#Having Sex With Bacterial Vaginosis
theygender · 7 months
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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drdemonprince · 1 month
I grew up with abstinence-only sex education, and it did a real number on me. But I’ve shaken off enough of my old cultural programming to realize that the transmission of bacteria and viruses is a thing that sometimes just happens when animals come together, no matter how stringently we might try to prevent it.
I have gotten urinary tract infections when a stray microbe found its way into my urethra after sex. Lube and bodily fluids have disturbed my vagina’s pH and caused a yeast infection many times. So has wearing a bathing suit for too long without drying it, yet another “risk” worth the pleasures of swimming along the sea wall.
Once or twice I’ve had an outbreak of cold sores, just like 80% of humans. If I’m like most people, I probably caught oral herpes when I was very young, sharing a sippy cup or rolling around at a sleepover.
None of this makes me disgusting, irresponsible, evil, or dangerous to others. It just makes me a living creature that exists in close contact with other creatures. I believe I have a responsibility to get tested regularly, to alert people who have been close to me when I get sick, and to use preventative measures like condoms, PreP, vaccines, toys, and masks to prevent the spread of infections as best I can. But I never imagine I can lead a life without risk — or that such a life would even be desirable.
There is no such thing as completely “safe” sex. A friend of mine can’t use condoms because they give her bacterial vaginosis. She chooses instead to fuck raw and take PreP and get anything else she catches treated. A guy I know who masks and tests religiously caught COVID while fisting someone (with a gloved hand!) at an air-filtered party. HPV is so prevalent that most sexual wellness clinics don’t bother testing for it, and can’t do much for a patient if they do have it. Our bodies are teeming at all times with various endemic viruses and microbes that we will never have the power to purge.
Then there are the possible costs of not having sex — vaginal atrophy, pelvic floor weakening, reduced access to endorphins, loneliness, touch starvation, the despair of harboring dreams that one never dares try. I can’t decide for anyone else which dangers loom the largest, but for me a gonorrhea shot is a fair trade for the hours of leg-cramping, bed-staining, hypno-kinky sex that led to it. There’s no guarantee that the next time I have sex it will be anywhere near as much fun, but the potential keeps me throwing the dice.
I hear quite frequently from sexually inexperienced Autistic people who crave an intimate connection, but desperately wish to remain responsible and “safe.” They want there to be a set of iron-tight rules they can follow that will guarantee they remain a virtuous person who never hurts anyone’s feelings, and never catches any sexually transmitted infection.
I understand why they want someone to impose order onto an unpredictable, terrifying world. But I can’t give that certainty to them, nor can anyone. All I can suggest is that they be honest with themselves about what they want, inform themselves of the costs and benefits to pursuing their desires, and then venture forward — proudly welcoming the correct risks into their life, rather than trying to avoid any risks at all.
Life is nothing but a negotiation of risk. If a person has gender dysphoria and they want to combat it, they must risk a transition they could one day regret. If an abolitionist wants to take a stand against the police state, they must plan for the possibility of arrest or political repression. When we open our hearts to love, we expose ourselves to grief — our partners will keep changing and growing, sometimes away from us. Each step that we take forward in life closes off potential paths. There is no avoiding this.
Instead of chasing after the false promise of “safety,” trying to remain completely insulated from harm and challenge forever, we must get better at admitting risk into our lives.
I wrote about all about the messy business of risk mitigation, and how the pursuit of perfect safety is used to justify isolation, theft of bodily autonomy, and political repression. It's free to read (or have narrated to you by the app!) at drdevonprice.substack.com
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Hi sex witch! Does BV normally cause itching? I got fingered in a cave a few days ago by someone whose hands were a bit unclean and covered in cave dust and now my vagina is itchy. I assume it's a yeast infection but I can't see any discharge and I've seen different websites saying different things about whether or not BV can make you itch? (Side note, I will of course see a doctor if I'm unsure!! I would just rather pick something up from the pharmacy as it's quicker :) )
hi anon,
bacterial vaginosis doesn't always present the same way in everyone; sometimes it causes itching and sometimes it has no symptoms. best to check in with a healthcare provider if you're not sure exactly what you're working with, especially given the cave dust of it all. can't believe I have to say this but don't let people finger you when their hands are covered in cave dust. I try not to be judgmental but christ.
