s room, they noticed that Kim was still asleep.
Katya accidentally slammed the door. “Shit.”
“No worries. She can sleep through literally anything. Watch this.” She grabbed a throw pillow from her bed and threw it at Kim’s face. Kim brought a hand to her face and moaned, but didn’t wake up.
Katya laughed. “Wow.”
“I’m honestly afraid that I won’t be home and she’ll die in a fire or something.”
After Trixie showered, it was time to figure out what to wear. Normally, she would have worn something cute, but there was a dance call. She hesitated on whether she should go to the dance call, but her foot felt better. It had stopped hurting a few days ago. The only reminder of her fall was a light scrape on her knee. Eventually, she settled on leggings and a tank top. Since she didn’t get much sleep the night before, she put on the bare minimum for makeup so she looked awake.
Katya and Trixie had their breakfast, and after that it was time for Trixie’s audition.
“Break an arm, Trixie.”
Trixie couldn’t tell if Katya didn’t know the phrase, “Break a leg”, or if she was kidding.
Violet woke up with a yawn. She tried to grab her phone from the charger without disturbing a still-sleeping Pearl rested on her chest. Violet smiled. Pearl looked almost angelic when she was asleep. She stroked her hair and kissed her on the forehead.
Her phone alerted her to three unread text messages, all from Fame.
From: Fame Wow… Thanks for sex-iling, me bitch. A scrunchie on the door. Really, bitch? You didn’t need to do that since I can hear your moaning from the beginning of the hallway. Lol, I hope Alyssa comes pounding on the door.
From: Fame Well I guess I gotta find somewhere to sleep. I guess I can sleep in one of the study rooms… with no blankets. Or pillows. All I have is the cold, hard ground beneath my delicate body.
From: Fame Well I just checked the door. Jeez, you guys are still going at it. You suck. But in the morning, tell me how it went! I still love you, even if you are a cunt.
Violet sighed as she typed her reply.
To: Fame I’m literally the worst. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you with some Starbucks? And I can catch you up. Come back up to the room in 10.
She felt Pearl wake up.
“Morning,” Pearl said kissing Violet. She noticed that Violet was visibly upset. “What’s wrong?”
“Well we sex-iled Fame. She ended up sleeping in a study room.”
“Yeah, so I think I’m gonna go take her to Starbucks to make it up to her. I’ll text you later?”
“Okay, sounds good.”
Pearl looked for her clothes. Her bra and underwear were at the end of the bed. Her shirt ended up being thrown on top of Violet’s desk. Somehow, her pants ended up under the bed. Both were wrinkled. Pearl didn’t care as she threw her clothes on.
“Do you care that you’re making a walk of shame?” There was concern on Violet’s face.
“Babe, I don’t give a fuck.”
“Do you ever give a fuck about anything?”
Pearl kissed Violet. “I give a fuck about you.”
As Pearl put her clothes on Violet spoke. “And I give a fuck about you.”
Not long after Pearl left, Fame came in. “Hey, bitch.”
“I’m sorry. Let’s go to Starbucks. I’ll pay.”
“A Venti white chocolate mocha?” Violet nodded. “And a cakepop?”
“Of course.”
After getting their coffee, the girls sat on a table near the window.
“So?” Fame asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
“You know exactly what I mean, bitch. How’d it go? I want details.”
“It was fantastic. She took me to the hookah lounge, after I told her all I knew about hookah was that the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland smoked it. We walked, since it’s close and it was nice. It was kinda cold, so she pulled me in and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. Anyway, we got there and we got the hookah, and at first it was gross, but it was nice, and actually–”
“I don’t need to know the details about smoking hookah. Then what?”
“Bitch, you wanted details. Then we talked. About everything. Life, school, family. Everything. She’s so easy to talk to. We ended up staying at the lounge until closing, just sitting on the couches talking.”
“Okay, then obviously, it ended well…” Fame teased, making a face at Violet.
“We came back to the room. I didn’t know where you were. I knew that you’d be back and I didn’t know what to do, and I know in the movies they leave socks on the door, so I figure I’d leave a scrunchie. I figured we’d be done by the time you got back.” She paused. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But how was…it?”
“Oh my God. It was amazing. She was amazing.”
Fame smiled. “Are you guys officially official?”
The question made Violet smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
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