#Hermione is a sap
minimindi · 4 months
Microfic May Day 27: evolve (alt. choice)
Week 4 challenge complete! Use every letter of the alphabet.
so the formatting looks like shit if you're viewing ao3 on your phone. Here's what it's supposed to look like
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crackishincorrecthp · 11 months
Harry: Bye Draco! Bye Ron! Bye Hermione! Bye Ginny! Bye Luna! Bye Draco! Hermione: You said "bye Draco" twice Harry: It turns out Draco is my boyfriend, so I love him and therefore he deserves 2 "bye"s Hermione: Ron: Ginny: Luna: Draco: Sap
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aeligsido · 13 days
[WM — September 2024] Prompt 1 — Hogwarts Express.
Rating: T.
TW: mentions of the war and the pov character definitely has trauma (maybe PTSD?).
Characters: Altair Lupin-Black (OC), Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Daisy Potter; mention of a lot of other characters.
Additional Tags: Voldemort attacks the Potters later au; Outsider POV; not-really-implied-but-also-how-else-did-they-get-those-kids past mpreg; Kallisto, Maeve, Daisy, & Altair are my OCs; POA; emotional angst; those children have so many trauma; those adults also have so many trauma.
Summary: Altair just wants his parents back together.
Words Count: 876.
A/N: Hey! I hope it still qualifies (Altair does think a lot about his parents together) jdjdjd. I started thinking about this au not too long ago — where Harry is seven (and a half!) when Voldemort finds & attacks the Potters, and what would it change (more kids everywhere apparently) and what wouldn’t change (rip Sirius, but at least this time he escaped earlier). I’m so willing to babble about it you have no idea. Anyway, I hope you guys like it! 💕
Read on ao3.
He should be happy and excited and hopeful; yet all Altair can feel is the trepidation and anxiety twisting his stomach into knots.
He knew since he was five and lost most of his family that starting Hogwarts was going to be difficult; he hadn’t imagined any of this, still.
For starters, at five he still firmly believed that the Aurors would soon realize their mistake and let his Papa go. He’s not sure when this particular hope withered away, yet it did, and with it all the trust and respect his child self still had for the government — which admittedly hadn’t been that much anyway, considering that his dad is a werewolf and the British Wizarding World hates everything that isn’t wizard and pureblooded.
Then, it’s the fact that said Papa escaped Azkaban this summer — of course not to kill Harry as people seem so intent on believing, but even Dad isn’t sure what prompted it. Tentatively, he told them when they first reunited earlier that day that perhaps he just hadn’t managed to escape before; Altair could imagine it’s true, too.
His dad is sleeping, now, the upcoming moon sapping all of his energy. Maeve is curled up against him, as fast asleep as he is, for the exact same reasons. From time to time, a small snort escapes her throat, and Kallisto lets out a small giggle. She’s tucked against Dad and Neville, listening to the older teenagers' conversation, and seemingly more excited than everyone else combined. It’s not the same for her, Altair knows — she was barely one when everything happened. She doesn’t have the memories of everything that happened after.
Reflexively, he squeezes Daisy’s hand. She squeezes right back, and he lets out a soft, relieved breath. Being separated from her all those years has been terrible, like his very soul being ripped in half and told to wander on its own. He’s not able to let go of her now that she’s here, not yet, and she doesn’t look much ready to let go of him either. Susan is on the other side of her, and then Harry and Harry’s friend Hermione. Beside Neville is Ron — one of Uncle Fabian’s nephews, he remembers. They’ve never met, but Uncle Fabian used to talk about them all the time — and then Susan’s friend Hannah. It’s a lot of people, probably too much for their compartment, but Dad casts a few spells when they all came in and it looks like it's holding on.
Sometimes, Altair still has nightmares about the night Uncle James and Aunt Lily died, and about Papa leaving in the middle of the night and never coming back. He was too young to realize then, but now he can tell how much it must have weighed on his dad; how much it still weighs on him. They haven’t talked about Papa being out and about outside of Dad telling them that Dumbledore is wrong and Papa is not going to hurt them — Altair knows that, of course, but the girls either don’t remember him or never knew him, so they needed the reassurance — but that he’s taking the DADA position anyway.
Altair wonders what his dad is feeling, now. Is he angry? Or scared? Or excited? Does he even still love Papa the way he used to?
Altair wants to see his fathers together again. He cherishes the memories of simpler times, when the war was still raging on and Voldemort was still alive, but they were a happy family. He remembers his fathers dancing and singing in the kitchen after tucking him in bed, when he would get up to ask for another story and end up in their arms and laughing at the purposefully wrong notes his Papa would hit. He remembers their smiles, full and bright and tired and wary, but always loving, always comforting, and the soft I love yous they would exchange and murmur into his hair. He remembers the last year the most, when they would sneak away to the Potters’ cottage and grieve their family members falling one after the other and yet still be the most safe he ever felt.
He wants it back. He wants it back so badly; the love and the bad singing and the kisses into his hair and on his forehead and the adoration in his Papa’s eyes when he was looking at Dad and him and Kallisto, and the warmth and safety teared away from them by Voldemort killing Uncle James and Aunt Lily and the government letting Papa rots in jail under false accusations.
More even, Altair wants his dad to be happy again, happy like when Altair was a kid, happy like when Papa was still with them. And now — now that Papa is out, maybe it’ll happen. Maybe they’ll be together again, and they'll be a family again, and Harry and Daisy will come live with them, and Papa will love Maeve just like he loves him and Kallisto, and Dad will be happy. Complete again. A team, chasing away Death Eaters and monsters under the bed alike.
Altair wants it, and he wants to believe in this future more than anything.
And every second closer to Hogwarts chants maybe, maybe, maybe…
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papapoutine · 11 months
Riverdale Characters and the IDGAF War
Nana Rose: general of the idgaf war. Kept a corpse in maple syrup for decades. Sold the maple groves that her husband’s family had held for generations after Reggie flirted with her once and she heard about one maple tree not producing sap. Sat on information regarding Jason’s death for months and did not care. Had a son that disappeared and a child bride daughter who hates her and never mentions any of them and never tried to look for said child or make amends with said daughter. Was fully prepared to sacrifice her granddaughter’s situationship at a moment’s notice.
