#Heroes Awakening Script
scripthome · 10 months
Unleash the Excitement: Football Duels, Heroes Awakening, and Wave Sword Bots Game Scripts at ScriptHome
Welcome to the realm of script enthusiasts and gaming aficionados! If you're on the lookout for exhilarating scripts that bring your favorite games to life, look no further. At ScriptHome, we take pride in curating a collection of top-notch scripts, including the coveted Football Duels Script, Heroes Awakening Script, and the thrilling Wave Sword Bots Game Script. In this article, we'll delve into the exciting world of these scripts and how they can elevate your gaming experience.
Football Duels Script:
Football Duels Script is a game-changer for those who want to add a new dimension to their virtual football matches. This script is meticulously crafted to enhance the gaming environment, providing a seamless and immersive experience. Whether you're a game developer or an avid player, Football Duels Script at ScriptHome is your key to unlocking the full potential of virtual football duels.
Heroes Awakening Script:
For those who crave epic adventures and heroic quests, the Heroes Awakening Script is a must-have. This script is designed to infuse your gaming world with a sense of grandeur and excitement. ScriptHome offers a carefully curated Heroes Awakening Script that is sure to captivate both developers and players alike. Elevate your gaming experience by incorporating this script into your favorite hero-centric games.
Wave Sword Bots Game Script:
Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience with the Wave Sword Bots Game Script. This script is tailor-made for those who love fast-paced, action-packed gameplay. At ScriptHome, we understand the importance of a well-crafted script in bringing your game to life. The Wave Sword Bots Game Script, available on our platform, promises to take your gaming experience to new heights with its dynamic features and functionalities.
How to Access These Scripts:
Visit ScriptHome at https://www.scripthome.org/ to explore and acquire these scripts effortlessly. Our user-friendly platform ensures a seamless browsing experience, allowing you to find and integrate the scripts you need quickly. With just a few clicks, you can enhance your games and captivate your audience with the Football Duels, Heroes Awakening, and Wave Sword Bots Game Scripts.
At ScriptHome, we understand the importance of high-quality scripts in the gaming world. Our curated collection boasts scripts that cater to diverse preferences and gaming genres. Whether you're a developer seeking to elevate your game or a player looking for a more immersive experience, our platform has something for everyone. Explore the Football Duels Script, Heroes Awakening Script, and Wave Sword Bots Game Script today at https://www.scripthome.org/scripts and take your gaming journey to the next level!
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I could say that ASOIAF is a very medieval lit story at heart and you’d be like, “well no shit Sherlock, tell me something I don’t know 🙄”.
And I’d say: “Ok bet. ASOIAF’s medieval core is best exemplified through Jon Snow and Bran Stark, two distinct yet mirrored iterations of one hero-knight whose origins can be traced to Percival and his magical quest. Both are Percival (and both are potentially the grail king) but one is as close a 1:1 copy as we can get (Jon) and the other is the Percival archetype completely flipped over its head before it even begins (Bran). Jon, by the author’s own admission, is the fantasy hero in the most traditional sense. He’s Percival who was inspired by the knights and left his mother’s castle to chase after chivalric glory (Jon III AGoT), only to find out that he has a massive misunderstanding of the knight’s purpose and honor (ACOK/ASOS arcs). No one told him of the ethical dilemmas involved with being a knight. No one told him that he could meet the fair maiden and either be completely incapable of helping her (Gilly) or help her, leave her, and be burdened by her death (Ygritte). No one told him how hard it would be to have his entire world view upended and upon going back to his fellow knights and saying ‘hey friends maybe we should all re-evaluate the system in which we operate and how it might be causing us to betray the vows we swore’ he’d be met with disdain. No one told him that, like Percival, he might look back to his mother’s home and see what has become of it (and his sister whom he left) and upon making the decision to go back to it he dies before he can even get his foot out of the gate. Percival made it back home and Jon might too, but where Percival still had his mother’s shirt to remind him of his boyhood Jon had to kill the boy because the fate of the world depended on it. Jon stumbles and rises, only to stumble again. But nonetheless, he gets to be a knight. But on the other hand, there’s poor Bran! He doesn’t even get to fail at being a knight in the first place because that storyline was fucking taken from him before he could realize his dream of leaving his mother’s home. Jon at least got his call to action. Bran’s dazzling dream of knighthood doesn’t even get off the ground (quite literally). He climbs, falls immediately, and once his eyes are awakened he realizes that he is now incapable of being Percival as he’d wish to be. There’s no battling evil knights. There’s no saving fair maidens. But then he’s visited by a wizened old man who’s like ‘hey Percival, you can never be a knight but I’ll teach you how to be a mighty wizard!’ And that would be cool and all….BUT BRAN WANTS TO BE A KNIGHT GODDAMNIT! When he auditioned for the medieval lit play, he picked up the Percival/Arthur script. Yet that’s not what he ultimately got when the cast list finally got out. Because who the fuck switched it out his hero-knight script for the Merlin one??! So now he has to try and figure out how to be a knight who’s actually a wizard, and it fucking sucks y’all.”
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fruitysoupy · 8 months
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100 years later I finally drew all of my AU Links
Say hello to my lads! They're going to be in a comic I've been scripting and planning for about a year now I think? I'm calling it Link and the Links, latl for short!
More info under the cut :]
(this is the old post, consider checking out the new version!)
(please don't tag as LU/Linked Universe!!)
The Plot
The Links find themselves in a mysterious forest that seems somewhat familiar to all of them yet none of them know where they are. Now they have to work together to find their way home. On the way they'll discover a thing or two about each other and grow closer!
The Cast
I could talk about these guys for hours, but to keep it digestible I'll make it short
A bit of info before I get into it - all of them are taken from different points in time after the end of their adventure(s)!
Birdie (Skyward Sword)
Roughly 6 hours after defeating Demise
The start of it all. Unbeknownst to himself and the others, the space they find themselves in was created out of his desire to meet the heroes after him. He feels terribly guilty about the curse and very much blames himself for the possible suffering of future heroes. His main goal is to check up on everyone and help where he can!
Grasshopper (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask)
4 days after leaving Termina
Somewhat disoriented after his journey still, he tags along simply because he thinks Birdie is an idiot who would get lost without him. He doesn't talk a whole lot but he likes listening to other people's stories
Seagull (Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass)
6 months after leaving the domain for the ocean King
He's a real genuine pirate, yarr!! Or so he'd like you to believe. He talks a great deal about his strength and bravery, but really is just afraid and terribly homesick most of the time. He wants to fit in with Tetra's and her crew's toughness so much he might go a little overboard on the act in a way that may or may not end up biting him in the butt.
Choo (Spirit Tracks)
6 months after peace returned to new Hyrule
He wouldn't call himself a hero, in fact he'd say it's a miracle he made it out alive. Self-esteem and confidence really aren't his strong suits, he often finds himself dragged along and unable to say no. He is very friendly however, and if you just give him a little space he might even open up to you.