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neotrances · 1 year
Any vagina related tips?
ya sure “feminine wash” is a scam don’t use it, anything with fragrance is a scam, ur vagina cleans itself, you only need water and if water isn’t enough for you to feel “normal” that means u have a ph imbalance that can only be treated with antibiotics or cream specifically designed to be ingested or put on / around the labia NEVER inside, further problems require an inspection from a doctor or better yet a obgyn, things like soda or too much sugar intake or wearing underwear that’s tight or detergent that has too many chemicals can throw off ur ph, it happens and it can happen for any reason, no one with a vagina has gone their entire life without throwing their ph off atleast once or getting a uti or yeast infection, it’s going to happen eventually and it’s normal, both of those infections r the result of ur vagina trying to restore order and being unable to which is where doctors come in not feminine wash, pineapple juice and cranberry juice will not make u taste sweet, they only add a taste on top of ur natural taste, vaginas r organs they won’t taste like candy or smell like flowers they aren’t supposed to and anyone that tells u otherwise is just trying to sell to u, u shouldn’t be using scented sprays down there, even baby powder is pushing it depending on the brand, try sleeping without underwear once a week to let ur vagina breathe or wear cotton underwear more often, most ph problems come when the vagina can’t properly “air” itself out while cleaning itself, drinking water is important ofcourse, 1 in three people with vaginas will have bacterial vaginosis in their lifetime and it’ll often be reoccurring, meaning having a vagina that’s out of whack is normal for a majority of the population, pee after sex even if u only got head, water based lubricant is ur friend and less likely to irritate ur canal, um make sure to wipe from front to back, refrain from waxing the bikini area ur more prone to infections that way and don’t let porn convince u vaginas all look one way / have to look a certain way, a lot of what u see in popular pornos r vaginas that have had labia surgery bleaching and lazer hair removal, urs is normal looking i promise
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boop-le-snoot · 2 years
dear people with coochies...
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okay whatever is this trend that is going around that keeps telling vulva owners don't need to use soap... PLEASE USE SOAP!
you are supposed to use (gentle) soap on the vulva (the outside!). there are a lot of folds and crevices that collect discharge that can and will turn into smegma if soap is not applied! water is not enough!! sometimes, you need to retract your clitoral hood and wash in there, too.
if you have sensitive skin or you suspect your bacterial vaginosis comes from hygiene products, consider the following before ditching soap:
• change from generic soap to one used for babies.
• your preferred brand of pads/tampons may be the culprit. especially, tampons with applicators and pads with colourful swirls/fragrance infused pads! also, make sure you wash and sterilise your reusable period products after each cycle.
• your partner is using lotion to wank frequently. ask them to ditch the lotion and buy actual lube!
• your (uncut) partner does not use soap on his penis, particularly behind the foreskin. uncut penises collect bacteria quickly. overall, if your partner has a penis, they need to be uptop with their junk too.
• the brand of condoms you use - some condoms come pre-lubed with lubricant that contains a lot of glycerin, which is metabolised as sugar and may upset your natural PH balance.¹
• your blood sugar levels are elevated. while generally that leads to frequent yeast infections, sometimes your body might do a fucky and give you BV instead.
• your laundry detergent may be the culprit - especially if you use powdered product and wash on a low temperature (<40°C) + low spin (<800/m).
• you and/or your partner habitually do not wash your hands before touching your kitty. this is self explanatory.
• wash your sex toys. yes, even the satisfyer and other clitoral stuff. make sure your sex toys are of non-porous, non-toxic materials. avoid phthalates in your dildos!
DO NOT! under any circumstances put yogurt (not even the one that says unsweetened), garlic or any other foodstuffs in your vagina! that yeast infection/BV might turn into toxic shock.
additionally, dump that tampon applicator too! statistically, tss (from tampon usage) prevalence is higher in countries that use tampon applicators, especially the plastic ones. it is commonly understood that bacteria enters the bloodstream through microtears in the vaginal walls. for the same reason, it is strongly recommended to use the right size/absorbance tampons as to not cause unnecessary abrasions.
thank you for your time and patience.
¹ anecdotally, I have heard good reviews about Skyn, MySize and Lelo condoms from the more expensive end & EXS Air Thin from the cheaper end. I personally use EXS. Most "popular" condom brands are not that good for your coochie. Durex is the worst.
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poppyandzena · 8 months
Zena:" The stalkers who claim to be experts on Poppy's story don't even know shit about sexual health. This is just clowning around. I just can't these people seriously. I told Poppy to get testing to protect herself because after someone violates you, they're is zero reason to trust their history."
1.) Literally no one has claimed expertise on Poppy. This is yet another false claim. See, people paid attention to Poppy's behavior and Poppy's words. People are just observing Poppy's publicly abusive meltdown. People are simply tracking a smear campaign. Poppy provides that data. A LOT of data. Poppy continues to incessantly and obsessively make false claims of sexual assault, as if hundreds of people didn't witness Poppy serve us with a linear timeline of rejection. People aren't experts on anyone, that's silly. Poppy put out a fuck ton of information publicly. It's getting difficult for people to silence their own critical thinking. Luckily, there is public access to entire archives documenting Poppy's willfully malicious campaign to destroy another Trans woman. Because of rejection. It's revenge. Thanks to Poppy's unhinged antics across Tumblr and Twitter, people can analyze the data for themselves on their own time. And there-in lies the rub for this sneaky tyrannical goblin -- your arguments are getting more nonsensical. Zena is throwing up diversions. It's getting a bit pitiful.
