#Have fun!!
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albaricomics · 5 months ago
Prank to start Spooky Month!
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I don't think he took it well...
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lesoldatmort · 1 month ago
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Our Valenwind server is hosting yet another Valenwind Week!
Feel free to join if you'd like and use tag #ValenwindWeek2025
Here are the prompts in written form:
full moon/insecure
Free Day!
Feel free to choose one prompt (or both) for each day or choose the days which you like the most! Remember it is not necessary to create something for each day to join the event - just have fun, spread the love 💜
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tarovrispy · 26 days ago
⩇⩇:⩇⩇ | 10 VOICEMAILS
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FEATURES daichi x f!reader
ABOUT | the death for justice that I will always feel bitter about Y/N keeps 10 voicemails and every year, she plays them on 10 consecutive days. But this year, it's different, it's her last year hearing these 10 voicemails because it's about time she starts accepting Daichi's death and learn how to move on, even when it's hard.
CW | might have major ooc, full blown angst, i promise this is not a deadchi joke, mentions of death, finding closure, lots of flashbacks (check each chapter for individual warnings!)
STATUS | ongoing (update speed really depends on how active my creative side of the brain works)
taglist opened! (tap here to access the form for removal/addition to taglist <3!)
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prologue: three winters ago,
one: promises
... tba!
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ovium-sheep · 10 months ago
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I really like ellsworld.
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thatsailormoonkinnie · 3 months ago
New AU idea is eating me alive
Ok, theater kid here. I haven’t seen the Wicked movie yet, but it’s release has sent me straight back down the wicked rabbit hole.
so…I’ve reached the point where my hyperfixations are merging…so MelJayVik nation..I give you this offering:
like my brain is screaming it works so well. Like
Viktor: Elphaba
Mel: Galinda/Glinda
Jayce: Fiyero
It works so well. Also like Viktor as Elphaba EATS like I need to draw this sassy little man in a black and green suit like RIGHT NOW.
Mel and Jayce I feel could kinda go either way storywise for who is Fiyero and who is Galinda, but dynamic wise this works best. Like, it’s so good, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack and just picturing them and screaming lol
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valec275 · 1 year ago
Headcanon I gotta write somewhere before I forget! (and I just wanna share it lol) Because of how often solving puzzles has been a part of literally saving their kingdoms and peoples’ lives, none of the chain really do puzzles casually without the aura of someone who is still on a life-or-death mission.
The first time Malon sat down to do a jigsaw puzzle with Time after MM he was staring at the pieces with such an intensity you’d think they’d personally wronged him, always careful with how he set down each piece like putting it in the wrong spot might set off a trap. Yes, Malon was worried. No, Time hadn’t realised he’d been focusing that hard.
Legend does puzzles with a (seemingly subconscious) terrifying speed and efficiency, as if he’s desperate to get it done, but ask him about it and he’ll claim he didn’t even realise how fast he was working through it.
Wind goes quiet. Like, the quietest you’ll ever hear him, except for the occasional mumblings under his breath if he’s struggling with some aspect of the puzzle. He looks older when he’s that concentrated, almost like he’s back in the Temple of the Ocean King.
Warriors doesn’t get like this as much as the others, since his adventure was a war, but strategy games have a similar effect. No one can beat him at chess. You can almost see the cogs turning at ungodly speeds in his mind. His wins are precise, quick, and would be deadly in a real life scenario. It’s always disconcerting when he offers you his hand at the end of a match and congratulates you on a good game.
I’ve got nothing for the others yet lol
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ciels-best-fit · 3 months ago
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Outfits galore! We all know what a fashion icon Ciel is but what is his best look? Do you have the elite fashion sense to know what it is? If so, submit below!
Submissions last until Saturday, January 4th, EST 9:00 PM. We may extend submissions for another week if need be. Submissions are unlimited so be sure to send in all your favorite fits!!
Please see our general rules on our pinned post before submitting an outfit.