Wolfie (Twilight Princess)
4 years after defeating Ganondorf
Left Ordon after intrusive thoughts convinced him he was a danger to his village, now works at Telma's bar as a waiter in exchange for a room. He's responsible well liked, though he's not too fond of himself. He has some complicated feelings about the whole turning into a wolf thing
Apple (A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Link's Awakening)
Just a few seconds after Koholint disappeared
From one dream right into the next (sorta?) he's understandably disoriented at first. He pushes that aside pretty much immediately though, much more interested in getting to know everyone. He's a kind and soft spoken, weirdly wise sort of guy and near instantly becomes the heart of the team
Wallflower (A Link Between Worlds)
4 years after wishing upon the triforce with Zelda
Bitter doesn't even begin to describe this uh.. Pleasant fella. After being bossed around for the better part of his life he doesn't take orders from anybody and is this close to quitting his job as a blacksmith. He hates being stuck here, he hates these strange people, really there's not much he doesn't hate. But that can't be all there is to him...
Puzzle (The Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link)
1,5 years after waking Zelda II
Confused, disoriented, but still happy to help and ready for adventure. Though some of the others don't really like him around he's still just as friendly to everyone. Since he struggles to communicate he tends to stay quiet. He appears to be simple minded on first glance, but he'll prove to be a valuable member of the team.
Sprout (Minish Cap)
13 years after defeating Vaati
After his grandfather died he retreated into his house and dedicated himself to improving his blacksmithing skills to live up to his grandfather's name, he was quickly forgotten by his community and faded into obscurity. Now he may be the best blacksmith in Hyrule, so good that even the royal guard hires him, but among the general castletown population he's nothing more than a forest cryptid. He only leaves the house when he has to, carefully avoiding people. Not because they disgust him, he just has a major case of social anxiety!
Squire (Breath of the Wild)
3 years pre calamity
This absolute rascal couldn't be happier about his current circumstances. These unknown woods are his playground and all of these weirdos are his friends now! Though everyone's pretty sure he's a knight trainee, he insists that he's just a stable hand for the guard. His chaotic and carefree nature surprisingly doesn't get in the way of things as he's eager to help out wherever he can, seeing the whole journey as an impromptu camping trip.
Some funfacts :]
Most of them are neurodivergent in some way!
Birdie and Seagull have ADHD, Grasshopper and Choo are autistic, Squire gets the combo platter AuDHD and Wolfie has OCD
Additionally, Birdie has auditory processing disorder and dyscalculia, and Squire has dyslexia
A few of them also have speech disorders
Choo stutters and Puzzle has cluttering speech disorder
Apple has a weak voice, so after a while his voice gets tired and gets hoarse
Choo enjoys drawings and cartography, two skills that will be very important!
One of Seagull's hobbies is photography! He takes his pictobox everywhere
Wolfie also does entertainment at the bar from time to time! He sings or does card tricks
Sprout knows HSL (hylian sign language) because his grandfather was deaf
Seagull's piratey way of talking is 100% for show and painfully inconsistent
Wolfie speaks in a thick southern (in universe ordonian) accent but he's trying hard to mask it since he moved to castletown
Wallflower absolutely hates Puzzle
Squire's special interest is horses
Birdie is a bit of a doormat so he has the ideas but Wolfie is the one to actually get them through
A number of them are blood related (has nothing to do with the colours of their names in this post, I had to reuse some because there weren't enough orz)
That's all I have for you today! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! :]
If any of you have any questions about my Links or AU you'd like answered, my inbox is open!
Have a lovely day everyone!
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An AU Where...
Todoroki Natsuo becomes a successful film star. As popular as he is, somehow his past is shrouded in mystery. He plays it off casually, but the public still snoops regularly.
Natsuo's not good with this saving money thing and needs to accept the next offer sent his way. Which...unfortunately for him, happens to be an adaptation of Endeavor's rise to fame. From debut, all the way to his retirement as the top Hero.
Surely this won't awaken any underlying trauma in him...right??
Todoroki Touya destroyed his past, changed his name and cut contact with his family as soon as he could. Years later, he was dragged by his friends got himself into a stable career as a stuntman.
It's good work, and he genuinely likes it, or at least he did before Shigaraki broke a leg and he had to fill in as his own brother's stunt double. Now, how to avoid that reveal! It can't be to hard...right??
Todoroki Shouto feels as if his life's work for has been for this one moment: being offered the position as a consultant on the new Endeavor movie.
After everything that happened, he still can't escape association with that man.
He has a script, ready to refuse, but then the thought comes, why not have a little fun?
His mouth says yes, and the lies start flowing. "Did you ever hear about the time my Father fell off a boat after forgetting to bring his medication?"
Heroic Inc. is excited. They have exclusive rights to produce an Endeavor movie. The first since after his retirement! Accuracy is the game! Everything must be perfect. Their depiction of the man must go down in history!
Therefore contacting Pro Hero Shouto was a must! Afterall, who better to ask about the previous number one hero than his only child? They didn't dare intrude into Endeavor's peaceful retirement life. Yes! Better to ask his son and successor. But in that case...Was Endeavor really allergic to dolphins??
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sisterdivinium · 2 years
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Genetic engineering, DNA modification, tested it on herself... Why would Jillian go through all this trouble? Adoption would be easier, surrogacy wouldn't be an issue for a woman with so much money, so why this devotion to medical science, to gene manipulation?
This doesn't seem very logical unless we take one step further in examining her characterisation as a sort of Virgin Mary character implied by her clothing and framing during season one: a man is never mentioned in connection to Michael's conception, either as donor or father... Possibly because Michael has no father. Jillian has made him up from scratch or, at least, using only her own genetic material.
This would surely equate to an awesome "medical marvel" and it would accomplish two additional things: first, it would account for just how sick Michael needs to be so that an extremely rare substance that doesn't even belong to this world can be his sole hope in surviving (the result of a miscalculation, an unforeseen mutated gene, some error in Jillian's design, the absence of something); and second, reproduction without the aid of man ("sinless", sexless) not only ties Jillian's character more closely to the theme of the holy mother, it also more strongly makes a Jesus figure out of Michael.
This is significant because it makes him into a designated saviour: Michael, too, "dies", crossing to "the other side" and later returning with the mission of saving humanity, which is the role he is sure he will play during all of season two. This story has been told before, the structure is the same and we all know it. He mirrors Christ in his being born of a woman untouched by man, in going beyond life and back, in being tasked by a higher power to act for others in his sacrifice. It is a destiny clearly written out for him, a classic narrative, a hero's journey neatly set up for Michael to accomplish and all he has to do is follow the script.
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And yet, doing everything right, by the book, Michael ultimately fails.
If, according to all of the doubts awakened by the developments in Warrior Nun (is Adriel's realm not Heaven? Is he not an angel? Is Reya God? Is Jesus just as alien as Adriel? Etcetera), the Catholic church's teachings are all twisted, incomplete, when not simply ignorant of all that is true in spiritual, metaphysical matters, then this saviour narrative that constitutes the foundation of the institution itself is doomed — as well as whatever guidance it could supply.
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I was discussing with @halobearerhavoc earlier about (among many other intriguing things) how myth informs the show and how it might predict Reya's fall, but also how that event would necessarily depart from how it plays out in the original myth. That is due to the fact that our protagonist here is Ava, a woman, and that this tiny little fact of sex alone forces a shift in how things are presented, in which values are prioritised, in how conflict is treated, escalated or resolved — this applies here as well.
Michael was the textbook redeemer, he was made for this, brought up by Reya with this explicit purpose and with the acquired conviction that he was the key to it all.