Zena: "I guess I'm going to be posting sexual health articles to educate these fucks now. Just how much these people know about sex is both astounding and telling. This is a self report on their part."
Zena: "These are just more signs that Poppy's story is actually true AND that she has love and support to help her after this awful shit.
2.) The only link between public discussions on sexual health and Zena's false expertise claims is Poppy's word-vomit. The UTI was splattered all over her TL after having consensual sex & getting rejected. That's it. Zena, this disjointed, bizarre gotchya connection you made with sexual health is not a sign that Poppy's story is true. This deeply goofy statement is almost as bad as me saying, "Oh wow my cat actually has asthma, not a hairball." Then going on to say, "This is a sign why I know my neighbor married a raccoon." Y'all have lost the plot and if all this wasn't so potentially harmful to folks in an already marginalized community, this shit would be funny.
On to the next point the goblin tyrant attempts to slip in subtlety. Folks may have left out the BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS part during sexual health discussions. Hell, some folks might not even know what BV is. NOT knowing what BV is or forgetting to mention BV aren't indicators of a total lack of knowledge on sexual health. Leaving out BV doesn't mean folks need to be educated by this tyrannical goblin Zena. What she's trying to do is divert attention away from Poppy's very transparent attempts to further humiliate Noeh. Everything Poppy puts on her TL centers on smearing Noeh. She literally HAS NOT stopped tweeting @ Noeh since she publicly disclosed her tweets made Noeh uncomfortable when they were partners. It is deeply unsettling that Poppy continues to try to talk to Noeh behind the scenes while routinely @ing Noeh from the YT account. This is all calculated and this community is not dumb. They're catching on. Trust that there are doubts that even her most fervent defenders are experiencing -- OF COURSE they have doubts, but what would happen if they just got brutally honest and disclosed that Poppy is indeed out of control. Poppy has gone against SO many things she advocates in her streams. Rapejacketing and targeting a trans woman is pretty disgusting. Attempting to cut of a homeless trans man's only source of revenue in the middle of winter in MICHIGAN. Shitting all over asexuals because Noeh slipped up and made a controversial statement.
BPD will NEVER be an excuse for abuse. An abuser is actively being coddled to the point where her supporters are enabling more abuse. I think it's pretty clear this therapist has not gotten treatment like DBT for her BPD. This person is a public figure. She is lending more stigma to this diagnosis. There are so many folks with BPD in my life who put in the work and are determined to be well. It is unbelievable what they face and I have so much respect for these survivors. I also feel incredibly protective over them. That impact of these far extending stigmas ACTIVELY cause HARM to people with BPD.
Listen, it's very obvious how Poppy is shitting on survivors of rape and havers of BPD. She's not an imperfect victim. She's a spiteful, vengeful, scorned woman. Zena is also shitting on folks with BPD by enabling Poppy's behavior Her supporters are enabling Poppy's behavior. You are lending to stigma and shitting on other BPD survivors. Coddling this woman while she loudly and publicly continues on with her harmful actions is not a loving act. Enabling is not an act of love. If you truly supported her, you would not lend momentum to her smear campaigns. You'd see that, at this point, Poppy is actually a liability. She is causing REAL harm to your community. Adding insult to injury, she really is out here publicly shitting on y'all, underestimating y'alls knowledge base and ability to recognize lies, abuse, danger, and malice. Some of y'all are leaning into that and at some point, you'll have to come to terms with your choices.
I just want to acknowledge the work and time y'all archivists have put into this. I really do appreciate being able to have access to the information I've needed to form my own opinions. Okay. That is all.
Have a beautiful night, beautiful people.
"Whoops lotsa typos there" 🥴💩
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halfd3af · 1 year
Dilation Experiences From a Trans Man with MRKH
content warning: anatomical terminology, non-sexually transmitted gynecological illnesses, self pleasure + sex
I’m going to get extremely honest with stuff in this post, so there’s your second warning.
In May 2022, I decided to try dilating. I didn’t have any assistance in setting this up because back in 2018, I had seen a specialist to learn how to dilate and remembered enough + googled tips on how to do it correctly.
Something that I did to make it more interesting was using a vibrator for clitoral stimulation while dilating. It vastly seems to ease the muscle tightness that you’re trying to improve with dilation in the first place, and I think it also made the process much quicker toward reaching a typical depth. I was able to dilate almost every day because of it.
But after two months, when I was starting to use sex toys instead of dilators because I didn’t feel like buying bigger ones, I had my first UTI.
Then I had my second, then my third, and when I finally went to Planned Parenthood last October for help with my fourth UTI in less than 3 months, as I had been seeing MinuteClinics or my PCP until that point, I apparently had a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis too.
