theroomfloor · 1 year
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@vigcup-week 2023 - Day 4: Spirit
Viggo will do anything to break Hiccup's spirit ... and leave him empty.
I hadn't planned on doing this prompt, but then I had this idea in the middle of the night and I did it really quickly today.
I'm not usually into whump stuff but I wanted to try something different this time.
🡰 Last Day / Next Day 🡲
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
How would viggo and dagur respond to the feral viking hiccup?
For Viggo I'd imagine he'd be intrigued by the Viking. Who knows what the strange boy knows about dragons and their secrets, he probably knew much more then the dragon hunters within in the archipelago. However to his dilemma the Feral Boy likely understands little English due to having grown up with dragons and instead copies the noises dragons make. Not like he'd be reluctant to tell them to him anyways since he's considered them an enemy for the longest time
As for Dagur he'd likely seek entertainment from it like he did with Lycanwing hiccup. I can see him poking his fingers at him and pulling them away before Hiccup can bite him and teasing him while Viggo tries to deter him from doing so. He also probably fights against him as a form of training and considers him a challenge since he's not only good at hiding and sneaking up on him(Which I imagine he'd learn from dragons sneaking up on their prey) but also since he's attacked Dragon hunters that had found their way to the nest
Also I can either see them trying to gain his trust so they can revisit the nest or managing to somehow capture the feral hiccup and bring him back to one of their ships
Ooooh, both options are fairly whumpy!! One has betrayal and the other has capture!!
I feel like capturing Feral Hiccup would work best in this scenario. I doubt he would learn to trust a human enough to actually communicate and bring them back to the best.
Unless we’re talking something pretty long term. Viggo would have to be ready to play the long game, which is something he’s good at. Dagur though? Not so much.
This is fun to think about! Thank you for sending!
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Two Bad Choices
Hiccup is aboard a Dragon Hunter ship and afforded two bad choices by Viggo.
The darkness was comforting. It offered assurance that whatever he opened his eyes to would be worse than it. 
He opened his eyes anyway, or tried to. It was more difficult than he was used to. He was in a ship’s cabin which swayed gently with the waves underneath. A desk bolted to the floor held maps, charts, and dragon bones. A banner hung on the wall behind it, depicting a flaming fist. No one else was in the room, and, most unusually, Hiccup found that he was not bound in any way. He was slumped in a corner of the quarters, divested of his sword, his leg, and his shoulder armor. His neck ached, both from its unnatural angle, and more acutely on one side.
Footsteps thudded outside the door, then it burst open. Ryker stormed in, glared around, and found Hiccup. His eyes narrowed. “Why isn’t he bound, Viggo?” Hiccup’s fists clenched, but his limbs felt leaden. Why couldn’t he move?
Viggo appeared in a more leisurely fashion behind his brother. He smirked at Hiccup before answering. “No need, brother. The elevated dose of sedative in his system has rendered him quite, aha, helpless.” Hiccup’s face burned. Drugged. Of course, that had to be the reason. No wonder they didn’t have to restrain him, he couldn’t even lift a finger. He could barely keep his head up.
Ryker squatted in front of him. “Helpless, eh? I’m sure my men would like that.” Hiccup’s mind went white with panic and Ryker smiled.
“Now, now, brother,” Viggo snapped, settling himself at his desk. “No need for that.”
Ryker snorted. “What? He’s sunk and killed enough of my men that the rest of them deserve to beat seven kinds of hell out of him.”
“Be that as it may, we have other plans for our guest.” Ryker grumbled and sat down. “Is the Night Fury secured?”
“It was, up until about ten minutes ago,” Ryker snarled. “That damn rider girl blasted a hole in the cell, got on the Night Fury, and rode off. Her Nadder, too. I’ve already punished the lookout on duty for that.”
Hiccup’s heart leapt. Astrid had rescued Toothless! They knew he was in trouble! 
“No matter,” Viggo said with a wave of his hand. “It would have been nice to keep them both, but I am more prepared to deal with the loss of the dragon than its rider.” He smirked at Hiccup again. 
“Don’t see why this runt is worth more than the last Night Fury,” Ryker grumbled. “For a mug of piss-poor ale I’d’ve shot that girl out of the air.”