Ava, on the other hand, is a product of coincidence, of accident, of the unfathomable. She is already a rupture in tradition — dead and brought back, unknowingly, unwillingly the "usurper" of the halo, inserting herself in the line of bearers at random when she doesn't even seem to have any belief... Ava exists outside of tradition. To Michael's determined "Destiny", she is the one imbued with free will (it isn't out of guilt or duty that she returns to the Cat's Cradle, but through Mary's sympathy, through her own understanding and action). Ava is the unplanned factor, contrasted with Michael who was so planned that his life might have begun inside a Petri dish.
It isn't determinism that will save us, a mantle of glory woven by someone else wanting to place it upon our shoulders regardless of our own wishes; it isn't a decrepit institution or some despotic deity that will define us or what we do; it isn't the heavy, malodorous layers of ancient mould gathered over the endless tomes of Established Tradition or the carefully made calculations of arrogant scientists who think they can predict and explain and control everything.
Salvation cannot be through what Michael represents: an imposed duty, a stagnant, hackneyed story.
A story, we would do well to remember, which was already used to subjugate others, whatever its initial intentions might have been; Jillian certainly didn't predict what would be of her son and surely the primitive Christians didn't see into the future to understand what their devotion and their modes of its transmission would cause, yet it came to happen. The extermination of the Cathars, the persecution of pagans, the burning of "witches", the suppression of indigenous beliefs, activities and lives, to name but a few of the atrocities committed in the name of this one story...
So it cannot be Michael, embodying this narrative so well, that will bring about a fortunate ending to humanity's troubles.
Instead, salvation comes through Ava. She herself might be inhabited by a number of parallels with Christ, but she also carries freedom, an outsider's view which makes the inside so see-through, love, an ability to move outside of what had been previously set for her by someone else (one might even argue that these are the traits that made Christ before the story surrounding him came about)...
The walls built around her needn't contain her — and, phasing as she does, they do not.
Moreover, what would have been the real ending to Reya's plan, had it been followed exactly as it should have? The divinium bomb did hit Ava in the end, but wouldn't it have been worse had she not been interrupted in running up to Michael while he immobilised Adriel during the televised freak circus?
Ava's unpredictability, her impulse, her innate need to act with free will rather than constricted by what others dictate — Ava is the foil to fate itself, the foil to a structure, to a hierarchy that has been festering and rotting from the beginning of time, it should seem.
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The hero of this story could only ever be her.
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cherrypikkins · 11 months
Here is my contribution to today's prompt from @fe-oc-week! Oct 13 - Joy
Once again with more Kitt lore :3
(cw blood, injury, body horror)
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everything below the read more!
Gwyn, the Unsung Hero - Part II Though the story of Gwyn is little known in Fodlan society, one tale that has recently surfaced from obscurity is that of the Ghost of Annwen.
Legends say that the spirit of a fallen warrior sleeps for a hundred years at a time, deep beneath a lake hidden in the Oghma Mountains. When it wakes, it shows one of two faces - that of a great hero or a terrible demon. None may know which face it will show when it awakens - only that the world will be forever changed. Even in sleep, it guards the mountains, ensuring peace and order, answering the prayers of those who are in great danger. However, those who dare incite violence and tragedy within the ancient sanctuary will be hunted down without mercy by the Demon of Annwen.
There was a time in ancient history when it brought unfathomable destruction and chaos to Fodlan, and was condemned to death for its misdeeds.
And yet, there was another time when it saved Fodlan from certain doom, sacrificing itself in the process.
The hero is just and fair as much as the demon is cruel and wretched, so says the tale. So different in their natures, yet they are bound together, trapped to wander this mortal realm in a hopeless, never-ending search for salvation. But what is the true meaning of the 'salvation' that it seeks? How does one grant salvation to that which is already dead?
Once there was a scholar who penned this tale in full, even citing evidence that attributes this tale to Gwyn, the Unsung Hero of Annwen. However, this script has since been struck by the Church, under the orders of Seteth. How strange that such a simple tale would be condemned as blasphemy under the eyes of Seiros.
Supposedly, the librarian Tomas took such an interest in the tale that he traveled to the Oghma Mountains for months at a time to visit the village of Annwen, hoping to learn more. In recent years, he seems to have returned to his duties working at the Garreg Mach library full-time. When asked of his research, he said that his efforts bore little fruit - it seems that the so-called 'Ghost of Annwen' is little more than a fanciful story.
These days, it seems more and more likely that no such spirit exists today - for Demonic Beasts now roam and rampage the once tranquil mountainside where Annwen formerly stood, and there is neither a hero nor a demon present to keep the peace. And yet, those brave enough to venture into the forbidden wilderness will find it mysteriously strewn with corpses - that of both monsters and sinister mages garbed in masks and dark robes.
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The Capricious One - Part IV Of all Nabateans, the Capricious One was said to be the most talented in their ability to shapeshift and transform.
They even had the ability to suppress the power of their Nabatean blood, hiding their Crest in order to better assume the guise of a common beast or a human.
Some said they were the weakest amongst their family. Others said they simply preferred to keep their true strengths hidden, and were not to be underestimated.
Little did the Children of the Goddess know, that so great was their power to transform that they could split their physical forms voluntarily, with each part fully alive and able to act independently of the other. But to do so repeatedly and for extended periods of time would invite confusion. Changes in personality. Distorted memories. A loss of self. And eventually, madness. Thus, whether in form or in spirit, all parts must one day rejoin, lest existence itself become unbearable.
The only one who knew of this power was the Hammer of Judgment. When the two were younger, he saw that the Capricious One was eager to test their limits, and so asked his sibling, "Do you not fear losing yourself forever?" The Capricious One laughed at this and answered, "To remember who I am, I need only to look towards The Beginning."
Now, Sothis is gone, leaving behind nary a beacon to guide a lost and shattered soul from the depths of madness. And to this day, there exist countless Demonic Beasts that carry even the smallest essence of the Capricious One's blood in their veins. With each one felled, they reclaim a part of themselves, that even in death they may someday become whole once more.
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aquaticlime · 1 day
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I tried to come up with good names for these but some were just too hard. Go ahead and use any of these for your DR, I’d love to see what you do with these ideas as well. I’ll probably make another post detailing which of these I’ve scripted into my Dr to attend and what I wear so stay tuned.
The Lost City of Atlantis
I think this would be so cool! Some people would draw from the Disney movie I’m sure, but imagine everyone’s interpretation of the classic myth.
The Animal Kingdom
A Night of Beastly Beauty. For this I would like to see good use of ethically sourced furs and animal prints. Someone’s gotta be a dinosaur, like please pick unique animals. However if I see someone like Jared Leto dressed in a mascot or furry costume I’m done.
The Dark Side of the Grimm
A Night of Grim Fairy-Tale Villains in Couture. Time for the villains of fairytales to shine. I hope some people would dress as the hero’s if they were turned evil.
The Seven Deadly Sins
This one is the perfect amount of specificity while still being broad enough to let peoples creativity shine through. Inevitably some men are still going to come in a plain black suit but what can you do.
A Night at the Museum
A Timeless Journey Through Fashion and Art. How cool would it be if someone came inspired by Starry night or Monets garden. So many art pieces to choose. There are other types of museums and art to like sculptures or someone could dress like a wax figure. Personally I would like to see the Winged Victory or the Caryatid statues.
Jungle Fever
Another one that deals with animals a bit. Again people better get creative and pick some unique animals. I wanna see a someone (bonus points if it’s a woman) do a Tarzan inspired look though.
Desert Oasis
I don’t know with this one. I guess someone could do an Aladdin look, we already had Tyla do her sands of time dress so I don’t know what else you could do for this one.
