#Health Benefits of Running
healthmonastery · 1 year
Running for Health and Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide
Running is more than just a physical activity; it’s a powerful tool for enhancing your overall health and wellness. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or just starting, this comprehensive guide will delve into the myriad benefits of running and how it can positively impact your life. We’ll explore the physical, mental, and emotional advantages, and provide valuable insights into incorporating…
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itzabouthealth · 2 years
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Running
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Running is an excellent form of exercise that has been known to provide numerous health benefits to the human body. From improving mental health to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, running is one of the best forms of physical activity that anyone can engage in. In this article, we will discuss ten amazing health benefits of running that will convince you to lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement.
1. Running Improves Cardiovascular Health
Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that helps to strengthen your heart and lungs. It increases blood flow, improves oxygenation, and enhances the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. Regular running can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and improve overall cardiovascular health.
2. Running Boosts Mood and Mental Health
Running is an excellent way to boost your mood and reduce stress levels. It releases endorphins, also known as the “feel-good” hormones, that improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression. Running can also improve cognitive function and memory, and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Running Helps with Weight Loss and Management
Running is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. It is a high-intensity exercise that can burn up to 600 calories per hour, depending on your weight and intensity level. Regular running can also increase metabolism and reduce body fat, leading to weight loss and better weight management.
4. Running Increases Bone Density
Running is a weight-bearing exercise that can help to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It strengthens bones, muscles, and joints, making them less prone to injury and fractures. Regular running can also improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls in older adults.
5. Running Improves Sleep Quality
Running can improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep disorders. It helps to regulate the circadian rhythm, the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, and promote deeper and more restful sleep. Regular running can also reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.
6. Running Boosts Immune System Function
Running can boost immune system function and reduce the risk of infections and diseases. It increases the production of white blood cells, antibodies, and other immune system components, improving the body’s ability to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.
7. Running Reduces the Risk of Chronic Diseases
Regular running can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. It improves blood sugar control, reduces inflammation, and lowers cholesterol levels, leading to better overall health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
8. Running Increases Longevity
Running can increase longevity and reduce the risk of premature death. It is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality and can add years to your life. Regular running can also improve quality of life, physical function, and independence in older adults.
9. Running Improves Mental Toughness and Resilience
Running is a mentally challenging exercise that can help to improve mental toughness and resilience. It requires discipline, determination, and focus, which can translate into other areas of life. Regular running can improve self-confidence, self-esteem, and overall mental well-being.
10. Running Provides a Sense of Community and Connection
Running can provide a sense of community and connection with others. It can be a social activity that brings people together and fosters friendships and relationships. Running clubs and groups can provide a supportive and encouraging environment that promotes health and wellness.
In conclusion, running is an excellent form of exercise that provides numerous health benefits to the human body. From improving cardiovascular health to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, running is one of the best ways to stay healthy and improve overall well-being. Regular running can improve mood, cognitive function, weight management, bone density, sleep quality, immune system function, mental toughness, and resilience. It can also provide a sense of community and connection with others, fostering friendships and relationships. So, lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement today to experience these amazing health benefits of running!
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t-jfh · 11 months
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(Photo: Keith E. Morrison for The New York Times)
Even Short Runs Have Major Health Benefits
Jogging a mile or two a few times a week can help you live longer and reduce your risk of disease.
By Markham Heid
The New York Times - Oct. 21, 2023
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How to Start Running
By Tara Parker-Pope
Illustrations by Chi Birmingham
The New York Times - Originally published on March 30, 2016
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Plan your food: Plan to eat one hour before your run to boost energy without upsetting your stomach.
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Time Your Food: When you eat often matters just as much as what you eat.
How to Feed a Runner
By Jen A. Miller
Illustrations by Chi Birmingham
The New York Times - Originally published on November 29, 2016
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n7punk · 2 months
I noticed you referenced Pokémon GO in some of your posts. Do you still play and/or do you feel comfortable sharing your friend code?
I don't share my code online due to it doxxing you (with postcard and raid locations) in friend interactions, but I do really enjoy playing it still! Had a ton of fun doing international GO Fest with Meta & co this month. I love the events and it gets me out of the house more.
If you are in need of more friends (especially in specific regions) I recommend using leekduck to find people anonymously! This is the only way I've ever used codes shared online before and I still didn't post my own but it was helpful for getting all the vivillons with my OT (yes I'm a formdex, my OT, aesthetic pokeball only freak)
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sysig · 1 year
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Stop celebrating so loud, you’ll wake everyone up! (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
[Panel 1] Hater: *sigh* What a waste of my precious time. [SFX: beep boop!]
[Panel 2] Peepers: ...
[Panel 5] Peepers: YEAAAA
[Panel 6] Hater: QUIET OUT THERE!
[Panel 7] Peepers: Sorry sir! Hater: Hmph!
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kingdomsaurushearts · 3 months
In the middle of transitioning from two jobs to one 😩 I'm so tired , but it'll be worth it. I'll finally be able to have some spare money for the first time in months. Just a few more days *shakes fist*
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savage-rhi · 2 months
First: HONEY DON'T FEEL BAD FOR CRITIQUING THERAPISTS AND THE WAY SHITS RUN! WE NEED TO HEAR THAT! I'm in mental health, and there are some REAL nasty pieces of work in the field who like preying on patients' vulnerability, and they're damn good at manipulating the systems and social dynamics!