Josie: The General MacArthur of the idgaf war. Utterly annihilated Sweet Pea and Archie in the idgaf wars of season 3, and came out victorious in the Cold Idgaf War against Reginald Mantle while texting during community service in season 2. Repeatedly stayed late and walked home alone from school durinng a time where her mother was receiving death threats, a serial killer was on the loose, AND she had a stalker who had managed to break into her locker (obvi, it was Cheryl, but she had no idea atp). Pulled a Jesy Nelson on the Pussycats only to reunite the band seven years later so she could flex on her flop classmates and clear every single one of them in a single takedown. The only reason Nana Rose ranks above her is due to the sheer amount of lore that Nana Rose sits on and doesn’t talk about because she dgaf about it.
Hermione: called a hit on her husband and still slept with him later. Divorced him by declaring she had joined the real housewives. Somewhat faltered after becoming a real housewife, but until then was as cool as a cucumber.
Hiram: dgaf about anything besides Veronica, wrestling, his rum business, and palladium.
Penelope: Does not acknowledge her breaking out of prison or sending her daughter to conversion therapy before asking her daughter to start a cult with her. Key victory against Hal in the season 3 finale.
Veronica: based on how she dealt with her breakups with Archie, Reggie and Chad, would be the most successful main character in the idgaf war were it not for Hiram. However, given that Hiram’s antics nearly always pose existential threats to her dreams and happiness, she is forced to concede brief losses by circumstance.
Reggie: debated putting him above Veronica due to how he handled his breakups with Veronica as well as selling her soul to Lucifer and setting fire to the maple groves but then I remembered his Red Circle era and he def gaf way too much.
Betty: much like Alice, hard to make a verdict. If it involved someone she cared deeply about, she would honestly hide it but be upset. I personally find labelling the Mad world stripping scene as fighting in the IDGAF war very funny, but ultimately she did it because she gaf about Jughead. She did, however, win the idgaf war against TBK.
Alice: Incredibly hard to answer, because overall she gaf, but when she wins, her victories are huge. I don’t know what else you could call the Gala entrance scene other than the equivalent to dropping an atomic bomb in the idgaf war. Completely annihilated Hal in the second season finale by telling him how much he sucked and how she wanted to fuck FP while he was trying to murder-suicide them. Otherwise completely loses because she cannot mind her own business.
Tabitha: honestly has no choice but to gaf because otherwise the multiverse would literally be destroyed.
Archie: Would seem to be winning but in reality wouldn’t know the idgaf war was even occurring. The second he finds out, though, he looks all over town looking to make that apology in person, regardless of who’s at fault.
Uncle Frank: cannot STAND when people don’t want to hear him. Always involves himself in shit. I guess he won the idgaf war against his family in Canada by abandoning them???
Cheryl: believes that she’s winning the idgaf war only to lead her troops to the slaughter like the Dauphin at the Battle of Agincourt. Seemingly won the idgaf war by isolating from the world for seven years, but immediately shat on that victory the second she left the house by challenging her pregnant ex, and then a literal teenager, to a dance battle for control of a high school cheerleading team. Cursed an entire town because some of them were descended from the people who killed the witch ancestress that Cheryl had literally found out about only an hour before. Made five (I count burning down Thornhill) tributes to her dead twin only to keep his stuffed corpse in her chapel and talk to it, then created a religion with him as a Christ figure. Reacted to her ex being pregnant by building a nursery in her house. Banned her ex from wearing the colour red. Hosted a key party just to hook up with her ex. I cannot stress how much this woman gaf.
Jughead: slaughtered right off the bat like the Hunger Games tributes that step off their pedestals early and get blown up immediately. The only member of the Core Four to show up at Pop’s after college. Cannot physically resist getting baited. If any person interferes with his life he immediately imagines that they are the Big Bad whose single purpose is to eternally ruin Jughead’s life (most don’t even know who he is, much less care about him). He got so pissed about being banned from the prom that he didn’t even want to go to in the first place that he wrote a fanfic about murdering his principal. The only reason he gaf more than Cheryl is due to the sheer concentration that goes into him pretending not to gaf and be aloof.
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goldenbi · 20 days
wrong number
for @microcest's prompt "wrong number" (552 words) warning: incest read on ao3
Harpy: Have a good trip! Don’t let the seagulls steal your wand again! little ronnikins: 🖕
little ronnikins changed Harpy’s name to Annoying Little Sister
Annoying Little Sister: Seriously? After I owl ordered Hermione’s picnic for you?
little ronnikins changed Annoying Little Sister’s name to Did One Thing
Did One Thing: Ronald! Did One Thing: I swear to Merlin I will send Mione alone on your anniversary trip little ronnikins: Alright Alright!
little ronnikins changed Annoying Little Sister’s name to Harpy
little ronnikins: Thank you for setting this up, Gin. I swear I haven’t felt this happy since… before the Aurors. Godric, that’s the war. Alright, maybe I’ve never been this happy. Harpy: Alright no need to be a sap. Harpy: I’m glad you’re doing it. Harpy: Now go!
little ronnikins: Landed! Harpy: hope you like the B&B I picked out
little ronnikins: holy hell gin little ronnikins: this place is little ronnikins: are you sure I can afford it? Harpy: Shut up and enjoy it.
little ronnikins Incoming Call Harpy Accepted Call
Harpy: I am so glad she loves it little ronnikins: We wish you were here
little ronnikins: *0:42 Video - Hermione is tied to a large white bed by her wrists, her leg held open by a big, freckled hand. Ron’s long cock slides into her and she moans, the straps straining against her wrists. “Please!” she begs, and the hand slides down towards her center, and Ron’s thumb circles her clit. Her legs immediately clamp together. The video ends.