This is a friendly tournament for everyone, so please be considerate of others and most importantly have fun!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Thanks to @sleepyhead-poll @princess-polls and @pigtailpoll for their help. @tournament-announcer for visiblitity.
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skumhuu · 6 months ago
Hello! So I'm in the making of creating my own sort of universe that's inspired off of your vampire AU! Of course it's only inspired, and that I only took a few aspects of it, and I'm planning on posting stuff on it soon! I just feel as if you may see it and think it's copying...so I was wondering if you were okay that I took a few inspirations from your own AU? - Silly Creator Anon
Oh ye vampires are a trope I can’t claim a trope and I don’t wanna claim it either 😂 I don’t like Claiming culture, especially since it’s a basic vampire thing.
Some of my boundaries are: don’t make adoptables based off of my designs, or use my aus to promote your adoptables. My aus are not for anyone to sell :/ and also don’t bash my ideas and fun times to prop your own ideas up. This is a sandbox, an ‘yes and’ situation, pls have fun 💚
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dvlwablu · 1 year ago
onmyoji related media you can watch (that has english subs)
Behold, my Onmyoji film/TV collection for curious people who've already seen the anime!
The Yin-Yang Master (2001) and it's 2003 sequel The real OGs, the one most people know from Yuzuru Hanyu's SEIMEI free skate routine. Featuring Nomura Mansai as Seimei and Hideaki Itou as Hiromasa, these movies were my introduction to the Onmyoji series as a whole. The soundtrack is a banger, the practical effects are great and you get to see Hiroyuki Sanada ham it up in the first movie! I would say that the first movie is a lot stronger, but the second movie makes up for it by being A Lot Gayer. It even has an English dub! It's easily found on Certain streaming websites or on DVD.
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晴雅集 - Qing Ya Ji, aka The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity A Chinese adaptation that REALLY puts its own spin on things; Qingming and Boya are Seimei and Hiromasa respectively, but it's not easy to tell if you aren't already aware of the source material! It's a different take that I love regardless, with beautiful visuals, incredible costuming and impressive sets. It also made me cry like a baby at one point, which is always a plus. It's on Netflix and it also has an English dub.
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Onmyoji - Takiyashahime (2020) A TV Asahi drama special that adapts the two-part Takiyashahime novels. It's not 1-1 of course, but it does follow the main plot points well enough (it also adapts Tsuyuko's story as a bonus!) It's got that "yeah this was done on a TV drama budget and not a movie one" look when it comes to the effects, but that doesn't stop it from being enjoyable. You really get a glimpse at novel Seimei and Hiromasa's dynamic in this (they include one of my favourite hirosei exchanges in this and it's SO GOOD) as well as proper Nasty Old Man Ashiya Doman!!! You can watch it on Certain streaming sites.
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There also exists a 2015 TV Asahi drama series, but I haven't been able to find it. An earlier 2001 NHK drama series exists as well, but it isn't subbed in English. It is, at the very least, entirely on YouTube! 10 episodes, 45 minutes each. It's a little...weird, I won't lie (they try to make Hiromasa and Mitsumushi a thing which is. Why) but some of the stories are genuinely heartwrenching, which was a surprise to me when I watched it!
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lexosaurus · 2 months ago
So, I want to podfic your Gym101 fanfic (this is me asking your permission to do it) for a VoiceTeam challenge, but I also want to get swole for Dash this 2025.
Here's my idea: I read your fic while doing exercises. I will need to experiment a bit to find out which exercises I can do while recording. So far I was thinking:
squats - obviously following Valerie's instructions, I don't have a weight bar though
active bar hang
plank - I'll see how much can I actually record doing that...
maybe some stretches for when I get too out of breath
I'd love any suggestions and pointers for exercises I can do while podficing. Guide me
PS: Your presence alone made me want to redo my pull-ups new years resolution 💪💪💪
Oh that's an awesome idea. I'm all for it. And now I'll need to write another chapter for it lmao!