I remember before that appointment, worrying and worrying that I had messed up dilating, or that something else was horribly wrong, but when I met who would become My Favorite Medical Professional Ever, she assured me that I looked very average, despite the caveat of the trio of illnesses.
But after getting treatment, I still kept having those infections come back, especially when UTI antibiotics and BV pills can cause yeast infections and create a never ending circle, so we tried brainstorming different ideas with each visit.
Some trans men on testosterone use vaginal estrogen cream to maintain the necessary balances because HRT can disrupt it… but for someone with MRKH, who has a “schrodinger’s vagina” as I like to call it, the opening doesn’t stay open unless something is inside it, so any kind of topical medicine won’t stay in. It wouldn’t be effective as a preventative measure.
It wasn’t my underwear, it wasn’t my shower hygiene, I wasn’t having copious amounts of sex, my sex toys were being cleaned properly and the materials were safe, I wasn’t incorrectly wiping after I pee—we just couldn’t figure out what was wrong. The UTIs kept coming back and then the other two would usually follow after the antibiotics would wipe out the good bacteria. She only knew how to treat non-intersex trans men—she had never treated an intersex trans man before.
So, I finally went ahead and scheduled with the top MRKH specialist in the United States up in Boston, because I had seen this very same man back in 2018. He and his clinic are incredibly trans friendly, too, now and even back then.
When I got there, I got a very good grade in pussy, which is a very normal thing to want and achieve. I had indeed dilated correctly, but I finally figured out that my angle was slightly off and was causing friction against my urethra. That had been the mysterious cause of the UTIs.
I haven’t had a UTI since correcting for that, but since July 2022, I’ve had:
6 UTIs
7 yeast infections
4 instances of bacterial vaginosis
I was also told by this specialist that my vagina is trying to “create a biome” and that could explain the yeast infections being so recurrent. My vagina wasn’t even a year old, so it was trying to play catchup. With that in mind, I take a probiotic every day or at least every other day, and I haven’t had an infection in several months since starting that routine.
However, he never really told me any other good preventative measures beyond “kegels”, which would not solve the infection issues whatsoever. It was good to figure out the friction issue, and he suggested I see a urologist if the UTIs continued (they haven’t), but that was about it. I didn’t really get a confirmation if this hell would actually stop or not.
Maybe in time my vagina will become less sensitive to minute disruptions, and I think it already has since I first began dilating, but it still feels like I have to be hyper-vigilant of anything that would cause an infection again. BV pills are the nastiest, bitterest things I’ve ever taken, and they make me constantly nauseous during the length of the prescription, so I don’t exactly like getting sick all the time.
Regardless, I did all of this just so I can have vaginal sex. Despite the dozens of antibiotic and antifungal and antibacterial pills I’ve had to take, it’s worth it in my opinion. This is where I’ll definitely get more honest, so third warning.
Even though a sexual partner wouldn’t be able to feel a difference, I’ve noticed that something might be different with the vaginas of people who have MRKH because, well, we (generally) don’t have cervixes or uteruses. The tissue feels a ton more malleable, in my experience (I’ve had larger partners with no pain issues beyond initial insertion), but it could also be that my muscles are incredibly relaxed. I could continue with further thoughts on the topic, but I’m unsure if those are unique experiences to me or if they’re actually common, so I might just save them for another post if I’m feeling up for it.
In conclusion, I hope that talking about my experiences helps anyone, and I’m also willing to discuss anything further in depth if needed! I don’t want anyone to feel as alone and nervous as I did for so many months because of how little information there is for dilating/gynecological health when you’re intersex.
