#Harry potter questions
a-person-7002 · 3 months
I haven't been apart of the HP Fandom for a hot minute but questions that I randomly thought of today while trying to sleep:
A.) Accio. It's just an under used spell. Can you summon a human? For example: "Accio Voldemort!" *shank*
B.) How did Sirius find Harry in book 3? Like he escaped from Azkaban and found Harry just like that? I feel like that's a little weird.
C.) Let's just say that in a hypothetical situation, Sirius were to adopt Harry (common fanfic trope,) would that make Draco Harry's cousin? Technically Sirius is Dracos uncle. Right? And then if Harry is his son. Because the main ship of that trope is typically Drarry.
All Sirius (haha) questions. Please answer.
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Thinking about who Ollivander saw die that he can see and work with thestral hair as a wand core and the implications of it.
Is it a deliberate thing, do wandmakers apprentices work a shift at St. Mungo’s or something to ensure exposure to death? Is there a rite of passage revolving around gaining the ability to use the material?
Is there a way to ensure a correct amount of inventory is kept/tracked for those who can’t see thestrals?
Is a wandcrafters first thestral hair wand a major milestone, showing that they as a craftsman have been irrevocably changed? Like how art historians break artists’ work into groups chronologically based on events they’ve lived through?
Is it rare to find a wand maker who even uses the material?
Is it indicative that the craftsman lived through war that they use thestral cores?
So many thoughts about it.
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soliloqueeer · 1 year
13 Questions Every Harry Potter Fan Should Be Able To Answer
Question 1: Which house do you belong to?
Ravenclaw. I'm curious, creative and introverted. But I would also be happy in Hufflepuff since I am, at the end of the day, baby.
Question 2: Which Deathly Hallow would you choose?
If I'm being honest with myself probably the stone, to have one final conversation with my mother who recently, and very suddenly, passed away.
If that hadn't happened then I would've chosen the invisibility cloak because I love the idea of not being perceived.
Question 3: Which Character do you have a (not so) secret crush on?
Interesting question. I had to pick someone compliant with their characterization in the books then I'd probably say I'm most attracted to Tonks or Sirius, or the Weasley twins. But if you saw my AO3 history you'd think Tom Riddle.
Question 4: What are your Indepth and controversial thoughts on Severus Snape?
I think that Severus is a very tragic character. He came from poverty, was abused and neglected by his parents. The only person to ever show him kindness was Lily. He was canonically ugly, weird, and had bad hygiene. He was bullied by two classist Gryffindors and craved power and vengence which led him down a dark path. He died a hero who was courageous and self-sacrificing but I don't think she-who-shall-not-be-named wrote a convincing enough redemption story, especially not one in which the hero would give one of his son's Severus's name. He was still a wholly miserable person who was stuck in the past and verbally abused the child of his former nemesis for six years.
My controversial thoughts surrounding Snape was that he was first and foremost a genius - a potions prodigy who literally crafted his own spells as a teenager.
There was an unequal power dynamic between Severus and the Marauders. He was a dirt poor half-blood and they were rich purebloods. There was never any equal footing between them and as much as he participated in the feud, it was always in retaliation to their cruelty. (I can say this without bashing Sirius and James as all people contain multitudes).
I also don't believe Severus was a bigot. I think there's a good chance he hated muggles, as a result of the abuse from his father, but I he was too smart to buy into the idea of blood supremacy when he, a half-blood, was smarter than most of his pureblood peers. And when Lily, a muggleborn, was at the top of their class.
One of the more controversial headcanons I have is that Severus was recruited into becoming a Deatheater, not because he believed in their agenda but because he was allured by the promise of power, influence and vengeance. I believe he probably moved up high in the ranks after graduating Hogwarts because he was cunning, ambitious, and committed to proving himself and gaining Voldemort's respect. I also believe during his time as a Deatheater he most likely had to commit horrible acts of violence and cruelty, and that while Severus does have a sadistic streak (one that gives him the allusion of power), he does not wish suffering upon innocent people. He probably dealt with these peforming these acts by compartmentalizing his responsibiltiies as a Deatheater and using occlumancy.
One final thing I want to add is that I don't think Severus was obsessed with Lily in a 4Chan, incel sort of way (in fact, he kind of gives off ace vibes). In my opinion, Lily was the only person to ever give him love, kindness and compassion, and while he was in love with her, he was above all else, completely wracked with guilt over being responsible for telling Voldemort about the prophecy. He agrees to protect Harry because he feels indebted to her until the day he dies.
Question 5: Who, In your Opinion, Is more evil: Voldemort or Dolores Umbridge.
What a funny question. The first thing that comes to mind for me is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the discourse in 2015-17 about which politician was worse. Voldemort (like Trump) is honest about who is is and what he stands for (self-interest and accumulating power). Alternatively Umbridge (like Clinton) tries to create the perception that she is good and righteous.
Umbridge represents the banaltiy of evil. She's sadistic and abusive, even towards children -all while wearing a polite smile on her face. She has the same vibe as a Catholic nun who abuses people in the name of god, and for Umbridge it was about the rule of law.
However, Voldemort's evil can't even be measured on the same scale. He's a meglomaniac eugenicst willing to purge the world of things he deems inferior to him. He was inspired by dictators like Hitler and Stalin.
