#Hassan Ahmed
qualcosadelgenere · 3 months
A "DESERT LION" NAMES ANALYSIS + name meanings related hcs PT.2
DISCLAIMER: if any of the information reported here is wrong or even just partially incorrect/imprecise, feel free to let me know; as my main sources for this analysis were Wikipedia and baby names sites (lol).
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Messer Jassim <English Wiki> (Mansur Jasim/Messa Jassim <alternative dub names>):
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Mansur Jassim
Mansur (Messer is apparently a surname and Messa doesn't even exist(?)) is a male Arabic name that means "He who is victorious".
Jassim is an Arabic name/surname. (Couldn't find the meaning.)
Succeeding in his set goals and dreams is a very essential part of his life. He puts great importance on winning and is generally very competitive. He has a hard time forming long-lasting friendships due to this side of his personality.
His parents, unlike Nasser's, tend to encourage him to be less focused on beating others and more on doing things he actually enjoys for himself. His relationship with his teammate is a conflicted one.
On one hand, Nasser is a pleasant guy to be around, always ready to assist or to share a few jokes with. On the other one though, Messer can't really bring himself to relate to his struggles. He doesn't understand how someone could resent parents whose only wish is for you to be your best version; for you to be ambitious and successful.
He didn't bond with anyone in particular, but he tends to spend most of the time with Far, who happens to be his roommate.
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Zack Abdullah <English Wiki> (Zack Abdulla <alternative dub names>):
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Zakariya 'Zack' Abdullah
Zack is sometimes a given name, but more often it's a short form of the Biblical name Zechariah (in this case probably of the Arabic form, Zakariya) and its meaning is "God/YHWH has remebered".
Abdullah is an Arabic Muslim given name/surname which means "servant of Allah".
Zack grew up in a large family: his mom, his dad, three sisters, and four brothers (including himself).
Zack's family originally hails from Casablanca, Morocco, but they relocated to Qatar in search of better job opportunities. With some financial assistance from Zack's grandparents and some personal sacrifices, they were able to secure stable employment at a local camel farm. Zack's father, who had experience working with dromedaries in Morocco, found the job to be a perfect fit.
Despite their efforts, they still fall under the lower middle-class category by Qatari standards*. As a result, Zack and his siblings had to start working from a young age to support the family.
Growing up among the animals, Zack spent his free time playing football and caring for them. He greatly admires his father and shares a strong bond with his mother and siblings.
Zack is extremely outgoing, friendly, and open-minded as a result of interacting with people from all walks of life. He easily makes friends and is generally well-liked. However, he often feels the need to hide his feelings of inadequacy behind a facade of happiness and laughs, because most of his friends come from well-off families with high social status, and hanging out is a constant reminder of his own financial limits and racial status.
His closest friends are Bjorn, Majidi, and Djamel. He gets along also with Sulai and Adel, with whom he has more of a love-hate relationship. (Adel once referred to him as impossible to ignore and to this day Zack wonders if it was meant to be a compliment or not.)
*(North African Expats are considered to be racially inferior to Gulf Arabs; with them only coming second to Westerners in the class system, even though they're primarily Muslim and from neighboring regions. The apparent reasons for this are a widespread sentiment of anti-blackness and a general dislike for Africans, more specifically sub-Saharan, immigrants).
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Majidi Ismail <English Wiki> (Majdi Ismail <alternative dub names>):
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Majid Ismail
Technically speaking Majidi is an Iranian surname; the Arabic name equivalent would be spelled as Majid. It means "noble", "glorious", and "magnificent".
Ismail is an Arabic given name/middle name/surname and patronymic, that literally translates to "heard by God". It's also the name of Ibrahim(Abraham)'s son.
He's a very self-assured little guy, as the only male sibling to four sisters he grew up spoiled and pampered.
Scaring(courting?) girls with the little animals he catches in the desert is his biggest hobby and simultaneously his sisters' biggest pet peeve. They tried everything in their power to stop the ever-increasing toll of his victims but to no avail.