Down the Rabbit Hole
A Wonderland Fantasy of Fashion. I just love Alice in wonderland. I would love to see everyone’s outfits. There is so much you could do with this! Zendaya and Lady Gaga would have to be in attendance at this one.
The Literary-Inspired Gala
From Pages to Runway. Another good broad one. It woukd be cool to see everyone’s favorite books, some fairytales some sci fi and maybe even Harry Potter. I could see someone doing a literal book outfit too.
The Neon Nights
Nobody uses bright fun colors anymore, imagine all the black lights and fun glow in the dark paint you could use. Maybe the carpet would be from a bowling alley or mini golf course.
A Carnival of Curiosities
How cool would a carnival or circus Met Gala be!? This is another good one to bring out peoples creativity. Some fun clown inspired looks and the boring people can be a ring leader.
Space Travelers
Galactic Fashion! None of these looks are going to make sense. I have a feeling Doja Cat would be either pretty good for this or just paint herself snot green.
The Wild West
A Night of Cowgirl Chic and Frontier Flair. Pretty self explanatory and quite broad. Someone’s coming as a cactus for sure, and some couple is gonna do Bonnie and Clyde.
The Great Gatsby
Roaring Twenties themed or it could be based off the book as well. People would have to get pretty creative with this one in order to stand out. Give me a man in a flapper inspired outfit.
The Magic of Hollywood
A Tribute to Cinematic Glitz and Glam! Simple enough, you could take inspiration from directors or film companies. Imagine someone going a the Twentieth Century Fox logo or a red carpet.
Creature Feature
Classic Horror film themed! I’m talking Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Dracula, and Nosferatu. I would go as one of the monsters and have my date be the female protagonist of the story.
Terror Awakens
This one is horror themed as well but much broader than classic horror films. You could do books, any movies or simple scary concepts. Please don’t do anything about modern day murderers, I just don’t think that’s tasteful.
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pico-digital-studios · 10 months
Master Post
Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! - Master Post
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This is used to link to any parts of Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! that are present thus far.
WARNING!: There are a lot of spoilers ahead for plotlines related to Into the Spider-Verse, No Way Home and Across the Spider-Verse. As Beyond has yet to be released, that won't be covered here for the time being.
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Recursive work permissions:
You're welcome to make your own part with a character in this project.
Fanart of any of the content thus far is allowed, but NO NSFW stuff at all.
As Spider-Man: Spider-Verse is a copyrighted property, and I don't want to take positive attention away from the movies, video game adaptations of IAB! are prohibited.
I'm not the first person to come up with a Sonic-themed Spider-Verse, and I know I won't be the last. Please don't cite me as that starting point.
QNA / Ask Me Anything!
Custom Human sprites made for IAB!
OMT!Sonic's Intro
Story points (all scripting posts are here for your viewing pleasure)
Character chart
Story List
Universal Reset Changes
One More Hero
Character bios
Key locations:
Blur HQ (Full Map) | MP-2021 South Island | FNF-NEW-2023 (with lore) | Universe Chart
Official canons/headcanons in IAB!:
The Awakening of Prism (made by @son1c) | Super Forms | The Shared Universe | Time Skips | Alternate Universe Nature | Power Sets | Yourself's Adoption | Sonic is NOT quick to forgive | Maria doesn't HAVE to die in all worlds | LGBTQ+ Chao | Movie Sonic's Abandonment Issues | UFO Catcher Bags | Prismatic Sonic | An Embarrassing BF | Water Sonic Design | Spider-Rose | Metal Virus Trauma
The SEGANet (+ trivia and what could have been)
Friday Night Funkin' Covers
Rivals' Madness (Song List)
Tua Vera Fata (CATaclysm)
Side Jams (crossovers with @robovoidfrog's Funkinverse)
Xs and Os (Smoke & Mirrors)
Special greetings:
Valentine's | Easter/Trans Visibility Day | April Fools' Day | Pride/LGBTQIA+
Milestone Celebrations:
Internship Graduation | Sonic's 33rd Anniversary
Other Stuff:
Omniverse (Ben 10 Spider-Verse) | The Q&A Begins | Hypothetical VAs | Game Concepts (UNOFFICIAL)
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alexissara · 4 months
Why An FE4 Remake Cannot Happen
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The Fire Emblem community has collectively decided because leaks have happened since the 3DS that Fire Emblem: Gemology of the Holy War is surly the next Fire Emblem Video Game and since then Genology Of The Holy War has surly been the next Fire Emblem video game we've had Three Houses, Three Hopes, and Fire Emblem Engage. However, I am here to say that I am sure that this is not the case and we will likely never see a remake of Fire Emblem 4.
The leaker on reddit who said FE Remake was coming along with other information about Engage said Gust worked on Fire Emblem Engage which was untrue, in fact no one from Koei worked on Engage. It is to say that outside of having screen shots from the Chinese localization and clearly some knowledge of the actual game that they likely simply talked to someone working in QA about they probably knew nothing else about the game for a fact. So we are simply going to disregard the rumors in this post and this is as far as I am willing to take it and instead focus on the reality and going over each reason why I do not believe a remake will happen.
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Fire Emblem Remakes do not make a lot of money. Shadow Dragon and New Mystery Of The Emblem were such big flops they almost killed the franchise and Echoes simply did not sell particularly well. The had a trajectory that was number go up then they did echoes and numbers went down that shot right back up for Three Houses higher than ever before before shooting way back down just above echoes with Engage.
It is likely that Echoes however was not a big failure for the series because it was in the same engine as Awakening/Fates and the development costs for a 3Ds game were pretty low. However, developing a game on switch is significantly higher especially when you consider the modern standards of Fire Emblem they would need to meet on a remake. Full Voice acting is extremely expensive for this game that would require full voice acting for Gen 1, gen 2 and gen 2's replacement characters all with supports and more. The amount of models and everything that would have to be put into the game is pretty big and making sure these massive maps look good is not going to be cheap either. The game is fundamentally not a cheap game to make in the current standards of quality that IS is holding the series too.
That is before anything new they add too which could add even higher costs to development with new writing, new characters, etc since it is unlikely to be the exact same script or the exact same gameplay. All of this on the backdrop of Engage objectively underperforming for recent series trends means that this game is a big money risk at a time where money resources are likely lower than normal or at least will be if this failed.
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Who is the audience for FE4? Nostalgic Japanese players and the most hard core nerds everywhere else. However, that simply will not result in the sales needed so we need to think of what the current FE Audience wants and expects from their Video Games. If we just gauge fire emblem fans we know that Fire Emblem Heroes player base declines every year and so the small amount of players are typically dedicated Fire Emblem fans and even inside the small niche of dedicated FE fans banners based on Fire Emblem Holy War Adventures preform among the worst of a year. They almost never reach even the middle of the pact. We see this further represented in Chose Your Legends where Holy War characters even with a focused effort over multiple years have struggled to make it even near the top.
There was a time where maybe in a Game Of Thrones world where people would have devoured genealogy but that audience has died down from a cultural phenome to a dedicated fan base and casual, well a new season of house of dragons is something fantasy to watch crowd. I don't think this is going to court new players and while some FE fans who currently don't care for it might give it a shot if presented with a remake will it be enough to justify making the game? As it stands it seems like it could justify a 3Ds scale game maybe with reused assets but there simply isn't the same kind of infostructure of the switch with Houses and Engage being build in different engines entirely. So this game would need to find who it is for and then market it and marketing a remake is extra hard.