Harpy: looks like you are having a lot of fun
little ronnikins: Fuck Gin! little ronnikins: I did not mean to send that to you! little ronnikins: I am so sorry little ronnikins: Harpy and Harry are just one letter off Harpy: You were sending that to HARRY? little ronnikins: …yes Harpy: Harry Potter? My ex? The one you were so jealous of that you left searching for horcruxes because of it? little ronnikins: I can explain little ronnikins: when harry told us he might like boys and girls, but he wasn’t sure, we just Harpy: go on little ronnikins: we fooled around together Harpy: YOU and Harry? little ronnikins: no! little ronnikins: I mean yes, but the three of us together Harpy: how noble little ronnikins: shut up Harpy: so you three have a little kinky group chat do you? little ronnikins: don’t call it that Harpy: you’ve got Hermione all tied up, I think that counts as kinky little ronnikins: no I just mean little ronnikins: you shouldn’t know this about me, I’m your brother Harpy: is that why you didn’t invite me into the group chat when I came out as pan? little ronnikins: Yes! Siblings shouldn’t think of each other that way
Harpy: Well I am now little ronnikins: Ginny Harpy: I mean I knew Hermione was gorgeous Harpy: but I didn’t know you were my Big big brother little ronnikins: I shouldn’t have sent it to you, it’s late, it was a long portkey
Harpy changed little ronnikins name to Big Ronnikins
Big Ronnikins: I’m glad you think it’s funny Harpy: Was there more? Harpy: Videos? Big Ronnikins: good night gin
Harpy saved video to device Harpy looped video, played a total of 23 times Harpy looped video, played a total of 17 times
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rondracofest · 2 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2023: Weekly Round-Up (1)
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I’m astounded by our fabulous first week for Ron/Draco Fest 2023! Here is a collected post for all the submissions we had the pleasure of viewing over this past week. There is more to come in the fest, so please do stick around!
Title: by the time the bar closes Rating: G Summary: Draco is inexplicably drawn to the way the strobe lights dance and flicker across his auror partner's face. He looked ethereal, alive and beautiful. Six years after the war and Draco is still not over his crush on Ronald Weasley.
Title: The Malfoysian Gambit Rating: G Summary: Ron finds he's a contestant on WEBO, the Wizarding England Bake Off, with other Hogwarts former students. There's not enough rum at his station to make it through with Draco Malfoy across the aisle, especially when said former enemy seems to have more at stake than he's letting on. Lighthearted, happy ending; the only tragedies involve baked goods. Title: The Magnificent Race Rating: PG-13 Summary: When both of their partners have to drop out of the Magnificent Race, rivals Ron and Draco are paired together in a race across America. Title: Tree Sap Rating: PG-13 Summary: Draco reluctantly agrees to buy a Christmas tree when Narcissa is too busy. Then another tree. Then he returns again. This has nothing to do with Ron Weasley. Title: Of My Life, You Could Be My Deepest Longing Rating: PG-13 Summary: After unexpectedly making a fortune on Fantasy Quidditch with Seamus Finnigan, Ron pours his galleons and his heart into The Sanctuary, a place for up to six concurrent clients to recover from addiction and trauma. Can Ron live in a reality that includes a mellow, penniless Malfoy when dropped into his haven to do work for the facility? A fantastical tale with inspiration drawn from a very real, very miraculous recovery journey. Title: Ron and Draco Go on an Island Adventure [Gee Thanks, Hermione] Rating: NC-17 Summary: Draco loves Ron. Ron loves Harry. And Harry's getting married to Theo, which leaves Ron on the verge of a full-on mental breakdown. It's up to Draco to keep Ron company during these trying times. [Oh, and did I mention, Hermione sneakily banishes the two of them to a tropical island for a month?] Title: Primum Non Nocere Rating: R Summary: All Ron knows is that he had an accident in the field and was badly cursed. The treatment is excruciating but he has world-renowned Healer Draco Malfoy tending to him. For that he should be thankful, shouldn't he?
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sortofshea · 3 months
Microfic: Hermoine Granger's 12 Step Guide to Getting Along With Pansy Parkinson
@sapphicmicrofics Prompt: Nightmares
Hermione/Pansy || 188 words
Hermione is sitting on the end of Parvati’s bed, watching her braid Lavender’s hair in a chunky plait down her back. Parvati’s fingers card gently and lovingly through Lavender’s curly hair as the other girl chatters excitedly about some fifth-year love triangle she has been following for the past few weeks.
“-I honestly thought she was going to combust, her face was so red!” Lavender finishes the update gleefully as Parvati ties off her braid with a scrunchie. “Thanks, babe.”
“Of course, petal.” Parvati murmurs, leaning forwards over Lavender’s shoulder as Lavender drops her head back to receive a sweet peck on the lips.
“Can I ask you both something?” Hermione says suddenly, stomach twisting nervously. “How did you realize your feelings for each other?”
“Hm,” Lavender hums, leaning back on Parvati’s chest looking thoughtful. “I think I started to suspect when her regular friendly touches began to take on a dreamlike quality.” She says with a sigh.
Parvati shakes her head, smiling softly. “You sap.”
Hermione nods slowly, her mouth set in a grim line. Whether it was something dreamlike or nightmarish, she had yet to discern.
Ao3 || first <-prev next->
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months
Draco Malfoys Guide to Self Discovery
Draco Malfoys Guide to Self Discovery https://ift.tt/PAbGdBr by willowm0617 Draco Malfoy has been a complete sap for Hermione granger since she punched him in the face, during third year. The war happened, he repressed his feelings under layers and layers of well placed occlumency shields. Harry Potter killed Voldy, and the layers started to float away. After his trial, Draco swears off occlusion, determined to be his authentic self and hopefully win the forgiveness of one curvy, curly headed, fiesty swot. This story starts during a Quick Look through eighth year and will continue with life after hogwarts and the war. Major cannon diversions: Fred, Lupin, Tonks and Snape are all fucking alive because this is my story and I said so. Narcissa and Lucius are so so far from cannon, you might hate it and that’s okay. I truly enjoyed writing them like this. And I like to think that many different parts were played in the first and second war. And truly, we don’t see much of them in cannon, we’re left with assumptions. If they’re not for you, that’s okay. There’s thousands of incredible fics out there.