"Why can't you impress girls like a normal person, Majidi?"
Fun fact: the moment he catches a fever his chaotic personality is gone, replaced by the meekest and quietest boy you have ever seen.
His mom knows it sounds bad out loud, but sometimes she wishes he'd get sick more often. It's just so nice to have a little quiet with five teenage children around from time to time.
He considers Zack, Rajab, Nasser, and Bjorn his best friends on the team. He doesn't really get along with Hassan, and even if he'd rather die than admit it, it's most likely due to a tiny, small, minuscule flicker of envy that burns in his gut whenever his teammate effortlessly charms the girls he tried to court(scare?) before.
Hassan, sad but true, couldn't care less.
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Talal Hamad <English Wiki> (Talal Hamad <alternative dub names>):
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Talal Hamad
Talal is an Arabic given name and surname that means "admirable" and "nice".
Hamad or Hamda is an Arabic given name and surname, meaning "to praise" or "one who praises", "much praising".
Talal is too nice for his own good, always praising others and being kind even when people are not in return.
He's also a little bit of a chatterbox, never really stopping talking, but thank god he has an array of aunties who are more than willing to listen to his latest gossip. They're the ones who instilled in him the dream of entering the Middle East's best TV station.
He'd love to work for Al Jazeera since it's one of two main TV stations in his country and it's also pretty popular on an international level.
He bonded quickly with Sulai and Seiyd. Little Rajab is too nice not to like him and Adel's maternal uncle is one of the managing directors of Al Jazeera, so better to have him as a friend rather than as an enemy, right?
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Hassan Ahmed <English Wiki> (Hasan Ahmed/Hassan Amed <alternative dub names>):
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Hassan Ahmed
Hassan (also Hasan) is an Arabic given name that means "handsome" or "good", or "benefactor". As a surname, instead, Hassan may be Arabic, Irish, Scottish, or Jewish.
Ahmed which is the variant of the name/surname Ahmad, means "Highly Praised”.
He is widely regarded as extremely handsome.
Throughout his life, he has benefited from an inherent advantage due to his looks (pretty privilege), receiving praise for even the most minor accomplishments. As an only child to a wealthy family, his birth was considered miraculous due to his mother's health-related issues. Consequently, he has been showered with affection and has developed an inflated sense of self-worth, perpetually reinforced by those around him.
He's kind of a narcissist, so he doesn't let people get too close if not solely on a superficial level.
The closest thing he has to a genuine friendship is with Adel; it's a relationship primarily based on mutual teasing and banter (which, according to Zack, borders on flirting 98% of the time, however, both parties disagree.).
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Khalfan Jibril <English Wiki> (Khalfan Jibril/Halfan Djibril <alternative dub names>):
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Khalfan Jibril
Khalfan is primarily a male given name of Swahili origin that means "successor"
Jibril (also Djibril) is an Arabic variant of the name Gabriel (the archangel), therefore meaning "God is my strength", and a common Arabic given name and surname.
Khalfan can be described as a greatly resilient person, always reluctant to give up what he believes is important.
He comes from a family of artists: his grandad was a famous painter and his daughter, Khalfan's mother, inherited his great talent.
He was not exactly gifted with the same artistic abilities, but he knows a great deal about many art forms and is well aware of their historical and social significance.
He aspires to work in art-related fields and is supported in this dream by his family, particularly his proud grandfather who is moved by his grandson's passion for preserving artworks.
His closest buddies are Musa and Yusuf. He enjoys the latter just a smidge more due to their shared love for tradition and Qatari/Arab culture.
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Rajab Ismail <English Wiki> (Rajab Ismail <alternative dub names>):
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Rajab Ismail
Rajab is an Arabic given name that corresponds to the seventh month of the Islamic calendar which is known as Rajab.
Ismail (see Majid Ismail).
His parents are very religious, hence, his upbringing was very religion-oriented.
They don't support his passion for writing, especially because some of the social issues he's keen on featuring in his novel stem from exasperated and distorted religious beliefs, and his parents find it very hard to critique such things.
