#Headcanons and opinions
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littleshysheep-at-da ¡ 5 months ago
Full disclosure every time I look at the KumoDesu Fandom I see a lot of takes I disagree with strongly (Reddit what did I expect really)… BUT hating on opinions you disagree with is super wrong instead you should spread opinions you love! So yknow what let me post some of my KumoDesu Opinions unprompted.
Here’s one my biggest HC: Why I see the Demon Army as Family:
I will die on the hill of Shiro and Ariel as the parents to Mera (Oldest), Kyouya (middle child), and Sophia (youngest). But here's sort of why I see the coding that way.
Not gonna be defending/explaining why I ship Shiro x Ariel, it’s obvious.
Shiro and Ariel give the most advice and guidance to the three of them (they quite LITERALLY raised Sophia). Ariel giving the talks working through emotions and Shiro being the more action based parent. They also quite literally are responsible for sorting out all their housing, schooling, and helping with employment.
Mera gives the vibe of the sibling with a bigger age gap than the other two, thus why he takes a less sibling bickering and more sibling guidance role (he also has the self esteem issues of an eldest child ngl). I wouldn’t say he ever takes a parental role so much because he feels more on Sophia and Kyouya’s level as opposed to Ariel and Shiro’s. Mera says word for word that helping Kyouya feels like having a younger brother as well. And since Sophia was originally his responsibility to look after but after Shiro and Ariel join them they mostly take over it gives the feeling of “orphan who expects they have to parent their much younger sibling only to be adopted and now only have it when they’re parents are at work”.
Sophia’s thing with Mera is mostly due to the envy skill. I think her real feelings are deep proactive feelings due to having no one close to her in her past life and the fact that after knowing the truth (and seeing all her flaws) he’s still determined to stick by her side. She’s literally never had that ever, not even a lesser more fair weather version of that. I will also say Ariel, Shiro, and Kyouya fall more into a “do rather than say” kind of love language so Mera being very verbal about his commitment probably floors her. I don’t think she actually wants to date him, I would put it more into “child mistakes familiar affection for romantic and say they want to marry their sibling/parent when young but grows out of it” (yknow what Shun was PRAYING was going on with Sue). I do think Sophia strongly gives the vibe of “overprotective sibling who with “test” all her sibling’s potential dates” to Mera. She’s gonna “vet” those people to decide if they’re worthy and hopefully they’ll live.
Sophia’s relationship with Kyouya is strongly “I’m the only one allowed to bully him” which is just sibling energy 101. She constantly taunts him in any way that proves she’s stronger but if someone else did that to him she would call pathetic and beneath him. Just, if you have a sibling would know this behavior very well. I do think Sophia gives off youngest (and problem child) vibes as always starting shit and needing the most attention from their parents. Where as Kyouya gives of more of a middle child (has severe issues) vibe, where he’s calmer and practiced at not responding to the younger one starting shit (which honestly only pisses them off more). He also did have a ton of siblings as a goblin (that he babysat a lot) so he’s just very practiced.
I know the Puppet Taratect’s as actually Ariel’s (and by extension Shiro’s) children but is it horrible of me to say they give off more pet vibes. Pets are still kids and you can be a pet Mom. I own cats and I LOVE cats, they have that strong energy. Just the fact that they don’t really need to be parented/taught/guidance but do need someone watching them to make sure they don’t get into things they shouldn’t. And the fact that anyone in their group can do it it’s not really something that needs a particular experience/angle. The fact that they’re self sufficient on their own but hang around because they want to is also very cat coded.
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raps-hellion ¡ 6 months ago
demigods who know how much an average loaf of bread from the store costs:
leo — he was between foster homes a lot and often ended up homeless. he knows the cost because he's spent many times counting out the spare change in his pockets and praying he has enough.
percy — he and sally went/still go on grocery trips, and he rants to annabeth if the price goes up. want to know how the economy's doing? ask percy about bread prices.
demigods who do not know how much an average loaf of bread from the store costs:
annabeth — maybe back when she was with luke and thalia, but she's been in camp half-blood for most of her life. bread just appears on a plate in front of her, who is she to question it.
frank — he's a nepo baby.
hazel — she's been dead for 70 years. seeing what the price has been inflated to now may kill her.
jason — he was raised by wolves. lupa does not have time to worry about the inflation rate of bread.
nico — he was cut off from modern society for 70 years.
piper — she's also a nepo baby. and she spent a lot of time shoplifting, so the illusion of cost doesn't apply to her.