“Patience, Ryker,” Viggo intoned. “He is more valuable than you give him credit for. The Night Fury cannot fly without him, for one thing. I need not explain to you why this is a benefit to us. Those other riders are followers, not leaders. They cannot conduct an effective attack on us without Hiccup, especially if we are using him as a bargaining chip.”
“That’s more like it,” Ryker said. “What are we demanding? Gold?”
Viggo laughed. “Don’t be so small-minded, Ryker! Gold and treasure, while nice, are not exclusive to the riders. We can make them catch dragons for us.”
Hiccup’s stomach sank like a sundered ship. Oh, gods. They’ll be forced to capture dragons and deliver them to certain death, afraid they’ll kill me if they refuse. I have to get out of here.
“What about some sort of tithe?” Ryker was musing. “I wouldn’t mind clipping Berk’s wings. A thousand gold pieces a month, do you think?” Already sunk, Hiccup’s stomach clenched. And they’ll bankrupt Berk at the same time. I’m not worth it! 
Viggo chuckled. “All in due time, brother. Hiccup, are you awake enough to join us?”
Hiccup didn’t reply at once. He wanted to spit fire in their faces, but the drug still held him down. “They won’t do it,” he managed, raising his head with effort. “They won’t hunt for you.”
“But will they hunt for you?” Viggo asked. “Ryker, bring him.” The other Grimborn approached and lifted Hiccup bodily from the corner. Hiccup hated how his limbs flopped, but he could do little about it. Ryker set him in a chair facing Viggo, one with armrests and a curved back that kept him from sliding to the floor. 
“They’ll get me out of here,” Hiccup said. Anger and no small amount of fear was making it easier to function, despite the drug. “You’ll regret all of this. My friends aren’t stupid. They’ll see through your blackmail!”
“Not blackmail, in point of fact,” Viggo said, raising a finger. “The word is ransom, dear Hiccup. We are demanding a ransom for you. It is not something that you or they are in a position to refuse.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one?” Ryker chimed in nastily.
Viggo permitted himself a smile at the insult. “That being said, Hiccup, hostages are ordinarily kept incapacitated. I see that your dose of sedative is wearing off, and we cannot have that. I will, however, give you a choice: Another dose, just to keep you weak, or restraints. I must say, it’s not as though you could run.” He tapped Hiccup’s leg on the desk. “So, shall Ryker fetch the bottle or a rope?”
Hiccup gritted his teeth and glared at Viggo. Two bad choices. He hated being tied up and helpless, especially without his leg, but he knew that being unconscious and at the mercy of a ship full of dragon hunters was worse. “Get the rope,” he snarled.
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evilartist37 · 1 year
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Screenshot redraw from Midnight Scrum
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ratchet9cooper · 1 year
This is one of the greatest Fics I’ve ever read, let alone one do the greatest HTTYD fics.
This is dark and horrifying and fascinating and so well written.
Every HTTYD fan should read this, even with the caveat that it’s very, very dark.
Great characterization, great writing, great scene construction, fascinating AU idea, insane ending
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The creature needs its morning coffee
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eman-cosplay · 3 months
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 4 months
There's several times in the movies, shows and specials combined that have Astrid build Hiccup up when he feels bad about himself. At least once in every movie, once in Gift of the Night Fury, a few times in the tv-show...
Hiccup does the same for her, he builds up anybody in his life, but I suddenly realize that Astrid will probably spend years if not their entire life together helping Hiccup through these moments of insecurity and self-deprication because of the way he was treated growing up.
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futurealchemy · 4 months
with the amount of times hiccup has had dragons scream directly in his ears at a very close distance, it would be surprising if his hearing wasn’t at least a little impaired honestly.
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dragonsbluee · 6 months
I'm trying to count how many times Hiccup is captured/kidnapped throughout both series, the movies and the short films, so here's my criteria:
Any time he is unwillingly moved from one location to another by a dragon, viking or other character.
This includes any dragons picking him up and flying off somewhere, even if he is okay with it later.
This does not include when Toothless/his friends drag him off to show him something.
Any situation that prompted the dragon riders to rescue him.
Any plans that involved him giving himself up or joining up with a villain/antagonist.
This does not include the time he and Dagur were trapped on that island together.
Any time he is tied up and led somewhere or locked up/held in place with a guard.