Furthermore, due to his youthful appearance, individuals in his environment such as teachers and family friends tend to dismiss his ideas, believing him to be too young to comprehend the depth of his convictions. Consequently, Rajab frequently feels mocked and ridiculed for his beliefs, leading to a significant struggle with not being taken seriously.
He finds Majid funny and he also gets along well with Zack and Talal. He looks up to Adel and Nasser because he deems the first to be very intelligent and mature for his age and the latter to be reliable and confident.
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Adel Siddique <English Wiki> (Adel Siddique/Adel Shteik <alternative dub names>):
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Adil Siddique
There are two different names that are transliterated as 'Adel' and which one it is depends on the pronunciation:
1.) Adel [ˈɑːdəl] (Germanic given name of ancient European origins, evolved from north-western languages; meaning "noble" "nobility" "elite".)
2.) Adil [ˈʕaːdɪl, ˈʕæːdel] (often transliterated as Adel, is a variation itself of the name Adel; an Arabic male name (common in the Muslim world) that originates from the word "Adl", meaning "fairness" and "justice".)
Siddiq/Siddique is an Islamic term and is given as an honorific title. It means "truthful" and it denotes a descendance from someone named Siddique.
As his name suggests, Adel has a strong sense of justice paired with (sometimes brutal) honesty.
Even though he comes from a horrendously rich and privileged family, social injustices have always been acknowledged in his family as his father and mother are both very intellectual and intelligent people.
For him, it's important to use the privilege he was born with to fight against inequality and ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in life, and this topic will often come up in his movie productions.
His closest friends are Sulai (best friend) and Hassan. Zack is the equivalent of a human mosquito, but he's passable (when he shuts up). He also respects Rajab a lot for his desire to write about their country's social issues and wishes to be less intimidating in his younger eyes.
I also wanted to mention Adel's self-esteem.
Although he's very confident and capable of standing up for himself, he struggles with his physical appearance. Ever since he was a child, he realized that his darker skin and facial features did not conform to the standard of beauty in his country (I like to think he has Somali ancestry somewhere in his family, perhaps his father's grandad?).
Other children had lighter skin, straighter hair, and less full lips, which made him feel different. Additionally, when he started playing football at a national level, he experienced subtle racism from his own people. Despite fitting in and looking rather Qatari, he didn't feel equally accepted by the Qatari public, making him feel like he didn't fully belong.
That explains his attachment to wearing oversized and dark sunglasses as they somewhat mask his ethnic features and give him an advantage when controlling emotions.
In other words, they help him feel less self-conscious.
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moviemosaics · 10 months
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directed by Camilla Hall and Jennifer Tiexiera, 2022
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Ahmed x Diana (movie version)
[Ship game]
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Easy on the eyes and fun to watch, but...
I think the film's take on their relationship differered from the original a little too much. For example, they toned down Ahmed's brutality considerably and omitted his worst actions — going kinda straight to the hidden "good" side of his character rather than showing us his less-than-charming moments from the book, such as that time he whipped a servant into unconsciousness, and was a dick to his horses.
Now, movie!Diana: she's more subdued than her book counterpart. I get it. The movie couldn't get into her head to the extent that the book did, but they could have included some of the small ways in which she tried to defy Ahmed.