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The plot of FE4 is a massive hurdle of FE4 one so big I have a second section to cover it more but we'll cover it in broad strokes here. I am not a big fan of FE4 so forgive me for any inaccuracies but I intend to be broad and brief. FE4 starts as fairly typical fire emblem fair blue hair lord fights some baddies but we get into the death of most of your main party, not in some alternative future like in awakening but their on screen deaths. During which time our main lords love interest is brainwashed and made the bride of the villain who kills her husband and father of her previous child, she will go on to have sex with him under mind control multiple times producing multiple children. All the while many children are sacrificed to a dark god in child hunts. You fight back against this in a second generation of units embodied with holy blood of nobles with differing levels of how holy and important their blood is.
So you know, it's a lot, we'll touch on it more later, just ya know let that one cook while I write the rest of the stuff in between.
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The Series Position
Fire Emblem is currently in a very delicate position of being a series on decline. With Engage selling worse than Awakening despite the switch having a much bigger install base and not having great word of mouth it is very unlikely the game will surpass Awakening let alone Fates or Three Houses. At current it is looking competitive with Three Hopes a spinoff game built in the same engine as houses that was a strange midquel and a warriors game. Fire Emblem Heroes player count is seemingly going down if we look at CYL voting year over year. So Fire Emblem as a brand, as a thing that makes money needs a big boost right now. The reality is a sales flop could tank the franchise. It was not that long ago that the series was on life support and Awakening was going to be the final FE game. At the moment Heroes is a massive money maker and they want to keep that money going they need new characters to get people hype about. The advent of Echoes did not provide a long term boost to the popularity of FE2 characters and those banners are not particularly high performers as made clear by their insistence on running the same few characters over and over. It is highly unlikely that FE4 remake would provide any kind of boost to heroes ability to take cash from people to gamble on JPEGs or make a ton of money for the franchise.
So what's left for FE4 to do is simply to damage the franchises reputation. If someone is a 1st time FE fan from buying Three Houses and they didn't like Engage which is just a fact that many people who bought Three Houses did not like Engage it is at the point where the FE subreddit banned talking shit about Engage [which is ridiculous] and the next game with the Fire Emblem game is likely make or break for the FE fans who loved Three Houses on if this series is for them or if it was a one time great game in a series that is otherwise not for them. Would FE4 appeal to a fan of Three Houses you need to consider that with your heart and soul, if the majority of people who loved Three Houses are excited for big maps with a lot of cavs, no avatar, tons of unit death, mustache twirling evil, etc. Right now the series needs to establish it's reputation and decide what it is that people should think when they think Fire Emblem.
Of course even if we think outside of Three Houses fans does it sound like something that awakening fans or fates fans might want and I don't really think that sounds right. The series is moving away from permadeath as a whole and having narrative permadeath is well a pretty big jump in the other direction for the game. Perhaps it's possible to do a smaller scale remake but that isn't what IS is known for doing given their schedule for game releases and the scale they like to release games at.
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I've touched on this in other sections but it bares repeating that this is probably the biggest factor of them all. Monster 3 is a very fan demanded game that has a full English translation at Nintendo they can use if people are to be believed but has not and will not ever be released in English. Why is this despite the fact that it would literally just be free money and press? Well it's because Nintendo does not want to be caught up in a controversy. The one element of the plot, one set of characters that are kinda racist and kinda transphobic are by themselves enough to hold back a full games release in the west. And the thing is that if they wrote them as intended the people who hate "woke" people would hate the same set of characters by calling them woke too and then their in a double hated situation and well it's a full fucking thing.
So then why then would they want to publish a game that is so loaded with potential controversies especially one that would need a bigger budget, one that would automatically have a smaller audience, and that would take IS's resources? Can you picture it now "New Nintendo game has beloved party member sexually assaulted and made to give birth to two children." It's like the Arieth sword scene for sickos. Not to mention all the child murder and everything potential other thing for negative press. It would be a really shaky ground to be working on even if it was locked in to make fates level sales, they were sure of it, it might not be worth the press they will get for it.
Then there is the controversy of what the game lacks. The series has a big queer fan base, that's just reality, and these people want to be reflected, it's clear because each FE game since awakening has increased the amount of queerness in it even the SoV remake. The game as it stands has no queerness, it's a eugenics simulator in act 1 where you are trying to build the most holy blood so you simply cannot do adoption unless you make the replacement units their adoptive kids but then do you just make gay people have an objectively harder time? Now you could say they have kids visa via magic if their gay or simply have gen 1 be straight but gen 2 be really queer since they don't need to have kids but these all require changes, additional work, and potentially more controversy. Once again put in a situation where queer fans might be upset and also the raging bigots will be mad. Now clearly the bigots don't really matter, they literally get mad about every video game they would say idk it's woke to ride a horse or something but it does put Nintendo into a position where the romantic elements are this massive pressure point.
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If you love Fire Emblem Genealogy of The Holy War then the best you can hope for is that they release an offical translation one day maybe paired with 776 and it's a nice port. I want that for the games of these games but I do not think they can release a remake for all of the reasons above and I think it would actively be the worst decision for the future health of Intelligent Systems.
While this game is beloved by many and those fans deserve a way to play it officially in their native language, I simply do not see a future where it is a game that is remade. I personally wouldn't buy it so maybe I am biased in some way shape or form because I hate FE4 but in the end I don't think it would be so hard to simply translate FE4 and release it on switch online or something so people can enjoy it.
That said, you should give up hope for this, it is nothing but cope, it simply is not going to happen, I feel confident enough to make this post and I've thought about this for many many years because we've had rumors it was going to happen since Echoes came out [hence that first image from around the time FE4 remake on 3Ds leaks started]. It's simply not going to happen and what you can hope for instead is another game that brings the same things that you love about FE4 to happen be that in the indie space or from the Fire Emblem series. Talk about what you love about FE4 a lot and share how they are awesome and could help the FE series as a whole and SRPGs because that is the most likely juice to really get the sparks of someone's heart going into development.
And if your a hater like me we can simply sit back and enjoy the show, see what Fire Emblem brings us next be that a remake of some other game or a brand new Fire Emblem game. Maybe it will suck, maybe it'll be great, but I look forward to the future of the series even if hesitantly after Engage.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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The Dead Zone will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on December 19 via Scream Factory. The 1983 science fiction-horror-thriller is based on Stephen King’s 1979 novel.
David Cronenberg (The Fly, Videodrome) directs from a script by Jeffrey Boam (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). Christopher Walken, Brooke Adams, Tom Skerritt, Herbert Lom, Anthony Zerbe, Colleen Dewhurst, and Martin Sheen star.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
School teacher Johnny Smith (Chistopher Walken) had a beautiful fiancée, a rewarding career and a fortunate life… until one tragic accident changed everything. After slamming into an 18-wheeler, Johnny is plunged into a five-year coma. When he awakens, he finds his true collision was with destiny – he now has the remarkable gift (or curse) of seeing into the future. From horror master Stephen King and Director David Cronenberg (Scanners, Dead Ringers), this supernatural thriller turns an everyday guy into a reluctant hero… saving children in danger, helping the police and finding a serial killer. But Johnny’s next vision may be his most terrifying yet.
Pre-order The Dead Zone.