As far as programming goes, I think anything that you can do that you can stick to are the best. Like for me, I fucking hate doing most stereotypical core exercises like planks and crunches and those 10 minute ab videos, so I've been mixing abs and core into my other weightlifting exercises instead of having it as its own dedicated thing.
But if you wanted some more concrete pointers, I would say in general like outside of just recording for the podfic, building a program around hitting every major muscle is going to be key for preventing muscle imbalances, and thus compound exercises are going to be your friend. Squats are a great one because they hit glutes, quads, and hamstrings, which are three major muscle groups on the lower body. And to hit calves, you can superset them with calf raises or something. Bada-bing-bada-boom, with 2 exercises you've pretty much got your lower body taken care of.
For upper body, things like push ups hit the chest, biceps, and triceps. Since you mentioned you have a bar, doing active bar hangs, scapular pulls, and negatives (all progressions of the pull-up) hit a bunch of muscles in the back, plus you're engaging your core for stabilization. If you have any heavy objects laying around your house, you can do farmers walks around a room which are another awesome thing for core work and all around general body strength (hits a ton of muscles all over the upper and lower body, and holding the heavy objects at different heights can engage more of the shoulders too).
Even though I'm in my weightlifting era rn, I'm a huge fan of calisthenics in general and do a lot of them for like functional strength and mobility. Definitely recommend you look into that if you're tryna workout from home this year!
Oh, and make sure you warm up before you exercise! There are lots of great dynamic stretching vids on Youtube.
Have fun and keep me updated on how it all goes!
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jamesandothernames · 5 months ago
for any super meat boy fans who want to do an inktober that isnt inktober:
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heres my personal "meatober" that i decided to do this year!! seemed like itd be fun!! feel free to follow along if youd wanna!! id love to see!!! i doubt anyone will see this anyway but YEAH!! happy meating meatboy fans 😋😋😋
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the-tmnt-ficfinder · 4 months ago
I just figured out how to Evil boop!!!
In desktop, if you hold the mouse over the boop button, the button will twirl around. Once you click it, it will ask you if you want to super boop a person. That's how you do a super boop.
If you keep holding your mouse over the boop button, till it twirls three times, it makes an evil boop!! Have fun everyone!! <3
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things-from-strings · 5 months ago
hi!! i looove your intersex spiral works, can i ask if there's any tips for making something similar? just for myself. i've been crocheting for a long time but i honestly feel like such a beginner sometimes, it never would have occurred to me that it was possible to do something like that! do you work in spirals or in rounds? is it planned at all or do you sort of put waves and bumps in as you go, and i'm guessing they're generally some variation of sc, hdc, dc, tc and back down? genuinely love your work so much, they're gorgeous :)
hiiiii!! so sorry for the wait anon 😅
the best part of crochet, imo, is that it has this WILD nearly infinite versatility. i only plan as far as drawing the general shape of what i want, then it's all eyeballed
the work goes in spirals, rounds, short rows cut & stacked on top of each other, smaller motifs stitched together... kind of all at once sometimes, lol. go nuts & try everything, see what u like best! but be prepared to frog a good deal; sometimes it takes me a bunch of tries before i get a line right. don't weave in ends unless ur sure it's done!
as far as construction technique goes, u fuckin nailed it!! using sc sts up to tr keeps at least 1 part of the freeform nice & simple, so there's more focus more on color & motion in each piece
the best part of what i do is seeing others go "omg u can do THAT w/ crochet??" bc omg what CANT u do w/ crochet?!
fuck around & find out! ✌️💖✨️✨️✨️
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l1linya · 1 year ago
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MLB Stickers!!! PV version >:DDD
As per a special request from @goldensmilingbird to do the Felix and Bridgette version of the stickers I initially did.
Feel free to print them for personal use!!! Resells are prohibited!!!!
Support me here!
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moonpaw · 11 months ago
congrats moonpaw youve grabbed another into trying rejuv
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