Anyway, I enjoyed the unintentional humor. Very expressive, the both of them. XD
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chandtarasblog · 2 years
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad swore in five new ministers yesterday, 1 April 2023
The new ministers are:
Petroleum (Oil) and Mineral Resources Minister Firas Hassan Qaddour
Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Minister Mohsen Abdul Karim Ali
Industry Minister Abdul Qader Jokhadar
Social Affairs Minister Louai Emad El-Din al-Munajjid
State Minister Ahmed Mohammad Bustaji
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baffalochickenwings · 20 days
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saxafimedianetwork · 26 days
Sovereignty’s Illusion: Deciphering Mogadishu’s Political Theatre and Erroneous Stratagems
Prof. Mohammed Ahmed: A sobering look at the politics of #Somalia & #Ethiopia. Is @HassanSMohamud's recent stance on the #Ogaden Region a genuine push for #Somali unity or a strategic move? #MogadishuPolitics #Somaliland
Continue reading Sovereignty’s Illusion: Deciphering Mogadishu’s Political Theatre and Erroneous Stratagems
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schoolhater · 2 months
i can’t stop thinking about how people in the global south, whose currencies are valued less than the euro/usd/pound because they too are exploited by the west, are sacrificing large amounts of money and fundraising for palestinians and sudanese, meanwhile americans are coming up with bullshit excuses for why their $20usd (there’s some people who don’t make that kind of money in an entire year!! that’s a thousand six hundred indian rupees!) won’t matter as much as their vote for the genocider’s right hand woman a few months from now.
if you live in the united states, canada, australia, the european union, the uk, or israel or the uae, god forbid,
it is your RESPONSIBILITY to do as much as you can, to donate as much as you can, so that the palestinians you see every day on your feed may have a shot at living again.
it is our countries that continue to finance these genocides and it is for the promise of our comfort that they continue to produce mass death. i don't care how this motivates you. whether you donate out of guilt over our blood soaked currencies, or out of a desire to appear moral, or because something about that individual gfm resonated with soemthing personal to you, or because you've seen people like me and my friends get angry, what matters most is that you are donating. because you are in the best position to donate, therefore it is what you must do.
it should motivate you.
here are four palestinian and two sudanese gofundmes. the sudanese gofundmes are both older and less successful.
donate to Wafaa to help her family escape genocide
donate to Siraj to help him fight to keep his home
donate to Shahed to help her save her little sisters
donate to Ahmed who is almost at his goal
donate to Sajida to help her family get to safety
donate to Hassan to help his friend escape war
(these are all verified fundraisers, they can be found on my blog!)
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vetted campaigns from today. i know i keep saying this, but please please donate if you have the means and share as widely as you can. if you've been feeling helpless, supporting one or multiple of these fundraisers is a simple, easy way to make a meaningful difference. please don't pass it by.
july 14th:
Widow Bashaer, her newborn daughter, her six siblings, and their mother ($8,372/$40,000) - @bshaeromars-blog, @entesarfares2013, verified by @/90-ghost
Mohammed Bardaweel, his wife, and their two little children, one of whom needs surgery (€6,684/€37,000) - @mohbardaweel, verified by @/el-shab-hussein
Munna Tashmali and her five children (this is the third time they've lost their home) (£2,926/£30,000) - @monashamali, verified by @/nabulsi
Ahmed Al-Nabih, his two brothers, and their mother, who needs treatment for diabetes and other chronic conditions (€10,471/€30,000) - @ahmedalnabeeh11, #218 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet
Rajaa, Khaled, and their one-year-old son ($1,403 CAD/$20,000 CAD) - @rajaagaza, @khaleedgaza, verified by @/90-ghost
Aseel Asaad and her family of ten (kr18,842 SEK/kr200,000 SEK) - @aseelooo2, verified by @/90-ghost
Ahmed, Eman, and their two little children (€1,553/€15,000) - @zain-leen1993, @leen-gaza, verified by @/90-ghost