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scripthome · 10 months
Elevate Your Gaming Experience: Unveiling the Power of Roblox Scripts
In the ever-evolving realm of online gaming, Roblox remains a powerhouse for creativity and immersive gameplay. With an extensive library of games catering to diverse interests, Roblox enthusiasts are continually seeking ways to enhance their gaming adventures. If you're on the lookout for a game-changing experience, delve into the world of scripts. In this article, we'll explore some exciting scripts for popular Roblox games such as Roblox Aimbot Script, Anime Warriors Simulator 2 Script, Anime Warriors Simulator Script, Football Duels Script, and Heroes Awakening Script.
Roblox Aimbot Script: Precision Perfected
The Roblox Aimbot Script is a game-changer for those seeking unparalleled precision in their gameplay. Whether you're navigating intense battles or aiming for the perfect shot, this script empowers players with enhanced targeting capabilities, taking your gaming prowess to new heights.
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Anime Warriors Simulator 2 Script: Unleashing the Next Level
Anime Warriors Simulator 2 has captivated players with its immersive world and dynamic gameplay. With the right script, you can unlock a myriad of possibilities, from leveling up faster to mastering advanced combat techniques. Elevate your Anime Warriors Simulator 2 experience with a script that adds an extra layer of excitement to your virtual journey.
Anime Warriors Simulator Script: Scripting Adventure
The allure of Anime Warriors Simulator lies in its captivating storyline and challenging quests. With the right script, you can amplify your character's abilities, unlock exclusive features, and embark on a thrilling adventure like never before. Explore the untapped potential of Anime Warriors Simulator Script and redefine your virtual destiny.
Football Duels Script: Score Big with Enhanced Gameplay
Football Duels offers a unique blend of sportsmanship and competition within the Roblox universe. Take your football skills to the next level with a script that enhances your player's agility, shooting accuracy, and overall performance. Whether you're aiming for the goal or defending your turf, the Football Duels Script is your key to scoring big in the game.
Heroes Awakening Script: Unleash Your Inner Hero
Heroes Awakening invites players into a world of superpowers and epic battles. With the Heroes Awakening Script, you can unlock hidden abilities, level up faster, and conquer challenges with ease. Transform your gaming experience into an extraordinary journey where you become the hero you've always dreamed of.
As you embark on your quest for a more immersive and exhilarating gaming experience, don't underestimate the power of scripts. Explore the possibilities offered by the Roblox Aimbot Script, Anime Warriors Simulator 2 Script, Anime Warriors Simulator Script, Football Duels Script, and Heroes Awakening Script. To access these game-changing scripts and more, visit ScriptHome and elevate your Roblox adventure to unprecedented heights. Your next level of gaming excitement awaits!
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cantsayidont · 11 months
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March 1987. While the 1984 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES series didn't focus exclusively on the female Legionnaires by any means, it gave many of them some of their finest moments, such as this exceptional spotlight on Legion founder Saturn Girl (pictured above left). Awakening to find herself a prisoner in a labor camp on an unknown planet, surrounded by virtually mindless fellow captives, Saturn Girl has to use every bit of her intelligence, strength, and telepathic ability to find a way out for herself and three other captured Legionnaires. This is a remarkable story in many ways, not least for its imaginative depiction of Saturn Girl's telepathic journey into the minds of her comrades. More under the cut …
Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen of Titan) was one of the original Legionnaires, introduced in ADVENTURE COMICS #247 back in 1958. She had actually retired for a while after marrying cofounder Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad), with whom she'd had two young children, and at this point was only occasionally involved in Legion business, although she and Garth had recently had a nasty run-in with one of the Legion's worst enemies, as seen in the 1986 LEGIONNAIRES 3 miniseries. Nevertheless, Imra in this period was one of the most experienced members of the team, having been a professional superhero since she was 14 years old.
This issue begins with Imra waking up after having been mentally controlled like her fellow captives; while she was out, her telepathic abilities had somehow managed to break the mental blocks suppressing her thoughts and personality. She immediately has a Beverly Crusher "No, it is the world that is wrong" moment:
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For the reader, the "Universo Project" title banner on the cover has already tipped the identity of the story's villain: Universo, a former Green Lantern called Vidar, is a power-hungry would-be tyrant with formidable hypnotic powers. However, at this point, Imra doesn't have any idea what's happened or where she is. She proceeds to carefully analyze the physical layout of their prison:
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She assesses possible escape routes, but quickly runs into a problem: Although there are no guards other than surveillance drones, Imra doesn't have superhuman strength or endurance, and without her Legion flight ring and transuit, she can't fly or hold her breath indefinitely, which means she won't be able to get out on her own. However, she knows that there are three other Legionnaires among the prisoners: Dream Girl (Nura Nal of Naltor), Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox of Colu), and Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle of Durla). (Although Imra hasn't made the connection yet, they've all been singled out because they are the Legionnaires most resistant to Universo's hypnotic powers, and thus the greatest potential threats to his plans.) Together, the four of them might be able to contrive an escape, but first Imra has to help them escape the mental blocks that have made them virtual zombies.
With great difficulty, Imra manages to carry her three comrades one at a time to a cave that seems to be unmonitored. She then begins the even more challenging phase of her plan: entering the unconscious minds of each of her friends, something she had always made a point of not doing.
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The 1980s saw an enormous improvement in the physical production capabilities of mainstream comics. The color hold and glow effect in the page above would not have been possible when Paul Levitz first started writing Legion stories in the '70s, and this story uses that technology to good advantage.
I'm skipping over some scene changes here; the story cuts away at several points to show what the other Legionnaires are doing and what Universo is up to back on Earth. That's less interesting than what's happening with Imra, as she enters the unconscious mind of Nura Nal:
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Production technology is one thing, but flashy effects are meaningless if the story has nothing to say. These telepathy sequences are really visually inventive, and I'm curious how much of this is in the script and how much is the imagination of penciller Greg LaRocque, who outdoes himself here on what I assume was a challenging job.
As for what Saturn Girl is seeing: Dream Girl is a precog whose powers manifest primarily in the form of prophetic dreams. She was also one of the most scientifically proficient Legionnaires, although her intellect tended to be overshadowed by the fact that she was a high-maintenance diva and frequently a huge bitch. Her boyfriend, Star Boy (Thom Kallor), whose image Imra sees in Nura's head, generally took a smile-and-nod approach to Nura's fits of primadonna bullshit.
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Did I mention that Dream Girl was kind of a diva? Even in this critical situation, Imra can't help but roll her eyes a bit at her friend's, ahem, robust self-regard.
With Nura freed, Imra enters the 12th-level computer mind of resident Coluan super-genius Brainiac 5:
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Brainiac 5 was never depicted as an android or a cyborg, so what did it mean for him to have a "computer mind"? Levitz apparently gave that a lot of thought, and the result is an interesting visualization of Brainy's superhuman intellect.
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The blond woman in the circle near the top looks like Dream Girl, which doesn't make much sense: There was no love lost between Brainy and Nura in this era, and it seems unlikely she would be this much on his mind. I have an inkling that that image was originally supposed to be Supergirl — about whom Brainy DID have strong feelings and whose death he had been mourning not that long before — but that Levitz and LaRocque got an 11th-hour editorial reminder that Kara could no longer even be mentioned, resulting in that section being hastily redrawn. (I'm speculating, but it seems reasonable.) The guy with the headband, meanwhile, is former Legionnaire Lyle Norg, the first Invisible Kid, who died in SUPERBOY #203. Lyle was Brainy's friend, and there was sometimes the sense that Brainy had romantic feelings for him, so his presence here is noteworthy.