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ripadsstuff · 1 year
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- vagina has a clean wax look
- pubic hair never grows on your vagina
- any hair on your vagina and anus are completely gone regardless of circumstances
- immune to developing bumps and pimples
- any bumps and pimples on your vagina immediately vanish regardless of circumstances
- immune to infected hair follicles due to bacteria
- immune to folliculitis
- no irritations, bumps, itchiness, or pimples from shaving
even skin tone
- reverse / irradiate any vaginal hyperpigmentation and or discoloration
- even skin tone throughout while bikini area and vagina
- hormones, friction, infections, and or age don’t cause vaginal discoloration or hyperpigmentation
- any effects of lack of proper ventilation caused by tight underwear or clothing resulting in vaginal discoloration immediately reverse regardless of circumstances
- any vaginal discoloration or hyperpigmentation due to a sudden rise in estrogen levels completely disappear within seconds regardless of circumstances
- free from dark patches on the vagina
no foul odor
- free from foul vaginal odor from sweat or anything
- vagina has your desired pleasant scent
free of infections
- free of and immune to bacterial vaginosis
- free of and immune to trichomoniasis
- free of and immune to yeast infections
- free of and immune to vaginal cancer
- free of and immune to cervical cancer
- free of any vaginal infections
- immune to any vaginal infections
- free of and immune to vulvar cysts
- free of and immune to vaginal cysts
- free of and immune to any fordyce spots
- free of and immune to any Varicosities
- my body naturally avoids vaginal infections and diseases regardless of circumstances
- free of and immune to ingrown hairs
- free of and immune to any vaginal skin tags
- free of genital herpes, genital warts, and any sexually transmitted diseases or infections
- free and immune to uti’s
- immune to razor bumps
- immune to any uti’s due to painful sex or any other circumstances
balanced ph level
- have a balanced ph level
- have a normal vaginal pH level between 3.8 and 4.5
- periods and unprotected sex don’t throw off your PH levels no matter the circumstances
- PH level is always balanced to a healthy degree
hygiene products
- manifest feminine hygiene products
- manifest high quality body and vaginal exfoliants
- manifest clean high quality razors to shave
- manifest cute high quality tweezers
- manifest high quality moisturizing body lotion and body oil
- manifest dr.bronners soaps
- manifest hygiene essentials
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hanasnx · 1 year
AOTC Anakin would accidentally give you Bacterial Vaginosis when he fingers you because he didn't wash his hands properly after modding his ship 🧍. But like he does it cutely so it's ok I guess
donnie i knew ur ass was gonna remark on this post omfg 💀
he would tbfh bcos of his lack of important info like that. all he’s learned from sex is when obi wan gave him the talk, and when he finally got over his fear of watching holo porn
neither of which prepared him for the fact your pussy requires clean hands
he didn’t even think of it. wiped off his hands with a rag and went over to visit you and you were just so sexy and naked and inviting he couldn’t not jump on you right then. so excited to feel your pussy on his fingers again he didn’t even think about what he’d been touching bcos why should he? he’s still so new to sex & its unspoken rules
since he doesn’t have a vag he’d ask you about your infection bcos he wants to know if it’s contagious & if y’all can still do it while you have it 💀
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Sorry if I'm getting too to the point, but this question has been on my mind for quite some time and I'm embarrassed to ask my parents.
Is it normal for my vagina to have a fishy odor and to smell too much? It's usually not very strong, but sometimes I can smell the smell and I'm embarrassed that someone else can smell it.
Thanks for reading this question!
Hi Anon,
Without being able to examine you myself, or take a health history, I would err on the side of asking your doctor - even your pediatrician. I know you're embarrassed to ask your parents, but is it possible just to ask for a check-in? Do you have a mom/parent who needs gynecologic healthcare, who would be understanding?
This could be just that you are sensitive to what is a normal smell. During menstrual cycle fluctuations, the odors can vary, and sometimes even be mildly fishy. In this case, it's really unlikely anyone else is smelling it. Does the smell come and go? If you're a young adolescent who has never had intercourse, this is the most likely cause.
It's also possible you could have an imbalance in your normal vaginal flora that has allowed a bacterial infection to set in, called bacterial vaginosis (or BV, for short). BV usually comes with other symptoms, like a thin/watery greyish discharge; itching around the vulva; or a burning sensation when peeing. Although it's not a sexually transmitted disease, it's much less common in people who have not had sex. The treatment is a short course of an antibiotic. Do you have any other symptoms?
Finally, there is an uncommon condition called trimethylaminuria (TMAU), which is when you lack the enzyme to break down certain compounds, and it leaves your breath, sweat, and vaginal secretions with an odor that can be described as fishy or sulfurous. Is it just your vaginal secretions, or do you notice it elsewhere in your body?
Sorry I can't be more help here, Anon, without more information. I hope you can find a way to talk to your doctor or trust your parents, just so you can rule out anything.
Note to all teens: When you visit your doctor, you should be seen without your parents in the room, for at least a part of the visit. This is the time when you should be able to ask these kinds of questions.
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girlthings48 · 2 years
Favourite place for a guy to cum?