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creepycoffins ¡ 4 months ago
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I see you, you see me. How pleasant, this feeling.
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sailorluna15 ¡ 4 months ago
idk if this is considered an unpopular opinion but I hate when I see fics on Azula redemption or Zuko's reign and it's written in a way that makes it seem like the Fire Nation hates Azula. Azula was the pride of the Fire Nation and royalty, the Fire Nation wouldn't have hated her. If anything, they would've felt like it was some sort of injustice that Azula was removed from the throne. Y'all have to remember that Zuko was seen as a traitor of the Fire Nation. If anything, people would've hated HIM in the beginning and even towards the middle of his reign.
Deconstructing colonialism takes a long time. Truth be told is would take DECADES for the Fire Nation to dislike Azula and even after decades, she probably would still be socially acknowledged for her prowess and dedication to the Fire Nation by many.
It would go something like this:
"Yeah, Azula capturing Ba Sing Se was bad, but you can't lie, she did in 3 days what General Iroh tried to do in 600. That's fucking amazing."
That's how people talk about some conquerors now, why wouldn't they talk about them like that in ATLA?
FYI: I deleted the last paragraph of this bc I didn't like what i wrote. I stand on everything else tho.😭
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buggachat ¡ 1 year ago
does anyone else form their headcanons of marinette and adrien largely on the basis of "they have to be opposite each other"? like, creation and destruction, yin and yang, etc. like Marinette being late all the time and sleeping through her alarms? so she's probably a deep sleeper? So that means, by the laws of my lovesquare headcanons according to my brain, Adrien has to be a light sleeper. Marinette is a chaotic creative person and I can imagine her just having so much STUFF all around and living in organized chaos. so therefore Adrien likes his spaces neat and clear. (also something something creation and clutter vs destruction and emptiness) you know??? ???? ? adrien and marinette headcanons just cant be independent of each other in my brain. they are always intrinsically linked
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undeadoracle ¡ 6 months ago
There's something I can't quite put my finger on about sebastian and his relationship to gender. how all of his conversations with the women companions are thoughtful and respectful even when they clash on the subject matter, but his conversations with the men companions are mostly just him getting mocked or berated. how every single figure of significance in his personal quest is a woman: Mrs Harriman, flora, elthina, even leliana. The chantry is a matriarchal environment where men aren't allowed to rise past a certain rank or perform certain jobs, and he seems completely unbothered by that.
he canonically used to spend a lot of time in brothels, but never mentions having any male friends. part of the trauma of his upbringing is that being born a boy made him irrelevant and unwanted at home. he's the only romanceable companion with no desire for men. Isabela asks if he used to be a woman, and varric accuses him of being a crossdresser. he's not interested in learning to use a sword; he wants to learn how to cook. the only time he ever speaks with any fondness for any man is his grandfather. i'm not really saying he's trans coded, i don't get that vibe from him, but the fraught relationship he has with manhood + his clear preference for the company of women over other men is . . . something.
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todomemolesta18 ¡ 5 months ago
Why I headcanon Leo as aromantic
While I enjoy the fanarts and fics of Leo with Usagi, if I would gonna write a Rise fic, I would write him as aromantic, cause canonically, this boy is disgusted about romance.
Is not just that he doesnt like it: he is GROSSED OUT.
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Look at this boy, and tell me, do you think someone that reacts like him is cannonically interested in romance 😭 And of his brothers, is the only one that reacts this way.
... so, yeah, thats why I headcanon him as aromantic.... and gay. Cause you dont need to be in love to feel atraction.
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incorrectbatfam ¡ 1 year ago
Question: do you think it's better for Cass to be verbal or nonverbal?
Secret third option where she has one line a day like Ferb and it's an absolute zinger
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gamkarenthusiast ¡ 5 months ago
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Low bloods with nearly all my headcanons on display!! Sollux probably has too much drip so probably out of character traits too..
The midbloods are next!!
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batcavescolony ¡ 7 months ago
So you know how artists irl will draw celebrities? Do you think fans in superhero universes draw them? If so I think I'd be funny if they draw a mantle character (a mantle with multiple people as them) but the eras are so mushed together the hero's can't help but analyse who they were trying to draw
Donna: ok black hair me?
Cassie: but I had a black wig in early YJ days
Donna: true. Is it Yara?
Cassie: No it's short sleeve, I think it's you?
Donna: it can't be I never had red pants, jump suit yes, but you had red pants!