Finally, Imra must reach the mind of Chameleon Boy. Cham was one of a handful of pre-reboot Legionnaires who were genuinely not human: He was from the planet Durlan, whose inhabitants were all shapeshifters. By this time, it had been established that Cham's normal form (orange humanoid with antennae) was not his true shape, but a common "default" form Durlans used when engaging with humans so as not to freak them out TOO badly. As Imra discovers below, this means that Cham's mind is also completely inhuman:
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This is a fascinating representation of the inside of Cham's head. Durlan bodies are unusually malleable — Chameleon Boy's shapeshifting never seems to be constrained by mass or volume, and he routinely becomes creatures of wildly different sizes and forms. So, what parts ARE Cham? Where does his personality reside? An interesting philosophical question, but this is still an adventure story, and Imra is on the clock:
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Very impressive. What I find particularly compelling about how Levitz treats Saturn Girl in this story is that he resists the temptation to amp up her powers or turn her into a blond Batman; he stays within the established bounds of her abilities while emphasizing her practical resourcefulness. You also get a sense at several points that Imra is struggling a bit to keep herself calm (she reassures herself that her husband is probably looking for her and that she will be reunited with her kids), since she recognizes that if she panics, she's probably done for. (There's a notable contrast with LEGIONNAIRES 3, by Keith Giffen and Mindy Newell, where Imra does break down after she learns one of her sons has been kidnapped; she's not made of stone.)
It's not hard to see why this series is still considered the standard-bearer for modern Legion stories: Levitz was deeply concerned with the personalities and relationships between the characters — not only within the individual stories, but also across the group's long and convoluted history — but he also managed to come up with imaginative and exciting adventures through which to explore and develop those things. It doesn't always work, of course (although there are few real clunkers in this run), but when it works, it works really well, and even the less-successful arcs are generally interesting. Certainly, the female Legionnaires had never been treated with this level of care and respect before — and most of them haven't since then, either.
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britishassistant · 2 years
A twst and NeverAfter crossover! A Twisted Neverland! There are so many possibilities!
Warning: NeverAfter/twst chapter 7 spoilers
I imagine the RSA princes’ motives might be a combination of the Fairies and the Princesses; something like, destroying twisted wonderland in order to return to the “true” version of the story. Because imagine how unfair it must feel to go from being the most important character in your story to barely even getting a name. I could see that leading to a mindset of setting right what once went wrong, only their definition of “right” is a bit myopic. Nevemind that their plan would doom all of the NRC students because “they’re villains, villains don’t deserve happy endings”
I know he’s taking the role of the Stepmother but Malleus’ goal also gives him a lot in common with the Baron of Bricks. A beginning with no ending. And a conflict with death (which is perfect since Idia, twisted from the ruler of the underworld, is gonna go up against him in canon). Perhaps that’s why he’s not too far gone to save? Because he doesn’t want to completely destroy everything, instead he wants to preserve certain parts of the story at the expense of everything else. Or is he at a point of “if I can’t have you no one can”?
What’s Lilia’s role in this? I can’t imagine he’d willingly go along with this insane plan if he understood what was going on, considering his reaction at the party. So is he being controlled? I guess that would mean Silver is in a similar position to Pinocchio.
If the students are sticking to the script doesn’t that mean that Yuu has to meet with Malleus? Not very often (thank god) but I doubt he’d take kindly to being denied their friendship, not after everything he’s sacrificed to keep it. Man, imagine meeting this eldritch creature and being expected to act all clueless and call him Hornton like you’re not painfully aware that he wants to eat you or something.
And are all the students aware of the nature of their world? Was it harder for some of them to awaken than others? Specifically the ones without an obvious analog from the other stories? Like Jack, or those twisted from plot devices instead of characters? (Epel: I’m a goddamned apple)
Sorry for the long disjointed rant, your au just combined my two current hyperfixations:D
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
These are literally my two hyperfixations right now, I am vibrating in place—
(Also this is just one of the two possible crossovers I’ve had in mind. After all, if Disney interpretations of fairy tales exist within Neverafter, who’s to say our intrepid heroes couldn’t wash up on Sage Island one fine morning?)
And yes that is what’s happening with the RSA princes—much like the Neverafter princesses they have basically decided that the villainous world of Twisted Wonderland is only making people residing in it unhappy as things get worse and worse every run. Therefore the only way to save everyone and make them happy is by making sure this backwards, twisted world no longer exists.
Yes, Malleus’ goals are basically an amalgamation of the two—like when the stepmother started out and the Baron, all he wants is a way to keep Lilia from getting sick and to keep his human in Twisted Wonderland without needing to ever worry about parting. Except, then he discovered that his story was written to be a tragedy where he confronts loss and learns to move on despite it. And in his current mindset, the being formerly known as Malleus Draconia was not prepared to accept that this narrative would only take from him that which he held dear.
Isn’t it better that he sacrifice the very thing binding him to this tale, the name of the heir to the Valley of Thorns, if it means he can surpass the Thorn Fairy and destroy all that which is unnecessary to his happiness? Even if his current power is insufficient to do so, all he needs to do are consume the other manifestations of “Dorm Head” or “Villain” until he is the only being left with any claim to these titles, no?
He’s not quite at the point of “if I can’t have you, no one can” but he is getting there. Oh boy is he getting there.
Lilia, Crowley and by extension Sebek are trying to work against the Diasomnia Dorm Head to get things Back on Track (or what they think Back On Track is). As fae, they’re a bit more aware of the ways in which the narrative should run, and the beings whose attentions they do not wish to attract for fear of them making the story worse.
For Lilia and Sebek this is hard as they need to try and keep Diasomnia running like how it was when the Dorm Head was still mostly person shaped, while ensuring no one deviates from the script by force, if they must. They can’t do much about the Dorm Head, as he’s basically drifting around doing whatever he wants to try and gain more power, but for the more human students? Well, it’s not like these individual, self-centered mages can really fight back against Crowley or Lilia’s capabilities, right? Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine, they promise.
Of course, this is without the additional factor that every parallel version of Twisted Wonderland our heroes end up in after they die incorporates more of the darker and grittier aspects of the original tales than the ones before it.
Kalim al-Asim hasn’t had the freedom to think for himself since the start of the year, for example. Crossing the Octavinelle trio is a sure fire way to find yourself vanished without a trace, the dorm students of Ignihyde seem to be halfway to the underworld already, and some say the dorm head of Heartslaybul will paint the roses red with the blood of those who fail to live up to his exacting standards.
Yuu, Grim, Silver, Rook and Ortho are all part of Team “maybe we shouldn’t have to follow our stories to the letter to find happiness but we don’t want the world destroyed either thnx”.
Grim, quite understandably, does not want his story to end with him turning into a monster that either kills his friends or gets killed by them, and so is trying to find a way to avoid this fate.
Silver and Rook, thanks to their more light-aligned origins, are similar to the RSA students in that once they’ve “awoken” they’ll stay that way across every version of themselves. Silver is taking it much harder than Rook is, though it’s not easy for him either.
Ortho, thanks to Idia modifying his memory databanks so they can be transferred across dimensions, is able to pretty much “awaken” whenever an alternate version of him is destroyed.