Here is the list of situations I have compiled in (hopefully) chronological order:
Congratulations, no captures or kidnappings.
When Meatlug (accidentally) brings Hiccup along to the Rookery.
S1E6 - Hiccup gets taken to Dragon Island.
S1E16 - Hiccup is captured by the Outcasts on their island.
S1E19 - Alvin Captures Hiccup and Toothless at the "Isle of Night".
S1E20 - Hiccup gives himself up to Dagur as part of his plan with Alvin.
S1E1 - the Dragon Riders get captured by Daugr on a hunter ship.
S1E7 -The twins put him in prison (this one's just here because I think it's funny).
S2E6 - The Dragon Hunters capture him.
S2E11 - The Dragon Riders get captured trying to save the Skrill.
S3E1 - Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters while trapped on an island with Dagur.
S3E8 - Hiccup and Toothless get caught in a Dragon Hunter Trap and are kidnapped and forced to participate in dragon fights.
S3E12 - Viggo captures all the Dragon Riders at the auction.
S3E13 - The Defenders of the Wing capture the Dragon Riders.
S4E3 - First Hiccup is caught by Amos and Berthel.
S4E3 - Then he's caught by Savage.
S4E3 - Then Krogan gets him after Throk saves him.
S4E3 - Ryker captures him for the tiniest bit right before the riders arrive.
S4E10 - Hiccup is caught with Ruffnut when he tries to rescue her from Viggo's trap. Unlike the other traps, he needs the other dragon riders to rescue them.
S5E2 - The Sandbuster captures Hiccup and Snotlout.
S6E8 - Viggo hands Hiccup over to Krogan as part of their plan.
Valka kidnaps Hiccup and Toothless.
Grimmel captures the dragon riders.
Once again, no captures of kidnappings
Up For Debate:
There are a few situations which technically fit the criteria, but I'm not sure if they fit considering the context of the show:
S5E5 - the riders are stuck on Vanaheim, guarded by the Sentinels. (Rtte)
S1E3 - This is a technicality, but when Hiccup joins up with Dagur to keep him away from the other dragons. (Dob)
EDIT: I forgot that even though my criteria says that the time Dagur and Hiccup are trapped on that island together (S3E1 of RTTE) doesn't count, because he is joining up with an (at the time) antagonist, there is a moment when Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters near the end of the episode.
After careful discussion (aka me ranting at my roommate) S4E10 of RTTE is also moving from "up for debate" to the official list. These changes are reflected above.
This brings our official count to 22 captures/kidnappings!
Honestly, the hardest part about this was finding the distinction between being captured or being trapped and what I wanted to count. When Hiccup isn't captured, he spends a lot of time in traps.
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perfectlyfrosty · 7 months
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Greetings, fellow hijackers, I return bearing gifts. Come and get yer daily dose of hijack whump 🙏
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Inspired by this art from @mdoodlerfandomart!
Rated: explicit
Warnings: slavery, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, blood, stabbing, extremely dubious consent
Pairings: Viggo/Hiccup
Word Count: 4,117
Summary: Hiccup doesn’t expect Dagur to be at the auction, and he is almost bought by him, but another, mysterious buyer, wants him badly, and has the money for it.
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no journey is without its ~hiccups~
sometimes those are people who want you dead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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and boy oh boy sometimes they are mad at you
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Hiccup made an amazing chief, because he was an amazing leader, but let us not forget that he hated it..
Hiccup never wanted to be chief, that just makes his “crowning” as chief even sadder
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Everyone is cheering, as they should be, because it’s an important moment in their lives as well, but also because Hiccup deserves that kind of respect and support
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This is how Hiccup looked at the same time
He was sad and he was tired…
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This was as wide as he smiled, and can you really call it a smile?
This was less than 24 hours after his father had died… he didn’t have time to mourn, and I stand by that
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whumporpass · 6 months
Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon?
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Hiccup whump hehahwhauoahaja
This man has serious commitment issues. Not in terms of relationships, but in terms of responsibility. Whenever Stoick would so much as even hint at Hiccup being chief he’d just fuck right off outta there and go do some dragony shit. I mean I can’t say I blame him but him not wanting to be chief and have actual responsibility was like the entire fucking reason httyd2 happened. Nice one Hiccup.
Anyway, this is just kinda meant to represent his urge to run away 👍
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