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Something Just Like This
Harry's happy right where he is. A 100-word drabble on friendship and turning down destiny in a coffeeshop AU For @harryjamespotterweek 2023, Day 4 (Friendship, Coffeeshop AU) Rated G, 100 words. Read on ao3 here
“Do you ever think what it would be like to be a famous superhero?” Ron asks. He’s been on a comic book kick lately.
It sounds pretty lonely to Harry, like too much sacrifice and pain, obligation you can’t escape from and a moral duty you never asked for.
“No,” Harry replies without hesitation. “It sounds exhausting. And superheroes only get sidekicks, not friends. I wouldn’t want to give you lot up.”
“Sap,” Ron says, but he bumps his shoulder into Harry’s anyway, and Hermione leans across their regular corner table to squeeze his hand.
“We love you too, Harry.”
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ladylilithprime · 2 years
Lils's 2022 Fanfic Retrospective
Haven't done one of these in a while because something about Covid just seriously sapped my creative energies right out of me and I ended up not writing nearly as much as I wanted for 2020 and 2021. But something in Autumn of 2022 perked me back up, and here's what was accomplished:
Broken Hallelujah: My beloved non-linear narrative Archangel Samuel with Sastiel fic, with wonderful art by @jazzforthecaptain! Not a new fic by any stretch, but I did get a new chapter polished up enough to post.
Unspoken Rules Can't Be Broken: A deviation back into the Harry Potter fandom, because my fandom interests are ever-cyclical. This one was a writing prompt for Harry/Hermione with a specific prompted time-travel do-over premise. I'm not the only person to do it, but I seem to have done a few things that are unique according to my readers.
Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden: More Supernatural! This one was a belated birthday gift to my beloved mutual enabler @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, featuring a canon divergence at Swan Song where Lucifer and Michael were pushed into the Cage without their vessels, Gabriel took over Heaven, and the Winchesters were told firmly to take a few months (or years) off from doing anything that might break the world again. Very Samcentric despite being Dean's POV, and with some definite Sastiel undercurrents.
Every Time A Bell Rings: A platonic Destiel psuedo-sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" as a birthday gift for my bae @jupiterjames who deserved to have something sweet to enjoy. Castiel bakes a pie, and Dean has a canon praise kink. XD
Durch du Engel Halleluja: The actual sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" with Christmas, family togetherness, expected and unexpected guests, and Sam FINALLY gets to see the photographs Castiel and Dean keep taking. (Only chapter one got finished by midnight of December 31st, but by golly is this thing going to be finished before February!
Living, Learning, Tongue-Tied, Trying: A snippet originally written for Ro as a happy thought piggybacked off one of her fics of Team Free Will 2.0 before Chuck decided to be an assbutt with Jack going off to college. Also heavily Sastiel, because that's how we roll. XD
These Dying Embers: A contemplative Michael in the Cage watching Lucifer taking Sam apart over and over and over. I actually don't remember how long ago I wrote this one for @threshie, though if I took the hours needed to scroll back through my tumblr messaging history with Ro I'm sure I'd find a date range.
Crack Fic Hat Tricks: Also not new, these were born out of a writing challenge issued by @sageclover61 in one of the Discord servers. Despite the series name, they aren't all crack, but they were definitely all fun to write!
Diamonds Falling Down - Bela Talbot/Lisa Braeden
A Vow Unto His Own - Sam Winchester & Garth Fitzgerald IV
And I Feel Fine - Kevin Tran & Balthazar & Chuck Shurley
You Just Gotta Take A Piece Of Me - Gabriel/Donna & Anael
Let's Go Out With A Bang - Tessa the Reaper/Pamela Barnes/Ruby
Burn Your Biographies: Sabriel this time! Possibly unrequited, possibly not, I left it ambiguous because Gabriel was a traumatized little puppy for a while there.
Maybe More Than Enough: What's this? A new installment of the Something Beautiful Sastimmy Soulmate Saga?? In 2022?? Yep, apparently so! Dean gets filled in on the scoop Sam got from Castiel and sets off to get his brother's soulmate and his family some supernatural protection.
Sons of Men, and Angels: WOOOOOO! This is the original start to the Samael series, the very first work that featured Sam time-travelling back to derail the Apocalypse! I started this thing soooooo many years ago, and there's still so much in this universe that I've got written but can't post yet because THIS, this one is where it all started! If you've already read the Sam Squared series, you'll have a ton of spoilers for where this is going. And speaking of that series....
In The End We'll Surely Lose: This baby got two more chapters added to it, and the fourth is almost ready to be put up! Truly this was a good year for working with Samael's stories because...
Margin of Loss: Ouch. This one hurt to write. It was a random little thought of the canon universe that Sam left behind in SoMaA and the seasons of mess that followed and what it meant that Dean said Yes to a Michael from a completely different timeline instead of the one still trapped in the Cage with Adam. (It may also have been the jumping point of another SoMaA spin-off series like Sam Squared; there's a few of them at this point.)
The Dragon's Librarian: Another somewhat random ficlet that spawned in Discord chat with Ro-- literally, I wrote the whole thing in the chat window. Platonic or pre-Sastiel, with Prince Sam and Dragon Castiel as a hefty dose of inspiration from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles because I will probably never stop loving those books.
And last but definitely not least....
Tell It On The Mountain: A fluffy Sastiel story for @mrswhozeewhatsis for the @spnfanficpond Secret Santa exchange, featuring physically manifested wings, truth compulsions, cuddling by the fire, and mutual consideration for consent and bodily autonomy. (With some Accidentally Engaged thrown in for fun. XD)
And there we have it! Everything I wrote, worked on, and posted in the year 2022! Feel free to peruse various prompt lists I have and drop one in my ask box if you've got something you think would be up my alley to write, and let's see if we can't make 2023 even more prolific than 2022!
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Looking for Dramione fanfiction where in one of the chapters Draco and Hermione have detention in the forest and pick at branches which had this sap. The sap makes them make out with each other. Could possibly be Brand New World or something like that? Please let me know!