Honestly in my mouth or somewhere on my body. In my mouth for obvious reasons of oral fixation lmao. On my body because *if* I am going to consensually have unprotected sex with someone their cum throws off the pH balance of my vagina & leads to all kinds of unfun things like bacterial vaginosis or other unpleasant scents. It's an unfortunate realization to come to that your body is a very delicate ecosystem but alas, it is what it is. Plus, imo it's way hotter to look at the aftermath of what I've done to someone when it's splattered all over my body than dripping out of me for a day or two... (Sorry to all my breeding fantasy followers lmao)
Also sorry this isn't a sexier answer than this lol. I try to be pretty realistic about what I put on my blog
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messengerhermes · 2 years
I know no one asked me, but Please don't steam your cunt. It's not a shirt in need of an ironing. It's not a dumpling. Vaginal steaming can increase your odds of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. You can also risk injury if said steam is too hot. Vulva skin is delicate, particularly around the mucus membranes (the kind of skin that the inner labia, clitoris, and vaginal canal are made of). Vulvas regulate their own PH without the need for you to douche, scrub them with soap, or steam them. If you're noticing unusual odors (a fishy smell, sourness, or breadlike smell), discolored or chunky discharge, or experiencing pain in your vulva--these things can be sign of an infection. In the above cases, if you have access to a clinic or doctor, I recommend making an appointment with them if you can, particularly if you're experiencing pain. If you are experiencing strange discharge or unusual smells, that is often a sign of one of two culprits: A yeast infection, or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). In addition to unusual discharge and strange odors, these suckers can cause itching/burning, painful urination, redness/swelling in your vulva. Both Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis can be treated by over the counter treatments in most cases. (On the flipside, if it burns when you pee, you feel the constant need to piss, and have foamy urine, you may be looking at a urinary tract infection, and I recommend seeking out a clinic because those typically require antibiotics to resolve) If you use over the counter treatments and are still experiencing vulva discomfort--please seek out a clinic. You may have a more aggressive Yeast Infection, BV, or UTI. It is also possible you could have a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, crabs, or syphilis. Which in that case: 1. Having an STI does not make you gross, bad, dirty, or any other negative thing. You wouldn't feel that way about picking up a cold from someone, don't feel that way about an STI either. 2. Odds are you will have an STI of some kind at some point in your life. Contrary to their misleading name, many STIs can be transmitted outside of sex. 67% of the global population has Herpes Simplex Virus-1, for example. STI's are common, normal, and even the ones that are not curable can be managed. 3. If you do have an STI, getting treatment sooner rather than later is crucial. Conditions like chlamydia and syphilis are both treatable with antibiotics for example, but if left unchecked can become more serious infections. TLDR: STIs are not shameful and it's important to get care for them ASAP. It's also important to get regular screenings for STIs (ideally either yearly, or each time you have a new sexual partner, and yes I stand by that yearly thing even for Ace or celibate people) Bottom Line: Vaginal Steaming is not a wellness treatment and may actually cause you health issues. If your vagoo is acting amiss, please seek out a doctor or actual forms of over the counter treatment.
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90363462 · 2 years
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How To Talk About Intimacy Issues With Your Partner
Spoiler alert: Do not talk about it during sex. 
Paige L
Apr. 13, 2022 05:05PM EST
My self-esteem took a hard hit when my ex-partner expressed to me mid-argument that he didn’t have sex with me often because there was a smell. This was one of the lowest moments in our relationship and, I thought, for me. However, the only thing that made me feel worse was him expressing it again midway through sex. Though the first strike for sure makes him an asshole, I realized the second time that this wasn’t his intent…to be an asshole. And, yet, I felt worse than when he had announced it during our heated argument. 
What I came to realize is that so many people are unaware of how to communicate in regards to sex and especially when it’s an uncomfortable truth. This actually shouldn’t come as much of a surprise seeing as though honest and healthy communication, in general, is really hard to come by amongst humans. Everyone always says, “Please, tell me if my breath stinks,” and I’m sure the same goes for other bodily dysfunctions. I think we all would want to know rather than be held in the dark for this discovery to be made amongst multiple people before the news is finally broken to you. 
And, I too, am a part of that camp! I would like to know, truly. Especially because upon my ex telling me, I realized I wasn’t paranoid when I thought this might be the reason other partners had ghosted me. (It turns out, it was a super strain of a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis, which took me so long to discover due to a major run around from multiple testing sites including being told there was nothing off or being misdiagnosed with sexually transmitted infections.) 
Of course, this certainly doesn’t mean hearing uncomfortable truths will be easy. So, wherein lies the problem with how my partner expressed his concerns? The first one is glaringly obvious but the second was a part of my initial epiphany regarding communication: people think it’s okay to communicate this type of discomfort during sex and it’s simply not. Sex, sans hookup culture (now inherently toxic and dismissive), is supposed to be one of the safest spaces for you and your partner. 
As it is the space where you will be most vulnerable–bearing all of your potential insecurities and humanness. There is a time and a place for everything, it’s important that we learn when that time is the bedroom and when it is not. 
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When to Talk About Sex & Intimacy Problems With Your Partner
Communicate anything uncomfortable after sex, during aftercare, or soon after the event so you are able to provide your partner with detail while making them aware. All too often, people bring up their grievances weeks later, and by that time they may not be able to recount all the details. Just because you don’t bring it up during sex doesn’t mean you should avoid doing it while it’s fresh. 
In the instance with my partner, he had noticed the smell for months but hadn’t said anything, so the time for that discussion would’ve ideally been prior to him initiating sex. For example, if this is your first time experiencing something like body odor, perhaps you can alternatively and (again) gently shut down the sex and have this discussion then. 