Second, everyone should check this out. It brings up so many good points and considerations to make when seeking therapy or another mental health related service.
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
the idea of anon hate is so funny to me, like   “ i’m a stranger on the internet, who’s too chicken to even attach my face to these words, and what i say isn’t going to affect any other facet of your life aside from this specific blog on this specific website.... but here’s all the reasons why you’re terrible and you need to listen to me bc i’m an entitled little dipshit who thinks the world revolves around me and everyone needs to cater to my whims all the time, always”   like lmfao.  touch grass, plz
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theygender · 1 year
I hate how coconut milk is becoming like THE milk replacement in health foods. Like bro what do I do if I'm lactose intolerant AND allergic to coconuts 😭 please just give me something I can eat
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heyitsphoenixx · 2 months
ever since i was a little [redacted] i always wanted to be a person who has a place in society
#vent in the tags#the older i get and the worse everything gets im just like#how does anyone do anything#how does anyone be anything#without being born rich#and am i doomed to poverty forever as punishment for being an artist#as punishment for not being born wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer and having all the capabilities and resources to do it#or doomed to work a full time job i hate that has nothing to do with the things i love or who i am#just for like. mediocre health benefits. if that#or doomed to spend my whole life striving for a career anywhere in the arts that will take me and running myself ragged trying to get there#or doomed bc i have so many interests and so few resources to never have the chance to feel fulfillment by trying everything i want to#and still be able to financially support myself#like. i think when you die thats it. and i have so little control over the amount of things i get to experience already#but i want to experience everything as much as possible#and i've just been grieving this for the last like three years#and i know most people in the world are so much worse off and this is a super privileged position to be in at all#im just grieving my own lived circumstances#and a lifetime trying to combat the constant nihilism from my mother that everything is always going to be bad no matter what doesnt help#but anyway. i hold onto hope as a weapon against the alternative. im just so exhausted already#and i havent really even started#fellow artists if u read this far how tf are we supposed to live lmao#artists in the broad sense as well im interested in literally every medium
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newlacesleeves · 2 months
pushed myself through a 35 minute run that felt so fucking good this morning also second week in a row i have held to my 6 days a week commitment!!
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 year
The only way I can run is by listening to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" as sung by Donny Osmond in Disney's 1998 hit animated film Mulan while crying and whining the whole time. That's just the way it has to be.
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raplinesmoon · 11 months
a brief note:
i’m not usually very eloquent with my words, so if this is rough and i say something wrong or offensive, please forgive me, it’s been hard to piece together the right words. if there’s spelling errors, this is not proofread, and I’m sorry.
I’ve always maintained that writing and this blog is a safe space for me, a place to escape from the real world when I need it. but right now, what’s going on in the world isn’t something I can escape from. it’s robbed me of my sleep and my sanity. and honestly, writing and kpop just don’t even seem like valid enough escapes anymore, even though I feel immensely privileged to have these escapes in the first place. I feel numb. but it’s not even about me or this blog or any wips I have.
if you have five minutes to scroll through my blog, or any other kpop blog on Tumblr, I urge you to take another five minutes out of your day and learn about what’s going on in Gaza right now. do your own research, and uplift voices that aren’t being heard.
the beauty of being here is being able to connect with so many people far away, across the country or even across the world. if we can use our energy to celebrate our groups and our faves, we can also do the reverse.
life as we know it is being uprooted for so many people, the least we can do is be cognizant of that, to give some of our energy to mourn their losses and grieve alongside them. even better yet, we can hope alongside them that this reality doesn’t have to endure, that more innocent lives will not be lost.
if you get nothing else from this, I’ll leave you with this — if you’ve also been like me, feeling completely scared and horrified by what’s been unfolding, i see you. i feel your pain, and if you’re grieving, i feel your loss. i ask you to remember those on the other side of this who have a right to be even more scared and even more horrified, and who deserve your attention. the world is a complex and hard to understand place, but at the same time, it’s not. it’s brutal and violent. Please remember, that far beyond and political or religious debates, foreign economic and social policy, etc, when oppressors and bullies square off, and when people are power hungry, innocent lives are always in the middle of it. and that should be something that none of us are willing to be okay with.
if you want to stop reading here, that’s totally okay, otherwise check the tags to listen to me ramble on
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A controversial thought just occurred to me that I've tried to put into words many times now about my hero (Janis Joplin) and other musicians and people who died "tragically" (especially in a "self-inflicted" way), and that is: every time I see someone online, on Youtube or Facebook or wherever, say something (always unprompted/unrelated to what the video/photo/article/etc. is about) along the lines of, "What a waste of their talent/skill their death was," I think, What a waste their death was? What have you said of their life? Why do you only choose to comment on, and apparently highlight, their death? Did their life, and their accomplishments, and what they brought to the world while they were alive mean nothing to you? Have you not a SHRED of gratitude that they were alive at all?
I am quite sure that there is some sort of psychological explanation (and I say that with the confidence of only having a basic understanding of psychology) for why people focus particularly on people's (in this case, celebrities') "tragic" deaths, but is it not a tragedy in itself to reduce those people's lives to their deaths and the fact that they're dead? Why not appreciate what they were able to share with us while they were here? You know?
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sirbogarde · 2 years
I LOVE 1 (ONE) FRUITY LITTLE MOVIE PRODUCER (aka I've just seen See How They Run)
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healthbenefitsblog · 1 year
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