I think it is indeed:
Brand New World by NinaBinaBallerina - M, 72 chapters, Words: 286,989 - Draco Malfoy had the perfect plan: use Polyjuice to turn into the Weasel, infiltrate Gryffindor tower, and steal the memories implicating his father. But the Golden Girl had to ruin everything by kissing him. Now Draco’s developed a strange addiction for bushy-haired know-it-all mudbloods, and nothing but the best will do. COMPLETE
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harmonyandco · 2 years
Gods amongst mortals.
Arch-Magisters or as they are referred to Arch-Mages were always exceptionally rare. In ages past there might have been one in a 1000 magicals who could claim that sort of power. Gifted from birth by whatever creative force watched over human kind, that upon finding their soul mates they would come into their power properly. In those long forgotten ages they were often mistaken for divine entities. Gods if you will. A mistake made easier by the immortal or at least NEAR-immortal natures of many of them. Unfortunately, times takes a toll on all things. The cataclysmic civil war on Atlantis slew most of the Mediterranean Arch-Magisters and their lines. Atlantis survived, albeit hidden, but the nascent 'gods' were slain en-masse in battle. Countless wars, plague and an increasing bent towards inbreeding slowly sapped many ancient and powerful bloodlines of their power and numbers until it is literally unheard of for someone to reach Arch-Magister levels of magic in the modern age. Even the most powerful witches and wizards of the Modern age might only barely tickle the label 'mage'. However, fate, chance or perhaps divine right have changed that. Harry Potter's magical blood is literally seething with potential. His father was born to two powerful lines. The Potter's descended from the Peverells and their connection to death. And the Blacks, with ancient magics dating back to Ancient Egypt. Between the two James Potter was deeply magically strong, but that is nothing compared to his son. You see Lily Potter nee Evans was descended from a line which squibbed out during the Norman Invasion. Her distant ancestors were Norse, of bloodlines related to Arch-Magisters like Frigga and Odin. Harry's own potential may have laid dormant, powerful, but full potential unrealized, had he not met his soul mate. Hermione Granger. Her mother's blood is from a squib line that had in ages past intermarried heavily with Veela. And while Hermione herself has no Veela potential or allure she did inherit their deeply magical nature and propensity for fire. It's her father's line that is rather more interesting though, pushing her potential to a level equivalent to Harry's own. You see the Dagworth Grangers squibbed out a few generations back, this is true. However in the deep, long forgotten annals of their family history they descended from a Pictish Witch by the name of Morgana. Morgana, also known as Morgan Le Fay in modern times was half-sister to King Arthur Pendragon, who's own children all died too young to carry the bloodline. As such, in the twisted and confusing way that these things often go Hermione is in fact the current heiress to the line of Pendragon. This too might have lain dormant or been lost entirely had she not found her soul mate. The Power He Knows Not. Is not love. Though both Harry and Hermione have that in abundance. It isn't even the power of the Deathly Hallows. It is their shared potential to be the first full-blooded Arch-Magisters in over one thousand years. With power beyond modern comprehension. Had they lived in ancient times Harry might have been mistaken for a war-god with a propensity for lightning, and Hermione for a Goddess of Fire and Knowledge. Together they have the ability to defeat the Dark Twisted Mage Voldemort and reforge the world into something new and beautiful. If they can overcome a few troublesome stumbling blocks along the way. Such as an interfering busybody who thinks he knows what the prophecy means, and some idiots who think messing around with a prophesied soul bond is a good idea. Of course, who says their troubles will end with the Blood Wars of the British Isles? Who knows what fate will bring?
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https-maxine-stuff · 2 years
“The star-crossed lovers.”
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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
"Fuck Fuck Fuck! Where is it?" Astrid was frantically looking around her dorm room.
"Where is what?" The older woman hummed.
"My dress??" She turned with a huff.
"Oh that ugly thing? The trash." Astrid gasped.
"You bitch!" She stomped towards the older woman.
"I am no bitch! Just one trying to protect the timeline!"
"Protect the timeline my ass! You are coming into my life and ruining it!" She hissed.
"It was my life first! My life! Not yours!" She hissed back.
"No! It's not your life anymore! It's mine! My life you aren't me! We- We are two separate people two separate identities that don't match up!" She turned away.
"You are wearing the pink dress."
"I'd rather drop DEAD." She turned back to the older woman. "As dead as our nana during YULETIDE."
The older woman gasped. "You don't get to bring nana into this!"
"Yes I bloody do!"
"I hope you don't find that fucking dress you..idiot."
"Not even a good enough insult?"
"Oh drop dead."
"Praying on it!"
She stared at the pink fluffy dress on her body frowning a bit there has to be a way to fix this.
She thought for a moment "the color charm! Oh yes!" She scrambled around looking for her wand and AHA she found it. "Okay," she turned to the mirror pointing it towards the dress. "Colovaria!" The spell turned the once soft pink colored dress into a dark shade of black.
A few sharp knocks hit her door the girl turned and walked towards the door opening it.
"Don't you look, beautiful."
"Well I'd hope so considering I put a lot of time into this." She hummed.
Cedric smiled kissing her hand "my beautiful girlfriend." She linked her arm with his and the two soon left her dorm for the dance,, or well hall. Hm.
She was listening mindlessly to Neville's babbling while he talked to Cedric. She nodded her head here and there.
Soon Professor McGonagall's voice drifted the couples attention towards her. "Now I need you to line up in the procession please."
Astrid's eyes drifted towards the stairs where Hermione seemed to be coming down from. "Oh my," the words just slipped out of Astrid's mouth.
Hermione looked stunning absolutely stunning. Cedric looked at her as-well taking a double take. "Well doesn't she look pretty."
"Incredibly, I have to find out where she gets her dress robes. Honestly that periwinkle color is working really nicely for her, brings out her eyes." Astrid hummed.
"And she's with Krum? Lucky girl." Cedric smiled at her.
"Mm not as lucky as I am, my champion." She winked, the two were placed behind Viktor and Hermione as they entered the ball. The sounds of fanfares and clapping filled her ears, people staring.. a lot of people staring. Hm.