When I say "don’t communicate things during sex," that is not synonymous with "do not communicate inappropriate behaviors during sex." If it crosses boundaries and makes you feel unsafe – THAT should be communicated during sex. As previously stated, sex is a vulnerable space and should be one where both parties feel seen, felt, heard, and most of all, safe. According to SHAPE, sexual boundaries can look like this: 
Having a safe word or phrase that effectively communicates to your partner that a sexual boundary has been crossed. This can be as simple as "Stop," or "Let's take a break."
Getting tested for STIs and STDs before and after introducing a new sexual partner;
Deciding when or how you'd prefer to send nudes or if you want to send them at all;
Choosing when and how you'd like to partake in oral sex with a new and/or untested partner;
Being specific about the types of sex you want to have; 
Communicating the kinds of positions you want to do and the kinds you rather not do;
Having limits around how many fingers you'd like during fingering and/or your preference for where those fingers go;
Expressing enthusiastic interest in some types of stimulation versus others (i.e. wanting butt play but not anal sex);
Declining to engage in acts that feel demeaning or that bring back trauma for you (i.e. rough sex, spanking, certain trigger words, etc.)
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How to Communicate Your Sexual Needs During Sex
While there is a time and a place to ideally talk about uncomfortable topics with your partner, this doesn’t mean shying away from communicating what you need during sex when possible. This is tricky since the line is so thin between uncomfortable topics like body odor and uncomfortable topics like your partner licking the wrong spot or needing them to adjust in order to feel more pleasure. In this case, discernment is key. Tone is also key. It’s more than okay to redirect your partner in regards to your pleasure via touch or verbal cues. 
If, however, it’s something that isn’t being translated properly through gentle signaling, you might want to hold off on having this conversation during sex. If you need to stop sex because you're uncomfortable, don't be afraid to advocate for yourself and your needs. Save the sex and intimacy problems talk for a time where the conversation can be had delicately and from a space of openness and understanding.
If communicating uncomfortable topics feels impossible, I would explore the type of foundation that was created for communication going into the relationship. Question what feels most difficult about responding and possibly consider alternatives such as writing a letter expressing concerns. But, know, that it is critical to the survival of your relationship that you express even the most uncomfortable of circumstances.
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hmmmm what the fuck? what the fuck actually?? how is this possible???
Maybe this just bisexual women having more male partners than heterosexual women or maybe it's bacterial vaginosis related since female/female sex is more likely to cause BV ... or sexual assault related ... Cuz how the fuck is this possible otherwise?
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mukherjeehealthcare · 22 days
7 Things To Always Discuss With Your Gynaecologist
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A gynaecologist is a doctor every woman should visit. It’s a misconception that women see gynaecologist for treatments or a problem in their reproductive health. Seeing a gynaecologist doesn’t necessarily need a disease. You can consult your doctor for lifestyle and reproductive health advice for better well-being. Visit the best gynaecologist in Siliguri for comprehensive female reproductive health support.
Here are seven vital things you should always discuss with your gyne doctor.
Changes in Menstrual Cycle
 Menstrual patterns can say a lot about a woman’s overall health. Abnormal periods, such as unusually heavy bleeding, grey-colored periods, dark brown or black-colored period blood, irregular timing, extremely painful cycles, and the absence of periods, often indicate a health concern.
These may include hormonal imbalances, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, infections, or even early signs of female reproductive diseases. If you notice any of these signs, you must consult your gynecologist for early diagnosis.
Vaginal Discomfort and Unusual Discharge
Unusual discharge is common yet concerning. Many women notice occasional vaginal discomfort, itching, burning sensation, or changes in discharge. But, ignoring these symptoms can cause more trouble. If you have ongoing or sudden abnormal vaginal discomfort or discharge, you should see a gyne doctor without delay.
Painful urination, pain or tenderness in the pelvic area, foul-smelling discharge, foamy discharge, chunky discharge, etc. need medical attention, especially if these are ongoing. Your doctor will check if this is a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, an inflamed condition, or something not serious. You might reach out the best gynecologist hospital in Siliguri town.
Breast Health
Though growing awareness, we are less concerned about breast health. While self-exams are important, annual breast exams by visiting your gyne doctor can be of big help.
For any lumps, pain, or changes in breast shape, size, or texture, you must seek a gynecologist’s attention. This will help with for early detection of a disease, such as breast cancer, or cysts.
Sexual Health
A gyne doctor is a safe place to talk about your sexual health and concerns. These include pain during intercourse, low libido (sex drive), dryness in the vagina, use of contraception, protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy sex habits, douching-related facts, etc.
Many people have emotional concerns that might affect their sex life. Medical experts help them with proper guidance and treatment if required). Screening for STIs, blood tests, pelvic exams, solutions to emotional well-being, healthy lifestyle advice, hygiene advice, etc., boosts quality of life and reduces health risks.
