I make my own touhous. please be respectful here. I only speak English, sorry. 自分だけの東方キャラを作ろう。 ここでお互いに親切にしてください。 私は英語しか話せません、ごめんなさい。.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The new server icon, and the three pieces for the artists on the podium for the Gensokyo Originals mascot contest: Mizuki Efude ( @crabdraws‘ OC), Miki Sounami ( @lonelyhorrortea‘s OC ), and an unnamed OC ( she belongs to @gensokyoukai).
The server is a Touhou OC brainstorming server. Artists, writers and all other Touhou fan-content creators are all welcome, feel free to join!
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ok YOU find mikos character profoundly and inherently unlikeable and her motivations incomprehensible. i get her tho.
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did you know that this image literally changed lives
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delighted to announce that due to high demand AND due to my brain buzzing some more i might make a SECOND volume of my album gensokyo 199x Have this WIP of a breakcore/jungle take on Dragon King Slaying princess ⛏️🐛
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Touhou from the perspective of a dumbass westerner version UM

#touhou#touhou project#unconnected marketeers#mike goutokuji#takane yamashiro#sannyo komakusa#misumaru tamatsukuri#megumu iizunamaru#chimata tenkyuu#tsukasa kudamaki#momoyo himemushi
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I’m not going to fully translate the profiles, but here are some summaries of the new Touhou characters:
Misumaru Tamatsukuri. Stage 4 boss. She’s a god who makes magatama. Magatama have the power to read and copy information from people, and are related to how the cards are made. She’s not the one making them though: she just noticed that someone else was mining Dragon Gems (which you need to make magatama) and got really worried because she knows how dangerous that is. She fights the players to stop them from going deeper into the mines, which are filled with poisonous gas and also have no oxygen. They actually do leave after stage 4, which is kind of funny.
Megumu Iizunamaru. Stage 5 boss. She goes by her surname Iizunamaru, like Murasa. She’s a daitengu and leader of the crow tengu (implied that she is also a crow, she’s just also in the position of daitengu). IE: she is Aya’s boss. She’s the one behind this whole plan, and has no motives other than making profit for the good of tengu society. She gives up easily and throws her partner (the last boss) under the bus since she’s no longer necessary and she already got everything she wanted. In Sanae’s ending she and Kanako have a conversation that is entirely business buzzwords with no content.
Tsukasa Kudamaki. Stage 5 midboss (and stage 6 midboss, and extra midboss). She’s Iizunamaru’s trusted right-hand woman, although she probably shouldn’t be trusted since she has zero loyalty to anyone and is actively playing everyone against each other. She’s secretly a tube fox, which as we saw in WaHH bring profits but at a great price. This whole plan was her suggestion in the first place.
Chimata Tenkyu. The final boss. God of the marketplace. Specifically, she has power over (and derives power from) people “losing possession of things.” Apparently this is harder than it sounds, because even if you throw something in the trash or bury it in the woods, it’s still “yours” in some spiritual and mental sense. The only way to lose possession of something is to voluntarily sell it to someone else, in the market. So her goal is just to open up the closed market and draw power from that as a god. Obviously she’s the one who made all the rules about how cards can be traded. Apparently she expected to be betrayed by Iizunamaru and viewed their relationship as both parties using the other. Some people are saying maybe she’s a metaphor for Comiket. The God of Comiket. I cannot or confirm or deny this theory.
Momoyo Himemushi. Extra boss. She’s a giant centipede youkai, the most fearsome and powerful of all youkai, dwarfing even dragons. A dragon eater. Her form is hideous and poisonous and, well, no one likes her. She’s the one digging up the mountain and created the mine. And also why it’s full of poisonous gas. The players can’t go back into the mine until they get a magic item that lets them breathe. She’s an old friend of Iizunamaru, who gave her a job mining Dragon Gems. In return, she gets to take some of the gems herself and eat them (Dragon Gems being close enough to dragons, apparently). So she’s super powerful, incredibly toxic, and eats rocks. Her profile jokes about her eating dragon stones instead of eating Iizunamaru (whose given name Megumu is written as “Dragon”).
In summary, no dragons, but there’s a tengu named Dragon.
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Yeah I'm not gonna scroll far enough on his page to show you the original
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