Jason: found another fanart of Robin
Steph: not me it has Black hair and is male
Damian: legs aren't exposed, so that leaves me and Drake
Tim: but the cape is full yellow that was Dick and Jason
Dick: their's no weapon so that doesn't help
Jason: but it had my front hair curls.
Dick: the 'R' is blocky Tim started the pointy 'R' so maybe it's one of us with pants?
Duke: is it a 'We are Robin' Robin?
Or characters that look similar from a distance
Mia: Blonde Archer Girl with Red, no other color.
Cissie: well it's not my original Arrowette suit, it's full body.
Mia: didn't you have a tactical suit?
Cissie: yes, but it wasn't as streamlined. Did you loose your hood anytime? Maybe they saw you without it?
Mia: I'd still have a yellow without the hood, the bow is wrong.
Cissie: eh people usually draw them wrong, it's gotta be you the artist said they saved them, it's been awhile since I've been out.
Mia: we don't know the age of the artist maybe it was in your Young Justice days
Cissie: that makes me sound old, never say that again.
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littleshysheep-at-da ¡ 1 year ago
All my Persona Series Ships!
(Felt like Posting this here, keep y’all Updated. I made this as Google Doc to send to people when I know they also like Persona so I don’t have to say it everytime)
I actually am a crazy Shipper, strongly dislike when people don’t Ship or break my Pairings, and am OTP/OT3 for life. I just also have Self Restraint and Common Sense, so I understand Shipping's all about fun (and doesn't have to be Canon Compliant or make sense) and to not be an asshole to other people having their own fun.
Also adding Sexuality/LGBTA+ Headcanons for ones I have them for (but I don't have them for every Ship or Specific Character). Also yes I am caring about Name Order here.
-Persona 5 (and it’s many Spin-Offs):
Akira (Gay) x Goro (Demi)
Ann (Lesbain) x Shiho
Haru (Bi) x Ryuji (Bi)
Futaba (Ace) x Yusuke (Ace Pan)
Makoto (Lesbain) x Kasumi (Bi)
Toshiro x Eri
Sojiro x Wakaba
Sae x Kawakami
Tae x Chihaya
-Persona 3:
Hamuko (Bi) x Minato (Bi)
Aigis x Hamuko or Minato
Ryoji x Hamuko or Minato
Fuuka x Natsuki
Mitsuru (Lesbain) x Yukari (Bi)
Junpei (Straight) x Chidori
Shinjiro (Bi) x Akihiko (Bi)
-Persona 4:
Yosuke (Bi) x Souji (Pan)
Yukiko (Bi) x Chie (Lesbain)
Naoto (Nonbinary) x Kanji (Pan)
-Persona 2:
Tatsuya (Bi) x Jun (Gay)
Eikichi x Miyabi
Ship Numbers (because Autism)
P5 = 9 | P3 = 7 | P4 = 3 | P2 = 2 | Total 21
Gender Breakdown 18/21 Ships
(not counting Kannao or Aigis and Ryoji)
M/F = 7| M/M = 4 | F/F = 7
Other Ship Notes:
I personally DO NOT see the Protags as self inserts. I think they all have their own personalities. So I don’t really have any self insert ships were I ship them just because I want to date a character, but I do understand some people have those.
Akira and Goro are a massive call back to Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2, and Tatsuya and Jun are written with the intent to be romantic. Though I think after the third semester I usually don’t have to explain why I feel like Akira and Goro is an obvious Ship, it’s one of those you can totally have a different preference but you understand what I'm getting at right?
I reeeally hope I don’t have to explain that Futaba and Akira are in sibling dynamic so Shipping them would be gross.
Kasumi’s infatuation with Akira makes ZERO SENSE. The only people who see through your delinquent deguise is Goro (because soulmates narrative foil) and Ryuji (who doesn’t see through he’s just a good boy who trusts everyone), so Kasumi seeing through it makes NO SENSE. If she were to follow anyone around saying “Senpei” I think it would be Makoto.
Rise’s feral one sided thirsty crush on Souji is very funny to me (and I love playing it for comedy) but I don’t think he would ever reciprocate it. Her love just feels a bit too superficial, and Souji has too many issues of not being seen for himself for me to like it as a Ship.
I do think Yukari had a crush on Minato and I think Minato would be willing to try dating her, but I feel their love languages would be too different and it would end in disaster. Minato seems like the little actions and subtle comfort where Yukari seems like she would want big romantic gestures (something Mitsuru would do for her).