Momen Alostaz and his family of ten, including several children, a newborn, and Momen's chronically ill parents (€13,793/€70,000) - @momen-alostaz, @mo98h, verified by @/nabulsi
Soha Balousha, her husband Hassan Al-Mishaal, and their four children, two of whom are very young ($171/$40,000) - @ahedhassan99, extended family of Mahmoud Balousha (#124 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet)
Mohammed Al Manasra (needs treatment for chronic respiratory illness), his wife, and their three little children (the family has already lost many members) (€24,967/€40,000) - @save-mohamed-family, #192 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet
Helping Khaled Altaban continue his education (£626/£10,000) - @khaledaltaban, verified by @/90-ghost
Reuniting Mervat Abu Aser with her parents and five sisters ($13,871/$70,000) - @sam-aser, #104 on strawberry seeds collective's spreadsheet
Helping Siraj Abudayeh, his wife, and their three young children to rebuild their treasured home ($6,278 CAD/$82,000 CAD) - @siraj2024, #219 on @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein's spreadsheet
Maha Ibrahim, her husband Ahmed Al-Habil, their two little children, one of whom is immune-compromised, and Ahmed's parents (his father is diabetic and needs treatment for ulcers) (kr34,232 NOK/kr1,067,200 NOK) - @mahaibrahim12, @ahmedkhabil, #79 on butterfly effect project's spreadsheet
Mai Balousha, her husband Raed (needs treatment for a back injury and chronic chest problems), and their four children (€394/€52,000) - @nourbader2019, verified by @/90-ghost
Youssef Al-Habeel, his wife, and their little son Majd, who needs treatment for severe respiratory illness (£1,865/£20,000) - @savefamilyyousef, verified by @/90-ghost
Wattan Abu El Aish, her husband Bassel, and their two little children (€4,568/€50,000) - @duhafamily, verified by @/90-ghost
Ramez Hilles and his family of ten, including several children (€1,106/€37,000) - @ramezderar, verified by @/90-ghost
not yet vetted:
Mohammed Ayyad, his wife, and their five children (€11,263/€35,000) - @mohammad1980ayyad, @m430235341
Eman and her family of six ($339 CAD/$70,000 CAD) - @emhema1
Spouses Haneen and Mohammad (Haneen recently suffered her fourth miscarriage) and Mohammad's elderly parents, one of whom is in a wheelchair (€0/€25,000) - @haneenandmohammed
if you interact with one post today, let it be this one. these families cannot wait.
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qualcosadelgenere · 4 months
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
It is 8 am Gaza time and 1 am US Eastern time. As of now, from what we are seeing from multiple people on the ground in the north, there has been a *partial* withdrawal of IOF troops. It is NOT a full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and it is NOT a full withdrawal from north Gaza.
Many areas of northwest Gaza report withdrawals, but other parts of north Gaza are still besieged by IOF ground troops. Momin Abu Owda reported that Al-Tawam Junction in the northwest is now free of IOF troops for the first time since the ground invasion began (link below). However, Shukri Filfil reported that Al-Rimal in Gaza City, which is in the southern portion of north Gaza, is still under attack by IOF troops. Eshak Daour reported IOF firing gas bombs at him and a group of civilians in Beit Lahiya, which is more in the central area of north Gaza. Hossam Azam reported ground clashes very near to his location, although his exact location is not yet clear. Ahmed Kouta reported that although the ground troops pulled out of northwest Gaza, they have moved on to other parts of north Gaza, such as the central and southern regions (link below). All but the first and the latter appeared on Instagram Stories and as such there is no permanent working link, so message us for screenshots if desired. Mahmoud Ziad also documented the continued incursion of IOF personnel and machinery around Al-Shifa Hospital in the southwestern region of north Gaza, which Ismail Al-Ghoul reported as well.
The partial withdrawal is being documented by Momin Abu Owda, Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar, Mahmoud Sabbah, Hassan Hamad, Mahmoud Al-Awadia, Mahmoud Abusalama, Abood Abusalama, Mahmoud Shalha, Karam Naji, Ahmed Kouta, Anas Al-Sharif, Ismail Al-Ghoul, Fadi Al-Whidi, and more will be added as we find them.