"Cedric this is incredible," she whispered to him her eyes wide with excitement.
"I know! I'm so excited, and happy I get to enjoy it with you." They soon made it to the center of the large room. Her heart pounding in her ears.
"You really are a sap aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am." He kissed her cheek as his hand reached down towards her waist his other on taking her hand. Soon music began to play.
He moved back and she followed in suit switching hands every once in awhile but his eyes never left hers once keeping a smile on his face as he did. They fell into a rhythm they could both get into.
"Is it okay if I lift you?" He whispered.
"Yes, it's quite alright," she giggled as she whispered back, he lifted her up with ease (its that quidditch player in him 🤭🤭) and let her back down softly. Soon the professor's joined the dance floor.
Cedric lifted her hand up as he spun her, she twirled a bit then pulled her in and dipped her. "A little dramatic, aye?" She teased.
"Always with you."
Older, Astrid was having a fucking aneurysm about this, everything was wrong, everything Hermione's dress was PINK last time she remembered and not bloody,, Perkiwinkle? Cho wasn't at this dance with Marietta, and oh my gods what the hell happened to EVERYONE atleast Ron's dress robes were still ugly, that didn't seem to change.
Soon the students began getting onto the dance floor. Snape was stood next to the older Evergreen.
"Care to dance?" His voice was still monotone. Astrid actually debated it.
"Yeah, sure why not." She said Fuck it, we ball. She took the professors hand and joined him on the dance floor which wasn't a very fun thing for younger her. This caused her head to ache extremely.
"Astrid are you alright?" Cedric's voice was soft.
"My head,," she touched her head but soon the music stopped and conversations began. The boy took her hand and led her to a table where he sat her down, his warm yet somehow cold hands touched her temples.
"You are burning up,"
"Who knows maybe I just have the hots for you?" She said with a sly smile.
"No, maybe a fever though."
"No I'll, I'll be fine,, this is a dance after all." He pulled up a chair next to her and gave her a look.
"You aren't going to be fine, Astrid,," he caressed her face as some new music played from a band, the weird sisters.
"Babe,, I swear to Merlin's beard that if I miss this bloody song I'm going to kill you."
"You know what, one more dance can't hurt." He smiled adjusting his dress robes the two headed back to the dance floor where they seemed to have a lot of fun.
One dance turned into about.. 10.. so here they were dancing to do the Hippogroff by the weird sisters.
Cedric's face was stained and smudged with red lipstick from Astrid his hair and absolute mess, sticking out in different directions as they danced in the mob, his bow tie somewhere in the big hall, his shirt slightly unbuttoned.
"You ready to go yet?"
"Yeah, my feet are killing me!"
"Alright let's go!" He grabbed her hand as the two headed out of the large mob towards their table. She found his bow tie and held it in her hand.
The two made their way back to her dorm room where she was taking off her heels.
"That was fun." He was laid back on the bed his hair still an absolute mess.
"Yeah it was," she laid back next to him playing with his messy hair. "You look handsome."
"I look a mess."
"A hot mess,, literally." She smiled.
"Thank you." His tone a tad sarcastic as he captured her lips. She just smiled into the kiss. They soon pulled apart his head rested on her chest.
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The Attack- Cedric Diggory x OC
Cedric Diggory x Dinah Fanley
Description: Dinah and Cedric see each other at the Quidditch World Cup. When Death Eaters attack their campsite, Cedric is not afraid to stand up for her. 
Word Count: 2.1k
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Dinah talked animatedly with her uncle while everyone else filed into the stands. Her father scored three tickets to the Quidditch World Cup and invited her and her Uncle Edward to join him. She couldn’t have been more excited to attend. Even just setting up the inside of their tent was exciting for her as she’d never been to something like this. Her and Uncle Edward leaned against the railing when they heard a familiar voice. 
“Alfred, my old friend!” Amos Diggory called to her father as he made his way over to them. Her dad met him half way and clapped him on the back. Edward laughed at the interaction and walked over with Dinah following. Amos hugged Edward as soon as he and Alfred pulled away. Dinah smiled at them, and when it was her turn she gave Amos a big hug. 
“Dinah, my dear! I haven’t seen you since the beginning of summer. At King’s Cross if I remember correctly,” he tapped his chin in thought. 
“Yes sir Mr. Diggory,” she responded with a laugh. “We talked briefly before my dad found me.”
“You know you don’t have to call me that, Dinah, you’re practically family,” he reprimanded with a wink, making her blush shyly. She’d been dating Cedric for almost three years now, but she still got coy around his father. 
“I didn’t know you were going to be at the World Cup this year,” he continued, looking at her dad and uncle. “I would have thought Cedric would have mentioned it,” he thought aloud.
“We didn’t know either until earlier this week,” Alfred laughed. “I had entered a competition at the beginning of summer but didn’t remember until the tickets came in the mail. We travelled to Italy for a few months so we didn’t get our mail. I believe Dinah didn’t have time to write to Cedric between unpacking.” His hands rested on his daughter’s shoulders, rubbing them gently. Dinah nodded along with him. Because they travelled so much that she hadn’t been able to write a lot to her boyfriend. 
“Dad!” She heard a familiar voice call out, making her perk up and the others look around her.
“Speaking of my son,” Amos laughed, stepping aside. Cedric was walking toward them, but stopped a few yards away. A smile appeared on his face when he realized she was there. Dinah copied his smile and began running to him.
“Cedric!” She exclaimed upon reaching him. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Bear in mind that they hadn’t seen each other in three months so they missed each other dearly. He picked her up and spun her, making her throw her head back and laugh.
“Ah, young love,” Amos said fondly as they watched the couple. “Wish I could fall in love all over again.” Alfred nodded with a dreamy smile.
“You two are just old saps,” Edward laughed, making the other two laugh as well. 
“I didn’t know you were coming to the World Cup,” Cedric said as he set her back down. His hands still rested on her waist while her hands rested comfortably on his upper arms.
“Neither did I until a week ago. I’m sorry for not writing to you much this summer. With all the travelling then unpacking when we returned,” she trailed off, but Cedric simply shook his head with his usual kind smile.