I will say with all Persona Romance Routes I am very much not a Fan of the Pandering that is “Girl likes you for no real reason” (it’s honestly just a boring Romance to me) and would’ve liked if more of the Girls just weren’t Romanceable so we could just have more Male/Female Friendships. I feel (aside from the stand out VERY BAD ones) a lot of the Romance Routes aren’t that bad, just don’t mesh well with the Tone and Tension of the rest of the Game (they’re kind Mundane and Boring in comparison to the Relationships I ACTUALLY Ship). But my Opinion on Persona Romance Routes as a whole would be a completely different discussion than Ships.
Update cause I forgot:
It’s necessary to say this so I don’t get Canceled; Hamuko and Minato are Canonically Two Halves of the Same Soul, some people choose to see that as Siblings and some people choose to see that as Soulmates. I used to prefer Siblings but now I prefer Soulmates. Either is fine but don’t mix em is all.
When I say Kasumi I usually actually mean Sumire. Sorry it’s partly cause it’s a Spoiler and partly cause I never got in the Habit of calling her by her Real Name. So unless Specific Context assume when I say Kasumi I mean Sumire. I just don’t feel like going back and changing it everywhere I’ve said it.
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raps-hellion ¡ 7 months ago
demigods who know how to cook:
leo — he and esperanza valdez would've cooked together. besides, his life in foster care was rough and he had to fend for himself, so learning to cook was a necessity.
frank — he had to look after his grandmother, and he seems like the type who can fold an impeccable shrimp dumpling.
hazel — she and marie levesque could've cooked together, though hazel had to rely more and more on herself as marie grew more distant.
annabeth — she seems like she would've taken up cooking as a practicality/means to survive, especially since she ran away from home at such a young age.
demigods who don't know how to cook:
jason — he was raised by wolves. enough said.
percy — he knows about as much as an average teenager who's been raised by a loving parent. probably can make pasta and blue pancakes, but that's it. wouldn't be surprised if he tried to microwave an egg.
piper — i think she would've had a housekeeper or a nanny to cook for her when her dad was away (given how well-off and successful tristan mclean is). though she seems like she'd be the most successful out of these four.
nico — he was stuck in the lotus casino for 70 years, idk if this boy even knows what a microwave is.
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basil--and--sage ¡ 6 months ago
Uncle Thorin headcanons nobody can dissuade me from, part 2: young uncle Thorin
(part 1), (Dwalin)
during DĂ­s' pregnancies he acts like a rock for her and her nervous husband, while he is secretly terrified when she goes into labour
he weeps the first time he gets to hold his nephews (and the 10 times afterwards)
he handles FĂ­li like a bomb in the beginning, because he is scared of accidently dropping or hurting him
after FĂ­li is weaned and KĂ­li is born, DĂ­s and her husband have a hard time, since KĂ­li is a very restless baby. To give them some more breathing room, little FĂ­li spends the next few years in a sling tied around Thorin's chest and accompanies him everywhere. Thorin is more than a little sad, when this time ends, but fortunately soon KĂ­li is weaned and then Thorin gets to carry him around everywhere
he gives them cute nicknames. FĂ­li is his jewel and KĂ­li his gem.
he goes into crisis mode whenever one of the lads coughs more than once (fortunately Óin is very patient)
when FĂ­li and KĂ­li are small, they often climb into his bed at night, for example when they are cold or scared. It usually ends with Thorin waking up with at least one of KĂ­li's feet in his face or an elbow in his gut
he cuddles the two all the time and after little Gimli is born, he gets the same treatment
whenever all of them get together, Thorin usually ends up with three Dwarflings on his lap. (he found a way to stack them. DĂ­s doesn't know what to think about that)
the only reason FĂ­li and KĂ­li don't call him adad is the fact, that Thorin would never claim that title out of respect for his late brother-in-law
when they are all of a sudden grown-ups, he sorely misses the time when they were small enough to sit on his knee or come running for a hug
he has a box hidden under his bed with his nephews' old things. He gets a little misty-eyed whenever he looks at their tiny baby boots. (one time he shows them to Dwalin, which ends with both of them sobbing. They don't speak of this afternoon)
he is in general a lot more affectionate and caring with them than on the quest, which is one of the reasons FĂ­li and KĂ­li are disturbed by his behaviour starting in mirkwood
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simplynerdilicious-blog ¡ 7 months ago
I'm seeing a lot of Simon is a dog guy vs Simon is a cat guy when it is painfully obvious that Simon is a rat guy.
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shyjusticewarrior ¡ 1 month ago
I think Dick would be fun for a telepath to hang with
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