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain is a very common problem with various causes. After listening to your symptoms, your doctor may recommend blood tests and a pelvic exam.  Such pain can be mild, moderate, or severe, affecting quality of life.
Make sure you see a gynecologist since pelvic pain is a common sign of endometriosis, urinary tract infection, infection, fibroids, ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, STIs, ectopic pregnancy, twisted ovarian cysts, or else. You must know that pelvic pain is not always a sign of reproductive health issues.
Family Planning and Fertility
People have their own plans of having a baby soon, later, or never. You may discuss your conception plans with your gynecologist, which helps you get expert tips. Medical professionals will help you with birth control options, fertility preservation, and other health strategies.
You’ll be recommended the right tests, health advice, and treatments for immediate pregnancy planning, delayed pregnancy, egg freezing, etc. Talk to your best gynaecologist in Siliguri.
Mental and Emotional Health of Women
Gynecologists also monitor the mental and emotional health of women. Your reproductive health can impact your mood and motions. Many women experience anxiety, depression, or mood swings related to hormonal changes, pregnancy, infertility, and menopause. See your doctor at the best multispecialty hospital in Siliguri.
Access to quality health services can resolve your health problems. Visit the right gynaecologist for routine checkups, diagnosis, and treatment. The compassionate support and experience of a gyne doctor give the best possible outcomes.
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molsons112000 · 1 month
My friend in college. He was sexually active and he did receive this but didn't transmit it. And each time he got it, he knew and got it. Taken care of immediately. Yes, antibiotics take care of it quickly. So this disease is contracted by women easily and transmitted by women...
Anyone who is sexually active can get chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection (STI), but it's more common in women than men. In the United States, women are estimated to have twice the infection rate of men. Some risk factors for infection include: 
Not consistently using barrier methods like condoms with new sexual partners 
Having a sexual partner who is having sex with other people 
Having a history of chlamydia or other STIs 
Being a young sexually active woman, especially between the ages of 15 and 24 
Being a man who has oral or anal sex with men 
Chlamydia - NHS
It can also be passed by a pregnant woman to her baby. Chlamydia cannot be passed on through casual contact, such as kissing and hugging, or from sharing baths,
Anyone who is sexually active can get chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection (STI), but it's more common in women than men. In the United States, women are estimated to have twice the infection rate of men. Some risk factors for infection include: 
Not consistently using barrier methods like condoms with new sexual partners 
Having a sexual partner who is having sex with other people 
Having a history of chlamydia or other STIs 
Being a young sexually active woman, especially between the ages of 15 and 24 
Being a man who has oral or anal sex with men 
Chlamydia - NHS
It can also be passed by a pregnant woman to her baby. Chlamydia cannot be passed on through casual contact, such as kissing and hugging, or from sharing baths,
And you don't think they need to stop with the bisexuality and lesbianism in the adult entertainment, and this is where I said, if they do it at all, it can be deep fakes. But I don't want to encourage it in the outside environment.... Cause then people really get sick. So we have to figure out a way of discouraging this, and like I said, look at all these diseases that are more common sexually transmit it that are more common amongst a lesbian and bisexual women then heterosexual women!!!! And you keep on telling me that this is a good thing, lesbians and bisexuals and homosexuals and transgender!!!! How is this possible? It being a good thing when it causes unbelievable problems physically and mentally. Besides causing the unborn child, all kinds of diseases that it contracts in the womb and causes still birth and birth defects, and then you have to address those issues after birth, if they survive!!!!
In addition, when women, including asymptomatic women, have been tested for STDs, lesbian and bisexual women have had a higher prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, genital herpes and chlamydia than heterosexual women.Dec 8, 2008
STDs Among Sexually Active Female College Students
You think all universities should require mandatory? Annual physicals and part of those physicals should be testing for sexually transmitted diseases.... C d c says that women under twenty five should be checked for sexually transmitted diseases.Regularly...
"The CDC recommends that all sexually active women under 25 get routine annual screening for STIs."
Yes, lesbians and bisexual women have higher rates of chlamydia than heterosexual women. According to a 2008 study, sexually active female college students who identify as lesbian or bisexual have a higher prevalence of chlamydia than heterosexual women, even if they don't have symptoms. A 1990s survey of lesbian and bisexual women found that 102 respondents reported contracting chlamydia from a female partner. 
Lesbian and bisexual women are vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia because of skin-to-skin and mouth-to-genital contact, sharing sex toys, and exchanging vaginal fluids or menstrual blood. Other risk factors for STIs among women who have sex with women (WSW) include: 
Hepatitis A and HIV 
High alcohol intake 
Injecting nonprescribed drugs 
The CDC recommends that all sexually active women under 25 get routine annual screening for STIs. 
Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Women Who Have Sex With Women | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Oxford Academic
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