Yuu’s notebook, which they originally used in their Villainous Paranoiac ‘verse to record everything that happened to them and try to figure out a way to prevent overblots, functions very much like Timothy Goose’s storybook, if more…prone to overwriting its wielder with the memories stored within.
Most of the students who “wake up” usually join this side as well. It’s actually much easier for the students who aren’t twisted from defined character within their story to “awaken”. After all, it’s much harder for a person to be twisted into a worse version of their story counterpart if that counterpart is say, an apple, a pair of cards, or a wolf that never appeared in the first place.
Thank you for ranting though! I really enjoy reading through things like this!!
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eriquin · 10 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
Tagged by @devondespresso.
Rules: Post your last sentence, then tag as many people as there are words in it.
She was wrapped up in a fluffy pink bathrobe, one of Steve’s mom’s, and wearing a matching pair of slippers.
Tagging 20 people (I use a script to generate names so if you got tagged by me recently, sorry!): @i-less-than-three-you, @vthx, @t-boyeddie, @xenon-demon, @cassaloopa, @hairstevington, @steddierthings, @findafight, @enigma731, @momotonescreaming, @spicysix, @nburkhardt, @qprstobin, @sidekick-hero, @judasofsuburbia, @bifuriouswaterbender, @emeraldzephyr, @vampsiltonpitch, @augustjustice, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
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thatbrokenpromise · 11 months
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I am posting this before I fiddle with it more and lose my goddamn mind: The Zelda Timeline, as I am using it for this Link's Meet 'verse.
Text description/summary under the cut as best I can do with how complex this is, but in brief this maps out the timeline order of events, languages, scripts, which events happen in which timeline, and mutual intelligibility.
The top portion is the "Origins" section, coloured green, and includes the entries: The First Hero Skyward Sword The First Hero of the Four Sword Minish Cap Four Sword
The First Hero of the Four Sword is marked as a separate language, because in this work he's Picori, so he speaks the Picori language not a version of Hylian.
The First Hero and Skyward Sword speak similar language, but not the same; Skyward Sword and Minish Cap era would also be similar, but some difficulty understanding eg. Spanish and Portuguese or Spanish and French degrees of separation.
Ocarina of Time is marked out separately as the spoke from which the rest branch off. It's of limited comprehension with Twilight Princess, Link to the Past, and Minish Cap, and none with Wind Waker.
In Adult Timeline, coloured blue (right hand side), there is: Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks
Linguistically, this section is isolated in every respect except for the script. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are isolated languages (which absolutely can happen while using the same script), and Wind Waker lost the language in common use in Ocarina of Time and therefore has no comprehension going backwards or across to Twilight Princess or Link to the Past, despite similar degrees of remove in time.
In Child Timeline, coloured yellow (center), there is: Majora's Mask Twilight Princess Four Swords Adventures Hyrule Warriors
Linguistically, this section is a gradient, disregarding Majora's Mask which gets a separate language tag bc it's not Hyrule. Twilight Princess is of limited comprehension to Ocarina of Time and Four Swords Adventures, but likely is unintelligible to Minish Cap and Hyrule Warriors and vice versa. In every instance, each entry on an orange line gets progressively less similar the more points you move away from the origin.
In Downfall Timeline, coloured red, there is: Rauru & Sonia's Hyrule Link to the Past Oracle of Ages (purple) Link's Awakening (purple) Oracle of Seasons (purple) Link Between Worlds Tri Force Heroes (purple) The First Calamity Legend of Zelda Adventure of Link Age of Calamity Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom
Let me start with the BOTW/TOTK question. "10,000 Years" is the kind of statement that places the story in mythic history: whatever accurate information it may have, the time period is not necessarily one of them. As such, I match the Imprisoning War to the war referenced in LttP, and the FIrst Calamity to Hyrule's "Golden Age" post LbW and before LOZ, matching it up by a few generations to the original time period of AOL's Zelda.
Several locations here are not in Hyrule, and therefore get the purple marker for separate languages; several others are close enough in time to be considered the same language. LOZ/AOL and BOTW/TOTK are canonically less than ten years apart; LttP and LbW are presented as similar enough maps and worlds that it's likely been a century or less different. Similarly, due to the time periods likely matching up, LttP and LbW are comprehensible with TP , OoT, and FSA but not with HW and neither is LOZ/AOL. Finally, I consider the time period gap between LOZ/AOL and BOTW/TOTK to be signficant enough to render it incomprehensible, in much the same way OoT and WW are.
Other Language Matters:
Because several of my Links use sign language, I made notes about who, in what era, was using different ones. Because the notes are primarily for art purposes, I gave them as glossed entries, which is to say when I draw Kokiri signing, he will be using ASL as a stand in for Gerudo sign language; then I draw Prince or Rabbit signing, they will be using BSL for Hylian sign language. When I draw Hateno signing, it will be AUSLAN, which is derived from BSL (whereas ASL is derived from French Sign Language and therefore is not related.) This is not meant as an exhaustive list, but only as notes of the ones I have decided on.
With regards to the script notes, it is absolutely possible for them to both come and go in that way and to cross time periods. Marked are:
Ocarina of Time Hylian Ancient Hylian, as of WW Gerudo Script Twilight Princess Hylian Skyward Sword Hylian Link Between Worlds Hylian Ancient Sheikah script, as of Breath of the Wild Zonai script
I may or may not attempt to do something with the unintelligible scripts of LttP, LA, and HW but for now this is the extent of my decisions about timelines and languages going on! This will be relevant, to some extent, to who can read each other's writing.
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pilvimarja · 1 year
Which is your favourite Roosmav era, pre canon, canon or post canon?
Oh it's so difficult to pick a favorite era! They're all great for different reasons and different flavors of Roosmav 🥰 I think each era has an aspect of the relationship that's kind of highlighted in that time period, and I really love how long the history between Mav and Bradley is and how much there is for the fandom to explore.
I like pre-canon scenarios where Bradley is still young and full of hero worship and Mav is his favorite person in the world and his sexual awakening and the object of his secret crush or even better, an obsession. I love a young Bradley who is absolutely fixated on Mav and Mav being completely oblivious to it.
I haven't actually seen that many fics or headcanons about the years between the paper pulling and the events of TGM, and I can see why. That era is pretty difficult to explore and I personally am not a huge fan of angry!Bradley and hate sex, even though I did write about it once in one of my own fics. One of my favorite scenarios during this period of time is the one where Bradley has his accident that got him a face full of scars and Mav is still his emergency contact and comes to see him in the hospital. @joondemiel actually wrote a really good fic about it recently!
Canon era fics pretty much kickstarted the Roosmav fandom, but that time period (just a couple of weeks) is so narrow that I find it to be kind of limiting, creatively. There are some scenes in canon that I think are endlessly fascinating from a Roosmav perspective. Scenes like the one on the carrier just before the mission, and the scene at the Hard Deck when Mav sees Bradley for the first time in years. I always wonder if Bradley was secretly aware of Mav's presence (in the original script he was) and if that's the reason he chose to play that song.
The post-canon era is extra good for fluffy, domestic Roosmav fics and headcanons (and some nice kinks that work better with an established relationship). I love reading about Mav and Bradley's reconciliation and seeing them get to know each other again, and starting a whole new chapter in their relationship as equals and more 😏 I love Good Boy Bradley who's let go of his anger, and I love Mav who finally has his boy back in his life and gets to share his life with someone.
It's all just so good! All the eras, all of them are my favorites! ❤
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