It's far easier to hate Umbridge because she's not honest about who she is, and we've met a figure of authority who's exactly like her. Voldemort by all accounts and purposes, was far more powerful, influential and destructive, but too grandiose to relate to.
Question 6: Which death in the series is the most heartbreaking?
Sirius, Fred, Remus, but especially Fred. It was cruel to take him away from George. I think it would've been more satisfying if Percy, as a way to redeem himself to his family, sacrificed himself to save his brother during the Battle of Hogwarts.
Question 7: What Quidditch position would you play?
I wouldn't. I'd probably be in the stands or take advantage of the school being empty and fuck around in the empty castle all day.
Question 8: What Wizarding Career would you pursue?
Probably a teacher or academic/Unspeakable as I love research. That or someone who paints the magical portraits.
Question 9: Which book in the series is you favourite?
PoA was always my favourite as a kid because I really loved Lupin's character, and hearing about the Marauders. The time-turner plot gives me an eyeroll now but the climax is still one of the most thrilling to me. We also got a taste of Powerful Harry, which actually never came to fruition, but I really loved the idea that Harry was a very exceptional wizard who was coming into his powers and not just an every-man character.
Question 10: Who should have ended up together? Hermione/Ron or Hermione/Harry?
Hermione/Harry if it was developed earlier on. The author explained that Ron/Hermione was something she pigeonholed herself into in the first two books but later regretted it. I think canonically, Harry and Hermione are like siblings, but if their relationship was developed after PoA then it would've been really satisfying to see.
Question 11: Have you read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?
No. Never will.
Question 12: Was Dumbledore a Hero or a Villain?
A hero. His plan worked in the end, as convoluted it may have been. I don't see Dumbledore as an all-good Santa-Claus-Grandpa character like his die-hard fans do, but I also don't see him as a chess-player villian twirling his moustache from the shadows.
I used to really hate Dumbledore because of how secretive he was. It was absolutely insane for him to have put Harry on that wild goose chase with such little information and it was a miracle they won the war at all.
At the end of the day, I think he was a man that feared having too much power due to the mistakes he made in his youth when he was hungry for it. He influenced things from the sidelines because he knew he was imperfect. He made mistakes all the time, and owned up to them, and if he was all-powerful those mistakes would have much graver consequences.
He loved Harry, in the end, and did not want to see him in that mess, but had the pressure of saving the world on his shoulders.
Question 13: Who is the real Hero of the Story? Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom?
Seems like a redundant question to me, but perhaps there's discourse around it I'm not aware of.
Harry is. But he doesn't carry that tile alone.
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inmy70schaos · 1 year
can someone tell me what was the deal with Harry’s grandparents? Like how were the Dursleys “the only family he has” ????
Were Effie and Monty like dead or something? I mean if it was about needing non magic family so that he would be kept away from the wizarding world while growing up, even Lily’s parents would have been better!!
I haven’t read all the books so idk if it mentions why
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jennymayg13 · 1 year
When first years buy their uniforms, do they transfigure them into their house colours? Like the ties and such?
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how did aurors find Sirius after Peter blew up the muggles
it implies the trace is actually still there after 17 years old
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mayday396 · 1 year
This is a question to Harry Potter Fans:
Uhm is it Cannibalism if a Witch/Wizard eats an Animagus by Accident?
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incognitopolls · 3 months
This is specifically asking about how your enjoyment of the work has changed based on your knowledge of the author's politics. Vote based on that, not based on whether you think the quality of the work itself has gone down.
TERF = trans exclusionary radical feminist. JK Rowling has been very openly anti-transgender in recent years and has poured unfathomable amounts of money into funding anti-trans legislation in the UK.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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longdaytogo · 6 months
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interrogation room
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yourbiggestfan2020 · 1 year
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frm9pm · 11 months
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inkyarcturus · 4 months
I HAVE CREATED SUSTENANCE TO FEED Y’ALL- and tumblrs getting it first since tiktok is algorithm based and will kill me for posting so late-
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ecstarry · 6 months
humbling requesting single dad james with regulus hcs 🙇
this is adorableeee!!!
I have a soft spot for age gap jeggy sooo for me it's always james a bit older, extra points if he already has some grey hairs here and there
James is the kind of dad that carries his son on one arm and everything else on the other arm likes it's NOTHING, all potter men are like this!!!! monty was the same
Okay James is usually very protective of who takes care of Harry but with Reg he felt sooo comfortable leaving them alone
Regulus NEVER uses a baby voice to talk to Harry!!!! they have lovely conversations even when Harry is a small baby who barely makes sounds. My Reg is making sure that baby will be SMART AND WELL SPOKEN
James sings a lullaby that Effie used to sing to him when he was a kid and Regulus learns it so he can sing it to Harry if he's ever upset and James isn't around
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daddiesdrarryy · 8 months
James: What are we?
Regulus: I’m literally pining you underneath me with my wand against your neck right now, Potter
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valoale · 10 months
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I'm quite convinced Draco uses half of his time staring at Harry like this and wondering how he can be so dumb (he loves it and knows they'll smash later so he won't complain)
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soraya-snape · 3 months
Snaters: You can't love Snape for stepping infront of the trio in PoA because it's only in the movies.
Also Snaters: God, I hate Snape for hugging Lily's dead body and not taking care of baby Harry.
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