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murphyneederockster · 11 months
President Tinubu withdrew the nomination of a young graduate to lead FERMA
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has ordered the immediate removal of Mr. Imam Kashim from the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Road Maintenance Agency. This comes just a week after President Tinubu announced the appointment of a 24-year-old first-class mechanical engineering graduate from the University of Brighton in the United Kingdom to the leadership position. In a…
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ozcansimsek · 1 year
Mısır’da faaliyet gösteren Pharaohs International Photographic Club (PIPC)‘dan bir sürpriz geldi.   Pharaohs International Photographic Club (PIPC) tarafından sanat fotoğrafçılığı alanındaki katkı ve hizmetlerimden dolayı şahsıma onur ödülü ve “Hon.GMPIPC” unvanı verilmiştir. Bu unvana layık gördükleri için PIPC başkanı değerli dostum Ahmed Mohamed Hassan‘a teşekkür ederim. Bu, uluslararası…
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alexpeteronoja · 1 year
African Folktales, Reimagined Season 1 (Complete)
The series features works from six filmmakers, the winners of the streamer’s 2021 short film competition with UNESCO. Selected to represent sub-Sahara Africa, each winner got $25,000 plus an additional production budget worth $75,000 to reimagine folktales for the current audience. The selected entries are from Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Mauritania, Kenya, and Uganda. VIDEO…
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horrorhorizon · 3 months
Palestine fundraisers masterpost
Every foundraiser has been verified or is highly likey ledgidaminant. I have been collecting these for a long time and in the start I did not track who verified what. This post is constanly being updated. please check notes for the most recent version
The longer fundraisers are active, the more money needed, as cost of living is extremely high with no avaible work. It is normal that goal gets increased with time!
Website with vetted fundraisers Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
Operation olive branch
Providing water
esims needed!
crips for esims
Palestine activists legal funds
Muhammad Al-Habil low on founds, elderly, children, multiple members in need of medical care
Siraj's Family low on founds, children (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Iyad sobhe low on founds, elderly (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Ruba Abushaban low on founds, elderly, medical care needed (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Fadi Al-Sharif infant child
Tabseem AbuJamie extremely low on founds, children, medical care needed
Hala's family low on founds, toddler (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Hani Alhajjar 2 toddlers close to goal!
Mariam Radi 3 children under 6
Nour Krayyem low on founds, 9 children, 20 family members killed
Asaad Herzallah low on founds, a child
Hussam Aburamadan low on founds, many children, newborn, elderly vetted link
Mohmmed Alshaer low on founds, multiple children under 10. (Currently not accepting donations. I do not now why 17-09-2024. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Jumana Elhalless family now seeking aid for other members
Ahmed Hassan completed!
Hala Jad children, close to goal!
Said Tanani completed!
Halla Morshed' family low on founds, child
Helping the People of Gaza - Mutual Aid Fund provides displaced families with essential supplies, in need of constant donations vetted by el shab hussien
Maha Abu Shammalah completed!
Yousef Alswaisi Doctor who has been volunteering to aid
HELP GAZA'S CHILDREN! DONATE TODAY! see also Help Gaza Children under reading and actions listed in original post in need of constant donations
Dr.Ebraheem elderly, in need of medical aid
Zinh Aldahdoh completed!
Donia Tanani close to goal, child
Ahmed and his family completed!
Help Walid and family escape the horrors of Gaza! original goal completed and now aiding others and asking or cost of living in egypt due to not being allowed to work
Alaa Amsse 2 sick children, very low on funds, pregnant mother vetted by @/ibtisams!
Shehab family 5 children, elderly vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Nada Saftaw children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Fadi Zakout seperated family, low on funds, children in need of emidate medical care vetted @/90-ghost
Abdallah Alanqar 4 children, one newborn, vetted @/sar-soor and @/nabulsi
Samer Abu Ras 3 children, low on funds vetted @/ibtisams
Amal Ashour infant under 2 vetted number 175
Samira Al-hapil Very low on founds, 4 young children vetted by @/90-ghost
Tahani Shorbajee low on funds, children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Qassas MEDICAL EMERGANCY, 3 childeren under 7
Mohammed Almanasra 3 children under 7, multiple family members martered, beloved pet cat, medical needs, #192 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List
Bilal salah many children and infants under 8, including newborns, close to goal, Bilal is outside of Gaza and is going through emence struggles while having to worry about his family in Gaza #132 in the Spreadsheet
Reema Samara EXTREMLY low on funds, 5 year old, many family members martered, injuries vetted Gaza evacuation funds
Muna Abo Hamda child vetted el shab hussein
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