“It’s really okay, I understand. Mum’s missed having you around though,” he chuckled. 
“Well, we’ll see about me visiting next summer,” she reasoned, causing him to nod. Before either of them could say anything, Arthur Weasley reached them.
“Dinah Fanley, it's been a while since I’ve seen you around,” he said as Dinah pulled away from Cedric to hug him. Arthur patted her back as they separated.
“Yeah, dad had to travel to represent the Ministry all summer.” She explained as the Weasleys, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter caught up to them. Everyone took turns hugging her in greeting.
Shortly after everyone got acquainted, the teams were introduced. Dinah cheered extra loud when the Irish team was announced. They all watched a very exciting game. The Irish Chasers were too much for the Bulgarians. They scored repeatedly, and even though the game became quite dirty, the Bulgarians could find no answer. They were spared an embarrassing defeat when their Seeker, Viktor Krum, caught the Golden Snitch causing them to lose by only ten points. Afterwards, the three families went to their respective tents to relax after the game. Dinah continued her earlier conversation while they sat on the pallet used as a couch. They talked for hours upon hours, only stopping to say a quick bye when Alfred went to go talk to Amos (and get his winnings from a bet the two made before the game). 
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Dinah was close to heading to bed when Alfred burst in, sighing in relief when he saw his brother and daughter safe. He rushed in and began grabbing his things.
“You two, pack your things. We have to go,” he instructed firmly.
“What? Why?” Edward asked as he stood. It was only then that Dinah heard some sort of commotion coming from outside the tent.
“There’s no time to explain Ed! Just grab your things and let’s go.” Dinah was getting scared now. What was going on? Before either of them could stop her, she ran out of the tent to see what was wrong. Her stomach dropped when she looked around at the sight before her.
There were masked men burning tents and causing much unwanted commotion. She became terrified when she noticed the mob torturing a Muggle man and his family. More wizards joined the marching group, laughing and pointing at the floating bodies as if they were at a zoo. Tents crumpled and fell as the marching crowd grew larger. Dinah watched as one of the marchers blasted a tent out of his way with his wand. Several caught fire. The screaming grew louder around her and she couldn’t help but start crying.
She let out a loud scream when something landed on her shoulder. She spun around and realized it was only her father. He hugged her tightly then handed her her bag.
“Get out of here, follow Cedric and the Weasley children! NOW!” He yelled over the chaos. She had no time to think before she blindly ran past him where she knew the Weasley’s tent would be. No one was inside, which both relieved her and worried her more. She had no idea where to go and she couldn’t see anyone she recognized amongst the fleeing people. 
She was fully sobbing in fear and fell to the ground when someone shoved past her. Her wand slipped out of her hand and she began frantically searching the ground for it, getting stepped on by a few people in the process. Finally, she was confronted by someone wearing a black skull mask. It was a Death Eater. He aimed his wand and cast a spell she couldn’t hear directly at her. She covered her head and prepared for the impact that never came. When she looked up the Death Eater was gone. She jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder.
“Dinah? Are you okay?” Cedric asked urgently. She nodded quickly and hugged him, finding solace in him after feeling lost, alone and scared. They heard a strange sound coming from the sky, making them look up. Dinah gasped in horror and covered her mouth when she realized that someone cast a Dark Mark in the sky.  Cedric held her firmly in his arms as he helped her stand, only to come face to face with Barty Crouch with a couple ministry workers behind him.
“Did one of you cast the Dark Mark?” Barty accused, pointing his cane at them. Dinah’s words got stuck in her throat, so Cedric answered for her.
“That’s ridiculous Mr. Crouch. I resent you for even suggesting such a thing,” he responded firmly. Barty looked at Dinah with suspicion.
“And what about you?” Both of them were about to answer when she heard her father from behind them.
“That’s my daughter, Mr. Crouch. I can tell you right now she’d never do something like that,” he responded, Edward nodding along with him.
“Children can be deceiving Alfred,” Barty asid simply, still looking at Dinah.
“Listen here Barty, my Dinah has done nothing of the sort and it’s not my fault if you can’t say the same for-” Edward cut Alfred off before anything more could be said. Barty stiffened and looked at the two men, but couldn’t say anything before Arthur came running with Winky, the Crouch’s house elf.
Dinah had stopped listening by then. Instead, she just stared around blankly at the chaos that the Death Eaters created. There were fires everywhere, tents either on fire or now collapsed from the marching wizards. It looked like a war zone, and technically it was. The voices near her were drowned out until Dinah felt Cedric’s arm squeeze her a bit to catch her attention. When she looked around once more, the Ministry was walking away and the Weasleys were now with them. Ginny ran towards her and hugged her tightly.
“Thank Merlin you’re okay,” she whispered into Dinah’s ear. Dinah was quick to hug her back, but the redhead moved when her father and uncle walked over, entrapping her in a tight hug that she gladly returned.
“I think it’s time we go home,” Amos spoke solemnly. The rest nodded and picked up their things. Dinah looked at her father with an expression only he could understand. 
“Amos, do you mind letting Dinah stay the night? She still seems shaken up and I don’t think she wants to be without Cedric for tonight,” Alfred asked earnestly. Amos looked at the girl with a kind smile and nodded.
“I think that would be a great idea,” he responded, patting Cedric’s shoulder. Dinah gave her father and uncle one last hug before making her way back to Amos and Cedric. Cedric wrapped his free arm around her shoulders and followed his father and the Weasleys back to the Portkey they used to get here. From there they used Floo Powder in the Weasley’s chimney to return to the Diggory residence. Amos bid the teenagers goodnight and went upstairs to tell his wife everything that happened. 
Cedric led her up to his room and let her have the bathroom to change. He was already in his pajamas and under the covers when she returned. When he noticed her in the doorway, he pulled back the covers so she could climb in, which she promptly did after turning off the lights. They faced each other with his arms around her waist and her hands resting against his chest. Neither of them said anything about it, but they both knew she was doing it to feel his heartbeat as a form of grounding her. 
“I was scared, you know,” Cedric mumbled low enough that Dinah wouldn’t have heard if she wasn’t paying attention to his every move. “When I couldn’t find you in the crowd. Then I saw you on the ground with one of his minions pointing his wand at you, I knew I had to do something.” She looked at him confused.
“Wait, you’re the reason why a spell didn’t hit me?” Cedric smiled a little at her appalled features and nodded. 
“Simple shield spell did the trick just fine. Then the Ministry started showing up so he ran off,” he explained, making Dinah frown. 
“Ced you could have been seriously hurt, or worse. If the Ministry hadn’t shown up-” he cut her off before she could finish.
“But they did, and that’s all that matters. Right?” He stared into her eyes with so much love and passion that she just couldn’t look away.
“I guess,” she sighed, moving one hand to play with his hair. Cedric hummed approvingly and closed his eyes.
“Giggles, you’re going to make me fall asleep if you keep doing that,” he muttered. The nickname proved itself true because she giggled at it, making him smile.
“Is that a bad thing? You’ve had a long day.” 
“So have you,” he pointed out. Dinah only shrugged in response and continued her movements. 
Surprisingly though, she was the one to fall asleep first. Cedric’s eyes opened just a little when her movements stilled. She was sleeping peacefully with quiet snores emitting from her. Cedric smiled and leaned forward just enough to kiss her forehead before closing his eyes again, falling into a peaceful slumber again.
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tnott · 2 years
[ An Unlikely Duo || Closed ]
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Theodora had, back in September, been looking forward to starting her chosen secondary subjects during this school year. Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes – three subjects that had always interested her. It had been an easy decision. After all, her father would never approve of her taking Muggle Studies, and even if he had, she wouldn’t be caught dead in that class. And there was no point to studying Divination for anyone who didn’t already show signs of being a Seer. That wasn’t a talent that could be taught.
Now, though, she was simply tired. The presence of the Dementors around the grounds seemed to sap all of her energy, their clammy chill somehow seeping through the castle walls even when they weren’t nearby, settling in her chest like some weighty, clawed monster.
She couldn’t wait for the winter holidays, when she would be able to go home.
Today, Theo was in the library, seeking a place to work on her latest Ancient Runes assignment. But there were no empty tables available for her to claim -- every table had at least one student already ensconced there. Looking around, Theo saw that her options were dim. She was just thinking that Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott seemed to be the best of a bad lot when, in a secuded corner, she spied--
Granger was an insufferable, stuck-up, know-it-all teacher’s pet, but one single good thing could be said of her: Hermione Granger liked to study in quiet, just like Theo did. She didn't prattle on and distract herself or others with inane gossip.
(Theo wasn’t jealous of Granger. She wasn’t. Even if Granger did outscore her on every exam, no matter how hard Theo studied–)
Bracing herself, she approached the table and gestured to the empty chair across from Gryffindor's golden girl. "Is this seat taken?" she asked, keeping her tone cordial.
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
hi there what are your favorite ships in different fandoms and how did you found out about them and why did you fell for this ships
Okay, so let me think…
Going back to my Twilight days, even though I’d love to forget, I have to say that I’ve always been into Jasper with anyone—mainly because he’s got some issues, and between his struggles with control and his empathic abilities, writing him was always so fun. And weirdly, my favorite pairing for him actually was a crossover. I liked him with Harry Potter, female or male Harry, both were great.
In Torchwood, I shipped Ianto and Jack because they were perfect together, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Though… my favorite ship might actually be Owen/Ianto, as I love the combination and the potential for enemies to lovers. Owen is just so crass and abrasive but such a softy underneath. Also, he is a doctor, so great for hurt/comfort tropes. And Ianto paired with him, with the way he could sass and annoy Owen, but also, damn, Ianto was hurting in so many ways, and both Owen and Ianto had experienced such loss, losing people they loved. So yeah, I loved bringing them together. 
Sherlock, I think I always shipped John and Sherlock, as they were just so great together, though I could be particular with how they were written. I have exactly one fic for that fandom, but I did love it. 
Harry Potter, oh what a fandom and so many mixed feelings. Let’s see, generally, I think I ship Hermione and Sirius or Hermione and Remus the most? Though that said, speaking crossover fics? I tend to like a lot of things, usually ones that are mixes of MCU and HP, especially soulmate fics. I have written a Sam Wilson/Harry Potter that I actually adore.
Sandman is very easy, I love Dream/Hob, and I have no reasons other than they offer so many possible takes, though I have yet to write them. And I am pretty drawn to The Corinthian/Dream/Hob, too, so yeah, that’s something I’m pretty into also.
Then we have the MCU, and that is pretty much fair game, though Brock Rumlow and Jack Rollins are two of my favs, especially when it’s softer than you expect. I love Brock/Darcy with a passion. So good and worth reading some if you haven’t. I have written one for them already. Then I think Steve/Bucky/Tony is my other standby favorite, as that ship doesn’t make me choose. Oh, and Steve/Clint is undervalued, and more people need to get into that—though I enjoy the more comic take of Clint with Steve, where Clint is a hot mess of a dumpster fire. 
Oh, and Supernatural, I actually gasp never liked Destiel! Sorry, it never clicked for me. Instead, I ended up shipping Sam with Lucifer, idk. Apparently, my brain is dysfunctional, and I didn’t really care who Dean was with.
And for The Old Guard, which I have written one ficlet for, I will say that I love Joe and Nicky with my whole damned heart. Like, damn those two for being such romantic saps. Like how could anyone listen to Joe wax poetic about Nicky for 2 minutes straight before kissing him like he didn’t need air and not love them? 
And then, finally, we get to 911, which all canon ships I adore. How can you not? This damn show owns my heart. But Buck/Eddie are definitely the ring leaders, rulers, the ones holding fucking court over all the other pairings right now. Like those two idiots with their single brain cell bouncing around between them, like shit, how can you not them? Buck is a mess, and Eddie is his fucking person, his home, his safe place to rest and hide from the world. And I think Buck is, in some ways, the purpose and the compass that Eddie needs to stay moving forward and not get lost in the storm.
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